(eBook.Business.Marketing) Strategy Results Vol. 2 by Jay Abraham.pdf

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Jay Abraham

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

VOLUME II This 1500+ page report contains the confidential results of a survey of over 3000 business owners and entrepreneurs on marketing strategy and the implications on their business. I guarantee it will change the way you think about your marketing strategy.

© 2003 The Abraham Group – All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents Question 31. Whose business strategy do you most admire and why?...................................................... 527 Question 32. Is customer lifetime value (marginal net worth) reshaping your marketing strategy? If so how? ............................................................................................................................................ 547 Question 33. What’s the most advanced marketing concepts or tools you use to sell more products to more people? Describe briefly below.............................................................................................. 565 Question 34. Who is the most masterful business or marketing strategist you’ve ever known? How did he/she best apply their strategic genius? Describe their biggest strategic “coup.” ............... 585 Question 35. Do you have a profitable business/marketing strategy for the internet? If “yes” describe briefly below. ........................................................................................................................ 604 Question 36. How do you explain your marketing strategy to someone outside your industry (i.e., at a party), keeping it as simple as possible? ....................................................................................... 614 Question 37. Now describe your marketing game plan in one sentence. ................................................. 638 Question 38. Describe the different marketing tactics you successfully use. ............................................ 656 Question 39. What do you think are the Strategic benefits of each tactic?................................................ 676 Question 40. What are the Advantages people choose your company/product or service by (i.e. your USP)? Define briefly................................................................................................................... 695 Question 41. What sequential marketing (if any) does a prospective client get when initial contact is made vs. when they buy your product/service? ............................................................................... 720 Question 42. What marketing efforts/activities do you want to be doing right now that you are not? Why? ........................................................................................................................................... 739 Question 43. Describe your competition and any effective marketing strategy or tactic they use that you don’t. ..................................................................................................................................... 763 Question 44. Do you have a long-term written marketing game plan----if so, include a written copy as an attachment with this questionnaire? How do you accomplish your marketing goals?................................................................................................................................................... 786 Question 45. Briefly describe the complete strategic marketing cycle from generating the lead through to closing the sale on to requesting repurchase and all follow-up referral generating that you do........................................................................................................................................... 791 Question 46. How do you currently prospect and generate for new first time buyers? ............................. 831 Question 47. What frequency of communication do you have with your prospects, active or inactive clients/buyers? What forms do they take (call, visit, letter, etc.)? ......................................... 852 Question 48. What tactics do you use to overcome frequently posed objections? .................................... 874 Question 49. What is your strategy for reclaiming windfall profits from prospects you don’t sell or close? .............................................................................................................................................. 897 Question 50. Describe five of your most formidable competitors and their marketing approaches. ......... 906 Question 51. What are the top two reasons that you lose business to the competition? ............................ 933 Question 52. How much follow-up do you do with a client---AFTER they buy? With a prospect if they don’t purchase? And with a client AFTER they buy................................................................... 954 Question 53. Do you ask for referrals, how and how often? ..................................................................... 974 Question 54. List three things you could do to strengthen your marketing effectiveness now.................. 987 Question 55. List the materials, products, programs of mine you’ve been exposed to---plus how often, how well you’ve studied and honestly applied each one..........................................................1011

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

Question 31. Whose Business Strategy Do You Most Admire and Why? Question 31. Whose business strategy do you most admire and why? 1.

? (13)


555 Soul and Diesel they’re very unique stray from the norm and create clothes with both character and style. They tied I-D in with their product effectively and seem to make the wearer feel more confident and expressive.


A big publishing company’s strategy. They sell just business ideas instead of real businesses. So they have an endless market of people who just want information but don’t really want to get “dirty” doing real business.


A combination of Amazon.com and Land’s End. Amazon is very proactive in recommending what I may want to purchase, based on previous purchases. They soften the risk of mail order with free shipping—when my order reaches a cost threshold. They offer more than books, making it easy to buy stuff online from one site with a couple of clicks. Every once in a while a bonus product is included with a shipment as a Thank You (and, I’m sure, a sampling strategy for another company who paid dearly for the opportunity). They provide customer recognition, they are pro-active in providing a meaningful benefit (free shipping!), and they communicate when my order was shipped and how to track it. Land’s End has their brilliant “Guaranteed. Period.” risk reversal. Their customer service people are tops, and their service is tops. Their products are truthfully represented. They have not strayed from their branding. I know what to expect. I am always delighted yet never surprised when they come through.


Abraham & Kennedy. They work!


Abraham. It’s not brain surgery, and it works!


Abraham’s. it makes a lot of money.


Abrahams, it works


Absolute vodka


AFLAC - because it is memorable without being antagonizing.


After Jay's, it would be Tony Robbins, because he is able to create great demand for his products and his service so that people have to work at getting what he has to offer, whether that be coming up with large sums of money or gong long distances to hear him.


Agora Publishing- because they are extremely effective at back-end and cross-over marketing.


Agora Publishing. They publish several excellent, daily, free e-mail newsletters and then advertise in the email newsletters all their fee-based newsletters and conferences.


Alan Weiss – maximum leverage and long term value from each of his clients


Alan Weiss’ marketing gravity. Leads to warm leads and respect for him before he even meets the client


ALDI – a german supermarket chain – very, very successful


All those people/companies who give their employees some share in equity or profits of their venture. They thoroughly deserve all the commitment that they inevitably receive from their staff.


Allen Says – creativity at the service of problem solving, an explosive marketing mix that is ignited by viral and affiliate marketing, self propelling itself to amazing heights.


Allen Says/Jay Abraham. Because they both get me to start thinking creatively, to

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Question 31. Whose Business Strategy Do You Most Admire and Why? realize that there are a lot more options available to me that may seem at times. 20.

Amazon.com – Jeff Bezos - first to use the internet effectively


AMAZON.com they make it easy to shop with them


Amazon.com. See 17 above.


Amazon.com. Great site. Keep adding great ideas that make shopping an easy and fun experience.


Amazon: User friendly, open, engaging.


Amazon’s, because Bezos is not consumed by the day to day movement of his share price, but on building a great company and a great brand.


Amway. It’s success if built upon making other people successful.


Andy Andrews – he rose from being a storeman to Dean of the business school at the University of the Witwatersrand – to running practical, down to earth courses for managers on “how to manage Return on Assets Managed”, basic, really needed skills.


Anglo American they minimize every outlay and maximize every return locally and globally and always go for the residuals.


Anita Broderick of the Body Shop ie she really tapped into the animal friendly products, being part of the community and giving back to the community and having a consistent product and image.


Anthony Robbins and Jim Rohn. They have long lasting and varied empires with multiple streams of income while helping and inspiring others


Anthony Robbins because he has created an empire from nothing.


Anthony Robbins because I see what it has produced.


Anthony Robbins, he is always looking for better ways to do what he does and he is so strongly admired for what he does because he is so sincere.


Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Jay Abraham


Any company that creates a great product, tells their customers about it and enables them to make the “right” choice for themselves. I like it because it seems to create a “loyal customer” who ends up being far more valueable than the “run of the mill” customer.


Any company that Warren Buffet invests


Anybody's story of carving out a market niche and dominating it such as Jack Welch of GE with financing and Michael Dell and building customized orders without appreciable inventory.


Anyone who gives a high quality product or service for a reasonable price.


Anyone who has a real niche market, who has surveyed that market and then delivers exactly what that market needs and wants.


Anyone who perseveres and is consistent.


AOL making it easy to become a client by being preloaded on computers. Plus their service is easy to use and inconvenient to switch to a competitor.


Apple computer, due to their differentiation approach in pc market


Argent Financial Group. They are prompt and professional.


Artists of America because of their uniqueness and success


As above, Tony is the only one that springs to mind right now, because he is so closely related to our own business. Admire Jay’s (obviously) but doubt we could do anything that major in the short term. We don’t have the manpower.

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Question 31. Whose Business Strategy Do You Most Admire and Why? 46.

As I said AMWAY – they've made world sell for them.


At our level I have no knowledge


Barry Farber. He promotes the needs of the customer as the basis for sales. Also, honesty, so I don’t have to remember lies.


Besides Jay Abraham? Corey Rudl. Because he's the best on the Internet


Big ticket seminar and highly paid copy writers Because of the leverage /more money in a time a time slot -because they duplicate themselves better


Bill Gates


Bill Gates -- $$$$$$$$$$$


Bill Gates – he found his niche, negotiated with a heavy hand / out thought the competition.


Bill Gates – he seems to be able to capture the PC market through his software.


Bill Gates – his success can be traced back to his childhood – he bought and sold McGovern-Eagleton campaign buttons when he was 16 and made $20,000, Warren Buffet – brilliant investor relies on competent honest managers, Disney – tremendous brand recognition and entertain visitors.


Bill Gates – market growth, integration and domination Glen Taylor – same reasons


Bill Gates – phenomenal growth and shared success


Bill Gates because he gets results and gives back a huge portion to charity.


Bill Gates, because of his never-ending focus on marketing.


Bill Gates. A computer on every desktop running Microsoft software. A bold statement made when computers where rare.


Bill Gates. He sells something that every needs and charges what he wants for it.


BMW – the ultimate driving machine. The company repositioned themselves in the late 60’s as the super premium German car company. They are still regarded this way despite selling record numbers of cars whereby in the UK they are not as rare a site as they were many years ago. Virgin – successfully positioned themselves as the company that takes on big business and wins by being smarter, better value for money and more caring for their customers than rival companies in whatever sector they go into. The whole company is built on the image of Richard Branson yet his direct contact with consumers must be minimal.


Can’t really answer this one very well. We like the McDonald’s concept of prototype development and subsequent franchise roll-out. We’d like to take that approach, but requires the perfection of our current single depot down to a fully systemized entity … and we have a ways to go before that’s achieved.


Cannot pick one.


Carnival cruises. They provide good service to the customers that are trapped on the boat.


CDW. They have an amazing service model and always deliver what they promise.


Changes week by week, but I really appreciated hearing from Alex Mondossian (marketingwithpostcards.com) and his approach. He had a lot of good ideas, and implements them all quite effectively to my mind.


Charles Lewis. Starting from nothing, he has grown to be one of the most respected and well paid photographers in the country.


Chet and Jay


Chet Holmes strategy with Jay’s tactics

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Question 31. Whose Business Strategy Do You Most Admire and Why? 71.



Coachville – content, quality, added value




Companies that build quality and achieve preeminence in their field.


Companies that create the impression that they offer the very best products in their field, and that they are truly customer driven


Corey Rudl’s, because it’s revolutionary


Cory Rudl because he developed the software I needed to start, grow and maintain an internet publishing company, and I get his newsletter for ongoing help at a price I can really afford. Plus Cory provides FREE support for his software. And he made it much more affordable than you, Jay. I’ve paid out far higher amounts for help from Jay Abraham, but got little tangible success back.


Cory Rudl’s Simple effective honest generous. Jay Abraham: Intelligent, effective, perceptive immediately successful.. Scott Hallman: KISS. Chet: PPP


Craig Proctor has a system that appears to grab market share without sacrificing margins.


Craig Proctor, Emyth, Dirk Zeller


Crispy Cream donuts- for their unique approach when they open stores.


Dale Carnegie – because he did it on his own and without hurting anyone.


Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham - because of the creativity


Dan Kennedy. Low cost with measurable return.


Dan Kennedy’s because it’s proven to work over and over again in any business and is time tested.


Dan Sullivan – teaches entrepreneurs how to continually double both income and free time. He lives what he teaches.


Dee hock, management methods are light years a head of command and control, which stifle creativity and productivity.


Dell Computer: Efficiency is outstanding. They attack their competitors one at a time where they feel they can gain an advantage so they don’t over commit themselves to multiple line extensions. Limit overhead so that they generate cash flow even when economy slows down.


Dell Computer’s: because they have achieved number 1 in a very competitive market.


Dell for learning and applying from larger organizations and Tesco who now have Wal Mart to beat in the UK market.


DELL has done an outstanding job in manufacturing low-cost, high-quality PCs and making it work via mail order (as opposed to opening up retail stores).


Dell simplicity financial soundness customer commitment


DELL- the best model, cleanest service


Dell, and Microsoft, They know their customers and seem to do well even in down markets


Dell, Cisco, Microsoft, Charles Schwab. Innovative, created a business market, continually grow market share, monopolize their category.


Dell; once they lead, no one can compete on price


Dennis Tubbergen claims to work less days every year and continuously increase his revenues with bigger clients and more sales to those clients.

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Question 31. Whose Business Strategy Do You Most Admire and Why? 98.

Developing long term mutually beneficial relationships. This is why we are on planet earth.


Dick Smith. He started with nothing but up a large business and sold it. He works on ideas that he is passionate about and makes them work is his own unique way.


Did not pay attention.


Differentiating yourself so that you can be paid what you’re worth


Direct sales people (Kennedy, Abraham, North, etc.) because they constantly send stuff and they can monitor their results.




Do not have real role models


DollarsByDesign.com It is simple, automated, easy to comprehend, and massive


Domino’s -- built a brand quickly


Don’t have any.


Don’t know (12)


Don’t know any others intimately


Don’t know enough yet


Don’t think I know enough about others to tell. I certainly admire the spare, simplicity of Paddy Lund’s. I think reducing it to just three of four words is wonderfully clarifying.


Earnst & young (Israel). They growth in 10 years from a medium firm to the biggest firm in Israel.


Earthlink – they offer free time online with a CD like AOL but lack the AOL online sense of community.


E-Bay…their overall niche fits the New Economy beautifully, they will grow in good times and bad, and they deploy a lot of killer tactics


E-Bay…their overall niche fits the New Economy beautifully, they will grow in good times and bad, and they deploy a lot of killer tactics


Edgar Schein


Edward Jones, Alston Byrd-atty’s


Endorsements. It is the smartest, fastest, and easiest way to grow a professional services company (and others)


Englehard due to their product development and technical services.


Ethical partnerships


Excel - results


Expansion of business—profitable business


FED EX because the company continues to grow and deliver in a way which best serves their clients.


Fed Ex, it gets done as promised


Fed X. See above.


Federal Express


Federal Express They seem to have the personnel, technology, and the systems all integrated In a very cohesive way.


Federal Express, their slogan says it all


FedEx – constantly stretching the envelope, anticipating clients needs and wants

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Question 31. Whose Business Strategy Do You Most Admire and Why? before the client even knows them. Consummate customer service. 130.

Fedex – fast and guaranteed performance Richer Sounds – customer focus and staff development


FedEx and McDonalds. They live their business


Fedex. I’m beginning to get just a little enamored by yours.


Finished materials


Ford’s worldwide acquisition of brands – cover the market form Kia to Aston Martin


Four Seasons because they are at the pinnacle of the hotel and resort industry.


Franklin Covey


Gates’, i.e., in spite of Mac users, how many pc users use or have used windows?


General Electric. They can be in so many different unrelated fields and yet maintain superiority in the marketplace.


General electric—Be either no. 1 or 2 or get out.


Geraint Lewis


Good to Great, business strategies defined. Logical


Guerilla Marketing – done on a shoestring and is highly creative.


Harvey Mackay, I think. He focuses on proactive and referral-generating tactics.


Harvey Mackay, Wendy Evans, Michael Gerber and Brian Tracy, we have integrated their vision and methods into our previous success


Haven’t really studied business strategy


Haven’t thought about this.


Haven't really studied anyone's


Having attended Jay’s seminar, I always marvel at how meticulously he implements what he has taught us in his correspondence. British Tobacco Co. in South Africa – although I do not have an in-depth knowledge of the particulars. Also see answer to question 22.


Henry Kaye, the speed and price of it.


Hmmm… Google’s


Honest, straight-forward friendship. Because it appeals to me the most.


Honesty, because you develop trusting relationships.


HP’s. Growth through great products and now gaining strength through the nearest competitor-now-family.


Hubbard Foods – a NZ-based cereal producer – no advertising, very innovative with product development and a socially responsible employer.


I admire companies that are selected to be the most employees and customers friendly and on such base create their business strategy.


I admire how Jay Abraham consistently markets. Since day one of us opening our doors.


I admire Jay Abraham’s Strategy of Pre-eminence because it keeps me on the track of remembering that the sole objective of being in business is not to make lots of money, but simply to make the lives of those with whom I do business better because they met me.


I admire Joe Vitale because he writes well (if a bit long-winded) and his approach is non-competitive.


I admire many different business’ strategy, because they are successful and are

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Question 31. Whose Business Strategy Do You Most Admire and Why? the market leaders. 160.

I admire Nightingale-Conant’s strategy of selling products that are healthy and positive, and that I really want to buy (because I am committed to selfimprovement, both personally and professionally). They always include a coupon or special offers in their catalogs, and they frequently mail me offers on new or existing programs they have. It works pretty well, as I’ve spent several hundred dollars per year each of the past few years on their programs. Best of all, it was through N-C that I was introduced to you, Jay. Two years later, here we are.


I admire the business strategy of the Mayo Clinic, which is doctor driven and administered by the principles of the catholic church.


I admire what Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen are doing with The One Minute Millionaire and Robert Kiyosaki with Rich Dad – Poor Dad, i.e., create a multi-pillar business by starting with one book.


I am amazed at the power of viral marketing especially on the net. Unbelievable returns on investment.


I am just starting to look at strategies


I am not sure (2)


I can’t answer this in the context of my business


I do admire Jim Rohn and Robert Kiyosaki. Both utilize symbiotic (Host/Parasite) relationships.


I don’t know very many peoples strategies.


I don’t know very much about other peoples stratgey


I don’t know. Maybe Coke and McDonald’s.


I enjoy Jay’s, because it’s written intelligently, while never over or under-assuming. Readers become their own police when they need assistance.


I feel I would admire anyone who can stand back and let the business run via delegated functions.


I guess it is Jay’s strategy of turning small grossing businesses into profit goliaths.


I have one client who follows the strategy with discipline. They produce the plan every year for the last 5 years ion terms of outcome. I admire them because they do what it takes to achieve the plan.


I haven’t looked at many but I do admire Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie because they seem to have had workable strategies that didn’t just happen by accident.


I just got introduced to Jay Abraham’s concepts. I also admire Y2’s concepts and applications.


I like Jay’s the best in terms of marketing because he likes to employ as many marketing methodologies as possible. He explains them well. I like Chet’s descriptions regarding how one should make an impact on one’s prospects.


I like Robert Allen’s. He gets people to love to do things for him.


I love the Mike Ferry system


I read about and admire all successful entrepreneurs. The risk takers


I really admire the strategy of a company named Internet Services Corp. They market the products and services of the Old Amway Corporation and now the Quixtar.com business. They are more in the people building business, who then can build a bigger business. They provide the training and the environment for people to grow. This growth includes people skills, business skills, and financial

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Question 31. Whose Business Strategy Do You Most Admire and Why? intelligence, and even spiritual growth. 182.

I really like the things I’ve received from Jay.


I really like what I have learned from reading Michael Gerber and what little I have started to learn from Chet.


I really would like to be able to see, with excitement again, the future of my business. Maybe I’m just in the wrong business. I can much more easily see myself teaching others how to connect with God/Source—than I can selling water purification products. I am rapidly losing my motivation here. Trouble is, right now, I don’t yet see how I can earn a living teaching others.


I think your Strategy of Preeminence. It’s obviously profitable, but, more importantly, it emphasizes extreme ethical standards. That appeals to me on more than just a profit level. It’s a way of living.


I very much admire Walmart. I know and am personally connected to their history.


I wish I could find one that would fit our service


I’ve admired books by J. Peterman as well as the book on the Republic of Tea. Taking a true personal reason for building a company, focusing on extreme customer service and building it.


I’ve never really looked at anyone’s.


IBM, McDonalds, P&G. Brand establishment and market stability.


IBM. They are defining problems of their prospects and positioning themselves as the solution to these problems.


IBM’s because (a) they completely understand the businesses they are in and (b) they understand what their unique strengths are. They are not price and product dominant in each of the individual business and technology niches that they serve. But they are the only entity that can credibly fulfill all of the customer’s individual requirements for business and technology services today. And they are the only entity that can credibly assure the customer they will meet their future needs as well, no matter how diverse or large these needs are. In addition, IBM offers single-source responsibility for the totality of the customers’ technology and, to some extent, business operations. This means that IBM will take the initiative to solve problems that result in ‘finger-pointing’ in the typical multi-vendor environment. The Marsteller Advertising Agency once ran a ‘killer’ campaign for IBM with the theme “The way we put it all together is what sets us apart.”


IBM-very long term Ikea or Walmart -very customer driven


I'm not knowledgeable about var. types of strategies.


In terms of brand-building: Budweiser. Their marketing approach – for a product always so close to getting banned – strikes me as sheer genius: Their marketers never want for great ideas for funny commercials that somehow get associated with having a good time with Bud. In terms of direct action: Nightengale-Conant: Even if I don’t buy a particular product, I always read through the material, and it is likely that doing so puts me in the frame of mind to buy in the future.


Information guru, gives the client ability to make informed choices that usually benefits their business and lives.


Intel. They built their ‘intel inside’ brand from the very start and are reaping a lot from that early strategy.


Iron Mountain, as they have grown exponentially and dominate their market


It is all the unknown to me an dI fel inadequate about it all


I've not identified any other business' strategy! It all appears to be hit and miss.

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Question 31. Whose Business Strategy Do You Most Admire and Why? 201.

J. Abrahams, he takes a different approach from the traditional, what he does makes a lot of sense and appears to get excellent results. The bottom line is the results!


Jack Welch – former CEO of GE – from reading his book


Jack Welch – GE


--Jack Welch at GE. I think he was a master of strategy and getting it implemented successfully, not to mention creating pillars for a business.


Jack Welch—he empowered his people


Jack Welchs´


Jay Abraham – brilliant.


Jay Abraham – he can sell anything to anybody.


Jay Abraham & Nightingale/Conant, because they are so effective. They offer exciting potential value in a way that keeps me as the customer engaged.


Jay Abraham (5)


Jay Abraham / Unique & well balanced


Jay Abraham because his strategy is clear to me ( to be the best marketing consultant in earth)


Jay Abraham because of the way he has positioned himself and an expert


Jay Abraham for two reasons.. 1. The magnitude of his success (model success) and 2. because I believe that Jay has integrity which is number one on my values hierarchy.


Jay Abraham- It blows me away and our whole company is committed to the process.


Jay Abraham since he is “new” marketing strategy (or at least those I did not know yet)


Jay Abraham, because he appears to truly care for his clients.


Jay Abraham, because he never gives up and is constantly coming up with more possible ways to make you think about letting him help you.


Jay Abraham, excellent track record, continues to learn, test, and analyze.


Jay Abraham, provides tactics that are usable and work


Jay Abraham, very daring and always able to convince


Jay Abraham. Aside from brown-nosing (just kidding), he is able to show others how to build their businesses and improve their lives, and, by doing so, does the same for himself.


Jay Abraham. Its simple yet effective


Jay Abraham. He is able to educate his clients through a sequential process that brings them to a pre-though out conclusion.


Jay Abraham. He is the master.


Jay Abraham. He Thinks Outside Box, he drives results, he picks himself up and starts over when things don’t go right & he has fun on the journey. And he doesn’t forget to be human along the way.


Jay Abraham. His email strategy. It is so cheap and effective yet is asking for big $ to attend the courses. His cost per client must be incredibly good. He does eat his own dog food.


Jay Abraham. His strategies and methods for packaging and marketing information

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Question 31. Whose Business Strategy Do You Most Admire and Why? to business people might be a model for marketing legal information. However, preventing lawsuits just isn’t as sexy as “making more money.” 229.

Jay Abraham. I admire it because it works on me. Also, Mark Victor Hansen, because both are based as much on giving as receiving.


Jay Abraham/Chet Holmes. Your success is clear and it is all clearly designed to serve the client. The financial results all come from improving the client situation. No limits thinking.


Jay Abraham; because of the blend of practical advice, free bonus information, client friendly purchase options and dedication to deliver


Jay Abraham’s, by giving great education prior to the sale he has an extensive list of people who are totally loyal and completely predisposed and ready to receive and consider anything he wants to offer. Richard Branson because he cuts through red tape and ads value to the customer and everyone seems to have fun.


Jay Abraham’s. He gets paid a LOT of money to help other people make more money that he is making. I like the concept and the model, I wish I was better at sharing his concepts, although I have been successful at helping a few people substantially grow their businesses.


Jay Abraham’s. I’m impressed with the bottom line results he has achieved for himself and his clients.


Jay Abraham’s. He continues to be proactive and communicate his philosophy through free and paid materials to his client base over many years, always providing new ideas for one single purpose: to improve marketing.


Jay Abraham’s. It works.


Jay Abraham-able to produce huge result with minimal capital and administration.


Jay Abraham's. He knows what he is doing and is the Master at it.


Jay Abrahams. It works.


Jay and Chet Holmes


Jay and Chet. Because it works.


Jay is a great strategist and brilliant thinker.


Jay Levinson


Jay your great.


Jay, I like the way you adapt marketing concepts from other industries.


Jay, it work elegantly


Jay, yours it is none stop and very useful.


Jay. A. he got my attn.




Jay’s – very broad, very personal, gets you interested


Jay’s because he’s making so much money working from his home. Also organizations that have a mission focused on society (e.g. Ashoka.org or Grameen Bank)


Jay’s because I believe that he is helping a lot of people to reshape their thinking about what business we are really in.


Jay’s methods for hawking marketing strategies Dan Kennedy’s no BS marketing NGC golf club direct mail


Jay’s, Dan Kennedys, etc Perceived as High priced, and are, sacristy

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Question 31. Whose Business Strategy Do You Most Admire and Why? 255.

Jay’s, he knows what to do and is systematic


Jay’s, How do you get people to pay 5,000 per hour


Jay’s, Wal-Mart’s, Dell, Microsoft’s: Value creation/service/benefits


Jay’s. Always coming up with something new, even communicates to the little guy like me who can’t afford your services.


Jay’s. He is constantly creating new products, provides breakthrough ideas, makes his clients and potential clients feel like he only wants compensation if he really adds value, and does a great job of staying in touch


Jay’s…he always gives so much, even to those that can’t afford his more expensive products.


Jay’s…it obviously works. And I am not just saying that for some pay-off….unless he wants to….


Jay’s—admire the ethics, the focus on bringing extraordinary value to clients, the teaching of success, the spirit of cooperation and community that it engenders.




Jays, because I was sold and am pleased with my participation


Jim Penn. He is a true leader who leads by example.


Ken Evoy’s because of the range of his support and offerings


Ken Roberts: He convinced thousands of opportunity seekers to become commodity traders and to buy his products.


Lands End they use technology to anticipate customer needs and market to their customers one at a time


Larger competitors in our industry, But they too have the resources and funds available




Learning Tree a competitor in the training industry.


Lexus - combination of quality with service and follow-through to the end result, using the manufacturing back-up of a large corporation repackaged as an exclusive small company


Luke Pennucci (fellow distributor) He is tenacious in ever regard of his business, yet conducts himself with thankfulness


Macquarie Bank is pretty good – go into a niche market, build it up with quality and deliver and get out when the masses get in. Why? Smart and effective.


Mal Emery's. Honest, open, inexpensive and effective


Marlon Sanders. He is organized, consistent, has a good look and feel, and provides support at multiple levels – to clients, prospects, affiliates


Marty Rodriguez because she has been the number 1 agent for Century 21 for many years now.


Mayo Clinic – referrals from all over, good medicine


McDonald fastfood that is able to entice small children to want their burger




McDonalds – create great systems & promote effectively – even with an ordinary product


McDonalds – predictable and want fulfilling.


McDonalds – the systems that have been developed are incredible.

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Question 31. Whose Business Strategy Do You Most Admire and Why? 284.

McDonalds because they know how to upsell.


McDonalds because they operate an a franchise and is a global business


McDonalds they're everywhere and we wish we could make our customers come back as often


McDonalds, for they never quit.


McDonalds, they can replicate anywhere in the world with teenagers. A true system!


McDonalds. Because Ray Kroc built a successful “system” for running his stores.


McDonalds. I like the way they innovate, continue to grow and are very consistent


Metagenics – Health World – They went from a mere beginner in the market to the market leader within 4 years


Michael Dell. Because he bypassed the traditional sales distribution channel for getting computers to market and successfully grew his company business by selling direct to end customers.


Michael Dell. Because Dell Computers offer a great product with the ability to customize for a reasonable price in a short time frame and they always seem to be in the public eye with literature.


Michael Jans because it is sometimes unorthodox, yet effective.


Microsoft (2)


Microsoft – aggressive, effective, and does an awesome job preempting competition.


Microsoft – continuous re-inventing of client benefits


Microsoft – creating dependence product, bundling,


Microsoft – dominates the software industry.


Microsoft – they don’t give up. Once they set their minds on a market, no matter how far they are behind, the persist, making refinements on way as necessary.


Microsoft – they get people to buy their products even though they are inferior to other products


Microsoft – they have such a strong presence.


Microsoft ability to go in and totally control a market by offering a great value proposition


Microsoft and Bill Gates – it’s hard to argue with such market dominance!


Microsoft and GE because they’ve been so successful.


Microsoft and Infosys – Microsoft has a very effective partner program and Infosys is the King of Quaility in our business.


Microsoft because it's made them so dominant


Microsoft, because they identified and then developed a new industry based on potential they saw in the application of technology. They were able to identify themselves as the brand leader.


Microsoft, it blows my mind that a clearly inferior product such as many of the programs Microsoft has sold over the years are used by the vast majority of computer users, whether we like it or not. That is domination by association with the hardware industry.


Microsoft, they have a piece of everything.


Microsoft, they managed to dominate an up and coming niche and rule it longer

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Question 31. Whose Business Strategy Do You Most Admire and Why? than they should have been able to. 312.

Microsoft, where they strive to maintain a new product stream to remain at par with or ahead of competition, premium prices, partnering, trying to keep up with market/technology trends – all with a broad coverage model and lots of promotion. They maintain an image and branding approach that suggests up-to-date, good value for money and industry leader reputation.


Microsoft. I haven't seen many people be accused of being a monopoly.


Microsoft. They are dominant in their markets due to excellent marketing


Microsoft. Because they create something that that they can reproduce cheaply and sell expensively


Microsoft. I just can’t stop myself upgrading their new products


Microsoft. They leverage wherever possible. The business model itself is highly scalable and the company’s management has made very effective use of leverage throughout the life of the enterprise.


Microsoft. They still grow and make more profit every day.


Microsoft. This company is a master marketing machine. They hold events that demo the product and teach new techniques to people who use computers. They also recruit users of the product to be the main sales people for Microsoft products.


Microsoft. To take the entire market with a smaller marginal


Microsoft. Total domination.


Microsoft; they seem be dominating their markets


Microsoft’s, because they call the shots in their area, and can quash any competition by sheer force of market power.


Microsoft’s, because they call the shots in their area, and can quash any competition by sheer force of market power.


Microsoft-“We make software to help you achieve your dreams.” We do the same thing with our services.


Mircosoft Build dominat products, people want, they keep reinventing their product. Try working if you don’t have Word or Eexcel products etc.


MLM’s - systemise and replicate


Moine and Tracy


Mother Theresa. Giving is the best strategy of all. It works more than anything else.


Muscle Media/EAS – They publish clear information and help make educated decisions in the sports world. I think they actually provide a valuable service to society.


My Dad had a great strategy of telling the truth and educating his prospect base through free seminars in order to cull the few people who both wanted his service of real estate investment management and were willing to come forward with the necessary dollars. He didn’t know how to sell, only to educate his prospects until they had the same mindset as him.


My dentist is the only one I see really doing any kind of follow up and semicontinuous contact.


My former company because they have implement a systemized sales and marketing process


My own cause it works. I am constantly raising the bar of expectation in our company.


N/A (4)

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Question 31. Whose Business Strategy Do You Most Admire and Why? 336.

Neal Shearing. He keeps his writings simple and not compex to understand.




No comment


No idea


No specific, but the guys who do stuff no one has done before is impressive when the ideas are so simple.


Nobodys---no one business has it perfect. It is people who run businesses, and people always interprete the rules differently.


None (11)


None. However, I admire Jay Abraham, Tom Peters, Rob Frankel & few others.


Nordstrom - SERVICE


Nordstroms - their reputation for quality, and exchange/return policies


Norstrom and DELL for superior customer treatment and service and great direct marketing of DELL.


Not sure (3)


Not sure who I most admire, so I’m just going to pick one off the top of my head: Blues Clues. They ask their market what they want and give it to them. (9-10 months to make show, because they preview it 2-3 times with a sample of their target audience.) They also challenged and proved wrong a key belief about their target audience. (That the mind of a preschooler has an attention span much longer than believed—they will stay tuned throughout a half-hour show.)


Not thought about it until now


Offering quality of service because I feel happy when I get it.


One that works in today’s economy – a lot of the old concepts don’t work the same way they used to. The challenge is – they still work – but find the circumstances and tactics to optimize their impact.


One where all employees become a committed team or family with aligned goals. This is how a company gets and keeps ahead. And it’s also the most enjoyable and rewarding to work for.


Only just begun to study.


Our franchisor also runs a real estate office with an incredibly high level of production.


Ours! It takes belief in yourself to offer a no-results - no-pay system!


Ours. Because it works. Because it’s relatively easy and inexpensive.


Paddi Lund, focus on customer happiness creates a happy business (owner).


Paddi Lund…it is amazing that he had the courage to do what he did.


Paddy Lund’s because his clients have to do business with him on his terms


Paddy Lund's and Southwest and Abraham's strategies because they are mavericks to such an extent from the onset of their journey most people would have to wonder if what they were doing was such a good idea!!! And they turn out to be the best of the best.


Past client, due to rewards given to clients and ability to sustain & manage massive growth


PayPal…it provides a useful service, it makes money, and everything seems to be on automatic pilot.

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Question 31. Whose Business Strategy Do You Most Admire and Why? 363.

Pre Eminence because because it makes us operate so much better


Probably supermarkets have some great methodologies. They know their customers, they try and supply them with what they want in such a way that is incredibly tempting, and try and evoke loyalty. They tend to know what part of the market they want, though this is beginning to change and blur.


Ralph Lauren because he continually innovates and leads the market


Ray kroc a money machine for life


Raytheon Corp. – focus on hundreds of high-tech niche markets and the provision of leading products such as the Patriot missile. They aim to dominate their identified niche markets, shutting out prospective competitors with high technology.


Referrals – leverage your time and resources as much as possible


Referrals and different marketing streties and one that predicts income! – Continuity marketing!


Republican scammers who steal from the public and retire to the cayman islands


Richard Brandson, because he takes on the established companies in the industry and is beating them at their game by better value propositions (better marketing strategy) Examples are Virgin Air and Virgin Rail and Virgin Coke


Richard Branson – phenomenal branding which has the ability to move swiftly between products.


Richard Branson, Virgin Group. Builds lots of high-energy ‘small’ organisations


Richard Branson.


Richard Branson. He manage to pull everything together by unlimited thinking and great service.


Richard Branson. It appears that he has got his business on personality and let the “workers” deal with the detail. He surrounds himself with people who can do the job.


Richard Pratt, Visy Board, they just have a brilliant customer focus. They put on 2 major functions (banquets with entertainment and with accommodation incl for country clients, with an emphasis on family) for their clients per year. They retain their customer base purely on this one strategy.


Robert Allen & Mark Victor Hansen, and Jay Abraham, because they really seem to go out of their way to provide their clients enormous value, and they are phenomenally successful in the process (i.e., they are living examples of the principle, “The most self-serving thing you can do is to learn to be selfless.”)


Robert Allen ... He is so smooth, and yet totally ethical.


Robert Allen always seems to be at the forefront of any new money making ideas. He is articulate and presents his ideas in an attractive understandable manner.


Roland Oosterhouse—he is consistent


Ryan Air. They're competing successfully in a highly competitive market offering great service using out of the box thinking for unusal and innovative solutions.


Salvation Army because they get the most out of the least


Sam Walton of Wal-Mart. He built a tremendously successful business from scratch.


Sam Walton. With Wall Mart and $150 billion in sales/year, he created an empire by involving and supporting communities.


Sap and Oracle. But they are far from being perfect


Schlumberger company. Built around being the expert with high quality well trained

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Question 31. Whose Business Strategy Do You Most Admire and Why? people and superior technology R&D. A leader in their field for over 60 years. 388.

Scott Davis, as you need to lead in your brand business, and Mikel Harry on Six Sigma.




Seth Godin


Seth Godin, because the word of mouth his marketing generates has a self perpetuating nature.


Seth Godin's permission Marketing


Several: Abraham, Weiss,




Some concepts of Jay.


Some internet marketers – affiliate programs seem to be winners (eg. Amazon)


Southwest Airlines, the courage to be different, the spirit and pride to encourage employees, the smarts to craft a true low-cost strategy.


Southwest Airlines. In an established industry with big name players, they have redefined customer expectations


Starbucks – they have inexpensive workers selling water for high prices all over the world


Starbucks, created a world-class brand, dominates the marketing, Microsoft-the same


Stelios of www.easyjet.co.uk - he has managed to change the way consumers consume – his thinking is always 'out of the box'.


Stelios of www.easyjet.co.uk - he has managed to change the way consumers consume – his thinking is always 'out of the box'.


Stephen Covey, he’s the #1 speaker on the circuit today.


Steve Moeller’s, it is simple, to the point and focused.


Stuller. Dependable and quality


Successful ones


Successful television and radio informercial producers because “a little goes a long way”.


Tarkenton, develop a business with minimal risk and sell


That’s hard to say. Most strategies that come to mind are big bucks operations, which I do not admire, because of the tremendous overheads involved. Sony and Honda have always impressed me. One can purchase any of their products with high confidence that it will perform excellently, and any problems will be quickly and professionally handled. Probably the strategy that impresses me the most is Gary North’s. There is a great deal of useful intellectual and analytical content offered to his ezine subscribers, so when he recommends something – such as your December 03 course – it should be taken seriously.


The ability to offer try before you buy and better than what you paid guarantee because it takes great confidence and an excellent product or service for it to work.


The Apollo Group, who runs the University of Phoenix. They are taking on the education industry and winning.


The different scenarios of Jay Abraham.


The direct personal model, because it gets to you


The Jay Abrahams selling of shavers to the pharmaceutical company. So many

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Question 31. Whose Business Strategy Do You Most Admire and Why? components put together to form the strategy, and really thinking out of the box. 415.

The man I mentioned in question 17.


The ones that work because they work ( as long as they are truthful)..i like companies that have a worthwhile mission and one of service


The ones that work…but I don’t know that many


The PVC pipe guy Jay talked about who gave the salesperson the entire amount of the first sale with each new client!


The real estate, its one or the first we need !


The same answer as 22 the reason I admire it, is because his company has grown to be dominant player in the market and Microsoft have invented the rules in that market through product innovation and offering value for money being ruthless with competition i.e. (giving the Internet Explorer away for free to stop Netscape Navigator gaining market share in the Internet) and great IT solutions, they have transformed world communication and made a fortune.


There are many pieces of various companies strategies which work well. But for China, in our business’ market, one overall strategy which has worked very well for Siemens is to generate a recognition of the overall corporate brand-name and its association with ultimate quality and reliability. Thus, no matter how disparate the product or market into which it is sold, the customer in China always seems to associate the Siemens brand with highest quality perception.


There are several strategies which I admire. One of the most important examples is the rollout strategy used by Blockbuster movies.


There is a mining company (shale, I think) that inspired us to implement the Line Item Veto in our company.


There is no single most admired strategy


There isn’t anyone in particular that comes to mind


Thomas Leonard – Coachville.com – decentralized – freed Thomas up to do only the stuff he really enjoyed, got people involved and created huge levels of innovation in the coaching industry.


Those I hate like Microsoft


Those shared by Chet Holmes because they preemptively position you as the only real choice.


Those that identify cutting edge technologies, exploit it as long as they have a technical and commercial advantage (patent), then move to new or related areas when margins shrink.


Those whose deep drive is to truly serve and support all of their clients… I get that sense from Jay, as one example


To be honest yours. Your ethic bribing and delivering far more value motivate me to emulate this


Tony Palermo… high profit, low stress, low overhead, 100% cash, 100% referral practice


Tony Robbins & Brian Tracy -I buy their materials


Tony Robbins – the ability to create a dynamic business that helps others and is wildly profitable.


Tony Robbins and you, Jay. You’re the master of caring for your clients. I LOVE your ethics and how you demonstrate these throughout your strategy. I love your risk reversal and you high-price positioning (although I don’t prefer having to pay so much :) but you are the BEST!!!). Tony because he so relentless and he out framed

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Question 31. Whose Business Strategy Do You Most Admire and Why? all those old personal development speakers like Zig Ziglar and Brian Tracy. 436.

Tony Robbins strategy because it has a visual, an auditive and kinesthetic strategies. And Osho International Commune strategies because they are amazing in all aspects also.


Tony Robbins, His success level and he always does things at the cutting edge more than most. He now seems to be walking his talk as he says.


Tony Robbins. Successful.








Using ezine to prospect. Because of the potential leverage.


Virgin Atlantic - for surviving and prospering in a very tough business. Have stood up to the (once) mighty British Airways, Admire them for starting up a low cost carrier in the US market and in Australia in a very testing time for the aviation business. Talk about doing the opposite of what your competitors are doing!


Virgin. It works


Virgin. It works


W. Buffet because he looks long-term, he knows what he wants and what he wants to stay away from, he doesn’t go after fads or trendy stuff






Wal-mart -- convenience and low price -- easier than going to the mall and cheaper, too


Walmart and Amazon.com


Walmart and McDonalds because of the cookie cuter approach. We plan to build a multi outlet operation based on these concepts. Systemization, duplicable, profitable,


Walmart and South West Airlines, businesses from Built to Last


Wal-Mart because they are number 1


Walmart- for having the top computer system over the government in terms of tracking inventory in what sells and what doesn’t


Wal-Mart, because they stick to their basic premise “We Sell For Less” better than any other company out there. Their culture starts at the top…no flash, just simplicity. Every time they discover another way to make their operations more efficient, it creates another win-win situation… driving customer prices lower and company profits higher.


Walmart, find out what everybody wants, bring the price down where they can afford it and they will buy it. In their field they are # one.


Wal-Mart, great service, fantastic logistical integration


WalMart. They know what they want to do, they know how to do it, and they do it.


Wal-Mart. Wildly successful in whatever they do and even just by competing on price and a phenomenally technologically advanced stock requisition and control process are able to ensure they have their stock always available anywhere in the country so that advertised goods and specials are always available. Creates a positive customer and shopping experience. That is why they are the world’s most successful off-price and discount retailer.

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Question 31. Whose Business Strategy Do You Most Admire and Why? 460.

Walmart—“ Sell to the rich and live with the masses, Sell to the masses and live with the rich”.


Warren Buffet He invests in business as if he was buying them.


Warren Buffet, Sam Walton; Mars Candy, stick to what you know, don’t get too big for your britches, stay in touch with your customers, manage by walking around


Warren Buffet because of his patience and high standards; Merceded


Well, I like the way Jay Abraham operates. Uses his own principles well when marketing his services. Is honest, personable and has integrity.




Why yours of course


Why yours of course!


Y2 Marketing - fastest growing marketing consultation network


Yanik Silver. He makes compelling offers and seems to know how to find out what people want.


You probably hate it Jay, but to me this is the future. Have a look at Mandragone http://mondragon.mcc.es/ingles/menu_ing.html. Please understand that I view the world through the understanding that if we continue the expansion and rape of mother nature at the current rate we are going now the planet will no longer support the population in 2 generations. Less than 100 years from now. I believe there is something fundamentally wrong with this thinking that a company had to grow 100% a year to be successful. Yes, just about everybody follows that road, but that does not prove anything as far as I am concerned. I am willing to take a small wager that 10 years from now 50% of the fastest growing companies (over the last 5 years) will no longer exist.


You; it works


Your strategy, Jay (without base flattery). Because your strategy helped you, to become an outstanding Marketing-Consultant in the USA.


Yours – you see every interaction as part of the long term ability of leading that person into a closer more trusted and dependent relationship while constantly providing value and staying in touch.


Yours (3)


Yours (Jay Abraham) I admire the scale at which you operate - the high profile clients and the results that you achieve.


Yours is certainly among the best; I also like Steve Schiffman’s approach to sales very much


Yours is one and there a lot of others that I have only just learned about in the last few months and all of them are into internet marketing.


Yours Jay. You ethically bribe us with all of these goodies, and top it off with bonuses. Then slam us in the face with how awesome these programs are, all to say you only have 2 live seminar positions available. All to set us up for the coup degas, you only have 1,000 of the home study course. Wow, that's powerful! Especially to us who have bought your products before.


Yours- the comprehensive work product over past 10 years.


Yours! It is convincing and engenders respect


Yours, consistency in quality, execution, well thought out and planned. Always informative and compelling.


Yours, Jay Abraham; Because it is very effective.

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Question 31. Whose Business Strategy Do You Most Admire and Why? 483.

Yours, Jay Abraham’s. It seems so far away for me to do what you’re doing.


Yours, just because you do!!!


Yours, widespread and seems to be very effective




Yours. It makes sense and what I have implemented it has worked.


Yours. Small business, very effective and efficient.


Yours. You have the ability to inspire people


Yours. I’ve been an avid follower for a number of years. Your message and information has always been the same (give or take), but the packaging is so good, you just have to buy it again!


Yours. In the few things I’ve read on it will work.


Yours. You have it all together.


Yours.very very creative

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Question 32. Is Customer Lifetime Value (Marginal Net Worth) Reshaping Your Marketing Strategy? Question 32. Is customer lifetime value (marginal net worth) reshaping your marketing strategy? If so how? Total: Yes 388, No 302 Additional comments: 1.

80% of your sales will come from 20% of your customers. You *must* treat a customer as you would your best friend - or your mother. Keep them smiling and keep in touch.


85% referral


A client is potentially worth between $500.00 to $100,00+. I learnt about life time value of a client many years ago, and know that even if I have to spend thousands to get a company as a client, it is money well spent. I also know that I must keep clients, and we are about to devise a customer retention program. I am also looking at refining a strategic referral program.


A new client is worth $5,000 minimum, worst case, and I haven’t defined best case yet.


Absolutely- It is foundational and changes all decisions to a more long-term approach.


Actually, not reshaping; we have been following long term sustainable goals & strategies for many years


After reading through Jay Abraham’s Money-Making Secrets book, we have looked at our customers differently, trying to think about selling to our customer’s, both with respect to their lifetime value to us, and our lifetime value to them. The problem is that our overall corporate focus has been too incredibly short-term to allow us to win over customers with focus on long-term value, not just on short-term wins.


All most all the profits are in the backend. Products and services are being developed to ensure on going monthly sales


Allowing me to know how much I can spend to acquire a client. I must temper this with cashflow needs.


Almost 100 % of the sales cost is given to sales staff who brings in new customer to the company


Although it does affect how I deal with clients.


Although, we’re still getting our business off the ground, I understand the significance of a customer’s marginal net worth.


Always use the calculation to determine if the acquisition will be worth it down the road, as well as how much to spend to acquire the customer.


An average life time of 10 years is as much as I can expect from a delighted client.


As stated, friends first.


Asking for on-going referrals


At least not discussed, but repeat business is something we work towards by ensuring that people walk away happy, even if it means us losing money short term.


At this moment, trying to achieve it.


At this point it’s mostly helping how I help others in their mindset about fundraising and selling product – to keep in mind the whole picture and what a client is worth

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Question 32. Is Customer Lifetime Value (Marginal Net Worth) Reshaping Your Marketing Strategy? over the long haul, and thus to not fret about spending more to get him. But have not applied to my biz itself yet. Although it is making me more carefully evaluate whether or not to work with a client. 20.

Because I know if I do a good job for them they will send me referrals their friends relatives and they will come back to me.


Because in many cases we are almost breaking even with some accounts and in the future we get more business or they become more efficient and we make money.


Because of our high retention rate, particularly in some segments we are able to spend more in gaining those customers, and we are focusing more on the market segments that we retain the most.


Because of the fact I provide a high quality piece of equipment that will last a lifetime and a proposition any consumer is more than happy with I can go back to them again and again with a plethora of other kindred offerings so I am shaping my processes to allow me to access this and shaping the original offering to keep me in position to take advantage of this.


Because referrals and repeat business are a large part of real estate sales.


Because there is loyalty of customers


Before, only did one program; now designing backend seminars, and coaching


Beginning to realize the importance of the lifetime value for the customer. Hence we are changing our marking strategy


Bounce back coupons


Build and maintain relationships at all levels with client organizations.


Business Vision


But don’t know the technical terms.


But it should do


But it should. Just beginning to analyze this.


By building a relationship to get them to keep coming back again and again


By continually improving the technical capabilities and the value of the products / services create.


By making and adjusting future income calculations against present costs and market trends.


By offering better up front risk reversal.


By reshaping our marketing budget


By setting up a repeat and residual income.


Cheaper to keep the volume than to replace it


Client as very high lifetime value. Working on increasing client base


Commission for referrals


Communication is important from the cradle to the grave and their needs never end. I therefore market to the individual and not the organization. It is individuals who make the difference. Take George Bush and Saddam Hussein for instance.


Concept is of limited use, as client companies tend to ‘shop around’ a lot and many are deliberate one-time buyers


Considering accepting low investments based on lifetime value to us. Also, as the low investment compounds over time, value to us will also increase.


Created things to give to customers to promote them using us and referring us in

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Question 32. Is Customer Lifetime Value (Marginal Net Worth) Reshaping Your Marketing Strategy? the future. 47.

Criteria for tactical decisions


Customer retention is paramount


Customers who have business service with us are signing up for personal use as well.


Definitely yes. It is a sort of emotional/rational intelligence combined. When you understand the lifetime of a customer please forget all the ego trips and concentrate in the profits to be earned. Don’t lose your money making machine for stupid controversies that occur everyday. These tragedies occur in business everyday.


Develop multiple streams of revenue per client.


Developing further products and backend services to add on sell every 3 months at recontact.


Developing ways to stay in touch with customers by developing a preferred customer program


Dictates what we can do at the front end.


Differentiate between high margin/long term prospects and “all the rest.”


Don’t be afraid to spend money on a new patient exam before they start treatment.


Don’t know exactly, but we are focusing on being able to develop products with our customers and guarantee certain supplies.


Don’t know how.


Don’t look at short term profit, but long term relationship


Due to the nature of our business which includes monthly support fees, we have always considered the lifetime value of our clients.


E track retention and annual purchases per customer


Each customer has a very large lifetime value for us. We do not require a lot of customers, just a few very strategic ones.


Early projects may be less profitable, but then we mine the seam


Easier to work with an existing, positive relationship than to form a new one from scratch. However, the value needs to be reevaluated regularly. (I just "fired" a long-time client because I realized he was using up a disproportionate amount of my current resources without adequate compensation.) I am now looking for clients where I can help over a longer period of time -- and adequate return on investment.


Educated me as to what I can afford to spend on acquisition and retention of clients.


Focus on creating backend


Focus on fewer clients with greater needs and appreciation for what we do.


Follow up, follow up, follow up. Spending a lot of time educating and keeping in touch with our existing customer base.


Following Pareto Principles


For seminars, I am likely to offer reward for booking employee


Found a way to get new customers but have to discount price.


Frequently I give away our intellectual property toward the end of developing a long term supplement customer.

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Question 32. Is Customer Lifetime Value (Marginal Net Worth) Reshaping Your Marketing Strategy? 73.

Given that I don't really have one, I can't reshape it.


Giving a lot before the sale to attract and making it easy for people to try our service. Putting a lot of effort into creating valuable reports and being willing to spend maybe 5 ties as much per lead as our competitors.


Happy customers are my best salesmen


Hasn’t been a consideration in the past, but needs to be taken into account in future planning.


Have yet to establish what this amount is.


Having lost so many companies lately, it has been necessary to refocus on lifetime values to build future customer relationships


Helps me understand what I am willing to spend to acquire a customer


Here again you build that rapport with your customer and become their friend and they will keep coming back to buy product from you.


Hey, most of our revenue is annual licensing, so we are driven to think Lifetime


I actually state in my patient information leaflet that “healing is not an event, it’s a relationship”


I always see it long term… particularly referrals…


I am beginning to assess what each customer is worth long term and in turn how much I am willing to spend to get them long term.


I am considering giving away my first report (or two) to build my customer list quickly.


I am in the process of discovering the potential lifetime value of a customer for my business and will aim my marketing towards those clients


I am looking for sales with residual value.


I am more willing to give commissions and to invest more to attract a client than I would be had I not been exposed to this insight.


I am no longer looking to milk the customer to the max when we first meet. I am using the premise of underselling, and over promising. I know that every prospect I close is worth $1200 to me per year. So I am not worrying about the extra $5000 I can get from up selling them over the course of our relationship. I know if I relax, and give them a superior service, most will buy the up sell in design. Adding $5,000 to their lifetime worth.


I am not aware of this concept.


I am now putting more effort on my present customers than I did before.


I am now recognizing the value of long-term relationships to clients as never before. Even if they only purchase once every three – four years, an ongoing relationship of communication and goodwill has great potential for the development of a referral network.


I am still trying to figure out how I can create a backend for my sales. Most sales are one-time sales.


I am still trying to figure this part out.


I am thinking... What else do they need and are willing to pay if I give it to them?


I am trying to develop our business strategy based on the lifetime value of a customer that is repeat business.


I am willing to make a loss on the initial sales to bring in customers by offering incentives/discounts on the first sale

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Question 32. Is Customer Lifetime Value (Marginal Net Worth) Reshaping Your Marketing Strategy? 98.

I am working on figuring out the marginal net worth (we are a startup so need some time to find back end products, how much, how many etc). Now that I understand that model though it changes entirely the way I look at obtaining clients – not a one time sale – a 10, 100 time sale from one client.


I calculate LV for each engagement


I can invest more to get the client.


I can offer them "appreciation" gifts for choosing us, which have a higher perceived value than actual value.


I changed the commission schedule higher, based on the fact that we retain so many. I basically give away all the profit from the first year’s sale to salesperson, like Jay said!


I come from a lot of experience in direct sales/network marketing. I have always understood the value of a customer.


I do know the importance, just haven’t capitalized on it.


I DO realize how important the ongoing income stream is from my present clients, so I am diligent at reaching them—in some way—almost every month.


I do understand the importance of determining the marginal net worth of a customer and taking the “long” view of the relationship


I don’t high pressure people any more


I encourage customer retention by developing some discounted counteracts for long periods of time.


I get Client in by offering a simple product at breakeven, but they usually purchase more the more they learn about better opportunities.


I give the first hour free.


I had never thought of my customers as long-term income streams. I am spending more money to develop a larger customer base.


I have been thinking about it & have applied it to service contract pricing.


I have clients for long periods of time with one over 15 years and most going at least 5 years. Life time value has me thinking of not only consulting services but other services that this client could be buying. I am referring other companies to them and have one strategic alliance and looking at others.


I have clients who have used my services for more than 10 years and regularly refer others. I focus on getting those referrals, so existing clients pay off that way for me. The more clients I get, the more referrals it results in.


I have taken on some new work that I probably wouldn’t have based on the initial pricing and profitability


I have to little sales and marketing because I realize that quality outcome will have the client calling you and referring you on-goingly.


I haven’t yet fully implemented, but I believe it will.


I just learned about MNW and spent some money to make some money and it worked. Got a new customer.


I know how much to allow for the acquisition of new clients.


I know recognize just what a large “investment” of time (and money) is practical to get a new customer.


I know that I can offer free services and still make a profit.


I know that I may not treat every little thing the patients first visit but if I treat them properly and they trust me then they will take further recommendations the longer

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Question 32. Is Customer Lifetime Value (Marginal Net Worth) Reshaping Your Marketing Strategy? they stay in my practice 123.

I look at all the various products and services my client would enjoy and benefit from as well as using it as a tool to keep in touch with them


I look at the long-term value of clients and as a result I’m willing to put more importance on acquiring, nurturing, reselling and maintaining clients than my competitors.


I must admit, I have given it some thought as to what else I could do for my customers to help them and I have a new product in development.


I need to develop a backend for my product. I need to generate my database so that I can contact my customer. They are loyal when they can find me. I need to make it easier for them to contact me.


I never looked at the annuity concept of client value till your books. Now I try to not only sell a seminar, but also tie other services that last past the seminar


I now know how much I can afford to spend in reactivating old patients or if I begin to advertise how much I can afford to spend.


I now subscribe to a marketing program called Service For Life. It’s a newsletter that is extremely informative and utilizes direct response marketing and curiosity to compel a high level of loyalty and referrals from my clients. I have been using it only for three months now.


I offer on my website multiple choices to allow my customers to buy more times than what I could do with a mini-site, which is usually one of the preferred online marketing weapons. I have built a collection of mini-sites, to sell not just the “hamburger”, but also the chips, salad and coke and coffee ;)


I often give advice, assistance, and even materials free, to assure people enjoy success, and they become loyal supporters.


I realize how much I know about this, and how hard it is to convince someone else to track them and use them to optimize your results.


I realize now how much it takes in time and energy to create new business, when I would prefer to have business by repeat and referral of my current and past clients.


I realize the value, and just need to implement better.


I segment my customers by their marginal net worth to me. My "best" customers are "A" customers. These are the 20 percent of my customers who give me 80 percent of my business. Needless to say, they get my highest priority attention. My "better" customers are "B" customers. These guys require more servicing and time investment on my part to achieve the same volume and profit objective as compared to the "A" group. But with time and cultivation, I expect to be able to move some of these guys into the "A" category. Finally my "good" customers are "C" customers. These are my new or recently identified business targets that I intend to develop repeat business with. There is constant changing of customer names in this "C" category as I weed out those that I do not feel are worthy of continued future effort and time.


I sell front-end cheap


I spend a lot more time taking care of my core now than I used to. I get them to be my primary advertising and it is very successful for me.


I tend to invest a bit more to get new customers and retain existing because I know how much are they worth to me.


I think about it, and I market to my customer base each time I come out with a new book or product


I understand that if I can do even a small amount of work up front for a business…if

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Question 32. Is Customer Lifetime Value (Marginal Net Worth) Reshaping Your Marketing Strategy? that work performs there’s a chance more will follow. I can therefore afford to court the right potential clients. 141.

I want to find powerful methods to keep locations.


I want to keep every client for life.


I will do a lot more at the start of working a new client.


I will improve my contact effectiveness


I will know what could be expended to obtain a new customer.


I will soon be able to sell other financial products-before it was a one time sale w/ maybe some referrals


I worry less about attracting new customers and more with satisfying those I currently have.


I’m offering very generous rates for my expensive product. I definitely will develop a back end. Upsell/Downsell/Cross-sell has become realer to me. I have to think more about these aspects.


I’m increasingly willing to take a loss on my first sale, to acquire a customer. Also I’m focusing now on educating prospects so they realize just how valuable my services will be to them over time.


I’m increasingly willing to take a loss on my first sale, to acquire a customer. Also I’m focusing now on educating prospects so they realize just how valuable my services will be to them over time.


I’m just starting to think in terms of how I can provide value in the future to my clients after the initial sale.


I’m more aware of who might do more down the line and how I can build on that at the front end. This information is gathered by Listening to the client, observing their work environment and accessing the needs.


I’m nice to those I deal with and look at deals and requests as part of a long term relationship


I’m not so fused about making any money one the first or second sale.


I’m trying to cultivate more revenue from our existing clients rather be in the client “gathering” business. We are doing this by expanding our services in many areas.


I’m working harder than ever to keep clients, and to get 100% of their business. I want to eliminate all others who compete for $$$


I’ve been looking at our business from this perspective from the outset. My real problem is that I sometimes tradeoff too much near term and essential current cash flow for the long term residuals.


I’ve never used customer lifetime value to see how I could increase sales. Now, I offer 25 – 50% commissions for referrals. Offering higher reward for referral business


I’ve only begun to understand marginal net worth since your book(s) and tapes.


If he likes the ROI he will come back again and again


If I can earn so much per customer, then I can afford to cut special deals to increase their fundraising efforts.


If I can get the customer to sign a maintenance contract, the price is lower since I will make more money over the lifetime of the transaction


If our customers are trading successfully they have an enormous lifetime value: 1. Commissions and referral fees2. Upselling new products (new books, new seminar, maybe new advisory services). Most customers buy more than 1 book, and

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Question 32. Is Customer Lifetime Value (Marginal Net Worth) Reshaping Your Marketing Strategy? customers, who took a seminar and trade successfully will attend a new seminar. 164.

If we can keep a client for an average of 10 years or more (and we do) on our effectively “till forbid” billing basis, the present value could be 10 or more times the first year’s fee. Thus we can afford to pay quite a bit for the acquisition of a client, and even have a negative cash flow (theoretically) in year one.


If you help people to better themselves, they will spread the word


II need to keep the product at high quality so they keep coming back and I will offer them new products as well.


I’m changing our compensation program to make sure we keep the customers and creating measure to identify how we are doing with them.


I'm now reconnecting with my prior customers, and developing a newsletter to send out on a regular basis. One that includes some useful information and also ends with a way for people to contact me.


I'm paying much more attention to the people I come in contact with through my business.


Impossible to establish value.


In every way; we have the most unique products and services that I am planning to structure a full strategy from our first contact with each client to the ‘end of their life’!


In two ways, what I am prepared to put into gaining a client ie $’s plus I am prepared to take more time getting them ie building the relationship and not giving up at the first No.


Increased focus on the back-end, both our own back-end and the back-end opportunities for our clients.


It can change the life, not only in healthier body


It can make it appear I am doing something for free with the offers I create - when in actual fact over time the client invests more


It can’t reshape my strategy because it has always been a part of that strategy.


It certainly was thought of in shaping, but it is too young a method at this point


It determines what I am willing to spent to acquire a customer


It forces us to constantly look for ways to improve customer service and the number of ways we can serve the customer


It has always been a focus of ours to concentrate on the long term value of a customer. Unfortunately, our competitors are so short focused that they are continually damaging the whole market by fierce price wars.


It has always been the focus.


It has always shaped my entire business. Happy customers are the lifeblood of my business.


It has influenced the level of service and the level of complimentary services and products that I give new and existing clients to create a greater perceived value in dealing with me.


It has taught us to always think long term with a client. Also to think about who we want for clients. And who we target 20/80 rule and dream 100.


It helps the staff to understand and be very appreciative of ALL customers.


It helps us understand the lowest price we could accept


It is being used to a limited degree in initial bidding for consulting contracts. But you have to be careful here so it really influences us to provide a limited initial service to the client for a fixed price. If this initial contract is all the business the

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Question 32. Is Customer Lifetime Value (Marginal Net Worth) Reshaping Your Marketing Strategy? client ever does with us, then the startup effort and costs make the exercise marginally profitable. If, however, the client continues on then the extra startup effort and costs will prove worthwhile over the customer’s lifetime association. 188.

It is but I have a hard time putting a value on it because our business is not a big repeat business.


It is certainly something that I try to bear in mind. I periodically get requests for certain information lookups from our media contacts, and I try to fulfill them posthaste, figuring that helping them out will help me out long-term. These people may be low-rung (reporters, writers) right now, but in term they will become higherlevel editors, publishers, etc – the higher they rise, the better for us.


It is cheaper to retain an existing customer than source and service a new account.


It is easier to sell to your existing clients than to new ones as the trust has been established. Information Technology changes so quick that there is always new products to sell.


It is the one most important value to protect to improve your business’s bottom line.


It is very important in our business to maintain customer contact and value. Customers are being added every day and customers are leaving everyday (not reordering) because they have not been contacted after the first or second sale. We must work harder and smarter in retaining and upselling our customers. It will build a stronger company and healthier customers.


It isn’t really reshaping since I used Jay’s ideas for huge successes in past businesses. But one average realtor is worth at least $20,000 per year, so cost isn’t the issue. It’s more what to do to get through to them


It make it much clearer what you can spend/give away to bring in a new customer


It makes me take great care with my current clients and I make that known to prospects.


It means, we have to also focus on back-end sales, as well as focusing on frontend sales.


It puts a different focus/value on/to a client


It relates to client retention stats (no one beats us on this front) which helps attract more clients.


It reshaped it long ago. Repeat business is key for us.


It should be but isn’t


It SHOULD be, of course!


It should however as my greatest profits are realized on the actual sale up to 5 years after the initial transaction.


It takes a lot of energy to find new clients, so it helps to keep in contact with the current clients. If not, they will drift to other companies.


It taught us the value of nurturing our client through constant and systematic contact.


It wasn't something that I was aware of until your books/tapes arrived. This is something that I've been working through my active customer list and am seeing what you mean by the lifetime value. Now I'm attempting to bring it into my business some way.


It will. Keeping our customers is job 1


It’s easier to get them to buy again than to find new clients. They are greatest source for referrals.

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It’s easier to market to some one who has already purchased one of your products


It’s easier, less stressful, and more profitable to keep a customer. Also sets up potential for backend sales and profits.


It’s my key marketing objective


It’s not reshaping it because I’ve always focused on it


It’s not re-shaping my strategy; it’s a part of my appreciation of how a customer can be profitable even if the initial sale becomes a loss.


It’s too soon to know and the business is still too small


It's a concept that I'm still thinking about. For most conventional products it would have a massive impact. There are only so many homes a person is going to buy in their lifetime, but there are also friends and family members to consider. For our business. The customer's lifetime value should also include getting credit for referrals.


It's changed my whole marketing approach! I now realize that I can practically bribe someone to refer their friends to me, then bribe the friends to try out a massage from me, and I still come out way ahead.


Just beginning to understand what that is. I need a lot of education on how this strategies work in my field of business.


Just starting to understand how this can be applied to our various departments. Have not taken any serious action to date.


Keep looking for ways to fully exploit the hidden value but first keep them loyal!


Knowing how much a patient is worth to me long term makes me willing to spend far more to obtain them (especially in my new venture of coaching)


Large discount for 1st sale


Lifetime value is implicit in the strategy I’ve adopted: First, help clients succeed, Then, obtain their employee benefits business.


Looking for ways to do small projects first to introduce clients to my services


Made me aware that I can give up some income to land the customer but make even more over the life of our relationship


Makes me aware+


Making little money at the front end and more later on.


Making sure that all we do, say is congruent to the aim of retaining clients, absolute integrity in all we do


Mining them for referrals


More direct mail to specific customers spending less on mass market shot gun approach


More emphasis on aftersale contact to improve customer retention


More focus on client selection


More focused on client value and getting more lifetime value from each client.


Most definitely. This is the lifeblood, the backbone of our business because we expect our customers to use our products for many years and introduce others to our products. The cost to get a new customer is many time the cost to maintain an existing customer. On average we expect a customer to buy up to12 times a year and stay with us for at least 5-10 years.


