Effective Communication Skills (King, 2020)
March 23, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Rhk Oiok Rhk Oiok-M -Mky kyss @uib @uibkn knff ffm m cfr cfr Bkv Bkvkafp kafpio io` ` thk Lr Lrtt fc Tkrsu krsuls lsif ifo o thrfu hrfu`h `h Tuna Tunaig ig Wp Wpkl klmi mio` o`,, Wf Wfgi gila la Iottka Io kaai ai`k `kog ogk, k, Skrnl krnlaa Bkxt Bkxtkr krit ityy, Ghlr Ghlris isel el,, lob lob Kafqukogk
Blak Mio`
© Gfpyri`ht >4>4 ny Blak Mio` - Laa ri`hts rkskrvkb. Rhk cfaafwio` Nffm is rkprfbugkb nkafw with thk `fla fc prfvibio` iocfreltifo thlt is ls lggurltk lob rkailnak ls pfssinak. ^k`lrbakss, purghlsio` this Nffm glo nk skko ls gfoskot tf thk clgt thlt nfth thk punaishkr lob thk luthfr fc this nffm lrk io of wly kxpkrts fo thk tfpigs bisgusskb withio lob thlt loy rkgfeekobltifos fr su``kstifos thlt lrk elbk hkrkio lrk cfr kotkrtlioekot purpfsks foay. Trfckssifolas shfuab nk gfosuatkb ls okkbkb prifr tf uobkrtlmio` loy fc thk lgtifo kobfrskb hkrkio. Rhis bkgalrltifo is bkkekb clir lob vlaib ny nfth thk Lekriglo Nlr Lssfgiltifo lob thk Gfeeittkk fc Tunaishkrs Lssfgiltifo lob is ak`laay niobio` thrfu`hfut thk [oitkb [oitkb Wtltks. Curthkrefrk, thk trloseissifo, bupaigltifo, fr rkprfbugtifo fc loy fc thk cfaafwio` wfrm iogaubio` spkgig iocfreltifo wiaa nk gfosibkrkb lo iaak`la lgt irrkspkgtivk fc it is bfok kakgtrfoiglaay fr io priot. Rhis kxtkobs tf grkltio` l skgfoblry fr tkrtilry gfpy fc thk wfrm fr l rkgfrbkb gfpy lob is foay laafwkb with thk kxprkss writtko gfoskot crfe thk Tunaishkr. Laa lbbitifola ri`ht rkskrvkb. Rhk iocfreltifo io thk cfaafwio` pl`ks is nrflbay gfosibkrkb l truthcua lob lggurltk lggfuot fc clgts lob ls sugh, loy iolttkotifo, usk, fr eisusk fc thk iocfreltifo io qukstifo ny thk rklbkr wiaa rkobkr loy rksuatio` lgtifos sfakay uobkr thkir purvikw. Rhkrk lrk of sgkolrifs io whigh thk punaishkr fr thk fri`iola luthfr fc this wfrm glo nk io loy clshifo bkkekb ailnak cfr loy hlrbship fr blel`ks thlt ely nkclaa thke lctkr uobkrtlmio` iocfreltifo bksgrinkb hkrkio. Lbbitifolaay, thk iocfreltifo io thk cfaafwio` pl`ks is iotkobkb foay cfr iocfreltifola purpfsks lob shfuab thus nk thfu`ht fc ls uoivkrsla. Ls nkttio` its olturk, it is prkskotkb withfut lssurlogk rk`lrbio` its prfafo`kb vlaibity fr iotkrie qulaity. Rrlbkelrms thlt lrk ekotifokb lrk bfok withfut writtko gfoskot lob glo io of wly nk gfosibkrkb lo kobfrskekot crfe thk trlbkelrm hfabkr.
Rlnak fc Gfotkots Iotrfbugtifo Ghlptkr Ghlp tkr : Gfeeuo Gfeeuoiglti igltifo fo Akvk Akvkas as Akvka Fok: Fok: Skrnla Gfeeuoigltifo Skrnla Gfeeuoigltifo Akvka Rw f: f: Thysigla Gfeeuoigltifo Gfeeuoigltifo Akvka Rhrkk: Rhrkk: Lubitfry Gfeeuoigltifo Gfeeuoigltifo Akvka Cfur: Cfur: Keftifola Gfeeuoigltif Gfeeuoigltifo o Akvka Civk: Kokr`ktig Civk: Kokr`ktig Gfeeuoigltifo Gfeeuoigltifo
Ghlpt Ghl ptkr kr 7: Rhk Rhk Lrt Lrt fc Tkrs Tkrsulsifo ulsifo Turpfsk fc fc Tkrsulsifo Trlgtigk Tkrsulsifo Hfw tf Nk Tkrsulsivk Tltikogk Kthigla Tkrsulsifo Tkrsulsifo
Ghlpt Ghl ptkr kr 2: Gfot Gfotrf rfaaio aaio` ` L Gfovkrsltifo Whfw Gurifsity Gurifsity Lgtivk Aistkoio` Aistkoio` Wlrglse
Ghlpt Ghl ptkr kr ;: Rhk Rhk Iepfrtlogk Iepfrtlogk fc Keplthy Phy Is Keplthy Keplthy Iepfrtlot6 Eklsurkekot Eklsurke kot fc Keplthy Keplthy Wkakgtivk Keplth Keplth y6 Keplthy io io Gfeeuoigltifo Gfeeuoigltifo Aklroio` Keplthy
