Effortless Success - Course 1 Workbook

April 4, 2017 | Author: Ambra Jon | Category: N/A
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This guidebook is for your personal use only and is to be used with Effortless Success: Living the Law


Attraction, Course One. Al1 worldwide rights are reserved and owned by Learning Strategies Corporation. No part may be reproduced or

distributed in part or in whole in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without


ritten permission.


Copyright MMVIII by Jack Canfield

Audio Recordings Copyright MMVIII by Learning Strategies Corporation A11

music composed and produced by Paul Hoffman. Copyright MMVIII, Pablo Bo Tunes/ASCAP,

www. SuccessSongs.com.

"Diamond Feng Shui" and the "Diamond Feng Shui Diamond" are trademarks of Marie Vyneke-Diamond.

"Paraliminal," "PhotoReading," "Genius Code," and "Natural Brilliance" are registered trademarks of Learning Strategies Corporation. "Spring Forest Qigong" is a registered trademark of Chunyi Lin. "Holosync" is a registered trademark of, and is licensed by, Centerpointe Research Institute.

Used With Permission:

"The Sedona Method" Haie Dwoskin; "Minimum, Target, and Outrageous (MTO) Approach" Raymond Aaron; "The Solutions Focus" - Mark McKergow; "Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs)" Daniel G. Amen. M.D.; "Stomping the ISBN-




: 91 8-0-925480-5


Doug Bench; "The Passion Test"


Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood


First Edition April 2008 Printed in the United States ofAmerica For coaching and insights visit our Discussion Forum at www.LearningStrategies.com/Forum. To receive periodic updates, (from us, only) email: [email protected].


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Contents Gourse One:

Acfivofing fhe Lqw of Affrociion............................ Session

l: Receive Inspirofion...






Meditation........... Life Purpose Meditation............. Share Your Written Life Purpose Inner Wisdom

Guidance from Jack




Session 2: Form

.........9 ....... 10 .......

...............12 ................. 13




.......... 1s

.................... 16


List 101 Goals and Dreams................ Clear Vision....... The Come-As-You'11-Be-Party Dreams andAffirmations The Mir:ror Exercise The Initations

Guidance from Jack




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...........I7 .......19 ...............25 ..........28 ...................29 ......... 31

...............32 .................34

Ef{orfless $uccess * Course One

- Ysble o* Contenfs - 3

&,c?xvxt!*g **r* l,ll* *f Tqble sf eontents


Session 3: Toke






Creating Your



Plan.......... Vision Board/Dream Board.... The Sedona Method Mind Mapping anAction

Guidance from Jack


...................42 ............43






Session 4: Experience






Review Solutions Focus

The Daily

............ 51


Adopt the MTO Approach for Your Dreams.......................... 55 20 Things

I Love to Do

Guidance from Jack



&ffortless $uceess



Tools for lifelong



- Course Ome - Tsble of Confents



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Acfivqfing the !.trw of Attrqction



In Course One of the Effortless Success program, you will learn core principles and practices for activating the Law ofAttraction in your life. Success happens from the inside out, so becoming familiar with your own inner guidance is essential. Throughout this course you will often be directed inward-to recognize your life purpose, to find symbols that inspire you and give you direction,

to discover your dreams and passions, to shape and evaluate each day's actions, and much more. By connecting with this inner guidance, you

will feel confident

and excited about where you are

headed and clear about how to get there. Wherever you direct your

intentions and your attention, you willfind the universe eagerly supporting you there.

Listening and responding to what the universe offers is another essential part of achieving success. Noticing and trusting what emerges around you, focusing on solutions rather than problems, and seeking feedback about your plans all keep you aligned


the Law ofAttraction and the Law of Least Effort.

Your emotions, too, play a key role. Powerful positive emotions propel you into action and generate a supportive response from those around you and from the whole universe. Using the tools

in this course, you will be able to release difficult emotions and generate positive ones to help propel you toward effortless success. To gain the greatest benefit from your Effortless Success progmm, be sure to listen to the supporting audio recordings that come with Course One. Listen to the ParaliminalAskirzg several times during the

first week of study, then once a week thereafter. For extra inspiration and guidance on living the Law ofAttraction, listen to the Effortless Success Basics question and answer CD. Use the Fast Finish recording

for a quick review of everything you learn in Course One.