Most of my business comes from my repeated customers. I give them generous discounts.

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Question 32. Is Customer Lifetime Value (Marginal Net Worth) Reshaping Your Marketing Strategy? 235.

Most of my profits come from backend sales to existing list members.


Mostly one-off sales at this point


My business is the cash flow industry so I focus in the factoring (accounts receivable) financing area for that reason. It provides recurring income. I know that is not what you want but it is the place that I started. I will generate other features and benefits to keep them for a lifetime.


My clients pay me monthly fees


My clients will become my partners, their clients mine, and my clients theirs, the goal is long term mutual satisfaction while creating and sharing useful unique products


My entire business is based on the lifetime value of my clients in building my good name and passing this on to new clients


My main emphasis is on finding new customers—we know what to do when we find them. Problems—we lose them faster than we find them (good ones). Bankruptcy’s; going out of business; no money allocated for our services/products; contacts downsized.


Never ending followup.


Never thought about it this way before and I am now building in “metric points” in the work we are doing so that we can determine what it is like once our business grows more and more. We are also building in “check-in” points in our calendar to see how things are growing and changing.




No quantitative studies yet. However, it is something that I've integrated into my thinking thanks to Jay.


No, because our product lasts more than 10 years ... however, we treat the customer right and help him to the best of our abilities in all scenarios and have had great customer feedback.


No, we have always been keenly aware of the long term value of our practice members. This is probably why we have been able to keep our doors open in spite of a very low new patient volume. Once we get them, we keep them so we don’t think twice about giving away the “Big Bang” services on the first visit.


Not as much as it should - but it does affect how we price the deal


Not at this stage.


Not at this stage.


Not going after competitive low margin business.


Not in that context exactly …although we do focus on high value clients and retention strategies


Not only do we want to increase the time that a person will stay under care but we also want to be the source where they purchase their vitamins from and come to for general health advice.


Not really reshaping but focusing on delivering lifetime customers to my customers for them to realize the benefits of my association


Not really. We retain virtually 100% of engineering clients and we are not likely to retain a large percentage of surveying clients under any circumstances (these clients are mostly individuals who may have a survey completed upon purchasing a piece of property and will probably not have another survey unless they purchase another piece of property - perhaps years later, perhaps not0.

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Question 32. Is Customer Lifetime Value (Marginal Net Worth) Reshaping Your Marketing Strategy? 256.

Not reshaping – has always been the cornerstone of my approach.


Not reshaping as much as shaping (I’ve taken it into account from the beginning). I’m offering some services with low or no entry cost just to begin to build a relationship with the customer.


Not re-shaping, because we have been using this concept for quite some time. Couponing/complimentary haircuts for new stores, bounce-back coupons and free services for new Clients.


Not reshaping, but we must consider it, because as competition grows we must think of ways of keeping our customers


Not sure what this means?


Not yet, but I’m fully aware of the concept and how it can be applied.


Occasionally, when I am reminded of it.


Offering more services to ex-clients, building and linking each consecutive contract with a client for add-on value


On average a client will pay off a loan in 7 years. That is repeat business every 7 years and if sooner an investment loan prospect. The marketing strategy is based on referrals from this one source and their referrals thus enhancing lifetime value of each client


On the lending side we will now do smaller deals to get the relationship so we can get referrals and also get more business in the years to come from the client.


Once I gain a customer, I want to hold on to them and keep them coming back for more of what I offer.


Once they buy, they’re supposed to keep renewing every year.


Order made kitchen market has no back-end product; therefore it is difficult to calculate what actually is a lifetime value of an average client. To be able to communicate with clients as often as possible, I am trying to develop a series of back en products that will allow us to invite a client to buy from us on a constant basis.


Our annual upgrade contracts are very lucrative to us, so we spend a lot of effort trying to keep customers.


Our business model has always reflected lifetime client value


Our customers all rebuy.


Our guarantee is not really focused on the one time sale but to ensure that our customers will come back to us. Our philosophy is not that we will not make mistakes, unfortunately we will. Rather we focus on what we can do when a mistake may be made.


Our profitability is determined by how long we can maintain a client relationship. The longer the relationship the more profitable the business.


Over the course of 20 years, each and every one of our largest annual customers have gone out of business or been bought by a competitor.


Over the past few years we have changed our entire focus from providing engineering consulting services to technology transfer and software licensing. All software licenses have a mandatory annual maintenance fee.


Partially. We offer first translation for a prospective client at cost.




Planners are trying to create the “family office” where clients are kept from one generation to another.

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Question 32. Is Customer Lifetime Value (Marginal Net Worth) Reshaping Your Marketing Strategy? 279.

Pretty much. The existing clients love us and are loyal to us. Even though we go in to look after their network, they ask us to


Preventative steps taken today may save a lifetime of suffering.


Really important in this business, as a student may return many times each year and for a number of years. I know that keeping in the eyes of your customer base is vital and cost effective


Recent recognition of this vale and switch from immediate sales potential to LR value of a relationship


Recognition that this is a viable concept. We have a limited universe of customers. To grow our business we need to develop & introduce new products & services with customers who are already using our traditional products & services.


Recognizing the potential value of a good client


Reducing up front pricing when we can determine there is a long term potential with a client.


Referrals and repeat purchases have immense value to the growth of my business.


Relying on two existing customers for all our work; scary, especially since the percentage-based one has been underbidding jobs


Repeat business


Repeat business is gold in my work - and the advocacy by others is the best sales tactic since sex. I work on building authentic relationships and added value with every customer and every person I encounter at that customer.


Repeat business is less expensive to keep than new business


Retention is paramount as well as back end sales


Right now I am only working with my clients for a year. I have not proven my self yet. I do plan in the future to have my clients pay a higher monthly fee plus a royalty for the 2nd year for using my techniques.


Satisfied customers, best advertising is word of mouth. Residual income.


Seeking more applicable info on subject for our line of bus.




Shows potential of prospects.


Since 60% of our business is from repeat customers or direct referrals, we have always considered the long-term value of our customers to be very important. The problem that we are faced with is that many of our customers are now at the age where they have children in college or are about to retire and either don’t want more artwork because their money and their kid go to __XYZ__ college or they are downsizing and want to sell the prints that they have.


Slowly. We’ve done the events so sporadically and with poor record keeping. We’re just starting to track how much money we spent and how much was received. But in the next cycle of events – this should help a great deal.


So far, all my clients have been one-time purchasers. I don’t think I’ve been in business long enough to know the customer lifetime value to my business at this time.


Starting to. Can invest more in marketing when have clients who stay for year(s)


Strategies can not just be for the short term. We have to constantly be looking long term (definition of success.)


Sure, it tells me how much I can spend to get and keep a customer. I also try to figure out how I can increase this average.

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Question 32. Is Customer Lifetime Value (Marginal Net Worth) Reshaping Your Marketing Strategy? 303.

Thanks! Have to look into this.


The big money is in retaining customers, so we make the effort necessary to keep them


The customer get experience.


The customer lifetime value is reshaping my marketing strategy – This is currently the main driver in identifying prospects. I do need customers who will continue purchasing from me. There is not much value in doing business with people who will provide a customer lifetime of less than 1-2 months of business.


The more money that they have, the more opportunities we have to invest for them.


The more services they buy from us, the more dependent they are on us, which keeps them here longer with a bigger spend


The need for residual income to maintain and increase Cash Flow.


The product is lifetime and the client captured via a data base for future product offerings


The value of a supplier who you have developed a long term relationship with is immense. You no longer have to fight every season for their product and I am working with those ‘partners’ to build their business by virtue of our previous success, and so build mine. Referral and credibility.


There are two ways this is becoming more relevant. Firstly that it is the reason for our continued contact process for the database. Sooner or later they buy something else or start to do business with us. It is also why we have just begun a small in-house publishing division since this gives us another raft of information products to offer the database. Lastly we are looking at the cost of converting a customer and the average customer LTV now that we have been in business for a couple of years. This may then change our initial offer – but not sure until we have the numbers in.


This allows you focus on the client not on just more clients. How much dose it cost to get and keep. The profits in the back end. What other service can I back end to my client benefit


This concept I learned from Jay has changed how I look at a client – rather than trying to see them as a “one-off” and not worth the effort in some cases, I will try harder as I can see over a period of time they are worth far more.


This has a huge impact on what we are now doing; giving away dinners, focusing on referral programs from our top patients, etc.


This is one area that I have definitely used.


This is one area where I feel the company falls way short. When I was in another company (cell tech.blue green algae) I had about 18,000 people who bought almost one million dollars of month of product...with trivita I know have 17,0000 and they buy just over 100,000....this is why I encourage my people to go after their own customers as well...the company has just now fully endorsed people getting their own people by giving them a huge percentage of the first sale...I would like to see them offer more GREAT reasons for going on ARO but they have not done it yet...however, they say they are working towards that..right now my customer value I estimate at around $7, meaning for every 1000 customers I will have a monthly volume of $7000....I believe this can be much higher...as I have 17,000 people now and am growing over 1000 new customers a month, this would increase everyone's paycheck and make everyone happier, because as of now the biggest drawback with trivita is that it has been slow to grow a check...when I had 18,000 customers with cell tech, my check was over $50,000 a month...with trivita it is only $6000...and the little guys on my teams, after a year are making less than 1000..the

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Question 32. Is Customer Lifetime Value (Marginal Net Worth) Reshaping Your Marketing Strategy? company is actually reworking a new comp structure to correct this and we should have it this week.this is still a young company but I like that they are willing to make changes while holding on to their mission 318.

This might shape it in the future, but maybe not. Once we have a customer, they typically make the largest purchase initially. We sell software maintenance agreements, which only equals 15% of the original price, so it would take us 6 years to double the original sale. Lifetime value may make sense for the company, but not for an individual sales rep who often doesn’t spend 6 years with one software company.


This was taken into consideration from the beginning




To get off the ground, am offering low fees, temporarily.


To keep a customer for lifetime would guarantee your business, as well as a means for referral marketing.


To some degree, but not much. We have dedicated staff to work on one with our profitable used equipment area. We don’t really know the lifetime value of a subscriber or advertiser.


Trying to figure out how to incorporate it into strategy


Trying to find ways to have more products to offer and joint marketing.


Understand the return spent on gaining a customer whom we keep is repaid over and over


Understanding how much a customer is worth does two main things: first it makes you realizes that you may be able to spend more to get them, and second it makes you realize just how valuable they are and therefore increases the willingness to expend energy to keep them.


Understanding this concept allows us to make generous deals with partners, in order to get our product and services into the market place at very low up-front costs.


Using email to follow up our repeat sales as most customers do not live in our country as they were tourists


Very much so, thank you Jay – this really hit home!


We add new services to increase our profit


We are aware of lifetime value but don’t have a strategy.


We are focused on selling and developing products that have greater backends.


We are going to focus much more on customer retention then in the past


We are implementing specific strategies for the after sales market.


We are more willing to invest in a customer on the front end to solidify the likelihood of returns on the backend.


We are offering some bonuses to our prospects for signing up which we hadn’t done before, as well as putting in place some generous referral systems to our employees which will not only help us gain more clients and employees, but also improve their loyalty, performance, and pocketbooks.


We are providing more personalized service and better pricing to those patrons who appear to be longterm customers.


We are starting to figure it


We are starting to figure out how we can add other services and products after the

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Question 32. Is Customer Lifetime Value (Marginal Net Worth) Reshaping Your Marketing Strategy? initial purchase so that we can increase their lifetime value. 341.

We are willing to spend dollars attracting clients


We assess what each customer is worth and analyze what we will pay to acquire them


We attempt as much as possible to understand the potential lifetime value of a customer and use that when determining the maximum level of resources that should be employed to attract and retain them as customers.


We bank heavily on repeat customer business and backend market. We also use it as a base to establish referrals.


We better analyze how much to spend to get a customer


We can afford to spend a considerable sum to acquire a new client


We changed our pricing model to be a yearly subscription model so we could increase the lifetime value of a client. We have also added other service like consulting and started selling supplies to make the lifetime value higher. We have also made arrangements where we give away the first year of a product to a host company and we get the renewal value.


We do look at the quantity they mail, how often to determine how much effort to try to win a customer.


We do understand the concept but very difficult in a large capital intensive project business where each new project is bid and there is little assurance that many customers have any value beyond the current project.


We don’t know what that value is.


We endeavor to meet the customers needs adequately to both retain them as a repeat Guest and as a referrer of new Guests. Covered in our business plan and Guest Service Associate procedure guides and memos.


We expect to retain clients for life. Therefore they may require more time in terms of relationship building in the earlier stages.


We focus on long term relationships with our clients.


We give away our first year’s profits to develop long term relationships.


We have always aimed for "dedicated" customers, and now are not only thinking of the cost angle, but also the how to reach angle


We have placed a high value on customer retention and would like to implement a good follow-up program.


We have started calculating this and allowing this to shape the kind of incentive deals we offer to new clients.


We have systems to help a business owner in all areas of business. Our trouble is getting them as a client in the first place.


We have to make the most of what they can spend here for care.


We historically keep our clients on the books for long periods of time, and we strive to motivate them to place more and more of their business with us.


We identify and offer perfect service to our most profitable customers, by margin %


We know it, its hard to extend beyond end customers commitment.


We know that each of our customers are worth well over $25,000 over the lifetime. We’re patient and we work on them systematically.


We know that we must win new customers and can easily justify making it easy for them to come to us by what jay calls superior access vehicles.

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Question 32. Is Customer Lifetime Value (Marginal Net Worth) Reshaping Your Marketing Strategy? 365.

We know the value of our customers and so we are happy to make no profit on the front end


We know what to charge and why


We look at customer value in the long view. What are they worth to us for the lifetime of the relationship?


We market, for the most part, consumable products which must be reordered and we have a method in place for that to be automatic


We provide an ongoing subscription service, so anyone we add should be a client ongoing. Therefore every new client is a cumulative addition we don't have to resell too hard to keep clients


We realize that we have a limited customer base, so we value our customers.


We recognize the value of lifetime value, but do not “buy” jobs because of people limitations. However, we have proposed, but never sold, performance based jobs with remuneration tied to measurable results.


We tend to generate more work every time


We tend to have fewer customers rather than more and have always valued their value.


We thought about cost of acquisition and retention differently…and are making sure all the employees appreciate---strategies to retain customers have generated thousands of found dollars


We track how much business we get from individual Case Managers and make every effort to build on the relationship we have with them.


We try to keep our customers as satisfied as possible and to try to get them to increase attendance or services. Every person who attends our center has to sign up for continuing attendance, so it is very real here.


We try to make the customer's 1st buying experience a pleasant one...so we can expect to see them at least 3 more times


We try to negotiate the set up fee in order to get our foot inside the door. As we charge a monthly fee for our services


We understand how much we are willing to pay for each new contract.




We will be willing to spend more to get a customer and also we are working on the backend.


We will concentrate more on prospects who are heavy users and will price initial projects with them at a low rate to establish a business relationship.


We will need to have more focus on retaining the clients we have


We will need to have more focus on retaining the clients we have


We will take lower fees initially to get their business.


We work closely with small relationships which help me stay alive


We’re beginning to look at this in terms of where we should be spending more of our efforts to close additional business (see how high is high) but also to get a sense of how much we can afford to spend to get a new customer in the door. Right now cash flow restricts our deal flow.


We’re more open to reducing fees the 1st year to get the client


We’re new in business, so as we continually discover that the lifetime value is, we can provide more non-live touch both at the beginning of the relationship and ongoing. We’re also putting in place a commission strategy that pays our

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Question 32. Is Customer Lifetime Value (Marginal Net Worth) Reshaping Your Marketing Strategy? salespeople more for selling to existing customers than new ones. 390.

We’re not afraid to lose money on the first order


We’ve not implemented this concept yet, but will. We will rearrange our sales commissions to reflect this strategy.


Well, I understand that by doing a good job for them they’ll probably want more


Well, in the process of figuring this out – it’s different for training than consulting so it takes a bit of work. But it is shaping the new marketing strategy I am working on now.


We're now starting to spend more to acquire new clients


What I offer and risk reversal


When we figure our initial costs in bidding, we often take a lower gross margin based on how long we know we keep that kind of client and how many items we can upsell them on over the life of the contract. Also we figure a referral value.


While we understand the concept, and referral would constitute 30% of our new business enquiry (the largest after Yellow Pages at 50%) we can’t say we’ve truly harnessed the power of lifetime value. We’ve never been proactively in touch with our customer base (apart from sending invoices to our hire customers monthly) and we’re currently working on our database (just over 5,000 records) to classify it into workable segments. It’s our intention to develop some sort of dialogue with them, though we’re not clear yet how we can do that.


With few exceptions, people purchase Luggage less often than they buy houses. We value the few repeat customers we have, but most are for smaller purchases.


Working on it with new program for emailing


Working on it.


Yes and no, at this time (i.e. start-up) you have to balance initial outlay with longterm value of a customer because 1. It’s not yet known. 2. It’s wise to test strategies before rolling anything out that isn’t proven. But yes, the long-term value of customer definitely makes sense when deciding how much to invest in acquiring clients.


Yes –I no longer look for clients who are going to give one-off pieces of work


Yes, dissatisfied customers will sometime destroy the confidence of others wanting business coaching


Yes, we are just starting this exercise and looking at how we can use this information in our marketing strategy. Can we give away or greatly discount our software knowing that the lifetime value of support contracts will support us.


Yes, we invest a tremendous amount in each potential partner/customer.


You know what you can afford to spend for future income.


You never deal with the one time sales aspect. Every person that I have ever talked with in my business deals with this. The only way to overcome this is to get a long term contract with a restaurant chain or such (which I just have done). It is basically al=ways advertising for new business.

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Question 33. What’s the Most Advanced Marketing Concepts or Tools You Use to Sell More Products to More People? Question 33. What’s the most advanced marketing concepts or tools you use to sell more products to more people? Describe briefly below. 1.

(1) Springvale Star Performers. – Continuous restocking of product in bloom or otherwise at its peak. Utilizes three ways to grow a business. More clients, larger orders and more frequently using risk reversal as the closer. (2) Our planned Email marketing could outstrip this.


(a) Customer lifetime value as described in (32) above, (b) risk-reversal on an initial small-scope contract that the customer doesn’t have to pay for if he doesn’t receive value and (c) referrals.


(Don’t have yet)


? (7)


“Advanced”? What’s that mean? It’s all basic communication, whether it’s via letter, phone, face-to-face or web site.


“Insider knowledge” targeted to the biggest reasons/fears people don’t cruise or repeat.


1) Host beneficiary relationship where we use the USPS sales force to distribute sample products and let that give the implied endorsement. 2) Allow scale manufactures to give out a $29 product for free (they only pay me the CD duplication cost of $.095 each). We get the renewal 3) we give out at least a $50 referral fee to anyone that sends us a client that buys something from us. 4) Use an annual subscription model so we can keep our initial price low and make the money over years. 5) Joint venturing with other players in the postal field.


100% money-back, performance guarantee.


1Barter as high as 40k - I usually get double value 2Have one paying client set it up so they get (seems like) a free give away to 5 to 10 others people or companies based on a ratio of how much they spend -when actually they save me thousands in advertising to fill a presentation room- It's usually disguised as a think tank or problem solving seminar or new opportunities event they host- I have only my time cost-


A flyer about a different book (or maybe two) enclosed with one that’s sold.


A leaflet or handbill describing products.


A newsletter, working on a website.


A private but growing community of marketers


A servants attitude.


A superior access vehicle I use is writing articles


A telephone and face-to-face sales script


About the most consistent thing we do is fax ads on a weekly basis.


Accent the service areas first. Have application assistance ready, spare parts lists, and field service available


Ads and letters


Advanced? Unified method works, web reports with links back to us




Advertising & seminar


Affiliate program for our web site and web site rewrites to increase conversion ratio.


Align our selves with a large national retailer who sells our products.

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Question 33. What’s the Most Advanced Marketing Concepts or Tools You Use to Sell More Products to More People? 25.

All the ones mentioned, and I would say they are not particularly advanced


Although this should be considered more of a tool, than a strategy, we have created websites specifically for the demonstration of our specialty functionalities. These can be accessed anywhere, at any time by password authorization. Our JVs and 100% money back performance guarantees qualify as integral to our most advanced strategies.


Among other things, my sales letter was designed to have the employees of the targeted company, as well as their families into clients of us.


Analyse the current customers and classify them as major accounts.


Appeal to their emotions and try and sell additional products when they agree to buy.


Articles placed in other ezines


Ask patients for referrals


Ask…every time a customer comes in, get to know them and their needs and seek to fill them and make them aware of other ways we can help


At this time the direct mail approach followed with a seminar and face to face discussion.


At this time, for what will be put in place, I would say email marketing and joint ventures.


Back end --- Tell them that we can make video duplicates in tape, CD, DVD formats, etc.




Backend because we don’t just transport the fish, we store and process all in one building


Back-end sales


Backend sell.


Basic stuff…ours is a simple business. Stylists are trained to stress benefits, not features, and communicate that _______ is a unique experience/product that makes you feel good as well as look good.


Basically we punt a) the fact that we are addressing the need/tendency of businesses to concentrate on their core business and outsource everything else b) take all the hassles and responsibility for judging and controlling various service providers away from the customer c) are prepared to get involved in projects on a profit share basis (learnt from Jay Abraham at LA seminar).


Basically we punt a) the fact that we are addressing the need/tendency of businesses to concentrate on their core business and outsource everything else b) take all the hassles and responsibility for judging and controlling various service providers away from the customer c) are prepared to get involved in projects on a profit share basis (learnt from Jay Abraham at LA seminar).


Be in the right place at the right time.


Being able to discuss the referrers business and interests with them. Understanding what makes them tick.


Brochures and canvassing


Brochures and sales materials left with the customer regarding home warranties.




Bundling, provide package with more value to increase sale from just one book

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Question 33. What’s the Most Advanced Marketing Concepts or Tools You Use to Sell More Products to More People? 49.

Business clubs +++


Buying History


By continually adding value and suggesting opportunities and alternatives based on long-term goals. Website shows examples


By referral only


By using a diagnostic tool I am able to show them that they may need more than just what they thought they needed


By visiting people and demonstrate how the products work on them


Can’t think of any, except using our website to sell software. Its automated and doesn’t require human intervention.


Can't tell.


Careful development of our web site.


Case studies and referrals, and some local seminars


Client Business breakfast promotions


Client Education to my products and services.


Cold calling, referrals, networking with customers


Computerised illustrations on laptop for mortgages & life assurance


Constantly promote all the services we offer. We find that a client will only use a couple of the services we offer, so we constantly work towards them using more services.


Consultative Selling Solution Selling Needs Analysis SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) Seminar teaching in order to generate future sales opportunities


Consulting with clients on how to grow their business – applying the Abraham techniques to assist our clients.


Contacting Attorneys, Real Estate Brokers, Mortgage Brokers, Title Companies, etc. for referrals


Contacts and a lot of them


Create independent informational web sites about gardening topics that are interesting to my target market, and then get those visitors to click through to my site and buy.


Creating strategic alliances and driving people to our website.


Cross selling


cross selling


Cross-selling, returning customer incentives, and new asked-for products.


Currently we are developing the client for life strategy. We are in the process of setting up the tactics that will help make this strategy successful.


Customer Referral, done correctly, is very powerful if done every 6 months.


Dealing with center of influence referral sources


Define final consumer price, after subtracting discount and something like that


Demo CD


Demonstrating the potentials for combining several business improvements in a multiplier effect


Design of programs to use our products.

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Question 33. What’s the Most Advanced Marketing Concepts or Tools You Use to Sell More Products to More People? 80.

Direct and personal contact with each and every client we will have.


Direct Calls.


Direct mail


Direct Mail marketing of coupons


Direct mail – seems outdated to me – but that’s what I use


Direct Mail and offering additional products that is not our core business.


Direct mail and offers.


Direct mail and phone followup.


Direct mail endorsements and host beneficiary to run seminars for hosts clients


Direct mail offers and one on one consults


Direct mailing


Direct marketing package with phone call and follow up.


Direct marketing to target audience


Direct sales=promotion; more to the same people and explore new markets;


Do to joint venture with other consultants or trainers




Don’t have any yet


Don’t have one


Don’t have one.


Don’t know


Don’t know


Don’t really have any, that is my problem.


Don’t sell products!


Don't have any.


During the test phase, we’ll sell our products via a retail establishment and radio.


E- newsletter


Educating prospects and converting them into clients


Education and Solution Selling


Education of our customers, via training, seminars, web-based product specifications and literature, customer conferences, and specific face-to-face solution development and problem solving. We have also started using Webbased training tools, where it’s not possible to be in person. But even though technically advanced, we find it to be a far less effective selling and marketing mechanism than being in person.




E-mail marketing combined with Direct Mail and website promotion


eMail, Infomercials and it’s cheaper to buy customers than to acquire them one by one.


Email, website ... affiliate marketing.


E-mailing my resume


Emails and one-on-one phone calls and free consultations


Encouraging customer to touch, feel the products.

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Question 33. What’s the Most Advanced Marketing Concepts or Tools You Use to Sell More Products to More People? 116.

Every time we close out a project we ask them what else we can do for them. There may be existing things we know about, which we will propose for a follow-on project.


Financial Needs Analysis – Diversified financial gameplan


Find people who are looking for something and offer it to them


First 2 hours free, better than risk free guarantees, referrals


Flash commercials.


Flyers handed out to potential buyers of our services & products


Focus on narrow (niche) markets and able to provide more customer benefits.


Follow on work from happy clients


Follow-on sales calls


Follow-up autoresponder which can sell things till Armagedon automatically Mailings – funny it sounds but you said people don't use their customer bases Free gifts that show how bad is customer's knowledge about marketing – then I can sell solutions


Follow-up, free stuff


For people who are better qualified financially they can buy two or three properties rather than just one.


Form letters and programs available from manufacturers.


Formalized Referrals Systems and Partnerships with high traffic websites.


Free promoting and networking of customers schools, events, etc. Also, we started putting on advanced cross-training workshops where we are losing money, but hope to make it up in reputation and extended word-of-mouth.




Generous affiliate program where other web sites get 25% of subscription sale if customers subscribe from their site.


Gift certificates on special occasions good for retail products


Gillette blades


Gillette blades


Give away information: audio book, newsletter, free/low cost seminars


Give customer a software demo. Because it’s a corporate purchase, they won’t buy until they make sure it serves their needs.


Give first. Create some value for customer at no cost to him/her. Then offer products that provide solutions.


Give them no choice


Giving away! See 22. Also: publish appropriate specifications and interfaces so that innovation can happen elsewhere. Clients and partners can innovate and create wealth using our open technology and products and knowledge. This fuels market growth and adoption, and our stuff gets ingrained in all everyone does.


Giving the opportunity not to pay if we do not achieve their goals.


Growth through acquisition of other companies that have supportive services.


Guaranteed, no risk refunds or return on goods.




Have none.

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Question 33. What’s the Most Advanced Marketing Concepts or Tools You Use to Sell More Products to More People? 146.

Having a monthly quality issues forum with sales staff and vault operations personnel to exchange views and collaborate


Having our referral sources sell our product to blend with theirs.


Having product parties. Finding someone willing to host either a health products or skin care products get together and building off of contact developed there.


High perceived value Low cost/High margins Risk reversal Brand differentiation Unconventional channels Clientele Databases management USP


Holding information evenings to discuss subject matter


Honesty. Finding out what is needed and wanted and offering it on a one on one basis.


Host Beneficiary




Host-beneficiary relationships, combined with risk reversal.




I am not sure what exactly you mean by advanced, but we’re not extremely sophisticated. We use radio and print and direct mail to generate leads by offering something to get us in the door. Then we use a drip method of follow-up with educational pieces and testimonial pieces.


I have none right now but plan to start next week using authenticated email lists in the near future.


I present my services at consultation.


I use risk reversal, USP, packaging, and am working on setting up alliances. I’ve learned all of these from several programs, Jay’s being some of them. I own several of Jay’s products.


I am still trying to develop this.


I am working on the following idea: After I have built up my email distribution list to several hundred, I am going to send out a Special Offer of free gifts to be provided by other businesses for having exposure to the people on my list to motivate 100 people to request and complete a Confidential Questionnaire by a certain date. Those who are part of this group of 100, will then be invited to an evening of entertainment and networking opportunities at the end of which a drawing of prizes will be held. Those who provide me with at least 6 more email addresses of people who agree to receive my weekly “Must-Know” InfoTM Bulletin will then be eligible to also win one of three vacations to be provided by travel agencies who want exposure. The details of this plan must still be worked out.


I can’t say we really are. We have some things we use in our sales scripts for opening order specials to bring a new dealer on board to buy product.


I combine direct mail and telemarketing.


I developed a “super spreadsheet” that details the combined effects of consumer spending, taxation, and investment and shows how to achieve the lifestyle they presently enjoy and still accumulate 7 figures or more over 15-20 yrs. By simply restructuring the way they spend their money.


I do not use any


I do pretty well at search engine placement. Between 70-90% of the people searching for products or services use search engines to find what they are looking for.


I do use the PC and CD’s for direct marketing of Information Products. I do

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Question 33. What’s the Most Advanced Marketing Concepts or Tools You Use to Sell More Products to More People? demonstrate! I do use the Internet and two websites for Internet Marketing. 168.

I don’t


I don’t consider any of my projects using advanced concepts right now


I don’t really use any “advanced” concepts.


I don’t think it is advanced but my customers seem to think it is and respond very well to it: a simple reward card that has rewards on the front and my market locations and contact details on the back.


I don’t yet have a backend, but developing a backend is part of my strategy and I expect to get to it towards the end of 2003, and beginning of 2004.I do anticipate the a backend of the RT will be that some RT Members will opt for one – one executive coaching.


I don't use anything advanced.


I doubt that I use advanced concepts, but I would have to say just asking people to send someone in just like themselves


I enclose a letter when I mail out a free trial CD. The letter mentions custom programming is available.


I give away free “product” to allow prospects to familiarize with my service offering.


I had no idea there was a ranking of concepts!


I have done 3 for the price of two,


I have increased sales by referring people I cannot help to someone else and he returns the favor by sending me people he cannot help. Looking into adding more services to my existing clientele.


I have not used any successfully yet, I did try a couple of barter transactions but they have not panned out as planned. I believe that my referral process will work well once I start selling. I believe you need to have a profile of your proposed customer so that you can write the appropriate sales copy.


I have written a referral system in Coldfusion, and use it to immediately ask for referrals from all of the people who have just bought from me.


I haven’t had that success yet, so I can’t tell you


I haven't really developed any "back-end" strategy. I try to set up contracts for multiple appearances, i.e. I quote pricing based upon discounts for future opportunities.


I just talk to people at my clients, try to figure out what’s on their mind and what their problems are, then I create products that I think will help them.


I just try to show the client that I am only there to help them.


I market a service. I don’t look on it as a product.


I Media Pro CD


I offer a free 3 hour joint venture marketing seminar


I sell exclusivity in the products that I promote to defined sectors of the marketplace


I step them up from 25 cents to two jars for $10.00 or they can get the quart for only $19.95 a $56.00 value.


I think I use risk reversal the most. Also, I program my clients to use my services on an ongoing basis.


I use Adobe Acrobat to make pdf files which are cross-platform (allowing me to reach a wider audience) and add to them a viral spin by making them customizable with the buyer’s own affiliate links, so he can distribute it and profit from it, while I

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Question 33. What’s the Most Advanced Marketing Concepts or Tools You Use to Sell More Products to More People? get my name in front of more people without any additional effort. 193.

I use my email database to inform and sell products/services which I think would be of use to them


I use the internet with a secure module behind the website to tap into the corporate genius of everyone. By everyone creating better products and services and learning better techniques to communicate or sell them, you can fast forward the essence of their sales.


I used up selling after I’ve gotten the contract the first show. Also, I train the exhibitors from show to show and this increases profits.


I utilize a Market Map (aka Perceptual Map) to create a visual depiction of their competitive landscape. We then map, with customer input, where they currently are (brand Position) where they hope to get to (Brand Positioning Statement) what boundaries that control them (Brand Permissions and Constraints) and the ideal. I have used this concept without fail for 20 years, with some major successes, in both Fortune 500 and small cos.


I will be using a e book or some kind of ezine but the most will be on the back end like video’s or tapes, coaching and teleseminars.


I wish I had one.


I would market more aggressively on my website by promoting my site, etc.


I would say the website I am developing.


I’m beginning to see the potential for my knowledge to make passive income creating and selling self-help information products through the internet.


I’m not sure?


I’m pretty puny on this one.


I’m working on Chet Holme’s dream 100 methods as part of my future action plan.


I’ve started offering no-questions asked guarantees and risk reversal to get the prospect to go ahead and place the order entirely at my risk, after reading your information on the topic. To my delight, the refund rate has been miniscule, proving it works beautifully. Also, point of sale up-sells have increased the proportion of impulse sales at the last moment.


I’ve started offering no-questions asked guarantees and risk reversal to get the prospect to go ahead and place the order entirely at my risk, after reading your information on the topic. To my delight, the refund rate has been miniscule, proving it works beautifully. Also, point of sale up-sells have increased the proportion of impulse sales at the last moment. a. I'm at the becoming aware of the relevance of using such tools and am at the looking and learning stage.


I'm selling services. Meetings is the most advanced tool.


Improve my closing skills.


In real estate its location location location in my business its outcome outcome outcome. They don’t even have to like you as long as they get quantifiable value.


Information about my product s and service and why it will benefit that patient.


Informative newsletter which value will support and promote itself


Integrated internet-email-mail-direct contact mail special offers tied to breaking news with targeted customers in comparison with geographical tests and target group tests


Integrated Multi-media marketing. Direct mail, fax, telemarketing, web and email all

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Question 33. What’s the Most Advanced Marketing Concepts or Tools You Use to Sell More Products to More People? drive prospects and customers to purchase more and more often. 214.

Interactive, hands-on workshops (showing is better than telling, but DOING is even BETTER!)


Internet automations. We have developed a way for our customer and sales staff to set up and build a testing web site via a web enable PDA. Once this is set up it runs automatically.






Internet and words of mouths


Internet and words of mouths


Internet based communication and education tools


Internet flash presentation. Within 8 minutes of someone looking at a flash presentation, they know if they want more info or not.


Internet marketing and selling. To find out who is interested in our service, get their details, and build up the relationship by a serious of sales letter.


Internet marketing takes my products to Europe and farther affield


Internet marketing, AmazingMail postcards


Internet site with on line booking and opt in email newsletter and extensive listing of Inn on as many sites as I can find.


Internet, next wave of technological innovation


It is hard to sell more that one product in Mortgage banking. What else do I sell?


It’s is not advanced but just giving such good service and really looking out for their best interest so the client end up giving us referrals on their own.


It’s no more sophisticated than targeted email campaigns, sponsored seminars & conferences, investor relationship management program for our investor customers + dedicated Origination program for our issuer customers.


Jay's concept of helping people get full reward/benefit from their purchases. We try to show packing accessories that organize and simplify packing with each suitcase, but find many people resist - they either like the way they pack now, or feel we're just trying to pad the sale.


Just beginning to apply


Just email marketing


Lead generating ads, followed by direct marketing.


Leading trainings and seminars, to attract new clients.


Letter boxing with story and benefits.


Letting customer experiences using the product and the real "stories" about that and testimonials from the use of the product would be as advanced as I have gotten so far.


Leverage. 1) Alliance marketing – partner with complementary skills to serve client 2) Develop and Work back end for clients, 3.) Host-Beneficiary relationships – have applied this for other clients.


Leveraging of technology and my “knowledge and experience” in getting it done. We are positioning several products that have a fixed cost to create and virtually NO cost to distribute (there is a cost but it is miniscule). This is going to be our “introduction” leader to folks.


Listen for wants

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Question 33. What’s the Most Advanced Marketing Concepts or Tools You Use to Sell More Products to More People? 240.

Listen to identify other needs, show them what hidden assets they have, and then match my services to what they need.


Local advertising


Long term contracts, year end rebates


Looking from the Polish market, being absolutely honest can turn to be the most advanced marketing concept. People are starved for honest companies and when they do realize through our “needs questionnaire”, proposal, and as promised _installation that we are totally honest with them, this concept can become the best-selling tactics and can develop into a top quality referral system.


Mailing and handing out CD’s to tell the story to prospects


Make their development needs an investment, not a cost


Mass media advertising and providing exceptional in store service


Me wearing Tonerman. People will remember me in tights & Call 1-800-tonerman (1-800-866-3762).


Microsoft has prepared some excellent tool which are based on the Solution Selling system


More focused (direct) mailing pieces


Most advanced is the 3 step letter campaign. Need to get internet marketing going.


Mostly proposal based – have never missed one in 24 years.


Mouth water emotionally copy. Creating fierce desire. Risk –reversal. Pay nothing if your no satisfied after the 5 day seminarFree seminar, or movie (on CD) of it. Constant contact –(explicitly being in the extreme –self interest of the client. Having a 3 letter introduction follow up plan.


Multiple contacts to prospects totaling 6-8 touches. Most people in my industry give up after 2 calls. Strategy of Pre-eminance- education and consulting my clients


Multiple departments will target each customer to sell additional products or services, referrals from complementary non competing industries.


My business is by referral only. I have never done a mailing or made cold calls.


My core approach of combining business development and employee benefits.


My marketing is all basic stuff. Nothing really advanced.


My web sites; here they are: http://totalhealthdynamics.com and http://123loseweightnow.com


N/A (10)


Name endorsements, and co- branding


Needs analysis. If we can meet the need; great. If not, tell client so. If possible, recommend someone else by specific criteria.


Neg. Reverse Selling


Network Marketing


New venture.




Newsletters from the company plus follow up calls and contacts with downline and customers about new advances and products


Nil (3)


NLP processes: relationship selling; reverse selling.

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Question 33. What’s the Most Advanced Marketing Concepts or Tools You Use to Sell More Products to More People? 269.

No advanced marketing concepts


No advanced, I just simply aggressively maintain contact with professionals that refer people to me.


No Cost installation (2)


No idea


No products are sold. I ‘sell’ service. Tactics are not what I would consider ‘advanced’ they are what I would call good business.


None (16)


None, as those practiced are basic. The only advanced system would be Dr. Paddy Lund’s referral-only systems. However though I have acquired his works-inprogress, I have not implemented them fully.


None, no backend.


Not applicable at this time but will apply later on. Once we build a list, we will mine it.


Not developed or implemented yet.


Not doing well in this area


Not established


Not in that line of business.


Not making any money – give it away for free – and let the back end take care of me.


Not more then what have been said so far


Not sure


Not sure if this applies to my business.


Not sure what is meant by ‘advanced’ concepts. The most successful concept to do this for us so far has been through alliances. They effectively act as new distribution channels and reach many more people than we could on our own unless we had more financial resources. Making good win/win deals with the allies works well for all.


Nothing advanced really


Nothing advanced. I grew up in a small grocery store. We always suggest at least one item that fits in with what they came in for.


Nothing beyond a telephone.


Nothing so far has worked even though EVERYONE SAYS their product works.


Nothing that can be considered truly “advanced”


Nothing too advanced, although anniversary cards have had that “holy crap” dazzle factor, that has garnered much repeat biz.


Nothing too advanced… see more of the right people – decision makers – and impress them to the point where they want their salespeople to be able to do what our MD does.


Nothing very advanced. Alliance with trade groups for market contact. Direct mail. Exploring email. Training sales and operations people so they are very knowledgeable.


Of all tools good PR works best


Offer free installation for rented equipment or services.


Offering interest free rates as above in the above described setting

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Question 33. What’s the Most Advanced Marketing Concepts or Tools You Use to Sell More Products to More People? 298.

Offering options at point of sale


Offering trial offers for paying clients of another service


One on one


One thing that has stuck in my head after LA is the repackaging of information or one event ie reformatting the one lot of knowledge eg written words, tapes etc.


Only have one product now.


Only price and certification, comparing ours to non-certified


Only sell mortgages


Our business is database driven as the target market is fairly easy to broadly identify in the B2B market.


Our guarantee of 15 – 25% revenue improvement.


Our most successful marketing efforts have been through a referral program, marketing our service to companies that serve our target clients, and are in a great position to determine whom and when to refer to us.


Our web based e tool box system. Give customers everything they need to build their own business.


Our website


Our website themarsteam.com


Outside core business – web-based traffic analysis for search engines


Pareto Principle




Performance of their needs


Personal contact and demonstration of services.


Personal contact and understanding their business and processes.


Personal contact.


Personal contacts


Personalised service


Personalized e-mail relationship building.


Phone and written communications, networking


Phone discussions. Some product literature.


Plain old customer education—its also a strategic direction and purpose.


Plan on using autoresponders


Planning to use Risk Reversal


Power point presentations in the office


Preemptive strategy, risk reversal


Preferred customer status ; heavy followup and advance notifications of special opps


Preferred supplier agreements


Premium pricing


Presenting at conferences (seminar selling) as this tends to make people look at me as the expert.


Press releases, etc.


Press releases; referral rewards

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Question 33. What’s the Most Advanced Marketing Concepts or Tools You Use to Sell More Products to More People? 334.

Previously described


Primerica’s Financial Needs Analysis is its what differentiates us from other financial planning programs and also that we educate our clients about they can become financially independent.


Print advertising


Printed brochure, address listings, web site


Probably it has been through referrals. After the December Training Program I have been working at building a monthly mailing with follow-ups. Some education provided and some calls to action with offers on selected services or products.


Probably selling through the back-end. This is a very simple technique, so I hesitate slightly to call it advanced, but the great thing about it is that it not only allows us to sell more (urns for ashes, engraving of ashes, solid bases for coffins etc) but also increases our standing in the eyes of the funeral directors because we offer such a complete package.


Probably the reverse close concept whereby at the end of an outside lecture to an audience you tell them that you don't want them to come in unless they are really serious about keeping the appointment, because there are a limited number of them available and it wouldn't be fair to those that needed it if they scheduled an appointment but did not come in.


Probably selling up to my clients. For example, selling up from plain clear glass to the UV coated glass to better protect their artwork/collectibles.


Promote and advertise in senior newsletters.


Proposals to existing clients based on deep knowledge of their needs, spreading info, getting on the board of local industry association


Provide incentives for referrals to present clients or other interested people


Providing a very powerful guarantee for complete risk reversal


Publish articles


Questioning and listening./backending-seeing my clients over and over-going back to the well




Radio and newspaper ads.


Re-certification requirements


Referral and word of mouth


Reference selling


Referral (6)


Referral and close association with educational institutions


Referral program, see above.


Referral System, for each referral we get we pay % off their mortgage, of offer investing material. Sending PDF Newsletter with our Guarantee and different investing strategies,+ case studies. . Our new database that has over 200 automotive process for creating touch points ie emails, fax out, letters, scheduling phone calls and appointments. And this just happen every morning, while having coffee.


Referrals from business alliances. Practitioners calling the manufacturer of products that I distribute are referred to me by the manufacturer.


Referrals, referrals, and more referrals

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Question 33. What’s the Most Advanced Marketing Concepts or Tools You Use to Sell More Products to More People? 359.

Referred lead prospecting


Relationships (2)


Remembering I'm selling a relationship and results as opposed to a service.


Repeat contact


Rewarding them for participating and plugging them into the "back-end".


Right now, I rely upon “word of mouth”. I have created a web site and am investigating internet marketing strategies


Right now, we don’t have enough products to upsell or cross-sell to our client or prospect base. Eventually, we will be able to recommend complementary reports of ours, and perhaps even introduce products and services from outside firms.


Risk Reversal – No risk, money back.


Risk reversal – offer full money back if not satisfied. Describe services in ways which show people what problems they might solve


Risk Reversal and guaranteed ROI


Risk reversal and total guarantee. If our client is not 100% happy with our work, the client can choose any of our competitors to translate the text and we pay for it, no questions asked.


Risk reversal by offering (largely) contingent based consulting.


Risk reversal to obtain initial consulting assignments


Risk reversal, bonuses, time sensitive offers


Risk Reversal, but not consistently. Offering a guarantee. Discounting services when more is purchased.


Risk reversal, give some info, but not enough that they will come back for more


Risk Reversal. Try to make all services totally performance driven, and then reverse the risk so that nothing is payable unless demonstrable benefit has been created.


Risk Reversal: Clients can cancel the contract any time. If they do cancel, we pay them penalty. Value: We give additional value (and tell them) which is anywhere between 20% to 50% (we give items like free training, free replacement parts, free consulting etc. which cost us very little but for the client it is in thousands of dollars)


Risk Reversal—and private label—taking the trust and credibility and leveraging that with a 100% turnkey back office for the assn, non profit, for profit, group, professional sports, Nascar, ---any group or groups looking for another revenue stream


Risk reversal—if they don’t see the value they don’t pay. Also, I have offered to be compensated based on the benefits derived from the system I create for a client.


Risk reversal—try our services for FREE worth up to $300


Sad to say I don’t have one.


Sales brochure or Opportunity event.


Sales People


Say what?


Second contractor was impressed with our quality and professionalism, which has led to a lot more work and very lucrative relationship


Sell using other peoples database


Selling of series of lessons, discounting further purchases after prior participation.

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Question 33. What’s the Most Advanced Marketing Concepts or Tools You Use to Sell More Products to More People? 387.

Selling packaged services and collecting for them in advance of delivery


Seminar selling: target groups of people and do FREE experiential workshops to give them a taste of my stuff; target and work with people who have a high level of influence and credibility in the market


Seminars and educating the client


Seminars and sales guarantees


Seminars where other products are offered for sale




Send a follow up email or let the autoresponders do the work


Shipping free sample to prospective clients that would cost them $20, or more! Reciprocity kicks in. I have some salespeople who refuse to send them out because it makes their numbers look bad on profitability!


Show them that in a low economy there are still opportunities and sell the new concept to them and the benefit of reaping Plus the cost of not doing it.


Simple low tech. cost effective classified ads, flyers, and doorhangers.




So far, with the clients I have (Financial professionals), it has been websites, seminars and direct mail.


Sophisticated automated CRM using Maximiser and a 5 contact (phone, fax, email, card, phone) to warm and educate suspects and prospects


South West Airlines, they create an image which is highly desirable to employees and investors alike. Since the employees feel deep ownership of the service, all of them go the extra mile to make sure that the South West experience is a contagious idea that generates long term customer loyalty.


Speed and risk-reversal


Stay in touch, remember important dates (birthdates) Send out news letter.


Staying in contact with our people, repeated exposure in the community


Still searching.


Still working on that.


Strategic Alliances – offering my competitions products to my customers so I have it all to offer and they have only theirs.


Strategy of Preeminence


Synergistic alliances


Tap into a network of influencers


Targeted email campaign


Team system, guarantees


Technology Roadshows.


Telemarketing. If that works too slowly, I would like to use postcards later.


Telephone & cold calling


Teleselling, fax selling – attempting to mass e-mail soon


Tele-seminars pushed via web to sell into expensive events & then drive backend.


Tell people how their health is and give them all options to achieve optimum health


That’s what we’re trying to develop.


The development of our network of technology transfer partners

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Question 33. What’s the Most Advanced Marketing Concepts or Tools You Use to Sell More Products to More People? 420.

The first most advanced concept we use would be our “Assurances”. The second would be the development of our internal Code Of Practice currently being developed between the partners of the business. This code is to be like our “Assurances” but working at an internal level at the highest stratum of our organization. We see this as being the glue which will hold the business together into the next phase of its development, because it will stop the ‘leaks’ – by leaks we mean it will stop the partners letting themselves and each other off the hook regarding their behaviour, their promises, their work practices, etc. And while on the surface this does not appear to be a marketing strategy, it’s a codification of what’s at the very heart of our organization. This document, once completed will then have another stage which will be extending it into the workplace proper. (The current Code is purely applicable to the partners’ interaction amongst themselves.) We can be 100% confident our competitors would never be able to do what we’re doing, they are too corporate. But this document sets the foundation for tightening everything up at ACN. [Sample extract from the code at the end of this report.] This document (again) is a tactic first which means that it’s been developed for application amongst the four partners only. When completed (the workshops which are creating it are still in progress) will then be expanded to a strategic level where work will commence on developing a staff-wide equivalent. This Partner Code will be the published model, and against which the staff may hold the partners accountable. Thus it is our intention to develop a culture at ACN of guaranteed behaviour and full accountability which will mean integrity will permeate every aspect of life here. This culture will then set us apart even further from our competitors, and will be one of the most radical market differentiation factors we can create.


The internet and direct mails


The internet and soon to fallow franchising.


The internet and specifically the ability to download pdf files No muss, no fuss – no paper and no postage


The Internet, we own several content sites that reinforce our position as the leader in our industry.


The Internet. We get more people from here than anywhere.


The more real estate listings we have the more business we attract.


The most advanced system we have to sell more to people is by follow up calling and trying to keep in touch with our customers and having them refer us to their counterparts in other companies.


The principle product (car VIN etching) allows the secondary (other assets) offered after the first sale


The tool we use when we present to corporate clients is a spreadsheet program which explains if certain changes are made in the way executives are remunerated the tax savings that accrue there are only 100 financial advisor firms that have this tool, it really gets across to the prospect in a simplified way a complex subject which results in us being able to convince them to take on our recommendations. In terms of the more people aspect of the question we are limited by the number of advisors and this presentation has to be completed face to face.


The up sell, cross sell, down sell and resell strategies.


There is always something new on the Internet. But advanced? I believe people are pretty much the same as they were 1000, 2000 even 3000 years ago or more. Technology has changed, our knowledge has changed but the basic wants needs and desires of the human race are the same. The same characteristics that drove a consumer to buy from one street vendor as opposed to another back in the time of

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Question 33. What’s the Most Advanced Marketing Concepts or Tools You Use to Sell More Products to More People? Christ hasn't changed. I'm rambling and this is probably not what you want so I'll conclude by saying autoresponders on the Internet are some of the best tools I use. 432.

They are all basic.


Three ways: 1) Sell more incremental units per sale, 2) Sell to more customers, 3) Sell auxiliary products/services to exciting customers


To broaden the perspective of an individual by education so their perceived needs list becomes longer and more concrete.


To compete by showing services excelling in quality, and hence, distinguishing yourself with other competitors.


To keep your name in front of the customers (or prospective customers)


To persuade individual clients over the phone who are looking to sell their house, we offer to recertify their appraisal to a potential buyer, thereby saving the buyer closing costs and making the appraisal a dual edged tool, to value and help market.


To strategic customers, there are ‘customer confidential’ PPT slides to document exactly how our solutions fit their needs. OK this is for key customers. To sell more products to more people, we started relying on Internet seminars since last year, with advertisements in EETimes and CMP publications.


Total customer satisfaction/delight – giving peace of mind


Training and information sharing. More your people know about your products and system, more incline they are of being knowledgeable on how to sell it.


Try to give them something useful I think they may benefit from in their practice


Two step selling


Typically we can upsell a client to a more expensive solution by showing them how, long term, it will save them money, time and heartache.




Up sell additional damage and minor mechanical work needed. Considering selling accessories as well.


Up selling. Training the sales team to ask questions rather than just take orders, therefore understanding the customers needs.


Upselling on point of purchase at my web site. Giving away free gifts to my prospect and customer lists... that introduce people to my JV partners


Upselling to more than one product


Upsells before (or even right after) the event of a 39.95 report90 day risk reversal for performance and impact of the programs. Better than risk free (offering lots of bonuses) At end of every event I ask participants to take 10 minutes and answer these three questions: 1) how did this day compare to other events you’ve been to? 2) what did you HONESTLY think this event was going to be like before you came and what do you HONESTLY think now? 3) What is this day LIKE (give us a metaphor – e.g. it’s like a breath of fresh air). Then I collect them, read them once to feel good and then a second time to select key testimonials to put on the website and materials.


Use networking, direct mail, cold calling


Use of web pages on our site.


Use promotions such as trips or contests to get more face to face time with end users to bring them over to the products I sell and my customers that carry what I sell


Using host parasite relationships where we have a special offer to prospective end-

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Question 33. What’s the Most Advanced Marketing Concepts or Tools You Use to Sell More Products to More People? user using complementary products/services from another supplier. 454.

Using my website to collect my prospect’s contact information.


Value-added service


Vendor newsgroups, vendor events, word-of-mouth, web, e-mail.


We have just begun sending a monthly newsletter or ezine to our preferred customers encouraging them to listen to the "Doctor's Calls" and considering other products that speak directly to their health challenges.


We are a one product company


We are able to increase most orders when we are able to understand what the client wants to achieve. In our industry the motto is “publish or perish” so it is important that clients get all they can when their work is submitted. In most cases money is not an issue.


We are about to start an exciting email campaign


We are employing a telemarketing concept into our marketing plan.


We are primitive


We are sales driven, through phone calls and personal relationships.


We are starting to take advantage of database marketing. We keep track of when and what our clients order. By grouping the customers, we can do better targeted marketing as well as create profiles of different customer types.


We are still testing this. Some prospects balk at our consulting fee, saying their budget (in this economy) won’t cover it. We offer to divide our fee between two fiscal years. We’ll conduct their security assessment now, bill them for half, then the other half in their new fiscal year (depending on when it begins). So far, prospects have been appreciative, but it has not resulted in a conversion. However, the follow up continues.


We attempt to leverage wherever possible relationships - along the lines of Jay’s host/beneficiary tactic.


We build trust through education and excellent results.


We continually look for client problems we can solve and offer the solutions to them


We crossmarket loan services.


We do promote heavily among real estate offices and individual agents and receive much of our survey and some of our engineering business through their referrals.


We don’t


We don’t have a lot more products/services to sell. Normally we simply just inform them and ask them if they’d like to have them.


We don’t have a specific product line as of yet – the product is the performance artist.


We don’t have anything very advanced, it is really very simple. We provide a great relationship with the customer and take better care of them then the competition.


We don’t sell other products; we offer strategic relationships the opportunity to leverage our relationship. It’s not sophisticated.


We don't have any advanced marketing concepts or tools. We just sell one at a time when they are available.


We focus on showing people how to get out of debt within 7 years (including paying off their mortgage), usually without increasing their income. We focus on “ministry” (we are a Christian organization) over business, and therefore sales come only as a result of ministry, i.e. only when it is clearly in the client’s best interest. This

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Question 33. What’s the Most Advanced Marketing Concepts or Tools You Use to Sell More Products to More People? emphasis on helping over profit encourages many people to want to meet with us spontaneously (i.e. just from a casual conversation where the ministry is brought up) and also encourages existing clients to refer people they know because they know the values and the emphasis that we are coming from, so they know they can trust their friends/family with us without fear of it coming back to bite them. 478.

We follow-up with each one of our clients to determine their level of satisfaction and identify future needs. As well, we ask for referrals. Our clients hesitate to give us the names of their colleagues who could benefit from our training. Would a contest or prize work? It may be something we should try.


We follow-up with people who purchase things, describing the additional benefits to be gained from other materials.




We have a strong focus on web marketing, search engine optimization and Pay per click. We are starting a new service called UltimateROI that will be door opener as well a profit center. It should also deliver unprecedented Leads at much lower cost than most organizations have received thru traditional methods.


We have each sales persons top 10 large target accounts enlarged on poster board in our company hallway and every Monday AM each sales person reports on what their plan for the week is as it relates to those 10 accounts and what support they will need from the organization to be successful.


We package services


We really don’t have a back end that I can think of other than more referrals




We send an educational letter to people at-need that tells them how to purchase a memorial. This is setting their buying criteria.


We still do not have any.


We try to employ “Lifetime Value” of customer. We lower or negotiate setup fee to reduce the entry barriers for the customers.


We try to enroll people in a subscription like program


We try to establish contracts for one to three year periods.


We update employee handbooks for businesses each year. We keep track of changes in employment law so that they don’t have to. We are going to be giving our Employment Form system package away to other law firms for their own use in order to build referrals from other attorneys. This will also allow us to say that our system is used by “x law firms” as a way to help build credibility.


We upsell the customer right from the phone contact through the time he walks through the shop. We always match prices and stress convenience of us getting the product. We normally can double and triple every customers spending, we just need more customers


We use a 4 day report to bring people through the stages necessary to make an informed and emotion based decision to prepay for about 1 years worth of care which dramatically increases their commitment and willingness to follow through on your recommendations. It works awesome.


We use a lot of advertising and use a lot of discounting to attract customers


We use Risk Reversal in our marketing to reduce the first visit barrier that many people feel in going to a new doctor. Our goal is to enroll a new patient into our long term wellness care program which is worth 20X or more what the initial visit would bring if they were to pay full fee for it. We frequently offer reduced fee initial

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Question 33. What’s the Most Advanced Marketing Concepts or Tools You Use to Sell More Products to More People? visits in our advertising and free initial visits for referrals from our regular patients. 496.

We’re still working on this: but I hope to use email, telemarketing, cold calling and direct marketing to generate leads and sales.


We’ve tried upselling remails, but it was unsuccessful at the time of sale. We’re trying to educate our customers and prospects to it’s value in most of our sales letters.


Web site (4)


Web site description of offerings links etc


Web site, by far.


Website – we count on being available to search engines


Website optimized for searching. Still we could do more


Website tools and internet tools give us an advantage


Well I tried advertising no deposit needed houses by increasing the price as Americans seemed to start but it didn't help. People are more conventional over here.


Wellness home tours - showing people how to have a truly health living environment


When I get a customer, it is for life … except if he retired or sale his business


When we send out coupons, we have loose-leaders that will bring us minimum sales order


Wholesale distributorships


Will have to plan and work on these to ensure maximum effectiveness for our business.


Word of mouth and reputation/ networking


Word of Mouth.


www.Brontomail.com – An client’s email permission marketing system with excellent marketing diagnostic tools.


Yearly follow up service letters to update the client’s information


Yellow Pages web addition to the printed version

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Question 34. Who is the Most Masterful Business or Marketing Strategist You’ve Ever Know? Question 34. Who is the most masterful business or marketing strategist you’ve ever known? How did he/she best apply their strategic genius? Describe their biggest strategic “coup.” 1.

? (22)


1. WHO: Why you Great One! 2.HOW: You created yourself as a Brand 3.BIGGEST COUP: $25,000 seminars




A clothing salesman I know provides a parting comment You made a great choice to day It will look great on you.


A ladies hairdresser who understood marginal net worth and gave great value to only 100 weekly clients to make an exceptional living.


A lot of companies come to mind but I am unable to single one out. Pappa Johan’s pizza. Wal-mart, Yahoo, Microsoft, Illinois power tools, etc.


A real estate trainer, Floyd Wickman showed me how to operate in real estate, simply list a lot of homes at the right price. Very low overhead yet high priced / commission item.


A.C.N. American Communications Network They market themselves through multilevel marketing, selling alternative utilities in Electric, Gas, Long distance, and internet access. They entice representatives to join their organization to build organizations themselves through referral marketing, making a profit every time someone pays their utility bill—forever! So I joined!




Abraham Investment Rarities


Abraham, icy hot


Actually my father – he realized that in his business the most important thing for his business was cash flow. In the 17+ years his 2.5 million dollar a year business has developed a “9 Day AR turnaround” for most of his clients. I am going to be begin to work with him to incorporate some of the “Jay concepts” into his business which I am sure will help his business to grow dramatically.


Adrian Slywotzky focus on Profit.


After Jay, Bill Gates to be sure. His licensing deal created the coup of the millennium and snatched it right from several of the big boys too dull to catch on.


After reflecting on this question, I think I can say this is probably me at least in terms of marketing strategy for specific major customers. Let me explain. In my early career in industrial sales, I set records for sales volumes and these volumes were largely obtained from accounts that were considered ‘trouble’ accounts. They were trouble accounts because either (a) they had crippling internal or financial problems, (b) they had demonstrated a strong bias toward inaction or (c) sales from these accounts went mostly to competitors. After my early career in industrial sales, I developed and implemented a strategy that enable a computer services company to successfully enter a medical processing market that had long been dominated by a single company. This market entry was repeated two additional times during the first three months. I have also been quite successful in the market entry, product planning, marketing and pricing strategies developed for clients of my consulting services. Most of my clients also tell me that my ‘instincts’ or ‘intuition’ about marketing issues is almost always right on. I guess the conclusion here is that there is a need to apply some of this attention to furthering the market position of my own company. This is something like the shoemaker’s children

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Question 34. Who is the Most Masterful Business or Marketing Strategist You’ve Ever Know? having holes in their shoes – or in this case being too _absorbed in client problems to pay enough attention to my own. 16.

Again Bill Gates. He supplied us with a not so perfect product over the years yet still nearly everyone feels they have to have some of his products. Even if they think they are inferior.


Again, Microsoft. I think they created something that most people need that they can reproduce over and over again for peanuts but sell for elephants, if you know what I mean…


Alan Weiss, Million $ Consultant, who made hundreds of thousands of dollars not only being a keynote speaker for a corporation but also telling that corporation how they needed to change.


Allen Samuels (car dealership in my town) His strategies are so diverse, creative, broadbased, appealing, and outward focused That the overall long term constant growth is his “coup”. You can hardly tell you Are being marketed because he is so relational, service promoting.


Allen Says of the Internet marketing warriors. He started with a hosting provider and built a whole marketing community around it and is still now building the community through the best known online marketing forum, the Warrior forum (to know more http://www.howtosell.info/warriors.htm )


Allen Says. The strategy was to create a powerful product, find affiliates to help promote it, and build a customer base quickly!


Andy Andrews (see 31) – has been commissioned by Sasol Ltd to teach his approach to managing assets to every manager at Sasol – will take him 2 years!


Anita Brattina, Direct Response, a telemarketing co. She contacted Inc. & told them she had a journal about her getting into business. They liked the idea and asked her to embellish. She had it printed then self-marketed her having been in Inc endlessly. Then she self-published a book and was a “published author” and began speaking for fees.


Anthony Robbins Power to Influence program using different approaches for different personality types. Jay Abraham for all of his strategies.


AOL president Steve Case’s successful coup to keep Bill Gates from acquiring AOL.


Apart from Jay and other gurus such as Gary Halbert, I don't know any real masters


Artists of America -- they made the artist, customer & product all become special for real -- not pretend or temporary


As far as I know Jay is, although I haven’t read up as widely on anyone else. I think Jay operates a strategy of pre-eminence through educating his market. Hence I have not really looked at anybody else for information/training in marketing because I have had everything I needed from jay.


As far as personal knowledge is concerned, I would have to say that my own experience in another circumstance in Saudi Arabia some 20 years ago best answers this question. Starting as a 1-man organization with less than $30,000 in financing, we built to more than 160 professionals in less than two years. We developed - and retained - as clients some of the world's major corporations including Aramco, Westinghouse, Honeywell and Chiyoda. This was accomplished solely on the cash flow available as we went along. We have not been able to duplicate this in the United States partially because I have chosen to live in a rural area, but more because I have not been able to put together a proper plan.


As regards experts, undoubtedly they are Jay Abraham, Tom Peters, Rob Frankel. Al & Laura Ries, Michael Porter, Jack Trout, Doug Hall, a few others

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Question 34. Who is the Most Masterful Business or Marketing Strategist You’ve Ever Know? 31.

B. Gates/leased operating system. Jay-don’t know but marketing material is overwhelming


Barney Zic told me once that people buy from friends. When you are cold calling don’t make appointments, arrange to drop in (because that’s what friends do) It lifted my close rate on the phones 10% to 97% of all contacts.


Basically some of the current authors that I’m reading now. Jay, Rick Crandall, Dan Kennedy


Beginning to think it is Jay Abraham.


Bic gave away free disposable shavers till they changed the shaving habits of the civilized world


Bill Bonner and other Agora principals. See #31 above.


Bill Dickerson, went from a dentist treating regular people to a dentist treating other dentists through his “institute”


Bill Gates – became the “standard” for computer users worldwide


Bill Gates -- Become indispensable to all


Bill Gates – Microsoft


Bill Gates – When he sees a new competitive product on the horizon, he mentions to the press that they are working on a similar product. This seems to shut down the competition because the vendors no longer want to work with an unknown and will wait for Microsoft to deliver this new product / technology.


Bill Gates or Jack Welch.


Bill Gates selling Access many years ago said that you could buy it for $300 and in 6 months it was going up to $1100. Some people purchased 10 copies. It never went up


Bill Gates selling his operating system concept to IBM.


Bill Gates. Leveraging the company’s position in operating software to almost all key components of the desktop productivity applications.


Bill Gates. Purchasing DOS.


Bill Gates--constantly being one step ahead of the market. Anticipating the applications of developing technologies and what they could do to solve business problems. A mindset of being the best in the world.


Bill Phillips, by creating a competition that created thousands of case studies, testimonials and proof that the products he sold work.


Brad Sugars. He positioned his businesses to deal with the small and medium sized market, coaching the business owners to break free of their self sabotage and learn of new ways of marketing their business. He came up with the vision of: World Abundance through Business ReEducation. This vision helped to recruit some of the best in consulting and other industries to join him in building his business. By franchising his business, he managed to grow his business very quickly and in a short span of 8 years created a worldwide organization dedicated to changing business owners lives forever.


Bransen. He get’s incredible PR and out-positions the biggest, most solid businesses. He gave Qantas a run for their money by being able to continuously offer low price airfares AND SUSTAIN it. People loved him because he positioned himself as giving the Australian people a fair go for the first time in the air industry (ie : fair prices). He showed how Qantas were over changing people.


Brian Kanig -Master networker


Brian Tracy. Be in touch with all your customers big or small. Regular staff

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Question 34. Who is the Most Masterful Business or Marketing Strategist You’ve Ever Know? meetings, keep every one informed. Recognition of your employee’s. 53.

Can’t pin point one at the moment however the approach of people such as Michael Gerber, Bill Gates, Jay Abraham are inspiring.


Can’t specify anyone as the “most” masterful. Have great respect for Victor Connant and Tony Robbins.


Can’t think of one.


Certainly Jay Abraham would be one, but also Bill Gates. Microsoft has buried the competition and it did it when it didn’t even have the best product.


Chet Holmes: Core Story, strategy vs. tactics, implementing systems and procedures


Chet is definitely right up there. The legal market domination strategy was a gem.


Claude Hopkins, by Scientifically marketing, testing and correcting.


Claude Hopkins, great copywriter, his work for the brewery (Pabst, I believe)


Claude Hopkins’ The Strategy of Preeminence


Coca Cola and Santa


Come on now, Jay’s going to get a big head with all this. Recognized as a great authority….by accident? I think not…some self-promotion?,… yes.


