Effect of Fast Food Business on Consumption Habits of Consumer

December 26, 2016 | Author: saharsaeed | Category: N/A
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Effect of Fast Food Business on Consumption Habits of Consumer (Business research)...


Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effect of Fast Food Business on Consumption Habits of Consumer (Business research)

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

BS Commerce 5Th (Session: 2007-2008)

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Department of Commerce The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Jinnah Campus Rahim Yar Khan

In The Name Of Allah the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Subject Name:

Business Research Method

Instructor Name:

Sir. Sulman Zia

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Group No.



BS Commerce





Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Group No. 4 Sr.No 1 2 3 4 5 6

Name Mr. Mohsin Ishtiaq Mr. Majed Ali Mr. Saqib Ali Mr. M. Aun Ms. Sehar Saeed Ms. Khadija Liaquat

Roll No. 13 15 05 21 02 37


Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers


This Research entitled “Effect of Fast Food Business on Consumption Habits of Consumer” submitted by Sir. Sulman Zia for the partial fulfillment of the

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

requirement for the degree of BS Commerce 5th Semester Department of Commerce, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, is hereby approved

1. Internal Examiner: -------------------------------------

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

2. External Examiner: -------------------------------------

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

3. Head of Department: ------------------------------------



Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers


Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

This dissertation is dedicated to our Parents whose prayers and affections are the source of strength for us

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

in every step of life. Our successes are really the fruit of their devoted prayers.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers


Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

In the name of ALLAH Almighty, the most gracious and merciful, who gave us the power, knowledge, strength and ability to complete this report.

We are indebted to many people for the successful completion of this document. First of all, we would like to thank Department of Commerce, Islamia university BWP (RAHIM YAR KHAN, CAMUS), for providing us the

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

golden opportunity to improve our knowledge and skills in the field of Business Research.

We would not forget to thank to our supervisor, Sir. Sulman Zia for his generous support.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

At the end, we are thankful to all our friends and our family who helped, supported and motivated us in completion of this project.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Group No.04 Effect of Fast Food Business on Consumption Habits of Consumer

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Abstract Fast food business has a tremendous growth in Rahim Yar Khan during few years. No such a research is conducted upon fast food business effect on consumption habits on people in Rahim Yar Khan. This research seeks to estimate importance of

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

various factors affecting the choice of fast food outlets by consumers. The study applies multivariate statistical tools to estimate importance of various factors affecting the choice of fast food outlets by the consumers. In addition, we analyzed the consumption patterns, impact of hygiene and nutritional values, and rating of various attributes of different fast food outlets.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers


Page No

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

1. Purpose of study 2. Scope of the study: 3. Delimitations: 4. Introduction 5. FAST FOOD INDUSTRY IN PAKISTAN 6. Statement of Problem 7. Objectives of the Study 8. RESEARCH PLAN: 9. Developing the variables and hypotheses 10. METHODOLOGY

06 06 06 07 13 14 14

15 21 23

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

11. Questionnaire 12. Result and Discussion 13. Concluding Remarks 14. SWOT Analysis 15. Managerial Implication/Suggestions 16. Limitations of the study

25 28 44 44 45 46

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Purpose of study: The purpose of this research is to determine: 

Effect of Fast Food Business on Consumption Habits of Consumer

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

The Rahim Yar Khan’s consumer buying behavior patterns, attitudes towards fast food.

The acceptance of fast food in Rahim Yar Khan.

Scope of the study:

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

This research is focusing on the consumers of Rahim Yar Khan. It deals with the factors that influence consumer preferences while selecting fast food. The research is specifically focused upon the acceptance of fast food hotels in Rahim Yar Khan.


Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

The research is based on limited number of respondents, as it is difficult to arrange appointments with consumers. The respondents may not be honest and fill in the questionnaires half-heartedly, giving a false or biased picture.  

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Introduction Fast Food  What is fast food?

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

 History  Business:  Modern era:  Jobs and labor issues:

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

 Globalization:  Criticism:  Health issue:

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Fast food: Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly. Fast food is one of the world's fastest growing food types. Fast foods are quick, reasonably priced, and readily available alternatives to home cooked food. While convenient and economical for a busy lifestyle, fast foods are typically high in calories, fat, saturated fat, sugar, and salt:

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Fast food chains and restaurants have responded to the public's increasing awareness about nutrition and have attempted to help people concerned about health. For example, they now make ingredient and nutrition information available on their menus The capital requirements involved in opening up a fast food restaurant are relatively low. Restaurants with much higher sit-in ratios, where customers tend to sit and have their orders

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

brought to them in a seemingly more upscale atmosphere may be known in some areas as fast casual restaurants. Fast food is food, which is prepared and served quickly at outlets called fast food Restaurants. It is a multi-billion dollar industry, which continues to grow rapidly in many countries. A fast-food restaurant is a restaurant characterized both by food, which is supplied quickly after ordering, and by minimal service. The food in these restaurants is often cooked in bulk in advance and kept warm, or reheated to order. Many fast-food restaurants are part of restaurant chains or franchise operations, and standardized foodstuffs are shipped to each restaurant from central

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

locations. There are also simpler fast-food outlets, such as stands or kiosks, which may or may not provide shelter or chairs for customers. Because the capital requirements to start a fast-food restaurant are relatively small, particularly in areas with non-existent or medium income population, small individually owned fast-food restaurants have become common throughout Pakistan. Generally restaurants, where the customers sit down and have their food orders brought to them, are also considered fast food.


Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

The concept of ready-cooked food for sale is closely connected with urban development. In Ancient Rome cities had street stands that sold bread and wine. A fixture of East Asian cities is the noodle shop. Flatbread and falafel are today ubiquitous in the Middle East. Popular Indian fast food dishes include vada pav, panipuri and dahi vada. In the French-speaking nations of West Africa, roadside stands in and around the larger cities continue to sell—as they have done for generations—a range of ready-to-eat, char-grilled meat sticks known locally as brochettes (not to be confused with the bread snack of the same name found in Europe).

