Educational Technology

October 2, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Chapter 1: CONCEPTS ABOUT EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY EXPLORE Activity 1: The Teacher as a Promising Technology This activity will show teachers as a technology itself. As a technology, what do teachers teache rs use to facilitate learning? Classify them as visual, verbal, sound, and manipulative.

Introducing a new lesson

Teaching a new lesson





*Start with a video  presentation *Start with objects, pictures, show cards, charts, bulletin  board and chalk

*Start with a question *Debate

*Playing a music recording *Audio-visual materials like radio, tape recorder, etc..

*Energizer *Start with a creative activity

*Face-to-face discussion

*Use microphones while teaching

* Teach actively and make sure to catch the attention of your learner

handouts workbooks. *Provide a module

Enhancing discussions in a new lesson

*Provide more creative instructional materials

*Report creatively through PowerPoint  presentation

*Present a musical activity through video

*Use more instructional material that can capture their attention

Monitoring the students work

*provide a written activity

*Oral Participation

*Give them a  performance task which will  be performed through in a musical way

*Assess their talent and skills


Activity 2: Express It! This activity will allow students to express their thoughts regarding the teacher as a technology. Write a paragraph to illustrate the teacher as a highly high ly promising technology. Answer : Teacher is one of the very important technology asset. The teacher facilitates learning through the use of varied instructional materials like the books, the blackboard, magazines, newspaper, library materials and visual aids. Furthermore the teacher creates situations through the use of a repertoire of teaching methods and strategies to facilitate learning. A number of theories of learning are applied by the teacher as well as repeated practices, monitoring, and evaluation of instruction to make sure that students will learn. All the teacher’s teacher’s effort and creativity in teaching are considered technology. The teacher uses visual technology, verbal technology, sound technology, and manipulative technology. These technologies cater to the use of the senses to enhance perception and grasp of knowledge among students. The teacher uses gadgets and tools to make learning fast, efficient and effective. APPLY Activity 1: Fill with Gadgets This activity will list the gadgets and tools used to facilitate tasks or work in the school. You have learned that technology tech nology can be gadgets or tools to facilitate certain tasks or work. Using this knowledge, fill in the following chart with tools or gadgets used in the following: In the classroom 1.  Mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. 2.  Holograms (projectors) 3.  Biometric Devices 4.  E-books and E-readers 5.  3D Printers 6.  Interactive and electronic whiteboard 7.  Class blogs and wikis 8.  Podcasting 9.  Desktops, laptops & computer 10. Calculator

In the library 1.  Digital Maker Labs 2.  Coding Clubs 3.  Mobile Apps/Devices 4.  Open libraries 5.  Library bookmark apps 6.  Portable energy meters 7.  Single sign-on technology 8.  Computer

In the school canteen 1.  Rice cooker 2.  Refrigerator/cooler 3.  Heater 4.  Electric water dispenser 5.  Frying pan 6.  Stove 7.  Electric fan/wall fan 8.  Calculator 9.  Microwave


Activity 2: Do Your Research This activity will give the researchers firsthand answers as to the technologies used by by some students. Get a partner and interview two of your classmates. Ask and find out from them the different technologies they used in studying and learning le arning lessons/topics. Write your findings  below. Classmate 1 Technology Used: COMPUTER with internet/ wifi connection We all know that we can easily search whatever we want through the u used sed of computer, so in studying and learning some lessons/topics, I usually used computer because in just one click the information/vocabulary that I want to learn will eventually appear. appea r. Classmate 2 Technology Used: Mobile devices such as cellphone and tablets Just like computer cellphone can also be used in searching some vocabulary or words that is unfamiliar or should I say cellphone is very useful to expand and enhance our knowledge of something. Unlike computer or PC, cellphone is very v ery easy to bring since it is not that big as computer or PC. ASSESS EDTECH Concepts This activity will evaluate if the concepts of Educational Technology are well understood  by the students. Based on your own understanding, give two statements to describe the following concepts related to educational Technology. 1.  Educational Technology as the selection, development, management and use of appropriate technological processes and resources. Educational Technology is very important in developing one’s learning ability. The teacher and the learner should be able to select technologies which can help learners attain the intended intended outcomes of instruction. 2.  Educational Technology as the choice of appropriate principles in the preparation and utilization of conventional and non-conventional technology tools as well as traditional and alternative teaching strategies. Educational Technology is a field of study that investigates the process of analyzing, designing, developing, implementing and evaluating the instructional environment and learning materials in order to improve teaching and learning. It is important to keep in mind that the purpose of educational technology is to improve education. We must define the goals and needs of education first and then we use all our knowledge, including technology, to design the most effective learning environment for students.


