Edinburgh Apprentices 1583 - 1666

November 6, 2016 | Author: Geordie Winkle | Category: N/A
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List of apprentices entered by burgesses of the City of edinburgh into the Dean of Guild Court records...


Go 941.0004 Sao87s lpt.35



3 1833 00676 3582



























Register of Apprentices for the City of Edinburgh, as a separate



contained in two Volumes,







which date



1583 to 28th December 1647

i2th January 1648 to 30th it is

The books bear








incorporated in the ordinary Guild Register, to

contain the names of


persons received


Apprentices to a merchant or craftsman with the duty of their entry silver,


conform to Decreet-Arbitral


VI.) upon


to the




set forth

beginning of







given in brackets,




it is

engrossed at the

that of the indenture


— " 10





entries of

— Na


times in respect of the trubells and in respect of the King's

day of April

last, in

who come

here upon the


"21 January



Record explain the absence of

Schippis lyand in the road of Leyth,




Apprentices between certain dates, this

portion of the Decreet-Arbitral



dates are those at which the indenture was booked, but

another date



Act and Statute of the Burgh.

bearing upon

by the King's Majesty (James

between the merchants and craftsmen, conform


— Na





since the


day of

respect of the great infection of the seikness of the plague








William A., mason in Straittoun, with John Flockart, glassinwright 27 Oct. John, son to late Andrew A., in Leswade Loneheid, with „ William Thomson, armourer 12 June Abercrombie, Alexander, son to late John A., of Throsk, with John Baxter, tailor 22 May Alexander, son to late Alexander A., with Archibald Thomson, tailor 7 Nov. Andrew, son to late Mr. Thomas A., minister at Burness in Orkney, with William Paterson, tailor 7 Oct. George, son to late Bernard A., tailor, burgess of Edinburgh, with Laurence Merser, merchant 19 Mar. John, son to John A., of Throsk, with David Aslowane, skinner Abell, Alexander, son to

1619 1633

1588 1632 1657 1645

4 Jan. 1586-7

John, son to late Captain Robert A., of Bonytone, with

David Murray,



21 July 1647

Robert, son to John A., of Throsk, with Abraham Abercromby, saddler Robert, son to Richard A., of Piltoun, with Thomas Winzett,



Nov. 1589


Dec. 1598

Robert, son to Umphra A., servitor to Robert Ramsay, indweller in Barnbugall, with James Patoun, locksmith 21

Abernethy, Alexander, younger son to Alexander A., of Claymyres, with James Cathkyn, bookseller Arthur, son to late Robert A., in Turnhouse, with William

Symeson, James, son




22 Jan. 1590-1 A.,



Greenlaw, with

Andrew Borthwick, peuderer

4 Nov. 167.9

John, son to John A., of Greenlaw, with


Pryde, tailor 1

John, son to late Thomas A., portioner of Greenlaw, with William Borthwick, peuderer Laurence, son to John A., in Boughall, with Andrew Young,


Symon, son

to late


A., in

to late


Dec. 1633

28 Mar. 1655





Greenlaw, with Robert

Mackilbrayth, tailor

Thomas, son

Dec. 1642

9 Nov. 1618

9 Dec. 1600 A., in Cilentore, with

Cleghorn, skinner William, son to John A., indweller James Abernethie, peuderer


Rannald 8 July 1595


Glencorce, with 24 ALar. 1641

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.



Andrew A., with Andrew Bryson, merchant 9 Feb. 1653 Achesoun, .Alexander, son to John A., portioner of Inveresk, with Mark Achesoun, tailor 15 Mar. 1620 David, son to Laurence A., one of the ordinar guard of Edinburgh, with George Watterstoun, wobster 17 June 1618 John, son to George A., in Kelso, with Patrick Nemok, tailor

Abernethy, William, son to Major

18 July 16 Aug. John, son to late Gilbert A., with John Cunningham, tailor John, son to late Michael A., gunstoker, burgess of Edin8 Dec. burgh, with Gavin Nisbet, cordiner Mark, son natural to George A., of Gosfurd, with William Neinock, tailor 4 Dec. 10 June Robert, son to John A., with John Heriot, tailor William, son to John A., merchant, with Peter Rannald, tailor

1598 1615 1658 1605 1595

5 Sept. 1592 Achinsoun, Ralph, son to George A., in Niddrie, with William Nicolson, tailor 24 Nov. 1591 Aco, George, son to NicoU A., in Ednem, with John Pillon, cordiner

cordiner Adair, Alexander, son to John A., smith in Galloway, with William „ Adair, cordiner John, son to late William A., of Altoun, with Thomas „ Baxter, blacksmith Patrick, son to Thomas A., provost of Stranraer, with „ .





Inglis, yr.,

28 7


Robert, son to late William A., of Argie in Galloway, with

James Graham, merchant Thomas, son to late Patrick A., of Aldtoun, with Alexander Makneidder,

27 Jan. 1595-6 3 Mar. 1630


William, son to late William A. (? of Altoun), with James Binnie, cordiner Adam, James, son to Patrick A., janitor of the College of Edinburgh, with Alexander Skirving, plumber John, son to late John A., in Bothkennar, with Robert „ M'Kie, cordiner Thomas, son to late James A., maltman, outwith the West „ Port, with Thomas Glaidstanes, merchant Adamson, Abraham, eldest son to late Archibald A., in Listounscheills, with Adam Lockart, tailor George, son to David A., smith in St. Andrews, with James „



Mar. 1591-2 26 July 1637 3 Jan. 1655

24 Aug. 1636

„ „

„ „

„ „

Mar. 1591-2

24 Nov. 1647 9 Dec. 1663 23 June 1624 22 Apr. 1600

Brown, merchant 23 Sept. Mr. Harry, son to John A., minister at Nesting in Zetland, 12 Mar. with Patrick Hepburn, apothecary James, son to Stephen A., flesher, with James Haigy, flesher 2 June James, son natural to John A., merchant, with Thomas 22 June Smyth, tailor James, son to late Archibald A., in the Deyne, with John 26 Nov. Weir, hatmaker James, son to William A., skipper in Burntisland, with

James „




1657 1645 1601

1608 1625

16 July 1656

John, son to late Archibald A., in Listounscheils, with John Pook, cordiner 8 Nov. John, son to John A., weaver, indweller in Edinburgh, with William Forrester, weaver 16 Oct. deleted 9 Sept. John, son to John A., writer in Edinburgh, with John Mure, tailor 15 July 16 Aug. John, son to David A., bellman, with John Young, litster

1596 1639 1640 1612 1626



Edinbitroh Reoister of Apprentices.

Adamson, John, son to John A., in Anstoun, par. of Dunsyre, with James Park, merchant (who deceased) transferred to George Pacok Peter, son to James A., servitor to Lord Roxburgh, with „ James Johnstone, wright


27 Dec. 1643 24 June 1646

3 Nov. 1624 Robert, son to late Thomas A., indweller in Musselburgh, with James Riddell, merchant 9 Sept. 1646 Thomas, son to Peter A., in Kelso, with Alexander Barclay, apothecary „ 27 Sept. 1597 William, son to late Mr. John A., writer in Edinburgh, „ 15 Mar. 1643 with John Penman, merchant Adie, John, son to late Andrew A., meilmaker in Leith, with 29 Dec. 161 William Trotter, smith John, son to John A., indweller in Musselburgh, with „


Ireland, tailor


Nov. 165

30 July 1662 John, indweller in Edinburgh, with James Neilson, slater „ Adieson, James, son to Laurence A., in Leith, with Robert Weddell, baxter 24 June 1595 James, son to late Thomas A., in Pittadrow, with Gavin „ Steinhouse, baxter 23 Feb. 1653 Adinstoun, Henry, son to Alexander A., baxter, with Robert Anderson, flesher 4 May 1614 1666 „ John, son to Walter A., in Dalkeith, with John Adinstoun,baxter 28 Yth. Robert, brother to James A., in Langnidrie, with Archibald „ 1610 Wilson, tailor 25 July Admistoun, Andrew, son to late John A., in Sauchney, with Alexander Renton, tailor 4 P'eb. i 596 Archibald, son to late John A., of Newtown, with William „ 15 Dec. 1641 Reid, yr., merchant George, son to Thomas A., of Kirkcant, with John Gairdynes, litster „ 10 May 1648 James, son to Richard A., of that Ilk, with George „

Simpson, „ „ „

18 Jan. 161


John, son to late James A., hatmaker, burgess of Edinburgh, with John Cor, tailor John, son to late Thomas A., of Kirkcant, with Walter Bell, baxter Robert, son to late Thomas A., of Kirkcant, with James Bishop, skinner Thomas, son to Thomas A., in Tartode, with William Paterson,


Hadden, merchant with James to late James A., of Arbuckles, merchant Ahannay, John, son to late John A., in the Canongate, with Francis .



Bishop, skinner Robert, son to Hew A., baxter in the Canongate, with David Scott, apothecary to late James A., in

Aikman, Adam, son

„ „

Apr. 1658

June 1643 26 July 1648


28 Mar.






Walter, son of

Agnew, John, son

24 Mar. 1652

28 Jan. 1594-5

Thomas A., of Kircant, with James Lightbodie, merchant transferred to David Aikenhead Affleck, Gavin, son to late James A., of Twedy, with Archibald „

27 Nov. 1633


^"S- 1654

iiNov. 15S6 23



Nether Williamsoun,

with Archibald Hadden, wright Bartilmo, with Henry Aikman, chirurgian, his brother

James, son natural to late George A., merchant, with Nicol Burn, tailor James, son to Richard A., weaver in the Dean, with John Tod, locksmith Peter, son to late David A., in Woodhead, with John Knowis, baxter

27 June 1598 22 July 1595 12 Jan. 18



Mar. 1657

29 Apr. 1590

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Aikman, Samuel, son to late James Lawson, skinner

A., in


Ainslie, merchant son to David A., merchant, burgess of Jedburgh,


with George Home, skinner John, son to late John A., bailie of Jedburgh, with

Aires, George, son to late


James A., clerk of Pittenweem, with Melville, merchant John, son to Mr. John A., advocate, with Thomas

Cleghorn, goldsmith See also Achesoun. „ Aitken, George, son to late Mungo A., in Darnhall, with Thomas Warrok, skinner George, son to George A., in Currie, with John Meikle, yr., ,, tailor

late James A., in the Town's Burrowmuir, with John Wyllie, wobster to Robert A., in Listonshiels, with James Aber-

James, son to

James, son




Apr. 1644


20 Nov. 1633 25 Oct. 1615

to late



29 Dec. 1619

Tynnyghame, with Robert

Hunter, baxter

Thomas, son

Nov. 1632

burgess of Musselburgh,

A., in

July 1657

10 Sept. 1634

with John Young, wright

Thomas A.,


26 Mar. 1606 21

Thomas, son to late William A., burgess of Jedburgh, with James Ainslie, merchant Thomas, son to Thomas A., mason, indweller in Edinburgh, with Hew Forrest, mason Thomas, son to Mr. Cornelius A., of Dolphingtoun, with James Jack, merchant

Airth, Alexander, son to

July 1588

6 July 1591


Calderwood, merchant





Dunbar, with Dychert

Bartilmo A., burgess of Dunbar, with „ William Neill, skinner William, son to John A., servitor to John Brown, in Gorgie „ mylne, with Thomas Wilson, merchant Ainslie, Adam, son to David A., burgess of Jedburgh, with William,


12 July 1654

4 Nov. 1646

27 Oct. 1652

24 Nov. 1652 22 June 1636

nethie, peudarer 9 Aug. John, son to late John A., in Fulfuird, with William Birss, 10 Nov. wobster John, son to Thomas A., in Auchinhill, with Patrick Aitken, „ cordiner 31 May John, son to James A., in Welhouse, with James Lawson, weaver „ I Apr. Robert, son to late Mr. Harry A., commissary of Orkney, „ 11 Sept. with William Dick, merchant Thomas, son to James A., servitor to the Laird of Mer„ chistoun, with Thomas Hill, walker Jan. Thomas, son to Thomas A., in Tranent, with Andrew „ Burrell, goldsmith 19 Apr. „ Thomas, natural son to James A., writer, with Thomas 12 Apr. Harper, cordiner William, son to Robert A., in Melvile mylne, with Eciward „ 22 Dec. Wilson, couper William, son to Ormond A., in Colzium, par. of Kilsyth, „ with David Callendar, wright 30 June Aitkenhead, David, son natural to Alexander A., W.S., with John 11 July Thomson, tailor Lewis, son to late Mr. Thomas A., commissary of Edin„ burgh, with Hew Vernor, merchant 9 Aug. Thomas, son to late Thomas A., in Dalkeith, with James ,, 10 Apr. Gowrie, wobster Alexander, Archibald, son to late Robert A., W.S., with 16 Feb. (jeorge Stirling, merchant





1646 1633 1612

1643 1665

1590 1641


1654 1588 1641



Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

Alexander, David, son to John A., weaver in Corstorphine, with John Alexander, candlemaker James, son to John A., weaver, burgess of the Canongate, „ with „

James Gordon, weaver

James, son to




„ „

James, son to James A., in Aberdour, with Thomas Robertson, maltman James, son to late Michael A., in the par. of Govan, with James Finlason, brewer James, son to Patrick A., picture drawer, with John Tailyfier, painter

„ „ „ „

„ „

„ „

„ „

24 Sept. 1656 16 Oct. 1639

W.S., with William Smetoun,

merchant „


late Charles A., of Menstrie, with Alexander Sandilands, merchant John, with Mungo Alexander, baxter John, son to William A., of Menstrie, with Robert Livingstone, baxter John, son to John A., wobster, burgess of Edinburgh, with Robert Purdie, wobster John, son to John A., weaver in Corstorphine, with William Wilson, candlemaker Mungo, son to late William A., in Gaivoksflett in Tweeddale, with Archibald Torronss, baxter Patrick, son to Robert A., in Riddoche, with James

16 Sept. 1646 13 Feb. 1657 13

June 1655


July 1660

James, son to

Greenlaw, tailor son to late John A., in Leith, with James Gordon, wobster Richard, son to James A., in Garrelfitt, with Thomas Robiesoun, couper Richard, son to Robert A., in the Maitland, with George Hill, wobster Robert, son to Robert A., in the Beircroft, with Robert

Mar. 1663 22 Mar. 1603 11


Nov. 1605

18 Dec. 1633

24 Mar. 1647 28 Mar. 1592 18

June 1606


Powis, tailor Robert, son to late John A., writer in Edinburgh, with „ Thomas Lennox, skinner (14 May) William, son to William A., of Menstrie, with Robert „ Meiklejohn, skinner William, son to James A., portioner of Reidheuch, with „ Robert Glen, merchant Alison, James, son to Henry A., indweller in Edinburgh, with Gilbert J'orrest, cordiner (who gave up business) transferred to Patrick Aitken Allan, Adam, with John Galloway tailor Alexander, son to William A., in Little Fawsyde, with ,, William Reid, wobster Alexander, son to late Robet A., tailor in the Canongate, ,, with James Johnstone, wright George, son to James A., in Wyntone, with John Scott, „


June 1628


Nov. 1606




12 Apr. 1609

19 Nov. 1651 18



23 Nov. 1631

May 1642 Aug. 1644 9 Nov. 1602

4 14


Nov. 161

28 June 161

merchant Aug. 1649 James, son to Thomas A., messenger with John Futhie, cordiner 9 Sept. 1640 James, son to Thomas A., in Torrance, with James Cunningham, blacksmith 20 Dec. 1643 James, son to late Robert A., in Airth, with Robert Smairt, cordiner i

„ „ „ „ „

21 July John, son to late James A., in Fynhaven, with John Mansion, wright 4 Oct. John, son to John A., slaidder in Leith, with Thomas Allan, skinner 25jan. John, son to John A., fishmonger, with John J^uncan, flesher 24 May

1647 1603 1615 1615

Edinbiu'oJi Register of Apprentices.



Allan, John, son to late William A., nialtman in the Pans, with

John Turnet, tailor John, son to John A., cordiner at the Kirk of Away, with

Aug. 1639


William Thomson, armourer 3 Jan. Peter, son to late William A., in Mauchline, with John 2 July Wilson, skinner Richard, son to David A., in Wintoun, with William Boog, merchant 30 Nov. Robert, son to late William A., in Dunteling, with John Be, merchant 30 Sept. Robert, son to late Henry A., in Panbryde, with John Broun, merchant 9 Nov. Thomas, son to Thomas A., messenger with John Murray, skinner

1649 1589 1642 1607


15 July 1635

Thomas, son to late Thomas A., in Torrance, with John Forman, blacksmith William, son to James A., in Crosfurd, with William Limpetlaw, skinner William, son to David A., in Wentoun, with Robert Dunlop,


William, son to


17 Jan. 1610





Oct. 1642


messenger with William King, merchant 27 Feb. 1633

William, son to late Edward A., in Culross, with Alexander Paterson, bonnetmaker William, son to James A., in Wyntone, with Robert Mitchell, merchant Alstoun, James, son to John A., in the Aikermylne, barony of Hamilton, with John Wilson, yr., merchant Amulekyn, Andrew, son to late George A., in Sydyke, with

William Speir, merchant Anderson, Alexander, son to David A., gardener, indweller in Edinburgh, with John M'Gill „ Alexander, son to Hew A., in Currie, with John Schairp, brasier and coppersmith „ Alexander, son to late Robert A., in Haltoun, par. of AUoway, with John Cleghorn, baxter (who deceased) transferrred to

James Dalgleish


Archibald, brother-german to Robert A., hatmaker with

Bynning, merchant

„ „

„ „ „


Aug. 162





May May

1649 1652

15 Apr. 1612

9 Feb. 1653 28 Mar. 1627

24 Mar. 1647

Leslie, tailor

Simon A., brewer in Portsburgh, with James Crichton, litster Henry, son to late Mr. Henry A., minister at Monivaird,

Gilbert, son to late

with Robert Broun, merchant to late Gavin A., farmer in Caldermaynes, with John Ramage, cordiner James, son to John A., miller at Seatoun mylne, with

James, son to

15 July 1607

24 Apr. 1605

said Robert David, son to late John A., burgess of Culross, with John Anderson, slater George, son to Alexander A., maltman, burgess of Musselburgh, with Archibald Anderson, hatmaker George, son to John A., indweller in Montrose, with


22 Dec. 1658


Andrew, son

A., in

19 Aug. 1646

Quhytehouse, with Alexander


16 Mar. 1642

15 July 1663




Hew, son

Andrew Wilson, bookseller late Louk A., in Over



June 1650

Liberton, with Robert

Nisljett, cordiner

9 Jan. 1656


James, son to

with John Hunter, baxter James, son to Thomas A., indweller John Crawfoord, cordiner


14 Jan. 1663

A., in


of Calder, 2

June 1658


Nov. 1661

Brughtoun, with


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

Anderson, James, son to Peter A., indvveller in the Canongate, with George Wright, cordiner transferred to James Cranstoun James, son to Michael A., in Fordellis, with Richard Dalgleish, wobster James, son to Gilbert A., in Halkerstoun, with George Hislop, armourer

James, son





28 8

Aug. 1631



Mar. 1586-7 17 July 1590

A., in Caldercleir, with

John Johnstone, hatmaker 23

to William A., in Coitmure, with Thomas Paigellice, skinner John, son to late William A., in the Potterrow, with John Young, tailor



James, son

12 Apr. 1620

26 Dec. 1589 John, son to John A., couper in the Water of Leith, with William Walker, wobster 3 July 161 John, son to Mr. William A., with James Hamilton, skinner 5 Aug. 1612 A., in Easter Duddingston, with AlexJohn, son to James ander Farquhar, tailor 27 Nov. 1616 John, son to James A., merchant, burgess of Aberbrothock, with John Shaw, merchant 24 Nov. 1630 John, son to James A., in the Grange of Allaway, with Adam Steell, baxter 9 May 1632 John, son to John A., burgess of Musselburgh, with George Anderson, hatmaker 14 Nov. 1638 John, son to John A., in Brodland, with James Nasmith, merchant 2

June 1641

John, son to Michael A., merchant, with John Wilkie, tailor 5 Apr. 1665 Michael, son to Michael A., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, with Malcolm Broun, skinner 28 Nov. 1660 Olipher, son to late William A., in Perth, with John



18 Jan. 1596-7

Richard, son to late Alexander A., burgess of Musselburgh, with James Innes, cordiner Robert, son to late John A., flesher in Kirkcaldy, with William Gairder, flesher Robert, son to John A., in Kaverhill of Bruchtoun, with

John Murdo, currier Thomas, brother to William

28 June 1648

28 Mar. 1610

13 Dec. 1665 A., skinner with his said brother

25 Sept. 1593

Thomas, son

to late

Thomas Thomas, son


A., in the


of Leith, with

Napier, tailor




12 July 1643


A., in

Lanarkshire, with

Mylnrig, par.





Thomas, son

to late

22 Mar. 1648



merchant, burgess of Sel-

kirk, with John Paterson, saddler 21 Mar 1655 Walter, son to late John A., in Fetercarne, with Alexander Mosman, locksmith 13 Nov. 1593 William, son to Alexander A., in Aberdeen, with John Dewar, slater



William, son to David A., slater, burgess of Edinburgh, with Thomas Anderson, apothecary 3 May William, son to late Thomas A., indweller in Merchistoun, with Ronald Robesoun, wobster 19 Jan. William, son to David A., W. S., with John Rynd, merchant 18 May William, son to late Patrick A., in Wardlaw, with Andrew Borthwick, peuderer 21 July William, son to James A., in Grange of Alloway with Henry Robertson, merchant 9 Aug. William, son to late (luvin A., in Caldermaynes, with John Fleming, merchant 29 Ndv.



1620 1625 1631

1647 1648 1654

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices. Anderson, William, son to late William A., in Pennicuik, with John Stevenson, walker Andrew, George, son to late John A., in Barborlands, with „

James Linton, merchant Patrick, son to late John A., in Clerkington, with James Kilgour, wobster





Apr. 1657



22 Feb. 1591-2

to late John A., of Barborlands, with Walter 16 May 1655 Hamilton, merchant William, son to Patrick A., in Clerkingtoun, with John „ Brown, merchant 4 July 1655 Angus, John, son to Patrick A., skipper and bailie of Burntisland, with Hew Craig, merchant 3 Nov. 1652 Angusson, John, son to William A., in Chyrnesyde, with Peter i June 1586 Spens, locksmith Annand, Alexander, son to late Alexander A., burgess of Dundee, with John M'Morane, thesamoer merchant 17 Sept. 1591 James, son to late Alexander A., burgess of Dundee, with ,, 22 Feb. 159 1-2 George Heriot, elder, goldsmith Mychall, son to late Thomas A., goldsmith, with George „ 6 June 1598 Heriot, yr., goldsmith Robert, son to late Captain Alexander A., of Caterlorie, „ with John Schaw, merchant 4 Dec. 1633 Arbuckle, James, son to late James A., of Ruglen, with Thomas

Andrew, son

Fische, skinner John, son to late Thomas A., burgess of Ruglen, with Robert Arbuckle, skinner Robert, son to late James A., of Ruglan, with John „ Anderson, skinner William, son to late George A., burgess of Rutherglen, „ with William Craw, sheith-maker Arbuthnott, Andrew, son to Alexander A., in Pitcairlie, with

8 Jan. 161

6 Feb. 1622 21 Feb. 1610

23 Sept. 1646

14 Mar. 1610 James Dalzell, merchant and bailie George, son to Mr. Andrew A., minister at Swynton, with William Wilands, lorimer 14 Dec. 1608 Robert, son to late James A., in Leith, with Robert „ Livingston, baxter 14 Mar. 1598-9 Archibald, David, son to late John A., merchant, burgess of 18 Mar. 1646 Edinburgh, with Andrew Sands, merchant James, son to John A., in the Kirkfauld of Tullibodie, with „ Adam Steine, baxter 24 May 1637 2 Jan. 1650 James, son to James A., of Blackball, with John Makgill „ John, son to James A., in Kyeth, with John Dunnyng, tailor 4 Sept. 1616 „ of Edinburgh, A., burgess with Mr. late son to John John, „ William Rea, merchant (who deceased) 3 Aug. 1636 transferred to James Rea, his son 23 May 1638 in indweller Leith, with maltman, A., to son James John, „ 12 Jan. 1644 Andrew Haistie, wright (who died 1645) transferred to David Thomson 31 Mar. 1647 chirurgian in A., the CanonAndrew Robert, son natural to „ gate, with Robert Crawford, hatmaker 30 June 1601 Armour, John, son to late John A., in Falkirk, with Robert Gillason, merchant 23 Dec. 1584 William, son to John A., sometime schoolmaster in Edin„ 20 Nov. 1599 burgh, with Andrew Clark, glassinwright Armstrong, Thomas, son to Ingram A., of Raletoune, with John Noble, merchant 24 Dec. 1606 i June 1602 Arneill, Matthew, with Alexander Duncan, wobster Arnot, Andrew, son to Andrew A., of Lochrig, with Richard 16 June 1617 Smyth, wright lames, son to Peter A., of Balcornio, with John Cunning„ ham, goldsmith 9 May 1589 ,,



Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Arnot, James, son to late Mr. Harry A., sometime of Condland, with Laurence Kinnear, merchant i8 Feb. 1646 Robert, son to Andrew A., of Lochriy, with Thomas Cranstoun, tailor „ 26 May 1619 Robert, son to Robert A., elder, in Restalrig, with Harie „ Robesone, wobster 5 Dec. 1627 Robert, son to late David A., of Barcaple, with William „ M'Clie, merchant 11 May 1642 William, son to Peter A., of Balcormo, with George „ Heriot, yr., goldsmith yi July 1589 William, son to Andrew A., of Lochrig, with Alexander „ Gibson, bower 20 July 16 14 Arthur, Alexander, son to James A., par. of Slammanmure, with locksmith Goudie, John 9 Dec. 1646 Alexander, son to late Alexander A., indweller in Hutchi„ son, par. of Mauchline, with John Arthur, brewer 24 June 1657 Thomas, second son to John A., of Newtoun Arthur, with „ Archibald Pattoun, merchant 15 Mar. 1643 Auchincraw, James, son to late George A., of East Restoun, with 11 Nov. 1595 John Baxter, tailor Auchinleck, David, son to John A., minister of Largo, with John Somervell, skinner 22 May 1616 James, son to late Mr. John A., minister at Largo, with „ Stewart, tailor James 16 June 16 19 Robert, son to William A., in Prestoun, with John Baillie, baxter ,, 6 Aug. 1628 Thomas, son to late Andrew A., in Petcoche, with William „ Lamb, baxter 22 July 1600 Auchterlony, James, son to Mr. George A., minister at Tweedmouth, with John Aikman, merchant 21 July 1647 John, son to James A., of the Knokis, in Angus, with „ W^illiam Hoppringle, litster 20 Feb. 1598-9 John, son to William A., sometime of Cairnie, with „ Patrick Bell, merchant 31 Aug. 1642 Auld, James, son to late Alexander A., butterman, with James Stark, merchant 12 May 1641 John, son to Patrick A., in Torbayne, with Patrick Nemo, tailor 10 Oct. 1592 „ to late Thomas A., indweller in son Edinburgh, with John, „ John Donaldson, wobster 10 May 1620 William, son to late Archibald A., stabler in the Canongate, „ with John Bowstoun, flesher 17 May 1665 Aytoun, James, son to late John A., in Haddington, with Patrick Purves, baxter i Aug. 1610 James, son to James A., maltman, burgess of the Canon„ gate, with Adam Lambe, goldsmith Mar. 1626 Robert, son to late John A., mason in Prestonpans, with „ i

William Aytoun, mason 4 Nov. 1640 William, son to late John A., in Haddington, with Jaspard Paterson, tailor 4 July 1598 William, son to John A., in Musselburgh, with John Broun, mason ,, 9 Jan. 1 598-9 Baikie, John, son to late Thomas B., merchant in Kirkwall, with Walter Richie, merchant 26 Apr. 1620 Baillie, Alexander, son to late William B., in Gilstoune, with John Menzies, mason 18 May 1636 Alexander, son to James B., in Hardingtoun, par of „ Robertoun, with Alexander Inglis, litster 25 Nov. 1640 Alexander, son to Mr. James B., of Carnbrue, with John „ „

Penman, merchant „

Archibald, son to Thomas B., of Medofield, with John Cleghorn, cordiner

27 June 1649 15

Feb. 1615

Edinbui'gk Register of Appj-entices.



David, son to Barnard B., meilmaker in Corstorphine, with Archibald Cleghorn, cordiner 8 Oct. 1617 to late William B., of Bagbie, with John Stevenson, merchant 3 Apr. 599 James, son to Mathew B., in Dalkeith, with John Robesoun, flesher 3 May 1597 James, son to Thomas B., in Medowfield, with John B., baxter 29 July 1612 James, son to John B., at St. John's Kirk, with Alexander Mauchan, merchant 16 Feb. 161 James, son to Thomas B., of Polkemmet, with John Halyburton, merchant 30 Apr. 1634 James, brother to Archibald B,, of Hailles, with William


Edward, son


„ „ „

„ „

Paterson, tailor „ ,,

i6 Jan.

James, son to Thomas B., in Medowfield, with Robert Johnstone, baxter John, son to Mathew B., in the Greenhill of Clydesdale, with John Symontoun, skinner John, son to late James B., in Pinstoun, with Alexander Admistoun, baxter John, son to late Alexander B., in Biggar, with George

Hoddom, merchant „

John Whyte,

June 1602

Mathew, son

Hamilton, mason to


B., in

29 June 1608 13 Aug. 1617


4 Dec. 1593


John, son to Mr. James B., minister at Lamyngtoun, with John Baillie, baxter John, son to Alexander B., of Calland, with David Pringle, chirurgian Mathew, son to late William B., in Edinburgh, with Andrew


28 June 1588


son to Thomas B., in Middlefield, with Archibald Cleghorn, cordiner John, son to Mr. James B., minister at Lamyngtoun, with


lo June 1646

22 Jan. 1622 19 Nov. 1665 5

Feb. 1612


Dec. 1664

Dunsyre, with Andrew Purdie,


Richard, son to Edward B., in Eistertown, par. of Lamington, with James Anderson, skinner William, son to Edward B., in Eastertoun of Lamington, with John Poock, cordiner William, son to late Alexander B., in Harperig, with John „ Hunter, baxter William, son to Alexander B., of Flemingtoun mylne, with „ Robert Blair, wright Baird, Alexander, son to William B., at Ettelstoun Kirk, with Thomas Broun, cordiner George, son to late John B., in Mylntoun, par. of Kirriemure, „ with Alexander Izatt, wright James, son to James B., gardener in Edinburgh, with James „ Scheill, baxter John, son to late James B., in Littlekipt, with Thomas Cow„ ,,

30 July 1634





Dec. 1658

25 Nov. 1646 25 Aug. 1647 16 Apr. 1645 2

John, son to William B., in Stirling, with William Johnstone, skinner Walter, son to late Mr. Gilbert B., indweller in Banff, with „ James Kinnear, merchant Bairnsfather, Thomas son to Thomas B., at the West Port, with

Aug. 1629

28 June 1648

Dec. 1612


William Bairnsfather, Baittie, John, son to Andrew B., miller at Dalzell mylne, with Andrew Layng, currier Robert, son to late William B., beside the Wright's Houses, „ with John Watt, locksmith Balbyrnie, Robert, brother to Alexander B., with George Jackson, skinner

21 Apr. 1647

22 Oct. 1662 21

June 1620

24 Mar. 1652

30 Aug. 1587 23 Sept. 1600


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

Bald, James, son to William B., in Broun, with William Anderson, skinner James, son to late John B., in Dunbar, with William Rewell, „ „

couper Patrick, son to James

B., in

Dunbar, with

Adam Thomson, 6 Dec. 1665

John B., tailor, burgess of Haddington, with William Kinghorn, merchant Balderston, John, son to Thomas B., baxter in Wester Duddingston, with John Fiddes, hatmaker Balfour, Andrew, son to late I\Ir. Andrew B., minister at Kirknewton, with John Inglis, elder, merchant David, son to late William B., beer-brewer in Leith, with „ Andrew Balfour, merchant George, son to late David B., of Powis, with Robert „ „

8 Dec. 1590

14 Feb. 1666

saddler „


Patrick, son to

M'Kelphie, skinner George, son to late Robert B.,

23 July 1623

20 June 1660 23 July 1634

20 Oct. 1647 2

in Scotlandwell, with

Apr. 1617


Duff, merchant James, son natural to James B., servitor to the Laird of Smetoun, with Alexander Farquhar, tailor James, son to Michall B., sometime of Bandone, with „ Robert Fleming, merchant Michaell, son to Sir Michaell B., of Denmylne, Kt., with „ George Leslie, merchant Balraeane, Robert, son to late John B., wright, with Thomas Irvine, merchant Balmure, John, son to late John B., burgess of Jedburgh, with

10 Nov. 1647

John Rutherfoord, tailor James, son to Mr. John B., minister at Hoy, with Robert Childers, saddler Banies, John, son to late David B., skipper in Leith, with Andrew

8 Mar. 1609 7

June 1643

28 Mar. 1638 12

Nov. 1634

23 Jan. 1656


Philip, skinner

Bannatyne, Alexander, son to late John B., of Burne, with Robert Broun, yr., merchant „ John, son to William B., in the Comoun Mylnes, with Henry Rea, tailor John, son to James B., servant to Thomas Bannatyne, „ merchant, with John Adamson, tailor Mathevv, son to late Andrew B., in Mynniboyle, with John „

Kennedy, „

Aug. 1664


June 1635

24 Aug. 1659 28 Dec. 1608 7

Dec. 1631

22 Jan. 1584-5


William, son to late John B., in Corehouse, with William Brotherstounes, tailor

Bannerman, William, son to Alexander B., of Elsick, with George Jaffray, merchant Barbour, James, son to late Mr. George B., of Delphingstoun, with



Fisher, tailor


23 Jan. 1661 12

John, son to late Mr. George B., of Dolphingtoun, with William Carmichael, skinner Barclay, Harry, son to Walter B., in Montrose, with George Rany, baxter (who deceased)

Aug. 1653

Nov. 1662

transferred to

James Bynnie

in England, with John, son to late George B., in „ William Symontoun, cordiner Ninian, son to late William B., in Peirstoun, with John „ Somervell, skinner William, son to James B., merchant, burgess of Stirling, ,, with Cuthbert Home, flesher Bargillour, James, son to William B., in Coitmure, with Archibald Allan, skinner Barker, Andrew, son to late Andrew B., at the Brig-end of Cramond, with Abraham Barker, baxter .


26 July 1665 8 Feb. 1643 24 June 1646


2t Apr. 1652

26 Feb. 1600 15 Apr. 1657

25 Dec. 1599

26 June



Edinbiu'gk Reo;ister of Apprentices.



Barker, John, son to Francis B., in Dublin with Patrick Douglas,


20 Apr. 1653

son to late John B., indweller in Edinburgh, with Paterson, bonnetmaker Barr, Allan, son to late John B., in Watstoun, with John ThomBarnis,



son, „


James, son to


28 Feb. 1666


B., slater in Leith, with




Barrie, James, son to


26 Mar. 1606

23 Dec. 1629

William of


servitor to Sir



William Cun-

with Alexander Bur-

rellwall, cordiner

26 June 1650 Barron, Alexander, son to Martin B., with John Nasmyth, chirurgian 2 Sept. 1595 James, son to George B., in Auldlistoun, with James Binning, „ cordiner 3 Mar. 1586-7 Barrowman, James, son to Martin B., in Ethellstane, with John Adamson, merchant 19 Dec. 1660 Bartane, Nicoll, son to Thomas B., fleshcr, with William Thomson, flesher 6 Apr. 1608 William, son to Michael B., in Strabrock, with Alexander „ Thomson, skinner 1 7 July 1593 William, son to James B., in Langniddrie, with Patrick „ Wallace, baxter Mar. 24 1658 Bartilmo, Michael, son to late Thomas B., in Wester Lymphoy, with Murdo Broun, skinner 6 June 1589 Patrick, son to Robert B., burgess in Dunbar, with James „ Gardiner, tailor 15 Jan. 1606 Robert, son to William B., in Caldwel, with William Mak, „ baxter 12 Nov. 1594 Robert, eldest son to Robert B., of Dumbarton, with Andrew „ Hart, printer i Feb. 1609 William, son to William B., in Edinburgh, with Gavin „ Michelsoun, skinner 22 Dec. 1590 William, son to late Alexander B., under the wall, with „ William Reid, couper 17 July 1599 William, son to George B., in East Fentoun, with John „

Walker, couper 1 1 Dec. Bartrum, Patrick, son to George B., in Newlands, par. of Garatt, with Richard Smyth, wright 25 Dec. Thomas, son to late John B., of Haddington, with John „ Logan, merchant 20 July William, third son to William B., in the Barony of Cowter, „ with James Park, merchant 18 Dec. Basillie, James, son to Mr. James B., with David Clark, dagmaker 3 June Robert, son to late John B., tailor, indweller in the Canon,, gate, with James Broun, cordiner 18 June Bathgate, James, son to Alexander B., in Corshall, with Alexander Fiddes, baxter i June Peter, son to John B., bonnetmaker, burgess of Edinburgh, „ with John Veitch, merchant Robert, son to John B., in Munthhill, with James Mowbray, „ skinner (who deceased) transferred to Patrick Somerville Bauchope, Thomas, son to late John B., burgess of Canongate, with Thomas Craig, bonnetmaker Baxter, Abraham, son to John B., in Upcraigie, with Robert Donaldson, baxter Alexander, with Andrew Burrail, lorimer „ David, son to late Thomas B., in Wester Duddingston, „ with David Burne, candlemaker



1639 1608


1640 1645 1591

3 Jan. 1621 18 June 1628 24 Nov. 1632 7


Aug. 1622



25 Jan. 1603 2

Dec. 1646



Edindni'gh Register of Apprentices.


Baxter, George, son to James B., in Dalcorss, with Thomas Baxter, blacksmith 31 Jan. 1588-9 George, lawful son to late Alexander B., indweller in Edinburgh, with John Wilkie, wobster 17 Nov. 1619 George, son to late Norman B., tailor, indweller in Edinburgh, with James Duncan, baxter 20 Dec. 1643 James, son to William B., in Musselburgh, with Robert Keith, merchant 2 Feb. 1614 deleted of consent 12 Jan. 1616 James, son to George B., flesher, burgess of the Canongate, with William Robertson, merchant 9 Aug. 1620 John, son to Richard B., in the Canongate, with Richard Wilson, skinner 31 May 1588 John, natural son to John B., tailor, with Godofrie Garwood, tailor 30 July 1606 John, son to John B., in Mairtenie, with Thomas Baxter, blacksmith 25 Nov. 1629 Patrick, son to John B., with John Baxter, tailor 14 Aug. 1599 Quintene, son to late Walter 1)., ciuarriour, indweller in Edinburgh, with Robert Kennedy, locksmith 4 Dec. 1633 Robert, son to Richard B., in the Canongate, with James Nicolson, tailor 7 Dec. 1591 Robert, son to late Robert B., in Clerkingtoun, with John Lowis, armourer 13 May 1595 Robert, son to late Patrick B., portioner of East Lochop, with William B., lorimer 22 Dec. 1613 Thomas, son to Alexander B., indweller in Edinburgh, with 22 Dec. 1619 John Bickett, bonnetmaker William, son to late Robert B., in Clerkington, with John Callendar, armourer 24 Apr. 1 599 William, son to late William B., in Leith, with Robert Baxter, skinner 15 Dec. 1619 Bayne, Andrew, son to late Andrew B., skipper in Leith, with Nowie Measone, wright 19 Sept. 1621 James, son to John B., burgess of Musselburgh, with Alexander Cleghorn, wright 31 Dec. 1651 John, son to late Thomas B., smith, burgess of the Canongate, with John Wylie, yr., bonnetmaker 19 Oct. 1642 Samuel, son to Donald B., stabler, burgess of Edinburgh, with Alexander Cleghorn, wright 15 Aug. 1655 Thomas, son to Walter B., at the Newmylne, beside the Greynschaw, with James Adamson, baxter 21 Aug. 1588 William, son to late William B., in Dingwall in Ross, with David Gairden, litster 22 Aug. 1598 Beatie, Adam, son to late James B., stabler (poor), with George Glaidstains, peuderer 3 Sept. 161 Beatoun, Andrew, son to David B., of lialfour, with William Dick, merchant 10 July 1616 David, son to late John B., in Pitlochie, with Robert „ Traill, merchant 28 June 1609 David, son to Alexander B., bailie, burgess of Kilrynie, „ with Mr. John Hepburn, appottingar 8 May 1633 James, with David Broun, merchant 1 Feb. 1603 ,, Beg, George, son to James B., indweller at Douglas, with John „ Bell,

Chrystie, walker John, son to John B., indweller in Edinburgh, with John

Davidson, weaver Adam, son to late Thomas B., wheelwright, indweller in Edinburgh, with Gideon Lithgow, printer Alexander, son to George B., merchant in Dunce, with

John Reid, merchant


Mar. 1637

22 Nov. 1637

23 Dec. 1646

26 Apr. 1648

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

14 Bell,

Andrew, son





Haughmylne, with John

Gardner, wobster „

Andrew, son



Thomas „ „

„ „ „ „ „

Andrew, son




Dec. 1619

indweller in Plenderleith, with

merchant Mr. James B., of Kuppeper, with William Moffatt,

7 Sept. 1625

20 Feb. 1661 Carmichael, skinner Charles, son to late John B., weaver in Leith, with John 16 Aug. 1644 Reid, weaver Edward, son to John B., in Standingstane, with James Lawson, 2 Dec. 1635 George, son to John B., maltman in the Water of Leith, with James Tweedy, wright 15 Jan. 1634 George, son to late Robert B., burgess of Linlithgow, with 12 Dec. 1655 John Murray, merchant Henry, son to late Henry B., coachman, burgess of the 21 Apr. 1652 Canongate, with David Mure, armourer James, son to James B., in Aikwood in Forrest, with .

Robert Young, candlemaker James, son to Thomas B., indweller in Edinburgh, with Gawin Lithgow, bookseller James, son to Andrew B., of Mow, with WiUiam Mitchelson,



merchant son to




Aug. 161

23 Jan. 1650 27 June 1655



indweller in

Edinburgh, with

Andrew Anderson, hatmaker

17 Oct. 1621

John, son to George B., in Dunce, with Alexander B., merchant 12 Mar. Patrick, son to late James B., in Pennycuk, with Thomas Robesoun, coupar 27 June Robert, son to Thomas B., in Auchtermuchtie, with Robert „ Anderson, flesher 24 June Thomas, son to late Thomas B., in Plenderleith, with John „ Ramsay, merchant 9 Oct. Thomas, son to William B., in Plenderleith, with Andrew „ 2 Dec. Bell, merchant Walter, son to late Thomas B., in Plenderleith, with John „ Mitchell, baxter 3 Aug. William, son to late Thomas B., minister at Middlebie, „ with Ale.xander Murray, tailor 4 Dec. William, son to late Thomas B., turner, with Alexander „ Cleghorn, wright 23 Nov. William, son to John B., indweller, outwith the West Port „ 10 June of Edinburgh, with John Wright, wright William, son to Thomas B., in Lanark, with Bartholomew „ Wilson, merchant 29 Mar. William, son to Andrew B., of Now, par. of Newbattle, with „ 20 Sept. John Reid, Bennet, Andrew, son to David B., in Markinch, with Robert Law, wright „ „


1662 1598 1634 1633

1646 1636 1633 1636

1640 1648


12 Mar. 1645

David, son to James B., in Montainhall, with Andrew Hepburn, skinner George, son to late George B., indweller in Musselburgh, with Robert Pook, baxter George, son to Mr. George B., minister at St. Ninian's Church, with John Smith, tailor James, son to Richard B., in Musselburgh, with William

James, son to

„ „

Paterson, merchant

„ ,,

21 Apr. 1652

16 Feb. 1659

6 Jan. 1608

late Mr. John B., minister at Kirkurd, with Harry Houp, merchant John, son to Mr. George B., minister at St. Ninian's Kirk, with James Stark, merchant

Richard, son to Robert B., in Musselburgh, with Steven, hatmaker

13 July 1631

10 Apr. 1644 15

Dec. 1652

Thomas 17 July 1633

Edinbiu'gJi Register of Appreiitices.



Bennet, Steven, son to James B., in Carringtoun, with John Moysie, walker „

Thomas, son




B., in

6 Mar. 1605

Thomas, son

to James B., in Musselburgh, with James Wright, hatmaker William, son to late Mr. William B., minister at Heriot, „ with William Crawford, tailor Bennye, James, son to Andrew B., tailor in Edinburgh, with John Hunter, wobster Berrie, Ninian, son to late Alexander B., in Cammock, with Richard Robertson, tailor Beteson, Richard, son to late Hew B., in Esdaill, with William

June 1650

MounthoHe, with Andrew

Clerk, glassinwright

28 Jan. 1635 2

June 1619

9 June 1624 19 Mar. 1628

Livingstone, hatmaker 21 Jan. 1589-90 Bichen, Archibald, son to late Andrew B., with Archibald Fisch, merchant 12 July 1615 Bickartoun, Andrew, son to late Andrew B., sometime of Casche, with Richard Smyth, wright 2 Jan. 1622 James, son to late David B., maltman in Leith, with John „ Scott, wright 24 Mar. 1652 John, son to late David B., in Leith, with James Sandilands, tailor „

26 Aug. Biggar, John, son to late Robert B., with Thomas Robesoun, couper i June Robert, son to James B., in Easter Newtoun, with John „ Quhyte, tailor 12 Aug. Bigholm, John, son to late Walter B., servitor to the laird of Kers, with Laurence Forsyth, cordiner 30 Apr. Richard, son to late Richard B., in Ava, with Robert „ Aikman, pasment weiver 20 June William, son to late Richard B., in Ava, with Mungo Ross, baxter „ 3 July William, son to William B., in Banchrie, with William „ Bigholm, baxter 16 Jan. Binnie, James, son to John B., tailor, indweller in Edinburgh, with Alexander Reid, hatmaker 5 June John, son to James B., ordinar officer of Edinburgh, with „ David Baillie, cordiner g June Binning, Gabriell, son to James B., at the west end of the Brig of Evin, with John Dick, wobster 15 Mar. John, son to James B., at the West Brig of Eving, with „ Harry Robertson, wobster 30 Apr. John, son to Thomas B., sometime indweller in Edinburgh, „ with John Sawers, painter 25 Apr. William, son to James B., at the Brigend of Moransyde, „ with Harry Robesoun, wobster 9 Dec. William, son to James B., indweller in Edinburgh, with „ Alexander Brand, merchant 10 Jan. Bishop, David, son to William B., in Over Gogar, with John Symontoun, skinner 18 June James, son to late William B., in Ratho, with Harry „ Tweedie, candlemaker 6 Dec. „ James, son to late James B., in Nether Libbertoun, with Richard Alexander, weaver 21 Jan. John, son to Gilbert B., in Ratho, with Henry Tweedy, candlemaker „

1646 1602

Dec. Ratho, with Francis Nicolson, candlemaker 6 Dec. Patrick, son to late James B., in Castellaw, with Andrew Hunter, skinner 30 Apr. Robert, son to William B., elder, in Over Gogar, with David Bishop, skinner 2 Dec.



John, son to John ,^

„ „




1628 1632


1650 1650 1647

1609 1606

1610 1607 1655

1589 161


B., in





Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.



Bishop, Thomas, son to William B., in Gogar, with David Bishop, skinner 6 Dec. 1603 Thomas, son to late John B., in Draylaw, with Thomas „ Cass, yr., wobster 11 Aug. 161 Bisset, Abraham, son to Thomas B., indweller in Edinburgh, with David Baillie, cordiner 30 Mar. 1642 14 July 1583 „ George, son to George B., with John Bairnsfather, tailor George, son to Andrew B., in Eastcraigie, with James Heriot, litster „ 3 July 161 George, son to William B., indweller in Airth, with John ,, Fithie, cordiner 13 Sept. 1643 William, son to late William B., skipper in Deip, with Mr. „ i Oct. 1623 James Strachauchin, merchant Black, Andrew, son to William B., in Stobwood, with Thomas 16 Jan. 1633 Somervell, skinner Henry, son to James B., in Kirkliston, with Peter Paterson, flesher ,, 22 May 1588 James, son to late Robert B., tailor, with John Leyis, merchant 3 1 Jan. 1587-8 „ John, son to David B., in the Cocklaw, with Henry Stennops, baxter „ 7 Nov. 1632 _: John, son to late Donald B., in Pleasants, with James Softlaw, weaver „ 14 Nov. 1655 merchant Thomas Black, Feb. 1616 with Robert, 7 ,, WiUiam, son to Thomas B., notar in Dursdeer, with „ 21 Dec. 1644 Thomas Baikbie, tailor (who deceased) transferred to George Gairdiner 25 Aug. 1647 Blackater, John, son to Andrew B., wheelwright in Edinburgh, with Michaell Aitchison, wright 30 Apr. 1645 John, son to Andrew B., wheelwright in Edinburgh, with „ William Heriot, panton-heelmaker 15 Aug. 1649 15 Feb. 1603 Blackwood, Robert, with Robert Dobye, merchant William, son to Mr. Robert B., minister at Kilbride in Nithsdale, with Steven Philip, merchant 4 Mar. 1635 William, son to late John B., merchant, burgess of Ayr, „ i Mar. 1665 with William Blackwood, merchant Blaik, William, son to Thomas B., in Durrisdeer, with Thomas Blaike, tailor 25 Dec. 1644 Blaikie or Blackie, Adam, son to Alexander B., in Westhouses, 25 Apr. 1592 with Henry Aldinstoun, baxter George, son to late James B., in Newtoun, with Thomas Paterson, tailor 31 Mar. 1619 John, son to John B., burgess of Edinburgh, with Robert „ 20 Dec. 1665 Henderson, cordiner Patrick, brother to Mr. NicoU B., minister at Robertoun, wright 17 Aug. 1664 with John Grierson, Robert, son to late Thomas B., in Udstoun, with Laurence „ 17 May 1609 Merser, peuderer William, son to John B., in Seytoun, with Jonas George, „ marikin-maker 13 June 1610 William, son to Thomas B., wright in Dalhousie, with „ '^o July 1656 William Jameson, locksmith Blaiklaw, Andrew, son to Mr. Daniel B., schoolmaster at 26 May 1647 Leswaid, with John Knibloe, merchant Blaine, John, son to Thomas B., in Balmeg, par. of Wigtown, 28 Jan. 1657 with Thomas Storie, walker Blair, Alexander, son to Alexander B., indweller in Lyntone 11 Aug. 1652 briggs, with Robert Blair, wright James, son to late Mr. Walter B., in Halhevin, with „ William Blair, skinner 7 Aug. 1593 James, son to late John B., merchant, burgess of Edin„ 16 Feb. 1648 burgh, with James Liddell, merchant .




James, son







of Apprentices.


minister at Glasgow, with

David Boyd, merchant


21 Feb. 1655 James, son to Alexander B., in Linton Brigs, with Alexander Cleghorn, wright 25 July 1660 John, son to late William B., in Cranstoun, with Thomas Ross, tailor

John, son to late Steven B., in Black

15 July 1585 .





Galbraith, tailor „

„ „ „


„ „

21 Oct. 1586

John, son to late Thomas B., burgess of Glasgow, with Gavvin Williamson, merchant 2 June John, son to John B., in Kinochtrie, with William Blair, merchant 21 Feb. John, son to Lewis B., of Blairstoun, with Andrew Nicoll, merchant 26 Nov. Robert, son to late James B., in Lyntone Briggs, with Alexander Cleghorn, wright n Mar. Robert, son to Alexander B., tailor, burgess of Edinburgh, with John Crawfurd, cordiner 14 July Thomas, son to late Patrick B., of Kincairnequhy, with tailor Hunter, John 21 June William, son to late Steven B., in Kilbowy, with Umphra Galbraith, tailor 9 Sept. William, son to late Mathew B., with Mathew Eistoun, candlemaker

1652 1655

1656 1640 1652

1626 1586

24 June 1595 ,,


William, son to late Alexander B., of Deynheid, with Alexander Danielstoune, merchant William, son to Thomas B., of Neve, with Samuel Guthrie,

8 Feb. 1626 litster

27 July 1631 „

William, son to Gilbert

B., of

Enschy, with John Coupar, merchant 30 May 1632

Blaw, James, son to Archibald B., in Culross, with George Heriot, elder, goldsmith John, son to Mr. Edward B., burgess of Culross, with „ Robert Mastertoun, merchant Blyth, Archibald, son to John B., mariner in Leith, with Robert Somerville, peuderer Boag or Boig, Alexander, son to Mr. James B., minister at Kirkliston, with William Hamilton, tailor John, son to Mr. John B., minister at Kirkliston, with ,, „

George Ker, tailor Walter, son to Mr. John

4 Dec. 1599 8

June 1631

29 Jan. 1634 23 Dec. 1646 22 Nov. 1626


minister at Kirkliston, with

Robert Tait, merchant

25 Jan. 1643

Boa, James, son to late James B., in Biggar, with John Melville,


elder, tailor William, son to late



with John Gairdin, litster in Bogleshole, with Thomas B.,

Dec. 1652

4 Apr. 1604

Robert, son to James B., Morison, cordiner 2 Aug. Thomas Morison, cordiner 16 Dec. Bonar, James, son to late Mr. John B., schoolmaster at the burgh of Ayr, with John Bonar, merchant 6 Apr. Bonkle, Daniel, son to James B., meilmaker, indweller in Edinburgh, with John Pudzean, tailor 19 May Book, James, son to James B., in Falkirk, with James Bredfute, merchant Bogle,

Boglie, Robert, with

1615 1618

1642 1624

8 Sept. 1647

Peter, son to William B., maltman, indweller in Edinburgh, with Archibald Fleming, wright Robert, son to Mr. John B., minister of Kirknewton, with Alexander Muir, skinner Booth, Thomas, son to William B., indweller in Falkirk, with David Leggat, tailor Thomas, with John Watt, yr., mason „ B

23 June 1613

30 Mar. 1631 7 Mar. 16 10 10 June 161

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Borlands, John, son to John B., indweller in Leith, with James Stewart, merchant Borrowman, John, son to late David B., indweller in the Canongate, with James Dischingtoun, pantoun-heelmaker William, son to Martin B., in Shiplaw, with Oliver „ Merstoun, baxter Borthwick, Adam, son to Alexander B., in Johnstoneburn, with John Herriot, merchant Alexander, son to Thomas B., in Greenlaw, with Andrew „

Thomson, „

„ „




[1583- 1666.

6 Jan. 1647

6 Feb. 1633 13


June 1599

Alexander, son natural to Alexander B., of Sauchlay, with 18 Aug. Thomas Galloway, cordiner Andrew, son to James B., writer with Robert Weir, peuderer 31 July with B., in Leith, late Archibald mariner son to Archibald, 10 Sept. Edward Mure, couper George, son to late James B., merchant in the Canongate, with Andrew Borthwick, peuderer 7 Mar. James, son to John B., writer with Quyntene Weir, peuderer


„ „

James, son to Barnard B., in Carringtoun, with John Admistoun, baxter James, son to Alexander B., of Sauchnell, with Thomas Wilson, litster James, son to William B., of Cruikstoun, with William Castlelaw, apothecary James, son to George B., maltman in the Water of Leith, with William Abernethie, peuderer John, son to Mr. William B., advocate, with Mathew


July 1655





1619 161

1662 1621


23 Jan. 1605

30 3



Aug. 1631

17 Apr. 1652

Craufurd, cordiner 5 Oct. 1608 John, son natural to James B., in Newbyres, with Alex18 Sept. 1616 ander Thomson, skinner Patrick, son to Francis B., of Ballincreiff, with John „ 20 June 1592 Johnstone, saddler Patrick, son to Alexander B., of Southraw, with George „ Crawfurd, goldsmith 9 Aug. 1625 28 May 1606 Rauff, with Mr. Nicoll Broune, merchant „ merchant, with his father Feb. Andrew B., Robert, son to 1589-90 9 „ Robert, son to Francis B., in BankcreifT, with John „ Mansion, wright 30 Jan. 1598-9 Robert, second son to John B., of Ballincreiff, with Ninian „ Macmorane, merchant 7 Uec. 1608 Robert, son to Alexander B., of Sauchneill, with William „ Muir, merchant 24 June 1629 Robert, son to John B., in Leith, with William Murray, merchant ,, 29 June 1631 Symon, son to John B., in Greynlaws, with John Oag, tailor 20 Sept. 1587 ,, Low, skinner B., in Lochhill, with George Walter, son to Mr. James ,, 20 Mar. 1605 William, son to Alexander B., in Wester Duddingstone, „ i June 1636 with Hew Kay, merchant William, son to late Andrew B., of Greenlaw, with Andrew „ Borthwick, peuderer 6 Dec. 1643 William, son to John B., in Newbyres, with Alexander „ Pennycuik, chirurgian 31 Jan. 1644 William, son to Alexander B., in Johnstonburn, with James „ Borthwick, chirurgian 23 P^eb. 1653 Boswell, Alexander, son to William B., bailie of Balgonie, with Clement Byres, glassinwright (who deceased) 27 Apr. 1642 transferred to James Byres 13 Jan. 1647 Wright, wobster with Archibald George, son to George B., mason, „ 22 July 1629 „

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Boswell, George, son to George B., at the West mylne of Kirkcaldy, with John Garvit, merchant James, son to late William B., of Knockroine, with John ,,

19 Jan. 1648



„ „


Sir James B., of Balmuto, knight, with Gilbert Aitcheson, merchant John, son to Mungo B., of Duncanziemuir, with John


June 1629


Dec. 1629


Apr. 1657

James, son to

Meyne, merchant William, son to James B., of Auchmure, with James „ Cochrane, merchant Bothwell, John, son natural to late John, Lord Halierudhouse, with Robert Chrystie, barber Bower, Andrew, son to late Robert B., in Airth, with Alexander Mowat, wobster


July 1617

4 Mar. 1640

4 Apr. 1627 Archibald, son to Duncan B., servitor to the Laird of Congiltoun. with Murdo Reid, tailor 2 Feb. 1602 Robert, son to John B., of Lumquhat, with James Bruce, merchant „ 15 May 1633 Bowie, Archibald, son to late Alexander B., sometime in Niddrie Marshell, with Alexander Watt, mason 18 Apr. 1604 John, son to late Patrick B., indweller in the Deane, with „ David Baillie, cordiner 29 July 1635 John, son to late Patrick B., weaver in Dunse, with John „ Murray, furriour (who deceased) 7 July 1658 transferred to Thomas Paterson 15 Aug. 1660 John, son to late John B., maltman in Leith, with John „ Foulis, apothecary 28 Nov. 1660 Robert, son to William B., in Downe of Monteith, with „ Alexander Harper, wright 8 May 1650 Bowmaker, Alexander, son to John P.., of Prentonnane, with 16 Mar. 1624 Schaw, merchant John Bowstoun, James, brother to James Jj., in Melrose, with Alexander Houpe, tailor 27 Nov. 1584 John, son to John 13., in Cruikistoun, with Robert Paterson, ,, merchant 30 June 1647 Robert, son to late Andrew B., in Muross, with John Bow„ stoun, tailor 15 Jan. 1600 Robert, son to Thomas B., in Gatounsyde, with Mr. Hew ,, 18 June 1628 Bowstoun, merchant Thomas, son to Andrew B., in the Brigenci, with Mr. Hew „ Bowstoun, merchant 6 Oct. 1624 Boyd, David, son to David B., burgess of Glasgow, with James 2 Feb. 1648 Stark, merchant Harry, son to William B., in Whittinghame, with Patrick „ 11 Apr. 1610 Douglas, baxter James, son to late Robert B., of Drum, with Lidias Reid, ,, 28 Nov. 1655 merchant son to Archibald B., in Dumfries, with John Cok, tailor John, „ 28 May 1589 Mungo, son to John B.,in Kyllismore, with George Wilkyne, „ 22 Sept. 1587 candlemaker Robert, son to George B., in Kilmaurs, with Cornelius „ Blackburn, skinner 19 May 1600 Thomas, son to Mr. John B., of Trochrig, with David Boyd, „ merchant 4 Feb. 1663 Braid, John, son to Andrew B., burgess of Culross, with John 16 Dec. 1635 Scott, merchant Braidfoot, James, son to Hew B., in Cowter, with John Johnstoun, 8 Oct. 1589 skinner James, son to James B., in Symontoun, with George Hoddam, „ 26 Apr. 1 597 merchant „

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Braidfoot, James, son to late John B., in Coulter, shire of Lanark, with James Braidfoot, merchant William, son to late John B., merchant, burgess of Edin,,

burgh, with David Douglas, chirurgian William, indweller, in Qutter, with John Thomson, tailor ,, Braidie, James, son to late James B., burgess of Rutherglen, with Alexander Nisbet, mason John, son to William B., in Barskymming, with William „ Couper, tailor Braidwood, Alexander, son to late Alexander B., fermorar, par. of Robertoun, with Robert Braidwood, locksmith David, son to late James B., burgess of Forres, Vi'ith Walter „ Nicolson, cordiner Robert, son to Alexander B., indweller in Robertoun, with „ Andrew Broun, locksmith Braikenrig, Charles, son to late John B., drover, with Archibald Softlaw, armourer


16 Jan. 1628 11


27 Feb. 1605 27 Dec. 1654 11


June 1645

20 Dec. 1643

B., in

Leswaid, with Andrew

Sympson, mason

July 1662

29 July 1646

Branche, John, son to late Patrick


Jan. 1614

Adam, son

to Andrew B., burgess of Culross, with John Smith, merchant John, son to John B., wright in Tulliallan, with Thomas Henry, wright John, son to late John B., skipper in Leith, with Alexander


Dec. 1644

14 Feb. 1655

Downie, merchant

9 Feb. 1631 2

Apr. 1634

29 July 1635

William, son to W'illiam B., wright in Whythills of Balgone, with Alexander Baxter, wright Brasche, John, son to Robert B., gardener, indweller in Edinburgh, with Andrew Walker, chirurgian Brigs, Alexander, son to Alexander B., brewer in Leith, with ,,

Thomas Brisbane,


Sequell, combmaker son to late Robert B., in B., in

3 Sept. 1662 12 Jan. 1644

Rosland, with James Stevenson,

merchant George, son to Simeon

23 Apr. 1645

Boughall, with

Andrew Ramsay, merchant George, son to John

10 Dec. 1628

4 Mar. 1646 B., of Selvieland,

with William

Haliburton, merchant

5 Dec. 1649 James, brother-german to John B., of Bishoptoun, with Andrew Bryson, merchant 4 Dec. 1644 Patrick, son to late Mr. George B., with Thomas Wyllie, merchant 25 May 1659 William, son to Mr. Mathew B., of L)ishingtone, with Samuel Hunter, apothecary 31 Aug. 1653 Brisbie or Bisbie, William, son to late James B., indweller in Edinburgh, with Gideon Lithgow, printer 5 July 1654 Brock, William, son to John B., cordiner, indweller in Edinburgh, with George Smith, panton-heelmaker 28 May 1645 William, son to Alexander B., wright in Inveresk, with „ William Castlelaw, apothecary 14 June 1654 William, son to late Alexander B., wright in Inveresk, with „ 10 Sept. 1656 John Ranken, apothecary Broddie, Hector, son to David B., in Caithness, with John Ritchieson, couper 2 Jan. 1633 John, son to late David B.,in Caithness, with George Foulis, „ elder, goldsmith, master of His Majesty's cunziehouse 12 Feb. 1634 John, son to late John B., with John Stirling, bonnetmaker ,, 3 Aug. 1636 Brokie, William, son to James B., mylnewright in Musselburgh, with Thomas Ker, wright 8 Oct. 1656 Brooche, Alexander, son to John B., weaver in St. Ninian's Row,

with John Heriot, bonnetmaker






of Appreitticts.


