Eec Ders Not Lari

February 4, 2017 | Author: ahmtozkn88 | Category: N/A
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Evidence for (-nın kanıtı) Evidence of (-nın kanıtı)

Shortcoming Pitfall Defect Flaw Disadvantage (Bu kelimeler “eksiklik”, “kusur”, “dezavantaj” anlamı verirler)

Ayşe is not at home, but at work. (“…değil, …” anlamı veren “not…, but…” kalıbı parallel bir kalıptır ve “not” yerine olumsuzluk veren başka yapılar da kullanılabilir.)

Consecutively Subsequently Successively (ard arda; bunun ardından…)


However rich he is, he isn’t happy. (“However” yapısı kendisinden sonra sıfat ya da zarf alıp yan cümlecik ve ana cümleciği bağlayabilir.)

I don’t need money whatsoever. (“whatsoever” yapısı olumsuz cümlede bir ismin ardından gelir ve Türkçe’deki “Paraya maraya ihtiyacım yok” anlamındaki ikilemeyi sağlar)

Distinct Different from (-den farklı) Distinguish between …

Nesnesi eksik bir yan cümlecik bu üç bağlaç kullanılarak bir ana cümlecğe bağlanabilir. ___ you know, she is student. As (-dığı gibi) As far as (-dığı kadarıyla) So far as


__________. Indeed, In fact, As a matter of fact, ____. Bu zarflar bir önceki cümlenin daha vurgulu bir ifadesinin olduğu bir cümleye geçiş sağlarlar)

(uygulamaya girmek)

I am of the opinion that….. (Görüşüm ….)

_____ I could. I like. (Boşluktan sonra bu şekilde kısa ifadeler varsa çok büyük ihtimalle orada bir “” ya da “more than…” yapısı gibi bir kısaylama ifadesi kullanılır.)

At the expense of = -nın zararına, -nın sırtından

Go into effect Come into effect

(-yı uygulamay koymak,

Effect on Impact on Influence on

Rather than Instead of In place of (-nın yerine; -den ziyade; -dense)

“as…as...” yapısının devamına aşağıdaki yapılar getirilebilir.) as …as ______. isim/zamir I do. (SVO) . do I. (Devrik cümle) to Vo (...yapacak kadar) Ayşe spend as much as I earn on a day Ayşe spend as much as do I earn on a day.

Put into effect/use/market piyasaya sürmek)

All the students but Ahmet failed. (“But” bağlacı bu tür kullanımda “hariç” anlamı verip “except” ya da “except for” gibi bir kullanıma sahiptir.) Make up for = compensate for = “telafi etmek”, “karşılamak”… Eradicate Wipe out Stamp out Clear out (kökünü kazımak, yok etmek) To ……….extent/degree To some extent (kısmen) To what extent (hangi oranda) To a large extent (büyük oranda) To a little extent (azıcık) (“to…extent” ya da “to …degree” kalıbı araya çeşitli yapılar alarak kullanılabilir. As yet = şimdilik

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Sayfa 1


Instead of Rather than In place of (-nın yerine; -den ziyade; -dense) Whereby = by means of which …aracılığıyla; …vasıtasıyla)

Situation Condition Disease in which SVO Environment Circumstance


This is the method whereby you can treat malaria. (“whereby” yapısı Adjective Clause yapar ve bir ismi niteler.)

(“Otherwise” yapısı bir zarftır ve “yoksa, aksi takdirde” anlamının yanı sıra “aksi, tersi” anlamı da vardır) Clockwise (saat yönü) Anti-clockwise (saat yönünün tersi) From …. to (hem “zaman” hem “yer” ifadelerinde) From ….until (sadece “zaman” ifadelerinde) From …..till (sadece “zaman” ifadelerinde)


I wanted Ahmet to sleep, but he did otherwise.

Be subject to Be exposed to

All students but Ahmet failed the exam. (“But” bağlacı bu tür kullanımda “hariç” anlamı verip “except” ya da “except for” gibi bir kullanıma sahiptir.) I have no option but to study. (“But” bağlacı genelde devamına bir fiil alacaksa fiilin “to Vo” halini alır) Spot Point



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Parity with (ile eşitlik)

Regardless of Irrespective of (-yı dikkate almadan, -yı hesaba katmadan)

However rich he is, he (However + adj/adv +S V, SVO)


Ayşe, if she studies hard, can pass the exam.

I am of the opinion that ……… (görüşüm….)

Under the terms of …(-nın şartlarına göre) Under the orders of (-nın komutasında) Under the supervision of (-nın denetiminde) Under the rule of (-nın idaresinde)

Take into account (hesaba katmak)

(Bu şekilde nesnesi eksik olan bir ifadenin yan cümlecik olmasını “as”, “as far as” ve “so far as” bağlaçları sağlayabilir. Bu durmda devamlarına tam cümle (ana cümlecik) getirilir. )

Pitfall Flaw Disadvantage Defect Shortcoming (eksiklik, kusur, dezavantaj)

Play Take an important part/role in

Take into consideration (göz önüne almak)

As you know, _________. As far as So far as

(“Bağlaç+yan cümlecik” bu şekilde ana cümleciğin içine yerleştirilebilir)

-e maruz kalmış



However you will design your room is up to you. (However “Noun Clause” yapmıştır….) However we travel, it is going to be a long journey. (However Yan cümlecik, Ana cümlecik. “sadece vasıta bildirirken”) (“However” yapısı bu üç durum dışında öncesinde bir cümle olmaksızın cümle başında kullanılamaz.) Cooperation with = ..ile işbirliği On a basis (“on a regular basis” = düzenli olarak) On a level (“on a high level” = yüksek seviyede) On a scale (“on a large scale” = büyük ölçekli) In the wake of = -nın ardından In its wake = onun ardından What I want to know is where she was yesterday. (Bu cümlede hem özneyi hem de tamamlayıcıyı Noun Clause yapıalrı oluşturmuştur)

Sayfa 2

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER - YDS DERS NOTLARI / / Whereby = by means of which (-...yoluyla; …aracılığıyla; …vasıtasıyla)

Seem Appear to V0 prove

This is the method whereby you can treat malaria. (“whereby” yapısı Adjective Clause yapar ve bir ismi niteler.)