EXPLORE Activity 1: Chart those Technologies This activity will describe the various technologies used in the different ages. Describe the various technologies in the history of technology techno logy by exemplifying them by age.


*canoe-ship technology *hand-made weapon *utensils using stones *fire *Clothing clothes from animal skin/fur *boats, bows and arrows *the wheel

Technology During the Stone Age

*Agricultural technology *Fishing techniques *Metal technology using copper and bronze

*resorting iron smelting technology

*domesticating animals and establishing permanent homes

Technology During the Bronze Age

Technology During the Iron Age


Activity 2: This activity will show the major contributions of some key persons in the field of Educational Technology. Through an illustration, show the contributions of the following key persons p ersons to educational technology. Maria Montessori -an internationally renowned child educator who introduced the Montessori Method, Method, which developed graded design activities to  provide for the proper sequencing of subject matter for each individual learner.

Charles Babbage -he is considered as the “father of computer” and is given credit for devising the first ever mechanical computer. His design served as the blue print for other, more complex machine. -In 1943, the first computer machine was designed by Babbage.

Benjamin Bloom -introduced the taxonomy of educational objectives through his h is  publication, “The Taxonomy of Educational Goals, Handbook I: Cognitive Domain.

Dwight Allen -In 1961, Micro teaching technique was first adopted by Dwight W. Allen and his co-workers at aStanford - Dwight is known as leading University propo nent at proponent of USA. reformed educational systems for the future, and has written literally scores of influential papers and magazine articles on all aspects of the topic.

APPLY Something to Think About This activity will help students gather information on the contributions of Educational Technology. What do you think are the contributions of Educational Technology to teaching and learning?


Educational Technology has absolutely revolutionized the entire education system. Until recently, the teachers used to be the sole interpreter of knowledge to the llearners earners and the textbooks the sole resource. Educational technology has affected the conventional roles and it has opened up the new areas of teacher functions such as management of resources and management of learning. Today, teachers have a range of media to assist and supplement the instructional work. Teachers can even specify the learning intentions, select the topic, identify the stimulus situation, determine media, manage teaching and finally conduct evaluation and modify the instructions in the light of evaluation results. Educational process can’t proceed systematically without the help of educational technology. Every aspect of educational system is fully enlightened with educational technology. 1. Educational technology has provided p rovided a scientific base to the educational theory and practice. It has transformed a passive classroom to an active and interactive classroom, with audio-visuals, charts and models, smart classrooms and e-learning room which has h as drastically motivated and increased the attention level of the students. 2. The introduction of educational technology has modernized the teaching-learning climate of the educational institutions. The learners to be exposed ex posed to professionally designed programmes on video or computers. 3. Educational technology has helped and supplemented the teachers in their instructional  programmes through the structured lessons for remedial, enrichment enrichment or drill purposes. The learners get training for self-instruction and teachers are relieved of the burden of routine repetition for exercise and revision purposes. 4. Through a systematic organization of content co ntent and instructional materials, educational technology has provided well-integrated structured materials for teachers thus saving a lot of their time which in turn may be utilized u tilized for creative work and quality improvement. 5. The training and use of o f educational technology contributes towards the professional growth of teachers. It equips them in the use u se of scientific methods for solving educational and administrative problems. It adds to the teaching competence of teachers and inculcates a scientific outlook and scientific temper in teachers and students. 6. Educational technology has improved the teaching-learning process and made it more effective and process oriented. Television, Radio, V.C.R, Computers and LCD projectors etc. have enriched and facilitated effective transmission of knowledge. 7. Educational technology has not only maintained the standards of education but also improved the ways of teaching by giving it Teaching Aids and Programmed Instructional Material. 8. Mechanism of feedback devices for modification of teaching-learning behaviour have  produced effective teachers in the teacher-training institutes.


9. Students who appear for higher or competitive examinations have been benefitted by educational programmes on T.V, Radio and Internet. 10. Educational technology has opened up new fields of educational researches in the field of examination process, evaluation and classroom-teaching. 11. Educational technology has provided practices and strategies that help teachers to teach according to individual differences of learners. 12. Educational technology has provided scientific foundation to education through the theories of learning and intelligence. Thus educational technology is required in each and every aspect of teaching learning  process. Educational technology serves all the purposes for modern education. Education today can’t go far without the help of educational technology. The innovations of technology in the field of education have done wonders to educational process. It has not only maintained the structure but also improved the nature of the educational process.