Brotherstanes, Clement, son to Clement B., tailor, outwith the West Port, with John Porteous, tailor John, son to late George B., in Tranent, with Reginald „

27 Nov. 1661


Dobie, merchant (who deceased) transferred to Charles Hamilton Robert, son to Thomas B., with John Dawson, tailor „ William, son to Clement B., tailor, outwith the West Port „ of Edinburgh, with James Bennet, tailor Brounfield, William, son of Adam B., of Whyteside, with Thomas

9 May 1632 30 Aug. 1637 16 June 1630

Paterson, tailor Brounhill, John, son to Henry B., in Elschingfurde, with William Lindesay, bower Brounlee, Allan, son to late John B., in Kyll, with John Lockhart,




Wauchope, merchant

to late Adam B., wright, indweller, in Prestonpans, with Robert Clerkson, blacksmith Alexander, son to late, James B., in Gorgie mylne, with

Alexander, son to John

Alexander, son to

B., in

Cluch, with Patrick Ellis,

Hew B., merchant, with James Henrysone, chirurgian Alexander, son to late Gilbert B., of Hairtree, with William Broun, merchant Alexander, son natural to late Alexander Crawfuird, goldsmith Alexander, son to William B., indweller



28 June 1643 15

Dec. 1590


June 1616

27 Mar. 1616

28 July 1624






6 Jan. 1630


William Barclay, bonnetmaker „


Dec. 1638



4 Apr. 1660 i

Adam, son

John Thomson, locksmith

Nov. 16 14

20 Feb. 161

29 June 1608

Brounlees, John, son to William B., indweller, in Mellerstane, with William Bell, merchant, alias pultrieman Brown or Broun, Adam, son to late Adam B., in Halkerstoun, with George Jarden, merchant Adam, son to Robert B., in Saughtounhall, with George „ „

12 Feb. 1645

Ale.xander, son to late Hew B., indweller in Edinburgh, with John Innes, merchant Andrew, son to George B., in Hirseltoun, \\\\\\ Donald

23 Mar. 1642 2



Makdullane, tailor 25 F'eb. 1585-6 Andrew, son to late William B., in North Berwick, with David Williamson, merchant 11 May 1608

Andrew, son

to Andrew B., smith in Leith, with Thomas Broune, elder, locksmith Andrew, son to Andrew B., in Carmeban, with James Broune, chirurgian Andrew, son to late Alexander B., merchant, with James Dasoune, tailor Andrew, son to Mr. John B., minister at Twynam in Galloway, with William Wilson, merchant Andrew, son to late Gilbert B., in Lyne, par. of Lyne, with

James Turnbull, cordiner Andrew, son to William B., in Greenlaw, with Robert

„ „

Smart, cordiner Andrew, son to late James B., in Langnewtoun, with Umphra Mylne, knockmaker Archibald, son to late Hugh B., burgess of Edinburgh, with Thomas Robertson, merchant Charles, son to John B.,in Newmylnes of Cunningdiam, with

Thomas Lawson,

„ „

27 Feb. 1628

20 June 1632 2

Dec. 1635


Aug. 1647

19 Jan. 1653 31

Aug. 1653


Dec. 1664

6 Sept. 1665

bookseller 20 July 1636 Daniel, son to David B., burgess of Dalkeith, with John Spang, chirurgiane 23 Feb. 1631 David, son to John B., in Barhill, with James Baxter, wright 3 Nov. 1590

Edinhirgh. Register of Apprentices.

David B., in Lanark, with James 20 Jan. 1630 Richardson, merchant David, son to William B., in Greenlaw, with John Reid, baxter 21 Nov. 1649 transferred to James Mader 9 Feb. 1653 George, son to Alexander B., in Blackbarony, with Michaell 12 Jan. 1590-1 Mitchell, skinner George, son to John B,, in the Lowis of Cumnock, with i Apr. Patrick M'Math, skinner 1595 George, son to James B., pai'. of Glencorse, with Andrew 6 May 1595 Hepburn, skinner George, brother to George B., goldsmith, with Archibald 16 Aug. 1 597 Cantheland, tailor George, son to George B., in Braid's Mylne, with James buithkeeper 13 Nov. 1616 Inglis, merchant, George, son to late William B., in Huntlie, with James Fleabarne, merchant 9 Sept. 1618 George, son to James B., in Gordoun, with William Ramsay, painter 13 Feb. 1622 George, son to late John B., of Orkstoun, with James -5 Feb. 1629 Wilson, litster George, son to James B., in Ancrum, with William Weir, I Dec. 1647 litster George, son to William B., in Pennycuik, with William 19 May 1652 Stevenson, walker George, son to Alexander B., mealmaker in West Port, with Thomas Meik, cordiner (who became poor) 4 June 1656 27 Oct. 1658 transferred to William Mayne Gilbert, son to late Andrew B., sometime of Hartrie, with 8 Jan. 1645 John Threapland, bookseller Gilbert, son to David B., chirurgian in Glasgow, with merchant Somervell, William 4 Dec. 1661 Henry, son to late John B., in Barhill, with David Broun, wright

Brown „ „ „ „ „

„ „ „



or Broun, David, son to


„ „


10 July 1605 „ „ „ „

Henry, son to Mr. Robert B., indweller in Edinburgh, with 12 Dec. 1621 John Dickson, tailor Hew, son to Walter B., in Carnwath, with David Burne, candlemaker 31 Dec. 1606 Hew, eldest son to William B., merchant, indweller in the 2 Dec. 1640 Canongate, with Robert Trotter, merchant James, son to late John B., merchant, with Robert Danielstoun, tailor

„ „ „ „

James, son to George B., in Leith, with John Rollok, tailor James, son to late James B., in Antrim, with George Gastoun, cordiner James, son to late Thomas B., beside Forfar, with Daniel Johnstoun, cordiner James, son to John B., in Gorgie mylne, with Edward Ker,

6 Sept. 1583 June 1587



July 1598





19 Dec. 1610 „

„ „ „ „

„ „

James, son to late William B., burgess of Jedburgh, with 21 Sept. William Paterson, merchant James, son to late James B., with Troyaleus Lawson, baxter 25 Sept. James, son to James B., in West Gordon, with William 2 Aug. Ramsay, painter James, son to late James B., wright, indweller in Leith, with Francis Mansioun, wright 13 Sept. James, son to Walter B., burgess of Musselburgh, with 23 May John Garden, merchant James, son to late Thomas B., in Newstead of Melrosland, 16 June with Mathew Baillie, mason James, son to late John B., burgess of Lanrik, with Andrew Ainslie,


1614 1616 1620 1620 1621


26 Jan. 1625





of Apprentices.

or Broun, James, son to late Thomas B., burgess of Lanrik, with William Wilkie, merchant James, son to Thomas B., at the Kirk of Dumfries, with John Broune, merchant James, son to late William B., in Newmylnes, with James


Brown ,,

Hadden, saddler

26 Jan. 1625 11

July 1627

6 Aug. 1628

late Robert B., in Barntoun, with James Falkoner, merchant 22 Dec. 1630 B., portioner of Barhill, burgess of to Robert ,, Culross, with Thomas Inglis, merchant 9 Feb. 1631 James, son to late William B., of Park, with James ,, Cranstoun, cordiner 18 Apr. 1638 James, son to late James B., schoolmaster at Biggar, with ,, 12 Nov. 1640 James Tweedy, wright James, son to John B., in Houstoun, with Robert Ormistoun, scheirsmith „ 28 June 1648 James, son to late William B., indwellcr in Echnburgh, with „ Robert Brown, merchant 16 Aug. 1648 James, son to John B., in Edinburgh, with Thomas „ Marshall, locksmith 11 July 1649 James, son to John B., burgess of Musselburgh, with ,, James Cowan, merchant 4 Aug. 1652 James, son to Malcolm B., portioner of Bromege, with ., Malcolm Brown, skinner 30 May 1655 James, son to James B., in Braidwood, par. of Carluke, ., with James Thomas, glasinwright 17 Dec. 1656 James, son to John B., portioner of Cleinch, with John ,, Kello, writer 27 Aug. 1662 James, son to late James B., merchant in Biggar, with „ 20 Sept. 1665 James Arbuckles, merchant James, son to James B., in Birkensyde, with Thomas „ Broun, maltman 14 Mar. 1666 John, son to Alexander B., in Fayth, with George ,, Heriot, yr., goldsmith 25 Mar. 1590 John, son to Robert B., in Kilmaurs, with Thomas Fother,, 2 Oct. 1599 ingham, tailor John, son to late Robert B., in the West Port, with Thomas „ Weir, peuderer 29 May 1605 John, son to William B., in Cavertoune, with David „ 20 Apr. 1614 Thomson, wobster John, son to John B., workman, with Gilbert Walker, merchant 4 Aug. 1619 „ William B., in Douglas, with Alexander son to John, „ Wyllie, bonnetmaker 23 Jan. 1633 John, son to Mr. Robert B., in Newbattle, with William „ Crawfurd, tailor 27 Feb. 1633 John, son to John B., indweller in Edinburgh, with Thomas ,, Sheill, baxter 10 Apr. 1633 John, son to Mr. John B., minister at Twyname, with ,, Robert Broune, merchant 21 Dec. 1636 John, son to William B., mealmaker in Sauchtoun, with ,, John Wast, cutler 25 Jan. 1643 John, soji to late John B., couper, burgess of Glasgow, ,, with William Thomson, armourer 16 Oct. 1644 John, son to late John B., in Cumlock, with W^illiam „ Stirling, bonnetmaker 18 Nov. 1646 John, son to James B., bailie of Musselburgh, with John ,, Jossie, merchant 19 Dec. 1649 John, son to Robert B., at Stewarton Kirk, with James „ Glen, bookseller i Feb. 1654 John, son to late John B., gardener in the North Yeards of „ Holyroodhouse, with David Calderwood, apothecary 12 Apr. 1654


James, son to James, son

EdinbtLTgh Register of Apprentices.




Brown „ „ „ „

„ „ „ „

„ „ „

or Broun, John, son to James B., in Braidwood, par. of 16 July 1656 Carluke, with James Hamilton, mason John, son to late James B., of Leckaway, with James Guthrie, merchant

7 Aug. 1 66 John, son to late William B., smith in Dunbar, with Andrew 11 Jan. 1665 Broun, smith Malcolm, son to late William (Gilbert) Broun, of Hartrie, with Thomas Lindsay, merchant 23 Jan. 1622 Malcolm, son to John B., in Carmooris, with James Arbucle, skinner 31 Jan. 1638 Malcolm, son to Malcolm B portioner of Bromhedge, with Robert Arbuckell, skinner 29 Jan. 1645 Nicoll, oy to John Padene, sekkilmaker, with John Locky skinner 17 Sept. 1590 Ninian, son to Robert B., in Braid sburn, with Thomas B., yr., locksmith 29 June 1636 Richard, son to John B., in Blackwood yairds, with Thomas Bruce, saddler 17 June 1586 Robert, son to late Thomas B., in Fordell, with George 11 Jan. 1591-2 Gibson, bower Robert, son to Robert B., in Inverkeithing, with William Leyes, merchant 23 Jan. 161 Robert, son to John B., merchant in Biggar, with Thomas Adamson, merchant 23 Aug. 161 Robert, son to late Robert B., skipper in Leith, with 2 June 1619 Ale.xander Lowrie, merchant Robert, son to John B., in Douglas, with Thomas John-


„ „


Robert, son to late John B., merchant, burgess of Lanark, with Allan Livingstone, merchant Robert, son to late Robert B., in Covinetoun, with Thomas

Mudie, merchant „ „ „

„ „

„ „ „ „ „ „ „

„ „ „

Robert, son to Robert B., of Barhill, burgess of Culross, with John Courtie, apothecary Robert, son to Mr. John B., minister at Twynam, with Robert Crombie, bookseller Robert, son to late John B., in Coulter maynes, with

James Wright, hatmaker Robert, son to late Robert B., in Sclaitfurd, with Thomas Marshall, locksmith . Thomas, son to late William B., halbertmaker in Leith, with Adam Hamilton, locksmith Thomas, son to James B., in the Tempill, with Peter Symsoun, baxter Thomas, son to William B., officer in Kelso, with Mungo Loch, skinner Thomas, son to Thomas B., in the Law, within the parish of Abercorn, with John Thomson, smith Thomas, son natural to George B., in Fawins, with Thomas Wilson, litster Thomas, son to Mr. William B., treasurer's clerk, with . William Broun, merchant Thomas, son to late William B., in Dalkeith, with Archibald Learmonth, baxter Thomas, son to late John B., at the Brig of Gairnie, with James Campbell, cordiner Thomas, son to Mr. John B., minister at Twynam, with Robert Broun, bookseller Thomas, son to Thomas B., in Wistoun, with Andrew Broun, locksmith Thomas, son to Alexander B., indweller in Edinburgh, with Thomas Fisher, tailor

17 Oct. 1621




31 Dec. 1628

23 Feb. 1631 12 Oct. 1642

27 Sept. 1643 27



30 Oct. 1593 12 Apr. 1597 2 Jan.



4 Mar. 1600 31

Aug. 1608


Dec. 1617




June 1634


10 Dec. 165 8 July 1657 7 Sept.






of Apprentices.


Brown „

„ „

or Broun, Walter, son to John B., in Glenwhone, with 6 Aug. 1656 John Brown, merchant WilHam, son to John B., walker, with John Campbell, walker 9 Feb. 1587-8 William, son to John B., indweller in Edinburgh, with James Donaldson, wobster 17 May 1597 William, son to James B., in Dunsyre, with George Ramsay, candlemaker 12 Aug. 1607 William, with John Jackson, merchant June 1602 •

„ „

„ „ „

„ „


William, son to late Thomas B., in Lanark, with Alexander Broune, yr., merchant William, son to John B., with Edward Ker, tailor William, son to Nicol B., saddler in Haddington, with David Broun, saddler William, son to late Edward B., sometime indweller in Prestonpans. with Thomas Mudie, merchant William, son to late William B., in Huntliewood, with John Sandilands, merchant William, son to Alexander B., indweller in Wester Duddingstoune, with Alexander Hangitsyde, skinner William, son to late William B., burgess of Jedburgh, with


merchant William B., in Dalgetie, with Alex-

Suttie, elder,

William, son to late

William, son to Mr. Robert B., reader at the Burgh of Haddington, with William Marschell, bookbinder William, son to James B., tailor, indweller in Edinburgh, with James Broun, cordiner William, son to late Alexander B., merchant in Edinburgh, with John Broun, merchant William, son to late Mr. John B., sometime one of the Regents of the College of Edinburgh, with Thomas Maissone, merchant William, son to late Alexander B., in Newbottle, with Allan Clerk, skinner William, son to Thomas B., in Cumloch, with William Reid, yr., merchant William, son to late John B., in Ferritoun, with Patrick

ander Nisbett, mason

„ „ „

„ „

Mar. 1616 20 Aug. 1617 13





Jan. 1623

18 July 1627 3

June 1631

27 Nov. 1633 25 Feb. 1635

4 Dec. 1639 6 Jan. 1647 14 Nov. 1649




Aug. 1653


Aug. 1664


Nicoll, merchant 4 Oct. 1665 Bruce, Alexander, son to Alexander B., of Bangour, with Archibald Rynd, merchant 25 July 1638 Alexander, son to Robert B., elder, of Kinnaird, with ,, Andrew Steven, merchant 22 July 1646 Alexander, son to William B., of Fingask, with John Meine, merchant „ 20 Feb. 1 66 „ Andrew, son to late Alexander B., in Kinghorn, with Thomas Thomson, merchant 23 May 1649 Daniell, with James Johnstone, cordiner „ 27 July 1602 Daniell, son to Robert B., of Mansioun, with Thomas „ Allan, skinner 31 Jan. 1610 Duncan, son to Robert B., of Garvell, with Patrick Bruce, tailor „ 4 June 1628 George, son to John B., damasker, with David Clark, dagmaker „

23 June 1624 „

George, son to late George



portioner of Kinasket, with

George Graham, merchant „ „

James, son to late Robert B., burgess of Clackmannan, with Robert Bruce, saddler James, son to David B., chamberlain to the Earl of Winton, with Robert Johnstone, merchant James, son to James B., baxter, burgess of Culross, with Robert Goodfellow, baxter

9 Mar. 1664 31 July 1629 15 Apr. 1663 12

Aug. 1663


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

Bruce, Patrick, son to late George B., in

James B., John Hay, baxter




[1583- 1666.

with John Little, tailor 18 Oct. 1609

baxter, burgess of Culross, with

Patrick, son to

Robert, son to late Roljert B., in Greenside, with Abraham Abercromby, saddler 2 Dec. Robert, son to late Robert B., with Archibald Thomson, tailor 21 July Robert, son to Thomas B., merchant, burgess of Montrose, 2 Dec. with Thomas Rany, merchant Robert, son to Alexander B., of Wester Abdaill, with John Boyd, merchant 24 Aug. Robert, son to Mr. Robert B., of Shonbody, with William

Ramsay, merchant Thomas, son to late John




Aug. 1663 1600 1619 1646 1653

15 Mar. 1665 B., in Craigend, beside Leith t2 Feb. 1623 Foot, with John Bitchat, bonnetmaker William, son natural to Thomas B., saddler, with Alexander Bruce, cutler 25 Feb. 1594-5 William, son to William B., of Fingask, with John Baxter, tailor




8 Aug. 1 610 William, son to Patrick B., of Newtoun, with David Wilkie, merchant 22 Mar. 1648 Bruntfield, Clement, son to Alexander B., of Hai'denkers, with 20 May 1629 Alexander Man, tailor James, son to late John B., in the Tennendrie of the „ Merse, with James M'Morrane, merchant 14 Aug. 1616 Steven, with James Flebairne, merchant 9 Aug. 161 5 „ William, son to late Steven B., in Ewinstoun, with Robert „ Nicoll, tailor 14 Aug. 1605 Bruntoun, Adam, son to Alexander B., in Elphingstoun, with John Brentoun. candlemaker 23 June 1619 William, son to William B., indweller in Carberrie, with ,, Archibald Waterstone, fijrrior 13 May 1629 Bryand, William, son to late Gilbert B., in Cramond, with 8 Nov. 161 George Banye, merchant Bryce, Alexander, son to Thomas B., sledder, with Alexander Lindsay, merchant (deleted 13 Feb. 1628) 9 May 1627 David, son to late John B., in Auchnilie, with Thomas „ Inglis, peuderer 23 Aug. 1637 Thomas, son to John B., beside the Torwood, with Alex„ 20 Aug. 1 589 ander Bruce, cutler William, son to late Mathew B., in Carmichell, with „ 2 May 1655 John Home, wright Bryntoun, John, son to Alexander B., in Cockpen, with Robert Nicolson, candlemaker 3 Apr. 1590 15 Jan. 1606 Robert, son to late Allan B., with James Barclay, skinner „ Bryson, Alexander, son to John B., of Cocklaw, with John Moffat, elder, merchant 9 July 1646 Amlrew, son to late Henry B., with Alexander Broun, merchant „ 29 Dec. 1624 Archibald, with Robert Livingstoun, baxter 29 July 1595 „ „ David, son to Thomas B., workman, indweller in Edinburgh, with Alexander Nisbet, mason 14 Mar. 1638 George, brother-german to Patrick B., portioner of East ,, Barnes, with William Adair, cordiner 4 May 1625 William, son to Mr. James B., minister at Wigtown, with „ 21 Aug. 1622 Steven Boyd, merchant William, son to late Henry B., merchant, burgess of „ 26 Nov. 1625 Linlithgow, with William Johnstone, merchant Buchan, Alexander, son to William B., merchant, burgess of Aberbrothock, with John Rynd, merchant 4 Nov. 1629 ,,


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.



Buchanan, Arthur, son to Thomas B., of Sound in Orkney, with Wilham Auld, merchant 28 Mar. „ James, son to Thomas B., in Fuird, with WiUiam Wilands, lorimer I Aug. John, son to late John Roy B., in the Place of Buchanan, „ with Archibald Ross, baxter 22 Sept. John, son to late John B., in Salachie, with James „ Robertson, tailor 19 Aug. „ John, son to late Thomas B., of Garbeth, with James Edmestoun, tailor 22 June „ „

John, son to late Duncan B., with David Nisbett, baxter Robert, son to Patrick B., in the Lennox, with Donald

MacDullane, „ „

„ „


1610 1601



17 Pvlar. 1641


2 Sept. 1595 22 Aug. 1655

Robert, son to John B., of Ross, with Walter M'Adoe, tailor Thomas, son to Thomas 1)., of Sound, in Orkney, with George Reid, merchant Walter, second son to John B., of Ross, with Walter Young, merchant


Mar. 1646

18 Mar. 1657

Thomas B., of Sound, in Orkney, with Thomas Buchanan, merchant second son to Thomas B., burgess of Kirkintillo,

William, son to late

20 June 1655

Bull, Michaell,

with Robert Wilson, wright William, son to Martin B., in Kirkintulloch, with Michael „ Bull, wright Bullerwall, William, son to William B., in Jedburgh, with Alexander Bullerwall, cordiner Bunteine, Thomas, son to Thomas B., in Haghouse of Rowallan, with Thomas Young, merchant Burd, Henry, son to William B., indweller in Edinburgh (poor), with Patrick Meyne, couper Burdoun, John, son to Mr. James B., minister at Mouthell in Strathern, with John Burdoun, merchant John, son to late Duncan B., in Donnocheane, with „ Patrick Fulton, wright Burgane, James, in Howdaine, with James Marjoribanks, hatmaker Burgone, James (Lues), son to John B., in Innerleith, with Alexander Reid, hatmaker (who deceased) transferred to James Thomson Burgour, Alexander, son to John B., indweller in Ravelstoun, with John Dick, elder, weaver Burn or Burne, Andrew, son to John B., in Cellesch (Gellettie), with John Quhippo, baxter (who retired) transferred to Thomas Sandilands „

„ „ „ „ „ „

David, son

to late




30 June 1619 4

June 1628

10 Aug. 1664 19 Apr. 1643

6 Sept. 1609 28 Mar. 1621 15 1 1

Dec. 1658 May 1608

28 Dec. 1653 28 Nov. 1655

26 Apr. 1643 24 13

May May

1637 1640

Newtoun Grange, under

my Lord of Newbattle, with John Nicolson, candlemaker to Serph B., in Tillicutrie, with Thomas Duncan, locksmith George, son to Mr. John B., minister at Langtoun, with James Stewart, druggist James, son to late Thomas B., in Burnis mylne, with Adam


Oct 1589

David, son

Greig, cordiner James, son natural to James B., baxter, with his father John, son to Richard B., in the Queensferry, with James Stevenson, baxter John, son to late James B., indweller in Blackgrange, with Robert Softlaw, tailor John, son to William B., in Fisherrow, with William Smart, cordiner John, eldest son to late John B., in Kirkness, with James Burn, baxter

17 Feb. 16 13 15

Nov. 1665

3 Jan. 158S-9 5



10 Jan. 1596-7 13



3 Sept. 1656 11

Jan. 1660


Edinburgh Reoister of Apprentices.

Burn or Burne, Robert, son to late Robert B., indweller in Edinburgh, with John Hewat, curriour Thomas, son to Robert B., in Falkirk, with John Burne, „ elder, merchant


William, son to late

William, son to late John B., in Clackmannanshire, with Hew Meiklejohn, smith William, son to John B., indweller in the Coltbrig, with



Alloway, with


12 Feb. 1645 15 Sept. 1647





Robert Williamson Burnet, Alexander, brother-german


Aug. 1586


June 1594


June 1644

to William B., litster, with his said brother 12 Sept. 1632 David, son to Gavin B., W.S., with James M'Lurge, merchant 2 May 1666 James, son to John B., portioner of Woodhouse, in Tweed„ dale, with William Burnet, litster 2 Feb. 1642 James, son to late John B., of Wester Keallzie, with George „ Mosman, merchant 22 Oct. 1662 William, son to William B., in the Barnis, with John Keir, ,, skipper and merchant 23 June 1613 William, son to late John B., in Widhouse, with Thomas ,, Wilson, litster 18 Feb. 161 William, son to John B., portioner of Woddes, with John „ Scot, chirurgiane 5 Feb. 1640 Burns, James, son to John B., in Eister Gellat, with John Quhippo, baxter 4 May 1631 Burnsyde, James, son to' William B., bonnetmaker in Dumfries, with David Wightman, bonnetmaker 23 Oct. 1661 Burrall, Alexander, son to late Cuthbert B., lorimer, burgess of Edinburgh, with George Rannaldson, lorimer 6 July 1591 Andrew, son to Patrick B., smith, in St. Ninian's Row, „ 8 Jan. 1588-9 with Donald Makdullane, tailor John, son to late John B., with Hercules Waddell, goldsmith „ 4 May 1608 John, son to David B., maltman, burgess of Stirling, with „ 21 Aug. 1639 James Nairne, merchant William, natural son to Mungo B., lorimer, with his said father „ 13 Apr. 1614 Burtoun, James, son to late John B., indweller in Carberrie, with 18 Aug. 1652 Robert Ahson, mason Butler, Robert, son to Patrick B., in Benestoun cornmylne, with Patrick Brysoun, baxter 15 May 1593 Byres, George, son to late Sir John B., of Coatts, with James 18 Nov. 1657 Fullertoun, merchant James, son to Michaell B., burgess of Hamilton, with John „ 10 Oct. 1629 B., merchant James, son to John B., in Culterallers, with Andrew „ 17 May 1643 Grieve, cordiner (who deceased) transferred to Thomas Harper 13 May 1646 John, son to Andrew B., burgess in Hamilton, with John „ 11 Aug. 1587 Robertson, merchant, bailie Mathew, son to Mathew B., burgess of Hamilton, with „

„ „ „

John Byres, merchant Robert, son to Mathew B., in Hamilton, with William Nisbet, merchant Robert, son to late James B., in Hamilton, with John Byres, merchant Samuel, son to late John B., in Coulterrawis, with James Byres, cordiner William, son to late Sir John B., of Coates, with Thomas Kinkead, chirurgane

2 Oct.


26 Jan. 1602

i3jan. 1613 22 Aug. 1655 15

Dec. 1658






son to late

of Apprentices.

Andrew C,

cook, with




Cairncroce, Nicoll, son to late Alexander C, portioner of Reidpath, with David Rodger, merchant Robert, son to Robert C, merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, „ with Jacques Inglis, walxmaker „

William son

to late




16 Dec. 1629

William C, of Colmleslie, with James

Inglis, cordiner

2 Jan.


James, son

to late Patrick C, in the Lonheid of Leswad, with John Straittoun, cordiner Thomas, son to late George C, in Thirreslistane Maynes, „ with John Davidsone, chirurgiane Caithnes, James, son to John C, in Rothomay, with Nicoll

Trotter, goldsmith

Caldcleuche, George,



Alexander C, in Dunbar, with merchant William C, mariner in Leith, with David

Hutsoun, skinner Caldercleuch, John, son to late Hew C, weaver in Blainglie, with Patrick Cochrane, weaver Calderwood, Andrew, son to late William C, in Dalkeith, with John Kniblo, yr., merchant David, son to late William C, in Dalkeith, with Samuel „ Hunter, apothecar George, son to Mr. William C, minister at Heriot Kirk, „ with Philip Scott, merchant James, son to late William C, in Dalkeith with Thomas „ Calderwood, merchant John, son to late James C, indweller in Dalkeith, with „

Peter Little, baxter John, second son to John C, in Musselburgh, with Patrick Thomson, merchant John, son to late Ninian C, in Dalkeith, with George Mairschell, tailor

„ „

„ „

„ „

1619 1608

1646 1647

1660 1622

3 June 1584 17

June 1618

19 Jan. 1619 3

Aug. 1636



Calder, George, son to


Andrew, son

to late Andrew C, tailor, burgess of Edinburgh, with James Henrysoun, chirurgian 17 Mar. John, son to late Peter C, officer, with Barnard Young, wobster 20 July „ Cairns, Alexander, son to David C, in Duncross, with James Cunningham, blacksmith 7 Oct. James, son to Ale.xander C, indweller in Burrowstounes, „ with John Maissone, merchant 8 Sept. John, son to late John C, indweller in Soullstehther, with „ William Paterson, bookseller 8 Feb. Robert, son to late Robert C, skipper in Leith, with James „ Cunningham, merchant, skipper 4 Dec. William, son to John C, merchant with Thomas Corsbie, skinner „



10 Apr. 1661

3 Feb. 1608

25 Mar. 1600 3



20 Mar. 1644 6 Dec. 1643 16 Sept. 1646 18 Sept 1639 18 Apr. 1627 i


Sept. 1641

Nov. 1648

Richard, son to John C, burgess of Musselburgh, with John George, merchant 16 Dec. Robert, son to late James C, in Dalkeith, with James Harlaw, cordiner i July Thomas, second son to William C, in Dalkeith, with John Knibloe, merchant 26 June Thomas, son to Ninian C, in Dalkeith, with Thomas C, merchant 19 Feb. „, Ihomas, son to Mr. William C, minister at Heriot Kirk, with Daniel Boncle, tailor 19 Au"-. " William, son to Mr. William C, minister at Heriot Kirk, wiih John Spang, chirurgian 26 Apr. WiUiam, eldest son to late Ninian C, indweller in Dalkeith, with John Foullis, apothecar 3 Apr.

1640 1635

1616 1645

1646 1637


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


to John C, present bailie of Musselburgh, with James Armour, tailor Caldwell, Andrew, son to Alexander C, in Dreghorn, with John Crichton, couper James, son to late John C, indweller in Grummett, with ,, Patrick Cowan, tailor Robert, son to John C., burgess of Paisley, with Robert „ Caldwell, weaver Thomas, son to late Robert C, wobster, burgess of Paisley, „ with Robert Caldwall, wobster Thomas, only son to Andrew C, gardener of His Majesty's ,, South Yards of Holyroodhouse, with Thomas

Calderwood, William, son

Dickson, apothecary William, son to Robert C, weaver in the Scheynes, with James Edgar, cordiner (who died March 1642)

transferred to Thomas Pacok Callendar, Alexander, son to John C, of Lochemoir, with John

Fortune, merchant Alexander, son to late John C, portioner of Newtoun, with Alexander Broun, cordiner David, son to Malcolm C, in Easter Baldorrane, with „ James Stirling, wright John, son to Alexander C, smith at Newmilnes, with John „ Tweedie, smith Galium, William, son to Andrew C, minstraller, with Alexander Mosman, locksmith Cameron, Alexander, son to Mr. John C, minister with Patrick Monteith, tailor David, son to Allan C, residenter in St. Andrews, with „ „

John M'Neish, merchant Donald, son to late Mr. Ewen C, minister at Dunoon, with James Cameron, merchant Gilbert, son to late Patrick C., in Brokinschaw, with John

James, son to Martin C,

Little, tailor

tailor in

Edinburgh, with Walter

Paterson, talior

Campbell, Andrew, son to late John C, in Newmylnes, with Patrick Anderson, locksmith Archibald, son to late Thomas C, in Sutourhouses, with ,, David Gairden, litster Archibald, son to late Sir James C, of Arkinlass, Knight „ with Fi-ancis Cathcart, merchant Archibald, son to George C, bailie of the Canongate, with „

Robert Dowglas, merchant „

Costeine, son to David C, in Overtoun, sheriff-depute of Ayr, with Patrick Campbell, skinner David, son to late William C, in Leith, with Robert

Campbell, apothecary George, son to late Robert C, servitor to Lord Loudoun, with John Kirk, tailor George, son to Hew C, of Hullerhairst, with John Fleming,

George, son

„ „

Glenyla, with George Suttie, merchant George, son to late Mr. William C, in Coll, with James Gairden, litster George, son to late George C, in Garshill, with George

George, son to James C,

George, son to late Hew C, of Netherplace, par. of Mauchline, with James Campbell, elder, merchant,




C, portioner







Newmylnes, with Andrew-






Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

Campbell, Hew, son to James C, writer in Edinburgh, with Jolm Melrose, merchant Hugh, son to Sir Hugh C, of Cessnock, with Robert Baird, „ „ ,,

„ „

merchant James, brother-german to John C, of Schankstoun, with William Salmont, merchant James, son to Neill C, maltman in Leith, with Robert Hoddome, merchant James, son to late Colin C, of Carrick, with John Smith, of Crammond riggs, merchant James, son to late James C, workman in Bo'ness, with


Scott, flesher

„ „

ning, merchant Neill, son to late Neill

„ „ „



son, skinner Patrick, brother-german to

„ „ „ „ „ „

„ „

Apr. 1657

Apr. 1657 4 Jan. 1603 28 Aug. 161 15



Aug. 1646

June 1636

26 July 1665 13

Duncan C,

Mar. 1605

cordiner, with said

Duncan 27 June Patrick, son to late William K., indweller in Kinloch Killesport,par. ofKnapdale,with Duncan Campbell, cordiner 22 June deleted 14 June Patrick, son to late Duncan C, in I slay, with John Scott, wright 27 Sept. Patrick, brother-german to John C, of Edinample, with James Campbell, merchant 3 Sept. Robert, son to late Colin C, fiar of Carrick, with Mr. 25 Feb. John Hepburn, apothecar Thomas, son to William C, of Walwood, in Kylesmure, with Andrew Black, merchant 27 Jan. Thomas, son to late Mathew C,. indweller in Edinburgh, with W^illiam Adamson, flesher 14 July Thomas, son to Gilbert C, indweller in Glenluce, with William, son to George C, workman, with William


1636 1637 1637

1662 1635



24 Dec. 1662


son, flesher ,,

10 Apr. 1639

Nicol!, son to

William Jaffray, bookbinder „

24 Feb. 1636

25 Jan. 1665

C, in Kinloch Kelsport,. par. of Knapdale, with Duncan Campbell, cordiner James C, indweller in Edinburgh, with George Reid, weaver Patrick, son to Hew Campbell, in Carbo, with David Thom-


26 June 1616


James, brother-german to John C, of Edinample, with Patrick Vauss, merchant (5 May 1652) John, poor, with John Sommervell, skinner son to Hew C, ot IJe.L;, with David Thomson, skinner John, John, son to late Hew C, of Netherplace, par. of Mauchline, with James Campbell, merchant John, son to Sir Hugh C, of Cessnock, with William Bin-

4 Apr. 1655 11 Jan.

William, brother-geruian to David C, of Skeldone, with Robert Meiklejohn, skinner Mr. William, natural son to late Colin C, of Aberuquhill, with Patrick Hepburn, apothecary W^illiam, son to late Mr. William C, of Gelt, with John Tvveedie, merchant

William, son to late Walter C, merchant, burgess of Glasgow, with Thomas Wyllie, merchant William, son to late James C, portioner of Newmylnes, ,, with Arthur Tempill, chirurgane Cant, Robert, son to late Andrew C, in the Mylnetoun beside Dundas, with John Young, wobster Thomas, son to Thomas C, of Harperrig, with John Clogye, „ cordiner William, son to Thomas C, of St. Gele grange, with John „ Makcuire, tailor


Apr. 161


Apr. 1620


Apr. 1620

8 Apr. 1635

9 Mar. 1653 19 8



Dec. 1630

29 Apr. 1595 8 July




Edinbitrgh Register of Apprentices.


583-] 666.

Caridhouse, Symon, son to John C, of Woodfit, with Robert Thin, htster 9 Aug. 1665 Carkettill, Edward, son to John C, burgess of Edinburgh, with 16 Mar. 1595-6 Robert Tennant, skinner Patrick, son to George C., merchant, burgess of Hadding„ 28 June 1620 ton, with Alexander Richardson, skinner Carmichael, Alexander, son to John C, in Drinaben, par. of 2 July 1655 Douglas, with James Mowat, marikin-maker Archibald, son to Lieut. -Colonel William C, in Lanark, „ with Robert Broun, yr., merchant (who became void of employment) 5 Jan. 1653 transferred to George Graham 25 Aug. 1658 David, son to Mr. Patrick C., minister at Oxnam, in „ Teviotdale, with Patrick Forbes, merchant 13 Aug. 1623 George, son to Sir John C., in Carmichael, Bart., with „ 10 June 1646 William Fleming, skinner Harry, son to James C., of Poteschaw, with Alexander „ Man, tailor 23 Dec. 1612 Hew, son to John C, in Carmichaell, with James Wilkie, „ 28 Feb. 1644 merchant James, son to John C, in Carstairs, with Robert Gray, mason 30 July 1634 „ in Edinburgh, scheithmaker C, to late son John James, „ 22 July 1646 with James Penstoun, scheithmaker John, son to Mungo C, in Glentewing, with Charles „ Strudgeoun, scheithmaker 15 June 1602 John, son to late James C, of Edderny, with Robert „ Forker, tailor 9 Feb. 161 John, son to Walter C, of Grangehill, with Samuel „ Cheislie, chirurgan 7 Dec. 1659 John, son to John C, in Nethertoun of Carmichael, with „ Hugh Carmichael, merchant 14 Sept. 1664 William, son to John C, in Spothe, with Andrew Hunter, „ 25 Aug. 1601 baxter William, son to John C, in Greenhill, with John Douglas, „ 12 Dec. 1632 saddler William, son to late Leiut.-Colonel William C, in Lanark, „ 29 Dec. 1652 with William Bartrahame, merchant William, son to Roger C, indweller in Robertoun, with „ Robert Braidwood, locksmith 30 Dec. 1657 Carnduff, Andrew, son to late John C, in Bent, in Avendaill, 10 June 1595 with Alexander Diray, tailor James, son to late Andrew C., merchant in Straven, with „ 4 Apr. 1666 James Cleland, merchant John, son natural to John C, in Avondale, with Alexander „ 18 July 1589 Diray, tailor Carnegy, Thomas, son to William C, in r^Iunross, with Cuthbert Mure, furrior 23 Dec. 1600 William, with John Hepburn, skinner 27 July 1602 „ Carraill, John, son to late John C, in Coldingham, with Thomas 6 Jan. 1636 Speir, lorimer Carrick, John, son to John C, indweller in Hairtrie, with Alexander Stewart, cordiner 3 Jan. 1649 Carroun, James, son to John C, in the Powsyde of Alloway, with John Mitchell, baxter (who deceased) 13 July 1642 transferred to John Hunter 17 Jan. 1644 William, son to late John C, in Alloway, with Archibald „ 18 Feb. 161 Ross, baxter Carruderis, James, son natural to James C, with John Carruderis, tailor 15 Apr. 1600 Carsan, Alexander, son to Patrick C, burgess of Kirkcudbright, with James Warrock, merchant 4 Sept. 1661 .

Edinbtirgh Register of App7^entices.


Carsan, John, son to

Thomas C, merchant, burgess

of Kirk-

cudbright, with John Gibson, merchant

Carss, John, son to late John C, weaver in Musselburgh, with David Gib, weaver Cass, Edward, son to late John C, in the Fishcrrow, with William Tait, saddler James, son to James C., wobster in Dalkeith, with Mathcw ,, Eistoun, candlemaker James, son to late John C, in Fisherrow, with John Frame, „ ,,

hatmaker Robert, son to John C,



Aug. 1646


Nov. 1648


June 1623


Apr. 1599

16 iVTay 1627 in

Fisherrow, with John Cleghorn, 29 Apr. 161


Andrew, son to late Constantcine C, in ISenwcll, in par. 20 Oct. 1647 of Old Dere, with John Hay, slater Andrew, son to Andrew C., slater, with Robert Kennedy, chirurgian

Cassie, „


Castellaw, William, son to late John C., writer, with John Lawtie, apothecar Cathcart, Daniel, son to Allan C., of Watersyde, with William „

Salmond, merchant Francis, son to William C., of Carbicstoun, with Thomas Inglis, merchant

son natural to Allan C., of Drumjowane, with Robert Bishop, skinner John, brother-german to William C., of Carbestoun, with „ William Hamilton, skinner Cathie, Andrew, with Thomas Spence, baxter Cavers, James, son to late Thomas C, in Newbottle, with Robert Nicolson, candlemaker Cawder, Gilbert, son to Hew C., burgess of Edinburgh, with Robert Thomson, goldsmith 25 Chaip, Harry, son to William C., tailor, indweller in Lcith, with William Warrok, skinner Chalmers, Alexander, son to late James C, of Knockhouse, with ,,

„ „

Thomas, son


Apr. 1666

20 Mar. 1616 23 Aug. 1625 4




Nicol Rynd, tailor James, son to William C., in Bruchtoun, with Robert Rae, marikin-maker James, son to Mr. John C., minister at Auchterdirrane, with John Bourdone, merchant James, eldest son to Mr. Thomas C., minister at Kilpatrick, with Robert Salmond, merchant Patrick, son to late James C, brother to William C., of Brunlochie, with Robert Thomson, wright Symon, son to late Thomas C., in Leswaid, with James




June 1612 Mar.



9 Aug. 161 18


June 1589

Feb. 1589-90 5

Aug. 1646

4 Sept. 1616

27 Dec. 1615 7

Dec. 1631


June 1634

28 Aug. 1661 16 Oct. 1599

Heriott, litster

to late Philip C., in Jedburyh, with John Smyth, picture painter and glass baker William, son to William C., in Brochtoun, with David


Wilson, cordiner William, son to late William

25 Oct. 1609 21


cook, with John

Dec. 1608

Bow ie, skinner 25 Mar.

Gavin, son to John C., of Sheillhill, with Simeon Simpson, cordiner John, son to Robert C., of Sheillhill, with William Chan-



Chancellor, „

merchant son to late Mr. Henry C, W.S., with Laurence Henrieson, merchant Robert Cheislie, Hew, son to Hew C, in Carnwath, with 15ryson, merchant John, son to Mr. John C, preacher of God's Word, with „ WMlliam Crawfurd, tailor

22 July 1629 4 Jan. 1665





June 1647

24 Oct. 1655 1

8 Feb. 1629

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.




Samuel, son to Mr. John C, minister at Quodquen, 28 Dec. 1653 with Andrew Broun, chirurgian WaUer, son to late Mr. John C, minister at Quodquen, with 2 May 1638 James Nasmith, merchant William, son to John C, in Carnwath, with John Courtess, skinner


„ „

28 Feb. 1604 to late John C, in Merchinstoun, with Dickson, smith Cherrielaw, Gavin, son to late Gavin C., in Lesmahagow, with Clement Touris, glassinwright James, son to Archibald C., in Corromylne, with Thomas „ Paterson, in Aystoun Chisholm, Archibald, son to i'^obert C., merchant in Peebles, with James Murray, merchant Henry, son to Walter C., in Dunblane, with John Downy, ,, shipper and merchant James, son to late John C., in Birnock, with Thomas Wilson, ,,

Cherrie, Robert, son


19 Apr. 1587



16 13

25 Nov. 161




8 Feb. 1643 litster

June 1630 indweller in Newbattle, with cordiner 17 July 1633 John, son to George C., in Pleasance, with Robert Hunter, baxter „ 13 May 1629 Robert, brother-german to John C., of Brokhouse, with „ Gavin Scott, skinner 13 June 1621 Thomas, son to Thomas C., in Harrheid, with Andrew „ Broun, chirurgian 14 Nov. 1649 Walter, son to Walter C, bailie of Dunblane, with James „ 10 Oct. 1638 Fortoun, skinner William, son to late Robert C., in Stenhope, with Alex„ skinner ander Hangitsyde, 9 Aug. 1626 William, son to late John C., in Birnock, with John Black„ 28 Nov. 1627 lock, merchant William, son to Robert C., in Chisholm mylne, par. of „ Hawick, with David Admistoun, merchant 31 May 1643 Choimley, Richard, son to John C, of Brounehall in Yorkshire, 22 Nov. 1643 with Archibald Sydserff, merchant Chrystie, Alexander, son to William C, of Blairlogie, with 6 May 1646 Robert Thomson, peuderer Alexander, son to Hew C, in Carnwath, with .Alexander 8 Mar. 164S Brand, merchant Andrew, son to John C, in Pitadro, with Gavin Stenhouse, baxter 17 Jan. 1663 Henry, son to late John C, in Leith, with Edward Ker, tailor 8 Apr. 1595 James, son to James C, dwelling on the north side of the 6 May 1600 brig of Leith, with William Wallace, tailor 16

Thomas Thomas Pacock,

James, son to

James, son to



Thomas C,





Melville, with James Wilson, yr., merchant John, son to James C, mason, burgess of the Canongatc, with Robert Preston, mason John, son to late Thomas C, in Monymaill, with William



Patrick, son to to

Patrick late

Nov. 1652

9 Oct. 1644 28 June 1648



Abernethie. with Jeromie 25 Nov. 1635

Young, wright Robert, son


Thomas C,


Culross, with


12 Mar. 1593-4 Mason, mason Robert, son to Robert C, burgess of Culross, with Laurence Cockburn, chirurgian 23 Aug. 1625 Chrystison, Alexander, son to Patrick C, notar in Aberladie, 22 Apr. 1629 with James Rig, chirurgian Andrew, son to John C, in Spittell, with John Anderson, baxter „ 27 July 1653

EdinbiLTgh Register of Appr-entices.


Chrystison, David, son to David C, merchant, burgess of Dysart, with John Ronald, merchant Hew, son to David C, merchant, burgess of Dysart, with „ Hector Purves, merchant John, son to late William C, walker at Bells Mylne, with „ „

John Hill, walker Walter, son to Walter C, skinner, with


i8 Feb. 1635

16 July 1634 14 Mar. 16 10

Andrew Hepburn,

skinner 12 Oct. 1614

William, son to John C, indweller in Carnock, with James 18 Jan. Monteath, peuderer Chyld, Alexander, son to Alexander C, in Newtoun, with John 11 Aug. Johnstone, hatmaker James, son to late John C, maltman, burgess of Edinburgh, „ with David Ritchie, baxter 5 Mar. William, son to John C, in Herdmistoun, with Robert „ Clerkson, couper 25 Aug. Cleghorn, Alexander, son to late Patrick C, in Seytoun, with Newye Mason, wright 14 July George, son to Mr. George C, minister at Dornock, with „ Thomas Cleghorn, goldsmith 23 June Harry, brother-german to James C., in West Craigs, with „ Mathew Crawfurd, cordiner 9 Oct. James, son to Mr. George C., minister at Dornock, with „ William Muidie, merchant 29 Aug. John, son to late John C., in West Craigs, beside Cor„ storphine, with Thomas Newtoun, baxter 19 Apr. John, son to late John C, sometime in West Craigs, with „ Alexander Crawford, cordiner 23 May John, son to Thomas C, in Dairy, with John Livingston, merchant „ „


„ „ „

Mr. George C, minister at Dornock, with Alexander Cleghorn, wright John, son to Gilbert C, in Biggar, with Alexander Cleghorn, wright Samuel, son to Mr. George C, minister at Dornock, with Thomas Cleghorn, goldsmith Thomas, son to late James C, in the West (irangc of Corstorphine, with Daniel Crawfurd, goldsmith Thomas, son to Henry C, merchant, with Mr. James John, son

1643 1601

1617 1595 161

1630 161

1632 1597


Aug. 1649




William, son to late John C, in Easter Pilton, with Thomas Robertson, maltman Cleland, Alexander, son to James C, in Femeltoun, with Robert Kennedy, surgeon Hew, son to late Gavin C, of Innerbank, with James „ Borthwick, chirurgian James, son to John C, in Overtoun of Cambusncthan, with „

3 2



Dec. 1646

6 Aug. 1634 15

June 1591




Robert Scott, merchant „


to Edward C, in Dunblane, with Archibald Softlaw, armourer William, son to Robert Cleland, in Farnielie, with Andrew

Hepburn, skinner Clark,



„ „



Nov. 1652


Alexander, son to Allan C, Bell, wheelwright

27 Mar. 1661 25 Mar. 1607



Thomas C,



John Walker, wheelwright Alexander, son to late Michael C., in Tranent, with James Clark, yr., merchant Alexander, son to late George C, in Newbattlc, with James Clark Alexander, son to late Gilbert C, in Muirburn of Skirling, with Mr. William Dunlop, apothecary Leith, with


13 Jan. 1658 21

Mungo, son

Clerk or

28 Feb. 1660



22 Nov. 1637

26 Oct. 1625 11

Aug. 1630

29 Nov. 1648

Corstorphine, with William 1



Edinhitrgh Register of AppTcntices.


Clerk or Clark, Allan, son to James C, skinner in Polkshaw, with William Graham, skinner Andrew, son to Robert C, in Drumcorss, with Henry ,, Eistoun, candlemaker Andrew, son to John C, in the Canongate, with John „ Morisoun, merchant Andrew, son to James C, miller in Dalkeith, with John „ Clark, candlemaker „

„ „

„ „

son to late John C, in Prestonpans, with Christopher Spense, currier George, son to Mungo C, in Lochanharrat Maynes, with Robert Gilmour, litster James, son to late John C, cordiner in Dysart, with John

Wilkyne, candlemaker James, son to Robert C, in Tartraveing-ward, with Patrick Couper, cordiner James, son to James C, maltman in Hie-riggs, with Clark, glassinwright

James, son to late George C,

„ „

Clerk, merchant James, son to late John C, skinner, burgess of Glasgow, with Allan Clerk, skinner


Mar. 1629


13 Oct. 1652

9 June 1652 9 Mar.


7 Feb. 16 10

23 July 1622

James C,

Fernyhill, with


William 22 Dec. 1647 17

Apr. 1650

James, son to late William C, in Penkaitland, with George Anderson, hatmaker 7 June John, son to Robert C, in Drumcorne, with Henry Eiston, 18 June candlemaker John, son to late John C, brewster in Edinburgh, with 8 July Jonas George, marikyn-maker John, son to late Thomas C, mason in Newbattle, with 21 June Alexander Nisbet, candlemaker John, son to George C, in Newbattle, with John Simpson, mason 14 Apr.

John, son to late William C,

Patrick, brother-german


Robert, son to late Patrick C, indweller in Dalkeith, with Robert Glen, merchant Robert, son to James C, in Nether Callentoyes, with George Mushet, skinner Simon, son to John C, farmer in Gilmerton, with John

Andrew, cutler Thomas, son to late Thomas C,

23 Oct. 1644

4 June 1656

Pennycuke, with 4 Jan. 159 1-2

Thomas, son to late George C, mason in Newbattle, with James Clark, candlemaker Thomas, son to CJeorge C, in Lochquharret, par. of Borth-

William, son to William C, in Drumhenrie, with James


William, son to late Gilbert C,

Allan, merchant

13 July 1636

23 June 1641 31




Skirlingmuirburn, with

John Clark, merchant

June 1627

29 Nov. 1665 in

wick, with William Dalgleish, baxter


26 Jan. 1631

Thomas Robsoun, couper



Drumhendrie, with



4 Aug. 1641


Allan C, skinner, burgess of

Edinburgh, with his brother son to late William C, in Robert Mackean, skinner



Drumhenrie, with James


Nasmith, merchant to


Newbattle, with John


Clark, candlemaker

19 Jan. 1602

13 Jan. 1619

James, son to

25 Nov. 1600


24 Nov. 1630




William, son to John C, in Daltyne shire of Nithsdale, with James Richardson, merchant William, eldest son to James C, in Staniehall, with David Makcall, merchant William, son to John C, servitor to William Bailie, brewer, with William Reid, weaver

22 Aug. 1632 17

June 1635

27 Apr. 1636 21 Oct. 1657


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

Clerkson, Andrew, brother-german to William C, smith, with his brother Roliert, son to Thomas C, in Meikle Blacknowe, with „ Patrick Meyne, couper William, son to James C, in Moseplait, with John Vernor, „





June 1584


25 Dec. 1616

Cluik, William, son to late Alexander C, workman with George Robieson, flesher (who died Martinmas 1626) transferred to William Thomson Clyde, Thomas, son to John C, in Bredeschaw, with John

Wannan, marikin-maker

29 Dec. 1623 30 May 1627

Nov. 1610


Cochrane, George, son to late James

C., in

Barbachlay, with

George Muirhead, merchant George, son to Alexander C., in Fisherrow, with Thomas Aikenhead, merchant James, son to late James C., in Kirkhill, with Alexander

Cochrane, wobster James, son to late Thomas






Oct. 161

Dec. 1618


C., miller in Ednem, with John Murdo, currier 14 Apr. 1658 John, son to late George C, maltman with Adam Wilson, goldsmith g June 1601 John, son to John C, in Leith, with Patrick Nicolson, locksmith

Patrick, son to late

19 Nov. 1651

Hew C,

merchant, burgess of Edin-

burgh, with Janjes Ker, merchant 6 Aug. 1594 Cock, James, son to Richard C., in Ratho, with John Clark, candlemaker 9 May 1610 John, son to James C, in Anstrulher, with James Stevenson, ba.xter „ 29 late Patrick C, in Gilmourtoun, with Bennat, glasinwright Cockburn, Alexander, brother-german to William C, of that Ilk, with Hew Wilson, apothecary David, son to James C, servitor to the Constable of „

William, son

Dundee, with James Whyte, „ „

James, son to


John C,


James, son

James, son to John C, of that

„ ,,


„ „

July 1665



Haddington, with 10

Mar. 1641

with Patrick Nicoll, merchant 22 Sept. James, son to late Richard C, in Saltoun, with William Mitchell, baxter 30 Nov. John, son to late John C, of the Kirkland of Bolton, with William Symonton, saddler 15 June John, second son to John C., burgess of Haddington, with Robert Crawfurd, hatmaker 14 Mar. John, son to Samuel C, of Henderland, with (jeorge Robertson, g'^oldsmith 2 Dec. John, son to David C, slater, indweller in Edinburgh, with

Andrew „

10 Jan. 1655

10 Aug. 1587

to James C, mdweller John Livingstone, merchant


29 .\ug. 1660


the Canongate, with

Clerk, skinner


13 Feb. 1628

23 Mar. 1636


David, son to David C, slater, burgess of Dundee, with John Tuydie, locksmith David, son to Mr. ^A^illiam C, minister at Kirkmichacl, with John Little, merchant






Cassie, slater

Laurence, son to late John C, sherift" of Haddington, with James Henryson, chirurgiane Laurence, son to Mr. Harry C, minister at Ginelkirk, with Andrew Walker, chirurgian Patrick, son to late Sir Patrick C, of Langtoun, with Andrew Broun, merchant


1659 1596 1632


18 Oct. 1654


June 1613

28 July 1641 \

Feb. 1660



Registei^ of Apprentices.


to Archibald C, baxter, burgess of Haddington, with John Liddell, merchant 28 June 1648 to late John C, of that Ilk, with Patrick Nicoll, merchant ,, 23 Feb. 1653 William, son to late John C, sheriff depute of Haddington, ,, with Archibald Cleghorn, cordiner 22 July 1600 William, son to late James C, of Haddington, with George ,, Gibson, bower 2 Nov. 1608 William, with William Wylie, bonnetmaker 20 Sept. 1609 „ William, son to Mr. William C, minister at Kirkmichaell, „ with James Cockburn, merchant 4 Dec. 1661 Coldoun, John, sou to William C., in East Seatoun, with George Steill, baxter 14 July 1652 Coldstream, Archibald, son to William C., matmaker in Leith, with William Stirling, bonnetmaker 15 Aug. 1638 Coline, George, son to John C., in Tranent, with David Ritchie, baxter 5 May 1607 Colison, Thomas, son to John C., merchant, with David Cockburn, tailor 17 Feb. 1664 Colquhoun, James, son to Patrick C, wright, burgess of Glasgow, with Robert Fleming, merchant 19 Aug. 1629 John, son to Robert C, in Blairwad, with Thomas Thomson, wright „ 20 Jan. 1647 John, son to late John C, portioner of Milntoun, with John „ Hall, goldsmith 19 Mar. 1662 John, son to George C, indweller in Edinburgh, with „ Francis Davidson, tailor 12 July 1665 Peter, son to David C., portioner of Mylnetoun of „ Colquhoun, with Patrick Bruce, tailor 8 May 1633 Zachary, son to Patrick C, wright, burgess of Glasgow, ,, with James Colquhoun, merchant 19 Apr. 1643 Coltherd, Alexander, son to Mungo C, in Lanark, with Adam Steell, flesher

Cockburn, Richard, son

Thomas, son


James, son to Laurence C, at the Kirk of Crawfurd, with Robert Jameson, tailor Colville, Andrew, son to late David C, brother german to the



Lord Colville, with James Rig, merchant John, son to John C, in Preston, within the Merse, with Alexander Man,


8 Feb.



8 July 1657

4 Aug. 1619

C, in Dundonald, with William Wilson, tailor 21 Sept. Comoune, John, son to Finlay C, in Stenhopemylnes, with John Dick, wobster 17 Nov. Comrie, James, son to late James C, in Alaway, with John Glendinning, wright 13 Oct. William, brother-german to John C, of that Ilk, with ,, Archibald Prymrose, merchant 19 Feb. Condie, David, with George Wilson, tailor 10 July Congiltoun, James, son to David C, in Dirletoun, with James Jaffray, couper (who deceased) 24 Nov. transferred to William Craig 10 June Conquergood, Alexander, son to Thomas C, in Over Libbertoun, with William Warrock, elder, skinner (who deceased) i Dec. transferred to David Kinloch (20 June) 19 Nov. William, son to late Thomas C, in Over Libbertoun, with „ Alexander Bullerwall, cordiner 25 Jan. Conqueror, Patrick, son to late Henry C, with John Scott, merchant 21 Aug. Cook, Adam, son to late John C, in Anstruther, with William Blythman, flesher 15 Apr. James, son to James C, fermorer in Nether Liberton, with „ Alexander Wardlaw, merchant 12 Dec. Colzeor, John, son to Patrick


1619 1658 161

1605 1641

1646 1647 165

1654 1633 1595



Ediiibnrgk Register of Apprentices.

