Eduardo Souto de Moura: The 2011 Pritzker Architecture Prize

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 The 2011 Pritzk P ritzker er Architecture Prize



 The 2011 Pritzker Architecture Architecture P Prize rize

EDUARDO SOUTO DE MOURA  2011Ä ê Æ È × Ë ¨Ã ½ Ö Ö ½ Â ß à  


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Author: Joana de Mira Corrêa Print version (Hardcover) - 2011 ISBN 9787538170870 Published by Liaoning Science & Technology Publishing House Shenyang, Liaoning, China eBook version - 2011 ISBN 9781619870147 Published by Profession Design Press Co., Ltd California, United States of America Distributed by Actrace, United States of America Website:, Copyright © 2011 Liaoning Science & Technology Publishing House License agreement: Unauthorized copying prohibited. 作者:(葡)荷娜 德 米拉 科莱娅 ・

纸质书(精装)- 2011 书号:9787538170870 出版商:辽宁科学技术出版社 中国辽宁省沈阳市 电子书-2011 书号:9781619870147 出版商:设计专业出版有限公司 美国加州 经销商:Actrace公司,2011 网址, 网址:www.actrac, www.Architectu 版权所有:2011辽宁科学技术出版社 版权协议:www.architecturalbookstor 版权协议 cense 严禁非法复制。



002 About Eduardo Souto de Moura 关于艾德瓦尔多·苏托·德·莫拉

004 S.E.C. Cultural Centre - "Casa das Artes" S.E.C.“艺术之家”文化中心

014 Conversion of the Santa Maria do Bouro Convent into a State Inn 圣玛利亚波若修道院改建为国营旅馆项目

028 Burgo Tower  布尔戈塔楼

038 House in Moledo 莫雷多住宅

050 Courtyard Houses in Matosinhos 马托西纽什庭院住宅

062 House in Serra da Arrabida 塞拉·阿拉比达住宅

072 House in Cascais 卡斯凯什住宅

084 House in "Bom Jesus" II 博姆·赫苏斯二号住宅

098 House in Maia II 马亚市二号住宅

116 Commercial Building in Maia City 马亚市商业建筑项目

128 Porto Metro 波尔图市地铁系统改建项目

138 Cinema's House "Manoel de O liveira" 曼努埃尔·德·奥利维拉的影院住宅

150 Braga Municipal Stadium 布拉加市政体育场

166 2 Houses in Ponte de Lima 庞特利马镇双幢住宅

184 Contemporary Art Museum in Braganca 布拉干萨现代艺术博物馆

Avenida" nida" 200 Row Houses "Quinta da Ave “第五大道”排式住宅

214 House in Maia III 马亚市三号住宅

230 Hotelary School in Portalegre 波塔莱格雷市旅游学校

240 Office Building in Avenida Boavista 博阿维斯塔街办公楼

252 Paula Rego Museum 保拉·蕾格博物馆

264 Fact Summary 经历概要


About Eduardo Souto de Moura

Eduardo Souto de Moura was born in Porto, Portugal in 1952. His father was a doctor (ophthalmologist) and his mother was a home maker. Following his early years at the Italian School, Souto de Moura enrolled in the School of Fine Arts in Porto, where he began as an art student, studying sculpture, but eventually achieving his degree in architecture. He credits a meeting with Donald Judd in Zurich for the switch from art to architecture. While still a student, he worked for architect Noé Dinis and then Álvaro Siza, the latter for five years. While studying and working with his professor of urbanism, Architect Fernandes de Sá, he received his first commission, a market project in Braga which has since  been demolish demo lished ed becau b ecause se of o f changi ch anging ng busin b usiness ess patterns patt erns.. After two years of military service he won the competition for the Cultural Centre in Porto, the beginning of his career as an independent architect. He is frequently invited as a guest professor to Lausanne and Zurich in Switzerland as well as Harvard in the United States. These guest lectures at universities and seminars over the years have afforded him the opportunity to meet many colleagues in the field, among them Jacques Herzog and Aldo Rossi. Along with his architecture practice, Souto de Moura is a professor at the University of Oporto, and is a visiting  professo  prof essorr at Geneva, Gene va, Paris-Be Pari s-Bellev lleville ille,, Harvard, Harv ard, Dublin Dubl in and the ETH Zurich and Lausanne. Often described as a neo-Miesian, but one who constantly strives for originality, Souto de Moura has achieved much  pra is isee for his hi s exqui ex qui sit e use of mat erial er ial s - grani gr ani te, te , wood, wo od, marble, brick, steel, concrete - as well as his unexpected use of colour. Souto de Moura is clear on his view of the use of materials, saying, “I avoid using endangered or protected species. I think we should use wood in moderation and replant our forests as we use the wood. We have to use wood because it is one of the finest materials available.” 002

In an interview with Croquis, he explained, “I find Mies increasingly fascinating... There is a way of reading him which is just to regard him as a minimalist. But he always oscillated between classicism and neoplasticism... You only have to remember the last construction of his life, the IBM building, with that powerful travertine base that he drilled through to produce a gigantic door. Then on the other hand, he arrived in Barcelona and did two pavilions, didn’t he? One was abstract and neo plastic and the other one was classical, symmetrical with closed corners... He was experimenting. He was already so modern that he was ‘post’.” Souto de Moura acknowledges the Miesian influence, speaking of his Burgo Tower, but refers people to something written by Italian journalist and critic, Francesco Dal Co, “it’s better not to be original but good, rather than wanting to be very original and bad.” At a series of forums called the Holcim Forum on sustainable architecture, Souto de Moura stated, “For me, architecture is a global issue. There is no ecological architecture, no intelligent architecture, no sustainable architecture - there is only good architecture. There are always problems we must not neglect; for example, energy, resources, costs, social aspects - one must always pay attention to all these.”



艾德瓦尔多·苏托·德·莫拉,1952年出生于葡萄牙的波尔图。他的 父亲是一名眼科医生,母亲则是位家庭主妇。 德·莫拉早年曾在意大利学校进修,之后进入波尔图艺术学院;在那 里他开始学习雕塑,最终获得建筑学专业的学位。他将从艺术到建 筑这一专业上的转换归因于在苏黎世与唐纳德·贾德的一次会面。 德·莫拉曾是建筑设计师诺埃·迪尼斯的学生,之后在阿尔瓦罗·西 扎门下工作了5年。在与他的城市规划学科导师、建筑设计师费尔南德 斯·德萨学习工作期间,德·莫拉接到了他的第一个项目委托,去设 计一座因经营模式转变而拆毁的集市,地点位于布拉加。 在服完2年兵役之后,他赢得了波尔图SEC文化中心项目竞赛。这是他 作为独立建筑设计师职业生涯的开端。

位于瑞士洛桑、苏黎世的院校及美国哈佛大学频繁邀请德·莫拉先生 作为客座教授。在这些大学所做的演讲和多年以来出席的研讨会给他 提供了与建筑领域内的同行交流的机会,其中包括雅克·赫尔佐格和 阿尔多·罗西。 凭借自己在建筑设计上的实践经历,德·莫拉受聘担任波尔图大学建 筑学教授;同时担任多所大学的客座教授,包括日内瓦大学、巴黎-贝 尔维尔建筑学院、哈佛大学、都柏林大学以及瑞士联邦理工学院和洛 桑大学。 虽然常被人们称作“新密斯主义者”,但是德·莫拉先生总是在不断 地追求原创性。对于材料的精细运用为他赢得了诸多赞誉,例如花岗 岩、木材、大理石、砖块、钢筋、混凝土等等,当然也包括他对色彩 出人意料的使用给人们带来的惊喜。在材料使用上,德·莫拉先生有 自己明确的观点:“我尽量避免使用濒危的受保护树种。我认为,在 使用木材时要把握住适度的原则,在使用的同时还要重新进行植树造 林。当然我们必须要使用木材,因为它是最好的可用材料之一。” 在著名杂志《建筑素描》(El Croquis)对他的访问中,德·莫拉先生 解释道:“密斯·凡·德·罗先生的理念愈发令我着迷……有一种对 他的解读是仅仅将其视作极简主义者。但实际上他却总是在古典主义 与新造型主义间摇摆。……你只须记住他生命中的最后一座建筑作品 IBM大厦——他凿穿了坚实的沉积地基来创造出巨大的门。另一方面, 他又去到巴塞罗那设计了两座场馆:一座是抽象化的,外形可塑;另 一座则是古典式,对称且带有闭合角,对吧……他在不断的实验着; 他的理念是如此的现代,并且超越了这个时代。” 在谈到作品布尔戈塔楼时,德·莫拉承认自己受密斯建筑式样的影 响,但他推荐给人们一段由意大利记者和评论家弗朗西斯科·达尔科 的一句话:“与其因追求独创风格而做得糟糕,倒不如仅仅保证出色 却创意不足。” 在主题为可持续性建筑的霍尔希姆系列论坛上,德·莫拉阐述道: “在我看来,建筑学是一个全球性的课题;并没有什么所谓的生态建 筑、智能建筑以及可持续建筑——而是只有好的建筑。我们绝对不可 忽视所存在的难题,比如说能源消耗、资源枯竭、成本花销以及环境 的影响——每个人都应时刻关注这些问题。

Photo by Juan Rodriguez 本照片由胡安 罗德里格斯拍摄 ・



S.E.C. Cultural Centre - "Casa das Artes" S.E.C.“艺术之家”文化中心

Site plan 总平面图 设计年份


Project Year: 1981-1985 Construction Year: 1988-1991 Year: 1988-1991  Rua António Cardoso, 175 Address: Rua Address: Location: Porto, Portugal 葡萄牙 波尔图市 Client: Secretaria Client:  Secretaria de Estado da Cultura Collaborators: João Carreira, Luísa Penha Structural Consultants: João Consultants: João Maria A. Sobreira Electrical Consultants: José Sousa Guedes Mechanical Consultants: Constantino Matos Campos

总承包人 摄影师

General Contractor: Soares da Costa Photographer: Luís Photographer:  Luís Ferreira Alves

建造时间 地址 地点 委托人 合作者 结构顾问 电气顾问



"The castle was big, though, wasn't it? And the angel was big, very big, even when right next to you?" Rilke, Duíno Elegies Work was not allowed to interfere with the garden. Omitting was more important than proposing, filing and shaving was more important than designing, and simplicity more important than composition. The building is structured primarily by a concrete wall, and by another stone wall, adjusted and somewhat out of phase at the point of the doorway. A flat copper-plated roof rests on these walls. Work would begin two metres from the line of trees that we did not want to affect. There would be three sculptures. Regardless of their quality, we were interested in their location, and attitude in the place that they would participate in shaping and making too. They are all essential pieces in the definition and codification of the three sectors: the Auditorium, the Exhibition Hall and the Cinema. The first sculpture will rest on the wall that comes from outside the garden and, upon entering into the auditorium, makes the interior stage or theatre. The second sculpture will be in the entrance to the exhibition hall, serving as the emblematic doorway to the Centre as well as capping off the elevation. The third will have the cinema as its backdrop, placed near the wall that separates the Cultural Centre from the nine-storey-high tower... “但是这个城堡曾经体积巨大,对吧?而天使,同样非常大,甚至当它就在你身边时也是如此吗?”——里尔克,杜伊诺哀歌 在这里,艺术作品不能妨碍干扰花园的存在;抽象省略胜于具体提议,锉削刮修大于形象设计,朴素简易重于构成组合。这一建筑主要以一面水泥墙体构成,辅之以 另一堵经过调整后略有几分异相、靠近门口的石墙。这些墙体上覆盖着一层扁平的镀铜屋顶。为了不破坏它们,项目的建造将在相距那行树木两米之外的地方开始进 行。我们还将摆放三座雕塑。抛开品质暂且不论,我们感兴趣的是它们所在的位置以及在那里展现出的态度;而这三座雕塑本身也参与到了组成和塑造这个地方的过 程当中。同时它们还作为必要的精华之笔定义和勾勒了如下三个部分:大礼堂、展览厅和电影院。第一座雕塑会依靠在从花园外延伸到内的墙体上,一进入大礼堂就 是室内舞台剧院。第二座将摆放在展览大厅的入口处,使得此处成为文化中心标志性门厅,同时也从视觉上降低了海拔高度。第三座则会以电影院为背景,靠近文化 中心和那座九层高塔的分隔墙边……



1 2 3

4 5




Section 1 1. Yellow granite 2. Bedding mortar  3. Concrete screed 4. Gravel 5. Connecting pipe to the collector ¢ 125mm 6. Concrete box

剖面图一 1. 黄色花岗岩 2. 垫层砂浆 3. 混凝土砂浆 4. 碎石 5. 直径125毫米集 电极连接管 6. 混凝土箱体




15 16 17 18 19 20 10 11 12 13 14

Section 2 1. No.14 zinc plate top 2. Cover of existing box 3. Waterproof regularisation 4. The same stone of the building’s wall applied 5. Delta-drain with geotextile 6. Cerezite  Cerezite  7. Plaster 8. Existing box 9. Bottom drainage tube ¢ 150mm 10. Yellow granite cover  11. Adhesive 12. Waterproof regularisation 13. Concrete wall of the existing housing 1 2 3 4 7


5 8



14. Existing box 15. Yellow granite 16. Bedding mortar  17. Concrete screed 18. Gravel 19. Compacted clay 20. Humus 剖面图二 1. 14号锌板加顶 2. 现有箱盖 3. 规则化防水 4. 采用与建筑墙主体相同的石材 采用与建筑墙主体相同的石材 5. 带有土工布的Delta牌排水管 带有土工布的Delta牌排水管 6. Cerezite 7. 石膏 8. 现有箱体 9. 直径150毫米底部排水管 10. 黄色花岗岩罩面

11. 黏合剂 12. 规则化防水 13. 现有房体混凝土墙 14. 现有箱体 15. 黄色花岗岩 16. 垫层砂浆 17. 混凝土砂浆 18. 碎石 19. 夯实粘土 20. 腐殖质


South elevation 南外立面图

North elevation 北外立面图

Section 3 剖面图三



Roof plan 屋顶平面图

24 7   8 5




11 4






Ground oor plan 一层平面图

18 17



3 12 22






16 20



Basement oor plan 负一层平面图

1. Entrance 2. Foyer/exhibitions 3. Cinematheque 4. Auditorium 5. Stage 6. Projection booth 7. Fire station 8. Winding booth 9. Secretary 10. Cabinet 11. Library 12. Public toilets


13. General collection 14. Book le 15. Film archive 16. Dressing room 17. Chamber  18. Bathroom 19. Bathroom for artists 20. Gallery at access 21. Command of light/sound 22. Emergency exit 23. Wardrobe technician 24. Conduct

1. 入口 2. 门厅/展厅 3. 电影院 4. 礼堂 5. 舞台 6. 放映室 7. 消防站 8. 蜿蜒的展位 9. 秘书处 10. 小陈列室 11. 图书室 12. 公共厕所

13. 常规收藏品区 14. 书籍归档 15. 影片归档 16. 化妆室 17. 密室 18. 卫生间 19. 卫生间(仅供艺术家和表演者使用) 20. 通路画廊 21. 声光控制室 22. 安全出口 23. 服装加工室 24. 引导处




West elevation 西外立面图

Section 5 剖面图五


Section 4 剖面图四

Section 6 剖面图六





Conversion of the Santa Maria do Bouro Convent into a State Inn 圣玛利亚波若修道院改建为国营旅馆项目




3 4



6 13



8 9




合作设计师 设计年份 建造时间 地址 地点 委托人 合作人 结构顾问 电气顾问 机械顾问 总承包人 摄影师

Co-author: Humberto Vieira Co-author: Humberto Project Year: 1989 Construction Year: 1997 Address: Bouro, Address:  Bouro, Amares Location: Braga, Location:  Braga, Portugal 葡萄牙 布拉加市 Client: Enatur  Client:  Enatur  Collaborators: Manuela Collaborators:  Manuela Lara, Marie Clement,  Ana Fortuna, Pedro Valente Valente Structural Consultants: G.O.P. Consultants: G.O.P. Electrical Consultants: G.O.P. Consultants: G.O.P. Mechanical Consultants: Gestão Energia Térmica

General Contractor: Soares Contractor: Soares da Costa Photographer: Luís Photographer:  Luís Ferreira Alves 建筑面积 Building Size: 7,300 m2 成本(欧元) Cost: Cost: 7,980,766.35  7,980,766.35 Euros


Site plan (Above) 1. Cathedral 2. Convent 3. Patio with orange orchard 4. Cloister  5. Cultivation ground 6. Mill 7. Terrace 8. Pond of Mirror  9. Olive-grove 10. Swimming pool 11. Tennis court 12. Orange-grove 13. Pillory

总平面图(上图) 1. 大教堂 2. 修道院 3. 橘树林庭院 4. 回廊 5. 耕地 6. 磨坊 7. 露台 8. 镜面池塘 9. 橄榄园 10. 游泳池 11. 网球场 12. 橘树林 13. 集会区


This project aims to adapt, or rather, to make use of the stones available to build a new building. It is a new building, in which various voices and functions (some already registered, other still to be constructed) intervene; it is not a reconstruction of the building in its original form. For this project, the ruins are more important than the "Convent"; they are open and manipulable, just as the building was during its history. This attitude is not meant to express or represent an exceptional case  jus tifyi ti fyi ng som somee ori gin al man ife sto , but rat her to abi de by a rul e of arc hit ect ure , more or less unchanging throughout time. During the design process, lucidity was sought for between the form and the programme. Faced with two possible paths, the architect chose to reject the pure and simple consolidation of the ruin for the sake of contemplation, opting instead for the introduction of new materials, uses, forms and functions "entre les choses", as Corbusier said. The "picturesque" is a question of fate, not part of a project or programme. 这个项目的设计目的在于对石材的使用,或者说是对它们加以利用,使其能够很好的应用到新建筑的建设 中。这是一座全新的建筑而不是在它原型基础上进行的 中。这是一座全新的建筑 而不是在它原型基础上进行的重建;其中融入了各种各样的 重建;其中融入了各种各样的声音和功能(部分使用 声音和功能(部分使用 中,其他部分仍然待建)。对于此项目来说,遗迹和废 中,其他部分仍然待建) 。对于此项目来说,遗迹和废墟部分要比“修道院”建筑本 墟部分要比“修道院”建筑本身更重要;因为从形式 身更重要;因为从形式 上讲它们开放空旷、可自如操控,正如这座建筑在其历史上所呈现出的特点一样。这种态度不在于通过证 明某些独创的宣言来表达或展现一个例外,而是遵守了一种从某种程度上说亘古不变的建筑法则。在设计 过程中,我们在结构和规划中所探求的是清澈明朗的效 过程中,我们在结构和规 划中所探求的是清澈明朗的效果。在面临两套可行方案的选 果。在面临两套可行方案的选择时,出于冥想的考虑 择时,出于冥想的考虑 我们否定了对遗迹和废墟进行纯粹简单的加固,代之以引入新材料、新用途、新形式和新功能到“事物之 间”——正如柯布西耶所言说的。所谓的“栩栩如生”则应交给命运来安排,而不是项目规划中的一部分。