Cory Rudl’s AssocTrac. Live online referral system. He went from 0 to millions in months


Craig Proctor, consultant web sites


Dan Kennedy way of marketing


Dan Kennedy by building a huge list of business people that can’t wait to give him money and by surrounding himself with the best marketers and consultants in the business.


Dan Kennedy with his family coat of arms program.


Dan Kennedy, the low cost and profit from info marketing, Jay


David Oliver (Marketing Consultant) Helps clients to understand their reason for being in business and specialism and then market themselves from that stance.


Dell, offering consumers what they want at competitive prices.


Dennis Rodman comes to mind quickly…he created an image that the public loved to follow even though he was a bad boy. He parlayed the image on the court, into books, into pay-per-view events and created a great little financial empire for himself.


Don’t know (13)


Don’t know any other than yourself and what you have accomplished. I must say I was very impressed with your book and so are my partners.


Don’t know this one in detail-probably Jay Abraham.


Don’t know. Obviously I haven’t studied enough…


Don’t mean to be boring, but Tony – as above.


Don’t really know, but I do have a lot of admiration for Jay Abraham.


Don’t really have anyone who fits that bill.


Donald trump – he borrowed more than he could pay back, in amounts that could break the banks so they had to cooperate.


Dr. Singer. He parlays all his relationships into more and more business. For example, he invites doctors to attend his seminars at a fee, then sells tem on his

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Question 34. Who is the Most Masterful Business or Marketing Strategist You’ve Ever Know? ideas for how to bring in more new patients, which require the doctors to purchase his products, then he has bootcamps so that the doctors can really learn how to implement these tools that they have purchased, and at the bootcamps at each break the doctors can talk to consults to get help with their practice problems, the solutions to which turn out to be more services in the from of one on one training which are a big ticket items. 82.

Earnst & Young (Israel). M&A strategy.


Except from Jay I don´t know any


For now I must say Jay and his team along with many of the other participants in Decembers Mastermind Program.


From a personal point of view I don’t wish to disclose names, the person in question sold along with another shareholder sold a furniture manufacturing business to a Bank. The business employed 800 people and was highly profitable. The Bank appointed poor management and got the business in trouble, my friend and the other original shareholder asked the Bank if they could buy the company back because they did not want to see the company they had built up being ruined, the bank declined the offer and it went into liquidation. The original owners set up from scratch a rival company they now employ 500 people have major contracts with their old customers. The strategic coup was built around good relations with past employees and clients and the drive to start again (they were both in their fifties and didn’t need the money.


From what I hear, it’s probably you.


From what I've been reading, the most masterful business or marketing strategist would have to be Jay Abraham.


Gates. Didn’t have the product, but built it in a month


Geraint Lewis – he services banks, they told him they were reducing suppliers, and since he only serviced 5 branches he was vulnerable. He then won 135 branches from them. A year later he won another 100!


Gerber and the entire idea of systemic methods to create a franchise prototype.


Getting you to believe that you could totally change your life through 17 days in one year.


Given my limited exposure, probably Jay.


Gosh, its Jay


Have not known any real masterful marketing strategists. Those that I admire would be Ray Kroc who had the vision to systematize the entire restaurant business. He realized that his business was not in making French fries but rather to create the system to create the French fry. I admire Bill Gates who had the vision to create what is Microsoft. His goal of a PC in every household was a bold strategy that he held onto even when things looked bleak.


Have not worked with one personally.


Have to choose Jay, I don’t know anyone else that is close


Henry Ford. Got ahead of the market by making cars cheap and wages high. $5/ day wages and $600 cars


Henry Ford. Paid employees enough so they would buy his cars. This in turn created huge public awareness of and faith in his cars.


Henry Kaye Maximizing Investment In Property. Got in at the beginning of Property Marketing Boom – Hundreds of others now follow his techniques.


Henry Kaye – Getting people to pay him money to actively refer people to his

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Question 34. Who is the Most Masterful Business or Marketing Strategist You’ve Ever Know? investment courses. 101.

Henry Kaye. Utilises highly priced education seminars to lure clients. Once in the net, always has something else to sell them


I admire Ries and Trout, Dexter Yager and Robert Kiyosaki


I am still quite impressed with Jays ICY HOT and Shaver examples.


I don’t know any (8)


I don’t know Jay, and I’ve only been receiving his e-mail list for two months, but I already know I will learn the most from him in the future.


I don’t know of any business per say. As mentioned above, I have followed seminars by Pierre Morency on strategic marketing.


I don’t know of anyone that good a marketing besides reading about Jay


I don’t know other than jay a.


I enjoy your work. The best thing I have done with your info has been to leverage an internal project I did as an employee in to recurring revenue. Haven’t applied anything yet from a marketing side.


I have been impressed by how Jay pulls together a great range of experts and how they leverage off each other


I have followed only two marketing strategist, Jay Abraham and Jay Levinson. While Jay Levinson is good and makes a lot of sense, I found Jay Abraham easy to follow as he provides case studies and examples to clarify the concept or tactic.


I have never met anyone that I could say the above about.


I have only studied “Abrahamese” You be the man.


I have read them all from Jay to Iaccoca, Trump, Ray Kroc, Carnegie, Ziglar, Robbins. Gates, Allen, etc. I am now working on my own.


I have to say Jay. His Icy Hot example is great.


I haven’t known any personally


I haven’t known any well enough to feel qualified to answer this question.


I haven’t paid much attention to other peoples strategies up to this time.


I haven’t personally known any.


I hope that it turns out to be Jay.


I just started to study different approaches and cannot clearly state whose strategy influenced me the most. At this point I am following the materials received at Master Mind Seminar last Dec.


I know “of” examples that Jay Abraham has given, but I can’t think of people I know personally. A good example though is the founder of Gold Bond stamps, now a recently deceased billionaire from Minnesota’s Carlson Companies.


I like Chet Holmes description of the carpet cleaning business and establishing the “need” for frequent cleaning


I like Peter Drucker in this area, but he’s an observer – not a doer. Probably the biggest coup I can think of is Bill Gates selling IBM the license for MS-DOS when he didn’t even own it (he bought it from someone else after he knew IBM wanted it).


I like the early internet Entrepreneurs the good ones like Michael Dell and Ted Waitley from Gateway saw a market, and went after it.


I love to hear and read of Jay’s stories of risk reversal, referrals, cross sell up sell, adding pillars of tactics, I love the mineral Ice (Ben gay) Story of sending out the jars of for free.

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Question 34. Who is the Most Masterful Business or Marketing Strategist You’ve Ever Know? 127.

I must say Jay Abraham is the master marketing Strategist. Selling coins was an extraordinary idea.


I really love the story of the Ice Hot by Jay Abraham.


I suppose John D. Rockefeller.


I think Jay himself is the best. However, of those I know personally I think that W. Clement Stone, founder of Combined Insurance Co. of America, stands out as a masterful strategist. He offered a low cost, repeat insurance policy, directly to the public through a network of salespeople working on commission. His strategy was to offer the policy in a brief description (about 5 minutes) and ask the prospect to buy. If the answer was no, the salesperson would ask why, offer an answer and ask for the sale again. If the answer was still “no” the salesman would thank the prospect, and move on. The strategy including calling at every business and asking everyone there to buy, but not waste time on rejections. His strategy included “20 a day is the president’s way”. He built up what I believe was the largest casualty insurance company in the world.


I think the most brilliant marketing strategist is Jay, but business strategy it is something more.


I would have to give the nod to Seth Godin and his permission marketing concepts, vis-a-vis the Internet.


I would have to say Jay Abraham. I had not studies many strategic marketers in the past until now. I have a new found respect for how powerful strategy is and what it can do to transform a company and an industry. What I admire most about Jay’s ideas is the ability to mold them to any industry, grow them rapidly and generate huge windfalls almost overnight. I was very impressed with the MMT training and how much money was generated in a quick time due to a strong strategy and philosophy – making peoples lives better through the mastering f marketing.


I would have to say Jay, and his marketing of “Icy Hot”


I would have to say the Japanese Auto maker that took a lousy product image and continually improved upon it and lowering it’s price and increase its value to the point where they are now the leaders and the US Car Manufactures are setting their targets towards reaching the Japanese performance levels.


I’d have to mention Icy Hot and Jay


I’d have to say you and Chet Holmes. I’ve really been empowered from what I’ve learned from both of you so far. Each time I re-listen to the CD’s, I come away with new thought and ideas.


I’m just learning and haven’t read enough to know.


I’m not sure I understand?


I’m rather underwhelmed (on a business and/or marketing strategy level) by the people I know personally.


I’ve never met one.


I’ve never personally known anyone who is a master marketer.


In good to great there are some really great stories that I have a lot of respect for the same holds true of the stories in built to last...I think jay is masterful at promoting himself but do not honestly know factually what his strategies have helped others to do. There are MLM people, such as randy gage, who promotes themselves and make a lot of money, but I personally don't believe he could build a networking group in todays world with what he puts forth


In my industry I believe that Di – Tech. com was a masterful marketing genius for

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Question 34. Who is the Most Masterful Business or Marketing Strategist You’ve Ever Know? the mortgage business. They were highly successful in gaining a significant market share in a relatively short period of time. They are strictly an internet origination company. 145.

It’s you, Jay, that’s why I admire your stuff so much, and why I’m doing this. I especially like your daily time management schedule – I can’t even remember which product it was from – but I’ve based my own around it for the last 2 years


Jack Welch – GE, self-evident


Jack Welch, GTE Surround yourself with people smarter than you, and create a positive work environment


Jay Abraham (35)


Jay – Host Beneficiary


Jay – Risk Reversal – persistent determination.


Jay & Chet would be up there – I don’t know many others who have delivered the sorts of results they seem to have


Jay A. He showed so many ways to make money


Jay A. Icy Hot and the principles of 1. Host-Beneficiary relationship. 2. Task force multiplier 3. Back-end 4. Strategic alliances


Jay Abraham – continues to sell newer and better solutions to all his old customers.


Jay Abraham – He helped me transform my self, at a time that I most needed it. I became a consultant, able to work as much or little as I wanted – and still make a living.


Jay Abraham – he’s persuaded me to spend money I didn’t have on courses and tapes!


Jay Abraham – his progressive email deluge/siege for the 2002 MMT. Pulled almost a 10% RESPONSE! With EMAIL.


Jay Abraham – In a short time, I have seen Jay apply his strategic wisdom successfully in marketing multiple seminars, maximizing the value of his mailing list/client relationships, structuring opportunities for different classes of clients, and creating enormous loyalty and goodwill via tremendous generosity and executing his strategy of preeminence. Biggest strategic coup? Not sure.


Jay Abraham – mastermind concept, strategic alliances


Jay Abraham – reframe a marketing message to achieve superior results – ie (Send us just $100 an ounce for gold and we will send you all the gold you want)


Jay Abraham – this questionnaire to get tons of extremely valuable information, and to propel people to think about and utilize his tools.


Jay Abraham – well, you know the details of that one.


Jay Abraham, How he got to done Masterminding Home program for the mastermind in Dec 2002 the power of sequential marketing


Jay Abraham ... I loved his collectible coins strategy


Jay Abraham: this latest campaign.


Jay Abraham certainly ranks overall – strategic coup – applying knowledge from one industry to another in a professional risk-reversal environment. Also, Celever Software in China with the sales of “The Learning Revolution” book written by Gordon Dryden / Jeanette Vos – 10m copies in 6 months – biggest selling book in 1999


Jay Abraham is at the top of my list. I must like something he is doing as I keep sending him money instead of others.

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Question 34. Who is the Most Masterful Business or Marketing Strategist You’ve Ever Know? 168.

Jay Abraham is Number One on my list. He successfully harnesses the latest technology tools (Internet, Email, Teleconferencing, etc) to communicate to his client audience and potential customer base.


Jay Abraham is someone we just got introduced to.


Jay Abraham there are so many and so many more to come I don't have time to list them.


Jay Abraham with the” Drip Method”. His biggest strategic coup was having me purchase the most recent Mastermind Marketing Training course.


Jay Abraham, I like the one where he gave away the Icy Hot only to get the customer’s repeat business


Jay Abraham, by providing enough “free” literature and information for an average joe to produce and implement their ideas. The biggest problem with Jay is, is that he cannot personally consult on each and every one of these ideas.


Jay Abraham, he taught me to give away my first year’s income to amass a fortune. In three years my income has risen from $200,000 to over $1,000.000 net.


Jay Abraham, he’s made billions for his clients. Risk-reversal


Jay Abraham, I think the one where you got the billboard companies to put up the billboards and used the coop money, then sold the razors to the stores was great.


Jay Abraham, the use of the long direct marketing letter


Jay Abraham, without a doubt. The best use of his strategic genius was probably three fold use of strategic alliances, host beneficiary relationships and back ending with the concept of lifetime value of customers in mind. The biggest strategic coup was probably taking out multi page advertising space in national magazines and selling like crazy which was counter to the old marketing thinking of KISS and do not write too much or nobody will read it.


Jay Abraham. I was particularly impressed with the email drip marketing campaign used to entice me to sign up for the December 2002 Mastermind Marketing Summit in LA. The lesson I learned is that if you make an offer irresistible, i.e., too good to refuse, you will succeed. I also learned the power of strategic alliances with other entrepreneurs by using their lists.


Jay Abraham. Too many to name.


Jay Abraham. As I read on you smash all my resistance to buy. The risk reversal he uses. I did not know much in the marketing world. So far Jay is my hero


Jay Abraham. Brilliant way of looking at business.


Jay Abraham. He has so many great but simple ideas


Jay Abraham. He is very innovative and non linear thinker.


Jay Abraham. He tested everything he had learnt. Their biggest strategic coup is endorsed referrals to an existing customer list.


Jay Abraham. His biggest strategic “coup” is getting list of potential customers from our own competitors.


Jay Abraham. I have read many biographies of business leaders but I think Jay provides an entrepreneur with strategies that are out of the world.


Jay Abraham. I wish I knew how to apply his tactics to my business.


Jay Abraham. I’ve seen many examples. Joint venturing is got to be the #1 Tony Seruga – discover what people are searching for and sell that – stop trying to make something that people aren’t already interested in.


Jay Abraham. Icy Hot. Getting the media to run ads without having to pay for them.

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Question 34. Who is the Most Masterful Business or Marketing Strategist You’ve Ever Know? 191.

Jay Abraham. Not enough time or space to elaborate sufficiently.


Jay Abraham. One of the most effective executions of the hostbeneficiary/endorsement concept was recently executed by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen in launching their book The One Minute Millionaire. (I’m sure they learned this from you). They made deals with hundreds of hosts that allowed them to offer a number of high perceived value gifts in return for purchasing their new book on a certain date. The response was so high that it blew out Amazon.com’s system for several hours. This strategy was brilliant! Like host-beneficiary on steroids. The result was their new book débuted near the top of the NY Times and Amazon lists; they got the names and email addresses of hundreds of thousands of new prospects when they down loaded the free gifts plus the y created a huge instant database to develop into long-term customers. (I am going to use this strategy to launch a new product I am creating.)


Jay Abraham. Teaching others to do what he does and teach them out to think so they can make better decisions.


Jay Abraham. When Jay finds another individual that has proven marketing expertise, he will study their methodology and work to present this to his clients. The fact that Jay has a database of contacts to communicate and resell to is quite impressive. Jay is continually searching out ideas that will help his client base. He sustains his relationships.


Jay Abraham marginal net worth.word-of-mouth.


Jay Abraham: Making difficult tasks so much simpler


Jay Abraham… biggest coup… commanding $40,000 a day with ease, and being considered the “god-father” of direct marketing by many in the industry.


Jay Abraham bar none.


Jay Abraham…I really liked the coin dealership example, the Icy Hot strategy, and the irrigation pipe salespeople compensation plan .I also Like Robert Allen and his way to approach real estate transactions in a winning way.


Jay Abraham…I was impressed with how one of his clients went from a few hundred thousand in sales to $500 million.


Jay Abraham-by using what clients already have to maximize their results


Jay Abraham---money you made the coin dealers by changing some words and viewpoint of the consumer


Jay Abrams, he is the only person that I have ever met in my life that can cause me to part with $6000 and still feel good about it.


Jay bar none. His Ex-Factor strategies really work and are brilliant in their simplicity and the way the pieces of the puzzle come together and work together after a while.


Jay by selling, reselling, cross selling, upselling & partnering the same marketing stuff different ways and I keep buying.


JAY comes to mind. But his WINS are getting old news. How many times have I heard “ If gold is selling……”


Jay Conrad Levinson, of course.


Jay has had the most influence, out of the box.


Jay- he writes these super long letters and promotions.


Jay is the best, I believe. I loved the story of how IcyHot was marketed, by giving away all the money to the station who ran the ad. Icy Hot got all the subsequent orders!

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Question 34. Who is the Most Masterful Business or Marketing Strategist You’ve Ever Know? 211.

Jay kept pounding the same message.


Jay L Abraham. He taught me how to build my marketing towers on multiple pillars.


Jay Levinson


Jay –marketing determines to a large extent, the success or failure of your business.


Jay of coarse! I like the Icy Hot story


Jay of course - Stan Sanderson an x president in 79 of Xerox Learning Systems not to be confused with copier sales -it was a training company division Sales were always coming in to the company late in the year in November and December. So he split the year in two Jan. to June July to Dec. created a run-up commission plan 5% to 17% then back to 5% in July - sales tripled the next year and my income Quadrupled -


Jay that’s you of course.


Jay would have to be the best I’ve seen.


Jay you are really the only legitimate one I know of right now.


Jay- you do a pretty good job! Drip drip drip, no-one can every escape the constant educational nurturing that you do.


Jay you. Using your email to develop your own on going business-excellent.


Jay! Icy Hot/Rarity Investments


Jay, by investing so much time to test, study various industries, and cross over the concepts.


Jay. The detailed exhaustive mailers I get for his programs really make it hard to resist signing up for every single thing he does!


Jay. Although Corey Rudl is also pretty effective. His automation of e-sales runs beautifully easily


Jay. Just love his communications. Always comes from a place of serving me first.


Jay… it has the be the steps to develop a strategic partnership arrangement


Jay---The backend thinking


Jeff Bezos at Amazon.com because he leveraged thousands of people to ‘sell’ for him so that he now ‘owns’ the online book selling market




Jesus. He sought the help of twelve disciples to learn his ways and replicate himself. Not all were successful at it, but they got their mission out by word of mouth and used the teachings of Jesus as their foundation to spread the faith.


Jim Carlson – put inventory control systems in 1000’s of independent book stores and captured 80% of their orders thru his company.


Joe Wilson, former chairman of Xerox where he leased products rather than selling, charged per copy click, convinced customers they were only paying for what they used, instituted a direct salesforce to drive business and partnered with foreign companies to open international markets, when Xerox didn’t have funds to go international alone.


John Frieda- a hairstylist who took a single product, build up distribution and sold his business for $400,000,000+


Joint ventures, boot camps, telephone conferences, information products

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Question 34. Who is the Most Masterful Business or Marketing Strategist You’ve Ever Know? 236.

Jon Krause, President of Gambino Real Estate - Partners with GMAC


Just Abraham


Ken Evoy. He offered a book at a very low price to penetrate the market.


Kevin Dawkins was quite inspiring. In a very competitive market he managed to created a business partnership with a bank and by doing that ended up exposing his services to thousands and thousands of people, and in doing so built up credibility (he partnered with a bank) and gained an excellent compliment to their services. No one else was doing that at the time.


Knight CEO of NIKE because his company continues to grow and outperform the competition in various categories of the Sporting industry.


Known personally? None that I can think of. Jay and Carl would be my first thought here. They were able to get 640 people to pay $5,000US for the latest MMT by using a very aggressive email / phone sequential marketing campaign.


Known personally? My father – he has sold much real estate by getting the client to picture themselves in the house, going as far as to put their name on a fictitious mailbox and welcome mat.


L. Ron Hubbard, he wrote the FEBC/OEC, and 8 volume that describes an Administrative Technology that applies to every kind of business, regardless of its size or type of activity. So I’ve read on the brochures.


L. Ron Hubbard. Wrote a best seller in 1950 that is still a best seller, 53 years later… dianetics, modern science of mental health…. today there are millions of his book readers around, members of the organizations he joined, and tons of incredibly valuable follow-up, back end services to sell which people find valuable and are willing to pay for.


Lee Iacocca (didn’t really “know” him, but I know “of” him)


Lee Iacocca Turned Chrysler around


Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. He believes knowledge is structured in consciousness, the world is as you are, and therefore, change consciousness then change the world. All possibilities are dormant in the most fundamental state of silence that lies within each of us. His vision has literally inspired millions to begin Transcendental Meditation. He is creating groups of people who meditate together to produce a harmonizing and peaceful effect on the world. His current “coup” is raising millions of dollars to create permanent peace palaces where pundits can chant and meditators can meditate to produce a permanent world peace. MMY’s marketing power is that he is not limited by boundaries. He simply picks the best and most ideal, and inspires people that that best can be created.


Marcio Liberbaum for foreseeing the need of Internet security in Brazil before most people were aware of it.


Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield: selling millions of copies of books of stories to all different niches under the Chicken Soup Brand


Martha Stewart. She optimizes the amount of application for any kind of intellectual property.


McDonalds / Kentucky Fried


Michael Dell of Dell Computers – his three main tools use premium quality to vault past competitors use customer-direct sales and support to shut out middlemen use Just-In-Time supply chains to enable factory-floor fulfillment of customer orders


Michael Dell- strategy of delivering build to suit computers over the phone (now internet)

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Question 34. Who is the Most Masterful Business or Marketing Strategist You’ve Ever Know? 254.

Michael Gebber – E-myth






Microsoft – taking the lion’s share of the market. Having the software, establishing key alliances with vendors, developing standards combined with a huge backend market, using vendors as a basis to develop improved products and services by providing them with deals and premiums on software, establish certification standards and credentialing, on and on.


Microsoft obviously. Their coup was to oust IBM by appearing friendly when they were far bigger wolves themselves


Mike Ferry he told agents to pick just one mentor and he built a successful business on convincing people to just follow what he says to do.


Most masterful business strategy redefined the market (buying criteria) so that it matched their product proposition the best Lipitor in the statin market


Most people I know are struggling


Mostly consultants. Dan Kennedy / Jay Abraham.


Mr. Alan Grant – General Manager of Metagenic – Health World. Turning a precarious financial position into a very solid one which then enabled the company to market more widely to practitioners around Australia, hire more highly motivated and performing professionals, develop very innovative products for the market.


Mr. Abraham is the only marketing strategist I have studied


My boss when working for an office-supplier when just coming out of school, although it was not part of our business, he personally, or let us deliver to the office for some of his best customers.


My client Michael Routtenberg of General Hydrogen – applied value proposition to large potential partners – closed 4 strategic partnerships and significant investments in 2 years


My dads friend Noel. Noel is a CPA with 1 employee and Noel averages about $5 million a year in income, and that is just what I know about, it may be much more. How? Noel developed relationships with security DEALERS and developed relationships with independent oil drillers. Long story short; the oil men need money for development and the security dealers need deals to sell to their clients. Syndication is never a problem because that is what dealers do. Noel buys the prospect for enough for the driller/operator to be happy, he DOUBLES his money and lays it off to any one of several dealers he has cultivated, who repackage it and DOUBLE their money on the retail level. Bottom line, Noel wont do a deal he cant pocket at least one million dollars on, it takes him 2 or 3 days MAX to close the deal with the dealers and everyone is happy, even the guys who pay retail because about half the prospects make a little money and 100% of them provide REAL tax advantages, regardless of the drilling outcome. Noel NEVER deals with an investor and makes to much money that he literally has no idea what to do with it all, so of course, he goes to Las Vegas where he nearly always walks away winner, probably because he couldn’t care less if he won or lost at the tables, it’s just something to do.


My Grandfather. He invented the idea of a Tailor’s alteration sheet. Tailors used to scratch out their notes on bits of paper and my grandfather came up with the idea of one form that tailors could buy from him and use that would make their jobs simpler. Then he figured out how to sell it. From there, he founded National Clothier Corporation.


My study of this subject has been limited so far because of my daytime, bread and

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Question 34. Who is the Most Masterful Business or Marketing Strategist You’ve Ever Know? butter occupation as a busy physician 270.

N/A (9)


Napoleon Hill. Wrote a book after interviewing the greatest business minds the capitalist system has ever produced. Was not paid a retainer, but was given ‘introductions’ that allowed him access to a very select group. Leveraged the knowledge into a very successful career. Most of today’s popular gurus use the same strategy and many recycle concepts and ideas he pioneered long ago.


Never even though about this until MMT. Has to be Thomas Edison. Bill Gates has to be right up there in the modern era, if money is how you keep score.


Never really looked into it.




Nido Qubein. Guess you know his story.


No brown-nosing intended, but it’s you, Jay. (Even though I have not actually met you; I’ve only spoken to you on a hot seat conference call)


No one comes to mind that I have known. Jay would be the one I have read about most. His greatest asset is being able to pick out what is the most advantageous strategy for a company to pursue.


No one in particular except Jay Abraham.


No one single best strategist, and we certainly have not ever met a strategic genius


No opinion. I’m impressed by Jay so far. Come to think of it, Stephen Covey, with his 7 habits, is also a good marketer, selling millions of is best-seller books about principles, values, etc.


None (7)


None personally known; I’ve read about a lot of success stories in this area: McDonalds, Starbucks, etc.


Nordstrom’s customer service


Not aware of any in particular


Not knowledgeable enough to answer this one.


Not paid much attention


Not sure (6)


Not sure – but I am impressed by Lou Gestner of IBM who used the ‘open’ and services to turn around IBM


Not sure. There are so many that I admire. I really admire Michael Gerber, but Corey Rudl has helped to shape my online marketing focuses.


Once again Jay, giving away his Stealth Marketing program for FREE to promote a seminar (I think)


One of my clients, how consistently creates new business models and ideas. They single handedly have landed large clients on a regular basis


Only just now learning the game and only know of Jay Abraham.


Only one to offer guarantees offered a completely better than money back guarantee and charged a fortune…AND DELIVERED


Only really heard of Jay Abraham – don’t know much about him yet or his biggest coup.


Other than Jay ‘- none


Other than Jay, not sure. There are many good marketers, but none stands out

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Question 34. Who is the Most Masterful Business or Marketing Strategist You’ve Ever Know? 297.

Patricia Fripp (many described in her book "Make it so you don't have to Fake it")


Paul Myers of talkbiz.com. He was the first to teach me about the value of building an opt-in list without offering free gifts, so that the ones remaining on my list would be willing to pay for value. He used offline marketing in a big way to build his online email lists, and his biggest coup was to place an article in a large business publication (print) and add over 3000 subscribers to one of his opt-in lists, showing how powerful breaking into a new market is in building business.


Personally, there is a Singaporean businessman who has shrewdly bought and sold companies, always at the right time, and always being prepared to take on the Singapore government and its linked companies.


Peter Drucker


Probably have to answer Jay Abraham. How best apply genius - probably when retained one on one by a specific company - where he can tailor advice/strategy to specific set of circumstances and implement changes in policies, procedures, methods to put it in force.


Probably Jay Abraham! Had it not been for his somewhat overwhelming mailings and e-mails, I would not have woken up to the depth of my ignorance and need to get proactive.


Probably Jay Abraham. Offering to take a percentage of new found profits


Probably Jay, I have read books of Brian Tracy.


Probably you (Jay Abraham). And I say that not to flatter you but because I really don't know too many (popped your balloon, didn't I). Everybody knows Jack Welch is a genius. What he did for GE during his reign is almost unbelievable. But that was one (diversified) company. You (Jay) do so much for so many different companies that the far reaching effect is yet to be known. I like the way you transformed the Icy Hot (is that right?) product. By giving away all those tubes of the pain relief gel you created a large and dedicated base of satisfied customers.


RAT (remote access technology) filled a void niche that was formally only serviced by foreign business, gutsy, provided a cheaper, faster effective means to get a job done.


Ray Croft - McDonalds franchising


Ray Kroc. Systemising McDonalds set the scene for many to follow


Reagan. Fall of USSR, Tax Cuts, Crushed the Democrats. Kept it simple, focused and delegated.


Richard Branson. Persistency. Successful court battle with BA.


Ries and Trout – for their approach on “Positioning”


Right now, it’s probably a toss up between Bezos at Amazon and Whitman at eBay.


Rita Walsh (director of mortgage company I work with). Strategy of using client base of professionals to get referrals for mortgage advise. Share of commission paid to them


Robert Kiyosaki on the concept of “Sales Dogs”. Every Salesman has a specified style of selling akin to the different breed of dog.


Robert Allen & Mark Victor Hansen -- The One Minute Millionaire #1 Best Seller


Robert Allen, the one hour or one minute sell a million book gambit.


Roland Oosterhouse, by building relationships, he influenced the corporation to change their tactics


Ron Jensen – National Assoc. for Self Employed – 400 million per year! Identifying

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Question 34. Who is the Most Masterful Business or Marketing Strategist You’ve Ever Know? underserviced market & addressing it. 319.

Rothschild, Harry Oppenhiemer and Gates


Sam Walton


Scott Davis, whose masterful marketing strategy lead ahead of the pack of competitors in his brand business.


See #16, my husband and our company.


See #31.


See 17 and 31 above. I don’t know how they did it.


Seth Godin


Seth Godin realising that customers have choice & need respect, leading to Permission marketing


Sir John Harvey Jones – Continually manipulated ICI pricing structure so that competitors could not predict his next move.


So far it has been Jay Abraham and the concepts of USP and the Lifetime Value of a client..


Sorry but Jay is the only one I have really followed


Stephen Covey. Integrated existing concepts (best practices).


Steve Jobs who revolutionized the computer industry with his innovative idea of a personal computer.


Still haven’t met one face to face. I read of a lot of them but I don’t know them.


That I've known personally, Kel East.


That would be Jay Abraham. Investment Rarities seems like the biggest coup. It was accomplished through a combined and ongoing approach to the market that ultimately redefined their buying criteria to favor IR.


That would have to be you, although I don’t know you


The best I have seen is a company that was able to advertise in the best, most appropriate places, get requests for information and then have an education strategy that included several messages that arrived every two or three days. They pointed the potential clients to an excellent web site that gave them further information. It was like a funnel and when a contact was made at the end they were ready to ask questions that has real substance.


The Dentist from Australia you mentioned in one of your tapes


The Freedom 55 concept form London Life, while a bit of smoke and mirrors, was very successful to the point they have renamed their resource centers.


The only person is Jay and I am not sure how he built the strategies that brought amazing results for everyone involved.


The person made some steps, he collect properties by using other people and lawyers.


The person who invented the pet rock concept supposedly saw a Mexican beach full off smooth, similarly shaped rocks and asked “How can I sell these?” The marketing was all in the packaging and directions that basically surrounded the product, a rock.


The President of an insurance brokerage firm. He recognized that Hospitals spend millions yearly on service warranties for all of their diagnostic equipment from each manufacturer and created an umbrella policy to cover all of this equipment at a reduced cost to the hospitals.

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Question 34. Who is the Most Masterful Business or Marketing Strategist You’ve Ever Know? 343.

This may sound like bull, but Jay Abraham in my estimation has been more successful on a wider range of companies than I have seen or read about in the last 20 years. (And I do a ton of reading) That is why I keep buying his materials and trying to implement. I have watched Jay implement his concepts with Robbins, Nightengale and many others, creating money and value where it had not formerly existed.


Thomas Leonard. Created Coachville.com which now has 30,000 members and developed coach training


Three people come to mind. This isn’t sucking up. Jay Abraham’s advice to cultivate host/parasite relationships (he upgraded the term to something less ickysounding) is brilliant. Who else is already successfully doing business with your target audience, yet is not a competitor? Find out what you can offer them so they will introduce you to qualified customers who fit your prospect profile. Mario Puzo’s “Make them an offer they can’t refuse” strikes at the heart of thinking in terms of the customer’s cry “What’s in it for me?” instead of the marketer’s cry “How can I make them buy what I have to sell?” Harvey Mackay marketed four of his five books so successfully that they landed on The New York Times best seller list. He methodically analyzed the archaic book publishing industry, maximized opportunities, took advantage of weaknesses, and leveraged his vast network to turn ordinary books into run away bestsellers.


Tom Hopkins. By sharing sales strategies, showing us how to ask questions to help people get what they want.


Tom M. developed a business with little capital using a discarded piece of software that he developed and was compensated for by a client, purchased the rights and an on-going revenue stream for almost nothing and sold to another competitor in 2 years.


Tom Mower, Sr. To Neways corp. By aligning his company with cancer-free ingredients. Having a background as a chemist with a big company to boost his credibility.


Tom Watson Sr. – he created IBM. He had a very humble background. His marketing and people approach built an extraordinary company


Tony Robbins markets amazingly and Dr. David Singer teaches some of the most brilliant marketing tips for chiropractors. Both of them get you excited about what you are doing and then drop the bomb on you at the height of your excitement as to the cost of the product or service. At that point only an insane person (which there are a lot of) would not purchase the product at the significant savings that you receive to “close” that day.


Tony Robbins with his constant results and infomercials.


Tony Robbins-getting me to pay for a 3 day power seminar and offering me to sign up for the university course (after I did the fire-walking stunt)


Tony Seruga, not going after all the big fish but instead building dozens of 5-6 figure/mo income streams.


Too inexperienced to offer an answer.


Total blank in this area.


Unfortunately, it’s probably the guy who created the whole “Girls Gone Wild” empire. Find a product that will sell like hotcakes, and market the hell out of it.


Unknown (4)




Walt Disney who went bankrupt 7 times before succeeding

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Question 34. Who is the Most Masterful Business or Marketing Strategist You’ve Ever Know? 360.

Warren Buffett


We have a friend in our community who build an apple pie business from making pies in his wife’s kitchen to making over 100,000 pies/day in a modern plant, sold the plant to the top grocery wholesaler /retailer fro millions and has now started another business.


We have had a number of influences amongst the leadership here at ACN. But if we were to nominate, the first would be Stephen Covey and his 7 habits Of Highly Effective People, the second would be Michael Gerber and the third would be Dr. Paddy Lund. Covey’s major contribution to our thinking has been to open our eyes to the principle of making the implicit explicit, and be deliberate in the creation of a business culture; Gerber’s contribution has been the idea of working on the business rather than in it; and Paddy Lund’s has been that customers do not know how to judge you on your professional competence, so you must give them something else to use as an allegorical substitute by which to draw a conclusion by extension (“If their premises looks as good as this, and they serve tea and coffee as excellently as this, I’m sure they’re also going to be excellent in the attention they give my teeth”.)


Well, although I have an extreme dislike for him, I would have to say Bill Gates is probably the most masterful business strategist I know about. Even though it was done (and is still being done) illegally, Gate and his gang have pretty much cornered the market on desktop computer operating systems, and leveraged that into other software and information technology products and services. They are constantly doing business such that they maintain their market dominance. I don't think it is an honorable way of doing business, but it certainly has been effective if you are just counting dollars earned. As far as strictly marketing goes, I am pretty impressed with Cory Rudl. He got in on the ground floor of the Internet boom, applied proven marketing principles, and hasn't looked back.


Well, it appears that you probably take the prize, as a bright, street-smart marketing person who is able to perceive the opportunities, values and implementation strategies more quickly than most. Getting 100s of people to pay $5-25k for a 3-5 day seminar, on a predictable basis, is very impressive indeed.


Well, Jay, really practices what he preaches. Almost to the point of being annoying, however. But I’ve not found the success from his direct strategies that I had hoped to get and his seminars have been far too general and the personalized help promised did not materialize. I did not find the last one gave me the one-onone help that I had been promised, and I even did all of the homework that he sent out for 2 businesses, and the homework was never mentioned at the seminar.


What? Jay Abraham


When builders, driven by first cost, and apartment owners – who cared nothing for the utility bills paid by their tenants – refused to consider a new solar-assisted, energy conserving gas hot water and space heating system for their multi-family projects, I developed the “Freehold” concept whereby we installed the system free to the builder as an onsite mini-utility and sold the metered water at a price based on a discount from the local electrical rate. We owned and serviced the system during its lifetime, derived a nice profit, sold clean, even space heating and instant hot water at a discount and lowered the builders’ first cost.


When Hill learned from Carnagie and Ford etc to produce You Where Born Rich.


Wouldn't know.


Yanik Silver. He began simply by collecting a series of sales letters and put them together as templates for people. It was simple but brilliant.


You – The Indy Billboards story

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Question 34. Who is the Most Masterful Business or Marketing Strategist You’ve Ever Know? 372.

You and Corey Rudl, I think you know both.


You and I don’t know yet until I read your book. Hopkins and I need to read his book also.


You are jay


You Jay, and there is too many to pick from, but probably “Icy Hot”


You Jay. I don’t know what I would consider your biggest coup. Each one I hear about is pretty outrageous.


You Jay. You are awesome! Your biggest strategic coup is in your ability to see the obvious, and recognize you don't need to go fancy. You need to only get the results. I like that!


You, because of your ability to implement, have the courage and being systematic


You, Jay


You, Jay!!!


You. Jay Abraham. Tony Robbins. And Osho. They use military strategy followed by sensorial strategy.


You… are everywhere





Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

And I would also say Claude

Page 603

Question 35. Do You Have A Profitable Business/Marketing Strategy for the Internet? Question 35. Do you have a profitable business/marketing strategy for the internet? If “yes” describe briefly below. Total: Yes 156, No 539 Additional comments: 1.

3 websites


A Web site to support cold calls is about it.


Actually, that's all I do right now with my business - Internet. It is pretty throughly described above so I won't bore you further by repeating myself.


Affiliate marketing .... but that needs to be improved.


Affiliate marketing, giving them 50-100% on the front end product, then profit on the back-end business coaching services.


Affiliate program for our web site and web site rewrites to increase conversion ratio.


After clients are conveted to buyers, they can buy thru the Internet or telephone.


After clients are conveted to buyers, they can buy thru the Internet or telephone.


After four years of trying I have reached the point where monthly income exceeds monthly expenditure by a small margin. BREAKEVEN. The use of the two websites and an improving position at the search engines do make a difference. The improvement is mainly by exploiting the articles published by a colleague – Affiliate.


Allow customers to go online and view the progress of their repairs instead of being called or calling on status checks.


Already described earlier.


Although we have a website we consider professional looking, we consider it a way to quickly deliver marketing materials at a low cost.


Articles placed in other publishers’ ezines


As stated above, I am aggressively acquiring internet properties with traffic in which to build the databases. I have software to acquire more and other proprietary technology


Barely profitable


Be the first in your market space, tie up all of the appropriate domain names, offer low pricing in the beginning to attract clients, and raise prices after you have proven that you are providing a valuable product or service.


Because of Jay Abraham, I own an Internet company and have positioned myself as a leader in every search engine.


biggest need!!!!


Briefly described above we have three planned initiatives.(1) Permission based email marketing(2) Weekly marketing ideas.(3) Website linkage to complement the Email plan.(4) A regular high level marketing newsletter to our top select clients.


Building links with major sites.


But I'm very interested in learning!


Buy cheap leads and work them through autoresponders.

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Question 35. Do You Have A Profitable Business/Marketing Strategy for the Internet? 23.

By keeping in touch with my clients and prospects frequently using a relatively inexpensive medium, I can reach out to many more frequently and extend my reach beyond just my country. As demand for my services are growing, I find that many prefer someone who is able to maintain contact on a long term basis and also trust someone more when that person is in business longer.I can offer many products and services that are related to my core services and increase the profitability and benefits to By clients.


Costing me more than it brings in, thinking of shutting it down.


Described above


Described above


Developing – Hopefully will be profitable


Direct response home page leading to an order form.


Drive traffic to my site, collect the names and email addresses of the 95% + people that don’t buy my product and then drip educational and sales letters to them until they unsubscribe.


Email marketing with newsletter and contest clients can enter and redeem at our site


Establish high order placement on key search engines, presenting high quality material that establishes believability, offering additional information, integrating direct sale material with internet work, using email to promote and educate customers.


Establish presence, invoke trust, generate leads by e-mail or phone and then closing the sale. Net is ours only at this moment point of advertising.


Everything we’ll be doing will be integrated on the web-centric database we’re developing


Exclusive products, link exchanges, press releases, affiliate program, newsletter.


Extensive website with customer tools.


For now, the our web site is established to provide customer’s information about the company and the services it provides.


However, on it’s way !!


I am able to leverage my technical knowledge to develop low cost opportunities for our clients – which we are now using to create irresistible packages for. The cost to me is low – but the benefit to them is high!


I am currently working on a website, and will try to set up as many appropriate “links” and alliances to get people to the site. From there I will offer my services.


I am doing a permutation of the strategy I discussed in question 34. I am creating an e-book that is very informative (stand alone value) and I will be making deals with potential hosts that allow them to gift it to their clients, members, etc. Once, they come to my website and download the e-book I will continue to follow up with them in an effort to earn their trust and become a conduit through which they can acquire advice, products and services to get what they want from their businesses.


I am in charge of originating all internet home loans for State Bank


I am presently working on one. I am writing a e book that will sell through affiliates with information at a web site. This will create cash flow that can be used to build the foundational business which creates a permanent residual cash flow that can be willed to the family.


I can only hope it’s profitable


I could possibly setup a email collection and informational site consisting of real

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 35. Do You Have A Profitable Business/Marketing Strategy for the Internet? stories and travelogues but that would be to enhance the dissemination of info not as a real profit center in and of itself. 45.

I do have a strategy for this one, but our website is still under construction. Basically to promote the website on everything we do, in order to interest people enough to visit, where they will find information of interest, subscribe to enewsletters, purchase product and in time, book into trainings or request a speaker.


I do it tactically


I do use of the internet/website etc as a tactic. But it is not a strategy or profitable.


I email samples of my work to potential customers


I have a new product im bringing in from China and I am going to sell it on my web sight at below what the competition is selling it for and im going to drive people there through direct mail and email and opt in email.


I have a Site Build It web site, but it has not been profitable yet. I think I have to rethink what I put up on this site. I think I am giving away too much.


I have access to fellow Ezine owners who have a collective subscriber base of over one million people. I plan on joint venturing with them, and following up with my autoresponder, and phone calls.


I have identified a niche, premium cut cubic zirconium and I sell a lot of it mounted in gold and platinum.


I hope it is profitable someday, however not as of yet until implementation


I hope so. It’s too early to tell.


I intend to set up a newsletter to keep in front of my referrers. Later I may introduce a service linking all useful contacts to my investor base.


I only have a web page presence at the moment.


I plan on using newsletters to capture opt-in lists


I send post cards to my target market driving them to get a special report from a hotline or a special web page.


I think we’re still struggling with that one.


I use the net for doing client research. I don’t currently get any business as result of proactive online marketing efforts.


I would like to market my niche technique of lease purchasing on the internet.


I’ll be developing a web site, or two.


I’m not allowed to market my company´s product on line. I’ve been doing some research on e-commerce reading ezines like Corey Rudl´s, DEMC, and others. I’ll have one later on.


I’m really not sure yet. We’ve only been up and viable on-line for a couple of months so we haven’t really worked it yet.


I’ve marketing through my newsletter and also offered an email course but not consistently.


I'm reading.


in our industry we are rare in the functionality we provide to ours users – the site is designed around them


in our industry we are rare in the functionality we provide to ours users – the site is designed around them


Integrated Marketing service that cuts conventional Marketing costs by 60%

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Question 35. Do You Have A Profitable Business/Marketing Strategy for the Internet? 70.

Internet is just a business referral source for me right now.


Internet used for lead generation and to educate prospects and to add credibility to marketing/sales messages


Internet website with order on line service


Is developing one currently


It “should be” a profitable strategy, however, as of yet, is it lack luster. Download Ebook, real time online cc processing. It is a good web site and a good sales letter by any standard, however, it’s not producing much yet, primarily ( I think) because there is very little traffic. Every one’s wizard solution to traffic is PAY ME, and PAY ME usually does not result in very targeted traffic regardless of what you are told when you whip out the old American Express Card.


It does not apply


It has brought us to where we are, but I know it is only a minimal effort. I simply employed a firm to move our site ranking up in search engines.


It is a secret that I dare not disclose


It is a work in progress. We will develop the capabilities to generate leads, take orders and expand our use of the internet so that it becomes a major pillar of our Parthenon of Power.


It is unlikely that we can sell our products through the Internet. Customers need to physically sign the mobile service contracts before it can be counted as a sale.


It’s not profitable now, because the business itself is a long way from profitability. But it will be, once the strategic relationships I’m forging are in place. Essentially, the strategy is to 1) use a variety of tactics to get people to the website (trade publication articles, search engines, press releases, e-mail invitations, etc.), 2) get website visitors to sign up as Registered Users (to receive our free e-newsletter and occasional promotions by e-mail, among many other benefits), in the process of which they give me contact information and other valuable information, and 3) gradually convert Registered Users to paying clients.


It’s our entire focus.


Just advertise rates.


Just commencing – have done some trialling by offering free on-line tuition to those who have attended our courses – 2 out of 200 offered have responded!!!


Just educational.


Just getting it going


Just simply my web site and being listed on the Concrete Network www.concretedesigns.biz


Ken Evoy


Leveraging the many different freedoms which Open Source brings, including powerful combinations of standard packages (developed & tested by many) plus immense opportunities for customisation. Permission marketing


Links from and to websites


Lots of ideas but not yet implemented


My business is solely an Internet business


My entire business is internet-based, and involves selling information in various forms electronically.


My entire marketing is basically on the internet. Email campaigns, search engine optimization of our web sites, links and banner ads.

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Question 35. Do You Have A Profitable Business/Marketing Strategy for the Internet? 94.

My fulfillment process (employee benefit planning) resides on the Internet.This will facilitate the process being used by independent agents around the U.S.


My product is a downloadable one. Everything is done on the Internet. But it's not as profitable as I'd like it to be.


My product is electronic only and so there are minimal production costs. Every sale will be about 95% profit.


My site sells my products and I use a combination of joint ventures/written articles and email to drive sales


My website was designed to act as a brochure and it has generated an average of $35,000 in business over the past 5 years.


My whole business is exclusively online – I live in Italy so I can’t do much offline to reach a targeted audience, so my whole focus is online. I use viral and affiliate marketing to spread my name online and build a reputation. My reputation will improve my website sales and email collection process to take advantage of the life time value of my subscribers/affiliates/customers


Not at the present time.


Not profitable yet. The stage is set, we are communicating, educating and building relationships with our clients. Need the right products to sell through this channel with the correct marketing strategy.


Not really, currently use the internet to correspond to prospects and customers, Our Web site is more brochure ware.


Not sure if it is specifically a ‘strategy’ as it should be, but we measure everything so it is easy to tell if we are taking in more than we are spending to gain new customers. We use search engines, paid inclusion, direct mail, occasionally some specific ads on websites, and email marketing to bring our traffic.


Not yet


Not Yet – but that’s our plan.


Not yet profitable: volunteering to be the webmaster for a well known business directory homepage.


Not yet,


Not yet, but it will be in my plans next year when I get my web site up.


Not yet, but we’re working on it


Nothing we are doing right now is profitable. We do have a website and we create website for each different Buying Group to assist in marketing to that BG. We also offer Internet payment options such as credit cards a,d even checks over the Interenet.


On website and search engines. Could do more


Once I work with a particular industry – I plan to investigate offering the “tuned” techniques for others in that industry via the Internet. The promotion is the key and deciding what type of web site you want to have, that is one with changing content that keeps people coming back, or one that makes it easy to sell an item to the target market.


Online catalog.


On-line health appraisal questionnaires and full color health graph (bar graph) results. Detailed and simply written information systems with associated on-line product sales. Practitioner referral systems.


Online subscriptions for news service

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Question 35. Do You Have A Profitable Business/Marketing Strategy for the Internet? 116.

Opt-in list, pay per click search engines, newsletters and ezines


Our efforts on the net are increasingly generating a larger share of our sales. See 33 above.


Our partners use their web sites and email to promote our services.


Our web business has grown our company to over 75% of it’s sales. Online catalog, Online store, e-mails of specials, weekly contests for a free product has increased our e-mail lists substantially for minimum cost, web rating software has driven traffic, linking exchange and affiliate marketing offers.


Our web site is under development


Our website has been used in support of our marketing presentations. As we develop our ATI ezine, it should become profitable in its own right.Each of our JVs is based heavily upon internet marketing/functionalities. As they come on line, they will be profitable as well.


Our website is educational but we have and audio tour business that we intend to make the internet base marketing a HUGE part of its success. Look for us in a few years on the fortune five hundred list as Hot Spots Audio Tours.


Pay for Placement Search engine bids for words related to our product. We get a 250% ROI within 3-5 weeks through Overture and Yahoo!


People buy my services off my web site


People expect you to have a website.


Personalised email marketing.


Profitable , Not yet


Profitable only in that it only costs us the $19.95 per month access/hosting fee. We have a website that is more educational than anything else. Tries to explain electrical outlets and voltages in foreign countries and how to use appliance made for use in N America in other countries. We do NOT allow orders through the net as we've found 99.9% of people need to address a number of questions before we can determine just what they will need. We ask them to call us on toll free number, and help them one to one. Often results in a sale, though relatively small in $$$ ($2.50 to 30.00)


Profitably sell our software via a basic shop site.


Promote on senior sites.


Recruit JV partners to refer to me. I give them 50% of every sale, even my backend.


See Mkt Strategy, above.


So far so good—blast/measure/cpa on opt in lists, nlast away—so the strategy has been loose.


solution-orinted web site, weekly e-newsletter to client list


Somewhat profitable with email and internet marketing along with sales-letter type website.


Strategic alliance.


Subprime lead providers – mass email


Super-Affiliate business model focusing on niche markets and topics, providing guides to leading products and services which pay commissions for sales from leads traceable to site.Killer Sales Letter with digital download of information products.Both are full automated sites after set-up.


Supply Chain Management.

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Question 35. Do You Have A Profitable Business/Marketing Strategy for the Internet? 140.

Sure wish I did


Tactically we have hired a Search Engine Optimization firm to help us acquire and maintain a top ranking.


That is a whole separate business, which involves printed books, ebooks, newsletters, and an affiliate program.


That’s our business as mentioned above


The internet has been my largest source of new business. Maximizing my search engine strategies to spend my advertising dollars at certain times of the day and week has increased my ROI five times in the last six months and continues to increase each month.


The internet is direct mail in another form.


The internet will reward the informed and penalize the uninformed. We use it as the primary vehicle for timely communication across all time zones and languages.


The web marketing is not proactive. our average customer spends thousand per year, sometimes on each purchase.


There is an internet service that I dont pay for, because I dont think it worth it.


This has been described above.


This has been my focus and passion for the last few months, although not yet realeased we have 100’s of clients ready go to with our 4 part internet marketing plan.


through an eBay-like website to sell goods first, then draw them back to my website.


through an eBay-like website to sell goods first, then draw them back to my website.


To date, the secret of our clients’ successes has been our ability to get their sites ranked in the top twenty on the major search engines. We’ve also had great success because we write copy that is informational and helpful to site visitors. As Jay has often advised, we write copy that is geared towards our target audience. It’s specific, not cookie cutter stuff that most sites have.


To tease prospects enough to call us and request a face to face.


Today, we only use the internet as a complementary tool to enable communication and documentation sharing. I would not call it an incremental profit generating strategy. Just one of many tools.


Too early to determine.


Twice monthly email newsletter


Under development prior to implementation.


Under development. Use of targeted e-zine, email & affiliate program.




Use of search engines, banners, and targeted partnerships and affiliates


Use strictly to drive “B to B” leads – not to generate “B to C” product sales.


Using email to constantly keeping customers in touch. Furthermore, providing good value in content where they use immediately n their businesses, recommending any related books, courses, other info that can help their businesses.


Very low cost subscriber base,


Very targeted nich marketing off keywords etc

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Question 35. Do You Have A Profitable Business/Marketing Strategy for the Internet? 166.

We are currently test marketing a tactic that hopefully will increase our exposure on the internet through the use of being linked to more search engines and our company name showing up more towards the top of the list when certain key phrases are typed .


We are in the order-made kitchen business, which requires actual visit and check up of the location. I want to develop a strategy for the Internet, even for DM, but cannot decide what approach is the best in such case.


We are running an internet based business, therefore our marketing strategy is designed for the Internet.


We are setting up a new web site to sell shade products over the internet.


We create and sell software. Internet is our natural medium. And again, see 22. Give a restricted version away for free. And provide a smooth economic path to use more of its power (subscription, pay-for-use).


We do however use the internet for personalized communication between our marketing /sales team and the supplier. Each supplier can log onto their own personal web page with up to date product information giving their product inventory by vessel, sales rates and pricing. No one else in our market has this capability yet.


We do not do this as well as we should even though we are an internet company since we lack a full time web person and I do a lot of it myself.


We do not have a business / marketing strategy for consulting services on the internet but we do have a supplemental activity that addresses e-mail marketing and advertising. That is a separate activity.


We don’t have an internet strategy.


We don’t sell online


We have a number of profitable web sites (linked at www.thaddeus.com). We sell products at them.


We have a web site


We have a web site and all of our marketing emails direct people to it.


We have a website at www.acncontainers.com.au but we have not developed it any further than that. We’re not convinced that people buy or hire containers over the internet, though they will search for information. Our turnover does not justify the expense of creating any sort of real time order-online service.


We have a website but as of yet it does not generate any substantial sales as of yet.


We have a website, we are currently working on how to effectively use it to increase exposure and sales.


We have an internet presence, but it doesn’t do much for us in the way of sales.


We have just started this. We need to get out in front of our prospects and customers. So we are always attempting to use mailers (USPO or Email) to provoke a response to get an appointment.


We initially launched our business as a web-enabled service, but revised our strategy when it became clear that the market was not particularly interested in the web-enabled element of our business. As part of the current revision of strategy underway, we will test a variety of marketing tactics using the Internet. I should also say that we do use the Internet extensively in conducting our business, using email to transfer the data lists, and sending some of the notifications via email as well.

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Question 35. Do You Have A Profitable Business/Marketing Strategy for the Internet? 185.

We know what we want to do but Not yet- we are 2 years away


we only have a nice website on which plenty of information is published, ideally of great use to potential clients, to which we direct them according principle of ‘educating your clients’ – but this probably does not amount to an ‘internet strategy’


we only have a nice website on which plenty of information is published, ideally of great use to potential clients, to which we direct them according principle of ‘educating your clients’ – but this probably does not amount to an ‘internet strategy’


we only have a nice website on which plenty of information is published, ideally of great use to potential clients, to which we direct them according principle of ‘educating your clients’ – but this probably does not amount to an ‘internet strategy’


we only have a nice website on which plenty of information is published, ideally of great use to potential clients, to which we direct them according principle of ‘educating your clients’ – but this probably does not amount to an ‘internet strategy’


We promote our website to our store visitors of which 80% are international visitors so that they can revisit us. We aloign ourselves with the licencees so that we can fulfil their orders as well as those generated by our our search engine efforts


We submit our loans by the internet saves time and money. Our website collects names from people searching the web for mortgage, they become part of autoreponse program continually feeding information on all types of finace. When these people want finance, they come to us as we are their experts they trust, as we provided invaluable info ‘ How to protect your assets from being sued.


We use a strategy of capturing e-mail addresses of those who visit our site. We do so by offering ‘White Paper’s through popup windows on certain pages of our site. Visitors also need to provide their name and e-mail address if they wish to test drive one of our online demos. The names and e-mail addresses are added to an autoresponder that then systematically e-mails them 7 times.


We use internet to provide information to our clients and translators. We also provide our translators with online tools, such as client-specific dictionaries.


We use our website to add credibility and for realtor resource and we have our email campaigns mentioned above. But these just feed into our offline business


We use pay per click with numerous search engines


We will be putting all of our manuals in pdf format to sell world wide.


We’re on the Internet and we’re profitable, but we haven’t started to scratch the surface of possibility.


We’ve just rolled out our new web site which describes the benefits to working with us. It includes a “get the ball rolling” three-step action guide that sits on the right hand side of every page that makes it easy to hit the three crucial sections of our site – how we can help, why it’s in your best interest to use us over the competition, and how to contact us.


Website used for people to get more information, filter that saves my time.


Website where we discuss what we offer and also try to get people to subscribe to our newsletter


Website, ezine and affiliates.


Word of mouth seems to be working.

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Question 35. Do You Have A Profitable Business/Marketing Strategy for the Internet? 203.

Working on this. We will offer this to our clients as a service. We think we can use it to make money indirectly for clinics.


working with Frank Garon and lee Benson at the moment




Yes, I recently signed up at sitesell.com to improve the marketability of my real estate agent supply site, www.YourNameOurGame.com My laon site will be www.SalesSaviour.com (ot up yet)


Yes, I recently signed up at sitesell.com to improve the marketability of my real estate agent supply site, www.YourNameOurGame.com My laon site will be www.SalesSaviour.com (ot up yet)

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? Question 36. How do you explain your marketing strategy to someone outside your industry (i.e., at a party), keeping it as simple as possible? 1.

? (3)


1. Drive people to the website 2. Catch their e-mail address 3. Try to encourage an initial purchase through the website and direct e-mailing 4. Contact existing customers again and try to sell more products


1-2-3 is very simple


95% of our marketing is done over the net. We have 20-30 website that educate out customers on the cost of bad hires.


A blank stare.


A direct mail piece with TV airing at the same time .


A three level marketing plan. 1st tier is national media marketing, 2nd tier is regional media marketing and personal marketing combined, 3rd tier is part media but mostly one to onemarketing at the personal level


Acquiring customers at a minimum cost, by strategic alliances, usp


Again we do not have a real tightly defined strategy? We try to help people to see the pain of their current situation in light of the solutions and answers that are available to them.


Aim to be the largest procurer /marketer of top quality product from all regions in which we work. This gives our marketing team the opportunity to be the price setters of the particular product.


All businesses need skill in the financial aspects of the business. Big companies hire full-time people to fill the role of the Chief Financial Officer. Smaller companies can get the same benefit but scaled to their need by my services.


Always have a good selection – good, fresh food in a clean atmosphere.


Always see your market and focus on your strength. Cut the non-performers in job, distributionship and focus of those that give you the most returns


An educated consumer is our best client.


Anyone can understand a commitment to excellent service. Simple strategies are timeless.


Ask question? Do you know anyone that could use help in making better decisions??


Asking "Would you like to be able to build up a relationship with a supplier, rather than for example, receive unsolicited mail?"


Association of various industries through membership or conducting seminars to their members at no cost and offer hugh discount to our products.


Attract new business through networking, contacts, satisfied clients, direct mail


Automated personalized relationship building.


Be first. (See #17)


Be different


Be so indespensible that you are referred


Be the best overall solution for your customer at a reasonable price (great value). We establish a great relationship with high hand holding personal care for setup and if there are troubles so that the customer can grow sales and profits.


Be the first, the largest , and the best.

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? 26.

Better service, lower price


Bettering the competition by over-satisfying customers, generating additionalRevenues and referrals to grow the business


Biblical based fundraising so individuals can build a closer relationship with God, raise cash for the church group, and we use the profits to support third world orphanages.


Broaden referral sources, expand services, cross sell


Build a relationship with prospects by taking away all the risk... then deliver bigger than I promised. Being there for them.


Build a reputation for expertise in my area, then apply my expertise to help companies make their Information Technology more valuable.


By askingthem questions to find out what they already know the industry


By developing great relationships with our clients we have been able to continuously multiply our client base via referrals. It is all word of mouth.


By repeat business and keep looking for new clients with calls and faxing.


By using a 60 second elevator pitch.


Call prospects (or leave voice mail messages) inviting them to request a free booklet comprehensively explaining the benefits of telemarketing. Then if they realize the profit potential of a telemarketing operation, they can have an analysis done which will determine for them, specifically, if a joint venture with me would be profitable._


Can’t and don’t


Chocolat ethat raises money fo rhunger relief projects


Cold calls, referrals, direct mailers


Contact potential buyers through word of mouth or the newspaper


Contact prior customers to see how my suggestions are working for them.


Create a greater perceivable value, from the client’s perspective, for our services at a market level price that moves them to a buying action.


Create a product that a company can use to track the productivity of driver and give a daily p&L


Create awareness in a market niche and offer customers more than they bargained for.


Create opportunities to contact new people, communicate with them so that they understand they have a problem that needs help, and close them on our being the solution.


Currently: PR, articles, ads. Later: word of mouth.


Customer relationship management and calculated advertising


Database research and targeting communication by mail a specific money saving proposition followed by telephone and presentation.


Desire to make a difference in people’s lives and available.


Develop deep relationships with large clients


Develop strong relationships with consistent referral sources


Developing deep relationships with a small number of key retailers whilst ensuring market coverage by having product available across all geographies (80/20 rule)


Direct mail

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? 54.

Direct mail and advertising with phone support


Direct mail with lots of P.R. and with phone support -- inbound and outbound.


Direct Mail; targeted advertising


Direct mailing to an area that i want to serve.


Direct mailings with great offers, up sell, build relationships with customer


Direct marketing and to target audience


Direct sales to customers at art & craft shows with follow-on sales via mail order


Do a great job and people will tell others.


Do not have one


Do stuff that is fun and that you are passionate about – everything else comes from there – and always work on the WIIFM factor – people do things for their reasons – not yours.




Don’t do it


Don’t have a good strategy


Don’t have a marketing strategy.


Don’t have a strategy but do talk up the practice at events and organizations and let others know we are accepting new patients


Don’t have an overall strategy yet.


Don’t have one


Don’t have one. We rely on people walking in the door or callihg on the phone.


Don’t really have one o I couldn’t explain it. I always thought of Marketing Strategy as a tactic. Something below a Strategy.




Dupont spent 20 years developing a biotechnolgy product that has profound effects on 96% of eveyone who takes it, and i help set up the marketing for it.


Educating respected referral sources to strongly recommend us to appropriate clients.


Equate it to upmarket and downmarket retail stores.


Establish technical excellence, then clearly and graphically explain advantages of using services based on this excellence.


every business owner has problems, but someone somewhere has had these problems too… what we do is we find these people with experience of solving these problems and organise solution-oriented seminar during which they divulge their knowledge and experience


Exclusive branded products at competitive prices


Expert Positioning


Expert providing a quality business service


Explain our vertical market approach


Explaining how people make every buying decision based on emotion and not logic and how to tap into their emotions by finding their major pain and/or fears and then following up on a consistent basis.


Fax blast a series of response letters to a targeted list of prospects


Figure out who has the authority to write a check and then get the guy actually

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? doing the hard work to be your champiopn and help sell your [product to him. 86.

Find an opportunity and go after it


Find interested buyers and connect them to my books or classes.


Finding strategies to quickly launch products(tactics) into the markeptplace and dominating the specific niche they are targetting


First I describe my USP and then go on talking about referralsI send out flyers every month detailing body treatment specials to entice the shopping center tenants to try for themselves or give away to their clients. Every person that comes in for a treatment I ask to give them a few business cards to take with them and give to their friends as referrals. For every referral I get, the person referring is entitled to either 15 minutes (that may accumulate) of any body treatment of their choice or $15.00 off of any body treatment of their choice.


Focus is on total comfort and quality care for our patients all the tactics support this.


Focus on helping business optimize their long term results


Follow the tried and true techniques of others who are successful


Funnel end users to my current customers to purchase the products I represent


Generally I say boot leather on the pavement works best, and go to work every day.


Generate leads in pre-selling mood by valuable articles (“how-to” type), establishing trust (testimonials) and encourage to contact us by phone or mail.


Get in front of the clients continuously. Educate them and let them know you can be called for information as well as buying your product or service. Try to work with other businesses to leverage your time and add to your range of services and products. This builds income streams too. Keep following up. Do things differently than everyone else. This way you will be remembered.


Get to know the clients business and do good work.


Getting more referrals and keeping and getting more clients.


Give it away. See 35.


Give people great value and results.


Giving a little extra, by mixing my knowledge on copywriting with personal coaching.


Giving my promoters, & affiliates more than any other program on the front end product or service, then making money on the back-end.


Giving the stuff away as “added value” gift –tool to organizations with a lot of members/customers.


Global trade


Good service and low price.


have never tried doing this


Have others refer me as “the only and best” solution in my industry


Have our website available on the internet, so search engines can find us.


Have salespeople making cold calls and visiting people


Have you ever slipped on a wet floor? My company fixes those problems for restaurants, hotels, schools, health clubs, office buildings, and bathtubs.


Haven’t yet

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? 112.

Havn’t yet been able to do so to my satisfaction


heavy coupon discounting


heavy pr in advance of personal appearance by artist


Helping family and friends to home ownership


Helping other business grow their bottom line by allowing us to provide our services to their prospects, and letting them keep 100% of the profits.


Helping others create marketing leverage in their business. We are rewarded out of their victories.


Hi my name is Mervin Faulkner. I am in the Promotion/Incentive business. I show people how they can participate in a Points Reward/Incentive Program that pays them for doing so and creates an additional income steam for their company.


Honestly, I never been asked by anyone in a party about our marketing strategy. If someone ask, I do not have much to say as there is none.


How much active money making knowledge do you want for free.I can get it for you? Add a customized benefit to them and keep stacking until they say we should talk sometime.


I advertise into the same areas with 3 different business names and 3 different sales staff


I advertise they call


I am a member os several organizations where I attend meetings and share my business with the attendees, get their cards, and contact them afterwords to explore their needs.


I am beginning to realize that I do not have one


I am business growth strategist. I show companies how to increase their profits 20% to 30% immediately and double their revenues in 12 to 18 months.


I am in the wealth building business and focus on wellness products that continually solve many health challenges. I am about creating wealth and health and recruit and train men and women that are interested in a potentially lucrative home based business.


I ask for the referral or create some type of alliance.


I avoid parties…….or I talk about her! Baby!!!!!!!!!!


I buy and sell houses using the lease purchase method.


I can’t


I can’t explain what we do let alone explain a marketing strategy


I clean rings for a quarter.


I convey to them my USP and let them know up front I can in a brief conversation by phone or in person, identify potential marketing methods that can be converted in to new income for their business.


I describe the workshops and training program I offer, giving them some examples of athletes I have worked with.


I do a book review campaign each time I come out with a new or revised edition (Dan Poynter style); I send announcements to everyone who has purchased books from me in the past; I am calling my mailing list about a new customized nutrition program I am marketing.


I do a few mailings, a referral system, and I build great relationships with my clients.

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? 137.

I do explain the marketing associated with building a LIST or using some other peoples LIST. I must say the methods of symbiotic existince do look very promising. That is something I learned from Jay Abraham and recognized it as a method used by Jim Rohn (Herbalife) and Jim Dornin (Network21) and Amway. Robert Kiyosaki do take the same route in association with Nightingale-Conant.