Cook, John, son to


Henry C,

vvobster, with


Harry Robertson, vvobster 8 July 1612

Cor, John, son to John C, in Crawfurclinuir, with Henry Williamson, candlemaker Corbett, James, son to late James C, merchant, bnrgess of Dumfries, with John Graham, merchant Cornwall, Alexander, son to Walter C, of Bonhard, with John






26 Aug. 1635

Rynd, merchant 23 July Alexander, son to late George C, tailor in the Canongate, 6 Jan. with Thomas Halyburton, cordiner Corrie, John, son to late William C, fermorer in Kirwauchope, par. of Kirkurde, with George Reid, weaver 9 June Corrow, William, son to late John C, in Glespine, par. of Douglas, with Gavin Williamson, bookbinder 3 May Corsane, Robert, son to late John C, par. of Glencairn, with Robert Corsane, merchant 27 Jan. James, son to late James C, in Newbottill, with John Arnot, baxter „




Corsar, John, son to

Thomas C,


Redhouse, with John


1647 1647

1654 1627

Jan. 1603


4 Oct. Robert, son to late David C, tailor, burgess of Edinburgh, 20 Aug. with Thomas Paterson, tailor Corsbie, Adam, son to Adam C, in Legertwood, with William Hoppringle, tailor 30 Aug. James, son to late David C, merchant, with James Leslie, tailor „ 9 Mar. 22 Jan. James, son to Peter C, in Kiikhope, with John Kirk, tailor „ tailor merchant, with Lambe, 11 Mar. to David son C., John John, „ John, son to Thomas C, in Kirkope, par. of Crawfurd ,, Lyndsay, with James Corsbie, merchant 27 Dec. Corsneip, William, son to John C., officer of Edinburgh, with 12 Nov. John Laury, bower Corss, James, son to late James C, in Dalkeith, with Robert Corss, tailor 25 Apr. John, son to late John C, stabler, with Gavin Corss, merchant „


1623 1587

1614 1617 1607 1648 1656


16 Sept. 1618

John, son to John C, indweller in Edinburgh, with Alexander Menzies, mason 25 Apr. 1649 Thomas, son to Thomas C, miller in Cramouth, with Daniel Broun, locksmith 3 June 1600 Thomas, son to Thomas C, in Bankhouse, with John Corss, mason „ I July 1663 Corstane, James, son to James C, messenger, with James Mowbray, skinner 5 June 1605 Cosche, Thomas, son to Charles C, putrieman, with John Boirland, litster 3 Feb. 1636 Cesser, David, son to late James C, in Newbottle, with George Sanderson, tailor 25 July 1598 John, son to late James C, in Newbottle, with John Man„ sioun, wright 25 July 159S William, son to James C, in Newbottle, with John Bannatyne, skinner „ 12 Apr. 1603 Coudet, Thomas, son to late George C, burgess of Musselburgh, 8 Dec. 1658 with James Wright, wright Coull, Robert, son to late John C, tlesher, burgess of the Canongate, with David Hodge, flesher 14 Sept. 1653 Couper, Alexander, son to John C, in Brigend, with Archibald Mudy, apothecar 14 Mar. 1604 James, son to late John C, of Gogar, with Ninian William„ 22 July 1646 son, merchant John, son to Thomas C, maltman, with John Forret, skinner 18 May 1585 „ „


Ediulmrgh Register of



Couper, John, eldest son to late James C, town officer of Edini8 July 1655 burgh, with Andrew Cunningham, tailor Murdo, brother-german to Mr. Alexander C, minister at ,, Aberdeen, with William Couper, merchant 13 Apr. 1664 Patrick, son to late John C, tailor, with John Mossman, goldsmith „ 5

Robert, son to late James C, officer in Edinburgh, with

William William, son to




26 Mar. 1656 bonnetmaker John C, of Gogar, with David Gray, merchant




1 1

Coupland, Halbert, son to late William C, merchant, burgess of Dumfries, with William Johnstone, merchant John, son to late John C, merchant, burgess of Dumfries, ,, with John Keith, merchant John, son to John C, merchant, burgess of Dumfries, with „ George Jardine, merchant Couppillis, John, son to William C, indweller in Edinburgh, with James Moysie, candlemaker Cour, Harry, brother to John C, tailor in Edinburgh, with Ranald



17 Sept. 1634


Nov. 1628

24 Jan. 1644 Sept. 1655



Robesoun, wobster Courtess, John, son to late John C, John Courtess, skinner


29 Oct. 161 7 yr.,



with 3 July 1599

Loneheid, par. of Leswade, with Patrick Hepburn, apothecary Thomas, son to Patrick C, in Lonhead of Lasswade, with „ John Ramsay, peutherer Cousland, Patrick, son to late Matthew C, in Linlithgow, with John Davidson, flesher William, son to Thomas C, tailor, burgess of Edinburgh, ,, with Patrick Hepburn, apothecary Coustoun, Alexander, son to late Alexander C, in Falkirk, with John Gib, wobster James, son to late Mr. Ale.xander C, in Leith, with David „ Courtie, John, eldest son to Patrick


in the

Smyth, tailor James, son to late David C, mason, burgess of Hadding-

Andrew Symesoun, mason late Gilbert C, maltman in Dudistoun,

John, son to

James Cunningham, weaver Thomas, son to late David C, mason



4 Nov. 1663

30 Apr. 1606 15 Oct.



Aug. 1610





25 Apr. 1592

ton, with


with 24 Nov. 1658


Haddington, with

28 Mar. 1592 Paul Mason sic. William, son to George C, cook, with William Elder, tailor 29 Aug. 1610 „ Coutts, Andrew, son to late Thomas C, cordiner in Makillames, 2 Aug. 1625 with George Wyllie, skinner John, son to Robert C, in the Hauch, with Alexander Frier, „ 18 May 1585 skinner John, son to Robert C, indweller in Dairy, with David „ 28 Nov. 1610 Bishop, skinner Thomas, son to Daniell C, at the West Port, with Thomas „ Coutts, cook 15 Apr, 1629 Cowan, Alexander, son to James C, in Tranent, with Robert 10 Feb. 1641 Johnstone, baxter George, son to late Andrew C, at Spumerfuirdmylne, with „ 28 Sept. 1636 Thomas Steven, hatmaker Cowie, Alexander, son to Patrick C, in Kyncairne of Culross, with John Frank, wright 3 May 1620 Alexander, brother-german to John C, of the Maynes, par. „ of Bothkenner, with James Duncan, cordiner 27 Dec. 1637 John, son to late Alexander C, in TuUiallan, with John „ Mayne, candlemaker 14 Dec. 1642 Patrick, son to John C, portioner of Bothkcnnar, with „ 8 Feb. 1643 Walter Gardner, merchant '


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

Cowie, Robert, son to Edward C.,portioneiofFalkirk, with Thomas Wilson, merchant WiUiam, son to David C, with David Heriot, goldsmith ,, Crab, Andrew, son to John C, tailor, with James Crosbie, tailor Craig, Adam, son to Adam C, in par. of Quhythorne, with John Moysie, walker Alexander, son to late Robert C, bonnetmaker, with „


Mar. 1650 Nov. 1594

13 12

g Sept. 1663





16 June 1630 Craige, bonnetmaker Edward, son to late Nicoll C, indweller in Edinburgh (poor), 8 Oct. 1606 with Andrew Thomasson, tailor James, son to William C, officer with Gideon Gilchrist, wobster 10 Oct. 1621 in Eddilstoun Kirk, with ., James, son to late Patrick Cochrane, wobster 19 Nov. 1634 James, son to Mr. James C., schoolmaster in Dysart, with Patrick Philip, merchant 30 Aug. 1643 John, son to late John C., goldsmith, with Adam Craig, goldsmith 31 Jan. 1588-9 22 P"eb. 1603 John, with John Bowie, skinner John, son to late Robert C, bonnetmaker, with Robert

John, son to John


„ „ „


„ ,,


Howie, bonnetmaker


in Prestoun, with

15 Dec. 1630 William Young, baxter 29 Aug. 1632

son to late Archibald C, in Over Liberton, with David BcUenden, wright Michaell, son to Robert C, in Dirleton, with William

Simpson, merchant

12 Jan. 1648

20 Feb. 1633

Olipher, son to late Edward C, in Foulfurde, with John 8 Jan. 1588-9 Borth wick, baxter Robert, brother-german to Thomas C, bonnetmaker, with „ 11 Aug. 1619 said Thomas Robert, son to Nicoll C, in Wester Dudingstoun, with „ 12 Sept. 1649 Thomas Pook, cordiner (who deceased) transferred to Thomas Brand 23 Jan. 1656 Robert, son to John C, with William Abernethy, pewtherer 3 Sept. 1656 „ Craigie, David, son to William C, of Gairsay, in Orkney, with George Reid, merchant 4 July 1655 Craik, John, son to John C., clerk in Gulane, with William Mayne, bowar 12 June 1605 William, son to John C, in Gulane, with John Walker, couper 28 June 1609 „ William, son to late John C, tailor in Innerask, with „ Thomas Meik, cordiner 17 Feb. 1647 Cramond, Alexander, son to late Hercules C, with Thomas 20 Jan. 1630 Paterson, tailor Robert, son to late James C, in Southfield, with Alexander „ Rewell, merchant 26 Dec. 1649 Thomas, brother, son to Hercules C, merchant, with ,, 11 May 1608 Robert Jameson, tailor Cranston, Alexander, son natural to Alexander C, in Cousland, with Thomas Quhyt, deacon of the hammermen 14 Dec. 1625 Alexander, son to John C, of Flass, with Patrick Aitken, cordiner „ „

19 July 1637


to late Patrick C, of Corsbie, with Henry Parker, tailor Caleb, son to Mr. Michael C, minister at Crawmond, with

Charles, son to

Andrew, son

Andrew Lauder, bookbinder late John C, gentleman,






Fortoun, skinner (who deceased) „

26 Feb. 1634

transferred to William Fleming Cuthbert, son to Thomas C, servitor to the Laird of Coldcnknowes, with John Lamb, tailor


26 7

June 1643



Mar. 1604


Edinburg/i Register of Apprentices.


Cranston, Harry, son natural to George C, of Glen, with John Cleland, cordiner 26 July 1620 Harry, son to Patrick C., of Corsbie, with James Cranston, cordiner „ 29 Felx 1632 Hector, son to James C, in Dalkeith, with Patrick Hog, baxter 15 Dec. 1613 „ C., in Boyell,fwith Patrick Sandilands, to son James James, „ tailor

„ „


to John C, in Overwood, with John Straittoun, cordiner James, son to late'William C., saddler with John Keir, yr.,

merchant „ „ „

June 1597

James, son

I4junei6i5 29 Oct. 1623

late George C., in Osisdean, with Francis Bowy, skinner John, son natural to Alexander C, in Cranstoun, with Alexander Thomson, skinner John, son to late William C., in Newbottle, with John

James, son to


June 1632

27 Dec. 1588

Davidson, chirurgiane 8 P"eb. 1615 John, son to John C, of Overwardie, with George Wilson, tailor I Dec. 1619 Nathaniell, son to Mr. Michael! C, minister, with Walter „ Scott, merchant 7 Jan. 1607 Patrick, son to James C., portioner of Hold, with John „ 2 Dec. 1612 Piltoun, cordiner „ Robert, son to late Patrick C., sometime of Cumlarig, with 2 Dec. 1600 George Hyslop, armourer Thomas, son to Thomas C., in Newbigging, with Alex,, ander Crawford, cordiner 14 Jan. 1607 Thomas, son to James C, portioner of Bole, with John „ 18 May 1608 Coithird, tailor Thomas, son to late John C, gentleman, with Alexander „ 20 June 1643 Dunbar, skinner (who deceased) transferred to James Irvine (who deceased) 4 Dec. 1644 22 Apr. 1646 to Andrew Ker (who deceased) 22 July 1646 and to William Fleming William, son to John C, in Grading, with John Rutherfoord, merchant „ 6 Jan. 1664 Craw, David, son to George C, portioner of East Reston, with Ranfif Wallace, skinner 13 May 1595 30 Aug. 1665 Francis, son to George Craw, of East Reston, with „ George, son to late John C, of Upsetlingtoun-scheilis, with „ merchant Robert Mureheid, 19 Nov. 1617 John, son to Robert C, of Easter Reston, with James Stewart, tailor ,, I July 1635 John, son to William C, of Nebyre, with John Ellis, merchant „ 14 June 1637 James, son to James C, in Bathans, with Archibald Inglis, baxter „ 7 July 1658 James, brother-german to George C, of Netherbyres, with „ 20 Oct. 1658 Thomas Miller, tailor John, son to Alexander C, in Nether Aytoun, with John „ Richardson, yr., saddler 29 Nov. 1587 Patrick, son to James C, of Quhytfield, with David Kinloch, skinner „ 27 June 1655 William, son to late John C, in Alemcraw, with John „ Richardson, saddler 25 Nov. 1586 Crawford, Adam, son to William C, of D rings, with Neill 21 Feb. 1649 Muribo, apothecary Alexander, son to Hew C, in Cloberhill, with John Nay„ 28 Sept. 1591 smith, dagmaker Alexander, son to i\Ir. John C, indweller in North Leith, „ 8 May 1650 with John Forrester, bookbinder ,,


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Crawford, Alexander, son to John C, of Camlarg, with Wilham Scott,

„ „


19 July 1654

Archibald, son to James C, of Dundyven, with Mathew Crawfurd, saddler Archibald, son to John C, of Crawfurdland, with James Justice,


Nov. 1660

(deleted of consent and indenture destroyed) Thomas C, in Kirkurd, with Walter Simpson, tailor

Claud, son to

David, son to Robert C,

David, son to late Patrick C, William Crawfurd, tailor Edward, son to Thomas C, in Kirkvvood, with Walter Sympson, tailor (who deceased)

9 Jan. 161 21


1 Aug. 1632 Galbraith, skinner Mar. 1584-5 9 sometime of Cartsburn, with

Libertoun, with

transferred to Alexander



16 Mar. 1636 i

Aug. 1632

14 Jan. 1635

George, brother to NicoU C, in Liberton, with James Crawfurd, goldsmith 16 Jan. 1592-3 George, son to James C, in Dundene, with Mathew Crawfurd, cordiner 4 Aug. 1601 George, son to Thomas C, in Kirkurd, with John Hislop, armourer 23 Dec. 1635 James, son to Robert C laailie in Seytoun, with Alexander Crawfurd, cordiner 23 Jan. 1598-9 James, son to James C, of Dundyllen, with Patrick Cowan, tailor 12 Feb. 1600 James, son to John C, indweller in Edinburgh, with George Crawfuird, goldsmith 14 Oct. 1635 James, son to John C, of Crawfordland, with Thomas Kincaid, chirurgian 13 Dec. 1665 John, son to late John C, maltman, with Robert Pursell, flesher 20 Mar. 15878 John, son to George C, of Auchincors, with John Inglis, skinner 14 Mar. 1604 John, son to late William C, in Silliehole, with William Arnot, skinner 22 Jan. 161 John, son to William C, in the Deane, par. of Kynneili, with Andrew Steven, merchant 8 June 1642 John, son to late Quintene C, of Seliholl, par. of Dameli-

John, son

„ „

„ „

„ „ ,,





John Wauchope, merchant 13 Oct. 1647 to late John C, fermeror in Pleisants, with William Baird, bonnetmaker 24 Mar. 1658 Mathew, son to late Robert C, in Nether Libertoun, with Mungo Henryson, cordiner 16 June 1587 Mathew, son to George C, of Achincroce, with John Seytoun, tailor 7 Mar. 1610 Robert, son to James C, in Dundyven, with Mathew Crawfurd, saddler 15 June 1602 Robert, son to late John C, in Balmuire, par. of Campsie, with David Callendar, wright 25 Dec. 1644 Robert, son to Andrew C, tailor in Egilshine, with William Nasmyth, weaver 14 June 1654 Rodger, son to John C, in Over Libertoun, with Richard Aitkyne, hatmaker 19 Mar. 1623 Thomas, brother to George C, in Seytoun, with Richard Smyth, wright 12 Dec. 1610 William, son to John C, in Kirkurd, with Walter Henryson, tailor 10 Mar. 1601 toun, with


„ ,,


„ „ „ „ „

William, son-in-law to James Mitchell, tailor, with said James 27 Jan. 16 19 William, son to Robert C, of Powmylne, with David Kinloch, skinner 17

June 1635

Edinbtirgh Register of Apprentices.


Crawford, William, son to



George C, sometime of Temple-

land, with James Hopkirk, barber Creich, Edward, son to Andrew C, in the Blair of Carnock, with David Creich, tailor

Crichton, Alexander, with John Bikertoun, cordiner David, son to late Edward C, in Glenmuklik, with

Weir, peuderer David, son to the Sheriff of Nidsdaill, with

17 July 1650 13 Jan. 1586-7

Aug. 1592



Jan. 1634 Neilson, apothecary 9 May 1666 George, son to Mr. John C., sledder in Edinburgh, with 28 Feb. 1655 James Herring, peuderer George, son to late Robert C., of Cure, with Robert Murray, merchant 25 June 1656 James, son to late Alexander C, in Edinburgh, with John Symontoun, skinner 4 Sept. 1616 James, reidmaker in the Easter Croft of Bristo, with John Dick, wobster

James, servitor to Robert Robertson,




with James Neilson, slater

James, son to Alexander C, notar


Cairter, chirurgian John, son to John C, sledder, indweller in Edinburgh, with Harie Foulertoun, couper Mungo, son to late Peter C, in the par. of St. Cuthbert's, with James Crichton, litster Patrick, son to late Patrick C, in Dalkeith, with Richard librar



Feb. 1646


Fraserburgh, with

David Guthrie, litster James, son to late James C, of Wester Adie, with Mr. William Henryson, W.S. John, son to late Andrew C, in Nether Aird, with Thomas



Bruntstoun mylne,

24 Feb. 1658 21 Apr. 1658

9 Dec. 1646 8 Dec. 1652 21 July 1658

13 I^ec. 1603

son to late James C, of Crawfuirdtown, with 2 Feb. 1620 Patrick Campbell, skinner Robert, son to David C, of Todhalls, with John Gairdner, merchant 5 May 1630 Steven, son to James C, in Dalhousie, with Archibald 17 May 1637 Wright, weaver William, son to James C, of Bruntstoun, with Robert 30 July 1606 Denistoun, goldsmith William, son to late John C, in the Westland of Carnwath, 7 Jan. 1635 with James Wilson, litster Crockatt, Andrew, son to James C, in Cambusnethan, with May 1653 went Ireland) (who to merchant 25 M'Kie, Thomas 18 June 1656 transferred to Thomas Stevenson Cromartie, Walter, son to late Walter C, indweller in Kirk 22 Sept. 1658 wall, with George Ramsay, merchant Crombie, Robert, son to Thomas C, in Nisbet in Tweeddale, 7 Apr. 1630 with James Cathkine, bookseller Crooks, George, son to George C, in Newbottle, with Alexander 3' J^'y i^^i Cockburn, wright Sec Corss. Cross. Cruikshank, David, son to late Robert C, stabler in Edmburgh, 6 Apr. 1631 with James Jaffray, couper lames, son to late Robert C, stabler, with George Wilkie, wobster 12 Apr. 1620 Tames, son to late Robert C, stabler, with James JaftVay, couper " 16 Mar. 1636 Crunzeane, James, younger son natural to John C, cordiner, 31 May 1648 burgess of Edinburgh, with his father Leith, with AlexCuitle, John, son to late John C, skipper in 16 Sept. 1612 ander Adinstoune, merchant Robert,





Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

James, son to Solomon C, pultreman, with John Quhyt,

45 tailor


Alexander, son to Thomas C, merchant, burgess of Forres, with Samuel Guthrie, litster Cuming, Adam, son to late Thomas C, marikin-maker in Edinburgh, with Allan Clerk, skinner Jasper, son to Mr. Alexander C, minister at the Kirk of „ Halkirk, with John Kinross, merchant Patrick, son to late Patrick C, wobster on the North side „ of the Brig of Leith, with Francis Taylor, wobster Robert, son to David C, portioner of Mastertoun, with ,, Patrick Stenhopes, baxter Cunningham, Adam, son to John C, of Brounhill, with Jesper

Aug. 1600


Cuming, merchant „

Alexander, son






19 Jan. 164S 2^)

Ych. 1600

17 July 1644

8 Dec. 1658



Tranent, with Patrick



Apr. 1607


Thomas C, servitor to Sir Alexander Gibson of Durie, Knight, with David Rodge)-, merchant 7 Jan. Alexander, son to late George C, in Crail, with John Cunningham, tailor 5 Sept. Alexander, son to Alexander C, of Boquhan, with George Drummond. merchant 25 Mar. Archibald, son to John C, of Gilbertfield, with Andrew Steill, merchant u Jan. Francis, son to late Mr. Robert C, minister at Hawick, with John Rankinc, merchant 25 Feb. George, son to John C, in Carringtoun, with John Cunningham, merchant 19 Jan. Harry, son to late John C, merchant in Stirling, with James Cunningham, merchant 9 Jan. Hew, son to late Alexander C, of Tourisland, with John Tailzcfeir, merchant 6 Apr. Hew, son to Hew C, mason, with George Wilson, sheirsmith

James, son

„ „

„ „ „ „ „


26 Aug. 1646

Alexander, son to late

1652 1655

1663 1654

1663 1642 1661


3 Sept. 1628


to James C, at the Water of Leith, with Patrick Gourie alias Kilgour, wobster James, son to late John C, at the Coltbrig, with Robert

Young, candlemaker „ „

„ „ „ „ „ „

James, son to late Mungo C, in Strobrock, with William Reid, wobster James, son to George C, goldsmith in the Canongate, with George Robertson, goldsmith James, son to late John C, indweller in Edinburgh, with John Forman, blacksmith James, son to John C, merchant, burgess of Stirling, with " Bernard Cunningham, merchant James, son to John C, weaver in Wester Duddingston, with William Sclaitter, weaver James, son to late Alexander C, merchant in Irving, with James Gray, merchant James, son to John C, merchant, burgess of Stirling, with Bernard Cunningham, merchant James, son to late Thomas C, of Couge, with William

John, John,



Carmichaell, skinner with George Cunningham, merchant son to Thomas C, indweller at the West Port, with William Graham, skinner son to Mr. John C, minister at Leckrope, with Adam Livingstone, merchant son to late John C, merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, with John Cunningham, merchant

29 Apr. 1607 2 Sept. 1612

23 Apr. 1623 8 Sept. 1624

10 Apr. 1633 3

Mar. 1647

10 Nov. 1647

23 June 1647 22



Nov. 165


26 July 1603 29 Jan. 1634 15

Mar. 1637




Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.



Cunningham, John, brothei-german to Sir William C, of Cunninghamhead, Knight Baronet, with John Franke, merchant „ „ „ „

Adam C, merchant, burgess of Ayr, with William Cunningham, yr., merchant Adam C, merchant, burgess of Ayr, with Alexander Harper, wright John, son to John C, merchant, burgess of Dumfries, with Andrew Young, merchant John, son to Alexander C, of Cambuskeith, with Thomas Lawrie, merchant Malcolm, son to late Alexander C, in Rathobyres, with John,

„ „

„ „ „




Martin, son to William C, in Easter Covvdoun, with James Abernethie, pewtherer Michaell, son to Patrick C, in Tranent, with Thomas Cun-

June 1642


Apr. 1647


Aug. 1647


Mar. 1665


June 1648

4 Apr. 1660

ningham, merchant 17 June 1595 Robert, son to late William C, in Cramouth, with Andrew Fergusson, baxter 25 Jan. 1596-7 Robert, son to John C, of Baidland, with John Kennedy, apothecary 22 Oct. 1662 Symon, son to late John C, in Caringtoun, with Patrick Thomson, merchant 7 Nov. 1649 Thomas, son to late Mr. John C, commissar of Lauder, 20 May 1646 with James Richard, bailie and merchant Thomas, son to late Thomas C, of Coug, with William 18 Oct. 1648 Carmichael, skinner William, son to James C, merchant, with James Cunning

ham, „


son to

James „

2 Dec. 1640 30 Aug. 1643

deleted John, son to late


William, son to Mr. James C, minister at Cumnock, with John Fleming, merchant William, son to late James C, of Elschinyairds, with James


Mar. 1621

9 Aug. 1637

Nicoll, yr., merchant William, son to John C, merchant

3 Feb. in Dunbarton, with 22 Oct. tailor Fynnie, William Currie, James, son to James C., Ormond pursuivant, with James Stewart, tailor 19 June James, son to William C, in Blacader, par. of Edrom, with „ Robert Broun, merchant 19 Jan. John, son to James C, elder in Leith, with John Hepburn, skinner „


Robert, son to Robert C, stabler, burgess of Edinburgh, with Gilbert Williamson, merchant (who deceased)

1636 1662 1622 1648

Aug. 1608

2 Sept. 1635

27 Feb. transferred to Alexander Young William, son to William C, in Blackwood, par. of Les24 Mar. mahagow, with Henry Tailzepher, mason William, son to William C, mealmaker, outwith the West „ Port of Edinburgh, with Alexander Reull, merchant 29 Mar. William, son to William C, mealmaker at the West Port „ 15 May of Edinburgh, with John Scott, chirurgian William, son to John C, in Haymouth, with James Currie, merchant „ 9 May Curror, John, son to Thomas C, in Straitoun, with Charles 10 Dec. Strudgene, scheithmaker Cuthbert, George, son to George C, in North lierwick, with


John Oliver, merchant James, son to late James C, merchant in Glasgow, with „ Robert Nasmith, writer William, son to late Alexander C, indweller in Inverness, with Samuel Guthrie, litster Cuthbertson, George, son to late James C, in I'restoune, with John Chisholm, baxter




1660 161

7 Ji'ne 1620 18

June 1662

loApr. 1616 8

June 1653



Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

Cuthbertson, James, younger son to James C, in Morton, beside Calder, with Thomas Robesoun, couper John, son to late William C, baxter, with Henry Maker„ son, brewer „

47 22 Dec. 1590

30 Sept. 1657

William, son to James C, baxter, indweller in Edinburgh, with Andrew Denholm, baxter

Andrew, son to Walter D., in Rauftuird, with David Kinloch, skinner Daes, Alexander, son to Mr. James D., minister at Ersiltoun,

Sept. 1652



26 Nov. 1628

with James M'Lurg, merchant James, son to Mr. James D., indweller in Erslingtoun, with Archibald Hutchison, merchant John, son to Mr. John D., indweller at Erslingtoun, with


James Cunningham, merchant to late James D., indweller in Edinburgh, with James Bennett, tailor Dalgleish, George, son to late John D., in the Breithershiells,


„ „

Dec. 1661

20 Jan. 1647



Dager, John, son

with Thomas Weddell, lorimer Robert, son to late James D., in the Canongate, with Alexander Paterson, bonnet maker Dallas, Duncan, son to James D., of Bellicharrie, with Andrew Donaldson, tanner Dalmahoy, James, son to Sir John D., of that Ilk, with Thomas

19 Jan. 1642 17 Jan. 1665


John, son to John D., yr.,

yr., in

Leith, with

William Cockburn,


31 July 1583-4

Dalrymple, Alexander, brother to James D., in Edinburgh, with Robert Thomson, wobster Andrew, son to James D., in Kirkintulloch, with Arthur ,, Hamilton, wright Andrew, son to late Robert D., burgess of Kirkintulloch, ,, with David Dalrymple, wright David, son to James D., in Kirkintulloch, with Robert ,, Wilson, wright with James Donaldson, wobster James, „ James, son to Mr. .Andrew D., in Mauchline, with Alex„ „ „ „


31 Jan. 1666

24 Aug. 1642

Mudie, merchant „

14 Apr. 1647

ander Chrystie, merchant Robert D., burgess of Kirkintulloch, with Alexander Duncan, locksmith John, son to Mr. Andrew D., servitor to the Lord Chancellor, with John Vaitche, merchant Robert, son to late John D., skipper, burgess of Ayr, with Henry Rankine, merchant

21 Oct. 1607

6 Dec. 1609

26 Apr. 1637 20 Jan. 1613 Mar. 1603


6 Jan. 1647

John, son to


son to






15 Jan. 1612




21 Oct. 1646


Donaldson, tanner Dalzell, Andrew, son to Mr. John D., minister at Preston, alias Heuch, with John Foulis, apothecary Daniell, son to James D., in the Water of Leith, with John „


Mar. 1652

31 Jan. 1655

20 Nov. 1584 John, son natural to late Mr. John D., with John Smith, tailor 1 Aug. 1610 „ the Moor, with the House of Lewis D., in son to John, „ Sir Robert Murray, of Cameron, merchant 9 Nov. 1664 Ninian, son to late Robert D., in Rowentrieflat, with „ Dec. 1633 Andrew Young, merchant Robert, son to John D., in Scotlandwell, with Patrick „ Finlawson, marikin-maker 25 June 1594 Robert, son to late Robert D., litster, burgess of Wigton, „ with Moyses Wallace, skinner 23 Feb. 1602 Danielsoun, James, son to Gavin I)., in Kirkmichaell, with 12 Dec. 16 10 James Danielsoun, goldsmith Millie, skinner




Edinlnu-gh Register of Apprentices.

Danielstoun, James, son to late John D., sometime servitor to late Sir Robert Daningstoun, of Mountjoy, Knight, with James Daningstoun, goldsmith Patrick, brother-german to John D., of Dalgrigeine, with „ Andrew Hepburn, elder, skinner Walter, son to Walter D., in Cowgraine, with James „ Danielstoun, wnght Darge, Rol^ert, son to late Alexander D., smith in Dirletoune, with Patrick Nicolson, locksmith Darling, John, son to John D., indweller in North Berwick, with

William Duncan, „









„ „


Feb. 1618

14 Apr. 1647




June 1646


Mar. 1629

11 George, with James Barclay, skinner James, son to Archibald D., in Calder-muir, with John Broun, mason 31 James, son to John D., in Caithness, with John Elder, tailor 29 James, son to James D., slater in Liberton, with Patrick Chrystison, walker 23 James, son to Henry D., tailor, burgess of the Canongate, with William Symontone,cordiner (but could not agree) 25 10 transferred to Alexander Broun James, son to James D., tailor in Leith, with Thomas

Fisher, tailor „


26 Aug. 1629



June 1637

2 Jan. 1622

8 Dec. 1641



Davidson, Alexander, son to John D., in the Dykes of Polmaise, with John Boyle, wobster Alexander, son to 'late Alexander D., litster, burgess of „ Glasgow, with John Ormistoun, scheirsmith Andrew, son to John D., in Kelso, with William Blythman, ,,


Philip, son to Philip D., portioner of Apiltrieleives, with

John Young,

„ „

[1583- 1666.

John, with Andrew Scott, chirurgian John, son to John D., commissar of Caithness, with Gilbert Kirkwood, goldsmith John, son to John D., wobster in the Canongate, with Ronakl Robeson, wobster John, son to late John D., of Pennyglen, with John Laurie, skinner John, son to Archibald D., in Over Crawmound, with


Jan. 1603

July 1599




Jan. 1656

June 1656 Oct. 1660


Nov. 1665


Apr. 1595


Nov. 1614


Dec. 1620

4 June 1628

Alexander Smyth, merchant 24 Feb. John, son to William D., tailor, in Aberbrothok, with 7 Sept. John Davidson, weaver John, son to late Mr. William D., minister of Killeny in Ireland, with James Broun, chirurgian 29 July John, son to late William D., mealmaker at the West Port, 26 Nov. with Andrew Brown, locksmith Mungo, in Brounley, with William Hill, wobster 4 May Patrick, son to Patrick D., of .Scheill, with (ieorge Reid, merchant



1646 1651


7 Sept. 1642

Robert, son to late James D., in Dechmont, with John Dick, baxter Robert, son to late Thomas D., in Jedburgh, with James

Robert, son to late

Atchesoun, merchant


Thomas D., burgess of Jedburgh, with Thomas Bannatyne, merchant Robert, son to late Thomas D., writer, sometime indweller

in Edinburgh, with John Landis, merchant Robert, brother-german to Thomas D., of Scheill, with

John „

Thomas, son



to late Thomas D., in Potterrow, with tailor



Dec. 1600


June 1614

6 Dec. 1615 16 Apr. 1623

20 Feb. 1650

John 4



Register of Apprentices.



Davidson, Thomas, son to John D., merchant, with WiHiam Fairum, tailor WiHiam, son to late Ale.xander D., in Lesmahagow, with „ John Boyes, elder, wobster William, second son to James D., of Heirvestoune, with „

Samuel Guthrie,


William, son to late Alexander D., walker, burgess of Glasgow, with David Gib, walker William, son to William D., servitor to Sir John Nicolson, „ of Lasswade, with John Home, weaver Davie, Alexander, son to late Alexander D., in Falkirk, with Thomas Lowthiane, merchant James, son to late John D., indweller in Cowhill, with „

4^ 6 Mar. 161 31

Aug. 1591

7 Apr.




James Lavvson,



Heriothouse, with

fohn, son to

Patrick, son to Alexander D., indweller in Falkirk, with

James Chalmers, marikin-maker Dawling, George, son to James D., in the Queensferry, with John Mowbray, skinner John, son


Thomas D




Mar. 1647


23 Aug. 1609

Purves, merchant


27 Dec. 1665


D., in





Dec. 1626

12 Feb. 161

Queensferry, with Ixobert

Woodhouse, bookbinder Deans, Andrew, brother to Robert D., skinner, burgess of Edin-

9 Oct. 1605

burgh, with his brother James, son to John D., town officer of Edinburgh, with

29 Sept. 1624

26 Nov. John Mowat, tailor son to Thomas D., in Carnwath, with Adam 17 May Hunter, merchant John, son to John D., slater in Paisley, with James Brown, merchant „ 20 Jan. Deas, James, son to James D., at Forrest Kirk, in Yarrow, with 21 Aug. Archibald Lorimer, tanner Dempster, Andrew, son to James D., of Bankheid of Tulliboll, 11 June with John Quhippo, baxter John, son to George D., in Seytoun, with William Bennet, tailor „ 27 Feb. Dempesterstown, Robert, son to James D., with John Purves, cordiner 29 Nov. Denholm, Alexander, son to Cudbert D., in Dreghorn, with i Dec. Patrick Douglas, baxter Andrew, son to Cuthbert D., in Dreghorn, with Andrew „ Scheill, baxter (who retired) 19 July transferred to Alexander Denholm 25 Nov. with Westschield, of James Robert D., yr., son to James, „ 20 Dec. Stewart, merchant Robert, son to Robert D., fiesher, with Edward Little, flesher „ 8 Apr. Robert, son to Robert D., of Westscheills, with Samuel „ 10 July Somervell, merchant Dewar, Adam, son to James D., in Lawfodder, with Gilbert Primrose, chirurgian 23 Aug. George, son to late John D., wright at the West Port of „ 22 Apr. Edinburgh, with Andrew Dalrymple, wright John, son to late John D., wright in Portsburgh, with „ 21 Oct. George Dewar, wright Dick, Francis, son to William D., indweller in Dalkeith, with Andrew Creich, merchant 30 Oct. Gavin, son to John D., in Haugh of Kilpont, with Robert „ Muirhead, merchant 4 Mar. son to late Mr. Alexander 13., of the Grange, with James, „ 24 Mar. John Scott, merchant „




1609 1664

1639 1623 1605 1597

1630 1637 1640

1643 1595

1616 1587

1646 1657

1616 1612 1658



Dick, John, son to Job, John, son to ,, with Walter, son „ „ „



Alexander D.,

of Apprentices.

in Elistoun, with




2 July 1589

Laurence D., in the Newtoun of Forgandenny, 20 July 1596 George Henryson, cordiner natural to late Mr. John D., of Braid, with Sir William Dick, of Braid, Kt., merchant 25 Oct. 1648 William, son to James D., in Dunce, with Patrick Rannald, bonnetmaker 27 Nov. 1593 William indweller in the Pans, with John M'Farlane, merchant 12 Oct. 1664

Dickson, Alexander, son to late Robert D., in the Overmaynes, with Alexander Man, tailor Alexander, son to John D., in Lonheid, within the Merse, „ with Adam Turner, tailor Alexander, son to Ronald D., in Gilmertoun, with John „ Dickson, tailor Alexander, son to late PatiMck D., in Dirletoun, with David „ Hunter, baxter Alexander, son to Henry D., weaver in Restalrig, with „ John Bryce, weaver Alexander, son to Robert D., of Uppermaynes, with „ Robert Weir, pewtherer Andrew, son to Alexander D., in the Snab, with James „ Dickson, marikin-maker Andrew, son to Robert D., merchant in Kelso, with David J, Pursell, ,,

„ „

„ „ „

„ „ „

John Mawer, tailor Henry, son to John D., in Lasswade, with Thomas Burne, candlemaker James, son to Jonet Abbot, in West Gordon, with John Dickson, skinner James, son to Robert D., in Clerkingtoun, with John Davie, merchant James, son to John D., in Kennetsydehead, with John Dickson, merchant James, second son to late William D., in Goisland, with

James „

„ „




Charles, son to Archibald D., in Mortoun, with Thomas Hyslop, cordiner Dyoneiss, son to Adam D., in Melvilelands, with John Eliot, cordiner George, brother-german to Robert D., of Overmaynes, with Thomas Peacock, cordiner George, son to Robert D., of Staniefield, with James Rig, chirurgiane Gilbert, son to late Adam D., in Melvilelands, with Thomas Morison, cordiner Harry, son to late John D., smith, indweller in Leith. with



29 i


16 16

Dec. 1619

12 Sept. 1627





June 1650

21 Oct. 1657




6 Sept. 161 25 Sept. 1593 7 July 1601 3 Jan. 1621


Aug. 1635


June 1601





June 1646

6 Jan. 1608 8



19 Mar. 1623

23 Jan. 1652

James, son to late John D., indweller at the Brigend of Lasswade, with Thomas Jameson, glassvvright 25 Nov. 1657 John, son to Alexander D., of Heidrig, in the Merse, with 2 Mar. 1585-6 Alexander M'Dougall, skinner John, son to late William D., in Edinburgh, with James Miller, armourer 13 Aug. 1606 John, natural son to late John 1)., sometime servitor to advocate, with Archibald late Mr. Alexander King, Anderson, hatmaker 4 Oct. 1620 Restalrig, with Thomas John,!' SO" to Andrew D., in 12 Jan. 1642 Baxter, embroiderer John, son to late James D., with James Symontoun, goldsmith 18 Nov. 1646


EdinburoJi Register of Apprentices.


Dickson, John, son to William D., weaver in Stirling, with James Carmichael, merchant John, son to Patrick D,, indweller in Edinburgh, with William Burnett, chirurgian John, son to late D., in Lauderbarns, with James Tait, tailor in the Potterrow John, son to late George D., in Roslin, with William Brotherstones, tailor Joseph, son to Thomas D., maltman, indweller in Edinburgh, with Robert Henryson, chirurgeon Lues, son to late Adam D., apothecar, with John Nasmyth, chirurgian Mungo, son to late John D., locksmith (poor), with William Duncan, locksmith Ninian, son to Ninian D., in Biggar, with Thomas

28 Nov. 1649 9 Mar. 1659



John D.,

July 1660

Dec. 1665

22 Sept. 1592 4 Apr. 1604

30 July 1628

Watson, merchant

18 Feb. 1624

Norman, son to Alexander D., Andrew Hamilton, skinner Patrick, son to






with 24 Oct. 1589

Kelso, with Hector

Kaa merchant 12

Aug. 1590

Patrick, son to Patrick D., in Tounheid, with Alexander

Ramsay, merchant

13 Mar. 159S-9

to late Patrick D., merchant, burgess of Haddington, with Henry Eistoun, candlemaker

Patrick, son

Patrick, with George Huntlie, tailor Patrick, son to Robert D., in Dunse, with

25 Apr. 1598 29 Mar. 1603

Donald Bayne, bower 18 July 1621

Patrick, son



D., in

Robert Dowye, baxter 3 Dec. 1623 Lonheid, with Nicoll 13 Dec. 1597 Harlaw, with James

Yester, with

Robert, son to late Patrick D., in Penstoun, tailor Robert, son to George D., in

Hamilton, merchant to Alexander D., of Hirdrig, with Gavin Hamilton, cordoner Robert, son to Alexander D., in Ormistoun, with Alexander Broune, yr., merchant Robert, son to John D., of Quhytsumlaws, with John Lamb,


Apr. 1606

Robert, son

22 Apr. 1607

20 Apr. 1608 tailor

30 May 1610 Robert, son to Mr. Richard D., minister at Kinneill, with John Dickson, merchant 24 Aug. 1631 William, son to late William D., flesher with John Lockie, skinner 14 June 1587 William, son to John D., of Quhytsumlaw, with John Paterson, tailor 20 Oct. 161 William, son to John D., indweller in Edinburgh, with John Sydserff, merchant 2 Nov. 1664 Didop, William, son to Robert D., portioner of Newbottle, with Robert Simpson, walker 19 Mar. 1662 Dinmure, James, son to Thomas D., skipper in Burrowstouness, with James Hamilton, merchant 16 Aug. 1665 Thomas, son to Robert D., merchant with Allan Clerk, skinner „ 26 Feb. 1662 Dischingtoun, David, brother to Thomas D., of Ardross, with William Rey, merchant 28 Feb. 1604 Dobie, George, son to John D., in Smytonhall, with Isaac Paterson, tailor 7 July 1601 George, son to John D., sometime indweller in Rosling, „ " with Patrick Cochrane, weaver 5 Apr. 1638 James, son to late James D., in Leynnylaws, with John ,, Pulwart, Wright 21 July 1619

Edinbuj'gh Register of Apprentices.




Dobie, John, son to Robert D., of Stainehill, with Charles Charters, merchant 5 Feb. 1662 John, son to John D., skipper in Brigness, with Robert „ !o May 1665 Meine, merchant Patrick, son to late Cuthbert D., sometime in Crugiltoun, „ 20 June 1621 with Robert Hunter, baxter Robert, son to James D., merchant, with Thomas Binny, tailor „ 27 Sept. 1620 William, son to John D., in Stainyhill, with Charles Hamil„ ton,



William, son to William D., in Queensferry, with Archi bald Learmonth, baxter Dobson, Alexander, son to late George D., in Selkirk, with






27 Apr. 1642 23 Sept. 1646

Alexander, son to Alexander D., indweller in Boelside, with James Paterson, saddler Thomas, second son to George D., burgess of Selkirk, „ with George Samuel, baxter Dodds, James, son to late John D., in Cullonshill, with David „

10 July 1650

22 Mar. 1637

Murray, elder, merchant 23 Aug. Dods, James, son to Edward D., stabler, with Patrick Fulton, wright 6 Dec. May Dog, Stephen, with John Dobye, fresher Donaldson, Alexander, son to Alexander D., burgess of Edinburgh, with John Kene, weaver 15 Apr. Andrew, son to David D., indweller in Edinburgh, with „ 20 July Jonas George, marikin-maker David, son to late William D., in Blackraw, with James ,, Donaldson, tailor 13 Sept. George, son to late David D., in Queensferry, with William „ Stewart, merchant 22 Dec. James, son to late James D., in Kylesmure, with James Galloway, wright 10 Dec. James, son to Patrick D., wobster, burgess of Edinburgh, „ with Thomas Charteris, merchant 14 Feb. 28 June John, merchant, admitted burgess „ Patrick, son to late John D. wobster, with Leonard Thom,, son, wobster i Nov. Robert, son to late John D., with Robert Auchmouty, chirurgian ,, i


1665 1616 1657 1631

1620 1658


2 Jan. ,,

William, son to


Harper, ,,

D., in Newbottill, with

George, son to John D., elder, with Patrick Lindsay, tailor to Michell D., in Newbottle, with Andrew Dougall, tailor William, son to Archibald D., weaver, with John Cunning-




June 1584

25 Apr. 1621 17 Jan.


brother-german to John D., of TillieWilliam Birnie, skinner 25 Jan. 1596 Alexander, son to James D., portioner of Overgogar, with Joseph Leinnonth, baxter 9 Dec. 1607 Alexander, son to late John D., burgess of Haddington, with Robert Hunter, baxter 17 Feb. 1664 Archibald, son to late D., in Redhouse, with William Douglas, hatmaker 31 Mar. 161^ Archibald, son to John D., gardener, indweller in Edinburgh, with Mr David Broune, 19 Nov. 1617 Alexander,

quhillie, with

June 1605

Thomas, son



James Barclay, skinner

ham, weaver


James 5

elder, with

John D.,


„ „


25 Nov. 1629


to late

1627 1583

D., indweller in Edinburgh, with

John Scott, wobster Dougall, Andrew, son to Thomas

Edward, son









Register of Apprentices.

Douglas, Archibald, son natural to William D., portioner of Overgogar, with Francis Weir, tailor Archibald, son to late George D., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, with John Meyne, yr., merchant Archibald, son to Mr. Roderick D., in Lyntoun, with

James Purdie,


12 July 1643

Mar. 1647


chirurgian in

Dalkeith, with Robert Handie-

syde, elder, merchant Florence, son to Archibald D., merchant, burgess of Dunfermline, with Thomas Stainhouse, baxter deleted George, son to late George D., portioner of Lyntoun, with

Robert Hamilton, merchant George, son to late William D., fiar of Pumpherson, with John Howie, elder, tailor George, son to late John D., merchant, burgess of Jedburgh, with John Douglas, saddler George, brother to William D., of Milrig, with John Smith, to late

9 July 1662 2 Jan. 1598-9

25 Sept. 1605

David, son to John D.,

Harry, son

29 Nov. 1637


Alexander D., in Whittinghame, with James Thomson, yr., armourer Bartilmo, son to Robert Douglas, servant to the Laird of Makarstoun, with John Turnbull, yr., couper David, son to James D., in Howden, with James Kinloch,

Archibald, son


13 Oct. 1652 7 1-^:^


Nov. 1621 Feb. 1622

Nov. 1617

4 July 1632

26 Aug. 1640 tailor

11 June 1662 William D., baxter, with John Walker, couper

29 Jan. 1606

Henry, with Sir William Dick, of Braid, Knight (23 June 1644)



chirurgian 15 Dec. James, son to John D., cordiner in Haddington, with John Douglas, tailor 23 June James, son to William D., in Harwood, with James Wardlaw, tailor 20 Nov. James, son to John D., in Lethem, with John Tulloch, hatmaker 9 Feb. James, son to William D., in Baddis, with George Logy, wright 4 Aug. James, son to late Charles D., in Douglas, with Thomas Myl, hatmaker 26 Nov. James, son to late Mr. John D., of Kilbothe, with Nicoll Rynd, tailor



Hew, son



D., of

Holdame, with David Douglas,


1587 1599 1602 1613





James, son to late Robert D., portioner of Innerask, with Ninian Williamson, merchant 6 Feb. 1639 James, son to late George D., in Hutone, with James Schaw, merchant 7 July 1647

James, son



D., of Stenhouse, with

Robert Charters, merchant 13 Apr. 1664

James, son to late Sir Robert D., of Blaikerstoun, with Robert Baird, merchant 15 Feb. John, son to Alexander D., in Glaspen, with Alexander Furde, cordiner 26 Apr. John, son to late William D., in Glendorche, with James Henryson, tailor 21 Dec. John, son to late George D., in Innerness, with John Douglas, tailor 20 Aug. John, son to late John D., in Quhittinghame, with Patrick Douglas, baxter 8 July John, son to David D., in Blaspen, with William Symontoun, saddler 3 Aug.


1588 1591

1594 1595



Edmburgli Register of Apprentices.

[1583-1 666.

Douglas, John, son to late John D., servitor to the Earl of Angus, with Henry Rea, tailor 15 July John, son to late Robert D., indweller in Pilrig, with 15 Dec. James Forrester, wobster John, son to Robert D., merchant, with James Leirmonth, skinner 23 Jan. John, son to late John D., in Stainehouse, beside Drum18 Mar. quhassell, with George Leslie, merchant 13 Nov. John, son natural to David D., chirurgian, with his father John, son to James D., indweller in Nidrie, with David Kinloch, skinner 3 June John, son to Richard D., in Moutounhall, with John

1612 16 19


1629 1633 1640

Hi slope, armourer 9 Aug. 1643 John, son to James D., in Couthrappell, with John Futhie, cordiner 21 July 1647 John, son to Sir Robert D., of Blakcaster, Knight, with 20 June 1649 John Hamilton, merchant John, son to late Andrew D., of Timpendean, with Alexander Burrellwell, cordiner 29 Oct. 1656 John, third son to Mr. William D., of Auchtereine, with Robert Douglas, merchant 7 Jan. 1658 Mathew, with Gilbert Prynirose, chirurgian 24 Aug. 1608 Patrick, son to late Patrick D., in Quhyttinghame, with 21 Feb. 1588-9 Thomas Thomson, baxter Peter, son to Archibald D., in Carvockhill, in the barony of Morton, sher. of Dumfries, with Andrew Hepburn, skinner 7 June 1603 Richard, son to late James D., in Quhittinghame, with 11 Aug. 1641 William Muir, baxter Robert, son to George D., in Bangour, with Henry Douglas, hatmaker 5 Jan. 1590-1 Robert, son to late John D., in Inneresk, with David 2 Nov. 1591 Paterson, tailor Robert, son to late Mr. Robert D., with Patrick Douglas, baxter 13 Mar. 1616 Robert, with James Kinloch, chirurgian 24 Apr. 1616 Robert, son to Adam D., in Inneresk, with William Watson, candlemaker 24 Oct. 1627 Robert, son to Robert D., portioner of Inneresk, with William Mure, merchant 9 Aug. 1643 Robert, son to Alexander D., W.S., with John Douglas, saddler 30 Aug. 1643 Robert, son to late James D., macer, before the Lords of Council and Session, with Alexander Anderson, 22 June 1653 merchant Robert, brother-german to William D., of Airditt, with Alexander Brand, merchant 17 June 1657 Robert, son to Alexander D., of Spynie, with William 2 Sept. 1663 Anderson, merchant Stephen, son to late Andrew D., indweller in Edinburgh, with William Cunningham, yr., merchant 3 Sept. 1656 Thomas, son to late John D., of Aircland, with Robert Crawfurd, hatmaker 23 Jan. 1622 Thomas, son to late James D., of Cavers, with John Ker, merchant 27 Aug. 1634 Thomas, son to Robert D., portioner of Innerask, with Thomas Paterson, merchant 29 Jan. 1645 Thomas, son to late James D., in Montounhall, with 18 Dec. 1661 Francis Alger, confeittmaker William, brother-german to Archibald D., of Harlaw, with Donald Bayne, bower 29 Jan. 16 17


Edinbitrgli Register of Apprentices.


Douglas, William, sou natural to John IJ., in Kirkbryde, with John Pook, merchant William, son to Archibald D., of the Burn, with William Douglas, hatmaker William, son to Walter D., of Karystoun, par. of Kilpatrick,

12 Feb. 1623

28 June 1620

with George Cunningham, merchant William, son to William D., of Mylnerid, with David Hooge, skinner William, son to Sir Joseph D., of Pumpherston, Knight, with Patrick Graham, yr., skinner William, son to late Hector D., of the Hill of Lintoun, with Alexander Inglis, baxter Dow, John, son to James D., portioner of Row, with John Knowis,


Aug. 1646


Aug. 1653


Mar. 1655

Mar. 1658 baxter 5 Dec. 1598


John, son to John D., in Tranent, with John Staig, bonnetmaker 9 May Dowie, John, son to Thomas D., in the Wick, in the country of 8 Sept. Caithness, with Andrew Sclaitter, tailor Downie, Alexander, son to late Alexander D., skipper in Leith, with Alexander D., elder, merchant 3 Oct. David, son to late David D., in the Byre of Gadzeart, with „ Abraham Purvis, lorimer 3 Apr. „ William, son to late William D., in Stirling, with Robert 10 Jan. Crawfurd, hatmaker William, son to Alexander D., skipper in Leith, with „ 8 Nov. Master Mathew M'Kell, apothecary Drevo, George, son to James D., indweller in Edinburgh, with 22 Dec. John Williamson, weaver (who deceased) 17 May transferred to John Birsstoun Drone, Walter, son to Walter D., in Petlour, in Fife, with James „



„ „ „



1604 1665

1647 1648

15 July 1595

Drummond, Alexander, son to late Alexander with James Gairdner, tailor „



D., in

Dunblane, 3

Alexander, son to George D., in Scottistoun, with George Ganstoun, cordiner Alexander, son to James D., in Sanstoun, with James Lawson, skinner Archibald, eldest son to Mr. James D., of St. Ninian's Chappell, with Andrew Bryson, merchant George, son to Thomas D., flesher in the Canongate, with

James Drummond, merchant


Apr. 1593

Feb. 1594-5 9 Nov. 1608 9 Aug. 1637 4 Sept. 1622

to George D., of Balloch, with Abraham 23 Feb. 1642 Thomson, merchant George, son to James D., in Custer, with Andrew Gray, skinner


Henry, son

ton, merchant Henry, son to late Mr. William

George, son

26 Jime 1661 to

Henry „ „ „


„ ,,


D., of Pitcairn, with

Walter Hamil4 Aug. 1658

D., in Straherne, with

Carss, furrier

Robert late James D., in Falkirk, with Murehead, merchant John, son to late John D., of Drumlennoch, with James Lermonth, skinner John, son to Robert D., in Callander of Monteith, with James Monteith, yr., peuderer (who deceased) transferred to James Monteith Patrick, son to John D., in Wester Crieff, with Patrick Trotter, tailor (who deceased) transferred to John Thomson Samuel, with Samuel Wilson, skinner Thomas, with George Henrisoun, tlesher John,


Mar. 1661

son to

12 Feb. i6o6

23 Nov. 1642

28 Feb. 1644 9 Dec. 1646 6 Mar. 1644 26 May 1647 8 Feb. 1603 i Apr. 1595

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.



Drummond, William, son to late John D., Alexander Adamson, flesher

of Dundarie, with 8 Apr. Drysdale, Archibald, son to Thomas D., portioner of Dollar, i6 May with John Huttoun, baxter Gavin, son to late John D., at the West bank of Dollar, „ with Peter Duncan, baxter (who deceased) 5 Feb. transferred to John Symington 30 Aug. Tillicutrie, with Archibald D., in James, son to James „ Broune, broudinster 15 Jan. James, son to late William D., indweller in Carribden, „ with James Kinnear, merchant 14 Sept. John, son to Andrew D., in the Eastertown of Tilliecutrie, ,, 24 May with John Justice, baxter John, son to Thomas D., in Niddrie, with Thomas Grier, wright ,, D., portioner

the Dollar, with John Symingtoun, baxter of



son to David D., farmer in Newbottle, with Robert Braidwood, locksmith William, son to Thomas D., in Culross, with Hew Meikle-

„ „ „

1634 1637 1617 1659 1637



June 1664



son to


19 July 1637


john, locksmith William, son to late John D., in Little Barnebowgall, with Francis Mastertoun, wright William, son to Harry D., in Tillicultrie, with Thomas Brown, locksmith William, son to William D., in Burrowstounness, with

Andrew Caddell, merchant Dudgeon, John, son to late Alexander D., in Elstinfurd, beside Haddington, with William Killemure, wright Patrick, son to late George D., in Benestoun beside Had„ dington, with Alexander Hadden, wright Duff, David, son to late George D., writer in Edinburgh, with Robert Chrystie, chirurgian John, son to late George D., indweller in Edinburgh, with „


Burrell, goldsmith



Mar. i666

18 July 1589

23 July 1594 27 Nov. 1605 28



12 Feb. 1593-4 xi

July 1592

22 Nov. 1637

20 Apr. 1642 19 Apr. 1643

Cramont, with John Hender25 Mar. 1590 with David Yule, wright Bonytoun, „ 20 Oct. 1624 Patrick, son to Andrew D. (poor), with John Dick, wobster 26 Nov. 1628 „ with Drumquesell, D., in William John son to William, „ 26 Feb. 1634 Spang, chirurgian Dunbar, Alexander, son to James D., chamberlain to the Earl 31 Jan. 1627 of Murray, with Donald Bayne, bower Alexander, son to Mr. Alexander D., of Windiehills, with „

Dun, James, son to


John D.,


son, flesher

James, son to Andrew D.,


James Thomson, hatmaker „

Archibald, son to David D., in Duris, with James Gairdin,





25 July 1610 „ „ „

„ „

in the barony of Cumnock, 28 Aug. 1 590 with Patrick Maknacht, skinner George, son to late Mr. Gavin D., minister at Alness, with 30 Mar. 1642 James Quhyt, tailor James, son to David D., of Torsdaill, burgess of Elgin, 11 Aug. 1647 with Laurence Forsyth, cordiner (who deceased) transferred to Alexander Barrelwell 19 Jan. 1648 Grangehill, with AlexRobert, son to late Alexander D., in 2 Jan. 1656 ander Hay, bower Sept. 1593 William, son to James D., in Elgin, with John Kennedy, tailor William, son to Ninian D., of the Braid, with James Edmis-

George, son to late Patrick D.,






26 Jan. 1659



Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Duncan, Andrew, son „

„ „ „ „

„ „ „ „

to Mr. John D., minister at Lift", with George Stirhng, merchant Archibald, son to Harbert D., merchant in Clackmannan, with Robert Erskine, tailor Archibald, son to James D., maltman in Musselburgh, with Thomas Douglas, merchant George, son to George D., tailor, burgess of Edinburgh, with Alexander Thomson, skinner Gilbert, son to John D., in Auchmure in Kerse of Gourie, with Thomas Gibson, bower James, son to late John D., in Bruntoun, beside Torphichen, with James Adieson, baxter

late Thomas D., in Pitvacartie, beside Falkland, with John Crie, baxter James, son to Abraham D., wright in Seatton, with David

9 Dec. 1635 17

Jime 1646

26 Oct. 1664 22 June 1591

24 June 1595 13

Nov. 1593

James, son to

23 Apr. 1594

Seattoune, wright 6 Oct. 1630 James, son to George D., smith in Nether Cranstoun, with 22 June 1636 James Mertein, blacksmith James, son to Nicoll D., in Dalkeith, with William Mosman, baxter

22 June John, son to late Peter D., workman, with Hendrie Gib, wobstcr 28 Oct. John, son to Robert D., in Fisherrow, with Archibald Anderson, hatmaker (who deceased) 2 Apr. transferred to George Anderson 28 Sept. John, son to late Robert D., indweller in Grotall, with John „ Megget, locksmith 13 Jan. Peter, son to late John D., in Torphichen, with Adam New„ toun, baxter 27 Apr. Peter, son to Thomas D., maltman, with John Cock, baxter 9 Sept. „ Thomas, brother to James Duncan, baxter, with James „ Donaldson, wobster 30 Dec. Thomas, son to George D., indweller in Edinburgh, with ,, 28 Feb. Robert Forrest, cordiner Thomas, son to William D., smith, with John Stevenson, merchant „ 2 Dec. William, son to John D., in Musselburgh, with John Seytoun, litster ,, 10 July William, son to George D., indweller in Edinburgh, with „ 20 Oct. Archibald Jollie, couper William, son to James, D., in Comun of Susway, with ,, Thomas Millar, 6 July Duncanson, Donald, son to Rannald D., in Dingwall in Ross, with William Meyne, bowar 18 Nov. James, son to late John D., in Culross, with James Speir, slater 28 Jan. ,, Thomas, son to Andrew D., minister at Lasudden, with „ James Johnstone, wright 17 Dec. William, son to John D., minister, with Harry Smith, cutler 31 Jan. „ Dundas, Alexander, son to John D., of Newlistoun, with John 20 Dec. Dalzell, merchant and bailie James, son to George D., of Breistmylne, with William „ Rig, merchant 30 Nov. James, son to Patrick D., of Breistmylne, with James Car„ michael, merchant 22 Mar. James, son to Robert D., of Harviestoun, with George Moss„ man, merchant 30 May John, son to George D., apparent, of Breistmylne, with „ Alexander Miller, tailor 29 Oct. Robert, son to Patrick Dunbar (-s/V.), prebendar of the „ Chapel Royal, with Umphra (!ray, apothecar 14 Nov. Thomas, son to George D., indweller in Windiehills, with „ Andrew Ker, skinner 15 Apr. „ „




1653 1629 1634 1636 1641

1602 1629 1607 1621

1629 1584

1630 1664 1595 1618

1628 1593

1609 1591


1666 1594 1614



Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

Dunkieson, Walter, son to John D., minister to His Majesty, with Robert Myddiltoun, tailor William, son to late William D., skipper, indweller in Edin,, burgh, with William Robertson, merchant William, son to William D., skipper in Leith, with Thomas „



4 Mar. 1594-5 4 Jan. 1654

28 Aug. 1661

Cairter, chirurgian

Dunlop, Alexander, son to late Alexander D., W.S., with David Jonkine, merchant 29 May 1637 Alexander, son to Mr. John D., minister at Caldercleir, „ with George Meyne, merchant 17 Dec. 1662 Hector, son to John D., in Cunningham, at the Quhytestayne, „ with Patrick Meyne, couper 5 Dec. 1589 „ John, son to David D., tailor, indweller in the Canongate, with Stephen Lorimer, beltmaker 8 Feb. 161 Ninian, son to Allan D., of the Overhill of Dunlop, in the „ Westlands, with Thomas Fisher, skinner 17 Feb. 1586-7 Dunning, Alexander, son to late John D., in Halsyde in Clydesdale, with Patrick Mene, couper 26 June 1593 James, son to late John D., in Hawsyde, with David Dun„ ning, saddler 28 June 1 587 Durhame, Alexander, son to Mr. Alexander D., of Cuthlie, with 2 Jan. 1639 William Mitchelson, merchant Durie, David, son to David D., of Garpell, with Alexander Durie, tailor 7 Feb. 1610 Hew, son to David D., of Garpell, with James Glen, litster 27 Apr. 1608 „ John, eldest son to John D., with James Campbell, merchant 2 Aug. 1625 ,, Robert, son to David D., of Garpell, with Thomas Wilson, litster „ 15 Feb. 161 Dykes, Andrew, son to Andrew D., burgess of Edinburgh, with 8 Apr. 1590 Andrew Lyle, merchant James, son to late John D., in Evendale, with John Cuthbertson, baxter „ 26 Nov. 1594 Dynmuir, Robert, son to late Robert D., mason, with John Biccat, yr., bonnetmaker 23 Mar. 1636

Eastoun or Eistoun, James, son to late Mr. James E., writer, with James Aikman, tailor „ John-, son to late John E., sometime in Slamannan Muir, with Henry Eastoun, candlemakcr John, son to James E., in Corstounheid, with John Eistoun, „ candlemaker ^ Thomas, son to late Gilbert E., in Nether Gogar, with „ John Eistoun, candlemaker


June 161

30 June 1587 11

Feb. 1607

29 July 1601 29 Nov. 161 „ Thomas, son to Thomas Paterson, mason Eccles, Fergus, son to John E., in Lykdennase, with John Inglis, skinner 5 June 1616 Edgar, Alexander, son to James E., in Little Hallybruntoun, with Robert Logan, baxter 27 Apr. 161 Alexander, son to John E., of Wadderlie, with Samuel 8 June 1664 Cheislie, chirurgian David, son to Robert E., in Dumfries, with Edward Edgar, merchant 6 Mar. Edward, son to late John E., in Cliftounhill, with Edward

Edgar, merchant James, son to James E., in Halyburton, with Patrick Douglas, baxter John, son to John E., burgess of Wigton, with Thomas Nicoll,

merchant with


John, son to John E., in the parish of Stow, with Sandilands, baxter deleted


John, son natural to William Edgar,


Allan, furrior


Edinbm'gh Register of Apprentices.


with Patrick Barthilmo, tailor 16 July 1634 Thomas, son to Thomas E., in Halywell, with David Edgar, smith „ 15 Oct. 1594 Thomas, son to William E., servitor to the Earl of Tweed,, dale, with George Dalziel, tailor 23 Jan. 1650 William, son to John E., in Kirkandbreich, with John „ Murdow, tailor 13 Feb. 1592-3 Edingtoun, Archibald, son to late Gilbert E., with William 26 Nov. 1606 Adair, cordiner 25 Jan. 1626 David, son to late William E., with John Binnie, merchant „ merchant, of Edinburgh, David E., bm-gess son to James, „ 8 Feb. 1643 with Robert Bryson, weaver Edislaw, Alexander, son to late William E., walker, beside 18 Sept. 1599 Cockpen, with Thomas Hill, walker Edislie, James, son to late Patrick E., at the walkmylne of Cockpen, with William Moyses 13 May 1612 Edmistoun, Alexander, son to John E., indweller in Newbottle, 24 Mar. 1658 with Thomas Allan, merchant Andrew, son to late James E., burgess of Lauder, with „ 6 Mar. 1644 George Jollie, merchant John, son to late John E., in Currie, with John Smith, merchant „ 3 Sept. 1662 John, son to late Andrew E., of Ednem, with John Lyon, merchant „ 19 Aug. 1663 Patrick, son to John E., in Newbottle, with Thomas Garven, merchant „ 20 Mar. 1 66 1 Edmound, John, son to late Edward E., indweller in Stirling, 22 Jan. 1640 with James Monteith, peuderer Eithingtoun, James, son to David E., merchant, burgess of 10 June 1646 Edinburgh, with John Bryce, weaver Eizat, Alexander, son to Robert E., in Cairlden, with Alexander Skirving, plumber 4 Aug. 1658 Elder, James, son to Hew E., of Carnehach-mylne, with Andrew 10 Nov. 1630 Hepburn, skinner deleted 13 Apr. 1631 Patrick, son to late William E., in the Stayne of Benholm, „ with John Clogy, cordiner 19 June 1584 26 Oct. 1591 William, with John E., tailor, his brother „ William, son to late Alexander E., at the Staine of Ben,, holm, with John Elder, tailor 23 Aug. 1615 Elies, James, natural son to Patrick E., merchant, bailie of Leith, with his father 29 Nov. 1620 Samuel, with Andrew E., merchant, his father 23 Dec. 1584 „ 18 Nov. 1618 Samuel, son to John E., with John Lindsay, goldsmith „ Elliot, Cornelius, son to Mr. Robert E., minister at Lynton, with 28 Nov. 1649 Walter Gladstaines, tailor David, son to Mr. Andrew E., minister at Inverkeilour, „ with George Suttie, yr., merchant 23 Dec. 1646 Gilbert, son to Robert E., of Falnesche, with John NicoU, merchant „ 20 Dec. 1637 James, son to late James E., maltman, burgess of Edin„ 6 Oct. 161 burgh, with Bartelmo Fleming, merchant John, son to Robert E., of Fawneis, with George Leslie, „ merchant 13 July 1636 deleted 14 Mar. 1638 Robert, son to Robert E., of Falnesche, with Archibald „ 22 July 1646 Graham, merchant 11 July 1592 Elphingstoune, Alexander, with David Cass, locksmith Nicoll E., sometime in Quhytsyde, Charles, son to late „ 11 July 1649 with William Fleming, skinner

Edgar, Tatrick, son



E., of Caithick,




of Apprentices.