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

On the go: Fast food outlets are take-away or take-out providers, often with a "drive-through" service which allows customers to order and pick up food from their cars; but most also have a seating area in which customers can eat the food on the premises. Nearly from its inception, fast food has been designed to be eaten "on the go", often does not require traditional cutlery, and is eaten as a finger food. Common menu items at fast food outlets include fish and chips, sandwiches, pitas, hamburgers, fried chicken, French fries, chicken nuggets, tacos, pizza, hot dogs, and ice cream, although many fast food restaurants offer "slower" foods like chili, mashed potatoes, and salads.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Filling stations: Many petrol/gas stations have convenience stores which sell pre-packaged sandwiches, doughnuts, and hot food. Many gas stations in the United States also sell frozen foods and have microwaves on the premises in which to prepare them.

Cuisine: Modern commercial fast food is often highly processed and prepared in an industrial fashion, i.e., on a large scale with standard ingredients and standardized cooking and production methods. It is

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

usually rapidly served in cartons or bags or in a plastic wrapping, in a fashion which minimizes cost. In most fast food operations, menu items are generally made from processed ingredients prepared at a central supply facility and then shipped to individual outlets where they are reheated, cooked (usually by microwave or deep frying) or assembled in a short amount of time. This process ensures a consistent level of product quality, and is key to being able to deliver the order quickly to the customer and eliminate labor and equipment costs in the individual stores. Because of commercial emphasis on speed, uniformity and low cost, fast food products are often made with ingredients formulated to achieve a certain flavor or consistency and to preserve freshness.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Business: In the United States alone, consumers spent about US$110 billion on fast food in 2000 (which increased from US$6 billion in 1970). The National Restaurant Association forecasted that fast food restaurants in the U.S. would reach US$142 billion in sales in 2006, a 5% increase over 2005. In comparison, the full-service restaurant segment of the food industry is expected to generate $173 billion in sales. Fast food has been losing market share to fast casual dining restaurants, which offer more robust and expensive cuisines.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Jobs and labor issues: As the number of fast food restaurants proliferated, so did job opportunities. Today, approximately 2 million workers are employed in the areas of food preparation and food servicing including fast food in the USA. With the advent of such a large workforce, the franchisee now faced two issues that could sap profit from the fast food restaurant franchise and expose the owner-operator to significant liability and financial loss. The first is controlling labor costs as these costs are crucial to a fast food restaurant franchisee's profits. The second,

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

employee lawsuits; an ever-growing phenomenon. Fortunately, the fast food operator is able to control costs and guard against employee lawsuits with the same tool.

Globalization: In 2006, the global fast food market grew by 4.8% and reached a value of 102.4 billion and a volume of 80.3 billion transactions. In India alone the fast food industry is growing by 40% a year.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

McDonald's is located in 120 countries and on 6 continents and operates over 31,000 restaurants worldwide. On January 31, 1990 McDonald’s opened a restaurant in Moscow, and broke opening day records for customers served. The Moscow restaurant is the busiest in the world. The largest McDonald’s in the world is located in Beijing, People's Republic of China. There are numerous other fast food restaurants located all over the world. Burger King has more than 11,100 restaurants in more than 65 countries. KFC is located in 25 countries. Subway is one of the fastest growing franchises in the world with approximately 39,129 restaurants in 90 countries as of May 2009, the first non-US location opening in December 1984 in Bahrain. Pizza

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Hut is located in 97 countries, with 100 locations in China. Taco Bell has 278 restaurants located in 12 countries besides the United States.

Criticism: Fast food chains have come under fire from consumer groups, such as the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a longtime fast food critic over issues such as caloric content, trans fats and portion sizes. In 2001, Eric Schlosser's investigative work Fast Food Nation provided Americans with a detailed look at the culture of fast food from rangeland to the range top. In 2002, Caesar

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Barber attempted to sue a number of fast food restaurant chains for making him obese. The suit never went to court. Social scientists have highlighted how the prominence of fast food narratives in popular urban legends suggests that modern consumers have an ambivalent relationship (characterized by guilt) with fast food, particularly in relation to children. This guilt is projected onto processed food, where bizarre tales of contamination and lax standards are widely believed. Some of the concerns have led to the rise of the Slow Food, or local food movements. These movements seek to preserve local cuisines and ingredients, and directly oppose laws and habits that favor fast food choices. Proponents of the slow food movement try to educate consumers

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

about what its members considers the richer, more varied and more nourishing tastes of fresh, local ingredients that have been recently harvested.

Health issue: According to the Massachusetts Medical Society Committee on Nutrition, fast food is especially high in fat content, and studies have found associations between fast food intake and increased body mass index (BMI) and weight gain. A 2006 study fed monkeys a diet consisting of a similar level of Trans fats as what a person who ate fast food regularly would consume. Both diets

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

contained the same overall number of calories. It was found that the monkeys who consumed higher level of trans fat developed more abdominal fat than those fed a diet rich in unsaturated fats. They also developed signs of insulin resistance, which is an early indicator of diabetes. After six years on the diet, the Trans fat fed monkeys had gained 7.2% of their body weight, compared to just 1.8% in the unsaturated fat group. The director of the obesity program for the Children's Hospital Boston, David Ludwig, claims that "fast food consumption has been shown to increase calorie intake, promote weight gain, and elevate risk for diabetes". The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ranked obesity as the number one health threat for Americans in 2004. It is the second leading cause of preventable

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

death in the United States and results in 400,000 deaths each year. About 60 million American adults are classified as being obese with another 127 million being overweight. Health issues associated with obesity causes economic despair regarding health care. According to a 2003 study conducted by RTI International in North Carolina, the cost of health care in America is said to increase by $93 billion a year, mainly from Type 2 diabetes and heart disease, both associated with obesity. Excessive calories are another issue with fast food. According to B. Lin and E. Frazao, from the Department of Agriculture, states the percentage of calories which attribute to fast-food consumption has increased from 3% to 12% of the total calories consumed in the United States.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