ASSESS History in a Timeline This activity will clearly capsulize the history and development of Educational Technology and ICT. Trace the history and development of Educational Technology and ICT by creating a timeline. Be sure to present it in a creative way through colors and pictures.

Educational Technology


A History of Educational Technology






EXPLORE Activity: Information Collection This activity will allow you to get information from teachers and students on the importance of technology in teaching and learning respectively.

A.  Teachers (at least 3 teachers) Interview Questions: What are the behaviors you observed from your students after using technology in teaching? Responses 1: Teacher 1: It increases my student achievement. They become much more interested when more senses are involved in lesson presentation and activities. They learn more when they see and read, hear, and experience exercises designated for them. Teacher 2: My student become more active in learning. They enjoy playing games, solving problems, and working interactively with computer lessons, modules, and  practice exercises. Teacher 3: My student become more critical thinker. There higher-level thinking skills developed. Through technology which I used in teaching the learner are important assisted toto remember, understand, apply, synthesize, evaluate and create. It is very use technology in teaching because it enriches the thinking skills of the students, it helps them in making decisions, and testing the credibility of such decisions through reflective and reasonable thinking. B.  Students (at least 5 students) Interview Question: Why do you think technology is important to your studies? Responses Student 1: Modern tech empowers students to take ownership of their education. Giving students tools to actively participate in their learning ensures that the responsibility for learning isn’t just on teachers. Thanks to technology, students can  play a bigger part in their own learning than they might realize. Student 2: Modern tech is essential for staying competitive. Lisa believes helping students become digitally savvy prepares them for college and the business field. “Our struggle is to stay competitive with other school distr icts icts who have more staff and more money,” she said. “We don’t want our students to be at a disadvantage. We try as best we can to stay current with whatever technolog technology y is  best for our teachers and students.”  students.”  Student 3: Using digital tools can drive down costs long-term. From a physical perspective, technology can be incredibly cost-effective in the long run. Student 4: Education technology often increases academic performance.


Student 5: Students (and teachers and parents) expect digital learning experiences. “Pervasive, reliable wireless connectively” is the expectation of today’s teachers and students. Devices are part of a child’s world, so incorporating them into education is simply a continuation of their everyday life.

APPLY Image Valuing This activity will give a picture of the image of the importance of Educational Technology. Show the many importance of Educational Technology through images. Indicate or describe the image. Add more pages if needed. Image Description Educational Technology is very important so that we can compete globally through advance knowledge weof attain because of thisthat kind technology. Educational Technology help student to be more participative and more active in discussion setting.

It makes the school work much more easier and faster.


ASSESS Educational Technology At Its Best! Discuss the importance of technology in facilitating teaching and learning. Include basis to establish the importance. Technology offers tremendous promise for student learning and has ignited the imagination of those who are interested in bringing about revolutionary gains in the achievement of all students. Yet the use of technology in education also raises a wh whole ole host of challenges, including those related to cost-effectiveness, co st-effectiveness, teacher professional development, assessment, equity, and safety. We are at the forefront of evidence-based, technology-driven classroom practices and online strategies that enhance learning l earning for all students, especially those with special needs. The effective Use of Technology in Education has changed the face of education and it has created more educational opportunities. Both teachers and students have  benefited from various educational technologies, teachers have learned how to integrate technology in their classrooms and students are getting more interested in learning with technology. The use of technology in education has removed educational boundaries,  both students and teachers can collaborate in real time using advanced educational technologies. Technology has helped in the growth of mobile learning and long distance learning. The use of internet technology has enabled teachers to reach students across  boarders and also students from developing countries have used internet technology to subscribe for advanced educational courses. Many universities and colleges have embraced online education by creating virtual classrooms. Online education is flexible and affordable, students can attend classrooms during their free time, and they can also have a chance to interact with other students virtually. Recent advancements in educational technologies techn ologies have yielded positive results in our education sector. This new educational technology is supporting both teaching and learning processes, technology has digitized classrooms through digital learning tools like, computers, iPads, smartphones, smart digital white boards; it has expanded course offerings, it has increased student’s engagement and motivation towards learning.  learning.   EXPLORE Activity: EDTECH and the Four PILLARS This activity will focus on the relationship of the four pillars of educational on the roles of Educational Technology in the 21 st century classrooms.


