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EDC16 Guide...



Written by: Someone Date: 2014 Thanks to: A ot o! he"!# !or#m members$ %or more in!o: www.ecuconnections.com &e'ision: 1(4

Index: Introduction: The EDC16C9 an) EDC16C39 are #se) in *"e +e,tra %iat Chroma A!a 1.6 SAA 9000 an) some other ,ars that #se 1(9,)ti enine( The system ooks a ot ike  ike the EDC1. system b#t the EDC16 system is base) on Tor#e m instea) o! 5ne,te) 7#antity( There are a !e8 more )i!!eren,es that are e"aine) in this )o,#ment( %or the eam"es in this )o,#ment 5 #se) the "ro t#ne) *"e Astra 1(9 ,)ti 16' 1.0bh" !ie( The "i,t#res sho8 t#ne) !ie an) )i!!eren,e !rom oriina by Deta or ( 5 ,hose to #se )i!!erent )i!!erent 'a#es in my rema" ho"e my e"anation 8i not be ,on!#sin !or yo#( ;ere yo# ,an !in) the "ro t#ne) !i e: htt"://888(e,#,onne,tions(,om/!o htt"://888 (e,#,onne,tions(,om/!or#m/'ie8to"i,("h"t=1.660>"=?1062> r#m/'ie8to"i,("h"t=1.660>"=?1062>hiit="ro@[email protected]"?1062 hiit="ro@[email protected]"?1062 There are some mistakes mistakes in ma"-"a,kB

This Guide has no intention to show how to save money by DIY remap as it is a Mission Impossible. This Guide intends to brief you about control and operation of the 1. DT! en"ines so can en#oy playin" with it. $e aware that this could be an expensive hobby. !ave fun.

Car data Z19DTH - 1.9CDTI 150BHP

Engine Specification Engine, location:  Front, transverse in front of axle 17º 24' 2 4' forward inclined Cooling sste!:  Liquid, sealed circuit Clin"e#s, n$!%e#:  4 Bo#e &!!'  82 St#o(e &!!':  90.4 Displace!ent &cc':  1910 Co!p#ession #atio:  17.! 1 Engine, tpe:  "n line#  $ain %earin&s Clin"e# %loc() *ea", !ate#ial: ast iron( alu$iniu$ Ca!s*aft &s', location:  2 over)ead *+-, driven %/ toot)ed %elt +ale t#ain:  "ndirect, roller ca$ followers +ale, a##ange!ent:  "n line# 4 er c/linder alve, alve, "$st!ent:  uto$atic 3 )/draulic /$el sste!:  +iesel direct inection, co$$on rail Ignition sste!:  n(a /$el p$!p: -i&) ressure $ec)anic E!ission cont#ol sste!:  23 wa/ cat. conv. *oxidi5in& catal/tic converter ex)aust &as recirculation +6F $tp$t *()  at 1($in! 110( 10 at 4000 Specific poe# &(2)l3 *p)l':  7.:# 78. 4a. to#6$e &7! at 1) !in':  ;1 at 2000 Specific to#6$e &7!)lit#e':  1:4.9 4ean effectie p#ess$#e at !a. poe#) !a. to#6$e &(Pa': 1727.7( 207;.4 e#age piston spee" &!) s':  12.1 Engine oil, capacit &l':  4.; Cooling capacit &l':  7. Batte# 12 ,

capacit &*': 70 lte#nato#  14.2 , Capacit &2': 1420 4a. se#ice inte#al:  20,000 $iles or 1 /ear  E!ission co!pliance:  uro 4 Engine !ass &(g':  t%a C*a#ge# sste!:  ear Dta%ili5ation

241 C 2:0 142 3 22  2,0 3 2,;2 31 *low friction, lifeti$e fill 87 & :,9: & *incl. cooler ccess to all clutc)es C %raes ossi%le no it/, aan el stra, Gafira, ectra Daa% 93;, adillac ALD

Map address, dimensions and factors Fuel related maps 1. Drivers wish Maps: General: This ma" sho8s the re#ire) tor#e base) on the & an) the Throtte "osition( The o#t"#t o! this ma" is Tor#e in m( There may be more )ri'ers 8ish ma"s in the !ie 5 #se) !or this #i)e there 8ere 3 )ri'ers 8ish ma"s(

%. Tor&ue limiter: General: This ma" imits the tor#e o! the enine base) on & an) atmos"heri, "ress#re( The o#t"#t o! this ma" is aso Tor#e in m( This is 2D ma"(

