EEIB413 Chapter 2

June 21, 2016 | Author: SanjanaLakshmi | Category: N/A
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Chapter 2 Discrete-State Process Control


Introduction • Many industry processes to be controlled in sequence. The term discrete state expresses that each event in the sequence can be described by specifying the condition of all operating units of the process. For example: – – – –

Valve A is open Valve B is closed Conveyer C is on Limit switch S1 is closed

• A technique for designing and describing the sequence of process events, call ladder diagram which represents the electromechanical relays to control the sequence in such process. The most common control system for discrete control is done by programmable logic controller (PLC). 2

Definition of Discrete State Process Control

Figure above shows a manufacturing process and the controller for the process. Input variable (S1, S2, S3) and output variable (C1, C2, C3) can only be in two value. For example: – – – –

• •

Valves are open / closed Motors are on / off Temperature is high / low Limit switches are closed / open

If there are three input variables and three output variables, then the possible states are 64 because each variable can take on two values. An event in the system is defined by a particular state of the system – as long as the input variables remain in the same state and the output variables are left in the assigned sate. 3

Characteristics of The System • Industrial objective: to manufacture some product from the input raw materials. • The process involve many operations and steps: – Some steps occur in series. – Some steps occur in parallel. – Some events involve regulation of continuous variable over the duration of event.

• The discrete-state process control system is the master control system for the entire plant operation. 4

Frost Free Refrigerator/Freezer


• The discrete-state input variables are – – – – – –

Door open/closed Cooler temperature high/low Freezer temperature high/low Frost eliminator timer time-out/not time-out Power switch on/off Frost detector on/off

• The discrete-state output variables are – Light on/off – Compressor eliminator timer started/not started – Frost eliminator timer started/not started – Frost eliminator heater and fan on/off – Cooler baffle open/closed 6

• The event sequence are: – a) If the door is opened, the light is turned on. – b) If the cooler temperature is high and the frost eliminator is off, the compressor is turned on and the baffle is opened until the cooler temperature is low. – c) If the freezer temperature is high and the frost eliminator is off, the compressor is turned on until the temperature is low. – d) If the frost detector is on, the timer is started, the compressor is turned off, and the frost eliminator heater/fan are turned on until the timer times out.

• The events of (a) can occur in parallel with any of the others. • The event of (b) and (c) can occur in parallel. • Event (d) can only be serial with (b) and (c).


Continuous Control

• Consider for a moment the problem of liquid level in a tank. Figure above shows a tank with a valve that controls flow of liquid into the tank and some unspecified low out of the tank. • A transducer is available to measure the level of liquid in the tank. • The objective is to maintain the level of liquid in the tank at some preset or setpoint value. • If the outflow increases, the control system will increase the opening of the input valve to compensate by increasing the input flow rate. The level is thus regulated. • This is a continuous variable control system because both the 8 level and the valve setting can vary over a range.

Discrete-State Control

• • •

Consider the revised problem shown in above; the variables, level and valve settings, are discrete because they can take on only two values. The valves can only be open or closed, and the level is either above or below the specified value. The objective is to fill the tank to a certain level with no outflow. The event of sequence: i) Close the output valve. ii) Open the input valve and let the tank fill to the desired level, as indicated by a simple switch. iii) Close the input valve. iv) Open the output valve.


Composite Discrete/Continuous Control


Process Specifications

• Specified into two parts: – Objectives of the process. – Hardware assembled to achieve the objectives.

• Process objectives: – Statement of what the process is supposed to accomplish. – Global objective is the end result of the plant. It broken in to many secondary objectives. – Each sub objective may be independently in the whole operation. – A discrete-state control system then be applied to each independent part. 11

• Process Hardware: – Design the hardware such as conveyor system, mixing tank, oven etc so that these hardware can carry out the designed process in-order to achieve the objectives. – Determination type of components such as sensor, relay, motor etc be used in the hardware design. – The designer should be very familiar with the components characteristic.