A regular meal at McDonald's consists of a Big Mac, large fries, and a large Coca-Cola drink amounting to 1430 calories. A diet of approximately 2000 calories is considered a healthy amount of calories for an entire day (which is different depending on several factors such as age, weight, height, physical activity and gender). Besides the dangers of Tran’s fats, high calories, and low fiber, there is another health risk, food poisoning. In his book "Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal", Eric Schlosser describes in gross detail the process of meatpacking. Meatpacking has become one of the most hazardous jobs in America, with the risk of injury being 3 times higher than any other factory work. The meatpacking factories concentrate livestock into large feedlots and herd them through

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

processing assembly lines operated by poorly trained employees increase the risk of large-scale food poisoning. Manure gets mixed with meat, contaminating it with salmonella and Escherichia coli 0157:H7. E. coli 0157:H7 is one of the worst forms of food poisoning. Usually spread through undercooked hamburgers, it's difficult to treat. Although antibiotics kill the bacteria, they release a toxin that produces hurtful complications. About 4% of people infected with E. coli 0157:H7 develop hemolytic uremic syndrome, and about 5% of children who develop the syndrome die. E. coli 0157:H7 has become the leading cause of renal failure among American kids.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

In a research experiment done by Pediatrics, 6,212 children and adolescents ages 4 to 19 years old were examined to find out some information about fast food. After interviewing the participants in the experiment, it was discovered that on a given day 30.3% of the total sample have reported to have eaten fast food. Fast-food consumption was prevalent in males and females, all racial/ethnic groups, and all regions of the country. Children who ate fast food, compared with those who did not, consumed more total fat, carbohydrates, and sugar-sweetened beverages. Children who ate fast food also ate less fiber, milk, fruits, and non-starchy vegetables. After reviewing these test results, the researchers concluded that consumption of fast food by children seems to have a negative effect on an individual’s diet, in ways that could significantly increase the risk for obesity.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Fast Food Effects on the Environment: If fast food has such a huge impact on our society and economy, it is only natural that it should also have at least some effect on our environment. Presumably, the generalization of fast food in America, and now spreading all over the world, can lead to major negative impacts on our environment.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

The growth of the fast food industry has reached a staggering number. If there are so many millions or even billions of hamburgers, or chicken nuggets, or French fries sold each year, then imagine all the packaging that is thrown to waste. "One poll showed that Americans believe fastfood packaging takes up between 20 and 30 percent of landfill space, and expanded polystyrene foam between 25 to 40 percent. However, the Garbage Project found that fast-food packaging accounts for no more than one-third of one percent of the total volume of the average landfill." This is an issue that has been unfit. The final and most common effect fast food has is obesity. Some scientists have claimed that fast food has an addicting effect on people. The average person reports eating fast food at least 3

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

times a week. "Americans, both adults and children, are more overweight than ever and being overweight carries with it some very serious - indeed life-threatening - adverse health effects. It has been said that we Americans now suffer from malnutrition of affluence. We have more economic resources to purchase food, so we eat more. But of course, that is only half of the nutrition equation. We also utilize fewer calories through exercise, and the result is excess weight. With these extra pounds we face increased risk of myriad ailments, including diabetes, heart disease, even breast cancer (obesity in middle-aged women is an established risk factor for breast cancer)."

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

FAST FOOD INDUSTRY IN PAKISTAN Fast food industry has a great potential for local and multinational firms to invest in Pakistan. Due to absence of any big local fast food company, various multinational fast food companies started consideration on investing in Pakistan. So KFC opened its first out let in Pakistan to grape Pakistani market The KFC Company was founded by Colonel Harland Sanders in 1939. It has 13,700 restaurants in more than 100 countries and territories around the world; approximately eight million customers are served

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

everyday. It opened its first outlet in Karachi at 1970 and started its operation in Faisalabad in 1998. KFC Pakistan operates 30 restaurants around the country, with 14 outlets in Karachi. The fast-food industry is popular in Pakistan, and many major international chains are based there. The presence of multinational fast food chains like McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Express, Pizza Hut, Subway etc. have somewhat catered to the high income segment Multinational corporations such as these typically modify their menus to cater to local Pakistan tastes and most overseas outlets are owned by native franchisees to ensure that cultural, ethnic, and community values are taken care off Additionally, multinational fast-food chains are not the only or even the

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

primary source of fast food in most cities of Pakistan. Many regional and local chains have developed around the main cities of Pakistan (for example Khan Broast in Karachi) to compete with international chains and provide menu items that appeal to the unique regional tastes and habits at comparatively low costs. In Pakistan, multinational chains are considerably more expensive; they usually are frequented because they are considered chic and somewhat glamorous and because they usually are much cleaner than local eateries. However much of the middle-income segment prefers visiting local outlets that offer low cost fast food, hence more frequent visits.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

RESEARCH PROBLEM & OBJECTIVE: Problem statement “What effect of fast food business on consumption habits of consumer?’’