 Axonometric drawing 轴视图









Ground oor plan (Left) 1. Patio with orange orchard 2. Show room 3. Auditorium 4. Entrance hall 5. Mill 6. Pond of Mirror  7. Terrace 4 3




7 6


一层平面图(左图) 1. 橘树林庭院 2. 展览室 3. 礼堂 4. 大堂 5. 磨坊 6. 镜面池塘 7. 露台


Section 1 (Below) 1. Blackout gutter 2. Yellow brass window frame 3. Compressed band 4. Locker  5. Double glass 6+6+6mm 6. Hinge 1





剖面图(下图) 1. 电闸 2. 黄铜窗框 3. 压缩带 4. 锁扣装置 5. 6+6+6毫米双层玻璃 6. 铰链




Section 2   剖面图二









二层平面图 1. 大教堂 2. 回廊上方空隙 3. 庭院上方空隙 4. 客房 5. 休息室 6. 橘树林庭院 7. 露台 8. 起居室 9. 台球室 10. 餐厅 11. 饭店 12. 会议室 13. 圣器收藏室 14. 耕地 15. 镜面池塘

First oor plan 1. Cathedral 2. Void above cloister  3. Void above patio 4. Guest rooms 5. Lounge 6. Patio with orange orchard 7. Terrace 8. Living room 9. Billiard room 10. Dining room 11. Restaurant 12. Chapter room 13. Sacristy 14. Cultivation ground 15. Pond of Mirror 



2 4 13







9 10

7 15






Burgo Tower 布尔戈塔楼 设计年份 建造时间 地址 地点 委托人 合作人

结构顾问 液压顾问 电气顾问 机械顾问 总承包人 摄影师


Project Year: Phase 1: 1991, Phase 2: 2003 一期:1991年;二期:2003年 Construction Year: Under Year: Under construction 建设中 Address: Av. Address:  Av. Boavista Locality: Porto, Locality:  Porto, Portugal 葡萄牙 波尔图 Client: Burgo Fundiários, S.A. Collaborators: Phase 1 (1991/1995): Teresa Teresa Gonçalves, Adriano Pimenta,  António Dias, Filipe Pinto da Cruz, Francisco Cunha, Francisco Vieira de Campos, Graça Correia, Manuela Lara, Marie Clement, Nuno Rodrigues Pereira, Pedro Mendes, Pedro Reis, Silv ia Alves Phase 2 (2003/2004): Silvia Alves, Diogo Guimarães, Manuel Vasconcelos, Diogo Morais, Susana Monteiro Structural consultants: AFAssociados consultants: AFAssociados Hidraulic consultants: Vitor consultants: Vitor Abrantes Consultores Electrical consultants: Rodrigues Gomes & Associados Mechanical consultants: AFAssociados consultants: AFAssociados General contractor: San contractor: San José Photographer: Luís Photographer:  Luís Ferreira Alves


The site is located where the Avenida da Boavista breaks into discontinuous sections; it is the biggest straight-line avenue in Portugal that extends from "Casa da Música" till the Sea in West. Thebuilding solutionallows consists a level platform which two nearby volumes which recast in different scales. A low ribbon-like forinthe enclosure more closeincorporates to approximate the sought-after anonymity. The tower, set back from the avenue, rises up from the platform, waiting for further and future works of architecture still to come. This office complex opens a large square between the two buildings, one horizontal and the other vertical. The square is occupied by a big sculpture by the Porto architect/sculptor Nadir de Afonso. The buildings were drawn with very simple shapes, following the influences of Mies and the Chicago buildings. The main interest about the building is its façade. Its skin is composed out of a single module that wraps all the volumes. That module was studied so it could fit on two different ways creating a glass façade and an opaque façade. The building was described by the Pirtzker jury as “…two buildings side by side, one vertical and one horizontal with different scales, in dialogue with each other and the urban landscape.” Souto de Moura commented that “a twenty storey office tower is an unusual project for me. I began my career building single family houses.” 该项目的选址位于博阿维斯塔大街分叉为非连续的路段;这条街道是葡萄牙最大的直线街道,从“音乐之家”歌剧院一直延伸到西部海域。解决方案在于将两座规模 比例不同的毗邻建筑合并到同一水平高度的平台上。相对低矮的那座带状建筑更多的考虑到外围,近似于那种受人追捧的隐匿。而远离街道的高塔则从平台上高耸而 立,迎接着进一步构架以及未来建筑的到来。这座办公综合体在一横一纵两栋建筑之间开设了一个大型广场。该广场则被来自波尔图的建筑师兼雕塑家纳迪尔德阿方 ・

索设计的一座巨大雕塑作品所占据。由于德莫拉先生深受密斯 凡 德 罗以及“芝加哥建筑”风格的影响,两栋建筑线条轮廓简单。人们对于该建筑主要感兴趣的 地方在于外立面。所有体量的表皮都是由同一种模块包裹的;这种特别研制的模块同时适用于制造透明和不透明两种效果的外立面。普利策奖评审团将该项目描述为 “……并排的两栋建筑,方向上一座水平一座竖直且规模比例不同,互相之间以及与周围城市景观均在进行着对话”。 苏托





Section 剖面图


West elevation 西外立面图






Transverse section   横断面图



4 1




5 6



Ground oor plan (Plaza) 1. Entrance 2. Entrance hall 3. Reception 4. Waiting area 5. Elevator  6. Stairs 7. Trade


一层平面图(广场) 1. 入口 2. 门厅 3. 接待处 4. 等候区 5. 电梯间 6. 楼梯 7. 贸易区








8 5





2 3






9 7



Typical oor plan 1. Atrium elevators 2. Atrium 3. Technical area 4. Bandstand 5. Antechamber

标准层平面图 1. 中庭升降梯 2. 中庭 3. 技术区 4. 演奏台 5. 接待室

6. Tidy room 7. Drinking water supplies 8. HVAC technique installation 9. Generator  10. Garbage

6. 整理室 7. 饮用水供给区 8. 暖通空调技术设施 9. 发电机 10. 垃圾存放处




House in Moledo 莫雷多住宅

设计年份 建造时间 地点 委托人 合作人 结构顾问 摄影师

Project Year: 1991 Year: 1991 Construction Year: 1998  Moledo, Caminha, Portugal 葡萄牙 卡米尼亚市 莫雷多 Location: Moledo, Location: Client: António Client:  António Reis Collaborators: Manuela Collaborators:  Manuela Lara, Pedro Reis, Nuno Rodrigues Pereira Structural Consultants: José Consultants: José Adriano Cardoso Photographer: Luís Ferreira Alves

Site plan 总平面图



After the experience at the Baião House, I felt that it would be more natural, in Portugal, to design wooden frames. To this end, the roof has to  be expos exposed ed to view, decla ring itse lf a new objec t, visi visible ble as if fall en from the sky. The project set out to redesign another, earlier house, analogous in terms of site, programme and materials. One exception, one aspect that was not a redesign, is that we had to reconstruct the hillside with new retaining walls and platforms, and this cost more than the house itself. "Le coeur a des raisons..." The client, as an intelligent man, was in agreement, and during seven years the house progressively gained in autonomy, passing from the redesign to the specific design for the occupants and the site which we progressively discovered and modified. 在设计了位于拜昂的住宅后,我觉得木质框架的设计在葡萄牙显得更为自然和谐。为了达到这个 目的,屋顶就必须要暴露,“宣告”它自己为一个新物体,明晰可见仿佛从天而降。这一项目的 出发点原本是重新设计另一座早期的房子,在选址、规划和材料方面二者十分类似。另一方面, 一个不能被称作“重新设计”的例外因素是,我们必须要那个新的挡土墙和平台来改造山坡;而 这项花费已经超过了房子本身。“心之所向必有其因……”,睿智的委托人与我们的意见是一致 的;同时,在历经七年的时间里这栋房子逐渐获得了自主性,我们也由对房子进行重新设计转变 成为了业主而特别设计,同时开发选址并逐渐改造。



 Axonometric drawing 1 轴视图一



 Axonometric drawing 2 轴视图二





















8 9 12 13

Detail drawing 1. Draining membrane 2. Thermal insulation 3. Waterproof membrane 4. Concrete screed levelling 5. Screed 6. Concrete slab 7. Plaster  8. Stainless steel casement 9. Wood casement 10. Underoor heating system 11. Concrete slab 12. Screed 13. Timber oor  细部详图 1. 排水隔膜 2. 热绝缘 3. 防水膜 4. 混凝土砂浆找平层 5. 砂浆层 6. 混凝土板 7. 石膏 8. 不锈钢窗框 9. 木窗扉 10. 地热系统 11. 混凝土板 12. 砂浆层 13. 木地板






Plan   平面图








Courtyard Houses in Matosinhos 马托西纽什庭院住宅

General plan 总平面图

设计年份 建造时间 地址 地点 委托人 合作人 结构顾问 电气顾问 总承包人 摄影师 建筑面积 占地面积

Project Year: 1993 Year: 1993 Construction Year: 1999 Address: Rua Cartelas Vieira Location: Matosinhos, Location:  Matosinhos, Portugal 葡萄牙 马托西纽什 Client: Miguel Client:  Miguel Pereira Leite e Outros Collaborators: Silvia Alves, Manuela Lara, Filipe Pinto da Cruz, Teresa Gonçalves, Laura Peretti Structural Consultants: G.O.P. Electrical Consultants: Engº. Raul Seram General Contractor: Comporto Photographer: Luís Photographer:  Luís Ferreira Alves Building Size: 3,033 m2 Lot Size: 7,340 m2



An aristocratic villa with a beautiful garden had been sold and was being used as a venue for wedding celebrations. The house's vegetable garden, running parallel to Porto de Leixões, was sold off as plots for development. A new road, proposed by the local authority, was to cut diagonally across the vegetable garden to leave a triangle (one plot) and a trapezium (nine plots). The project sets out to occupy the trapezium, dividing it into four small and five large plots, with swimming pools and annexes. The plots are separated by parallel walls, which support three strips of concrete which act as roofs. The spaces between the walls are courtyards, where the vegetation will grow up above the walls to merge with the neighbouring gardens and fields. I believe that the place, laid out with walls and trees, will retain its identity. 一座带有美丽花园、充满贵族气质的别墅最近被售出;过去它被用作婚庆典礼的 场所。与莱索斯港平行的园圃之前已被廉价出售,作为开发规划的地块。地方当 局提议的新道路未来将会从对角斜穿过这座园圃,将其分割成一片三角形地块和 另一片由9个地块构成的梯形区域。而房子项目则打算占据梯形区域,分为四小五 大共九个地块,包括游泳池以及附属建筑物。地块之间用平行墙体隔开,墙体则 支撑三条混凝土质的屋顶。墙体之间的空间就是庭院,那里覆盖着没过墙体、与 邻近的花园和田地相融合的植被。我相信,这个布满围墙和树木的地方将会保持 它自己的个性。



 Axonometric drawing   轴视图





Sections   剖面图







Plan (Below) 1. Entrance 2. Hall / Study 3. Garage 4. Dressing room 5. Bedroom 6. Kitchen




平面图(下图) 1. 入口 2. 大厅/自习室 3. 车库 4. 更衣室 5. 卧室 6. 厨房

7. Living room 8. Swimming pool 9. Laundry 10. Courtyard 11. Storage 12. Restroom

12 1 5





5 5 11 12 3

5 4

7. 起居室 8. 游泳池 9. 洗衣房 10. 庭院 11. 储藏室 12. 卫生间





Roof plan 屋顶平面图








House in Serra da Arrabida 塞拉·阿拉比达住宅

设计年份 建造时间 地点 委托人 合作人 结构顾问 电气顾问 机械顾问

Project Year: 1994 Year: 1994 Construction Year: 2002 Location: Serra Location:  Serra da Arrabida, Portugal 葡萄牙 塞拉·阿拉比达 Client: Dr. Client:  Dr. Paulo Filipe Monteiro Collaborators: Nuno Graça Moura, Camilo Rebelo, José Carlos Mariano Structural Consultants: G.O.P. Electrical Consultants: Rodrigues Consultants: Rodrigues Gomes & Associados Mechanical Consultants: Rodrigues Consultants: Rodrigues Gomes & Associados

摄影师 建筑面积

Photographer: Luís Photographer:  Luís Ferreira Alves Building Size: 212.60 m 2 + 46.25 m2  (Courtyard) (花园)

Site plan 总平面图



The project for the Arrabida House has been in progress for almost four years and I have only now obtained the building permit from the local authority. At the present moment I have passed beyond the permanent crisis, the personal difficulties with the definition of the language, and the final construction project is ready to go ahead. One of the problems was the incompatibility, with regard to the client, the topography and to me, of reconciling any previous experience with this project. The simple solutions were exhausted, and quickly became simplistic. The form transformed itself into formula. A text by the writer Edgar Morin serves to explain the situation: "In the face of increasing complexity, we are more than ever in need of a thought that is capable of simplifying without mutilating. When reality resists simplification, we have to turn to complexity. Complexity is the eruption of the disorder of the aleatory and of uncertainty into reality... We all know today that the future is unpredictable, given the perpetual intervention of the new and the unexpected. And it is for that very reason that extreme complexity has a tendency to resemble a th  permane nt c risi risis." s." (Edgar Morin , ""O O Jornal " 24 December, 1986) 这座房子的规划设计已经持续了近四年时间;目前,我刚刚从地方当局拿到了建造许可证。而且现在,我已经度过了永久性危机、个人语言定义上的困难,而这一最 终的基础建设项目也已经可以往下进行了。在设计中所遇到的主要困难就是如何做到协调一致,具体到客户的角度就是如何解决地形上的问题使其满意,对我个人而 言则在于如何将过往积累的经验应用到这座房子的设计中。简单的解决方案已经用尽,很快就变成了过分单纯化的东西。形式自身转换成了某种准则。我们可以用作 家埃德加·摩林的一段文字来解释这种情况:“面对事物日益错综复杂的局面,我们比以往任何时候都更需要一种能够简化事物同时却不篡改的想法。当现实抗拒简 单时,我们只能再转向复杂。复杂性是偶然无序状态以及不确定性转变为现实的爆发……当今社会,鉴于意想不到的新事物不断介入,我们都知道未来是不可预知 的。也正是由于这个原因,极端复杂性趋向于愈发类似永久性危机。”(见1986年12月24日《华尔街日报》,作者埃德加·摩林)









East elevation 东外立面图

West elevation 西外立面图

South elevation 南外立面图

North elevation 北外立面图



31 1

32 33 34 35 37 38

2 3


39 40 41 42 43 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

4 5 6

44 45 46 47 48



21 22 23 24 25 26 27



17 18 19 20

Constructive detail drawing 1. Stone 3cm 2. Bedding mortar  3. Regularisation

28. Reinforced concrete 29. Waterproof geomembrane 30. Tout-venant 31. Humus

4. Enkadrain 5. Waterproof geomembrane 6. Geotextile 7. Drain 8. Waterproof geomembrane 9. Stone 10. Form layer  11. Geotextile 12. Roofmate isolation material 2cm 13. Sikaplan PVC screen 14. Geotextile 15. Regularisation 16. Screed 17. Waterproof geomembrane 18. Wallmate isolation material 40mm 19. Enkadrain 20. Drain 21. Marble 22. Bedding mortar  23. Screed 24. Screed armed 25. Polyethylene lm 26. Roofmate isolation material 30mm 27. Regularisation

32. Roofmate Stone 33. isolation material 34. Geotextile 35. Goth 36. Enkadrain 37. Roofmate isolation material 40mm 38. Sikaplan PVC geotextile screen 39. Floor screed materials 40. Lightweight concrete with a 1% drop 41. Cerezite 42. Wallmate isolation material 40mm 43. Reinforced plaster  44. Stone 45. Bedding mortar  46. Geotextile 47. Roofmate isolation material 40mm 48. PVC screen 49. Wallmate isolation material 20mm 50. Stone 51. Lightweight concrete with a 1% drop 52. Waterproof geomembrane 53. Wallmate isolation material 40mm 54. Enkadrain

细部详图 1. 3厘米厚石材 2. 垫层砂浆 3. 规则化 4. Enkadrain牌排水管 5. 防水土工膜 6. 土工布 7. 排水管 8. 防水土工膜 9. 石材 10. 造型层 11. 土工布 12. 2厘米厚 Roofmate隔离材料 13. Sikaplan牌聚氯乙烯罩面 14. 土工布 15. 规则化 16. 砂浆层 17. 防水土工膜 18. 40毫米厚Wallmate隔离材料 19. Enkadrain牌排水管 20. 排水管 21. 大理石 22. 垫层砂浆 23. 砂浆层 24. 强化砂浆层 25. 聚乙烯薄膜 26. 30毫米厚 Roofmate隔离材料 27. 规则化

28 29 30 28. 钢筋混凝土 29. 防水土工膜 30. 原煤 31. 腐殖质 32. 石材 33. Roofmate隔离材料 34. 土工布 35. Goth 36. Enkadrain牌排水管 37. 40毫米厚Roofmate隔离材料 38. Sikaplan牌聚氯乙烯土工布罩 Sikaplan牌聚氯乙烯土工布罩面 面 39. 地板砂浆材料 40. 1%沉降轻质混凝土 41. Cerezite 42. 40毫米厚Wallmate隔离材料 43. 加筋涂灰泥 44. 石材 45. 垫层砂浆 46. 土工布 47. 40毫米厚Roofmate隔离材料 48. 聚氯乙烯罩面 49. 20毫米厚Wallmate隔离材料 50. 石材 51. 1%沉降轻质混凝土 52. 防水土工布 53. 40毫米厚Wallmate隔离材料 54. Enkadrain牌排水管

51 52 53 54










Ground oor plan 1. Hall 2. Room 3. Toilet 4. Room 5. Dressing room 6. Storage 7. Storage 8. Technical area

一层平面图 1. 大厅 2. 房间 3. 卫生间 4. 房间 5. 更衣室 6. 储藏室 7. 储藏室 8. 技术区

7 1

2 6

1 8

9 7 2 5

6 3


Basement oor plan 1. Patio 2. Entrance 3. Living room 4. Kitchen 5. Hall 6. Room 7. Toilet 8. Ofce 9. Laundry

负一层平面图 1. 露台 2. 入口 3. 起居室 4. 厨房 5. 大厅 6. 房间 7. 卫生间 8. 办公室 9. 洗衣房






House in Cascais 卡斯凯什住宅

设计年份 建造时间 地点 委托人 合作人 结构顾问 电气顾问 机械顾问 总承包人 摄影师

Project Year: 1994 Year: 1994 Construction Year: 2002  Cascais, Portugal 葡萄牙 卡斯凯什 Location: Cascais, Location: Client: Engº. Client:  Engº. Luís Carlos Valadas Fernandes Collaborators: Nuno Collaborators:  Nuno Graça Moura, Camilo Rebelo, José Carlos Mariano Structural Consultants: AFA Consultants: AFA - Adão da Fonseca Fonseca & Associados Electrical Consultants: Rodrigues Consultants: Rodrigues Gomes & Associados Mechanical Consultants: Rodrigues Consultants: Rodrigues Gomes & Associados General Contractor: Promafer  Contractor: Promafer  Photographer: Luis Photographer:  Luis Ferreira Alves Site plan 总平面图