Input devices: – – – – – –

Right box present. Left box present. Feed conveyor right travel limit. Feed conveyor left travel limit. Hopper low. Feed conveyor center.

Output devices: – Hopper valve solenoid. – Feed stock conveyor motor right. – Feed stock conveyor motor left. – Right box conveyor motor. – Left box conveyor motor.

• How these two states devices relate to the process? • These devices give information about the process to the controller. • The state of the device can determine the step of the whole operation. • The designer decided to use the state of device either NO or NC when design the operation. • Both NO or NC are valid, all 13 depend on the designer.

Event Sequence Description • A process-control engineer may not have been involved in the development of the system hardware construction, but they must study the hardware carefully and understand the characteristic of each element. Then, describe how this hardware will be manipulated to accomplish the objective. • A sequence of events must he described that will direct the system through the operations to provide the desired end result. • Narrative Statements Specification of the sequence of events starts with narrative descriptions of what events must occur to achieve the objective. • This specification describes in narrative form what must happen during the process operation. • In systems that run continuously, there are typically a startup, or initialization phase and a running phase. 14

The start-up phase is used to place the feed conveyor in a known condition. This initialization might be accomplished by the following specification: I. Initialization Phase A. All motors off, feed valve solenoid off. B. Test for right limit switch 1. If engaged, go to C. 2. If not, set feed motor for right motion. 3. Start feed-conveyor motor. 4. Test for right limit switch. a. If engaged, go to C. b. If not, go to 4. C. Set feed motor for left motion and start. D. Test for center switch 1. If engaged, go to E. 2. If not, go to D. E. Open hopper-feed valve. F. Test for left limit switch: 1. If engaged, go to G. 2. If not. go to F. G. All motors off, hopper-feed valve closed. 15 H. Go to running phase.


Completion of this phase means that the feed conveyor is positioned at the left limit position and the right half of the conveyor has been filled from the feed hopper. II. Running A. Start right box conveyor. B. Test right box present switch: 1. If set, go to C. 2. If not, go to B. C. Start feed-conveyor motor, right motion. D. Test center switch: 1. If engaged, g to E. 2. If not, go to D. E. Open hopper-feed valve. F. Test right limit switch: 1. If engaged, go to G. 2. If not, go to F. G. Close hopper-feed valve, stop feed conveyor. H. Start left box conveyor. I. Test left box present switch: 1. If set, go to J. 2. If not, go to I. J. Start feed conveyor, left motion. K. Test center switch: 1. If engaged, go to L. 2. If not, go to K. L. Open hopper-teed valve. M. Test left limit switch: 17 1. If engaged, go to A. 2. If not, go to M.


Flowcharts of the Event Sequence • It is often easier to visualize and construct the sequence of events if a flowchart is used to pictorially present the flow of events. • Part of the initialization phase of the conveyor system is expressed in the flowchart format. 19

Flowchart Symbol


Process Operation


Decision 20

Initialization Phase


Running Phase


Binary State Variable Descriptions • It used to describe the sequence of events in terms of the sequence of discrete states of the system. • Each of the state, including both input and output variables be specified. • The input variables cause the state of the system to change because operations within the system cause a change of one of the state variables. • The output variables are change in the system state that are caused by the control system itself. 23

Example 8.4 (pg. 400) • Construct a state variable description of the process shown in Figure bellow. The timer output (TU) is initially low when its input (TM) is low. When TM is taken high the output stays low for five minutes and then goes high. It resets to low when TM is taken low. All level sensors become true when the level is reached. The process sequence is: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Fill the tank to level A (LA) from valve A (VA) Fill the tank to level B (LB) form valve B (VB) Start the timer (TM), stir (S) and heater (H) When five minute are up take stir (S) and heater (H) off Open output valve (VC) until the tank is empty (LE) Take the timer low (TM) and go to step 1.