[1585- 1666.

26 Oct. 1602 Elphtngstoune, David, with Daniel Johnstone, cordiner James, son natural to late James E., of Selmes, with James ,, 10 Dec. 1634 Duncan, cordiner „ John, son to John E., of Schank, with John Skaithmure, chirurgian 15 July 161S „ John, son to Thomas E., tasker, indweller in Edinburgh, 8 Dec. 1630 with Alexander Mitchelson, baxter John, son to late Michael E., of Quarrell, with Thomas „ Gilmour, merchant 9 Dec. ]646 Emok, Thomas, son to Robert E., in Glasgow, with William 21 May 1594 Denny, baxter 6 July 1602 Erskine, George, with Patrick Purves, baxter with late Adam Balgouny, and heir to E., of son James, „ Robert Erskine, tailor 3 May 1597 Patrick, son to Andrew E., in Allaway, with William „ Feb. 1657 1 Paterson, bookbinder Robert, son to late William E., stabler, with James Simpson, cordiner „ 24 Nov. 1624 Robert, son to John E., in the par. of Clackmannan, with „ 27 May 1657 Robert Erskine, elder, tyllour Thomas, son to Ralph E., in Scheilfield, with David „ Broune, wright 29 Nov. 161 5 Evett, Robert, son to William E., mason, with Alexander Watt, mason 1


Ewen, Alexander, son









Finevey, with

12 June 1590 Archibald Hadden, writer James, son to Alexander E., factor at Campheir, with „ William Bea, merchant 4 July 16 10 Ewing, Andrew, son to late John E., in Queensferry, with 22 June 161 Robert Dalgleish, flesher John, son to David E., in Powhouse, with John Hutcheson, hatmaker ,, 28 Nov. 1655 Robert, son to late John E., in Piltonfleit, with John „ 18 June 1656 Ewing, merchant Eysoun, James, son to John E. (servitor), to my Lord of Mar, July 1600 with James Stevenson, barber i

Fairbairne, James, son to James F., of Wester Gordoun, in the Merse, with Alexander Reid, deacon of the gold-

smiths (who deceased)

29 Sept. transferred to John Davidson 9 Jan. William Bea, wheelwright with in Gorgie, F., Thomas, son to James „ 28 Jan. Fairer, John, son to Walter F., in Bonytoun, with Thomas Weir, pewderer 5 Oct. Fairfull, John, son to John F., indweller in Edinburgh, with 14 Nov. William Bisset, chirurgiane Fairholm, James, son to late Thomas F., maltman at the West 19 Sept. Port, with George Fairholm, tanner John, son to Thomas F., gardener in Edinburgh, with „ 15 June John Harper, cordiner Robert, son to George F., tailor, in Aberladie, with James „ 8 Nov. Hutchison, weaver in Paul's work Umphra, son to late George F., merchant, with John Tarbett, tailor 18 July Fairie, John, son to Robert F., in Auldtown, with Robert Eliot, wright I July Fairlie, George, son to John F., in Commistoun, with William 29 Nov. Bennet, tailor George, son to late Nicoll F., indweller in Prestoun, with „ 6 Jan. James Ross, skinner

1630 1633 1657 1608

1649 1649 1642 1665

1627 1663 1609




Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


George, son to Nicoll F., in Prestonpans, with James Wilson, skinner 28 Sept. 1636 John, son to John F., of Cohnistoun, with William Gastoun, yr., cordiner 12 Jan. 1587-8 John, son to late David F., burgess of Selkirk, with James Fergusson, bower 12 Feb. 1593-4 John, son to Mr. William F., wright in Edinburgh, with Andrew Anderson, printer 16 Nov. 1664 Robert, son to late John F., merchant, with consent of the Laird of Braid, his father's brother, with George Heriot, goldsmith [3 Apr. 1586 Robert, second son to Sir Robert F., of Braid, Knight, with Thomas Lindsay, merchant 28 Nov. 1627 Robert, son to William F., indweller in the Potterrow, with Peter Adamson, wright 22 Mar. 1643 Thomas, son to late Thomas F., wobster, burgess of Edinburgh, with William Sclaitter, wobster 9 Sept. 1635 Walter, son to late James F., with Robert Danielstoun, tailor 24 June 1586 William, son to late James F., wobster, with Laurence




„ „




Henderson, merchant son to late John


18 Sept. 1622 F.,





Nicolson, cordiner 25 Dec. Falaw, James, son to late James F., burgess of Kelso, with Wattie Twedy, skinner 14 Dec. Falconer, Alexander, son to Hew F., of Innerlochtie, with Alexander Muir, skinner 30 June Alexander, son to William F., outwith the West Port of „ Edinburgh, with Andrew Wilson, bookseller 29 Mar. Archibald, son to John F., of Tulloch, with Robert „ Mitchell, merchant 30 Aug. John, son to John F., of Tulloch, with David Mitchell, merchant „


1586 1624

1643 1665

16 Dec. 1663

John, son to Alexander F., indweller in Penicuik, with John Stevenson, walker William, son to late George F., in Bonytoun in the Mearns, ,, with George Smyth, pantoun-heelmaker Falhope, James, son to John F., in Kinkowell, with John „

Rentoun, candlemaker Falkland, John, son to


F., in





7 Jan. 1594-5

Marnetmylne, with John

Wright, wobster Farquhar, Alexander, son to John F., in Craigivar, with William Bartram, merchant John, son to Robert F., of Gilmiscroft, with William „

Hamilton Farquharson, David, son to Robert F., sometime in Browdoun, with William Eliot, cordiner John, son to Angus F., in Thurso in Caithness, with ,, Alexander Broun, elder, merchant Fender, Edward, son to late William F., dagmaker in the Canongate, with Robert Danielson, goldsmith George, son to John F., mason- in Seytoun, with James „


4 24


William, son to John F., burgess of Edinburgh, with John Cleland, cordiner Fenton, Robert, son to late John F., merchant, burgess of Selkirk, with John Thomas, merchant William, son to James F., at the West Mylnc of Frue, „ with James Fenton, tailor William, son to late James F., maltman in Haddington, „ with Gavin Drysdale, baxter

27 Feb. 1622

6 Apr. 1659 10 July 1616 10 Dec. 1656 18 8



Apr. 1600

22 Feb. 1609



Jan. 1606

Feb. 1654

26 Nov. 1639 26 Dec. 1649

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.



Fergushill, Robert, son to Mr.

John F., minister at Ayr, with Patrick Hepburn, apothecary to late Mr. John F., minister at Ayr, with

23 Feb. 1642

Abraham Thomson, merchant (who deceased)


WilHam, son

transferred to Alexander Johnstone

Mar. 1645

7 Oct.



Alexander, son to late Alexander F., in Cuiken, with John Abernethie, peuderer 29 Jan. David, son to Mr. John F., minister at Ochiltree, with „ David Gray, merchant 7 Sept. John, son natural to John F., tailor, with his father 9 Sept. John, son to James F., gardener at the Lochend of Restalrig, with Thomas Harper, cordiner 18 Mar. John, son to late David F., merchant in Ayr, with John Paton, merchant 23 Dec. Thomas, son to late Alexander F., in Cooking, with Alexander Ferguson, pewtherer 11 Feb. William, son to James F., indweller at the Lochend of Restalrig, with James Rodger, merchant 21 July Ferrier, William, son to late John F., mason in the Queensferry, with John Fairlie, wobster 31 Jan. Fiddes, John, son to late Thomas F., in Thane, with George Gray, wright 8 July Nathaniel, son to late Thomas F., in the Muirland, with „ 12 June John Henderson, baxter William, son to James F., in Torrie, with Alexander Steill, tailor 9 Feb. „ Fimmertoun, William, ordiner town-officer of Edinburgh, with 21 Dec. John Deans, tailor Finlay, Alexander, son to late James F., of Inchervy, with 20 July James Stevenson, merchant Allan, son to John F., in the Brigs, with Patrick Thomson, couper „ 12

Andrew, son to John F., burgess of Kirkintilloch, with Patrick Conquergood, wright Arthur, son to John F., merchant, burgess of Glasgow, with William Hutchison, skinner James, with Thomas Forrest, baxter „ Robert, son to late Andrew F., of Newtoun, with James „ Stewart, merchant Finlayson, Alexander, son to Thomas F., indweller in the Water of Leith, with John Muitter, smith Andrew, son to Mathew F., in Currie, with John Ormis,, toun, scheirsmith Archibald, son to Henry F., merchant, with Edward „ Galbraith, skinner Harry, brother-german to Mr. John F., of Killeith, with „


1636 1618 1646 1663 1657 164 1

1610 1595

1590 1648 1659 1631

Nov. 1606

29 Nov. 1654

„ „

Thomas Cra\vford, goldsmith John, younger son to John F., in Rommano, with Mychaell Finlaw, merchant John, son to Barnard F., in Bancreifif, with James Edmistoun, tailor

„ „ „ „ „ ,

8 Oct. 1628 22 Feb. 1603


Aug. 1632

22 Sept. 1635 24 Oct. 1610 3

Dec. 1589

28 Nov. 1621 8







John, son natural to Mr. John F., of Kylleith, with Alexander Reid, goldsmith 19 June 1622 Martyn, son to Thomas F., miller in the Water of Leith, with Walter Matheson, baxter 15 May 1633 Patrick, son to late William F., in EUercastle, with marikin-maker Finlayson, Patrick 13 Dec. 1597 Robert, son to Robert F., flesher, with James Lambe, tailor 24 Mar. 1629 Thomas, son to John F., in Rynchmouth, with Patrick 16 May 1598 Cochrane, merchant Thomas, son to Thomas F., in Monross, with Nicoll Henri16 Mar. 1603 son, flesher



Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

Finnic, John, son to Robert F., in the Gatesyde, with Finnie, tailor


Thomas 14 Dec. 1608

John, son to John F., in Bonaly, with John Fynnie, tailor 5 Mar. „ William, son to John F., in Bonalay, with John Sandilands, tailor ,, 31 July Fische, Andrew, son to James F., in Hamilton, with Thomas 12 Aug. Fische, skinner John, son to Thomas F., baxter, with Andrew Scheill, „ baxter 19 June transferred to Robert Hunter 17 Dec. Thomas, son to late James F., with Andrew Fische, skinner 26 Apr. „ with Thomas Fische, skinner Adam P\, Thomas, son to „ 4 Oct. Fischer, John, son to late Nicoll F., in Dernick, within the Lordship of Melrose, with John Eliot, cordiner 15 Dec. Robert, son to Michaell F., in Dornik, with Thomas „ i Aug. Paterson, tailor Thomas, son natural to Thomas F., merchant, with Thomas „ Bynnie, tailor (who deceased) 15 Oct. transferred to John Fynnie 22 Dec. Thomas, son to James F., in Pittenane, with John Meikle, tailor „


1629 1600 1622 1623 i6og 1609

1590 1610 1623 1624

JO Mar. 1647

„ „

William, with David Weir, skinner William, son to Thomas F., in Pittcnene, with James

William, son to late David

Hardye, candlemaker F., writer,

20 July 1602 10 Dec. 1606


James Henderson,


1 Aug. 1 62 William, son to William P\, portioner of Easter Langlie, with John Anderson, burgess 18 July 1660 Fithie, John, son to late John F., tailor in Newcastle, with John Inglis, cordiner 7 June 1620 Flebairne, Charles, son natural to Michael F., with John Seytoun, tailor 27 Apr. 1602 George, son to late Alexander F., dagmaker at the West ,, Port, with John Millar, dagmaker 19 Nov. 1651 Fleming, Alexander, son to late Gavin F., of Clochranic, with David Hutcheson, skinner 4 Dec. 1605 Andrew, son to late James F., in Overtoun of Straven, with Thomas Fleming, mason 16 June 1630 George, son to Walter F., maltman, burgess of Lithgow, with Patrick Clerk, merchant 3 Jan. 1655 Hew, son to William F., of Ridding, with James Fleming, baxter, his brother 30 Oct. 1616 8 Aug. 1583 James, flesher, made burgess James, son to William F., of Ridding, with Andrew Hamilton, baxter 2 June 1 60 James, son to John F., elder, merchant, burgess of Biggar, with John Keir, elder, merchant 17 Nov. 1624 James, son to William F., indweller in Spittell, par. of Biggar, with Alexander Cockburn, wright 21 Nov. 1649 John, son to William F., in Hallow, in the Merse, with James Lowman, wright 29 Jan. 1593-4 John, son to Walter F., maltman, burgess of Linlithgow, with Malcolm Fleming, merchant 31 July 1644 John, son to John F., metster in Leith, with Robert Goodfellow, baxter 6 Sept. 1654 Malcolm, son to John F., baillie of Biggar, with John Stevenson, merchant 3 May 1620 Robert, son to late David F., turner in Leith, with William Bull, wright 21 June 1648 Thomas, son to John F., in Glasfuird, with Alexander Watt, mason 26 Nov. 1606


Edinburgh Reoister of Apprentices.



F., in Evindhill, with John Fleming, William, son to Cuthbertson, baxter 17 June 1600 William, son to F., in Falkirk, with James Broune, chirurgian John „ 23 Dec. 1635 William, son to late John F., wright in Calder, with John ,, Henrie, wright 16 June 1647 Flesheor, James, son to late James F., merchant, burgess of Dun.



dee, with David Wilkie, merchant 7 Sept. 1653 son to John F., in Merchinstoun, with Ronald Robieson, wobster 24 Oct. 1 610 John, son to late John F., in Brenchmylne, with Henry „ Loch, merchant 18 June 1634 William, son to Thomas F., in Easter Quhytburn, par. of „ Livingstone, with Laurence Russell, merchant 25 Jan. 1643 Fluker, John, son to late Alexander F., in Crawmond, with Thomas Campbell, chirurgian u Dec. 1588 William, son to late Lieut. John F., with Adam Gairdyne, „ tailor (who deceased) 11 Aug. 1647 transferred to Walter Glaidstanes 12 Apr. 1648 Forbes, Andrew, son to Alexander F., burgess of Aberdeen, with 12 Aug. 1586 James Nicoll, merchant Arthur, son to late Alexander F., bishop of Aberdeen, with „ James Guthrie, skinner 14 Dec. 1625 „ George, son to Patrick F., at the Milne of Echt, with William Gray, merchant 21 Dec. 1631 James, son to late Mr. William F., of Craigievar, with „ Patrick Forbes, merchant 18 June 1634 James, son to James F., of Pitdavie, with Hew Hamilton, merchant „ 13 Nov. 1639 John, son to late Alexander F., of Auchenvoull, with ,, Patrick Forbes, merchant 29 July 1618 John, son to late Alexander F., in Aberdeen, with David ,, Heastie, weaver 28 Feb. 1660 Patrick, son to late John F., of Pothlugo, with James Bea, merchant ,, 25 July 1610 Fordyce, Robert, son to James F., in Ronas, in Banffshire, with

Flint, John,

Andrew Caddell, merchant Forfar, William, son to Thomas F., Under the Wall, with Ross, merchant Forman, Robert, son to Thomas

28 June 1665

James 27 Nov. 1584

F., portioner of Innerask, with Michaell Gibson, tailor 9 Aug. Thomas, son to Thomas F., portioner of Innerask, with „ Fairbairn, goldsmith James 15 Aug. William, son to Robert F., in the Stobhill, with John For„ man, blacksmith ig Dec. William, son to James F., in Drew, with James Stirling, cordiner ,, 30 July William, son to William F., in Dunse, with Robert For,, man, blacksmith 25 Feb. Forreis, William, son to John F., in Heuchwood, with James Ray, merchant 22 Apr. Forrest, Alexander, son to George F., tailor in Prestonpans, with Andrew Purves, merchant 23 Oct. David, son to David F., of Gilmersmilne, with David „ Yuill, wright 28 Dec. Gilbert, son to John F., of Parkwall, in Direltoun, with „ John Forrest, cordiner 30 June Harry, son to Robert F., of Bankhead, with William „ Hutcheson, skinner 19 July Harry, son to William F., in Mylnequarter, with Thomas „ Murray, skinner 13 Oct.


1649 1649 1656 1663 1635

1622 1631

1624 1637




Edinbtiroh Recrister of Apprentices.

Forrest, James, son to Robert F., portioner of Cormistoun, with John Forrest, tailor „

James, son to Thomas F., W.S.,\vith Hary Vernor, merchant James, son to Lyone F., portioner of East Nemphlar, with

James, son to

James, son to late



F., in

31 Aug. 1614 18 July 1649

22 Nov. 1654

Carmichaell, skinner



Housemuir, with John Hog,



Thomas F., sometime portioner of Nemphlar, with William Kilpatrick, skinner John, son to late George F., in Blackwood, with William

Reid, couper John, son to Archibald




in Dirletoun, with

Nov. 1656

12 July

William Mayne, bower

13 July Parkwalls, with James Rig, chirurgian John, son to John „ 7 July John, son to Ninian F., harbour, indweller at the West „ 28 Oct. Port, with David Kennedy, chirurgian John, son to John F., wright, indweller in Edinburgh, with „ 17 Feb. John Rodger, glassinwright Patrick, son to David F., of Gymmersmylnes, burgess of „ Haddington, with Laurence Cockburn, chirurgian 30 Dec. Robert, son to Robert F., in Cormestoun, with Michaell „ Bowie, skinner 20 July Thomas, son to George F., in Blackwoodsyde, with Henry „ Tailzepheir, mason 18 Apr. William, son natural to Robert F., cordiner, burgess of „ Edinburgh, with his father 31 May „ William, son to Andrew F., in Dalserfif, with Cuthbert 12 July Paterson, mason Forrester, Alexander, son to late Malcolm F., indweller in Stir20 June ling, with John Glaisfurd, slater Andrew, son to late John F., wobster, burgess of Perth, „ with James Forrester, wobster 4 June Andrew, son natural to Alexander F., of Culdnald, with „ Alexander Hay, bowar 28 Jan. David, son to Alexander F., minister in Tranent, with „ 8 Apr. Mark Ker, merchant son to George F., of Arneviccar, with John ForGeorge, „ rester, baxter 29 June Harry, son natural to Sir James F., of Corstorphme, „ Knight, with Andrew Thomson, tailor 13 July son to late Alane F., burgess of Linlithgow, with James, „ F.,





Mar. 1604

Henry Robertson, wobster James, son to James F., miller at Braids mylne, with John

1624 1646 1647

1618 1614 1592

1609 1643 1627

1634 1652

1584 1591


17 Jan. 1604

Alexander, merchant 19 Jan. James, son to late James F., of Logy, with Hector Purves, merchant 26 July Robert, son to late Alexander F., burgess of Bruntisland, „ with Thomas Broun, cordiner 5 May William, son to William F., indweller in the Potterrow, „ with James Floures, bonnetmaker 23 Mar. Forrowlaw, William, son to late Charles F., in Otterburne, with 6 June James Robieson, cordiner Forsyth, Gavin, son to David F., of Delias, commissary of Glasgow, with James Dalzell, merchant 22 .A.pr. James, son to William F., of Dykes, with Andrew Snaw, merchant „ 6 Feb. William, son to late William F., merchant, indweller in ,, Edinburgh (poor), with James Quhippo, tailor 2 July Fortune, George, son to Adam F., in Kinnerjame, with James 10 Aug. Baptie, baxter E


1637 1652 1642

1649 1612

1633 1623 1592

Edinbiirgh Register of Apprentices.




son to Mungo F., in the Canongate, with 11 Nov. 1595 Mycheall Marshall, skinner Robert, son to late Robert P^, writer, with Patrick Hep12 Dec. 1627 burn, apothecary William, son to Mungo F., merchant, with Michaell Mitchell, skinner „ 13 Oct. 1587 21 Mar. 1604 Fothringhame, John, with Thomas Fothringhame, tailor John, son to John F., in Leith, with Hew Gilmour, armourer „ 25 June 1606 John, son to Thomas F., of Dynutoun, with John Inglis, „ elder, merchant 5 Dec. 1638 Foulden, John, son to late Mathew F., merchant, burgess of Jedburgh, with Thomas Somervell, merchant 14 Mar. 1632 Foulis, James, son to Mr. David F., sometime minister at Oxnam in Teviotdale, with Thomas Fleming, merchant 5 July 1648 Robert, son natural to Sir David F., of Ingilbie, Knight, „ with Daniel Crawfurd, goldsmith 5 Mar. 161 Thomas, son to late John F., merchant with Andrew Ainslie, merchant „ 29 June 1636 William, son to George F., of Ravelstoun, with James „ Currie, merchant 27 Mar. 1661 Foullfoord, James, son to late George F., with William Foullfoord, weaver 9 June 1658 William, son to John F., in Egilsun, with James Softlay, weaver ,, 10 Feb. 1647 Frame, Alexander, son to Michael F., wobster in Lanye, with Archibald Wright, wobster 23 Mar. 1625 Henry, son to late Michael F., in Nether Lany, with „ Thomas Hodge, hatmaker 30 Aug. 1637 Hew, son to John F., in Over Lany, with John Hadden, dagmaker „ 20 Nov. 1 593 James, son to Thomas F., in Edelwood Chapel besyde „ Hamilton, with Patrick Kennedy, locksmith 23 June 1587 James, son to Charles F., in Newbigging, with John „ Jameson, hatmaker 29 Jan. 1600 John, son to late David F., in the Middletoun of Strabrock, „ with Paul Wright, wobster 30 Oct. 1593 John, son to John F., in Overlany, with James Hutsoun, hatmaker „

Fortune, James, „

Nov. 1593


Frank, John, son to John



Peebles, with

Nowie Mason, wright 16

John, son to



of Peebles, with



John Frank,

deacon of the Wrights 3 Jan. 1627 8 Aug. 1638 John, son to Alexander F., with John (Frank), wright indweller in Edinburgh, Hutchison, Alison to son John, „ 21 Aug. 1639 with John Bichatt, yr., bonnetmaker Fraser, Adam, son to Robert F., of Overtoun, with Robert Steel, baxter 26 Feb. 1623 Alexander, son to late Alexander F., of Haltoun, shire of „ Forfar, with James Cranstoun, cordiner 15 Apr. 1635 James, son to John F., indweller in the Potterrow, with „ 26 Nov. 1634 John Bichatt, elder, bonnetmaker John, son to William F., in Kylleith, with Gilbert Kirkwood, goldsmith „ „


Robert, son to late Robert





writer in Edinburgh, with

Steell, tailor

William, son to late William F., indweller in Currie, with John F., goldsmith Frater, Peter, son to late George F., in Langhauch, par. of Melrose, with John Fokhart, merchant


Feb. 1645


Oct. 1642


6 Sept. 1643



Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Freeland, Alexander, son to George F., in AUoway, with George 8 Mar 15S6-7 Thomson, lorimer Joseph, son to George F., in Craigtoun beside StirHng, „ 22 Dec. 1590 with Hector Davidson, armourer Freir, James, son to John F., indweller in Edinburgh, with Thomas Forsyth, cordoner 14 Feb. 1610 French, David, son to late Mr. John Y ., minister at Pennicuik, with Robert Tweedie, saddler 24 Nov. 1630 Robert, son natural to Robert F., in Thorniedykes, with „ Andrew Marshall, cordiner 27 Jan. i6ot William, son to Alexander F., in Frenchland, with William ,, 26 Dec. 1610 Bowie, skinner Fruid, James, son to Alexander F., in Thorntonloch, with George Ker, tailor 31 Mar. 1630 Robert, son to William F., in Morrene, with Thomas Duncan, smith „ 14 Nov. 1621 Fuird, Adam, son to William F., in Cruiklaw, with Alexander Burrell, lorimer 2 June i6ig Gavin, son to late Nicoll F., maltman, with David Cass, locksmith „ 9 July 1589 George, son to late William F., indweller in Dalkeith, with „ Robert Phine, litster 24 Oct. 1665 John, son to late Mr. John F., advocate, with David Paterson, tailor „ 4 Dec. 1588 Thomas, son to late Mr. John F., advocate, with William „ Henryson, tailor 28 Nov. 1589 Thomas, brother-german to Alexander F., of Brankstoune, „ 11 Feb. 1607 with George Gastoune, cordoner William, son to William F., of Cruiklaw, with Patrick „ Paterson, merchant 13 July 1614 Fullertoun, George, son to James F., of that Ilk, with James Gray, merchant 2 Jan. 1656 John, son to late Alexander F., in Law, with William Carnegy, skinner „ 16 July 1617 John, son to John F., in Stokentown beside Kirkciidbright, „ with James Lynton, merchant 7 June 1654 Fulton, James, son to James F., indweller in Stobo, with Alexander Stoddert, merchant 21 Mar. 1627 James, son to James F., in Inchchynnan, with William „ Porteous, mason 4 Jan. 1643 James, son to late John F., indweller in Edinburgh, with „ Ralph Weir, tailor 6 Apr. 1659 John, son to late James F., mason in Craigend, with James ,, Fulton, mason 12 Jan. 1659 Neil, one of the ordinar pure of this burgh, with Richard „ Wilson, skinner 12 Dec. 1598 Futhie, James, son to James F., with George Suttie, merchant 4 Oct. 1615 Fyfe, Gilbert, son to late John F., merchant, burgess of Dundee, with James Currie, merchant 7 Feb. 1655 John, son to late James F., timberman in North Leith, „ with Andrew Wilson, bookseller 13 Jan. 1647 Patrick, son to late John F., baxter, burgess of Dundee, „ with Gilbert Montago, merchant, who deceased 25 Oct. 1643 transferred to Andrew Bryson 12 Aug. 1646 Gairne, Walter, son to late David G., laird of Leyis, with David Mitchell, merchant Gairner, James, son to late John G., merchant, burgess of Linlithgow, with George Sinclair, master wright to His „

Majesty James, son to John G., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, with John Smith, merchant

20 July 1602




29 July 1629

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Gairns, Patrick, son to Alexander G., in Coustoun, with Andrew Ker, skinner Galbraith, George, son to late William G., in Stow, with John Hyrd, baxter George, son to Mr. John G., minister at Bothkennar, with „ „ „ „ ,,

Thomas Leischman, merchant James, son to George G., burgess of Dunbar, with Frederick Kay, merchant John, son to late James G., in Blackburne, with George Glover, seavewright Michaell, son to Mr. John G., minister at Bothkennar, with James Bellenden, apothecary Stevin, son to James G., master of the King's avarie, with George Broun, saddler Thomas, son to late Robert G., merchant with Edward Galbraith, skinner

„ „


30 July 1634 26 July 1603

20 Dec. 1643 23 June 1647 2






3 Dec. 1589 8 Jan.

son to Robert G., of Culcreuch, with Robert Meiklejohn, skinner Galloway, Alexander, son to late Archibald G., in Dundee, with „





Nicoll Henryson, flesher George, son to late James G., servitor to the Earl of Roxburgh, with Andrew Donaldson, tanner James, son to Ronald G., in Tillicoultrie, with Robert

28 Mar. 1610




29 Dec. 1641

Porteous, merchant 7 Mar. 1627 John, son to late John G., in the Kerss of Gowrie, with James Galloway, wright 5 July 1591 John, son to Andrew G., in Menstrie, with John P^rgusson, tailor „ 28 May 1606 John, son to Adam G., in the Water of Leith, with John „ Wyllie, bonnetmaker 31 Oct. 1633 William, son to late John G., in Bargaven, par. of Kilmaro„ nock, with Robert Bell, wright 7 July 1658 William, son to Robert Galloway, in Folliholme, with „ Thomas Thomson, wright 27 Apr. 1664 Garden or Gairden, Andrew, son to George G., indweller in Logie in Angus, with John Kellie, baxter 24 Mar. 1658 David, son to late James G., litster, burgess of Stirling, ,, with John Gairden, elder, merchant 24 July 1644 G., in Dysart, with James Nisbett, merchant George, son to „ 26 Jan. 1602 John, son to Alexander G., of Cranstoun, with Samuel „ 6 Aug. 1634 Guthrie, litster William, son to late Thomas G., of Liggistoun, with „ Alexander Heriot, merchant 25 May 1625 27 Dec. 1597 Gardener, Anthony, with James Gardiner, tailor Francis, son to late John G., flesher, with Patrick Sandi,, 8 May 1588 lands, tailor George, son to Donald G., blacksmith, with Umphra Galbraith, tailor „ 6 Mar. 1583-4 George, son to late Robert G., indweller in Ireland, with „ 24 Oct. 1649 James Bruce, tailor John, son to Mychaell G., in Torphin, with Patrick „ 20 Jan. 1595-6 Gairdner, wobster Robert, son to late John G., slater in Leith, with David „ Henderson, slater 29 June 1591 William, son to late John G., skipper in Leith, with John „ Hepburn, skinner 23 July 1594 Garven, Hew, son to John G., in Monybole, with David Thomson, skinner 15 June 1608 Robert, son to Patrick G., in Irvine, with William Boncle, tailor „ 28 Nov. 1589 „





EdinbiiTgli Register of Apprentices.



Garven, Thomas, son to Mr. Thomas G., minister at CoHnton, with Patrick Dickson, merchant 28 Feb. Gavelok, John, son to late WilHam C, indweller in Wester Diiddingston, with William Sclaitter, weaver 17 July Gavin, Harry, son to late Alexander G., in Peterhead, with Robert Law, wright 18 Sept. Gaw, William, son to Mr. Mathew G., in Culross, with James Stalker, peuderer ig Aug. Gawdye, John, son to Robert G., wright, with Patrick Walker, peuderer 10 Mar. Gaylour, James, with James Liman, wrii^ht 6 June Geddes, Clement, son natural to late William G., with Patrick Bartilmo, tailor 29 June George, brother-german to James G., portioner of Kirkurd, „ with John Courtie, apothecary 23 Aug. Gilbert, brother-german to James G., of Kirkurde, with „ William Crawfurd, tailor 28 Jan. James, son to late William G., indweller in Edinburgh, „ with George Wright, tailor 30 Aug. James, son to William G., stabler, with Alexander Chappell, cordiner „ 27 June 22 Mar. John, with William Gairdyn, baxter John, son to late William G., in Glencorse, with Robert Henrieson, cordiner 24 May John, son to Thomas G., in Glasgow, with James Bell, bookbinder „ 28 July Leonard, son to Leonard G., with William Arnot, skinner 15 Apr. „ son Robert brother Robert, to G., to of Rachan, G., James „ with John Robertson, merchant 14 May William Gellie, William, son to John G., messenger with Blaikie, marikin-maker 23 Dec. Gemmell, Robert, son to late Gabriell G., cordiner, with Mungo Burrell, lorimer 10 Oct. George, Gilbert, son to late Gilbert G., in Stranraer in Galloway, with John George, elder, merchant 5 June John, son to Thomas G., in Ochterleir, with Ninian Mure, merchant „ „


1644 1633

1600 1619 1610 1631

1626 1624 1654 1632 1603


1648 1658 1607 1662 1635 1621


25 F^eb. 1618

Thomas, son

to Michaell G., chamberlain to the laird of Pitmedin, with David Lindsay, merchant 9 Aug. Gib, David, son to late John G., baxter, indweller in M'Neills Craigs, with John Watson, baxter 30 Nov. James, son to late John G., in Abbotsdeuchly, Perthshire, „ with David Gib, merchant 24 Dec. Robert, son to Alexander G., in Bannatyne mylne, with „ Patrick Sandilands, tailor 9 Nov. Thomas, son to Patrick G., indweller in Edinburgh, with ,, 28 Jan. James Mader, baxter William, son to John G., of Lambhill, with John Lillie, stationer „ ,,






Adam, son fries

1659 1656

June 1656

to late John G., merchant, burgess of Dumwith Walter Finlayson, merchant 6 Aug. son to late Andrew G., cordiner, burgess of Linlithgow, with John Sawers, painter 4 Feb. Andrew, son to late Mr. Robert G., minister at Queensferry, with Archibald Weir, litster 13 Oct. Cuthbert, son to John G., in Dumfries, with Walter Gibson, tailor 14 Aug. Edward, son to Thomas G., flesher, with John Carmichaell, merchant

Gibson, ,,





1629 1652


10 Mar. 16:9 ,,

Francis, son to late John G., portioner of the West Burn of Pittienoone, with Patrick Aitken, cordiner

6 Jan. 1647




of Apprentices.



Gibson, John, son to John G., merchant, burgess of Kirkcudbright, with Thomas Speir, merchant 29 Oct. 1628 John, son to James G., in Ligertwood, with Andrew Thin, htster „ 15 June 1659 Patrick, son to John G., with Thomas Boswell, merchant 19 Nov. 1651 „ Robert, son to Wilham G., in Symountoun, with James „ Makcalay, goldsmith 16 May 1610 Robert, son to Thomas G., flesher, with James Pillonis, ,, 11 June 1623 cordoner (who deceased) transferred to Thomas Crawfurd 6 Dec. 1626 Robert, son to late James G., indweller in Symontoun, with „

David Cockburn,

19 Nov. 165


Robert, son to late Mr. George G., of


Lamb, merchant Thomas, son to Mathew

Thomas, son


with John 18




Dec. 1661

Boghall, with

William Reid, couper to late James G., of Ligertwood, with Cairter, chirurgian

9 Dec. 1607


William, son to William G., mason, indweller in Gilmertoun, with James Ker, skinner William, son to Thomas G., in Alloway, with Alexander „ Bizat, wright William, son to Peter G., in Crawfurdmuir, with Thomas „ Haliday, coppersmith Gifford, James, son to Thomas G., in Dalkeith, with James

7 Sept.




William, son to late Patrick G., in the Sherifhall, with George Wilson, tailor Gilcarsoun, John, son to late Lyon G., in the par. of Shotts, with William Reid, couper Gilchrist, John, son to late Gawin G., smith, with John Thomson, locksmith John, son to late Robert G., at Kirkmahoe in Nithsdale, with James Gilchrist, merchant John, brother to David G., indweller in Edinburgh, with Andrew Done, skinner Thomas, son to David G., in Inglistoun, with James

23 Dec. 1640 18



6 Apr. 1653

29 Aug. 1658

merchant Alexander



Aug. 1608


Dec. 1595

28 July 1587




26 July 1648 i

June 1664

G., calsaymaker, with William William, son to 21 June Quhyte, ranterer William, son to John G., indweller in Edinburgh, with John Mowat, tailor (who became void of employment) 17 Jan. transferred to Robert Burn 25 Mar. William, son to David G., servitor to the Laird of Inglis22 Apr. toun, with Robert Miller, weaver Gilfillane, Alexander or AUaster, son to John G., weaver in 10 June Lennox, with John Wihiamson, weaver Gilgour, Michaell, son to Michaell G., in Auchterdirane, with 17 Dec. James Arbuckles, skinner Gillespie, James, son to William G., of Skeathmure, with John Campbell, vintner 27 May John, son to William G., of Stirling, with Robert Muir„ head, merchant 25 Nov. John, son to late William G., at the West Port, with „ Robert Young, wobster 2 Aug. Robert, son to William G., in Skeathmure besyde Falkirk, „ with John Campbell, tanner 9 May William, son to late William G., maltman, burgess of „ Stirling, with William Downye, hatmaker 22 Mar. Gillies, Alexander, son to Adam G., in Glenholni, with Thomas Weir, peuderer 25 Sept.


1655 1657


1646 1643 1663 1607



1620 1644


583- 1 666.]

Edinburo-Ji Re^^ister of Apprentices.


James, son to John G., of Wallhouse, with John Meyne, merchant 15 June 1642 Gilmour, Charles, son to John G., W.S., with John Trotter, elder, merchant 26 Jan. 1631 „ George, son to late John G., W.S., with Robert Trotter, merchant Gillon,


John, son to William G., fermorer Joyllie,

in Belfrie,



with William



July 1657

Robert, son to late Mr. Robert G., minister at Calder, with Alexander Inglis, litster 29 June Robert, son to John G., indweller in Edinburgh, with „ Alexander Thomson, skinner 10 Dec. Girdwood, John, son to late George G., with William Castellaw, apothecary 29 Nov. Mungo, son to John G., in Kerswell, par. of Carnwath, ,, with James Sym, merchant 12 Feb. Thomas, son to the late John G., in Lumpettis, par of „ Carnwath, with Ralph Weir, tailor 20 June Gladstanes, Adam, son to late John G., Ormond Pursuivant, 11 Sept. with John Cunningham, goldsmith „ George, son to late John G., Ormond Pursuivant, with 24 Apr. James Somervell, peuderer Robert, son to James G., burgess of Jedburgh, with James ,, i Tarbet, merchant June William, son to Mr. Halbert G., minister at Traquair, ,, with Andrew Borthwick, peuderer 5 Dec. Glasgow, Archibald, son to William G., mealmaker in Leith, with Thomas Park, cordiner 23 Oct. „ James, son to Robert G., servitor to William Crichtoun, in Wester Duddingston, with William Sclaitter, weaver „

Glass, William, son to late George G., servitor to the Earl of Mar, with Adam Morison, candlemaker Glassfuird, John, son to late John G., miller at Dairy mylnes, with Walter Murriall, slater John, son to James G., writer, burgess of Cupar in Fife, „


1656 1626 1617 1655

1599 1599 1653 1632



June 1641


Mar. 1662

28 Apr. 1613

with John Cowper, merchant 18 Dec. John, son to late John G., minister at Kilwinning, with 6 July James Stevenson, merchant Glen, David, son to late Thomas G., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, with John Cunningham, tailor 29 Nov. John, son to Mr. Robert G., of Inchekedder, with John „ Baxter, tailor 18 June „ John, third son to James G., maltman, with Robert Glen, merchant 9 Aug. Mathew, son to James G., in Torphichen, with William „ Adam, marikin-maker 13 July Robert, son to James G., maltman, burgess of Edinburgh, „ with Robert Keith, merchant 22 Jan. Robert, son to late Archibald G., merchant, with Robert „





William, son to Alexander G., in Tulliburun, with Jan)es Glen, tailor William, son to Mr. Robert G., of Inschkirie, with William ,, Melros, wright Giendinning, John, son to Ninian G., in Colsnaughtane, with William Brand, wright John, son to Walter G., at the Milne of Innermay, with „ John Glendinning, wright William, son to William G., of Logan, with John Mac„

1642 1648 1606 1625

1614 1617

17 Oct. 1632



4 Nov. 1607 25 July 16 10 14 Apr. 1647

6 Nov. 1661 31 Jan. 1633

Ediiiburgk Register of Appreniices.




Thomas, son to James C, notar in Maybole, with lo Jan. 1655 Thomas Brand, cordiner Leonard, son to Thomas G., in the Canongate, with 26 Jan. 590-1 James Donaldson, wobster Goddie, John, son to George G., in Dalkeith, with Thomas Portewes, locksmith 7 May 1623 Godskirk, James, son to late George G., weaver in Corsanet, 27 Sept. 1643 par. of Calder, with William Hill, weaver Robert, son to late James G., indweller in Lennox, par. of 8 Feb. 1660 Calder, with John Bryson, weaver Goldman, James, son to William G., in Dundee, with Thomas 11 Dec. 1611 Adinstoun, merchant Goodfellow, Andrew, son to late Patrick G., in East Fortune, 20 June 1610 with Robert Hunter, baxter Gordon, Alexander, son to Alexander G., of Erlestoun, with 21 Aug. 1639 Henry Nisbet, merchant Alexander, brother-german to late John G., of Cordnis, 14 Aug. 1661 with Robert Hamilton, merchant Andrew, son to William G., of Kirkconnel, with George 15 Sept. 1641 Reid, merchant Charles, brother to Sir John G., of Haddo, with George 6 July 1659 Reid, merchant, bailie James, son to late John G., wobster, with Abraham Ramsay, wobster 4 Fel^. 1607 James, son to James G., in Linlithgow, with James 25 Aug. 1613 Forrester, wobster James, son to John G., Elestoune, with William Mitchell, merchant 14 Mar. 1632 James, son to late James G., in the Enzile, with Patrick 2 May 1632 Forbes, merchant James, son to David G., imbroutherer, with Gavin William19 Sept. 1660 son, bookbinder John, son to late John G., sometime in Straherne, with 19 Aug. 1600 John Donaldson, wobster John, brother to Harry G., of Kilsture, with David Weir, skinner 7 Aug. 1605 John, son to late Clement G., in the Water of Leith, with 21 Robert Glen, merchant Jan. 1635 John, son to William G., of Kirkconnell, with Alexander Glover,






8 Sept. 1641

John, son to William G., burgess in Dornoch, with James 23 Sept. 1657 Sutherland, merchant John, son to John G., of Boighall, with David Strauchan, merchant 4 Mar. 1663 Patrick, son to Alexander G., of Oxhill, with James Glen, litster 12 Jan. 161

Thomas Lennox,

skinner Nov. 1657 William, son to late James G., in Stichills, with Charles 10 Dec. 1662 Wilson, painter Goudie, Robert, son to late Robert G., wright, with Samuel Guthrie, litster 27 Mar. 1622 Gourlay, Alexander, son to late Alexander G., in Dalkeith, with 19 July 1637 James Dischingtoun, panton-heelmaker David, son to late George G., in Jedburgh, with William „ 12 Oct. 1614 Crawfurd, tailor Henry, son to Robert G., in Pilmure, with William Symp„ 27 Sept. 1643 son, merchant sou to Thomas G., in Kincraig, with William Rig, merchant John, „ 27 May 1607 John, son to late John G., with Archibald Cleghorn, cordoner 21 Aug. 161 „

Rodger, son to James

G., of Kirkbryde, with





Edinburgh Register of


Gourlay, John, son to Sir Thomas G., of Kincraig, Knight, with Patrick Hepburn, apothecary Nicoll, son to late Archibald G., maltman at the West Port, „ with Alexander Cochrane, wobster Thomas, son to late Thomas G., skipper in Leith, with ,, George Broun, merchant Govan, Alexander, son to Mathew G., in Dundas, with William


20 Dec. 1654 17 Feb. 1630


Mar. 1639

Hepburn, marikin-maker 7 Apr. 1619 David, son to David G., burgess of Couper, with Henry Cheap, merchant 4 Oct. 1665 John, son to late Nicoll G., with John Weir, hatmaker 23 Oct. 1605 „ William G., burgess of Peebles, with John John, son to late „ Smyth, yr., merchant 21 Aug. 1644 Thomas, son to John G., of Cardrona, with Andrew Scott, chirurgian „ 8 Mar. 1620 William, son to late G., in Edingtoun, with „ Alexander Don, merchant 30 July 1589 William, son to Patrick G., burgess of Peebles, with Robert „ Kennedy, locksmith 31 Dec. 1629 Gow, William, son to late John G., in Dysart, with James Nicoll, merchant 26 May 1641 Gowanlock, James, son to Richard G., with Stephen Simpson, candlemaker 13 July 1614 Graden, William, son to late Jaspert G., in Grinslaw, in the Merse, with William Bikkertoun, mason 15 June 1591 Graham, Alexander, son to Cuthbert G., in Pithcatt, with Robert Lethen, candlemaker 5 Aug. 1610 Mr. Archibald, son to William G., of Boquhopplell, with ,, James Ahannay, apothecary 26 Jan. 1648 David, son to Walter G., of Netherbie, with James Tweedy, skinner „ 27 Nov. 1616 David, son to late John G., in Kirkwall, with William „ Sandilands, merchant 5 May 1652 David, son to Sir Robert G., of Morphie, with George „ Suttie, merchant 28 Feb. 1666 Henry, son natural to John G., of Keith-merscheill, with „ John Fullerton, skinner 22 July 1629 James, son to Robert G., in Slipperfield, with Alexander „ Mauchan, merchant 30 Nov. 1608 James, son to James G., couper, servitor to William Dick, „ of Braid, with William Craick, couper 18 July 1638 James, son to George, Bishop of Orkney, with David „ Graham, merchant 15 Aug. 1638 James, son to Mr. Thomas G., in Dunsyre, with James „ Haliburtoun, cordiner 31 May 1648 James, son to late Mr. James G., of Monzie, with George „ Blair, merchant 21 Mar. 1655 James, son to Mr. George G., minister of Stronsay, in „ Orkney, with Robert Graham, merchant u May 1664 John, son to John G., elder, in Hallamley, in the Forest „ of Ettrick, with William Cranstoun, saddler 21 June 1587 John, son to John G., in the Canongate, with John Walker, tailor „ 13 Dec. 1597 John, brother-german to James G., merchant, with James „ Eileis, merchant (who deceased) i Apr. 1618 transferred to John Smyth, yr. 22 Dec. 1624 John, son to Nicoll G., merchant, burgess of Lanark, with „ James Ker, skinner 15 ;\iay 1644 John, son to James G., of Westhall, with Thomas Somervell, furrior „ 7 Apr. 1647 John, son to late James G., in Slammanan Muir, with James „ Broun, hatmaker 30 June 1647 „





Edinburgh Register of





Graham, John, son

to late Ninian G., in Meiklegowan, with Thomas M'Adam, skinner John, son to John G., sometime of Bafreschhe, with James Monteath, peuderer Laurence, son to Laurence G., in Abruthven, with James

„ -


„ t'i-

Graham, merchant Laurence, son to John G., Graham, skinner


„ '



Poukschawes, with Walter 29 June 1642 10 Nov. 1647


Mungo, son

„ ,,

Patrick, son to James G., workman to the skinners, with John Courtie, skinner Patrick, son to late John G., in Kirkwall, with Robert


George, Bishop of Orkney, with David

Murray, merchant


Thomson, bookbinder son


25 July 1649

27 June 1621

transferred to Patrick to

28 Feb. 1648




of Ordhouse, with


Robert, son to Paul G., cook in Cranstoune, with




Graham, skinner „

June 1634

23 Sept. 161

June 1602


Anderson, slater

30 July 1628 Hololye, with James Grahanie, merchant 20 Mar. 1633 Robert, son to late James G., couper, indweller in Edin„ burgh, with William Craik, couper 9 Oct. 1644 Robert, son to Robert G., of Cairnie, with Alexander John„ 28 Jan. 1657 stone, merchant Symon, son to late John G., merchant, with William Cokie, goldsmith „ 25 Feb. 1589-90 Thomas, son to John G., in Holamlie, with Mungo Henry„ 28 June 1588 son, cordiner Thomas, son to late James G., couper, indweller in Edin„ burgh, with William Weir, litster 18 Jan. 1643 21 May 1645 deleted Thomas, son to William G., of Bochquhappell, with David „ Abercromby, merchant 9 Sept. 1646 ^^ Thomas, son to William G., of Bowtoun, with Harry Graham, skinner 21 July 1647 ,^ . Walter, son to John G., skinner in Lochdam, with Adam Clerk, skinner 10 Mar. 1658 William, son to Archibald G., in Nether Urde, with James „ Graham, skinner 5 June 599 „ William, with Patrick G., skinner, burgess of Edinburgh, his brother-german Dec. 1619 29 William, son to late Provost of Dumfries, with James „ Graham, merchant 4 Jan. 1665 Grant, John, son to late Finlay G., in Muckcroft in Strathspey, with Robert Ker, elder, tailor 8 June 1631 John, son to James G., indweller in Calsaend, par. of „ Saline, with Gavin Drysdale, baxter 6 July 1659 Gray, Alexander, son to George G., in Tillicultrie, with Adam Makmyrrie, tailor 5 Mar. 1588-9 Alexander, son to John G., in Mylnebowie, with William „ '.;;::

Robert, son to William G.,




„ „ „ ,, >r

„ V


Sclaiter, wobster Alexander, son to George G., miller in the Canonmills, with John Bighohne, cordiner Alexander, son to late John G., in Coldstream, with Alexander Abercrombie, tailor Andrew, son to David G., indweller in Kintocher, with John Dunbar, skinner Andrew, son to late John G., indweller in Coldstream, with Adam Brunton, candlemaker Andrew, son to late John G., indweller in par. of Robertoun, with Andrew Broun, locksmith .


Aug. 1631

22 Sept. 1652

28 Feb. 1655 9 June 1647 9 July 1656 11

Dec. 1661


5^3- 1 666.]

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Andrew G., of Shaves, with James Riddell, merchant 1 8 Jan. 1665 Archibald, son to Robert G., in Leitsheid, with George Cowan, tailor 24 July 1605 Arthur, son to late Alexander G., indweller in the Stand the Leane in Northumberland, with Stephen Mitchell,

Gray, Andrew, son to „ „


12 Jan. 1659

David, son to

Patrick G., in Wanton-wallis, with John Fiddes, hatmaker Edward, son to late James G., in Poketsleive, with John

Cowstoun, tailor George, son to John G.,

„ „

31 Aug. 1653

23 Nov. 1608 James Baxter, wright 28 June 1587 Gilbert, son to Andrew G., of Lour, with William Rig, merchant 25 July 598 James, son to John G., in Tillietalkye, with John Watson, skinner in Tilliecoultry,



30 Sept. „

James, son to

Young, „ „ ,,

„ „ ,,



G., in Leyithisheid, with

„ „

James, son to late James G., in the Water of Leith, with Robert Lawthiane, bonnetmaker James, son to James G., indweller in Kirkliston, with Ninian Millar, baxter John, with Patrick G., flesher, his brother John, son to late David G., merchant, burgess of

5 Apr. 1638 24 Mar. 1601

with David Lawson, merchant John, son to Thomas G., indweller in Carnwath, with John Moubray, skinner John, son to Robert G., blacksmith, with James Mowbray, sheirsmith John, son to David G., in Murdochstoun, with John Ruther-

son to Archibald G.,




Apr. 161 July 1627

12 Jan. 1648 13 Dec. 1620 15

June 1642


June 1590

Nether Linktoun, with

Thomas Broun, bonnetmaker „ „

4 July 1610 i

16 Sept. 1646

John, son to late Thomas G., maltman, burgess of Glasgow, with William Blackwood, merchant Richard, son to late David G., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, with John Davidson, tailor Richard, son to late Thomas G., in Haddington, with John Robert,

9 Mar. 1636


Young, candlemaker „

Robert, with James Hamilton, merchant Robert, son to James G., in Strafrank, with William Wallace, master mason to His Majesty Robert, son to late John G., fermorar in Langniddrie, with David Hunter, baxter Thomas, son to late James G., mason in Strafrank, with

10 Aug. 1596 31 7



Nov. 1660

John Watt, mason 30 Nov. William, son to Umphra G., merchant, with James Wood, tailor i Aug. William, son to Thomas G., in Halchestairs, with Alexander Sibbald, peuderer 10 Nov. William, son to Alexander G., in Peterhead, with William „ Gray, merchant 9 May William, son to Alexander G., slater in Pleasants, with „ James Wilson, slater 24 Feb. William, son to late John G., post in Edinburgh, with „ George Boswell, weaver 8 Nov. William, son to late Mr. Thomas G., sometime provost of „ Aberdeen, with George Suttie, yr., merchant 6 Apr. Greenhorn, Robert, son to James G., servitor to Sir James Halket of Pitfirrane, with John Ferguson, cordiner 9 Mar. Greenlaw, Archibald, son to William G., portioner of Reidheuches, with James Greenlaw, tailor 19 July „ „


9 Sept. 1635

fuird, tailor





1610 1619 1627 1641

1648 1659 1664 1609


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

Greenlaw, Thomas, son to William G., indvveller in Leith, with Thomas Broun, yr., locksmith „ William, son to late William G., in Leith, with Steven Robertson, bonnetmaker William, son to John G., smith in Niddrie Merschell, with „

John Ker, bonnetmaker Greenscheills, Alexander, son to late John G., cordoner, indvveller in Edinburgh, with William Sclaiter, wobster David, son to late John G., in Uggiscastle, with Peter „ Somervell, skinner John, son to late David G., in Niddrie Marchall, with „ Matthew Callander, cordiner Greig, Edward, son to late George G., in Duddingston, with

William „

Hill, yr.,

alias Spottiswood, John,




12 Oct. 1642 15

June 1636

26 Dec. 1638 14 Feb. 1627

27 Aug. 1584 27 Nov. 1584 12

Mar. 1645

son to Patrick G., with David

Ramsay, black litster 7 June 1609 John, son to late William G., merchant, burgess of Fraserburgh, with Alexander Caithness, merchant 6 Dec. 1648 Thomas, son to Thomas G., in Lasswade, with Robert Miller, weaver „ 8 Dec. 1658 Greir, Andrew, son to Robert G., calsaymaker, with Alexander Crawfurd, cordoner 28 June 1615 James, son to late John G., in Carninbigin, with Andrew ,, Greir, merchant 20 Oct. 1601 James, brother-german to Sir John G., of Lag, Knight, with „ Archibald Sydserf, merchant 24 June 1629 deleted 2 Dec. 1629 John, son to late Gilbert G., of Kippinoch in Nithsdale, ,, with Hector Davidson, armourer 22 Jan. 1593-4 John, son to John G., of Nether Keir, with George Walker, merchant „ 21 July 1630 Mathew, son to John G., of Chapell, with Patrick Graham, „ skinner 10 Feb. 1647 William, son to NicoU G., traveller, indweller in Edinburgh, „ with John Jamieson, blacksmith 14 Dec 1625 Greirson, Hector, son to John G., of Midlamtounhead, with Patrick Hunter, cordoner 17 Jan. 1666 James, brother-german to John G., of Caipinoch, with Neil „ Murdo, apothecary 3 Apr. 1661 John, son to late James G., in Coldingham, with Richard „ Smyth, wright (who deceased) 23 June 1647 transferred to Thomas Henrie 16 Apr. 1648 William, son to late Cuthbert G., in Shancastill, with „ William Grierson, merchant 30 May 1655 Grieve, David, son to late Thomas G., merchant, with David Douglas, chirurgian 27 Aug. 161 David, servitor to George Grieve, elder, with James Strachan, merchant „ 16 June 1630 John, son to late Thomas G., merchant, indvveller in Edin,, with Alexander Chaippell, cordiner 10 burgh, Feb. 1619 Robert, son to James G., in Dunce, with William Reid, merchant 8 Nov. 1665 ,, 20 Feb. 161 „ Thomas, merchant, with David Slowman, merchant „ Thomas, son to George G., indweller in Ettilstoun, with James Hodge, wright 9 Feb. 1648 Grinlay, David, son to Patrick G., portioner of Reidheugh, with James Monteath, baxter 9 Aug. 1643 „ James, son to William G., indweller in Leith, with Thomas Craig, bonnetmaker 19 July 1637 William, son to Thomas G., sledder, with Robert Howie, „ bonnetmaker 11 Apr. 1637 Grintoun, William, son to Robert G., with Andrew Hunter, baxter 18 Sept. 161 „



Edinburgh Register of Apprentices. Harry

Guidlet, David, son to

G., of


Abberschauch, with John

Guthrie, tailor


Andrew, son to Andrew G., in Ferriegatt, with Patrick Thomson, couper (who deceased) transferred to John Ritchieson Guildie, John, son to Harry G., in Lasswade, with Robert Weir,

Mar. 1636


18 Yeh. 1635

9 Mar. 1636

24 Aug. Gabriell G., brother-german to 12 Apr. Alexander G., of that Ilk, with John Heriot, tailor Alexander, son to Harry G., of Collision, with John Rynd, merchant 20 Sept. Francis, brother to Alexander G., of Gegye, with Robert Meiklejohn, skinner 5 Dec. Hercules, son to Alexander G., of that Ilk, with James 26 Mar. Gairdyn, litster James, son to late John G., of CoUiston, with Robert


peutherer Alexander, son

Tenent, skinner

James, with Samuel Thomson, cutler James, son to Alexander G., of Kyncadrome, with Andrew Hepburn, skinner James, son to late James G., writer in Edinburgh, with James Broun, hatmaker John, with John Heriott, tailor John, brother to Mr. David G., servitor to the Laird of Edzell, with James Mitchell, tailor [ohn, son to David G., of Kyncadrome, with David Jonkeine, merchant Samuel, son to Alexander


of that





20 Mar. 1598-9 23 Mar. 1614 12

Nov. 1635

6 Feb. 1661 6 July 1602 i

Aug. 1610

16 Mar. 1601

Rea, merchant William, son to late George G., indweller in Edinburgh, with Barnard Abercrombie, tailor Gye, James, son to late John G., sometime servitor to the Earl of Wintoun, with George Fairlie, furriour







3 Feb. 1630 G.,

Thomas, son to Walter G., burgess of Musselburgh, with Samuel Guthrie, litster William, son to late John G., clerk in Leith, with John

Hadden, Alexander, son



14 Apr. 1652

29 Aug. 1610 3

Mar. 1624


June 1644

H., in Prestoun, with Richard

Broun, wright 29 Jan. 1583-4 Alexander, brother to John H., of that Ilk, with James Danielstoun, wright 9 Aug. 1626 Alexander, son to Alexander H., indweller in Forth, with William Baillie, maltman 22 Dec. 1658 David, son to James H., in Sauchancs, with John Graham, skinner 8 Dec. 1652 Francis, son to late George H., of that Ilk, with John Davidson, tailor i Feb. 1626 Henry, son to James H., portioner of Saughtonhall, with John Bannatyne, skinner 19 Feb. 1600 James, son to James H., at the Mylne of Casle, with Archibald Hadden, wright 6 June 1589 John, son to late Capt. John H., of that Ilk, with Robert Borthwick, merchant 26 May 1647 Robert, son to Thomas H., of Balwell, with Patrick Justice, merchant 25 Jan. 1632 Robert, son to late Mr. John H., minister at Streabrand, in Ireland, with John Schaw, merchant 17 May 1643 Haddowie, Thomas, son to late Thomas H., tailor, with Cornelius Tailpheir, peuderer 21 Mar. 1632 Haig(Hayg), Robert, son to Robert H., indweller in Carssie, par. of St. Ninians, with Alexander Abercrombie, tailor 13 May 1646


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

to late George H., skipper in Leith, with James Seattoun, merchant son to WiUiam, John H., with John WilHamson, tailor Hair, Haistie, Andrew, elder, son to late George H., in Maxpappill, with John Mathie, bonnetmaker Andrew, younger, son to late George H., in Maxpapill, ,, with James Johnstone, wright George, son to late John H., tailor in the West parish of „ Calder, with John Forman, blacksmith

[1583- 1666.