When designing a house, the problem is to understand the identity of both the client and the place in order to invent an "alter ego". Our capacity for repetition depends on our attitudes to the "time" and on the personality of the "place". I became interested in doors and windows, which I had felt inhibited about for 25 years. An immense horizontal sea, the Atlantic, cannot be recorded: an ocean - always different, always the same - cannot  be "ca ught ught". ". We ther efo re open ed up a neut ral view, expa nding ndi ng the void s and designing with positives and negatives. The materials and colours are all different, all the same: grey. The grey tones vary gradually from outside to inside. The greys of Azulino de Cascais stone, the matt sheen of the aluminium and the sand-blasted stainless steel are all waiting for the setting sun to lift them out of their "grey" state. 在设计一座房子时,难题在于如何了解委托人和项目地点二者的个性特点以创造出“另一个自 我”。而反复尝试的能力则取决于我们对“时间”所持的态度以及“地点”的个性。我对于门和 窗户逐渐开始感兴趣;我感觉这种兴趣已经被压抑了 窗户逐渐开始感兴趣;我感 觉这种兴趣已经被压抑了大概25年。一望无际—— 大概25年。一望无际——看似时刻静止,却 看似时刻静止,却 又不断变化——的大西洋无法被记录,无法被“捕捉”。因此,我们开发出了一个中立的视角, 通过考虑正反两方面的因素来扩展结点间空隙和设计。材料和颜色上则是似是而非的灰色。房子 的灰色调从外到内渐变。无论是卡斯凯什孔雀石、亚光的铝材,还是表面喷砂的不锈钢材,都在 等待着落日的余晖将它们从“灰色”状态中解放出来。





Section 1 剖面图一

Section 2 剖面图二

Section 3 剖面图三

Section 4 剖面图四













North façade (Kitchen) detail drawing 1. Camarinha type zinc plate 2. Delta MS Dörken 3. Roofmate isolation material 40mm 4. Regularisation (1cm) 5. Form layer (Lightweight concrete) 6. Zinc ruff  7. Roofmate isolation material 20mm 8. Delta MS Dörken 9. Zinc plate 10. Stainless steel corner 30x30x2mm 11. Concrete


6 7 8 9 10

12. Waterproof mortar  13. Expanded polystyrene 40mm 14. Dryvit type armed and colored concrete 15. Stainless steel corner 30x30x2mm 16. Handmade tile 14x14cm 17. Regularisation/Settlement 18. Waterproof mortar  19. Wallmate isolation material 40mm 20. Concrete 21. Waterproof mortar  22. Regularisation 23. Bedding mortar  24. Handmade tile 14x14cm 25. Marble threshold 26. Stainless steel corner 30x30x2 mm 27. Dryvit type armed and coloured concrete 28. Expanded polystyrene 25mm 29. Waterproof mortar  30. Concrete slab 31. Regularisation 32. Acoustic screen 33. Filling 34. Regularisation 35. Bedding mortar  36. Marble

11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18

北外立面(厨房)细部详图 1. Camarinha牌锌板 2. Delta MS Dörken 3. 40毫米厚Roofmate隔离材料 4. (1厘米)规则化 5. 造型层(轻质混凝土) 6. 锌质外壳 7. 20毫米厚Roofmate隔离材料 8. Delta MS Dörken 9. 锌板 10. 30x30x2毫米不锈钢内墙角 11. 混凝土





26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35




12. 防水灰浆 13. 40毫米厚泡沫聚苯乙烯 14. Dryvit牌加强型彩色混凝 Dryvit牌加强型彩色混凝土 土 15. 30x30x2毫米不锈钢内墙角 16. 14x14厘米手工制造瓷砖 17. 规则化/沉降 18. 防水灰浆 19. 40毫米厚Wallmate隔离材料 20. 混凝土 21. 防水灰浆 22. 规则化 23. 垫层砂浆 24. 14x14厘米手工制造瓷砖 25. 大理石门槛 26. 30x30x2毫米不锈钢内墙角 27. Dryvit牌加强型彩色混凝 Dryvit牌加强型彩色混凝土 土 28. 25毫米厚泡沫聚苯乙烯 29. 防水灰浆 30. 混凝土板 31. 规则化 32. 隔声屏 33. 填料 34. 规则化


35. 垫层砂浆 36. 大理石



Section 5 剖面图五




2 4


9 5 6 7


Ground oor plan (Above) 1. Garage 2. Hall 3. Laundry 4. Bathroom 5. Bedroom 6. Wine cellar  7. Machine room 8. Storage 9. Balneary

Section 6 剖面图六

Section 7 剖面图七

一层平面图(上图) 1. 车库 2. 大厅 3. 洗衣房 4. 卫生间 5. 卧室 6. 酒窖 7. 机房 8. 储藏室 9. 浴室

Section 8 剖面图八

Section 9 剖面图九






5 4






6 3


11 10




9 1




First oor plan (Above) 1. Entrance 2. Entrance hall 3. Living room 4. Kitchen 5. Pantry 6. Hall 7. Television room 8. Corridor  9. Bedroom 10. Hall (Suite) 11. Restrooms 12. Dressing room 13. Balcony

二层平面图(上图) 1. 入口 2. 门厅 3. 起居室 4. 厨房 5. 食品、餐具储藏室 6. 大厅 7. 电视间 8. 走廊 9. 卧室 10. 大厅(套房) 11. 卫生间 12. 更衣室 13. 阳台

14. Stairs

14. 楼梯




House in "Bom Jesus" II 博姆·赫苏斯二号住宅

设计年份 建造时间 地址 地点 委托人 合作人 结构顾问 电气顾问 机械顾问 总承包人 摄影师 建筑面积 占地面积

Project Year: 1996-2004 Construction Year: 2004-2007 Address: Lamaçães Address:  Lamaçães Location: Bom Location:  Bom Jesus, Braga, Portugal 葡萄牙 布拉加市 博姆·赫苏斯 Client: Dr. Fernando Vaz Collaborators: Susana Collaborators:  Susana Meirinhos, Luís Peixoto, Tomás Neves Structural Consultants: S.G.P.E. Electrical Consultants: Fernando Ramos Mechanical Consultants: Matos Campos General Contractor: Sá Machado & Filhos Photographer: Luís Ferreira Alves Building Size: 1,171 m2 Lot Size: 5,050 m2

Site plan 总平面图



To meet the client’s requirements we designed a black and white house with large terraces overlooking the city. The image of the Art House Project in Naoshima - Minami Dera Temple  by   by Tadao Ando came up as an excuse for the black and also because the client was a timber industrial. Because the site was a fairly steep hill overlooking the city of Braga, we decided not to produce a large volume resting on a hilltop. The house was to be a wooden box but due to maintenance issues it will now be coated with  patin aed zinc. Inste ad, we made the constr uction on five terra ces with retai retainer ner walls walls,, with a differ different ent functi on defin ed for each terrace - fruit trees on the lowest level, a swimming pool on the next, the main parts of the house on the next, bedrooms on the fourth, and on the top, we planted a forest. Those terraces’ drawings led us to involve the house in a heroically suspended ring. The ring will probably be painted in white. Between this ring and the house a garden embraces the vertical oak-trees. On the house’s south and west sides the terraces’ horizontal subbase planes could be aligned with the skyline. (Porto, August 2009, Eduardo Souto de Moura) 为了满足委托人的要求,我们设计了一黑一白两座房子;它们带有大面积的露台,在那里可以远眺这座城市。而我的脑中浮现出了安藤忠雄先生的作品“直岛艺术中 心”的意象,来作为这一黑一白两座的房子的借口,因为我们的委托人从事木材产业的工作。这一项目的选址位于一座颇为陡峭、可俯瞰布拉加市的山坡上,所以我 们决定不会在小山顶建造一座大体量的建筑。我们原打算采用木质结构房子来建造这座房子,但出于保养问题的考虑表面上将会以锌压板覆盖。相反的,我们在五座 露台上建起了挡土墙,以此来将每座露台隔开并分别赋予它们不同的功能定义——果树在最底层,接下来是游泳池,然后是房子的主体部分,第四层是卧室,而在顶 层我们种植了一片树林。露台的图纸指引我们将房子置于巨大的环形悬浮围栏中。围栏很可能会被涂成白色。环形围栏与房子之间,一座花园环抱着参天橡树。在房 子的西面和南面,露台的水平地基位面则与遥远的天际线相接。 ——艾德瓦尔多 苏托 德 莫拉,写于2009年8月,波尔图 ・



Southeast elevation 东南外立面图

Northeast elevation (Section 1) 东北外立面(剖面图一)

Southwest elevation (Section 2) 西南外立面(剖面图二)

Southwest elevation (Section 3) 西南外立面(剖面图三)

Southwest elevation (Section 4) 西南外立面(剖面图四)







Detail section drawing 1. "Wavin" drain omega ¢ 100 mm 2. Grass 3. Sand substrate 4cm 4. Fine sand 13cm 5. Thick area 10cm 6. LECA 20cm 7. "Cordrain" 16mm 8. Alkorplan L membrane 35177 (1.5mm) 2 9. Alkorplus protection layer 81005 (300g/m ) 10. Roofmate isolation material 40mm 11. Alkorplus Alkorplus vapour control layer 81012 12. Form layer with regularisation and 1% drop 13. Wooden oor  14. Wood slats 15. Armed screed 16. Floormate isolation material 30mm 17. Regularisation 18. Concrete slab 19. Waterproof geomembrane 20. Sub-foundation of tout-venant 21. Support structure of the plasterboard 22. Waterproof plasterboard 15mm 23. Concrete wall 20cm 24. Screed 8cm with 1% drop 25. Concrete screed 26. Rockll


剖面细部图 1. 直径100毫米“Wavin”牌排水管 直径100毫米“Wavin”牌排水管头 头 2. 草坪 3. 4厘米厚沙基层 4. 13厘米厚细沙层 5. 10厘米加厚区域 6. 20厘米厚多孔介质 7. 16毫米厚“Cordrain”材料 8.(1.5毫米厚)Alkorplan牌L形膜35177



4 3

7 8

9.(300克/平方米)Alkorplus牌防护层81005 10. 40毫米厚Roofmate隔离材料 11. Alkorplus 牌蒸汽控制层 81012 12. 1%沉降并规则化的造型层 13. 木地板 14. 木板条 15. 加强型砂浆 16. 30毫米厚Floormate隔离材料 17. 规则化

18. 混凝土板 19. 防水土工膜 20. 下方原煤基层 21. 石膏板支撑结构 22. 15毫米厚防水石膏板 23. 20厘米厚水泥墙 24. 1%沉降8厘米厚砂浆层 25. 混凝土浆层 26. 碎填石



10 11

21 22 23


24 25 26

13 14 15 16 17 18 19




Longitudinal section 1 纵切面图一

Longitudinal section 2 纵切面图二

Longitudinal section 3 纵切面图三







Cave plan (Right) 1. Garage 2. Tidy room 3. Technical area 4. Hall 5. Restroom 6. Storage




5 6 4


7. Kitchen 8. Swimming pool 9. Vestibule / kitchenette 10. Technical Technical area / tidy room of chairs 11. SPA 小屋平面图 (右图) 1. 车库 2. 整理室 3. 技术区 4. 大厅 5. 卫生间 6. 储藏室 7. 厨房 8. 游泳池 9. 门廊/小厨房 10. 技术区/椅子储藏室 11. 温泉洗浴


11 10 8









2 1


9 5

4 16


11 6



Ground oor plan (Above) 1. Hall 2. Cloakroom 3. Service room 4. Living room 5. Dining room 6. Breakfast room 7. Kitchen 8. Pantry 9. Service hall

10. Laundry 11. Service room 12. Storage 13. Service room 14. Restroom 15. Storage 16. Playroom 17. Ofce 18. Storage 19. Vault

一层平面图(上图) 1. 大厅 2. 衣帽间 3. 服务区 4. 起居室 5. 餐厅 6. 早餐室 7. 厨房 8. 食品储藏室 9. 服务大厅

10. 洗衣房 11. 服务区 12. 储藏室 13. 服务用室 14. 卫生间 15. 储藏室 16. 游戏室 17. 办公室 18. 储藏室 19. 地下室











House in Maia II 马亚市二号住宅 设计年份 建造时间 地址 地点 委托人 合作人 结构顾问 电气顾问 机械顾问 液压顾问 景观设计 建造者 摄影师

Project Year: 1996 Year: 1996 Construction Year: 2005-2007 Year: 2005-2007 Address: Rua Address:  Rua Nicolau Nasoni, Lotes 1 e 9 Location: Maia, Portugal 葡萄牙 马亚市 Client: Fernando Client:  Fernando Dias Collaborators: Luís Collaborators:  Luís Peixoto, Susana Meirinhos Structural Consultants: AFA Consultants: AFA consult consult - Engº Rui Furtado, Engº Miguel Paula Rocha Electrical Consultants: AFA Consultants: AFA consult - Engº Raul Seram Mechanical Consultants: AFA Consultants: AFA consult - Engª Isabel Sarmento Hydraulic: AFA Hydraulic:  AFA consult consult - Engº Paulo Silva Landscaping: Engº Manuel Pedro Melo Constructor: Matriz Constructor:  Matriz Photographer: Luís Ferreira Alves

Site plan 总平面图



The house is developed on two lots whose ends have a height of seven metres. Moving forward to the middle between two volumes, the programme looks like this: the rooms on the east, and the living room as well as others on the west. Below, is a basement with a porch that serves as a garage,  pool and the engine room. The house has two patio s and gardens with two different geographies: to the east, the rooms, a more intimate area with a tranquil oriental garden that provides the necessary light; to the west lies a long garden with oaks on the north, falling into a pool where a window lets you see the industrial outskirts and subway passes. 这座房子的开发选址在两块末端海拔高达7米的土地上。来到两座体量建筑的中间,项目的规划看 上去像是这样的:卧室房间位于东侧,起居室和其他区域则在西边。较低的一层是带有门廊的地 下室,包含车库、游泳池和机房。房子有处在不同地形的两座天井花园:东面的卧室房间区是一 片更为私密的区域,所以带有一座恬静的东方花园,提供了必要光线;西边的花园呈长条状,北 边栽有几株橡树,同时分出了一片游泳池;透过泳池房的窗子可以看到市郊工业区和地铁通道。



Section 1


Section 2




















Ground oor plan (Below) 1. Hall / entrance 2. Room 1 3. Corridor 1 4. Hall 5. Corridor 2 6. Hall 2 7. Hall 3 8. Patio 9. Bedroom suite


10. Bedroom 2 11. Bedroom 3 12. Hall 4 13. Bedroom 4 14. Room 2 15. Pantry 16. Laundry 17. Kitchen 18. Dining room


14 15


12 17

3 4 11



6 10

2 7





一层平面图(下图) 1. 门厅/入口 2. 房间一 3. 走廊一 4 大厅 5. 走廊二 6. 大厅二 7. 大厅三 8. 露台 9. 卧室套房

10 卧室二 11. 卧室三 12. 大厅四 13. 卧室四 14. 房间二 15. 食品储藏室 16. 洗衣房 17. 厨房 18. 餐厅



Constructive section 1 & 2 1. Humus 2. "Impersep 250" (Imperalum)   type screen 3. "Isola platon de 25" (Imperalum) type screen 4. Roofmate isolation material 6cm 5. Asphalt screen 6. Regularisation 7. Form layer (Lightweight concrete) 8. Visoplast armed and coloured concrete 9. Plaster  10. Bended zinc plate 11. Wing (Drip) 12. Bedding mortar of Wallmate 13. Wallmate isolati isolation on material 2cm 14. Dryvit type armed and coloured concrete 15. Paved in granite 8cm 16. Regularisation 17. Concrete screed 18. Gravel foundation 15cm 19. Vitrocsa aluminium frame (Double rail) 20. Laminated glass 8mm (4+4) 21. Air box 10mm 22. Tempered glass 6mm 23. Unequal corner aluminium tabs 25x12mm 24. Asphalt screen 25. Filling 26. Insulation panel 27. Concrete layer with additive 28. Floor  29. Slats 剖面详图一和二 1. 腐殖质 2. “Impersep 250”   (Imperalum)式罩面 3. “Isola platon de 25”   (Imperalum)式罩面 4. 6厘米厚Roofmate隔离材料 5. 沥青罩面 6. 规则化 7. 轻质混凝土造型层 8. Visoplast牌加强型彩色混凝 Visoplast牌加强型彩色混凝土 土 9. 石膏 10. 弯折锌板 11. 前翼子板(滴水槽) 12. Wallmate垫层砂浆 13. 2厘米厚Wallmate隔离材料 14. Dryvit牌加强型彩色混凝土 Dryvit牌加强型彩色混凝土 15. 8厘米厚花岗岩铺就 16. 规则化 17. 混凝土砂浆层 18. 15厘米厚砾石地基 19. Vitrocsa牌铝框(双轨) 20. 8(4+4)毫米厚夹层安全玻璃 21. 10毫米厚风箱 22. 6毫米厚钢化玻璃 23. 25x12毫米不规则角铝板 24. 沥青罩面 25. 填料 26. 绝缘板 27. 带添加剂的混凝土层 28. 地板

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9

10 11 12





21 22

23 24 25 26 15 16 17 18

27 28 29



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13



20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

15 16 17 18





Section 3 (Above)


Section 4 (Below)









Commercial Building in Maia City  马亚市商业建筑项目

设计年份 建造时间 地址 地点 委托人 合作人 结构顾问 电气顾问 机械顾问 景观设计 总承包人 摄影师 建筑面积 成本(欧元)

Project Year: 1997 Construction Year: 1998-2001 Year: 1998-2001 Address: Rua Address:  Rua Clotilde Ferreira da Cruz - E.N.14  Maia, Portugal 葡萄牙 马亚市 Location: Maia, Location: Client: Sr. Client:  Sr. Ribeiro Collaborators: T Collaborators:  Tomás omás Neves, José Carlos Mariano Structural Consultants: Enarte - Engenharia e Arquitectura, Lda. Electrical Consultants: Enarte - Engenharia e Arquitectura, Lda. Mechanical Consultants: Enarte Consultants: Enarte - Engenharia e Arquitectura, Lda. Landscape Design: Laura Costa General Contractor: Ribeiro de Sousa & Silva Correia, Lda. Photographer: Luís Ferreira Alves Building Size: 6,412.2 m2 Cost: 4,588,940.65 Euros