Example 8.4 (pg. 400) Solution































Starting state, open valve A









Reaches level LE, continue with A fill










Reaches Level A, close valve A, open valve B











Reaches Level B, close valve B, start timer, heater, stir












Time up, stop stir and heater, open valve C to empty












Reaches level B, continue with empty












Reaches level A, continue with empty












Tank empty, turn off timer, go to first state


Boolean Equations • It uses Boolean algebra techniques to represent the process flow. • It is necessary to write a Boolean equation for each output variable in the system. • This equation will then determine when that variable is taken to its true state. • The equation may depend not only on the set of input variables, but on some of the output variables.


Example 8.5 (pg. 402) Solution • Figure bellow shows a pictorial view of an oven, along with the associated input and output signals. All of the inputs and outputs are two-state variables, and the relation of the states and the variable is indicated. Construct Boolean equation that implement the following events: 1. The heater will be on when the power-switch is activated, the door is closed and the temperature is below the limit. 2. The fans will be turned on when the heater is on or when the temperature is above the limit and the door is closed. 3. The light will be turned on if the light switch is on or whenever the door is opened.


Relay Controllers and Ladder Diagrams • The hardware and the sequence of the event can be combined and represent by a schematic representation called as ladder diagram. • It is an outgrowth of early controllers that operated from ac lines and used relays as the primary switching elements. • The ladder diagram show how the hardware should be driven so the proper sequence of events can be accomplished. • An industrial control system typically involves electric motors, solenoids, heaters or coolers, and other equipment that is operated from the ac power line. • When a control system wants to turn on an ac motor, this is done by a switch to energize a relay with contact ratings that can handle the heavy load. • Relay is the primary control element of discrete-state 28 control systems.

5-Pin Contact Relay


Symbol for Input Devices in Physical Ladder Diagram


Symbol for Output Devices in Physical Ladder Diagram • The symbol for a motor is a circle with a designation of M followed by a number, as shown in Figure a. The control system treats this circle as the actual motor, although in fact, this may be a motor start system. • The solenoid symbol is shown in Figure b. For example, it may be a solenoid to open a flow valve, or move material off a conveyor, or a host of other possibilities. • The lights symbol is shown in Figure c, is used to give operators information about the state of the system. The color of the light is indicated by a capital letter in the circle; for example, R stands for red, G for green, A for amber, and B for blue. 31

Internal Relays •

A relay coil is represented by a circle identified as CR (for control relay) and an associated identifying number. The contacts for that relay will be either normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) and can be identified by the same number. A NO contact is one that is open when the relay coil is not energized and becomes closed when the relay is energized. Conversely, the NC contact is closed when the relay coil is not energized and opens when the relay is energized. Time-delay relay as one for which the contacts do not activate until a specified time delay has occurred. It designated of TR to indicate timer relay. An on-delay timer relay. When the coil is energized, the contacts are not energized until the time delay has lapsed. There is also an off-delay timer relay. The contacts engage when the coil is energized. When the coil is deenergized, however, there is a time 32 delay before the contacts go to the deenergized state.

• Figure above shows a relay used as a latch where a green light is on when the relay is not latched and a red light is on when the relay is latched. • When the normally open (NO) push-button switch PB1 is depressed, control relay RL1 is energize and stays closed. • To de-energize or unlatch the relay, the normally closed (NC) push button PB2 is depressed. PB2 opens the circuit, and the relay is released. 33






















Example 8.6 (pg. 408) •

The elevator shown employs a platform to move objects up and down. • The global objective is that when the UP button is pushed, the platform carries something to the up position, and when the DOWN button is pushed, the platform carries something to the down position. • Output Elements M1 = Motor to drive the platform up M2 = Motor to drive the platform down • Input Elements LSI = NC limit switch to indicate UP position LS2 = NC limit switch to indicate DOWN position START = NO push button for START STOP = NO push button for STOP UP = NO push button for UP command 35 DOWN = NO push button for DOWN command