Replacement = subsititute

To ……….extent/degree To some extent (kısmen) To what extent (hangi oranda) To a large extent (büyük oranda) To a little extent (azıcık) (“to…extent” ya da “to …degree” kalıbı araya çeşitli yapılar alarak kullanılabilir. Replace …with (..ile değiştirme) Subsititute …with (ile değiştirme) Apprehensive = anxious, worried (endişeli)


Particularly; In particular; Especially; Notably (Some countries, especially Turkey,…)

It was Ahmet who broke the window. It was in Ankara that I met her. It is because I am with you that they don't love me.

_____; Otherwise, ______. _____. ______ otherwise. _____; ___ otherwise___. cümle


Therefore, Thus, Hence, As a result However, Nevetheless, Nonetheless, Still, Even so Instead, Besides, In addition, Moreover, Furthermore In spite, On the contrary, In contrast, On the other hand

1980 is a notorious year for Turkey. (Özne geçmişi gösteren bir zaman ifadesi olsa da zaman Present olabilir)

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Pertaining to = related to


Cümle zarfları bağlaçlar gibi yan cümlecik ve ana cümlecik şeklinde iki cümleciği bağlayamaz. Bu yapılartın öncesinde noktalı virgül veya nokta ile bitmiş bir cümle olmalıdır. Yanlış olmasına rağmen bazen ilk cümlenin sonuna sadece virgül geldiği de görülebilir. Bulundukları cümle içinde ise cümle başında, sonunda veya ortasında bir yerde olabilirler.


disease _in which__ SVO. disorder ailment illness impairment infirmity condition environment situation circumstance

It boş öznesinden sonra vurgulamak istediğimiz bilgi bir isim ise devamına Adjective Clause yazılır. Vurgulacak bilgi bir sıfat, edat öbeği, zarf veya zarf cümleciği ise devamına "that clause" getirilir.

Charge …with (ile suçlamak) Accuse …of (ile suçlamak) Blame … for (ile suçlamak) Appeal for = ask for (talep etmek, istemek) Appeal to = attract (cezbetmek) Appeal = temyize gitme


Malaria is a

Cleft Sentence:

Comprehensive = thorough = exhaustive (kapsamlı)

Yaygın kullanılan aşağıdadır.

Bu zarflar bir grubun içinden bir ögeyi ön plana çıkarmak için kullanılırlar.

With regard to As regards Regarding “-e gelince, söz konusu … olunca” As for As to Teem with “ile dolu olmak) Abound in Be full with Be stuck with Frankly, Honestly, To be honest, To be frank,

(dürüst olmak gerekirse)

Agree with smb Agree on/about smt As well as Besides NP, ___________. (prep) In addition to (Bu yapılar Prep oldukları için devamların Noun Phrase (NP) alırlar.)

Sayfa 3

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER - YDS DERS NOTLARI / / If not necessary, __SVO__. (zorunlu olmasa da.) (“If not…,” yapısı bu şekilde kullanıldığında “-olmasa da” ya da “…-e rağmen” anlamı verir.

Research Study Inquiry

(spesifik olursa “on) (genel alan olursa “in” ya da “into)

______, and therefore _____ thus hence thereby (Bu kullanımda cümle "and" bağlacını esas alarak devam ettirilir.

The first man to leave the building was…. (“The first/second”; “The best/most”; ve “The only” yapıları devamlarına fiili çoğunlukla “to Vo” şeklinde alırlar.)

Search for (-bir şeyin araştırması)


I first saw her in the concert. (“First” yapısı zarf olduğunda “ilk kez” anlamı verir ve genelde Past ifade eder)

= başka bir deyişle

__Much___ to the surprise of them, particularly = in particular (özellikle) accordingly = in accord (buna uygun olarak) essentially = in essential generally = in general

In place of = instead of Be Composed of “-den oluşmak” Consist of Include Be made of

(-den ….-e çeşitlik gösteren)

-e gelince söz konusu … olunca

Whether or / Whether or not Bu şekilde karşımıza çıkarsa hem Noun Clause (...mı olduğu yoksa ...mı olduğu; ...olup olmadığı) hem de Adverb Clause (...da olsa ... da olsa; ...olsa da olmasa da) yapabilir. Whether tek başına kullanıldığında “olup olmadığı” anlamı ile sadece Noun Clause yapar. … that …can/could…. … order that ………… (-sın diye: devamlarına genelde “modal” alırlar)

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Within the reach of… X Out of reach = keep this out of children’s reach.

As for As regards As to Regarding With regard to

__Much_ to their surprise/amazement,

Resident (bir yerde ikamet eden) Dweller Settler Inhabitant

Draughtsman (verimsiz) X prolific (üretken)

Range from ….to... Vary from …to...

They were surprised/amazed/shocked at/by …..

My doctor gave me a recipe. And I eat everything accordingly.

Make something known = introduce (tanıtmak, piyasaya sürmek)

That is In other words Namely To put it differently

on in/into

Prevail (v) “hüküm sürmek” In Turkey common sense prevails. Prevelance (n) “yaygınlık” Remarkable (dikkate değer oranda, önemli) Significant Considerable Important Seep into = -e sızmak Abolish = revoke = annul = repeal (geçersiz kılmak, yürürlükten kaldırmak)

Sensitive to Susceptible to Vulnerable to

-e karşı savunmasız olma -e hassas

She is like my mother. (“like” benzetme yapar)

Sayfa 4

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER - YDS DERS NOTLARI / / Thereby sonuç zarfı cümle başı hariç cümle içinde her yerde bulunabilir. Ayrıca, bitmiş bir cümleyi takiben devamına Ving alarak kullanılıp sonuç işaret edebilir veya "and" bağlacını takip edebilir.