I do not explain my marketing strategies at parties


I don’t (8)


I don’t explain it to anybody. It bores them to tears! Only my wife and one of my principles understand.


I don’t explain my strategy.


I don’t have any strategy, so I wouldn’t explain it to anyone.


I don’t talk about my strategy at parties


I don't. I don't want them to know how I am marketing.


I educate clients on benefits and pitfalls in the mortgage process instead of just selling a mortgage


I email leads generated by a lead generation company, then I send out autoresonder messeges that educate and target interested prospects. I then send the interested prospects to my site and offer them an educational mini-course. Then I offer upsells and cross-sell other products that provide cash-flow that supports my main business.


I engage guest conductors in conversation and offer interesting scores that might fit into their programing. I keep knocking on record producers doors, making offers until one finally accepts.


I establish personal one-to-one relationships with clients to ensure lifetime satisfaction and referrals.


I establish personal one-to-one relationships with clients to ensure lifetime satisfaction and referrals.


I explain our usp (getting families out of debt in 7 years…), and tell people that the way we continue to meet with more families is by other families referring us.


I explain that this technology is the only FDA CT Scanner that is fast enough to take clear images of the bodies moving parts, like the heart and lungs. It can also perform diagnostic imaging in ways that could only be done invasively in the past. As a result it is a safer, faster and less expensive way to receive these services.


I find money businesses have overpaid for utilities and shipping and get it back for them.


I find people with existing customers and offer to form a mutually-beneficial alliance with them.


I find target markets that have business growth problems I can solve and I make arrangements with associations and business vendors that have a favorable relationship with these markets to endorse my products and services to members of these groups.


I focus on creating interaction intelligence in the world of the middle manager.


I focus on the target, go out and establish a relationship, then make frequent contact to create awareness and mindshare. Then I offer a risk free, low budget initial offering in order to build trust and a deeper relationship – all the while I am educating them on my year long service option.


I get good ranking right now on the search engines

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? 158.

I give you the product that gives you the most satisfaction


I have a couple of documents that I use to explain the business concept to other people. I generally sit down with them for a hour to review it.


I have a twenty-five minute presentation that I give at Rotary and other service clubs describing some of the tactics that work for me and I encourage the audience to take one or two ideas home to think about and modify to fit their needs. (I tell them that this is my wish for them) I tell them that as business men it is our duty to help each other to be successful and to lead Boise out of the economic doldrums rather than following the national economy by four years like we did the last time we were in a down cycle. In it I touch briefly on branding, competing with the internet and with the large cement warehouse type stores, taking care of our core clientele, strategic alliances, and finding a nitch.


I have highly credible people refer others to me, and am sought out after my speaking engagements occur


I have just spoken to people who have had a problem and let them know what I could do to help them.


I have none (2)


I help companies struggling with sales and profit to increase both


I help companies to be successful in the China market.


I help medium to large business to develop more sales through better marketing strategies


I help others solve problems while saving them substantial money


I help people remain at home when they need long-term health care


I help people to help themselves...physically, emotionally, spiritually and also financially...I introduce them to a high performance team and then mentor them to success


I help people to sell more of their services by helping them to tell their story to people who might want to buy off them in a much better way


I help therapist to be more effective in what they do.


I identify who I want as clients and ask centers of influence or clients to refer me. I ask satisfied clients to refer met to people like them.


I just say my company teaches people how to make and save money.


I keep in regular contact with my present clients.


I keep my answers very broad and general.


I leverage other peoples assets to access my target market, I help them solve a tough marketing challenge and then let them know I am available to work on a contingency basis.


I leverage the power of highly satisfied customers to use their word of mouth to inform others.


I look to meet people who already have the trust and respect of my target client. Then, I work to help them see that by introducing me to their clients, they are making their clients’ businesses stronger and healthier which benefits everyone involved.


I make it easy for people to refer, and make them aware that referrals are encouraged and rewarded


I make money by helping other people and businesses make more money. I sell my advice and products that enhance the sales of their business.

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? 181.

I make my living protecting your family and your business.


I make web sites go from average to profitable


I market and sell very technical electrical and electronic products to my industrial customers and I do so as an "independent sales agent" who represents a multiple number of product lines and manufacturers that do not compete.


I market to people that can’t get financing for a house traditionally.


I market to small business people asset protection using a variety of business entities and wills and trusts.


I offer a free photo session and then my customers are able to order or not order as they choose.


I offer marketing and sales services for crossborder businesses (foreign companies who want to build, enhance, grow, protect their business in Europe specially in Germany)I offer office service, office space, strategy workshops, marketing workshops, projectmanagement in areas of my expertise or related areas


I pick up the phone and start making calls


I private label services (carpet cleaning, massage therapy,etc) under my brand


I provide clients with opportunities to professionally display their talents to their best potential. I help people look their best so they can do their best, and be their best.


I publish exclusive decorating electronic books over the internet that will teach anyone how to decorate just like the professionals and even start a home based business.


I put myself out there, in front of the lorry.


I reach people who are attracted to how I can help them through multiple channels.


I rely on word-of-mouth


I review books by other writers and donate that column to my local paper. I give away free ebooks on my websites. I put the beginning of each of my books on my websites and put a link at the end so readers who are interested can buy the rest. I put lots of useful information on my websites for free. I answer queries, run contests, and create teaching aids.


I say I try to stay in contact with mail, email, newsletters, etc.


I say that people who buy my report get to profit it two ways, one from the information it contains and secondly by referring others to me.


I say that we strive to set the buying criteria and can get sales doing that.


I see everyone as unique and I seek to build relationships with my clients which empower them.


I sell goods and services that make your life easier or more enjoyable.


I sell information products online, then I allow my customers to profit by referring my website to other people – they get 50% of the profit from any sales they generate for me.


I sell weight-loss supplements to people via direct mail, space ads, radio or on the internet.


I send out a weekly bulletin, called The “Must-Know” InfoTM Bulletin, via email each week, pointing out the benefit to people of requesting and completing a Confidential Questionnaire. I follow up with those who have an expressed an

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? interest by calling them. In due course, I’ll be making special offers to people via email to induce them to take action. 204.

I send out mailings to people I think need my service


I show people how investment property works from a short booklet. I then explain in person how it works and we organize something for a client if they would like to use our services.


I speak to people and groups, I write for publications, and then people call me.


I specialize in helping businesses grow. Usually by making their marketing more efficient and productive.


I start by asking if they believe in two principles – firstly, do you think you should take personal responsibility for your overall well-being? Secondly, do you think that prevention of disease is infinitely better than curs?


I target market to Realtors by using direct response marketing.


I teach, teachers how to use technology to dramatically improve the learning experience of their students.


I tell them I have a real estate co, theFirst Big City Discount Real Estate Company in Pittsburgh. It’s for sellers with some savvy but who need a R E broker w/20 yrs experience, who’ll help them sell it themselves and save thousands.


I tell them my tactics


I tell them the pain people feel by not using my products and then tell how I pull them out of the pain.


I try and get as many customers as possible


I try to find out about their business or interests and what they are doing, and let my marketing philosophies become part of the conversation.


I use subcontractors to sale my products


I use targeted direct mailings to specific contacts within the top 100 prospects in the Metro area.


I usually give our personal commercial in a nutshell –(15 second commercial)


I wait for the phone to ring.


I want to market to intermediaries like bankers, lawyers, accountants, leasing companies, and lease brokers, whose clients are the same clients I’m looking for that have trouble getting conventional financing for business equipment


I will tell them that I produce results for my clients with their marketing communication efforts. If they ask what kind of results I tell them that it depends on the client because each one is looking for something else. For instance, some are trying to reduce their budgets while others are trying to get more responses from their efforts.


I work with retirees and those nearing retirement to protect the value of their investments and maximize long term income


I would be at a loss to explain it.


I wouldn’t. I tend to keep it to myself.I guess I’m too interested in them – so I fly under their radar and make the sale.It happens quiet a lot.People seldom ask me about my self, they are too busy talking about their business, etc.


I’m JACK the JAR MAN, We discover plastic container packaging secrets in “club stores” and manufacturer them for food clients.


I’m not doing this


I’ve built a community of partners who marketing on Internet7. Now describe your

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? marketing game plan in one sentence. I train my clients to become successful Internet marketers and invite them to become a partner in our private Internet marketing community 228.

I’ve tried to explain back-end or host-beneficiary before… now I don’t bother… what a convoluted mess… ha!


Identify a target of 100 intended clients then contact them through phone and direct mail, maintain continual contact and work on backend sales and referrals.


If I help you multiply your revenues and profits, will you favor me with your employee benefits business?


If we keep in touch with a potential customer, 90% will buy within 12 months. That is our present marketing strategy.


If you don’t think my services are worth my fee, you won’t owe me anything.


If your business needs CASH, I have it


I'm really not sure that I have a marketing strategy at this point. It's been more of going through all the types of things that I've done over the last 4 years and realizing that most of them didn't work that well other than my direct mail. That has been my best marketing to date, quarterly newsletters.


In addition to the usual listings (i.e. Yellow Pages) I seek referrals from satisfied clients and use a company to supply me with appointments with people who meet set criteria.


In our industry service has taken a back seat. This is what we sell and stand on. The service that the customer of the show producer will recieive.


In traditional real estate, each AGENT does PERSONAL marketing. For Help-USell, each BROKER does OFFICE marketing, which is more efficient, and creates a better team atmosphere. Even though my commission cut is lower, as a brand new buyer’s agent I benefit because I don’t have to spend any of my own personal money generating leads.


Informing our clients how our services save them money and time to give an event to remember


Intense face to face selling and relationships. Design in sole source technical solutions. Develop new products based on real customer needs and projects


Internet advertising, computer screening on recruiting end.Direct mail and targeted advertising on retail end.


Internet is used for lead generation, use telephone and personal visits to follow up and close the sale


Internet/Web based e-commerce


Irrelevant I don’t have one.


It’s all about who I know


It’s who you know or what you know that counts, but rather who knows what you know so we reach out the community in order to gain more clients through sales people, alliances with referring brokers and professionals


it's as simple as possible


Knowledgeable employees devoted to customer needs and their satisfaction


Latly I’ve been using “I help Businesses cure there marketing I’lls”It works


Lead generation and client referals through specific superior service catered to my clients. I hope by treating my clients as valued friends and offering a high degree of personal care, they will recommend me to others.

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? 250.

Lead generation through multiple touch points


Learn the sales material, talk to people and get referrals.


Learning and modeling current market leaders.


Let more people in my market segment know who I am


List real estate at the right price and it will sell.


Listen, understand and fill your clients personal needs.


Location and good service with good, fair prices.


Look for businesses that don’t have a web presence then show them the benefits to having a website


Love the client to death, and remember the things they do not.


Made to get people more healthy and/or wealthy


Mail, phone, advertise.


Make contact, determine motivation, set appointment, take listing


Make money for people by getting them to stand out of the way.


Make people say Wow, this is a Bodyshop. I've never seen or heard of a shop that looks or does that.


Making ourselves fully available to develop a plan for their success


Market with nationwide distributors/distribution and local direct sales.


Marketing gravity…all my effortsd are designed to have people come to me


Marketing is an effective way of communicating how your product will help another individual.


Marketing strategy is a key idea or concept that will help your company gain considerable market share over time.


Marketing-Consulting from practice to practice.


Maximising student potential through tutoring and directed seminars


Merely, that I provide the highest and best materials and design ideas in my field and the artwork I chose to sell is highly collectable, rare and valuating due to the artists’ exclusive nature and international notoriaty.


Money back guarantee


Mostly word of mouth.


Multiple pillars using best practices, continuously testing them to optimize.


my biggest marketing strategy is referral marketing


My marketing exist out of a combination of building a peoplenetwork, direct mail followed up by phone and personal meetings to close the deal.


My marketing strategy is like Alladdins Lamp. I ask people to make three wishes about their communications and then help them fulfill these.


My strategy is to teach people the value of good sleep and health.


My strategy: I'm trying to get a better clients and to get bigger volume. to find an office I can buy or merge with.


My USPI help companies craft powerful & unique indentities. So a flood of business not only comes to them, but they become the only choice in the industry.


N/A (4)


Natural growth.

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? 283.

Need to clarify my strategy before trying to explain it.


Networking and referrals


never do


Never done


Never had the opportunity but if I did: Our goal is to identify several different but complementary markets that fit our skills, and introduce our company to them as time and money and energy allow.


Never have to since I do not have onoe


No idea


No marketing strategy in place.


No one has ever asked.


No real strategy, just seize opportunities


No strategy (2)


No structure except we try to build a long relationship with our customers


None (5)


Not relevant


Not something I usually do.


Not very well


Offer a low-cost, quality sample to establish a loyal customer base. Then offer quality ready to eat meals for a profit.


one customer or physician tells another about our services because our recommendations are effective.




Our business is 100% referral


Our business is providing medical practice management services. We identify those practices with reimbursement deficiencies where we feel we can improve their revenue by a least 20% and we share 25% of that improvement. We identify general practices that can offer their patients our allied health products and significantly increase the clinic’s revenue.


Our client’s needs always come first


Our clients come to us by referrals, so when we do business with, they are required to provide us with referrals. We are selective and they must meant out net worth requirements. People want to with successful people You have to qualfy.We provide creative solutions getting a loan and and we work with Accountants & lawyers and put you in touch them to help you slove other problems


Our elevator speech: We provide security services that help companies prevent law suits, productivity collapse and negative publicity while protecting their people, property and assets.


Our focus is on keeping our customers concerns and requirements first, while meeting industry standards. We keep our customers requirements in the first position


Our goal is to have our perfect clients come searching for us instead of us trying to chase them down.. hmm . . . lord I need work on this.


Our marketing strategy is focus on industrial customers and whole sellers

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? 310.

Our marketing strategy is to excel in our brand business, rendering automatic acknowledgement of your competence.


Our marketing strategy utilizes a Gradual Marketing approach.


Our mission is to share to small to medium sized distributor and manufacturing prospective customers compelling solutions that leverage technology to make them more money. We primly reach them by phone.


Our strategy is to focus on the areas that we think we gain the most assets under management.


Outline the residual and ongoing nature or the business


Partner with companies that have more to gain by my success then if I do. In my case it is the USPS.


People always want to know if chiropractic can help whatever ails them. We use the pebble in the shoe analogy. If you have pebble in your shoe and it hurts, the only way to get rid of the pain is to remove the pebble not to take a drug or have a surgery. In our office we help to get rid of the “pebbles” irritating the nervous system-SUBLUXATION.


People buy direct from us and save


Permission based marketing on the internet.


Personal contact with frequent phone followups


Phone calls


Placed myself at the center of my industry as the most knowledgeable INDEPENDENT information source.


Placing classifieds, meeting prospects and selling them.


Plan for immediacy, for tomorrow, next year, five years ahead, 25 years ahead and beyond simultaneously




Practice your scripts call people that might want to sell or buy a home and really be there for them and try to help them.


Pre- eminent choice for quality designs and models


Primarily direct mail.


Profiling our clients and prospects and directing emails to them based on that profile and those of our clients.


Promotion on internet.


Provide cost effective solutions that provide the most cost effective solution, and often save lots of time and/or money long after the project is completed.


Provide excellent service and then use that to get referalls and references for selling to new customers. Also, keep selling more and more services to existing customers based on doing such a good job with what they have already.


Provide the best affordable products in the market place


Providing a broad range of high quality supporting service to letting agents.


Providing decorating advice to answer all your queries


Providing free info to prove my expertise


Providing web based applications and information systems for health professionals that they can use for specialised information sourcing for both themselves and their patients.Patient ordering systems that allows a practitioner to earn a commission equal to what they would get if they sold the product for profit

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? themselves from their premises.Direct sales of products to practitioners for resale to patients from their premises.Designing and distributing software solutions for patient and practice management, and marketing. 337.

Pull not push. Digital tools via internet.


Putting the customer in what we called in the Marine Corps the dilemma of the “Horns of the Bull” i.e., No matter which way you turn you find us.


Radio interviews, toll free phone number, Internet.


Really don't


Referral system and quality and affordabiklity


Referrals (8)


Referrals and personal contacts


Referrals, emailings, municipal endorsement and publicity


Rely on word of mouth referrals, relationships in community, with a minimum of paid advertising




Re-selling existing clients.


Right now, I am depending mainly upon word of mouth references


Same as our USP. For over 50 years we have been providing quality promotion and recognition products on time, everytime…guaranteed.


Search engine rankings.


Seat of the pants


We offer Large corporations Total Building Solutions to take care of all their facilities needs with one stop and save them $’s and increase the productivity of their people at the same time.


Sell diamonds at very lower price possible


Sell the key companies


Sell the key companies


Send out press releases, wait for the leads to come in, call the leads.


Service, Service, Service. We Care.


Simle well desined short but thorough project with systemic look and high level of creativity


simplicity and partnering


Simply respecting the customer, making it easy and rewarding to do business with me and deliver quality product and service.


Stay focused on our core strengths: Haircuts for men and boys in a sportsthemed environment that create an experience vs. a commodity item.


Stick to the company’s mission statement and how we are applying it to our particular part of the overall business in Europe. A brief description of some of the broad tactics we are using, Nothing too detailed though!


Still trying to figure it out.


Stop by for coffee, learn about each other first, then talk about the business of Alpacas


strategic alliance


Stress our feeling of service

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? 367.

Suggest to people that we can help them in many ways they had not thought of


Talk about business consulting and helping our clients grow their businesses profitably.


Target in person and with direct mail current clients a nd prospective clients.


Tell them I’ve gotten involved in property developments and through this, have come across some really lucrative investment opportunities. If interested, I start to expand further.


Tell them the basics: we sell software to a specific market using traditional marketing programs


Tell them what I do and refere to websites yp and 24hr message


Tell them what we do, why we are so good in this business, and offer him a spotting fee to find prospect.


Telling the people the truth


That are marketing efforts are sporatic


That I rely and aim to have a 100% referral based business.


That we try to be aware of what’s important to our clients, and communicate the quality and uniqueness of what we do and how we do it (as cliché as that might sound??)


The “elevator speech”


The blueprint for the company, the thesis


The goal is top of mind awareness when it relates to anything realestae or financially concerned. It’s accomplished by eliminating as much confusion and clutter around our transaction, offering relationships for the needed ancillary services, and remaining in constant contact with our customer.


The sales funnel analogy


Through study and referrals, we identify and match our capabilities with companies who are eager to strengthen and grow their position in their market or industry


To achieve the objective culture and master strategy by applying all the viable marketing tactics to all the vialble markets available using the client's stories and testimonials as the theme at the heart of most of the communication.


To be know by as many people as possible.


To connect with other businesses in a win-win situations


To connect with Practitioners, charities and other organizations to have them promote my products and services, in returning for a commission.


To constantly come up with new products, either through growth or acquisistion.


To deliver cutting edge products at a effective cost directly bypassing the middlemen


To develop and nurture life-long relationships with owners of commercial buildings who are looking for partners to provide them with the highest quality building management solutions which help them achieve the most comfortable environment possible while ensuring lowest possible operating cost (i.e. greatest financial value for their investment).


To do what we can to ensure that the tide towards green funerals (and ones which use our coffins) becomes as large as the tide towards cremation became at the beginning of the last century.


To educate my target market about the effectiveness of a unique marketing

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? system to help businesses make more money 392.

To enrich your life and your community with beauty by filling the gap once occupied by the old-world Renassiance Master’s Studio.


To get customers and keep them, while providing good customer service and enjoyment.


To make sure that our customer’s needs are met, providing them with backend services


To provide strategic solutions to entrepreneurs of different experience and educational levels for developing Home-based income producing assets.


to sell to a specific group of art collectors, i.e., those who like western realism art


To stay in contact with our prospect base so that when they are looking for Supply Chain Software they think of us first


To try and let the world know there are answers to the many drug side effects. Solution selling


Too early ….still under development as our ‘barbecue story’


Total fluid management of mainly petroleum related products and marketing support services.


Unfortunately, I’ve been working so much recently, I haven’t had a chance to go to any parties :o( But I would explain my new (and still not completely formulated) strategy as providing a complete suite of products/services to companies in the cable/satellite industry that prepares them for the future of the TV industry. These offerings are informational, educational, extremely valuable to our clients, have little competition, and are created by collaborating with other broad-minded professionals in the industry. I have no idea how that would go over at a party, but if I try it, I’ll let you know!


Unique product, competitive price and unpeckable service




Use conventional advertising and promotions to drive store traffic using pricing and financing as major attraction


Using one sentence


Using other peoples database to promote our service


Using show to reach more clients.


Using the terms in question 33. Make a Power Point presentation if needed.


Utilize simple but effective techniques that massively benefit the end user.


Viral, allowing it to grow by its own value and word of mouth


We absolutely love our members and we want them to be the most successful people in the industry.


We aim to be the most responsive and exceed agreed expectations, delight the client.


We aim to develop a network & community with our clients based on providing amazing value and benefits to each other. Our approach to all prospective clients is driven by that desire – which they usually feel and respond to.


We aim to educate and provided free information to landowners interested in developing a windfarm on their own ground.


We aim to inform, and educate business-people in online marketing using email newsletters by offering information products that are created and targeted to their needs and desires, by constantly building an opt-in list, surveying it for feedback

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? and constructing products the market has evinced interest in. 416.

We aim to inform, and educate business-people in online marketing using email newsletters by offering information products that are created and targeted to their needs and desires, by constantly building an opt-in list, surveying it for feedback and constructing products the market has evinced interest in.


We aim to provide a complete solutions to the Print and Marking trades.


We are “autohealth” experts, no one else is.


We are a customer obsessed company.


We are a honest manufacturer making high quality Italian and Japanese style order made kitchen according to your needs and budget at a normal prices


We are a publisher of the best sports newspaper in our city, we help our clients gain exposure, market to their desired demograhic audience.


We are a small family run cyder making company that strives to carry on eight generations of cyder making heritage. Our forefathers primary concern was to make a drink that they liked fortunately the public likes it to.Through a number of activities that are designed to encourage consumers to try our cyder we plan to raise the profile of the brand by delivering on our heritage – cyder that the family would be proud of.Brand discoverers are key to our brand building. The sort of people who discover a new wine or new type of food such as sun dried tomatoes in the UK who when they ‘discover’ our cyder they do our selling for us when they encourage their friends to try our cyder too.


We are in the business of building the most comfortable hot tub product within the industry. We are the Volvo of the hot tub industry


We are making it easy for the customer so that we are the only contact regarding any service/complaint/inquiry in our company.


We are position ourselves as the company to buy certified procut from, having the most inventory, most variety and most comprehensive certification process.


We are striving to be identified by our clients as being preeminent in the creation of web-based internet databases which allow them to leave their hard-wired networked computers behind; and giving them access to all the important information that makes them unique and successful, any where and at any time they have an internet connection.


We are the only awards dealer that remind s you to be successful, by reminding you to reward your best employees. Thereby making you more successful.. Our sample program is the best in the industry, I believe. Dr. Moine was impressed when I sent him one.


We are the only source of fully guaranteed banquet furniture in the world and we let new clients experience our furniture at low cost in order to create a longterm relationship.


We are trying to gain an intellectual toehold on those in media, so as to bolster our credibility with those in the general fan base.


We are trying to reach people one at the time (which I find an inefficient way of doing it by I do not know any better)


We are very specific in targeting our products. We remain successful by staying very close to our customers and in providing only those products that add real value to their businesses.


We are working to attract people who are interested in more than symptom care. We are looking for people who are looking for a better way to keep their bodies healthy long-term; people who are interested in including a natural approach to

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? health in their regular regimen. 433.

We ask for referrals.


We build our market by determining the presence of establish customers and prospects in a given niche who would benefit from our products and services and deliver information to them over and over to establish sales, repeat sales and backend sales.


We call people and ask them a few questions and make them a promise we know we can keep.


We come out with innovative 1st-in-the-world products by getting ourselves into the inner circle of industry’s standards-making committees. As such, we promote our still-in-process solutions with key customers and help them sell products with 1st-in-the-world features


We communicate to realtors using various sources to let them know how much of a difference we can really make to the realtors business


We convince other complementary websites to put up links to our website, drive traffic to our site and close it with an effective educational process.


We create better lifestyles for our clients, by ensuring their success when purchasing our products or programs


We deliver solutions to the chains buyers by selling them products that does not make the bulk of their business and buying all for one vendor gets them better results in every way.


We design and build custom/one of a kind houses.


We develop and provide owner operated healthclubs with strategic marketing and sales tools that allow them to grow their membership consistently and cost effectively while increasing retention.


we direct market to small businesses hoping to catch them at a time when their cash flow ispresenting problems so that we can then offer a solution


WE Don’t


We don’t work for just anybody who enters the door (like our competitors do). We select our clients very carefully. For example, this year, we have room for only 10 new clients. However, for those who get selected we structure our processes in a way that allows us to guarantee them 100% satisfaction, 100% of the time, without exceptions.


We don't really have one


We educate


We focus on being different from other architects – providing a service for our clients by first listening to their needs, THEN designing a project.


We focus on promoting our product through the Internet.


We focus on supporting people who use a particular class of machines –we market to those who want to use their machine more effectively and enjoyably, to those who have something to sell to those people.


We fortunately have created a product whereby 95% of our primary market already uses our software. This has all happened due to our pricing being very value oriented early on in our history. We are now struggling to create the same value in other markets to crack into them. Word of mouth has always been our strongest ally.


We give families the hope and peace of mind in knowing that they’ll be able to survive paying for their children’s education.

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? 453.

We give people an opportunity to experience us – so that they can decide if what we have to offer is for them.


We guarantee our clients success and reach them through referrals, host beneficiary and direct communication techniques


We have a $500 warranty for the car security product giving the sale added value for the client


We have a very marketable product which we over time will bring to everyones attention through direct-mail , the internet and the fax. We will have a sales force to follow up with phone calls.


We have no marketing strategy. The only strategy we had is to utilize our existing customer base.


We have the largest fleet of food vans in Australia and we advertise heavily on radio during the football season.


We have to achive to anderstanding-how comes one of the properties from one to another.


We help business people prevent problems and seize opportunities.


We help businesses and individuals do more with what they’ve got…through Education and Re-organization.


We help businesses get new customers,make more sales to existing customers and increase profits from every customer.


We help employers better manage their benefits through our specialization and through systematic and continuous education and communication.


We help individuals and small businesses achieve their dreams.


We help our client grow their businesses through ……


We help our clients by providing responsive solutions for their environmental or safety challenges


We help our clients increase productivity and reduce costs. We do this by offering services and IT solutions that best fit their needs.


We help people attain their real estate plans through under standing and experience.


We help people find and correct the real causes of their health problems when others have given up or are unable to, and we do it safely and efficiently and at extremely low cost.


We help people find out what there house is worth without having to have a real estate agent come to their home.


We help people have the best vacation experience, from planning to recovering, possible anywhere.


We help people who are in foreclosure to get out of it, save their house and credit and let them still own and live in their house and even get cash out of it.


We help sales people to increase their sales and they pay on results


We help SMB’s perform like large corporations online with having to spend $1,000’s to do it


We help the customer first to make sure that they get exactly what they need and a few pleasant surprises on top of that . it works for us.


We help you make more sales or profit. We have different tools to do so: books, seminars, newsletter, we consult, we offer call center services.


We in business to help educate our very selective clients on how to increase their

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? portfolio with information normally told to people in the know. 478.

We invite people to see a little of what we do (preview presentations etc), then keep in touch with them before, during and after the purchase in order for them to become loyal, long term customers.


We like to try different and innovative marketing ideas that mostly revolve around direct mail campaigns


We look for strategic industry leaders with whom we can form partnerships that are mutually beneficial.


We make an absolute guarantee that we’ll help you select the right container, that it will be clean, watertight, and perform exactly as you’d expect a container should. We’ll send you photo of the exact container we recommend for you, and if, for whatever reason, the box is not to your satisfaction, we will take it back no questions asked. What sort of application for a container did you have in mind?


We make more money for clients by targeting their market and then marketing their target!


We make the phone ring throughr yellow pages, Direct mail, phones sales & TONERMAN.


We market by honestly offering people a cleaner workplace, which results in a healthier environment, which results in more productive employees.


We market educational material worldwide through internet, magazine, newsletters, catalogs and hosting and attending conferences.


We meet with each client on at least a monthly basis to review the status of their ‘injured worker’ case. We deliver a detailed report on the progress to date. We also use that meeting to glean additional information on the needs of the client, information about our marketplace, what competitors are doing and additional things we could do. We also provide a separate written report to each case manager client


We never have done so.


We offer a business health check to find out where the busines needs help. Then we tackle what ever area needs to be worked on.


We offer extended free trials so people can experience for themselves the ease of learning a second language with our system of thousands of images.


We offer payment solutions to retailers by using independent contractors.


We offer products to meet your complete projection requirements


We offer the best way to transform and make you become the Master of your life.


We offer the widest selection of luggage and travel accessories at prices that meet or beat the discounters and department stores.


We partner with marketing consultants who already have a trust relationship with the end-user clients who will benefit most from our product.


We pick the ways to get to the largest groups of our target audience in the most cost effective ways.


We plan to capitalize on our good name with people who knew us with our old business and then get our name out to new, potential clients. Unfortunately, our lawsuit is holding us back.


We position ourselves as experts in our niche, work hard to communicate same to our target customers


We presently have no strategy. most of our business is word of mouth

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? 499.

We provide a 100%turnkey private label long distance and dial internet solution for any company, association that is looking to leverage their credibility and good will into a new revenue stream that will help them meet their objectives


We provide a personal but professional service to our clients, becoming part of their business. Since our business has mostly grown through word of mouth, we work such that our clients will be so happy with us they can’t help but tell other businesses about us


We provide a warehousing alternative that helps customers save money and time and increases their profits.


We provide custom imprinted products that are used for marketing an organization to internal and external customers.


We provide customer-centric products and superlative service to commercial clients in a growing geography.


We provide Dedicated Business Internet – full time 24 x 7.


We provide equipment and services to automate production and lower costs of castings in the automotive industry.


We provide expert cash flow solutions to small to medium size companies in our marketplace.


We provide fr the 30,000 people watching the game not the 30 playing the game


We provide mailing lists and marketing services to clients in the health care and mental health fields who market their programs/services to professionals.


We provide the best possible service to encourage clients to come back and refer us to others


We provide the only solution for motorcycle theft recovery and GPS tracking.


We provide top-notch engineering, surveying and drafting services with rapid turnaround at a fair price.


We really don't have a marketing strategy in place. .. the only thing close comes to ask our customers to tell others about their experience with The Stick.


We rely on past relationships and the relationships of our customers to others in their industry get more business.


We seek new donors and attempt to upgrade their donations.


We sell affordable fine art to retail stores so that more people can have access to it.


We sell most of our move announcement services through referrals from relocation consultants, and have sold successfully to several very high quality companies that way. We have also seen a significant demand from those clients for other types of notices in addition, and are now marketing additional types of notices primarily to existing clients.


We sell the technology of risk management through an international network of technology transfer partners.


We set goals, and then work out how to achieve them. Deadline rolls along and we’ve achieved it/


We show clients how to be more efficient and effective. Intro new products and procedured , educate clients to the help we can bring.


We simply talk to potential clients and hope to gain their trust.


We specialize in helping commercial corporate clients improve productivity and increase profits by (a) analyzing and upgrading the key business processes that

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? drive their business and (b) determining the best technical / financial plan among competing technology alternatives for implementing new programs. We also provide marketing consulting services to technology companies to help them (a) decide on new product functions and pricing, (b) assess the financial and profit implications of offering a new product or service and (c) creating an effective market entry strategy and marketing plan if the client does offer a new product or service. 522.

We study parts of groups of people who use computers or are ready to benefit from regular computer usage. Once we identify those sub-groups which would benefit from using our products and services, we conduct tests to determine if we should focus on them. We aim to serve by providing highly attractive, even compelling, products and services to these sub-groups of users and prospective users. We strive to become the leading providers to these sub-groups. Not everyone will benefit from using our products and services, so we ensure our system of new-customer recruitment captures only those who fit our idealcustomer profiles. But once they become our customers, we provide the best services, top-quality goods to them. We do not believe in forcing them to accept our goods and services, so we readily accept returns from them. In all, we provide the best customer experience we know how to.


We talk about our ability to understand and evaluate technology and, given our broad business experience, how to implement things effectively in a business setting.


We teach and provide the world’s best family-based vegetable gardening instruction and materials.


-We teach people how to become financially independent.


We tell stories in stone.


We treat our real estate clients "like family"


We try to do things as a "big" corporation would do


We try to get into retailers.


We use alliances and client education to establish and grow market segments


We use direct mail, trade shows and industry publications.


We use direct marketing to generate leads and qualify those leads by providing information to them through recorded messages, emails, free reports and live CSR’s until they agree to buy our product


We use marketing to communicate our advantages over our competition and to explain the solutions that we offer to solve our client’s problems.


We use partner to sell our services. We have operations in India allowing us to deliver high quality products and a price point unmatched by US companies.


We use the power and cost-effectiveness of the Internet to bring customers to our online store where we provide low prices, fast shipping and all the information you need to find the batteries and flashlights you need. We treat every customer like a valuable human being and show respect to them. In turn they tell all their friends and business associates about us, thus extending our marketing.


We use the web


We want to entertain the masses – performing in large venues and make people laugh


We work hard to train the resources so that they can implement the projects with supreme quality. We also make a lot off personel marketing stating our quality. When the ball starts rolling everyone speaks about us and our quality.

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? 539.

We’re everywhere


We’ve been waiting for people to come to us rather than going after them


We’ve had some trouble with this.


Well, I would say the my marketing strategy would be to find a niche, marketing through partnering with associations or perhaps through networking.


Wellness Solutions through coaching


We're very much focussed on the initial sale as once the first order has been placed we are usually very good at keeping our customers happy.


what we do different – guarantees, 800 numbers, talking house, Sunday tour


What we do is improve a Company’s business processes to improve sales, cut costs etc.


When a company maintains receivables, there are always some slow-paying accounts that impede cash flow. I show those companies how to get those slowpaying accounts to pay on-time without losing them as customers.


When my client leaves, they walk out the door having received whatever was perfect for them So, once I get someone on my massage table, I have a client for life! Because of that, the benefit of getting a client there for the first time is way worth my marketing costs.


When people have a chance to try the product they buy it.


Whilst I don't really have one, my current answer to that would be:"I intend to position myself as the only recovery auditor you'd bother using because I look to solve your problem long term, not simply to try to squeeze as much money out of you as possible by not fixing your problem, just mopping up afterwards."


Who are targets are and what value, vision we are marketing PRI Protect assset, reduce hassles,increase profits


Will have to work on building an effective strategy and work it into an “elevator speech” for describing our marketing strategy. Will need assistance and ideas on this.


With continual contact we strive to inform both customers and prospects.


With difficulty (3)


Word of mouth advertising


word of mouth and networking


Word of Mouth referral (4)


Word of mouth, making things understandable.


Write an article and include your resource box at the end of the article – but never send them to your website. Instead, use an email address for more information on the topic. That email address triggers an autoresponder series that continues to market to them on that topic. They identify themselves as hot prospects and you already know what they want to know.




XpressGuard…anywhere US & Canada…4 hours or less…Guaranteed!


You know haw people are wanting to live longer & be healthier & wanting to be more in control of their finaces, that's what I do.


You know how some children struggle to learn well because they are just so full of feeling they can’t take it in. We train adults to help remove the emotional blocks to learning and reignite potential.

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Question 36. How Do You Explain Your Marketing Strategy to Someone Outside Your Industry? 564.

You must have more than one way to win new clients


You’ve probably been hearing a lot of negative things in the news about big public companies like Worldcom, Enron and even Martha Stewart. Right? What I do is work with smaller public companies that want to get big someday. We help them grow ethically so that when they become large companies their senior management teams don’t end up in jail. Specifically, we set up best practices from an investor relations and financial communications standpoint.


Your house is your engine for your financial growth and I can show you how to make it produce more rpm’s for as little gas mileage as possible. Let me show you how

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Question 37. Now Describe Your Marketing Game Plan in One Sentence.? Question 37. Now describe your marketing game plan in one sentence. 1.

? (6)


“I treat customers right and they provide me with new business.


1- repeat, 2 referrals, 3 recommendations – all made successful not simply satisfied


5 personal contacts per day (meeting or phone or letter)


A range of tactics designed to instill top of mind awareness of Sales Champions for real estate sales coaching.


Acquire new clients


Adding that personal touch of beauty to your home, business and community.


Advertise in magazines and on the internet to people oin my market segment so that they know me and what I offer


Advertise on web sites and newsletters.


Advertising ,pr and personal appearances bv artist


Advertising and follow-up.


Aim, fire and then do what people choose out of 10-15 products we have advertised.


All pillars are designed to have people come to me because they know my abilies can help them


Already did.


Always FIGHT back


Always searching for getting business, from everyone I meet or talk to.


An educated consumer is our best client.


An unstructured, uncoordinated series of personal encounters.


Appeal to peoples emotions. Get them to call for information and then try to sell them products to sole their health problems.


As mentioned throughout this questionnaire, we are ready to create and implement our marketing game plan; it doesn’t currently exist


Attract high volume originators who can’t get those credits I described above approved conventionally


Basically “word of mouth”


Be nice to my clients and ask for referrals


Be positioned as the pre-eminent results maker through credibility marketing


Be seen and heard


Be the best, tell everyone, continue to create innovative products and alliances that provide value to our customer and revenue to us.


Be the first (with the solution, quote, sample) with the most.Under commit and over deliver


Be the first company everyone thinks of when they think “municipal software”


Be visible with a good reputation


Because our members are our best advertising, they are building their association.


Become our clients trusted business advisors.


Become the Trusted Advisor

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Question 37. Now Describe Your Marketing Game Plan in One Sentence.? 33.

Being direct with the consumer


Being unique by using multiple pillars, continuously testing them to optimize.


Benefit driven print advertising.


Broaden referral sources, expand services


Build 3 businesses selling the same product to gain 3 lots of market share


Build a list of willing investors waiting for the right projects. Find suitable development projects and put together syndicates on a deal by deal basis.


Build a relationship, Build mindshare, close a small, risk free piece of business, educate and upsell.


Build a successful direct sales business that is a candidate for a joint-venture.


build as many partners as possible to sell our products.


build our brand through partnering


Build relationships


Build relationships through expertise to generate referrals.


Build reputation and have 100% referral based business.


Buy low, identify markets, sell at high margins.


Buy wholesale and sell retail.


By learning the salespeople of my partners in sales, the same way of making phonecalls that lead to appointments that lead to meetings and to orders written, expanding my business..


By using alliance and referral contacts, I set up seminars and one-on-one consultations, leading to marketing consulting assignments.


By using different media to attract high performance leaders to my team


Call on buyers to buy the product. Have a website so if people search they can find us.


Calling upon people who others have referred me to




Can’t other than above and add: and then share the wins of our clients with others….


Cannot do at this time


Capture enough repeat business to generate $10mm in annual profits


Capture the market.


clients are everything, we need your referrals, so we devote more time & research to getting your loan


Coaching for Success through e-clases


Combine your plan into a discipline and execute it.


Company branding first then product branding


Compensation for referrals


Connect personally with referrals, show we are good, smart, practical, guys who care about clients, let oppty develop.


Constantly marketing to clients who have previously bought from us.


Contact a high volume of new people, find out what their main health problem is, close them on the chance to find out whether or not we can help them.

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Question 37. Now Describe Your Marketing Game Plan in One Sentence.? 66.

Contact as many people as possible, frequently, offering them different courses.


Contact my target market using direct mail expressing how to get trouble free, problem solving and practical construction services that will simplify and de-stress your life.


Create a family of inter-working products that solve the needs of companies that want to use the US Postal Service more profitably and license them for use on an annual payment schedule and then piggyback on the Postal Service and Industry associations to find these people and use them for their implied endorsement.


Create a strong brand recognition and product awareness via magazine ads, industry specific commercials, trade shows, and direct sales and marketing.


Create relationships with as many people as i can everday.


Create success with clients so that word of mouth becomes the biggest form of clients


Creating beautiful smiles, an excellent occlusion, and raving fans.


Creating customer want to my product


Customer satisfication is our prime responsibility.


Customizing a resume from a series of templates.


Dazzle them, and they’ll be back for more


Deploy a series of specific tactical actions that independently and collectively position my firm as the preferred source of consultant services for structural steel construction claims, marketing plan development and quality assurance improvements.


Describe to anyone and everyone the benefits of health


Develop “brand identity” locally through PR, advertising, community service, speaking, teaching seminars. Develop national identity through website, barter, affiliate marketing, associations, publishing an e-book & newsletter.


Develop additional methods and descriptive materials to demonstrate technical excellence, test their effectiveness and ability to activate customer “hot buttons”, and utilize in ongoing customer contacts.


Develop deep relationships with large clients and maximize the business


develop relationships


Differentiate our company and out sell the competition.


Direct mail


Do a good job and people will recommend me.


Do low cost seminars in-house among local companies (oil and gas)


Do not have one (10)


Do what it takes to get them on my table.


Do whatever it takes to get a customer and then try to keep them for life.


Don’t have an overall game plan – more reactive at the moment.


don’t have one yet to describe. I will have one in 30 days


don’t know what marketing game plan is


Don’t really have a long-term plan.


Don’t really have one just sell and make calls


drawing a blank; need help

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Question 37. Now Describe Your Marketing Game Plan in One Sentence.? 96.

Drive consistant traffic to the web site and befriend the visitor for life.


Edcuate our customers on the cost of bad hires.


education of the clients


Employers should look at us as a resource for their benefit needs.


Ensure competitive pricing levels in growing segments through implementation of specific initiatives in key market areas.


Establishing contacts via networking in order to generate interest.


Everything gets done professionally, to make us look like a larger corp.




Expanding our client base


Face to face, we describe the product offering the warranty at the right time


Find all the people on the foreclosure Public Trustee Lists whose property have from 25% to 30%+ equity in their properties.


Find and qualify those prospects from our data base of small to medium seized business that best fit the solutions we have to offer, share with them the way our products make their pains go away , and let them buy from us..


Find medical clinics with revenue problems and solve them for a generous fee while significantly improving the clinics net revenue.


find out what people want and give it to them


Find potential partners whose businesses will benefit by the addition of our technology and get the into a technology transfer agreement.


Find the best suited tactics (through trial and error) to make maximum profits in minimum time


Find the pain, provide a vision and value and control the outcome.


Find them, teach them, show them how to make the most of our services, show them how to find us.


Finding and keeping high grade customers.


Finding local business .


Finding prospects who need software that runs on Macintosh, Windows, and the Internet.


Focus and persistence


Following response in 36 above


FREE consultation for landowners seeking to develop or have someone develope their ground into a windfarm.


Fully exploit existing customers and develop good new ones working on it


Gain access to consulting services decision makers to offer high-quality, creative and well-researched market, product and technology intelligence as a basis for executive decision-making.


Gain and retain all customers


Gain legitimacy by having analysts publish on us and use reference selling to close business


Gain Trust in 3 seconds.


Generate leads


Generate sales opportunities by qualifying customers on the phone

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Question 37. Now Describe Your Marketing Game Plan in One Sentence.? 127.

Get amongst the scene and make my name and services known.


Get as many people as possible to realize that it pays to take personal action for one’s well-being, and that prevention clearly better than cure – and that it’s not difficult to do so.


Get as much personal customer direct contact as possible


Get client referrals


Get emails, get trust, sell with trust and copywriting skills.


Get in front of a prospect and sell them on this idea


Get in front of as many wealthy people as possible.


Get in front of the right people, as an equal.


Get more clas s A customers


Get more clients and keep them forever


Get more qualified clients and get them now.


Get new dealers and have more people go to them to buy sculpture.


Get qualified people to respond to free offers of relevant information and then give me an appointment to see them.


Get referrals from every conceivable source.


Get referrals.


Get the information out to colleagues and potential patients.


Get the people in your direct control: (fair or showroom) and show them your wonderfull products


Get their attention, create interest, stimulate desire, and get them to take action.


Get them to understand the way the MYM system works and how it could make them more money


Get to college students and college educated workers in the most cost efficient ways possible.


Give and receive.


Give customer great value for their money, customize software to their specifications, provide fast customer service.


Give more than they think it’s worth


Give the best, be the best and go for the best!


Giving the best service possible is noticed by the patient and their family physician, which results in increased referrals.


Giving the stuff away as “added value” gift –tool to organizations with a lot of members/customers


Go where the money is


Grow modestly. tenaciously sell every prospect who crosses our doors. Stay on top of the competition. Use online and offline marketing approaches. integrate them.


Growing business with zero increase in cost


Have none


Have product and hope the customer comes in.


Have salespeople making cold calls and visiting people


Have satisfied customers refer new customers

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Question 37. Now Describe Your Marketing Game Plan in One Sentence.? 160.

Helping as many people as possible feel that I have helped them positively.


High Value / Low Maintenance


Hmmm… See above.


Home Buying strategies Guaranteed to get you more home for you money.


Honest concern about client’s needs, honest solution proposal answering the needs followed by honest execution and follow up.


Hope and pray.


I advertise in trade journals, do occasional random emails, and work on referrals from related industries and word of mouth


I am known by word of mouth.


I am known by word of mouth.


I am looking for an opportunity to use the symbiotic business model with the intent to access some large LIST.


I am moving to have integrated system of marketing tactics working in every facet of the business.


I can’t


I can’t go into detail, but I will be providing an irresistible service that will double film production in this country.


I can't


I connect with people who are in alignment with my business vision.


I create an alliance of clients, realtors, builders, businesses, home service providers and vendors to generate unlimited referrals to each of us.


I create strategic alliances with businesses, associations and centers of influence that endorse my products and services to their customers, clients, members and associates


I depend on word of mouth referrals from my clients.


I do not have one.


I do whatever is necessary to market the business.


I don’t quite understand what’s being asked here.


I don’t really have one, except to keep at it


I don’t really have one.


I get refererals from my past and current patients and handful of professionals


I give away lots of help and products for free, hoping to build loyalty.


I have absolutly no idea.


I have my current customers bring in my next customers.


I keep in touch with presents clients, train the Independent Business Owners that I have recruited and contact as many individuals as possible about my opportunity, both in using the products and in building a business..


I keep looking for a better way.


i make an advertise !


I market a special report to Realtors with the intentions of getting them to my web site.


I market to small business people asset protection using a variety of business entities and wills and trusts.

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Question 37. Now Describe Your Marketing Game Plan in One Sentence.? 192.

I offer greater value than doing the job yourself, and if I don’t produce that value you don’t pay.


I practice my scripts then I make some cold calls and set appointments I follow up on people to set appointments with them and go on the appointments.


I produce informational products that I sell to small biz through direct marketing and the internet.


I rely on client referrals.


I rely on word-of-mouth to bring me high quality clients.


I retail, to create the cash flow necessary, to create residual income that I can invest.


I send out news releases and review copies to the media and sales letters to my customer base.


I send people a letter/email and then, direct them to a conference call or autoresponder and then talk to more than one person at a time when trying to make sales.


I set up initial meetings using referrals or direct mail, I run seminars to help entrepreneurs “feel the fever” brought on by missed opportunities and common mistakes and the use risk reversal to close the sale.


I suspect most businesses have overpaid their utility and overnight shipping bills and I will get the overpayments back.


I target my marketing to have qualified ideal clients identify themselves and ask for my help.


I telephone companies that maintain open accounts, asking them if they would like to improve their cash flow.


I try to “mature” a past customer and eventually turn the table to make them work for me.


I try to be everywhere people look with ads.


I try to educate a prospect so they can see that the product that I am selling is of much higher quality.


I use 2 and 3 step marketing to educate the market,


I utilize highly leveraged environments where I solicit interest;


I want to attract and retain affluent families who are seeking financial advice that will give them peace of mind.


I want to find as many qualified people as possible who will listen to the presentation .


I will be design my marketing material so that they appeal to the right side of the brain, and appease the left side


I will make a difference in your life…this I promise.


I will solve your problem utilizing your peoples’ mind in enhanced manner


I’m not relly sure I have one


ID qualified prospects, give them an irresistible offer based on their needs & continue to surprise and delight them with exceptional service and results that exceed their expectations.


Ideally, it’s almost all done through automated systems – websites etc. they only call us if it’s a question or issue that can’t easily be handled by the website.


Identify and establish relationships with key leaders who both need our

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Question 37. Now Describe Your Marketing Game Plan in One Sentence.? product/service and who can assist in its distribution to a much wider customer base. 218.

Identify prospects and build relationships that are mutually profitable


Identify several different but complementary markets that exploit our skills, and introduce our company to them.


If it wont save you money, we don’t want the job.


If you can help enough people get what they want you will be able to get what you want.


If your business needs CASH, I have it


In a monthly meeting with each client, we review the status of their ‘injured worker’ case, delivering a detailed report on the progress to date and gleaning additional information on the needs of the client, information about our marketplace, what competitors are doing and additional things we could do.


Increase our market share.


Increase traffic and get other sites advertising my site through my affiliate program.


Introduce problems or “pains” in the minds of prospects then convince them that our firm is the logical choice to eliminate them.


Invite visitors to be subscribers, then customers and affiliates and let them help me get more visitors to plug into this virtuous loop.


It is unstructured and not systematically applied so every now and then it produces results but I do not why it doesn’t always produce


It’s being totally revised, but up till now it’s been something like : The best service that produces the greatest perceivable results in the shortest time & with the least pain.


It’s non-existent.


Joint venture


Keep the customer updated about our products and services through emails, letters and regular visits.


keeping client happy and getting out and meeting people


Lead generation through multiple touch points


Lead generation thru direct mail for free seminars where prospects are targeted for sale


Leeting as many prospects know the high standard of professional services I provide to existing clients at affordable cost


Let B to B business owners know what I do


Let everyone know we are here.


Let people know the new book is out, and that I am available to talk about the subject.


Lets throw a lot of shit at the wall and see what sticks.


Leveraging every marketing activity to bring in results so we exceed our financial plans.


Line up good Western companies and help them succeed in China.


Listen, provide value, stay in there mind.


Local marketing so we don’t have to pay for it, subscribers do it all.

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Question 37. Now Describe Your Marketing Game Plan in One Sentence.? 245.

Long term to identify products/services/joint ventures to sell to existing clients/relationships and to increase prospect/client database through the purchase of qualified list.


Look for potential clients and give them an offer they cannot refuse


Look for referrals wherever possible.


Lower the barrier of entry.


mail out direct mail pieces to thousands of small businesses


Mail, phone, advertise


Major tune-up with sharp edge marketing tools to gain major clients.lMaximize profits by giving the best service available, and continually looking for new markets.


Make a friend, make a sale, offer a one year money back guarantee


Make calls, get appointments, interview the prospective client, offer solutions to their marketing needs.


Make contact with the person, educate, and show that we can help them, and its worth giving it a try to do so.


Make everything that the client is happy for life.


Make it as easy as possible for people to buy from me


Make money with imagination, information and love for the customer.


Make people feel good.


Make the prospects aware that I exist and that I could help them if needed


Make them love us, every chance we get.


Make them think they would be crazy to go anywhere else.


Market with nationwide distributors/distribution and local direct sales.


Marketing my service to proffesionals who come in contact with properties that need my expertise


Maximising student potential


Meet lots of people, ask if they are happy with their public accountant.


Meeting new people


multiple streams of marketing to new clients


My game plan is to achieve visibility and credibility among the athletic community, which will draw athletes to want to learn from me.


My last plan fell flat on its face – I distributed 100 sample CDs at a conference workshop and had 0 follow-up.


My marketing game plan is have people know and understand that Clarity improves their Health spiritually, emotionally, physically and intellectually.


My marketing game plan is to entice people to request and complete a Confidential Questionnaire so that they can derive the benefit of my services.


My marketing plan is to develop a customer for life strategy through the use of cross selling financial service products that are real estate related, mortgage related, or financial service related.


N/A (4)


Need to diversify our source of work.


Network with sales people that need my services to sell their products/services

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Question 37. Now Describe Your Marketing Game Plan in One Sentence.? 276.



Niche marketing with clicks & bricks.


No commission, just a small fee upfront.


No direction


None (5)




Not sure if I could do that!


nothing original


Now describe your marketing game plan in one sentence .Reach large corporations as soon as they know they are moving/relocating/ Outgrowing their facilities and position our company as the only logical solution to their building interiors needs.


Now describe your marketing game plan in one sentenceI try to “mature” a past customer and eventually turn the table to make them work for me.


O plan and implement a sustained marketing attack that will increase clientelle by 10% monthly


Obtain top of mind presence and follow through with what you promise.


Offer low commission upfront in expectation of future sales and word of mouth referrals of neighborhood and SOI of clients. I will show them the superior service and trustworthiness I offer and it will be obvious who they will choose in the future. Me.


Offer the widest and the most comprehensive line up of projectors


Once I know what it is, I will!


Once the customers are in, never let them out by serving them the best you possibly can


One Call…Does It All


One satisfied customer generates another etc.


Optimise market penetration at a profit and minimal cost. Keep it simple.




Our designs come from a problem-solving approach to meeting the needs of our clients, done by immersing ourselves in their culture and community.


Our Plan is to Guide People to Achieve an Outstanding Quality of Life


Outsell, outmarket and outservice my competition.


Partner with successful companies and leverage off their customer bases.




Persistant marketing to clients that could use our services.


Phone calls, referrals


Place ads and hope for a response.


Plan, strategize, systemize and utilize.


Plan, test, measure, plan, test measure, plan, test measure…duplicate


Please see 26 above.


Position myself as the recognized expert to my target market


Premium quality educational products for children

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Question 37. Now Describe Your Marketing Game Plan in One Sentence.? 309.

Preventive scanning with an EBT Scanner can save your life


Produce well when direct mail goes out-make sure everyone knows about the schedule


Prospecting by as mabny methods as possible then try to convert.


Provide a good service to customers to increase word of mouth.


Provide a series of educational communications that make the prospect aware of the gap between where he is and where he can be, that demonstrate that I have a process that can help him, and demonstrate that I am committed to help him succeed.


Provide heirloom quality jewelry for a fraction of what you would pay a traditional jeweler.


Provide leadership in the pursuit of innovative solutions that provide the highest possible flexibility for our clients


Provide outstanding client service and create loyalty and trust with clients, which translates to referrals and word of mouth promotion.


Provide superior service and advice to my clients showing them that I truly care about the decision and value they receive.


Provide the highest value cruise clients with the information, service, and overall experience that the behemoth competitors won’t.


Provider of comprehensive products and systems to the printing and marking buyers.


Quality, personal relantionship, communication


Quslity, ethics and congruence


Random , haphazard and mediocre in success terms


Random, sporadic ads, ffa postings ect.


Reach customers through word of mouth.


reaching the most people with the simplest, best designed mailer possible -- that will get a positive response


Referrals (2)


Referrals - 100% for 15 years now


Remind the customer that we will be in their area on a specific date and invite them to join us there to view/purchase the new prints.


Research, develop the products and services, test, modify if necessary, test and roll out.


Re-selling existing clients through reputation and knowledge of their operations and systems.


Respond to the business as it comes in.


Retain your existing customers and attract new ones by providing services that excel other competitors.


Risk reversal strategy with persistence and enthusiasm.


Run lead generating ads then follow up with direct mail


I’m JACK the JAR MAN, We discover plastic container packaging secrets in “club stores” and manufacturer them for food clients.


Same as above. (33)


Satisfied customers

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Question 37. Now Describe Your Marketing Game Plan in One Sentence.? 338.

Satisfy the customer so much that they refer us to another potential customer.


Saturation marketing.


Save our clients a little bit of money on all their fluid purchases, save them time and make inventory and replenishing much easier for them so that they can concentrate on what they do best.


Seek the least risk, most profitable, marketing medium, and milk it to the max.


Sell and throw money at new


Sell Long distance and ISP thru associations,groups,for profit and non profit.


Sell lots of products to the right prospects at the right time


Sell the first three, get the other 4 companies. Together, Seven companies dominate the market


Sell the first three, get the other 4 companies. Together, Seven companies dominate the market


Send salesmen to get me customers.


Send target group free sample with letter< followup with phone call>


Sent the sales letter to 3 different companies every week and meanwhile do the sales pitch to individuals in a daily basis.


Set the buying criteria and make a customer for life


Set up a residual play where we control the toll gate to move the data


Set up an affiliate program


Share the wealth so that people will get excited about participating.


Shit happens;get ready.


Shoot for the moon even if you miss you’ll be among the stars


Show people how I can help them to be in control of their own health and their own development


Show the customer by means of real examples applicable to his business how our service can grow this business.


Show’m & sell’m.


Simply give great service to get my clients to refer me to their friends and relatives and adding products/services that my clients need and are willing to pay for.


Solve a problem make a friend


Speed in providing solutions & good pricing


Spend an additional $100,000 on marketing each year to earn $2 million in additional revenue. (That’s been the average the past 3 years)


Spread the word about our attitude to our clients


Stay in front of the prospect so that timing is on our side.


Stay in touch with customers at least 6 times per year so that when they think about real estate they think about me.


Stay intouch with clients and request referrals on a regular basis.


Staying focused on over-satisfying customers, generating additionalRevenues and generating referrals to grow the business


Strategy of preeminence





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Question 37. Now Describe Your Marketing Game Plan in One Sentence.? 371.

Take care of your clients and they will take care of you.


Take strategic massive action………..


Takes more than 1


Taking an inversarian path to create a wholesale value added distribution model to a newer industry.


Target ‘ideal’ clients by always adding value and measuring how I am doing anf adjusting where necessary.


Target high net worth clients and make them money.


Target new clients that fit our profile and utilize existing client references to get an opportunity to delight them wioth our service while maintaining the existing client relationships with the provision of the same service.


Target people who need a web site


Target target target


Targeted direct mail with the most current and desirable/timely products


Teach people to market thru home parties & to sponser people & teach thtm to do the same.


Tease via results, tell how to do it to – qualify and clear out pain in the ass clients. Work with the paying ones that are salivating!


That are marketing efforts are sporatic


The “Domino” Effect: Get one of something, use peer pressure to sell (knock dowen) other locations!


The chocolate shop that helps stop world hunger


The more people I can serve with the highest quality products will bring the highest rewards for them and my company causing them to bring more people to us.


The product pretty much sells itself. We don't do a whole lot of work with that.


There is only 2 way of obtaining membership: 1) referral from existing client, 2) Once a quarter we allow our newsletter subscriber to submit an application to the membership board for acceptance.


To achieve the best possible results in the least amount of time using the the least effort to achieve those results.


To apply technology and be agile.


To ask my clientele to continually do busienss with me because I provide the utmost value to them that few others can match or surpass.


To ask people if they want to learn to be financially successful.


To attract highly leverageable prospects with internet and then convert these leads to long term clients.


To attract leads with FREE offers and then convert them to lifetime exclusive customers who believe because of first hand experience in our visual learning system.


To be in touch with business owners looking to sell their businesses.


to be the number one choice of chiropractor


To become a one stop shop for health care professionals for all of their patient and practice needs.


To become the most respected provider of financial communications and investor

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Question 37. Now Describe Your Marketing Game Plan in One Sentence.? relations services in Canada by the professional investment community and public markets as a whole. 399.



To call people that I think have potential or/and have extraordinary use of the products.


To canvass new territories for our food vans with support awareness driven by radio ads


To capture the implicit support of those influential people who can lend credibility to our area of interest.


To completely blow a prospects mind with service so that he/she wouldn’t even think of going to see anyone else after talking to us.


To continue reading/listening and testing new concepts/ideas to bring my business to the forefront.


To create better lifestyles for our clients by ensuring their success


To demonstrate to my customers that I have the best health information for them and to make them lifelong customers,


To develop and nurture life-long relationships with owners of commercial buildings, giving them the most value, in terms of comfort and operating cost, for their building management solution investment.


To disengage the competition by utilizing any tactic possible to create disparity between their approach and what we provide


To dominate the ezine marketing information product market through attracting and retaining customers by finding out and meeting their needs and desires.


To dominate the ezine marketing information product market through attracting and retaining customers by finding out and meeting their needs and desires.


To educate, support and encourage all adults living and working with children to successfully use an emotionally literate approach.


To effectively communicate our services and solutions to the public, solving their problems along the way.


To facilitate the demands of global trade expediently via direct solicitations.


To generate income thru discounting


To get as many high quality new customers as I can all around the world, with a zero risk lead product. Then repeat sell them over and over, including using JVs


To get customers and keep them, while providing good customer service and enjoyment.


To get exposed to as many appropriate businesses as possible and offer them my services after they take a no risk look at what I can offer them.


To get target clients to experience my service once, twice or three times – until they see how valuable it can be for them and are willing to pay for it.


To get the message out there that the bereaved have a choice.


TO get the movers and shakers to use the product and then other will want it.


To grow our footprint and our customer base.


To grow subscriber list by offering a qualitative email newsletter product.


To introduce sales people to our concept of pay by results sales coaching


To let merchants know that I am the most innovative payment processing provider.

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Question 37. Now Describe Your Marketing Game Plan in One Sentence.? 425.

To make companys aware of a my new company and see the benefits.


To make dates with business people and try to get them as clients.


To make it easier for my clients and new customers to obtain Elva’s Jewel Joy.


To make my services and products and bureau known to a wide variety of people so that business comes to my company.


To market directly to the people that we know will benefit from our product.


To maximize public exposure with minimum cash input by either referral or help journalist to get free story published.


To offer impeccable service in fulfilling clients needs


To position ourselves as the smart choice when selling your home.


To promote our firm as being the preeminence


To provide a certain package of “profit increasing” tools that nobody with a little common sense can not refuse.


To provide alternative health and self-development education and resources through simple electronic access to everyone.


To provide more value than we ask for in compensation


To provide the best product in the niche with best company culture and proposition by far for the consumer to take advantage of.


To Provide the tools, systems, training, teachers, mentors and principles required to build home based income producing assets


to reach out to people who listen for opportunity.


To redefine the role of mortgage as the keystone to our clients achieving their financial goals.


To set myself apart from the competition through the use of educating clients


To share innovative technology by demonstrating its value and educating schools how to effectively implement the technology.


To show Everyone that they should and can successfully grow their own healthy food


To show small profits and then secure large business


To stand out amongst the crowd,


To those we choose to serve, we guarantee 100% satisfaction, 100% of the time.


To use a booklet that will make me the telemarketing authority to convince prospects to enter into a profitable joint venture with me.


To use community outreach to build a customer base for all market sectors.


To use direct methods of communication to educate the consumer on the advantages of investing in the forex market.


Total dominance of our industry through multiple, integrated marketing initiatives.


Try go get enough sales this month to pay the bills!


Try to find out what my clients do for fun (such as golf) and do that activity with them.


try to give my course as much publicity as possible through writing articles and making live presentations


Try us you will like it. Once they try it we do everything we can to keep them for a lifetime and grow them as a customer.

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Question 37. Now Describe Your Marketing Game Plan in One Sentence.? 455.

Two-fold to raise awareness and through customer education to create an environment in which the customer would prefer to do business with us than any of our competitors.


Use Internet and PR to make the phone ring and produce online business.


Use lease purchase income to further my marketing education.


Use of cross selling and direct mail.


Use of emotional direct response marketing through different media and continued follow-up with prospects.


Use search engine placement, email marketing, telemarketing, referrals, to sell website design, ecommerce, and hosting services.


Use the most cost-effective route to market, add a sprinkling of other methods to add diversity and re-inforcement


Use the products by buying from your own store and share the concept.


Using a variety of direct response oriented marketing methods, I make my phone ring with prospects for my services.


Using the Internet to improve delivery of public relations services and information.


Value proposition driven best value for money


Visibility creates clients.


Waiting for referrals


We actively seek out personal contact with our target market by actively listening to our current best customers and best potential prospects.


We aim to provide such great service that our clients can’t help but tell others about us


We allow your financial dreams and wishes to be materials.


we are able to sell homes faster and for more money


We are going to build our client base as fast as we can while building up a back end of excellent products to offer it.


We are in the business of providing a perfectly coordinated look for your homes/offices from floor to windows.


We are The Best Value Inn Taos


We are the most customer obsessed company you have ever dealt with.


We consistently improve our business even if it is imperfect at first.


We contact our old customers, shoot the breeze with them, find out if there is any drilling activity going on in their area, ask if they need any shelters or if they know someone at one of their competitor’s field office who he might refer us to and give a verbal testimonial.


We develop niches of customers and maintain them through the information and benefits and value delivered by our products and services which in turn generates word of mouth referrals


We have relationship marketing.


we help business owners solve their problems faster and at lower cost by showing them what will work and what will not


We hope to leverage our recommendations through the publication of healthcare protocols and self-help questionnaires that physicians and consumers can use.


We keep in touch with all area developers to keep abreast of projects and we

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Question 37. Now Describe Your Marketing Game Plan in One Sentence.? contact area real estate agents frequently to gain referrals for projects. 483.

We make sure everyone we can take care of in our backyard is taken care of and then reach out from there


We make wet floors safe.


We market the experience, skill and knowledge of our principal.


We offer payment solutions to retailers by using independent contractors.


We practice extremely targeted marketing.


We provide bulk bags, using our just in time inventory program.


We provide tools—primarily a catalog, but also an enter LIFE experience—that enables our clients to market our products and services for us.


We really don’t have a formal plan in place other than cultivating our existing relationships and forming new ones.


We review a list of up and coming businesses in the community and contact them.


We send mailers and hop someone responds.


We serve niche markets by leading in providing undisputed premium quality products and services highly attuned to niches.


We strive to present ourselves as experts, full time professionals who are in the industry for the “long haul” and understand service and education for our customers and referral sources.


We try to attract as many weight patients through very conventional advertising as possible, then we carefully screen their personal history for leads into the other treatment areas that we have such as hear disease and chronic pain.


We use a series of direct mail, special events , seminars and personal visits to obtain and upgrade donors.


We use alliances and client education to establish and grow market segments


We use direct mail, trade shows and industry publications.


We use multiple channels to communicate our core message to our target Clients with consistency across all channels and markets.


We use OFFICE marketing instead of PERSONAL marketing.


We use partner to sell our services, by using our operations in India we can deliver high quality products and a price point unmatched by US companies.


We use the Internet to produce leads.


We used trial and error method


We want to create a “Tidalwave affect” Take an “MTV” approach. Have making good informed decisions, the “in” thing to do.


We will continue to innovate; form more h/b relationships; mine our clients for more referrals; continue to sign up commission salespeople with expertise in the industries where our functional capabilities best apply; and develop an ezine which will allow us to place our message and qualifications in front of thousands more prospective clients at a reasonable cost with a economically satisfying capture rate.