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Objective: The main objectives of our research are as follows:

1. To determine factors that influence consumer consumption habits. 2. To see how much, local competitors effect of fast food business on consumption, in Rahim Yar Khan.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

RESEARCH PLAN: GROWTH IN FAST FOOD The Fast Food Restaurant Market is a growing industry in Pakistan relying heavily on the changing lifestyle patterns, population growth of the target age group and the related increase in employment of women. With today's hectic lifestyles, timesaving products are increasingly in

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

demand the most obvious being the fast food. Pakistan, currently ranked as 6th in terms of total population, is characterized by a high Population growth rate of 1.9% (Pakistan Economic Survey 2005) and is set to take the top three positions in terms of total population with already 153.4 Million people registered in 2005.1 With this, the per capita income has increased to US$ 736 while the productive age group (15 to 64) years is said to take the major chunk of population (67% of total population) by 2020. The growth rate in food consumption is also augmented by the rapid increase in the employment rate for males / female population aging between 20 to 29 years (fast food goers) hence the greater income contribution to the overall income generated is expected to be higher.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

ENTRY OF FAST FOOO IN RAHIM YAR KHAN The chain must be having the following knowledge of market

Market Demographics:

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

The profile for Fast Food's customer consists of the following geographic, demographic, and behavior factors Geographic   

Our immediate geographic target is the city of Rahim Yar of 2,300,000. A 8_10Km geographic area is in need of our services. The total targeted population is estimated at 200000.

Khan with a population

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Demographics Consists of Male and female & children's. • Ages 20-50, this is the segment that makes up 40% of the Rahim Yar Khan market according to the Rahim Yar Khan Chamber of Commerce. • Young professionals who work close to the location.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

• • • •

Have attended college and/or graduate school. An income over 20000-30000. Eat out several times a week. Tend to visit higher quality restaurants. Are conscious about their health

Behavior Factors

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• • •

Enjoy a high quality meal without the mess of making it themselves. When ordering, health concerns in regard to foods are taken into account. There is value attributed to the appearance or presentation of food.

Market Knowledge

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

First of all the fast food chain must be having required data that possesses good information about the market of RYK and knows a lot about the common attributes of loyal customers The chain that will be having this information will be in a better position to understand who is served, and their specific needs.

Customer Needs and wants Fast food should provides its customers with a wide selection of high-quality Fast Food dishes and salads that are unique and pleasing in presentation, offer a wide selection of health conscious

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

choices, and utilize top-shelf ingredients. It should seek to fulfill the following benefits that are important to their customers. 


A wide choice of Fast Food and salad options.

Accessibility. The customer can gain access to the restaurant with minimal waiting and can choose the option of dine in or take out.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Customer service. The customer will be impressed with the level of attention that they receive.

Competitive pricing. All products/services will be competitively priced relative to comparable high-end Fast Food.

Food quality. The preference for high-quality ingredients is increasing as customers are learning to appreciate the qualitative differences.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Presentation’s presentation of an element of the culinary experience becomes more pervasive; patrons are learning to appreciate this aspect of the industry.

Health consciousness. As Pakistani in general are more cognizant of their health, evidenced by the increase in individuals exercising and health club memberships, patrons are requesting more healthy alternatives when they eat out. They recognize that an entree can be quite tasty, and reasonably good for you.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Selection. People are demanding a larger selection of foods; they are no longer accepting a limited menu.

The reason for this trend is that within the last number of years the numbers of fast food restaurants are increasing that are providing customers with more choices. People no longer need to accept a limited number of options. With more choices, people have become more aware. This can be seen through the fact that more and more food chains are coming in RY Khan like Al Maida AFC and Pizza Hut

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers


Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

There are Fast food outlets that have more variety of selection in their menus. But the dishes are offered at good Standards like Eat ON and Hot Chicks.

But there are Fast Food restaurant that have variety in selection but quality is inconsistent like RFC Spicy & Frosty & PIZZA N PIZZA.

A low profile restaurant with a large open space very low price and average kind of food with inconsistency in taste. Service can often be poor like PAKIZZA AND Zero Point.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

All these can become the competitors of the new fast food in RYK .So all these types of competitors study is necessary

Value proposition Any Fast Foods in RYK offering variety in their products burgers Pizzas salads and chicken range that are differentiated and superior to competitors and in which Customers can taste the quality and freshness of the product

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

If they will use chicken from K&N’s Cheeses and fries are all imported like McDonald’s are doing. 1. Vegetables are fresh with shipments on daily basis as it is easily available in RYK 2. Meats used must of top quality 3. By providing service with fine dining area outlet must be having a very fine environment. And the sales force must be experienced and educated

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Success Factor A Good Fast Food Restaurant Experience: Every one wants the following of the factors that he wants to have at good fast food chain because people of RYK compare with those of large cities  Location  Welcome

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

     

Food server Food Environment (parking, dinning rooms, lighting) Variety Smile factor Time factor

Marketing Strategy

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

To market a one product one can spend as much as their resources there is no limit for marketing in RYK small amount will be good enough direct mail, banner ads, and Cable TV campaign , Personal relationships can be made to get a business with industrial units and educational institutes.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Marketing Objectives Marketing strategy like any business will be to 1. To generate positive, steady, growth 2. Generate at least reasonable rise in sales

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Experience an increase in new customers who are turned into long-term customers. 3. And for a long term growth 4. Financial Objectives 1. No doubt financial objectives are to earn profit that is done by decreasing he variable cost associated with production and attaining economies of scale

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Target Customers The market can be segmented into following target populations: Individuals: people that dine in by themselves.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Families: a group of people, either friends or a group of relatives dining together. Young professionals who work close to the location. Take out: people that prefer to eat at a different location than the actual restaurant. The customer are hungry between the ages of 20 and 50, making up 53% of Rahim Yar Khan Age is not the most defined demographic of this customer base; all age groups enjoy Fast Food. The most defined characteristic of the target market is income. The urban areas, such as Business

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

man colony Gulshan Iqbal and City center have large population consisting of business people and families who have incomes over 20,000.


Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Any fast food that will position itself as a reasonably priced, high quality and hygienic Fast Food chain in Rahim Yar Khan for consumers who appreciate high-quality food will be recognized as a valued and unique offerings Fast Food chain. The product should be having the fresh ingredients including homemade Fast Food, imported cheeses, vegetables, and top-shelf meats and chicken from K&N’s.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Customer service will be the priority. All employees will ensure that the customers are having the most pleasant dining experience. By offering a superior product, coupled with superior service, any food chain will excel relative to the competition

Marketing Mix Marketing mix should comprise of these following approaches to pricing, distribution, advertising and promotion, and customer service.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

 Pricing. Pricing scheme is that the product cost is 45%-50% of the total retail price.  Distribution. food will be distributed through a free home delivery where customers can call in their order and come into the restaurant, place and take out order and wait for it to be completed, or come in and dine at the restaurant.  Advertising and Promotion. The most successful advertising will be banner ads and some other ways like TV cable advertisement PR campaign includes visit of industrial units in surrounding and some educational institutes.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

 Customer Service. Customer attention is the main thing. Philosophy is that whatever needs to be done to make the customer happy must occur, even at the expense of short-term profits. In the long term, this investment will pay off with a set of loyal customer base that is extremely vocal to their friends with referrals.

Marketing research

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

During the initial phases of the marketing plan development, research should be held on focus groups. These focus groups provided useful insight into the decisions, and decision making processes, of consumers. An additional source of market research that is Questioner system the suggestion and liking and disliking will give answers to our question the open ended questions that allow the customer to freely offer constructive criticism or praise. This implementation of reasonable suggestions will

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

help in order to improve their service offerings as well as show their commitment to the customer that their suggestions are valued. The last source of market research is competitive analysis/appreciation. it will provide with timely information regarding other restaurant's service offering.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Developing the variables and hypotheses

Dependant Variable: 

Consumption pattern of consumer

Independent Variable:

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

        

Gender Educational back ground Age Occupation Material status Family size Income level Environment provided by fast food outlets Food quality

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

    

Services provided by fast food outlet Various offer and schemes offer by fast food outlet Health consciousness Hobbies and social activities Value added services


Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

1. There is a relationship between Gender of consumer and his/her consumption pattern. 2. More the person is educated more he/she will be the founder of fast food. 3. Young population is then they more visit to fast food outlet while children are visit in afternoon and in holidays for consumption. 4. A businessman can more visit outlet of fast food then non-businessman. Or A producer and services provider can visit to fast food outlets for time saving. 5. A unmarried person is more visits to hotels then married person. 6. Small families are visit more then large families. 7. Income level changes the consumption habits of consumer.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

8. Environment best attract to customer for more consumption. Or Environment change can change to customer habits. 9. Quality is the name of food best quality creates good will in customer habits of consumption. 10. Services are the product of outlet best services is the optimum production. 11. Various offer and schemes packages discount payoff etc increase the direction and attract to customer change the customer pattern. 12. If positive on health by fast food consumption cannot change customer habits. 13. Social activities give long-term benefits to consumer and change to consumption habits.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

14. If fast food outlets provided extra services like delivery, credit card, banking and nadra services then can change customer habits.

Relationship with dependant variable: 1. There is a relationship between Gander of consumer and his/her consumption pattern. 2. There is a relationship between education level of consumer and his/her consumption behavior. 3. There is a relationship between age of consumer and Value of money he/she spend for hoteling. 4. There is relationship between occupation of consumer and his/her consumption habits.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

5. There is a relationship between material status of consumer and his/her consumption pattern. 6. There is a relationship between family size of consumers and there consumption behavior. 7. There is a positive relationship between income level of consumer and his/her consumption habits. 8. There is a relationship between Fast food outlet and customers consumption pattern. 9. There is positive relationship between food quality and consumer consumption habits. 10. There is a relationship between services provided by fast food outlet and consumption pattern of consumer.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

11. There is positive relationship between various offers & schemes and consumption behavior of customers. 12. There is a relationship between health consciousness and consumer consumption habits. 13. There is relationship between hobbies & Social activities and consumer consumption pattern. 14. There is a positives relationship between value added services and consumer consumption behavior.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers


SAMPLING UNIT Samples for this study shall include respondent of all ages especially youth segment. Convenience samples are drawn from Rahim Yar Khan Region among the people. Our definition

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

of convenience samples includes only one dimension that is easy access to the sample units other wise it was random selection of individuals from a large number of customers at the fast food outlets. This segment of population was selected due to their adoption of modern lifestyle pattern inclined towards eating outside and socializing with friends. The data will be collected using a structured questionnaire. Data is collected from the targeted customer while in malls or in fast food outlets. The questionnaire had the following dimensions:

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Demographics of the respondent such as age, qualification, income, education and marital status;

Behavior of visiting fast food outlets such as time of the day, pressure from friends, influenced by nutritional values etc.

Factors affecting selection of fast food outlets;

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Comparisons between fast food outlets on various parameters such as service speed, price, hygiene, food taste, variety, and ambience etc.;

Media for source of information for fast food outlets;

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers


Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Since it is an exploratory study, a sample size of 100 thought to be an adequate one. Accordingly 100 respondents from the target population were approached to fill in the questionnaire


Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Data was collected from the five major and some other fast food outlets in Rahim Yar Khan, that major outlets were Pizza Hut, Almaida, Krispy, hot Chicks, Chicken Hut, and Spicy & Frosty.

METHODS OF DATA ANALYSIS Very statistical techniques like descriptive statistics are used to analyze the data by using software’s like SPSS and M.S excel etc

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

PROBLEMS DURING CONDUCTING RESEARCH During conducting research we faced various problems. Some Peoples are reluctant to give information about their income and family size because they are considering us as personals from governmental agencies. Another problem was that there were less number of women customers which constraint our sample sizes. Administration of some outlets was feeling hesitation to permit to conduct research because they told us that it is against the privacy of

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

customers, it may have negative effect on there sales. Customers with family did not like to fill questionnaire because they told that they have less time and want to enjoy with their family.


Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Research on Fast food business effect on consumption habits of consumer Abstract Fast food has a tremendous growth in Pakistan during few years. So we research is conducted upon fast food in Pakistan so we try to resolve this gap. This research

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

seeks to estimate importance of various “Effect of Fast Food Business on Consumption Habits of Consumer”. The study applies multivariate statistical tools to estimate

importance of various factors affecting the choice of fast food outlets by the consumers. In addition, we analyzed the consumption patterns, impact of hygiene and nutritional values, and rating of various attributes of different fast food outlets.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

This questionnaire is designed to gather information about the “Effect of Fast Food Business on Consumption Habits of Consumer” in RAHIM YAR KHAN.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Bs Commerce 5th Department of Commerce, IUB Jinnah Campus Rahim Yar Khan



Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

1. Name ………………………. 2. Your Gender: Male 3. Marital Status: Single 4. Your Age:  Up to 18 years  Between 18 to 30 years

Female Married

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

 Between 30 to 50 years  Over 50 years 5. Your educational level:  Below Metric  Metric  Graduation  Post Graduation 6. Your occupation:  Student

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

 Businessman  Employee  Unemployed 7. How much you’re earning in one month?  Below 20,000  Between 20,000 to 50,000  Between 50,000 to 100,000  Above 100,000 8. How many members are there in your family?

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

 Up to 3  4 to 6  7 to 9  above to 10 9. How do you like to spend your spare time?  In Outdoor activities  In Indoor activities  Others 10. How often you spend your spare time on hoteling?

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

    

Always Weekly Monthly Usually Never

11. You prefer to go for fast foods because….  It is a Time saving  Hotelling has become a Trend

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

 Fast foods outlets are providing good services.  Others 12. You prefer to go for fast foods as they are providing……..  Good Quality of food.  Taste of fast foods attracts you to visit again.  As fast food price you cheaper.  13. How often various services and offers by fast food outlets compel you to visit again and again?

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

   

Always Oftenly Rarely. Never 14. Do you think environment of fast food outlet will be?  Comfortable  Uncomfortable  Comfortable to some extent

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

15. How often the environment provided by fast food outlets play a major role in your decision to visit at their outlets.  Always  Oftenly  Rarely.  Never 16. In my point of view …………………  Continuous use of fast food has negative impact on health.  Continuous use of fast food has no negative impact on health.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

RESULT AND DISCUSSION The food habits of Pakistanis are influenced by various factors such as age, educational status, distance from fast food outlet, services at fast food outlets in

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

their surroundings. In addition, emergence of traits of independence in their eating habits, nutritional value, divergence of food preferences at home and at fast food outlets and ambience of place for socializing affects their visit and liking of fast food outlets. The results of data analysis with respect to these issues of fast food consumption behavior of people are presented in the following sub-sections.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

2. Gender Effect: Frequency Valid


Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent















Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers


2 41%

1. Male 2. Female


59% Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Data were collected with respect of demographic variables among people of Rahim Yar Khan, i.e. gender: According to the analysis of data, it was found that 59%e respondents were males and 41% were females. When we have visited the outlets them we have found the male fast foods choice is greater then woman’s because 59% male preference may be the base of his out door activities that are the businessman employment, students sports etc and the parties while the woman are prefer to fast food less than males because they have indoor activities but some have the outdoor actives that have done fob own business etc.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

3. Marital Status:



Frequency 82

Percent 82.0

Valid Percent 82.0

Cumulative Percent 82.0

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Married Total








Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers


2 18% 1. Single 2. Married

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

1 82%

Data were collected with respect of demographic variables among people of Rahim Yar Khan, i.e. marital status: According to the analysis of data, it was found that, 82% of the respondents were single and 18% of the respondents were married. It means that single persons are fond of visiting fast food outlets in Rahim Yar khan. Single person are visits more than marries mans because that have no any responsibility and liberty and they have no enough income when they are married and with child. Because the single person income budget is higher then married person. So single persons more fast food user by 82% and the married are by 18% less by single man.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

It means that most of the respondents are single how use the fast food frequently by the married respondents

4. Age Effects: Valid

Single Married Total

Frequency 82 18

Percent 82.0 18.0

Valid Percent 82.0 18.0




Cumulative Percent 82.0 100.0

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers


3 14%

4 1 2% 5%

1. Up to 18 years

3. B/W 30 to 50 years 4. Over 50 years

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

2 79%

Data were collected with respect of demographic variables among people of Rahim Yar Khan, i.e. educational background: According to the analysis of data, it was found that, 79% respondents were in 18-30 years age and 05% respondents were up to 18 years age and 14% respondents were between 30 to 50 years age and 2% respondents were over 50 years age category. It means that most of the respondents are young how visit the fast food outlets more frequently by others.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

5. Education level:


Below Metric Metric Graduation Post Graduation

Frequency 7 3

Percent 7.0 3.0

Valid Percent 7.0 3.0

Cumulative Percent 7.0 10.0

53 37

53.0 37.0

53.0 37.0

63.0 100.0

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers





Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Educational level

1 2 7% 3% 4 37%

1. below Metric

3. Graduation

3 Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers 53%

4. Post Graduation

Data were collected with respect of demographic variables among people of Rahim Yar Khan, i.e. educational background: However, 53% respondents were graduates and 37% respondents were Post Graduation and 3% respondents were Metric and 7% respondents were below Metric. Education level of the people is more affected on the use of fast food. It shows that most of the customers are educated person and young how mostly visit the fast food outlets.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

5. Your Occupation Valid

Student Businessman Employee Unemployed Total

Frequency 57 15

Percent 57.0 15.0

Valid Percent 57.0 15.0

Cumulative Percent 57.0 72.0




95.0 100.0







Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers


4 5% 3 23%

1. Student 2. Businessman 3. Employee

57% 2 Effect of Fast Food Business 15% on consumption habits of consumers

Data were collected with respect to seven demographic variables among people of Rahim Yar Khan, i.e. occupation: Student are the much user by the other population are the student that are 57% because that are go to outlets by friends by family and in parties they have a time for enjoyment and to study . While employ that are fixed in timing employer they done duty and in lunch time visits to fast food and n meeting conferences they visits fast food .Te employer they visits fast food are 23% and the business man that are lower user then student and employer because they have own business man that are lower user then student and employer because they have own business and thy are done diner lunch etc in business off time are attend meeting in fast foods they have no

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

extra time for enjoyment in limited timing . Unemployed person that have no any income than they are go to outlets rarely.