Occur = take place = come about (olmak, meydana gelmek) Null and void = invalid

He won the lottery, thereby becoming the richest man in the town. (kendisinden sonra Ving) He won the lottery. He was thereby chosen the leader of the team. (cümle ortasında) He is a good player, and thereby knows how to play.


Should have V3 Ought to have V3 Was/were supposed to Vo was/were to have V3

-meliydin ama ...

Point Spot where.. SVO Process means by which SVO Situation Condition Disease Circumstance Environment


Convert Turn Transform Change

He married and thereby lost touch with us. (Bu cümlede “and” kuralları geçerli) As it is stated in the passage, As is stated in the passage, As stated in the passage, As in the passage, …………………. Result from = stem from Result in = lead to = cause = bring about = give rise to = contribute to Found – founded- founded / establish (kurmak)

in which SVO

Find – found – found (bulmak) Abolish = revoke = annul = repeal kaldırmak)

Be exposed to -e maruz kalmış Be subject to


Osmanlı Beyliği expanded into an empire. He resorted to violence to get his money back. (-e başvurmak)

Can you write in English? (Bir “dilde” bir şey yazmak … “in” edatı olur)

Soothe = appease = sedate sakinleştirmek

Stray off –den sapmak Adapt = adapte etmek Adopt = benimsemek; evlat edinmek

Appease Soothe Sedate Tranquilize

“sakinleştirmek, yatıştırmak”


As a last resort, ……. (Son çare olarak)

Under the orders of = -nın yönetimi altında Under the supervision of = -nın denetimi altında Under the terms of = -nın şartlarına göre

Subsequently Successively Consecutively

= tranquilize


Successor = halef Predecessor = selef Irrespective of = regardless of = …maksızın Comply with = Abide by = stick to = “e bağlı kalma”

There has been a decrease in prices by 10 %. By 10 % = at the rate of 10%. Irrespective of = regardless of (-yı dikkate almadan, -yı hesaba katmadan) Expand into …. Develop into … (büyüyerek) …-e haline gelmek

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Generosity Attitude to / towards Sensitivity From 1920 onward, As of 1920, As from 1920, Carry out = conduct = perform = do

Sayfa 5

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER - YDS DERS NOTLARI / / play take a role / a part Wipe out Stamp out Eradicate Clear out

May well Might well = may / might / could Could well May as well Might as well

“-e gelince, söz konusu …olunca”

Exhaustive = comprehensive = thorough = “kapsamlı, etraflı” go on strike = greve gitmek such adj+noun as (kıyaslama) such (adj) noun as (örnekleme)


As regards Regarding As for As to With regard to

Commonplace = widespread “yaygın” in

effect on impact on influence on

= had better

Be composed of be made up of consist of contain include rely on / upon depend on / upon count on / upon account for make up constitute comprise “oluşturmak”

date back - geçmişe (-e dayanmak) date from - günümüze (-den kalmak)

considerable “ciddi miktarda; önemli” remarkable significant important

He is known to posterity by this book. (..tarafından bilinmek) “by” yerine “to”

considerate = thoughtful She is at home and is cooking. but; and; or; so Bu bağlaçlar paraleldir. Bu yüzden ortak özne ikinci cümlede tekrar etmeyebilir.

He is known for this book. (ile tanınmak, ile ünlü olmak)

Compensate for == Make up for telafi etmek, karşılamak”

“tazmine tmek,

I don’t love you any more I don’t love you any longer. (artık) I no longer love you. Do you have any more questions? (daha fazla…) No, sir. I have no more questions. (daha fazla yok) Ayşe, if she studies hard, can pass the exam. (“bağlaç+yan cümlecik” kısmı ana cümleciğin içine konulabilir) Have ….... to do with = -ile alakası olmak something nothing little … It is necessary for me to pass the exam. (for + Object + to Vo)

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He is known as the best player. (…olarak görülmek)

two-thirds (2/3) one-third (1/3) one-sixth (1/6) One of my friends = a friend of mine I no longer love you. I don’t love you any longer. any more. Only a few = few (“only few” olmaz) Only a little = little (“only little” olmaz) Suggest Suspect Imply


Ask/wonder that (olmaz) Ask/wonder wh-/how/whether (olur) I need to go. My shirt needs to be ironed / ironing. Long-lasting product (uzun ömürlü)

Sayfa 6

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER - YDS DERS NOTLARI / / By + reflexive yardım almadan yalnız I answered the question by myself = on my own. He is at home by himself = on his own.

The + noun + of + noun The leg of the table It was not Ali but Hüseyin who broke the window. "not...but..." kalıbı "...değil ..." anlamı verir. This is the method whereby you can treat malaria. by means of which

I am at home alone. // I am lonely.

put emphasis on put importance on put premium on am/is/are Ving was/were Ving will be Ving

for two weeks (olmaz)

bu yapıların perfect (has been Ving...etc) halleri olur. Deal Amount Quantity

sayılamayan göbek kelimeleri


For + reflexive = birinci elden tanıklık See it for yourself. (Kendin gör…) One of my friends = A friend of mine Situation Condition Disease Book

in which SVO

All students but Ahmet failed the test. “But” bu cümlede “hariç” anlamındadır. “except” ya da “except for” olabilirdi.