'. (m to I) conversion map: General: This ma" is a ,aibration ma"( This ma" ,on'erts the re#este) Tor#e in m into 57 ine,te) #antity(

*. I) limiter map: General: This is ma" !or enine s"ee) )e"en)ent #antity imitation(

+. Gear Dependent Tor&ue ,imiter General: %rom !irst to sith ear an) re'erse those ma" names s"eak !or it( They ook ike that: 00002 0063. 04000 10000 10000 5n *"e ,ars the )ata a!ter 10000 are #n#se) ti the net 00002 then starts the net imiter 21(

Those ma"s ,o#) start aso 8ith 'a#e 3000 an) )e"en)in o! the ear ha'e the !ina 'a#e either 1000 2000 3000 4000 .000 6000 or 0( Ais has 'a#es 01200 012.0 01.00 01.0 02000 022.0B(&s

-. I) limit by oolant Temperature General: This ma" imits 57 )e"en)in o! Cooant Tem"erat#re(

/. I) limit by Inta0e uel Temperature General: This ma" imits 57 )e"en)in o! 5ntake %#e Tem"erat#re(

2. I) limit by 34M General: This ma" imits 57 )e"en)in o! 5ntake Air Tem"erat#re(

. 5tart 6f In#ection map756I8569: General: This ma" sho8s ane at 8hi,h start ine,tion aainst TDC( There is 10 ma"s . o! them are ea,ty the same an) are #se) )#rin D% reeneration( 5tart of 9ner"isin" of 4ilot In#ections The str#,t#re o! S*E ,a,#ation is neary i)enti,a bet8een i51 an) i52( The )i!!eren,e ,an be !o#n) in their base( i51is ,a,#ate) reati'e to S*E o! 5 o! the ast ine,tion ,y,e 8hie 552 is ,a,#ate) reati'e to i51 o! the same ,y,e( The ,a,#ation is base) on some imits t hat m#st not be e,ee)e) in a r#nnin system( iot ine,tions are a8ays ,a,#ate) reati'e to main ine,tion b#t their eariest S*E 5nCr'F"hii5aFC is im"i,ate) reati'e to TDC namey 30)e TDC !or o#r ,ars an) itGs a ma" ,ose a!ter S*E(

1;. In#ector openin" time 7Duration map: General: This ma" is a ,aibration ma"( This ma" sho8s ho8 m#,h rotation it takes to a,hie'e the re#ire) amo#nt o! !#e ine,te)( The o#t"#t o! this ma" is in enine )erees(

11. 35 3ail 4ressure: General: This ma" sho8s ho8 sho#) be the rai "ress#re at ,ertain & an) 57( There is 2 ma"s 1 st is #se) )#rin D% reeneration 2n) )#rin norma o"eration(

1%. 5< 3ail 4ressure: General: This 'a#e imits the abso#te ,ommon rai "ress#re( This 'a#e ,an be !o#n) behin) the rai "ress#re ma"( There is 4 ma"s(

 Air related maps 1'. 9G3 vs M= map: General: This ma" re#ates the Eha#st as re,ir,#ation 'a'e to imit intake A%(

1*. 9G3 vs Temp map 75etpoint "eneration: General: There is se'era ma"s !or EH& ambient ,on)ition ,orre,tion( %or stationary re!eren,e !irst the #n)eryin AirCtFmDesaseFm" !rom the taret ma" AirCtFmDesaseFA in !#n,tion o! the s"ee) an) the #nimite) EnFnA'r ine,tion #antity 5nCtF&a8 !orme)( In)eryin this is a !#n,tion o! EH& an)-baan,e atmos"heri, "ress#re an) tem"erat#re ,orre,te) by the ,ooin 8ater tem"erat#re( Ea,h o! t he ,orre,tions than the ,ooin 8ater tem"erat#re ,orre,tion ,an a))iti'ey or m#ti"i,ati'e )one( De"en)in on the intake air tem"erat#re is )etermine) 8ith the 5ATSCDFtAir ,hara,teristi, AirCtFATCorFCI& a !a,tor 8ith one o! the ,hara,teristi, !ie) o! the s"ee) AirCtF7ATCorFA EnFnA'r an) the ine,tion #antity 5nCtF&a8 )e"en)ent !a,tor is m#ti"i e) an) the res#ts Ansa##!ttem"erat#rkorrekt#r8ert( The ,orre,tion 'a#e is )e"en)ent o! the DA*S s8it,h AirCtFs8tATCor+aFC ,onsi)ere) a))iti'e or m#ti"i,ati'e( Th#s 8e obtain the )esire) 'a#e AirCtFmDes+aF3Fm"( A ,hane o! the s8it,h re#ires a ne8 AirCtFs8tATCor+aFC DA*S r#n be,a#se the ,on'ersions ,hane(