The building is designed for collective housing and has 32 flats and 8 commercial spaces. The construction area is 45 metres x 17 metres with a ground floor and five storeys. The rectangle was divided through its axis creating two separate bodies which are continuous and symmetric, yet independent in terms of accesses and entrances. The lifts, staircases, bathrooms, storage areas and service areas compose the building’s central structure, allowing better interior organisation. The eastern elevation includes two entrances, four of the commercial entrances and the car entrances for the basements car park. The western façade gives direct access to four commercial spaces. The flat typology has the kitchen near the entrance, next to the living room and the bedrooms creating a linear front, structured by a corridor with 1.40 metres wide. The structure metric is based on a square, 5.9 metres large, creating bedroom fronts of 2.95 metres and parking spaces of the same size. The wall openings define the façade modulation which is a system of aluminium venetian blinds. This system has two types: the first, fixed to the exterior wall and the second, a normal blind for the windows and the laundry openings. This principle stands on the ground floor in the commercial spaces. The window frames are made of aluminium in its natural colour. The flat floor is made of wood boards, and the walls are covered with  plaster  plast er or clay tile s in the bathro oms. 这座建筑是用来作为集体住宅的,包括32间单元公寓和8处商业空间。施工区的面积尺寸为45米×17米,包括首层以及上面5层建筑。矩形区域被从其轴线处分开,形 成了两个形状上连续对称,但通路和入口各自独立的部分。电梯间、楼梯、盥洗室、储藏室以及业务区组成了楼体的中心结构,使得室内分布更加合理。大楼的东部 包括两个入口,四个商务区入口和地下停车场入口。西外立面直接通往四处商业空间。单元公寓的类型则是厨房在靠近房间入口处,紧挨起居室卧室,形成一种直线

锋面,走廊宽为1.4米。结构度量标准以一个5.9米的方形为 锋面,走廊宽为1.4米。结构 度量标准以一个5.9米的方形为基础,生成的卧室和停车位的 基础,生成的卧室和停车位的锋面尺寸同为2.95米。墙壁开口 锋面尺寸同为2.95米。墙壁开口将外立面调制系统定义为威尼 将外立面调制系统定义为威尼斯铝制百叶窗 斯铝制百叶窗 的模式。这种系统分为两类:第一种安装固定在外墙上,而第二种就是普通的百叶窗或者安装在洗衣房的开口处。这一原理广泛应用在了商务空间的第一层。窗框采 用的是原色铝材。公寓地面铺有木质地板,浴室墙面则分别贴有石膏板或粘土瓦。





North elevation 北外立面图

South elevation 南外立面图

Section 1 剖面图一



Section 2




Ground oor plan




1 30 31

2 3 4

Vertical section version 1. Brick wall 0. 11 2. Waterproof regularisation 3. Wallmate isolation material 3cm 4. Guide rail of the blind 5. Asphalt screen 6. U-shape stainless steel for lashing the sill with 0.30 separation 7. Sill in bended aluminium plate 3.5mm 8. Support brackets to the rails 9. Rail of the blind roller  10. Blades of the blind 11. Concrete slab 12. Waterproof regularisation 13. Wallmate isolation material 4cm 14. Guide rail of the blind 15. Aluminium corner 40x40x4mm 16. Brick wall 0.11 17. Waterproof regularisation 18. Wallmate isolation material 3cm 19. Guide rail of the blind 20. Asphalt screen 21. U-shape stainless steel for lashing the sill with 0.50 separation 22. Sill in bended aluminium plate 3.5mm 23. Support brackets to the rails 24. Rail of the blind roller  25. Blades of the blind 26. Concrete slab 27. Waterproof regularisation 28. Wallmate isolation material 4cm 29. Guide rail of the blind 30. Brick wall 0.11 31. Plaster tin 32. Wing 33. Hardwood parquet 34. Glue of settlement 35. Regularisation of armed screed 36. Isolphone type acoustic screen 37. Form layer of cork concrete 38. Concrete slab 39. Plaster stucco 40. Wing 41. Brick wall 0.11 42. Plaster tin 43. Wing 44. Hardwood parquet 45. Glue of settlement 46. Regularisation of armed screed 47. Isolphone type acoustic screen 48. Form layer of cork concrete 49. Concrete slab

32 33 34

5 6

35 36 37

7 8


9 10 11 12 13 14


39 40

16 17 18

41 42

21 22 23 24 25 26


43 44 45


46 47 48 49

27 28 29



纵断面细部图 版本二 (对页图) 1. 0.11厚砖墙 2. 规则化防水 3. 3厘米厚Wallmate隔离材料 4. 百叶窗导轨 5. 沥青罩面 6. 加固基座的U形不锈钢,   0.3间距 7. 3.5毫米厚弯折铝板基座 8. 导轨支架 9. 百叶窗滚轮轨道 10. 百叶窗扁叉 11. 混凝土板 12. 规则化防水 13. 4厘米厚Wallmate隔离材料

24. 百叶窗滚轮轨道 25. 百叶窗扁叉 26. 混凝土板 27. 规则化防水 28. 4厘米厚Wallmate   隔离材料 29. 百叶窗导轨 30. 0.11厚砖墙 31. 石膏锡 32. 前翼子板 33. 硬木镶接地板 34. 基层打胶 35. 规则化加强砂浆层 36. Isolphone牌隔音屏 37. 软木混凝土造型层

14. 百叶窗导轨 15. 40x40x4毫米铝制内墙角 16. 0.11厚砖墙 17. 规则化防水 18. 3厘米厚Wallmate   隔离材料 19. 百叶窗导轨 20. 沥青罩面 21. 加固基座的U形不锈钢, 0.5间距 22. 3.5毫米厚弯折铝板基座 23. 导轨支架

38. 混凝土板 39. 石膏灰泥浆 40. 前翼子板 41. 0.11厚砖墙 42. 石膏锡 43. 前翼子板 44. 硬木镶接地板 45. 基层打胶 46. 规则化加强砂浆层 47. Isolphone牌隔音屏 48. 软木混凝土造型层 49. 混凝土板



First oor plan











Porto Metro 波尔图市地铁系统改建项目

Site plan 总平面图

设计年份 建造时间 地址 地点 委托人 建筑团队 协调人 合作人

Project Year : 1997 Construction Year: 2005 Year: 2005 Address: Porto Location: Porto, Portugal 葡萄牙 波尔图市 Client: Metro do Porto Architectural Team: Coordinator: Arq. Coordinator:  Arq. Adriano Pimenta Pimenta  Arq. André Campos, Collaborators: Arq. Collaborators:  Arq. Ricardo Tedim, Tedim, Arq. Eduardo Eduardo Carrilho,  Arq. Joana Pinho, José Carlos Mariano,  Arq. Bernardo Durão, Arq. Diogo Crespo,  Arq. Manuel Pais Vieira, Arq. Nuno Flores,  Arq. Nuno Lopes, Arq. Tiago Tiago Coelho,  Arq. Tiago Figueiredo, Figueiredo,


 Aqr. Eduardo Pereira, Pedro Chimeno, Chimeno, Soares da Costa - Gabinete de Projectos

概念工程设计 摄影师

Foundations and Structural Consultants: CENOR - Projectos de Engenharia, Lda. COBA - Consultores para Obras, Barragens e Planeamento, S.A. CJC - Engenharia e Projectos, Lda. VIA PONTE - Projectos e Consultoria de Engenharia, Lda. 液压顾问 Hidraulic Consultant: FASE Consultant: FASE - Estudos e Projectos, S.A. 联合顾问 Construction Consortium: Normetro ACE 土木工程(规划、执行) Civil Construction (Project + Execution): Transmetro (Soares da Costa, Somague, Impregilo) 电气化 Power and Electrifcation: Balfour Beatty Rail 铁路传信系统和车辆 Rail Signalling System and Vehicles:  Vehicles:  Bombardier Transportation 运行与维护管理 Management Operation and Maintenance: Transdev Concept Engineering: Semaly Engineering: Semaly Photographer: Luís Ferreira Alves


Building Size: 60 km of railway and 69 Stations 60公里铁路及69个车站



The poet Pablo Neruda, when he was to receive the Nobel Prize, included in his speech of thanks a short quotation from Rimbaud, " dawn, armed with an ardent patience, we shall enter the splendid cities." When we go down the Av. República in the morning, coming from St. Ovídio, and cross the Luís I bridge, "...armed with an ardent patience, we shall enter the splendid cities, Porto". Initially it seemed almost impossible to make the rigorous technical specifications which determine the system compatible with the dramatic topography of the historic centre of the city. However, during the course of the project we became convinced of its feasibility. With the evolution of the project something that might have been an obstacle - a closed and unaccommodating system - was transformed into a factor for the redesign of the city. Minor changes in the levels of the streets and adjustments to the correspondence of slopes, pavements, gardens, trees, street furniture and lighting are some of the aspects of regrading that the surface metro line suggested and which the city needed and we could not put off for the future. 诗人巴勃罗·聂鲁达在接受诺贝尔文学奖时,在他的致谢感言中引用了诗人兰波的一小段文字:“黎明时分,我们将以炽热的耐心,进入灿烂辉煌的城市。”清晨, 当我们从圣·奥比迪奥出发,穿过路易斯一世大桥,来到共和大街的时候,同样“将以炽热的耐心,进入灿烂辉煌的城市——波尔图”。最初的时候,看上去几乎不 大可能制定严格的技术规格来使得这个系统与具有历史意义的城市中心区域那绵延起伏的地势和谐统一。然而,在项目进行的过程中我们确信了这一方案的可行性。 随着项目的进展,原本可能成为障碍的,即一个不能与人方便的封闭系统——被转变成了城市再设计中的一个因素。街道上的微小改动,以及为使斜坡、道路、花 园、树木、街道设施和灯光协调一致而做出的调整,都是不同层面的重整再分类行为;这些行为都是地铁沿线表面和城市建设所需要的,也是出于对我们未来的考虑




Section 1 剖面图一

Section 2 剖面图二





Sections 剖面图



Platform level plan 站台层平面图

 Atrium level plan 中庭层平面图












Cinema's House "Manoel de Oliveira" 曼努埃尔·德·奥利维拉的影院住宅 设计年份 建造时间 地址 地点 委托人 合作人

结构顾问 液压顾问 电气顾问 机械顾问 总承包人 摄影师 建筑面积 占地面积

Project Year: 1998-December 2000 Construction Year: November Year: November 2001-May 2003 Address: Rua do Arqtº. Viana de Lima Location: Porto, Portugal 葡萄牙 波尔图 Client: Câmara Municipal do Porto Collaborators: Sérgio Koch, Diogo Guimarães, Ricardo Meri, Enrique Penichet, Joana Corrêa, Jorge Domingues, José Carlos Mariano Structural Consultants: G.O.P., Lda. Hidraulic Consultants: G.O.P., Consultants: G.O.P., Lda. Electrical Consultants: G.P.I.C., Lda. Mechanical Consultant: Paulo Queirós de Faria, Lda. General Contractor: Incons., S.A. Photography: Luís Photography:  Luís Ferreira.Alves Building Size: 1,476 m2 Lot Size: 1,020 m2

Site plan 总平面图



The building presents a cubic form, similar to the surrounding houses, suffering some inflections for best to answer to the dimensions of the lot - inclined roof and trapeze for the auditorium. The fact that two towers, distanced 35 metres, with 15 storeys are foreseen, made us want to split the space of the library in two, focusing them towards the river and the sea. Outwardly, the covering will be in zinc, the floor 1 with a dark grey monopaste and the groundfloor covered with an unpolished inox foil. Inwardly the ceilings will be acoustic, the walls plastered and the pavements of the compartments also in a dark wood, being the hall and the stairways in a softened grey marble. The project also includes an access and external arrangements towards the new street, on the south of the construction. With this tail the building is no longer a "fly" but I want to see which way the "cat" jumps. 与周围的房子类似,这座建筑呈现立方体的形状,承受了一定的屈折变化从而极好地呼应了这一地块的规模和维数——倾斜的屋顶以及礼堂的吊架。可以预见的是35 米远处将会建起两座15层的高塔,这个事实使得我们打算将图书馆的空间一分为二,分别将它们聚焦点转向河畔与海边。房子的外表面覆盖物将做镀锌处理,二层涂 有深灰色的显定合一浆,而底层地面铺有未抛光的不锈钢箔片。内部的屋顶将根据声学原理建造,水泥灰抹作墙壁,隔间之间的道路铺有深色木地板使之成为大厅, 楼梯则用软化的灰色大理石制成。在南部这个项目还包括一条通往新建街道的通路和外部的设施。这条“尾巴”似的设计使得这座建筑不再是一只昆虫的形状;不过










Section 1 剖面图一



Ground oor plan




Section 2 剖面图二



Basement oor plan 负一层平面图





Constructive 1. Pine wood section joist 2. Zinc plate 3. Roofmate 4cm 4. Plywood 25mm 5. Ytong brick 6. Zinc plate 7. Roofmate 3cm 8. Vireo coating ref: "visolast" 9. Waterproof regularisation 10. Radkon 11. Concrete 12. False ceiling substructure 13. Rock of high density 14. Wilhelmi Werke acoustic coating 15. Waterproof plasterboard 16. Polystyrene thermal insulation (Wallmate) 17. Air-conditioner grid 18. Supporting box 19. Humus 20. Ytong brick

26. Lightweight concrete 27. Drip ruff  28. Radkon 29. Wallmate 2cm 30. Waterproof regularisation 31. Vireo coating ref.: "visolast" 32. Coated shutters of stripped and anodised aluminium 5mm 33. Granite 8cm 34. Screed with regularisation 35. Geotextile 36. Roofmate 4cm 37. Sikaplan PVC screen 38. Geotextile 39. Regularisation screed with 2% drop 40. Lightweight concrete 41. Rock of high density 42. Wilhelmi Werke acoustic coating 43. Roller of the "blackout" type blind 44. Technal aluminium frame-double

49. Brass grid 50. Pine wood oor  51. Waterproof concrete with Radkon 52. Waterproof regularisation 53. Waterproof concrete with Bentox 54. Wallmate 4cm 55. Delta drain 56. Drain 57. False ceiling substructure 58. Wilhelmi Werke acoustic coating 59. Epoxy 60. Filling 61. Polystyrene thermal insulation 62. Regularisation 63. Zinc vale 64. Granulated cork 65. Roofmate 2cm 66. Ytong brick

72. Pine wood oor  73. Rock of high density 74. Pine wood joist 75. Regularisation 76. Granulated cork 77. Ytong brick 78. Bedding mortar  79. Pine wood oor  80. Pine wood joist 81. Regularisation 82. Polystyrene thermal insulation 83. Filling / Settlement 84. Marble 85. Rock of high density 86. Waterproof plasterboard 87. Polystyrene thermal insulation 88. Diffusing plague 89. Marble 90. Coating screed 91. Regularisation 92. Floor heating tube

98. Wilhelmi Werke acoustic coating 99. Marble 3cm 100. Layer of regularisation 101. Layer of lling and concrete paving ags 5cm 102. Ytong brick wall to support the paving ags 103. Vireo coating ref.: "visolast" 104. Waterproof regularisation 105. Radkon 106. Concrete 107. Wallmate 108. Waterproof plasterboard 109. False ceiling substructure 110. Wilhelmi Werke acoustic coating 11 111. 1. Rock of high density 112. Vireo coating ref.: "visolast" 113. Waterproof regularisation 114. Wallmate 2cm 115. Drip ruff  116. Radkon

rail "Serial Number GK" 45. Granite block 46. Brick 7cm 47. Regularisation 48. Granite step

21. Delta drain 22. Wallmate 4cm 23. Sikaplan PVC screen 24. Geotextile 25. Regularisation screed with 2% drop

67. Plywood 25mm 68. Roofmate 4cm 69. Pine wood joist 70. Rock of high density 71. Waterproof plasterboard

93. Pine wood oor  94. Rock of high density 95. Pine wood joist 96. Regularisation 97. Rock of high density

117. "Brickslot-simple" drainage system 118. Concrete foundation 119. False ceiling substructure 120. Wilhelmi Werke acoustic coating



剖面详图 1. 松木托梁 2. 锌板 3. 4厘米厚Roofmate隔离材料 4. 25毫米厚胶合板 5. 轻质混凝土砖 6. 锌板 7. 3厘米厚Roofmate隔离材料 8. 参照“Visolast”的Vireo涂层 9. 规则化防水

44. “序列号GK”Technal牌   双轨铝框 45. 花岗岩块 46. 7厘米厚砖块 47. 规则化 48. 花岗岩台阶 49. 黄铜网格 50. 松木地板 51. 加入Radkon牌材料的   防水混凝土

57. 假吊顶底部结构 58. Wilhelmi Werke隔音涂层 59. 环氧基树脂 60. 填料 61. 高分子聚苯乙烯保温层 62. 规则化 63. 锌质凹槽 64. 颗粒状软木 65. 2厘米厚Roofmate隔离材料 66. 轻质混凝土砖

74. 松木托梁 75. 规则化 76. 颗粒状软木 77. 轻质混凝土砖 78. 垫层砂浆 79. 松木地板 80. 松木托梁 81. 规则化 82. 高分子聚苯乙烯保温层 83. 填料//沉降

90. 涂料砂浆层 91. 规则化 92. 地热管 93. 松木地板 94. 高密度岩石 95. 松木托梁 96. 规则化 97. 高密度岩石 98. Wilhelmi Werke隔音涂层 99. 3厘米厚大理石

105. Radkon牌材料 106. 混凝土 107. Wallmate隔离材料 108. 防水石膏板 109. 假吊顶底部结构 110. Wilhelmi Werke隔音涂层 111. 高密度岩石 112. 参照“Visolast”的Vireo涂层 113. 规则化防水 114. 2厘米厚Wallmate隔离材料

10. Radkon牌材料 11. 混凝土 12. 假吊顶底部结构 13. 高密度岩石 14. Wilhelmi Werke隔音涂层 15. 防水石膏板 16. 高分子聚苯乙烯保温层   (Wallmate隔离材料) 17. 空调网格 18. 支撑箱体 19. 腐殖质 20. 轻质混凝土砖 21. Detla牌排水管 22. 4厘米厚Wallmate隔离材料 23. Sikaplan 聚氯乙烯罩面 24. 土工布 25. 2%沉降规则化砂浆层 26. 轻质混凝土

52. 规则化防水 53. 加入Bentofix材料的   防水混凝土 54. 4厘米厚Wallmate   隔离材料 55. Delta牌排水管 56. 排水管

67. 25毫米厚胶合板 68.4厘米厚Roofmate隔离材料 69. 松木托梁 70. 高密度岩石 71. 防水石膏板 72. 松木地板 73. 高密度岩石

84. 大理石 85. 高密度岩石 86. 防水石膏板 87. 高分子聚苯乙烯保温层 88. 散射饰板 89. 大理石

100. 规则化层 101. 5厘米厚填料和混凝土   铺路石板层 102. 支撑铺路石板的轻质混凝 支撑铺路石板的轻质混凝土砖墙 土砖墙 103. 参照“Visolast”的Vireo涂层 104. 规则化防水

115. 前翼子板外壳 116. Radkon材料 117.“Brickslot - simple”排水系统 118. 混凝土地基 119. 假吊顶底部结构 120. Wilhelmi Werke隔音涂层