A ……… deal of money/water

He is known to the posterity by this book. (Gençlik tarafından …tanınıyor)

______. In contrast, ___ (bunun aksine) In spite (buna rağmen) Instead (bunun yerine)

Compensate for Make up for Detrimental to Harmful to

In contrast to/with NP, ___. (-nın aksine) In spite of (-e rağmen) Instead of (-nın yerine)

Consecutively (ard arda) Subsequently Successively Instead of : -nın yerine Rather than :-den ziyade In place of : -nın yerine …….____ you like/ I can / I could. “gibi kısa cümlecik varsa genelde As…as More than So… as …vb. kıyaslama yapıları doğru olur. …………… the other students passed. the other student passed. (the other yapısı devamına hem tekil isim alabilir hem çoğul isim alabilir. Ayrıca, tekil bir ismin yerine ikame olur. “the others” ise çoğul ismin yerine ikame olur) I did it myself. (özne ile reflexive uyumlu olmalı) I saw Ahmet vurgulayabilir)




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He learned that Ahmet was the PM then. Be regarded as be known as be cited as be recognized as be acknowledged as Wipe out Eradicate Stamp out clear out appalling staggering stunning lead to cause bring about give rise to result in contribute to result from stem from arise from with a view to = -nın amacıyla

Sayfa 7

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER - YDS DERS NOTLARI / / irrespective of + NP = ...-ya bakmaksızın regardless of

pertaining to = related to turn out to V0

I don’t need money whatsoever. (whatsoever olumsuz cümlede bir isimden sonra gelir ve onu pekiştirir) He is rich. he isn’t happy though. He though isn’t happy (“though” zarf olunca cümle başı hariç her yerde kullanılabilir)

Be regarded as (pasif) Be known as Be acknowledged as (olarak bilinmek) Be counted as Be cited as I did this myself. (özne ve reflexive uyumlu)


Regard…as…. (aktif)

stamp out wipe out eradicate clear out clear away

I did this by myself / on my own. I saw Ahmet himself. (reflexive nesneyi vurguluyor)

at birth by birth spend …on on display = gösterimde olan date back date from ail = halt ailment impairment infirmity One ….

I myself saw Ahmet. (reflexive özneyi vurguluyor)


Two….. One…. The other… To a …… extent degree

See it for yourself. (birinci elden tanıklık) In particular Especially Notably Particularly (özellikle)

acquire (v) (edinmek) acquisition (n) (edinim)

point spot

where SVO

As it is in the others, ….. As in the others, …….. (kısaltılmış hali) The + noun …”of ”… + noun


Prior to (prep) = before Convert … into/in Turn Change transform

Priority = privilege Unparalleled Unprecedented unique I was surprised by / at __much___ To their surprise/amazement ___much___To the surprise of them

process by which SVO

In the light of … I am surprised at/by I am dissappointed with/by She answered the question herself. itself (her iki reflexive de kullanılabilir ama anlam farklıdır) on a level on a scale on a basis

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point spot where SVO

at present presently = now currently goods commodity

= meta, eşya

Sayfa 8


Common sense should prevail. (egemen olmak)

tool device appliance = alet, cihaz, aygıt equipment instrument

if not necessary = zorunlu olmasa da subject = citizen perpetual permanent constant = sürekli, kalıcı continuous perennial resist to resistant to resistance to

Some countries, such as Turkey, are…. like

-den faydalanmak

Prevalance (n) Prevalant / dominant (adj) Leak (v) sızdırmak Leakage (n) sızdırma, sızıntı


make use of take advantage of utilize exploit

= -e direnç…

It lasted for 3 years It lasted until 1990. Put emphasis importance pressure


attack on assault on

= -e bakmaksızın

Regardless of Irrespective of

from 1950 onward

Effect on Impact on Influence on

= -e dik dik bakmak

Tend to Be liable to = -e eğilimi olmak Be inclined to Be predisposed to Be prone to That is In other words Namely

= Başka bir deyişle

Turn out to V0

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= bocalayan, sendeleyen

(-den bu yana)

backward sideward upward….

This income which is thereby made available to them is….. (pasif yapının içinde kullanılmış)

Stare at Gaze at

She is at home and is sleeping. (“and” bağlacı paralel olduğu için ikinci cümlenin öznesi kullanılmadı)

attach significance to importance

Such countries as Turkey….. (örnekleme)

Flagging Staggering Stunning

Seep into -e sızmak

As for As regards As to Regarding With regard to Stamp out Wipe out Eradicate Clear out Extinguish Put out

söz konusu … olunca -e gelince

- kökünü kazımak - silmek - söndürmek

Lucrative Profitable (adj) “kârlı” As OF 1970, …. As FROM 1970, From 1970 onwards, In charge of (-nın sorumluluğunda) Reponsible for

Sayfa 9

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER - YDS DERS NOTLARI / / When he graduated from university, …

by means of via by through

On / Upon graduating from university, ….. On / Upon his graduation, ……… (“when” bağlacı “on” ve “upon” edatları ile de kısaltılabilir)

thorough = kapsamlı throughout = boyunca

I am like my father. (“be like” benzemek anlamındadır)

Only few (yanlış) only a few (doğru) = few Only little (yanlış) only a little (doğru) = little leave out = not include

wrap …up = sarmak; sonlandırmak be wrapped into = -e sarılı


Occur Take place (olmak, meydana gelmek) Come about

= yoluyla, aracılığıyla

keep up with = aynı seviyede kalmak

____. In comparison, _______. In comparison to / with NP, _______. This job offers lots of opportunities. This book offers …. (“offer” fiili “sunmak” anlamında genelde V1 olur) “Alike” yapısı 3 şekilde kullanılır. They are alike / similar. (adj) They behave alike / similarly. (adv) Girls and boys alike = Both girls and boys

catch up with = aynı seviyeye gelmek Be regarded as Be known as Be acknowledged as “..olarak görülmek” Be recognized as Be cited as Be viewed as

sort out figure out = çözümlemek; anlamak work out make out stand for = symbolize

Get over Recover from Pull through Get rid of

in charge of = responsible for

make up for = compensate for with the weather being rainy, we stayed .. (farklı özneler olduğunda “with” ile kısaltma yapılır. Bağlaç yerine “with” yazılır ve fiil normal kısaltma kurallarına göre kısaltılır) growth in (-da büyüme) growth of (-nın büyümesi) draw up (tasarlamak, hazırlamak)


take up with


The number of students is… (“the number” yapısı “-nın sayısı” anlamındadır ve tekildir) Generosity Attitude Sensitivity Swing