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Activoflng the Session


sf ,r&ttrse*iam:

I: Receive Inspirotion


Conlenls Focus



Meditation............ Life Purpose Meditation............. Share Your Written Life Purpose Inner Wisdom

........9 ....... 10



Guidance from Jack Canfield On Receiving




.......12 ................. 13

Transition Session 2: Form



"And I would say the secret to my success is that I've always listened. I pay attention to my mentors, my coaches, the people who come into my

life. I leamed to question whatever showed up in my life-to ask myself what is this opportunity, what is trying to emerge here? And instead of resisting change

I've always been seeking it and willing to cooperate with it." and growth,

Jack Canfieldx

*Al1 subsequent text within quotation marks not attributed to anyone comes from Jack Canfield or Paul Scheele.

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Efforlless Suceess - Course One


&*flvx9l*g {h* l*txy *f .&?3'r**tr*r:: Session l: Receive lnsniretion


On Receiving Inspirafion We invite you to begin a joumey with

us-to activate the Law of

Attraction by receiving inspiration. This means going inward. You can gently access inner guidance in several ways. One is to find personal symbols of success that inspire you. Another is to discover your life purpose. These lay a foundation

for the remaining stages in activating the Law ofAttractionforming intention, taking action, and experiencing growth. Going inward gives you clarity about where you're going and how to get there. You "tune in" to a source of guidance that goes by many names-God, spirit, higher power, inner guide, intuition,

inspiration The name doesn't matter. What does matter is to access the guidance that's available to you at any time.


- Etforfless $uccess - Course one

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&**ivmfing ?he &mw of &$trse?is*: Session I: Receive lnspirofion

lnner Wisdom Medifqtion Use the space below to describe the symbol you received during the meditation. You can describe the symbol in words or by

drawing a picture-or, if your learning style is auditory you might even include musical notation. The messages you receive are inscribed to you personally and come in the most appropriate

medium for your style of perception.


Exercise CD I, Trqck 3, 00:00:00

The image you received symbolizes an answer that can help you more

fully engage the Law ofAttraction and enjoy more effortless success

in your life. Contemplate its meaning, engage it in a dialogue,

carry it with

you as an object, and incorporate it into your life.

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Efforiless Success - Gourse One -


,&*?!v**1*:g ih* l*'w {}9 .iltir**?!**: $esslom T: Receive lnspirction

Exercise CD l, Trock 6, 00:00:00

Life Purpose Meditqtion What I experienced:

Consider finding an object that represents the purpose

gift you received in the meditation. When you look atthat symbol, you can be inspired by your pu{pose, feel connected to it, and manifest your purpose more

fullv in vour life.



* gttortless Success - Course One

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a*?iv*!iing fhe Lxw qr{,&ttr***i**: $ession l: Receive lnspirotion


Shqre Your Written Life Purpose

Exercise CD |, Trock 7, 00:00:15

When you are clear about your life purpose:


Write it down, so you capture it and do not lose it.

My life purpose is


Share your life purpose statement with somebody you feel connected to and



will sive vou encourasement.

share my purpose


By this date


Listen to yourself articulate your life purpose aloud.


Experience your purpose gaining clarity and becoming more real to you.

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Xffortless $uccess

- &surse One * I





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I: Receive Inspirolion

Guidqnce from .fqck Cqnfield

On Receiving lnspirqtion Develop doily disciplines Get into the habit of engaging in short daily sessions devoted to your

life purpose and goals. You might spend three minutes reviewing your goals in the morning or 10 to 15 minutes completing one page of


novel you always dreamed of writing. While almost effortless,

the daily disciplines you choose to complete in the corilse of your day can over time bring huge results.

Trqvel to higher levels daily or on a regular basis to access your inner wisdom. Tuning into a higher level of consciousness will more effectively guide you toward achieving and fulfilling Set aside time for meditation

your highest purpose.

Benefil from processionol effecls Follow your intuitive impulses and beneflt from what Buckminster Fuller called processional effects. By following your intemal guidance and taking committed action that aligns with your highest good and the good ofothers, you experience results above and beyond your original intent or desire.

Pqy qftenfion lo whot you qre feeling Your internal guidance system provides feedback to let you know whether or not you are on course to fulfilling your purpose. Feeling a deep sense

ofjoy or contentment, for

instance, tells you that your

actions are aligned with what you are here to do, experience, or express in the world. Feelings of discomfort or even physical pain, on

the other hand, can be sending a message that your life is offcourse.