Haiggen, John, son


James, son to William H.,

Haistie, cordiner James, son to John H., in Corsfuirdbett, with


30 Dec. 1657 25 Sept. 1599 17 Oct. 1621

17 Oct. 1621

10 July 1650

Longformacus, with Nicoll 22 Oct. 1589

John Watt, mason 14 Jan. 1607

„ „

„ „

John, eldest son to George H., in Lesmahagow, with James Cairncroce, maltman John, son to John H., weaver, burgess of the Canongate, with James Lawson, weaver Patrick, son to Mathew H., in Tweedyhame, with John Hislop, armourer William, with John Watt, yr., mason William, son to late James H., in Theirpwood, with John

Watt, mason son to late Mark H., in Phanns, with Alexander Noble, merchant Andrew, son to William H., in West Saltpreston, with Andrew Sympson, merchant Laurence H., in Haliburtoun, with Mungo „ John, son to Henryson, cordiner Halbert, Alexander, son to late John H., sometime dwelling on the northsyde of the North Loch of this burgh, with Alexander Don, tailor John, son to Alexander H., with Patrick Finlayson, „ marikin-maker Halden, George, son to John H., of that Ilk, with William Bennet, chirurgian Haliburtoun, Alexander, son to James H., skipper in Leith, with James Aslowan, merchant Andrew, son to Thomas H., portioner of Mertoun, with „ Thomas Muter, blacksmith Andrew, son to late John H., in Mertoun, with Andrew „ Halyburtoun, blacksmith Henry, son'to Thomas H., in Mertoun, with John Ker, „

17 Apr. 161

Dec. 1638


15 July 15


June 1608

27 Nov. 1616

Haitlie, Alexander,


„ „


July 1643

14 Jan. 1594-5

28 June 1620 10 Dec. 1594

Mar. 1656


29 July 1635 21 Feb. 1610

6 July 1653 5

Henry, son to late George H., in Inchcairny, with John Coupland, merchant James, son to George H., of Egliscarno, with James

July 161

9 Dec. 1646 23 June 1630

Heriot, litster „

13 Dec. 1620

John, son to James H., indweller in Leith, with John Halyburton, merchant John, second son to John H., sometime of Mertoun, with Robert Halyburton, yr., merchant John, son to late John H., of Mertone, with John Marjori-




10 Apr. 1644

10 Nov. 1647 banks, merchant Thomas, son to Harry H., of Mertoun, in Lauderdale, with John Purves, cordoner 29 Jan. 1593-4 Thomas, son to Thomas H., portioner of Mertoun, with

Thomas, son

Thomas, son to Mr. William H., minister George Somervell, merchant

Thomas Peacock, to late

24 Dec. 1617


John H.,

in Mairtoun, with

Andrew 6 Feb. 1650

Haliburton, blacksmith at Collace, with

23 Nov. 1659



Edinburgh Register of Apprentices. William, son to William H., of Kincaiple, with Steven Boyd, merchant

Haliday, Andrew, son to late George H., in Thirlestane, with James Pargillies, furriour (who deceased) transferred to William Pargillies John, ane of the ordinar pure, with William Neill, skinner „ Thomas, son to John H., smith, burgess of Culross, with „ John Shairp, brasier Halket, James, son to John H., of Haketsmylne, with William


Feb. 1626

8 Dec. 1641 18 Feb. 1646




3 Apr. 1633

Hamilton, peuderer 15 Mar. 1620 Robert, son to late James H., of Garrowood, with James ,, Arbuckles, merchant 19 Oct. 1662 Hall, David, son to late Charles H., stabler, with John Watt, cutler 12 Sept. 1632 George, son to late George H., in Blacklie, with John „ Fynnie, tailor 30 Mar. 1642 George, son to late John H., in Skaitraw, with Robert „ Hall,


23 July 1647

James, son to James H., skinner in Pookschawes, with Allan Clerk, skinner 10 May James, son to Robert H., of Fulbar, with John Hamilton, merchant „ 20 Feb. John, son to late Robert H., in Falkirk, with James „ Cunningham, tailor 9 Dec. „ John, son to late John H., in Elphingstoun, with William Hall, merchant 10 Feb. Robert, son to James H., elder, in Poukshawes, with „ James Hall, skinner 29 Aug. Walter, son to John H., indweller in the Canongate, with „ Hector Rae, merchant 21 Aug. Hamilton, Alexander, son to Mr. Patrick H., minister at Inveresk, with James Leslie, tailor 12 Dec. Alexander, son to late Robert H., of Briggs, with Harry „ Houstoun, litster 21 Jan. Alexander, son to George H., son to Alexander H., of „ Easter Bynnie, with Alexander Murray, tailor 25 Jan. Alexander, son to late Alexander H., in Bathgate, with „ Thomas Douglas, tanner 6 Sept. Alexander, son to Alexander H., of Balderstoun, with John „ Wardlaw, goldsmith 18 Apr. Alexander, son to Robert H., of Cochnoch, with James „ Hamilton, merchant 21 Dec. Allan, son to Mr. James H., in Cauder, with John Schaw, merchant „ 12 June Andrew, admitted baxter, burgess „ 4 July ,,


1650 1612


„ „

xAndrew, with James Nicolson, tailor Andrew, son to late Abraham H., merchant, with William

Andrew, son

Kaa, elder, cutler to William H., of Blanterferme, with David Hamilton, saddler Andrev>', son to late Robert H., in Burnheid, with John Neil,


1647 1655 1605

1627 1635

1643 1643

1649 1664

1616 1583 14 July 1583


Aug. 1590

3 Sept. 1590




Andrew, son to late Alexander H., of Easter Binning, with James Wallace, merchant 25 Jan. 1643 Andrew, son to James H., in Dalpatrick, with Thomas Paterson, mason 7 May 1645 Andrew, son to late James H., in Draffen, with Robert Paterson, mason i Mar. 1648 Andrew, son to Arthur H., in Hilles, with John Hamilton, mason

Archibald, son to late James H., in Haggs, with George


„ „

29 Apr. 1657

Thorbrand, merchant




Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Hamilton, Archibald, son to William H., in Blantyie,\vith Thomas Fleming, merchant „ Archibald, son to late James H., of Barncliff, with Laurence Barnes, merchant Arthur, son to James H., in Dalserf in Lanarkshire, with „ Francis Mansion, wright Arthur, son to late Robert H., in Hamilton, with Andrew „ „



23 Apr. 161

23 June 1647 5

Dec. 1592

Fisch, merchant 31 Mar. 1619 Robert H., sometime in Bent, Lanarkshire, with Thomas Weir, mason 20 June 592 Charles, son to Mr. William H., minister of Dairy in Galloway, with Andrew Hamilton, skinner 20 Feb. 1598-9 Charles, with Richard Doby, merchant 7 Dec. 1602 Claud, son to Patrick H., indweller in Edinburgh, with Heriot, wright John 28 Dec. 1659 Claud, son to late John H., of Blakhall, with James Edmistone, merchant 19 Mar. 1662 David, with John Weir, hatmaker 5 July 1603 David, son to Archibald H., of Priorihill, with John Hamilton, merchant 12 June 1644 Gavin, son to late John H., in Hamilton, with William Mureheid, cordiner 25 June 1594 Gavin, son to Robert H., of the Newhouse, with Thomas Birs, merchant 13 Oct. 1601 Gavin, son to Robert H., of Mylburne, with Andrew Philipe, merchant 25 Dec. 1616 Gavin, son to Thomas H., tailor, with William Nemo, tailor 2 Dec. 1629 Gavin, son to Robert H., in Cambuslang, with Thomas Inglis, elder, peuderer 12 Dec. 1649 George, son to Ninian H., in Prestonpans, with Hew Wauch, dalmasker 25 Feb. 1589-90 George, son to James H., in Langherdmistoun, with Thomas Foulis, goldsmith i June 1591 George, son to late David H., of Garrossie, with David Thomson, skinner 1601 Sept. 15 George, son to late George H., in Preston with John Blaiss, son to


„ „ „ „ „ „

„ ,,

„ „ „ „ „

Hunter, yr., tailor 21 Mar. 162 George, son to John H., indweller in Edinburgh, with Duncan Muir, bookseller 23 Dec. 1646 George, son to Claud H., of Garen, with Andrew Crockat, merchant

Hew, son

31 Jan. 1666

„ „

to John H., of Priestfield in Blantyre, with William Nisbett, merchant 26 July 1603 Hew, son to Mr. William H., parson of Dairy, in Galloway, with John Fairny, merchant 9 July 161 James, son to Robert H., in Newholme, with James Baptie, wright 15 Jan. 1587-8

„ ,,

„ „ „

James, son to Donald H., in Bogtoun of Kirkbryde, with Andrew Hamilton, skinner 10 Sept. James, son to late Hew H., of Chappell, with John Schaw, merchant 18 Aug. James, son to Robert H., in Greenhill, with Thomas Paterson, mason 28 Mar. James, son to James H., maltman in Pleasance, with Clement Young, wobster 24 Oct. James, son to Archibald H., of Halcraig, with John Weatche, merchant 5 Mar. James, son to late William H., of Wishaw, with Archil^ald Pattoun, merchant i Jan. James, son to John H., of Grange of Breich, with Claud Muirhead, litster 5 June


1619 1627 1627

1634 1640 1650


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.



late Mr. Robert H., minister at Monkton, with Robert Sands, merchant 7 Apr. 1652 son late Robert to H., of Kinkell, with James Gray, merchant James, II Aug. 1652 James, son to James H., of Ualzell, with Thomas Noble, merchant 22 Sept. 1652 James, son natural to late James H., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, with James Stirling, cordiner lo Aug. 1653 James, son to John H., in Dalserf, with Robert Alison, mason 3 Apr. 1661 James, son to John H., in Lawrig, with Thomas Scott, mason


James, son to

14 June 1665

John, son to Olipher H., in Lanark, with Francis Elder, skinner 23 July John, son to David H., in Cumnock, with David Thomson, skinner 31 Dec. John, son to Mr. William H., parson of Dairy, with John Lawtie, apothecar 19 June John, son to late James H., in Prestoun, with Hector Ray, merchant 10 July John, son to late Thomas H., in Lanerik, with William Muir, tailor 19

John, son to Archibald H., of Glengavell, with Robert Torrance, baxter 9 John, son to John H., traveller, with John Dynnismure, wobster 26 John, son to late David H., tlesher, burgess of Edinburgh, with Richard Dobie, merchant 24 John, son to the Olipher H., of Samueltoun, with Gavin Hamilton, cordiner 11 John, brother-german to William H., of Ellerschaw, with John Thomson, locksmith 14 John, son to late James H., of Harwood, with Alexander



John, son to James H., of Wyntercleuch, with James Heriot,

1589 1589 1599 1599

Aug. 1600 Dec. 1600 Apr. 1603



Mar. 161 Feb. 1616

16 July 161 litster

14 Jan. i6i8

John, son to Alexander H., portioner of Falkirk, with James Barnes, merchant 31 Dec. 1629 John, son to John H., of Greenhill, with Alexander Nisbet, mason 22 Feb. 1632 to late James H., messenger, with James Cunninghame, tailor John, son to John H., in Kyncavell mylne, with William

John, son

28 Nov. 1632

Burnett, litster 9 Sept. 1635 John, son to late James H., in Draffin, with Robert Prestoun, mason 18 May 1636 John, son to Robert H., fiar of Strafuthie, with John Burdone, merchant 22 Feb. 1637 John, son to James H., in Dalpatrick, par. of Dalserff, with James Hamilton, mason 5 May 1641 John, son to late Hew H., of Lescliven in Ireland, with George Cunningham, merchant 28 July 1641 John, son to Arthur H., elder, of Auchengraynoch, with William Jack, saddler 27 Dec. 1648 John, son to late Claud H., of Gareme, with Andrew Steven, merchant 15 Aug. 1649 John, son to Hew H., burgess of Hamilton, with John Cow, saddler 3 Oct. 1649 John, son to James H., in Cumloke, with Frederick Key, merchant 14 May 1656 Mathew, son to Mathew H., indweller in Leith, with William Bock, glassinwright 13 July 1653 F


EdinburgJi Register of Apprentices.

Hamilton, Patrick, son to late Patrick H., in Burrowstouness, with James Cayrnes, baxter Patrick, son to late Peter H., minister, with James Henrison, tailor

Patrick, son to



26 June 1590 8

H., messenger, with


Mar. 1609

James Cunning-

hame, tailor 11 Feb. 1618 John H., of the Grange of Breiche, with William Mitchell, baxter 17 Dec. 1651 Robert, son to late George H., in Cumnock, with Robert Hamilton, merchant 25 June 1594 Robert, son to Alexander H., in Justlie Bathcatt, with John Seytoun, tailor 7 Mar. 1 597-8 Robert, son to Robert H., of Schastoun, with Hew Gilmure, armourer 18 Aug. 1 601 Robert, son to John H., in Waltoune, with John Galloway, wright Patrick, son to




Robert, younger son to late Robert H., of Bridges, with

merchant Robert, son to late James H., of Draffen, with Jerome Young, wright (who deceased) Robert



Mar. 1635

27 Apr. 1642 wright 29 Apr. 1646 Robert, son to Captain John H., with James Hamilton, mason 8 May 1644 Robert, son to John H., in Heidis, par. of Glassfurd, with Robert Hamilton, merchant 25 Aug. 1647 Robert, son to late James H., of Torrence, with David Wilkie, merchant 27 July 1664 Thomas, son to late John H., in Brounhill, with William Rig, merchant 16 Aug. 1597 Thomas, son to late Mr. Alexander H., minister at Monygaff, with Laurence Henrieson, merchant 31 Dec. 1651 Walter, son to late John H., of Ardrie, with Malcolm Fleming, merchant 11 Aug. 1647 William, son to George H., in Cumnock, with William Henryson, tailor 29 Jan. 1600 William, son to Mathew H., in Glengavell, with John Hamilton, baxter 3 June 1600 William, son to late Gavin H., in Pleasants, with Andrew Hamilton, skinner 5 Jan. j6o2 William, son to George H., in Rottenzaird, with Andrew Howatt, peuderer 21 Dec. 1602 William, son to Mr. William H., minister at Darlye, with Alexander Makmath, merchant 24 Dec. 1606 William, son to John H., stabler, with James Gardin, litster 21 July 1619 William, son to Robert H., of Mylnburn, with George Ker, elder, tailor 12 Feb. 1623 William, son to John H., notar, burgess of the Canongate, 20 Apr. 1642 with John Denholm, yr., merchant William, son to William H., of Turnlaw, with Patrick Vans, merchant transferred to

Thomas Thomson,

27 Mar. 1661

William, son to Robert H., macer before the Lords of Session, with George Herries, wright Handisyde, John, son to John H., in Kelso, with John Moffat, elder,


Hangetsyde, Alexander, son to late John H., in Nydrie Marshell, with John Pennycuke, skinner George, son to William H., merchant in Kelso, with Robert „ Hangetsyde, merchant Hanginsyde, John, son to John H., yr., in Nydrie Marchell, with Alexander Fiddes, baxter Hanna or Hannay, George, son to late Archibald H., tailor, with John Cunningham, yr., tailor

10 Dec. 1662

20 July 1642 25 Jan. 1604 25 Oct. 1643

20 July 1596 9 Sept. 1663



Edinbiirgh Register of Apprentices.


Hannaor Hannay, James, son

to HewH.,baxtei- in the Canongate, with William Castellaw, apothecary Hannan, John, son to John H., gardener, burgess of Linlithgow, with Thomas Henry, wright Hantoun, George, son to late Robert H., in Dalvar, in the Mearns, with Robert Mayne, bower Harbertson, John, brother to Mr. Robert H., commissar clerk of Glasgow, with consent of Eufamia Lockhart, relict of late William Montgomerie, merchant, with John Farum, merchant, in place of the said William Montgomery Harcas, James, son to late James H., in Musselburgh, with Robert Pursell, merchant Hardie, Andrew, son to late David H., in Auchtermuchty, with James Hardie, candlemaker Andrew, son to late John H., merchant, indweller in Edinburgh, with Archibald Fleming, wheelwright Andrew, son to late William H., weaver in Kelso, with „


Nov. 1634


Aug. 1637

30 Dec. 1640


Mar. 1612

17 Feb. 161 7

Feb. 1610


James Graham, „

Charles, son to


currior H., in Clases, with

13 Jan. 16 19

27 July 1664

George Almos, merchant 25

Gavin, son to late Alexander H., maltman, with Thomas Fynnie, tailor Gilbert, son to Andrew H., in the Flas, with William

Salmond, merchant James, son to late Patrick H., chirurgian, burgess of Edinburgh, with William Wood, chirurgian James, son to late John H., in Baldowie, with Andrew „ Hardie, candlemaker James, son to late Thomas H., indweller in Edinburgh, „ with John Hardie, cook John, with Andrew Hardie, candlemaker „ Harlaw, David, son to late William H., in Tempyll, with John Symontoun, baxter James, son to late William H., in Paystoun, with Alexander „ Crawfurd, cordiner transferred to James Crawfurd, goldsmith




Feb. 161

8 Feb. 1632

„ „

transferred to Patrick Aitken, cordiner James, son to Mr. Nathaniel H., minister at Ormiston, with George Crawfurd, cordiner John, son to Andrew H., tailor in Leith, with Alexander


June 1595

19 Feb. 1645


July 1655

16 Dec. 16] 18 Feb. 1624 1

Aug. 162

Aug. 1623 26 Jan. 1625


il Jan.


Man, tailor 6 Aug. 1634 John, son to late John H., maltman, burgess of Culross, with John Kennedy, chirurgian 23 Feb. 1659 Harlawbanks, Robert, son to late John H., in Leith, with John Dobie, flesher 20 Mar. 587-8 Harper, Alexander, son to James H., portioner of Elsrigell, with Michaell Bull, wright 12 Mar. 1634 David, son to late Robert H., in Auchank, par. of Kil„ marnock, with James Wylie, merchant 3 Sept. 1628 Henry, son to late Thomas H., maltman, burgess of the ,, Canongate, with William Wyllie, bonnetmaker 8 Jan. 1623 „ James, son to Thomas H., in Unthank, with Andrew Scott, chirurgian I July 1600 „ James, son to William H., indweller in Edinburgh, with Robert Sands, merchant u Mar. 1646 James, son to late William H., in Elistrig, with Andrew „ Meiklejohn, cordiner 29 Nov. 1654 Thomas, son to late James H., portioner of Elsrigill, with „ Robert Robison, cordiner 12 Dec. 1632 Thomas, son to James H., portioner of Eleisriggell, with „ Alexander Wardlaw, merchant 12 Dec. 1660 ,,



EdinbuTgh Register of Apprentices.

Harper, William, servitor to Adam Lawtie, writer, with Patrick Finlayson, marikin-maker Harrot, John, son to late John H., in Coustand, with James Hunter, baxter narrower, John, son to Richard H., in Dunfermline, with Alexander Haitlie, wright Laurence, son to Richard H., in Gorvockwood, with ,, Alexander Haitlie, wright William, son to John H., in Mowtray's Hill, with John „ Bichat, bonnetmaker Hart or Hairt, John, son to David H., in Kirkwall, with John „

Davidson, tailor John, son to John H., sometime in Falkirk, with Archibald Leirmonth, baxter Robert, son to late Alexander H., in Redding, with Andrew



4 Dec. 1599 22 July 1600 17

June 1663

28 Nov. 1655 2

June 1641


Auo;. 1629


June 1635

Hart, merchant 26 Nov. 1606 Harvie, Alexander, in Johnecumok, with James Maknacht, skinner 6 Feb. 1598-9 Gabriell, son to late John H., sometime indweller in „ Glasgow, with John Young, wobster 29 Jan. 1600 James, son to William H., in the Fisherrow, with Leonard „ „

Thomason, wobster late John H.,

James, son to

25 in the



Murehouse, with John

Harvie, peuderer John, son to John H., smith, indweller in the Murrayis, „ with William Couttis, peuderer John, son to late Alexander H., smith in the Murehouse, „ with James Harvie, peuderer Patrick, son to John H., at Skyllington, with James „ Maknacht, skinner William, son to William H., with John Young, skinner „ William, son to late Alexander H., smith in Newtounlies, „ with John Syde, peutherer Harvieson, John, brother to Mr. Robert H., commissar clerk at Hamilton, with William Montgomerie, merchant Haswell, James, son to James H., chirurgian, burgess of Jedburgh, with Robert Aikman, merchant Robert, son to James H., burgess of Jedburgh, with „

James Campbell, merchant Hathoway, Alexander, son to George H., in Corserig, with David Lindesay, smith Hathowie, William, son to James H., merchant, burgess of Edin-

23 Dec. 1646 27 Nov. 1633 7

Feb. 1655


Feb. 1603

19 Apr. 1597

22 Oct. 1662 7

Nov. 1610

25 Nov. 1635 15

Aug. 1649

9 June 1601

burgh, with Alexander Inglis, litster 18 Sept. Hay, Alexander, son natural to late George H., of Kynmudye, with Robert Jameson, tailor i May Alexander, son to late John H., notar, burgess of Tain, with Robert Mayne, bower 27 Feb. Alexander, son to Thomas H., of Park, with Andrew Ker, merchant 4 Dec. Archibald, son to late Gilbert H., of Lyndentrees, with Andrew Scot, chirurgian 19 Feb. David, son natural to George H., of Kynmudye, with John Couttis, skinner 3 July Francis, son to Mr. William H., minister at Crimond, with Thomas Noble, merchant 2 July Henry, son to Mr. Alexander H., of Barro, with James Cockburn, merchant 26 Jan. . James, son to late Alexander H., at the Kirk of Dire, with Walter Sympsone, tailor 27 Dec. James, son to late Robert H., writer, with James Barnes, merchant 25 Dec.

1644 1605

1633 1661

1606 1605


1659 1626 1639



Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Hay, Jeremiah, son to late John H., in Avis, par. of Elgin, with William Mure, candlemaker 24 July 1661 Jerome, son to late John H., servitor to Lord Murray, with „ James Walker, candlemaker 8 Dec. 1658 John, son to John H., in the Leyis, with John Wilkyne, merchant „ 29 Jan. 1583-4 John, son to Gilbert H., in Lasswade, with James Henryson, chirurgian 3 Feb. 1608 John, son to Thomas H., baxter in Leith, with John Hunter, baxter 12 Jan. 1642 John, son to Mr. William H., minister at Crimond, with John Ronnald, merchant 11 Dec. 1644 John, son to Alexander H., of Monktoun, with John Fullerton, younger, merchant 28 Sept. 1653 John, son to Alexander H., in Bilbo, with George Jaffrey, merchant 16 Dec. 1657 John, son to late John H., of Smithfield, with William Seatoun, tailor 25 Aug. 1658 Mathew, son to Andrew H., W.S., with John Murray, merchant 9 July 1623 Robert, son to William H., of Barro, with Thomas Bruce, cordiner 7 Aug. 1590 Robert, son to Mr. David H., of Woodcokdaill, with Andrew Bryson, merchant 29 Nov. 1654 Robert, son to late Henry H., of Mortone, with Adam Watson, merchant 28 May 1656 Thomas, son to late Mr. Walter H., minister at Bothans, with Andrew Scott, chirurgian 16 Aug. 1609 Thomas, son to late James H., in Leswade, with Thomas Trumble, litster 19 Dec. 1627 William, son to Thomas H., Abbot of Glenluse, with John Bannatyne, skinner 28 May 1589 William, son to Peter H., of Kirkland, with James Nisbet, merchant 22 Jan. 1612 William, son to Andrew H., brother-german to late William H., of Lynplum, with Richard Wilson, skinner 6 Apr. 16 14 Heads, John, son to Alexander H., sawer, indweller in Edinburgh, with Thomas Broun, cordiner 10 Aug. 163 1 Heart, John, son to late Robert H., in the Canongate, with James Craig, weaver i Dec. 1658 John, present servitor with James Wallace, merchant, „ with said James 9 Mar. 1659 Hector, Alexander, son to late Captain James H., with Richard narrower, hatmaker Dec. 1 596 1 5 John, son to Captain James H., with James Skaythmure, „ chirurgian 8 Dec. 1590 Hegg, James, son to William H., in Galloway Watter, with George Rayne, baxter 22 Apr. 1635 Heitlie, John, son to late Leonard H., sometime in the Plewlands, in the Merse, with David Broun, wright 21 June 1603 Hendry or Henrie, John, son to John H., merchant in Kelso, with Thomas H., wright 10 Mar. 1624 John, son to Adam H., in Leith Wynd, with John Forrest, bower „ 21 Apr. 1630 Robert, son to late Robert H., in Leith, with Hew „ Lindsay, goldsmith 25 Feb. 1589-90 Robert, son to Thomas H., in Newbottle, with Robert „ Pearson, candlemaker 2 July 1656 Henryson or Henderson, Alexander, son to late Walter H., with James Donaldson, wobster 20 June 1610

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Henryson or Henderson, Alexander, son to Mr. Robert H., minister at Lochmaben, with Thomas Dickson, apothecary Alexander, son to late Alexander H., indweller in Preston„ pans, with Andrew Hamilton, merchant Alexander, son to James H., indweller in Edinburgh, with „ James Sandilands, tailor Andrew, son to James H., in Nether Libberton, with „ „ ,,



13 Feb. 1628 7 Oct. 1646

22 Dec. 1658

Archibald Campbell, litster 21 May 1606 Andrew, son to Symon H., burgess of Jedburgh, with Wallace, merchant James 27 Aug. 1634 Andrew, son to late John H., in Keltieheugh, with John Sawers, painter 14 Mar. 1649 Gabriell, son to John H., in Paisley, with 14 Oct. 1600 George, son to William H., tailor, with Thomas Winzettie, armourer 14 Nov. T592 George, son to William H., burgess of Jedburgh, with 10 Apr. 1593 James Henryson, chirurgian George, son to John H., of Fordell, with John George, merchant 7 Apr. 1647 Gilbert, son to late Gilbert H., reader, with John Sawers, painter 4 Jan. 1603 Henry, son to late James H., in Lennolath beside Stirling, with John Henryson, baxter 5 Aug. 1595 Isaac, son to John H., sometime servant to late Seymour M'Beth, with William Wilson, tailor 20 May 1584 2 Sept. 1590 James, son to Alexander H., with James Sandilands, tailor James, son to John H., in Preston, with Michaell Hog, baxter 12 Apr. 1597 James, son to William H., indweller in par. of Cleish, with James Persoun, flesher 3 Apr. 1611 James, son to late Mr. Robert H., minister at Lochmaben, with Alexander Forrester, merchant 3 Apr. 1633 James, son to Robert H., in Ker, with Robert Henryson, merchant 4 Mar. 1640 James, son to Alexander H., servitor to the Earl of Winton, with Henry Henderson, muildmaker 29 Mar. 1665 John, son to late John H., in the Deyne, with Francis Weir, skinner 3 Feb. 1584-5 John, son to John H., in Salt Preston, with Alexander Pennicuik, skinner 9 July 1594 John, son to late Gilbert H., reader at St. Cuthbert's Kirk, with Charles Workman, painter 28 Apr. 1601 John, son to late Thomas H., in St. John's Clauchan, with John Anderson, armourer 27 Aug. 1606 John, son to James H., indweller in Qurrellhollis, with


„ „ „

„ „ ,,


„ „

„ „ „ „ „ „ „

„ „

John Wast, „



Apr. 1626

John, son to John H., in Kirkurde, with James Finlay, baxter 18 Dec. 1639

„ „ „

John, son to James H., in South Lintoun, par. of Askirk, Roxburghshire, with William Rutherford, merchant i May 1661 John, son to John H., weaver in Stirling, with William Reid, weaver 3 Dec. 1662 Laurence, son to John H., merchant, with William Speir, merchant, 17 July 1599 Laurence, son to late Mr. Abraham H., minister at Whithorn, in Galloway, with Laurence Henryson, elder, merchant 19 Oct. 1636 Nicol, son to Robert H., in Tranent, with John Neilsoun, flesher 14


Patrick, son to

John H., candlemaker


June 1587

Newbottle, with James Ramsay, i

July 1595



Edinburgh Register of



Henryson or Henderson, Patrick, son to late David H., maltman, indweller in Edinburgh, with Francis Ker,bonnetmaker 3 Feb. 1636 Peter, son to Thomas H., in Legerwood, with Peter Spens, lorimer „ 6 Mar. 1 592-3 Richard, son to Alexander H., gardener, with John Greenlees, writer „ 6 Dec. 1665 „ ,,

Richard, son to late John H., of Briginess, with Robert Meine, merchant Robert, son to John H., merchant, indweller in Edinburgh, with Symon Henryson, chirurgian Robert, son to late Archibald H., sometime servitor to late Robert, Earl of Wemyss, with John Bradie,

„ „

„ „

Samuel, son to Mr. Samuel H.,

21 Oct. 1595

26 Sept. 161

tailor ,,

31 Jan. 1666


Kilmaurs, with Patrick

Cunningham, cutler Simon, son to James H., in Wrightshouses, with William Alexander, merchant Thomas, with James Riddoch, ponderer Thomas, son to late Thomas H., merchant, burgess of

Feb. 1654


27 July 1653 6 July 1602

Edinburgh, with Michael Cubsone, tailor 22 Feb. 1654 to late James H., maltman, with James Robesoun, skinner 21 Aug. 1584 William, son to William H., in Leith, with William Pursell, flesher William, son

3 Sept. 1594 to William H., in Jedburgh, with James Henryson, chirurgian William, son to late William H., in Grange in Carrick, „ with John Schaw, merchant William, son to John H., elder, bailie of Tranent, with „ John Gibson, litster Hepburn, Adam, son natural to late Patrick H., of Banglo, with Andrew Hepburn, skinner Adam, son to Patrick H., of Kirklandhill, with Thomas „

William, son


June 1599



18 Apr. 1589

Johnstone, saddler 20 July Alexander, son to William H., of East Craig, with William Hutchison, cordiner 7 Apr. Alexander, son to Robert H., burgess of Dunbar, with Kinloch, chirurgian James [3 June Alexander, son to Patrick H., slater, burgess of the Canongate, with James Neilson, slater 20 Mar. Francis, son to late Mr. Thomas H., parson of Aldhamstoks, with Luke Wilson, skinner 15 Jan. Francis, son to late John H., of Smeattoun, with John Foulis, apothecary 2 Mar. George, son to Patrick H., in Kirklands, with John H., skinner 26 June James, son to late George H., of Elstanfurd, with

Alexander Makmath, merchant James, son to Patrick H., of Kirklandhill, with William

Carnegie, skinner John, son to late John H.,

„ „ „

„ „ ,,

„ „


24 Jan. 1666

1608 1587 1621


1600 1664 1605

4 Oct. 1609

20 May 16 12 in with Eleazer Dry, cordiner 7 June 1583 John, brother to Patrick H., of Kirklandhill, with Patrick Bi-own, skinner 18 Mar. 1583-4 John, son to late Mr. Thomas H., parson of Auldhamstocks, with Robert Auchmowtye, chirurgian 22 July 1595 John, son to late Adam H., portioner of Kingstoun, with Gilbert Forrest, cordiner 11 Mar. 1657 Patrick, son to late Mr. Thomas H., parson of Auldhamstocks, with Archibald Mudye, apothecary 5 Aug. 595 Patrick, son to Mr. Mark H., in East Fentoun, with Spens, marikin-maker James 5 May 1630



Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Hepburn, Robert, son to Mr. Patrick H., of Smetoun, with David Mitchellson, merchant Robert, son to late Edward H., parson in Hauch, with „ John Bissett, merchant Thomas, son to Mr. Thomas H., parson of Auldhamstocks, „ with Patrick Hepburn, apothecary WilHam, son to Thomas H., of Innerlochtie, with David „ Gairden, Htster WilHam, son to late Mr. David H., minister at Prestonkirk, „ with John Fullertoun William, son to Francis H., burgess of Musselburgh, with John Ferguson, cordiner Hering, David, son to late Laurence H., brother to George H., of Lethind, with James Stewart, tailor John, son to late William H., in Gilmertoun, with William „ Dagleish, merchant William, son to late Peter H., in Dalkeith, with Moyes „ Schrogy, wright Heriot, Adam, son to George H., elder, goldsmith, with John Nasmyth, chirurgian Alexander, son to late Mathew H., in Ravelstone, with „



14 Jan. 1629 17

June 1629




3 Mar. 1613

19 Oct. 1625


Dec. 1658


June 1627

i8 Apr. 1627

26 June 1599 12 Oct. 1596

29 Aug. 1598 John Heriot, tailor Gavin, son to late John H., in Wynschburgh, with James Heriot, merchant 31 Mar. 16 13 George, brother's son to Allan H., baxter, with said Allan Heriot 29 Aug. 1592 George, son to late George H., lorimer, with David Broun, skinner 5 Sept. 1592 George, son to late George H., writer in Edinburgh, with

John Murray, skinner George, son to James H., in Westhouses, with Alexander

„ „

Steel, tailor

„ „ „ „ „ „


Aug. 1643

28 Dec. 1653

James, brother-german to George H., indvveller in Lang12 June nydrie, with Archibald Cleghorn, cordiner James, son to George H., in Edinburgh, with Thomas Wilson, litster 6 Mar. John, son to late Abraham H., tailor, burgess of Edinburgh, with William Warrock, skinner 4 Aug. John, son to Patrick H., in Stenhouse, with Alexander 16 May Simpson, merchant Michael, son to John H., baxter, with James Skaythmure, chirurgian 15 Apr. Michaell, son to George H., goldsmith, with John Carmichaell, tailor

1605 1661


1665 1595

2 Oct. 1593

Mr. George H., minister at Ku-kmahoe, with Samuel Guthrie, litster son to late John H., baxter, with John Skaithmure,

Nicoll, son to


„ „


„ „ „

25 Nov. 1640

chirurgian 4 Sept. 1599 Richard, son to George H., in Cangmorie, with William 12 Apr. 1609 Dick, merchant Richard, son to Michaell H., in the Commonmyre, with James Dischingtoune, pantoun-heelmaker alias saddler 30 Nov. 1 61 Thomas, son to Alexander H., in the Murrays, with John Hepburn, hatmaker 3 Nov. 1590 Thomas, son to late Richard H., of Mebie, with Richard 12 Feb. 1623 Maxwell, saddler Thomas, son to Michaell H., in Nether Libertoun, with Richard Heriot, pantoun-heelmaker 28 Sept. 163 William, son to James H., at Broxburn, beside Dunbar, with James Sydserff, tailor 6 Oct. 1619



Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


William, son to IVIichaell H., in Nether Libbertoun, with Richard Heriot, pantoun-heelmaker 23 Jan. 1628 William, son to William H., burgess of Musselburgh, with „ Thomas Harper, cordiner 10 Oct. 1655 William, son to James H., in Stenhouse, with James Mason, merchant „ 6 Feb. 1 66 1 Heroun, Marcus, son to late Thomas H., at the Chapel of Denny, with Robert Livingstone, baxter 26 July 1583 William, younger son to late Alexander H., in Galloway, „ ' with Gavin Stevenson, baxter 21 May 1623 Herries, Robert, son to John H., minister in Newbottle, with James Lamb, tailor 15 Jan. 1600 Rodger, with Nicoll Young, tailor „ 31 Jan. 1597-8 Hill, George, son to John H., in Kirkliston, with David Heriot, goldsmith 21 July 1601 John, son to Andrew H., in Inneresk, with Andrew Clark,, son, locksmith 30 Oct. 1616 John, son to late William H., of Montounhall, with George „ Hill, weaver 13 July 1642 John, son to John H., of Crumartie, in Annandale, with „ Edward Hill, merchant 2 Nov. 1664 Robert, son to Patrick H., in Lintoun, with William Meyne, bower „ Heriot,



Thomas, son to John H., cordiner George Hill, wobster


Nov. 1588

the Potterrow, with

William, son to late Edward H., in Stonebrigs, with William Bryson, weaver John (poor), son to James H., indweller in Edinburgh, with James Donaldson, wobster Walter, son to John H., indweller in Edinburgh, with James Donaldson, wobster (who deceased May 161 7)

26 Apr. 1609 i

Nov. 1643



Henry Robison James H., in Gilmerton, with Patrick

transferred to Hiltestoun, John, son to

28 June 1609 18

Nov. 1612

22 Apr. 1618

Anderson, locksmith 15 July William, son to John H., in Gilmerton, with James Towris, glassinwright 12 Feb. Hird, Thomas, son to William H., sailor in Leith, with Robert Simpson, walker 15 Nov. Hislop, Archibald, son to late Archibald H., tanner in the West Port, with Duncan Mure, bookseller 31 Oct. George, son to late Archibald H., in Niddrie Merchell, „ with George Hislop, armourer 24 June James, son to Andrew H., in Effeisteill, with Andrew Dougall, tailor „


1600 1665 1655 1595

29 June 1631 Richard, son to late Mr. Philip H., minister at Inneresk, with John Little, tailor 4 Nov. 161 Thomas, son to Thomas H., in Peebles, with John Watson, skinner

27 May 1585 Walter, son to late Adam H., in Oatslak, with Thomas Hyslop, armourer li July 1589 William, son to late George H., in Troquhen, par. of San„ quhar, with Andrew Donaldson, tanner 10 June 1646 Hodge, Alexander, son to Nicoll H., in the Brigs beside Braid, with Andrew Smith, skinner 7 June 1609 Andrew, son to Adam H., in Cockburn, par. of Currie, „ with James Moubray, scheirsmith 7 Oct. 161 James, son to George H., in Newtoun, with John Andrew, tailor „ 19 Feb. 1583-4 John, son to Alexander H., in Nether Brotherstaynes, with „ John Nicolson, candlemaker 28 June 15S7 son to Robert H., stabler, indweller in Edinburgh, John, „ with John Wilson, armourer 22 Sept. 1647 „


Edinburgh Register of


to late Alexander H., in Brotherstaines, par. of Sowtry, with John Eliot, cordiner Robert, son to James H., in Houstoun, with William Alexander, merchant Thomas, son to late Thomas H., maltman in Musselburgh, „ with John Frame, hatmaker William, son to late William H., in Machlein, with James „ Machlein, wright William, son to James H., in Stankhart of Houstoun, with „ Alexander Johnstone, merchant Hog, Andrew, son to William H., portioner of Dryburgh, with Thomas Mutter, smith Archibald, son to John H., maltman in Dalkeith, with „ John Baillie, baxter Archibald, son to late Patrick H., in Nevvtoun beside „ Dalkeith, with Alexander Brown, cordiner David, brother to Mr. John H., preacher at Linton, with „ Robert Mackeane, skinner David, son to late David H., in Easthouses, with James „ Binnie, baxter (who deceased) transferred to George Turnbull Gawin, son to late James H., burgess of Edinburgh, with „ David Lindsay, hatmaker Henry, son to Robert H., in Stobhill, with William „



Hodge, Robert, son


Aug. 1593


Dec. 1641

„ ,,

Watson, candlemaker James, son to Mr. William H., minister at Aytoun, with John Cor, tailor John, son to late John H., in Dunsyre mylnc, with Alexander Pennicuik, skinner John, son to Robert H., in Keith Merchell, with Ninian Hunter, baxter John, son to



H., in the Potterraw, with





25 Oct. 1603 27 Jan. 1641 15 July 1618

25 Feb. 161 13 Feb. 1656

16 Feb. 1642

23 Feb. 1653 18 June 1656 11

Nov. 1590

23 Nov. 1614

24 June 1629

30 July 1589 28



James 27 Apr. 1596

John, son to Patrick H., in Pilmure, with George Bell, marikin-maker 29 Apr. 1646 son to late Patrick H., in Newtoun, with George John, „ Turnbull, baxter (8 Oct.) 19 Nov. 165 John, son to John H., in Fawsyde, with John Simpsone, baxter „ 20 Oct. 1652 John, son to Mr. John H., advocate, with James Melrose, merchant „ ir Apr. 1655 Michaell, son to Robert H., in Easthouses in barony of „ Newbottle, with David Hog, baxter 21 June 1588 Robert, son to Walter H., weaver in Kelso, with James „ Linlithgow, merchant 26 July 1643 William, son to William H., portioner of Aid Roxburgh, „ with John Adamson, tailor 29 June 1636 Holiday, George, son to late John H., bailie of Culross, with Andrew Bruce, merchant 14 Oct. 1663 Home, Alexander, son to Patrick H., in Orchart, with Laurence Messer, peuderer 4 May 1596 Alexander, son to Mark H., of Harder mylne, with Edward Ker, tailor 22 Dec. 1601 Alexander, son to late Abraham H., of Bellenshill, with John Ker, chirurgian 24 June 161 Alexander, son to Alexander H., servitor to John, Lord Erskine, with David Broun, saddler 17 Aug. 1631 Alexander, son to Jasper H., portioner in East Barnes, with George Home, skinner 5 Oct. 1636 Alexander, son to late Alexander H., of Greinelscheills, with John Wallace, merchant 28 June 1648 „



EdinbiLrgh Register of Apprentices.

Home, Archibald, son

to Patrick H., of

Watt, cordiner Bartholomew, son to


Broomhouse, with James 19 June 161


Jasper H., portioner of Sym-

26 Nov. 1651 John Meyne, younger, merchant John H., of Manderstoun, with John Hall, merchant

preine, with

David, son to



7 Jan. 1663 George, son to George H., of Craycruk, with Cudbert Mure, furriour II Feb. 1594-5 George, son to James H., of Eastmains of Chirnesyde, with David Lyon, tailor 30 Nov. 1614 George, son to William H., of Hardismylne, with Gilbert

Hay, merchant George, brother-german to Jasper H., of Threeplaw, with

„ „

Andrew Hepburn, „ „ „ „ „ „ „




Nov. 1621

20 Aug. 1623

George, son natural to late David H., of Nynwallis, with Robert Dobie, tailor 21 Feb. 1638 George, son to Alexander H., portioner of Kello, with John Meine, merchant 24 Sept. 1662 Gilbert, son to Robert H., in Leith, with Gilbert Duncan, bower 28 Nov. 1627 James, son to late John H., in Chyrnsyde, with Walter Twedy, skinner ii Dec. 1588 James, son to late David H., in Dunbar, with Adam Allan, goldsmith 20 Apr. 1596 James, son to James H., weaver in the Scheynes, with James Cochrane, weaver 7 Oct. 1640 James, son natural to Alexander H., of tialiburtoun, with Adam Douglas, chirurgian 29 Sept. 64 James, son to Mr. John H., minister at Greenlaw, with Thomas Trotter, cordiner 2 June 1652 John, son to Patrick H., litster in Haddington, with Lucas Wilson, skinner 26 Mar. 1594 John, son to late William H., indweller in Edinburgh, with George Gibson, bower 19 Mar. 1606 John, son to late William H., meilmaker, with John Young, candlemaker 3 Jan. 1616 John, son to William H., of Hardismylne, with John Schaitthum, chirurgian 19 Dec. 162 John, son to David H., burgess of Culross, with Robert Wilson, wright 20 Feb. 1628 John, son to late James H., weaver at the Lochend, with James Wilson, weaver 8 Nov. 1648 John, son to late David H., of Crumpstane, with William Chancellor, merchant 15 Dec. 1658 Patrick, brother-german to George H., in Gulane, with George Heriot, elder, goldsmith 20 June 1604 Patrick, second son to late Mr. Adam H., parson of Polwart, with Thomas Admistoun, merchant 17 Apr. 1605 Patrick, son to James H., in Schirinseid maynes, with Home, skinner James 10 July 161 Philip, son to David H., tailor, with John Heriot, tailor 6 Sept. 161 Robert, son to William H., tailor, with William Mayne, bower 29 May 1590 Robert, son natural to Alexander H., of Haliburton, with Patrick Trotter, tailor 9 Dec. 1640 Thomas, son to James H., in Chirnsyde maynes, with James Home, skinner 30 May 1610 Thomas, son to Alexander H., in Botton, with James Marjoribanks, hatmaker 13 July 1614 Thomas, son to James H., portioner of Whitsum, with Andrew Anderson, merchant 2 July 1617 1

„ „ ,,

„ „ „ „ „

„ „ „ „

„ „ „ „


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices. to John H., meahnaker in Newbottle, with Archibald liailhe, cordiner Thomas, son to late Jasper H., in Quhythill, with David



Home, Thomas, son „



22 Dec. 1641 23



to late Alexander H., of Gamilscheilles, with Alexander Douglas, hatniaker 29 June 1653 Thomas, son to Mr. John H., of Bellittow, with Archibald Hamilton, merchant 25 Dec. 1661 William, son to William H., flesher in Tranent, with Thomas Traquhar, apothecar 4 June 1606 William, son to George H., of Cramercruk, with Alexander Miller, master tailor to His Majesty 17 Aug. 1608 William, son to Ninian Home, chamberlain to Lord Home, with John Dick, merchant 25 Mar. 1618 William, son to George H., of Lawfield, with John Rynd, merchant 5 Aug. i6i8 William, son to Mr. John H., minister at Bartramshotts, with George Ker, yr., tailor 26 Mar. 1623 William, son to George H., portioner of Guillane, with Robert Hepburn, cordiner (who deceased) 9 Nov. 1642 transferred to John Futhie 31 Mar. 1647 William, son to Mr. Robert H., minister at Greenlaw, with Robert Campbell, apothecary 30 Aug. 1654 William, son to late William H., in Wedderburn, with William Chancellar, merchant 27 Dec. 1654 William, son to William H., in Linthill, with Robert Baird, merchant

William, son to Alexander H., of Blackhill, with David

„ „ „

„ „ „

„ „

Thomas, son

23 Sept. 1657



7 Jan. 1658

or Houp, Alexander, son to Robert H., citizen in London, with Harry Hope, merchant (10 June) 19 Nov. 165 David, son to late Symon H., in Glensex, with John Anderson, skinner 13 Nov. 1616 Symoun, son to Thomas H., in Glensex, with Gavin Scott, skinner „ 29 Apr. 1 61 Thomas, son to late John H., writer in Edinburgh, with „ George Ker, tailor 31 July 1616 William, son to William H., in Dumfries, with James „ Nicolson, tailor 22 Jan. 1600 Hopkirk, James, son to Alexander H., indweller in Dalkeith, with David Pringle, chirurgian 6 Feb. 1639 Hopper, Harry, son to James H., of Bourhouses, with Walter Cant, merchant 17 Jan. 1638 William, son to late Robert H., in Nether Stichell, with ,, Alexander Burrell, lorimer 23 Mar. 1608 William, son to Mr. Alexander H., with Thomas Traquare, apothecar „ 7 Mar. 1610 Home, John, son to Henry H., in Tomyname in Kinross, with Robert Arnold, baxter 22 Feb. 1 591-2 19 July 1603 „ John, with William Johnstone, baxter John, son to late Laurence H., in Leswade, with James „ Forrestair, wobster 14 Feb. 1627 John, son to Robert H., indweller in Bent in Fruquhy, „ with John Fergusone, tailor 17 June 1629 son to late George H., falconer to John, Earl of Mar, John, „ with Cuthbert Hathorn, cook 20 Jan. 1647 Horner, John, youngest brother's son to John H., skinner, with his said uncle 12 June 1588 Horsburgh, James, son to late Alexander H., of that Ilk, with Robert Horsburgh, merchant (who deceased) i May 1644 transferred to Alexander Horsburgh 24 June 1646

Hope „

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Horsburgh, John, son to late Alexander H., of that Ilk, with John Kennedy, hatinaker John, son to Robert H., in Greisoun, with Alexander Johnstone, skinner Hougin, William, son to late John H., in Peebles, with Thomas



June 1650


Glaidstanes, merchant

29 July 1657 28 Apr. 1647

Houstoun, Andrew, son to William H., of Coltreoche, with Harry Forrest,


Harry, son to late John H., of Lanye, with James Heriot,

Hew, son


30 June 1647 litster

9 Nov. 1614 William H., of Pitceoch, with Robert Mein, merchant 14 Mar. 1660 James, son to William H., in Hilton, with David Thomson, wright to

18 Jan. 1654

Howatt, Andrew, son to Thomas H., in Blackwood, with John and Cornelius Weir, peuderers John, son to Thomas H., in the Keyene, with Patrick „ Finlayson, marikin-maker John, son to late James H., in Auld Cambus, with Pasquier „ Toilet, marikin-maker John, son to Patrick H., bailie in Aid Cumnock, with Robert „


June 1587

20 Oct. 1601 29 June 1608

Inglis, cordiner 19 Nov. Robert, son to William H., in Angus, with Richard Doby, merchant 28 Aug. Thomas, son to late John H., in the county of Cumberland, „ with James Mowat, tanner 5 Nov. Howie, John, son to John H., elder, tailor, with Patrick Hepburn, apothecary (deleted 12 Dec. 1627) 22 Nov. John, son to Alexander H., in Threipland, par. of Melrose, ,, with James Bargilleis, furrior 8 Feb. Thomas, son to late Alexander H., called of the Woolands, „ with John M'llyew, chirurgian 10 Feb. William, son to late Henry H., slater, with Alexander „ W^yllie, bonnetmaker 24 Dec. Howieson, Alexander, son to Alexander H., elder in Cramond, with Gavin Stevenson, baxter 3 Feb. David, son to Richard H., in Potterrow, with Thomas „ Nobill, merchant 11 Feb. David, son to John H., merchant, in Dunce, with Andrew „ Ker, merchant 7 Dec. James, son to Andrew H., in Dalkeith, with John Duguid, cordiner „



„ „


1626 1637

1619 1623

1630 1646 1664

Nov. 1649


1593 1662

John, second son to Robert H., in the Potterraw, with

John Craw, merchant 27 Aug. John, son to Richard H., in the Potterrow, with Samuel Hunter, apothecary 25 Oct. Peter, son to Andrew H., baxter, indweller, with Robert Pons, tailor 26 May Thomas, son to John H., portioner of Cramond, with John Hepburn, skinner 10 Apr. William, son to Arthur H., in Lochbayne, with John Cowp, tailor

1617 1648



25 May 1585 Howliston, David, son to William H., in Raeburn, with Nicoll Hastie, cordiner 8 July 1595 Huddilstoun, Thomas, son to John H., in Dunston, with William Wilson, tailor 26 June 1605 Hudsoun, James, son to Peter H., in Leith, with David Hudsoun, skinner 7 Oct. 1595

Mycheall, son to late John H., in Lochtoun in the Merse, with John Purves, cordiner Huippis George, son to late David H., in the Canongate, with Harry Robieson, wobster „


July 1600

31 July 1616


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

[1583- 1666.

Hunter, Alexander, son to late Walter H., in Threepanik, with

Walter Moftat, merchant Andrew, son to late John H., tailor, burgess of Edinburgh, with William Redpath, skinner David, son to late John H., in Fortoun, with Robert

13 Feb. 161

Hunter, baxter David, son to John H.,

24 June 1634 in

28 July 1587

Glamis, with George Gairdner, tailor

4 Aug. David, son to late David H., merchant, burgess of Dundee, with Laurence Mercer, merchant 22 Mar. George, son to James H., in Quodquan, with Andrew Neah, wright 7 Feb. James, son to late John H., in Cowsland, with Troylus Lawson, baxter 21 June James, son to Thomas H., in Denniestoun, with James Adinson, tailor 9 May James, son to James H., of Quodquen, with John Hill, bookbinder



1648 1655

1588 1632

12 Jan. 1648

James, son to late Edward H., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, with Robert Burn, tyllour 17 June 1657 John, son to late Robert H., of Williamlaw, with John Bannatyne, skinner 28 Feb. 1583-4 John, son to Robert H., tailor at the West Port, with Thomas Broun, bonnetmaker 14 Feb. 1587-8 John, son to late Michael H., sometime in Fala, with Robert Hunter, baxter 20 Feb. 1605 John, son natural to Captain John H., with Peter Trotter, blacksmith 16 Sept. 1607 4 Mar. 161 John, son to late James H., with Robert Cherrie, locksmith John, brother-german to William H., in Ormistoun, with Robert Poock, baxter 24 Nov. 161 John, son to late George H., in Newbottle, with Harry Robiesoun, wobster 23 Aug. 161 John, son to Michall H., indweller in Edinburgh, with William Weir, merchant 23 Dec. 1618 John, son to late John H., messenger, with James Cowan, merchant 9 Aug. 1665 Mathew, son to Thomas H., in Kyle, with Robert Thomson, goldsmith 21 Dec. 1596 Patrick, son to Thomas H., burgess of Crail, with Robert Anderson, cordiner 3 May 1654 Richard, son to late William H., in Prestonpans, with 28 Jan. 1624 James Speir, slater Robert, son to late John H., burgess of Edinburgh, with William Perstoun, tailor 3 July 1588 Robert, son to David H., in Myreside, with William Fyddes, baxter 8 Jan. 1588-9 Robert, son to late Robert H., in Westhousses, with John Hyrd, baxter 16 May 1598 Robert, son to late Thomas H., in Westhousses, with David Cosser, tailor 13 Sept. 1609 Robert, brother-german to Duncan H., of Ballagaine, with 10 Mar. 1613 John Trotter, merchant Robert, son to late John H., merchant, at the West Port, with David Johnstone, tailor 31 Jan. 1621 Robert, son to Thomas H., in Ormistoun, with John 11 July 1627 Kneland, cordiner Robert, son to John H., sledder, indweller in Edinburgh, with William Craik, couper 27 May 1635 Samuel, son to George H., in Ormistoun, with Mungo Henryson, cordiner 5 Feb. 1593-4

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Hunter, Thomas, son to John H., in Torbrex, with „ „ „

Thomas, son


to Gilbert H., indweller in Leith, with

Hunter, merchant 30 Aug. 1603


Arnott, merchant to late John H., sledder in Edinburgh, with Robert Gibson, cordiner Thomas, son to late Robert H., in Bristo, with George Somervell, skinner Thomas, son to James H., indweller in Newbottell, with

„ „

Weir, skinner William, son to late son



Robert Huntei-, ,,




29 July 161 in

Houstoun, with 12 Jan. 1648


transferred to Alexander

John, son to



James 10






William, son to James H.,


1654 July 1655


Huntlie, tailor „

28 Jan. 1652

Westhouses, with

William, son to late Thomas H., in Grail, with Paterson, tailor (who deceased)


10 Aug. 1642

24 Aug. 1608

Robert H.,

Thomas Watson, candlemaker William,

29 Jan. 1640

28 June 1648

Thomas, son to late Thomas H., skipper in C^arraill, with James Broun, hatmaker William, son to James H., in Braikensyde, with David

23 Sept. 1635

Thomas, son

Alexander Stevenson, candlemaker „


6 Dec. 1620 in Little

Prestoun, with George

Huntlie, tailor

Huntone, David, son to Thomas H., in Cowsland, with Walter Young, merchant Hutcheson or Hutcheon, Alexander, son to late William H., in Lentilloch, with Alexander Thomson, tailor Archibald, son to Thomas H., of Lambhill, with John „

6 Mar. 1598-9 i

Sept. 1647

31 Jan. 1655

Nicolson, cordiner 25 Dec. 1588 Archibald, son to late John H., currier, with John Love, weaver 15 Mar. 1665 Francis, son to late Robert H., skipper, burgess of Kirk,, caldy, with John Johnstone, furrier 12 Mar. 1656 Isaack, son to Mathew H., hatmaker, burgess of Edin„ burgh, with James Bourgoune, hatmaker 26 Nov. 1625 John, son to late Robert H., in Dysart, with Gilbert „ Hay, merchant 23 Feb. 16 14 John, son to late John H., wobster, with Henry Bower, wobster „ II Mar. 1629 John, son to late Alexander H., in Flemyngtoun, with „ Thomas Softlaw, armourer 22 Tuly 1646 William, son to late William H., indweller in Lanark, with „ David Gray, tailor 23 June 1658 Hutsoun, Alexander, son to John H., in Lochtoun in the Merse, with Archibald Martin, skinner 26 Dec. 1592 David, son to Peter H., wobster in Leith, with Mungo ,, Loch, skinner 14 Aug. 1584 William, son to John H., in Lugtoun, in the Merse, with „ Clogy, cordiner John 14 Aug. 1590 Button, Andrew, son to John H., in Muckart, with Gavin Stevenson, baxter 4 May 1636 Archibald, son to William H., burgess of Edinburgh, with ,, James Rig, chirurgian 23 June 1632 James, son to George H., merchant, burgess of Dunferm,, line, with William Turnbull, merchant 17 July 1611 James, son to William H., in Dunduff, par. of Dunferm„ line, with Henry Robiesoun, merchant 28 Aug. 1639 John, son to late Alexander H., portioner of Pitgober, with „ Alexander Logan, baxter 28 Nov. 1627 ,,

Edinbiirgh Register of Apprentices.



Hutton, John, son to Robert H., in Eastertoun of Pitgober, with 26 Peter Duncan, baxter Ludovic, son to John H., with John Oustiane, tailor 14 „ in Dunduff, par. Dunfermof William, son to William H., „ line, with Patrick Stenhopes, baxter 28 Aug. 1639 (deleted 7 Hynd, James, son to late William H., in Bristo, with Thomas 8 Meik, cordiner Robert, son to late William H., in Bristo, with John Hunter, „ 26 yr., baxter Imbrie,

John, son to Robert



Alexander, son to Robert

17 I.,

Nov. 1628 Feb. 1616

July 1644)



June 1644

Calder brig, with Robert

Anderson, flesher Inglis,


of Robertoun, with



James 20 Nov. 1616

Gairdin, litster

Alexander, son to John I., tanner, indweller in Leith, with Robert Inglis, cordiner 14 Apr. Alexander, son to late John I., in Howgatefuird, parish of Stow, with Alexander Inglis, merchant 9 Nov. Alexander, son to Alexander I., indweller in Caulben, shire of Banff, with John Williamson, merchant 19 May Archibald, son to late James I., tailor, burgess of Edin12 Dec. burgh, with Thomas Scheill, Daniel, son to Mr. John I., minister at Ochiltree, with i Apr. John Inglis, skinner David, son to late Thomas I., of Murdostane, with John Watt, smith 25 Apr. George, son to Mr. James I., of East Craigie, with George i Mar. Suttie, yr., merchant George, son to late William I., merchant in Hamilton, with Thomas Inglis, yr., peuderer 27 Aug. Gilbert, son to late Thomas I., in Carphyn, with Thomas 6 Jan. Inglis, peuderer James, son to Thomas I., portioner of Auldliston, with

„ „

12 Jan. 1 590-1 James Inglis, merchant James, son to James I., in Braidlie, with Patrick Douglas, baxter 15 May 1605 merchant Inglis, James, son to Thomas I., of Eastscheills, with John

James, son to Robert

„ „ „ „

„ „ „ „



1653 1658 1638 1607

1589 1654 1656


20 Jan. 1630 I.,

in parish of Edilstoun, with


Ramsay, skinner (who deceased) Walker

transferred to John „

„ „

„ „

James, son to John I., mason, indweller in Edinburgh, with James Robiesone, cordiner James, son to late James I., in Denavan, parish of Douglas, with Oliver Inglis, litster James, son to William I., in Throgtoun of Douglas, with James Cleland, chirurgian John, son to Mr. John I., minister of Ochiltree, with Robert Vernor, skinner John, son to John I., in Dindrynane, with Michaell Finlayson,


„ „

„ „

John, son to




Aug. 1641 Apr. 1646

16 Oct. 1644

28 July 1652 15

June 1659

20 Jan. 1586-7

26 Mar. 1610


John, son to late Nathan I., minister at Craigie, with John Inglis, skinner John, son to late Francis I., chamberlain of Carnwath, with James Guthrie, skinner John, son to late David I., of Claddiefuird in Ireland, with Sir James Murray, of Deuchar, Knight, merchant John, son to late John I., merchant in Alderne, with Andrew Dufif,



25 Aug. 1619

22 Mar. 1637




27 Sept. 1654 of Murdistoun, with Lidias Reid, merchant 5

Feb. 1662

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


son to Mr. John I., minister Robert Graham, tailor

Inglis, Joseph,

at Ochiltree, with

25 Feb.

Robert, son to late Uionisius I., with Thomas Porteous, locksmith Robert, son to Mr. Samuel I., portioner at Ersay, with John Trotter, elder, Robert, son to late



26 12






Nov. 1634

I., in Cruden in Buchan, with Andrew Crichtoun, merchant 30 Dec. 1646 Robert, son to Robert I., in Lockurd, with William Moss„ man, baxter 14 June 1665 Samuel, son to Mr. John I., minister at Ochiltree, with „ Patrick Hepburn, apothecary 26 Dec. 1610 Samuel, son to David I., in the Kingdom of England, with „ James Fortoun, skinner 31 fuly 1633 Thomas, son to late John I., pursuivant in the Canongate, „ with David Hutchison, slater 22 Jan. 1588-9 Thomas, son to William I., in Carfin, with Alexander „ Sibbald, peuderer 25 Nov. 1607 Thomas, son to late William I., in Aid Listoun, with James „ Edgar, cordiner 2 Dec. 1629 Thomas, son to Malcolm I., of Monniehaiv, with George „ Jardine, merchant 8 Mar. 1648 Thomas, son natural to James I., skinner, burgess of Edin„ burgh, with David Mowat, skinner Nov. 1663 „ Walter, son to late William I., in Langwell, with John Pilloun, cordiner 3 J''^"- 1588-9 William, son to Robert I., in Craigtoun, with John John„ stone, saddler 23 June 1587 William, son to late William I., in Langwell, with John „ Quhytt, tailor 4 Oct. 1603 William, son to Mr. John I., minister at Ochiltree, with „ Thomas Finnic, tailor 8 Sept. 1613 William, son to William I., in Bornie, with John Cilen, merchant „ May 1616 William, son to late Alexander I., in North Leith, with „ William Fleming, cordiner 13 Dec. 1648 William, son to William I., of Eastscheill, in Clydesdale, „ with John Mein, merchant 12 Jan. 1659 William, son to Thomas I., of Murdistoun, with George ,, Reid, merchant 5 Feb. 1662 Innes, Alexander, son to late Robert I., sometime servitor to Mr. John Skene, of Hallyards, one of the clerks of Sept. 1641 Session, with George Suttie, yr., merchant Hector, son to Patrick I., in Elgin, with Edward Little, „ deacon of the fleshers 19 Mar. 1602 John, son to James L, of Blackhill, with James Stevenson, merchant „





I., of Coittis, with David Mitchelmerchant Robert, son to Walter L, of Auchintait, with Alexander „ Danielstoun, merchant Walter, son to late Oliver L, servitor to Major John Johnstone, with James Wright, hatmaker Ireland, John, son to late John I., merchant, with Laurence


Aug. 1641


Dec. 1614

Robert, son to Alexander son,

13 Jan. 1633




Irving, Alexander, brother-german to Patrick


David, son to Francis I., merchant, burgess of Dumfries, with John Kniblo, merchant James, son to William L, in Trabroun, with John Goudie, peuderer


Sept. 1652


June 1589


Dec. 1664

of Beltie, with

James Borthwick, chirurgian „


9 Nov. 1625 22 June 1642


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

[1583- 1666.