= to / toward

Arise from Result from “-den kaynaklanmak” Stem from

be affiliated with (ile bağlantılı) lucrative = profitable at a low ebb = çok kötü durumda vulnerable susceptible to “-e karşı savunmasız/hassas” sensitive

Eradicate Stamp out “kökünü kazımak” Wipe out Clear out Transform Convert Turn Change

into / to

Pay attention to

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Sayfa 10

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER - YDS DERS NOTLARI / / To …. extent / degree

Under the terms of Under the orders of Under the supervision of …. Under consideration Under construction

As yet = şimdilik Whose is this book? Whose book is this? (iki şekil de olur)

Parity with = “ile eşit” Regardless of “-e bakmaksızın” Irrespective of

= -mektense / -den ziyade

I wanted him to stay at home, but he did otherwise. (“otherwise” bir zarftır ve her yere gelir) Clockwise / anti-clockwise Depend on / upon Rely on / upon Come up with (solution, idea, proposal…) produce


Rather than Instead of In place of

from 1920 to/till/until 1930 (zaman) from Ankara to Istanbul (yer) She, if she studies hard, can pass the exam. (yan cümlecik araya girebilir)

the last/past …(have/has V3)

Disease Situation __in which__ SVO. Condition where (olabilir ama ilk tercih değildir) "However" devamına sıfat ya da zarf alarak bağlaç da olabilir. Önündeki cümleyle zıtlık kuran zarf olarak da kullanılabilir. However rich he is, he isn’t happy. (bağlaç) (“-e rağmen” anlamında) He is rich; however, he isn’t happy. (zarf) nevertheless nonetheless “ama yine de”

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At the expense of …. –nın zararına each other = one another _____. In fact, Indeed, As a matter of fact, _______. (bu yapılar bir önceki cümleyi vurgular)

“eksiklik, kusur”

I have no problem whatsoever with you. (“whatsoever” yapıs olumsuz cümlede bir isimin ardından gelir ve onu pekiştirir)


Over For During In

Get rid of “den kurtulmak” Get out of

Shortcoming Pitfall Drawback Flaw Disadvantage defect

As you know, As far as I know, So far as I know, __ Main Clause____. (bu cümlede “know” fiilinin nesnesi olmasa da devamına Noun Clause değil Main Clause gelir, çünkü bu yapılar bağlaçtır) Pitfall Flaw Shortcoming “eksiklik; kusur” Defect Drawback Disadvantage

Arise from Result from “-den kaynaklanmak” Stem from

Effect on Influence on Impact on I am of the opinion that …SVO… Under consideration = düşünce aşamasında Take into consideration = göz önüne almak Take into account = hesaba katmak

Put into effect Put into use Put into/onto market Go into effect Come into effect ____ you know, I am a teacher. (bu cümlede “know” fiilinin nesnesi olmasa day an cümlecik yapabilen “as”, “just as”, “as far as” ve so far as” bağlaçları olabilir)

Sayfa 11

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER - YDS DERS NOTLARI / / Some countries, such as / like Turkey, are… (örnekleme)

grant (v) bahşetmek, vermek grant (n) burs, yardım

In charge of = -den sorumlu Responsible for In advance = önceden beforehand

play take

in confidence = confidential = gizli in secrecy

Be of…. –e haiz olmak; -e sahip olmak

expose (v) maruz bırakmak Rather than Instead of -nın yerine/-den ziyade In place of I have just recognized how much is at stake. (pabucun pahalı olduğunu anladım)

I am of the opinion that…


exploit = sömürmek; sonuna kadar kullanmak

I am like my father.. I look like my father. (gibi gözükmek, -e benzemek)

Put …. into force/market/use Come Go into use/market/force Take something for granted = önemsememek; = bir şeyi görmezden gelmek;

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When he graduated from univeristy, … On/Upon graduating…., On/Upon his graduation, (“when” bağlacı “on/upon” edatları ile de kısaltılbailir)

Take up = hobiye başlamak/ zaman & yer doldurmak take up with = zaman & yer doldurmak


Teem with “ile dolu olmak” Abound in Be full with


stand for = symbolize

anlamak, çözümlemek

Ban on Prohibition

Leave out = not include

Ankara is centered (yer ifade ederken) located placed situated

Make out Figure out Find out Work out Sort out

employ (v) employer (n) işveren employee (n) işçi employment (n) unemployment (n)

The table the leg of which is broken is in my room. (“of which” aitlik ifade edecekse önünde bu şekilde aralarında aitlik bağı olan iki Noun phrase olur)

From 1920 on/onward/onwards, = -den itibaren

This agreement is of importance.

look down on = disdain = despise = scorn

Patrol (v) = gezinmek, dolaşmak

As of 1920, As from 1920,

a …role/part in

Be made up of Be composed of Be comprised of “-den oluşmak” Consist of Include Make up =

: Uydurmak : Makyaj yapmak : oluşturmak

send off = give off = emit = release One ….. . Another …. Two things ….. One … The other … comply with conform with “-e bağlı olmak” abide by stick to turn out

to V0

Sayfa 12

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER - YDS DERS NOTLARI / / for this reason for a variety of reasons

On a level On a basis On a scale To a large extent… = largely = büyük oranda

She is sure that ….. (Adj + that) Comprehensive = etraflı, kapsamlı Exhaustive thorough

Astounding Staggering Stunning appalling

compulsory obligatory mandatory keep out = not enter leave out = not include wrap up = finish / sarmak The Sun rises… (doğar…)


fall into disrepute = gözden düşmek fall into disfavour

Be superior to (-e üstün olmak) Be inferior to (-den aşağı olmak)


at …pace (…hızında) Apart from Besides As well as In addition to killing germs, this vaccine also does harm to the surrounding tissues. Conclusive = convincing = persuasive Deal with Cope with Tackle Handle Trivial = unimportant = insignificant