1+. Turbo 7$oost re&uest map: General: This ma" set the re#ire) boost )e"en)in on the re#este) tor#e an) ,#rrent r"m( There miht be more than one boost ma"( 5n this !ie there is 2 ma"s 1st is #se) )#rin D% reeneration 2 n) )#rin norma o"eration( oost re#est is meas#re) in Abso#te "ress#re ara mara e,t( H %sol$te p#ess$#e  is 5ero3referenced a&ainst a erfect vacuu$, so it is equal to &au&e ressure lus at$os)eric

 ressure. H >a$ge p#ess$#e  is 5ero3referenced a&ainst a$%ient air ressure, so it is equal to a%solute ressure $inus at$os)eric ressure. =e&ative si&ns are usuall/ o$itted. a bit more re)

1-. Turbo 7$oost limiter map: At this "oint 8e ha'e set the boost #" to 2.13 mbar in the t#rbo ma" an) "re'ent boost s"ikes by o8erin the . ma"( #t the boost imiter ma" 8i imit the 2.13mbar ba,k to 2.00mbar as yo# ,an see in "i,t#re( ro t#ner in,rease boost re#est by 1.0mbar an) so he )i) !or the boost imiter( This 8ay marin bet8een boost re#est an) imiter stay #nto#,he)( As 5 #se) 6(. !or my boost 5 #se) same 'a#e !or the boost imiter( We nee) to ,hane that 'a#es the same 8ay as the t#rbo ma" e'en a bit hiher be,a#se this is the imiter( Sin,e 8e ony )ri'e at sea e'e 10132.h"a there is no nee) to a)#st the ,ar at 900h"a an) o8er or yo# i'e at more than 1000metres abo'e sea e'e( Sto,k *"e ha'e same 'a#e a o'er the rane )es"ite o! atmos"heri, "ress#re(


5in"le values boost limiter :

At this "oint 8e ha'e set amost e'erythin to et a hiher boost e,e"t the abso#te imiter( ThatLs the ast one 8e nee) to ,hane( *"e enineers #se same 'a#e !or S+J an) boost imiter )es"ite the atmos"heri, "ress#re( So #st #se the same sto,k @6(. on my ast t#ne Deta=1.mbar( As "er some t#ners this 'a#e has to be a bit rea) .0mbar hiher than the hihest t#rbo ma" 'a#e(

12. Turbo vanes 7(/+ map:

The . ma" ,ontros the 'anes insi)e the t#rbo an) 8hen in,reasin 57 or remo'in D% nee)s to be re)#,e) to "re'ent t#rbo s"ikin( As 8e )i) not res,ae boost ma" 57 ais 8i not res,ae . ais neither( 5! yo# )i) so better mat,h . 57 ais to boost ma" 57 ais( As a r#e yo# ,an )e,rease the 'a#es !rom 1.00-.000r"m at hih 57Ls by ?( This is )e"en)in on the ,ar an) ho8 m#,h boost s"ikes yo# ha'eB sti ot boost s"ikesB re)#,e the ma"( Mo# ,an see that the t#ner ,hoose to ,hane a the ma"s same 8hy e'en those that are not in #se Astra )i)nXt ha'e D%( ;e )i) the same !or the rai "ress#re b#t not !or amb)a )esinate) !or D% reeneration( A!ter a ot o! oin 5 ,o#) not !in) any bene!its !rom o8erin the . an) no8 5 r#nnin 8ith sto,k( Regular N75

Regular N75 during DPF regeneration

ransition N75 during

1. ,ambda:

ro t#ner ,hane 'ery !e8 'a#es at hih r"m an) A% 5n !a,t he #st ,o"y the S"ort #tton amb)a !or hih & an) A%( ;e e!t the s"ort b#tton amb)a #n,hane)( y ,ar )onGt ha'e s"ort b#tton so 5 ,hoose to ,o"y 8hoe S"ort b#tton amb)a ma" o'er the re#ar amb)a ma"( To a'oi) bein too smoky 5 set the minim#m A%& 'a#e to 14.

