EE6603-PSOC Question Bank
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1. Defi Define ne spi spinni nning ng res reser erve ve.. 2. What What is meant meant by load load frequ frequency ency cont control rol?? 3. What are are the advantages advantages of pool operati operation on with with respect respect to to L!? ". What What is the the use of secon secondary dary loop loop in #L! #L! system system?? $. Defi Define ne conne connect cted ed load load?? %. What is the the role of compute computers rs in the operati operation on and control control of power power system? system? &. What What is load load cur curve ve?? '. What What is base base load load?? (. Defi Define ne load load fact factor or.. 1). What is the need for load forecast forecasting? ing? 11. What is the the need for voltage regulation in power systems? 12. List the advantages advantages of multi area operation. operation. 13. Define Define diversity factor. factor. 1". What is the effect effect of load factor on the the cost of generation? 1$. Define Define the term average average load. load. 1%. What is system system level level control control 1&. What are the effects of variable load in power system 1'. What is the the ob*ective of power system control 1(. What is the the necessity of frequency regulation in power system. 2). What is the the difference between between load curve and load load duration curve. 21. What are the differe different nt types of load 22. What is the significance significance of load factor and diversity diversity factor. 23. Define Define load. load. 2".Write down the quadratic and e+ponential equation PART B:
1. i, Define Define the followingfollowing- 1, 1, /ot reserve reserve 2, !old !old reserve reserve 3, diversity diversity factor factor ii,# generating station has the following daily load cycle0ime in hrs, )% %1) 1)12 121% 1%2)
LoadW, 2) 2$ 3) 2$ 3$ 2) Draw the load curve and calculate ma+imum demand units generated per day average load load factor. 2. 4+plain 4+plain the followin followingg- i, Load Load forecastin forecasting g ii, 4conomic 4conomic dispatc dispatch h control. control. 3. i, 4+plain 4+plain the followin following g terms- 5nstal 5nstalled led reserve reserve spinning spinning reserve reserve cold cold reserve reserve hot reserve. ii,# power station has to meet the following demand6roup #-2))7W between ' #. and % 8. 8. 6roup 9-1))7W between % #. and 1) #. 6roup !-$)7W between % #. and 1) 1 ) #. 6roup D-1))7W between 1) #. and % 8. 8. and then between % 8. 8. and % #.. 8lot the daily load curve and determine diversity factor units generated per day and load factor. ". i,D i,Dis iscu cuss ss abou aboutt the the rece recent nt tren trends ds in real real time time cont contro roll of powe power r
systems. ii, Write short notes on load forecasting. $. i,What is meant by chronological load curve? 6ive the information obtained from load curves. ii,4+plain the advantages and different types of computer control system. %. Describe briefly about plant level and system level control. &. i, what are the information obtained from load curve and load duration curve? ii, 9riefly describe the importance of load forecasting and e+plain the method of least square fit forecasting the base load. '. What are ob*ectives of modern trend in real time control of power system? 4+plain the significant features of computer control in power system. (. i, with neat s:etch describe the pf and ;< control structure. ii, 4+plain the following terms i. a+imum Demand ii. 8lant use factor iii. 8lant capacity factor iv. =eserve capacity 1). i, 4+plain the need for voltage and frequency regulation in power system ii, # generating station has ma+imum demand of ")) W. 0he annual load factor is %$> and capacity factor is $)> find the reserve capacity of the plant. 11. Draw load curve and load duration curve. 4+plain the importance of these curves in connection with economic operation of power system 12. # generating station has ma+imum demand of 2) W load factor is %)> and capacity factor is $)> find the reserve capacity of the plant daily energy produced ma+imum energy that could be produced daily if the plant were running all the time and ma+imum energy that could be produced if the plant when runningacc. 0o operating schedule, were fully loaded. UNIT II: REAL POWER- FREQUENCY CONTROL PART A:
1. tate the advantages of state variable model. 2. What is #6!? 3. What are the conditions necessary for sharing load operating in parallel between the two synchronous machines? ". Define area control error. $. What are the classification of system load? %. What is meant by load frequency control. &. Why the frequency and voltage to be regulated in a power system? '. !ompare the functions of @speed 6overnorA and @ speed changerA in a speed governing systems of a turbine generator set. (. What do you understand by coherent group of generators? 1). # speed governor system cannot completely eliminate frequency error caused by a step load change in power system. Bustify this statement. 11. /ow is the real power in power system controlled? 12. What is meant by free governor operation? 13. What is the function of load frequency control on a power system? 1". Define speed droop. 1$. Draw the dynamic responses of change in frequency for a step load change for single area system 1%. What is the use of secondary loop in #L! system?
1&. What is meant #=! 1'. tate whether changes in # and $> from no load to full load. #ssuming that the generators are operating at $)/C at no load how would be a load of %))W shared between them. What will be the system frequency at this load? #ssume free governor action. 2. Develop the state variable model of a two area system and state the advantages of the model. 3. Draw the bloc: diagram of uncontrolled two area load frequency control system and e+plain the salient features under static condition. ". /ow is speed governor mechanism modeled? 4+plain its operations with the speed load characteristics. $. Derive the transfer function model and draw the bloc: diagram for single control area provided with governor system. rom the transfer function derive the e+pression for steady state frequency error for a step load change. %. What are the components of speed governor system of an alternator? Derive its transfer function with an aid of a bloc: diagram. &. 4+plain the dynamic response of single area load frequency control. '. 0wo 1)))7W alternators operate in parallel. 0he speed regulation of first alternator is 1))> to 1)3> from full load to no load and that of other 1))> to 1)$>. /ow will the two alternators share load of 12))7W and at what will one machine cease to supply any portion of the load. (. or a system regulation "/EFp.u.W7 p1$) 0 p1'secG8)).)1p.u.ind the dynamic response of uncontrolled case. #lso derive the equation used. 1). Derive the e+pression for steady state frequency change for single area system with the following cases. i,!hanges in load with fi+ed speed ii,changes in speed with fi+ed demand 11. i, Determine the primary #L! loop parameters for a control area having the following data. 0otal rated area capacity 8r2)))W. Hormal operating load 8d1)))W. 5nertia constant /$.) =egulation =2.") /EFpu W all area generators, We shall assume that the load frequency dependency as linear meaning that the old load would increase 1> for 1> frequency increase. ii, /ighly brief the importance of regulating frequency and voltage of the power system. 12. 4+plain the static and dynamic characteristics of single area control system. Init3 REACTIVE POWER–VOLTAGE CONTROL
1. What are the merits and demerits of synchronous compensator? 2. What are the various methods of voltage control in transmission system? 3. What are the various functions of e+citation system? ". how the voltage control and reactive power control are interrelated. $. 6ive the function of #
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