“Alike” yapısı 3 şekilde kullanılabilir. Medium, media 1) We are alike/similar. 2) Treat them alike/similarly. 3) Girls and boys alike = both girls and boys

Catch up with = aynı seviyeyi yakalamak Keep up with = ayak uydurmak, aynı seviyede olmak

Be subject to Be exposed to

Make out Figure out Work out Sort out Find out

“anlamak; çözümlemek”

Take after = resemble, look like Let down = dissappoint


Put up with = tolerate = katlanmak; tolerans tanımak

Be made up of Be comprised of Consist of Include…

-den oluşmak

Impact on Influence on Effect on Be regarded as Be recognized as Be cited as Be known as Be acknowledged as

= olarak görülmek

Work out Come up with “üretmek” Produce

Take care of = look after

Involuntary= impulsive = unintentional

Keep up with =-e ayak uydurmak, aynı seviyede kalmak

Bring about Cause Lead to Result in give rise to

-“ile sonuçlanmak”

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Make up for = compensate for

Catch up with = -i yakalamak Keep in touch with = irtibat halinde kalmak Get in touch with = irtibata geçmek

Sayfa 13

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER - YDS DERS NOTLARI / / This job offers lots of opportunities. (“offer” fiili “sunmak” anlamında genelde V1 olur)

apparently seemingly it seems that

= görünüşe göre

At the rate of… “-nın oranında” be happy with be pleased with

concur with =aynı zamana denk düşmek coincide with fall into disfavor = gözden düşmek fall into disrepute

attitude generosity sensitivity towards / to sympathy Recover from Get over Pull through Carry out Do perform

= iyileşmek


My students differ in/in terms of age. vary range

in danger of = -nın tehlikesinde

“çözümlemek, anlamak”

= -den dolayı = -nın sayesinde

the last/past …have/has V3..


She likes tea. I do, too. (olumlu katılım)

= –nın fazlası; -den fazla


“-e sebep olmak”

convert into transform into “-e dönüştürmek” change into turn into in excess of more than significant important remarkable considerable outstanding

as a result of as a consequence of because of due to owing to thanks to on account of

abate decrease diminish fall

settle down = sakinleşmek; yerleşik düzene geçmek bring about lead to cause result in give rise to contribute to

at temperature

over for during in

an experiment, a research ….

make out work out figure out find out sort out

at the rate of = -nın oranında

Quantity Deal amount

of ….+ “sayılamayan isimler)

the noun of noun the leg of the table differ in size/colour vary in / in terms of …….. suggest suspect imply


wonder “that” almaz ask (sormak) = dikkate değer

To the detriment of = -nın zararına

susceptible to vulnerable to “-e karşı savunmasız” sensitive to take into account = hesaba katmak take into consideration = dikkate almak

Detrimental to = -e zararlı

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Sayfa 14

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER - YDS DERS NOTLARI / / Fall into disrepute = gözden düşmek Fall into disfavour

_______. Indeed In fact As a matter of fact, _______. (bu yapılar bir önceki cümleyi vurgularlar)

Proportinate to = ile orantılı Be addicted to = -e bağımlı

Depend on / upon Rely on/upon Trust / count on Tend to Be liable to Be prone to -e yatkın, -e eğilimli Be predisposed to Successive Consecutive Subsequent

= ard arda

Keep up with = aynı seviyede kalmak Catch up with = aynı seviyeyi yakalamak Each student learns at a different pace.


Difficulty Trouble (in) Ving

Be compatible with… = ile uyumlu

-den faydalanmak

Intend Tend Claim Decide Seem Appear Prove

By means of By Through Via

Ving alırlar

to V0 alırlar


Subsititution = replacement

Keep Involve Consider Appreciate Enjoy……….

Be of = -e haiz olmak; -e sahip olmak This is of importance. = This is important.

Be prone to Be liable to Tend to Be disposed to

Incident = olay, vaka Incidence = görülme sıklığı, insidans

Respond to (v) Response to (n) In response to = -e cevap olarak

On behalf of In behalf of = -nın adına In the wake of In the aftermath of = -nın ardından

Be regarded as Be cited as Be known as Be acknowledged as Be recognized as

In the course of = -nın esnasında

Make use of Take advantage of Utilize

Beyond borders… “sınırlar ötesinde” Beyond recognition … tanınamayacak kadar One ……another

Stamp out Wipe out Eradicate Clear out

= olarak görülmek

“-e yatkın”

“kökünü kazımak”

Evidence of / for Particularly Especially Notably In particular Put on weight Put/Place pressure on Put/Place importance on Put/Place emphasis on Come across Run into Bump into Meet by chance

“şans eseri karşılaşmak”

Keep in touch with “ile temasta kalmak” Get in touch with “ile temasa geçmek” = vasıtasıyla

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Be exposed to “-e maruz kalmış” Be subject to

Sayfa 15


disorder ailment disease illness defect impairment


Evidence of Evidence for

-nın kanıtı

“hastalık, bozukluk”

Unmistakably = istisnasız Result from Stem from Arise from

My aim is to be a successful business man. being (“be” fiilinden sonra tamamlayıcı olarak “to Vo” ya da “Ving” gelebilir)

“-den kaynaklanmak”

have something to do with = alaka var nothing = alaka yok


Affluent Rich Prosperous Developed well-off wealthy

Due to Thanks to Because of Owing to -den dolayıo On account of As a result of As a consequence of

Irrespective of Regardless of

In order to So as to V0 to

Turkey is getting more and more populated. (bu yapıda genelde “be Ving” kullanılır)

She has the same problems that I have with my parents. (“the same…as” yerine “the same …that” yapısı da olabilir ama “that” yapısından sonra cümle gelir.)