GLOSSARY "$ % "n&ection $uantity '" % 'tart f "n&ection % 'E % 'tart f Energiing E" % End f "n&ection *R' % *ommon Rail 'ystem +g % milligrams 'tr % Engine 'troke *R % -egree *rankshaft Rotation * % -egree *elcius rpm % Engine revolutions per minute .T-* % .efore Top -ead *enter   /T-* % /fter Top -ead *enter  0m % 0eton metres (Tor1ue) +bar % +illibar (pressure) .+E2 % break mean effective pressure */ % crank angle * % carbon mono3ide E*+ % engine control module EGR % e3haust gas recirculation +/4 % mass air flo sensor  5**" % homogeneous charge compression ignition 03 % o3ides of nitrogen 2+ % particulate matter  '" % spark ignition T-* % top dead center  T5* % total hydrocabon VGT % variable geometry turbine 6GT % 6aste gate turbine

Tips 1( 2( 3( 4(

A 0 ma"s are inore) %or e'erythin hiher than ma ast kno8n 'a#e is #se)( Transient +T ma"s are #se) 8hen "e)a ,hane is more than 20 in one se,on)( +T ma"s are ony #se) in o"en oo" mo)e 8hen ,ose) oo" ki,ks in 5D ,ontroer takes o'er( 5! a,t#a boost is too !ar !rom re#este) 8hen 5D takes o'er yo# et boost os,iation be,a#se 5D ,ontro is so8( .( Jamb)a ma"s imit 57 in reation to air mass m/h#b h#b means stroke to kee" the inten)e) A%&( 6( 1tr )iese is abo#t 0(?. k i(e 100mm3 are ?6m ( A,,or)in to the C&C ;an)book o! Chemistry an) hysi,s the )ensity o! )ry air at 20 )erees C at 60 mm o! mer,#ry one atmos"here o! "ress#re is 1(204 miirams "er ,#bi, ,entimeter( 1 iter = 1000 mJ = 1000 ,m3 [ 1(204 m / ,m3  U 1000 ,m3 = 1204 m = 1(204 rams

?( Jamb)a !a,tor !or EDC16 is 0(014. as "er os,h EDC16 man#a 9( Mo# ,o#) in,rease rai "ress#re #" to 1.0 bar 19DT;/CDT5 enine has 1?00-bar rai sensor( 10( HT149+ ,an han)e a ma boost o! aro#n) 26.0mbar 11( ake tor#e imiter inear( The horse "o8er ,omes in hih &( 5! yo# in,rease s#))eny the tor#e the ,#t,h an) the !y8hee 8i )ie( 12( (( most 8ork in oo) t#nin oes to "ro"er +T t#nin so yo#r boost )oes not os,iate( There are 4 +T ma"s in this e,# 2 norma an) 2 on reen( ormay yo# nee) to J*WE& them on t#ne) ,ar by 2 or 3( Mo# nee) os !or ea,t mat,h as e'ery ,ar is itte )i!!erent( 13( oth o! the boost rea)ins they are in mar an) Abso#te 14( 1(1? U8hee "o8er=!y8hee "o8er[ Is#ay &WD-ose 10[ %WD-ose 1.[ AWD-ose 20[ A#to-ose . 1.( An) the easy 8ay to a)#st the A%& 8itho#t 8i)eban) A%& sensor is to obser'e the sooth !rom the eha#st( When it starts KsmokinK - yo# nee) more air( *r more a)'an,e( 16( D )#ration ,aibration - ake an inter"oation or a)) a""roimatey . )erees !or ea,h .m((( 1( 5! the enine is r#nnin in o8 oa) yo#L et 8hite/rey smoke !rom ate ine,tion( e,a#se the ,yin)er an) eha#st as is too ,o) to ,om"ete the ,omb#stion( 1?( Sin,e *2 has a moe,#are 8eiht o! 32 an) air 29 on a mass/mass basis this is 0(21  32/29 = 0(232 k *2/ k air( That 8i be in)e"en)ent o! tem"erat#re an) "ress#re(