We will show marketing consultants how our product in the hands of their clients, will increase not only their clients revenues and profitability significantly, but also that of the marketing consultant himself.


We work together with our prospects to develop a new plan for cleaning their facility just the way they want it, and then we follow through with what we offer.

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Question 37. Now Describe Your Marketing Game Plan in One Sentence.? 508.

We work with industry leaders on their reference designs and so establish ourselves as innovative, reliable vendors.


WeNotify focuses on move announcements as our market penetration strategy, and continues to market a broad range of business notification services to our clients, with an emphasis on helping our clients effectively take advantage of their own existing client relationships.


word of mouth


word of mouth and personal contact


Word of mouth referrals.. I entice new and repeat clients to come in by letting them know of monthly specials that are available and then ask them for referrals when they come in.


Word of mouth.


Work our existing network and plumb it for all the value its worth, then slowly extend that network through the concept of “six degrees” – working the networks of our networks, etc.


Working on it now


Write articles, but never send them to your website. (if what you’re asking is a shortened version of aboce). Provide the tools business owners need to successfully manage their online business (if you’re referring to my general marketing plan)


You should give examples for questions like these: Not sure what you mean.Communication is the response you get. I’m not sure what response you’d get from questions like these without explanation or examples.


You’ve got me there.

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Question 38. Describe the Different Marketing Tactics You Successfully Use. Question 38. Describe the different marketing tactics you successfully use. 1.

(1) On-site demonstrations (2) Sample tile demonstrations (3) Trade shows (4) Referrals


? (3)


1) Happy clients give referrals, 2) Contractors like working with Architects they can communicate with, who understand their needs, and regard them with the professional respect they deserve as an equal member of the project team, 3) Realtors have increased worth to their clients if they can confidently had their clients over to a professional who can guide them through the next phase of the project.


1) Sending out promotional meterial of one product when delivering another product. 2) Contact previous purchasers when an upgraded version is available, 3) sending out mailings4) Use of a host beneficiary web arrangement.


1. calling back old clients. 2. strategic alliance 3. compelling direct personal lettrs


1. Cold calls to selective people. 2. Call them back every 3-4 months


24/7 availability, Quick response, Offer alternatives, Keep client informed, Offer something extra eg flowers, honest answers, after sale service.


60 day Guarantee


90 day contact cycle for clients and prospects – keeps our name in their minds.Regular meetings with active clients and most promising of prospective ones – builds and or maintains relationships, gathers information to provide us with opportunities to suggest value adding benefits of our services.Advertising and sponsorship – raises our public and industry profile and keeps us in clients and potential clients minds.


a. Newsletter : distributed free. It’s entertaining and educational that many clients look forward to reading it every month.b. Cancellable contract: Customers are never tied down by the contract. If they cancel we pay them penalty.c. Extra value


Ad slicks,email marketing, web based marketing, inbound sign up


Ads, letters, conversations


ads, talks are the best


Advertisements in newspapers. group demonstrations.


Advertising & seminar


Advertising and coupons in the local paper.


Advertising and follow-up.


advertising; networking; discounting


Affiliate marketing, email marketing, internet marketing, postcard marketing.


Again talks, workshops, and a newspaper column.


all Jay Ab marketing tactics in parallel


All the tactics, as applied to the list in question #2, have been pretty mundand and average at this point


Allow the customer to pay the price they think the painting is worth


already mentioned


Amongst others, presenting marketing seminars on behalf of groupings like the Pretoria Business Chamber, and The Assurance Brokers’ Council during which I establish my “expertness” with attendees (who are all prospective clients); stature

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Question 38. Describe the Different Marketing Tactics You Successfully Use. was also achieved by sponsoring a floating trophy for the Business Chamber’s Marketer of the Month, presented by myself (and co-judged) at the monthly networking function of the Chamber; also see answer to question 23. 26.

Amongst others, presenting marketing seminars on behalf of groupings like the Pretoria Business Chamber, and The Assurance Brokers’ Council during which I establish my “expertness” with attendees (who are all prospective clients); stature was also achieved by sponsoring a floating trophy for the Business Chamber’s Marketer of the Month, presented by myself (and co-judged) at the monthly networking function of the Chamber; also see answer to question 23.


An ugly brochure, being exactly where the investors are and telling them about it


Articles in business publications, guest speakers at conferences, (some) direct mail, invitations to events, (occasional) special offers.


As above plus telemarketing


As above: we advertise…


As it’s a new company and revolutionary products all tactics are as yet untested


As mentioned – targeted marketing; direct mail


As mentioned previously – Direct mail to past clients coupled directed advertising


Ask for referrals at the kitchen table.


Ask for referrals from friends and clients, mail brochures, attend networking events.


Ask for referrals from satisfied past customersRegular communication with over company sales people


Ask for referrals, time urgency, upsell, cross sell


Asking for repeat business, asking for referrals, letting my clients know they will receive benefits either price reductions or design elements at no extra fee.


Association meetings – meet prospects and then follow-up with letters and information pamphlets. Speaking engagements – associations, schools. Articles in trade magazines.


At this point I use the same thing as I described above.


Attending trade shows so people know who we are. And once sold we provide support and powerful industry specific software that our clients can’t get elsewhere.


Automatic submitter to search engines and FFA pages.


Bi-Monthly black & white “Brag Cards,” where we ‘brag’ to the neighborhood what has sold, and how much money the sellers saved compared to traditional 6% commission.


Booths at mall where I gave out prizes and free cleaning at a draw. Newspaper ad with benefit statement, risk reversal and call to action.


Branding and advertistment


Breakeven upfront, always sell the concept first


Brochures and telemarketing


Brochures, Postcards, Gift Certificates, phone, letters


Build my reputation with articles, emailcourses, reports, etc, Build my opt-in list of subscribers, Build my profits through affiliate and viral marketing


Building an improved position at the search engines by utilizing articles published at other websites.Publish FREE reviews on products.

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Question 38. Describe the Different Marketing Tactics You Successfully Use. 51.

Building customer loyalty by being the most educational, providing options for clients so that they choose the best choice for themselves by showing advantages of these options, providing a daily commentary on the state of the mortgage market that brings visitors back to my website 5 times a week


Business mixers, in person cold calling, alliances.


Business seminar, business evaluation, business health check, business planning session


Call up customers and offer lists of their competitors employees that they can recruit and hire.


Calling friends & meeting with them. Making new friends. Weekly Wellness Previews in hotels to educate people. Wellness Home tours & open houses.


Can’t say we really use any successfully. We collaborate with a number of entertainment agents in various markets and receive contracts through them.


Canvassing door to door


Classified ads, flyers, and yard signe.


Classified advertising, testing headlines.Direct Mail, testing headlinesWeekly ezineFollow-ups, both mail and telephonePersonal selling


Cold Calling


Cold calling


Cold Calling seems to be the most effective, although it’s really hit and miss. It needs to be supported by other elements, such as direct mail, lead-generating from the web, and email.


Cold calling to a specific group of home owners.


Cold calling, letters.


Cold calls, call friends, ads in paper, hand out informational tapes to qualified people.


Communication and education tools, ads, periodic newsletters


community speaking, specific issue in off workshops,newsletters, writing a monthly column


Company website, direct mail, use of referrals and networking.


Consultancy with integrity.


Contact all area real estate agents for surveying referrals; contact nearby government agencies for assistance with their upcoming GIS and drafting projects; keep in close tyouch with area developers for help with their upcoming development projects.


Contact current clients and ask for recommendations.


Conversations with people in person and over the phone; and email marketing.


Covered in first questions.


Creating seamless alliances under the name Global Explorer Communications, we have these alliances recommending our services and visca versa One on one private consultations are very useful because people feel heard when asked what are their three most important communication needs.


Cross-sell, referral marketing;strategic alliances.


Customer education, email marketing, and referral incentives.


Demo cd and roi

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Question 38. Describe the Different Marketing Tactics You Successfully Use. 78.

Describe the different marketing tactics you successfully use Net working through our marketing Director. Acquire as many referrals as possible.


Develop relationship by getting to know them.Listen to what they say.Ask questions to draw out needs.Giving options with benefits and limitationsBe flexible and available


Direct calls and follow through (hand holding the clients until their business setup is fully functional).


Direct contact, usually by telephone.




Direct mail (4)


Direct mail and telemarketing, as well as being listed on a search engine has generated some success but much more needs to be developed and implemented.


Direct mail campaign.


Direct mail for at-need and yellow pages.


Direct mail with very outrageous offers.Telesales with very outrageous offers.Sales presentations with very outrageous offers.


Direct mail, 800# info hotlines, special reports, tele-marketing, referrals, networking,


Direct Mail, add-ons,




Direct mail, cold calls, referrals, lists.We are just now advertising, don’t see any results yet, haven’t worked the whole plan.


Direct mail, CRM approaches, word of mouth activity


Direct Mail, Direct E-mail, Broadcast faxes


Direct mail, email marketing, media marketing, display advertising (yellow pages, newspaper, and magazine)


Direct mail, email newsletters


Direct mail, email offers, specials at seminars, Christmas quantity discounts for gifts.


Direct mail, followed by a meeting in person


Direct mail, Free offers, bonus offers, giving talks, advertorials


Direct mail, host beneficiary, personal sales, some referrals.


Direct Mail, internet, word of mouth, Joint-ventures (host ben)


Direct mail, local store marketing with other businesses, community involvement (Little League sponsorships, Chamber of Commerce, charities, etc.), web site, radio, TV, print, PR releases.


Direct mail, low prices, advertising, phone.


Direct mail, networking, Newsletter (email), networking


Direct mail, newsletters, seminars, newspaper articles, advertising, customer education.


Direct mail, P.R.


Direct mail, person to person, referals, newspaper advertising.


Direct mail, phone followup. Email, online classifieds (so far worthless), print ads, online ads (SRDS)

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Question 38. Describe the Different Marketing Tactics You Successfully Use. 108.

Direct mail, print, referal programs


Direct mail, seminars




Direct mail, telephone follow up; moving now towards telephoning first, then aiming for appointments


Direct mail, telephone, referrals, web site, industry reps


Direct mail, trade show participation, telemarketing. None are very successful.


Direct mailers, cold calls, referalls


Direct MailJournal AdvertisingTV advertisingSalesforce –DetailingInternet AlertsPRTrade showsScientific SymposiaSpokes persons


Direct MailTelemarketingTelesalesEmail marketingWebsiteDirect External SalesDirect internal salesCatalogueTrade showsEducational mailersPublic Speaking engagementsPublic Relation Advertising – MagazinesAdvertising – newspaperAdvertising directoriesYellow pagesFliers MembershipsRegular specials listsSpecial Program marketing


Direct marketing and networking.


Direct phone calls, networking


Direct sales and referrals with (a) face-to-face interviews with buying decision makers and (b) various contacts with those who influence the decision to use consulting services.


Direct sales and salesletters.


Dirent mail, phone calss, personal visits, website


Display ads and direct mail.


displays, joint ventures.


Do well in the initial interview.


Don’t have many. Handbill, and sale men going door to door.


Don’t use any yet. Probably ads – magazines / papers / billboards. Flyers. Sales agents. Corporate entertainment. Clubs and associations.


Door to door prospecting


Educate them, seminars and sell the product and service.


Education, Internet, Direct-Mail, Face-to-Face Selling, Referrals, Host/Beneficiary Relationships.


Effective proposal program – Ongoing communications – Providing leads to clients


Either I create more value or money back; no long term contract of one year or more but maximum of six months and then sit down and if either party wants to end it then O.K.


Email blasts only – more to come once I crytalize the strategy.


Email marketing and autodial outbound phone calls.


Email marketing, direct mail, sales calls, search engine optimization, paid inclusion, link exchanging.


Email marketing. We have developed a sophisticated system where we purchase the names of our target companies’ staff, profile them according to words in their title and email them appropriate emails.


Email newsletter, internal education seminars, educational plan, constant contact, client feedback

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Question 38. Describe the Different Marketing Tactics You Successfully Use. 137.

Email newsletter, Self – developed referral system. Goal sheets. Client success stories, business development employee.


Email newsletters. Calling clients.


E-mail solo ads. Direct mail.


Email, Direct mail, Fax, phone calls


Email, direct mail, seminars


Email, direct mail, seminars


Email, education, presentations, newsletters, personal notes, gifts, regular contact.


Email, joint ventures, article writing


Email, mini marketing seminars, in person approach.


E-mail, phone calls and referral calls, seminars and workshops


Emailing List, special events, referrals, community involvement


E-mailings weekly, BlackBelt magazine ad monthly, semi-annual product catalog, semi-monthly web page popup change


E-mails to generate interest.Sales Seminar to create customer demand for my products.


Emails; Newsletter; referral Program; Gurantee; Direct mail


e-newsletter to client list, printed newsletter,


e-newsletter, thank you notes, phone calls, Internet, journal and newspaper articles


Establishing the relationships with decision makers


Ezine advertisingAutoresponderPhone callsReferrals


E-zines, website


Face to Face and Mail Follow-Up


Face-to face meetings with clientsDirect mail


Fax ads.


Faxing: I send a series of one page faxes to all the Student Council advisors in the province in a 6 week cycle before the events with a call to action to either email or call me for more information on the events,Follow Up Calls: I have intern level employees simply calling the schools and leaving a message for the teacher to make sure they got the fax and to call us asap if they want more info. Gets a pretty good response (about 10% of total prospects)




Flyers, specials, phone calling, cold calls


Follow up call to a referral. Actually showing up when I tell the client I will be there. Thank you card after the service or sale. Now added monthly follow up calls from previous months clients. New client letter after their first time with us with an additional offer to have them come back again.


Follow-up calls after completion of jobs, Marketing intelligence to identify upcoming jobs, Cold calls (focusing on large projects), Email newsletters, Meetings with customers and prospects.


Free samplesHuge inventory – same day shipmentsBest field salespeople in the industryBest catalogs and design guides in the industryNo min order


Free seminars with our books available for sale; free interviews and comments to the media on topical issues; follow up with doctors who refer to us.

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Question 38. Describe the Different Marketing Tactics You Successfully Use. 166.

Get books and materials in stores. Put on seminars. Maintain a Demonstration Garden seen by 700,000 people. Build website with free gardneing training, tips, and techniques.


Get to know you meetings, no selling.


Getting consultants to recommend us to their clients.


Give 25% more time for sessions than competitors. Go the extra mile to be available. Provide community services, workshops etc.


Give away 2-CD audio book to those who express interestE-mail (or fax) weekly newsletter to those who show interestFree 45-minute consultationLow cost halfday seminarExtensive networkingAdvertising free CD offerDirect mailTrade show participationFree talks to business groupsFree ad evaluation


Give the best attention to our clients. Provide the best services in the field. Make them feel as we are family. Love them first of all.


Giving patients discounts when they refer patients. Contact insurance carriers/hmo asking to be included on their panel of providers


Golfing, fishing, lunch, and dinner.




Have salespeople making cold calls and visiting people


Haven’t seen results yet, but it seems to be working – the uncompromising quality of our products (personal care and aromatherapy range) and the convenient and comprehensive health supplements.


Hold out a carrot, work for the businesses that take the carrot.


Home made Direct response MailingPhone callingVisiting Exhibitions


Home shows newspapers


Host –Beneficiary Endorsements, ethical bribes for lead generation, up selling, packing groups of products and services, down selling, cross selling, reselling, TFN, multiple sequential contacts on offers, create high perceived value, risk reversal, educate clients to appreciate the value of my products and services.


Host Beneifciary, referral


Host Benificiary – using the usps and others to distribute product. referral – getting clients to refer us to colleagues for a fee. Advertise in trade journals Trade Shows Direct Mail Telemarketing Direct Sales – going to the client site PR – getting industry news sources to write about us.




I am good at one thing…creating strategic relationships who refer me business.


I ask them if they have people that don’t pay according to their terms and if they do would they like to see a totally unique and cost-effective system that motivates customers to pay on-time without getting them angry.


I basically use “word of mouth”.


I do not use any.


I do not use different tactics


I don’t know if these would be considered successful…yet.Referrals – Current customers refer new customers to meBarter – Current customers are given discounts on future purchases for each referral.


I give away ROI Calculator which is useless if you don't know how to use it... I teach howI give away 9 question special report that will be my gate to sell e-

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Question 38. Describe the Different Marketing Tactics You Successfully Use. classesI use PopExit to gather e-mailsI've developed Affiliate Program 191.

I have purchased a list of individuals that have expressed interest in knowing about a home based business and try to contact by telephone and email as many as possible. I also send a letter and/or email to all who join our group in a two week period thanking them for purchasing our product and asking them to listen to the "Doctor's Calls" with questions about their health challenges and the use of our products. I am also in touch weekly with the Independent Business Owners about training ideas and try to send a cogent article each week.


I have sporadically asked people for referrals.


I listen to learn people’s needs and wantsi train others to do the same thing


I network more than my competitiors


I offer a 30day money back guarantee and personal support and coaching


I read articles in the newspapers about people and then I call them


I tell everyone I know what I do.I ask everyone I meet to think of someone who might benefits from my services.I keep an eye on a highly focus marketing niche.(I am trying to develop further)


I use agents


I use book distributors; my books are on Amazon.com;


I use pain and pleasure to get people involved in my process. I also ask questions about htier wants and desires.


I work warmly cold based on appointments I make using myy phone pitch.


I write and speak passionately about personal development and how it can change your life. I am just getting in to the internet marketing tactics.


I’m not sure I’d say that any of the tactics we’ve used are very successful, although I may be too hard on myself. If anything, I’d say our monthly e-mail newsletter is the most successful.


I'm asking someone that I know to meet with me.


In the past I have only used one. Get new customers.


In the startup of phase now I am testing using word of mouth directly and by phone .


In the works. Too early. Will be ready in Q2.


Increasing size of my web site at same time as sending out newsletters to subscribers; exchanging links for 4 sites at one time instead of just one; beginning an affiliate program.


Informational e-mailDirect mail pieces.Internet informational materialsWord of mouth sales.Developing strategic alliances for co-marketing products and services.Holding preferred customer events and salesCreating special club for select group of preferred customers


Initially offer public free product to get them into our database, thereafter offer another product at hugh discount for them to try and finally introduce member referral program where they can enjoy to receive money for referring people to our program


Integrity in our dealings, listening to clients, going the extra 2 miles or 10


Internal marketing only so far. Provide more than what my patients expect with great service


Internet website, wholesale distributorships, direct retail sales


Internet, E-Zine, Bootcamps, Books, Special Reports, Tele-seminars

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Question 38. Describe the Different Marketing Tactics You Successfully Use. 215.

Internet, partners and channels.


joint ventures and referrals,yellow pages,cold calling from new businesslicense list and knocking on doors.


Joint ventures, article submissions.


Just advertising on internet and in local recreational handouts.


Just beginning


Just started; doesn’t apply.


KISS, Letter Boxing, copying a good idea and Business Partnerships.


Lead generating ads and direct marketing


Lead generation by mail, fax and email to targeted lists. Lead qualification with unmanned channels, sales with outsourced, but company trained personnel


Letter box drops, street signage (ie on houses), networking, office window display, open homes, home advertising.


Letters, referrals


Life Time Value


Local contacts


Local contacts


Localised advertising-Product awarenessExpos-Product awarenessCelebrity endorsement-Reducing risk factor of purchaseHost parasite offers-Increased relationship with retailers


Lunch meetings


Mail,calls,seminars,strategis alliances.


Mailer and some phone solicitations.


Mailers and ads




Mailings, flyers, word of mouth, referrals


Mainly direst marketing but we do some cold calling.


Market with nationwide distributors/distribution and local direct sales.


Marketing via newspaper, word –of-mouth and physician referral


Merchandise Mart, ads, guest appearances at our best dealers by the artist.


Mining clients for referrals, host/beneficiary, endorsement, direct mail


Mostly cold calling or warm calling via phone


Mostly external lectures and internal asking for referrals.


Mostly I use what’s lately called an elevator answer. When somebody asks me what I do, I answer that I am a self-published author, and my most recent book is … or one of my books is … and I always carry at least a few copies of one or more with me. People like to touch them.


My referral program is the most successful. I offer a FREE 1/2 hour massage each to both my client and the person they refer, with an upgrade of one full hour for an additional $20 each. This is a savings to them of $30 each, and I just got paid for my advertising. Not Bad!


My Talking Ads system is a great way to generate quality leads. I also offer free consumer reports relating to seller and buyer needs for their specific life situations. Three, Service For Life is really an elaborate follow up system/newsletter where I

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Question 38. Describe the Different Marketing Tactics You Successfully Use. am the only person in Canada currently using. 246.

My web siteSearch engine optimization Joint ventures Copywriting skillsPay-PerClick Internet adsHigh visibilty Internet ads


N/A (10)


Network; hand out biz cards; talk to everyone about what I do AFTER I learn what they do; ask for referrals from everyone; get testimonials from current clients; follow up regularly.


Networking (3)


Networking and Referrals, Database Research Direct Mail, and follow up Sales Presentations, Keeping in Contact through In House Newsletters and Annual Financial Reviews.


Networking and targeted emails; development of a website (yet to be promoted).


Networking in small community groups, doing business in community,


Networking, referral, complimentary calls


Networking, referrals


Networking, web sites, affiliates, direct mail


New venture.


Newsletter Articles, free ebooks and reports, ezine promotions, ads, opt in lists, search engine optimization, website sales, community marketing and co-venturing


Newsletters, free reports, free workshops/seminars, free complimentary sessions


Newsletters, visits to professionals and other potential trusted ( to our potential clients) referral sources, follow up communication with all referral sources and potential clients after visits and referrals, quarterly reports to doctors about their patients’ progress etc..,


Newspaper lead generation ads, free trials, seminars,. Referrals (by accident not management)


Nil (2)


No other


No success yet, so can’t answer.


None (17)


None at present. Business only just commencing.


None of my tactics seem to be successful


None really in place


None so far. I have big plans if only………..


Not applicable at this point.


Not much success achieved at the moment


Not sure if this is considered successful: Hosting an event sometimes earns us a new client.


Not sure, other than delivering great service and overcoming all kinds of so-called incurable conditions…. yet the people are not beating a path to our door. answered above.


Nothing Developed


Nothing I do works.


Nothing is particularly successful right now

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Question 38. Describe the Different Marketing Tactics You Successfully Use. 276.

Of the 5Ps, the factor that contributes most to our success is ‘place’. That we have established marketing and sales presence in the major markets.


Offering free assistance and consultation services.


offering solutions to clients frustrations


One is fund raising for organisations


one on one meeting with prospect and let him taste, experience and get hookd


One stop shop for our market place.


One-on-one, referrals, going back to previous clients, etc.


Online newsletter, networking, referral generation, cold-calling, writing articles, giving seminars.


Online Research.Direct Phone Call to CFO or CEO.Establish Mutual connections in the Corporate Finance Community.Face Time Meeting (s) and or exposure to our educational events.Conference call with our strategy and fulfillment staff.Proposal.Follow up call(s).Sign them up on a 12 month retainer ($7000$9000 /month with a 90 day out clause should the relationship prematurely turn sour).Asking for referrals.


Only one as described above.


Only one, as described above.


Only referrals and not as many as I should


Option on how to solve client problems


Organizational meetings, speaking, and will begin to send the emails directedly to selected and authenticated industry organizations that need factoring.


Other than the current standard, we are way behind the power curve. The sad thing is we are still very successful in spite of ourselves.


Our USP, endorsements, referrals, constant client contact.


Out bound tele-marketing; Partnering with CDC’s , Financial planners, & CPA’s.


Outside sales


Outside sales,inside sales,sales and service vans, driver sales, email, fax, web page, referrals, risk free, supplier referrals, promotions,


Outsourced telesales/listings in directories/seeking referrals


Over 60


Packaging, easy payments, and guarantees.


PACKING DEMOS - described aboveWARRANTY REPAIR CENTER dittoSMALL NEWSPAPER ADS bordered with suitcase outline4 PAGE 'CATALOG/SALE' Newspaper inserts in busier seasons featuring about half merchandise on Sale, other half unique items, packing and travel accessories (kind of expensive, but brings people in)HOLIDAY GIFT CATALOG newspaper insert full color -produced by E & B Giftware, whom we purchase the gift items from as wellDIRECT MAIL to our customer list - about 3 to 4 times a year, usually using postcard format


Paid advertisements, endorsements, joint venture partnerships, newsletter articles as an expert, search engine positioning, affiliate program (revenue sharing)


Paid advertisements, endorsements, joint venture partnerships, newsletter articles as an expert, search engine positioning, affiliate program (revenue sharing)


Partner program,Web based marketing


Pay per click website search engines like Overture and Google

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Question 38. Describe the Different Marketing Tactics You Successfully Use. 303.

Periodic email of help in a number of areasLinking of ourselves to other successful marketersJV’sSeminar participationTrade shows


Periodic mailings describing our process coupled with a reprint from a recent award – sent to potential clients in a particular industry (ie: independent schools).


Personal contact


Personal contact and Internet posting at a recruiting firm for salepeople.


Personal contact, email, referral.


Personal contact, email, referral.


Personal contact.


Personal meetings on the street and recruiting telemarketers to sell for themselves.


phone book ,sales letter


Phone calls


Phone consultation


Plan to use combination of direct mail and telemarketing, e-mail, host/beneficiary, and referrals.


Post card maintenance reminders.


Postcard followup


Postcards for show announcement, direct mailings to promote new pieces, preholiday mailer showing all new work and sales booth at arts & crafts shows.


PR , Ads , Consumer & trade shows, Competitions, banner ads


PR, alliances, referrals, database contact process and newsletters, website.


PR, publicity, publishing, speeches, workshops, board seats, charity functions.



Sending letters including CDs and scores.


Presentations, seminars


Press Releases, faxes, direct mail, telesales, direct sales, group presentations


Press Releases, Workshops, Monthly Newsletter, Incentives for referrals


Primarily co-op ads, referrals from the Internet site, and ads driving people to the Cruise Consumer’s Guide.


Primarily print media of some sort or another…postcards to homes that surround recently listed homes for sale, mailings of flyers to all homes currently listed, sold within past six months, and anyone that has inquired about our services in the previous six months. Sales messages on the back side of property listing flyers that are dispensed from brochure boxes on the listing’s property, testimonials included in display ads and on the mailouts and in the yellow page ads.


Print advertising, web ads, signs, referrals


Product launches, promotional activities, training, customer appreciation events, parking lot sales, trade shows


Promote our customers and their schoolsEducate customers about products and servicesProvide on-stop shopping for most of their martial arts needsDo Special Ordering for no additional costFree referral service to martial artists, actors, stuntmen, prop-masters, perfomers, etc.Advertising


Promotion and service


Promotions and packaging


Prospect mail campaigns, face-to-face time, regular contact via e-mail and phone,

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Question 38. Describe the Different Marketing Tactics You Successfully Use. making resources available, education 333.

Provide services that excel other competitors and submit challenging reports that would retain your existing customers. However, we were not yet successful in integrating it effectively into our web-site. The third is exposing our staff at international conferences as our ambassadors as well as extending individual contacts.


Providing information and readily accessible phone support to practitioners and their patients in order to create a close rapport in order to influence their buying decisions.Run a practitioner email forum that allows practitioners to post case studies for help from other practitioners on the forum.Sent out a marketing pamphlet with another company’s monthly mail out to practitioners offering the HealthQuest software at an introductory price.


Publicity, advertising, trade shows


Push AdsPull AdsP.R.Channel motivation/incentives.Risk reversal offerings


Quarterly newsletter, thank you notecards, special ordering for clients and now a workshop.


Radio advertising too generic


Radio TV print


Realtor breakfasts, newsletters, personal contact, general advertising


Referals, direct response, advertising, copywriting, multiple forms of educating clients, follow up


Referral and obtaining testimonials


Referral marketing, product discounts and strategic alliances.


Referral program. Provide excellent product and tell people how good it is. Provide excellence in 7 areas, EightStar diamonds, Hearts and Arrows diamonds, custom cut colored stones, Custom cut cubic zirconium, appraisals, repairs and custom design.


Referral programs, thank you letters, dream 100, gifts, incentives, direct mailers, and your strategy of preminence.


Referral reward program—I pay for business


Referral, cross selling, repackaging,


Referral, gentle persistance


Referral, testimonials and directmail


Referral (8)


Referrals – we have brought in a couple new projects using this tactic.Partnerships – ditto.


Referrals are all we use other than yellow pages


Referrals are most productiveWe have some amazingly successful scripts for cold marketingOur clubs strategy (new to us) will be the biggest winner


Referrals Free think tanks -


Referrals from existing clients are sent a letter (which might be re-written to be more powerful. I’m looking at that) and, then, are followed up with a phone call to set an appointment. Then, start the process over again.


Referrals have been the only successful plan


Referrals telemarketing events etc


Referrals, Ads, Tv interviews

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Question 38. Describe the Different Marketing Tactics You Successfully Use. 359.

Referrals, affiliate internet marketing, Articles in well known publications


Referrals, host beneficiary relationships


Referrals, Host-beneficiary, Risk reversal


Referrals, industry participation, sharing info, networking


Referrals, rebates


Referrals, seminar selling.


Referrals, testimonials, word of mouth, media


Referrals.Published Articles/NewslettersPublic Relations eventsNetworking


ReferralsLetters of introduction styled after Jay AbrahamDream 100 conceptCore Story OrientationEmail education/relationship buildingDirect mail education/relationship building Personal visits/lunches with clients, centers of influence, prospects


Regular 1-1 contactemail merges


Regular client contact – golf days with clients – referrals( but not systematized)


Rehash previous questions


Relationship building, free speeches, online book club that I lead, alliances with other professionals, networking, building and nurturing an advocate system.


Relentless sales follow-up, positioning with strategy of pre-eminence, understand the value of a customer for life by providing extraordinary customer service during those times when it is necessary and selling the overall value of our service.


Reports and seminars.


RESEARCH EACH CUSTOMER TO THE HILT BEFORE WE EVEN CALL THEM! That way, when we finally blow by the gatekeeper and get to the CEO, we know more about his industry than he does!


Reward card (see above)Explain where the components of the jewellery comes from, how they are made, a little of the history of the regionDiscuss the effect of the colours and how the light works with the glass etcAsk return customers how they have gone with getting compliments and reinforce the messageExplain where I can be found and when and how they can use the reward card to find me, even calling to confirmPresent the jewellery in little organza gift bags and tell how my mum makes themTalk about how I’ve made the sea change from the corporate world and how I got into jewellery design having been in IT, banking and finance and communicationsTalk about visions for the business in the long term and how I see it structuredNever bad- mouth a competitor, actually mention their strong points and then show off mine – complaining or insulting others is such a big turn off and looks desperate.Send something extra for mail orders and wholesale orders.Always give a gift of the jewellery to wholesale customers for them to wear when retailingProvide new wholesale customers with a folder with dividers inside with info about my business, contact details, jewellery info to make selling easier and order forms with prepaid return envelopes and sections free for their use.




Risk free 60 day money back guarantee. Testimonials. Trade customer leads with a site that sells similar products and services. Create informational web pages to draw in my target market and educate them about my products.


Risk reversal – growing more and moreReferrals – all of one line of our business is 100% referral – we are going to focus on growing that soon too!!


Risk reversal, bonuses, and attempts at showing value have all been marginally successful, but I am still looking for the magic that makes the customer take action

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Question 38. Describe the Different Marketing Tactics You Successfully Use. on their own. 380.

Risk reversal, total guarantee.


Risk reversal. Referral incentives, Up selling network setup to ongoing maint. Contracts.


Risk Reversal: This is not promoted well. Our company always offers a 100% 90day satisfaction guarantee. For large clients, our services are sold with their satisfaction or their money back.Host Beneficiary: Our company has many partners with other software manufacturers who develop complementary software to ours. We have a combination of referral and reseller agreements with them.Advertising: We do some targeted institutional advertising in industry trades and over the web.PR: Have PR agency that produces press releases quarterly.Direct Email: Just launched an email newsletter. When we have software specials, our marketing team blankets their internal lists with 1 if not 2 emails. They do not do sequential marketing.Qualify leads up front: attempt to do this, but difficultChange profile of products and service for up market: Our product is the highest priced tool in our software segment. Since the first release, all our competitors have priced their versions below ours. We own the patent on our specific technology that enables what we do but we don’t have the funding to enforce our patent. Because of our price and patent position, we have tried to profile ourselves as being the Cadillac of technology and service in our category. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work because our competition is gaining quickly.Larger units of purchase with discounts: Offer discounts on volume purchasesFree Evaluation versions for download on our website. We give away free test versions of our software that gives limited functionality or limited timeframe for use.




Sales flyers


Sales letters, free seminar ( to prove my tall claims), Risk reversal – pay only if happy at end of project. Constant contact, follow up, gifts.


Sales Letters, Press Releases, Flyers, Discounts etc.


Sales Letters, Telephone


Sales people


Sales promotion


Sales promotions and contests providing product knowledge as well


Salesletter followed up by phonecall, sell a meeting and sell product.Referals from clients.Advertising in media, online and newspapers


same as above (22)


Same as answer 5 - copied below:I've used direct mail combined with trying to educate the customer, by offering a free report into the issue of duplicate payments.I've used direct mail and risk reversal to get a large local firm as an audit client (by offering to work for nothing if I recover less than £10,000 in duplicate payments).I've been greatly helped by Mary Schaeffer of IOMA, who put a free advert in her publication (Managing Accounts Payable) asking for people to test my new duplicate payment detection and prevention software. (? Host - Ben, though her gain is not immediately obvious - maybe longer term of course).I've used pay per click search engines to find people looking for duplicate payment software. This has resulted in a potential joint venture with a small US-based A/P auditor.I haven't managed to use referral, even though I have an extremely grateful long-term client who use my duplicate payment prevention software (UK subsidiary bank of Household International, Inc).Risk reversal for my software -

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Question 38. Describe the Different Marketing Tactics You Successfully Use. download a trial version free. Upgrade if it saves you money. 394.

Search engine optimization- Website promotion in newsgroups and forumsOffering free information - Direct e-mailing - Discount on initial purchase- generous performance based money back guarantee


Search engine placement, and good customer service are the 2 that I currently use.


Search engines,


Seminar invitation is an easy way to meet business owners without creating a tension.


seminar offers


Seminar sellingTelemarketingMailings


Seminars and direct mail.


Seminars and events, consultative proposal preparation, involving the client in the expectation and engagement costing processes


Seminars, direct calling, yellow pages


Seminars, email blasts, newspaper ads, direct mail, unique selling proposition, and host beneficiary.


Seminars, Flyers, business associations.


Seminars, referrals, slow growth


Sending out direct mailer pieces to motorcycle dealerships (2 1/2% response)Regional ads in motorcycle publications.


Sequential marketing: Letter, scripted call, letter, online product demo, scripted call, letter… these sign up the consultant.Sequential marketing to end-user: Powerpoint presentation, online product demo, letter, email, scripted call, etc.


Since I am selling myself, I have the best product available.


Since it has yet to launch, there are no successes to report.


size & design of mailer, personal calls to artists and customers both


Some E-mail campaigns seem to work pretty well, direct marketing and some telemarketing


Some referral


Speaking at conferences, writing a monthly column in an industry publication,free consultations, pro-bono work


Speaking Engagements, Client Retention Programs, Direct Mail inviting CEO to Briefings, Cold Calling.


Special reports for lead generation. Fax marketing. A good face to face presentation. The odd referral.


Start up still




Submitting out internet sites to the search engines.


Sunday tour of homes, 120 day guarantee or we buy your home, team system, 24 hour talking ads, talking house, free reports


Target marketing, PR, Direct mail, constant personal contact, coy literature.


Telecanvassing, referalls


Telemarketing Meetings Demo Proposal


Telemarketing to qualified companies leads to sales meetings. When the prospect

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Question 38. Describe the Different Marketing Tactics You Successfully Use. says he needs approval from someone else (even though the meeting was supposed to be with a decision maker), we say Great, set up the meeting with that person and we’ll be there. When the prospect balks over price, we a) offer to split the fee over two fiscal years or b) offer to create an Evacuation Plan for a smaller fee rather than a conduct a security assessment or c) offer to review their current Evacuation Plan at no charge and give them an oral and written evaluation.Publicity: articles and interviews in relevant media, then use the clips as part of the leave-behind package 424.

Telemarketing to the Public Trustee List and from getting referrals from happy clients.


Telemarketing, Direct Mail, Person to Person and some Host/beneficiary.


Telemarketing, direct marketing, eferralsls, eferrals, free goodies, money back, gifts, testing, CRM, etc


Telemarketing, I’m trying my hand at writing sales letters, faxes, and weekly newsletter


Telemarketing, I’m trying my hand at writing sales letters, faxes, and weekly newsletter


telemarketing:generates appointmentsgroup presentations: let's people taste the program at no riskdecision maker meetings: build trust and rapport


TelemarketingAlternate channels (getting other sot help sell for us – IBM, complimentary organizations, etc)ReferralsDirect mail – success stories, white papers, compelling letters (like Jay can write so well) – all that stress benefits and customer testimonial


Telephone skills, sales skills, direct mail, referrals


Telephoning, advertising, gaining endorsements/referrals, back end sales, attending trade fairs as exhibitor/visitor


Tele-selling, e-mail, internet.


Tell clinets how to do it.brainstorm


Thank you letters. Business cards. Networking. Excellent customer service.


That’s basically it, except mailing brochures.


The physicians that are also our customers give us credibility as well as referrals. We now want to reach corporations.


The tactics are wide and varied, they are sometimes bold and other times simple.


The thing that works best is to present 3 different levels (cost) of advertising programs, then emphasize that they can create their own program. Using existing customers for testimonials


Think I covered that under the pillars


This is getting a bit redundant.


This is the only one


To break the ice, I tell people to come over and use my computer and do one theory test and see how they do without any obligation for them to do business with me.


To deploy a systematic sales letters system, followed by a phoning and eventully try to get an appointment to sale a diagnostic. When I achieve the diagnostic level, I got a 85% chance to make a Consultance mission sales. And from then, I acquir ethe customer for live in 85% of time


Trade Shows and referrals

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Question 38. Describe the Different Marketing Tactics You Successfully Use. 446.

Training people who work for us to be knowledgeable about our products and doing upsale.


Treatingpeople like I would like to be treated and asking them to send in theirfriends and family


Underpromise, overdeliver




Use a free consultation to obtain an appointment with business owner.


Use the hook - “Stand up, tighten your belt, and go for it”


Using classifieds for lead generation, sending out direct-response-info-letters, hosting business-presentation/sales-seminars, telemarketing-sales.


USP, referrals


Various local publications


Vault tours, client visits, training tools and materials


Very little apart from referrals keeping me swamped as it is.


Viral marketing,advertising on media,asking our every costumer their email to offer them backend products.


We are still on a planning basis.


We discourage interested, but lazy prospects from buying. Internet PPC direct ads. Regular contact with prospects via Newsletter Easy ordering systems. Nice Packaging. Plenty of low cost bonus reports


We do direct mail to a list from Phillips Publishing to alternative medicine oriented people. In it, we offer a seminar and free report on 5 Hidden Risks of Heart Attacks. We have gotten great results from it and have seen the a 200% to 300% increase in our new patients for chelation.We send a letter out to all of the patients that have been on our weight loss programs in the last 5 years or so and who do not come any more and offer them a free work-up (bloodwork, EKG, physical $155 value) if they start back on the diets during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays – our slowest times of the year.We send give referred people a discount when they start the programs.We give the referrers free treatments or free optional things when they refer people as well as have the doctors call and personally thank them.We give every single patient that comes in on our programs literature on the monthly special supplement or on a therapy that either they have expressed interest in or their family history indicates.


We don't have a marketing strategy.


We don't use any.


We generally just use personal contacts/word of mouth.


We have created price/performance comparisons; small mockups of what a client site might look like; provide an alternative of leasing a site rather than paying for it up front; go to the Board level if it appears that the decision is more a long-term policy issue than what should be directed by the management; presenting detailed website performace statistics, when looking to establish the need for new website and database functionalities; and entertaining decision makers on a casual, noncommittal basis.


We have had special sales with special discounts. We have ran ad in a publication to de-rail our competition’s sales program.


We have none formalized


We have such an extensive history with our clients (we’ve built many of their systems and business processes) that we market our ability to understand their

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Question 38. Describe the Different Marketing Tactics You Successfully Use. needs faster and more thoroughly than any of our competition possibly could. 468.

We have used usp, high margin/small dollar selling, developed proprietary products.


We make friends at all levels of our customers plants.


We only rely on word of mouth


We send attractive Monthly Specials sheets, with savings on products and introduction of new products; we attend conventions on a sporadic basis; we are attempting to locate more selling assistance (reps, in-house and in the field


We successfully use a referral program, networking within the relocation industry, viral marketing, and marketing via our website.


We use direct mail, trade shows and industry publications.


We use email, faxes, and phone calls, but I would not say at this time that any were successful.


We use multiple tactics including asking for referrals, giving introductory workshops inside the practice, outside lectures on a variety of topics, using lead generating lead boxes around our practice, and as necessary advertising thru yellow pages and radio.


We use referral generation during the first three visits. From this, we get 75% of our referrals which make up 60% of our new patients. We send a quarterly newsletter with a recall coupon on it to our inactive patient list. This generates 3 or 4 recalls each time. We participate in local Expos, business fairs, and health fairs where we conduct screenings and offer a complete initial visit in exchange for a donation to a local children’s charity (Scouting has been most successful). Print advertising with newspaper inserts have created sporadic results. In these we use testimonials and offer a reduced fee examination with a No Risk Satisfaction Guarantee.


We were pretty much of a monopoly in our town.


We will send out “Print Reports” attached to samples of attractive projects we have produced. In sales conversations, I personally will use a lot of “negative reverses” to get the prospect to move towards a decision in my favor. I will also use “IOU’s” to obligate them. I will email testimonials from happy clients to them every 2 or 3 days. Finally, we will spend time trying to determine exactly what they want.


We’ve “sold” our services to some companies just for a promise to “brag” about us to others.


Web newsletter, articles, speeches, seminars, pro bono


Web site, speaking at international conferences, providing training courses


Websites, direct mail, networking, referrals


weekly ezine; announce ezines in multiple lists, publish articles in various ezines; offer free articles; offer free tips to editors for print or electronic publishing; provide a free newspaper column; exchange links with strategic partners; cross link my 35 sites; use long-copy sales sites to sell invidicual products; sell affiliate products through email, not from a site; provide a variety of free email courses; offer audio clips on sites that sell my services; offer free teleseminars as previews to paid seminars; give free ebooks, as long as they’re viral; make every product viral; track key indicators of activity; offer preferred rates to strong joint venture partners; speak at marketing seminars promoted by other people; use pay-per-click advertising only to drive traffic to new sites or for those sites that make a profit; establish micro sites for high-traffic topics


We'll send a limo to pick you up at the scene of the accident and take you to your

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Question 38. Describe the Different Marketing Tactics You Successfully Use. destination….. Watch your car be repaired online…. We'll come to you to give you an estimate... Just call 44-Fix-It and we'll take care of the rest. 485.

When I can get the interviews booked, people respond WELL to me on the radio and in person. I have been a guest on local television several times with excellent results. Over 5k in sales and I was interviewed only 12 minutes, did not even mention my product and no phone number was displayed on the screen. People saw me and called the station to get my number, it was great.


Whew! I’m tired. Sorry. I’m going to skip this one.


Will be using discount coupons/pres releases/referrals/repeat customers/direct marketing and designs and print and media advertising


With a customer who cannot decide after our presentation, we use actual orders and small size of our company to inform the client about our production ability shortage. We ask the client to give us an order by the certain date or wait half a year until our production will be able to accept new orders.


With some color printing, specialized catalogs, "order prompts".


Word of mouth


Word of mouth has been spreading real fast.


Word of mouth referrals from very happy clients


Word of mouth referrals have been the best that we have had.


Word of mouth, direct mail.


Word of mouth, endorsements, referrals, partnerships, books, Trainings


Word of mouth, mailers, follow phone calls, very little advertising.


Word of Mouth, past relationships, cold calling, Yellow Pages and directory advertising.


Word of mouth, phone, and direct mail.


Word of mouth, writing articles, advt in local papers


Word of mouth.


Word of mouth.


Word-of-mouth, street promotion, dretail stores, website, strong imagery to promote the I-D of the clothing line and hint to its way of life.


Working on it


Writing articles


Writing articles, advertising, ezine, free advice.


Yellow page documents, internet banners


Yellow pages provide the most leads, and we close 60% of all calls.


Yellow pagesTonermanReferralDirect mailNewletter


YP,web referrals. Atty referrals

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Question 39. What Do You Think are the Strategic Benefits of Each Tactic? Question 39. What do you think are the Strategic benefits of each tactic? 1.

(1) Creates credibility – creates in-house advocates of the service (2) Creates credibility (3) Begins rapport building – gathers specific information on interested clients (4) Testimonials/


? (17)


1) Low cost, convinced customer2) Knows value of product3) Brings in new customers4) Brings in “referred” customers


1-2-3 generates almost all of my business


A combinative powerhouse when acting together.


A happy customer tell his friends


A long term sustainable relationship with the customer to have him/her buy more in the future and let him/her tell about your business


A person is more apt to let you help them.People want to be understood.People do not want to be told what to do.We have to decide together what is best for them.Have to eliminate as many barriers as possible to helpThem to move forward to have their needs met.


A regular presence for the mailing followed by personal contact with customers with the telemarketing.From the diagnostic phase, I have the opportunity to show what I can bring to customer and how valued my Consultance could be for them


ach catches some prospects that the others miss. Each adds to the whole


Adequate for my objectives


Affiliate marketing expands my reach to lists of people that I would otherwise not have contact with. Email marketing is limited to people that I have either personally met or who have contacted me for information, so they can be a fairly warm market. Internet marketing is a total cold-call – there are benefits in keyword marketing where the competitor has advertised in a similar manner, forcing a comparison of the products. Postcard marketing has only been done on a limited basis so far, with acceptable results. It is costly and not very predictable.


Affordable but level field, Information dense/top of consciousness, Great for backend leverage, Position as expert, Showcase expertise, Showcase knowledge & great follow-up.


All are designed to a) educate prospect about the MYM system and its benefits and/or b) identify prospects and capture his/her contact information in exchange for free offer


All are elements of building the brand. One-on-one is most effective but most time-consuming therefore the most expensive on a cost per thousand basis and on the basis of cost per Client.


All geared to demonstrate my experience.


All get me close to my target


All keep us in front of potential customers


All lead back to branded fastest, easiest , best jars. most profitable vendor


All of them generate revenue producing leads.


All of these tactics will bond together to establish me as an expert in small biz marketing


Alliances that are also in the communication business help establish credibility

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Question 39. What Do You Think are the Strategic Benefits of Each Tactic? when they recommend us to a trusted client of theirs and when we get one on one there is no doubt individuals have need of our products and services. 23.

allows me to target different groups in different ways


And this one!


Approaches I have tested got different responses, with both methods I have got a feel for acceptance in the market and what type of people are good prospects. Also reading all the grounding and other materials I have concluded that it is very easy for me to contact interested qualified prospects using the above methods and once more information is known through research, setting the buying criteria, testing I get the impression things will go well. This reenforces my assumptions about the master strategy and actually has had a little force in shaping it.


Articles – raise awareness of company and MD names and allow us to send relevant articles to existing or prospective customers, in order to stay in touch. Create the ‘expert in the field’ perception, which is a long term objective.Speakers – as above – but also give people a live experience of what we are talking about. Invitations – as above.Special offers – build further loyalty.


Articles do provide for visibility at the search engines. To write good articles is very time consuming. It does provide an excellent medium to test response to ideas.A review of products do lead to sales. (This is a suggestion as made by Allen Says). This method is bringing me most of my sales.


Attract different type/segment of customers.




AwernessMessage delivery engraining strategic positioning (usp) in customers mindCost/Return trade off


Because my service is about interaction intelligence, the way I manage my relationships demonstrates my facility in the subject. Each tactic gives me showcase opportunities to demonstrate my abilities.


Besides converting suspects to prospects and prospects to clients, the enewsletter’s main benefit strategically is to maintain a presence in the minds of our readers that gives us credibility, and helps them appreciate us for giving them valuable information at no charge. It also keeps them informed of our current and future research projects, so they’re more likely to end up buying the eventual report.


Best reach for the $


Both are putting us in contact with people so we can help them to realize they can improve their condition.


Both are very good,


Both of the tactics are part of my relationship building strategy.


Both of these tactics deepens our network. Not only do we please our customer but we please the referrer or partner who introduced us.


Both tactics bring me credibility that is often the major question in my prospect’s mind.


Brand re-inforcement, “top of mind”


Broad consumer awareness


Build a reputation for doing what I do well


Build reputation.


Building long term relationship

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Question 39. What Do You Think are the Strategic Benefits of Each Tactic? 44.

Building relationships so people trust me has a person which would transfer to my service


Building up database


Builds a good relationship which about 15% result in a sale.


Buy-in, loyalty, branding


By use of referrals, I believe my strategic message is most easily conveyed to potential clients.


Can tell a pretty complete story


Cannot answer


Can't say.


Cheap source of clients


Clear out the time wastersPositioning


Client loyalty


Client retention and referrals from satisfied clients


Client Trust…


Clients already presold


Cold Calling: benefit – a personal, direct approach, which gets to the heart of the purpose of the call in a very short time.Direct Mail: benefit: cost effective way to generate specific leads for a specific area of the market we’re shooting for.


Connects us to the person, they don’t worry about having to see know. By meeting three, THEY are trying to figure out ways to use us.


Constant in contact with customer after they have try our product and introduce them another product when they have already have some confidence in our company and its product.


Contribution to the whole…each plays a specific role in creating the environment for the strategy to be successful.


Co-ordinated approach


Cost effectiveness, measurability, instant results


Create strong report with peer audience


Creates direct contact with leads, allows us to better understand the market place and its needs, establishes our credibility




Customer loyaltyRaising the company profileTargeted global reach at low cost


Customers associate good things with certain product lines


Didn’t think oif it like that. Cheap, direct, commission based.


Diff spokes and they hit a diff market


Direct calls – reaching an audience that is very unfamiliar with attorneys.Hand Holding – Clients appreciate actually using and understanding the entities instead of just getting them.


Direct mail – bestreferrals, word-of mouth = effective but not very commonfinders fees = works also but difficult to get going


Direct mail is controllable in what we say and to who. The telephone reinforces the direct mail message. Industry reps are another party who are promoting our services and therefore help to give credibility to our company.

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Question 39. What Do You Think are the Strategic Benefits of Each Tactic? 74.

Direct mail- more people exposed to our message. Personal – more intimate. Referals – more sure of sales. Newspaper – less cost, large possible exposure.


Direct marketing is the most cost effective / high success rate .


Direct sales allows for bonding at the deepest possible level while building more credibility. Salesletters help build credibility with testimonials and/or brief case studies.


Don’t know (11)


Don’t know but important to have long term goals (ie list of pre-pared investors) that all tactics help to develop.


Don’t know if there are strategic benefits. I’m not sure they tie in.


Draw attention to our product.


Each adds another opportunity to communicate our message to our clients which supports our overall strategy.


Each helps to surround the client with my Unique Points of Difference constantly.


Each income stream increases geometrically, which brings the company closer to our ultimate business goal – becoming the undisputed mortgage authority in SW Orlando


Each is slightly different from the other, and one may better suit a particular source of referrals than others. So they all act synergistically, while simultaneously working towards a common end of bringing in new customers with specific interests.


Each is slightly different from the other, and one may better suit a particular source of referrals than others. So they all act synergistically, while simultaneously working towards a common end of bringing in new customers with specific interests.


Each makes it easy to try and each reinforces the position of visual clues for langauge learning.


Each one contributes a little to the overall effort


Each one enhances the idea that we are the place to go to for all your martial arts needs.


Each one works differently at different times and cannot be overused as otherwise one is wasting effective ad dollars. Sometimes a marketing campaign is the way to go to address a particular selling season, Christmas etc.


Each supports my overrding strategy mentioned above


Each tactic is “you” oriented, not “I” oriented.


Each tactic is a key tool and method in support of the strategy, and as such each is beneficial in achieving the strategy. No one tactic stands alone in and of itself.


Each tactic is used to attract clients from the multitude of seekers’ paths


Each tactic should lead the customer to know that we are the most customer obsessed company that they have ever dealt with.


Each tactic, in the precise order it is used, builds an overwhelming case that having and using our product is a necessity to increase profitability.


Each tends to approach a different, though in many instances, overlapping groupw


Ease of use


Easier to sell our concept and get premium pricing


Easy to do business with me, no risk. Can see social proof from other customers.

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Question 39. What Do You Think are the Strategic Benefits of Each Tactic? Teach customers what to expect to reduce returns and questions by phone. G 100.

Educates people as to options they have to improve/take control of their own health & to improve their finaces


Educating prospects will help position me as an expert.Can't think of any further decent responses.


Education for buyer, Client becomes hero to their customers, I get great exposure and new clients, Direct mail mimimal demand on my time., Effective, results now, simple to do.


Education, create desire for service


Effective means to market without large sales staff. Being close to customers through multiple production facilities.






Elevates the education level of the employer and takes them above only looking at the rate.


Email allows for quick, easy, and ongoing communication. create identity and branding Referrals create customers involvement provides exposure and goodwill


Email is a non=threatening approach to get some info…Mini seminars are a lowcost way for a business owner to get acquainted with me…and in person allows me to capture and add them to my database after giving them a live pitch.


E-Mail is cheap and potentially highly effective. Mail order appeals to a market that may not be computer savvy, or have the time to surf the net.


Emails and postcards generate customer awareness that you have something to offer of possible value to them.Sales Seminar allows me to give them personal exposure to my products and benefits..I give demonstrations and they can even "test drive" some of my products.


e-newsletter – maintains awareness of Sales Champions on a fortnightly basisthank – you notes – the person whom you leave feeling good, is the one who will remember you. Feelings are remembered long after anything else, so can work for you or against you.Phone calls – cold calling and warm calling, and just to say hi! Can bring new clients in, and act to maintain links with people.Internet – educates and informs and enculturates the individual towards acceptance of sales coaching, Can also bring clients.Journal and newspaper articles: Provides information and education that enculturates the individual towards acceptance of sales coaching. Overall impression of being an expert in the field.


Establish rapport more quickly with potential clients.


Establishing personal credibility via networking; establishing awareness via email.


Everything is based upon performance. We have no cost until income is generated.




Ezine advertising is basically free. I paid $790 for the program to send out the emails, and can have over 100,000 subscribers per list, and unlimited lists!Autoresponder advertising is the same as above. I purchased the autoresponder with the email server. So everything send out with my autoresponder is a bonus.Phone call close the deals, and help put a voice to the service for the client. This eases their mind, and allows us to develop a personal report with each other. After the close I ask the client who they know like themselves that would be interested in my services.

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Special events Community

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Question 39. What Do You Think are the Strategic Benefits of Each Tactic? 118.



Follow-up calls allow us to determine future needs, identify satisfaction or lack thereof of last job and thus improve services rendered, Marketing intelligence allows us to focus on short and medium term prospects, Ccold calls allow us to expand the customer base, Email newsletter allow us to maintain a presence before customers and prospects, and Meetings allow us to put names to faces, gather additional information, establish technical credibility, and solicit additional prospects.


For 38 a. They have more knowledge about IT and will understand when we tell them why things went wrong.For 38b. They know that we are confident about our service; They start with us with the ‘trusting mindset’.For 38c. Value for money.


Front of mind and developing a deep understanding of their needs.


Fuel adoption and market penetration. Embed our products in others’.


General reputation


Generating Customer awareness of prudct brand


Gets our name out.


gets the clients attention.


Getting the name out there on an individual basis.


Gives an opportunity to show the business owner that we are experts at what we do and to experience our level of service.


Gives the clients what they want and keep the client comeback.


Go for long term and once the buyer buy the concept the product is easily sold


Good question. Because they have to try – then I have the sale.


Good return on investment.


Good will; set us up as the authoritative source; keeps us front and center in people’s minds.




Greater exposure, which hopefully will lead to more clients


Growth of trust in clientele in all of them


Having a network of professionals all committed to the same end objective makes for a powerful marketing edge in a particular market and delivers and outstanding experience to the client.


Help us get to large numbers of our target audience efficiently.


Helping me to appear to be what I am, the best small jeweler in Idaho.


Helps me be an authority


Helps overcome apprehension in purchasing hardware products. Collects money on back end sales.


High traffic


Higher closing rate


Hmmm. I really don't know how to answer this question.


Hopefully to acquire more dealers that will buy from us and sell to consumers.


Host –Beneficiary Endorsements = leverage, instant credibility, build client and prospect base quickly, inexpensively and as easy as possible. Ethical bribes for lead generation = attract prospects to learn about the ways I can help them, capture their names and e-mail addresses, educate them to appreciate why they

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Question 39. What Do You Think are the Strategic Benefits of Each Tactic? should be concerned about making certain changes that I can help them with (use shock tactics by researching the industry and excerpting quotations from credible third party sources, i.e., The Wall Street Journal), entice potential hosts to promote me by allowing them to gift something of high perceived value to individuals on their data bases. Up selling = increasing the unit of sale without incurring any additional sales expenses. Packing groups of products and services = increase the unit of sale, make it easier for clients to purchase and provide a noble service for clients by making sure they get everything from which they can benefit. Down selling = create a sale instead of a prospect walking away with nothing, give new clients an opportunity to experience my products and services and nurture them towards purchasing more expensive products and services. Cross selling = increase unit of sale. Reselling = increase the LTV of clients of active clients and lower the marketing costs of having to exclusive concentrate on acquiring new clients. TFN = by programming clients to purchase on a consistent basis cash flow is increased, attrition of clients decreases, clients are virtually lock in and not likely to patronize the competition and the client is served better by experiencing the timely and consistent benefits from my products and services. Multiple sequential contacts on offers = increase sales because most prospects do not respond to the first contact. Create high perceived value = increase sales by showing prospects how every dollar they invest in one of my products or services can easily bring them at least ten dollars of additional bottom line profits. Risk reversal = removes the fear of getting started or making a purchase, sets me apart from my competitors and instills confidence in my prospects. 147.

How do you customers calling you without spending $$$$ on advertising?


I am a resource site and provider of valuable information


I am not sure I understand the question


I believe the reciprocity factor weighs heavy on the clients decision to use us or not!


I can refer to the article, or some “connections” we have (similar background, education etc)


I don’t know, still I am an intern in Marketing, so learning now……..


I don’t really know.


I don’t think I have much strategic benefit coupled into my current tactics which just increase my sales.


I don't know.


I explain the core story benefits of my services to the client


I get in front of people, can talk to them, and don’t appear to be pushy


I get new clients and I provide perks to my ongoing clients.


I get new clients and they generallr return year after year


I have no tactics


I have real problem with tactic and strategic when it is not an engineering problem


I haven’t clearly articulated my strategy so this is hard to say at this point.


I need more info about the use of the term, strategy, as it applies to marketing.


I need to talk to as many qualified people as possible and each tactic helps accomplish that.


I really don’t know how to answer this question.


I really have no idea


I show that there is sth like scientific marketing, that you can predict ROI of your

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Question 39. What Do You Think are the Strategic Benefits of Each Tactic? marketing campaigns.I show that people don't really know fundamentals about their biz – I get trustGrowing my list is obvious strategic benefitAP gets the word out without my money used 168.

I try to create an aura of “being everywhere” and always providing more


I will recruit more Independent Business Owners and more preferred customers. The independent Business Owners will become more successful and they will recruit more customers, etc.


I’m being positioned as an expert.


If you want to use the military experience. Mon colonel would say: If you make a tactical error some mothers will cry , if you make a strategic miscalculation a lot of mother will cry


Ill-defined for the businesses I am involved with


image and service and the whole process was designed to go from start to finish and start over again


In order. Meeting people in the top positions within companies to assess their need and the potentials for referrals. Speaking offers a leverage point by appealing to large groups of business minded people. Email offers the ability of easily “getting in the face” and appealing to people directly.


In today’s market people are too busy, too skeptical, too willing to put off a decision. By making them aware immediately of what’s in it for them – you at least get their attention (USP).


Increased market share


Increased traffic and getting other people to become my “salespeople”.


Increased understanding and communication by and between managers and operational staff of the complexities of day to day activities that result in data upon which management decisions are predicated


Increased visibility which results in more customers.


Increases our exposure and credibility, demonstrates our capacity and availability, and gives people a desire for and hope of success in their own gardening efforts.


Inexpense and somewhat personal


Informational e-mail – mixed yield initially with large build-up of sales and confidence laterDirect main pieces – yield consistent with most pieces and up to 5 times greater than averageInternet informational materials – trust builder, vehicle to establish internet sales with establish customers around the world. It also has established our reputation as a world authority and thereby increased interest of others in developing alliances.Word of mouth works great, its cheap and builds on the foundation created by all of the other activities that people use to check us out without taking any risks.Preferred customer events and sales. – they generate big sales and back-end purchases overnight.Special club – they push forward the development of alliances, generate cash, and promote long-term loyalty which drives word of mouth, etc.


Internet- global exposure, wholesale distributorships-low capital required


Interseted party.


Introduction of the coaching concept


It appeals to the vanity, beauty, safety and convenience of our customers.


It brings in a constant stream of business


It is all pretty well one-off, seat of the pants stuff at the moment

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Question 39. What Do You Think are the Strategic Benefits of Each Tactic? 189.

It is more impactful and powerful. It will allow use to incorporate our message in everything we do.


It is targeted, and specific.


It is winning new clients and getting our name known.


It provides exposure and list building.


It reduces the risk of them trying out the products and their resistance to the first sale. Support and coaching reduces attrition and encourages reordering


It targets only those interest in my products


Just not enough.


Keep our name in their memory


Keep profits and margins high and expenses low


keeping our name out in the community


Keeping us at the top of the consumer’s mind.


Keeps our name out there in the marketplace


KISS – easy to understand;Letter Boxing – repeatable results;Copying a good idea – saving time to market;Business Partnerships – source of ideas, products and services for mutual benefit.


Large stable business’s. Word of mouth advertising is the best advertising.


Lets people know that I do want new patients so I continue to build my practice.


Little effort with big payout, self replicating mechanism that once they get started don’t need any more of my assistance or active participation to advertise my name online.


Long term and sustainable


Long term customer relationships based on trust, honesty and integrity.


Low cost, low maintenance


Low cost.


Mailers are working for me when i’m not working, referrals bring in new clients, on site corporate marketing gives us quick clients face to face.


Maintaining preeminence


Make them confident related to us and trust in our advices and services having entire confidency in the best quality of what we give and offer to them.


Makes customers more aware: ease of reordering (order prompts) informs them ofnew book titles and related materials.


Marketing copy is targeted so they will call if they have a need


Measurable outputs and inputs


Meetings: Opportunity to explain in detail how client can benefit from what we do, how his or her specific needs can be metDirect Mail: Detailed descriptions of our programs


More business with existing clients and picking up new clients.


More contact, client education of our services, better sevice to exact client needs,


More contacts mean greater exposure and a chance to sell. People buy people not companies so relationship building in critical to creating long term relationships. The longer we invoice the more we make in both margins on the original sale and higher margins on the upsells.

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Question 39. What Do You Think are the Strategic Benefits of Each Tactic? 219.

More patients, helps to close, iupsell & cross sell to my best clients


More tactical than Strategic


Most everything we do makes the patient feel special, privileged, apprectiated.


Most of the tactics build the relationship with the customers, every tactic means additional contact with the customer, tactics build the brand.


Movement toward Big Picture Achievement


Multiple jobs in one area at one time


My plan sucked


My system is totally unique.


N/A (19)


Name recognition but I am spending money for “branding when I should concentrate on my existing customer base


Networking as an approach helps the sales process, because it aides the process of relationship building.


Networking particularly through professional connections generates pre qualified prospects with the capacity to do business with us. The database work identifies prospects with capacity in our geographic area because we know that they are paying tax and how much we include that fact in our letter “I see from your latest accounts that you incurred a Corporation Tax liability of £**,***. I have helped many shareholding directors, with a similar Company structure and size to yours, to save substantial amounts of tax.” With regards to follow up and presentation it’s on a nothing ventured nothing gained basis i.e. they have nothing to loose by seeing us. We have to make a personal presentation because of the legal constraints governing the financial services industry.The strategic benefits of this approach is the creation of new prospects in the sector we wish to operate in.The newsletter and annual financial reviews are to stop existing clients migrating.


Networking: building up relationship, getting to know people's needsReferrals: trust leads to longer-term relationships


Niche – becoming intimately aware of your customers needs. Door to door – face to face interaction.


Nil (2)


No body else in Australia is doing it, in our industry.


No cold calling to this method.


No costs.


No idea


Nobody else is offering the home owner the specific benefit I offer.


None (3)


None aside from gauging the difference in needs from 3 years ago.


None so far…I have big plans if only…………


Not all that strong, especially internet.


Not specifically considered such benefits because I have not thought in terms of strategic operations.


Not sure (6)


Not sure except that they enable me to sell more


Not sure how to answer this.

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Question 39. What Do You Think are the Strategic Benefits of Each Tactic? 247.

not sure what you mean


Not sure what you mean. They help us gain customers, and quantity, esp from target audience and those likely to return or reorder.


Not sure what you’re asking for. That’s a new term for me


Not tried to analyse in dept.


Not yet analysed


Nothing really we are pretty basic


Obviously none.


One page fax: cheap. Simple call to action – teachers are so busy. Allows me to also capture their name and email when they call or email me.Follow Up Call: amazing how many teachers never get the fax and I need to resend it. This emphasizes that the fax was important. Also gives us a chance to hit key timely hot buttons again (e.g. “tell the teacher there’s only 20 spots left and over 100 possible schools interested – if he wants in he needs to call soon!”)


Ongoing creation of a reputation for solid customer support and a longer-term (21+ years) presence in our field


Online newsletter is cost effective and soft sell. Networking works well for me becausewhat I have to offer is in demand and unusual. Rererral generation and cold-calling are less effective but get my name out there. Writing articles (and books) generates revenue and gets me better known. Same for leading seminars.


Only the partnering qualifies as “strategic”. This approach pre positions us in the role of experts to assist in a manner not available through typical mortgage channels.


Opens dialogue with prospects


Our clients’ thinking of us as their trusted business advisors.


Our loyal clients believe that we are very interested in their success.