property characteristics feature

This is too difficult a quesiton. (“Too” yapısı devamına sıfat ya da zarf alır. İsim alması için bu şekilde “a/an” araya gelmelidir) This city is supposed to have been founded in 1920. (pasif yapıdan sonra fiil “to Vo” olur. “To have V3” ise eylem daha once olmuşsa kullanılır.) Differ in / in terms of Vary “…bakımından farklılık göstermek Range Die of Die from

-den ölmek


in proportion to proportinate to

-yı dikkate almadan

“-mek için”

“özellik” “-e oranla”

proportion to “-e oranlı” proportion of… “-nın oranı” rank first “birinci sırada” rank second “ikinci sırada” light up = enlighten = aydınlatmak make do with = ile yetinmek priority =privilege work out = geliştirmek (yol, yöntem..) help to Vo Vo

Rampant = commonplace = yaygın Be confined to Be limited to =ile sınırlı Be restricted to

Considerable Remarkable Significant “dikkate değer oranda” Important

In the course of…..= -nın esnasında The course of our life…. = = hayatımızın gidişatı

Sensitive to “-e karşı savunmasız/hassas” Vulnerable to Susceptible to

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Sayfa 16

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER - YDS DERS NOTLARI / / Make … available to “ulaşılabilir kılmak” Make … accessible to

“-e yatkın”

“azaltmak; azalmak”

Recover from Get over Pull through

Rely on Depend on Count on* “-den iyileşmek”

Look over = look through = göz gezdirmek Make do with = ile idare etmek Keep up with = aynı seviyede kalmak Catch up with = aynı seviyeyi yakalamak


Alleviate Diminish Decrease Abate Fall

Be inclined to Tend to Be prone to Be liable to Be disposed to

Decrease in Fall in “-de düşüş” Increase in….. Disease Situation Condition Infection

in which

Make out Figure out Find out Work out * Sort out * Look down on Humiliate İnsult Deal with* Cope with Tackle Handle Overcome Jeopordize Endanger Put into danger


Make up for Compensate for An increase in prices by 5%...

Spot Point

where SVO

Process by which / whereby / through which Wonder (bu fiilller “that” almaz) Ask Comprehensive = exhaustive = thorough As to As for “-e As regards Regarding With regard to

As well as In addition to Besides

gelince, söz konusu …olunca”


Carry out Conduct a research/a survey/an experiment… Do Perform

Decay Decompose deteriorate make up account for bear out justify rectify prove be composed of be made up of contain include consitute be comprised of look after = take care of (be) concern(ed) for over about

NP, _______.

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be concerned with

Sayfa 17

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER - YDS DERS NOTLARI / / send off emit release send out give off

Particularly = in particular Partly = in part Attack on Assault on Adhere …to… Attach … to…

abide by conform with stick to comply with by via by means of through fall into disrepute fall into disfavour


seem appear to Vo prove

Pay attention to… Occur Take place Come about Arise

Shortage Lack Absence of Paucity Ayşe lacks in this ability. Replace Supplant

teem with be full with abound in be stuck with

İn the course of = -nın esnasında chiefly mainly largely to a large extent

Recruit…. for a position Hire Employ

Put up with = tolerate Cut back on = decrease Bring off = achieve, succeed Come across Bump into Meet by chance

He based his theory on a recent development.


Put pressure on Exert

However rich he is, he isn’t happy. However we travel, we cannot get there on time. Conceive Gestate

= become pregnant

Vulnerable to Susceptible to Sensitive to İn excess = more than needed İn excess of = more than At cost…

His theory is based on… Considerable Remarkable Significant Noticeable

Smell Look Feel Sound taste

like + noun

ten-fold = ten times Essentially = in esence

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Sayfa 18

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER - YDS DERS NOTLARI / / look forward to = long for assign = appoint

Noticeable Significant İmportant

Susceptible Vulnerable Sensitive

Rely on, Depend on Count on * (trust)


Expose = unearth = uncover = disclose Take ___ for granted Underestimate Write off Relatively = comparatively Permanently Perpetually Perennially Costantly Continually


Descendant Make out Figure out Work out * Find out Sort out* Carry out Do Conduct Perform

in danger At risk

Ready for…

At the rate of…

Responsible for…

(Be) Concern(ed)

Confide in …

for over about

Be concerned with Pull through Get over Recover

Much… the surprise of them, …….. I was suprised at/by…..

Allocate Allot Allow

Medium - media Datum – data


… my surprise/amazement,….

impact on effect on influence on

at temperature

alleviate abate diminish decrease play role in take role in play part in take part in

Harmful to Detrimental to To the detriment of

insult humiliate look down on

Look after = take care of

vulnerable to susceptible to sensitive to

Remarkable Considerable

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Sayfa 19

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER - YDS DERS NOTLARI / / pull through recover from get over transform change convert turn

Affluent Wealthy Rich Well-off Occur Take place Come about Arise / arose (V2)


put out = extinguish

ten-folds = ten times make use of take advantage of utilize fall – fell – fallen feel – felt – felt


in the course of = -nın esnasında

deal with tackle cope with overcome handle fall into fall into

arouse = uyandırmak Be restricted to Be limited to Be confined to Be constrained by

Put pressure on Exert Culminate in Result in Lead to Bring about Cause Give rise to Work out = come up with Comfortable At ease Complacent

disrepute disfavour

lay emphasis on = attach importance to put

With ease = easily

put pressure on treatment medication remedy in proportion to proportionate to in the aftermath of in the wake of

negligible = trivial = unimportant

be prone to tend to be liable to be inclined to be disposed to Be exposed to Be subject to

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Blast = explosion Come across Bump into Meet by chance Run into

Keep in touch with Get in touch with Look forward to = long for Seem Appear Prove

to Vo

Result from Stem from Arise from

Remedy Medication Treatment

Sayfa 20

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER - YDS DERS NOTLARI / / Research Study İnquiry investigation

Bacteria bacterium Data datum Media medium


Conceive = gestate = become pregnant as for as to as regards regarding with regard to

in danger of at risk relatively comparatively rampant prevalent predominant common widespread


indulge in…

Perpetually Permanently = sürekli olarak Perennially Constantly

The secret lies in/is here… The responsibility lies with/belongs to the company. Vulnerable to Susceptible to Sensitive to

Endanger = jeopordize = put into danger

Alleviate Diminish Abate Decrease Decline….