5 4


3 2 1


67 68


103 104 105 106

64 63

8 9

27. 滴水槽褶边 28. Radkon牌材料 29. 2厘米厚Wallmate隔离材料 30. 规则化防水 31. 参照“Visolast”的Vireo涂层 32. 5毫米厚阳极氧化处理后的条状 5毫米厚阳极氧化处理后的条状 铝制并刷有涂料的百叶门窗 33. 8厘米厚花岗岩 34. 规则化砂浆层 35. 土工布 36. 4厘米厚Roofmate隔离材料 37. Sikaplan 聚氯乙烯罩面 38. 土工布 39. 2%沉降规则化砂浆层 40. 轻质混凝土 41. 高密度岩石 42. Wilhelmi Werke隔音涂层 43. “全封闭”式百叶窗滚轴


107 108


109 110 111 70

12 13 14 15 16

85 86


17 18

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

87 88 89 92 90 9091 9192

72 73 74 75


27 282 282930 93031 31 32

45 46 47 48 49 50

19 40 39 38373635 34 33

43 44

41 42

7677 79 78

61 60

115 114 113 112 117 118

97 98 99 100 101 80 102

57 58 51 53 55 52 54 56

93 94 95 96

84 83

119 120

60 59


83 82 81




Site plan 1. Ticket ofce 2. Parking 3. Entrance square 4. Entrance gates 5. UEFA temporary parking 6. Alley 7. Water line 8. East square (lower level) 9. East stand 10. Trail 11. Field 12. West stand 13. West square (upper level) 14. Grass storage building 15. VIP parking 16. TV compound

Braga Municipal Stadium 布拉加市政体育场 1



4 5

总平面图 1. 售票处 2. 停车场 3. 入口广场 4. 入口门 5. 欧足联临时停车场 6. 小巷 7. 水位线 8. 东广场(低层) 9. 东看台 10. 小径 11. 运动场 12. 西看台 13. 西广场(高层) 14. 草皮贮藏处 15. 贵宾停车场 16. 媒体混合采访区




14 9




设计年份 建造时间 地址

Location: Braga, Portugal Owner: Braga Owner:  Braga Town Hall Client: Braga Town Hall Collaborators: Carlo Nozza, Ricardo Meri, Enrique Penichet,  Atsushi Hoshina, Diego Setien, Carmo Correia, Luísa Rosas 景观设计 Landscape Design: Daniel Design: Daniel Monteiro, Braga 结构顾问 Structural Consultants: AFA Consultants: AFA Associados, Oporto 电气顾问 Electrical Consultants: Rodrigues Consultants: Rodrigues Gomes & Associados, Oporto 机械顾问 Mechanical Consultants: Rodrigues Gomes & Associados, Oporto 道路设计布局顾问 Road Layout Consultants: AFA Consultants: AFA Associados, Oporto 规划及屋顶建设顾问 Planning and Roof Construction Consultants:  Consultants:   Arup Associates, London London 地质研究顾问 Geological Research Consultants: Cêgê, Consultants: Cêgê, Lisbon 健康与安全计划顾问 Health and Safety Project Consultants: Gerisco, Lisbon 屋顶悬索结构规划 Roof Cable Structure Planning: Tensoteci, Italy 地点 所有者 委托人 合作人



Project Year: January Year: January 2000 Construction Year: January 2002 葡萄牙 布拉加市 Address: Monte Address:  Monte Crasto, Parque Norte, Braga


通风管道顾问 风力影响研究顾问 总承包人 摄影师 建筑面积(座位) 成本(欧元)

Wind Tunel Consultants: RWDI Inc., Ontario, Canada Wind Effect Studies Consultants: DMI, Consultants: DMI, Danmark General Contractor: SOARES DA COSTA / ASSOC / ACE, Oporto Photographer: Luís Photographer:  Luís Ferreira Alves Building Size: 30,000 Size: 30,000 Seats Cost: 75,000,000 Euros



The Braga Municipal Stadium is situated within the Dume Sports Park on the northern slope of Monte Castro. The location was chosen in order to avoid making a dam along the water's edge in the valley. The alternative would have been to move it further to the west up against the hill, like a Roman amphitheatre. Nowadays football is big entertainment, hence the decision to have only two rows of seats. Initially, the roof was to look like a long continuous visor (ref. Siza / Expo), but it was eventually modelled on the Peruvian Inca bridges. With a height of 40 metres, the stadium will be up against two squares with the same sloping. This will enable the stadium  build ing to serve as an anchor point for any futur futuree develo pment in the area as the city expands northwards. 布拉加市政体育场位于卡斯特罗山北坡上的杜梅体育公园内。选址在此是为了避免在山谷中的水

岸边形成障碍。原本的另 个选择是将其位置向西移动紧靠小山,造型好像古罗马竞技场 样。 足球运动在当今社会已经成为盛大的娱乐活动,我决定只在东、西两边设计看台。起初我打算 (参照西扎老师的世博会葡萄牙馆项目)将屋顶设计成一条长的连续遮阳板,但最终还是效仿了 秘鲁人的印加桥梁。这座高达40米的体育场将以同样的 秘鲁人的印加桥梁。这座高 达40米的体育场将以同样的倾斜度与两座广场相对。 倾斜度与两座广场相对。这将使得市政体 这将使得市政体 育场始终会被作为一个参照点,无论将来随着布拉加市向北扩张时此地区会有怎样的规划发展。





Northwest elevation 西北外立面图

Northwest elevation 西北外立面图
























16 85





86 67 14



66 69


71 88













Ground plan (Facing) 1. Ramp 2. Stair 1 3. Stair 2 4. Stair 3 5. Stair 4 6. Stair 5 7. Stair 6 8. Stair 7

15. UEFA room 16. Grass storage 17. Lift access 18. Distribution corridor  19. Bar 1 20. Bar 2 21. Disabled toilet 1 22. Toilet 1 23. Disabled toilet 2

30. Electrical quarter 2 31. Toilet 5 32. Disabled toilet 3 33. Toilet 6 34. Disabled toilet 4 35. Toilet 7 36. Access to eld entrance 1 37. Field entrance 1 38. Access to eld entrance 2

45. Field entrance 5 46. UEFA meeting room 47. Field entrance 6 48. Access to eld entrance 7 49. Field entrance 7 50. Access to eld entrance 8 51. Field entrance 8 52. Access to eld entrance 9 53. Field entrance 9

60. Access to eld entrance 15 61. Field entrance 15 62. Access to entrance eld 16 63. Entrance eld 16 64. Bathroom 1 65. Technical area 66. Bathroom 2 67. Hall 68. Working facilities

9. Players’ atrium 10. Field access 11. Distribution corridor 1 12. Distribution corridor 2 13. VIP atrium 14. Journalist atrium

24. Toilet 2 25. Electrical quarter access 26. Electrical quarter 1 27. Toilet 3 28. Toilet 4 29. Electrical quarter access

39. Field entrance 2 40. Access to eld entrance 3 41. Field entrance 3 42. Access to eld entrance 4 43. Field entrance 4 44. Access to eld entrance 5

54. Access to eld entrance 10 55. Field entrance 10 56. Access to eld entrance 11 57. Field entrance 11 58. Access to eld entrance 14 59. Field entrance 14

69. Electrical quarter  70. Working facilities 71. Working facilities 72. Stair 8.2 73. Stair 9.3 74. Stair 9.4







36 22 21



38 24 23


40 27 26










44 31 30




46 33 32



48 35 34 8





75. Stair 10.3 76. Stair 10.4 77. Stair 11.3 (VIP's / UEFA) 78. Technical area 2 79. Stair 12.3 (press) 80. Stair 13.4 81. Stair 13.3 82. Stair 14.4

一层平面图 (上图) 15. 欧足联办公场所 1. 坡道 16. 草皮存放 2. 楼梯一 17. 电梯通道 3. 楼梯二 18. 分流走廊 4. 楼梯三 19. 酒吧一 5. 楼梯四 20. 酒吧二 6. 楼梯五 21. 残障人士卫生间一 7. 楼梯六 22. 卫生间一 8. 楼梯七 23. 残障人士卫生间二


30. 电气区二 31. 卫生间五 32. 残障人士卫生间三 33. 卫生间六 34. 残障人士卫生间四 35. 卫生间七 36. 球场入口通道一 37. 球场入口一 38. 球场入口通道二

45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53.

球场入口五 欧足联会议室 球场入口六 球场入口通道七 球场入口七 球场入口通道八 球场入口八 球场入口通道九 球场入口九

60. 球场入口通道十五 61. 球场入口十五 62. 球场入口通道十六 63. 球场入口十六 64. 浴室一 65. 技术区 66. 浴室二 67. 大厅 68. 工作设备

75. 楼梯10.3 76. 楼梯10.4 77. 楼梯11.3   (贵宾和欧足联人员专用) 78. 技术区二 79. 楼梯12.3(媒体) 80. 楼梯13.4 81. 楼梯13.3 82. 楼梯14.4

83. Stair 14.3 84. Stair 15.2 85. Stair 11.4 - VIP 86. Stair 12.4 - press 87. Stair 16.1 88. Stair 17.1

9. 运动员入场中庭 10. 球场通道 11. 分流走廊一 12. 分流走廊二 13. 贵宾中庭 14. 记者天井前厅

24. 卫生间二 25. 电气区通道 26. 电气区一 27. 卫生间三 28. 卫生间四 29. 电气区通道

39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.

球场入口二 球场入口通道三 球场入口三 球场入口通道四 球场入口四 球场入口通道五

54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59.

球场入口通道十 球场入口十 球场入口通道十一 球场入口十一 球场入口通道十四 球场入口十四

69. 电气区 70. 工作设备 71. 工作设备 72. 楼梯8.2 73. 楼梯9.3 74. 楼梯9.4

83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88.

楼梯14.3 楼梯15.2 楼梯11.4-贵宾专用 楼梯12.4-媒体 楼梯16.1 楼梯17.1









Stairs sections




Longitudinal section 纵切面图



Roof plan 屋顶平面图

Transverse section 横断面图





Central box drawings





2 Houses in Ponte de Lima 庞特利马镇双幢住宅

Site plan 总平面图

设计年份 建造时间 地点

Project Year: 2001 Year: 2001 Construction Year: 2001-2002 Location: Quinta de Anquião, Ponte de Lima, Portugal 葡萄牙 庞特利马镇 安圭奥

委托人 合作人

Client: Engº. Miguel Cerquinho / Engº. Rui Branco Collaborators: Jorge Domingues, Joana Mira Corrêa,

 Ana Isabel, Joana Gaspar, Gaspar, Diogo Guimarães,  Adriana Miranda, Joaquim Portela 结构顾问 Structural Consultants: Lello & Associados 电气顾问 Electrical Consultants: Rodrigues Consultants: Rodrigues Gomes & Associados 机械顾问 Mechanical Consultants: Ventarco, Lda. 总承包人 General Contractor: Coelho Construtores (Estruturas), Empalme-Sociedade de Construções, Lda (Ac abamentos) 摄影师 Photographer: Luís Photographer:  Luís Ferreira Alves 建筑面积 Building Size: Lot 25: 270.50 m2  25号地块 Lot 27: 237 m2 27号地块 成本(欧元) Cost: Cost:   Lot 25: 284,564.20 Euros 25号地块 Lot 27: 264,113.49 Euros 27号地块



In my architecture, I intended to be thoughtful and fraught with the doubts that assailed design and construction, meanwhile rational,with acknowledging contradictions and contrasts. The twoyetdetached residences swimming  pool at Pont Pontee de Lima are a case in poin t. They repr represent esent two contr asti asting ng approaches to building on high-constraint terrain - here a steep slope. This is a very bended site, and the two houses are with the same programme. There are two themes to essay: to be enveloped by the landscape, where the cave from the inside is low-levelling, imminent; to raise the pendent where the look is high, distant, in depth until the mountain. Two houses, one  programme,  progr amme, two essay s, which have no meani meaning ng if separ separated. ated. As F. Távora used to say in his classes, "…in architecture the opposite opposite is also tru true". e". 在个人建筑风格方面,我打算既要考虑周全那些充斥在设计和建设过程中的疑惑并着手解决,同 时又要理性的去承认那些矛盾和对立。这两幢位于庞特利马镇带有泳池的分离住宅就是一个恰当 的例子。它们代表了两种形成鲜明对比的建造方法以应对地形上的高度局限——具体到这里来说



的布景主题有两个,一:使房子被包围在周围景观中,内部的小屋位于低水平线上,看上去迫近 人们眼前;二:提高悬垂的地势,视野高远,绵延直到山边。两栋房子,同样的规划,两种尝 试,如果割裂开来就全部失去了意义。正如 F











Street elevation






Section11 剖面图一 Section

Section 2 剖面图二



Transverse section 横断面图

Longitudinal section 纵切面图










6 7

8 9 10



28 29 30 17




19 13 20








24 25 26

14 15 16

Constructive section (House 1) 1. Zinc ruff  2. Zinc plate (Prole - Camarinha type) 3. "Delta MS Dörken" 4. Roofmate isolation material 4cm 5. Regularisation 1cm 6. Lightweight concrete 7. Slab 20cm 8. Waterproof mortar 9. Expanded polystyrene 3cm 10. Armed coloured concrete 0.5cm 11. Drip pan (5mm vane) 12. Stainless steel at bar 40x10mm 13. Stainless steel rod φ 10mm 14. Waterproof mortar

36 37 38

45. Double glass (4+6+8) 23. Roofmate isolation material 2cm 46. Granite stone 20cm 24. Asphalt screen 47. Stainless steel plate 2mm 25. Form layer with regularisation 48. High density rock 26. Concrete slab 20cm 49. Steel grid 27. Plaster stucco 2cm 50. Porous concrete 28. Plywood to be painted 15mm 51. Drain 29. Roller blinds (Type sunscreen) 30. Technal aluminium frame-double rail “Serial Number GK” 52. Geotextile 53. Roofmate isolation material 2cm 31. Double glass of security (6+8+10.2) 54. Asphalt screen 32. Sika type self-levelling 55. Form layer with regularisation 33. Regularisation 56. Concrete slab 20cm 34. Armed screed 8cm 57. Sarrisca 5cm 35. Concrete slab 30cm 58. Ruler pine 2cm 36. Waterproof mortar

15. Expanded polystyrene 3cm

37. Expanded polystyrene 3cm

59. Layer of gravel 20cm

16. Armed and coloured concrete 0.5cm 17. Waterproof mortar 18. Expanded polystyrene 3cm 19. Armed and coloured concrete 0.5cm 20. "Sika" type self-levelling 21. Bedding mortar 22. Armed screed

38. Armed and coloured concrete 0.5cm 39. "Troplein" 5cm 40. Vale 41. Falling tube 9cm (Air box) 42. Roller blinds (Type sunscreen) 43. Plywood to be painted 15mm 44. Stainless steel frame

60. Geotextile 61. Geodrain tube, diameter 150mm 62. Concrete screed 63. Waterproof mortar 64. Expanded polystyrene 3cm 65. Armed and coloured concrete 0.5cm 66. Drip pan (5mm vane) 67. Granite step



39 40

63 64 65








47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

67 56


房子一 剖面详图 1. 锌质外壳 2. Camarinha牌锌板 3.“Delta MS Dörken” 4. 4厘米厚Roofmate隔离材料 5. 1厘米厚规则化

15. 3厘米厚泡沫聚苯乙烯 16. 0.5厘米厚加强型彩色混凝土 17. 防水灰浆 18. 3厘米厚泡沫聚苯乙烯 19. 0.5厘米厚加强型彩色混凝土

29. 卷帘(遮光型) 30.“序列号GK”Technal牌双轨铝框 31. (6+8+10.2)双层安全玻璃 32. Sika牌自平层 33. 规则化



60 61 62

43. 15毫米厚待上漆的胶合板 44. 不锈钢框架 45. (4+6+8)双层玻璃 46. 20厘米厚花岗岩石 47. 2毫米厚不锈钢板

57. 5厘米厚的Sarrisca 58. 2厘米厚直管 59. 20厘米厚砾石层 60. 土工布 61. 直径150毫米长排水管

6. 轻质混凝土 7. 20厘米厚石板 8. 防水灰浆 9. 3厘米厚泡沫聚苯乙烯 10. 0.5厘米厚加强型彩色混凝土 11. 集水斗(5毫米厚叶片) 12. 40x10毫米扁不锈钢 13. 直径10毫米不锈钢拉杆 14. 防水灰浆

20. Sika牌自平层 21. 垫层砂浆 22. 加强砂浆层 23. 2厘米厚Roofmate隔离材料 24. 沥青罩面 25. 规则化造型层 26. 20厘米厚混凝土板 27. 2厘米厚石膏灰泥浆 28. 15毫米厚待上漆的胶合板

34. 8厘米厚加强砂浆层 35. 30厘米厚混凝土板 36. 防水灰浆 37. 3厘米厚泡沫聚苯乙烯 38. 0.5厘米厚加强型彩色混凝土 39. 直径5厘米“Troplein” 40. 凹槽 41. 直径9厘米(风箱)沉降管道 42. 卷帘(遮光型)

48. 高密度岩石 49. 钢筋网格 50. 多孔混凝土 51. 排水管 52. 土工布 53. 2厘米厚Roofmate隔离材料 54. 沥青罩面 55. 规则化造型层 56. 20厘米厚混凝土板

62. 混凝土砂浆层 63. 防水灰浆 64. 3厘米厚泡沫聚苯乙烯 65. 0.5厘米厚加强型彩色混凝土 66. 集水斗(5毫米厚叶片) 67. 花岗岩台阶



Section 3 剖面图三









7 5 8


5 4



11 3


Ground oor plan (House 1) 1. Entry 2. Room 3. Kitchen 4. Corridor  5. Room 2 6. Dressing room 7. Bathroom 8. Balcony 9. Entry 2 10. Pool 11. Garden 一层平面图(房子一) 1. 入口 2. 房间 3. 厨房

4. 走廊 1




5. 房间二 6. 更衣室 7. 卫生间 8. 阳台 9. 入口二 10. 游泳池 11. 花园








Contemporary Art Museum in Braganca 布拉干萨现代艺术博物馆

设计年份 建造时间 地址 地点 委托人 合作人


Project Year: 2002 Construction Year: March Year: March 2008 Address: Rua Abílio Beça, 105  Bragança, Portugal 葡萄牙 布拉干萨市 Locality: Bragança, Locality: Client: Bragança Client:  Bragança City Hall Collaborators: Joaquim Collaborators:  Joaquim Portela, Teresa Fonseca, Tiago Coelho, Jorge Domingues, Maria Vasconce Vasconcelos, los, Diogo Machado Lima, Ana Fortuna, Cândida Corrêa de Sá, Patrícia Diogo, Cátia Bernardo, Ricardo Prata, Susana Monteiro Structural Consultants: AFA Consultants: AFA

电气顾问 机械顾问 总承包人 摄影师

Electrical Consultants: AFA Consultants: AFA Mechanical Consultants: AFA Consultants: AFA General Contractor: FDO Photographer: Luís Photographer:  Luís Ferreira Alves



The Braganca Contemporary Art Museum consists of several parts. First, construction of a new building, with a temporary exhibitions area, 240 square metres and 8.30 metres high, is capable of receiving any exhibition that submits to the conditionings of the international legislation (light, ventilation, air conditioned, setting services, etc). Second, rehabilitation of the building, Solar Veiga Cabral, former "Banco de Portugal", that will receive the permanent exhibition on the first floor. The ground floor will function as a library, reception and restaurant, as well as other adjacent services. Third, the two buildings will be connected  by a new volu me, whi which ch corr espo nds to the prop osed prog ramm ramme: e: cir circul culati ation on between bet ween temp orar y and perm anen t exhi bit bition ion s; complementary programme to the museological activity, such as: educative service, administrative cabinet, and museology technical cabinet. After this three-volume restructuration, there are left some interstitial spaces, which will be fulfilled these ways: trucks' access ramp, for exhibitions loading and unloading, small yard to park cars, pedestrian ramp, from Emídio Navarro Street to the restaurant's esplanade, which will serve those out of the regular working hours. And, this operation obliges to the use of the pre-defined materials, in Emídio Navarro Street project, because without this, the museum wouldn't be integrated in an urban requalification operation, but would be one more insolite object.