7. How much you’re earning in one month. Valid

Below 20000 Between 20000 to 50000

Frequency 63 23

Percent 63.0 23.0

Valid Percent 63.0 23.0

Cumulative Percent 63.0 86.0

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Between 50000 to 100000 Above 100000 Total












Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Earning per month

4 3 4% 10% 1. below Rs.20, 000 2. B/W 20000 to 50000



1 63%

4. above Rs.100, 000

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Data were collected with respect of demographic variables among people of Rahim Yar Khan, i.e. income level: According to analysis of data it is show that most of the respondents have income below Rs.20, 000. People who’s earning is below than 20000 and they are mostly students are going to fastfood outlets for their celebrations treats fun or as a trend and they have spare time 23% people whose earning is 20000 or 50000 will go to fast food outlets these people cannot have spare time for any activity because they are basically employees and they struggle to build their carrier and focus more on jobs or whatever they do. 10%and 4% people whose earning is above 50000 and above 100000 will go fast-food outlet respectively because these are business man and they are trying to expand their business.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

8. How many members are there in your family? Valid

Up to 3 4 to 6 7 to 9 above to 10 Total

Frequency 11 48 37 4

Percent 11.0 48.0 37.0 4.0

Valid Percent 11.0 48.0 37.0 4.0




Cumulative Percent 11.0 59.0 96.0 100.0

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Family Size

4 4% 3

1 11%

1. Up to 3

3. 7 to9

2 Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers 48%

4. Above to 9

Data were collected with respect of demographic variables among people of Rahim Yar Khan, i.e. family size, According to the analysis of data, it was found that: Average family size of the respondents was 5 heads. 11%people will go to fast-food whose family member is up to 3 similarly 48%, 37% and 4% people will go fast food outlets whose family member is 4 to 6, 7 to 9 and above 10 respectively. More family member can go fast food outlets because the have more opportunities n chances to enjoy their party’s celebrations treats and make a fun with family and even go on regular events and wise versa.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

9. How do you to spend your spare time? Valid

Outdoor activities Indoor activities Others Total

Frequency 35 40

Percent 35.0 40.0

Valid Percent 35.0 40.0

Cumulative Percent 35.0 75.0 100.0







Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Spend spare time

3 25%

1 35%

1. In Outdoor activities 2. In Indoor activities

Effect of Fast Food Business on2consumption habits of consumers


Data were collected with respect demographic variables among people of Rahim Yar Khan, According to the analysis of data, it was found that, More people are like to spend their time in indoor activities than outdoor or other activities. 40% people are spend their time in indoor activities and 35% and 25% are spend their spare time in outdoor activities and other respectively. Mostly female are spent their spare time in indoor activities so female cannot go fast-food outlets. Males can spend their time in outdoor activities.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

10. How often you spend your spare time on hoteling? Frequency Valid


Valid Percent

Cumulative Percent

Outdoor activities





Indoor activities














Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Spend spare time in hoteling

5 14%

1 11% 2 12%


1. Always 2. Weekly

4. Usually 5. Never

3 37%

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Data were collected with respect of demographic variables among people of Rahim Yar Khan, According to the analysis of data, it was found that; 11% respondents spend ours spare time on hoteling Always, 12% respondents were weekly, 37% respondents were monthly, 2% respondents were Usually and 14% respondents never spend our spare time in hoteling.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

People usually spend their spare time on hoteling and some what monthly. Because income level with below 20000 and student with limited budget are going to fast food outlets and then they usually or monthly spent their spare time on hoteling.

11. You prefer to go for fast foods because…………. Valid

Time saving Trend

Frequency 23 22

Percent 23.0 22.0

Valid Percent 23.0 22.0

Cumulative Percent 23.0 45.0

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Good services Others Total

31 24 100

31.0 24.0 100.0

31.0 24.0 100.0

76.0 100.0

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Prefer to Fast Food

4 24%

1 23% 1. Time saving 2. Trend


3. Good services


Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Data were collected with respect to variables among people of Rahim Yar Khan, According to the analysis of data, it was found that: Time is very important factor which effect the freq. of visiting fast food outlets during the survey we came to know that 23% respondents prefer to go fast foods because it is a time saving, 22% respondents were prefer its as a trend, 31% respondents prefer to fast foods outlets are providing good services And 24% respondents prefer to go fast food by any others factors. The most important factor is good services of fast outlets which they providing there customers.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

12. You prefer to go for fast foods as they are providing…… Valid

Good quality Taste

Frequency 36 45

Percent 36.0 45.0

Valid Percent 36.0 45.0

Cumulative Percent 36.0 81.0

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Cheaper price Total

19 100

19.0 100.0

19.0 100.0


Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Prefer to quality, taste and price

3 19% 1 36%

1. Good Quality 2. Taste 3. Cheaper price

2 45% Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Data were collected with respect to variables among people of Rahim Yar Khan, According to the analysis of data, it was found that: Food quality, delivery and other aspects related to fast food are much important in selecting the fast food outlet. According to the analysis of the data it is observed that a vast majority of the respondent 36% prefer the Good Quality of food and 45 % respondents were prefer the taste of fast food that attracts us to visit again and again. The income of people effects the consumption of fast food. According the analysis of data, 19% respondents prefer fast foods by there price cheaper.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Majority of respondents preferred the taste of fast food that attracts us to visit again and again.