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regardless of = irrespective of

Be responsible for Be in charge of Out of print = baskısı bitmiş Seem Prove to Vo = …gibi görünmek Appear =karmaşık, belirsiz

Wipe out Eradicate Stamp out Clear out

stripped of nutrients = besinden arınmış

endemic =local

Look through = look over

Obscure İntricate

die of die from

a key factor in… Ving a major factor in … pandemic epidemic

Precisely = accurately

=kökünü kazımak, yok etmek

Make out Find out Figure out Work out* = come up with Sort out* = to put into categories Take after = resemble = benzemek İnfluence İmpact on effect

=…üstüne etki

let down = disappoint = hayal kırıklığına uğratmak significant important remarkable =önemli, dikkate değer oranda noticeable considerable insignificant trivial unimportant

= önemsiz

Sayfa 21

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER - YDS DERS NOTLARI / / arise from result from stem from arise take place coma about occur

be taken for granted = önemsenmemek go unappreciated

= -den kaynaklanmak

be inclined to be prone to tend to = …-ya eğilimli be liable to

= olmak, meydana gelmek

make up = account for = oluşturmak make up = invent = uydurmak seek search for = …yı aramak look for on a scale on a level on a basis

=…ölçekte =…seviyede =…temelde


Backward = retarded = geri kalmış take over = assume = üstlenmek

= şaşırtıcı

Under control… = kontrol altında Control over…. = …üstünde kontrol Formerly = previously = once = in the past

A number of = numerous = scores of = birçok

= -den oluşmak

= derin

= …üzerine etki

medium = means = vasıta, araç, yol media (çoğul) = vasıtalar = -nın kanıtı

teem with abound in = ile dolu olmak be full with be stuck with,

Intervene = interfere with = araya girmek With ease = easily = kolayca At ease = comfortable = rahat


be made up of be comprised of be composed of constitute

evidence of evidence for

= gebe kalmak

Coincide with = ile denk düşmek Fall into disrepute Fall into disfavour = gözden düşmek

cope with deal with * tackle = üstesinden gelmek, alt etmek overcome handle

influence impact on effect

Conceive Gestate Become pregnant

Consistent with…. = ile tutarlı

astounding staggering stunning appalling amazing

profound deep

Catch up with = aynı seviyeye çıkmak Keep up with = aynı seviyede kalmak

Commodity = goods = things = eşya, mal unparalleled unprecedented = eşsiz, unique so far = up to now = to date = hitherto = bu güne kadar triumph over… = -e galip gelmek capital punishment = death penalty = ölüm cezası abolish revoke annul = kanunu yürürlükten kaldırmak repeal neutral impartial = tarafsız unbiased embark on/upon = commence = start

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Sayfa 22

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER - YDS DERS NOTLARI / / confer on/upon = give honor to… = attach importance to…

so far = up to now = to date = hitherto triumph over… = -e galip gelmek

= farklılık

capital punishment = death penalty


= tutarsızlık

abolish revoke annul repeal

be noted for be known for = ile ünlü be famous for intimidate = frighten = korkutmak once alive = dead = ölü Arise Take place Occur = olmak, meydana gelmek Come about Emerge* Make use of Take advantage of = -den faydalanmak Utilize


discrepancy difference

neutral impartial unbiased embark on/upon = commence = start confer on/upon = give honor to… = attach importance to… discrepancy difference inconsistency be noted for be known for be famous for

Backward = retarded Catch up with = aynı seviyeye çıkmak

intimidate = frighten

Conceive Gestate Become pregnant

intimate = once alive = dead

Under control… Control over…. Formerly = previously = once = in the past Consistent with…. = ile tutarlı Coincide with = ile denk düşmek Fall into disrepute Fall into disfavour = gözden düşmek A number of = numerous = scores of


Keep up with = aynı seviyede kalmak

Arise Take place Occur Come about Emerge* Make use of Take advantage of Utilize I no longer love you. I don’t love you any longer/any more.

I have no more questions. I don’t have any more questions.

Intervene = interfere with With ease = easily At ease = comfortable

All (that) I need is some love. (Noun Clause yapabilen tek yapısıdır.)



Commodity = goods = things unparalleled unprecedented unique

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Regardless of = Irrespective of = …dikkate almadan, hesaba katmadan

Sayfa 23

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER - YDS DERS NOTLARI / / _____. Meanwhile, _____ (bu arada) In the meantime,

From…on / onward / onwards

Besides As well as Apart from In addition to killing the germs, this vaccine also kils the healthy cells. (-nın yanı sıra)

Take Play

in advance = beforehand = önceden largely because / due to /..etc. partly

Besides In addition to As well as Apart from


_____. Moreover, _____ (Bunun yanı sıra) Further, Furthermore Besides In addition



..NP., ___also____

in advance = beforehand = önceden

Make up for = compensate for

as for as to as regards = -e gelince, -- bakımından regarding with regard to This product doesn’t receive the recognition it deserves. Since + Ving / V3 (kısaltma), __have/has V3_____

Myself, herself… By + reflexive; I did it by myself / on my own. For + reflexive = See it for yourself. (1.el tanıklık) I myself cooked this cake. I saw Ahmet himself. One of ……

Another / The other….


Reflexive Pronouns:

No /not….. but to Vo Be about to V0 = I am about to die. Be due to V0 = The film is due to. This question is of importance. (sahiplik var / has) = is important. Company (n) = eşlik Accompany (v) = eşlik etmek

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Sayfa 24

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