Ectopia Cordis-project

May 2, 2018 | Author: nikhil | Category: Thorax, Anatomy, Thorax (Human Anatomy), Diseases And Disorders, Human Anatomy
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CERTIFICATE  This is to certify that ‘Nikhil Kr. Gautam’ , a Student of class XIIG of the Kendriya Vidyalaya A. G. . !. olony , session "#$%&"#$', has satisfactorily com(leted the re)uired *iolo+y (roect -ork as (er the syllaus of Standard XII in the laoratory of the school.  /ate0 hemistry Teacher si+nature 12rs. Vandana Sin+h3

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am o4er helmed in all humleness and +ratefulness to ackno-led+e my de(th to those -ho ha4e hel(ed me to (ut these ideas , -ell ao4e the le4el of sim(licity and into somethin+ concrete. I -ould like to e5(ress my s(ecial thanks of +ratitude to my teacher 2rs. Vandana Sin+h -ho +a4e me this +olden o((ortunity to do this -onderful (roect on to(ic ‘ECTOPIACORDIS ’ 6hich also hel(ed me in doin+ lots of research and I came to kno- aout many thin+s . I am really thankful to them. I -ould like to thank my (arents -ho hel(ed me a lot in +atherin+ di7erent info. and +uidin+ me to make this (roect , des(ite of their usy schedules.  Thankin+ you,

INDEX What is Ectopia Cordis…  Disc!ssio" # Disco$%r&' Ca!s%s o( %ctopia cordis ' Epid%)io*o+& ' Cas% R%port ,"a* Ectopia Cordis ' Patho*o+& ' A"o)a*i%s associat%d /ith %ctopia cordis ' Tr%at)%"t # R%pair ' Pro+"osis # S!r$i$a* ' R%(%r%"c%s ' 

What is Ectopia Cordis…  8cto(ia cordis is a 9atin -ord, -hich literally means :outside; and :heart;. 8cto(ia cordis 183 is the (resence of a li4e , eatin+ heart outside the thora5 And is one of the most uni)ue con+enital anomalies . The re(orted (oint (re4alence is % to < (er millio li4e irths . To our kno-led+e , =$ cases of 8 ha4e een documented in (ulished articles. *ecause of its rarity and other associated anormalities , 8 is a challen+in+ con+enital anomaly. o



Disc!ssio" # Disco$%r&' *ecause of its rarity and other associated anormalities , 8 Is a challen+in+ con+enital anomaly. In com(lete 8 the heart is entirely outside the thoracic ca4ity -ith or -ithout a (ericardial co4erin+ , and constitutes a neonate emer+ency. In (artial 8, the heart can e seen to (ulsate throu+h the skin. !e+ardin+ the =$ kno-n (ulished cases , the heart -as unco4ered in >$?, co4ered -ith serous memran in @$?, an d co4ered y skin in "?.  The Brst re(ort of 8 -as y ‘ Caller’ in $#' , D it -as classiBed into di7erent ty(es y 6eese in $ k+ -as shifted to our hos(ital -ith ecto(ia cordis . Ce -as orn to a"' years old mother y caesarian section due to fetal distress.  there -as no history of consan+uineous marria+e, 

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