Ghlptkr Ghlpt kr 3: Skrnla Bkxtkrity Ghlpt Ghl ptkr kr 0: Rkaa Rkaa Wtfriks Wtfriks Pithfut Pithfut Afsio` Aistkokrs Ghlpt Ghl ptkr kr 8: ^ kaltifoship kaltifoship Gfee Gfeeuoigl uoiglti tifo fo Is Gfeeuoigltifo Gfeeuoigltifo Iepfrtlot6 Hklathy Gfeeuoigltifo Of Gfeeuoigltifo Ieprfvio` Gfeeuoigltifos io ^felotig ^kaltifoships Afo` Bistlogk Bistlogk ^kaltifoships Wpfttio` Bkckosivk Gfeeuoigltifo Fvkr Gfeeuoigltifo Plys Pl ys tf Gfeeuoigltk Phko Lo`ry Lo`ry
Ghlptkr 9: Kafqukogk Ghlptkr Kafqukogk Gfogausifo
Iotrfbugtifo Cirst fffl, I wfuab aimk tf thlom yfu cfr purghlsio` Kfflkgt Kfflkgtivk ivk Gfeeu Gfeeuoiglt oigltifo ifo Wmiaas Wmiaas . Yfu hlvk elbk thk nkst rst stkp thlt yfu gfuab tf rklgh lelzio` gfeeuoigltifo smiaas. It skkes thlt kvkrynfby obs gfeeuoigltio` hlrb tf bf, kspkgilaay kfflkgtivk gfeeuoigltifo. I’e oft `fio` tf aik= it glo nk bkpkobio` fo thk situltifo thlt yfu ob yfurskac io. Rhis nffm is hkrk tf hkap hkap `kt rib fc laa fc thfsk gfeeuoigltifo prfnakes. Cirst fffl, wk lrk laa sfgila grklturks, sf it’s iepfrtlot tf uobkrstlob hfw gfeeuoigltifo wfrms fo l ekotla akvka. Yfu Yfu wfuabo’t wfuabo’t thiom thlt thkrk wkrk l nuogh fc aittak thio`s lt paly whiak yfu lrk tlamio` tf sfeknfby, sfeknfby, nut thkrk is. Rhlt’s thk rst thio` wk lrk `fio` tf `f fvkr, whigh I’e gkrtlio yfu wiaa ob iotkrkstio`. Rhko wk wiaa `f fvkr thk vk akvkas fc gfeeuoigltifo. Just tf `ivk yfu l quigm prkvikw, prkvikw, thk vk akvkas lrk vkrnla, physigla, lubitfry, keftifola, lob kokr`ktig. Pk’aa affm lt hfw thlt palys fut io kfflkgtivk gfeeuoigltifo. Rhko wk wiaa bivk iotf thk lrt fc pkrsulsifo. Rhkrk lrk eloy bifflkrkot thio`s thlt paly iotf nkio` l pkrsulsivk gfeeuoigltfr, gfeeuoigltfr, sugh ls nfby alo`ul`k, lob wk wiaa `f fvkr thksk thio`s t hio`s tf hkap yfu nkgfek efrk pkrsulsivk. Okxt, wk wiaa affm lt hfw tf elol`k l gfovkrsltifo. Rhis bfkso’t eklo thlt yfu wiaa gfostlotay tlam lob nk io gfotrfa fc thk gfovkrsltifo lt laa tieks. Rhis siepay eklos thlt yfu mofw thk ri`ht tiek tf tlam lob thk ri`ht tiek tf aistko. Aistkoio` tkobs tf nk thk hlrbkst plrt fc gfeeuoigltifo. Rhko wk wiaa affm lt whkrk keplthy gfeks iotf paly. Keplthy is l vkry iepfrtlot smiaa thlt l aft fc pkfpak algm whko it gfeks tf nkio` lo kfflkgtivk gfeeuoigltfr. gfeeuoigltfr. Keplthy palys l ni` plrt io uobkrstlobio` yfur lubikogk, nut thk `rklt okws is, yfu glo aklro it. Rhko wk wiaa affm lt vkrnla bkxtkrity. bkxtkrity. Nkio` lnak tf spklm kafqukotay is just lofthkr eusgak thlt yfu hlvk tf wfrm, sf yfu glo ghlo`k kvko ic yfu stuenak whko yfu tlam. Okxt, wk’aa `f thrfu`h thk nkst wly tf shlrk yfur ibkls lob stfriks sf thlt yfu bfo’t kob up afsio` yfur lubikogk iotkrkst. Rhis ely nk thk ni``kst rklsfo why pkfpak just bfo’t kvko try whko gfeeuoigltio`. Rhky lrk lcrlib thlt thky lrk `fio` tf gfek fffl ls nfrio`, nut it bfkso’t hlvk tf nk thlt wly. Okxt, wk wiaa affm lt thk nkst tips cfr kfflkgtivk gfeeuoigltifo io rkaltifoships. Gfeeuoigltifo fctko thfsk thk ouenkr fok prfnake nktwkko gfupaks, nut with l aittak cfrksi`ht, yfu gloisprkvkot prfnakes. Alstay, wk wiaa affm lt kafqukogk. Rhis is whlt wk lrk lieio` cfr lctkr laa, iso’t it6 Pk wlot tf nk lo kafqukot kafq ukot spklmkr, spklmkr, lob thlt’s kxlgtay whlt yfu lrk `fio` tf aklro. Ofw, kofu`h with thk iotrfbugtifos, akt’s `kt iotf whlt yfu lrk rklaay hkrk cfr.
Ghlp Gh lpttkr
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