Edible Oils oil refining

June 22, 2016 | Author: Vipin Kumar | Category: N/A
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basic oil refining...


EDIBLE OILS APPLICATION : Primary Clarification of waste water originating from alkali refining, washing of filters and cleaning to remove oil and grease and B.O.D. and further treatment by activated sludge process.

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117 6.5


1000 30

234 10.0 13

1500 35

250 12.5 16

2000 40

307 12.5 20

2500 45

270 15.0 20

Raw recycled water enters the “KROFTA” AIR DISSOLVING TUBE tangentially at one end, pressurized to 4-6 bar, which is discharged at the opposite end. During the short passage the water rotates in side the tube and passes repeatedly by an insert which is fed by compressed air. Very thorough mixing under pressure dissolves the air in the water which is released to atmospheric pressure in the floatation cell. Suspended solids flocculated with the help of flocculants attach themselves to the air bubbles and come to the surface to form the sludge. The patented “KROFTA” SPIRAL SCOOP takes up the floated sludge, pouring it into the stationary centre section, from where it is discharged by gravity, either for recycling or disposal. Clarified water is removed through extraction pipes which are connected to the moving centre section. Part of the clarified water passes through the “KROFTA” AIR DISSOLVING TUBE before joining the mainstream of unclarified water. The clarified water extracted from the process normally contains less than 30 ppm of suspended solids. It can be recycled in the process or sewered. Wiper blades attached to the moving distribution duct scrape the bottom and the sides of the tank and discharge the settled sludge into the built in sump for periodic purging. top ADVANTAGES * SPECIFIC CLARIFICATION CAPACITY very high (160 - 220 lmp / sq. mt) * PURCHASE COST - Lower than other


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Krofta Engineering Limited, India was started in 1983 with technical collaboration with Krofta Technologies Corporation, USA. Krofta is the world leader in Dissolved Air Floatation clarifiers ( DAF) and the technology was developed and patented worldwide by its founder Dr. Milos Krofta. Krofta clarifiers have retention times as low as 3 minutes and with a possibility of resource recovery in some cases as opposed to the sedimentation methods characterised by very long retention times. Krofta, is the world leader in this field having more than 3500 installations running successfully all over the world. The advanced DAF system offered by Krofta does not warrant a separate flocculation tank, flocculation mixer, flash tank and flash mixer. The Air Saturation Tank of yesteryears is replaced by the patented Krofta Air Dissolving Tube (ADT) which provides effluent saturated with air in residence time of 10 seconds. Air requirement is also very low as compared to the DAFs of earlier designs. The polyelectrolyte is mixed with the air-saturated effluent on line, just before entering the Supracell. Flocculation is achieved due to the superior fluid dynamics design of the unit ensuring a virtual zero-velocity zone at the point of entrance. In the Krofta supracell, 25% of the exit stream is pressurised to about 6 kg/cm2 pressure and saturated with air in the patented air dissolving tube. This pressurised, air saturated stream is then mixed with the incoming effluent. Polymer is dosed just before this combined stream enters the supracell. The fluid dynamics design of the unit enables zero turbulence at the point of entrance. As soon as the high-pressure stream is released into the supracell, the dissolved air comes out in the form a stream of very fine bubbles. This causes a gentle mixing action to take place and helps in the growth of the flocs. The air bubbles attach themselves to these flocs thereby reducing their apparent density and taking them to the top surface where these flocs form a sludge blanket. The sludge collected at the top is continuously removed with the help of a revolving scoop system and flows by gravity to the sludge drying bed or any other collection/storage system. The sludge consistency is of the order or 3%. Clarified water is collected from the lower portion of the supracell with the help of slit-pipes, which revolve round the supracell, and flows by gravity to storage/discharge. The polymer dosage required for a particular duty is optimised during commissioning of the system and is changed only in case the characteristics of the incoming water change. It is thus advisable to have an equalisation tank prior to the DAF unit in case wide fluctuations in the water characteristics are expected. Krofta DAF are also have provision for an auto-purging system to take care of any solids which tend to settle down. All settled solids, if any, are collected in a sump provided in the supracell tank with the help of a bottom scrapper attached to the movable arm of the DAF (this incorporates the water entry portion, spiral scoop for sludge removal and the pipes for

clarified water removal). A timer system actuates a pneumatic valve for a few seconds to enable the settled sludge to flow out of the system. For a given set of inlet water charateristics and polymer dosing, the DAF will give consistent water quality at the outlet. This can be monitored by measuring the TSS content of the clarified water either manually or by instrumentation. An audio alarm may be incorporated in case TSS is measured by on-line. No other control instrumentation is warranted. Salient features / benefits of Krofta DAF clarifiers are: 1. Very low retention times (as low as 3 minutes) for comparable or better clarification. 2. Small footprint as a result of low retention time. 3. Total steel fabrication and negligible civil work facilitating relocation, if needed. 4. Ease of installation, can be installed in tier system. 5. Sludge from the Krofta DAF has a solid content of 2-3% resulting in two major advantages: i) Substantial reduction in size and cost of sludge dewatering system; and ii) Lower sludge volume to be recycled to the aeration tank. 6. Sludge recycled from the Krofta DAF is rich in oxygen resulting in better efficiencies in the aeration system. 7. Low cost of Installation; heavy supports and costly civil work is not required. 8. Very low space requirement; the units are stackable. 9. Very high clarification efficiency of suspended solids; 95% to 98% in most of the cases. 10. High clarity of liquid; less than 30 ppm of filterable solids in clarified water. 11. High sludge consistency (2-3%); Enabling easy disposal and needing less area. 12. Ease in relocation; the relocation of the units is easy and convenient.

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