布拉干萨现代艺术博物馆项目包括如下部分:首先,它是一座带有临时展览区域的新楼建造工程,8.3米高,面积为240平方米;能够接纳任一符合并达到国际相关 立法标准(包括灯光、通风、空气调节以及展品布置服务等)条件的展览。其次,它的前身为“葡萄牙国家银行”的维伽·卡布拉尔太阳能集团总部修缮改建工程, 二层将作为永久展览区。一层的用途包括图书馆、接待区和餐厅,以及其他相关服务区。第三,上述两座建筑将由一个新的体量建筑连接起来,与所提议的规划一 致——临时展区与永久展区之间的人员流通,以及补充性博物馆学活动规划,例如:教育服务,行政管理厅及博物馆学技术部门。在经过对以上三个体量建筑的重新 构造后,剩下的间隙空间将作为如下用途:卡车入口坡道,方便展品的装卸;小型泊车庭院;从艾迪米奥·纳瓦罗大街到餐厅游憩场的坡道,供无固定工作时间的行 人使用。艾迪米奥·纳瓦罗大街工程的具体施工操作必须要采用预先定制的材料,否则该博物馆将无法被整合到城市化标准再认证的操作当众,而是成为了一座更为 异常的、不合惯例的客体。





Section 1 剖面图一





Section 2 剖面图二







Longitudinal section of temporary exhibition room 1. Galvanised steel structure in plasterboard system 2. Double rock 30mm 3. Fireproof plasterboard panel 20mm 4. "Baswaphon" type rigid mineral wool panel 45mm 5. Two layers of "Baswaphon" type acoustic plaster  6. Square tubular steel structure 50x50x3mm 7. Galvanised steel structure in plasterboard system 8. 2x30mm rock

临时展览区纵切面 1. 石膏板体系内的镀锌钢结构 2. 双层30毫米厚石材 3. 20毫米厚防火石膏板 4. 45毫米厚“Baswaphon”牌矿物棉硬板 5. 双层“Baswaphon”牌吸音石膏 6. 50x50x3毫米方形管钢结构 7. 石膏板系统内的镀锌钢结构 8. 双层30毫米厚石材

9. plasterboard panel 20mm 10.Fireproof Steel bracket 30x30x3mm 11. "iGuzzinni" type standard illumination gutter 32x32mm 12. Square tubular steel structure 50x50x3mm 13. Bended steel plate 6mm 14. "ERCO-wallwasher" type luminaria, ref.65040 15. "iGuzzini" type standard illumination gutter type 32x32mm 16. Galvanised steel structure in plasterboard system 17. 2x30mm rock 18. Fireproof plasterboard panel 20mm 19. "Baswaphon" type rigid mineral wool panel 45mm 20. Two layers of "Baswaphom" type acoustic plaster  21. 2x50mm rock 22. "Vioroc" type cement panel 12mm 23. Fireproof plasterboard panel 20mm 24. "Sika" type self-levelling painted 25. Regularisation 15mm 26. Filling

9. 10.20毫米厚防火石膏板 30x30x3毫米钢支架 11. 32x32毫米“iGuzzini”牌标准照明槽 12. 50x50x3毫米方形管钢结构 13. 6毫米厚切边钢板 14.“ERCO壁挂”式装饰灯,参照65040 15. 32x32毫米“iGuzzini”牌标准照明槽 16. 石膏板系统内的镀锌钢结构 17. 双层30毫米石材 18. 20毫米厚防火石膏板 19. 45毫米厚“Baswaphon”牌矿物棉硬板 20. 双层“Baswaphon"牌吸音石膏 21. 双层50毫米石材 22. 12毫米厚“Viroc”牌水泥板 23. 20毫米厚防火石膏板 24.“Sika”牌上漆自平层 25. 15毫米厚规则化 26. 填料


7 1 8

2 3





15 14 13 12 11 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23

24 25 26



Section 3 剖面图三



4 5





1 17 7 9 8


10 15

11 6



23 12 21


 Ground oor plan 1. Entrance 2. Reception 3. Cloakroom 4. Bar  5. Café 6. Hall 7. Temporary exhibitions / hall of distribution 8. Elevator  9. Corridor / exhibition 10. Corridor / hall 11. Education service room 1


12. Education service room 2 13. Technical cabinet of museology 14. Cabinet of director  15. Meeting room 16. Reception of works 17. Ofce 18. Reserved collection 19. Bathroom 20. Public patio 21. Discharge patio 22. Post processing 23. Education service patio

一层平面图 1. 入口 2. 接待处 3. 衣帽间/盥洗室 4. 酒吧 5. 咖啡厅 6. 大厅 7. 临时展区   /分流中转大厅 8. 电梯间 9. 走廊/展览 10. 走廊/大厅 11. 教育服务厅一

12. 教育服务厅二 13. 博物馆学技术类陈列室 14. 馆长内务室 15. 会议室 16. 展品接收区 17. 办公室 18. 保留展品 19. 卫生间 20. 公共天台 21. 卸货平台 22. 后期加工 23. 教育服务天台







3 6

4 14

7 12 5


8 11 1


9 16 10


First oor plan 1. Elevator  2. Multipurpose room 3. Permanent exhibition room 1 4. Permanent exhibition room 2 5. Permanent exhibition room 3 6. Permanent exhibition room 4 7. Permanent exhibition room 5 8. Hall of distribution 9. Bandstand 1 10. Bandstand 2 11. Hall/living space

二层平面图 1. 电梯间 2. 多功能厅 3. 长期展厅一 4. 长期展厅二 5. 长期展厅三 6. 长期展厅四 7. 长期展厅五 8. 分流中转大厅 9. 舞台一 10. 舞台二 11. 大厅/生活空间



12. Temporary exhibition room 13. Technical area 1

12. 临时展厅 13. 技术服务区一

14. Technical area 2 15. Public reception 16. Ramp 17. Security control monitor  18. Access to the technical area

14. 技术服务区二 15. 公共接待区 16. 斜坡 17. 安全监控室 18. 技术区通道










Row Houses "Quinta da Avenida" “第五大道”排式住宅

设计年份 建造时间 地址 地点 委托人 合作人


Project Year: 2003-2004 Construction Year: 2004-2005 Year: 2004-2005 Address: Av. Address:  Av. Boavista Boavista Location: Porto, Location:  Porto, Portugal 葡萄牙 波尔图市 Client: Rumo Client:  Rumo à Mudança Collaborators: Luís Collaborators:  Luís Peixoto, Bernardo Durão, Jorge Domingues, José Carlos Mariano, Manuel Vasconcelos Structural Consultants:  Consultants: 

电气顾问 机械顾问 总承包人 摄影师

Torção - Engº Carlos Moutinho Electrical Consultants: Light Plan - Engº Fernando Silva Mechanical Consultants: P2E - Engº. Manuel Sarmento General Contractor: Edifer  Contractor: Edifer  Photographer: Luís Photographer:  Luís Ferreira Alves

General plan 总平面图



On the basis of a previously approved subdivision on a steep slope, the architects build three row housing typologies set on three platforms. The  patio -house s in the up per pa rt, at sstreet treet level level,, have a sin gle sstorey torey that opens on to the garden. The entrance is generated from a patio/garden on the south side. The three-storey houses are set at the lower level with the transition in  betwe en. The entra nce and garage are set in the terra ce/ga rden, like in Los Angeles. With the exception of the patio-houses, all the dwellings enjoy views of the park. 基于先前审核通过,位置在一段陡坡上的小地块,设计师们在三层平台上分别建立了三排不同样 式的住宅。位于上部、具有街道标高的天井式住宅,单独有一层是通向花园的。入口位于天井/花 园的南部。三层高的房子则被放在相对较低的一层地面上,中间有过渡连接。大门入口和车库安 排在天台/花园的那一层,就像洛杉矶的房子那样。除了天井式住宅,所有的住处都可以欣赏到公 园的风景。







1 2 3 4 5 6


8 9 10 11 12 13

14 29 30

15 16 17

31 32 33 34

18 19 20 21 22

23 35


36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43


44 45

26 27 28



Constructive section (Facing) 1. Cobble coverage 2. Geotextile screen 3. Roofmate isolation material 4cm 4. Waterproof canvas 5. Regularisation 1cm 6. Form layer  7. No.14 zinc sheet ruff  8. Delta MS Droken screen 9. Roofmate isolation material 4cm 10. Waterproof canvas 11. Steel plate 3mm 12. Regularisation 13. Steel plate 5mm 14. Stone wall 28cm

24. "Isola platon de 25" (Imperalum) type screen 25. Roofmate isolation material 4cm 26. Asphalt screen 27. Regularisation 28. Form layer of lightweight concrete 29. Concrete slab 25cm 30. "Seral" type synthetic stucco 31. Aluminium frames Series GK   (for details see frames) 32. Laminated glass 8mm (4+4) 33. Air box 10mm 34. Tempered glass 6mm 35. Asphalt screen 36. Afzelia oor 22mm

剖面详图(对页图) 1. 鹅卵石覆盖层 2. 土工布罩面 3. 4厘米厚Roofmate隔离材料 4. 防水帆布 5. 1厘米厚规则化 6. 造型层 7. 14号薄锌板外壳 8. Delta MS Dörken罩面 9. 4厘米厚Roofmate隔离材料 10. 防水帆布 11. 3毫米厚钢板 12. 规则化 13. 5毫米厚钢板 14. 28厘米厚石墙

24.“Isola platon de 25”   (Imperalum)牌罩面 25. 4厘米厚Roofmate隔离材料 26. 沥青罩面 27. 规则化 28. 轻质混凝土造型层 29. 25厘米厚混凝土板 30. “Seral”牌合成灰泥 31. GK系列铝框(细节请参看框架) 32. 8毫米(4+4)厚夹层安全玻璃 33. 10毫米厚风箱 34. 6毫米厚钢化玻璃 35. 沥青罩面 36. 22毫米厚缅茄木地板 37. 板条

15. Roofmate isolation material 4cm 16. Brick wall 11 17. "Seral" type synthetic stucco 18. Granite paved 12cm 19. Sand cushion 20. Geotextile 21. Gravel foundation 15cm 22. Humus 23. "Impersep 250" (Imperalum) type screen

37. Slat 38. Concrete layer with additive 39. Insulation panel 40. Filling 41. PEX tube 42. Clip for insulation panel 43. PE lm 44. LECA 45. Concrete slab 25cm

15. 4厘米厚Roofmate隔离材料 16. 11号砖墙 17.“Seral”牌合成灰泥 18. 12厘米厚花岗岩铺就 19. 砂垫层 20. 土工布 21. 15厘米厚碎石基 22. 腐殖质 23.“Impersep 23.“Imperse p 250”(Imperalum)牌罩面 250”(Imperalum)牌罩面

38. 含添加剂的混凝土层 39. 绝缘板 40. 填料 41. 交联聚乙烯管 42. 绝缘板夹 43. 聚乙烯薄膜 44. 多孔介质 45. 25厘米厚混凝土板





5 7

6 3 4

2 9 10 8



 Ground oor plan (Lot 19) 1. Garage 2. Hall 1 3. Tidy room / hall 4. Tidy room 5. Bathroom 1 6. Tidy room / cellaret 7. Tidy room / ofce 8. Hall 2 9. Laundry 10. Bathroom 1 11. Maid room

19号地块 首层平面图 1. 车库 2. 大厅一 3. 整理室/大厅 4. 整理室 5. 卫生间一 6. 整理室/酒橱 7. 整理室/办公室 8. 大厅二 9. 洗衣房 10. 卫生间一 11. 佣人房



10 11

9 8 7


6 3 6 20


2 15











First oor 1. Hall 3 plan (Lot 19) 2. Hall 4 3. Hall rooms 1 4. Room 1 5. Bathroom 4 6. Bathroom 5 7. Room 2 8. Hall rooms 2 9. Room 3 10. Bedroom suite 11. Bathroom 6 12. Living room 13. Dining room 14. Hall 5 15. Kitchen

19号地块 1. 大厅三 二层平面图 2. 大厅四 3. 厅室一 4. 房间一 5. 卫生间四 6. 卫生间五 7. 房间二 8. 厅室二 9. 房间三 10. 套房 11. 卫生间六 12. 起居室 13. 餐厅 14. 大厅五 15. 厨房

16. Pantry 17. Bathroom 3 18. Garage lighting 19. Patio / garden 20. Garden 21. Plat 22. Route entry

16. 储藏室 17. 卫生间三 18. 车库照明 19. 露台/花园 20. 花园 21. 小地块 22. 入口



Sections (Below) 剖面图(下方两图)





Plan (Lot 1) 一号地块平面图





4 3 5 2



Basement 2 oor plan (Type B Lot 18) 1. Living / dining room 2. Bathroom 4 3. Laundry 4. Pantry 5. Kitchen 6. Tidy room 7. Stairs 8. Patio / garden 18号地块B户型 地下二层平面图 1. 起居室/餐厅

2. 卫生间四 3. 洗衣房 7


4. 储藏室 5. 厨房 6. 整理室 7. 楼梯 8. 露台/花园




House in Maia III 马亚市三号住宅 设计年份

Project Year: 2003-2007 Year: 2003-2007

建造时间 地址

Construction Year: 2007-2010 Year: 2007-2010  Rua de Nicolau Nasoni, n.º155 Address: Rua Address: Location: Maia, Location:  Maia, Portugal 葡萄牙 马亚市 Client: Eng. Client:  Eng. Tiago Silva Collaborators: Susana Meirinhos, Joaquim Portela, Luis Peixoto, Joana Quintanilha, Tiago Santos, Joana Simões, Junko, Nuno Cordeiro Structural Consultants: AFAcon Consultants: AFAconsult sult - Eng. Rui Furtado Electrical Consultants: AFAconsult Consultants: AFAconsult - Eng. Raul Seram Mechanical Consultants: AFAconsult Consultants: AFAconsult - Eng. João Sousa Sousa Hidraulics Consultants: AFAconsult Consultants: AFAconsult - Eng. Marta Peleteiro Gas Consultants: AFAconsult Consultants: AFAconsult - Eng. Marta Peleteiro Acustics Consultants:  Consultants:  AFAconsult - En Eng. g. Joana Neves da Silva Security Consultants: AFAconsult Consultants: AFAconsult - Eng. Maria da Luz Luz Santiago Exteriors Consultants: Eng. Consultants: Eng. Manuel Pedro Melo

地点 委托人 合作人

结构顾问 电气顾问 机械顾问 液压顾问 天然气顾问 声学顾问 安全顾问 外部顾问 结构系统 主要材料 总承包人 摄影师 占地面积 建筑面积 总建筑面积

Structural System: System: Concrete  Concrete Major Materials: Concrete, Materials:  Concrete, glass and granite General Contractor: Matrizlda Photographer: Luís Ferreira Alves Site Area: 1,071 Area: 1,071 m2 Building Area: 192 m2 Total Floor Area: 384 m2

Site plan 总平面图



In a land with a strong drop we built two platforms where two volumes are implanted. In the higher volume, in concrete, are the rooms facing east. In the lower volume, of granite, where the other is based, facing west are the rooms and the kitchen, and facing the garden a courtyard that is the garage roof. Along the lot - in the north side - another house that I have made, with the same accuracy by the same company. There are moments like these, that we still believe that we can build well. It is only a matter of taste and dedication. Porto, 8th June, 2009, Eduardo Souto de Moura 在一块海拔急剧下降的地块上,我们建造了两座平台;两座体量建筑也将基于此而立。相对较高的一座用混凝土修筑,房间朝东。另一座矮些的是花岗岩材质,房间 和厨房朝西;正对花园的是一座庭院,下面一层则是车库。沿着地块的不远处——在北面——我还建造了另一栋房子,同样的精度,同一个团队。有的时候我们还是 相信能够做得更好,那仅仅是品位和奉献的问题。 艾德瓦尔多·苏托·德·莫拉, 写于2009年6月8日 波尔图





1 3

4 2



Ground oor plan (Above) 1. Hall 2. Living room 3. Kitchen 4. Dining room 5. Ofce 6. Library

一层平面图(上图) 1. 大厅 2. 起居室 3. 厨房 4. 餐厅 5. 办公室 6. 图书室

Northwest elevation 西北外立面图





Section 1







7 3

4 2



First oor plan (Above) 1. Hall / ofce 2. Corridor  3. Bedroom 1 4. Bedroom 2 5. Bedroom 3 6. Bedroom 4 7. Bathroom

二层平面图(上图) 1. 大厅/办公室 2. 走廊 3. 卧室一 4. 卧室二 5. 卧室三 6. 卧室四 7. 卫生间











5 6 7








9 10

20 21 36


37 38 39 40 41


11 12 13 14




43 44


45 16 17

46 47

26 27

48 49


Transverse section 横断面图

Longitudinal section 纵切面图



5 51 1

5 52 2

5 53 3

5 54 4

Transverse section 1. No.14 zinc sheet ruff  2. "Delta MS Dörken" screen 3. Roofmate isolation material 3cm 4. Asphalt screen 5. No.14 zinc sheet ruff  6. "Delta MS Dörken" screen 7. Asphalt screen 8. Exposed concrete wall 9. Thermal insulation with Wallmate 4cm 10. Exposed concrete wall

