Eco. Formal Report

January 30, 2019 | Author: Katkat Gagan | Category: Global Positioning System, Geomatics, Technology, Computing
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Global Positioning System...


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Global Positioning System K.L. Gagan, M.A. Geonigo, A. Malinay, R.G. Vilela Department of Biological Sciences, College of Science, University of Santo Tomas, España, Manila, Philippines

Abstract: The Global Positioning System (GPS) became fully functional in 1994, at first it was mainly used by the military but now because of its advancement it became accessible for everyone and has different purposes. One of the fields that it is very useful is through the field of science where ecology, forestry, geography, geology, surveying, limnology, and oceanography takes advantage of the GPS. In ecology it is used for recording and saving the sampling sites of individual or group of organisms, geologic feature, communities, etc. for this experiment the group used a Garmin GPSmap76CSx receivers. Two groups will colaborate for the experiment, one group will find a location and record the coordinates using the GPS, while the other group will try to find the location with the help of the GPS. Our group was the one tasked to find the location recorded by the other group. At the end of the experiment our group was able to find the exact location that the other group recorded, its coordinates was N 14 ◦ 36’ 30.1” E 120◦ 59’0”. Introduction: GPS or Global Positioning System is a network of orbiting satellites is a device used for calculating the exact position, speed and time at the vehicles location. Also the GPS receives signals for navigating devices and can send precise and accurate details

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of their position. The GPS is also used by the scientists where it helped to provide dats that has never been available before. Also they measure the movement of the artic ice sheets, earth's tectonic plates and other activities using GPS (Doberstein, 2012). Methods: Each group collaborated with students in other groups. The first batch of students were tasked to assign coordinates using the different locations inside UST. The second batch were then assigned to navigate the coordinates using the Garmin GPSmap76CSx receivers. Equipped with two AA batteries, one hand-held GPS receiver was provided to the group with the time of departure and arrival to the laboratory recorded. The data sheet with the locations and their corresponding coordinates was handed to the instructors. Discussion: The Global Positioning System satellite transmits a unique signal and orbital parameters that allow GPS devices to decode and compute the precise location of the satellite. GPS receivers use this information and trilateration to calculate a user's exact location. In our activity, the coordinates that was given to us to locate were 14°36‘30.1" N ; 120°59'23.0" E. The coordinates were inputted into the GPS and a map was shown with a flag of the exact location. The GPS brought us to the exact location which was the UST field, between two goal posts. Conclusion:

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GPS is an effective tool for finding precise location but there are factors affecting its efficiency like technological and environmental issues. References Ashby, N. (2003). Relativity in the global positioning sytem. Living Reviews in Relativity, 6(1). 2003-1.

doi: 10.12942/lrr-2003-1. Retrieved from

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