13. How often various services and offers by fast food outlet compel you to visit again and again? Valid

Always Oftenly Rarely

Frequency 25

Percent 25.0

Valid Percent 25.0

Cumulative Percent 25.0

28 33

28.0 33.0

28.0 33.0

53.0 86.0

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers










Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effects of Various Services and offers

4 14%

1 25% 1. Always 2. Oftenly

3 33%

4. Never

2 28%

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Data were collected with respect to variables among people of Rahim Yar Khan, According to the analysis of data, it was found that: Various services and offers by fast foods outlets compel the respondents to visit again and again. According to the analysis the 25% respondents always use the various services and offers , 28% respondents were Oftenly get the benefits by the various services and offers, 33% respondents rarely effected by various services and offers by fast foods outlets provided. But 14% respondents have no effects of these services and offers on there visit of fast foods outlets.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

14. Do you think environment of fast food outlet will be? Valid

Comfortable Uncomfortable

Frequency 59 9

Percent 59.0 9.0

Valid Percent 59.0 9.0

Cumulative Percent 59.0 68.0

Comfortable to some extent









Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Environment of fast food outlets

3 32% 1. Comfortable 2. Uncomfortable

59% 2 9%

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Data were collected with respect to variables among people of Rahim Yar Khan, According to the analysis of data, it was found that: 58% respondents go to fast foods outlets because they feel the environment of fast food outlet comfortable because they have well educated staff also arranged and proper setting areas. According to analysis 10% respondents were no satisfy with the environment of fast food outlets. And 37% respondents were agreeing with the environment of fast food outlets comfortable to some extent. So the majority is like the environment of fast food outlets they provided him.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

15. How often environment provided by fast food outlet play a major role in your decision at there cutlets? Valid

Always Oftenly Rarely Never

Frequency 32 28

Percent 32.0 28.0

Valid Percent 32.0 28.0

Cumulative Percent 32.0 60.0

26 14

26.0 14.0

26.0 14.0

86.0 100.0

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers





Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effects of environment on consumption of consum

4 14%


1 32% 1. Always

3. Rarely 4. Never

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption2habits of consumers


Data were collected with respect of demographic variables among people of Rahim Yar Khan, i.e. family size, According to the analysis of data, it was found that: Environment always play a major roll on the people decision making. Because if the environment is comfortable for the consumers they visit the fast food outlets again and again. According to data 32% respondents always decision f visit of fast food outlet on the environments provided. 28% respondents Oftenly decision of visit to fast food by environment and 26% respondents rarely decision to fast food outlets by environment. 14% respondents response that there is no effect of environment on there decision to visit of Fast foods outlets.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

16. Impact on health Valid

Negative impact No negative Total

Frequency 84 16

Percent 84.0 16.0

Valid Percent 84.0 16.0




Cumulative Percent 84.0 100.0

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Effects on health

2 16%

1. Negative

1 84%

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Data were collected with respect of demographic variables among people of Rahim Yar Khan, i.e. family size, According to the analysis of data, it was found that: According to study the continuous use of fast food has negative impact on health. In analysis 84% respondents says that the continuous use of fast foods have a negative impact on health and dew to this reason the consumption of fast foods is low by the trend. Only 16% respondents are disagreeing with this statement that the continuous use of fast food has negative impact on health.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

CONCLUDING REMARKS Consumer acceptance of food served by fast food outlets is critically important for the future growth of fast food outlets in any economy. Though the rating of fast food outlets'

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

attributes under study based on mean score is very high but still consumers visit fast food outlets for fun, change or entertaining their friends but certainly not as a substitute of home made food. Consumers demand more and more information related to hygiene issues and nutritional values of the products of fast food outlets. Based on the analysis and results, we can say that with more and more acceptability of fast food outlets and change in life style, competition among fast food outlets with respect to quality of food and customer service will be more prominent in the days to come. The gap generated between the consumers’ needs and the products of the fast food outlets

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

in Rahim Yar Khan has not been filled. Mostly educated people are customers. Majority of customers have income more than Rs.20, 000. Their friends about particular fast food outlets inform mostly people. Mostly customers are young. Prices are not so much competitive. Opportunity for fast food companies to enter a more specialist end of the market. Fast food outlets should increase their efficiency in service.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

SWOT Analysis The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within the company, and describes the opportunities and threats facing Fast Food.

Strengths 

Strong relationships with vendors that offer high-quality ingredients and fast/frequent delivery schedules.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Excellent staff who are highly trained and very customer attentive.

Great retail space that is bright, well disciplined, clean, and located in an upscale mall, urban neighborhood.

High customer loyalty among repeat customers.

High-quality food offerings that exceed competitor’s offerings in quality, presentation, and price.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Weaknesses 

The name lacking brand name will not work

A limited marketing budget will fail to developed brand awareness.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Improper customer knowledge.

Spending patterns


Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Growing market with a significant percentage of the target customers still not aware.

Increasing sales opportunities in business.

Expansion in area of business


Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Competition from local restaurants that will respond to Fast Food's superior offerings.

Fast Food restaurant chains coming to Rahim Yar Khan.

A slump in the economy reducing customer's disposable income spent on eating out like situation of today.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS/ SUGGESTIONS Fast food providers need to focus on the quality and variety of food besides other service parameters. Study clearly shows that consumers do not visit these outlets primarily for food but for fun, change and social reasons, as they prefer home food to the fast food. This is an important parameter to focus to have sustainable growth in the times to come. Further, information about hygiene and nutrition value of the fast food must also be communicated to the consumers. Thus,

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

in nutshell, there is need to focus on the food contents by the fast food marketers. Fast food out should launch promotional activities to increase there sales. Fast food outlets should focus on middle-income customers because they are in majority in Rahim Yar Khan. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY This exploratory study about consumer behavior has some limitations that however do not liquidate the purpose of the study. Data for the study are collected from Distt. Rahim Yar Khan.

Effect of Fast Food Business on consumption habits of consumers

Sampling units are primarily of young consumers. We are selected only major fast food outlets according to our convenience.

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