Narrative Description 1.When the START button is pushed, the platform is driven to the down position. 2.When the STOP button is pushed, the platform is halted at whatever position it occupies at that time. 3.When the UP button is pushed, the platform, if it is not in downward motion, is driven to the up position. 4.When the DOWN button is pushed, the platform, if it is not in upward motion, is driven to the down position. 36

Example 8.6 (pg. 408) Solution




Complete Ladder Diagram






Simplified Ladder Diagram


Programmable Logic Controller Design • The modern solution for the problem of how to provide discrete-state control is to use a computer-based device called a programmable controller (PC) or programmable logic controller (PLC). • The move from relay logic controllers to computer-based controllers was an obvious one because: i) The input and output variables of discrete-state control systems are binary in nature, just as with a computer, ii) Many of the ""control relays" of the ladder diagram can be replaced by software, which means less hardware failure. iii) It is easy to make changes in a programmed sequence of events when it is only a change in software. iv) Special functions, such as time-delay actions and counters, are easy to produce in software. v) The semiconductor industry developed solid-state devices that can control high-power ac/dc in response to low-level commands from a computer, including 46 SCRs and TRlACs.




Basic Element of PLC


Processor • It is used to execute a program to perform the operations specified in a ladder diagram or a set of Boolean equations. The processor performs arithmetic and logic operations on input variable data and determines the proper state of the output variables. • It can only perform one operation at a time. That is, like most computers, it is a serial machine. Thus, it must sequentially sample each of the inputs, evaluate the ladder diagram program, provide each output, and then repeat the whole process. • The heart of a PLC is a microprocessor such as AMD 2901 and 2903, because much of the data in PLC operation is processed bit by bit. With the great increases in processor speed, it is now possible to employ a desktop personal computer with data I/O boards running PLC software to emulate PLC operation.


Central Processing Unit (CPU) • It containing one or more microprocessors to handle ladder diagram programming. • It executes the operating system, manages memory, monitors inputs, evaluates the user logic, and turns on the appropriate outputs. • It can handle noise environment. 51

Memory • Read Only Memory (ROM) – Stalled the operating system which handle the conversion of ladder diagram to the computer language, control the data flows and the operation of the entire PLC. – It is nonvolatile memory.

• User Memory – It is the array for the I/O relays, internal relays, special relays, counter, timer. – Each I/O, timer and counter has it own corresponding bit in the memory.

• Random Access Memory (RAM) – – – –

Stalled the user’s program, timer/counter values, I/O status. It is volatile memory. The memory can be sustained by the use of lithium battery. CMOS-RAM which is the low power consumption devices. 52

PLC Operation • Operation of the programmable controller can be considered in two modes, the I/O scan mode and the execution mode. • I/O Scan Mode – During the I/O scan mode, the processor updates all outputs and inputs the state of all inputs one channel at a time. – The time required for this depends on the speed of the processor.

• Execution Mode – During this mode, the processor evaluates each rung of the ladder diagram program that is being executed sequentially. – As a rung is evaluated, the last known state of each switch and relay contact in the rung is considered, and if any TRUE path to the output device is detected, then that output is indicated to be energized - that is, set to ON. – At the end of the ladder diagram, the I/O mode is entered again, and all output devices are provided with the ON or OFF state determined from execution of the ladder diagram program. All inputs are sampled, and the execution mode 53 starts again.

• Scan Time – Is time required for one complete cycle of I/O scan and execution. This depends on how many input and output channels are involved and on the length of the ladder diagram program and also depends on the clock frequency of the processor. – The higher the clock frequency, the greater the speed, and the faster the scan/execution time. – The length of time for one scan consists of three parts i) input time, ii) execution time, and iii) output time. Most of the scan time comes from the execution phase. 54

PLC Programming Devices • Handheld Programmers – It can be plugged into the PLC to monitor the status of inputs, outputs, variables, counters, timers. – It can turn the inputs and outputs on or off.