Irving, James, fourth son to Robert I., of F'edderet, with John Fullertoun, yr., merchant Irvine, Thomas, son to late John I., in Craikhauch in Eskdaill,

14 Oct. 1657

with John Glendonyng, bonnetmakcr „

to Francis I., merchant, burgess of Dumfries, with Laurence Henderson, merchant

Jack, Andrew, son „ „ „

4 June 1589

Thomas, son






June 1630

Livingstone, with William

Clooksoun, blacksmith 17 Sept. David, son to John J., in Bowkerrie, with Henry Parker, tailor 6 Mar. (Jeorge, son to Alexander J., slater in Downe, with Adam Mitchell (Minchell), merchant 24 May John, son to Richard J., at the Kirk of Moniefurth, with Gavin Stevenson, baxter 24 Oct. Judiane, son to Thomas J., merchant, burgess of Lanark,




with James Sym, merchant Samuel, son to Gideon J., bailie of Lanark, with William Loury, apothecary Thomas, son to Gideon J., with John Kniblo, merchant ,, William, son to late James J., indweller in the Briggs, with ,, Robert Home, bonnetmaker William, with his brother-german Robert J., saddler, „ burgess of Edinburgh William, son to late John J., merchant in Clackmannan, „ with Robert Erskine, tailor Jackson, Alexander, son to Robert J., of Lochhouses, with (leorge Robertson, goldsmith George, son to George Jackson, of the Lochhouse, with „ John Hepbuim, skinner Robert, son to late Robert J., burgess of Dunbar, with „ James Finlayson, merchant William, son to Robert J., of Lochhouse, with Archibald „ Davidson, merchant William, son to James J., of Watriecottis, with John „ Hamilton, apothecary Jaffray, James, son to late Robert J., in Monckland, with Alexander Dunning, couper John, son to late Ninian J., in Polwart, with Alexander „ Haitlie, vvright (deleted 30 Aug.) Robert, son to William J., in Ryding in Monkland, „ with Henry Douglas, couper (who deceased) transferred to Robert Cors Jameson, Alexander, son to late John J., in Alsuddane, with


1644 1648


8 Oct. 1656

4 Oct. 1637 16

Mar. 1642


Aug. 1642

27 July 1653 '4 July 1630 8 Jan. 1589-90




6 Aug. 1628 16 Feb. 1653

9 Oct. 1605

26 July 1643 28 Dec. 1642 23 Dec. 1646

David Yuill, wright 19 Jan. Sept. David, with his brother-german John J., blacksmith David, son to Robert J., portioner of Kelso, with Thomas Halyburton, cordiner 7 Nov. George, son to Andrew J., burgess of Aberdeen, with John Anderson, painter 27 May 21 Nov. George, son to Hew J., tailor, with John Craik, bower James, son to John J., in Couper, with George Wady, skinner 1 Dec. James, son to James J., skipper in the Queensferry, with James Vans, merchant 25 Oct. James, son to late William J., weaver, with Robert Douglas, hatmaker i


1 1

1614 1619 1632

1612 162 1605 1632

Aug. 1647

John, son to late Henry J., at the Walkmylne of Calder, with John Johnston, hatmaker 15 Feb. 1 591-2 Robert, son to late John J., drummer to the goodtown, with James Turnbull, cordiner 9 Jan. 1650 Thomas, son to Gilbert J., burgess of Linlithgow, with 30 Jan. 1639 John Walker, glassinwright


EdiubiirgJi Register of Apprentices.

Jameson, William, son to Walter



merchant, with Robert Lim-

petlaw, skinner

7 Oct.


James, brother-german to John J., in Clennocheids, 6 Dec. 161 5 with William Duncan, locksmith James, son to William J., in parish of Culraine in Ireland, ,, 21 Nov. 1649 with John Leyne, merchant 28 P'eb. 1583-4 John, with his half-brother John Bannatyne, skinner „ Mungo, son to George J., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, „ merchant 22 Apr. 1629 with Patrick Eleis, Robert, son to late George J., in Corflett, with Hector „ 28 May 1589 Davidson, armourer William, son to Thomas J., of Birnoth, with Samuel Broun, locksmith „ 14 Dec. 1608 Job, Henry, son to late John J., cordiner, indweller in Edinburgli, 6 Mar. 1644 with William Nicoll, merchant Johnstone, Alexander, son to John J., burgess of Edinburgh, with Thomas Broune, cordoner 13 Nov. 1611 Alexander, son to late John J., in Falkirk, with Thomas „ 21 Dec. 1625 Mudie, merchant Alexander, son to late William J., fermorar in Cowsland, „ 20 Dec. 1648 with William Hutchieson, skinner Alexander, son to William J., in the Potterrow, with Robert ,, 21 Nov. 1655 Millar, weaver Alexander, son to Hugh J., in Spittelhauch, with William „ Watson, cordiner 27 Dec. 1665 Andrew, son to Edmond J., in Kynfauns, with James Finlay, baxter ,, Jardine,

23 Apr. 1628 „ „

in Musselburgh, with William J., Stevenson, sievewright Andrew, son to Robert J., in ( laitshaw, with William John

Andrew, son


stone, „

„ „ „ „ „ ,,




June 1644

25 Jan. 1654

Archibald, son to Thomas J., in lirigend, par. of Borthwick, 12 Jan. with John Welsh, merchant Claud, son to Henry J., armourer, with Robert Chrystie, merchant 19 July George, son to late David J., webster in Peterhead, with 28 Apr. John Cuik, wobster George, son to James J., indweller in Dechman, with 18 Jan. John Vans, walker George, son to late James J., cordiner in Portsburgh, with 11 Mar. William Smith, meixhant Gilbert, son to Robert J., in Caltchaippcll, with Thomas Beg, merchant 30 July Harry, son to late John J., workman, with James Harper, tailor



1630 1632 1657


May 161 to late William J., weaver, burgess of Canon14 Dec. 1642 gate, with Thomas Wright, weaver James, son to John J., of Newbie, with Da\id Johnstone, tailor 4 Mar. 1589-90 James, son to late John J., sometime in Mcrkeynsch, with Arthur Hamilton, wright 30 Oct. 1605 James, son to George J., of Oversciieills, with William

James, son to


„ „

Henry, son

Dalgleish, baxter

„ „ ,,

John J., in Trees of Auchenleck, with Andrew Dalrymple, wright James, son to late George J., cordiner in Edinburgh, with James Harlaw, cordiner James, son to William J., indweller at the West Port of Edinburgh, with Adam Gib, weaver James, son to Patrick J., tailor at Burrowstouness, with Thomas Wilson, merchant


Dec 1623


29 June 1625 23 Jan. 1639 4

Aug. 1641


Aug. 1646

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


[1583- 1666.

Johnstone, James, son to late Thomas J., in Lyntone, with Thomas Adam, marikin maker 5 Dec. James, son to Thomas J., in Lie, parish of Innerleithen, 20 Mar. with George Cunningham, merchant James, son to Andrew J., of Lockerbie, with James Cleland, chirurgiane 23 Jan. John, son to late William J., in Inneresk, with Thomas Wright, wobster 23 Oct. John, son to John J., in Symontoun, witli Richard Harlaw, hatmaker 31 July John, son to John J., in the Kerse of Cowrie, with John

Rentoun, candlemaker John, son to late Alexander J., in Dalderss, with James Hamilton, merchant John, son to late Symon J., burgess of Dumfries, with John Johnstone, merchant, called of Newbie John, with James Lamb, tailor John, in Allefuden, with Thomas Muter, blacksmith John, son to late John J., of Greenhill, with William Clarkson, blacksmith John, son to Wylkyne J., with Samuel Johnstone, cordiner John, second son to late John J., portioner of the Dean, with James Taylor, merchant John, son to Peter J., in Inneresk, with James Arnot, elder John, son to late Gavin J., in Carnwath, with Andrew Johnstone, merchant John, son to Thomas J., indweller in Edinburgh, with Mathew Stewart, tailor John, son to George J., indweller in Cockburnspath, with Robert Thomson, peuderer John, son to John J., flesher, burgess of Edinburgh, with




1650 1656


1590 1594

4 Dec. 1599 3 Mar. 1601 25 Jan. 1604 6 Apr. 1608 2


Aug. 1609 June 161

16 Oct. 161 28 Jan. 161

23 Feb. 1625 6



25 Jan. 1643

15 Mar. 1643 John Anderson, flesher John, son to late James J., clerk of Falkirk, with Andrew Bryson, merchant 19 Jan. 1648 John, servitor to James, Earl of Hartfell, with Robert Smart, cordiner




Nov. 1651

son to Richard J., in Woodhall, with William 8 Oct. Johnstone, tanner John, son to late Sir John J., of Elphingstoun, with Robert i Apr. Hamilton, yr., merchant Joshua, son to late Edward J., merchant, with Robert Mure, tailor 17 Dec. Patrick, son to Patrick J., in Prestoun in Merse, with Thomas Muir, merchant 17 Sept. Patrick, brother to the Laird of Elphinstoun, with James Neill, merchant 26 July Richard, son to late Thomas J., in Lyntone, with William Sibbald, peuderer 23 Dec. Robert, son to late James J., in Dumfries, with Archibald Johnstone, merchant 7 May Robert, with Alexander Lindsay, merchant 25 Jan. Robert, son to late Robert J., nierchant, burgess of Edinburgh, with Cieorge Clark, tailor 17 Mar. Robert, son to John Johnstone, smith in Menstrie, with 12 Apr. John Ferguson, tailor Robert, son to late John J., in Over Saltoun, with Daniel 2 July Johnstone, cordiner Robert, son to David J., driver, indweller in Edinl)urgh, with Robert Kennoch, flesher 30 Apr. Robert, son to late Thomas J., fermorer at Fordel Maynes, with William Johnstone, elder, skinner 31 Dec.


1656 1663

1586 1606 1615

1646 1594 1603

1613 161 161

1623 1651




of Apprentices.


Johnstone, Robert, son to David „

„ „ ,,


J., Ijurgess of Couper, with Robert Murray, merchant 3 Jan. 1655 Robert, son to hite John J., merchant, burgess of Dumfries, with John Mastertoun, merchant 24 Feb. 1658 Samuel, sontoEd\vardJ.,elder,merchant, with Robert Man, tailor /Aug. 583 Samuel, son to late John J., in Kymetheid, with William Gray, tailor 9 Sept. 161 Symon, son to late John J., in Lie, parish of Innerleithen, with John Broun, merchant 9 Jan. 1650 Thomas, son to late Thomas J., in Petland, with David 1

Johnstone, tailor ,,

„ „ „ ,,

31 July 1605

William J., in Hiehouse m Annandale, with John Wright, wobster Thomas, son to late James J., in Falkirk, with Andrew Bryson, merchant Thomas, son to William J., in Leipis, parish of Lasswade,

Thomas, son

to late

with Peter Adamson, wright Thomas, son to late Thomas J., in Craiglockhart, with Andrew Finlayson, shearsmith William, son to late Mathew J., in Musselburgh, with

Donald MacDullen,


William, son to William

William, son to late Mr. John


22 July 1633 7 Sept. 1642

25 July 1655 7

Nov. 1655

Nov. 1595 William Smaill, baxter 29 Mar. 161 5 East Nisbett, 18

in Kirkliston, with

J., minister at with Robert Keith, merchant

8 Sept. 1624

William, son to Edward J., in Cousland, with David Hutchinson, skinner 25 June William, son to Janet Murray, widow, with John Bichat, bonnetmaker „ 14 Feb. William, son to late Mr. Robert J., sometime minister at „ Glenquholme, with James Cockburn, merchant 27 Feb. William, son to Thomas J., stabler, burgess of Edinburgh, ,, with Thomas Haliburton, cordiner 17 Aug. Jollie, Archibald, son to late John J., sometime indweller in Ayr, with Robert Hamilton, couper 18 Aug. George, son to Charles J., burgess of Lauder, with Robert ,, merchant Jollie, 31 Mar. Jornaw, Thomas, oy to Robert Woodhouse, bookbinder with said Robert 17 Mar. Junckyne, John, son to Bartilmo J., in Leith, with William Carnegie, skinner 20 Jan. Justice, James, son to late Mr. Gawin J., indweller in Stirling, with William Lorimer, merchant i Aug. John, son to late William J., indweller in Edinburgh, with ,, Patrick Gowry, wobster 20 Sept. John, son to late Alexander J., indweller in Kichton, beside ,, Biggar, with John Quhippo, baxter 16 June John, son to late John J., baxter, burgess of Edinburgh, ,, with Robert Gibson, goldsmith 11 Aug. Patrick, son to Thomas J., merchant, burgess of Edin,, burgh, with John Justice, baxter 19 Jan. ,,

Kae, Alexander, son to William K., indweller in the Canongate, with Thomas Fleming, merchant Andrew, son to Thomas K., in Edinburgh, with John „ Balfour, „ „


1650 1653 1601


1630 1613

1649 1588 1617 1647 1642

12 July 1654

29 Dec. 1590

Thomas, son

to William K., of Linlithgow, with .Alexander Miller, tailor William, brother to Thomas K., in Linlithgow, with Alex-

ander ,,



Miller, tailor

William, son to William K., burgess of the Canongate, with Thomas Fleming, merchant

10 July 1605

26 Aug. 161 9 Feb. 1659

102 Kay, „


Edinbui-oJi Register of Apprentices. .







12 Jan. 1631

Hew, son to James K., in Pittenweame in Clydesdale, with David Lindsay, merchant 5 July 1626 James, son to James K., advocate, with John Somerville, skinner

23 June 1619 Keadie, James, eldest son to Thomas K.. indweller in Pillmoore, with James Stratoun, hatmaker 18 Oct. 1626 William, son to John K., in Friertoun, with Robert Broun, merchant ,, May 1642 Keann, William, son to Stephen K., at Dalrymylnes, with William Walker, wobster 10 May 1620 Keappie, John, son to Francis K., indweller in Langniddrie, with Laurence Admistou*, baxter 27 Nov. 1661 Keddar, Archibald, son to late John K., couper, with Robert Ker, flesher 24 Oct. 1660 William, son to late William K., flesher in Edinburgh, with ,, David Adam, flesher 18 Mar. 1657 Keir, Adam, son to late Adam K., in Hukstoun, with W^illiam Scott, baxter 5 Feb. 1662 James, son to James K., in Fisherrow, with Ji)hn 151ack, wobster 14 Apr. 1613 ,, Thomas, son to late Ludovick K., indweller in the Canon„ gate, with Andrew Burrell, goldsmith 21 Sept. 1653 William, second son to late Walter K., of Easter „ Crichtoun, with William Dick, merchant 9 Nov. 1625 Keith, Alexander, son to late Robert K., in Tulloch, with John Guthrie, tailor 16 July 1628 Alexander, son to late William K., of LogieulU)ft", with „ Walter M'Ado, tailor 8 Sept. 1658 Hew, son to late Alexander K., of Betlechachane, in „ Ireland, with James Borthwick, chirurgian 26 Mar. 1656 James, son to late Robert K., merchant, burgess of Mon,, trose, with John Scott, skinner 18 Aug. 1630 Robert, son to late William K., with John Somervell, skinner ,, 1




Peter, son


Graham, Kellie, Charles,


son to John K.,



Linlithgow, with Robert

K., in


15 Oct. 1589 in

Dunbar, with John Bannatyne, skinner 24 Jan. 1588-9


Cudbert, son to Cudbert

Cudbert Mure, furrour George, son to George K., Galbraith, skinner


burgess of Dunbar, with 4 Dec. 1605 in

Dunbar, with

Edward 18 Sept. 1588

late John K., burgess of Dunbar, with John Mansoun, Wright 18 Jan. 590-1 George, son late William K., portioner of Westbarns, to „ with James Bennet, tailor 29 Apr. 1635 Thomas, son to John K., burgess of Dunbar, with James ,, Henryson, chirurgian 19 Feb. 1584-5 Tliomas, son to late William K., in Dunbar, with Robert „ Kennedy, locksmith Jan. 1640 William, son to late William K., in Westbarns, with „ Robert Hepburn, cordiner 29 May 1633 Kello, Edward, son to John K., in Biggar, with George Davidson, skinner i Dec. 1613 George, son to late George K., portioner of Quodquen, ,, with William Bartraham, merchant 14 Apr. 1647 James, son to James K., servitor to Sir John Sinclair, of ,, Stevenson, Knight Baronet, with Alexander Kello, armourer 30 Sept. 1640 James, son to Patrick K., in Biggar, with Edward Hunter, merchant „

George, son to



4 Jan. 1643

Eainburgh Register of Apprentices.


Kello, James, son to late


K., Ijurgess of Biggar, witli


Morrison, merchant James, son to late James K., burgess of Biggar, with James Davidson, merchant James, son to late Peter K., burgess of Edinburgh, with






Feb. 1645

16 Sept. 1646 10

Nov. 1647

John, son to late Harry K., burgess of the Canongate, with

Samuel Thomson, cutler to James K., portioner of Mastertoun, with

15 July 1618

John, son

Thomas Stanehope,

baxter 17 June 1635 John, son to Peter K., indweller in Biggar, with Thomas Wilson, saddler 12 Aug. 1640 Patrick, son to late Henry K., dagmaker in Leith, with Gavin Hamilton, cordiner 1 Dec. 1630 Thomas, son to John K., in Biggar, with John Mackquhen, merchant Sept. 23 1595 William, son to late William K., in Dunbar, with James Patton, locksmith 27 Dec. 1654 Kelmany, William, son to Robert K., in Linlithgow, with David Hamilton, saddler 14 Dec. 1546 Kennoway, David, son to Mr. Alexander K., with George Stirling, chirurgian 15 Oct. 1662 Kennedy, Cuthbert, son to William K., in Dalkeith, with Thomas Robesoun, walker 19 Sept. 1592 David, son to Alexander K., of Drumbellane, with Archibald Cleghorn, cordiner 5 Oct. 1614 David, son to late Alexander K., of Dounlennen, with Alexander Mauchan, merchant 26 May 1619 David, son to John K., of Smestoun, with James Finlay, baxter 25 Dec. 1622 David, son to late Henry K., in Dangart, with James Henryson, chirurgian i Dec. 1624 Gavin, son to late Gavin K., in Grenan in Carrick, with Patrick Kennedy, saddler 15 May 1593 Gilbert, son to James K., in Chaple, with Samuel Cleland, chirurgian 20 Jan. 1664 Hew, son to Hew K., in Dangart, with James Henderson, chirurgian 27 Jfune 1621 Hew, son to late Hew K., Clachantoun, with David Murray, furrier 19 June 1622 Hew, son to John K., merchant, burgess of Ayr, with William Castellaw, apothecary 18 Oct. 1643 James, son to Alexander K., in Simerstoun in Carrick, with George Broun, saddler 16 Aug. 1587 James, son to Alexander K., of Drumkellan, with Daniel Gairden, skinner 5 Apr. 1609 James, son to John K., of Kermucks, with George Jaffray, merchant 20 Mar. 1650 John, of Bogend, with Abraham Abercrombie, saddler 7 Mar. 159 1-2 John, son natural to John K., dagmaker, with his father 4 Sept. 161 John, son to Alexander K., of Drumland, with William Hoppringle, apothecary 24 June 1612 John, son to John K., fishmonger, burgess of Edinburgh, 12 Mar. 1645 with John Wallace, merchant John, son to late Oliver K., of Breakath, with William 8 Dec. 1647 Castellaw, apothecary John, son to late Gilbert K., of Barnhill, with Geoige Childers, saddler 2 Feb. 1653 Thomas, son to Alexander K., of Dunmeline, with David Lyon, tailor 25 July 1610 Thomas, son to late David K., of Killrenie in Ireland, with

John M'Lurge, merchant


Nov. 1653

Edinburgh Register of Appreuliccs.


Kennedy, Thomas, son



K., of Kirkhill, with

CorneHus 18 Apr. 1666

Neilson, merchant ,,

Wilham, son



[15S3- 666.

K., of Auchtifardale, with



23 Jan. K., portioner of Maistertoun, with Fiddes, deacon of the baxters 29 Apr. Kenzeane, WiUiam, son to Ralph K., of Ancotts beside Man6 Aug. chester, with Patrick Baxter, merchant Ker, Alexander, son to John K., tailor (poor), with John Hunter, tailor 9 May Alexander, son to James K., elder, in Uuddingstone, with Scott,

Kent, Thomas, son to

William Muddye, merchant Alexander, son to late Robert K., maltman in the Canongate, with David Kennedy, chirurgane Andrew, son to James K., in Edinburgh, with Archibald

Hadden, wright Andrew, with Archibald Hamilton, locksmith Andrew, son to late George K., brother-german K.,




of Duddingston, with



1600 1634 1627

June 1628

22 Feb. 1660 22 Dec. 1590 18 Jan. 1603



Crawfuird, cordiner

9 Nov. Andrew, son to Robert K., portioner of Fcrningtoun, with James Trotter, merchant 3 June Andrew, son to late John K., brother to the laird of Newhall, with John Trotter, merchant 7 July Andrew, son to late Thomas K., of Luidenlaw, with John Feb. Kniblo, merchant Andrew, son to late John K., portioner of Duddingston, with Robert MuUikyne, schoolmaster 4 Dec. Andrew, son to John K., in Leaston, parish of Humbie, 10 Feb. with David Broun, merchant Andrew, son to John K., in Dunblane, with Archibald Syme, skinner i

1614 161

1630 1632

1639 1647

12 Apr. 1654

Archibald, son to late John K., brother to the laird of Newhall, with James Ruchheid, merchant Clement, son to late Andrew K., in Linlithgow, with W^illiam Penstoune, tailor Francis, son to James K., traveller, with W^illiam Paterson,



George, son to James K., indweller in Edinburgh, with James Quhippo, tailor Hugh, son to late Mr. Hew K., minister at Lyne, with George Hutchison, merchant James, son to NicoU K., in the Byres in Barnbougall, with Robert Fisher, tailor James, younger son natural to John K., elder, merchant,


James, James, James, James, James,

18 Jan. 1632

25 June 1606

Nov. 1609

18 Oct. 1626

25 Mar. 1663 8 Jan. 1588-9

with his father 3 June son to late Gavin K., indweller in Leith, with David Wyllie, bonnetmaker 29 Oct. son natural to James K., of Sunelaws, with Robert Lympitlaw, skinner 28 Sept. son to Thomas K., of Caver, with Stein Philp, merchant 8 Feb. brother-german to Sir Thomas K., of Caver, Kt., with Stevin Boyd, merchant 27 Aug. son to Duncan K., merchant in Falkirk, with Samuel Burn, merchant, vintner 27 May son to late William K., stabler, with Archibald Weir, litster




23 K., of

John, son to Stevin K.,

Some, with John Taylor,


1625 1632

1634 1657


James, son to late James Ker, skinner

Auchlochie, with



30 May 1666 27 Apr. 1591


Edinbm'gh Register of Apprentices,


Ker, John, son to John K., portioner of Wester Duddingstone, with John Quhyte, tailor 22 Aug. 1610 John, son to Andrew K., of the Yair, with John IngHs, skinner „ 17 July 161 John, son to Robert K., in Duddingstone, with Robert Lowrie, tailor „ 16 Oct. 1616 John, son to late John K., in Straitoun, with Patrick „ Stirling, bonnetniaker 3 Dec. 1617 John, son to John K., wright in Leith, with Robert Mayne, bower „ (deleted 14 Dec. 1631) 13 Apr. 1631 John, son to late George K., of Carthestair, with John „ Ker, chirurgian 11 Jan. 1632 John, son to Alexander K., in the parish of i\lig^^all, with „ James Floures, bonnetniaker 11 Nov. 1635 John, son to Alexander K., servitor to Lord Balmerinoch, „ with John Fynnie, tailor 3 Aug. 1636 John, son to William K., stabler in Edinburgh, \uth John „ Bryce, weaver 28 Nov. 1655 John, son to Thomas K., of Howning, with James Stark, merchant ,, 21 July 1658

„ ,,


John, son to John K., skinner, burgess of Dunblane, with Andrew Ker, skinner Lancie, son to late Thomas K., of Hardenlaw, with Andrew Douglas, tailor Richard, son to late James K., indweller in Greenlaw, with

John Balfour, „



Feb. 1663

29 Nov. 1627

Aug. 1660


Robert, son to late Robert K., in Kippilaw, with James Johnstone, wright July Robert, son to James K., in Dunblane, with David Nicolson, candlemaker 2 Apr. Robert, son to Thomas K., wright in Kelso, with John Young, wright 7 July Robert, brother- german to Thomas K., of Mersingtoun, with Stevin Boyd, merchant 31 Aug. Samuel, son to John K., in Haltoun, with George Ker, tailor 25 May Thomas, son to late Robert K., of Ancrum, with Thomas Bruce, cordiner 27 Apr. Thomas, son to late Archibald K., servitor to the Laird of Blair, with Thomas Tailpheir, tailor 5 July Thomas, son to late Thomas K., of Lurdenlaw, with Robert Meiklejohn, skinner 20 Aug. Thomas, son to Archibald K., in Innerask, with David Thomson, wright 22 July Thomas, son to William K., painter in Aberdeen, and 19 ALir. Janet Hay, his spouse, with Joseph Stacie, painter Thomas, son to late John K., merchant, with Hewie 1

„ „

„ „

„ „ ,,

„ „

Henderson, muildmaker



1647 163 1631

1596 161


1646 1656

18 Sept. 1661

Walter, son to Walter K., mealmaker in Silvermylnes, with John Bigham, cordiner 4 Apr. William, son to Thomas K., in Mainshead of Cumber„ nauld, with Alexander Farquhar, tailor 28 Dec. William, son to William K., fiar of Yair, with John Davie, merchant „ 20 July William, son to late George K., of Fotherlie, with James „ Ker, yr., merchant 3 May Kerss, Henry, son to John K., furrior, with Thomas Dickson, furrior „


James, son to



K., otificer, with



2 Aug. 1587 Robert Logan, baxter I

Keyne, James, with James Gechane, merchant

1660 1602


Sept. 1630 July 1603

Edinburgh Regiskr of Apprentices.


Kilpatrick, Robert, son



K., in


[1583- 1666.

Ninian's Raw,

with Robert Lauchlane, bonnetmaker Kincaid, Alexander, son to late James K., of that Ilk, with James

Lawson, „ „

13 Jan

Alexander, son to late John K., merchant in Lithgow, with Thomas Kincaid, chirurgian Archibald, son to late John K., of Warestoun, with Robert


Trotter, merchant Edward, son to Henry K., in Auchendryoch, with William Smaill, baxter Francis, son to John K., in Straughtoun, with James

Murdoch, cordiner James, son to David K., in

26 Jan. 1631



Dec. 1661


23 Feb. 1602 7

June 1603

13 Oct. 1658 Saltcoitts, with



mason 23 Nov. 1642

„ „

James, son to John K., indweller in Tranent, with Robert Watt, tailor James, son to John K., in Tranent, with John Smith, tailor Patrick, son to David K., of Zeanstae in Orkney, with

James Boig, merchant Thomas, son to John K., in Tranent, with Robert M'Keane,


Mar. 1654 10 Dec. 1656


26 June 1661

skinner (who deceased) transferred to John Somervell Walter, son to John K., of Auchinrigh, with Thomas Lawrie, merchant William, son to James K., of the Coitts, with David Corsbie,

20 Oct. 1652 Mar. 1654


25 Mar. 1657

skinner 22 July 1584 King, John, son to late Walter K., in Pokschawis, with William Graham, skinner 26 Apr. 1637 John, son to late James K., in Pockshaw, with Robert Hall, skinner „ „

22 Jan. 164a „

Robert, son to late John K., pultrieman in Edinburgh, with George Admistoun, baxter (who deceased)

Thomas, with James

28 Sept. 1642 6 May 1646 i July 1663

transferred to John Hutton K.,




Robert, son to late John K., indweller in with Robert Murray, merchant (deleted 16 June 1641) 26 Oct. 1639 Kinloch, Alexander, son to David K., with Nicoll Spens, tailor July 1586 Andrew, son to David K., baxter, with William Symontoun, saddler ,,





Henry, son



K., in Breich, with

Alexander Man,

June 1587



John, second son to late Mr. David K., doctor of medicine, with Steven Boyd, merchant (deleted 8 March 1622) Kinnaird, James (poor), with William Arnot, skinner James, son to late Patrick K., merchant, burgess of Dun„ dee, with Archibald Sydserff, merchant Kinnear, James, son to Mr. Alexander K., parson of Quhitsom, with Patrick Forbes, merchant James, friend to Mr. Alexander K., minister at Bathgate, „ with William Eistoun, tailor Kirk, Andrew, son to John K., of Boogie, with Alexander




„ „ ,,

Lessels, Andrew, son to

12 July 1620 18 Dec. 1605

19 Aug. 164


24 Mar. 1629 25



merchant 6 Aug. 1662 John K., of Bogrie, with Robert Chartris, merchant

28 Feb. 1666 George, son to Mr. George K., minister at Aberfoyle, with Walter Gledstaines, tailor 31 Mar. 1658 Robert, son to James K., in Tilliecultrie, with George Gray, wright 12 Nov. 1594 Robert, son to John K., of Boogie, with William Grierson, merchant

23 July 1662


Edinburgh Reoister of Apprentices.


Kirkpatrick, Alexander, son to Thomas K., in Schaddischaw, 26 Nov. 1590 with Richard M'Soun, skinner Alexander, son to late James K., indweller in Edinburgh, ,, with Alexander Covvy, wright 14 Feb. 1644 in Schaddishill in Carnoch Aluir, James, son to James ,, with John Vernor, marikin-maker Dec. 1613 William, son to James K., in Cliddischill, with James Tynto, baxter „ Jan. 1617 William, son to Thomas K., in Shaddishill, parish of Car„ stairs, with Thomas Somervell, furrier 13 Sept. 1654 with John Kirkup, George, son to late James K., in Pringle, chirurgian 20 May 1635 Kirkwood, Alexander, son to John K., in Pitcoke, with John Graham, skinner 24 July 1584 Ciilbert, son to Patrick K., smith in Colinton, with George ., Foulis, goldsmith 19 Sept. 1598 Robert, son to James K., burgess of Dunbar, with John ,, Livingston, merchant 28 Apr. 1630 Robert, son to late James K., W.S., with Robert Hamilton, merchant „ 9 Feb. 1653 Thomas, son to late Adam K., indweller in Colinton, with ,, Gilbert Kirkwood, goldsmith 10 Jan. 1621








Kneland, George, son to late William K., brother-german to George K., of Glenhove, with William Trotter, merchant 12 Sept.



to Robert K., in the Pirniclaw, parish of Calder, with Peter Aikman, baxter John, son to late Arthur K., in Knokhowbilhill, with David Bruce, cordiner John, son to Archibald K., walker at the Newmylnes, with

John Fairholm, merchant 29 Aug. 1649 Patrick, son to Robert K., of Fairniehill. with David Bishop, skinner


James, son

21 July i6oi 12 Sept.



Thomas, son to Robert Mayne, bower

Kniblo, William, son to




July 1607

par of Caldercleir, with William 12 K., in



Nether Libbertoun, with

James Dischingtoim, saddler Knight, Thomas, son to James K., in Longniddrie, with William Johnstone, skinner

30 Nov. 1608 6 Aug. 1662

Knowes, Christopher, son to late Mr. Christopher K., of Swynevvood, with George Swinton, bookbinder 6 Feb. George, son to James K., in Newbottle, with David Kinloch, baxter „ I


July 1586

Knox, Alexander, son to late Thomas K., sometime in Maistertoun, above Newbottle, with David Burn, candlemaker i July 1600 John, son to Patrick K., workman, with William Raid, weaver ,,

14 Feb. 1666

Thomas, son

to Mr. William K., minister of Cockpen, with Archibald Edingtoun, cordiner transferred to Laurence Forsyth William, son to Mr. William K., minister at Cockpen, with „ James Cathkyne, bookseller Kyile, James, son to Robert K., indweller in Wester Duddingston, with Alexander Chappell, cordiner Kyle, John, son to late John K., wright in Ersiltoun, with


Kyle, clothier Thomas, son to John K., in Ersiltoun in the Merse, with Robert Stansfield, clothier

Lacok, Alexander, son to late John Clerk, candlemaker

L., in

Mar. 1619 30 Jan. 1622


13 Oct. 161

24 Mar. 1641 10 July 1661

g Sept. 1646

Dunkeld, with James 30 July 1594


EdinbiLrgh Register of Apprentices.

Laing, Andrew, brother to John L., schoohnaster, with James Riddoch, peuderer Andrew, son to WilHatn L., miller at Braidsmylne, with „ „ „






William Murdo, curriour 24 Jan. 1644 David, with James Graham, skinner 28 Jan. 1594-5 George, son to Archibald L., in Leith, with Patrick Speir,

candlemaker 15 July John, son to John L., in Auchencloch, par. of Rothimay, with John Auld, merchant 18 Oct. Thomas, son to late Thomas L., portioner of Easter Clay„ hills, with John FouUertoun, skinner 25 Nov. Walter, son to Andrew L., in Rothemay, with John Uasoune, tailor „ 10 Dec. William, son to Mr. James L., minister at Kirknewton, „ with William Alexander, merchant 8 Jan. Lamb, Adam, son to late John L., in Dirlingtoun, with Robert Dennistoun, goldsmith 12 July Janies, son to late John L., with John Jackson, merchant 29 June „ James, son to James L., maltman, burgess of Paisley, with „ James Broun, merchant 15 June Janies, son to late William L., in par. of Carmichael, with „

16 12



James Inglis, litster John, son to John L., stabler, with William Reid, couper Mathew, son to Mathew L., tailor in Edinburgh, with

Storie, walker 19 Jan. Robert L., weaver, burgess of Dunfermline, with John Wilkie, weaver (deleted 13 Dec. 1643) 30 Mar. Lamond, John, son to Mr. Allan L., minister at Scoonie, with Alexander Taliphere, merchant 18 Dec. Landells, Isaac, son to Adam L., tailor in Edinburgh, with William Heriot, pantoun-heelmaker 24 Feb. Langlands, Alexander, son to Agnes Black, widow, in the House of Hill, with Thomas Wetherspune, bonnetmaker 18 Jan. Lewis, son to Alexander L., bonnetmaker in Leith Wynd, „ with Alexander Somcr, bonnetmaker 3 July Robert, son to Robert L., of that Ilk, with James Ker, merchant „

Thomas, son


1623 1645

1609 1608 1642

3 F"eb. 1664 2 Jan. 161





12 Jan.

Lauder, Andrew, son to




L., in


1616 1641

1637 1622


Melvin mylne, with


26 June 1639

George, son to James L., bailie of Dunbar, with Thomas Beg, merchant 10 Mar. 1647 Hew, son to Captain Hew L., with Robert Dennistoun, tailor June 1591 James, son to William L., in Belheaven, with John Smaill, merchant

James, son to

„ „


25 Oct. 1609 late



of Hethpool, with


Pringill, chirurgian

„ „ „

James, son to late Edmond L., in Clarkingtoun, with Michael Gibson, tailor James, son to Andrew L., at Melvin Mylne, with John Lauder, merchant John, son to late Captain Robert L., with Alexander Hepburn, cordiner

„ „ „ ,,

June 1624

]6 Feb. 1631

26 Aug. 1646

26 Feb. John, son to John L., in Kyith, with George Jackson, skinner 5 Apr. William L., indweller son to late in North Berwick, John, with Richard Purdie, tailor 5 Jan. John, son to Andrew L., indweller at Moulling mylne, with William Mitchellson, merchant 17 Sept. Patrick, son to Samuel L., bailie of Eymouth, with Robert Hamilton, yr merchant 2 Nov. Robert, son to Mr. Alexander L., portioner of Coldingham, with Joshua Mansioune, wright 18 Nov. ,


1600 161


1620 162S

1664 1612


Edi7iburgh Register of Apprentices.

Lauder, Robert, son to late Robert

L., writer,

with John Bracldie, 9 Apr. 1623



William, brother to Alexander L, of Hespule, with John

26 Aug. 1586 William, son to Hew L., merchant, with John \asmyth, chirurgian „ 25 Sept. 1590 William, son to William L., in Ethringtoun, with Gilbert ,, Aitchison, merchant 13 Dec. 1609 Laurie, Harry, son to James L., in Sauchtounhall, with Robert Penman, vintner 10 Dec. 1662 James, son to John L., of Maxeltoun, with Thomas Lourie, merchant ,, 5 Mar. 1662 James, son to James L., farmer at Sauchton hall, with „ William Young, baxter 5 Oct. 1664 James, son to late Robert L., in Rotha, with Hugh Laurie, maltman ,, 5 Apr. 1665 John, son to late Robert L., indweller outwith the West „ Fort, with Patrick Alyne, couper 9 Aug. 161 Law, Alexander, son to late Alexander L., in Borrostounes, with George Lourie, merchant tailor 24 May 1626 Andrew, son to late John L., merchant, burgess of Dysart, ,, with John Inglis, merchant 14 Feb. 1627 Andrew, son to Andrew L., bailie of Falkirk, with Robert „ Inglis, merchant 26 Mar. 1656 John, son to James L., in the Kirkhouse, with James ,, Jamieson, locksmith 7 Mar. 1632 John, son to Mr. John L., minister at Neilston, with „ Robert Gibson, goldsmith 12 Dec. 1649 John, son to Andrew L., fermeror at Edstoun, with Robert „ Weir, peuderer 9 Jan. 1650 )olphingtoun, with James John, son to Robert L., in „ Quantain, wright 2 Mar. 1659 Robert, son to William L., in Ayr, with Archibald Symon„ toun, skinner 23 Oct. 1616 Robert, son to late John L., skipper, burgess of Kirkcaldie, „ with Andrew Burrell, goldsmith 25 Nov. 1646 William, son to Mr. John L., minister at Neilston, with ,, Thomas Scott, goldsmith 27 Feb. 1650 William, son to Mr. John L., of Watterfoold, with James „ Symontone, goldsmith 28 Dec. 1653 Lawson, George, son to Mr. James L., of Carmuire, with John Broun, merchant 19 Dec. 1660 George, son to George L., burgess of Edinburgh, with „ Archibald Inglis, baxter 30 Nov. 1664 James, son to Archibald L., in Overgogar, with John ,, Symontoun, skinner 24 Nov. 1591 James, son to James L., in Carniemuir, with Abraham „ Miller, cordiner 17 May 1597 James, son to William L., in Brigend, with Edward Gray, tailor 31 Jan. 1621 „ in the Canongate, with to L., Harry son James, John „ Bairnsfather, tailor



„ „

„ „

Robesoun, wobster 21 Nov. 1621 James, son to late William L., indweller in Edinburgh, with William Benny, cordiner 2 Feb. 1625 John, son to George L., in Edinburgh, with Laurence Hutsoun, tailor 25 June 1594 John, son to late Thomas L., in Westhouses, with William Napier, merchant 4 May 1608 John, son to John L., indweller in Edinburgh, with George Wilson, tailor 16 June 1630 John, son to Mr. James L., of Carmure, with Walter Turnbull, chirurgian 17 Dec. 1656


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Lawson, Patrick, son



of Cairnmuir, with Patrick i4Apr. 1619 Philhp, with Robert Aitchison, merchant 12 July 1615 Wilham, son to James L., in Carmine, with Robert Limpetlaw, skinner 21 June 1620 to


Paterson, merchant

„ .,

Robert, son to


L., in

Wilham, son to William L., in P>ogend in Tweeddale, witli James Lawson, tailor 19 Jan. Lawtie, James, son to James L., writer, with Thomas Haliburton, cordiner „

29 Sept. Leckie, John, son to Alexander


Andrew Halyburton, blacksmith William, son to Alexander L., of that

13 Jan. 1647



Leishman, Alexander, son





L., in

Quarrell, with

Aug. 1642






Allan, cordiner „

64 1

indweller in Dunbar, with

Ilk, with Robert Finlay, merchant Leggat, Patrick, son to late Alexander L., in Glasgow, with Hew

1631 1

L., portioner of Elsriggell, with Robert Robesone, cordiner Malcolm, in Falkirk, with Thomas Peacock, cordiner (who


June 1664


Dec. 1627

John, son to James



Nov. 165

transferred to James Crawford Leitch, Robert, son to late Andrew L., burgess of Ruglen, with

29 Apr. 1657

James Arbuckle, skinner Robert, son of the late Robert L., skinner, burgess of Ruthergien, with John Pinkertoun, skinner (16 Oct.) Leith, Henry, son to late William L., merchant in Darnaway, with William Carmichaell, skinner Lempetlaw, Robert, son to late William L., in Lanark, with William Lempetlaw, skinner Lennox, Andrew, son to late Thomas L., of Pluntoun, with Michael Gib, tailor James, son to John L., in Hierige, with Patrick Anderson, „ locksmith Robert, son to John L., sometime of Pluntoun, with Thomas „ Broun, bookseller William, son natural to John L., of Kailles. with Adam ,, Thomson, saddler Lentron, Patrick, son of James L., sometime provost of St. Andrews, with William Lorimer Lermonth, Archibald, son to late Adam L., in .Aberlady, with James Thomson, saddler Archibald, son to James L., in Little Barnebougali, with ,, Robert Williamson, baxter James, with Alexander Lyell, skinner „ son to late Peter L., in Williamstoun, with John Joseph, „ Wilson, baxter Thomas, son natural to late Mr. John L., of St. Nicolas, „ advocate, with Robert Burne, tailor Wilham, son to Michael L., indweller in West Gordon, „

29 Nov. 1626


Nov. 165


Feb. 1658

17 Sept. 1606 7

6 Feb. 1661 21 July 1647

9 Sept. 1663 6 Nov. 1583 7


George, with Nicoll Penstoun, tailor Patrick, son to late George L., in Heichamc, in Fife, with ,, Alexander Swinton, saddler William, son to Mr. Patrick L., minister at Fetteresso, with „ Peter Maill, merchant Lethame, James, son to late John L., in Leaniemuir, with John Hunter, yr., l^axter


June 1609 June 1603

17 July 1590 i

with Robert Learmonth, merchant Lessells, George, son to late Thomas L., in Pethheid of Kirkcaldie, with Alexander Duncan, blacksmith

July 1641

24 June 1595



13 July 1659

23 Feb. 1620 29 Mar. 1603 10 Dec. 1586 28 i




Aug. 1649



Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Leys, John, son natural to William L., merchant, with George 8 Apr. 1595 Corsbie, skinner Libbertoun, Adam, son to late William L., in Over Libbcrtoun, with Uavid Leggatt, tailor 4 Apr. 1621 George, son to John L., in Kirknewtoun, with Thomas ,, Crichtoun, merchant 14 Dec. 1642 John, son to John L., in Kirknewtoun, with Robert Taitt, „ merchant 15 Sept. 1641, deleted 30 Nov. 1642 John, son to John L., in Kirknewtoun, with John Young, litster 31 July 1644 „ John, son to Andrew L., indweller in Edinburgh, with „ 16 Dec. 1657 Archibald Eliot, couper Robert, son to William L., in Nether Libertoun, with George „ 22 Mar. 1586-7 Henderson, cordiner Robert, son to late Jarnes L., in Nether Libertoun, with „ 28 Jan. 1624 William Hepburn, marikyn-maker Lichtoun, Alexander, son to Mr. James L., minister at Dun, with Robert Foulis, merchant 29 Mar. 1643 William, son to iVIr. Mathew L., minister at Currie, with „ 18 June 1628 James Wright, hatmaker Liddell, John, son to late William L., portioner of West Barns, 6 May 1618 with John Byres, merchant William, son to George L., burgess in Haddington, ,, with Samuel Wilson, skinner 24 Apr. 1611 William, son to David L., portioner of West Barns, with „ Alexander Heriot, merchant 3 Feb. 1619 William, son to late John L., in Wyndilaws, with Pasqueir „ 26 July 1620 Colled, marikin-maker Lidderdale, Alexander, son to James L., of the Isle, with John Johnstone, of Newbie, merchant 4 Apr. 1592 Lidingtoun, James, son to late Alexander L., of Salcottis, with Steven Bruntfield, merchant 4 Apr. 1655 Lightbodie, James, son to Walter L., merchant, with James Rig, merchant 13 May 1663 Lillie, John, son to James L., wright, indweller in Edinburgh, 26 Sept. 1627 with John Tweedy, locksmith 28 June 1583 Limpetlaw, Thomas, cordiner, made burgess Lindsay, Alexander, son to late Alexander, Lord Spynie, with Alexander Haliburton, merchant 25 July 1649 Alexander, son to late Alexander L., in Rofall, with Alex„ ander Smyth, merchant 27 Feb. 1650 Andrew, son to Michaell L., in Erpersoun, with Thomas „ 26 Jan. 1 590-1 Windyetts, armourer Andrew, son to David L., in Dundee, with James Walker, tailor 9 Aug. 1 597 „ Andrew, son to Alexander L., of Brotlands, with William „ Nemo, tailor 15 Mar. 1609 David, son to Andrew L., writer, with Thomas Lindsay, merchant „ 5 Dec. 1610 David, son to Alexander L., at the Mylne of Rotall, with „ 22 July 1646 Alexander Smyth, merchant Gavin, son to late Thomas L., in the Grange, with Hew „ Lindsay, goldsmith 15 Mar. 1626 George, son to John L., younger of Collingtoun, with Hugh „ Lindsay, goldsmith 25 Mar. 1595 Harry, son to Alexander L., of Brodland, with John Lind„ say, goldsmith 17 Jan. 1610 son to Mr. James L., sometime Commissary of James, „ 21 Apr. 1619 Lanark, with Andrew Hairt, printer James, son to Rodger L., indweller in Edinburgh, with „ i Jan. 1645 John Garvett, met chant James, son to Mr. Thomas L., minister at Dunblane, with „ Feb. William Fleming, skinner 23 1659


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

Lindsay, James, son to Mathew Veatch, wright John, son to David L., „

L., in

Elphingstoun, with


Andrew 17 July 1661


Efifiebetoun, beside


with David Heriot, goldsmith, 8 Feb. 1592-3 John, son to Rodger L., indweller in Edinburgh, with John „ bookbinder Forrester, 4 Dec. 1644 John, son to late Alexander L., at the Mylne of Roltwell, „ with David Lindsay, merchant 7 July 1658 Robert, son to Rowland L., in Nisbet, with Patrick Walker, peuderer „ I Feb. 1609 Robert, son to late James L., turner, indweller in Prestoun, „ with George Hill, elder, weaver 26 May 1647 Robert, son to Mr. Thomas L., minister at Walstoune, „ with Robert Browne, bookseller 12 Sept. 1655 Robert, son to late Robert L., merchant, burgess of Edin„ burgh, with Thomas Somervell, tailor 5 Sept. 1660 Rodger, son to late Rodger L., of Maynes, with Gilbert „ M'Clellane, skinner 8 Sept. 1652 Samuel, son to late Colonel James L., of Belstane, with „ Alexander Hamilton, cordiner 31 Dec. 165 Thomas, with Alexander Lindsay, tailor 17 Apr. 1593 „ William, son to Patrick L., in Coitmure, with Archibald ,, Allan, skinner 12 Nov. 1594 William, son to Adam L., tailor, with John Henryson, armourer „ 20 Apr. 1596 Linlithgow or Lithgow, Andrew, son to James L., of Drygrange, with James Symontoun, confeittmaker 3 Dec. 1662 Gideon, son to James L., merchant, burgess of Lanark, „ with John Wreittone, apothecary 24 Dec. 1628 James, son to late John L., smith, indweller at the West „ Port, with James Stirling, mason 19 Nov. 1634 James, son to late James L., mason, burgess of Mussel„ 2 Dec. 1657 burgh, with Gideon Lithgow, bookbinder i Linton, John, son to late John L., with Thomas Gilry, broudster June 1591 John, son to Andrew L., in Dalzell-mylne, with Thomas „ 10 June 1646 Storie, walker Lisk, Robert, son to late Thomas L., in Balleneur in Ireland, with John Cook, weaver 23 Apr. 1645 Lisouris, John, son to James L., in the Water of Leith, with 11 May 1608 Andrew Hairt, printer Listoun, Alexander, son to .\ndrew L., with Gavin Listoun, baxter 10 June 1595 Andrew, son to William L., in Humby, with William Small, baxter „ 25 Aug. 1595 Robert, son to John L., litster in Tranent, with William „ Hamilton, merchant 5 June 1650 William, son to Henry L., of Lasswade, with Thomas „ 2 May 1592 Hislop, armourer William, son to late Thomas L., sometime indweller in „ Gilmerton, with William Dalgleish, merchant, and 6 Apr. 1631 Janet Herring, his spouse Little, Alexander, son to late Mr. William L., portioner of Over 8 Apr. 1635 Libertoun, with Alexander Speir, baillie John, son to Archibald L., in Dunse, with William Little, merchant „ 30 Nov. 1614 Patrick, son to late John L., in St Marie Wynd, with „ Robert Nicolsoun, candlemaker 14 Jan. 1594-5 Peter, son to Thomas L., in Torphichen, with Henry Young, baxter „ 7 Mar. 1 6 10 Littlejohn, .A.ndrew, son to late Andrew L., servitor to Duke of Hamilton, with John Littlejohn, merchant 8 Sept. 1647


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


James, son to William L., weaver, indwelier in Edinbingh, with Patricia Cochran, weaver 19 Mar. 1645 John, son to Alexander L., in Doune, with John Dickson, tlesher


10 Jan. 1604


Adam, son

to late John L., indwelier in Milbune, with Alexander Thomson, skinner Alexander, son to Alexander L., of Kirkland, with Henry Young, baxter Alexander, son to Alexander L., in Tullenoch, with John

Andrew, son

Trotter, merchant to Alexander


Foulis, merchant George, son to John L., sometime of

Jamieson, giassinwright James, son to James L., of Belstane, with

„ „




„ „


22 Jan. 16



Nov. 1613 i




7 July 1647

Hayning, with Thomas 19 Nov. 1662


Lindsay, goldsmith 17 July 1599

James, brother-german to William L., of the Halls of Airth, with Robert Livingstone, baxter Knight, with James, son to late Sir Harry L., of John Livingstone, merchant James, son to late Hew L., portioner of Falkirk, with David Gray, merchant James, son to Mr. John L., minister at Ancrum, with Edward Stevenson, merchant James, son to Ale.xander L., of Parkhall, with John Cleg.



Lindesay, goldsmith John, son to Nicoll L., with George Huntley, tailor John, son to Patrick L., of .Saltcoats, with James Skaithmure, chirurgian John, son to late Robert L., in Lanark, with William


L., in

L., in

24 June 1634 13 Jan. 1641

24 17



Newbigging, with



Dec. 1662

Galloway, with

Roger M'Naught, merchant John, son to

21 Oct. 1612


John, son to Robert





Jan. 1623


horn, merchant


26 June 161 1

L in Carstalcaric, with Mathew Bathcate, baxter David, son to Alexander L., in Kirkland, with Joseph Leirmonth, baxter Florence, son to late James L., portioner of Coallmounth, with Thomas Sharp, tailor Mr. George, son to Mr. Patrick L., of Saltcoitts, with Patrick Hepburn, apothecary George, son to late Harry L of Gardoche, with Robert

27 June 1655

13 Feb. 1592-3




Dec. 1605

4 Feb. 1607 12 Oct. 1608


Wilkie, merchant 16 Mar. 16 14 John, second son to Mr. William L., of Easter Greenzairds, with Mr. Alexander Paterson, apothecary 6 Mar. 1622 John, son to John L., in Falsyde, with William Lorimer, merchant

Nicol, son to Richard L., in .Stramiglow, with

17 31


Patrick, son to late John L., yr., ot Donyjiaice, with David Cosser, tailor Patrick, son to Mr. Henry L., minister at Kippcn, with


Robert, son to late Robert


Adam Thomasson, „

„ „

saddler L., of

Aug. 1653

James Park, cordiner Aug. 1653

16 Feb. 1620 18



Lanark, with John Wilkie,

merchant 6 Jan. 1608 Robert, brother-german to Mr. Patrick L., of Saltcoats, with John Coltherd, tailor 3 ALar. 1613 Thomas, brother-german to William L., portioner of Falkirk, with John Howie, tailor 18 Nov. 161 2 William, son to John L., of Hayning, with Steven Boyd, merchant 25 Fcl). 1620


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Livingstone, William, son to Mr. William L., minister at Lanark, with James Nairne, merchant William, son to Robert L., in Otterstoun, par. of Temple, „ with Robert Henderson, cordiner Loch, James, son to late John L., merchant, with Alexander

Houpe, ,,


21 July 1630








Patrick, son

to late John L., baxter in James Inglis, cordiner


Aberdeen, with 28 Jan. 1652 9 May 1 592

Robert, son to late John L., with Mungo Ross, baxter „ Lochhead, Alexander, son to late lliomas L., with John Dobie, merchant Dec. 161 Lockhart, Alexander, son to Thomas L., in Anstouther, in the barony of Carstairs, with John Paiman, merchant 1


23 Sept. 16 Lockhart, tailor 10 Sept. 1589 1

George, son to .Archibald to James merchant


James, son

James, son to Alexander




Ayr, with

L., in


of Cleghorn, with John Moffat,

23 Dec. 1646 L., of

Braidschaw, with George

Jaffray, merchant son to James L., of Cleghorn, with




David Kennedy,

chirurgiane 28 Jan. 1657 James, son to William L., of Park in Douglas, with „ Thomas Wyllie, merchant 9 Jan. 1661 John, son to late Archibald L., in Leith, with John Black, tailor „ 1 Mar. 1600 John, son to late Andrew L., in Nynebrogis, with John „ Chisholm, baxter 19 Jan. 1648 John, son to John L., portioner of Nemphler, with John ,, Dunbar, skinner 10 Aug. 1653 Robert, son to late Allan L., of Cleghorn, with Thomas „ Muiddie, merchant i Feb. 1632 Robert, son to late John L., in Carstairs, with Robert Herriot, wright „ 12 Dec. 1655 Robert, son to late Hew L., of Bankhcad, with George „ Swinton, bookseller 5 Mar. 1656 Samuel, son to Sir James L., of Lee, Knight, with Patrick „ Wood, merchant 15 Feb. 1632 Thomas, son to John L., in Renstnn, par. of Carstairs, „ with Alexander Lockhart, merchant 10 June 1646 William, son to late Mungo L., in Cleghorn, with John „ Broun, saddler 14 Dec. 1591 William, son to late William L., in Ayr, with James, „ Wilands, lorimer 7 Mar. 1610 Lockie, John, son to Robert L., in Falkirk, with John Hall, merchant ,,

16 July 1628 John, son to Alexander L., portioner of Mertoun, with Alexander Halyburton, blacksmith 17 June 1657 Thomas, son to late Andrew L., in Lockie, with John Dol^y, flesher

Logan, Alexander, son



L., in

Dai, with


5 Mar. 1593-4 Baxter, wright

3 July 1588 „

Alexander, son to late John

Hadden, yr., merchant Andrew, with Alexander Logan, baxter


„ „

L., in

Strabogie, with Robert

Archibald, son to William L., in Thirlcstane mayncs, with Alexander Logan, baxter Archibald, son to Mr. James L., minister at Eddistoune, with Cieorge Owistiane, tailor David, son to late John L., in Restalrig, with Alexander



23 Nov. 1640 22 Feb. 1603 9 Feb.



29 Dec. 161 19 Aug. 1586


Edinburgh Register of

Logan, David, son


Robert Logan, workman, with William


Paterson, bonnetmaker „



George, with Patrick Macknacht, skinner Henry, son to Robert L., of Cowstane, with William Johnstone, merchant John, eldest son to William L., in Stenhopmylnes, with

John Boirlands, litster son to John L., in


Feb. 588-9 22 Feb. 1603 i


ALay 1661

30 Aug. 1620




George L., of that Ilk, with Patrick Maknacht, skinner 17 Feb. 1608 Robert, son to late John L., in Airth, with William Fyfic, baxter


12 Apr. 1654

Robertson, baxter

Patrick, son


Logye, George, son to Archibald L., in the Canongate, with John NLansion, wright Lorimer, William, son to late Steven L., bellmaker, with Patrick Loudoun, Mathew, son to William L., in Cramouth, with James Walker, tailor Low, Patrick, son to Andrew L., bonnetmaker, with John Reid, bonnetmaker Lowis, Alexander, son natural to late Thomas L., merchant, with Alexander Lowis, elder, merchant John, son to late Andrew L., merchant, burgess of Perth, „ with Thomas Wright, hatmaker Thomas, son to L., in Fynlawes, with John Big„


June 1595


Aug. 1590

31 Oct. 1633 3

Mar. 1624

30 July 1634



holme, cordiner William, son to late Charles L., in the Crengene in „ Galloway, with William Dalgleish, baxter Lowrie, Alexander, son to late David L., indweller in Edinburgh, with Francis Loch, flesher George, son to late Robert L., in Calaschiels, with John ,, Gardener, wobster George, son to John L., reader at Glencorse, with James „

Cunningham, tailor to James L.,

25 Apr. 1649

25 Feb. 1629

30 Mar. 1587 i


Henry, son

James, with John Trynche, candlemaker John, son to George L., burgess of




Feb. 1609



Alexander 13 i\Lar. 1605

Burraill, lorimer

Dec. 1594

21 Oct. 1629

Trotter, tailor




Aug. 1602

Edinburgh, with

16 Aug. 1609 George Cowan, tailor son to late Thomas L., in Middingcottes, with 8 Sept. 161 Robert Lourie, tailor John, son to James L., in Westhouse, with James L., candlemaker „ 12 Jan. 1615 Martin, son to Martin L., merchant, elder, with Archibald „ Martin, skinner 23 Mar. 1584 Patrick, son to late Patrick L., merchant, burgess of Edin,, 22 July 1646 burgh, with Adam Grame, merchant Robert, son to Thomas L., at the Hillend of Robertoun, „ 21 June 1588 with John Carmichaell, tailor Robert, son to John L., in Tuthiil in Forfar, with Andrew ,, Ferguson, baxter 9 Feb. 590-1 William, son to John L., in Colstoun, with Alexander Rentoun, tailor „ 26 Sept. 1598 William, son to late Thomas L., in Edinburgh, with John „ Smith, bonnetmaker 3 Mar. 1658 Lowrestoun, Robert, son to late Nicol L., in Over Gogar, with 11 Nov. 1586 Alexander Crawford, cordiner with Robert Lowriestoun, skinner 15 May 1584 William, son to „ Lowson, James, son to Andrew L., in the South Queensferry, 22 Feb. i 591-2 with Robert Thomson, merchant „








Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

Lowthian, John, son



L., in


Cianiond, with James Walker,



t8 Sept. 16 1

Luikup, Robert, son to John L., wright, Hamilton, Wright


Melrose, with Arthur

Nov. 1621


Lumisdaill, Archibald, son natural to Robert L., merchant, with

William Wallace, tailor 29 Jan. 1593-4 Clement, son to the Laird of Airdrie, with Patrick Craig, merchant 18 Mar. 161 George, son to David L., of Blanerne, with James Edmestoun, tailor „ 26 June 161 George, son to late Robert L., of Montquhairnie, with „ 2 July 1662 William Mitchelson, merchant James, son to David L., in Blancrine, with David Yuill, wright 6 Dec. 1615 ,, Da\id son to late David L., in Tyninghame, with John, ,, Broun, wright 14 Oct. 1600 John, son natui-al to Robert L., of Airdcy, with Henry ,, 11 Aug. 1601 Lumisdaill, chirurgian Robert, son to Alexander L., at the Brig of Don, with ,, Henry Lumisdaill, chirurgian 4 Dec. 1588 Robert, son to David L., of Blanerne, with James Kinloch, chirurgian „ 616 7 r^eb. Lumisdane, Archibald, son to David L., of Blanarne, with 28 June 1620 George Ker, tailor deleted of consent Jan. 1623 James, son to Mr. William L., of Old Meldrum, with John „ ,,



2 July Fullertoun, merchant John, son to late Alexander L., mason, indweller in Edinburgh, with Gideon Gilchrist, weaver 21 Oct. Lun, James, son to late John L., indweller in Edinburgh, with 20 Oct. Ronald Robisone, wobster Lundie, Alexander, son to Andrew L., in Stainbenham in the 22 July Mearns, with Thomas Wilson, litster David, son to late Robert L., of Balgonie, with John ,, 26 iMay Fairholm, merchant George, brother to Robert L., of Balgonie, with Gilbert ,, Aitchison, merchant 26 July son to John L., of Stratherlie, with Robert Middleton, tailor James, „




James, son to






James, son to




Aug. 1589

L., in Linthill,

25 Dec. 1605 15 Jan. 1593-4




cordiner John, wobster, admitted burgess „ John, son to Adam L., burgess of Aberbrothok, with John ,, Dick, merchant John, son to Thomas L., in Borrowstounness, with William ,, Picken, bonnetmaker William, son to late Andrew I.., couper in St. Andrews, with „ Alexander Lyell, skinner William, son to John L., in Cockburnspath, with George „ Park, merchant Lyllie, John, son to Andrew L., fruit-seller, indweller in Edinburgh, with James Harrower, bookbinder Lyn or Lyne, Patrick, son to late Fergus L., of Lurg, in Galloway, with Robert Jack, merchant Thomas, son to Thomas L., in Dundass, with George „ Bairnsfather, merchant


10 Feb. 1647

Bruce, cordiner


1630 1657

minister at Eleth, with

John Fish, merchant Lyle or Lyell, Francis, son to George L., of Stanypeth, with David Hoppringle, chirurgian James, son to late Andrew L., in Huntlewood, with „



4 5

June 1662 July 1583

26 Sept. 1592 9 Mar. 1636

6 Feb. 1592-3 10 Nov. 1647 11

July 1638

13 Dec. 1654 31 Oct. 1598






of Apprentices.


or Lyne, William, son to William L., in Lyn's mylne, with

Daniel Johnstone, cordiner William, son to John L., in Auchengray, par. of Carnwath, with David Moutray, merchant William, son to James L., in Campelay, par. of Calder „ Cleir, with John Haliburton Lyon, James, son to late John L., indweller in Aberbrothock,

24 Apr. 1605


Adam Gauden,

14 Apr. 1641


John, natural son to Patrick L., servitor to James L., of Auldbar, with John Hunter, tailor John, son to late Alexander L., tailor, burgess of Edinburgh, with William Stevenson, merchant John, son to Frederick L., of Brigtoune, with Patrick

Nicoll, merchant Patrick, son to late John


Hunter, tailor Thomas, son to Andrew

„ ,,


8 Feb. 1643

24 Nov. 1647

y Mar. 1636

27 Feb. 1656 5


of Reuchilhili, with

Mar. 1656


L., merchant, burgess of Brechin, with John Wood, merchant William, son to late James L., of Easter Ogill, with John Lindsay, goldsmith

26 Dec. 1632 24 Mar. 1624

20 Jan. 1613


John, son to the late John M., in Bew, par. of Dairy, with James Campbell, merchant Thomas, son to James M., indweller in Edinburj^^h, with ,, William Smyth, skinner M'Allan, Gilbert, son to John M., in Stenhousc, par. of Liberton, with George Morison, weaver John, son to John M., par. of Wandell, with John Thomson, ,, locksmith Macaulay, Adam, son to AUaster M., in the Levenax, with William Wilson, tailor David, son to late David AI., in Tamachell, with William „ Marshall, printer James, son to late John M., in Chanlakfute, with Thomas ,, Hunter, yr., merchant James, son to John M., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, „ with Robert Gibson, goldsmith Robert, son to Thomas M., in Ramferlie, with John Kello, ,,

10 Dec. 1628 2

Aug. 1637

22 Dec. 1647 13




Feb. 1585-6


25 Apr. 1632 17



24 Nov. 1630

29 Nov. 1609 Robert, son natural to Robert M., armourer, with his father 28 Feb. 1638 with son M., in Drummakeill, CarThomas, to John John michaell, tailor 18 Dec. 15S8 Thomas, son to Thomas M., writer, with Gilbert Acheson,


„ „

merchant M'Braire, Robert, son to late Thomas M., bailie of Dumfries, with John Scott, chirurgian M'Cairter, Walter, son to James M., in Leith, with James

Ramsay, candlemaker M'Call, John, son to William M., in Leswade, with Alexander Lindsay, armourer Robert, son to George M., burgess of Haddington, with ,, Arthur Hamilton, wright M'Cartnay, John, son to late Andrew M., in Drymen parish, with John Davidson, chirurgian M'Cayne, William, son to William M., bailie of Montrose, with George Ousteane, merchant 'Claire, Andrew, son to William M., maltman, burgess of Stirling, with Thomas Inglis, yr., peuderer M'Cleirie, John, with Robert MTlwraith, tailor M'Clelland, James, son to late Thomas M., of Barmagachane, with Gilljert M'Clelland, skinner


9 Jan. 1633 8

Mar. 1643

6 June 1592 25 July 1649 2

Dec. 1618

28 Nov. 1627 5

Sept. 1610


Nov. 1648




15 Apr. 1640

Ediiibiu'gh Register of Apprentices. M'Clelland, John, son to late


M., of Barnia^achane, with

Richard Maxwell, saddler „

Gilbert, son to late


30 Dec. 1640

Gilbert M., of Galtua, with William

Hamilton, skinner John, son to Robert M., of Barmagahan, with Thomas Lenno.x, skinner M'Clie, Hector, son to IJ)onald M., of Alness, with David Pringle, chirurgian William, son to Donald M., of Alness, with William „ Mitchelson, merchant M'Clure, Thomas, son to late Martin M., indweller in Lindsaystoun, with James Bynnie, merchant M'Coull, William, son to late William M., llesher in Leith, with


Mar. 1624





Steel, flesher

M'Craith, James, son to late Ale.xander M., indrteller

June 1635


g Aug. 1625 7

Apr. 164





Dec. 1644


June 1638


June 1642


in Brug^h-

Andrew Murdo, marikin-maker Hew, son to late Thomas M., tailor in Mynnieboll, toun, with



with John Hilstoune, merchant M'Crouche, John, son to late Alexander M., in Broughtoun, with James Chalmers, marikin-maker M'Cubbin, Andrew, son to Thomas M., merchant, burgess of Jedburgh, with John M'Cubeine, merchant John, son to Thomas M., merchant, burgess of Jedburgh, with John M'Cubyne, merchant M'Culloch, Andrew, son to Robert M., of Ardmorrall, with George Cleghorn, goldsmith

17 Sept.



Charles, son to


27 Feb. 1622 9 June 1652

M., present provost of Tain, with

David Kennedy, chirurgiane

19 Oct. 1653 son to Mungo M., in Inneressen, with Robert Jardane, armourer 25 Aug. 1601 Robert, son to Robert M., of Drummorrell, with Hector „ M'Clure, chirurgian 23 June 1647 M'Cutthin, Francis, son to John M., merchant in London, with Gilbert Makowan, skinner 15 July 1635 'Donald, Alexander, son to late John M., in Kintyre, with Alexander Anderson, merchant 9 Mar. 1659 M'Dougall, Alexander, son to late Mungo M., in East Nisljett, with Harry Douglas, couper 11 Dec. 1639 James, son to Alexander xM., of Logan in Galloway, with „ John Gibson, merchant 24 May 1654 Robert, son to Patrick M., in Crichen in Galloway, with „ 20 Dec. 1654 John Lightgow, merchant Uchreid, son to Uchreid M., of French, with John M'Lurg, merchant ,, 17 Dec. 1656 M'Dowell, John, son to Hew M., of Danyddall, with Thomas „


John, son of Uchtred M., in Ireland, with


Miller, tailor

23 Sept. 1657



merchant 23 Dec. 1657

M'DuIl, Andrew, son to Patrick AL, meilmaker, with David Weir, skinner John, son to John M., mealmaker, indweller in Edinburgh, ,, with James Murray, yr., merchant Macfarlane, John, son to Dougal M., in Munkcjuhan, in the Lennox, with John Doby, flesher Macghie, Hew, son to Mr. Hew M., minister at Balmagie, with Robert Paterson, apothecar (who deceased) transferred to ,,

James Borthwick

John, son to John M., weaver, indweller in the Potterrow, with Robert Purdie, weaver John, son to late John !VL, indweller in Balmagill, with Ciavin Williamson, bookbinder

25 INLay 1585

Mar. 1641


29 Jan. 1600 29 ALar. 1643 24 June 1646

June 1642



July 1657


583- 1 666.]