Learning to Know Write one paragraph discussing how technology can increase students’ ability to find answer to the questions raised in class.

Technology can increase students’ ability to find answer to the questions raised in class  because through technology everything is possible. We can search everything there, for just one click you can find what you want to know. Learning to Do Plan an activity that includes the use of o f technology to teach your classmates how to learn the following: You may choose only one.

a.  Making a toy  b.  Writing a poem c.  Solving a problem of a teenager


d. Improving basic speech I choose letter D, which is improving basic speech. So, to teach them how to improve  basic speech I will present them a video presentation about how to improve basic speech and for that they will have follow it, replicate it in order for them to learn. Learning to Be Explain the technology you will use to attain what you want to be 5 years from now. For me, the technology I will be b e using to attain what I want to be b e 5 years from now is the laptop or the computer co mputer because this said product of technolog technology y is very important and it is very useful in many ways. wa ys. Since my goal is to become a teacher someday then laptop/computer is very useful and important to me in making some reports and in researching some of my lessons/topics that I will be b e going to discuss in my class. Learning to Live Together Illustrate the technologies which can be applied or used to enhance harmonious relationship with your: a.  Family members  b.  Classmates c.  Teachers The technologies that can be applied or used to enhance harmonious relationship with my family members are cellphones so that we can text or call them, television in times of our  bonding times, and everything in the house that is the product of technology.


The technologies that can be applied or used to enhance enh ance harmonious relationship with my classmates are cellphones again and laptop. The technologies that can be applied or used to enhance harmonious relationship with my teachers are cellphones and laptops again. APPLY Picture-Role Association This activity will concretely show the roles of Educational Technology. Techno logy. Given the following roles of Educational Technology, Technolog y, find an instructional material that can best suit these roles. Get a picture or o r a screenshot of the instructional material and place it in the box designated. Opposite it, describe d escribe how will use the instructional material to describe the role. 1. Motivation If you want an amazing tech tool that you can use in the classroom to motivate students, then you need to have a tablet, smartphone, or iPad. These devices are a re universal, as they allow you to do a variety of different things, such as take notes in Google Docs, easily read books bo oks or newspapers, or write, edit, or publish an essay. essa y. You can also use them to reinforce math concepts, solve problems, graph, calculate, or explain difficult or complex math concepts. These tech tools can help students tell a story by using mind-mapping technology. They can also help  brainstorm, outline, or explain difficult concepts. The best features about these technologies are the millions of free apps that you can download onto them. Apps allow students to create slideshows, recreate events, explain theories, or even recite a play. The Th e ideas to motivate students through these tech tools are endless. 2.  Unique Instructional Capabilities They allow teachers to make the learning experience more fun and practical and can also encourage students to take more of an active role in their education. The objective of using instructional strategies beyond subject comprehension is to create students who are independent strategic learners.


3.  Support for New Instructional Approaches

The teacher will support for new instructional approaches that enables the learners to be more cooperative in learning and enhance their problem solving and higher level skills.

4.  Increase Teacher Productivity Using technology resources can help teachers cope co pe with their growing paperwork load. Teachers and organizations realized that they spend less time on record keeping keepin g and preparation so they can spend more time analyzing student needs and having direct contact with students. Teacher can be more  productive through training in technology-based methods and access accurate information that may help them meet individual needs. 5.  Required Skills for an Information Age The final and most compelling reason for integrating integrati ng technology into teaching and learning is the need for students to learn skills that will prepare them to become lifelong learners in an information society . they need to be equipped with the skills to learn to know by b y gathering information in addressing problems in school and in real-life situations. ASSESS E.D.T.E.C.H. This will give students better understanding of the roles of Educational Technology Te chnology in the 21  century classroom. st

Create a meaning for the letters of EDTECH that would indicate the role of Educational Technology in the 21st century classroom. The roles should be based on research findings. Remember to cite the sources. E- Educational D- Development of T- Technology and E- Enhancement of C- Communication H-


EXPLORE Activity: Go and Observe This activity will allow students to have firsthand observation on how the different theories of learning are being employed in the classroom. Observe three classes that employ the different theories of learning. Fill out and answer the given questions. Lesson/Topic

Theory Used

Class 1

Primary Colors


Class 2

Good Manners and Right Conduct


Class 3



How the Theory was Used in the Discussion The teacher will give information to the learners about their topic which is the  primary colors, then the learners will process and store this information which are very important in the  process of learning. The teacher will discuss about how a well mannered  person act and how it obey and follow rules and regulations. In this case, since the teacher discussed what are the good manner and right conduct that every  person must possess then the learner will acquire this  behavior and act what is exactly righteous to everyone. ABC’s or should I say the alphabet is not new to the learner so the teacher will  just review or try the retention capacity of his/her learner since this lesson/topic is not new to them. The learner will analyze, interpret and use their mental capacity to develop and add more information.