• Computer – It can be used for offline programming and storage of programs. – Document the PLC program. – Notes for technician, I/O devices. – The document is for understanding and troubleshooting ladder diagrams.


Programming • Although the programmable controller can be programmed directly in ladder diagram symbols through the programming unit, there are some special considerations. • These considerations include the availability of special functions and the relation between external I/O devices and their programmed representations. • The programmable controller has no "real" relays or relay contacts. The relay used in the ladder diagram programming is just the software symbols. 56

Addressing • The programmable controller uses a similar method of identifying devices, but if is referred to as the device address or channel. The addresses are used to identify both the physical and software devices according to the following categories: i) Physical input devices - ON or OFF ii) Physical output devices - energized (ON) or de-energized (OFF) iii) Programmed control relay coils and contacts iv) Programmed time-delay relay coils and contacts v) Programmed counters and contacts vi) Special functions 57

Programmed Diagram Interpretation • There is an important difference between the interpretation of a physical ladder diagram and a programmed ladder diagram. This difference arises from the fact that the programmed diagram bases the state of a rung on a logical interpretation of the symbol rather than its physical state. • In a physical diagram, the symbol for a NO contact indicates a normally open contact through which current cannot flow unless the contact has been closed. For the NC contact, the idea is that current will flow until the contact has been opened. • In a programmed diagram, the symbol for a NO contact indicates that the device should be interpreted as FALSE if the contact is tested and found to be open, and TRUE if it is found to be closed. Consider the programmed NC symbol. This means if it is tested and found to be closed, then it is FALSE, and if tested and found open, it is ON. • A software Control Relay is denoted by a circle with an identification number. It can have any number of NO or NC contacts, which are identified by the same number as the relay. 58

FPWin Pro/Trilogi/LogixPro


Input Modules

• The input modules examine the state of physical switches and other input devices and put their state into a form suitable for the processor. The PLC is able to accommodate a number of inputs, called channels. • The input state systems are often designed to 230 Vac/24 Vdc to the input module. This type of connection assumes that switches, for example, are wired to the PLC, as shown in Figure above. If the switch is closed, the input will be 230 Vac/24 Vdc and it open; the input will be 0 Vdc. The input module converts this into the 1 or 0 state needed by the processor. • The input modules have a certain number of channels per module. Each channel is often equipped with an indicator light to show if 60 the particular input is ON or OFF.

Optical Isolation • PLC must be protected from the outside world but be able to receive input data from the input module. • Optical isolation means no electrical connection exists between the input module and the CPU; they are separated optically. • The input module supplies a signal that turns on a light in the input card, the light shines on a receiver and the receiver turns on. • It use for both input and output modules. • LED is used to transmit the data. • Input module also provide circuits that debounce the input signal. 61


Output Modules

• The output modules supply ac/dc power to external devices. If the required power is greater, an external relay may be used, as shown in Figure above. • Internally, the output module accepts a 1 or 0 input from the processor and uses this to turn ON or OFF the control device such as a TRIAC. In this sense, the output module is a solid-state relay. • Programmable controllers also are designed with output modules to provide other outputs, such as variable-rate pulse outputs (such as would be required by a stepping motor). • An output module can have one or several channels per unit. Each 63 channel is usually provided with an indicator light to show whether the particular channel is being driven ON or OFF.


Type and Function of Relays












The Operation of the Internal Relay Contact with Different External Input Devices Type of External Input Devices


Symbol of the External Input Devices

Type of Internal Relay Contact

Symbol of the Internal Relay Contact

The Status of the Internal Relay Contact Before the External Input Devices be Pushed

The Status of the Internal Relay Contact After the External Input Devices be Pushed





The Operation of the Relay with Different Connection




The Operation of the Relay with Different Connection




The Operation of the Relay with Different Connection




The Operation of the Relay with Different Connection




• Figure above shows a relay used as a latch where a green light is on when the relay is not latched and a red light is on when the relay is latched. • When the normally open (NO) push-button switch PB1 is depressed, control relay RL1 is energize and stays closed. • To de-energize or unlatch the relay, the normally closed (NC) push button PB2 is depressed. PB2 opens the circuit, and the relay is released. 81