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


to Mr. John M., minister at Direltoun, witl: Patrick Andrew, merchant 28 Mar. 1666 M'Gill, Anchevv, son to late Andrew M., in the Westermuir, with John Young, litster 5 Sept. 1632 James, son to William M., gardener, indweller in the ,, Potterrow, with Saaiuel Boyes, tailor (who deceased) 6 Dec. 1643 transferred to Adam Gairdine 13 May 1646 M'Gowan, Gawin, son to Mr. John M., in Wigtoun, with Robert Herries, merchant 10 June 1595 Macgrew, William, son to Donald M., cook, with Robert Lauchland, bonnetmaker 30 June 1641 M'Grewer, Donald, son to late John M., in Arnethlay, with Thomas Brand, cordiner 19 Feb. 1662 M'llmun, Duncan, son to John M., in Wester Kaymis, with Thomas Crawfurd, tanner 9 Mar. 1642 M'llquhan, Edward, son to John M., indweller in Edinburgh, with Andrew Cossie, slater 23 Sept. 1663 M'llwraith, Andrew, son to Andrew M., tanner, with Robert M'llwraith, tailor 5 Mar. 1617 M'llroy, Alexander, son to Alexander M., stabler, burgess of Edinburgh, with Adam Darling, chirurgian 28 May 1656 M'llveane, Patrick, son to Patrick M., in Maybole, with William Haliburtoun, merchant 26 July 1643 M'Int, John, son to late Malcolm M., in Dynulbue, with George

Macghie, Robert, son

Fairholm, tanner

20 Jan. 1647

M'Intosh (M'Colmtosh), Angus, son to Lauchlan M., of Borlum, with William Milne, merchant Duncan, son to late M., of Aberardour, with „ George Graham, merchant M'Kayne, John, son to Richard M., stabler, with John Ousteane, .

16 Apr. 1662



22 15

M'Keane, James, son

to late




June 1608

Mr. William M., merchant, burgess

of Montrose, with Archibald



16 Dec. 1629

John, son to late Mr. William M., merchant, burgess of ,, Montrose, with John Joussie, merchant 25 Feb. 1635 Mackenzie, Alexander, son natural to Alexander M., tailor, burgess of Edinburgh, with his father (who deceased) 16 Aug. 1643 transferred to John „


Alexander, son to John M.,


Rewll, merchant late Thomas M., of Pluskardean, Barclay, of Peastoun, merchant Hector, son to Rorie M., of Davochmaluoch, with William „ Milne, merchant Murdo, son to John M., servitor to Colin, Lord Kyntaill, „ with Alexander Macculloch, wright M'Kie, James, son to late John M., in Cruikitstane, with Robert


Hamilton, merchant John, son to John M., indweller

Malcolm, son


Feb. 1653

in the Canonmylnes, with Fulton, wright Donald M., in Lawers, with William

20 Mar. 1661 15

Nov. 1665

16 July 1623

20 Oct. 1658 4 Oct. 1654

to late

Jollie, currior


George, second son to with

16 Feb. 1648

AUoway, with Alexander

Patrick, son to late John M., burgess of Peebles, with John Carrick, cordiner Robert, son to John M., elder, portioner of Lairbor, with

George Anderson, tanner Thomas, son to late William M., sometime indweller in Colinton, with John Doguid, cordiner Mackinlay, Ale.xander, son to James M., in Corshill, with John Wyllie, yr., bonnetmaker

3 Oct.






Aug. 1658


8 Dec. 1652

26 Apr. 1637


Edhibwgli Register of Apprentices.

M'Korne, Joseph, son




in the


Scheyins, with Harry

Houstone, htster Mackye, John, son to late Robert M., in Camisburne, in Downe of Monteith, with John Ker, merchant Robert, son to late William M., burgess of Montrose, with „


Nov. 1626

26 July 1648 28 Nov. 1621

James Guthrie, skinner M'Lauchlan, Duncan, son to John M., in Monteith, with John Twedye, elder, locksmith John, son to late John M., of Craignittie, with John Fram,

16 Feb. 1648


hat maker Robert, son to late John M., in Monteith, with James Monteith, peuderer MacLennan, Gilbert, son to Gilbert M., of Galtnay, with William Hamilton, skinner (who deceased January 1625) transferred to James Guthrie John, son to John M., beside Dumbarton, with Alexander ,,

13 Jan. 1613


Adamson, dagmaker M'Ley, Alexander, son to late Alexander M., of Inderethie, with Alexander Hay, bower M'Lurg, James, son to John M., in Pinquharrie, par. of Colmonell, with John M'Lurg, merchant Maclynto, Thomas, son to late Robert M., stabler, with John Pillone, cordiner

M'Math, Andrew, son to Adam M'Math, merchant


.May 1646

Mar. 1624 14 Dec. 1625


6 Mar. 1592-3 i


14 Oct. 1607

M., of Unthank, with

Edward 21 Sept. 1608

late Alexander M., of Dealpether, with 21 Sept. Livingstone, merchant Hector M., merchant, with Edward Galbraith, skinner June Macmichael, Alexander, son natural to John M., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, with Nicol Rynd, tailor 4 Dec. John, son to John M., of Aultrye, with James Tweedie, skinner 23 Aug. Robert, son to Thomas M., in Markbraik, with Laurence ,, 12 June Kers, merchant Thomas, son to Thomas M., in Marbrek, with Thomas Macmichael, merchant 23 Aug. Macmillan, James, son to William M., in Dalkeith, with Robert

James, son to

Nicoll, son to


6 Dec. 1648




1596 1622


1620 1611


Stirling, flesher



John, son to John M., in Castlemadye, with John Dunning, tailor 10 Dec. William, son to late John M., of Brokloch, with Patrick „ 20 Jan. Craig, merchant Macmorran, Patrick, son to John M., in Glaspen, with James Wood, baxter 4 Jan. Patrick, son to late James M., of Glaspen, with Robert „ 21 Mar. Childers, saddler Macnaught, James, son to James M., in Cumnoch, with Patrick 26 July Macnacht, skinner William, son to John M., in Musselburgh, with George „ 1 Anderson, hatmaker July M'Neish, Adam, son to late 'Ihomas M., merchant, with John 21 Aug. M'Cuir, tailor John, son to Rolaert M., par. of Muthill, with John Phillen, merchant ,, 24 Aug. John, son to James M., at the Chappell in Galloway, with „ 21 July George Younger, merchant M'Quorne, Thomas, son to Thomas M., mdweller in the Scheins, with George Howie, skinner 4 Nov. 'Spedden, Hew, son to late John M., of Clauchantoune, with

1609 1643


George Udward, merchant

1606 1619 1603 1655

1587 1663 1588

1636 1647


21 Jan. 1652


M 'Spedden,

Ediudiiro/i Register of Apprentices.


Thomas, son

to late John M., of Clauchantoun, with (ieorge Udvvard, merchant Mactosche, John, younger son to John M., creehiian, with John

Wedderspune, bonnetmaker Machan, Adam, son to Alexander M., in Coispatrik, with Thomas Fisher, merchant Mader or Maider, Andrew, son to George M., in Leith Wynd, with Samuel Aikman, skinner

9 Feb. 1648 6 Nov. 1599

Nov. 1612


16 July 1594

George, son to William M., of Langtoun, with Robert Henryson, chirurgian 27 Feb. 1587-8 son to late John M., baxter, burgess of Edinburgh, James, ,, with John Symontoune, ba.xter 20 June 1632 James, son to late James M., in Lintoun, with William merchant Johnstone, 28 Sept. 1664 Mailer, Henry, son to late Harry M., in Kyncairn, with Alexander Baxter, wright 21 Dec. 1614 Mailland, Charles, third son to Mr. James M., with Robert Douglas, merchant 21 Nov. 1660 Maire, John, son to late William IM., husbandman in Egilstoun, with John Clerk, weaver 30 May 1649 Malcolm, John, son to John M., tailor, with AlexanderOwstcan, tailor 19 June 584 Robert, son to Robert M., in the Canongate, with James „ Lermonth, skinner 22 Apr. 1618 Robert, son to Andrew M., locksmith in Leith, with „ William Bruntfield, tailor 7 Apr. 161 Malesoun, Robert, son to late James M., in Ultersoun, with Alexander Watson, candlemaker 7 May 1623 Maltson, Hew, son to late W^illiam M., in North Berwick, with James Towris, glassinwright 3 Feb. 1584-5 Man, John, son to Robert M., tailor, burgess of Edinl^urgh, with James Ker, barber 19 Aug. 1640 Manderston, Archibald, son to late James M., in Hairtsydehalls, with John Henry, bower 10 July 1644 William, son to Andrew M., in Dunbar, with John Turnbull, couper 25 Aug. 1595 Maneris, John, son to William M., in Mylnton mylne, with Robert Poock, baxter 6 July 1608 Mansion, David, son to John M., in Dera of Katnes, with Paul „




Oustian, tailor ,,

19 Sept. 1592

George, son and apparent heir to George M., of Dirane, with Alexander Oyistean, tailor

13 July 1596

Mappins, Thomas, brother-german to late Robert M., violar, with James Dunbar, cordiner Marjoribanks, James, son to Mr. Thomas M., prebendary of Corstorphine, with George Lindsay, hatmaker Ninian, son to late William M., burgess of Edinburgh, „ with Alexander Danielstoun, merchant William, son to late Symon AL, merchant, with James ,, Barclay, skinner Mark, John, son to late Robert M., in Ormistoune Mylne, with James Broadfoot, elder, merchant Marr, John, son to Patrick M., skinner in Winton, with Andrew (iray, skinner (indenture cancelled) Marshall, Alexander, son to late Alexander AL, in Wandelburnefute, with William Bigger, merchant Alexander, son to late Alexander M., in Wandelburnefute, „ with Alexander Walker, tailor Andrew, son to late William M., in Kennemylne, with „


Richard Davidson Henry, son to late William M., Robertson, merchant

16 Dec. 1657 11

Nov. 1590

9 Aug. 1615 5

Feb. 1583-4 19 July 1637

24 Jan. 1664 10 Oct. 1622

30 July 1628 26 Dec. 1632


Dunkeld, with

John 22 Jan. 1593-4


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

Marshall, James, son to James M., in Wormistoun, with Alexander Smith, James, son to Andrew M., indweller in Gait Whingenne „ sher. of Perth, with Robert Morrison, baxter John, son to Andrew, alias Band M., in Kawuthe, with „



„ „ „ „




July 1663

June 1664

Alexander Boyd, litster 10 Jan. 1616 John, son to James M., messenger, with John Binnie, painter 5 May 1630 with George Marshall, tailor John, son to late John M., of 29 June 1636 John, son to late John M., in Kincavell, with Alexander Reid, hatmaker 10 Feb. 1647 Thomas, son to Robert M., in Maynes of Wester Denny, with Abraham Black, baxter 591-2 7 Mar. Thomas, son to Thomas M., mealmaker, indweller in Edinburgh, with Thomas Brown, locksmith 13 Aug. 1628 .





William, son to


M., in Bovvis, with


Hart, bookseller 26 Oct. 1602

William, son to Andrew, alias Band M., in Kawuthie, with Adam Marshall, maltman William, second son to Gilbert M., merchant, burgess of „ Edinburgh, with William Inglis, merchant Martin, David, son to late Stevin M., of Pittenweem, with „

10 Jan. 1616 i

Sept. 1619

William Leyis, merchant 13 Sept. 1609 George, son to Robert M., in Moram, with John Stevenson, wright 2 Aug. 1587 George, son to John M., dwelling at the Cowgate Port, ,, with John M'Cuir, tailor 25 Feb. 1594-5 James, son to John M., customer, with James Sym, merchant 23 July i6o5 „ James, son to Martin M., in the Schank, with Robert „ Lothin, candlemaker 12 Aug. 1607 James, son to Thomas M., indweller in Dalmahoy, with „ Alexander Coustein, pewtherer 11 Feb. 1657 Robert, son to late Gavin M., in Innerkything, with lohn „ Borthvvick, elder, deacon of the baxters 28 Apr. 1601 Thomas, son to Alexander M., with Gilbert Inglis, skinner 10 May 1588 „ Mason, Alexander, son to John M., one of the officers of Edinburgh, with James Murdoch, cordiner 12 July 1665 James, son to John M., baxter, with James Binny, baxter 24 Aug. 163 „ John, son to Alexander M., in Corstorphine, with Robert „ Douglas, merchant 9 Feb. 1602 M., indweller, with Gilbert John, son to late „ Littlejohn, merchant 3 Mar. 1619 Lues, son to Lydia Bruce, spouse to William Mylne, in St. „ Paul's work, with Thomas Bruce, dagmaker 17 May 1637 Nevie, son to Alexander M., cordiner, with William Muross, wright „ 28 Aug. 1599 Olipher, son to John M., in St. Johnstoun, with Paul Mason, mason ,, 23 July 1589 Robert, son to late Robert M., in Calder, with James Mason, merchant 9 Dec. 1663 Mastertoun, Alexander, son to George M., indweller in Airth, with John Futhie, cordiner 21 Dec. 1636 Mather, Thomas, son to late Patrick M., schoolmaster in the Canongate, with Charles Strudgeon, sheithmaker 18 Oct. 1626 Mathie, John, son to Thomas M., in Wigtoun, with Alexander Noble, merchant 11 July 1610 Thomas, son to late William M bonnetmaker, with Dav'.d ,, Broun, skinner 9 May 1604 William, with Mr. Robert Charteris, printer 12 Oct. 1602 „ William, son to George M., gardener in Aberdeen, with „ William Leith, merchant 17 Aug. 1659 „








Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


22 Feb. 1603 Mathieson, John, with Thomas Johnstone, saddler John, son to Robert M., miller in Canonmylnes, with „ Walter Matheson, baxter 12 Dec. 1627 John, son to William M., in Eistoun, par. of Peebles, with „ Robert Harvie, locksmith (who went furth of realm) 12 Jan. 1648 transferred to John Pattoun 10 July 1650 Robert, son to James M., cobbler at the West Port, with „ David Muir, bonnetmaker i Nov. 1637 Walter, son to late Abraham ]\I., at the Canonmylnes, „ with John Quhippo, baxter 24 June 161 William, son to John M., in Brochtoun, with William ,, Hutchison, cordiner 21 Nov. 1589 William, son to hate Andrew M., gardener in Edinburgh, „ with James Paterson, skinner ji June 1662 Mathewson, James, son to late Archibald M., in Lyntoun, withi Symon Johnstone, baxter 2 Sept. 1595 John, son to John M., of Brochtoun, with Patrick Kennedy, saddler „ 23 Dec. 1600 Mauld, John, son to Heniy M., of Melguni, with John R)nd, merchant 1 1 Apr. 1638 'I'homas, son to Henry M., of Melgum with Thomas Fair,, holm, merchant 22 July 1646 Mawer, James, son to late Walter M., writer, with William Forrester, wobster 28 Oct. 1635 John, son natural to late John M., writer, with Peter „ Williamson, tailor 8 Dec. 1601 Maxwell, Adam, son to Thomas M., bailie of Dumfries, with John Stevenson, merchant 23 July 1634 Alexander, son to George M., of Auldhouse, with David ,, Murray, yr., merchant 13 June 1638 Edward, son to Edward M., of Hills, with John Cowper, merchant ,, 25 Feb. 1629 George, son to George AL, of Aldhousc, minister in the „ Mearns, with Patrick Forbes, merchant 23 Jan. 1622 Hew, of Newark and Tealing, with James Rea, elder, merchant 18 July 1632 „ son late Robert Homer, to M., of Kirkhouse, with Gilbert „ M'Clellan, skinner i Aug. 1649 John, natural son to Sir James AL, of Calderwood, Kt. „ Bart., with John Bouer, merchant 24 Aug. 1636 John, son to Alexander M., in Sypland, with Harry Ciraham, skinner „ 28 Apr. 1 64 Nicoll, son to Alexander M., indweller in Edinburgh, with „ John Steell, fiesher 10 Aug. 1642 Patrick, son to late John M., of Bairfill, with James „ Warrok, merchant 14 May 1656 Richard, son to late John M., of Porterruk, with Richard „ Broune, saddler 14 Apr. 161 Robert, son to late Robert M., notar, with Thomas Glaid„ stanes, merchant 15 July 1618 Robert, son to Robert M., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, „ with Patrick Keddie, baxter 19 Jan. 1642 to William Mosman, in Birgen, with Alexander Crawfurd, deacon of the cordiners Thomas, son to late Thomas M., merchant, burgess of „ Dumfries, with Adam MaxweU, merchant Thomas, son to Sir James M., of Calderwood, Kt., with „ Alexander Maxwell, merchant Mayne, Alexander, son to late Mr. Michaell M., writer in Edin-

Thomas, son-in-law

burgh, with George Marshall, tailor to late William M., in Newsteid, par. of Melrose, with Thomas Wyllie, mason


Feb. 1602

9 Apr. 1645 22 Nov. 1648

23 Apr. 1645

Andrew, son




Eithibur^h Register of Apprentices.


[1583- 1666.

Mayne, David, son ,,

to John M., indvveller in Edinburgh, with Gabriel Weir, merchant Nicoll M., citiner in St. Andrews, with VViUiam John, son to

Mayne, bower John, son to John M.,


in Breich,


David M., indweller



Mar. 161

Edinburgh, with

Andrew Donaldson, tanner „


with John Cowne, candlemaker 31

John, son

Mar. 1664

4 Apr.

John, son to late Bernard M., portioner of Newsteid, with Alexander Peter William, son to Henry M., in Carsemlyne, with Richard

24 Sept. 1662 15

Apr. 1663

Lawson, merchant 26 Jan. 1614 William, son to Patrick M., indweller in Easter Moffat, with William Bishop, cordiner 5 Jan. 1642 Meane, John, son to late Andrew M., mason, with Andrew Cassie, slater 17 P^eb. 1658 Meggat, Alexander, son to late William M., in Eoulfuird, with John Harvie, peuderer g June 1652 Charles, son to late William M., tailor, indweller in the „ Canongate, with Edward Maxwell, merchant 19 Sept. 1627 George, son to late John M., in Nether Libbertoun, with ,, Richard Heriot, pantoun-heelmaker 21 July 1637 John, son to Thomas M., in Newbottle, with John Inglis, cordiner „ 8 Apr. 1595 John, son to late Archibald M., with William Duncan, locksmith 2 Apr. 1606 „ son to late Thomas Robert, M., in Maistertoun, with ,, William Nemoch, tailor 21 Dec. 1602 Meik, George, son to late Walter M., in Symontoun, with John Muir, tailor 14 Jan. 1607 John, son to Thomas M., at the West Port, with George ,, Reidpath, skinner 19 June 1599 Thomas, son to late Thomas M., in Niddrie Merchell, with „ Tobias Moubray, tailor 27 Apr. 1591 Thomas, son to late John M., workman (poor), with John „ Cloggie, cordiner 18 May 1636 Meikle, Henry, son to late James M., brewer in Leith, with 20 Feb. 1661 James Ker, tailor James, son to Thomas M., maltman, burgess of Linlithgow, ,, with William Bryson, merchant 21 July 1647 son to Robert M., in the Water of Leith, with James John, ,,




June 1607

John, son to John M., burgess of Musselburgh, with Alexander Anderson, coppersmith 5 Oct. 1664 Thomas, son to late Robert M., in the Water of Leith, with ,, David Kinloch, merchant 6 Mar. 1616 William, son to late Thomas M., merchant, burgess of „ Lithgow, with William Anderson, merchant 22 June 1659 Meiklejohn, Alexander, son to James M., in Tilliecultrie, with i James Tynto, baxter June 1636 Andrew, son to John M., in Tillicultrie, with \^'illiam „ Bishope, cordiner 11 Mar. 1645 James, son to William M., in Tillicoultry, with Hew Meikle,, john, locksmith 10 Jan. 1584-5 James, son to late Walter M., in Bonhare panes, with „ James Skinner, merchant 4 Oct. 1654 James, son to late Alexander M., baxter, burgess of Edin„ burgh, with David Durie, vintner 16 Oct. 1661 Robert, son to William M., in Tiliecultrie, with Andrew „ Hamilton, skinner 27 Mar. 1590 Robert, son to Walter M., in (]range-pans, with John Lowrie, tailor „ „


Aug. 1647


Edinbui^gh Register of Apprentices.



Meiklejohn, William, son to Robert M., skinner, burgess of Edinburgh, with George Hcamilton, merchant 13 Nov. William, son to late William M., in Tillicutrie, with Robert „ Meiklejohn, skinner 16 Aug. Meldrum, James, son to late William M., of Thomastoun, with John Graham, saddler 25 Aug. Patrick, son to Andrew M., tailor, with James Forrester, wobster „ 2 Dec. Melove, John, son to late James M., weaver, indweller in Edinburgh, with John Dick, elder, weaver 29 Apr. Melrose, Ale.xander, son to Adam M., tailor in Bristo, with Peter Adamson, Wright 15 Mar. James, son to Michaell M., indweller in Caldy, in the shire „ David Mowbray, merchant of Lanark, with 4 Aug. James, son to late James M., mealmaker in Dalkeith, with „ James Johnstone, baxter 23 June James, son to William M., burgess of Peebles, with Adam „ „ „

1622 1625 1601


1646 1648

1630 1641

Young, merchant 16 July 1656 James, son to Walter M., at Brynwood, with Alexander Cockburn, wright 24 Aug. 1664 John, son to late John M., writer, with William Symsoun, wright


25 Feb. 1594-5 to Mr. Andrew M., minister at Banchory, with Hew Hamilton, merchant 24 Apr. 1644 David, son to Robert M., of Dyscrt, with John Neilson, merchant

James, son to late Richard M., of Harvingstoune, with

David Thomson, skinner John, son to David M., weaver, indweller in Edinl^urgh, with Clement Younger, weaver John, son to James M., of Halhill, with John Foulis,


Andrew, son



„ „ „ „



29 Sept. 1630 2 Oct.


apothecary (deleted 25 Oct. 1643) 23 Feb. 1642 John, son to Mr. Robert M., minister at Sympreine, with Robert Aitchison, merchant 28 June 1648 Joshua, oy to James M., of Dysert, with John Somer\ell, skinner 21 Feb. 1610 William, son to Mr. Andrew M., minister at Bamljrugh in England, with Hew Hamilton, merchant 5 May 1647 William, son to James IvL, of Halhill, with Andrew Balfour, merchant 13 Oct. 1652

Melvin, Andrew, son to late Capt. George M., with „

merchant John, son to George M.,


James Melvin,

22 Jan. 1662 Tranent, with John Melvin, merchant 7 Dec. 1664

Menzies, Alexander, son to John M., tailor in Mearns, witii Alexander Steell, baxter Alexander, son to late James M., of Wolfclyde, with Alex„ ander Coustoun, peutherer Duncan, son to late Duncan M., of Comrie, with Patrick ,,

merchant to late Archibald M., Alexander Watt, mason Bell,


John, son

John, son to




Jan. 1662


Aug. 1636


June 1614

M., litster in the Canongate, with

20 Sept. 1637

John, son to late John M., portioner of Wolf Clyde, witli James Bainies, wright Ninian, son to John M., workman in Etlinburgh, with


Dec. 1658


Clement Young, weaver „


Cultermains, with

Alexander Wyllie, bonnetmaker ,,

7 Jan.


son to litster,


Thomas M., servitor to Thomas Wilson, burgess of Edinburgh, with Richard Scott,

10 Nov. 1647





Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

Menzies, William, son to Alexander M., of Culterallers, with Samuel Lockhart, merchant Mercer, James, son to late John M., in Wester Aldie, with Laurence Mercer, peuderer James, son to late Andrew M., in Dernik, with John „ Tweedie, locksmith Laurence, son to late James M., of Clavadge, with Archi„ bald Sydserff, merchant Robert, son to Thomas M., in Darnick, with John Wallace, „ blacksmith Merchistoun, Thomas, son to Mr. Richard M., archdean of



26 Apr. 1643 10 Apr. 1593




21 Jan. 1635

6 July 1653

Caithness, with James Leslie, tailor 8 June 1631 Merstoun, Andrew, son to late John M., portioner of Innerask, with Alexander Scott, goldsmith 22 Aug. 1649 Oliver, son to late John AL, portioner of Innerask, with „ 16 Feb. 1648 James Bynnie, baxter Methven, Mathew, son to Mr. William M., minister of Fogo, with David Lawson, merchant 8 May 16 16 Meyne, David, son to late David M., mason, with William Hastie, mason 9 Dec. 1629 James, son to Archibald M., indweller in Leswade, with „ Thomas Spears, baxter 6 June 1610 John, son to Patrick M., couper, with George Barclay, tailor 2 Nov. 1591 „ to late Thomas M., maltman, with John Howie, son John, „ elder, tailor 5 Oct. 1625 William, son to William M., in Castle Law, with James „ Fleck, candlemaker 22 June 1591 Miblo, Thomas, son to late Thomas M., merchant, burgess of Dysart, with James Lawson, merchant 25 Sept. 1622 Midleine, James, son to John M., indweller in Cameron, with Thomas Softlay, armourer (who went abroad) 10 July 1650 transferred to Archibald Softlaw 28 Dec. 1653 Milburn, Christopher, son to Robert M., in County of Cuml^erland, with John Ethow, skinner 23 Mar. 1664 Miller, Andrew, son to late Andrew M., in Perth, with Thomas Paterson, bonnetmaker 13 Sept. 1609 Andrew, son to Walter M., tailor, with James Ker, tailor 14 Oct. 1657 „ Christell, son to late William M., fishmonger, with Adam „ Walker, mason 9 Jan. 1598-9 David, son to Adam M., indweller in Edinburgh (poor), „ 2 Aug. 1620 with James Pargilleis, skinner George, son to Archibald M., in the Kirktown of Douglas, „ merchant with Alexander Lindsay, 29 July 1590 George, son to Paull M., dwelling in the par. of Craigie, „ with John Hill, walker 31 Oct. 1592 Henry, son to late Alexander M., in Ochiltree, with Thomas „ Miller, cutler 17 July 1593 James, son to John M., in the Hauch, with John Wilson, skinner ,, 30 Mar. 1587 James, son to late Alexander M., in Ochiltree, with „ Thomas Miller, cutler 8 Jan. 1588-9 James, son to Robert M., in Espertoun, with George „ Hislop, armourer 5 Dec. 1592 James, son to John M., brouster, with Thomas Forrest, baxter „ 23 Aug. 1 596 James, son to late Alexander M., in St. Andrews, with „ 26 Dec. 1621 Alexander Coustoun, wobster lames, son to late Archibald M., portioner of Dolphintoun, „ 8 Dec. 1630 with John Davidson, chirurgian „ James, son to late John M., in Aberivane, with John Millar, dagmaker 31 Oct. 1649



Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

James, son to James M., stabler in Edinbm'gh, with Laurence Grahame, skinner James, son to late Walter M., in Kirkcaldy, with Walter Miller, brewer John, son to late Thomas I\I., with William Ramsay, painter John, son to John M., mason, indweller in Edinburgh, with







June 1659

3 Feb. 1664 31

Mar. 1613


Aug. 1631

John, son to John M., in Aberrivan, with David Clerk, dagmaker 7 May 1634 John, son to Alexander M., workman in the Potterrow, with David Brysson, wobster 22 Apr. 1635 John, son to John M., in Laswade, with James Bishop, candlemaker July 1635 John, son to Robert M., in Laschmahago, with Gavin Williamson, merchant 2 Aug. 1648 John, son to late John M., couper, burgess of Ayr, with John Miller, bookbinder 7 Oct. 1657 Ninian, son to Archibald M., in Kirktoun, with George Broun, baxter 8 July 1600 Patrick, son to Samuel M., in Crawmond, with Hew Vernor, merchant 18 Sept. 1661 Ralph, son to Robert M., in Mortoun, with John Mutar, smith 17 Dec. 1617 Robert, with James Gardiner, tailor 31 Aug. 1602 Robert, son to John Miller, in Caphkiyn, with Thomas Fische, skinner 9 May 1604 Thomas, son to late William M., in Mylneburn of Dolphington, with Andrew Vaitche, wright 7 Mar. 1649 Walter, son to David M., baxter, burgess of Stirling, with Gavin Nicoll, merchant 5 Mar. 1628 Walter, son to Gilbert M., in Fergusson, with Robert Stanfield, merchant 30 Nov. 1642 William, son to Thomas M., at Carphin myhie, with Andrew Williamson, wright 4 May 1586 William, son to John M., in Drumbowie, with Neill Fulton, skinner 2 Dec. 161 William, son to late John M., indweller at the West Port of Edinburgh, with David Brysson, weaver 28 Apr. 1641 Milne, James, son to George M., in Lauchill, with James Anderson, bookseller 11 Apr. 1666 Richard, son to Thomas M., in the county of Stafford, with Umphra jAIylne, clockmaker 17 June 1661 Mitchell, Adam, son to Adam M., yr., in Straitoun mylne, with I

Tait, merchant 25 Nov. to late James M., in Draften, with Thomas Taliphere, mason 2 June Andrew, son to John M., in Lockiebennett, par. of Ikuntisland, with Andrew Donaldson, tanner 27 June Archibald, son to late John M., in Lochlyock, with George Carmichaell, skinner 4 Oct. Da\ id, son to George M., maltman, with Robert Fleyming, merchant

John Andrew, son



1657 1613 1655

1654 J


David, son to David M., burgess of Culross, with James Tailpher, merchant

Gavin, son to late Michaell M., burgess, with Alexander Crawfurd, cordoner George, son to David M., merchant, burgess of Culross, with Andrew Crichtoun, merchant Hew, son to James M., in Turnerhill in Kylesmure, with George Redpath, skinner James, with Adam Gairclyn, litster

17 July


8 July 161 S Sept. 1652

22 Aug. 1589 8 Feb. 1603


Edinbui^gh Register of Apprentices.

Mitchell, James, son to late Alexander M., tailor, indweller in Edinburgh, with Robert Johnston, baxter (29 Oct.) James, son to James M., fermorer in Gilmerton, with John „ „ „


„ „

„ „

„ „

19 Nov. 165

Candie, locksmith 23 Mar. James, son to Peter M., indweller in Robertoun, with Robert Braidwood, locksmith 11 Dec. John, son to late James M., in Draffen, with Blais Hamilton, mason 30 Sept. Robert, son to John M., in Houstoune, with James Murray, yr., merchant 9 Aug. Steven, son to late Steven M., in Myndrum, with George Shaw, merchant 28 June Thomas, son to Thomas M., skipper in Leith, with David Mitchelson, merchant 20 Nov. Thomas, son to David M., in Pitliver, with William Leitche, merchant 7 Apr. Walter, son to James M., portioner of Gilmertoun, with James Mitchell, locksmith 9 July William, son to Michaell M.,maltman, with John Meyne,flesher 14 July William, son to John M., in Mauchlyne, with Robert Baxter, skinner 22 June William, son to late Alexander M., mariner in Aberdeen, with William Lympetlaw, skinner 18 Dec. William, son to David M., in Stanehouse, beside Liber-


Ross, baxter William, son to late Robert M., in Over Libertoun, with ,, Thomas Spens, baxter Mitchelson, Gawin, son to Patrick M., in Mortoun, with Andrew Vallange, skinner George, son to late George M., parson of Midletoun, with ,, John Ker, chirurgiane Robert, son to late John M., in Currie, with John Lawson, „ toun, with

merchant Samuel, fourth son

M'Caulay, armourer ,,

John, son to Mr.


John, son to


1653 1661

1607 1637

1643 1633 1647

1662 1601



Feb. 1632


4 July 1632

25 Dec. 1583

24 Dec. 1628 10 Nov. 1619

to late John M., of Currie, with John Ker, chirurgiane Mithell, John, son to Mr. John M., minister of Christ's evangell, with Robert Salmond, merchant Mochrie, Robert, son to James M., in Kirkintilloch, with Andrew Dalrymple, wright (deleted 5 Feb. 1645) Moffat, Donald, with Andrew Bichcatt, bonnetmaker son to late James M., in Dalkeith, with William Harry, „ Wilson, merchant James, son to late Robert M., merchant, burgess of Edin„ burgh, with Thomas Somervell, furrior Thomas, son to late Symon M., in Middlesteid, with „ William Clerkson, blacksmith Thomas, son to late John M., in Cairnhill, with Alexander „ Johnstoun, skinner William, son to late James M., of Milcomesyde, with John „ Bowie, skinner Moir, Alexander, son to late George M., burgess of Aberdeen, with John Rollo, burgess John, son to John M., in Clerkingtoun, with Robert „ ,,



Dec. 1622


June 1630

9 A-ug. 1643 9 Aug. 1625 5

Jan. 1653

28 Feb. 1644 19 Yah. 1606 19 Feb. 1612

10 Aug. 1608

20 Sept. 1665 18

Mar. 1629

M., parson of Morebattle, with

John Binny, merchant David M., in Drone, with James Ker, merchant

10 Feb. 1630 elder,

transferred to Archibald Sydserff Moitlie, John, son to late Christopher M., indweller in Hadding^ton, with John Donaldson, .



28 June 1643 2 June 1647 28 June 1620


Edinluirgh Register 0/ Apprentices.


Moncrieff, William, son to Robert with George Whyte,

AI., stabler in the Canongate, bower 26 Oct. Moncur, Alexander, son to John M., of Aldeir, with AndrewDonaldson, tanner 8 Dec. Monorgund, William, son to John M., of that Ilk, with James Weill, merchant 25 July Monro, Hew, son to John M., in Feme in Ross, with Alexander Hay, bower 9 June Montage, Gilbert, son to Patrick M., portioner of Lyffe, with Thomas Adinstoune, merchant (who died 17 May 1626) Mar. transferred to John Adinstoune, his eldest son 9 Aug. Montague, John, with Thomas Wilson, merchant 5 Mar. Monteith, Alexander, son to late Andrew M., with James Hamili

ton, skinner to late

Henry, son





1626 1626 1662


1626 1634 1617

1599 1643

Dec. 1625

Edward, son


Montgomerie, merchant James, son to late John M., of Brigend, with



Jan. 161


to Alaster M., stabler, burgess of Edinburgh, with James Broun, cordiner Ezeichiell, son to Ezeichiell M., of Weitlands, with John Marjoribanks, merchant Hew, son to Alexander M., burgess of Irvine, with William



M., tailor in Edinburgh, Tueddell, wright 14 Apr. James, son to William M., indweller in the Canongate, „ with Thomas Weir, peuderer 8 Mar. James, son to late Murdo M., in Monteith, with James „ Monteith, peuderer 4 June John, with John Foulis, master of H.M. Cunziehouse (17 „ May 1612) 17 Sept. „ William, son to late William M., of Mylhall, with John Watson, baxter 3 July William, son to late James M., of Carssiebank, with Alex„ ander Monteith, merchant 12 July Montgomerie, Alexander, son to Neill M., with John Wreittone, printer „


Forrest, merchant James, natural son to Colonel




6 Nov. 1644 9 Apr. 1606

Henry 27 Apr. 1653

James M., with William Mitchelson, merchant 13 Jan. 1658 John, son to Neill M., in Kilwynning, with John Baxter, tailor 24 June [586 Robert, son to late Alexander M., indweller in Longniddrie, ,, with William Stevenson, seivewright 14 Dec. 1659 Monypenny, James, son to Mr. James M., in Burntisland, with Harry Houp, merchant 31 May 1648 Moody, James, son to John M., of the Muir of Blairhill, with Dec. 1630 Robert Steell, baxter Moore, Thomas, son to John M., of Anniestoun, with Alexander Johnstone, merchant 5 Aug. 1635 More, John, son to late James M., indweller in Edinburgh, with John Hill, weaver 13 July 1642 Morphia, John, son to James M., tailor, 1)urgess of Edinburgh, with James Sandilands, tailor 21 Mar. 1655 Morris, John, son to late David M., merchant, with Archibald Martin, skinner 31 May 1588 Patrick, son to late David M., burgess of Edinburgh, with „ 26 Feb. 1593-4 John Seytoun, tailor Robert, son to Thomas M., in Tullibodie, with John „ Anderson, baxter 23 June 1647 Robert, son to late Umphra M., indweller in Northumber,, land, with Thomas Paterson, tailor (10 Sept.) 19 Nov. 1651 Morrison, Adam, son to late George M., flesher, indweller in 20 Feb. 1656 Edinburgh, with Thomas Burne, randlcmakcr ,,




Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Morrison, Alexander, son to James M., in Elgin, with James Brunton, candlemaker George, son to Bartilmo M., in Libertone, with John „ Hunter, wobster James, with Walter Scott, cordiner to late David M., cordiner in Falkirk, with son James, John Doguid, cordiner John, son to late Adam M., in the Lennox, with Thomas Morrison, cordiner John, son to late John M., burgess of Glasgow, with John


29 Mar. 1643 28 Jan. 1629 June 1610


9 Sept. 1646

20 June 1592

M., merchant 12 Oct. John, son to late David M., with consent of James Cochrane, kirk treasurer, with Alexander Man, tailor 21 Sept. John, son to John M., indweller in Kirkpatrick, with Alexander Edgislie, walker 30 June John, son to John M., weaver in Dunliarton, with James Monteith, vintner 7 July William, son to Mr. James M., minister of Kirk of Evie and Rendall in Orkney, with John Murray, yr., merchant

1608 1618 1641


8 Nov. 1643 Mortimer, Alexander, son to Thomas M., of Flemington, with 21 July 1619 John Tod, skinner Morton, James, son to James M., in the Coithill, with Andrew Hamilton, baxter 21 June 1588 James, son to Walter M., in Quendale, with John Forrester, baxter ,, 27 Apr. 1602 James, son to late James M., in Dairy, with John Quhyt, tailor 10 Aug. 1620 ,, James, son to Mr. William M., minister at Winstoun, with ,, Arthur Temple, chirurgiane 8 Apr. 1663 John, son to late John M., in St. Andrews, with John „ Donaldson, merchant 11 Dec. 1588 John, with Richard Doby, merchant 23 Dec. 1595 ,, John, brother-german to late William M., of Campba, with ,. Alexander Danielsoun, merchant 6 Mar. 1622 Robert, son to late John M., in the Potteraw, \\ ith Thomas „ Scott, beer brewer Feb. 1632 Thomas, son to late John M., in the Fisherow, with John ,, Bennye, wobster 12 July 161 Moscrop, George, son to John M., merchant, burgess of Jedburgh, with Andrew Ainslie, merchant 24 Dec. 1617 Thomas, son natural to John M., elder, burgess of Jedburgh, with John Bowie, skinner 29 Nov. 1597 Mosman, George, son to Hew M., in the Mont, par. of Kirkurd, with James Loche, yr., merchant 28 Apr. 1647 James, son to late James M., goldsmith, with John Mos„ man, yr., goldsmith 4 May 1586 James, son to Hew M., in the Mount, par. of Kirkurd, ,, with Alexander Harroway, merchant 8 June 1631 William, son to Hew M., in the par. of Urdie, with John „ Tailpheir, baxter 9 Dec. 1635 William, son to John M., at the West Port, with Thomas ,, Johnstone, shearsmith 26 July 1665 Moubray, Andrew, son to William M., in Strabrok, with Patrick M'Gliss, baxter 13 Dec. 1597 George, son to Alexander M., farmer in Newbrigg, par. of ,, Kirkliston, with Lewis Somervell, merchant 11 May 1664 James brother son to Patrick ^L, in Crawmont, with ,, Thomson, skinner 19 Feb. 1583-4 James, with Robert Moubray, skinner, his l^rother 15 Feb. 1586-7 ,, James, son to late James M., in Over Crarnond, with „ William Loch, glasier 2 Aug. 1665 i





Edinbtirgh Rfoister of .Ippj'tnUces.


Moubray, John, son to late John M., in Over Cramond, with James Moubray, skinner William, son to William M., in Strabrok, with Gavin

14 Oct. 1595



Mitchelsoun, skinner 25 June William, son to John M., in Cramond, with James M., skinner 16 July „ William, son to Robert M., in Manthills, with William „ Moubray, skinner 17 June William, son to Thomas M., in Leanye, with Alexander „ Douglas, hatmaker 9 Der. Mow, James, son to late John M., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, with Thomas Mowe, skinner 8 Aug. John, son to William M., of Mowmaynes, with Thomas ,, Mow, merchant 20 June Robert, son to John M., in Kelso, with Gillsert Lowthiane, merchant „ 4

William, son to late John M., in Hailles, with George Brown, skinner Mowatt, Alexander, with James Forrester, wobster David, son to late Thomas M., merchant, burgess of Lan,, ark, with Andrew Philp, skinner James, son to late Thomas M., merchant, burgess of Lan„ ark, with James Nisbet, marikin-maker(vvho deceased)

1594 1616

1629 1635 1632





30 Apr. 1606 16 Aug. 1615 13

Mar. 1639

16 Sept. 1646 transferred to James Chalmers 22 Aug. 1649 John, son to Robert M., scheithmaker, without the West Port, with John Winchester, tailor 27 June 1621 John, son to late John M., in Powbair, with Alexander „ Hangitsyde, skinner 12 Sept. 1621 Mowtray, Robert, son to Alexander M., stabler, burgess of Edinburgh, with Robert Kennedy, locksmith 2! Dec. 1642 Moyes, John, walker, admitted burgess 28 June 1583 Moysie, Alexander, son to Alexander M., dwelling at the Gair26 June 1605 dyne Welltone, with Patrick Cumyn, walker Alexander, son to William M., in Woodhall mylne, with „ Patrick Stirling, bonnetmaker 7 Jan. 1635 James, son to late David M., walker in Edinburgh, with „ Francis Molsone, candlemaker 7 June 1643 John, son to late William M., walker at Gairdin walton, „ with John Chrystie, walker 29 May 1633 Mudie, Adam, son to John M., in Pleasance, with James Henryson, flesher 30 Apr. 1628 Alexander, son to late John M., bonnetmaker, indweller „ in the Canongate, with Matthew Davidson, bonnetmaker ,,


„ „ „

June 1605

Alexander, son to late Magnus M., skipper in Leith, with James Tarbet, merchant 17 Apr. 1650 Andrew, son to William M., maltman, burgess of Dunfermline, with Robert Gledstoun, mason 22 Aug. 1649 John, son to James M., in Tranent, with John Ronnald, merchant 23 June 64 Mychall, son to late Thomas M., in Tranent, with Robert Mudy, merchant 23 Sept. 1600 Thomas, son to John M., in Calder, with John Mudie, merchant 16 Feb. 161 William, one of the ordinary poor of this burgh, with Donald M'Dullane, tailor 27 Mar. 1599 William, son to William M., wright, with Clement Touris, glassinwright 17 July 161 William, son natural to John A1., W.S., with John Thomson, tailor 1

„ „




Muir or Mure, Alexander, brother-german to George M., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, with his said l^rother








Edinbuj-gh Register of Apprentices.

Muir or Mure, Alexander, son to late Robert M., of Thorntoun, with John Mowbray, merchant Ai-chibald, son to late Robert M., in Thorntoun, with John „ Whyt, merchant Daniel, son to late John M., of Annastoune, with James ,, Cockburn, merchant David, son to late David M., indweller in P)lackness, with „ John Lindsay, armourer David, son to John M., of Park, with John Dunbar, skinner „ Francis, son to late John M., of Annastoun, with Hew Carmichael, merchant George, son to Thomas M., in Dalmahoy, wit!: lames


Mar. 1657


29 July 1657 9 Aug. 1654 7 Aug. 1643 31 July 1661


9 Sept. 1657



Burnet, couper George, son-in law to Harry Allan,

Gilchrist, wobster Gilbert, son to John M., merchant, burgess of

18 tailor,


June 1594

Gideon 14 Dec. 1625



with Robert Wilson, merchant 7 Oct. 1663 Henry, son to late Thomas M., flesher, with John Jamicson, flesher 25 Nov. 1657 Hugh, son to late Robert M., of Thorntoun, with John Moubray, merchant 21 Oct. 1663 James, son to John M., in Drumcors, with James Lawson, skinner 21 Dec. 1602 James, son to John M., in the Water of Leith, with Alex-

ander Cochrane, wobster James, son to late John M., meilmaker, with David

son, skinner James, son to James M., cordiner, burgess of Glasgow, with

„ „


Symon Chalmers, merchant „


Aug. 161

Thom4 Jan.


13 Sept. 1628

James, son to John M., of Annerstoun, with Walter Young, merchant Dec. 1 64 James, son to James M., of Caldrun, barony of Clother, gentleman, with John Hamilton, merchant 27 Apr. 1664 John, son to late William M., in Annestoun, with James I



„ „ ,,

„ „ „ „




„ „

Wardlaw, tailor i Feb. 1591-2 John, son to late Thomas M., in Glasgow, with Patrick Meyne, couper il Mar. 1594-5 John, son to Alexander M., merchant in Hamilton, with James Hamilton, servitor to the Lord Advocate 29 Mar. 1609 John, son to James M., in Thomastoun, with William Mitchellson, merchant 23 Dec. 1635 John, son to late Andrew M., in Belfast, County Antrim, with (jilbert Muir, merchant 15 Jan. 1640 John, son to Richard M., of Cassincarrie, with Alexander merchant Johnstone, 30 Sept. 1646 Lewis, son to late William M., in Riccartoun, with David Mure, armourer 7 Dec. 1664 Robert, son to late David M., in Bathcat, with John Rentoun, candlemaker 20 Apr. 1608 Robert, son to late Patrick M., in Quhittingham, with Thomas Mure, baxter 24 Nov\ 1613 Robert, son to Robert M., burgess of Musselburgh, with David Bennet, skinner 20 June 1655 Ronald, son to William M., in Annestoune, with John Ross, candlemaker 16 July 1656 Thomas, son to late Robert M., sometime in Quhittinghame, with Patrick Douglas, baxter 26 June 1599 Thomas, son to late Edward M., wobster in Restalrig'-, with Alexander Calderwood, wobster 12 Sept. 162 Thomas, son to Mr. Thomas M., parson of Morebattle, with Patrick Hepburn, appottinger 20 Feb. 1633


Edinbi^rgh Register of Apprentices.

Muir or Mure, Walter, second son to John M., of Annasloun, with John Adamson, merchant Wilham, son to late Robert M., in Cruikstoun, with .Andrew „ Hunter, ba.Kter William, son to John M., in Hallowchappell, with Samuel „ Blackburn, merchant William, son to late Andrew M., in Chappell, with Ninian „ Mure, merchant William, son to late William M., indweller at the Kirk of „ Ash, with James Wright, hat maker „ William, son to late James M., in Carstairs, with James Muir, skinner William, son to David M., in Nether Libertoun, with John ,, Ross, candlemaker Muirhead, Alexander, son to late James M., in the Schawfute, with Walter Tweedy, skinner Claud, brother-german to John M., of Wester Inche of „ Bathcatt, with James Gairden, litster David, son to David M., in St. John's Clauchan, with ,, William Muirhead, yr., merchant David, son to Sir James M., of Lachope, with Laurence ,, Mercer, merchant James, son to late Mr. James M., sometime minister at ,, ,,


Wigtown, with Thomas Wauche, merchant John, son to Alexander .M., in Langfoichtoun, with John Weir, hatmaker Mungo, son to Patrick M., dagniaker in Leith, with Joseph Leirmonth, baxter Ninian, son to David M., in St. John's Clauchan, with William Muirhead, merchant



Aug. 1664


Dec. 1594


June 1606

11 -Aug.


30 June 1647 28 Jan. 1652

Dec. 1652


24 June 1584 16 July 1628

27 Mar. 161

26 June 1661 24 Jan. 1649 27 Oct. 1619 5

Sept. 1598

10 July 1605

Robert, son to James M., in Schawfut, with Robert Dick-

21 July son, tailor Robert, fourth son to late James M., in Wester Inch of Aug. Bathcatt, with James Livingstone, baxter Thomas, son to Thomas M., of Auchinnall, with David „ Leggat, tailor 31 July Thomas, son to Robert M., in Lauchope, with Ralph Norie, tailor ,, 22 July Mulliken, David, son to William M., tailor, with Robert Mulliken, vulgar schoolmaster 23 May James, son to James M., elder, of Blackmyre, with James „ Ramsay, skinner 9 Feb. Mungwall, John, son to late James M., in Selcraig, with Andrew Fische, skinner 4 Aug. Munro, John, son to Neill M., in Swardell, with Hew Gilmour, (deleted 7 August 1616) 10 July armourer John, son to John M., of Lumlair, with Robert Murray, yr., merchant ,,




„ ,,



1666 1631

1613 161




Mitchellson, merchant Abraham, skinner, apprentice to Richard Wilson, skinner, admitted burgess, his indenture was not




booked Andrew, son to William ^L, in Nainthorn, with Jonas Grege, marikin-maker George, son to George M., in Pinstandyc, with Archibald


Nov. 1592


.May 1615

William, fourth son to George M., of Carraill, with David



Wai'dlaw, wobster James, son to late Patrick M., merchant, burgess of St. Andrews, with Patrick Baxter, merchant John, son to Robert M., tailor, burgess of Dumfries, with

James Forsyth, merchant


15 July 1607




16 Oct. 1605

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.



to late James M., in the Canongate, with James Campbell, cordiner to William M., in Nainthorn in Lauderdale, with Jonas Grege, marikin-maker William, with Andrew M., marikin-maker, his brother William, son to John M., in Saltoun mains, with William

Murdo, John, son ,,

„ „

6 Mar. 1644

Thomas, son

Murdo, currier Murdoch, John, son to late Thomas M., curriour, indweller in Edinburgh, with William Murdoch, curriour John, son to late Robert M., in Coldstream, with Alexander „




30 July 1634 14 July 1652 31



9 Nov. 1664

Gray, Robert, grandson to Peter Cowstean, in Musselburgh, with Patrick Libertoun, tailor 16 Apr. 1594 Muriall, James, son to late John M., in Leith, with David Hutchison, slater 13 Mar. 1587-8 Walter, son to late John M., in Leith, with James Muriall, slater ., 5 Apr. 595 Murray, Archibald, son natural to Sir Archibald M., of Plackbarony, with John Cunningham, tailor i July 1618 Charles, son to late Sir William M., of Newtoun, Knight, „ with James Riddell, merchant 27 June 1649 Charles, son to James M., in Nether Peartli, with Robert „ Hunter, baxter 12 Oct. 1653 David, son to Mr. William M., of Auchtertyre, with John ,, tailor




Murray, merchant June Donald, son to late Donald M., indweller in Inverness, with James M'llvain, cook 9 Aug. Francis, son to Robert M., merchant in Thurso, with Alexander M'Kenzie, tailor (who deceased) 22 July transferred to James Paterson 11 Aug. Francis, son to John M., of Penniland, with Thomas Calderwood, merchant 14 Jan. Gavin, in Selkrig, with Alexander Borthwick, merchant 6 July Gideon, son to John M., of Findoch, with William Muir, merchant i


„ „ „

II Jan.


Henry, son to late Alexander M., in Culterrannich, with George Gibson, bower James, son to John M., portioner of Falyhill, with John Macmichaell, tailor James, son to Archibald M., in Orkney, with Newye


1590 1620




merchant John, son to George M., Wardlaw, wobster



Ochiltree, with

1628 1648

Archibald 17

Nov. 1601

John, son to Andrew M., in Nethertoun of Dunfermline, with David Hoppringle, chirurgian 18 Mar. John, son to James M., burgess of Lauder, with John Watt, mason I Dec. John, son to late George M., of Spainziedale, with David Murray, merchant 6 Aug. John, son to Thomas M., in Walls in Annerdale, with David Murray, furrier 10 Dec. John, son to late John M., burgess of Dunfermline, with

David Murray, cook


23 Mar. 1664




(deleted 18 April 1621) 9 Feb. son to Robert M., workman, with Nicol Ewing, fishmonger (deleted 29 Oct. 1628) 14 Nov. son to John M., indweller in Edinburgh, with Jerome Young, wright 29 Oct. son to late James M., writer in Edinburgh, with 20 Dec. James Dalgleish, merchant son to late Alexander M., of Falahill, with John

1663 1602




1646 1647




2 Sept.


Masoun, wright




1619 1628 1628

Aug. 1644


Edmbiu'gh Register of Apprentices.