19( 4etrol "asoline@ or benAin is ,om"ose) o! a mit#re o! 224-trimethy"entane an isomer o! o,tane C?;1? \o,tane ratin 100] an) n-he"tane C;16 \o,tane ratin 0]( Eam"e o! o,tane ratin "etro 8ith the same kno,kin ,hara,teristi,s as a mit#re o! 9. iso-o,tane an) . he"tane 8o#) ha'e an o,tane ratin o! 9.( 20( Diesel is ,om"ose) o! abo#t . sat#rate) hy)ro,arbons "rimariy "ara!!ins in,#)in n iso an) ,y,o"ara!!ins an) 2. aromati, hy)ro,arbons in,#)in na"hthaenes an) akybenenes( The a'erae ,hemi,a !orm#a !or ,ommon )iese !#e is C12;23 ranin a""roimatey !rom C10;20 to C1.;2?( Fuel

o$%ustion for$ula

+ensit/ &(l *l%(ED &al

2 &(l *l%(ED &al e$issiones

6etrol &asoline

2 8-18 J 2 2 33K 1: 2 J 18 -2 J 2:;: cal

0.7197 &(l *:.07; l%(&al 2.;0; &(l *19.24 l%(ED &al


4 12-2; J 71 2 33K 48 2 J 4: -2 J ener&/

0.8;2 &(l *:.94; l%(&al 2.:2: &(l *21.91 l%(ED &al

Aiodiesel 19-;42 19-;42 J *;(2 2 33K 19 2 J 17 -2 J ener&/ 0.889 &(l *7.42 l%(&al

2.8;9 &(l *2;.:9 l%(ED &al

Aiodiesel 20-402 20-402 J 29 2 33K 20 2 J 20 -20 J ener&/

2.81: &(l *2;. l%(ED &al

0.884 &(l *7.;8 l%(&al

21( e8FE#ro"eanFDri'inFCy,e V htt"://en(8iki"e)ia(or/8iki/e8FE#ro"eanFDri'inFCy,e

22( %#e nee)e) to rea,h tor#e taret 12; hp B '+;;rpm 7;.'2 lb hp hr 0(3? b h" hr = 0(006333L b h" min 1?0h" U 0(00633 = 1(14 b min !#e 1(14 U 1000000 / 2(204 = .124 1 m .1241 / * cylinder / 3.00 r"m / 2 strokes = /'.2 m"8stro0e 1?0h" U .2.2 / 3.00 r"m = 20 b !t 20 b !t = 3(?9m/str Jets see ho8 m#,h !#e the same tor#e at )i!!erent r"m re#ires(((( 20 b(!t U 2000r"m / .2.2 = 102(?1?h" N 2000r"m

1;%.212hp B %;;;rpm 7;.'2 lb hp hr 102(?1?h" U 0(00633 = 0(6.11? b min !#e 0(6.11? U 1000000 / 2(204 = 29.4.4 m 29.4.4 / * cylinder / 2000 r"m / 2 strokes = /'.2- m"8stro0e ;en,e i! the brake s"e,i!i, !#e ,ons#m"tion remains ,onstant(( ((m/str is "ro"ortiona to tor#e(

2;. Density o! air ^ 's( tem"erat#re YC  ..... M in &($; N10 ..... 1.;42 .N  ..... 1.;17 ....0 ..... 1.292 .J  ..... 1.2:9 J10 ..... 1.247 J1 ..... 1.22 J20 ..... 1.204 J2 ..... 1.184 J;0 ..... 1.1: ir at 0 de&rees elsius )as a densit/ of 1.292 &($; O 1.292 &(L O 0.001292 &(d$; O 0.00001292 &(L O 0.00001292 &(c$; O 0.00001292 &($L.

24( 5 mean that to he" 8ith *Q as re)#,tion in ,r#ise the man#!a,t#rers ease the S*5 retar)e) b#t ao8 a sma amo#nt more a)'an,e to he" 8ith a,,eeration( As rihty sai) the )ynami, a)'an,es #" )#rin a,,eeration be,a#se norma S*5 ma" is retar)e) !rom o"tim#m to re)#,e *Q as( #t they kno8 that its retar)e) state is not oo) eno#h !or transient or a,,eeration ,on)itions(