+ -

24 Vdc

Input 1

Output 1

Input 2

Output 2

Input 3

Output 3

Input 4

Output 4


Green Red

24 Vdc

+ -



Programmed Ladder Diagram Input Devices Output Devices PB1 (NO) – X0 L1 (Green) – Y0 PB2 (NC) – X1 L2 (Red) – Y1

Physical Ladder Diagram


Example 8.6 (pg. 408) •

The elevator shown employs a platform to move objects up and down. • The global objective is that when the UP button is pushed, the platform carries something to the up position, and when the DOWN button is pushed, the platform carries something to the down position. • Output Elements M1 = Motor to drive the platform up M2 = Motor to drive the platform down • Input Elements LSI = NC limit switch to indicate UP position LS2 = NC limit switch to indicate DOWN position START = NO push button for START STOP = NO push button for STOP UP = NO push button for UP command 84 DOWN = NO push button for DOWN command

Programmed Ladder Diagram Input Devices

Output Devices

Start Button (NO)


Motor 1 (Up Motion)


Stop Button (NO)


Motor 2 (Down Motion)


Up Button (NO)


Down Button (NO)


Up Limit Sensor (NC)


Down Limit Sensor (NC)


Initialization Phase


Up Motion

Down Motion


Combined Together


Simplify Design


Error • During the initialization phase, up motion still can be executed when X2 (up motion button) is pushed. A NO R1 contact can be located between R2 and X2 contact in rung 4 to overcome the error. • Emergency stop can’t be executed during the initialization phase. A NC R2 contact can be located on the 1st rung to overcome the error. • During the up motion, X4 (down limit switch) will return to NC condition after the stop away from it. This cause R1 energized. NC R1 contact will has connection. If the user push X0; this will cause down motion immediately after end of the up motion. If the user push X3; this will cause the up motion stop immediately. A parallel NO R1 contact and a series NC R5 contact can be located in rung 3 to overcome this error. 89

Example 8.7 (Pg 412)



Initialization (prefill of tank) A. Conveyor stopped, output valve closed B. Start the level-control system by operate a sufficient time to reach the setpoint C. Go to the running phase Runing A. Start the bottle conveyor B. When a bottle is in the position (BP true) 1. Stop the conveyor (M1 off) 2. Open the output valve C. When the bottle is full (BF true) 1. Close the output valve 90 D. Go to step II.A and repeat

Example 8.7 (Pg 412) Solution


Input Devices

Output Devices

Start Button (NO)




Stop Button (NO)




BP Sensor (NO)


Level Controller


BF Sensor (NO)



Example 8.9 (Pg 424)

• The objective of the system is as follow: 1. If PB1 alone is pushed, the red light turns on. 2. If PB2 alone is pushed, the green light turns on. 3. If both buttons are pushed at once, neither light turns on.

• Show the wiring connection to the PC and the ladder program that will accomplish this task. Channels 01 and 02 93 are inputs, and 08 and 09 are outputs.

Example 8.9 (Pg 424) Solution



• The timer will have an address and the preset number of ticks to count. The timer only counts while it has a true input. If the input becomes False and then True again, the timer will reset to zero and start to count again. • Figure b shows an accumulating timer, which retain a tick count when its input goes false. When the input goes true again, the tick count will pick up where the previous one left off. It is necessary to have a reset input to this timer so that, when desired, the timer can be reset back to zero. 95






• A counter is a programmed function that counts (increments) every time the input changes from False to True. This means that, if in one scan the input is False and in the next scan the input is True, the counter increments. No further counts will occur until the input goes False again and then True. • Counters are often drawn as a rectangle in programmed ladder diagrams, like that shown in Figure above. There are two input lines, one for the count input and another to reset the counter. The counter has an address and a preset number of counts. When the preset number of counts have been accumulated, the counter becomes True and can activate some other part 100 of the ladder diagram.