Keep lhe essence of your life purpose As you live your purpose you may sense its form changing over

time. Its core, however, is not likely to change but rather to unfold as you gain a deeper awareness of your purpose over time. The essence of your purpose remains while the qualities you bring

forward into the world expand.

12 - gffortless $uccess * Gourse One

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&c?ivafing ?he Lsw of AttrsetXeprx: Session l: Receive Inspirofion


Nolqble Quofes o'Faith is believing the universe is on our side." Marianne Williamson ooThe secret

of my success is I bit off more than

and chewed as fast as

I could chew

I could."

Paul Hogan (Crocodile Dundee) o'I am only a pencil

in the hand of God."

Mother Teresa

"The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation.t' Mark Twain ooA

belief is a thought we think over and over." Jack Canfield



good idea gives me goose bumps."

Jack Canfield

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Et{ortless $uccess * Course One



&*tlv**ing ?he ilqx:rg c*f &?frry*?*$r:: Session ?: Receive InsplrEtion

Session 2= Forrn Intention


The next stage in activating the Law of Attraction is to form

intention. Flesh out your dreams by adding details about when, how, and where you will take action on your inspiration. This means translating your inner guidance into goals, which are usually expressed in words. Words form a bridge between the invisible world of thought and the visible world of people, things, and events. When you form an intention to meet your goals, the universe starts to comply. Circumstances fall into place. Resources become available. Your inspired intention makes it all happen. You can also express your intention in images-through literally creating a vision of what you want to become. Exercises in the next session of this course help you to richly imagine what you hear, feel, and do when

I4' - e*ortless

$uccess - Gourse One



living in alignment with your inspiration.

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lom Inlention

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Ae*lvcfing th*

&excr{r *f &?tn*cfisn: Session 2: Form lnfenlion


Contents Focus

.................... 16


List 101 Goals and Dreams................ Clear Vision....... The Come-As-You'11-Be Party Dreams andAffirmations The Mirror Exercise . The Irritations



...........I7 ....... 19

...............25 ..........28 ...................29 ..... 3 1

"In this session we're Guidance from Jack Canfield On Forming




going to focus on asking


getting specific so that we ............,....34

have a very defined list


the things that we want

Transition Session 3: Take

and really getting clear and


to bring forward into our .................35

life-what we want to do, what we want to be, and what we want to have."

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Effortless Success - Course One

- I5

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$ession 2:







On Forming Intention To activate the Law ofAttraction in your favor, a critical step is

to form clear, specific intentions that support your purpose. Then the universe can respond accordingly. To help you form your intentions and stay motivated, this session will guide you to:

. . . . .

Clear away "initations" that bog you down. Dream a long list of big, positive, detailed dreams. Create a vision for four major dimensions in your life.

Write effective affirmations to keep you focused and attract your vision to you. Have a "Come-As-You'll-Be" party to act out your reahzed vision.


Build your self-esteem nightly by appreciating and loving yourself.

These activities allow you to be a deliberate creator of your life. As

you do them, you will find pursuing your dreams to be exciting and easier than you think.


- gffortless Suecess * Course One

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&c?iv**!:rg t**e L*rny of &$fns*f**ra: Session 2: Form Infenfion

The lrrilqfions Lisi


Begin the initations list by making a"T-chart." To the left of the stem of the "T," you will list irritations. To the right, you will write your goals. Now...


Go through your house, your office, your garage, your car, your attic, your basement-any place where you have

control-and make a list of all the things that

are not

exactly the way you want them to be.

I tr

List the irritations on the left of your T:chart. To the right of the irritations, list conditions you want to have in their place.


Schedule time for

a"blitz day" to fix


CD 2, Trock

|, 00:05:43

"While these are not the big save-the-world, bringworld peace, make-amillion-dollars kind of goals, it's getting me out of this place of resignation, of settling for not having what I want."

as much as possible,

preferably with the help of friends.


Schedule fixing big messes at least once a quarter.

My lrrilofions list

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New Condilions

Efforfless Sr.lceess

- Course One -


&*.flvx?;ng $'h* |*e.v *f ;l'ftr**?**n: $ession 2: Form lnfenfion

Exercise (continued) CD 2, Trock



- fgortless



Suceess * Course One

The lrritctions List My lrrifclions List

New Conditions


!"eo rn




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