Our support is unequaled in our industry. This keeps our clients very satisfied even at times when they are most needing solutions (read: frustrated). Having a product that needs regular support also build a dependence on us which makes switching to other vendors very unlikely. Hence we have 600 sites and have in our 15 year history only lost about 5 clients.


P.R. gives us implied endorsement.


Packaging: Sell more often.Easy Payment: Sell more.Guarantees: lessen or remove risk factor.


PACKING DEMOS help establish us as experts, and help sell travel accessoriesWARRANTY REPAIR CENTER - brings in people who have problems with cases they bought elsewhere, as well as help establish us as experts, provide service for mdse we sell, and possibility customizationSMALL NEWSPAPER ADS - continuity of suitcase outline border ties them together and (hopefully) provides more Top Of Mind Awareness (TOMA) than unrelated ads - keeps our name & image in front of people4 PAGE CATALOG/SALE Inserts give room to stress not only price, but selection and unique items. Also give room to tell/sell some other benefits of shopping with us: no mall parking to fight; Free Personalizing; Free Giftwrapping; experienced, knowledgable sales staff (not part timers or floaters)HOLIDAY GIFT CATALOG brings people in who never knew about us for gifts instead of luggage. Often hear comment "It's the first time I've been in. I didn't know you had such a large selection."DIRECT MAIL reminds established customers of our One Day Sale the Sunday before Thanksgiving, our February Trade In Sale, and our November Birthday Sale

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Question 39. What Do You Think are the Strategic Benefits of Each Tactic? 265.

People associate with me as I move along in my sales process.


People do business with people they know, like, and trust. By developing great relationships with our clients they are more readily willing to refer us and to continue to do business with us.


People knowing that this is an order made product, if not pressured for fast decision, tend to delay the decision and we need to create a sense of urgency in them.


People look upon me as an expert & authority in my field


People remember books they have touched, and they remember my name after seeing a book, holding it in their hands, so they hang onto the cards and many of them tell other people.


People see my expertise and it generates respect


People see my work, and I am able to use my partners influence.


People will already know how I do business and how good my service is


Personal contact


Phone followup allows you to overcome objections. Print and online ads are where qualified prospects would see them.


Pleased patients will refer other patients


Position the firm as the preferred source of services.


Positioning ourselves as being unique.


Potential market is computer savy, so we are getting exposure to most of potential customer.


PR – gives us credibility and is trust-inducing. The articles that are written about us give information and educate to some extent. We often put out case studies. Alliances – get messages and info to greater numbers and enable us to tap into a wider range of markets. For example, not only teachers and school based personnel but also parents. Referrals – trust inducing and networks the information about us and about emotional literacy into both education and parent markets. Most people come to any event with two hats on – one as a private individual who may have children and also as a professional.


Previous customers become advocates


Primarily they are low-costs functions they we can afford to do. Our only advantage is the relationshiop with their Buying Group.


Product differentiation for the first usp, big margins are fun for high/margin/small dollar, and propreitary products area always good tactics for the last in item 38


Provides the opportunity to appear to the client as the best alternative for his needs and enables the cultivation of a personal relationship so essential to success in consulting.


Publicity: free, more credible. Advertising: Product awareness. Trade shows: Get good leads.


Push Ads/Low cost. Highly targeted. Promote word of mouth.Pull Ads/ Low cost. Highly targeted. Promote word of mouth.P.R. Valuable testimonials and endorsements are widespread published.Unconventional Channels avoid the “old boys network” conditionsOmnipresent guarantees for the customers.


Puts us in the customers mind as THE SOURCE for the information they want. We are branding our style and approach to the arts we represent.


Raises the client level of comfort and trust in bonding with us.

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Question 39. What Do You Think are the Strategic Benefits of Each Tactic? 288.

Reducing our inventory


Referral gives us our most strategic benefit because we are able to tap into the patient’s emotional pattern which got them to buy from us in the first place. When they refer, they send in people who already know something about what we do and what we recommend so the surprise factor is reduced or eliminated. These are usually our most successful prospective contacts. Newsletters allow us to reconnect with people who already know about us and who stopped using us for some reason. They give us the opportunity to remind inactive patients about who we are and how we have improved or updated our services since they last saw us. It also gives us the opportunity to invite them back with an offer that sets us up for an upselling opportunity. Screenings and talks put us in front of a large audience of prospective new patients and gives us a chance to begin the re-education process that we will continue when they come to our office.


Referrals – free and produce high quality leads. Brochure mailing – inexpensive, allows me to reach those outside my circle of acquaintances. Networking – inexpensive, allows me to develop relationships that can foster future business.


Referrals are a strong endorsement.


Referrals are always easier to work with and buy more and never give us a hard time.


Referrals are compound oriented efforts. Each referral will spin off their own referrals, so it is an exponential effect.Affiliate Internet marketing allows you to leverage off the existing success and traffic of an already successful company.


Referrals do not cost me much more than the time I invest to get them, which is usually not much.


Referrals mean they are warmOur cold scripts get us to people in 1 hit not 20the clubs make us appear stunningly professional, authoritative and approachable


Referrals, - others sell for me industry participation, - raises profile, acquire contactssharing info, - gather info and plant seedsnetworking – educate and explain


regularity, working off of previous dealings/impressions


Relationship building, making the phone ring


Relationship building.


Repeal business or monthly charges


Repeat business


Repeat business builds your lifetime client value, Referral business builds your client base up and letting your client know that I value their business enough to give them more for their money.


Repeat businessReferral businessSense of a well _rganized business that is a stayerSense of bonding so they want to keep doing business with me


Rererals – building a reputation as someone who does what they say and compensates people for their help, direct response – spreading the name throughout the industry, advertising and copywriting-educating people in the minimum of time to the benefits of your company, follow up – building trusted relationships


Risk Reversal: in sales, helps reduce the risk of the customer to make a commitment.Host Beneficiary: aligns our company and products with complementary solutions, bringing both our customers better over-all solutions.Advertising: for lead generation, help increase awareness of our product line. Unfortunately, the ads are not direct response.PR: for lead generation,

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Question 39. What Do You Think are the Strategic Benefits of Each Tactic? increases awareness of our product line, adds credibility to our product line and company.Direct Email: when used, would lead to additional salesQualify leads up front: reduce the time to saleChange profile of products and service for up market: increase the amount of the saleLarger units of purchase with discounts: increase the amount of each transaction.Free Evaluation versions for download on our website: increase leads 306.

Satisfied customers


Saves people money on prescriptions and on convenience items.


See above (3)


Seen to be very approachable and to become the source of choice for help and supplies.Seen to be a GURU in the field of alternative medicine.Achieved a large volume of sales at very little cost.


Sell on technical capability and fast delivery – not on price


Seminar selling = positions me as the expertTelemarketing = qualifies the prospectMailings = predisposes the prospect to listening to my offer


Seminars allow me to see many prospects at the same time and direct mail gets them to the seminars.


Seminars allow participants to see me as an expert, and allows me to teach them. Direct calling seems to work because people like human contact, and yellow pages work because people are in need of services when they start looking in the phone book for a provider.




Show more clearer direction


Speaking engagements and articles build my reputation. Association meetings also help in that regard.


spread by word of mouth


Strategic – Partner Program builds a client base with minimal costs. Web based marketing- more tactical.


Strategy wise, referrals will help my business grow faster. And barter gives my customers an extra value for being associated with me.


Strengthening our preemptive postioning.


Takes me to were I want to go


Talking Ads: This is a unique service that no one else in my market currently uses and therefore is really a good USP. FREE consumer reports give people what they need when they are looking for it and seems to be another good way to find new clients when they are most ready. Again there is only one or two others offering this type of service in my market. Three, Service For Life is a system that is based on relationship marketing.


talks are best


Targed exposure


Targeting the companies I want to have as my clients


Taste and see”


Telemarketing – direct feedback if interested Alternate Channels – more feet on the street for us, another person’s opinion can add credibilityReferrals – the best kind of leadDirect mail evidence and customer testimonials to support our case


Telephone skills will open relationship and qualify prospectsSales skills will advance the sale and close businessDirect mail will establish market presence

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Question 39. What Do You Think are the Strategic Benefits of Each Tactic? and provide a reason to follow up with a phone call.Referrals allow leverage from a current client or contact. 329.

Telephoning first allows me to put something of myself across in person before either meeting or mailing


Telesales: use of trained staff. Controllable costDirectories: little if any cost. Seen by a large number of peoleReferrals: it is a recommendation so the new prospect will be warmer than if obtaibned from telesales


The benefits are all the same, that is I get lots of face time in a stress-free environment. This usually pays off down the road.


The ads reach a large audience, the letters target present customers , word of mouth/conversations reach contacts for other properties.


The all work by creating centergy


The benefit is to nurture a relationship, and build credibility and trust, by providing a fresh original bulletin to them each week to show there is a person out there (me) who is thinking and in action each week and who cares about them.


The client become involved in his/her own planning, before, during and after the event takes place. Kind of an IRA for entertainment services


The client only has to agree to try our service....no risk, no obligation


The concept is to be noticed by someone as they are involved in a real estate transaction. While they may not immediately use my services, other people may ask how the recent selling/purchase transaction went and ask who they might recommend…I hope to be included in that recommendation even though I may never have talked directly with the recommender.


The customer (or trainee) regards me as a friend


The first (marketing by referral) and second (by using electronic means) marketing tactics are self-explanatory. The third one would combine and also promote the first tactic by developing the staff’s individual contacts.


The mailing is targeted to potential clients and addresses their needs and concerns, rather than our services – through which we set ourselves apart.


The more referral names I have the more I people I can approach to help build my team and move me up the organization.


The most successful tactic is to do free / almost free / or trade body treatments with the receptionists, manicurists and hair dressers in the day spa. They have a captive audience when they are doing hair or nails and they talk about the great treatment they got from me and suggest these treatments to their customers.Strategy: I gain a reputation for integrity, exceptional knowledge and experience; excellent work and offer great benefit to the client. The clients have faith that they can come to me and I can make them feel better and that they can refer me to their friends and relatives and I will also take excellent care of them. Build trust.The next most successful tactic is to demonstrate a new or different technique on a client for no charge, to educate them as to the other body treatments that are available to them and how each treatment can be of benefit to them personally. They eventually come back and give it a try. The strategy here is to show the client that I am well versed in technique and to show how each body treatment can personally benefit each clients needs. Make the client feel special that I am catering to their individual needs.The monthly flyer specials to the shopping center tenants bring in a few clients. They try the monthly special at a reduced price and experience the body treatment. This letter has also been very helpful in getting to know my neighbors and they to know me. I am thinking about expanding this monthly letter to include some helpful hints, educational articles

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Question 39. What Do You Think are the Strategic Benefits of Each Tactic? about various body treatments, home body treatment recipes, etc….Strategy: Get people to know who I am. Bring in new and repeat business by offering an incentive for the people to try the treatment of the month at a reduced price. I can also offer my free stuff here (information).I am thinking about constructing a website where people can go online and read about the various body treatments available, purchase gift certificates, and book themselves for a treatment. Have email for them to ask questions and I reply.Strategy: Make it easy, simple and fast for people to get their questions answered, buy for others, buy for themselves and booking the appointment. They don’t have to come into the day spa for that very personal last minute gift. 343.

The newsletter keeps my name in front of them as a reminder along with it being educational. The thank you cards show them that they aren't just another body that walked into my gallery one day. Special orders shows that I'm willing to go the extra step for them. The workshop helps to educate in a non-selling format.


The only thing I can say is I do get in touch with a lot of people


The phone book gets the phone to ring. The sales letter gets the sale sometimes.


The presentations become strategic, for they can be recycled for more generic use. Leasing as an alternative to buying is a strategic alternative. Going to the Board is a strategic move.


The referral program through relocation consulting firms, along with networking within the relocation industry has the benefit of rapidly establishing a position of market dominance in our niche (with very little marketing expense). Similarly, our viral marketing efforts create awareness of many of the types of announcements we send, and provide an implicit testimonial from our client companies that have sent notices that include our logo and tagline. The website’s primary strategic benefit is allowing us to educate the market about our services (a new service introduced into the marketplace) and supporting our consultative selling.


The seminar tactic makes us out to be some of the foremost specialists in this field and therefore accomplishes the idea of being sought highly sought after for medical advice and it also allows us to discuss a variety of topics showing a great deal of knowledge in several areas opening doors for more treatment options. I am not sure the strategic benefit of the free restart except that it continues our long-term relationship with our patients and can lead to new treatment options for them. The strategic benefit of rewarding referrers and referees is to build trust in helping their friends and loved ones. The hand-outs are to educate our patients so that they become highly educated about their health and therefore make better health decisions in the future, like using us.


The strategic benefit is that they all it around our central message of "unsurpassed service quality"


The strategic benefits of each tactic is helping us to realize the overall goal of the company which is customer retention.


The strategic benefits of these marketing tactics are to drive in a high volume of new people that are interested in at least our introductory services, whom we can then educate on the value of what we provide, thus generating clients who in turn can refer others.


The tactics provide a multilayered strategy, which gradually draws the customer in, build trust and offers minimal downside


The ugly brochure gives me a chance to apologize for the look but stress the every-word’s-important friendly relationship-building.


There have been no benefits since we only sold one deal to an existing customer


There’s nothing to draw any conclusions from yet. Give us three months and we’ll

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Question 39. What Do You Think are the Strategic Benefits of Each Tactic? have a lot to report 356.

They all (I believe) reinforce the brand and the general notion of what our operation pursues.


they all ‘tactically’ support the ‘strategy’, i.e. the ‘master plan’, if you like


They all feed to building relationship, expertise and referrals.


They all help to create that Parthenon of Power.


They all pull from a different area and support each other.


They all serve to keep us in front of those we need to send us business and to reinforce the professional and competent impression we need to make.


They are a good start but I need to build momentum and do much more


They are all focused on fulfilling the strategy of bring quality people who want to build a home based business


They are help me bond with my target market


They are not harsh or annoying to potential clients.


They can convince people to use our services


They can work together (eg a referral leading to a one-on-one, etc.)


They create a strong visible image of me and what I can do for them.


They each support the other one.


They generate enough good results to keep on beiing profitable.


They generate good word of mouth in a niche industry fraught with B.S.


They help build a customer base and establish me as a recognized expert via social proof.


They identify likely prospects and the referal program gives us our best clients


They just fit together.


They must enhance our reputation or increase our sales, or preferably both.


They pused my Google page rank up to 5 because of all the links so everyone thinks the web site is successful.


They support my strategy of using my business to support my lifestyle.


They tell there friends


This strategically places me above the competition since many of them will not take the time to educate or take the time to provide options to their clients.


To be so far ahead with customer service that referrals will follow.


To bring for new clients in.


To constantly position our organization as the best value at the lowest price and the place to go for membership benefits.


To generate referrals or create alliances.


To get referral business, repeat business and new business.


To me -They save money They save time To the client - It forces them to learn the skill they are being taught-


to offer prospects what they are dying to get


To reach my five-year goal.


To realize strategic benefits, I need to integrate all the tactics.


to sell \ rent the special one!

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Question 39. What Do You Think are the Strategic Benefits of Each Tactic? 390.

To take you closer to your strategic objective


TONERMAN is different & stands out. Newsletter The rest are old boring stuff.


Top of mind awareness….loyalty


Top of Mind MArketing




Try to inspire you to take an action


Trying is believing


Undefined strategy, undefined benefits.






unlimited success


using all 60 at the same time, not relying on any one tactic




Value to client, name awareness.


Very few companies in our industry allocate any resources towards marketing. Frankly, we benefit by taking ANY action.


Very little strategy to it. If I am successful my business grows.


Warm leads to new prospect


We approach each project from the standpoint that it’s common sense that we can save the client money and deliver faster than a competitor.


We are able to quickly adapt in this down market to changes in consumer demand


We are building an awareness of our service and commitment to be there afterwards too. Working to build top of Mind awareness. We will gain more business through referrals. By educating our clients they will see us as more of a leading and look to us first for information and help in solving their challenges and needs.


We are getting hot and qualified leads right from the get go. No guessing or wasting time in making deals happen.


We are proactively creating our industry, rather than always reacting to the news of the day.


We ask people to “vote with their money” if there are tons of people asking for their money back or take advantage of the risk reversal – it is a clear indication of our ability to dramatically improve what we are doing. “No” votes are actually yes votes to us.Referrals- extremely low cost to bring them in as customers and it makes it easy for us to “convert” them and now that we are creating back-ends we will be able to leverage that


We focus on the higher potential business first in each tactic. . . advocacy and companies who may already know us


We gain introduction to individuals that it would take years to find if we used advertising/email/direct mail etc.


We get towork with nice people.


We get in touch with people fast


We get lots of referrals , but need to implement this better


We get to know the client, build trust and rapport, avoid surprises with fees, and help them understand the intangible aspects

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Question 39. What Do You Think are the Strategic Benefits of Each Tactic? 419.

We get willing customers who (usually) are happy with our service


We have to spend a lot of time educating the public and physicians about the capabilities of this technology. There are only about 100 of these scanners in the US, and one of our challenges is that we may be ahead of our time.


We make long term customers.


We were able to secure sales, which would have been lost to our company. We were able to hold onto our market share and we suffered no ill effects from our competition’s sales program.


We’re everywhere


Well, I position my self, my USP, with each tactic.


When one person leaves the customer’s plant it doesn’t leave us starting all over


When we have an overall strategy (we are still developing) our tactics will be the integrated force to achieve and carry out our strategic objective.


When we reach the proposal phase we normally win


Word of mouth – this is the best because our satisfied customers are the best form of advertising we have although it is often difficult to track this type of advertising. Past relationships – existing cutomers come back for more products (repeat business). Yellow Pages and Directory Advertising – targeted group of potential customers look for what they want and contact us with specific needs. Cold calling – gets our name out there a little bit but is the least effective form of marketing.


Word of mouth & Jv’s sets up instant credibilty and reinforcee my position by giving me instant credibility. DM reaches the most targeted group of people. The web gives me global reach and allows me to offer free content for no extra cost to me.


Word of mouth allows people to do the convincing for you. Phone calls and Direct mail allow you to communicate with potential customers faster than face-face.


Wow prospects with conveniences they didn't know were available. Were not an uncaring company only wanting to do only the minimum.


Yellow page placement-capturing ready to buy market/ internet banners-Creating interest call location




You know, a few weeks ago when I first started reading your stuff you talked about strategic and tactical marketing. I looked up both words in the dictionary and found that they mean the same thing. So I’m confused on this.

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Question 40. What Are the Advantages People Choose Your Company Product or Service By? Question 40. What are the Advantages people choose your company/product or service by (i.e. your USP)? Define briefly. 1.

(a) Value for money; (b) Good quality service; (c) Top quality facilities


? (3)


1- Deliver Results. Products deliver what the customer bought the product for. 2Customer focus and satisfaction.


1) Ability to provide overall, single-focal-point professional project management capability and services; 2) Personal Relationships; 3) Believe in our company as a long-term building management solutions and service provider; 4) Systems Integration capability


1) We take the time to understand people’s requirements before we make a recommendation 2) We educate novices in the particular dynamics of selecting the right type and condition of container (containers come in 4 grades of condition from A grade which is in excellent condition down to D Grade which is battered, rusted and very tired.) 3) We send a digital photo of the container we are recommending 4) We offer a set of ‘Assurances’ (guarantees) that no-one else does.


10 year guarantee and presentation folder


10+ years experience successfully performing service


100% money back guarantee, high quality well-tested products


40% of our business is assessments. The world’s only assessments that measure skills, behaviors, attitudes and values inside each step of the system we teach and then provide targeted learning solutions on an individual basis with over 70 different prescriptive solutions.


A complete, proven business-in-a-box, ready to go.


A guaranteed functionality An emotional effect by using the product in the advertised and recommended conditions.


A personal service from someone who cares about their objectives in doing business with me.


A Very Useful Design Service creates and designs advertising and marketing materials that inform, persuade and remind our clients target markets of their services and products, enabling them to increase their competitive edge in the market place.


Ability to find untapped/uncommon/underdeveloped markets and needs


Able to combine multiple skills sets such as sales, marketing, strategic planning, stress management


accountants advice with your home loan


Accredited certification


Actively producing plans


Actual long-term positive results


Advantages, such as: Improve response time to customer requests for information Delivery product that meets customer expectations and requirements Immediate access to product information and order status Greater breadth of solution options that better meet needs



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Question 40. What Are the Advantages People Choose Your Company Product or Service By? 22.

Affordable financing for worthy individuals who may not be able to get traditional financing at the present time due to unexpected events or less than perfect credit records.


Affordable help


After people see their personal financial information on their own financial chessboard, they see clearly the steps they can take to improve their personal financial position, in the same way as people going from playing chess without a chessboard to playing it with a chessboard.


Again, this is something I’ve just learned about and am in the process of developing.


agressive no waiting policy, easy acces, advanced training / experience in sports and neurology


All competitors sell Alpacas. I sell friendship first that last a lifetime.


All natural


All services and 'products' we deliver can be evaluated and guarantee excellent results, we integrate for that education, events and media so the client can distinguish it's business severely from competition with excellent, profitable results..


Already said the USP. We have quality products, we deliver on time, the personalization will be accurate.


Always prepared to fight a client’s corner


An INDEPENDENT appraisal of their needs.


An indepth analysis from various perspectives, where the customer always experiences several "ah ha's" and changes how they think about money and creating abundance.


At this time, the main points of differentiation for the consumer market is in the form of the mobile phone hardware we offer. If someone wants a particular phone that we have, only we have it. We are moving towards offering unique content on our phones. In the business segment, our USP is our nationwide GSM/GPRS network coverage.


Attention to detail, service, results, we fit into their lifestyle.


Because I help them attract and retain more profitable customers and more productive employees.


Because of our patented design, our lockable mailbox is the most affordable on the market by a lot. It holds weeks of mail and is theft and vandal resistant.


Best seminar on the market Customers can keep in touch through investment clubs we run


Better experience in IT More desirable property features


Better results, more knowledgeable, graphics on everything


Breathrough go-to-market strategies


Bronze in Motion, Affordable fine art.


Buyers & Sellers who choose us get honest, ethical service with agents who have 23 years of experience.


By having our service they can have the system keep track of important share price movements without having to constantly be in front to the computer


Can’t define yet. Still quite unsure

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Question 40. What Are the Advantages People Choose Your Company Product or Service By? 46.

Catering specifically to a niche market that is not fully developed at this point in time.


Cause to pursue action


Cheap, high quality, commitment to solv customer problem


Chocolate contains donation to hunger relief projects


Client beneficial programs


Come to your home, develop comprehensive individualized health plan, can call or e-mail me anytime, provide education for improved independence.


Competitively priced, easy to use, software solutions, that help you increase productivity, create neat organized records and provide the answers you need with the click of a button.


Complete and thorough care with 24 hour availability


Confidence in my design abilities and service.


Confidence through hiring the most professional, expert realtor in the district.


Consistently getting the job done on time at a reasonable price


Consistently high service quality; personal customer service; low error rate


Constantly offer a range of products and in constant contact with customers to find their want and marketing advertisement to create more customers want when we launch any new product.


Consulting for practice. The clients receive marketing impact and realization and earn additional money.


Contingency based marketing fee.


Convenience, I’m right there in front of them and bring the issue to their attention at a very personal level.


Cost advantage


Cost, Service, Availability of Information, Market access, expertise


Craftmanship and honesty


Currently I do not have a USP. I am in the market as a ME TOO! – That is bad.


Custom Wellness Solutions Specialist


Customer and product knowledge


Customers typically tell us that they thought our solution was easy to use, had lots of confidence that we could put it, make it work – teach them how to use so they could get the benefit of their investment, and that we would be around to support them – and help them in others ways


Customized solution


Dedicated to our products and industry. Private company with long term thinking. Great technical solutions, at a fair price – delivered fast. Will make customer parts (even small qty)No min order size


Dentistry the way a dentist would buy it for his family mercury free dentistry sedation dentistry


Design is everything


Desired: education on health matters


Differs with different properties

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Question 40. What Are the Advantages People Choose Your Company Product or Service By? 75.

Direct presence of the company as opposed to only a distributorA wide range of office automation products on offer from one company


Don’t have a USP yet


Don’t really know


Don't know


Dont yet. Only one that will be doing it in the area.


Ease of use of the items.


Easy to understand, reliable, expert information about email newsletter creation and marketing that is tested and proven to increase profits


Easy to understand, reliable, expert information about email newsletter creation and marketing that is tested and proven to increase profits


Easy to use, does what it says it's going to do


Easy to use; beneficial to health, serenity & longevity


Educate the customer, very nice service, very low price


Education and personalization


Education and testimonial proof.


Education, length of time in business, taking the time to listen and provide choices


Effective weight management product Cost effective Easy to use Totally natural therefore no side effects


effective, and cost-effective. Far better than guessing what to buy at the healthfood store, the recommendation service is free, the products professional grade, and when available at a healthfood store, our prices are usually lower.


Effectiveness and value


Empowering therapist with ergonomically superior lift tables. Once a therapist understands the ergonomic implication of what they have to do to achieve success I have no longer any competition.


Established many years, easy access, heard nice things from others


Excellence; breakthroughs very quickly


Excellent customer service; great solutions, lots of technology for a relatively small company with small dollar entry requirements for Telemarketing projects


Excellent service and competitive prices


Excellent service vast knowledge that helps keep their deals together and helps make them deals and our contacts




Experience and expertise, married with our IT systems


Experience and references


Experience, Testimonials


Experience, ability to deliver superior results, fees that carry risk reversal.


Experience, tested and proven solutions, guaranteed results,.


Experience. Price. Trust.


expert service, quality, done it before - experience

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Question 40. What Are the Advantages People Choose Your Company Product or Service By? 106.

Expertise in picking from a complete range of products not available everywehre else




extremely high degree of specialization, suggesting to them we are better at what we are doing than our more ‘generalist’ competitors


Fast funding decisions, ability to draw on and be charged for only the funding needed at any given time, flexibility, ability to accurately and completely relate to client’s needs, obstacles, objections


Fast service, low price, excellent quality.


Faster service.


Faster way to increase profits, business performance and systemization of your company.


Feature rich At a price no one can beat


Financial accounting background provides a unique talent for investment analysis in real estate


Find what you mean. Show what you know or have. Turn dumb searching into smart finding. Dramatically increase upselling and cross-selling. Save an hour per day searching for stuff you know you have but cannot find.


Flawless translation, 100% of the time.


Flexibility in the course structure. Programme can be modified to suit the needs of the customer. Prompt service.


Flexibility of ways of accessing the knowledge/advice they want


Focuses on investing from home using the internet to research/buy as well as investing through the mail.


Freedom to chose and develop.


Fun and curriculum based educational programming


Gain more productivity and fun out of their Pocket PC by subscribing to print pub (and more profits by advertising).


Geoff and Paul, my principals, present as “ordinary” blokes making a fortune with simple replicable strategies. This sits well with a population who have saturated on egotistical Gurus telling them how rich they are.


Get results or get all your money back plus $100 cash!


Gets people to have incredibly impressive job interviews and gets them to do career planning.


Gives you the best product/performance for your money


Good and fast and friendly service


Good rates and honest people


Good software should always be an investment, never a cost


Great ideas guaranteed to attract new clients


Grow your business with little risk and little investment – and with No Risk.


Guaranteed performance.


Harnessing the power of applied knowledge to achieve your goals.

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Question 40. What Are the Advantages People Choose Your Company Product or Service By? 134.

Healthy products delivered to your door, without the hassle of searching for them.


Helping realtors build a solid reputation by solving their buyers loan headaches


High quality


High quality entertainment, most fun they have had, convenience of set up


High quality product. Feature stories, direct mail


High quality supplies with knowledgeable staff.


High quality tools , enclosures and water equipment.


High quality work, fully guaranteed results


High returns(24% plus),safe reliable consistent returns, we only profit when you profit.


High standard of service; We get results


High Traffic+ high conversions=more sales


High Value, Outstanding Customer Service, Competitive Pricing


Honest good results that usually give them $ value or personal enhancement.


Honesty, finished product


Honesty, integrity, service in a troubled industry.


Honesty, connecting benefits with felt needs, availability


I am searching for one


I am sensitive to their emotional state, friendly with them, systematic and creative. The service is simplified


I am the ONLY supplier of a range of important health care products and software


I am told everyday that I seem more knowledgable about my industry than any of my competitors. I also take great care to manage each transaction from application to close.


I am working on that now and more this week end at Joel Christophers work shop.


I believe it’s the customer education and integrity—we really care about them.


I bring a solution to a problem they have.


I can offer strategies used by people such as Jay to increase sales. Plus, I offer my own mathematically based solutions to increasing productivity. Most Telemarketing Directors don’t know how to use math to determine how well a strategy could be used.


I can share how focussing on personal development has affected my life and can evolve or create the life they desire


I can turn your website into gold. Business owners like the sound of that, since most of them think of their website as a drain on resources. Technology Tamer – we help people make friends with their online technology – provides a safe environment for asking questions


I care about their business, am responsive and want to learn about them. I will come to their office, they don’t have to come to mine.


I create rapid shifts in people’s lives


I don´t have it articulated


I don’t have one.

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Question 40. What Are the Advantages People Choose Your Company Product or Service By? 164.

I empower them to experience full energy living.


I genuinely care for people and therefore over deliver and equip them to solve their problems in ¼-1/3 the time of other counselors; gifted with wisdom and very credible with a easy, yet powerful communication presentation.


I go on location. I offer a free session. I have a 100% guarantee.


I have moved from a non-financial position to a financial one – can relate to the problems faced by non-financial managers


I have the best product available


I haven't really developed the USP yet. Given that my UK competition is apathy (not actual competitors), this hasn't seemed vital. No doubt that's a bad mistake.


I help business owners realize how much money their not only losing with marketing that barely works, but how to easily create new and repeat business and dramatically increase their bottom line by taking the money that they’re leaving on the table.


I help people get out of pain quickly and show them how to stay pain free.


I help them solve their problems rather than solving problems for them


I hold the clients hand and make sure their entities are completely set up and functioning before I leave. By functioning, I do not mean the business aspect but the legal aspects of the entities.


I integrate sophisticated knowledge of people and the dynamics of interactions with and the experience of business ownership.


I intend to be alone ,in my first.


I know of no other quality suppliers of authentic, home-style Caribbean Cuisine. This food is genuinely delicious!


I make the home owner a specific offer they can relate to vs. the normal offers.


I offer a complete marketing system that has been tested, proven and documented to work in their specific niche. And I offer it with a money back guarantee.


I offer a money-back guarantee on my Patent Services.


I offer step-by-step instruction for them to develop their Internet business dream, and I provide a community for the mutual benefit of all members


I only make money if they make moneyI don’t spend their money unless I can measure the returnEvery program has to pay for itself or we discontinue itI teach while I execute, so they do not become dependant on me.


I only sell environmentally friendly lawn and garden products, and I have a 60 day money back guarantee, and I offer free ground shipping for everything.


I provide a specialized therapy and I do everything I can to see that my clients are well taken care of.


I provide heirloom quality jewelry at a fraction of the price of a traditional jeweler, it says so right on my card!


I provide information reports that will give a rational expectation of profit rather than an informed or lucky gamble like many stock pickers do.


I provide low cost solutions to small biz marketing problems.


I provide more info to help in decision making


I put in systems that increase sales by 30% in three months

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Question 40. What Are the Advantages People Choose Your Company Product or Service By? 189.

I specialize in low cost, maximum impact marketing strategies, so you get maximum leverage out of every dollar you spend. And as opposed to most marketing consultants whom charge thousands of dollars a day; I am so confident in my ability and skill, that I prefer to get paid when YOU make money.


I teach Realtors how to list property without making phone calls.


I teach the world’s #1 marketing tactic (word of mouth with JV/host ben and I offer my course for a free 30 day trial period. If people don’t think it’s worth 100 times what I’m asking they don’t pay (I return their uncashed check). Plus they keep $207 worth of free bonuses just for trying (they are good bonuses too). Then they get an extra year to see if I deliver on my promised... or they don’t pay a cent. Plus, my sales letter spells out the benefits way more than anyone else who markets to my target. Then I teach word of mouth principles and tools in a way that is “plug and play” even a novice could do this. No one else I’ve seen does this.


I understand how systems work and how to improve them for the highest good of all http://virtuousSpirals.com


I understand, easy to do business with, really listen


I will stay in constent communication with them I will be honest with them I will service them better then anyone in my market place I will negotiate more money for them then anyone in my market place.


I wish I knew.


I’m actually not sure.


I’m approachable, customize my work to the client’s needs and usually priced lower than my competition.


I’m not certain.


I’m the only one with that magic combination….me backed up by Jay’s tools earlier presented. Plus I ‘lock’ them up.


I’ve won a case in front of USSc and I’ve taken many seminars in the dui/crim arena. Dso I’m up on cutting edge techniques


If a company buys my list and have their recruiters call and hire the pepol;e on it then it’s cheaper than a search firm or employment agency


If you’re stopping yourself from success, we give you the tools to get your foot off the brake for good.


Improve their business or don’t pay


Increased cash flow and customer retention.


Individual personal attention, proven profit producers,


Information not available anywhere else at any price


Innovative thinking


Instead of renting they can lease to own so they don’t have to qualify for a bank loan.


International credibility and certification


International Telecom Company first Local Phone Product that includes Free Long Distance to Anywhere I The US, Canada and Five US territories for Free!!


Internet based. Price accuracy, interview questions. We need to work on our USP.


intimate learning environment, clarity of teaching, accelerated program (compared to average competitors), quality

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Question 40. What Are the Advantages People Choose Your Company Product or Service By? 213.

it costs them less money to listen to somebody who experienced the problem they are having now and has solved it than to try to do it themselves


It gives them what they need, creative answer, ownership, high implementation in a way no one else does.


It is a comprehensive communication company that helps them no matter what their need. Our commitment is to be a fully comprehensive compassionate communication company.


It is because our outstanding services that other similar companies would have difficulties to compete, or no other company could provide in this field of business.


It offers the average person an opportunity to have their own business at an affordable investment, using a proven structure with a complete product line up.


It works. It is safe and easy to use on all jewelry. It gets the desired results, which is making your jewelry look like new again.


It’s a product with great benefits and no one else in this industry has something remotely close to offer you.


It’s exclusive and I give them a whole lot more for a whole lot less.


Knowledge & price


Knowledge, communication, understanding, technology


Knowledge, experience, workmanship


Knowledgeable staff provides quick and easy resolutions to complex problems saving time and money for our clients.


KnowledgeableMost practical and extensive experience in this field in the UKThey benefit from our mistakes – we have learnt what the fastest, more effective ways to develop emotional literacy are by finding out what doesn’t work as well as what does.


Leading scientific formulation. Makes customers feel good and have great energy as apposed to dieting. Rapid weight loss of 5-15kgper month. Able to eat normal food – no counting calories or special diets


Learn English like an American with an American


Local expertise, overseas expertise, knowledge of markets, tariffs, regulations, pricing and integrity


Local marketing system, getting subscribers involved


Local, trustworthy, fast, helpful.


Location – easy to do business with - professionalism


Location, Quality, Service, Value


Long experience in the field


Long term value-adding relationship with customers and customers business associates.


longevity in a quick turn around business.


Lower costs, and feeling that I really want them to be satisfied, not only doing something because I want to.


Lumpy mail gets attention


Mainly honesty and normal prices in an abnormal market

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Question 40. What Are the Advantages People Choose Your Company Product or Service By? 239.

Make their skin softer and fresher immediately after using it.


making artists and customers both feel they are part of a special elite group


Making Information Technology clear to the non-technical business person.


Manage deliveries, climate control, security, full service moving system.


Market coverage. Reputation for rigorous analysis.


May times they do not know m competition exists! Other times they think that by being more expensive, they will get more from me than the competition. I spend more time with them explaining them my services than the competition. I have started to invite them to come and try my services free with no obligation on their part.


Measurable customer advertising campaigns


Measurable resultsGuaranteeContinuity


Meets specifications and offer the lowest price.


Merchants choose us because we can either save them time, as in the ECR service, or money as with the Credit card acceptance.


money back garentee


More channels, and convenience.


More effectiveness of products


More knowledgeable, good communications, friendly.


Most of our products are certified by Internationally recognized organic bodies so that they are recognized as bona fide inputs


Most respected. Reputation is extremely important professional investment circles.


My broad range and depth of business experience combined with common sense & professionalism is unique.


My clients buy me and the reputation. They want outcome and most don’t care how they get it.


My contacts with recruiting agencies and network; my education and specialized training; success record; I help them build self-esteem and confidence; I help clients build a game plan to get to their next job


My looks and personality, I believe.


My PhD gives extra credibility to my research skills; my past experience gives me hands-on credibility


my programs are not motivational; but transformational - they help people breakthrough the inner barriers to achieve greater outer world results


My site is the only and one place where you can get practical, ready-to-use knowledge about marketing that is doable in Poland by Polish small businesses


My stories are very personal, with an attitude that people appreciate. I am working on sorting out my USP into something marketable but have not yet gotten there.


My USP has been "Real Training for the Real World"


My USP is my own knowledge base, experience and analytical ability pertaining to the client’s specific subject matter. This is usually addressed in a face-to-face meeting with the client where I have the chance to demonstrate my knowledge, experience and ability to understand the client’s issues.

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Question 40. What Are the Advantages People Choose Your Company Product or Service By? 265.

My USP is this: I will help you take control over your business and build it into the asset you’ve always wanted it to be – or your money back.I also say: “We’ll be an Asset On Your Balance Sheet, or Your Money Back” but that is not as explicit.


Name brand..risk reversal


Networking services delivered quickly, at low overhead, cost. Available from anywhere in the world for small business.


New technique for treatment of pain, which is not otherwise available in my geographic area.


No cost to the client


No judment, get work done now, explain process in understandable terms


No one else formalizes loans between family and friends.


Nobody does it all…like we do!


None yet.


Not clearly defined


Not just provide the typical audit or tax services but consult on business matters so that our clients only want to use us for any of the business or personal needs.


Not sure (3)


Oferring the BEST QUALITY of services and products, instead of only quantity of services.


ONE DAY: most conferences are 3-4 day – requires so many overnight forms, waivers, legalities and paperwork for the teacher. One day is manageable. INTERACTIVE: most conferences are just “Sit there and listen to these speakers then stand up and cheer.” Ours is hands on. PAST IMPACT: many students have said it’s the best day of their life or the best events they’ve ever been to. GUARANTEE: we guarantee certain performance and impact levels for up to 90 days. FACILITATOR: I really let them know why it’s a benefit to them thast I am facilitating this event.


One stop concept for remodeling kitchen and baths, with guaranteed quality and timelines in terms of job completions.


One stop shopping, High Quality Interiors, Proven track record with comparable clients.


One stop training and shopping


One vendor, great service, more time and less costs.


One-on-one coaching designed to hold the client accountable to their results in their business and develop the human potential within.


Only that we live in the Caribbean and know what we are selling.


ON-STREET LOCATION - no mall traffic to fight (but also no mall customer traffic for exposure)SELECTION - price/quality selection that competes with both mass marketers and botique shopsPRICE/PROMOTION always at 'discount prices' frequent Sales, Special Purchases, events like Trade In Sale, One Day Sale, Parking Lot Sales - yet there is a sizeable portion of market who have never been in the shop, assuming we'll be "High Priced" because we're a 'Specialty Shop'EXPERTS IN MARKET - Packing Demos, Packed cases, accessories, Repair Service


Oooh, why do they choose me, now? I know why I want them to choose me in the

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Question 40. What Are the Advantages People Choose Your Company Product or Service By? future, but I’m not sure why they choose me now! 287.

Other Clients being household names (i.e. Shell and Siemens) and ability to work in different industries.


Others offer their opinions , we empower your to discover the best answer for yourself.


Our ‘crazy creativity,’ extremely intimate knowledge of our industry, skilled designers and fabricators, and ability to ‘get’ what our clients really want – and create it for them in the time available.


Our ability to efficiently combine data from multiple contact lists within their company, the promise of removing the pain and labor-intensiveness of managing the notifications themselves, our personalized service, and our expertise in a variety of areas, including relocations, graphic email, and printing & mailing.


Our ability to provide paying customers


Our clients are so amazed with the quality of our names, the comprehensiveness of our lists and the quality of our service, that they quite often forget that nobody beats our prices, or our guarantee.


Our company helps educate people to become financially independent and offers them the opportunity to help others become financially independent as well.


Our company is a customer driven software manufacturer that produces software tools for organizations of all sizes. One of our software products is called Desktop DNA. Desktop DNA lowers the cost of owning a PC by moving a users data and settings from their old PC to their new PC automatically.


Our company is the only research firm serving the cable/satellite industry that guarantees measurable and quantifiable results from our reports (essentially we protect our clients’ investment with a full MBG).


Our experience in China, plus the government connection


Our Expertise, Systems and People creating an un-comparable synergy that consistently exceed service expectations at competitive prices.


Our GREAT customer service, details provided on orders, prices.


Our niche areas ensure quality in their minds along with the high price. Our USP: Training which makes an immediate impact on your performance.


Our product is perfect. It looks beautiful and it works. We have a No Quibble Guarantee, which NO ONE has ever utilized.


Our products are formulated to the highest standards by Doctors who use them for health solutions in their practices. We have very effective products targeted to some of the major health callenges of the day. We have great testimonies and the Doctor Calls have been very successful. Our pay plan will stand up with the best in the Industry and the Company Family Spirit is quite extraordinary.


Our reputation is such that when they want the best


Our software is easily modified to reflect your business processes.


Our USP – We’ll turn your NOTWORK into a NETWORK. We get the job done and keep it done – quickly, professionally, cost effectively and with a focus on minimizing total cost of ownership.


Our USP is not defined and our product line is as yet top secret. We can only say that we are unique in the marketplace and we will combine personal health with proactive eco-care.

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Question 40. What Are the Advantages People Choose Your Company Product or Service By? 306.

Our USP is that we provide our customers with a well built shelter which will consistently protect their assets over many years with little or no maintenance.


Our whole approach is “so you can afford to practice medicine.” Everything we do is focused on improving the revenue of the client.


Outstanding personalised service that comes with a 12 month money back guarantee.


Outstanding transmission of knowledge and practice of project management for very affordable price.


Outstandingly attractive, unique and ergonomic creations


Over 75 years in business so we have a reputation for quality workmanship and fair dealing. We have built 4+ million square feet for our own use and have trained our people to treat each of our clients’ dollars as if they were ours.


Peace of mind delivered through a personal relationship


People choose me because I have been trained by a physical therapist as well as massage school and have extensive advanced schooling on body treatments. I care about my clients and have an earnest desire for their good health and well-being. My training affords me extensive techniques for many health applications. I am creative in developing new and different body treatments that are not only healthfully beneficial, but luxuriously pampering. My clients are able to get the best of both worlds.


People choose my company because of the way I make it easy to do business. There is no pressure and peolple feel that I am acting in their best interest


People choose us because we’re cheap and fast – well not exactly cheap, but cheaper than the competition.


People like me and think I do a good job for them.


People recognize I am a real expert and they want the benefits I discuss.


People that care how to take Years of their face and ad Years to their Life, and more LIFE to the Years.


People who want an exciting way to transport themselves and get exercise at the same time.


People would simply have a good read.


Percieved value and expertise


Personal assessment and creditbility, guarantee


Personal service


Personal touch. Personality. Knowledge of their business.


Personal touch; Technical ability


Personal touch; Technical ability


Personalized “expert” service.


Personalized service, WYSIWYG attitude


Personalized service.


Premium information solutions for companies who leave nothing to chance.




Price and relationships

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 40. What Are the Advantages People Choose Your Company Product or Service By? 333.

Price, experience and knoledge


Price, Quality, Reliability, Convenience, Scaleability, Security.




Pricing, timeliness.




Proactive, experience, growth, forget recession


Probably the no risk feature.


Produces the most success stories than any other coaching service.


Product applications


Product follows industry specs yet give better performance w.r.t. spec’s grey areas.


product quality and knollage


Products with exclusive brand names, which are not available from mail order Telephone_


Profession from the top quality. Reliability. Personal attitude. Good reputation.


Professional and expert service that meets client needs


Professional marketing at competitive prices.


Professional, no risk in terms of budget, tangible results measured during the mission


Professionalism and Performance


Protect assets, reduce hassles, increase profits


Protection of assets, reduction of liabilities, added profits through business consultation, time savings, affordable access to services that are not in most cases readily available.


Proven credibility of the product word of mouth marketing90 guarantee the only product of its kind in the world, bar none.


Proven success/results; guarantees on seminars/training


Provide leadership in the pursuit of innovative solutions that provide the highest possible flexibility for our clients


Provide multidisciplinary perspectives to the client for business problem solving so that the CLIENT OWNS AND IMPLEMENTS the solution. (i.e., We ask the "dumb" questions and clients get the "AHA!")


Providing customers with the accress to an ethnic minnority but affluents market niche.


Public relations, design & writing that gets results!


Publication quality work product, experience and expertise.


Quality health products that improve their life plus a home based business to give them multiple streams of income


Quality in both our services and products with most competitive prices.


Quality of service for student resulting in better educational results


Quality Pricing


Quality product, service and result

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 40. What Are the Advantages People Choose Your Company Product or Service By? 364.

Quality service, Trust (as in referrals), Well-known products


quality work, attention to detail; they can see the difference


Quality, fast-loading, optimized for the search engines, websites and hosting.




Quick and easy Regular Sales Fliers -> Weekly Fax List -> Telephone followup -> Order processing -> Telephone contact -> Delivery -> Telephone follow up, etc.


Confirmation letters newsletters invites to events

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 41. What Sequential Marketing (if Any) Does A Prospective Client Get When Initial Contact is Made Vs. When They Buy Your Product/Service? 67.

Constant follow up without pressure to address any concerns they may have. Being in a unique market and due to our great merchandise product mix the products sell themselves. We will also work one on one with our talented designers to craft out and model an individual scheme for homes and offices.


Consulting so it would be on-going. A plateau would be established and the next mountain shown.


Contact, follow-up letter, e-mail, phone calls.


Contact, showing property, analysis, structure offer, negotiate deal, follow-up details, closing, post-closing contact


Continuous contact for 2 years, some way mostly direct email once per week


Customers get follow-up contacts that are different from prospects.


Depending on what they get – follow on hardware (like a UPS, supplies, networking services, cabling, etc.), professional services which can lead to more jobs or additional software add-ons, maintenance and support contracts


Depends – on internet, they’ll get 5-6 emails over several weeks. If by phone call, they’ll get a follow-up email and phone call (possibly several)


Depends on how they come to me and where they are in the moving cycle.


Diagnosis, recommendation, implementation


Direct mail letter


Direct mail, sometimes email to build relationship with special intro offers


Direct mailTelephone consultEmail follow-up


Direct response campaign will initially be made up of 3 letters, with additional teaser postcards inviting them to go to the website.


Doesn’t happen


Don’t know


Don’t know what you mean. Given information, Details are taken, Pitch made, reminded before occasions, holidays, birthdays.


Don’t understand


don’t understand


Don't understand what this means.


Each new client is sent letter saying who they were refered by, we also send thhe referrer a letter thanking them for the referral and letting how they doing in our referral program. They are sent another letter (Hot 1) a phone meeting is set up to determine their wants and neds, fact finding, appointment set up Next letter is sent Hot 2 , email then sent newsletter. All this is done automatically. When we first meet they arre giving a copy of Rich Dad Poor DaD, to get them thinking about passive income. They are sent a follow up letter summarizing what we dicussed. & what wthey require to get their loan. Then we process the loan, with continueous follow up letters & email and Phone calls , locking them and strenghthening our case for them to give us referrals. So we start the process again


Email follow up. Could be much stronger with this – plus they continue to receive the general promo faxes until they enroll or say “Stop calling us”


Email following up.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 41. What Sequential Marketing (if Any) Does A Prospective Client Get When Initial Contact is Made Vs. When They Buy Your Product/Service? 90.

Email or fax followed by phone calls.


e-mail then phone call then sometimes a mailing.


Email, telemarketing, event, Data gathering meeting Demo Proposal


EmailPhone callMeeting Run through the figures


Emails mostly, but we step them through the hoops till they become members.Always the focus is on getting to purchase more, as that increases loyalty.


Every month trivita mails something, either a catalog or our 24 page journal (every other month) ...so they follow up with all my buying customers, at no expense to me, every month...they do not mail every month to my customers who don't buy


Ezine sent every two weeks.


Ezine, DM


Faye calls them and talks to them. That is all the followup we have.


Fillow up correspondence and communications


First contact to qualify opportunity, demo software over the internet, give references, quote and close




First they get something from me at least 2 times in the first month. From that point forward at least once per month. After they become a customer, they’ll receive something at least once per month.


Flyers about new books.




Follow up and thank you letters.


Follow up calls and letters reminding them of products/services offered for initial contacts as opposed to very little promotional material once they are a client. After they are a client the only correspondence is usually business related or client queries.


Follow up calls to ensure satisfaction and correct usage


Follow up calls.


Follow up calls.


Follow up email and phone call. We provide free coaching to our customer after buying from us.


Follow up email campaigns, upsell campaigns, sale campaigns.


Follow up email sometimes with an article attached.Clients receive ongoing emails and useful articles


Follow up email, phone call to thank them for being a member


Follow up on info-seminar dates/Sending out a newsletter on software-updates.


Follow up phone call after sending out literature.


Follow up phone call or email


Follow up phone call periodically. Sometimes a lunch.


follow up phone calls


Follow up phone calls all the time

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Question 41. What Sequential Marketing (if Any) Does A Prospective Client Get When Initial Contact is Made Vs. When They Buy Your Product/Service? 120.

follow up phone calls and email


Follow up phone calls, emails, letters with appropriate information, questions, new service offerings.


Follow up phone calls.


Follow up sales letters, follow up emails, selling our material.


Follow up via news letter. Letter to parent Letter to student


Follow up visits, newsletters, added services to generate more revenue.


Follow-throughs on contacts and delivery all the way


Follow-up by letters and future, weekly email newsletters


Followup in the form of 3 ways calls, video & audio tapes


Followup personal note… need to have more contact


Follow-up phone calls, visits - if welcome, offer of free evaluations.


Follow-up to meeting letter…thank you letter…6 month review….annual review…..Birthday call and letter….


Follow-ups via phone / e-mail / personal visits until the production goes/does not go, periodic feedback on additional required features – all delievered after deep consultation with core clients.


For each prospective client there is an initial meeting, which covers what we can do, what they need, setting expectations, some qualification and a “where to from here”. After this session, if we decide we want to work with them, we send a “mutual commitments” letter, followed by a fee proposal for work done. Once we’ve secured the first engagement, we are always looking to provide additional services, and we proactively review their situation internally to see if there are opportunities to add value to them, e.g. saving tax, growing their business, etc.


Free report, followed by letter and phone follow-ups offering more advice.


Free trial offers and free booklets follow up postacrds


Frequent followup and service


Get to know the person and their business intently.


Handouts , flyers


Haphazard at present, no sequence but this is been worked on.


Have you been here before? No, show them around the lavish setting and explain the other products and services available to them.Yes. Ask what have they experienced here? Who with –and compliment that person.Ask what they are looking for today and offer any explanations to their questions and ask if they will set an appointment.


Hopefully no more than two or three




I always seek to have them schedule an appointment. I contact them regularly until they schedule. I educate them each time I call them back. I follow up with a newsletter. Once they come, I offer them a discount packages based on their needs, time, and financial circumstances. I continue to offer specials to them as regular clients. I give them bonuses for referrals (see Question 38). I follow up if they miss their appointment. I always get them to reschedule their next appointment before

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 41. What Sequential Marketing (if Any) Does A Prospective Client Get When Initial Contact is Made Vs. When They Buy Your Product/Service? they leave, or ask them when they would like me to check back with them, so I can call them to reschedule. 144.

I am not clear on what exactly you’re asking.


I am not familiar with the phrase sequential marketing.


I am sorry but the concept is new to us.


I am working with so few new contacts, that I can give very personalized follow up based on the situation.


I don’t do any


I don’t have a sequential marketing campaign yet, but I am planning on developing one.


I don’t know


I don’t know what sequential marketing means.


I don’t think we have much.


I don’t understand the question.


I don't know what sequential marketing is.


I follow up with a thank you card and a e-mail with a training piece that I invite them to use any way that they choose. And a reminder piece of the 20 plus programs that I offer and an offer for a free consultation.


I have multiple free email courses that visitors can subscribe to, and when they request them they start both an autoresponder course and a subscription to my newsletter. Customers who have bought from my website are automatically subscribed to an autoresponder sequence to access other programs that mean monthly residual income for me and/or to become affiliates of my website.


I haven’t gotten here yet.


I meet with him and try to get him as a client.


I send them more offers for services


I stay in frequent contact with them until a decision is made. I have them contact previous clients and allied professionals and visit past projects.


I tell the client the steps needed to be successful online, and what they will need to do to become successful.


I think I answered this above in # 23.


I typically follow up with a phone call, a short in person meeting to provide information, a follow up meeting to provide additional information followed by a meeting to recover tools left with the prospect and determine their level of interest.


I usually know if I have worked with the client before, if not, I begin by asking were they referred or how did they hear about me. Then I speak about the services I provide, my credentials in my business and who would be a prospective client. (I do not take on all projects in my field). It is usually at this time that I let the client decide on their own if we are a good match.


I would say an e book.


I’m not sure what this question means


I’ve been able to close deals without a long sales cycle.


If they are looking to sell, the sequential marketing is telephone followup at intervals

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 41. What Sequential Marketing (if Any) Does A Prospective Client Get When Initial Contact is Made Vs. When They Buy Your Product/Service? suggested by the seller. If a buyer, weekly or bi-weekly mailings and monthly telephone followup until they become an active buyer client with specific purchase needs and a signed buyer’s agreement. After the successful closing, subsequent contacts are infrequent, but the purpose is for referrals. 169.

If they call, I try to get more information about them so that I can best determine what they might need and also demonstrate that I know the prospect’s field. If I am unable to book an appointment (rare), I then get contact information from the prospect and send them my brochure, biz card, article, and a personal note.


If they choose to sign up for the newsletter, they get the newsletter via email.


if, opted in regular updates (e-mail) on product sort of product news


In progress


In progress.


Info sent, follow up call leading to quotation, mail/fax quotation, follow up quotation, follow up further if possible/necessary, add to database mailing list




Initial Contact – Direct mailer, Sales call, web demo, fax, mail marketing material, follow up call, close, or continue to follow up until sale is closed.Buy Product – ship product out with Dealer Welcome kit, includes marketing and POS collateral. Follow up calls for service, and sales training for the dealership.


Initial contact – they receive promotional material, follow up calls, proposal if desiredPurchasers – receive followup call and rebooking call 3-6 months later


Initial contact and overview of services, answers to Request for Proposal, vault tour, sign up, ongoing training of deposit prep staff.


Initial Contact is made to assess customer's needsSecond contact to recommend solution alternativesThird contact to offer proposed solution options with pricing4th contact to support and clarify the proposal and atttempt a trial close.5th contact to support and clarify the proposal and attempt to close the order.If successful in obtaining order, ask for installation and startup service order.6th contact to follow up and report on order status with factory.


Initial contact is usually seminar email, then seminar fax, then telephone invitation, seminar, then call, letter, call, etc.


Initial contact may be either product or business oriented. It is a product driven business so either approach leads toward products.


Initial contact.Stage two generally is some type of analysis with a projected outcome…well quantified.


Initial Contact: Direct Mail, 800# message, email follow-up, Phone call____Purchase: Thank you card, Follow-up activation visit, 2nd follow-up visit, follow-up mailing, newletter


Initial contact: postcards a letter or a follow up call 2 days after.When they buy: A thank you card, a gift, or a member’s package.


Initial referral from referrer, Contact made with Client, Appointment made with client, Application processed and client kept informed throughout process. If it does not go through, followup with client to make it happen in the next 3-6 months. Referrer kept informed same as client. Followup newsletters with referrers in between to stay in front of them. Phone calls made to referral agents if any other business can be referred back to them.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 41. What Sequential Marketing (if Any) Does A Prospective Client Get When Initial Contact is Made Vs. When They Buy Your Product/Service? 186.

Initial telephone discussion, personal meeting, proposal, acceptance meeting, job arrangement letter.


Initial visit, follow up letter, follow up fax, email, personal call (not quite the 7 step process but almost)


Initially, getting to know each other. When buy, we make more detailed proposals of extra work and its benefits


Interview meetingRealistic expectations and analysis or current situation , general alternativesSpecific recommendationsReview & plan of action stepsOngoing monitoring and meetings


Introduction to services/expertiseFollow up contactNewsletter of useful/relevant infoNo difference between the two except for the degree of formality/ perhaps number of phonecalls.


It’s pretty haphazard. But if a prospect calls or e-mails us with questions or an expression of interest, I follow up by e-mail and/or phone, and it has converted to a sale in most cases. After they buy, they get a follow-up call to ask if they were happy with the material, and what insights they got from it. Also, I’ve asked for testimonials from many satisfied clients, but nothing came of it.


It's all handeled the same actually. Different roads to the same address. If an initial contact is made for the newsletter they will receive the newsletter on a weekly basis with usually one special enticement per month. If interest is shown in the Internet mentoring course (but not purchased yet) a series of autoresponder messages are sent in a carefully timed way. If a product is purchased there will be a series of follow ups until the customer says, "Stop!". We hope to provide enough valuable information in each of our autoresponder follow-ups to keep them interested and coming back for more.


Just about the same.


Just phone in query and get their orders and deliver if available


Keeping them informed of the promotions, next trainings, seminars and the quality of products we are offering them.


Letter follow-up followed by telephone and face-to-face discussions.


letter, phone


Little to none.


Lots of phone and in-person contact during sale and some phone contact and a quarterly newsletter after the sale.


mail, calls, visits


Mailings and phone calls


Marketing – a series of communications designed to make the prospect aware of the gap between where he is and where he could/should be. Leads to:Sales – assessment, consultation. Successful consultation leads tocontract to provide employee benefits.


Minimal sequential marketing to-date, non-systematized. Typically, a prospective client receives a phone call and printed information w/ cover letter or electronic info w/email. When they buy, they have not systematically received sequential marketing.


More info. / More companion products.

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Question 41. What Sequential Marketing (if Any) Does A Prospective Client Get When Initial Contact is Made Vs. When They Buy Your Product/Service? 205.

more when they purchase - newsletters, special mailings, birthday cards


Most new patients come to us with their first visit being a purchase. When we meet them at a screening and they don’t schedule to come in, we place them on a promotional list where they are sent newletters and other information and offers to generate an action step.


Mostly email if it’s captured.


Multiple channels = layered impressions. Plus, we locate in high traffic areas where our stores are visible….hear about us on the radio, see a coupon or ad in a newspaper, see the store….come in and try us.


My direct customers get training to show features and benefits and promotions for their sales efforts on that particular manufacturer


My office managerwill make initial contact and follow up letter, information booklet and intial contact at their 1st appt.


N/A (15)




Newsletters and postcards


Nil (5)




No systematic sequential marketing beyond direct mail approaches. . .some follow up phone calls and/or meetings


No difference


no difference between sequential marketing and buyers


No sequential marketing


None (122)


None at the moment but I am planning on sending multiple follow emails automation both before and after the sale. I also plan capturing telephone numbers and following up via telephone before the sale.


None at this point since the dollars currently do not allow for this.


None currently, but am developing them


None established at this time.


None for prospects.


None or possibly followup calls from sales reps.


none other than scheduling my initial session.


None really, we send the info they request(count requests)


None right now – but something we will be working on in the not so distant future.


None unless there is a fit to offer more/different services. In the latter case we discuss what else we can do for them.


None unless they buy ( make appointment for office visit


None vs. thank you letter.


None, usually our initial sale includes our complete software package. Unfortunately for those who do not buy everything initially, we don’t usually attempt to sell upsell

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 41. What Sequential Marketing (if Any) Does A Prospective Client Get When Initial Contact is Made Vs. When They Buy Your Product/Service? the rest of our software any time later. 234.

None. I have never figured out to economically generate leads to follow up with. so we concentrate on our referrals from existing clients who, when they call, are already sold.


None. Mainly face-to-face as I am in his or her office most of the time


None. When he signs on, he gets unlimited phone calls to me for support & advice. I talk to him while I’m sitting elsewhere doing something else concurrently.


Normally an e-mail offering solutions, which other clients have taken.


Not a great deal as we are primarily sales driven rather than marketing driven


Not much – left to the individual sales person


Not much right now. (2)


Not much up to now but soon will get up to 8 different offers within 12 months. Really whatever it takes to get them to respond.


Not sure (3)


Nothing programmed


Nothing's set up yet.


Obtain referral Send out a letter of introduction Call up in 4 days to ask for an appointment If given appointment, meet to give introductory core story orientation Set up appointment for Needs Analysis Conduct needs Analysis Prepare proposal Present proposal focusing If someone does not get through the whole process the are put into database for follow up through email and direct mail system.


Offer of a second machine if location suited for. offer of a snack machine if they don’t have one.


Offer to include in mailing list for receipt of notes/articles that are aimed at providing value to the prospect and building relationship Regular notes of Informal messages that include relevant useful information pertaining to the prospects situation.


Offered a free seat in a costly up coming seminar.


On initial contact we promptly send literature/details, if/when they buy they are put on our mailing list for all subsequent direct mail.


Once a prospect gets in my pipeline they receive my newsletter and occasional offers and gifts.


Once we have details of a prospective client we will continue to mail to them unless they ask us not to. We also to “introductory offers. For example, last course we sold for £67 for the half day, but by segmenting the database we offered it to those who had never bought any thing from us for just £25.


One Newsletter/Report I’m working on a sequence. What is the optimal number? What is better: A sequence of Newsletters with each with A Call To Action. Or a sequence of reports with ACTA –parallel to a more factual Newsletter?


One-on-one consultation


Online newsletter.


Only follow up e-mail to see if we can assist with their reservations.


only Project Manager trying to see if there is followon work.


Opportunities to buy additional products

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Question 41. What Sequential Marketing (if Any) Does A Prospective Client Get When Initial Contact is Made Vs. When They Buy Your Product/Service? 258.

Our brochure and a builders guide I made for owners.


Our business is very much a long-term, lifetime selling and support business, that doesn’t quit when we sign a contract nor sell a product. Thus, all of our marketing activities continue throughout the life of our relationship with all of our customers.


Persistent phone calls if they are a warm lead. If they’re already a customer, they’ll get regular communication a few times a year (the exhibit world has a long sales cycle)..


Personal contact and follow up with a reminder to use the products and reorder


Personnal attention to their problems


Phone call after one week and then e-mail every two weeks thereafter


Phone call meeting from me -Reference phone call or letter (from a referrer expressing their benefits received not benefits the prospect might get)- a face to face call from me.Or a blind research assessment expressing benefits I have discovered for them. I then repeat the process above


Phone call or direct mail, follow by a second phone call and finally an e-mail to serve as a post-closing.


Phone call, can view website, brochure, proposal, followup calls, letters, emails.


Phone call, letter, follow-up, pre-meeting, confirmation, and a face-to-face prior to event


Phone call, referral, mail, phone follow up, educational piece of mail, referral,


Phone calls


Phone follow up.


Phone, gift certificates quality assurance


Planned, integrated,ongoing


Plenty of follow up - thank yous, additional value adding info


Positioning of the product in relation to how they feel


Postcard invitations mailed prior to each event inviting them to attend followed by special promotion pieces (either sale flyer announcement or new print announcement flyer.


Pre-sales – None systematically, but sporadicallyPost-sales – Occasionally up sell after a period of time


Presently none


Preview seminar. B. Continual sales process after becoming a member.


Product demonstrations


Product samples with technical data vs certificate of analysis with product ordered.


Prospective clients get a marketing letter followed up by a phone call. Existing clients get follow-up phone calls.


Prospects are put on a mail campaign by the company and sales people are encouraged to supplement that by phone or visit. After closing, we maintain every six week contact for five years via newsletter/postcard, etc.


Prospects are subject to follow up letters and phone calls, supplemented by an “unsolicited proposal” focused on potential benefits and their competition

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Question 41. What Sequential Marketing (if Any) Does A Prospective Client Get When Initial Contact is Made Vs. When They Buy Your Product/Service? 284.

Prospects get a 5 step marketing process applied to them. Existing customers receive Specials to try additional services


Prospects get a series of emails, and their questions get answered quickly. Customers get periodic updates about upcoming auctions and changes to state/county rules.


Purely phone based follow up at varying intervals according to when they are likely to sell their property.


Quick and close, personal follow-up until the deal is closed.


Rarely anything


Read an article, receive info product, receive/read e-zine, sales discussion


Really just one contact and one or two follow up calls.


Receive targeted messages and personal calls. Also maintain contact with relevant information.


Referral call, follow up e-mail, phone call and a visit


Regular communication


Regular contact follow up and advice


regular e-newsletter, regular info material, regular phone calls – all containing highly targeted (hence highly relevant) info on clients’ needs, which hopefully one day leads to a project being awarded to us


Regular visits from our Salesmen – daily calls from telesales teams and monthly circulars.


Regular weekly follow up with alternating phone calls and letters until contract is either awarded or lost.


Renewal of the warranty on a yearly basis


Reward card for my retail customers Free jewelry for my wholesale customers Perceived generous hostess gift for jewelry parties


Right now, minimal (franchisor’s magazine).


Sadly, minimal


Sadly, they didn’t get any.


Sales funnel previously described?


Sales package, Christmas card & 1 or 2 newsletters


Salespeople always make physical contact, we then send in a site technician to assess needs and then generate quote and then we follow up with a sales call.


Sequential contact when the client subscribe to receive my Newsletter. A new product that includes an eCourse via Autoresponder came into operation very recently.


Sequential marketing is (a) initial personal contact through a meeting, (b) follow-up meetings as needed and (c) written proposal as needed in the circumstance.


Sequential marketing: Letter, scripted call, letter, online product demo, scripted call, letter… these sign up the consultant.Sequential marketing to end-user: Powerpoint presentation, online product demo, letter, email, scripted call, etc.


Series of automated auto responders

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Question 41. What Sequential Marketing (if Any) Does A Prospective Client Get When Initial Contact is Made Vs. When They Buy Your Product/Service? 310.

Series of tactics described in #2


Show them benefits and then get into features as we near sale.


Shown a customer presentation on the concepts.


Sign up for newsletter, direction to website, periodic direct mailings.




Standard follow up via phone, mail, or email every two weeks.


Start up still


Start with network setup contract, then move to month to month maintenance contracts, and hardware sales.