Example 8.10 (Pg 426) • A counter is to be used to count objects in the conveyor delivery system. • Show how a counter can be set up to count 200 objects and then turn off the conveyor motor. • What is the maximum conveyor speed to assure that no objects will be missed in the count if the objects are 1 cm apart? Assume the scan time is 30 ms for 1 cm.


Example 8.10 (Pg 426) Solution


Example 8.11 (Pg 429) • Show how a timer can be used to turn a red light on for 2500 ms when a NO start push button is pushed. The PLC timer tick is 10 ms. A NC stop button resets the system.


Example 8.11 (Pg 429) Solution


Example 8.12 (Pg 429)

• A chemical vat in which a mixture must be cooked at a temperature greater than 100 °C for 10 minutes. Due to external influences, the temperature might fall below 100 °C periodically, and this should not be counted in the cooking time. After the vat is filled, a Start push button (NC) starts the cooking. It is terminated by a NC Stop push button. A thermal switch goes high when the temperature is above 100 °C. When the mixture has been cooked for 10 minutes at 100 °C, the heater is turned off and a drain valve is opened. The PLC tick time is 10 ms.


Example 8.12 (Pg 429) Solution


Example 8.13 (Pg 431)

• •

Prepare the physical and programmed ladder diagram for the control problem shown in Figure 24. The global objective is to heat a liquid to a specified temperature and keep it there for 30 min. The hardware has the following characteristics: i) START push button is NO. STOP is NC. ii) NO and NC are available for the limit switches. The event sequence is i) Fill the tank. ii) Heat and stir the liquid for 30 min. iii) Empty the tank. iv) Repeat from step i) 110

Example 8.13 (Pg 431) Solution


Problem 8.7 (Pg 434) • Develop the programmable ladder diagram for a motor with the following: NO start button, NC stop button, thermal overload limit switch opens on high temperature, green light when running, red light for thermal overload


Problem 8.7 (Pg 434) Solution


Problem 8.7 (Pg 434) Solution


Problem 8.8 (Pg 434)

• When turn ON, the tank system alternately fills to level L and then empties to level E. The level switch are activated on a rising level. Both NO and NC connections are available for the level switches and the ON/OFF push buttons. Prepare a physical ladder diagram for this system. 115

Problem 8.8 (Pg 434) Solution


Problem 8.8 (Pg 434) Solution


Problem 8.10 (Pg 435) • Prepare a ladder diagram for the system bellow. Assume a logic off-delay 5 minute timer (i.e., goes true when enabled and stays true for 5 min). Assume a NO start push button and an NC stop push button.

The Process Sequence: 1.Fill the tank to level A (LA) from valve A (VA) 2.Fill the tank to level B (LB) form valve B (VB) 3.Start the timer (TM), stir (S) and heater (H) 4.When five minute are up take stir (S) and heater (H) off 5.Open output valve (VC) until the tank is empty (LE) 6.Take the timer low (TM) and go to step 1.


Problem 8.10 (Pg 435) Solution


Problem 8.14 (Pg 436) • Prepare a PLC ladder program for the system of Problem 8.8 with the following added requirements: a) the system should cycle 100 times and then quit. b) during each cycle, there should be a 1.5 minute delay after filling before the empty phase starts. The PLC tick time is 10 ms. 120

Problem 8.14 (Pg 436) Solution


Problem 8.11 (Pg 436)

• The system has the following functions: – Move a work piece into position, clamp it, start the drill, move it down to drill a hole in the work piece (as long as a thermal overload does not occur), back the drill out, turn the drill off, and then repeat for a new work piece. Assume master NO start and NC stop buttons and that limit switches have both NO and NC contracts. The system stops if a thermal overload occurs and turns on a red light (not shown). Develop the 122 programmable ladder diagram.

Problem 8.11 (Pg 436) Solution


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