APPLY Lesson Planning This activity will apply certain theory to a particular lesson you plan to teach. Write a lesson plan about a topic you are interested to teach using an any y of the three theories of learning. Use the format below. Lesson

The five Senses


The learner will easily identify the five senses that is very crucial and important in everyday life




1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7. 

Prayer Make some energizer to make the learner more alive and lovely Introduce the topic using some PowerPoint presentation Discuss the use of each senses Give an activity Evaluate their learning Make an assessment

Answer the following: 1.  -  2.  -  3.  - 

What theory did you employ in your lesson ? Constructivism What strategies did you use to clearly show the theory th eory in the discussion ? Social interactions and cooperation How was technology utilized ? The technology being utilized in this lesson discussion is very creative and ver very y innovative. And the communication or the social interaction between the teacher and the learner is being prioritize with a strong collaboration and cooperation.


ASSESS Comparing Theories This activity will show the comparison among the three theories of learning that are related to Educational Technology. Show through a table the comparison of the different learning theories as to key co concepts, ncepts, relevance to Educational Technology, Technolog y, strategies applying the different theories and the technology competencies. Key concepts


Behaviorism is theory of animal and human learning that focuses on objectively observable  behaviors and discounts mental activities. Behavior theorists define learning as nothing more than the acquisition of new  behavior. -  Experiments of  behaviorists identify conditioning as a universal learning  process. There are two different types of conditioning, each yielding a different  behavioral  pattern:

Relevance to Strategies Technology Educational Competencies Technology 1.  Observation   Instructional of learners cues to elicit are bases for correct identifying response materials for   Practice reinforcing  paired with learning. target stimuli 2.  Selecting   Reinforcement stimulus. for correct Some responses. learners   Building need varying  proficiency stimuli in order to learn. There are learners who learn faster by  being 

exposed to real objects or actual experiences while others learn from  pictures and stories. 3.  Educational Technology used by the teacher can help elicit the


1.  Classic conditioning occurs when a natural reflex responds to a stimulus. 2.  Behavioral operant conditioning occurs when a response to a stimulus is reinforced.

outcomes which are easily observed like use and  production of proper words in writing a story, creating greeting cards for special occasions, using the dictionary to get the word meaning, throwing and catching  ball correctly in  physical activities and other observable  behavior which correspond to expected outcomes. 4.  Educational Technology to be utilized in developing mastery learning can  be used in  behavioral approaches. Students are repeatedly exposed to a technology


until such time that mastery of a skill, knowledge, and attitudes is manifested  by the students. 5.  Technology to promote motivation, classroom management and special education needs are also used in Cognitivism

Cognitivism focuses of the ‘brain’. It involves processing and storing information which are very important in the process of learning. Cognitive structure which is called schema constitutes the internal knowledge

 behaviorism. With this idea, cognitivists believe that learning develops through receiving, storing, and retrieving information. Instructional designers must analyze thoroughly and consider appropriate tasks

structure. Schema needed to allow may be combined, learners to extended, or altered effectively and to show new efficiently process information. the information they Learners process, received. store, and retrieve Instructional information for later material designers use-creating must consider the associations and relevant learner creating a characteristics that knowledge set will promote or useful for living. impede cognitive The learner uses the  processing of


information  processing approach to transfer and assimilate new information. The teacher manages  problem solving and structured search activities, especially with group learning activities. The teacher provides opportunities for the students to connect new information to schema. Constructivism Learning is an active process to in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge, social interactions, and motivation which affect the construction of knowledge, social interactions, and motivation.

information such as the following: -  Conduct task analysis and learner analysis -  Create tests -  Create learning materials according to any of the Instructional Design Models. Constructivism is characterized by open-ended expectation where results and methods of learning themselves are easily measured and may not be consisted with each learner.

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