55 56 57 58


60 61

62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74

75 76


78 79 80

11. Stone masonry 12. Lintel of entry 13. Builders of stone 14. Air box 2cm 15. Concrete wall 16. Thermal insulation with Wallmate 4cm 17. Builders of stone 18. Ceiling suspension system 19. False ceiling of plasterboard 20. "Seral" type synthetic stucco 21. Steel bracket 22. Afzelia oor  23. Slat 24. "Knauf system 112d" type ceiling suspension system 25. False ceiling of plasterboard 26. Afzelia and new RIGA oor  27. Slat 28. No.14 zinc sheet ruff  29. "Delta MS Dörken" screen 30. Roofmate isolation material 3cm 31. Asphalt screen 32. Thermal insulation with Wallmate 4cm 33. "Blackout" type blind 34. "Sun-screen" type blind 35. "Vitrocsa" aluminium frame-double rail 36. Stainless steel bracket 37. Afzelia and new RIGA oor  38. Slat 39. Armed screed 40. Thermal insulation 41. Plastic screen 42. "Knauf system 112d" type ceiling suspension system 43. False ceiling of plasterboard 44. "Seral" type waterproof synthetic stucco 45. Brick wall 11 46. Thermal insulation with Wallmate 4cm 47. Concrete wall 48. Afzelia and new RIGA oor  49. Slat 50. Ruff coverage of No.14 Camarihna type zinc sheet 51. "Delta MS Dörken" screen 52. Roofmate isolation material 8cm 53. Regularisation 54. Form layer of lightweight concrete 55. No.14 zinc sheet ruff  56. "Delta MS Dörken" screen 57. Roofmate isolation material 3cm 58. Asphalt screen 59. Finished exposed concrete with formwork according to the elevation stereotomy 60. Ceiling Suspension System 61. False ceiling of plasterboard 62. "Aquapanel" type panel 63. "Omega of Knauf" type prole 64. Regularisation of designed waterproof plaster  65. Reinforced concrete wall 66. Thermal insulation with Wallmate 6cm 67. Wardrobe closet 68. Waterproof MDF veneer panel 69. Aluminium bracket

70. Afzelia and new RIGA oor  71. Screed 72. Form layer of lightweight concrete 73. Thermal insulation 74. Plastic screen 75. "Sun-screen" type blind 76. "Vitrocsa" aluminium frame-double rail 77. Afzelia oor  78. Slat 79. Parapet of reinforced concrete 80. Form layer of lightweight concrete (See the following page)

Longitudinal section




横断面图 1. 14号薄锌板外壳 2. Delta MS Dörken罩面 3. 3厘米厚Roofmate隔离材料 4. 沥青罩面 5. 14号薄锌板外壳 6. Delta MS Dörken罩面 7. 沥青罩面 8. 露石混凝土墙 9. 4厘米厚Wallmate隔离材料保温层

21. 钢支架 22. 缅茄木地板 23. 板条 24.“Knauf体系112d”式吊顶 25. 石膏板假屋顶 26. 缅茄木和新RIGA材料地板 27. 板条 纵切面图 28. 14号薄锌板外壳 29. Delta MS Dörken罩面

42. 塑料罩面 42.“Knauf体系112d”式吊顶 43. 石膏板假屋顶 44. “Seral”牌防水合成灰泥 “Seral”牌防水合成灰泥 45. 11号砖墙 46. 4厘米厚Wallmate隔离材料保温层 47. 水泥墙 48. 缅茄木和新RIGA材料地板 49. 板条 50. Camarinha 牌14号薄锌板外壳封顶

61. 混凝土板假屋顶 62.“安耐板” 63.“Omega of Knauf”牌外轮廓材料 64. 规整化防水石膏设计 65. 钢筋混凝土墙 66. 6厘米厚Wallmate隔离材料保温层 67. 衣柜 68. 防水薄中纤胶合板 69. 铝支架 70. 缅茄木和新RIGA材料地板


10. 露石混凝土墙 11. 砌石 12. 门梁

30. 3厘米厚Roofmate隔离材料 31. 沥青罩面 32. 4厘米厚Wallmate隔离材料保温层

51. Delta MS Dörken罩面 52. 8厘米厚Roofmate隔离材料 53. 规则化

71. 砂浆层 72. 轻质混凝土造型层 73. 保温层

13. 石材构造 14. 2厘米厚风箱 15. 混凝土墙 16. 4厘米厚Wallmate隔离材料保温层 17. 石材构造 18. 吊顶体系 19. 石膏板假屋顶 20.“Seral”牌合成灰泥

33. “全封闭”式百叶窗 34. “遮光”型百叶窗 35.“Vitrocsa”牌双轨铝框 36. 不锈钢支架 37. 缅茄木和新RIGA材料地板 38. 板条 39. 加强砂浆层 40. 保温层

54. 轻质混凝土形状层 55. 14号薄锌板外壳 56. Delta MS Dörken罩面 57. 3厘米厚Roofmate隔离材料 58. 沥青罩面 59. 精磨的露石混凝土,   其模架采用立体切割技术 60. 吊顶体系

74. 塑料罩面 75. “遮光”型百叶窗 76.“Vitrocsa”牌双轨铝框 77. 缅茄木地板 78. 板条 79. 钢筋混凝土质矮防护墙 80. 轻质混凝土造型层



Section 2




Section 3






Southwest elevation 西南外立面图



Garage plan





Hotelary School in Portalegre 波塔莱格雷市旅游学校

设计年份 建造时间 地点 共同设计师 委托人 合作人

Project Year: 2004 Year: 2004 Construction Year: 2007 Year: 2007 Location: Portalegre, Portugal 葡萄牙 波塔莱格雷市 Co-author : Graça Correia Client: Fundação Robinson Collaborators: Ana Collaborators:  Ana Neto Vieira, Nuno Miguel Ferreira, Telmo Gervásio Gomes, Ricardo Cardoso, Pedro Gama, Hugo Natário, Inês Ruas, Rita Breda, Luís Diniz, N uno Vasconcelo Vasconcelos, s, Ana P P.. Carvalho,

结构顾问 液压顾问 电气顾问 机械顾问 摄影师 总面积 占地面积

 Ana L. Monteiro, João Marques, Maurícia Bento, Bento, Elisama Reis Structural Consultants: GOP Consultants: GOP - Gabinete de Organização de Projectos, Lda Hydraulic Consultants: GOP Consultants: GOP - Gabinete de Organização de Projectos, Lda Electrical Consultants: GPIC Consultants: GPIC - Gabinete de Projectos, Consultadoria e Instalações, Lda Mechanical Consultants: GET - Gestão de Energia Térmica, Lda Photographer: Luís Photographer:  Luís Ferreira Alves, Christian Richters Total Area: 4,005 m2 Site Area: 60,500 m2



The building of the Hotel and Catering School denes a new street, a structural and vital element to the rehabilitation of the old area of the Robinson Factory. To south, literally "hangs" over the landscape, enjoying the natural slope. The building is intended to be a box resting on the existing embankment dening a large balcony where all main spaces of the school turn to classrooms, library, lounge, restaurant and bar. To north, this box is closed, given its frank relation with the street and sets up two bodies completely closed. The largest and most detached volume embraces all kitchens and infrastructural support to the restaurant, self-service and teaching kitchen, nished in a blue colour traditionally used in bakeries and all places where special hygiene requirements exist. This volume is also denounced by huge skylights-chimneys. At the area in front of the classrooms and corresponding to yellow

ochre body are placed the ofces and additional spaces of smaller areas, each opening to a small private courtyard on the console. This equipment is an element of articulation with the rest of the urban fabric, serving a good portion of the population. 这座旅游学校的建造定义了一条新的街道,以及一种至关重要的结构要素以重建罗宾逊工厂的老厂区。在南面的风景真如字面上所说的“悬垂”下来,欣赏着这一浑 然天成的坡度。我们打算将建筑设计成靠在现存堤防上的立方体,从而界定出一个大阳台;学校的所有主要功能空间也都朝向那里,包括教学楼、图书馆、休息室、 餐厅和酒吧。而在北面,考虑到它与街道的直接关系,这座立方体是封闭的并且建立了两个完全封闭的主体。最大的也是分离开来的那座包括所有的厨房和餐厅的基 础支持结构、自选服务和教学厨房——全部以面包店所惯常使用的一种蓝色粉刷,以及所有特殊卫生标准规定的区域。这座体量的建筑同时也淹没在周围巨大的天窗 采光式烟囱中。教学楼前面的区域是办公楼和较小的附加区域,颜色上与赭黄色的主楼相一致,从控制台上看各自通向一个小的私人花园。该设备是这座学校与其他 都市建筑物的结合元素,服务于大多数人。



Section 1 剖面图一



Ground oor plan


Section 2 剖面图二

Section 3 剖面图三







Section 4 剖面图四





Section 5 剖面图五






Office Building in Avenida Boavista 博阿维斯塔街办公楼 设计年份

Project Year: 2004-2005

建造时间 地址

Construction Year: 2006-2007 Address: Avenida Address:  Avenida da Boavista, 4143/4207 e Rua Aristides Sousa Mendes, 181/229 Location: Porto, Portugal 葡萄牙 波尔图市 Client: 1946 Client:  1946 - Imobiliária, S.A. Collaborators: José Collaborators:  José Carlos Mariano, Sílvia Alves, Ricardo Ted Tedim, im, Luís Peixoto Structural Consultants: Afassociados Consultants: Afassociados Electrical Consultants: Afassociados Consultants: Afassociados Hydraulic Consultants: Afassociados Consultants: Afassociados Mechanical Consultants: Afassociados Consultants: Afassociados Superviasion: Sopsec, Lda General Contractor: Edifer  Photographer: Luís Photographer:  Luís Ferreira Alves

地点 委托人 合作人 结构顾问 电气顾问 液压顾问 机械顾问 项目监督 总承包人 摄影师

Site plan 总平面图



The building is composed by a table parallel to the Avenue, which works as commercial stores. In the tabletop scattered boxes were placed, whose orientation is aimed at the City Park. Those boxes are disposed randomly  but interc int erc onnec ted, and func tio n as offi ces. Diff eren t from the trad iti onal  platf orm-l orm-like ike style build ing that I used to make, now I rethi nk the concep t of the box-like architecture, transforming it into a composition of boxes that generate an urban façade over the avenue. Deployment of its irregularity on the table, resulting interstices, courtyards, gardens - serving each volume, each office, enables us to be "smoking", or feel the proximity of the park, right there in front. 这座大楼基于一座平行于街道的平地层,用作商业店面。顶端则散布着数个立方体,朝向均为城

市公园。这些立方体随机排列却互相连通,作为办公区域。与以往所设计的平台式建筑不同,现 在我重新考虑了立方体建筑的概念,将其转变成立方体的组合结构,从而创造出街道上的都市外 观。平行层上的不规则建筑、由此形成的间隙、庭院、花园,服务于每个体量建筑和办公室,这 些调配部署使得我们可以舒适、惬意地徜徉其中。





Ground oor plan 一层平面图

South elevation 南外立面图






Constructive section 1. Zinc plate (Camarinha type) 2. Geotextile 3. Roofmate 4. Regularisation 5. Lightweight concrete 6. Concrete slab 7. False ceiling of plasterboard 8. Linoleum 9. Regularisation 10. Lightweight concrete 11. Concrete slab 12. Stainless steel frames 13. Epoxy mortar  14. Regularisation 15. Lightweight concrete 16. Concrete slab 17. Thermal insulation and zinc ruff  18. Anodised aluminium frames in natural colour  19. Flameproof glass 20. Armed isolation and plaster with paint 21. Concrete paving ags 22. Thermal insulation 23. Concrete 24. Stainless steel guard 25. Granite cube 6x6cm 26. Concrete








8 9 10 11

18 19

剖面详图 1. Camarinha牌锌板 2. 土工布 3. Roofmate隔离材料 4. 规则化 5. 轻质混凝土 6. 混凝土板 7. 石膏板假屋顶 8. 油毡布 9. 规则化 10. 轻质混凝土 11. 混凝土板 12. 不锈钢框架 13. 环氧树脂砂浆 14. 规则化 15. 轻质混凝土 16. 混凝土板 17. 保温层和锌外壳 18. 本色阳极氧化铝框架 19. 耐热玻璃 20. 喷漆加强型隔离层和石膏 21. 混凝土铺路板 22. 保温层 23. 混凝土 24. 不锈钢防护装置 25. 6x6厘米大理石板 26. 混凝土

20 21 22 23

12 13


14 15








Section 1 剖面图一



Section 2 剖面图二



First oor plan 二层平面图



West elevation 西外立面图






Paula Rego Museum 保拉·蕾格博物馆

Site plan 总平面图

设计年份 建设时间 地址 地点 委托人 项目协调 合作人

Project Year: 2005 Construction Year: 2009 Address: Avenida Address:  Avenida da República, Cascais Location: Cascais, Portugal 葡萄牙 卡斯凯什 Client: Cascais City Hall Project Coordination: Sérgio Koch, Ricardo Prata Collaborators: Bernardo Monteiro, Diogo Guimarães, Junko Imamura, Kirstin Schätzel, Paula Mesquita, Manuel

结构顾问 液压顾问

Vasconcelos, Vasconcelo s, Maria Luís Barros, Pedro G. Oliveira, Rita Alves, Soa Torres Torres Pereira, Susana Monteiro, Paula Mesquita Structural Consultants: AFA Consultants: AFA consult Hidraulics Consultants: AFA Consultants: AFA consult

电气顾问 机械顾问

Electrical Consultants: RS Consultants: RS – Raul Seram e associados Mechanical Consultants: PQF Consultants: PQF - Paulo Queirós de Faria 摄影师 Photographer: Luís Ferreira Alves 占地面积 Site Area: 8,896 m2 建筑面积 Building Area: 3,307 m2 使用面积 Net Area: 2,648 m2 成本(欧元) Cost: 5,000,000 Euros



I was so lucky to choose this site, which increased my responsibility after the painter Paula Rêgo had chosen me as projectist. The site was a woods, all surrounded by a wall, with a big empty in the middle, some former club tennis courts, which had disappeared with the Carnation Revolution. With the trees survey, especially their tops, I have developed a set of volumes with different heights, to respond to the plurality of the programme. The boxes distribution works like a mineral positive, from the negative that remains from the tree top perimeter. This "Yang" and "Yin" game between artifact and nature, helped me to decide the exterior material, red concrete, the opposite colour to the green wood, which meanwhile decreased by botanic prophylaxis. As I didn't want the building to be a neutral sum of boxes, I have established a hierarchy, introducing two big pyramids (skylights) in the entrance axis, which are the library and the café, where it wasn't an indifferent Alcobaca's kitchen, some houses from Architect Raul Lino and some illustrations from Boullé. It was my concerning that every exhibition room had always an opening to the exterior, to the garden. It is never too much to oppose the abstract and totally artificial reality of contemporary art to the daily and ruff reality that surrounds us.

在画家保拉·蕾格选中我作为项目设计者后,能选到这一地点让我感到十分幸运,同时也提升了我的责任感。过去这里是一片小树林,四周被围墙环绕,中间是一片 大的空地;前身是某网球会所,随着四·二五革命的爆发也就不复存在了。根据对树木尤其是顶端高度进行的勘察结果,我已开发设计了一组不同高度的体量建筑来 与这一项目的多重性相呼应。盒子形状的建筑布局所起的作用好像阳极的矿物,与树顶周围带有的阴极相对。这种“阴阳”在人工和自然之间的博弈,帮助我决定采 用红色混凝土作为外立面材料;这与周围的绿色树木相对,同时成色又因植物预防而降低了。我不希望这座建筑全部由中立的盒子状结构组成,所以我建立了另一个 层次——在入口的轴线处引入了两座巨大的金字塔锥体(采用天窗采光),分别作为图书馆和咖啡厅——并非一座冷漠中立的阿尔科巴萨式厨房,另外还包括设计师 劳尔·里诺的一些住宅作品以及布勒的插画。我曾经考虑过是否应该在每个展厅都设计一个出口通往室外,通向花园。用现代艺术中的抽象概念和完全人造实体来对 抗围绕在我们身边的日复一日且相对粗糙的现实。



West elevation 西外立面图



South elevation 南外立面图



Section 1 剖面图一





一层平面图(对页下图) 12. 长期展览(展厅五) 1. 庭院 13. 长期展览(展厅六) 2. 接待处/存衣处 14. 短期展览 3. 中庭 4. 咖啡厅 5. 酒吧 6. 书店 7. 长期展览(走廊一) 8. 长期展览(展厅一) 9. 长期展览(展厅二) 10. 长期展览(展厅三) 11. 长期展览(展厅四)

15. 走廊二 16. 放映室 17. 翻译室 18. 储藏室 19. 礼堂 20. 楼梯 21. 办公室 22. 装卸处 23. 工艺庭院


Section 2 剖面图二


Ground oor plan (Right) 1. Courtyard 2. Reception / Coat check 3. Atrium 4. Cafeteria 5. Bar  6. Bookstore 7. Permanent exhibition (Corridor 1) 8. Permanent exhibition (Room 1) 9. Permanent exhibition (Room 2) 10. Permanent exhibition (Room 3) 11. Permanent exhibition (Room 4) 12. Permanent exhibition (Room 5) 13. Permanent exhibition (Room 6) 14. Temporary exhibition 15. Corridor 2




1 8 2 3

18 17



1 14 15


16. Projection booth 17. Translation booth 18. Storage 19. Auditorium 20. Stairs





21. Ofces 22. Loading and unloading 23. Technical courtyard 22

19 20


20 23




11 6

Basement oor plan 1. Atrium 2. AVAC centre U.T.A.S. and equipment 3. Workshop 4. Warehouse 5. Fire and water centre 6. Document deposit 7. Storage 8. Security centre 9. Cloakroom 10. Men's restroom 11. Women's restroom 12. Hall 13. Technical gallery 14. Auditorium 地下室层平面图

1. 中庭 2. 声光电操作系统中心和设备 3. 工坊 4. 仓库 5. 火、水事故控制中心


13 10

9 8









6. 文件存放处 7. 储藏室 8. 安全控制中心 9. 盥洗室 10. 男卫生间 11. 女卫生间 12. 大厅 13. 工艺画廊 14. 礼堂



Constructive section 1. Zinc plate roof cover  2. Plasterboard 20mm 3. Acoustic ceiling 4. Joint 5mm 5. Azulino de Cascais marble 30mm 6. Cement mortar  7. Levelling layer 

剖面详图 1. 锌板屋顶上盖 2. 20毫米厚石膏板 3. 吸音吊顶 4. 5毫米接头 5. 30毫米厚卡斯凯什孔雀石 6. 水泥砂浆 7. 找平层

18. 锌质上盖 19. 天窗 20. 30毫米厚卡斯凯什孔雀石 21. 水泥砂浆 22. 找平层 23. 加筋水泥灰浆 24. 轻砂石填充集料

8. Reinforced cement mortar  9. Lightweight aggregate lling 10. Zinc water drain 11. Plasterboard 20mm 12. Acoustic ceiling 13. Joint 5 mm 14. Lacquered MDF wardrobe 15. Rockwool 60mm 16. Double height density plasterboard 17. White marble skirting board (60mm) 18. Zinc cover  19. Skylight 20. Azulino de Cascais Marble 30mm 21. Cement mortar  22. Levelling layer  23. Reinforced cement mortar  24. Lightweight aggregate lling 25. Zinc water drain