Strong personal follow up, letters packed with relevant information and success stories


Supplier/grower – sequential marketing approach can comprise of grower information meetings, exporter meetings, individual marketing proposals, referral or peer type interaction, telephone and email communications.


Telephone consultaction – introduction letter and information package – subsequent follow upcall


Telephone contact initially then conversations or letters.


Telephone, mailings


Thank you letter and then weekly phone calls with updates.


THANK YOU NOTES - great idea, but sporadic implementation


Thank you notes with invoice.


Thank you notes, cross-sell opportunities for banking products. Yearly review of their financing picture.


Thank Yous, follow up email postcards


The get our prospectus that contains 10 business idea's.


There are three add on training courses we offer, and a couple of additional products. Each has its own process.


There is no difference between the two. Contact, demonstrate, proposal, sale or no sale, and then repeat.


There is no formalized marketing done at initial contact other than an offer is made to join my mailing list. After the sale, a thank you letter is generated along with a follow up ‘are you satisfied’ letter (asking for referrals) and those names are added to my list.


There is no special system in place.


There isn’t really any sort of sequential marketing performed when a customer calls as they have a need for a specific number of a specific item and they are only going to buy those items. Sometimes we are able to up-sell certain additional features on the shelters but we are somewhat limited in what we can do.


They are given a chance to answer the question, sign up to receive free, limited newsletter, then subscribe to get full benefits.


They are introduced by another member and fed information on a consistent basis.


They are offered the opportunity to learn more about the business by attending a

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Question 41. What Sequential Marketing (if Any) Does A Prospective Client Get When Initial Contact is Made Vs. When They Buy Your Product/Service? Business Overview Presentation and then attend Saturday morning training sessions if they desire to get involved. 337.

They can choose from a host of internet capabilities from domaine name registration, website, securenet, e –commerce etc to more personal one on one coaching or retreats to connect with their more authentic genu;ine self.


They generally contact us or we are referred to them. Contact is made and follow up performed, although we are not fully actualized with our data base and long term follow up.


They get a free report and maybe a follow up phone call.


They get about 8-12 reports/contacts/value adding something??? To diferentiate ourselves from the pack and add value.


They get extra surprise bonuses after they’ve bought (eg: a members web site etc). Plus I introduce them to new amazing markets (JV).


They receive a quote from us, usually with a photo attached, and we follow up after the quote to see if they were happy with what we sent and whether they’re in a position to proceed to place an order. That’s about it.


They receive information about myself and the gallery. Brochure, business card along with a hand out entitled, "10 things to know before framing your picture."


They will be invited to request a low-cost sample(s) of a sauce or marinade. The quality of this sample will encourage an appetite for additional products when these become available.


This is not in place.


This is too varied to really describe


Three e-mails in the first week to help them consume my system and then 1 email per week.


Thru different mktg means for them to notice us. They actually buy when they see the products


Twice a year mailings


Unfortunatelly none, lack of time so far.


Up to now, none.


Up to now, nothing


Updates of talks, newsletters


usually a letter, then phone call, then a meeting.


Usually contacted by email then phone then a visit followed by a proposal for some specific element of work.


Usually I set up a one-on-one, followed by a letter agreement, and/or contract meeting.


Usually, they fill out a form on my site, then I email or phone and answer their questions or concerns. I like it when they invite me to call because I am quite knowledgeable, and have had about 3 years telemarketing experience.


Value prop. Business case. “Show me you data”: give us a dump of your database, and we’ll make it explorable in less than five workdays. Free of charge. You’ll receive an exploration space on YOUR data, a domain model and a business proposition for yourenterprise. Free of charge. No obligation. Then use our products

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Question 41. What Sequential Marketing (if Any) Does A Prospective Client Get When Initial Contact is Made Vs. When They Buy Your Product/Service? for free in a pilot. We’ll help you implement the pilot. Free of charge. Then youdecide it’s value and pay us accordingly. 359.



Very little


Very little sequential marketing done. Our resellers call to follow-up and receive emails to follow-up. After a few attempts with no response, the leads are basically dead.


Virtually none.


We are always willing to send out any info the client asks for. If they are a funeral director we also offer to send them a free sample or two for their showroom. We will then give them a courtesy call three months later to see what the response has been and check that they wish to retain the sample(s). If they are a private buyer we will send all info requested, but always tell them that we will not contact them again. The choice of coffin must be theirs alone.


We are beginning to sell a discount coupons program to local merchants to add value to our Guests


We are developing a 12 step follow-up for every contact we make. It will be by a variety of methods; i.e. a combination of telephone (scripted), email (when available), and personal mail.


We are developing this system and plans are to: start with the needs questionnaire, visit for actual measuring of the space for kitchen, etc., then proposal, if necessary update of a proposal, if no order a production capacity restraint information letter/phone call, then information about possibility to accept new orders. if order received regular information about the production process, installation and monthly follow up for three months, then contact once every 6 months.


We are planning on constant contact with educational pieces as a nurture process until the prospect is ready to buy.


We are trying to develop something for follow-up services, but we’re just starting.


We commence by asking lots of questions, to identify exactly what functions are needed – or at least what the client perceives as needed. After coming to an understanding of their company’s products and services, their marketplace and competitors, we then have our oppoutunity to fashion a recommendation to suit what appears to be their real needs. Often this is presented in phases, so the initial cost is reduced. So long as that initial phase works as promised and expected, we own the following phases of additional functionality.


We currently subcontract, followed up with them to see if they have additional work that needs to be done


We do follow up call, emails and another follow call by telephone as well as in person


We don’t do a very good job in this regard. Sales staff does follow up, but not in a structured manner.


We follow a process of sequential communication when interest is shown in our service following recipt of a brochure by our customers.


We follow up with a phone call and try to bring them through the realizations that I have spoke about. Does this answer your question?


We have a system that offers our dealers with a prospect sheet to do proper follow-

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Question 41. What Sequential Marketing (if Any) Does A Prospective Client Get When Initial Contact is Made Vs. When They Buy Your Product/Service? up. Customer could try our product 30 days risk free. We also offer a video to prospect to view in their home. They must return the video – we take their name and address. We also have a referral program. 376.

We have external marketing at this time


We have not yet implemented a follow-up strategy for our customers.


We have sadly lacked in this area, up until now. We have only taken care of people once they have become customers, and left them to wither if they didn’t move forward at the time. This will change – too many missed opportunities and gaps where we are not offering them something else.


We have systems in place to follow up on both enquirers and purchasers. For example, enquirers are followed up after a couple of weeks with a check up to see if they received the info, they are then put on a monthly contact system whereby they are given more info about Emotional literacy and its applications in their area. They are invited to join the ezine. They have one phone call for every six or seven ‘other’ contacts.


We keep in touch with them on the developments of our software.


We keep them in database, contact them regularly, sometimes send them some gifts free invitations, newsletter, etc.


We let them know of our rates for trucking, let them know that we have a cold storage facility and a fish processing plant


We look at the realtor as the client for marketing purposes, so it is an ongoing process of communication to make sure each buyer’s loan goes smoothly and they are happy at the close


We maintain contact with our clients via phone calls, further meetings and email.


We offer follow up with staff to teach how to manage the network.


We offer nothing sequential that is formal but have evolved into a patern by osmosis, over time


We provide them with an outline of the follow-up actions after questioning them on their objectives of the required assistance they need.


We sell master class (advanced seminar), then home study course, then other peoples seminars or services


We send them a personal letter from and a free gift with our name, address and phone number.


We sent flyers regulary to the same area.


We stay in contact seeking meetings about every six weeks.


We strive to stay in contact, with calls to “say hello” on a quarterly basis in addition to monthly email newsletters.


We tell the client what they should look for in our competitors and what we offer.


We will be using the internet and newsletters.


We’re rolling out a drip marketing plan. In addition, most of the sequential marketing is purely phone calls. I would like to make this more varied by mixing phone/email/phone/email or different variations and see what works.


We’re weak in this area. We are installing a monthly faxed brochure to go out to out prospects, and clients. It will be two pages: one for information, and the other for

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Question 41. What Sequential Marketing (if Any) Does A Prospective Client Get When Initial Contact is Made Vs. When They Buy Your Product/Service? some special deal for them! 397.

We’re weak on following up initial contacts—stronger when someone buy something.


Web site for marketing and education


Weekly phone calls


welcome letter, quickly seen on first visit. Extensive connection to goals, strong diagnostics, education of problem and solution, follow up phone call, best out of care letter, educational seminar


Well defined bullet sheet of services offered. Keep it simple. Don’t confuse customer with inidating material. Get to the bottom line.


What is sequential marketing


What is sequential marketing? If you mean how do we keep them active, we move from job to job to retainers by on selling at points of success


When a prospect is identified, we then put on different tracks, according to their profile. We will send them a monthly info letter which gives them highlights of new products , summaries of recent projects completed and how the client benefited and attach the new course schedule. We will then send them special emails inviting them to educational sessions with the goal to better qualify their interests. Twice a year, we’ll offer specials to entice them further.


When only an inquiry is made, there is no follow-up; I insert flyers about other books and products when I ship their order; I make follow-up calls and do 3-way calls when marketing the customized nutrition


When the initial contact is made, we will provide detail products that we believe will accomplish the goals of the client. We will sit with the client and try to uncover their pain. IF there is no pain, there in no reason to continue the conversation. To the best of our ability, we will keep their names in our database and continue mailing, hoping to uncover future pain. When they become a customer, we have several points of contact throughout the transaction to ensure that the personalization that is requested is completed accurately. After the sale, we follow up with a thank you note, a brief questionnaire about their experience and then add them to the database.


When they call into our office, we schedule a listing appointment and go get the listing. If we don’t schedule the appointment or we don’t get the listing, we do not have sufficient sequential marketing.


When we start our advertising campaign, my goal is to already have in place a series of e-mails or sales letters I can drip on my prospects or clients.


Will receive a follow up call the same day and then a letter with the second part of a two step promotion in the days after.


Wiring and laying cables. Buying PCs.


Working on that.


Working on this now


Wow, it depends how they respond - we’ve got MULTIPLE paths, we keep coming at them, WE ENGAGE THEM CONSTANTLY, MAINLY WITH QUESTIONS RATHER THAN information


You can start defining your goals and develop a strategy TODAY!!!

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Question 41. What Sequential Marketing (if Any) Does A Prospective Client Get When Initial Contact is Made Vs. When They Buy Your Product/Service?

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? Question 42. What marketing efforts/activities do you want to be doing right now that you are not? Why? 1.

? (2)


1) Produce high quality promotional material – required to approach the next level up 2) Developing a strategic plan – lack of a strategy has hindered our growth3) Invest some money into marketing – unfortunately the funds are lacking at this time


A free newspaper information. Legal matters are restricting the information.


A lot more email/phone based work


A Marketing Plan


A monthly email program. This is not being done as I just never seem to get around to starting it.


A more successful method with the internet


A sequential marketing program would be very worth our time.


A strategic approach that brings along the client with education of who I am and how we are different from other offices with the goal of long term retention


A strategic plan that has worked in the past. Recent past. I don’t know what to do first, then second, etc.


A systematic mailing followed up by phone calls. I haven’t because of time, details, script, and focus.


A) Arrange free dinner seminars for hand-picked prospective clients (especially longterm) to introduce them to our concept and services; b) a video presentation to use at these and other gatherings. Financial constraints.


A) Arrange free dinner seminars for hand-picked prospective clients (especially longterm) to introduce them to our concept and services; b) a video presentation to use at these and other gatherings. Financial constraints.


A. Develop a "Small Business and the Internet" free email, newsletter to use as a marketing tool. B. Develop a telemarketing program. C. Develop an existing client referral program. D. Develop an automated procedure that allows any small business to quickly create a 2 page website that we host for free. These "freebie" clients will create another pool of prospects to market to. Am planning on implementing. Time is the limiting factor.


Actively recruiting new clients. Time and workload prohibits from doing so.


Actually doing something…the reason for the lack is shown above. To reduce the big picture to simple steps and successes based upon that. Grow as I go.


Adding extra value into the package. Currently they get the email alert service and an expert interview CD with the seminar provider, but we need more ‘blistering can’t refuse’ value in the offer.


Additional advertising, the ability to offer our services risk free. We are not doing it due to lack of time & money.


Additional service to offer through joint venturiong


Ads, & Telemarketing because we need a greater amount of leads to convert to clients


Advertise, make more calls, improve direct mail program--$$$$


Advertising & internet - to reach more people

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? 23.

Advertising a therapy protocol for massage therapists. The protocol is still in development. The testing is near completion. It needs a couple of tweeks and I’m ready to go.Visit doctors offices, physical therapists, chiropractors, hair salons without massage and whoever else I can think of and work out a referral or joint venture arrangement with them. I am not doing it because I also have a full time job to juggle while breaking into this profession gradually. I have not made the time as of yet.


Advertising in periodicals


Advertising in the newspapers. It’s a little expensive, but, more people will see it.


Advertising in trade journal for my most successful type of client – not sure how to handle clients outside geographic area as my process relies a lot on coaching and mentoring.


Advertising in trade pub’s b/c it will get my name out, but don’t have the budget


Advertising more – budgetary constraints


Advertising, Direct Response mail


Advertising. Too expensive


Again, just developing…none before. should be working with large buyuers to develop the products they need. concerns over being tied to one or two customers.


All – difficulty articulating a message and assembling systems for delivery of services


All – direct mail, email, referrals, press release, Internet links.


All of the above (in the process of defining it).


All of them. Creating the master strategy has been the priority am still in the start up phase.


All that you have thought us but I need a coach that will listen to and guide me systematically


An effort to get more people into the store to buy more.


Any successful ones.


Anything that can work, perhaps get good gallery representation


Arranging customer meeting


Articles, press pieces, sequential marketing to non referrals


Articles, special reports, educational seminars, information on healthy lifestyles, etc. Not doing because not enough time to pull together from scratch.


As mentioned, current management is complacent and sluggish; new hirings will facilitate new efforts; I’ve been content with a steady profit, since other responsibilities keep me at a distance. Now, with more time, I’m in a position to help us become more dynamic again.


As soon as our website is developed, we will be ready … WINNING has worldwide appeal, so it’s been quite a challenge building the Worldwide Multimedia Marketing CO.


Ask for referrals. Followup sales.


Asking for referrals


Attendance / display at trade show. Talks to Business professionals and community through such groups as Rotary, Lions P&Cs

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? 48.

Attracting new clients. Not doing currently due to time constraints and lack of clear direction.


Automate systems for sending and receiving…not enough time and budget


Back end ... Repeat business.


Basically want a strategic game plan that works, can be measured and quantified, and that blows competition away.


Before marketing, need better infrastructure set up to handle more biz


Begin creating a professional image. I’m trying to determine what’s best for my industry.


Being in control, at least to a much higher degree, than ever of production I am now excited to experiment with new ideas to find out what happens.


Being more knowledgeable in marketing and being able to implement an annual game plan with measurable results-can’t because don’t have enough time to work in the restaurant and being able to put a plan together.(Being upset with myself for selecting bad partners)


Better and more consistent follow-uplack of time


Better coordination of the sales message and their delivery systems. The sales people are too busy (and think that this windfall will last forever) to get them committed.


Better follow up, marketing through professional associations, seminars, lunches, letters from referring clients, emai lists with frequent valuable contacts. I don’t do these due to a lack of organization, time and/or money


Better methods to get through to new realtors, to get them to really listen and understand we are for real not just another loan broker that can deliver on promises


Better telemarketing, but I can’t afford a bureau to do it for me, and trial and error is a slow way to improve over time


Better testing and tracking of results. We can’t improve anything right now because we don’t have a system that’s measured for current effectiveness.


Better use of direct mail to open doors. More developed referral systems


Better use of web, do not know how to do it with my limited resources


Better web traffic to our site with overture/goggle. Better conversion of web traffic with easier to use landing pages. Better sales training with Sales Scripts creation. Better sequential e-mail campaigns with Winton style preplanned sequence of events and using Aweber.com to automate it. Better integrated marketing where we do the call, mail, call sequence (and then use the e-mail follow up for those that don’t’ buy at first. Much better PR efforts to get our story told by the press. Better and more joint ventures. Hire a high end direct sales person to sell to premier accounts by traveling around the country.


Bigger mailings- cash flow


bill boards, monthly newsletter – short on time


Bringing our products before the right people and retaining them.


Broader advertising through trade journals - systems not yet ready to accept large increase in client base


Build my affiliate force so it can help me build the business the quickest.


Build up on the subscription email – next stageTake the website to the next stage

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? with a more extensive gallery and ability to shop online.These are all plans for 2003 and all have been started on. 71.

Building a list.


Building a referral strategy that is truly beneficial to my clients and me.


Building and setting in place the new web site to generate global enquiry. Have been to busy to finish it.


Building more host beneficiary relationships and a higher quality referral system. To attract a better quality market.


Building relationships with accounts. Not enough QUALITY employees.


Cable TV commercials, have been very successful for others


Calling referrals – have not clarified prices per month


Cannot answer yet. Just starting to market.


Client mailings. Time and effort restraints


Cold calling


Complete marketing process that leads clients from initial inquiry through multiple purchases. Haven’t spent time on it.


Conduct more e-classes, seminars, but DO NOT have time and money for that.


Consistent follow up, appear in national media.


Consistent follow-up for the contacts generated


Constant contact… calls…asking for referrals


Contacting more groups and making speaking dates; contacting alliance partners. Not because have too much to do to keep up


Contacting more people that are currently clients of the institutions.


Contacting referrals - time


Core Story presentations. See question #20.


Corporate selling. Because it generate much more sales with the same expenditure of time (but not effort, corporate customers are much more picky) as individual sales.


Correlating all marketing mediums together


Create better autorespodner series.


Creating a master plan of what I’d like the business to look like, redefine further what I stand for and what I want to sell…find people who I can bring in when things pick up, and then market it.


Creating a residual income streams and increasing my gross income


Customer satisfaction research.


Database mining Sequential marketing Strategic alliances Web and email marketing Retail marketing / displays


Defining, Planning and execution. 1. Where to start.


Demonstrations in unusual languages in seminars, and video to demonstrate the method. It isn¨t done yet because the demo isn’t complete.


Develop a coherent marketing strategy to expand internationally in the area of Marketing Consulting.

Can’t seem to sit down and do it

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? 100.

Develop and utilize a more formalized and effective referral system/program. We have thousands of satisfied clients that have other friends that could use us. We have not made this a concentrated priority action item yet.


Develop consistent marketing strategy,because before I did’nt aware it so much. Now I’m sure it’s completly needed effort


Develop products for a back end and eventual web sales. I’m struggling to find the time


Developing a systemized referral program, get an interview with a local newspaper to build additional credibility and market awareness. I’m not quite sure if a direct mail campaign would be worth the cost.


Development of a strategy to begin with, analyzing existing clients and their markets, concentrating sales/marketing on industries most served at this time


Direct and e-mail mailings, ads, trade shows. Development of balanced marketing program.


Direct mail


Direct mail and sales call follow up. Not enough manpower to do that.


Direct mail expert referral, promote in church bulletins, and word of mouth. Are not doing because I do not have the html experience yet to get it going.


Direct mail or more persistent targeting through trade publications. We’re not because of lack of $$ and manpower.


Direct mail regularly---do not spend the time to come up with the end mailer


Direct mail with telephone follow up.I don’t do this because even if I had the human resources and capital to pull it off, I don’t have the ability to handle all the clients I think it would generate!


Direct mail, in person presentations. Can’t really afford it.


Direct mail, email, telephone calling – time, cost and on going interruptions get in the way, plus have not yet developed a thorough plan


Direct mail.


Direct mail. Lack of confidence in implementing correctly.


Direct mail/sales letters. I’m in the midst of putting together a letter for an existing report we have, and I expect to mail it in the coming few weeks.


Direct mail: too expensive Website: don’t have one Consultative sales: lack of time Referalls: teachers just don’t know one another so referrals are almost a mute point Speaking at other Youth conferences: just haven’t gotten it together Host/Ben with motivational speakers and DJ’s: just haven’t made it a priority.


Direct mailing. a new package is in the works


Direct marketing to precious clients and students.


Direct marketing, endorsements, establishing more marketing pillars


Direct marketing/email marketing Lack of cash flow


Distributors, Beauty shops, Airports, affiliate. I need to set priorities. I think that the most important is to get my database up to date and contact my old customers and let them know that I love them.


do more 1 on 1. time/price


Do more afternoon seminars but I need more budget and speakers

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? 125.

Do the mktg and sales myself


Doing what I want.


Don’ t know (5)


Don’t know. Describe your competition and any effective marketing strategy or tactic they use that you don’t. I don’t monitor my competition.


Dream 100 for HR, builders realtors – don’t feel confident on how to implement




Education (not enough time lately to write pieces) newsletter ( haven’t had the energy), Ads in paper (awaiting results of asking for referrals so we don’t get overloaded)


Effective direct mail - we don't do it because a straight phone call seems much more effective for specifically targeted prospects


Effective mailings that would re-activate past clients and get them coming in and referring others. possibly work out a campaign that would get new unreferred people reaching for us that could be done cost effectively as well as time effectively.


Effective referral and introduction of our services. Staff do not see potental in the efforts to do this.


E-mail & e-zine marketing are areas I would like to be doing right now but in order to be effective I must plan it and spend a fair amount of time making interesting copy on topics that are of interest to our target groups. Forming strategic alliances are also important and we are starting to do this with a full service sign company. We have identified that our two companies together can produce new product lines in the areas of office arcitecture (dividers, front lobby designs, and etc.) and custom lighting.


Email , web, no expertise


Email campaigns, more meetings with people within the industry who may be able to supply further leads.


Email marketing – I don’t have enough email addresses. PR campaign – Only have home office. TV & Radio _ not enough money. Client appreciation dinners – not enough money. COI – don’t have any. Referrals – no system in place. And Internet marketing – have no know how.


e-mail marketing (procastination)


Email marketing, because it seems to be a cost effective marketing strategy, that can drive traffic to our website.


Email marketing, Web advertising, Direct mail, Retail outlets


Email marketing. Current Euro legislation forbids any other than opt-in marketing


Email marketing; targeted fax marketing; direct mail; telephone sales. Lack of time


Email news letter, brochure, seminars, advertising, alliances with professional firms


Email, have not focused on it yet, other priorities.


E-Mail, Internet


Email, web, direct mail


Email, and associations


Email. I think it would be effective if properly packaged.


E-mail-haven’t had the time to develop, post cards-again time, a consistent direct

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? mail program-lack of focus, a bigger telemarketing department for higer quality callsrevenue to support 151.

E-mailing, more visible internet site (first screen visibility)


Email-newspaper-radio-yellow pages.


Employing a marketing consultant


Establishing direct relationship with end-user – not sure of best method to do this given that we are a distributor.


Estimate of the value they get, and future benefits, references,




Everything takes time and developing our new tactics are more important then to hurry and do right now for us


Excuses—I’m too busy


Expansion, I need sales people.


E-zine (just redoing website),


Ezine advertising. Not doing it because I want to use my website profits to fuel ezine advertising, not external sources of cash.


Ezine, write & publish ebook, Chamber of Commerce networking, brochure, more frequent seminars, developing media relationships, barter listings, search engine listings. I think these activities will all produce results.


Fax broadcasting to generate leads - unclear as to who to target and what list to get, but I know this works for getting prospects to call Website to pre-sell seminars and info products


Finding more networking opportunities


First, reading Jay's materials. Prior scheduled time commitments.


Flipping real estate with cosmetic repairs, government contracts


Focusing on pre-selling clients for our products that are currently in development. Creating demand before it is even ready so I have a very successful new product launch.


Follow up contacts – no time.


Follow up letters to completed care patients, time- to compose to implement


Followup marketing campaigns. Not enough time to organize them.


Free software, online articles, newsletters, autoresponders




Generate more interest


Generating free publicity. Writing articles and submitting them to the media.


Get tonerman out there as a supper hero trustworthy guy/company. It’s different . Email. Seems to be an inexpense place to hit many people.


Get national and international distribution of my books.


Get our processing more streamlined and efficient.


Getting in front of motivated, qualified buyers


Getting major gifts. More Money.


Getting published in an upscale periodical would carry some weight in the credibility

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? department. The downside is that many affluent clients shy away from publicity. I respect my Client’s wishes even when it means that my business aspirations must take a back seat. 181.

Give aways of valuable freebies such as recorded Cdroms, Taped radio talk shows I’ve been on etc.


Gosh, all of those I talked about so far are what I’ve planned, and since everything is new, implementation is still to come!


Have a better overall strategy and systems in place to run these marketing programs to grow the business – and affordable


Have a customer survey done at important stages of development, so that we can measure at the higher management levels to see how we’ve fallen short, what we should do to correct things or hasten the project work.


Have a great cost effective system for prospecting and converting clients. Don’t have the cash resources.


Have a sales and marketing department so that our company can get the larger long term customers


Have a structured referral program in place.


Have not launched company yet


Have someone visit trucking companies so that they learn about us.


Having a detailed, complete & accurate data base of our customers. No time. Too much work.


Having a well though out effective strategy for the whole company and implementing specific tactics to achieve our targeted goals and objectives


Higher end marketing on asset protection.


Hitting up prospects beyond our geographic area, esp outside the US


Host beneficiary, previously mostly ignored.


Host Benificary Direct Response Advertising, Building a strong back end


How do I get clients without having to cold call and get more referallss


Huh? Okay, I’d like to have a major publisher take over my titles and put them into stores and do a major campaign for them. And in addition to that, I’d like to do whatever the Harry Potter folks did. But I think having treebooks available might help. Although right now, I don’t know how to get the word out, so that would be a waste of trees.


I am doing what I have the capacity to do, both concerning time and money


I am not sure


I am not sure.


I am planning the marketing strategy in great detail, the marketing tactics are not as strong. Furthermore, I am having problems with the execution of the tactics selected.


I am still not completely sure.


I am willing to do and try anything. I am on a very small budget as my challenge right now.


I do not know which and how


I do not know. (4)

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? 206.

I don’t really know. I could use some direction here.


I have not got the time to think of them, not to say implement them.


I haven’t had the chance to learn about available personal marketing efforts/activities yet as a buyer’s agent.


I know I need to greatly expand my marketing approach. I plan to used targeted messages through mail, email, and personal calls.


I know we need to do more. Competitors who provide shoddier services (according to our clients) are making inroads into our business. The question is what to do. We have a very defined marketplace with a maximum of 12 client firms. These 12 Case Management firms have a total of some 70 Case Managers who are our direct clients. To protect themselves, Case managers will always spread their files over several firms. We cannot get all of the business, but we could be getting more than we currently are.


I must give it more thought


I need a coherent plan.


I need to be keeping in constant contact with my customer base. I am losing them because they simply forget about me.


I need to change some pages on the web site to see if I can make them sell better. Because I am doing these questions.


I need to do more planning and bigger picture of what is capable


I need to do more research re. the actual costs of, and specific details involved in doing the initial marketing campaign.


I need to get started on the creation of our ezine; then perhaps start doing some speaking at half and one-day seminars on what people can really expect from their internet connectivity.. These have not happened yet due to a lack of focused time on my part.


I need to start earlier?


I think I’d like to do seminars because it seems like a great way to generate tons of business and money. I haven’t had the time to develop this yet.


I want a steady client referral effort. It is sparse right now.


I want a game plan that I know will work


I want the affiliate program up and running, but script not done yet


I want to target the High end residential Real estate market.


I want to be able to implement duplicatible advertising/p.r. that other people can duplicate as they become associates with our organization. I haven’t developed them yet, but am working on them now.


I want to be doing mailings to people who know us, but I am not doing that due to our on-going lawsuit.


I want to be placing my mortgage website in front of more realtors to tap into more of the purchase market


I want to be selling other products and services using the Jay Abraham approach Have not been successful yet of identifying the right product. Have had several products or relationships that I thought was going to go but have fallen by the wayside. Presently have 3 internet products put the developer does not have them complete. This has taken a lot longer than was expected. The good thing for us is we are not having any development cost. The author is taking care of this. We get

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? the rights to market the product.Can’t seem to put it all together yet. 228.

I want to be totally proactive in all our activities. Right now we are just getting started.


I want to bulk mail from postcards to smaller versions ot the letter to individuals out of the phone book. And get and answering service/autoresponder to data from those who are inerest. I’m not doing that because that would have to be authorized in advance and I have to get a bigger advertizing budget first.My company do have a sales letter, it’s a 7 page text with no appendix and I really don´t like it. My sales letter, my discounts lists, the 10 closing options, etc. are not authorized material either, but I’m not trying not to get caught. Actually, I gave my company´s top executives a copy of them and I did wrote that I was going to use my own material and strategies. Sine they have not told not to do it, it´s a go for me.


I want to educate my clients more in products. I want to build residual income. I am working on a website to use for client education and sales .


I want to expand the above to send a postcard or letter to a selected list offering a free tape if they call an 800 number and leave their name and address. It is one extra step but will probably reach more potential buyers for the same amount of money. I want to try newspaper advertising and ask people to listen to an "opportunity call" or calls that focus on two of our leading products. They then call and 800 number to ask for more information. We are just now starting to do this with a skin care product and a weight loss product.


I want to get on a regular marketing plan with my sphere of influence, which I will do once the database is in.


I want to go through the various course materials I have from Jay and others. I just can not seem to make the time to do this over the last few weeks. I have about 2 hours per night and most of this is taken up with reviewing my daily email.


I want to implement a system with practitioners where they recommend that their clients buy from me, rather than searching around from health food shop to health food shop. Then in turn the practitioner would receive a commission. I’m have not implemented this as I have a supply problem, one of those revolving doors, I’m afraid. If I could get the orders going, I could keep the supply coming in.


I want to improve the systemization of my marketing so most of it can be easily repeated and more automated, i.e., online.


I want to know some more – something different from the run of the mill approaches.


I want to provide more Autoreponder eCourses. Need time to write an extensive eCourse. The level of expertise on the Internet is shockingly low. Only a handful of marketers really know their stuff.


I want to put together the strategy first before i put together marketing.


I want to sell my system to other entrepreneurs in other cities. I’m not doing it because I can't afford to place ads in newspapers.


I want to send more correspondence to my clients and business community to show our professionalism.


I want to set up a sales force since I am a one man operation now. I’m looking for someone to do some of the hands on service and sales so I call work even more on the marketing side. Also by having another person or persons in the field they will be helping expand this network that I want to create.


I want to use my good reputation, and to meet with many kee people and to get more good clients.

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? 243.

I want to write an additional column, write a book, and have a regular opportunity to teach mental skills to athletes.


I would like to advertise a bit more and I would like to market every product more aggressively than we do today. I know that we are understaffed and are not doing max for every product and service we sell.


I would like to be acquiring more Buying Groups, but I have to be pursuing members og the existing Buying Groups. This is because I need money right now.


I would like to be doing group presentations to groups of highly qualified and interested prospects. I am very good at presenting to groups.


I would like to be giving presentations to high-earning executives, e.g., executives who are members of the Financial Executives Organization. I have been working on designing and implementing the marketing ideas for my existing list described above (which I regard as the “low-hanging fruit”) and have not had the time to create the material I know must be created and make the approaches to the proper people in order for me to reach as many of the highest caliber of prospects for my services as possible in the shortest amount of time.


I would like to be implementing our marketing plan, but we can NOT, because we have to wait for the patents to be filled.


I would like to be seen as the expert in our market and hold learning sessions for the customers that I have. I don’t believe that I have the contact, the information nor the position to accomplish this.


I would like to do some print advertising and develop a website, but have not found someone I like working with. Time constraints.


I would like to have a consultant evaluate the marketing plan


I would like to increase market share in the FHA and VA loans. We are not currently doing this because we need to have our financials audited and have a certain net worth to qualify for these programs.


I would like to make more aggressive advertising. but the consulting rules in my country describes such consultants as dubious.


I would like to market to foundations and individuals who know that what I am providing is of immense value to society and for issues that anyone of them would deem as significant. This is a matter of being able to access these foundations with a presentation.


I would like to operate a sales control system such as Goldmine so that we can measure the effectiveness of the different aspects of how we prospect present close etc, I would like to extend the professional connections lead generation with host beneficiary deals to extend further our client base and recruit more advisors which is the real barrier to growth.


I’d like to be doing much more, but I am limited by time, money, and my wife’s cancer.


I’d like to be doing the follow-up closing of more deals. Because then the marketing side of things is done & I can go back to the nitty gritty of get clients money back to them


I’m unsure of this one.


I'd like to make hugely more use of referrals, getting people to contact me for advice/help. I'd like to use PR which focuses on senior finance execs to position myself as an expert guide. I'd like to have a lot of publications to either for sale or free to educate prospects and position me as the expert.

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? 260.

If I had time, I’d set up a referral program, give seminars, write a opt-in e-mail newsletter, develop a guarantee, send direct mail, work out a special “offer of the month,” cultivate strategic alliances with complimentary vendors, alliances with competitors, and develop special deals for current customers.


If you have any profitable suggestions, welcome!


Implement ongoing upsell. Start making offers to capitalize on repeat sales to my existing clients. Reactivate old clients. Set up ongoing referral programs. Set up systematic procedures to acquire new clients.


Improve our web strategy, copy, graphics; develop sequential email campaign


In search


Increased lead generation and follow up


Increasing Web promotion on selected sites. Cost and lack of cash flow.




Internet. Still novice.


Interactive marketing on a daily basis - resources


Internet – lack of time to set-up the site and learn how to use the medium effectively.


Internet – restricted by my own knowledge and lack of resources to pay a professional – plus find the professional who does really know what they are doing


Internet – see this as a very cost-effective medium


Internet marketing


Internet marketing through the creation of an opt-in list to receive a free news letter and eventually get clients from the list


Internet marketing, gaining a larger client base


Internet marketing. No knowledge on how to start


Internet marketing. Not enough internal resources or expertise.


Internet referral system


Internet, ignorance and expense.


Internet, 24hr exposure.


internet, newsletters, niche marketing


Internet. Little time at present


Internet/ sms/ business intelligence – we not properly organized


Internet/time & money


Internet; direct response.


Internet Referral


Joint marketing efforts with larger companies from outside the state that we can partner to allow us to sell to national accounts like AOL, MSN and Earthlink.


Joint ventures via association endorsements


Joint ventures with realtors.


Joint venturing on product sales and development


Just about anything that will work!


just learning what might be useful

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? 293.

JV’s – can’t locate adequate partners


JV’s and referrals. Unsure where to start.


Knowledgebase and ezine on a web site. To build a successful first point of contact and build a potential client database


Like I said I am just getting into this marketing thing.


Lots, just took over the business 5 weeks ago


lots, need more revenue


Mail, Ad’s (billboard, news print, radio, tv,) Seminars, Joint ventures, Internet. I want to create multiple pillars of revenue for my business.


Mailing more. Most of my clients do not use email. (retailers and restaurants) My realtor clients do, but I have far fewer of them.


Mailings , not good at writing


Make it more automated – put it on auto-pilot.


Make more money


Making deals for results oriented projects or business building


Making phone calls to people on name lists provided by colleagues. This will provide depth and profitability to my business.


Mall screenings and things that do not involve the Dr’s directly. We have had a difficult time in the past of finding the right staff that that could take it upon themselves to do it on their own. I think we do now.


Many but email is my priority.


Many things are in the works. As stated, this is in the startup phase. We want to launch the newsletter, publish the book, upgrade the web site, run key-word-search ads on Google, be more aggressive with publicity.


Market my services in different parts of the world through a network of dealers/ resellers


Marketing our next book to American publishers. We need a celebrity to align with.


Marketing some other products. Limited now by the number people I have on staff that I can afford to manage


Marketing to more groups/pillars.


Marketing via internet, because that will allow me to intensify our contacts.


Mass mailing brokers


Mass marketing. To have a greater reach.


Methodically working a system or plan. My “Day Job” gets in the way…


monthly specials-no time


More ‘intimate’ partnership with clients/prospects


More advertising, however, money is tight for this.


More advertising, public and physician seminars—we need more money to support those efforts


More aggressive activity toward bigger buyers.


More and better advertising. Infomercials. Can't afford them.


More article writing, better SEO, direct mail, Affiliate program. Why? More traffic,

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? more customers! 324.

More autoresponse marketing


More brand-name promotion for our overall corporate capability, and tying that overall capability to our brand name, vs. only promotion of our Building Systems brand. Especially true in the China and Asia markets, as our customers are seeking long-term, total solutions provider capability, is recognition that we will both: a) be around for the long-term, and b) that our customer’s internal promoters can go to their management and not have to re-sell on our behalf – that our brand name speaks for itself. It’s bad for those inside our customer’s camp that want to use us and work with us, when they go to their management and mention our company brand name, and their management says “who? who are they? Why don’t you use a more well-known company whom we all know and trust?


More cold calling, prospecting. Developing more lead sources, developing additional sources of revenues. Time constraints


More cold calling/identification of prospects. Why? We’re good at keeping in contact with our regular clients, however, we don’t feed the pipeline sufficiently. I have to admit that I don’t know how many people should be in the pipeline.


More conference calls. Still not well used in the UK


More contact with my core. It is what works best for me.


More direct mail $ cold calling.


More direct mail advertising for weight loss. Many more referral programs. A lot of strategic alliances. Database mailings. Newsletter.


More direct mail and we are not because of the cost.


More direct mail as the initial contact. I am having trouble coming up with compelling content. Networking at Chamber of Commerce meetings. I am working on getting child transportation worked out so that this may be possible


More direct mail to installed base via postal mail.


More direct mail, ads, lead generation


More direct mail/email/telemarketing, we’re limited by staffing issues currently.


More direct marketing/mail. Need to generate multiples of opportunity


More effective and consistent direct mail via letters: improve referrals for future customers.


More effective targeting of consumers so that a kind of members club is created whereby we can encourage them to consume more of our products & in turn encourage more of their friends to try.


More email marketing and contacts; better web-site placement. I don’t use email much because I get so much spam myself that I don’t even bother to look at, that I feel anything I send out will be treated the same way.


More email marketing/ trade show marketing—people, $$, time


More event based marketing. Lack of people resources and top down understanding.-Monthly column in news medias. Lack of people resources and top down understanding.-Monthly email communications with prospect base – non promotional / educational. Lack of content.


More exposure via articles for press etc. building up press contacts at the moment


More external efforts to generate more new clientele

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? 345.

More ezines. More articles. I believe that email marketing is an effective tool and that articles get valuable publicity and credibility for my company


More follow up of after 1st sale offers, time and software changes that need to be made.


More follow ups and regular contacts with valued practitioners.


More frequent and consistent e-mail activities and referral building.These activities are inexpensive and build a base to assess niches and then build markets. They also help maintain, solidify and develop existing customer bases.


More host beneficiary – too hung up on making the copy better, more powerful, better conversionsMore joint ventures – time, people to help me on commission basis


More host beneficiary relationships – can’t seem to get hosts to buy into the concept.


more in direct marketing for specific conditions. problem of knowing how to do it and time


More info to customers (internet)


More Infomercials, long and short form


More interactive tactics, more systematic approaches in all contact points Have been fighting fires, not able to muster enough consistent resource to make happen consistently


more internet activity. (I am not because I am just starting


More internet marketing, not clear on the value(cost vs rate of return)


More joint ventures. Not setting aside time


More local ads ie: newspaper, cable TV ads, billboards, targeted direct mail. Limited budget.


More mail outs


More mailings to generate more leads from the end user or specifier.


More marketing, lack of funds & mostly time


More new client marketing.


More over the internet. Time constraints.


More planning. Would like to see a plan towards how market intelligence is handled, coupled with timing. Same with follow-up calls, etc. And then we should track progress against the plan. More consistently complete follow-up calls. It is common to get specific leads for future work. Develop marketing pieces for DP and electrical expansion. Develop drilling survey methods that are innovative and assist us in delivering a measurably superior product.


More PR – no time/money to outsource it.


More public awareness in our local market,


More public speaking, it works very well for me.


More radio and television and more activity on the Internet. I am not because it has become increasingly difficult to get booked for interviews and because I have not yet figured out how to consistently make sales on the Internet, but I keep working on it.


More referrals and setting up host-ben because they are very cost-effective


More sales people visiting more prospects

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? 371.

More speaking and providing people an experience of the services we offer. I think the reason why is that I have been feeling like we have to “create” stuff first and then we can go out and connect with them. We have recently discovered a way to decrease the amount of “creation” time – as we will now be creating some of it “just in time”


More speaking. Time is the issue.


More strategic alliances = leverage


More telemarketing


More visits to existing and potential clients, temporary resource constraints.


More visits to potential referral sources. The reasons are , 1) fear of failure, 2) time to block out for a series of visits and to multiple sites 3) avoiding coming across as just another slick business trying to make a buck off the elderly ( appear more professional) 4) unsure of my ability to get through gatekeepers


More writing, more web presence


Most, we are reworking the process from our original 1 pillar


Moving into niche markets where I can have more impact and fewer competitors.


MUCH MORE Talking Ads. Press coverage. Effective Internet marketing. Local business coalitions (host/beneficiary).


Much stronger referral oriented programs.


My plate is pretty full, currently


N/A (2)


NASCAR sponsorships, more tie-ins with minor league teams and college teams. Cost is the restraining factor.


national ads, too expensive.


National advertising—expensive and somewhat undefined results


Need to map out a plan to encapsulate areas highlighted as ‘missing’, but as business is at a desperate stage, don’t have time, energy or creativity to get down to it. Too busy ‘cheque chasing’!


Networking in the local chamber …etc, time is the main problem.


Networking. No time.


News letter, but it is hard to generalize my unique services to fit a general audience.


Newsletter. haven’t made format and haven’t systemized


Newsletters – I know from experience that the ‘top of mind’ agent is most likely to get the business. Email updates – economical and professional.


Newspaper and internet (web) ads. I cant afford them.


Newspaper and journal advertisements targeted to the real estate sector.


No ideia


No product yet. Want to have more internet presence, more shows, more demonstrations. More media coverage through press etc. .


None (7)


None because we are just getting started with referring brokers and our two new sales people and my book

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? 399.

None planned


None right now. I want to see how well the telemarketing of potential joint venture partners does first.


None so far that I know of. I am still testing my advertising, and need more time to determine what advertising is best for my business


None yet because I must have the product on-hand for clients to see. I must purchase the animals first.


None. Educational marketing pieces and special reports.


None. If I wanted to do they I would. But I am doing a lot more this week than last (after reading about strategy from you Jay).


Not applicable at this point.


Not doing any now – planning phase.


Not doing direct mail. Just haven’t done it.


Not enough money in marketing budget


Not sure (6)


Not sure, why i bought course


Obtaining new higher profitability clients.


Offer some “whatever you’d like to pay” seminars in-house. Because, it allows them to taste and see…most haven’t ever experience what we really offer.


Offer training Video/CD, ebooks of our services, benefits and product knowledge.


Offering my technique via the internet. Haven’t finished yet.


Offline ads. It's all related to how much time I have to spend right now on the business.


Ongoing and continuous direct sales campaign using direct mail letters, phone calls, cold calls and referral requests. Not doing it because the time is not allocated specifically for it and it doesn’t get done in the heat of carrying out normal business.


Online newsletter, more consistent exposure through a follow up system.


Organising seminars


Organize a best-client list, develop a more aggressive follow-up marketing campaign


Our own full color catalog (as opposed to a co-op version), web site. Both are on hold for budgetary constraints.


Outreach to more interested clients/customers to expand profit and service margins




Penetrate new market segments with new products


Personal contact with media. I think that this would make a difference to the number and quality of the coverage we get. As it is I haven’t got time to do anything other than send out regular press releases (twice/month).Effective advertising might also be an activity we are ready to begin now. It has been seen as too expensive for us to fund, even if it brought in revenue since we couldn’t finance the gap between putting it out and getting it in. This is now changing. Telesales would boost our conversion rate. Again we have seen this as too expensive to finance and there is quite an investment of training to do because of the specialized nature of what we do. Any sales person would have to be quite knowledgeable.

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? 425.

Personally, I want to be a lot larger. To be able to build 20 different properties at a time. To advertise with television, print, radio. To build a reputation. To be able to do a mass marketing campaign with glossy brochures and impressive statistics.


Phone calls to new clients – don’t take the timeradio interviews – haven’t bothered to create good headlines and the appropriate backend package for each radio sales


Postcard marketing, full page ads, press releases and interviews, classifieds in weekly papers. Primarily due to cost and low response rates..


Prefer not to say – not doing because product is not set up to my satisfaction - yet


Presentations and seminars, developing stage


Press release; classified ads in trade mag. Limited budget


Press releases, mailings, free seminars – time and money


Print advertising for company identification


Printed newsletters, email newsletters, public speaking, website; lack of time, money, and energy


Probably direct mail…cost factor. It’s a lame excuse. I know I should be doing some at least to some degree.


Proper follow-up with customer database. Resources and proper IT system are the primary reasons why.


Publish articles about solving problems in the industry. Procrastination.


Pursuing joint ventures and building my affiliate network. Not done primarily due time constraints and budget limitations.


Pursuing joint ventures and building my affiliate network. Not done primarily due time constraints and budget limitations.


Put together a club of happy consumers in every city and use their testimonials


Putting ads on Tv and the radio


Putting together a full scale marketing battle plan. Tactical day to day needs dilute my efforts.


Radio = too expensive for a startup.


Radio show – time limited during tax season


Radio spots, press releases, community involvement - fear


Reach all the Insurance Agents and Insurance call centers in town with our message. Because they influence who the customer will pick.


Reach out to libertarians who haven’t heard of us. Don’t know haw to economically.


Reactivate old clients.Need to expand business and update facility by moving.


Real estate: reach more prospects, not sure what method is cost effective. Consulting by e-business, need more planning.


Really develop our hidden assets and back-end sales. We need to get the staff behind this and we are focusing our efforts against this at all the staff meetings. We also want to turn the hygiene department around into a profit center…and it is beginning to work!!!


REFERERAL - never found something we all could get behind REPEAT SALES/BACK END -again, haven't found anything we felt would work


referra program. Put in place an automated e-mail touch program to education oour

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? clients how to get more out of our system. Start an e-zine. Buying criteria. 452.

referral systems, not enough time


referrals, more followup letters


Referrals…don’t know how to get people to provide them, even though they say they will and are happy with me and my service


Regular newsletters and updates to current and prospective clients highlighting what we are doing.


Regularly published e-zine rather than occasional. I am not doing this regularly because I don’t have time.


Repeat selling, upselling – not maximizing our client base


Retail Catalog nationwide. Cost.


Riding my motorcycle to events that promote our association. It is too cold and there are no events close by.


Risk reversal – we are afraid of it.


Risk reversal for big ticket custom built items.


Risk Reversal. We have to put extra efforts without knowing that they will pay off.


Risk-reversal. Will increase customers at least triple business


Running a community of CEOs to coach entrepreneurs in their marketing and exchange ideas also to have a sounding board for ideas and a network from which to create alliances. Too much on my plate right now, plus I need to build content.


Running a much larger scale ad campaign. lack of money and fear that it won’t work.


sales letter to architecs ,interior designers and builders that would give them new ways to use aquarium displays in there building designs. money


See above. Lack of resources.


Seeing the results of initial contacts with referral base. To get this business going




Selling in over a 100 store across the USA and Europe, need to keep working at and what is non-effective.


Selling other products/services to existing clients.


Selling products and seminars. I don’t have them in place yet.


Seminars lack of funds


Seminars. I will be doing some. Just need to continue to set up.


Sending Direct Mail to Rented Lists/Not Profitable.


Sequencial email campaignes to clients and prospects and internet marketing because I believe it would helpacquire and maintain clients.


sequential because normally would just contact once


Sequential marketing. Try to use the internal audit group to do more than find accounting problems, but to help grow the business.


Sequential marketing: not doing it the way I’d like. We have a long sales cycle and we need to educate our way to sales. Price, Headline, Product testing: Never been done that I’ve seen. New product creation from our existing product line: there are new products and price points we can create very easily. Direct email: not done

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? consistently Direct mail: not done at all. Simplify our internal contact databases so we can perform organized sequential marketing: a must to market to our existing and past customers. 480.

Sequential marketing; to maximize returns


Service – how to serve for customer retention (research-based service) Lead – how to communicate Premium brands – ability to hang on to distributorships. Niches – which segments to target? Markets – effective demand, purchasing power, not just expressed interest


Softly promoting service. Awaiting all documentation in place but also unsure where best to start.


Some homework from an entrepreneur seminar. I am doing this instead.


Something that is going to product results; I don’t have a tial and error budget. I’d like to be sending out an e-zine from my web site, but no one has signed up for it yet and I don’t know how to set it up yet so that if I offer a freebie to sign up that I know when to send it out.


Speaking and seminars; just started, am working on it now.


Spend more on web site design and rewrite. Hire a sales person. Lack of money.


Spend more time in front of the referral sources I described above.


Spending more time to develop corporate clients – especially prestigious ones. Have to stay focused on the 80% (or 95%)!


Sponsoring some trade association meetings – can’t afford it until revenues are higher.


Start using postcards with specific offers


Stimulate minimal practice growth


Strategic alliance (host-benef). No time.


Strategic alliances with content providers and with complement providers.


Strategic alliances.


Strategic efforts to establish company as industry expert in the field. To show customer the true benefit of the product.


Strategic relationships with companies that have similar target markets


System of direct mail. In formulation and trial stage


Systematic communication with existing clients about all the services that Ican provide. Probably most cost-effective way of building business


Systematic contact that does not require manual intervention, email, weblogs, etc.


Systematic letters and phone call campaigns.


Systematize the process


Taking prospects on visits to successful sites. No time


Talking to more potential clients to increase my commissions and recruit new sales reps for my team.


Tapping into many different databases to expand my business prospects.


Targeting the CPAs; the tools not ready yet.


Techniques that would work in my industry to grow and expand.


Telemarketing and more host beneficiaries.

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? 508.

Telemarketing and seminars


Telephone marketing campaign. To get new contacts.


Telephone salesperson hiring right now


Television, national classifieds. Why? $$$ and time.


Tell every property owner, manager, engineer and architect about us. To much money for advertising.


Test marketing –more direct mailers, fax blasting, email campaigns. Test pricing, create a guarantee and test it. More direct marketing to motorcycle dealers and to motorcycle owners. Commercials, radio spots, PR, manufacture sponsored coop marketing campaigns, etc.


Testing Direct Mail pieces, Testing different headlines for internet ads and Pay Per Click Search Engine advertising. Lack of budget.


Testing emails. Useful analysis of existing efforts. Have started doing this year. Have lacked in house expertise and commitment.


Testing my website, Host-beneficary, Referrals, web postioning. Time – lack of. Also I’m recruiting and training people to do this:PPP- thanks Jay and Co!


Testing, surveying and tracking: What do our customer REALLY want? Follow-up strategy for existing customers Customer database "Leading" a customer to his initial purchase


The affiliate program and writing my 5th ebook.


The internet, have on-line forms to fill out etc. I have not managed to get the time to do it yet, since it have not been a priority in this transitional state of my business.


There aren’t any


This very minute I am writing a new book, but when it’s ready to go, I’d like to have a sense of how to market it in the context of my other books – present and future. This is something I have never done. Each one has been separate.


Time & money


To be able to reach more people .


To have agents selling our products on commission basis only, we think it would be great, because word of mouth like in MLM works well.


To meet more people. Time, I am not focused, have to many irons in the owen.


Too early and not enough capital and time available


Too early to determine.


Too many to list… As mentioned several times, I am doing a substantial revision and re-development of our marketing strategy, and have been waiting until I’m further along before implementing some of the new marketing efforts.


Trade publication advertising. Because I don’t have the funds.


True marketing management. A lot of tactics are happening in a vacuum not tied in to strategy


TV for top of mind and spread. We’re to small at the moment and costs to are high




Unknown – want a way to have clients show up without my direct effort so I can concentrate on helping clients.

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? 534.



Unsure – newsletter? Seminars?


Upselling, referrals, new products—all these letters take time and some creativity. I never seem to devote my time to this. When I do, I struggle so much for so long that it seems useless.


Using the Press more effectively.


Using the Press more effectively.


Using well known actor/ actress that are admire by large sector of the community. This will help to elevate our branding as we build the company and product brand. Cost is one of the constrain at the moment.


Video, streaming media on internal website, CD-ROMs to sales force and clients. Lack of access to internal resources.


Viral marketing on the internet.


Visits to prospects in the middle east. Iraq situation.


Want to be doing more upsell seminars. Need to develop a better upsell “speech” and get into more events.


want to be out going to banks to talk to lending officers about referring biz. to us. also want to figure out how to do massive direct mail cheaply and effectively.


Want to set up a database to contact past patients, start monthly newsletter and offer new services of life coaching. Want to help people advance further and not simply solve initial sets of problems. Also tired of insurance billing headaches.


we are doing all those applicable to our industry


We are impatiently waiting for launch then we will market vigorously.


We have several ideas (one base on Icy Hot) but time is the limit. We are busy doing, to keep going and have little time for development.


We need a consistent, identifiable, quantifiable plan to move forward.


We need to be doing direct marketing rather than institutional advertising. Instead of appealing to the end consumer, we need to be recruiting dealers.


We need to develop a strategy to be able to improve here.


We need to establish a better system for gaining our personal introductions. This have been a very effective approach for us, we need to develop it into a system.


We want to do consistent and massive marketing if our finances allow us to do so. I do know that as we increase our sales, a portion of the money will always be tagged for marketing. We are planning on 5%of the gross revenue.


We want to do two thing right now. Get our Email program going and it is only a few days away from roll our. The Second is to engage a sales rep for our market expansion area and we currently do not have the cashflow to do it. We hope to iimplement later in the spring. As a side bar, cashflow is a problem for us due to the seasonality of our industry (85% of our sales in ten weeks), Second problem is a structural weakness, we can’t finance our inventory through the banks and it is our largest asset.


We want to get out into the community and business community doing talks and presentations to put a face on our practice and begin to brand our services. We are not doing as much as we want to because we have not figured out how to successfully reach those who set the schedules.

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? 556.

We want to learn everything that is the best in terms of marketing in order to grow and offer the best quality of services to our clients and to the new ones. Because we now are preparing ourselves to buy our new retreat and expand our company. And we want the best as Tony Robbins does.


We want to meet with nearby governmental agencies to allow us to provide drafting services to them. We have recently made a first contact with consideralbe interest being shown.


We want to re-activate and improve upon our marketing activities, as the momentum of the market is likely to dry up in the near future.


We want to start pulling a bigger spec of client (higher business turnover – say $3$10m+, but haven’t figured out how to find them, get in front of them etc.


We would like to be endorsed by one or more Auto Dealer Associations. The reason we are not doing is that most of the associations are managed by another agency which often has no interest in endorsing us. Have wasted a lot of time with no result so far.


We would like to be sending letters followed by phone calls to a) businesses that have been hire or purchase customers in the past to rekindle lost contact. We haven’t done it til now because we haven’t mad the time. We have rearranged our priorities so that this work is now being done.


Web and email. It takes time and effort


Web page and fax set up. Just do not have the time nor the expertise.


Web site. Telephone follow-up. Both would benefit current customers, improve retention, increase interest in other products we carry, and help us reach new customers.


Website, electronic and distribution material for marketing improvements, as we have not yet found the right means in marketing our business effectively.


Website, newsletter, mailings, joint ventures, endorsements, stronger referral program.


Weekly contact with clients and potential clients via fax ads, direct mail, newsletters, and telephone. The more we are in their face the more likely they will think of us first when a need arises.


What I want to do is the joint venturing, but I’m not quite sure how to set it up and create a good contract


What: Internet and advertising. Why: Time and money


What: telemarketing, direct mail. Why: client education, bonding.


Wide spectrum coverage using different tools of communication.


Within Master Strategy #1, the 2nd layer of business building which involves layering a master marketing consultant in-between myself and the marketing consultants … which each dealing with only 20 consultants at a time.Within Master Strategy #1, the add-on / cross-sell products & services which are planned.And Master Strategies #2 + 3.None have been implemented to date as we are a start-up business, and following our strategy game plan, we must successful execute the Start-Up Phase of Master Strategy #1 first… which produces cash-flow in order to proceed to the next level.


Working on it


Workshops and Presentations targeted at executives


Would like to find cost effective cable tv ads, and also telemarketing. So as to reach

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Question 42. What Marketing Efforts/Activities do You Want to be Doing Right Now that You Are Not? a larger number of prospects, faster, and without the time intensity involved in doing talks. 576.

Would like to offer training and consultation at their location. it is not being done and there are only 2 schools in the nation.


Would love to do radio advertising (in particular "live reads") but we just don't have the budget for it right now.


Writing – time, no confidence in writing


Writing articles for newspapers and promoting classes. I didn’t think I can do this. Now, I know, I can.


Writing articles to build my reputation. Get blocked doing the writing, can speak it but once I start to write I stop.


Writing the copy for our website, space ads, and follow up e-mail and direct mail letters. Right now, I’m calling on wholesale vendors to see where I can get the best quality, prices and fulfillment.


Yellow pages. It is very effective and most of my competitors’ ads are not very good.

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. Question 43. Describe your competition and any effective marketing strategy or tactic they use that you don’t. 1.

#1 agent does monthly newsletters (we are #2)


? (2)


1) More salespeople; 2) More advertising; 3) Extensive web applications


1-800-dentist works for some, but it does not fit into my high end quality practice.


A couple of marketing consultants use a web page which I don´t use


A new company is right on a main highway with excellent exposure (including an on property billboard) to most of Tulsa's traffic. High priced real estate a mile from us. (Location, location, location)


Active sales force


Actually, our competition concentrates on repetitious marketing, due to the fact that they have deep pockets.




Advertising - expensive


Advertising and public perception readily available or ubiquitous products


Advertising in newspapers.


Advertising regularly in the neighborhood tabloid as some of the other massage therapists do. People have become accustomed to seeing their ads and come in.


Advertising, e-mail , brochures.


Advertising, Market Physicians, yellow pages.


advertising, surveys, sponsor industry events


Advertising,(big ads in yellow pages, TV)Cut rate prices Sign up with insurance companies as network provider


again seminars


Again, I am about to reenter the business in another town. This questionnaire is forcing me to look at marketing in a different way.


Again, I don’t have competitors in my local market that I am aware of.


again, most if financing and price point focused, it appears the innovation comes from manufacturers – not at the dealership level


All above in 42


All competitors seem to have the same strategy. They are very quiet and you don’t hear anything about them. They have their “old boys network”, which I don’t have.


All forms of advertising media.


All of our competitors are much smaller and weaker. But all are “spoilers” and all act irrationally.


All other home based businesses. internet marketing. radio marketing


All other local real estate agents - don't know their strategy.


All other marketing consultants. Web based permission marketing


All over the map – heavily commoditized and as such a hindrance to my efforts

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. 30.

all over the papers and news


All use only the internet and hope for hits to their sites.


Almost all of the other chiropractors in our area focus on pain treatment and quasimedical model practices. Many use print advertising that sells pain care. One, whose marketing appeared to be most successful for a while was a multi-discipline practice (DC/MD) was using drop boxes offering a free dinner and health talk. From my point of view he was successful at bringing people to it because he did not make mention that it was a chiropractic office I the promotion and they talked mainly about the medical part of the practice at the dinners. We don’t market pain based care because we don’t offer pain treatment services, which is what most people have been taught to associate with chiropractic care. We are working on filling a different niche and having difficulty in getting the consumer to recognize that niche even though market trends show that they want what we have.


Although this area is crawling with massage therapists (there is a major state college of massage therapy right here in town), I have never really viewed them as competition, because I offer a very different service than they do, and they attract a very different clientelle than I do. (I put my focus on attracting my “perfect customers”, and there seem to be plenty around.) As for what the other massage therapists are doing and what I might learn from them regarding marketing, I notice that they advertise a lot - and almost all of it to the mass market even! - which seems to me to be pouring a lot of their resources into marketing to the "cold contact" (and competing with everyone else doing the same thing!) - something which I find both ineffective and unnecessary.


Amazon.com sells a few of my products, and they have all kinds of great strategies. I also regularly check out the sites of my smaller direct competitors to see if they have added something that I need to imitate, but most aren’t innovators.


Another small foundation. A very narrow and focused plan.


Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy. Email marketing, affiliate programs, magazine advertising etc.


any large and medium forwarder, including integrators


As I've said, in the UK apathy is my competition.In the US, where my goal has been to sell my software, I'm aware of one company which sells software, but their website reveals very little, and they don't make it easy for visitors to initiate contact no free stuff, educational stuff to read/download.


As mentioned we still are in the introductory stage, and probably we will innovate in the business. Within my competition I admire the leader in the industry which is omnipresent and we are just too small for that, but our strategies and possibilities will make us a present company in many places with a small, really tiny budget. That s what I have gotten from Jays insights. A truly guerrilla marketer. Smart and Inovative.


As of now, my market is very fragmented market. There are quite a few solo coaches and a couple of small firms. Unfortunately, I don’t even know much about my competition at this time. I am doing business in Israel, and my Hebrew is still not up to par. Over the next two years, I expect to develop a comprehensive understanding of all the aspects of the market here.As for the peer-group aspect of my business, I am not aware of anyone doing what I am doing, although it is something that someone else can start easily and even surpass me rather quickly if they are well connected.This is an area that deserves more study! Thanks for helping me realize it.


As of right now, I don’t really have competition directly aside from all the clamor of

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. the marketplace. 42.

-Banks – they lunch and learn seminars, they have internet websites with lots of information and they can form alliances with other companies to offer more products and services. They can offer customer more choice and more information and they make easy to do business with them. They also have brand recognition behind them and loyal customers.


Better access to the public i.e lists.


better advertising


Better lead follow-up. They call leads up rather than waiting for them to contact me


Better website services, special services for high net worth clients


bigger can offer great savings on price & variety




Can’t think of significant competition.


Cardboard, willow, wicker


Cheaper prices (3)


Chiropractors, nutritionists, alternative mds…don’t know, other than the pharmaceutical companies who spend millions lying about their results via tv and magazine ads and withholding the true facts about the damage they cause.…


Closest competition bills per project vs monthly ongoing retainer. We feel monthly retainer makes much better sense for the client plus it is much easier to build a business around.


Cold calling, sponsorship of holes at golf tournaments and other sponsorships.


Cold calls, Newspaper advertisement


Competitors are advertising agencies and PR companies, using mainly ads. Many of them suffer from the recession right now, while my small overheads give me an advantage


Competition are IT Recruiting firms, other IT Consulting firms, large divisions of technology companies. They respond to RFP’s, have constant contact with client base.


Competition delivers sales training, they are utilizing internet advertising.


Competition has faded away because people are now afraid to gather in large groups because of 9-11.


Competition is generally larger law firms – unsure how they market. General reputation seems to get their clients in the door, but often they then screw it up by transferring the files to junior lawyers, overcharging, taking too long.


Competition is larger, have more technical backup and have been in the market for 20 to 30 years.


Competition is not effective according to their comments, and the comments of the customers that switch to me.


Competition is other more well-established coaching practices. Their websites are better, they’re doing online seminars, they’re directing marketing to distinct niches.


Competition is primarily corporate. I’m not sure what their strategy is.


Competition is rather chaotic as the market itself is very chaotic and disorganized. Finding a competition that is constantly successful in Polish market will be a topic for

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. this year. 66.

Competition range from large multinational telcos to small resellers - some seem to be quite effective with direct mail and seminars


Competition sells junk dirt cheap by hype and burns clients by the dozen.


Competition use brochures and sales staff


Competition uses an abundance of direct mail marketing, infomercials, and largescale upsell events to market. I do not use much direct mail marketing, do not have current plans for an infomercial, and have not quite broken into the large upsell event status. However, I do have a contact who is going to work on brokering me into smaller upsell events.


Competitors manufacture or sell some similar products to ours and lower prices. Have a better network of distributors.


Competitors, especially the larger ones, use more printed materials such as brochures, case histories, and written testimonials.


Comprehensive electronic websites


Contacts (M.P.s and pricing)


Contacts, I have none. But my USP overtly compensates that.


Co-op marketing, but we’re working on it.


Co-op marketing, but we’re working on it.


Dedicated Account Executives to particular accounts – my company is small so I can’t afford the overhead.


Deepak Choprah, Tony Robbins, Osho Commune, Kripalu, Great Yoga Communities. They are all well knowing, they have money and they apply military marketing.


DEPARTMENT STORES - large newspaper ads, TV ads MALL LUGGAGE SHOP mall customer traffic past their doors OUTLET STORES - image of discounts, even when we beat 'em on price


Describe your competition and any effective marketing strategy or tactic they use that you don’t So far I haven’t paid much attention to the competition.


did not analyze others’ marketing strategy.


Direct competition would be individual ad agencies working with one client.


Direct mail/sales letters. Although I fully expect my letters to be much more effective than theirs, since most of them write brief features-oriented letters or simply mail a product brochure.


Direct mailers to new households better radio ads


Direct solicitation by sale staff (knocking on doors)


Discounting their products


Distributors on commission


diversified artists


Don’ except for yellow pages.


Don’t know (9)


Don’t know if it is effective, but a handheld publication is virtually giving away advertising in a new launch to build credibility.

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. 92.

Dr Fred Grosse Real Training Howard Brinton Winston Marsh Julie Ryan Have years of experience in coaching and training to refer to.


Educational seminars & tradeshows




Email list.


email newsletters and ezines


Every artist that sells regularly, use of gallery


Everyone else in finance – More name recognition


Experience based marketing (seminars, testimonials, referrals)


Family owned construction firms that mostly chase the bid market which is “who ever makes the biggest mistake gets the work” or “cost plus zero and all you can steal”. Some don’t do bid work but their strategy and tactics are not apparent.


Fancy seminars


Fledgling but most have websites, customers, literature only.


Focusing on a specific ncihe and becoming known as an expert in a particular area of coaching


Franklin Covey. Nationwide advertising and coverage.


Free evening seminars, referral fees, conference calls


Free moving vans, talking mailbox, recorded ads


Free seminars is the only thing I can think of.


Full time sales people but I really don’t think they are that effective. Ads in the local business journal, again I don’t really think they are all that effective.


generalist recruiting consultancies picking up some of our target niche market contracts through local physical presence (in some instances they’re where we’re not)


aggressive web page Alliances


Gino’s mass mails every year! Millions of invoices probably, with a very small conversion rate.


Giving Bundt cakes for referrals! (Wolfson)


Good internet presence. Present in different geographies.


Groups of people with common interests.


Have seen classified ads, websites and email ads for similar services – effectiveness unknown.


Haven’t studied this enough to know.