Murray, John, son


Robert M., indweller

in Leith, witli


Ainslie, merchant son to Henry AI.,

9 Apr. 1645

in Kynnaird, with Alexander Mastertoun, cordiner John, son to late Alexander M., brother-german to late Sir Archibald M., of Blackbarony, Knight Baronet, with Archibald Graham, merchant Malcolm, son to John M., indweller in Biggar, with John


Keir, elder,


Mungo, son natural to Patrick AI., James Robertson, cordiner Philip, brother son to




29 July 1646


June 1650


June 1622


June 1629


June 16 10

Nomsburgh, with

John M., of Stennope, with James


Robert, second son to Cuthbert M., indweller in Innerask, with James Murra)^, merchant Robert, son to Sir Archibald M., of Blackbarony, Knight, with Alexander Lowrie, merchant Roljert, son to Robert M., indweller in Edinburgh, with James Murray, wright (who deceased)




13 Apr. 1636

15 Mar. 1643 transferred to Thomas Thomson 29 Apr. 1646 Robert, son to James M., of Romanno, with James Gillies, tailor 15 Nov. 1648 Thomas, son to Robert M., of Kinnald, shire of Stirling, with Peter Spott, tailor 29 July 1629 Thomas, son to John M., of Syndope, with John Moftat, merchant 26 July 1637 Walter, son to Sir John M., of Philiphaugh, Knight, with William Fyer or Fryer, merchant 9 Aug. 1648 William, son to Gavin M., in Falkirk, with Alexander Bone, merchant 12 Nov. 1594 William, son to Gavin M., in Falkirk, with Janies Morisoune, cordiner 30 June 1601 William, son to Cuthbert M., in Inneresk, with Nicol 12 June 1616 Uduart, merchant and bailie William, son to Mr. William M., in Dundee, with Laurence Henryson, merchant 21 June 1643 William, son to Thomas M., in Tempill, and with Patrick Chrystie, wright 27 Jan. 1647 William, son to Gideon M., in Claverhill, with John Thomson, tailor 14 July 1652 William, son to the Laird of Romano, with Robert Murray, tailor 29 Mar. 1665 Muschet, Adam, son to James M., fiar of Burnbanks, with James Steinstoune, merchant 9 Aug. 1637 George, son to NicoU M., of Boughall, with Robert Lym„ petlaw, skinner 9 Feb. 1642 James, son to Robert M., of Orchardhead, with Andrew Louthiane, merchant 2 Sept. 1635 James, son to Robert M., of Craighead, with Adam ,, Muschett, merchant 22 Aug. 1655 John, son to late John I\L, in Pleasance, with Thomas Gib, wobster 28 June 1626 John, son to James M., of the Mylne of Torrie, with Andrew Dun, skinner 5 Oct. 1642 Mutour, Thomas, son to John M., in East Calvildaill, with Thomas Baxter, blacksmith 10 Dec. 1594 Mylne, Adam, son to Robert Mylne, in Morton, with George Sanderson, tailor 12 Aug. 1607 Alexander, son to late Alexander M., yr., merchant, „ burgess of Linlithgow, with James Reid, merchant 12 Apr. 1648 Andrew, son to late Andrew !\L, in Fettercairn, with ,, Walter Culane, baxter 16 Apr. 1594


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

Mylne, George, son to George M., in Lochill, parish of Aberlady, with James Ed'mestoun, merchant James, son to late Patrick M., stabular, with John „ ,,

„ „ ,,

M'lh-ewath, chirurgian James, son to late Robert M., in the Canongate, with


22 Mar. 1648

26 Apr. 1603

12 Aug. 1607 John Greir, tailor James, son to James M., indweller in Easter Tillicutrie, with Robert Erskine, tailor 27 July 1642 James, son to John M., keeper of the wardhouse yett, of Edinburgh, with Robert PoUok, cordiner 13 Oct. 1647 RafFe, son to Robert M., in Mortoun, with Thomas Muter, blacksmith

26 Feb. 1606 ,,


Robert, son to Robert M., tailor in the Canongate, with John Gilchrist, smith Robert, son to late Andrew M., chirurgian, burgess of Linlithgow, with Mr. John Hepburn, apothecary Robert, son to ^Alexander M., mason, burgess of Edinburgh, with John M., master mason

Nairne, Patrick, with John Nasmyth, chirurgian Patrick, son to late John N., of Craigie, with „ „

Oswald, merchant Thomas, son to George N., burgess Thomson, saddler

of Stirling, with


„ „

Dec. 1646

28 Dec. 1653 7

Dec. 1602


June 1644


Smyth, merchant





Napier, Archibald, son to late Sir Alexander N., of Lauriston, Bart., with Archibald N., merchant Archibald, son to Thomas N., indweller in Bell's Mylne „ Lone, with James Abernethy, peuderer James, son to late Patrick N., in Naperstoun, beside ,, Dunbarton, with James Barclay, skinner James, son to William N., colziar in Elphinstoun, with „ James Peacok, baxter John, son to late John N., tailor, indweller in Edinburgh, „ with William Whyte, ranterer Patrick, son to Alexander N., in Lang Herdmistoun, with ,, John Borthwick, baxter Patrick, son to Patrick N., barber to King Charles I., with „ Alexander Pennycuik, chirurgiane Thomas, son to Alexander N., mealmaker at the W^est „ Port, with David Thomson, tailor Nasmyth, Arthur, son to Thomas N., in Rikkertoun, with Archibald Hadden, wright James, son to Robert N., in Borrowstounes, with Robert „ ,,

15 July

Thomas N., burgess of Peebles, with John Melrose, merchant John, son to late Mr. Thomas N., of Posso, with Andrew Scott, chirurgiane John, son to Alexander N., tailor in Falsyde, with John Glendoning, wright Michael, son to Sir Michael N., of Posso, with Mr. Mathew M'Kell, apothecary Robert, son to Thomas N., burgess of Peebles, with James

28 Dec. 1642 13

Nov. 1633


Mar. 1650 Aug. 1590



July 1635

24 Mar. 1619 7






15 Jan. 1634 18 Jan. 11



Sept. 1605

James, son to

9 June 1652




6 Dec. 1665 jo Mar. 1658

merchant 14 July 1652 William, son to David N., in Hillhead, with Patrick „ Kennedy, dagmaker 23 May 1592 William, brother-german to Alexander and John N., in the „ Newtoun of Little Fawsyde, with John Reid, wobster 2 Jan. 1633 Neill, John, with John N., tailor, his father 9 May 1649 Robei't, son to Richard N., joiner and freeman of London, with George Childers, saddler 6 Feb. 1656 Mitchell,



Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

583- '666.]

son to late John N., in Plewlands, with Alison, tailor Alexander, son to late Alexander N., burgess of Linlithgow,

with Robert Arbuckle, skinner Andrew, son to John N., burgess of Dumfries, with Peter


Neilson, Alexander,



„ „

Hannay, apothecary Hew, son to late John N., indweller



Kello, baxter son to Mr. Alexander N., of





Leith, with

June 1664


John 21

Mar. 1666


Nov. 1663

Maxwood, with Hugh

to Andrew N., slater, indweller in Edinburgh, with George Shanks, slater 18 Nov. 1629 John, son to John N., in Smiddiegreen, with John Constable, cordiner 29 Oct. 1623 John, son to late John N., of Maxwood, with James Barnes, merchant 6 Dec. 1643 Peter, son to William N., in Dirletoun, with Adam Lamb, goldsmith 23 Dec. 1635 Robert, son to late Robert N., maltman, with John Smith, merchant

James, son




son to John N., in Smiddiegreen, with David Sharp, bower Thomas, son to John N., in Tunynghamc, with John


William, son to late


19 July 1654 in

Neilson, apothecary „

7 Jan.

22 July 1600


Archibald, son to William N., in Inverness, with William Chrystie, peutherer Hew, son to late John N., of Maxwood, with James


26 Aug. 1590







22 Nov. 1620

27 Apr. 1653 N.,


Campang/.ie, with

Robert Younger, skinner William, son to William N., workman in Edinburgh, with Alexander Mackinlay, bonnetmaker Neisch, John, son to late James N., in Comrie, with George Admistoun, baxter Nemo, Andrew, son to late William N., in Mikle Dykemount,

19 Sept. 1592




Reid, tailor

Nov. 1649



June 1636


Feb. 1607

Nemoch, Thomas, son

to Alexander N., in Bancreiff, with William Dick, merchant 6 Nov. 1605 Nemok, George, son to John N., in Kyle, with Robert Hamilton, couper

8 Jan. 1588-9

Neving, George, son to late William N., in Dundee, with William Robesoun, slater 27 May 1590 John, son to John N., wobster in the Hierigis, with Archi„ bald Wardlaw, wobster 2} Sept. 1593 Thomas, son to Thomas N., wobster, indweller on the „ South side of the Brig of Leith, with John Ramsay, wobster Oct. 161 Newall, Archibald, second son to John N., commissar clerk of Kirkcudbright, with David Boyd, merchant 20 Feb. 1661 Newlands, Alexander, son to Robert N., stabler, with George Gibson, bower 23 Apr. 1594 Alexander, son to Mathew N., of the Kipps, with (leorge ,, Crawfurd, cordiner 14 Nov. 1638 John, son to late John N., with Alexander Adamson, dagmaker „ 20 Sept. 1588 Newtoun, James, son to late Hob N., in Over (ilen, with James Brown, bonnetmaker 11 Dec. 1588 James, son to Thomas N., portioner of Mitchellhill, with „ Craufurd, elder, cordiner John 11 July 1649 John, son to late Thomas N., tailor in Edinburgh, with „ 26 Aug. 1646 John Finlasoun, tailor i

Edmbui'g/i Register of Apprentices.




Thomas, son to Archibald N., in Tranent, with Nicol Graham, baxter 30 Sept. David, son to George N., elder, burgess of Edinburgh, with George Nicoll, yr., merchant 3 Mar. George, son to George N., cook, with Thomas Paterson, merchant 9 Nov. James, son to late Thomas N., mason, with Archibald Stewart, wobster 10 Apr. James, son to John N., W.S., with William Muir, merchant 31 Dec. James, son to John N., maltman, with John Hairt, printer 24 Mar. John, son to John N., in Stainepeth, with Hercules Crawmound, merchant 18 Dec. John, son to late Thomas N., cordiner, with John





„ „

„ „

Wickedschaw, merchant


1636 1599 1623 1630 161

19 Apr. 1620

John, son to late Thomas N., cordiner, with John Wickedshaw, merchant 28 Mar. 1621 Mathew, son to John N., burgess of .Ayr, with Edward Mure, couper 9 Sept. 1646 Patrick, son to late Hew N., tailor, indweller in Kilmeineis, ,, with Thomas Lawson, bookbinder 8 Oct. 1628 Richard, son to George N., cook, burgess of Pklinburgh, „ with Alexander Clerk, merchant 5 F>b. 1645 Thomas, son to James N., indweller in P^dinburgh, with „ John Bynnie, wobster 4 Oct. 1620 Thomas, son to late Thomas N., cordiner, indweller in ,, Edinburgh, with Thomas Henrie, wright 14 Mar. 1627 William, son to William N., indweller in Currie, with „ Ale.xander Davidson, shearsmith 7 Nov. 1655 Nicolson, Adam, son to Robert N., merchant, with .\ndrew Jowsy, merchant 9 Mar. 1 590-1 Archibald, son to Robert N., in Dysart, with Thomas „ Fishe, skinner 15 Apr. 1595 Gavin, son to James N. (poor), with Alexander Thomson, skinner ,, 27 Aug. 1606 George, son to George N., in Dirleton, with Patrick Thomson, couper „ 9 May 1627 James, son to Robert N., butterman, with William „ Williamson, skinner 18 Aug. 1587 James, son to John N., in Hailles, with Adam Nicolson, baxteri Jan. i 591-2 „ James, son to late William N., sometime servitor to David „ Wilkie, present Dean of Guild, with William Gellie, currier 16 June 1658 son to late Thomas N., burgess of Aberdeen, with James, „ Laurence Mercer, merchant 7 Dec. 1664 John, son to John N., candlemaker, with George Wady, skinner „ 26 Oct. 1596 John, son to late William N., hatmaker, with James „ „


Smyth, hatmaker „

Arneill, „ ,,


June 1625

John, son to late John N., of Coldingham, with Francis

merchant James N.,

Patrick, son to Walter, son to late

7 Sept.



Andrew Smyth,


Finlay N., burgess of Forres, with Alexander Chappell, cordiner William, son to John N., in Balgony, with John Nicolson,



Dec. 1636

25 Dec. 1584

James Tweedy, candlemaker Alexander, son to late James N.,

ander Watt, mason David, son to late John N.,

Nisbett, Alexander, son to late

Hog. baxter

1659 20 July 1608


mason, with Henry


Dalgety, with Alex-

31 July 1599 21


June 1620

Newbottle, with Michael 28 July 161



Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

John N., maltman in the Canongate, with James Kyill, cordiner George, son to Robert N., at Lowdounkirk, with James

Broun, hatmaker James, son to George N., of that

James, son to John N., servitor

with Henry Nisbet, merchant James, son to late John N., in Cairnetoune, with


Nisbett, Gavin, son to late

Nov. 1648


Dec. 1657



with William Lecli, tailor 1



„ „


my Lord


Mar. 1605



Adamson, marikin-maker James, son to Alexander N., in Ladietoun, with John Hamilton, apothecary James, son to late Murdoch N., in Lottrie in Ireland, with Thomas Adam, tanner and marriken- maker John, son to late John N., in Musselburgh, with James Bryson, bookseller John, son to late John N., maltman, burgess of the Canon-

July 1584


gate, with James Glen, bookseller Richard, son to late William N., mason in Dalgettie, with Alexander Nisbett, mason Robert, son to late Thomas N., in Newbottle, with John

9 Nov. 1636 21 July 1647 11

July 1655


Nov. 1639


Aug. 1656

23 Mar. 1659

Bischope, candlemaker 26 Oct Robert, son to James N., in Cruiksfield, in the Merse, with „ John Crawfurd, cordiner 9 July Thomas, son to George N., of that Ilk, with William ,, Symontoun, saddler July Thomas, son to late Mr. Thomas N., at Ladie Kirk parish „ 6 May in Berwick, with Archibald Pattoun, merchant Noble, Thomas, son to John N., in Biggar, with James Brown, skinner 1


1646 1584 1646

12 July 1665

Norie, John, son to


N., of Linlithgow, with

John Arnot, baxter 12 July 1615

Robert, son to David N., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, with Thomas Somervell, skinner Samuel, son to Andrew N., in Grange mylne, with John Hutton, baxter (who became depauperit)

2 Sept.



1654 transferred to Gavin Drysdale 18 June 1656 to Edward N., servitor to Lord Thirlestane, with John Laurie, skinner (deleted 14 January 1624) 12 Feb. 1623 Nymbell, James, son natural to John N., with James Rodger, tailor i


Normantoun, Mark, son


Archibald, brother-gernian to George O., of Popilhall, with Andrew Dennistoun, goldsmith Robert, son to Henry O., of Poppilhall, with Henry ,, Quhyte, cordiner Ogilvie, Alexander, son to John O., of Wester Burne, with Laurence Kinnear, merchant Alexander, son to Sir James O., of Newgrange, with ,, Andrew Ker, merchant James, brother to Archibald O., of Gilour, with Robert „ Thomson, goldsmith James, son to Thomas O., of that Ilk, with Robert David„

Mar. 1594-5


merchant James, son to Alexander


James, son

Feb. 1643

9 Oct. 1590 6 Apr. 1642 i

Dec. 1658

13 July 1596

22 Nov. 1637



O., writer in

James Borthwick, chirurgian to William O., in Thursay James Wallace, merchant

Edinburgh, with 22 Nov. 1648


Caithness, with

James, son to W'alter O., of Boyne, with Robert Learmonth, merchant

13 F'eb. 1656 15

Apr. 1663


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices




Ogilvie, Walter, son to William O., of Bathley, shire of Banff, „

with John Paton, merchant William, son to Mr. David O., of Pitmoues, with Patrick

Trotter, tailor Ogrie, Nicoll, son to William 0., merchant,with


NicoU Penstoune,

Mar. 1659

17 Dec. 1635 tailor 1

Mar. 1607


Ogstoun, Andrew, son to Mr. George

O., minister at Covingtoun, with John Hill, bookseller Francis, son to Mr. George O., minister at Covingtoun, „ with John Reid, baxter Oliphant, Alexander, son to late Patrick O., writer in Edinburgh, with Duncan Campbell, cordiner Archibald, son to Sir Laurence O., of Cask, with David „


Dec. 165

9 Aug. 1648 10

Scott, apothecary George, son to Quintene



Jan. 1665

O., in North Berwick, with Robert Thomson, merchant 27 Nov. son William to O., of Pitlochie, with John Hali James, „ burtoun, merchant 27 July James, son to James O., mason at the Kirk of Ochterhouse, „ with Robert Alison, inason 5 Aug. John, son to John O., of liaucheltoun, with Robert Foulis, „ merchant 29 Jan. John, son to late Patrick O., writer in Edinburgh, with „ John Lawrie, tailor 17 May Patrick, son to late Sir James O., of Newtoun, Knight, „ with Jatnes Eleis, merchant 26 Dec. William, son to late Mr. John O., clerk to H.M wardrobe, „ with James M'Lurg, merchant 30 Nov. Oliver, John, son to Adam O., in Jedburgh, with James Rea, merchant




1646 1640 1643

1649 1664

14 July 1613

Thomas, son to late Gilbert O., Andrew Layng, currier


Lynheuchhead, with 7

Aug. 1661

Ord, Robert, son to Mr. William O., with David Heriot, goldsmith 10 July 1605 to late Robert O., sailor in Dysart, with Andrew Hardie, candlemaker 3 June 1635 Orme, Archibald, son to late David O., in Craighall in Fife, with John Barker, merchant 26 Feb. 1662 Arthur, son natural to Francis O., indweller in P)aigrie ,, beside Dundee, with Harry Robesoun, wobster i Sept. 1619 John, son to late James O., merchant, with Edward „ Gillespie, merchant 17 Dec. 1662 Ormistoun, James, son to John O., in Newbigging, with John scheirsmith 3 Aug. 1608 „ John, son to Peter O., in Newbigging, beside Carnwath, with John Ormistoun, scheirsmith 11 Sept. 1599 Robert, younger son to Robert O., elder, of West Houses, „ with John Ormistoun, scheirsmith 13 May 1618 Robert, son to Walter O., in Grainslie, with John Ormis„ 10 Dec. 1628 toun, scheirsmith „ William, son to late William O., in Sip Spittell, with James Hoppringle, merchant June 1614 Ormont, William, son to John O., in Dysart, with John Davidson, flesher 14 Mar. 1604 Orr, Robert, son to late John O., in Blairmukle, with Richard PoUok, baxter 29 July 1663 William, son to late Thomas O., in Murchall, with John „ Symmervell, skinner 8 Jan. 1593 Orrok, John, son to William O., in the Canongate, with John Mathie, bonnetmaker 7 July 1613 John, son to Alexander O., fiar of that Ilk, with David „ Murray, yr., merchant 15 Apr. 1635

Orknay, Robert, son



Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

583- 1 666.]



Orrok, Robert, son to William O., of Barhame, with William

Blackwood, merchant Orwall (Urwall), Thomas, son to late James U., indweller in Rain, shire of Murray, with James Lund, wright son to Cuthbert O., burgess of Dunbar, with Osburne, Thomas Wilson, saddler to son Adam, John O., late provost of Ayr, with Henry „ Ranken, merchant Harry, son to Harry O., W.S., with Jolm Rewel, merchant „ John, youngest son to late Henry O., W.S., with Hew ,, Vernour, merchant Oswald, Andrew, son to John O., portioner of Dennie, [lar. of Dennie, with Andrew Oswald, merchant James, son to Ale.xander O., portioner of Falkirk, with „ John Aslowane, merchant James, son to late Mr. Robert O., in Preston, with John „ Aikman, of Cairnie, merchant Oustean, Alexander, son to William O., indweller in Fettercairn, .



„ „

6 Oct. 1601


Graham, skinner to Donald O., in Middletoun in the .Mearns, with Alexander Oustean, tailor .Samuel, son to Mr. Samuel O., minister at Penpont, with Thomas Lowrie, merchant William, son to Mr. William O., minister at Penpont, with with Patrick


Dec. 1651


31 Oct. 1633

8 May 1661 23 Feb. 1648

9 Aug. 1648

Dec. 1628


9 Oct. 1661

26 July 1665

James, son

William Nemoc:k,



30 Nov. 1636 9 Apr. 1628

P., in

skinner Park, Alexander, son to James

Coitmuir, with Peter Somer-


David Hamilton,

July 1603



burgess of Linlithgow, with 4 Dec. 1599


James, son to William

P., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, with Thomas Cranston (who deceased) 5 Feb. transferred to Alexander Stewart 3 Dec. John, wobster, admitted burgess 17 Aug. „ Patrick, son to late Laurence P., merchant, burgess of ,, Edinburgh, with Alexander Pennycuik, of Newhall, chirurgian 9 June Thomas, son to Thomas P., in Nether Libertoun, with ,, P., cordiner Thomas Apr. Paterson, Abraham, with James P., skinner, burgess of Edinburgh, his brother-german (16 Oct.) 19 Nov. Adam, son to late James P., in Braut htoun, with William „ Paterson, tailor 17 May Allan, son to Andrew P., in Bruntfield, with John Ritchie, mason „


Andrew, son

Andrew, son


Andrew, son

to late to


mason, with Mathew





Galloscheills, with







Scott, wright

10 P., in


24 Dec. 1628

P., of Dalserff,

Cuthbert, son to Andrew Paterson, mason David, son to George P.,



Bishop, candlemaker to

1645 1646 1583

July 1638 Bruce, cordiner 13 Sept. 1588 1


22 Mar. 1654

Pargillies, furrior

Thomas, son



27 Sept. 1620


Paplay, Magnus, son to late Captain Robert P., with James Walls, merchant Pargilleis, Robert, son to William P., in Coitmuir, with James ,,

Aug. 1657


Ihuntfield, with

Aug. 1664


26 Nov. 1634 tailor, with Alexander Ikurell, lorimer 10 Feb. 1613 David, son to Robert P., meichant, burgess of Couper, with John Kello, tailor i Feb. 1665


Edinhuj'gk Register of Apprentices


Paterson, George, son to late George P., tailor in Edinburgh, with Robert Haldane, merchant 16 Mar. 1642 George, son to John P., in Tuemhills, with William IJell, wright 9 Dec. 1657 James, son to late John P., in Dreghorn, with John Hunter, tailor 25 May 1608 James, son to Nicoll P., maltman in the Canongate, with Andrew Paterson, baxter 2 June 1619 James, son to James P., in Meikle Govan, with William Graham, skinner (who deceased) 16 Mar. 1642 transferred to Patrick Graham 14 Oct. 1646 James, son to John P., servitor to Robert Hardie, beer brewer, burgess of Edinburgh, with John Schairp, coppersmith 13 Apr. 1642 James, son to late James P., in Gallowscheills, with Thomas Paterson, candlemaker 5 Oct. 1642 John, son to late John P., in Leith, with Laurence Farquhar, tailor 18 Nov. 1586 John, son to James P., in Biggar, with John Jackson, younger, merchant 24 June 1600 John, son to James P., indweller in Edinburgh, with James Ramsay, candlemaker 21 June 1603 John, son to late John P., in Tillicoutrie, with William Duncan, locksmith 24 Feb. 1613 John, son to late James P., flesher, with Hew Broune, candlemaker 21 Feb. 1 62 John, son to William P. (poor), with John Carrick, cordiner 27 June 1623 transferred to Robert Watson 9 Feb. 1625 John, son to late Alexander P., in Cumislie, with George Wilson, tailor 17 July 1633 John, son to late James P., in Gallowscheills, with Adam Bruntoun, candlemaker 6 May 1646 John, son to late Luke P., in Hardingtoun, par. of Robertoun, with Alexander Inglis, litster 6 Oct. 1647 John, son to John P., betwixt the Hills of Biggar, with Thomas Harper, cordiner 20 Oct. 1652 John, son to late Andrew P., in Glenegies, with William Sympson, merchant 29 Nov. 1654 John, son to late James P., in Brughtoune, with James Corsbie, tailor 26 Sept. 1655 John, son to late James P., in Burnshot of Hertrie, with James Melrose, merchant 25 Aug. 1658 John, son to Andrew P., indweller in Edinburgh, with Andrew Shearer, mason 9 Dec. 1663 Michaell, son to Mr. Andrew P., of Halberbeith, with William Makgomre, merchant 27 May 1600 Philip, son natural to Thomas P., merchant, with Daniel Johnstone, cordiner 28 June 1597 Robert, son to John P., in Stirling, with William Stalker, goldsmith 13 Dec. 1588 Robert, son to late Robert P., in Brochtoun, with John Lamb, tailor 18 Nov. 1600 Robert, son to John P., in Kilpunt, with John Paterson, tailor 30 Aug. 1609 Robert, son to Andrew P., in Bruntfield, with John Menzies, mason 24 Apr. 1633 Robert, son to late Robert P., merchant in Dublin in Ireland, with John Hewat, cordiner (who went furth of the Kingdom) 24 Jan. 1649 transferred to John Duguid 21 Nov. 1649

Thomas, son



P., in Bruntfield, shire of

with Blaiss Hamilton,


Lanark, 7

July i6oi



Edinbni^gk Register of Apprentices.


Thomas, son to late Duncan P., maltman of Stirling, with John Dobhie, merchant 30 July 1606 to John P., in Edinburgh, with John Duncan, smith

Thomas, son

4 Nov. 1607

Thomas, son to Andrew P., in Gallowschiells, with Thomas Watson, candlemaker 2 Feb. 1620 Thomas, son to John P., in Muirhead, with John Mylne, mason 1

Dec. 1633


Thomas, son

to John P., indweller in the Canongate, with Robert Mayne, bower Tliomas, son to John P., notar, burgess of Peebles, with John Murray, skinner Walter, son to late George P., tailor, indweller in Edin-

burgh, with David Johnstone, tailor William, son to late William P., burgess of Edinburgh, with Andrew Brown, tailor William, son to Alexander P., in the Affleck in Lennox, with Harry Paterson, cordiner William, son to David P., quarrier, indweller in Edinlxngh, with William Kilpatrick, tailor William, son to late Thomas P., in Inchan, with William vSandilands, baxter William, son to John P., burgess of the Canongate, with James H arrow er, bookseller William, son to late James P., of Brughtowne, shire of Peebles, with William Paterson, tailor William, son to Mr. John P., schoolmaster at Moffat, with Thomas Somervell, tailor Paton or Patoun, Alexander, son to William P., in Culter beside Biggar, with Thomas Harper, cordiner Archibald, son to John P., of Hilfute, beside Castle Campl^ell, with Robert Smith, merchant David, son to William P., notar, parish of Wick in Caithness, with Sir William Thomson, clerk of Edinburgh David, eldest son to late Thomas P., portioner of Langschaws, with James Craufurd, cordiner James, son to late James P., of Hilfoot, with James Richard, transferred to Garge Samuel, baxter (who left town)

3 Apr. 1644

9 Sept. 1646

Dec. 1633


12 July 1583

30 Apr. 1594 16

June 1630


Feb. 1643

24 Nov. 1647

Aug. 1654


22 July 1657





Feb. 1621


Nov. 1662

Aug. 1652

4 .



21 July 1652

transferred to John Hunter 26 Sept. John, younger son to John P., in Biggar, with Alexander Uddert, merchant 27 May John, son to Hector P., in Bar, with James Pattoun, locksmith 3 Dec. Martin, son to Martin P., portioner of TiJlicoutric, with William Bruce, locksmith 2 Dec. Mathew, son to Thomas P., in Straith, with Mathcw Aytoun, skinner

Michael, son to John P., indweller in Calder, with John Alexander, candlemaker Richard, son to William P., in Coulter, with James Melrose,


1585 165 161


Oct. 1611


June 1661

27 July 1642

Robert, son to Katherine Ballantyne, relict of Robert P., with Henry Wallace, tailor 4 Dec. Robert, son to James P., flesher, burgess of Culross, with George Broun, litster 10 Feb. Symon, son to late James P., of Hillfut, beside Castle Campbell, with George Gray, wright 10 July William (poorj, with James Sibbald, peuderer 2 Aug'. William, son to John P., of Hillfuird, with James Nasmyth, merchant 3

William, son to William



Hadden, merchant





1593 1603 1


Edinburgh, with George 26 July 1648


Edinburgh Register of Apprenhces.

Robert, son to late Thomas P., in Carnganock,. with Edward Carmichael, skinner Paxtoun, Lance, with David Kerr, locksmith Peacock, Edward, son to Edward P., in Brigend parish of Libbertoun, with John Ker, merchant Henry, son to John P., wright in the Canongate, with John „

[1583- 1666.


Heriot, tailor „ „

Thomas P., indweller in Nether Libertoun, with John Crawfurd, yr., cordiner John, son to Thomas P., in Nether Liberton, with Thomas



Mar. 1626



6 Apr. 1642 12

Aug. 1619


Dec. 1642

James, son to

Adamson, marikin-maker

25 Feb. 1646 Haliburton, cordiner 31 July 1629 Robert, son to Edward P., in Brigend of Nether Libber„ 28 July 164 toun, with James Tynto, baxter Robert, son to late John P., in Camrone, with John Thor,, burne, tailor 19 Aug. 1646 Thomas, son to John P., in Calmeron, with Alexander ,, Crawfurd, cordiner 14 May 1594 Thomas, son to Edward P., in the Brigend, with Thomas „ Peacock, cordiner 3 Aug. 1636 Thomas, son to Andrew P., in Schank, with William Warrok, skinner ,, 9 Mar. 1642 Peat, John, son to Thomas P., in Dykhead, with John Graham, skinner 27 Feb. 66 Pedder, James, son to William P., sometime indweller in Edin22 July 1629 burgh, with John Wilkie, wobster Peden, John, son to William P., indweller in Leith, with James Abernethy, peuderer 16 Apr. 1648 William, son to late James P., mason in Prestonpans, with „ „

Robert, son to late Alexander





Alexander Reull, merchant to John P., in Ravelstoun, with David Rodger, merchant Pearson or Peirson, Alexander, son to James P., in Quhytfield, with John Seytoun, tailor Alexander, son to Alexander P., of Balmedies, with James ,, Aikman, merchant James, with Nicoll P., flesher, his brother „ son to James P., in Quhytfield, with Alexander PearJohn, „ son, merchant John, son to Alexander P., cordiner in the Canongate, with „ Laurence Forsyth, cordiner Pender, John, son to late John P., in Strafranck, with Gilbert

4 June 1645

Pedraich, James, son

Somervell, tailor

Thomas, son to late Robert P., in Slamannan-muir, with John Eistoun, candlemaker Penman, George, son to Mr. Adam P., minister of Cockpen, with John Penman, merchant


Mar. 1657


Dec. 1606

14 Apr. 1619 8 May 1590

23 Oct.




June 1622


Mar. 1628



July 1598




Musselburgh, with Richard Doby, merchant 17 Apr. 1599 John, son to late John P., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, „ with John Fleming, merchant 12 Aug. 1629 Mark, son to Mr. Adam P., minister at Cockpen, with „ William Brotherstanes, tyllour 12 Nov. 1656 Penny, John, son to late David P., quarrier at the West Port, with John Braidie, tailor 4 Nov. 161S Pennycuik, Archibald, son to Andrew P., indweller in Penicuik, with James Allan, bonnetmaker 9 Nov. 1642 James, son to Edward P., in the Coitis, par. of Penicuik, „ with James Barnett, couper 590-1 5 Jan. James, with James Crawfurd, flesher 27 May. 1595 „ „

John, son to William

P., in



Edinburgh Register of Apprentices,

Pennycuik, William, son to late Air. William P., of that Ilk, with John Clogie, cordiner Penstoun, John, son to James P., weaver, burgess of Edinburgh, with George Marshall, tailor William, son to Francis P., in Langnidrie, with James „ Penstoun, wobster Petrie, John, son to James P., burgess of Elgin, with Patrick Walker, peuderer Robert, son to Cieorge P., merchant, burgess of Montrose, „ with Thomas Calderwood, merchant William, son to George P., merchant, burgess of Montrose, ,, with John M'Keine, merchant Pettigrew, John, son to John P., in Munkland, with Peter Mackie,


27 Apr. 1602 9 Dec. 1640 2

June 16 19

29 July 161 8 Sept. 1658

20 Jan. 1647 tailor

26 Aug. 1 590 Philp or Philip, James, son to Henry P., merchant, in Elschinure, with William Thomson, merchant 15 May 1644 John, son to Robert P., with Ninian Mackmorran, merchant 25 Nov. 1607 „ late Robert P., of Kippo, with George Baynes, merchant son to John, „ I Feb. 1660 Patrick, son to late Henry P., of Ormiston, with John Bour,, doune, merchant 25 June 1628 Phrissell, Bartholomew, son to Alexander P., in Over Liberton, with Alexander Stevenson, candlemaker 25 June 1645 Thomas, son to late John P., in Nether Libertoun, with John ,, Nisbett, candlemaker 2 Dec. 1646 Phyn, Robert, son to Robert P., in Quhythill, with George Cow, skinner 12 Feb. 1600 Robert, son to Mr. John P., of Whythall, with Archibald „ Rynd, merchant 29 July 1635 Robert, son to Thomas P., in Lauder woodhead, with Joseph ,, litster 10 July 1644 M'Quorne, Phynnie, Edward, son to John P., indweller in St. Geillis Grange, with Walter Mathieson, baxter 23 June 1641 Pickane, James, son to late John P., walker in Edinburgh, with Patrick Pickane, walker 18 Dec. 1644 William, son to Andrew P., tailor, with John Pickane, tailor 9 Mar. 16 14 „ Pieris, James, son to Alexander P., bailie of the Canongate, with 16 Aug. 1648 John Lindsay, merchant John, son to late William P., curiour, indweller in Edin,, burgh, with John Reid, weaver 3 June 1640 Pincartoun, Robert, son to Alexander P., in Prestonpans, with 2S July 161 Henry Wallace, tailor Pirie, Thomas, son to late John P., merchant, burgess of Paisley, with George Cleghorn, goldsmith 27 Oct. 1647 Pitcairn, Alexander, son to John P., of Unstoun, advocate, with 11 July 1642 William M'Clie, merchant 2 Oct. 1644 transferred to Archibald Sydserff Pitcairns, Robert, son to late William P., of Pitlour, with 20 July 1596 William MacGomrie, merchant Pitillo, James, son to Robert P., of Kinnochtrey, shire of Perth, with David Gairdyne, litster 31 Mar. 1601 Pittscottie, David, son to Colonel Colin P., with William Blackwood, merchant 24 Oct. 1655 Pittulloch, Robert, son to late Andrew P., with George Squyre, wright 1 5 Feb. 1665 wright 19 May 1630 Plenderleith, David, son to David P., merchant, burgess of Peebles, with ,, James Stark, merchant 5 June 1644 son to James P., coupar in Leith, with Henry James, ,, 11 May 1659 Finlason, coupar Robert, son to late John P., in Kirklawhill, with David „ 20 Dec. 1626 Robertson, wright ,



Edinburgh Reoister of Apprentices.

[1585- 1666.

Plumber, John, son to Andrew

P., in Kelso, with George Quhyte, cordiner 30 Mar. 1587 P., in Cesfuird, with Alexander Robert Robert, son to „ Sibbald, peuderer 23 Dec. 1610 William, son to John P., in Kelso, with Patrick Meyne, couper ,, 10 June 1607 Polwart, James, son to William P., of Rottounraw, with David 2 Jan. i59-"3 Thomson, skinner 22 June 1602 Pollok or Pook, James, with Robert Poock, baxter James, son to John P., cordiner, burgess of Edinburgh, 12 Feb. 1645 with Andrew Wardlaw, merchant John, son to late Andrew P., maltinan in Edinburgh, with Alexander Thomson, skinner 3 June 1584 27 Apr. 1586 John, with William Hutchisoun, cordiner John, son to late John P., of that Ilk, with John Pook, cordiner

13 Jan. 1601

John, son to Mungo P., in Meikle Govan, with William Johnstone, skinner 7 July 1658 John, son to William 1\, in Lochnish, with Patrick 11 July 1660 Graham, skinner John, son to John P., in Meikle Govane, with William Pollok, yr., skinner 23 May 1666 Patrick, son to John P., shipper in Meikle Govan, with i8 Mar. 1663 Adam Mure, skinner Robert, son to late Richard P., in Flcsants, with John 28 Mar. 1592 Heriot, baxter William, son to John P., in Govan, with Laurence Graham, skinner 20 Feb. 1656 William, son to Mungo P., indweller in Meikle Govan, with David Mowat, skinner 15 Apr. 1657 Poukshawes, with P., in William, son to late 11 July 1655 Patrick G., elder, skinner Ponton, Robert, son to James P., in Echlein, with Richard Wilson, yr., skinner 15 Feb. 1586-7 Porringer, William, son to John P., in Orkney, with David .




23 Jan. 1661


Porteous, Archibald, son to John

P., in

Dickieland, with John

Meyne, merchant „

George, son to John

P., tailor in

Leith, with


31 Jan. 1638 Telfer, painter I


„ „


„ „ „


„ „

July 1663

John, son to late Ninian P., burgess of Edinburgh, with William Prestoun, tailor 29 Oct. John, son to late John P., stabler in Edinburgh, with William Watt, tailor 14 June John, son to late Mr. Thomas P., minister at Langednem, Oct. with Thomas Douglas, hatmaker John, son to Andrew P., in Lugtoun, with Thomas Wilkie, merchant 23 Mar. John, son to late Alexander P., in Nethermenziean, with 23 Feb. James Cruikshank, couper Patrick, son to John P., in Cruik, with John Tweedie, of 18 Mar. Oliver, locksmith Robert, son to Robert P., in Newbottle, with David 26 Sept. Broune, merchant (who died August 1624) transferred to Alexander Broune 9 Feb. Robert, son to late William P., flcsher, indweller in Edinburgh, with William (lairden, merchant 7 May Robert, son to Robert P., yr., portioner of Newbottle, with May merchant Johnstone, 14 John Thomas, son to John P., in Nyddisdale, with Edward Cathkin, merchant 9 Oct.

1589 1603

1634 1642

1659 1657 1621 1625





Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Porteous, Thomas, son natural to John


of Edinljurj^h, with

WiUiam Thomson, flesher Thomas, son to Andrew P., smith in Uddinf;stoun Douglas, with Thomas Duncan, smith

Thomas, son

Porteous, skinner William, son to Thomas




P., par.

of Drummelzier, with




Wandell, with

27 Apr. 1602 in


Dec. 1608


Mar. 1656


David 16 Dec. 1628


William, son to William P., mason, indweller in Leith, with William Wallace, mason Porter, James, son to James P., in Silverburn, with Hew Campbell, skinner (who deceased) „


transferred to John Thomson to late James P., indweller John Broun, weaver

Adam, son






18 Jan. 1643

Mar. 1645

(ilasgow, with 21 July 1647

to late Archibald P., in Herdsmuir, with John Graham, skinner i Mar. 1654 Preston, James, son to George P., in Haltrey, with John Arnott, tailor

Prentice, John, son

21 June 1597 Robert, son natural to Hew P., in Dean of Crichton, with William Thoirbrand, mason 2 June 1619 Walter, son to George P., in Haltrce, with Abraham „ Abercromby, saddler 24 Mar. 1595-6 Prett, James, son to late William P., in Leithshield, with John Davidson, locksmith 18 Mar. 1663 Primrose, Archibald, with Adam Ray, merchant 8 Mar. 1603 Henry, son to late Mr. David P., advocate, with Laurence ,, Barnes, merchant 24 Mar. 1652 Hew, son to Mr. Peter P., minister at Crossniichaell, with „ Robert Lympetlaw, skinner 25 Mar. 1635 Robert, son to John P., of Burnbrae, with John Scott, wright „

30 Mar. 1641 to late Harry P., merchant, with Andrew Carmichaell, merchant Pringle or Hoppringle, Alexander, son to Andrew P., chirurgian, portioner of Nenthorn, with James Borthwick, chirurgian Andrew, son to Alexander P., in Nenthorn mylne, with David Pringle, chirurgian Andrew, son to Mark P., portioner of Cliftoun, with John Rutherfuird, merchant David, brother to the Laird of Torwoodly, with David


Magnus, son

Ritchesoun George, son to Malcolm H., with

27 Apr. 1659

g Mar. 1659 2



29 June 1642




Thomas Watson, candlemaker 9 Apr. 1606

George, son to George

H., in

Torwoodlie, with James

Heriott, litster


George, son to George


of Newhall, with






31 July 1629

Hew, son

to late John H., in the Potterraw, with John Greir, tailor 3 July 1593 James, son to William P., litster, with George Strang, skinner 19 Oct. 1586 James, son to James P., of Bowhill, with Robert Waddell, baxter

30 Apr. 1623

James, son to Robert

P., in

Hairtsyde, with James Heriot,


22 Feb. 1626

James, son to late John P., brother-german to George P., of Newhall, with Thomas Paterson, tailor James, son to David P., chirurgian, burgess of Edinburgh, with John George, merchant

27 Jan. 1627 14 Feb. 1627

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.



Pringleor Hoppringle, James, brother- german to John P.,portioner of Curtle-ferrie, with ,,


son to George


George Wauchope, merchant indweller in


James, son to George


14 Jan. 1635

burgess of Haddington, with 23 Mar. 1643

James Mitchellson, merchant „

James, son to Robert


29 Oct. 1634


Andrew Purves, merchant

of Blaidhe, with

James Thorbrand,


31 Jan. 1666 son to late Robert H., in Boin-Jedburgh, with William Hoppringle, tailor 27 Feb. 1598-9 John, third son to George P., of Torwoodley, with David „ Hoppringle, chirurgian 4 Jan. 1615 John, son to James P., in Ikn"nhouse, with James Gairdy, litster „ 20 Nov. 1622 John, son to James P., of Bowhill, with Adam Turner, tailor „ 16 Apr. 1623 (who deceased. Agnes Nisbett, his relict) 21 Jan. 1624 transferred to John Davidson John, son to late William P., of Torquhen, with John „ 12 May 1624 Pringell, chirurgian John, son to George P., of Haltree, with John Fleming, merchant „ 16 July 1634 John, son to John P., wright, indweller in Edinburgh, with „ Richard Heriot, pantoun-heelmaker 17 Feb. 1641 Robert, son to David P., chirurgian, with John Kniblo, merchant „ 4 Feb. 1629 son to Michaell P., burgess of Peebles, with Thomas, „ 17 Aug. 1608 James Bredfut, merchant Thomas, son to late John H., of Torsonce, with George „ Wauchope, merchant 23 Feb. 1642 William, son to late James P., portioner of Cockilferrie, „ with William Johnstone, skinner 30 June 1647 William, son to late George P., of Haltree, with John P., merchant „ 8 Sept. 1647 Provand, James, son to James P., merchant, with John Bartone, goldsmith 26 Aug. 1586 Pudzean, Mathew, son to Mathew P., cobler, with Patrick Kennedy, saddler 7 Aug. 599 Pullart, John, son to John P., in Sanquhar, with James Baxter, 20 July 1591 wright Purdie, Edward, son to John P., in Kirkvvood, with John Philp, 2 Aug. wobster 587 lames, son to James P., in Brighous, with Gilbert Somervell, tailor „ 16 Mar. 63 Pursell, John, son to John P., in Little Preston, with Alexander Chappell, cordiner 15 Apr. 1629 Robert, son to James P., in Little Preston, beside Cran„ stoun, with James Coldane, skinner 4 May 1585 Purves, Anilrew, son to late Andrew P., gardener in Newbottle, with James Kyd, cordiner 17 Nov. 1658 Archibald, son to Robert P., flesher in Tranent, with ,, Patrick Crichton, merchant 5 Aug. 1663 David, son to Mr. George P., doctor of medicine, with „ Andrew Melvill, merchant 27 May 1657 Eleazer, son to late William P., macer, with Robert Crauf, apothecary „ 19 Oct. 1586 son to late James P., tlesher in Leith, with Henry George, „ Nisbet, merchant 2 Apr. 1589 James, son to James P., in Boyell, with James Sandilands, tailor „ 16 Feb. 1602 James, son to late Thomas P., of Purveshauch, with George „ Sinclaii-, cordiner 19 Feb. 161 2







Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Purves, James, son to late John P., servitor to late Mr. Alexander King, advocate, with Thomas Cars, elder, wobster (who deceased) u Aug. i6ig transferred to James Forrester 26 Mar. 1623 son John, to John P., in the Boyle in Tweeddale, with „ John Pilloun, cordiner 13 May 1584 John, son to George P., in Cleghorn, with John Hepburn, cordiner „ 2

John, son to late John

P., in

Fouldoun, with



Dec. 1595

Speir, lorimer

Nov. 1632

John, son to Archibald

P., flesher in Tranent, with Alex3 Dec. 1651 baxter in Wester Portsburgh, with 11 Dec. 1661 James Baird, wright Robert, son to George P., in Cleghorn, skinner, with John Hepburn, skinner 11 Feb. 1594-5 Thomas, son to Thomas P., in Ersiltoun, with George Broun, litster 7 Dec. 1664 William, son to Rodger P., in Purveshill, with William Dalgleish, baxter 26 Nov. 1634 William, son to Archibald P., flesher in Tranent, wuh John Tweedy, merchant 25 Mar. 1640 William, son to John P., merchant, burgess of Dunbar, with Patrick Hepburn, apothecary 19 Jan. 1648

ander Denholm, baxter


„ „ „


John, son to



Quantoun, James, son to late William Q., mealmaker in Leith, with James Young, wright Quhippo, James, son to Robert Q., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, with Robert Crawfurd, hatniaker Robert, with James Straiton, hatmaker ,, -


Dec. 165


17 July 161 17 July 161

Rae, Alexander, son to Robert R., merchant, with Walter Gledstanes, tailor „

James, son to James

10 R., in

June 1663

Jedburgh, with Hector Ra, merchant 9 Sept. 1595

„ ,,

„ „ „

John, son to James R., of Jedburgh, with William Rea, merchant 17 Feb. Robert, in Redding, with James Cathkyne, skinner 27 June Robert, brother-german to Anch'ew R., merchant, with his said brother 15 July Thomas, son to Thomas R., indweller in the Potterraw, with Thomas Wright, weaver 4 Mar. William, son to John R., workman, with George Patoun, mason 16


Rainy, John, son to Alexander R., in the town of Balmonothe, parish of Aberlothnothe, with Peter Wallange, skinner 29 Apr. Rait, James, son to Mr. David R., principal of the College of Aberdeen, with James Gairdin, litster 20 Mar. Ramage, William, son to William R., under the Wall, with Archibald Fleming, baxter 24 Sept. William, son to late Gavin R., in Fisherrow, with William ,, Knox, bookseller 28 Sept. Ramsay, Alexander, with Thomas Wilkie, candlemaker 27 July Alexander, son to late Alexander R., of Gedhall, with Hew ,, „


1608 1592 1635

1646 1598 1



1594 1642 1602

Craig, merchant 18 May 1659 Andrew, son to late William R., provost of Montrose, with 26 Aug. 1635 James Falconer, merchant David, son to James R., in Arbeky, with William Adair, cordoner 31 Aug. i6r4 Davici, son to late Mr. William R., indweller in Fife, with Thomas Inglis, merchant 13 Sept. 161


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.

Ramsay, David, son



R., of


Aibeky, with William Adair, cordiner 17 Sept.



David, son to late Alexander


R., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, with James Leslie, tailor David, son to Alexander R., mariner in Strabrand in


George, son natural to Captain John


Apr. 162


George Childers, saddler 24 Aug. 1664 R., with John Murdoch, tailor (8 June 1589) 7 Aug. 1590 George, son to late William R., in Kingourlay, with Henry Tweedy, candlemaker 2 Sept. 1595 Ireland, with

George, son to Robert R., in Wyliecleuch in the Mcrse, with George Gibson, bowar James, son to George R., in Cranstoun, with Robert Nicol-



Jan. 1596-7

candlemaker 11 Mar. 1583-4 James, son to Da\id R., in Melville mylne, with John Donaldson, wobster 15 May 1593 James, son to late Alexander R., in Corstorphine, with Alexander Ramsay, merchant 19 Oct. 1596 James, son to John R., in Alloway, with John Dick, baxter 3 July 1611 James, son to the Laircl of Arbekye, with George Wady, skinner 28 Oct. 161 John, brother to James R., wobster in the Canongate, with Robert Bryson, w-obster 15 Nov. 1609 son,

„ „ „

„ „


„ „

John, son to Patrick R.,


Leucheris, with

Thomas Thomson,

John, son to John R., in the Bowes of Alloway, with James Ramsay, baxter John, son to late William R., in the Holl, with William Al^ernethie, peuderer



„ „ „



26 Sept. 1632 14 Feb. 1649

John, son to Alexancier R., portioner of Dalkeith, with

James Sympson, merchant Patrick, son to late James R., of Fouldencastle,

James 14 July 1630 18

Mar. 1618

15 Apr. 1595 3

Nov. 1647

24 Jan. 1644 8 Sept. 1587


June 1600

30 Apr. 1634


William, son to Mr. Simeon R., with

Nov. 1662



Gairden, litster Peter, son to late Peter R., in Claithbanye, with Robert Livingstone, baxter Richard, son to late William R., in Auchinmedden, Aberdeenshire, with Alexander Ramsay, merchant Robert, son to late Robert R., merchant, burgess of Aberdeen, with Andrew Ramsay, merchant Thomas, son to late Henry R., cordiner, burgess of Dundee, with Hew Duncan, locksmith William, son to Mr. Thomas R., portioner of Kingsbarns, with William Neper, merchant William, son to Laurence R.,spargener, with James Workman, painter William, son to late William R., in Cockpen, with Alex-

ander Cullane, „

skinner 30 July 1617

Thomas Moodie, merchant

Nov. 1636 James R., sometime of Southsyde, with John Lowrie, merchant 23 May 1649 William, son to John R., stabler, with Andrew Layng, currior 17 Aug. 1664 Rankine, Alan, son to John R., in East Craigie, with Patrick 16

W^illiam, son to





Donaldson, wobster Clement, son to late James R., sometime officer of Edinburgh, with Patrick Purdie, tailor James, son to Richard R., skipper, burgess of Dundee, with David Richardson, merchant John, son to John R., elder in Uchiltree, with Gavin Small, blacksmith John, son to Weaker R,in Slammananmuir, with Robert Poock, baxter

29 Apr. 1607 22




Aug. 1627


Dec. 1617

21 Apr. 1619


Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Rankine, John, son to John

R., merchant, with Patrick Hainikon, locksmith 6 Feb. 1628 John, son to Theophilus R., with Lidias Reid, merchant 29 July 1657 Robert, son to late Robert R., indweller in the Potterrow, with Robert Schort, mason 9 Dec. 1635 Walter, son to Walter R., merchant, burgess of Dundee, with James Broun, yr., merchant 21 Oct. 1646 Walter, son to late Mr. Gabriel R., of Backraw, with George Jardane, merchant 24 War. 1652 William, son to Patrick R., in Ayr, with John Rankyne, tailor 19 Sept. 1 593 Rannald, Clement, son to John R., cjuarrier, indweller in Edinburgh, with Thomas Thomson, candlemaker (who deceased) 27 Nov. 1644 transferred to James Bell 26 May 1647 Rannay, Da\ id, son to late Arthur R., of Balmene, with John Symontoun (? Somervell), skinner 25 Aug. 1595 George, son to Alexander R., in Balmerinoch in the „ IVIearns, with William Gairdyn, baxter 21 June 1597 Patrick, son to late Walter R., burgess of Forfar, with Gavin „ Mitchell, cordiner (who deceased) 23 Apr. 1645 transferred to James Crinzeane 4 Mar. 1646 Rattray, Andrew, son to Thomas R., in Cowper of Fife, with James Paterson, baxter 5 Dec. 1589 John, son to late Andrew R., in Otterburn, with Patrick ,, Rattray, merchant 3 Apr. 1605 William, son to late Thomas R., in Couper of Fife, with „ Henry Lumisdaill, chirurgian 26 Feb. 1588-9 Redpath, Alexander, son to George R., in Gordoun mains, with

James Greenlaw, ,,

Smyth, ,,

Reid, „




son to William R., sometime of Greenlaw, with James Gardiner, flesher James, third son to late Andrew R., in Dirltoiin, with George Robert, son to William R., of that

Adam, son





Mungo Henryson,

R., of Stevenstoun, with

John Gaudie, pouclerer 15 Aug. 1649

Alexander, son to John R., in Pawelstoun, with Daniel Broun Crawfurd, goldsmith Alexander, son to late John R., in Kincavell, with James

Anderson, hatmaker

Andrew, son


Arthur, son

Hall, cutler

„ „



4 Apr. 1604 16 July 1634

to late George R., in Wood, tailor

27 July 1596 8 Apr. 1584 cordiner 20 June 1592


Alexander, son to John R., wright, burgess of Edinburgh, with Nicoll Trotter, goldsmith Andrew, son to late William R., in Linlithgow, with John

June 1595


18 Dec. 1644 18

June 1606



Edmistoun, with James

to late William R., in Riccardtoun, beside Hamilton, with John Murray, yr., merchant 19 July David, son to John R., of Bannokmylne, with James Echline, saddler 29 July Eleazer, son to William R., tailor, indweller in Edinburgh, with William Stirling, bonnetmaker 20 July Gavin, son to Gavin R., maltman in Bristo, with James Tweedy, wright 5 Feb. George, son to John R., in Garknow, with James Work-

man, painter George, son to William R., gardener to the Earl of Loudiane, with Robert Baxter, furrior George, son to late Alexander R., wobster in Pleasance, with

Henry Gib, wobster


1626 1595

1642 1645

8 Jan. 1606

10 July 1622 3 Apr. 1633



Register' of Apprentices.



Reid, George, son to late James R., of Craighead, with Alexander Mitchelson, baxter 14 Dec. 1636 George, son to John R.,of Ballochmyle, with Andrew Car„ michaell, merchant 31 Jan. 1655 George, son to John R., of Barquhoyes, with William Bell, wright „ 22 Jan. 1662 James, son to James R., in Welwood, with Patrick Meyne, couper „ I Jan. 1588-9 James, son to John R., of Garthknowie, with James Robe„ 12 Nov. 1589 son, cutler James, son to John R., in Watterheid, in Kyle, with William „ 20 May 1607 Bowie, skinner James, son to Symon R., in Douglas, with William Wilkie, merchant „ 23 Dec. 1618 James, son to late John R., sawer, indweller in Edinburgh, ,, 10 Feb. 1641 with Thomas Speir, lorimer James, son to William R., in Dalkeith, with Thomas „ Wilson, litster 15 Jan. 1645 James, son to late James R., merchant, with Michaell Gibson, tailor „ 9 Sept. 1657 John, son to Robert R., in Dalpatrick, shire of Lanark, ,, with John Turnbull, couper 27 June 1598 John, son to late Robert R., bonnetmaker, with Patrick „ 18 May 1608 Rannald, bonnetmaker John, son to late Henry R., smith in Elsinfurde, with „ George Sinclair, wright 15 Dec. 1619 John, son to John R., in Kyncavell, with James Anderson, hatmaker ,, 23 Jan. 1622 John, son to David R., in Sauchtonhall, with Andrew „ Paterson, baxter 23 June 1624 John, son to Alexander R., in Auchthreddrie, with George „ Reid, merchant 25 Oct. 1637 John, son to William R., cordiner in Dalkeith, with John „ Wawes (Wallace), walker 24 Mar. 1641 John, son to late John R., in Torwood, with James Kynneir, merchant ,, „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „

„ „ „ „


9 Jan. 1650 John, son to late John R., in Halkertone, with James Mylne, weaver 17 Apr. 1650 John, son to late John R., merchant, burgess of Ayr, with William Reid, yr., merchant 13 July 1659 Mark, son to William R., in Newbattle, with Henry Aikman, chirurgian 28 Dec. 1631 Mathew, brother to Cuthbert R., smith in Leith, with 2 Nov. 1608 William Reid, wobster Mathew, son to late Mathew R., weaver in Edinburgh, with John Reid, weaver 4 Aug. 1641 Patrick, son to late Robert R., merchant, burgess of Edinburgh, with Thomas Weir, peuderer 3 Mar. 1630 Patrick, son to John R., of Knape, with Thomas Haliburton, cordiner 9 Jan. 1650 Patrick, son to late John R., burgess of Ayr, with William 22 Oct. 1662 Reid, yr., merchant Robert, son to John R., of Ballochniylne, with James Echlene, saddler 25 Mar. 1595 Robert, son to late William R., portioner of Blairkip, with John Johnstone, hatmaker 29 Apr. 1612 Robert, son to late James R., merchant, burgess of Dunfermline, with John Stevenson, merchant 14 Dec. 1625 Robert, son to John R., merchant, burgess of Jedburgh, with James Reid, merchant 25 Nov. 1640 Thomas, son to Captain Walter R., in Edinburgh, with James Smith, slater 30 Nov. 1659



Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.


Reid, William, son to late James R., of Meiklewood in Kyliismuire, with Tatrick Meyne, couper 17 Feb. 1586-7 William, son to David R., burgess in Ayr, with Patrick

Cochrane, merchant William, son to John R., of Ballochmylne, with





ander Robesoun, cutler William, son to George R., in Edmestoun, with Thomas Peacock, cordiner William, son to Alexander R., wobster in Pleasance, with John Donaldson, wobster William, son to Mr. Alexander R., minister at Erskirk (Ashkirk), with George Reid, yr., merchant (who deceased) transferred to John Reid

William, son to Alexander R., merchant, burgess of Aberdeen, with Alexander Admistoun, merchant Relisk, John, son to Hew R., in Kirkmichaell in Glassary, with

25 Mar. 1595 3 Apr. 161 3

Apr. 1633

12 Apr. 1648


Nov. 1651


James Walker, candlemaker Rennie, Thomas, son to late George R., in parish of Dailly in Carrick, with David Mitchelson, merchant Rentoun, Charles, son to John R., in Bleatagart, with C^eorge

29 Aug. 1649 16 Apr. 1656

29 June 1653

Childers, saddler

16 Feb. in Pencaitland, with John Livingstone, merchant 2 Oct. Robert, son to John R., in Newbottle, with William Lambye, baxter „ 10 June Reull, Thomas, with John Ranald, lorimer 27 Nov. William, son to John R., weaver in Plesents, with James ,, ,,


George, son to John R.,

Crookshanks, couper Rhind (Rynd), John, son to Alexander R., of Aberbrothock, with David Mitchell, merchant Richardson, Alexander, son to late William R., in Naddrie, with William Bruce, tailor Duncan, son to Henry R., of Stirling, with Andrew Smyth, „


1595 161


27 July 1653 25 Mar. 1607

22 Feb. 1654 tailor

7 Aug. 1 599 John, son to late John R., in Edzell, with James Inglis, tailor 3 Aug. 1591 John, son to late Thomas R., with George Smyth, merchant 31 Mar. 1613 Peter, son to late Peter R., in the parish of Eccles, with Robert Mitchell, merchant 5 Mar. 1662 Robert, son to late James R., saddler, with Jonas George, marikin-maker 4 June 1628 Robert, son to late William R., merchant, burgess of Dumfries, with John George, merchant 7 Dec. 1636 William, son to James R., saddler, with Robert Anderson, hatmaker

William, son to late James R., indweller in Edinburgh, with Robert Crawfurd, hatmaker William, son to Thomas R., in Netherurd in Tweddale, with James Finlaw, baxter William, son to late William R., merchant, burgess of Dumfries, with Archibald Patoun, merchant William, son to Thomas R., in Northumberland, with Samuel Hoyll, braser William, son to Patrick R., in Netherurd, with William Richardson, baxter Riddell, Andrew, son to late John R., in AUandaill, with William Riddell, baxter Andrew, son to Andrew R., of Hayning, with James ,, Riddell, ,,


Claud, son to James R., burgess of Ruglen, with Robert Arbucle, skinner


Aug. 1614


Aug. 1628


Mar. 1634

17 Sept. 1634 11

July 1655


June 1665

23 Aug. 1596 3

Aug. 1653

25 Nov. 1618

Edinburgh Register of Apprentices.



George, son to late William R., of Gatlawes, with William Cairns, merchant 15 Jan. 1612 James, son to John R., in Ruglen, with James Spence, skinner

Riddell, „

10 Jan. 1604 „

John, son to Robert R., fynster in Edinburgh, with Thomas Ker, Wright John, son to late William R., of Drimtoll, with Hugh

22 Oct. 1662


10 Feb. 1664 Craig, merchant Robert, son to late Patrick R., with George Wilkie, wobster 9 Sept. 1629 William, son to John R., in Avindaill, with Patrick Purves, baxter 27 Apr. 1585 William, son to John R., in Fairfaird, with William Riddel!, baxter

William, son to Weaker R., of Bewlie, with James Ker,

„ „





merchant 26 Sept. 1649 Riddoch, James, son to David R., of Aberlednoch, with Mr. Alexander Riddoch, merchant 5 Apr. 1643 John, son to John R., in Fordie, with Archibald Ker, merchant ,,

30 May 1655 John, son to late James R., wright, with James Scott, wright 9 Dec. 1657 Rig, Edward, son to late Robert R., wright, burgess of Dumfries, with W^illiam Brand, wright 26 Dec. 1655 William, son to Gilbert R., couper in Langbyre, with ,, Thomas Inglis, peuderer 14 Dec. 1625 Ritchie, James, son to late John R., in Larber, with Daniel 8 May 1605 Broun, locksmith James, son to William R., in Kirkliston, with Thomas „ maltman Robertson, 7 Sept. 1653 John, son to James R., in Stobo, with Archibald Noble, „ ,,


merchant 13 Nov. to John R., in Stobo, shire of Peebles, with 22 June Alexander Noble, merchant John, son to Gilbert R., in Peterheid, with John Trotter, merchant


James Forrett, skinner John, son to John R., in the Loanhead

Thomas, son

2 Feb.

„ ,,


John, son








burgess of Dunbar, with 22 Nov. 1643

of Lasswade, with Patrick Broun, flesher 23 Jan. i66i to John R., in Schaddelstoun, with Thomas Morisoun, cordiner 27 Jan. 1584-5 Thomas, son to late John R., prebendar of the Kirk of 10 Mar. 1586-7 Field, with Thomas Bruce, cordiner William, son to John R., in the Stra market, with John

Hepburn, hatmaker 7 Oct. 1595 Rob, Andrew, son to William R., with William Duncan, wobster 24 „

George, son

to late Nicoll R., tailor, with



William Craik, couper 26 Oct. 1625

Thomas R., merchant John Melrose, merchant

James, son to John, son


Dolphingtoun, with

to late Nicoll R., tailor (poor), with


Dec. 1647

John Walker, couper 2 Sept. 1618

John, son to late John R., calsaymaker, with John Meggat, „ locksmith Robert, Robert, son to late John R., miller at Hayning's milne, with John Nefield, brewer Roberton, John, son to Robert R., of Burnbank, with John

George, merchant Thomas, with James Simpson, mason „ Robertson, Alexander, son to late William R., in Colmestoune, in Angus, with Alexander Mosman, locksmith

14 Aug. 1633 12

Apr. 1665

11 Sept.



June 1616


Dec. 1608



Reoister of Approitices.

Robertson, Alexander, son to David R., dean of guild of the burgh of Cupar Fife, with John Coupar, merchant Alexander, son to Mr. Alexander R., sometime minister at Glencorse, with Philip Kincaid, merchant Alexander, son to James R., merchant in Aberdeen, with




Oct. 1637

26 Sept. 1655


13 Aug. 1662 son to late Charles R., sometime wobster in Haddington, with Robert Thomson, wobster 5 Feb. 1593-4 Andrew, son to Archibald R., wobster, with James Donaldson, wobster 16 June 1601 Andrew, son to Duncan R., of Perth, with Ceorge Heriot, goldsmith g Dec. 1607 Andrew, brother-german to George R., burgess of Edinwith William Reid, burgh, wobster 18 Nov. 1618 Archibald, son to late Symon R., in Wester Duddingston, with James Fairley, wobster 22 Apr. 1607 Archibald, son to George R., in Tranent, with David Mitchell, baxter 10 Feb. 1641 Archibald, son to Archibald R., weaver, burgess of Edin burgh, with Adam Green, merchant 29 Mar. 1643 David, son to Daniel R., at the Walkmylne of C()lingt
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