8. 加筋水泥灰浆 9. 轻砂石填充集料 10. 锌质排水管 11. 20毫米厚石膏板 12. 吸音吊顶 13. 5毫米接头 14. 喷漆中纤板衣柜 15. 60毫米厚矿毛绝缘纤维 16. 双层高密度石膏板 17. (60毫米厚)白色大理石壁脚板

25. 锌质排水管 26. 排水管 27. 20毫米厚石膏板 28. 吸音吊顶 29. 5毫米接头 30.“Aleixo”灯具 31. 60毫米厚矿毛绝缘纤维 32. 双层高密度石膏板 33. 白色大理石壁脚板 34. 5毫米接头


26. Drain 27. Plasterboard 20mm 28. Acoustic ceiling 29. Joint 5mm 30. "Aleixo" lamps 31. Rockwool 60mm 32. Double height density plasterboard 33. White marble skirting board 34. Joint 5mm




1 26

27 28

29 30

11 12 1 3


31 32


15 16

3 4

20 21 2 2 23 24 17 5 6 7



8 9

33 34




Eduardo Souto de Moura Born on 25 th  July, 1952 in Oporto, Portugal 

EDUCATION School of Architecture (ESBAP), Oporto, Portugal

BRIEF CHRONOLOGY  1974  Worked with architect Noé  Worked Noé Dinis  Worked ed with architect Alvaro Alvaro Siza 1975-1979  Work Professor, Faculty Faculty of Architecture, 1980-1991  Assistant Professor, Oporto University, Portugal Opened his own architectural architectural firm 1980

CHRONOLOGYY OF MAJOR WORKS CHRONOLOG 1980-1984 1981-1991 1982-1985 1983-1988 1984-1989 1985 1986-1988 1987-1992 1987-1989 1987 1987-1991 1987-1994

Municipal Market, Braga, Portugal "Casa das Artes", S.E.C. Cultural Centre Porto, Portugal House One, Nevogilde, Oporto, Portugal House Two, Nevogilde, Oporto, Portugal House in Quinta do Lago, Almansil, Algarve, Portugal Bridge "Dell' Academia" La Biennale di Venezia, Venice, Italy   Annexes to a house in Rua da Vilarinha, Oporto, Portugal House in Alcanena, Torres Novas, Portugal Salzburg Hotel Competition Master Plan for "Porta dei Colli" Palermo, Italy (Milan Triennal) House 1 in Miramar, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal House in Av. da Boavista, Porto, Portugal

1991-1998 House in Moledo, Caminha, Portugal 1992-1995  Apartment Block Block in Rua do "Teatro", "Teatro", Porto, Portugal 1992-2000 Children's Library and Auditorium, Porto, Portugal 1993-2004 Remodelling and Improvement of the Grão Vasco Museum, Viseu, Portugal 1993-1999 Courtyard Houses in Matosinhos, Matosinhos, Portugal 1993-2007 Conversion of the Customs Building into Transports and Communications Museum, Porto, Portugal 1994-2002 House in Serra da Arrábida, Portugal House in Cascais, Portugal 1994-2001 Residential Building, Liege Square, Porto, Portugal 1995-2004 Master Plan for Maia City, Maia, Portugal 1995-2002 Conversion Plan for the Coastline of South Matosinhos Matosinhos, Portugal 1995-1998 Design of the Portuguese Pavilion, Pavilion, Expo 1998, Lisbon, Portugal 1996-1997 Interior Project for Santa Maria do Bouro Inn, Amares, Portugal 1997-1999 Interior Project for the "Armazens do Chiado", Lisbon, Portugal 1997-2001 Portuguese Photographic Centre, "Edificio da Cadeia da Relação do Porto", Porto, Portugal 1997-2005  Architectural Project for the Porto Porto Metro (subway) Porto, Portugal 1997-2001 Residential building in Cidade da Maia, Maia, Portugal 1997-2001 Remodelling of the Market in Braga, Braga, Portugal

Master Plan and Civic Buildings for "Mondello", Palermo, Italy  Conversion of the Santa Maria do Bouro Convent into a State Inn, Amares, Portugal House in "Bom Jesus", Braga, Portugal

1998-1999 1998-2003 1999-2000

Geo-Sciences Department, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal House in Maia, Maia, Portugal House in Baião, Baião, Portugal House in Tavira, Tavira, Algarve, Portugal Burgo Project in Boavista Avenue (Office Blocks and Commercial Mall), Porto, Portugal

Multi-purposeProject pavilion Viana doStadium, 2000 forinthe Braga StCastelo, adium, Portugal Braga, Braga, Portugal 2000-2003  Architecture 2002-2006 28 Houses in na Av.da Boavistra, Porto, Portugal Rehabilitation Rehabilita tion of the Historical Centre 2002  V  Valença alença do Minho, Portugal Portugal 2003-2008 Modern Contemporary Art Museum in Bragança, Portugal

House in Girona, Llabia, Barcelona, Spain Co-author with Alvaro Siza of the Metro Station Municipio - Linea 1, Naples, Italy  2004-2005 Co-author with Alvaro Siza of the Serpentine Pavilion, London, UK  2004 Golf Resort, Óbidos, Portugal 2004 Co-author with Atelier Terradas i Muntañola for Residential Centre and Services - La Pallaresa, Barcelona, Spain 2005-2009 Paula Rêgo Museum, Cascais, Portugal 2005 Office Building for Novartis, Basil, Switzerland 2005 Bernia Golf Resort, Alicante, Spain Kortrijk Crematorium, Belgium 2006 House of Professor, Cascais, Portugal Two Family Houses, Ibiza, Spain 2007 Conversion of "Convento das Bernardas" into Family Houses, Tavira, Portugal Office Building for Edemi Gardens, Porto, Portugal Residential Building for Vale de Santo Amaro  Alcântara, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal Portugal  Wine Cellar in Mealhada, Mealhada, Portugal Portugal Master Plan for New City Hall Buidling, Trofa, Portugal Tower in Benidorm, Apartments and Hotel, Spain Espaço Miguel Torga, Sabrosa, Portugal Conversion of Pensão Monumental into  Apartments, Porto, Porto, Portugal Portugal 2008 Co-author with Ângelo de Sousa for the Portuguese Official Representation in the  Venice  Ven ice Biennale 2008, Venice, Venice, Italy  Hotel in Obidos, Obidos, Portugal Co-author with Architect Flávio Barbini for the Recuperation Recuperat ion of Pagnoni Complex, Monza, Italy 

"Conversas com Estudantes", Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2008 "Conversaciones con Estudiantes", Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2008 "Eduardo Souto de Moura 2008", Caleidoscópio, Casal de Cambra, 2008 "Eduardo Souto de Moura-Architect", Loft Publications, Barcelona, 2009 "Casa das Histórias Paula Rego", City Hall Cascais, 2009 "Eduardo Souto Moura - Architect", Bertrand / (LOFT), Lisbon, 2010

1988 1989-1997 1989-1994 1990-1994 1990-1993 1991-1995 1997-2007

Cultural "Silo" in the Norteshopping, Matosinhos, Portugal Cinema House for Manoel de Oliveira, Oporto, Portugal Co-author with Alvaro Siza of the Portuguese Pavilion for Expo Hannover





"Souto de Moura", Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1990 "Eduardo Souto Moura", Blau Editora, Lisbon, 1994 "Ten Houses", Rockport Publishers, Massachusetts, 1998 "Santa Maria do Bouro", White & Blue, Lisbon, 2001 "Eduardo Souto Moura", Blau Editora, Lisbon, 2000 "Eduardo Souto Moura", Electa, Milan, 2003

"Architecti" nº 5, Trifório Editora, Lisbon, 1990 Review "2G nº 5", Gustavo Gili. Barcelona, 1998 "du" nº 715, Herzog, Zurique, 2001 "A&B" nº3, Watekz Kamienia, 2002 "Arquitectura" nº 337, COAM, Madrid, 3ºTrimestre 2004 "Estádio Municipal de Braga", City Hall Braga, Braga, 2004 "Obra Reciente", TC-Cuadernos Tribuna de la Construcción nº 64, Valencia 2004 "El Croquis” nº 124, El Croquis, Madrid 2005 "AA - Arquitecturas de Auto" r nº32, T 6 Ediciones, Pamplona 2005 "A+202-Revue "A+202-R evue Belge d’Architecture", Bruxelles 2006 Bauwelt nº 37, Bau, Berlin 2008 Cdo-Cadernos d’ Obra nº01, Gequaltec / Feup, Porto 2009  WA nº229, nº229, School of Architecture Architecture Tsinghua, Tsinghua, China, China, 2009 "SOUTO DE MOURA 2005-2009", El Croquis nº 146, Madrid 2009 "ArchiNews" nº 16, Eduardo Souto de Moura, inside city city,, Lisbon, 2010 In Catalogues Temi di Progetti, Accademia di Architettura, Mendrisio 1998 Case / Ultimi Progetti, Bolonha Città Europea de la Cultura, 2000 "Prémio Secil de Arquitectura 2004", 2004", O A, Secil, Lisbon 2005 "BURGO – O Projecto", Grupo San Jose, Porto 2005 "BOM SUCESSO - Design Resort, Leisure, Golf & Spa",  Acordo, Porto 2006 2006 "Vinte e Duas Casas", (VI Bienal de São Paulo 2005), In Reviews

Eduardo Souto Moura , Gustavo Gili,  Barcelona, 2003 "Eduardo Souto Moura", LOFT Publications, Barcelona, 2003 "Stein Element Stone", Werner Blaser,

Vinte e Duas Casas , (VI Bienal de São Paulo 2005), OA & Caleidoscópio, Lisbon, 2006 "Princípio e Fim de Um Projecto - Souto Moura /  Ferreira Alves” JN/DN, Porto 2008  Architecture and Photography Exhibition Exhibition

Birhauser Publishers, Basel, 2003 "Casa do Cinema Manoel de Oliveira", Caleidoscópio, Casal de Cambra, 2004 "Pavilhão Multiusos Viana do Castelo", Civilização, Porto, 2005 "Estádio Municipal de Braga", Civilização, Porto, 2007

"Uma Conversa no campo com ESM", Colecções Privadas, Museu Municipal de Tavira "Cá fora: arquitectura desassossegada", Eduardo Souto de Moura / Ângelo de Sousa  Veneza  Ven eza 2008 - La Biennale Biennale di Venezia-11ª Venezia-11ª Mostra "CASA DAS HISTÓRIAS, CA: 05", City Hall Cascais, Cascais 2009



 AWARDS  AWAR DS 1980 1981 1982 1984 1986 1987 1990 1992


1995 1996



2001 2002

 António de Almeida Foundation Foundation st  1  prize in the competition for the Cultural Centre of the S.E.C., Oporto, Portugal 1st  prize in the competition for the Restructuring Restruct uring of the Main Square in i n Évora, Portugal  Antero de Quental Quental Foundation 1st  prize in the competition for the C.I.A.C. pavilions 1st  prize in the competition for a Hotel in Salzburg 1st  prize (ex-aequo) in the IN / ARCH 1990 per la Sicilia Secil Award for Architecture 1st  prize in the competition for the "Construction of an Auditorium and a Children's Library in the City Hall Library", Oporto, Portugal 2nd prize in the competition for "The Stone in Architecture" Secil Award for Architecture - Honourable Mention for the House in Alcanena National Awards for Architecture - Honourable Mention for the Cultural Centre and the House in Alcanena International Prize for Stone in Architecture Fiera di Verona, for the House in “Bom Jesus”, Braga  Annual Award of the Portuguese Portuguese Department of the International Association of Art Critics, for the building in Rua do Teatro Nominee for the “Mies van der Rohe European Union Architecture Prize” for the following projects: 1990 - Cultural Centre, Oporto 1992 - House in Alcanena 1994 - Department of Geosciences, Aveiro University  1996 - Building in Rua do Teatro, Oporto 1998 - Pousada of Santa Maria do Bouro 2000 - Courtyard Houses in Matosinhos 2002 - Cinema House "Manoel de Oliveira", Oporto 2010 - Paula Rego's House of Stories, Cascais Nominee for the Award IBERFAD with the "Pousada Santa Maria do Bouro" 1st  prize in the I Bienal Iberoamericana with the "Pousada Santa Maria do Bouro"  Award Pessoa  Award "Stone in Architecture" Architecture" - Honourable Mention for the "Pousada Santa Maria do Bouro"  Award FAD FAD - Opinion Award for the "Silo Cultural" Cultural" in Norteshopping, Matosinhos  Award Heinrich-T Heinrich-Tessenow-Medal in Gold Nominee for the “III Bienal Iberoamericana de


2007 2008


 Award FAD, FAD, Barcelona, for the project of Braga Braga Stadium Opinion Award FAD, Barcelona, for the project of Braga Stadium Gold Medal for Braga Stadium - IAKS, International  Association for Sports Sports and Leisure Facilities, Facilities, Cologne, Germany  Finalist of the "I Prémio de Arquitectura Ascensores Enor", for the project "Cinema House Manoel de Oliveira" 1st  Prize in the competition for a Crematorium in Kortrijk, Belgium  Architecture  Architect ure International International Prize for "Braga "Braga Municipal Municipal Stadium" from the Chicago Athenaeum Museum, USA  Honourable Mention for "Braga Municipal Stadium" "Best Window" VETECO, Madrid Fair, Fair, Spain FAD Award "Ciutat i Paisatge" with the Project "Metro do Porto" ENOR Ward of Portugal with the Project "Metro do Porto" "Gran Prémio Enor" with the Project "Metro do Porto" "Finalist" for the Jury of Enor Award with the Project "Metro do Porto" Honourable Mention for "Braga Municipal Stadium"  V Ed Edit itio ionn Bi Bien enal al Iber Ib eroa oame meri rica cana na of Arch Ar chit itec ectur tur e and an d Urbanism, Montevideo, Uruguay  Honourary Fellow of the American Institute of Architects (AIA)  Architecture  Architec ture International Internati onal Prize for "Burgo Office Offic e Tower" from the Chicago Athenaeum Museum, USA  International Fellow of Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA  Finalist of FAD Award 2008 for "Burgo Tower" Green Good Design 2009, with the "Luce 3" Lamp The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies and the Chicago Athenaeum  Award "Cidades de Excelência 2008-2009", for f or the project "Plano de Pormenor do Largo do Souto, em S. João da Madeira" Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidade de Chiclayo, República do Perú  Archite  Arch itecture cture Internati Inte rnational onal Prize Pri ze for “Contempo “Cont emporar raryy Art Museum of Bragança” from the Chicago Athenaeum Museum, USA  First prize in the Competition for the project "Railway High Speed Axis Lisbon / Madrid - PPP1 - Poceirão / Caia", coauthored with Arch. Adriano Pimenta First prize in the competition for the New Hospital of Évora First Prize in the “Project LIWA” an Oasis of Learning for

2003 2004


 Arquitectura e Ingenieria Civil”, for the Courtyard Houses in Matosinhos  Award "Stone in Architecture" - Honourable Mention of the Project in Matosinhos South Finalist the FAD Award- Opinion 2004, for the of project “2 Houses inofPonte de Lima" Award the FAD  Jury 2004 Secil Award for Architecture Finalist of the Prize "Prémio Europeu de Arquitectura Pabellón Mies van der Rohe 2004" for the project of the "Braga Stadium".


 Abu Dhabi, United United Arab Emirates Emirates Nominated as a Member of the Academy of Arts  Architecture Section Section of Berlin  Ar  Arch chit itec ectu ture re Meda Me da l of "L'A "L 'Aca cade demi miee d’Ar d’ Arch chit itec ectu ture re de France", Paris  Awa  Award rd fo for r the proje pro ject ct "Paula "Pau la Rego Museum Mus eum"" fro from m The Chicago Athenaeum, the Museum of Architecture and Design and the European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies




1985 1987 1988 1989 1990 1992 1993 1994 1996 1997 1998 1999 2001 2002 2003 2004

2005 2006

"After the Modernism", National Society of Beaux Arts, in Lisbon "11 Oporto Architects - Recent Images", S.N.B.A., Lisbon; House of Crivos, Braga; Coop. Árvore, Porto "Architecture Drawings", Architectural Association, London. "Braga Market", Biennale of Paris. "House 2 in Nevogilde", Identita nell’Arquittectura, nell’Arquittectura, Pirano, Jugoslávia "Corbu vu par...", I.F.A., Paris Milan Triennale "The Scholl of Oporto", Clermond-Ferrand, Clermond-Ferrand, France "Furniture Exhibition", Atalaia Store, Lisbon "Italian Design Forum", Milan and New York  "Emerging European Architects", Univ. Harvard, Boston; Univ. Columbia, Nova York. "Lieux d’Architecture Europeénne", Academy of France in Rome "Architectures Publiques", Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris "Ouvertures a Bordeaux", Arc en Rêve - Centre d’Architecture, Bordeaux "Installation”, "Installation ”, Architektur Forum Zurich, Zurich. "10 Portuguese Authors - Contemporary Design”, House of Arts, Oporto "Portugal Four Four Points of View", Galerija DESSA, Ljubljana "Waves of Influence", New York, USA  "Projects and Materials", Cultural Centre of Belém, Lisbon "Object Light", Porto and Lisbon "Less is More", UIA, Colegio Arquitectos Catalunya, Barcelona "From Project till Construction", City Hall of Maia, Maia "Design aus Portugal - eine Anthologie, in Frankfurt  "T "Temi emi di progetti", Art Museum in Mendrísio, Switzerland "Temi di progetti", E.P.F.L., Lausanne, Switzerland "T "Temi emi di progetti", gta institut, Zurich, Switzerland "Temi di progetti", Vicenza, Italy  "T "Temi emi di Progetti", City Hall in Matosinhos, Matosinhos "Case. Ultimi Progetti", Bologna, Italy  "Case. Ultimi Progeti", Dresden, Germany  Exhibition in Stuttgart  Exhibition of Contemporary Design, Helsinki, Finland Exhibition in Pamplona, Spain "Draws in the Cities: Portuguese Architecture", V BIA of S. Paulo, Brasil "Draws in the Cities: Portuguese Architecture", Milan Triennale Triennale "EURO 2004 Stadiums", Lusíada University, University, in Lisbon Milan Triennale "Secil Award of Architecture 2004", Portuguese Architects Association, Lisbon Participation in Venice Biennale "Inedited 2005", drawings exhibition, House of Madrid, Spain Participation in the exhibition about no constructed projects, Fribourg, Switzerland Participation in S. Paulo Biennale, Brasil "22 Houses" in Portuguese Architects Association, Lisbon Participation in the exhibition "Inhabit Portugal 2003 / 2005",


2008 2009

Cultural Centre of Belém, Lisbon Exhibition "Work "Work Meeting North #005 dedicated to the theme Urban Infra-structures - Oporto Metro 1994 to 2005, Transports Museum in Oporto  Architecture Triennale Triennale of Lisbon Eduardo Mouraof/ Luis Ferreira"Notícias", Alves - in Porto ExhibitionSouto in thedeGallery the Journal  Architecture: Portugal Portugal out of Portugal, Berlin Berlin


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