Review ;a) a oo) ook at the !ie an) 5 ha'e to say it is 8ay better than many o! the K"roK t#nes 5 ha'e seen "oste) on the !or#ms or rea) !rom a,t#a t#ne) ,ars( 5 8o#) ha'e )one it a bit )i!!erent )onLt kno8 i! better b#t )i!!erent What 5 ike abo#t the t#ne is that there are none nonsense a)#stments )one - the #y ha) a kee" it ,ean an) sim"e a""roa,h( The thins that ,a#ht my attention are not st#"i) ony )ebatabe( any o! the t#nes 5 ha'e seen ha'e st#"i) ,hanes 8hi,h yo# ,anLt e"ain ony by t#nin a""roa,h( 5 think 8e ha'e to aree that there are many t#nin a""roa,hes an) many )i!!erent )esirabe res#ts( %or instan,e yo# may 8ant to s#eee e'ery "o8er there is or yo# may 8ish to "ay it sa!e( 5 "ersonay )onLt ike 'ery aressi'e tor#e imiters !rom o8 r"m be,a#se in my o"inion it is #nheathy !or the ,#t,h an) !or the )#a mass !y8hee( So 5 )onLt in,rease the tor#e !i#re by m#,h in my mo)s 5 ten) to in,rease the to" en) o! the r"m rane more to et more horse "o8er( Whie other t#ners sim"y say - re"a,e the ,#t,h an) )m! i! it starts to si"/'ibrate an) i! the oem ,#t,h isnLt stron eno#h - re"a,e it 8ith somethin ese( The other "oint is 8hat the ,#stomer e"e,ts( 5! yo# manae to e"ain him that a o8er tor#e in,rease 8i be better !or his ,ars it is !ine( #t he may ,om"are yo#r t#ne 8ith a har)er t#ne an) not be ha""y 8ith the res#ts not thinkin abo#t the ,ar( 5 ha'e aso ha) re#ests !or a 'ery stron t#ne !or a ,ars 8ith 4.0 km on the o)ometer( As !or )ri'er 8ish ma"s - yo# ,an in,rease ony the 100 en) an) #se the etra "o8er ony 8hen nee)e) yo# ,an in,rease the o8er en) - the ,ar 8i !ee more i'ey b#t sho#) "ro)#,e hiher !#e ,ons#m"tion( Mo# ,an )e,rease the o8er en) !or e,onomy IT((( 5 ha'e ha) ,#stomer that say: K5 ne'er #se more than 0 "er,ent o! a,,eerator be,a#se it s#res the enineK an) s#))eny 8ith the i'in it ma at 100 a""roa,h 5 am the 8orst t#ner in the 8or) be,a#se the ,ar oes ea,ty the same( A!ter a !e8 simiar e"erien,es 5 in,rease the DW at amost the 8hoe rane by some "er,ent #st !or the ,ar to K!eeK more ai'e( 5 ha'e )one e"eriments 8ith o8erin the DW on t he o8er "art - ,#stomer sai) that the ,ar 8as 'ery ay he "resse) the "e)a too m#,h an) !#e ,ons#m"tion in,rease)( So it is not a8ays the 8ay yo# inten) thins to ha""en( As !or the mo) itse! thins 5 8o#) )o )i!!erent aain )onLt kno8 i! better: 1( 5n,rease DW by . !rom the start( 2( 5n,rease TJ ess !or 1.0-2.0 r"m an) a sma bit more at the to" rane( 20 in nm i'es a bit more  in 57 3( De,rease the ma! tabes a bit more !rom o8er ma! rea)ins they are o8 area)y( 4( Chane the S*5 by a )eree on the 8hoe tabe an) 2-3 )erees a!ter res,ain !or the ne8 57( This is a sensiti'e to"i, many o"inions here( Jea'in it sto,k is a oo) i)ea !or a sa!e rema" .( Wo#)nLt in,rease re#este) t#rbo "ress#re so m#,h at o8 r"m - it may s"ike be,a#se o! that !rom my e"erien,e( 6( EH& - another thin o! )ebate( 5 8o#) t#rn it o!! #st be,a#se it i'es too m#,h tro#be by ,oin the intake system( aybe the t#ner 8ante) etra money !or that or beie'e the re"air 8hen broken a""roa,h Thins that seem 8ron: 1( Jo,ke) o#t on some 57 imiters( Some 57 imiter are o8er than the main TJ ,anLt !in) a oi,a e"anation !or this one( 2( oost in,rease at o8er 57 an) no res,ain( %rom my e"erien,e o8erin boost at o8er 57 in,rease e,onomy( As !or rai "ress#re - 5 )o#bt that he )i) no8 kno8 the S+% imiters( 5 sometimes in,rease the rai "ress#re by "er,entae

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