Ed 11 - Peace Education

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A Transformative Response to Major Societal Challenges


Prepared by:

Helen Grace E. Sentina BSED Bio Sci 4-C st

ISAT U / 1 Sem. SY: 2017 2018  


greatest resource for building a culture of peace are the people themselves.” 


Holistic Understanding of Peace 

The simplest and most understanding was that of absence of death and destruction as a result of war and physical or direct violence.

Beginning with the late 1960s, attention started to shift from direct to indirect or structural violence; ways in which people suffer from violence built into a society via its social, political and economic systems (Hicks, 1987).


Joh oha an Gal altu tun ng explains that peace is the absence of violence, not only personal or direct but also structural or indirect. The manif ma nifest estati ations ons of str struct uctur ural al vio violen lence ce are highly uneven distribution of wealth and resources and of power to decide over the distribution resources. Hence, he says that peace isofboth the absence of personal or di dirrect vi vio olence and the pr pre esence of  social justice.


Defining Peace PEACE

Negative Peace

Positive Peace

Direct Violence

Structural Violence



Levels of Peace Peace between Humans & the Earth & Beyond

Global Peace Social Peace

Interpersonal Peace

Personal Peace


Types of Violence Level


Interpersonal/ Community



Form of  Violence Direct/ Physical

Structural/ Economic, Political

Suicide Drug abuse

Domestic violence Violent crimes

Civil war Violent crimes

Conventional war Nuclear war

Human rights Abuses

Human rights abuses

National inequalities Poverty, Hunger Prejudice Cultural domination Racism

Global inequalities Poverty, Hunger Prejudice Cultural domination


Local inequalities Poverty, Hunger

Alientation Low self-

Prejudice Cultural domination

cultural/ Psychological

esteem Anxiety

Racism Sexism Religious intolerance

Sexism Religious intolerance

Racism Sexism Religious intolerance

Ecolog ologiical cal


Over-consumption Pollution

Over-consumption Pollution Chemical &

Over-consumption Pollution Chemical &

Biological warfare

Biological warfare Nuclear power radiation



Peace Education as

Transformative Education 

Peace education   –   an ed educ uca ati tio on th that at promotes a culture of peace, is essentially transformative.

It cu cult ltiv ivat ates es th the e kn know owle ledg dge e ba base se,, sk skill ills, s, attitudes and values that seek to transform  people’s mindsets, attitudes and behavio iorrs that have either created or exacerbated exacerbate d violent conflicts conflicts..


It se seek eks s th this is tr tran ansf sfor orma mati tion on by bu buil ildi ding ng awareness and understanding, developing conc co ncer ern n an and d ch chal alle leng ngin ing g pe pers rso ona nall lly y an and d soci cia al acti tio on tha hatt wil illl en ena abl ble e pe peop ople le to create conditions and systems that a ctvuiraolinzm e ental ncoanrv en eiolean ncde, other jupsetiaccee, values.


The Peaceable

Teaching-Lea eaching-Learning rning Process Cognitive Phase (Being Aware,


Active Phase

Affective Phase

(Taking Practical Action)

(Being Concerned, Responding Value)


Educating for peace is an ethical imperative considering the negation of life and well-being caused by all forms of  violence.

The Th e et ethi hica call sy syst stem ems s of th the e ma majo jorr wo worl rld d faith tr faith tradi aditio tions, ns, hum human anita itaria rian n ethics ethics and even ev en pr prim imal al an and d in indi dige geno nous us sp spir irit itua uali lity ty have articulated principles that inspire the striving for peace.


Peace Education’s Schema of ATTITUDES/VALUES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Self-res Selfrespec pectt Respe Re spect ct for othe others rs Gender Gen der equ equalit ality y Respect Resp ect for life/N life/Nonviolen onviolence ce Compassion Global Glob al conc concern ern Ecologic Ecol ogical al conc concern ern Cooper Coo perati ation on Openness Openne ss & Tolera olerance nce Justice

Knowledge, Skills & Attitudes/Values

11. responsibility 12. Social Positive vision 1. 2. 3.

KNOWLEDGE Holistic concep conceptt of peace Conflictt & violenceConflic violence-cause cause Some peace peaceful ful altern alternatives atives::    Disarmament 

  Non-violence-philosophy & practice    Conflict resolution, transformation, prevention    Human rights    Human solidarity    Democratization    Development based on 

 justice   Sustainable development

1. 2. 3. 4.

SKILLS Refl Re flec ectio tion n Criticall thinking & analysi Critica analysis s Decisio Dec ision n mak making ing Imagi Ima gina natio tion n

5. 6. 7. 8.

Com Commun municat ication ionion Conflic Con flict t res resolut olution Empa Em path thy y Group Grou p bui buildi lding ng


PEACE THEME 1: Upholding Human Dignity


Human dignity   –   de defined as the fundamental innate worth of a human being, a principle that is now universally accepted, but has not taken root in the a ctual praes ctiand ce o f ma ny govern rnm ments, communities communiti other non-state actors.


Betty Reardon aptly noted that the achievement of positive condi dittions of  human rights provide the foundation of a nonviolent social order and greatly reduce the cause of armed conflict and war.



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