Here in Poland I have one direct competitor... who copies most of marketing from me – his site, his adverts, even his articles look as mine year or two ago. He is growing he do as I did but I'am way ahead of him. Then i have some indirect competitors like sites of print magazines about marketing. But none of them teach practical marketing for small biz – it's just publishing about marketing for managers etc. – news and trends as I call it. Their e-marketing is week, but they have much bigger wallets and can put big campaigns in action. Still they don't do it in cost effective way – just institutional advertising.


High end Direct Sales force that goes to the sites of premier clients around the

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. country. 119.

Highly established companies with well developed market positions. They use a variety of well established routes to market to create their volume, either direct or through distribution channels.


Historically, they have made better use of face to face meetings. We have increased our use of this tactic with the hiring of an individual with many years experience who prefers this method of sales, as well as increasing the technical knowledge of other marketing staff, allowing them to do sales. Having our base of operations in Houston provides us with a huge advantage here.


Hmmm… one of our competitors already has a impressive list of references, are recognized by Forrester/Gartner as important runner up and we’re not even on the radar screen. Must act swiftly and effectively in 2003.


Holland And Barrett, a major retail chain, continually discounts 50% off


Houses priced at a lower price with bank financing.


Huge ads and massive postings to there customer databases.


I am in a business whose main services are copy cats of each other. That is the services provided by each of the cash flow brokering houses does not differentiate from one another.


I am the only one doing asset protection specifically in about a 50 mile radius, besides a few attorneys dabbling in it.


I believe they use pressure sales tactics.


I can name one they use that I do NOT want, namely, price low-ballers


I can think of lots of competitors. I can’t think of any particularly effective marketing strategy they are using that we aren’t.


I do not know (4)


I do not know-but I need to find out.


I do not see my competition using more effective strategies


I don’t have a good handle on the competition.


I don’t know how effective it is, but the big producers mail out and advertise in the large Homes Magazines and in the Newspaper. It does get their name out.


I don’t know that they use anything we don’t.


I don’t notice that we have any direct competition out here


I don’t truly know of anyone that does what I am doing because I am not a collection agency nor a lawyer. As far as I know, my concept is so new and different, I don’t have any competition.


I have NO competition on the products that I created.


I have no competition. There is no limit to the number of books people can enjoy.


I have none


I haven’t studied them much…What I do know is that no one really markets at all in this field. They seem to wait for developers or landowners come to them.


I honestly think they do the same thing.


I see our real competition as the “big boys” – Microsoft, Oracle, and those wellfunded marketing programs that they support, selling to executives who often are more risk aversion-driven than by performance differentials. Their strategy is to

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. trade upon their established name, reducing the perceived risk, while increasing the cost as well as the likelihood of eventual mission failure. 144.

I think most of the competition is doing the same things we are, maybe less. I also think we need more definition of our target markets so we have a clearer idea of who the competition is.


I think my competition have a better visibility due to their extensive use of large LISTS.


I think that there are people out there who are better at bringing in people over the internet...the Concorde group, innetek, etc


I think the market about the more limitedway we used to before adding #42


I think they all do basically the same thing. Some do a better job of utilizing telemarketing, other do a better job of regular mailings and other simply present to key users more often.


I.T. Equipment:- Showrooms in central locations frequently by equipment buyers‘Free’ punctual delivery- Easy credit terms- Ability to sell to fellow businesses (B2B) in central locationsSoftware:- Customization (re-programming)- Deep discounts, to buy markets, for first-time buyers- Third-party special-interest software developer support.


I’m not aware the they do any thing differently


I’m not really aware of my competition.


IBM and they have a massive marketing presence.


In a market where no-one does any marketing very well, there is no real competition


In our rural area, we have very little competition.


In process of analysis presently.


In telemarketing our competitors do research that is published in a media or even TV. They get freer PR. We have no stuff to support these activities. I the seminar field our competitors sometimes do events with may parties participating thus create a filing that they organize big events. In the consulting field our competitors provide more complete service than we do. Reason? I do not want to hire additional people.


Independent consultants and small consultancy practices


Indirect competition from other sleep systems, other water systems. Other nutritions, other MLM companies


individual artists – participate in outdoor art fairs; sell work at “starving artist” prices; portrait commissions for doctors & lawyers; writing articles for national/international art-related magazines; “hanging out” with high-end gallery owners (geographic proximity issue)


Industry trade rags


Infomercial Competitions TV Advertising


Inside our art we have now have 70% of the market share. Outside our art there are much larger competitors that take out more ads in more magazine, do more direct marketing, fancier catalogs.


Insurance companies product does not have advantages over mine, but they do advertize in high exposure media, like TV, magazines, etc.




It sounds trite, but no one else is doing what we offer. They either sell equipment,

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. are so huge that fees are in millions of dollars, or they focus on very specific security issues. We’re more of a smart general contractor. We conduct an overall security assessment. We identify strengths and vulnerabilities. We recommend how to address vulnerabilities. The client chooses their priorities. We help “fix” vulnerabilities within our capability and guide clients to several resources for issues beyond our strike zone. 166.

Joint ventures


Ken Roberts and Larry Williams: Both do massive mailing and e-mailing campaigns to attract customers.


Large consulting firms have sexy brochures, tv ads, etc.


Large franchise that spends lots of money on ads and positioning


Large international franchises scripted telemarketing, direct selling to business


Large internet presence


large pet ware house sells live animals


Large yellow page ads, newspaper ads, direct mail.


Larger consulting firms rely on their “proven track record” in large numbers of customers.


Limited use freeware


Link with an industry body ie preferred supplier status


LoJack is not a competitor in our industry sector, but they have a less superior product for cars. They marketed very heavily to police forces across the country to get buy in and recognition. The product doesn’t even work that well but yet they are in only 18 states and are $130 million company. They also market a lot on the radio.


Lots of advertising which I can’t afford.


Lots of marketing competition on the Internet right now. People think it's easy to just start selling eBooks on marketing I guess. My *real* competition has just been at it longer than I have. They have better "branding" out there. It's going to take time but I'm looking for ways to speed up the process.


Lots of one man bands, accounting companies, government advisory services, the internet, books, and they use lots of different methods, seminars, websites, books, programmes, strategic allicances, advertising, for example


Lots of realtor relationships.


Lower prices


Lower quality, and cheaper prize


Lowest price advertising




M&A for the biggest firms. They have connections with many business people and they get big clients. (I work mostly with small clients).


Mail shots, reports, using research to be first to produce the product, proactive analysis of what is needed on the market, Relationship building with customer outside work time, networking, catchy adverts etc.


Mainly mortgage brokers. Don’t think they do too much. For the most part they are focused on a single transaction and disappear.


Major publishing houses, bigger ads, bigger direct mail campaigns to demographic

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. lists and good distribution as well as book tours. 190.

Marginal net worth, risk reversal


Market not that advanced. Only issue , one DC uses value pak


Marketing in the specialized magazines. Writing personalized detailed selling letters.


Massive advertising in the newspapers and magazines.


massive mailing (to expensive for us) or direct recruitment of students in school (we do not have that access)


Massive radio and tv advertising. It must work for them, they keep doing it.


massively funded; use mags, tv, control over the retail store in which they sell their clothes, celebrities to endorse product, etc.


Md and they have drug company to back them and their “”MIRACLE CURE”” but in chiropractic we have to do it all alone…


Medicine has a big budget and they do a great job of brain washing people to think health comes in a bottle and they now have their comsumer based tv ads that give a false sense of help that they can provide.


mega national ad campaigns; referrals, Purchasing of leads


Microsoft does a fantastic job of emailing prospects about all aspects of their products and services and has presented them nicely in several forms (one can get an in-house solution with Great Plains or buy only what they need with an ASP called bCentral)


Modern technology


More advertisements that are done frequently by our competitors who are much more well established


More advertising


More customer contact


More effective direct sales. Use of web and email


More immediate (online) pricing is the only strategy that they use that we don’t.


more personal contact


Mortgage side: major lenders and national/regional advisors – ad campaigns in various types of media


Most advertise on TV and Radio & newpapers, mainly just branding


Most are much larger and many of them have ezines.


Most are regional competitors whose main focus some times seems more towards the obtainment of the actual volume versus profitability. Usually to keep their major oil company suppliers happy so that they will continue receiving marketing support dollars and special pricing rebates.


Most employee benefits providers compete on the basis of the price of the insurance products in a benefit plan. My approach is qualitatively different.


Most go direct to end clients – expensive but can be effective


Most local competitors use the same or less.


Most major competitors have paid staff and agents


Most of my competition uses price as their only strategy or tactic.


Most of our competition are much larger businesses with substantial staffs and real

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. budgets. They buy billboards and give away appliances and build subdivisions at a time, rather than just one house. 218.

Most of our competition compete on price and spend the overwhelming majority of their marketing budgets in print advertising.


Most of our competition have more salespeople in their offices, are able to throw more $$ at marketing.


Most of our competitors are active in more than one market and the foundry maqrket for them is only a fraction of their business, while we concentrate 100% in the foundry market - which appears to be a mistake.


Most of the competition that I am competing against have web-sites and sales forces. We are trying to develop a web-site and don’t think we are ready to effectively deal with a salesforce.


Most of the good ones know how to network well, I don’t.


Most of the other competition do generic local advertising ( coupons, show exhibits). I know that a few use their client base to market to well, via postcards, e-mail etc.


Most people operate pretty much as I HAVE, which is why I’m soon going to have a very strategic advantage.


Most PR companies have a full time business development person who usually has target lists of prospects and arranges meetings or does direct mail. Some do roundtable discussions with a Washington official. Some do limited advertising, such as on NPR. Some position their leaders as experts. Many hire high-visibility people with specific issue experience and then tout that experience to businesses in that area.


Mostly, other Realtors that have found success here do so with consistent follow up systems and by bombarding their market with fliens, phone calls, fliers, scratch pads, magnets and their larger Real Estate Newspaper advertising. Many also use bus benches for branding purposes.


Multi national marketing to multinational at a higher corporate level.


My biggest competition advertises in a Meeting Planning Directory and has a booth at the trade show. Also has a big event each year featuring their speakers. I don’t have this kind of budget.


My competition are large companies such as Air Miles and Gold Points. Air Miles does a lot of ads. Gold Points is word of mouth.


My competition are the gurus and all the seminars they promote.


My competition comes from another designer who published a real world book on rearrangement design, from about 20 people who offer expensive seminars on doing it as a business. I have only one book competing with the one I am currently writing on the art consulting business. Free tips that designers put on their web sites are somewhat of a competition, because some of them give away information I have in my books.


My competition competes with price only. They are fighting each other with price (being the cheapest). I do not play that game.


My competition has name brand recognition that I do not. It makes it difficult to get the first appointment, and even tougher to make the sale. I need better tactics or a marketing strategy to overcome the lack of brand recognition.


My competition in copywriting use telemarketing to a much bigger extent than I do, but I do not think they get more from it than I do. They also do direct marketing,

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. which my company cannot afford right now. 235.

My competition is Bourbon (France), Tate & Lyle


My competition is doing the same thing they are sub-optimizing that’s where I want to take advantage.


My competition is every New Age author who writes about a personal issue, and the ones who are most effective at marketing are the ones who get out there and promote the books. I have not been able to do that in the past, and will be able to do it in the future.


My competition is in my head.


–my competition is internal employees that might try to create a database application themselves


My competition is large publishing corporations who already have a web presence and large customer base. Their tactics involve: Mass mailings to their large customer base. Free trial offers to newsletters Free research reports with newsletter subscriptions


My competition is varied, depending on the software solution. I don’t know what effective marketing strategy they are using.


my competition seems to be hired out of habit, not results. In other words, none of their clients ever have any glowing reports about their results, but they continue to use them.


My competition tends to be accountants seeking full-time work as the CFO. I believe I’m much more effective at marketing than any of them I’ve seen.


My direct competition at market aren’t doing what I am so I’m ahead there.As for my wholesale competition, it is not until 2004 that I’ll be focusing on that and building that side of the business. I’m still researching it but my current wholesale clients (who approached me) all tell me I’m doing more than their current suppliers. They particularly like it that I rotate stock and phone up to initiate it. Still a lot to learn here as I don’t have a retail background.


My key competitors are big companies with big budgets and can afford expensive, glossy sales literature and multiple costly mailings and follow-ups, where I can’t.


N/A (9)


National advertising , Supermarket retailing


Nationwide name recognition


nationwide presence –especially for shipping purposes. Many time use loss leaders to secure an account.. willing to lose money the first year. They may have more that they can risk than me.


Neighboring local authorities manage their brand better and promote their services more effectively.


Networking at the highest level of management where they have connections


Networking with friends and past employers


newsletter, speaking, referral sources, charity work, advertising, public relation


Newsletters, exhibitions


Newsletters/Seminars are my biggest concerns


Newspaper and telephone advertising.



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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. 258.

No competition


No competition.


No competition. We are the only ones in this space.


No direct competition in the repair end of my business. I have a unique niche. However on the sales side of new products my competition has more sales personnel and some of more direct lines to parts. I may have to go through them instead of going direct to the manufacturer. Most of their advertising is catalogs and fliers printed by the furniture manufacturers they represent. Some have fliers on their counters that they print up. Some of then run institutional ads in a business journal newspaper.


No financial planners are marketing well in my area


No idea


no known direct competition. Secondary competition is other media and online and email newsletter competing for audience time.


No one else I know of approaches marketing strategies that I’ve learned over the years. At least not locally.


No one in my market segment is doing any more than I am now. Some have been doing it longer. Very few are doing anything.


No one is really doing what we do in any major way


No real business competition. There is plenty of room. Biggest hold back is dealing with people too scared to take a chance or too lazy to sieze and opportunity.


no strong marketing program


None (13)


None in the dental field


None of consequences or piecemeal and without the training I have gained. I could own my market if doing something.


None that I’ve seen


Not as effective as we are in service. use newspaper ads very efficiently.


Not aware of any effective marketing


not sure


Not sure -- nobody very close in our area geographically.


Not sure – there aren’t that many “successful” folks as I see them - - I figure this is a great opportunity for us to grow “before the other guys do”


Not sure of their strategies; however, larger competitors utilize sales forces


not too familiar and up-to-date with this


not worth the rime


Nutrition web sites appear to be effective. Our web site is nearly done, but will need refinement.


Offering game consoles with every handset connections; matching the offer of any other distributors.


One competitor has a close lobby marketing strategy with high-level government officials, whereas the government is one of the potential customers or a link to potential projects of international financing bodies.

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. 285.

One competitor is able to turn projects around in a day. I don’t offer this service.


One large competitors sends out over 1M pieces by mail every year. This seems to keep them in their clients’ and prospects’ faces constantly. As we are a local company, and they an international one, we can’t afford to send out mail. Email has proven effective and cheaper.


One major player changed the face of banking. They are competing with television advertising. Seen as a household name.


One of my competitors flies out to visit their customers far more than I do.


One uses fax display advertising. A few use discount coupons. Pretty weak, huh?


Online games for dyslexia.


Other business consultant dealing with China. Probably ads, join the China council.


Other chiropractors are marketing to Attorneys via lunch and learn mini talks, thereby generating referral relationships.


Other clinicians are competitors. I am not aware of their strategies


Other coaching organisations, Telemarketing and direct mail


Other consultants, networking, larger mailing program, cold calling


Other consultants. They are better in internet marketing.


Other consulting firms


Other doctors and educators – but nobody actually combines these two things the way I do


Our best competition is better at followup than we are.


Our biggest competitor would be Ernst Young (big 5 firm). Their biggest single marketing tactic is an annual Entrepreneur of the Year award. They advertise for applicants, so they can get in front of successful business owners to sell their services. Smaller firms are very reactive, and rely on referrals or personal contacts.


Our competition are only the largest in the industry. The have the resources that we don’t. Still trying to sort thru what they are doing. That have huge staffs and budgets that we don’t.


Our competition does not advertise. They are simply available in retail outlets. If we were, we would sell a ton


Our competition doesn’t use anything else that we are not using as far as we know


Our competition is generally better at maintaining more regular contact with clients. They also seem to be better at expanding their relationship with their clients with new products/services.


Our competition is not as focused as we are in making it easy to do business with us and provide high levels of support.


Our competition is the other performing comedy hypnotists in the USA. The niche we want to reach is the high end contracts – colleges, large venues, large fairs. I am not sure how they reach these contacts – most likely through their agents/managers.


Our competition lies in three areas:in-house people within education serviceslarge education consultancies with a wide variety of associatesspecialist education consultancies who are usually one or two people with a specialism that overlaps with ours.In first example – there is no strategy.In second – the huge consultancies have strong personal contacts at government level and get first crack at large tenders.In third our main competitor made their publishing arm their lead product and have built

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. the consultancy on the back of the publications over a period of 10 years. All of their publications are sold through direct mail and they have a very loyal and strong database. We are much weaker on this. 308.

Our competition seems to have taken good advantage of being the first one in the market to offer an Internet website solution of car dealers. We cannot do anything about it so we are trying to get endorsed by an Auto Dealer Association.


Our competition, to our estimation has no strategy and their tactics are mainly yellow pages.


Our firm of 25 can handle all your problems


Our industry (ATM industry) is very amateur and I don’t see anything that takes my breath away.


Our main competition supplies the oil industry with inexpensive shelters that only last for a few years. They do it quick and cheap and the doors end up falling off the shelters in a couple of years or the insulation starts to separate, peel and fall off then the wellheads are unprotected from the cold, freeze and cause massive damage as well as down expensive time (several hundred barrels per day at $ 30.00 - $ 40.00 per barrel) Usually the field personnel who bought those cheap shelters have been promoted up and out of the field and their successor does not really know how long the shelter has been around and thinks that they have been in service for a long time and ends up buying the same thing from our competitors in a couple of years. Nobody really realizes how expensive this process really is and that there really are not any savings.


Our most formidable competitor make better use of their website. They also have stronger host-beneficiary relationships, one of them is a relationship that our company turned down. Our competitor also likes to play the price game and often wins on beating our price.


Our principle competition, only run ads in the same publications they have for the last 20 years. They have no real effective marketing plan. When sales slow down, their marketing plan is to add another salesman.


Parker Hannifan – size & scope offered by a large organization best products – great distribution


Partnership with very well-known specialized web-site


Postcards are sent out monthly.


posters in schools creation of an association for student council advisors


Previously mentioned: more convention attendance, seminars for physicians, more advertising, more promotion, more reps in the field


Price cutting


Price is the only differentiator for everyone else. It’s why we can grow at will.


price orientated


Pricing as the primary competitive strategy which for most of the public is effective


Pricing is very low/ Or increasing the price and giving 2 for the price of 1


Primarily single service providers. Most of them no special marketing strategy or tactics NB: We use single service providers as joint venture partners for relevant assignments – they are mentioned and their service described on our web domain. We take 12,5% of invoices amount for the first project they are involved in via us, and 7% on consecutive projects for the same client (even when they are approached directly by the client). If they try to cut us out on consecutive jobs and it

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aeroquip – the

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. comes to our knowledge, we simply remove them from our web domain and find another provider of the same service. Service providers market and operate their businesses totally independent of Body & Mind Foundation, mention on our web domain is free, and assignments via us are a bonus for which the did not have to lay out any marketing time or money. 326.



Print and radio ads – direct marketing


Produce their own leads of high % of satisfied front end product customers.


Public relations press releases continuously.


radio ads


Radio and Television informercials – they have the bucks to bankroll things, I don’t. On the Internet: most of my direct competition for weight loss pays BIG BUCKS to be at the top of all the big search engines. All that poop about “optimizing” your listing is a load of bunk and the people promoting it are making a lot of money selling “hope” in the form of a download e-course or software that doesn’t have a snowballs chance in hell of delivering the result. If you want to optimize your listing WRITE A CHECK, you’ll be #1 in an hour, anything else is like believing in the tooth fairy, and then when the fairy doesn’t show up, just pulling another tooth and hoping for the best.


ready to deliver on spot; low price; be at all major trade shows


Reciprocal links bringing in targeted traffic without added work or expense. Joint venture partnerships involving mutual endorsements of each other’s products and services.


Reciprocal links bringing in targeted traffic without added work or expense. Joint venture partnerships involving mutual endorsements of each other’s products and services.


Referrals—they have been in business longer, and are able to get more personal referrals & can do mor direct mail marketing


Registration with centralized government purchasing agency , which gives huge annual business . This area we have not been able to tap successfully till now.


right off, there aren't any that I am aware of


Risk reversal – they don’t charge so much for their software up front and instead count on support revenues to make up for the initial revenue lost from this method. They come to market faster with solutions that are not as functional and sell on the idea that it will get better as time goes on., although it never does get to the same functionality level that our software has.


Road signs, signs on cars.


Sales force


Sales Reps


salesman on commission who are always on their toes with clients .


Same old mailing, faxing, e-mailing and trade shows


Same old, same old! Letter box drops, signage, window displays, discounting, cold calling…


Same products, different location, with a “Cash & Carry element”.


same things I do, just more of what I do

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. 347.

Search engines


We are the only of our major competitors that don’t actively brand our overall corporate brand name linked with our overall capabilities. We market our brand name linked to each of our individual business units and product lines, not by overall company. This must and will change.


Seminars, yellow pages, web sites.




Seminars. I personally don’t want to run seminars on marketing. There are plenty of good people doing that already and I wouldn’t enjoy it. Writing lead generating books.


send sales people down the street to sell the goods


Several clinics are directed by PhDs and can take all types of insurance and some offer sliding scale prices


Several competitors discount and then bury a service charge somewhere.


Shell Global Solutions/DNV. Give away software to customers using large amounts of consulting services.


Similar size shops, we all do the same


Since I’m still getting cranked up, I haven’t done anything but word of mouth. But most of the folks in my category are using newspaper and direct mail. Their problem is that they’re using mail services that send out template letters. I plan to write my own copy, both in direct mail pieces and the website.


Since they have more marketing dollars there seems to be greater use of all medium use ie ads, radio, internet using more search engines etc.


Single practitioners, accepting more insurances than I do. Group practices who offer evening hours and weekend hours., single practioner who sees many patients an hour,


Slick egotistical ferrari-driving boasters, who spend a fortune on print advertising and glossy brochures. (I am told, to diminishing returns ... The Australian public has always supported the “Little Aussie Battler”.)


Small business consultants, seminars and selling products


Small companies, price discounts and lower prices against our proposal to win business.


Small to mid size training groups or companies that do cheap large group seminars It’s a fight for the wallet the concepts are not the same


Small town Attorneys. I don’t think they have any except for the typical yellow page and TV advertising.


Smaller to much larger marketing agencies in our backyard or on either coast. Not sure specific competitor tactics.


Snail mail promotion (too expensive), personal selling (not enough staff)


So far I haven’t paid much attention to the competition.


Social farming playing golf, joining the club, etc


some ads, some “wining/dining” of clients, etc


Some are hiking rates in large urban areas and giving services away in smaller, remote areas to “buy” the business. Several have a much larger footprints (branches in 35 states; we’re in four).

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. 371.

Some are resorting to direct advertising. We think this hinders the process, preferring a much more subtle approach (ie – sharing a well kept secret!)


Some are using email newsletters and I imagine they are generating some sales along with providing info


Some competition but they don’t advertise much – just word of mouth or they sit and wait for customers


Some have more sophisticated POP materials that we do not presently have. Most of our serious competitors are 10 x’s our size.


some have written books or have put on events


Some insurance companies use direct mail and other advertising.


Some list a host of the ancillary services in the Yellow Pages: Resume on-line, Interview coaching, grooming tips (if necessary.)


Some of my competition uses discount coupons ie. $25 off of a $200 or more custom framing order. My other competition uses a marketing of award-winning designs with the top personnel.


Some of my competitors have developed a more concrete relationship with Contractors and are offering Design-Build packages to the Client. In my opinion, the jury is still out on whether this project delivery method best protects the Client’s interests throughout the life of a high-end residential project. Some Clients prefer the convenience of ‘one-stop-shopping’.


Some of my competitors have established relationships with large corporate chains of restaurants/hotels…I have not invested the time or effort yet.


Some of our toughest competition is getting customers because of their prices. They have websites that are not professional looking, but they have good customer service as well (from what the reviews say).


Some of the competition use a lot of misinformation. This is an acceptable strategy in our minds.


Some of the veteran manufacturers agents I compete against are able to take title to their products and do a purchase - resale, thus enabling them to set their own prices and profit margins.


Some of them broadcasted on national radio, but they are broke already, and the others operate on low marketing efforts, because they exist for 20 or 30 years and are 'known'.


Some of them have an effective search engine strategy. I'm clueless when it comes to SE's.


Some offer “Live events” Something we have planned, but not yet implemented.


Some other coaches use email coaching


Still researching and studying their operations


still researching competition


Strong website presence that describes the value of the technologies and the company.


SuperCuts is the most direct competitor. Yes, they have a NASCAR sponsorship, as does Great Clips. Not sure how effective it is or whether it’s an ego thing with them. We get some benefit from their sports sponsorships since most people in our markets associate haircuts and sports with Sport Clips.

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. 392.

T.V. advertising – not sure of its efficacy


telecheck and other ISO’s. they usually from what I gather send out postcards to new business, and have sales reps like myself . although I’m and independent rep.


TeleCheck, a national company, uses a direct sales force, who visits all new businesses and the company mails to all of the new businesses.


Telemarketers and “closers”.




Telemarketing and seminars


Television, newspaper


The Big 4 accounting firms. They have name recognition whereas I do not.


the big telcos but they do not promote their service at all.


The bigger skin care companies that already have solid position in the market .They use TV commercials on marketing tactics while we don’t.


The biggest gun in the industry has a team of reps that go out and do a lot of corporate entertaining (seats at the Australian Open; boxes at the Grand Prix; corporate seats at the football and cricket; etc.) We have gone a small way down this track and purchased seasons tickets to the football and have invited suppliers and customers to attend – but we haven’t made a big deal of it. Nobody else does all that much that we’re aware of.


The competition does not use any strategy that I don’t use. At least that I am aware of…


—The competition includes Children’s Hospital that benefits from the nationwide Children’s Miricale Network Memorial Day telethon.


The competition is from people looking for a job as a Telemarketing Director. I have to change the mindset of my potential partners who may want to hire a paid employee rather than have me as an independent partner.


The competition is other suppliers of ready-to-eat meals and sauces and marinades. However, none of them offer authentic Caribbean cuisine. This is a family business, and the food is authentic. There are local facilities available for production and freezing of signature food items.


The go to HIMSS (Health Information and Management Systems Society) meetings where they compete for awards which provide them with priceless publicity.


The Internet Markeing “big boys”. They do what I do buth they do more – especially joint ventures and teleseminars and live seminars


The larger full service brokers have a very strong relocation department that many inbound buyers to the area find out about and utilize.


The only people doing this in germany are for example chambers of commerce or US Commercial Services amd they all work free of charge. I don’t really believe they have a strategy


The only similar one uses limited T.V. ad exposure


The real estate business is ripe with competition at this time the internet business is not.


The Sharper Image – they spend millions on TV/Radio advertising.


The size of their company and the size and quality of their national references.


Their advantage is that they have staff pathologists but not a superior product.

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. 416.

There is no tactic, that is known-for me.


There are a number of publications in this area. A weekly paper, a daily paper, and a number of monthly niche oriented publications. One of the publications offered one of my clients a “free editoral” if she would write it.


There are a only a handful of financial advisors that do what we do. At this time, no one does it as well as we do though. My concern is that there are a few companies that have major financial backing i.e. 123College.com, is now developing a strategic alliance with Kaplan Test Centers. This could be a problem!


There are one or two top producers in my field who rely on others with less knowledge, expertise and experience to bring prospects to them.


There is no competition in my city. Y2Marketing comes the closest – as they utilize some of the same principles.


There is no competition to telling the truth


There is no direct competition. What I have created is, within the UK marketplace, unique. That’s one of the problems. I have to convince people the service is needed, as well as that I’m the one to provide it.


There is no other firm in this area approaching financial planning in the way we do. My competition is the standard financial services firms such as Merrill Lynch and Dean Witter.


There isn’t any real competition for the Foundation services, but books are marketed aggressively


They advertise, we don’t .


they all have husbands that support them… one of a handful of FS consultant on ownx


They are able to use mass marketing.


They are big and sluggish. I am small and fast. They are loosing money .


They are big companies that arm-twist their clients into a sale. They use lobbyists and any and every strong-arm tactic imaginable.


they are established players with many more resources than us and use our size against us.


They are selling stuff or on price, not interested to go there.


they are the big five, and at the opposite, all old managers waiting their legal age to get retired. The first sales a big company, while the second sales cheap price


they are truly dishonest. hit and run artist.


They break the law and pay for the business that they receive.


They can “do lunch” in Los Angeles – I can’t


They clean ring for free. Some are using the Internet.


They do classic face to face sales with the big boys.


They do live seminars.


they do mass mailings


They do more adds in industry magazines.


They do more direct marketing through seminars and networking.


they do not market themselves

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. 443.

They do not offer a money-back guarantee.


they do the same as I do


They don’t appear to have any either


They don’t seem to be doing anything much differently than I am.


They don’t work so hard in telemarketing and comercialy


they give a free report and a cassette on marketing.


they go to banks and secure loyal referral sources- take bankers to lunch, golf, etc.


They go to trade shows, have dealers, are in catalogs, endorsements from associations, e commerce sites, sell on ebay.


They have a bigger account presence at senior level


They have a longer track record. Mine is a relative young company.


They have a referral base.


They have better agents.


They have plenty of food on their vans and their food is very high quality


They have written more books and have an online presence that allows athletes to sign up for an online training course.


They just advertise and focus on growth- not personal attention or education.


They lie and this destroys their credibility.


They lower their prices to try and take away our business. this sometimes works effectively, but in the long run, we usually draw them back in after a less than successful delivery which makes it even easier for us to sell


They make it look more professional, even their effect is less


They market similarly


They must have a strategy…but I only see their tactics


They offer gift with purchase.


They offer gift with purchase.


they operate based on whom you know


They seem to have a big advertising budget


They seem to have access to CEOs and decision-makers that we don’t


They take more risk on the offense that our legal department prevent us from doing. They low-road sell vs. our high-road principles.


They use about the same approach except they try the low price game and i want


They use commissioned sales people. They use fear- cardiologists and heart surgeons.


They use direct may – high gloss materials that play to people’s concerns generated by media or health concerns.


They use extensive cold calling


They use mailings.


They use more networking and direct mail letters to solicit business. We use more varieties of strategies and various forms of each strategy


They use Sales Reps to “pound the pavement” in order to sell work. While this

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. appears incredibly inefficient, it must be working to some degree because they all do it (although many have gone out of business in the past year). 476.

They use the same or worse!


They use yellow pages as their primary tactic.


They utilize print advertising in the paper and referrals.


They wait for the most part, some use signage


They work cheap. It’s not effective, but it creates competition.


They’re largely going out of business, so they’re not very successful marketers, either.


Tiger Claw is placing themselves in front of everyone by catalogs, website, and magazines.


Trade shows -- they have budgets and get quite a few leads


TV advertising, and newspaper ads.


TV & radio. However, they only use these for the message of “low cost” or “damaged credit”. I am unsure how to implement these mediums to facilitate our position.


TV advertising


TV shows, Radio shows and PR campaigns.


TV, screening events, newpaper inserts, special events in office


Unable to


Unknown (5)


Uses low price as means for the sale. Gets the sale, but doesn't translate into a happy customer.


Using their network of contacts to keep in forefront of minds and catch opportunities.


Very few of our “consultancy competitors” have a strategy . The successful one specialize in small niches. Our accountancy competitors have one big advantage. They have lots of clients that they do basic tax and book-keeping work for. They then try to upsell into services that most of them can’t do well.


Very good website with links to all mentions in the press for that particular product. Online ordering of all products.


Very little competition, although our fixed scanner in IL does have some competition 1-2 hours away. They try to undercut our prices and we offer a more comprehensive list of services


Very little recognised competition at this point in time as market is largely uncatered for as mentioned elsewhere.


Wait for business to come in the door and meet prospects on the golf course.


We are better


We are brand new and really do not have any competition in the area for the forex market.


we are small and our larger competition has a larger yellow page presence.


We do not have any direct competition. Company’s offering slightly similar relocation announcement services in the residential market often use host-beneficiary and OEM marketing on the Internet to market their services.

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. 502.

We do not use infomercials as some do. We do not have the kind of materials that are conducive to wide mailings. Our web site could be easier to navigate. We are working on all three. We have started a radio talk show with our lead Doctor where he talks about our products in a generic sense and we follow up with their inquiries.


We do similar things


We don’t believe in competition. There is more than enough business for everyone in this industry. We tend to develop partnerships with other businesses. Some of the things we see them doing is actively prospecting for new clients. They tend to do a lot of networking functions.


We don’t encounter massive competition at this time - yet.


We don’t even worry about the competition. We can create our own market as much as we want and can have the ability to handle all the business we want.


We don’t monitor the competition.


We don’t often lose a client, but when we do, it’s often because someone has reduced the coverage provided and charged less for it


We don’t really have any direct competition. Chilmark and Legends who do pewter and reproductions are our biggest competitors. They spend a lot more money on advertising than we do, they also have reps that place their stuff. We had reps for a while, but our stuff was so different that they weren’t really a help.


We have a few competitors. They don’t really do anything different from us.


We have approximately 5 major competitors in our local market. All but one are much larger than our firm. The larger ones use in-house seminars, local trade show exhibits, direct mail programs and client entertainment.


We have no direct competition because our products are not yet released but they are totally unique.


We have the only system which includes a physical portfolio. The competition has books and a video. They focus on only one industry – hospitality.


We have two groups of who compete in some areas (direct competitor rather than alternative spend competitors). All use direct mail for course advertising. One seems to be “pervasive” in where he has set up host beneficiary relationships but the quality of what he does is very poor (spread too thinly time wise).


We honestly have never run into anyone that was a serious alternative. If they really want what we do, there are few choices.


We really don’t have much competition due to our niche nature. There is not a lot of money in our business, so competitors stay out or lose interest. They can provide a cheaper service and occasionally they want someone who is local rather than a company providing the tennis services.


We try everything…we see or hear about.


We use what they use.


web demos


WEB sites with product or service focus.


Websites like mine (a little less graphically pleasant) that have forums for people to post messages and advertising. I don’t have enough traffic to put up a decent forum.


Well, there are lots of competitors. In the ecommerce website market, Yahoo Stores has the Yahoo brand name that is fairly recognizable. They have a huge marketing juggernaut.In website hosting, Interland is the biggest. They use direct mail and

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Question 43. Describe Your Competition and any Effective Marketing Strategy or Tactic They Use That You Don’t. magazine advertising.I am not really worried about competition. I've found that with my existing clients, they are quite satisfied with the quality of the service and customer support. So the product/quality is there--I just need to refine and automate my procedures and then implement the planned marketing methods. 523.

When our fellow accountants who only do compliance work try to retain their clients by telling them they can do the work we do.and we know they can’t.


Winter programs, printed materials


word of mouth, direct mail.


World wide presence. Our mother company is International Paper. Marketing by association


Writing books


Yellow pg ads, classified ads, mail paks, trucks with company name and number


You probably know better than I .

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Question 44. Do You Have A Long-Term Written Marketing Game Plan? Question 44. Do you have a long-term written marketing game plan----if so, include a written copy as an attachment with this questionnaire? How do you accomplish your marketing goals? Total: Yes 55, No 625 Additional comments: 1.

A mini version is stated in the beginning of this questionnaire. Accomplishments are through follow/up and discipline only.


A very aggressive multimedia approach


Annually, I revise a year long plan – go back and check it and laugh at how far off it is


As described above - and consistency


B Weekly goals scheduled in my daytime


Before I write up a plan I still have more material and information to piece together but it looks like I'm about to start writing the plan.


Began to develop 2 weeks ago. Attached.


But it is all hand written as I’ve been working on it this last 8 weeks. All my business goals were turned on their head last December when my sister died so I reexamined my business and have re-prioritised.


But it is proprietary


By persistently implementing them and following the written plan.


By reviewing and analyzing my ROI of marketing dollars and corresponding profits.


By trying different approaches and applying any that work.


Can’t include it . It’s confidential. We accomplish our marketing goals through hard work!


cant confidentiality issues, I have metrics in place to measure success. Taken from the 15 best launches in the pharmaceutical industry


Currently being redrafted.


Currently writing one


Direct contact with customers and Internet website.


Focus on our niches of clients, & where they go; website to interest & encourage participation


Hard labour


Hard work, perseverance and thoughtful management.


Haven’t needed many. I’ve always had a full practice while others struggled.


I accomplish them by putting a monthly, quarterly and annual targets.


I already answered this. Fly by the seat of our pants.


I am able to handle 10 discount real estate customers a month. Period.


I am currently in the process of developing one.


I am developing a marketing calendar, but it will be in Polish. When I am ready do

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Question 44. Do You Have A Long-Term Written Marketing Game Plan? you want to have a Polish copy? 27.

I am in the process of doing that now!


I am sorry, but I cannot release our marketing plan, as it is CONFIDENTIAL, especially until after the patent is filed.


I am working on their development


I did have a marketing plan for my book that was created in 1999. When 911 shifted the landscape, everything else shifted in the publishing industry. My book emerged in Jan 2002, great things happened with the media. Very little happened regarding my consulting or seminars. People were not willing to spend money on an "expensive" seminar.


I had a real detailed one which I wrote when I was to attend one of Jay’s weekend seminars. It was over 100 pages long, and then he did nothing with it after I arrived. I have not put one in writing on my newest venture.


I have a “lifecycleplan”. It's a plan with a lot of pictures of things I want to have and to achieve. (to big to copy)


I have a business plan and the marketing plan is just but a section of my business plan. I do not know if it will help your research. I could forward it if needed.


I have a marketing game plan, but it doesn’t work fine. So, it’s not meaningful to translate it from German to English and attach it.


I have a path within my mind…that of co-opting others to distribute my self-published materials as an education. Then to consult beyond with those seeking more aid rather than self-help.


I have an idea file with lots of related and unrelated ideas, some strategic, most tactical. I suppose organization and structure are two of my challenges in implementing these ideas in an orderly and logical manner.


I have not gone long term on my planning because things seem to change so quickly.


I know this is important and I am working on it…


I will map out a calander with specific time frames for implementing every element.


I’ll reveal this plan to you if I share the stage with Jay Abraham. I’m sure he’ll be impressed as well. A lot of his concepts are in this plan, but it’s so darned easy to follow that you don’t have to read through 50 pounds of material. This is a marketing plan that leads to a strategic plan. We don’t plan for more than 1 year at a time. Then it’s broken up into months.


I’ve covered most of the significant points in answers to the survey questions, so I won’t attach any other document.


In process


In small steps, leading to the education of everyone in our industry.


In the process of creating one


It is in process, based on my written marketing plan for a different business I had 1 year ago


It’s still in the formulative stages yet.


It’s in my head. We are just now selecting an advertising agency to help us develop a long range strategy for the next five years since we are growing so fast.


It’s in the form of a mindmap

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 44. Do You Have A Long-Term Written Marketing Game Plan? 49.

Just continue to use the PayPer click keyword search engines.


Just now working on developing one


Measure progress or sales, orders booked, orders pending, commissions payable, monitor and track, weekly sales meetings, take corrective action as required, always trying new tactics, etc.


Most marketing goals are short-term.


My wife and I are just now putting one together following the reading of the first part of your strategy vs tactics pdf file.


My written plan is 6 pages long.


No only an annual plan.


NO. This questionnaire is as close as I’ve ever come to writing any of this down


Not at this time, even though in a previous business I had to develop and write the business plan and the private investor offer


Not even you can have our whole plan


Not that I haven’t pushed for one. I suppose I could just do one in an attempt to overcome the inertial forces at work here. Hmmmm….


not yet but want to


Not yet, I am still writing this out. I will send it to you when finished


Okay Jay, I am open to share my complete business plan with you. I won’t be attaching it on this email since I’d be disclosing even more than I already am, and I’m not yet sure if this is a wise thing to do. However, I would like to share it, and an important part of our revenue with you. Long-term. When, with your help, we can grow from $300k to $300m in two years or less, we can discuss an interesting share for you. Our software does have that potential. Just like the initial Netscape Navigator in the early days of the world wide web, we’re working on the navigator and server software for the semantic web. Do you want to be part of that?


One RFP at a time.


One step at a time.




Only an outline of areas to address


Only rough ideas, albeit written.


Our basic plan has been to see who comes our way or who we bump into…along with talking with current relationship.


Our marketing plan- short and long term – is still being written


Our marketing team may have one, but I have not seen it. I personally do not have one written yet.


Problem is I haven’t been able to stay focused long enough to accomplish the goals. I am getting better however.


Regular timetabling of activities and the development of systems to make the marketing activity automatic.


See attached marketing plan. We accomplish our marketing goals through planning our strategy and implementing our plan.



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Question 44. Do You Have A Long-Term Written Marketing Game Plan? 75.



Shame shame on me it is not finished in the written form yet. I do have written goals and plans for the year in general. I need to finish the specific of my marketing and get them in my planner.


Shotgun approach


Since our program is so new, having started it 3 months ago, we are just now beginning to re-write a whole new Business Plan as we see a few more deals being closed.




Step by step with some over lap


Still in development.


the game plan is the continuos and ongoing and integrated use of all marketing strategies and supporting tactics


This is in process and deemed as very important


This may sound houky, but I usually dream this stuff when I need it. Not dreaming as in sleep necessary, but having insights, hearing things. Very unscientific.


This questionnaire will help me tremendously in committing what I have in my head to writing.


This questionnaire will help me tremendously in committing what I have in my head to writing.


This questions reminds me that I should get on it immediately.


Through dedicated idea testing and short-term goal setting.


Try several tactics, and repeat


Under consideration


Under development.


We are building a small range of outstanding products for function rooms. And we are creating customers as fast as our cash resources will allow. Then by regular communication we are presenting these products to our customer base and other lists, with the first 15% of an average customer's likely need for each product offered at breakeven pricing.


We are now in the process of developing both an overall corporate China marketing game plan (which does not now exist), which will then tie back into each individual business unit game plan (some of which now exist). This will include the business unit which I manage – Building Management Systems. Our current business unit marketing game plan is more short-term focused, vs. being long-term. That is also in the process of changing. The marketing game plan is attached as a powerpoint document.


We discuss what we want to do and put the numbers on paper, however, we have not sufficiently put a detailed written plan together.


We do have what we call an investor draft. If you would really like a copy I will email it separately. 2 documents, about 32 pages each.


We don’t have a real plan other than our yearly sales goals.


We don’t have it yet.


We have a short-term marketing plan. We accomplish our marketing goals by taking action 9direct mail etc) and measuring our results and then changing our approach.

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Question 44. Do You Have A Long-Term Written Marketing Game Plan? 99.

We have been modifying it currently.


We have completed everything below in the past 5 months with the exception of the telephone and direct mail campaign.Marketing / Sales StrategyIn Q1 2003, RFID Wizards will focus on establishing partner & vendor relationships, and building a market presence using its World Wide Web site. Service Partners:RFID Wizards will establish three partnerships with Information Technology consulting firms that do not have skills in RFID technology, yet have complimentary service offerings. Training partners to identify RFID opportunities and a fair commission per sale is offered. This 'win-win' relationship allows partners to market to their existing customers in a segment not previously possible and allows RFID Wizards inroads to new customers quickly. Equipment Vendors:RFID Wizards will also become a value added reseller (VAR) for three RFID equipment manufacturers. Initial discussions have yielded positive results. VAR programs establish credibility and provide access to technical resources. Some even supply qualified customer leads. Website strategy:RFID Wizards will draw traffic to our website by being listed as a sponsor site on the following search engines and directories: Google, America On-Line (AOL), Yahoo, Earthlink, MSN, Lycos, AltaVista, InfoSpace, Excite, C-NetThese sites serve 90% of the Internet users today. When a person searches for an RFID term or keywords, RFID Wizards website will appear in the top of the results. There is an associated cost per click paid when someone clicks on our link. The projected Income statement budgets for this each month.RFID Wizards intends to launch a targeted telephone and direct mail campaign to select government agencies and commercial companies with the following profile: Sales Volume: $100,000,000 +Employee Size: 100+ employees Positions: President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Finance, VP Finance The key messages to this market is RFID Wizards:can improve your company’s efficiency using asset identification and trackingare experts in RFID technologyis offering ½ day free consultation to explain howPresence at technology seminars & trade shows is also planned. This will allow perspective customers to experience RFID technology first hand.


We have our marketing person get in contact with as many groups or organizations as possible to get us in to speak. But it is not long term. In a small town like ours 15000 people, I am a little concerned that this specific strategy may run dry in the future so we are having to put our energy on other sources of marketing. Still trying to find this specific vector.


We haven’t had marketing goals only sales goals.


We need to spend time and develop a comprehensive plan.


We only have a year to year marketing strategy.


We provided a marketing plan to the Australlian Gov’t for assistance to help business owners stay in business.


We set a marketing calendar for the year in advance at the beginning of each year with our staff at our annual planning meeting. We plan on conducting several large events for outside exposure and a number of internal events to generate referrals and excitement about our practice.


We tend to run specific campaigns based on new technical capability or feedback from customers.


When I have marketing goals, they have generally been something really simple, such as ‘Let ‘x’ number of people know about the book this week.’


With little structure at present


Working on the plan

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. Question 45. Briefly describe the complete strategic marketing cycle from generating the lead through to closing the sale on to requesting repurchase and all follow-up referral generating that you do. 1.

(1) Obtain lead through trade shows, referrals, or yellow pages – get contact information. (2) Determine if viable client (3) Set up on-site demonstration (4) Meet with client and give him honest evaluation of his alternatives (5) Treat a sample area for free (or leave samples for evaluation) (6) Determine motivation behind client interest (7) Determine if cost is a factor (8) Give client a quotation quickly (9) Follow up on quote (10) Offer discount or alternative forms of compensation if appropriate (11) Get order (12) Schedule work (13) Complete work (14) Leave folder with copy of quote, recommended maintenance practices, product list (15) Follow up phone call to monitor satisfaction with results – ask for referrals


(1) Initial approach (2) If interested, arrange coffee and explanation (3) Send brochure explaining in more detail (4) Follow up – if interested send JV agreement (5) Once JV agreement returned, arrange meeting with promoter (6) Follow up again and get sign up (7)Arrange transfer of money into fund (8) Advise of upcoming high yielding deals (9)Arrange cash placed in chosen deals (10) Receive commission as interest is paid to client – continue to advise of upcoming deals


(1) Mail brochure, (2) Call, (3) Send evaluation, (4) Call


(1)First of all our goal is to produce long term clients that fit our profile. They must be aggressive business who want to succeed. We have an extensive mailing list so everyone in our industry within our market area received our mailers which are sent on a regular basis throughout the year. Everyone knows who we are in our marketplace. (2) Second step is getting an appointment to get a better insight into needs wants etc.(3) third step is customizing a proposal based on need and opportunity.(4) We then follow up with further phone fax etc until we close. Our offering usually consists of a “Program” involving regular repeat business. (5) Further follow up in on a regular basis from then on. We rarely loose one of these once we win them over. Two more points. WE haven’t figured our how to use referrals because most of our clients are competitors of anyone they could refer to so they aren’t interested. Next point, our main competition is from older and larger companies who have been selling to these folks for a long time and the old boys club prevails. We are better at what we do but sometimes have difficulty winning them over.


(a) Generate the lead typically through phone contact or referral, (b) schedule one or more personal meeting with the decision maker or his staff to define their needs, (c) schedule a meeting to present the recommended solution and scope, (d) schedule one or more meetings during the engagement to check progress and possible changes of direction, (e) schedule an end-of-engagement meeting to present written findings and make an oral presentation, (f) follow-up calls to stay in the client’s mind and request referrals.


? (3)


1) Call on the referred lead to find out about the prospects needs. 2)Arrange a meeting to understand the needs more fully. 3) At first meeting listen attentively to prospects problems then answer questions they have about me – especially focusing on my USP. 4) Draft a written proposal to provide services (generally provide three different options) 4. Call prospect to follow-up on proposal and determine work they want done. 5. Prepare Job Arrangement Letter. 6. Perform the

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. work. At each stage I make them aware that I value referrals. 8.

1) 7-8 weeks before the event: fax and email my current clients/hot schools one page fax – “you have two weeks to respond and then over 900 other schools will be faxed”2) 6 weeks: fax all schools re: event and number of seats left – early bird special of 50% off for next two weeks.3) 6 weeks: follow up call4) 5 weeks: another follow up call: “here’s how many seats are left”5) 4 weeks: new fax re: 75% off for next three weeks.6) 4 weeks: follow up call7) 2 weeks: another fax – last chance!8) 1 week: FULL Price(note: constant stream of emails throughout this process to anyone I have an email for)


1) create relationship with referral source, 2) try to get potential customer in the door to take a tour. 3) mai9l info package that provides information and has quotes,pictures but that can’t answer all questions 4) schedule tour for most fun part of day and week 4) make sure they see the participants having fun 5) tell stories of success with people in a similar situation 6) try to get them to decide on a potential schedule of attendance 7) assist overcoming negative reactions from other family members 8) make sure the first few days of attendance go really well (provide daily reports if wanted) 9)


1) find prospect, either they contact us or we contact them 2) perform on the first item, and 3) (needs to be developed)


1) Hard-copy contact, plus website contact through search engines.2) Capture their email addresses3) Deliver credibility-building information through ezine and regular magazine articles.4) Nurture them into booking for seminar.4a) This sometimes needs a “High-Touch” phone call to personally answer final questions or reassure them ... but many don’t need this and book straight in after a time of familiarisation with Geoff and Paul’s written material and TV appearances.


1) I submit articles for publication which gets traffic to my site. I offer a free newsletter via my web site. Along with the newsletter is sent occasional endorsements for my membership website. After one becomes a member, he/she receives more occassional reports, ebooks, along with other endorsements.


1)Letter invitation to seminar, 2) seminar, 3) phone follow-up


1. Obtain an email address of a person who is qualified to benefit from my services. 2. Send The “Must-Know” InfoTM Bulletin to that person each week. 3. Send the person a Confidential Questionnaire to complete. 4. Meet with the person to review his completed Questionnaire. 5. Meet with the person again to show him his personal financial information on his own financial chessboard. 6. Send a letter or email summarizing what transpired at this meeting. 7. Meet again to move the person closer to the Ideal Plan. 8. Send another letter or email after this meeting summarizing what transpired. 9. Meet again to complete applications for life and/or disability insurance. 10. Deliver policies in a Cherry Wood document case with engraved brass name plates and obtain as many quality referrals as possible in the same meeting. 11. Provide an implementation report and follow up to ensure that all items on the clients To-Do list are completed.


1. Arrange a meeting with suspect. 2. during meeting , bond, find pain, and decide if they qualify to be a prospect. If so, get a “contract” with them that they will decide to retain us at he next meeting if they like what we recommend or that they will say “no” and it is oday to say no, if they don’t.3. At next meeting we present recommendations and sign them up or not.


1. Arrange a site visit. 2. meeting to discuss client needs 3. agree terms of reference

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. 4. agree fee days work involved 5. do project or ongoing contract 5. if project attempt to get an ongoing monthly contract. 6. during building of relationship with client and once they are happy with service ask for referrals (note very poor response). 7. when relationship or project ends do not recontact, wait for their call (I used to ring or visit them after 3 to 6 mths but over 9 years with a zero success rate stopped wasting my time 17.

1. Call for permission 2. send info 3. follow up 4. get info & offer suggestions 5. follow up until get business. It’s weak. Currently only one woman doing it now. We have 2 customer service / sales people who answer the phone all day long.


1. Direct mail 2. Phone, via in-house reps, passed through, if appropriate to the manager, 3. Personal sales call 4. Mailed quote 5. Follow up phone call.


1. Driving the prospect to the website2. Capture his e-mail address3. Offer free information4. Convert prospect to customer with a low priced initial purchase (e.g. books)5. Follow-up customers in order to sell high priced products (e.g. seminars).


1. Find the prospect. 2. Interview and process the information. 3. Do the normal processing of setting up a normal real estate purchase for our Investor with a new mortgage for them. 4. Set up a Land Trust for the Investor from which he then sells back to the Client their own property. 5. I then monitor the client for the next two years to insure that they have their credit improved. 6. We, then, will be processing a re-fi mortgage for the Client to buy-out the Investor within 2 yrs. 7. I will then set up a follow-up schedule for the Client to be informed and educated in real estate investment plans, etc. The whole plan is to have a “customer for life.”


1. lead 2. letter/email 3. phone followup 4. work with them on counts and other problems they may have. 5. process order. 6. no consistent followup/referral


1. The leads come to us, usually referred by a current client.2. I speak with them on the phone when they call, I listen to what their problems are. Then if I feel we are a fit, I explain to them how I can help them and what the results will be. If not, I refer them out. 3. We don’t do much follow up. They usually call us.


1. Website2. eZine subscription3. Report purchase4. Offline seminar5. China trip6. Consulting contract


10 step process




9 media outlets, geared toward our website, order from website, or 800 number. Offer FREE poster, newsletter, and Offer complete market line. Even offer a Home Based Business Opportunity


A call or contact is made to arrange a one hour presentation on our services. At this meeting, the client is asked what there three most important communication needs are and then we generate a proposal to satisfy those needs. Once these needs have been met we know there will always be three more and that they will be purchasing more of our product and service. It never never ends and never should.


A letter, bringing our name in front of our client every two or three months.


A person (consumer, physician, RN) calls, having been referred by another person. I discuss their needs with them by phone and promise a return call. I prepare a recommendation, call them back at the appointed time, and briefly explain what they need and why and that instructions will accompany the products we will send them. Credit card info is obtained or the total given for payment by check. Order is shipped. The person calls back as needed, to reorder or ask questions as instructed

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. in the printed recommendation. Sometimes I, or an assistant, will call to see how they are doing. Most of the time, people report improvements in their health and ask if we can also help their friends, family members, etc. 30.

A phone call, site visit, follow-up reference list, proposal, immersion into the “community,” and future project development.


A potential client is identified > contacted (by email, phone) to request a meeting > educated about our solutions (materials sent in advance) > pitched to (in person-toperson meeting) > offered a test translation at cost


A referral is made, I contact them by telephone, and when they are ready I visit their business. Often the referral helps to pre-qualify them, so that once I visit they generally buy. I try to keep in touch after the sale for on-going work.


a) Phone customer and offer to send company brochuresb) Phone again to discuss brochures and ask what services they requirec) Offer free database auditd) Put them onto newsletter list


A. Prospect searches on search engineB. Prospect reads info on website.C. Prospect fills out form or emails.D. I respond to form and emails, answering questions and invite them to set up a phone conversation. E. Prospects that are "sold" send in funds--usually 50%. The remaining amount is sent when the project is completed.I haven't had time to work on a referral program yet.


a. Ask currently known contacts for names of people who would appreciate our serviceb. “warm call” these potential clients, offer service, invite in to see sitec. demonstrate retail when client is signing up for businessd. send our letter after sale


A. I find companies through the library that have estimated income of $500,000 or more per year.B. I call them. C. if they're interested I set the appointmentD. I ask them to answer a set of qualifying questions while still on the phone.E. If I think that I can help them, I put together a mock system that I show them at the time of our meeting.F. If they want to try my system, I ask them to sign the order form and set an appointment for the following week to make the installation of their customized program at which time I will collect a check for the agreed upon price.


Acquire lists of qualified prospectsContact prospects by phone or leave voice message that they can get a free booklet I’ve written describing the benefits & advantages of telemarketing plus a joint venturePerform an analysis of the company which responds to my booklet to determine, in advance, if telemarketiting could indeed be profitable for the companyAccording to the terms outlined in my booklet, if the analysis proves that a joint venture can be profitable, then the prospect has to become my partner. This will save me time from doing an analysis only to hear, “Thank you. We’ll think about it and get back to you.”I don’t plan on doing follow-ups to those who don’t respont. I only need one joint venture partner.


Ad in yellow pages which we entertain through quotes to them . repurchase and follow-up sometimes not systematically monitored


Address collection of people I know and of companies out of the industry of my knowledge. Then call, mail a promopiece followed by a call, short presentation, close. Since we are talking about projects it seems difficult to negotiate repurchase. Referrals I do not ask for.


Advertise in specialized magazines The channel (intermediary) contacts my small company Set the order and pay the product Deliver the product Database entry added.

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. 41.

Advertise or Seminars, contact them back, send proposal, discuss, close. Do not follow up effectively


advertise with unique id in 800# - track calls, have call coordinator return all calls – forward free reports – make appointments, show our value.


Advertise, then qualify leads, then sell, follow up throughout and ask for referrals only after producing a stellar result.


Advertise, website, directories, dealers, etc. Get leads, send literature, sometimes call them, if customer is interested calls us, follow up once. If they are interested, they call or come to see us and we close the sale. We dispatch goods. They contact us if they need any help, and call to purchase supplies as and when required.


Advertisement Phone sales / marketing to those responding to ad Mail out information Follow up phone call


ADVERTISING -newspaper, direct mail, Yellow Pages, GREET & HELP them when the come in the shopTHANK YOU NOTES - sporadically


Advertising-seminar-free diagnostic-close & referral


After I am introduced to the client, we have a fact finder meeting, followed by a written game plan by me. We then meet again to review and/or implement parts of the plan….


All of the steps are accomplished through email. I do get additional leads from teleseminars and seminars, but then they enter the same email cycle.


All we do now is send and order once we get one. No follow up. If someone inquires about our box we answer their questions and that is it. Most who ask, buy. No follow up after purchase.


Allo I need to do is get them in the door. We are very successful once they come into our office.


already did


Analysis of lead, call/answers, proposal, negotiation, close deal, complete work, get testimonial, submit follow-on proposals


Approach people and determine their interest in improving their finances- follow-up with them by going over their financial needs at a kitchen table presentation- ask for their business and ask if they want to pursue the opportunity on as a part-time or full-time business- ask for referrals- bring prospects to a Business Overview Presentation to learn more about the company, if they have more interest in getting involved- if they want to become involved, sign them up and a senior rep will take them on field training sessions in their own warm market- either help the new trainee get new clients or help them get a new recruit- the cycle then repeats itself with the new recruit


Article, special report, series of follow-up emails, phone meeting


As mentioned, our industry is on a long sales cycle of 2 – 5 years (or more). At this point, we plant ‘seeds,’ keep in contact with prospects, slowly introduce them to various aspects of our services and products. When a sale is closed, we involve designers, project managers, fabricators and more in all aspects of exhibit creation, trade show planning and execution (as much as they want from us). Post tradeshow, we de-brief them to find out what worked, what didn’t, what we could do better, what they expected but didn’t get, etc. After all is said and done, we ask for any specific

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. referrals (don’t have a set system for that, though). 57.

Thank you note for purchasing product Delivery of product Staff training Supplying copy for retailer newsletter (if appropriate)Marketing co-operative campaigns Monthly invoice with message Verbal request for testimonials


Ask for referrals from existing clients, panic!! Have not actually called one yet


Asking people for leads…calling the leads to set up a meeting…go and explain our services and try to get them to buy our service


At market:Greet with a comment about the colours of the jewellery so they answer yes.Give a brief overview of the two different ranges and comment that “I know when I’m looking (note not shopping) that I like to have an overview, I just presume everyone else does. This gets a yes and a grin.Explain how the jewellery is made and have any other sort of conversation about the business as it flows.Explain the reward card features and benefitsComplete the sale and fill out the reward card explaining what the benefits are of where they are on it and explain how the gift bags are made by my mum.As for following up referral generating, haven’t got to the stage of tracking marketing customers down outside of the markets! No , seriously, the cards are a constant reminder, I give them to even visiting customers saying “just for reference” and if there is time, explain how they work.


At this time I have made a big 2 sales from the web site in the last 3 months. So I guess I don't really have a good plan I can tell you about.


Basically just as you described it here.


Basically just personal contact to market myself and determine interest, and then semi-regular follow-up to find out if new projects are on the horizon.


Basically the same as #41 above. We generally wait for referrals rather than go after them.There is a certain amount of professional decorum which prevents us from going after jobs that are currently filled, so we have to wait until someone leaves or a general manager desires a change.


Because there are essentially two closes with each transaction and no revenue is realized until the second closing results in a sale completeion, the marketing strategy also includes a level of cost containment. To be more specific, once I have secured a listing agreement or a buyers agreement, if the house is not selling and the seller is unwilling to reduce the price, or if the buyer is always changing the buying criteria..I will fire those clients to be able to control costs and time expenses. After a successful closing, it may be years for any repurchase to occur, but I do want it when it happens and in the meantime I keep in subtle contact to entice referrals and keep my name in the forefront.


Briefly? It's all about staying in front of the customer, diagnosing the problem and prescribing my solution while building a relationship of mutual benefit. After the sale, lots of thanks, offers to follow p with "tune up" presentations or articles for the company newsletter, and reminders of other topics/services that enhance ane reinforce the learning.


Brochure, Telephone contact, Additional written communication, more telephone contact, booking, delivery, follow up contact.


Business retail depends upon traffic


call client, make appoiontment for sales call,write order, once approved make appointment for install,and get referrals.

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Page 796

Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. 70.

Call comes in , we respond, ,no follow up other than thank you card or gift


Call comes in, schedule the appointment during the initial call (or we follow up a few times with phone calls), go on appointment and get the listing. We market the property and sell it. Unfortunately, we do not have a referral system in place. We find ourselves always chasing new business.


Call on prospective clients, ship sample or mail information if they are familiar with us already, follow up phone calls (Avg 4-5 calls to close). Every year thereafter, call them to see if they want same program as last year, or add new titles, year-end awards etc.)


Call Prospect, Send demo, Visit, Follow up, Do legal work, Close, Manage account.


Calling a prospective seller, meeting to discuss selling their property, listing and marketing property, handling details to closing, following up after sale asking for referral business.


CEO invited via Direct Mail, Referral, Cold Call to a Briefing, CEO attends 2 hour program, End of program asked if they would like to Evaluate their Sales Team, Yes, CEO are contacted via phone to schedule a meeting to map out the process and fees, fees paid , team evaluated, 4 hour meeting to review the material, set expectations and determine training, changes in management and sales people, changes in recruiting behavior.


Client calls on phone, we set up appointment. Meet, if they don’t retain we send out at least 1 letter hopefully 3


Client calls the facility – we ask them what their needs are on the phone (address problems) give them a hint of how we can help them. we then schedule a consultation with the client and specifically go over their goals, needs, and medical history. identify the problems and provide answers to their questions to build repore. we then get the client moving – creating emotion – we do a physical exam/test and prescribe a fitness program that is specifically suited to their needs and goals.


Clients call; clients come in; work is done.


Clients normally contact us individually during conferences and meetings, knowing our proven previous results. We would follow it up with simple written contracts. Afterwards, we just start our monthly or regular preparation for their needed services, followed by a convincing monthly report.


Cold call and send letters, meet and look at properety, provide a service tailored to their needs. Call after sale to see if they are happy.


Cold call potential client, try to sell them on seeing a demonstration, if they say no, I put them onto a follow up program where I recontact on regular interval until they are ready to see a product demonstration. Once they purchase I then go through the cycle again.


cold call to get client from outside rep. Then letters, flyers and inside rep followup. On an ongoing basis.


Cold calling a specific group of home owners with follow up calls until a yes or no is achieved. Asking for referrals after sale is completed.


Cold lead finds us on web. Warm lead contacts us. We qualify and close. Followup is sparatic – needs to be better.


Cold lead to warm lead (hopper system), to flash (quick) consulting, Interview,

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

Page 797

Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. marketing proposal and close. No active referral system in place… 86.

Conduct marketing tactics as described above, get targets to visit and answer question, offer free email newsletter (which would invite them back for the next question), and sell subscriptions to parent newspaper, offering the full email newsletter in return.


Constant personal contacts


Constasnt communication to keep the name fresh


Contact either warm market or cold, presentation of products and services, sign up as either customer or as an independent business owner with the company, setting up their personal product order and making it and ‘easy ship” arrangement, establishing an action plan for the business builders, working with them to help them become successful by duplicating what you have done. With the customers, doing follow-up calls frequently to provide them with information about new products and services and to discern the need for reorders or to upsale additional products and services


Contact group or business, we set up talk/lecture on specific health topic or stress (default), bring patients to realize they have health problems they are or were not aware of, the potential damage it could be causing, offer complementary exam, they accept, we have their phone number, marketing staff call and set up appointment, they come in, we consult and bring them to state that it is affecting/ruining their lives (if it truly is), get them to have need for change, and demand for improvement over the next few visits, and explain how we can correct that condition or halt its progress, and then close on up to 1 years worth of care. Then we resell them on maintenance care to keep it that way like wearing a retainer after braces. The whole time they are under care we closely monitor other aspects of their health and diet and recommend supplements and other health products.


contact made through a direct mail piece, contact speaks with inside sales rep who gives them details and provides docs. etc. and closes the deal.


Contact the lead, and discover there needs, send relevant information through the post, i.e. catalogues, quotations etc. follow up with phone call within 2 days, answer questions and/or objections, write the order.


Contact with possible client Qualify to see if they need or can get excited about asset protection and possible tax savings of certain business entities. Meet with client, further explain Set up entities Follow up on entities and make sure client is doing the legalities correctly Send thank you and ask for referrals by phone or in person.


Contact, ask questions to determine needs, demo products, use 3 way calls & audio & video support/educational materials, bring to a Wellness Preview at a hotel or home, give a magnetic back massage, invite them to attend a company sponsored Personal Growth seminar


Contact, build relationship, quote, obtain order, ship product, invoice, collect a/r, contact for more business.


Contained else where herein. Please refer to prior answers


conventional media advertising drives store traffic, sales reps close sale and each sales rep manages his/her own referral system


Copywrite-Calling a prospect generated by suggestions by other customers or personal relations- setting up a first meeting- creating a pitch- presenting it- working

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

Page 798

Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. on suggestions made by customer- a lot of phone calls, and e.mails to make the customer feel that I am listening. Presentation of final result- acceptance from customer. Follow up through phone call- anything else that needs to be done. E.mail- with thank you note-and something x-tra for the soul, or for the business. 99.

Could be a short as the same day


Create a list of slaes reps who work for coca cola, put it in excel, take off the names, but leave the titels and job descriptions, find out the name of the head of sales at pepsi, aks him if he wants to hire the best guys off this list. Get introduced to someone in HR or staffing. At pepsi. Ask for a large amount of money for the info. and give them a money back guarentee that the data is accurate. Ive done 682 projects since july 1997 and got paid over 2 million dollars. I didn’t finish college and I do prettey good. I get about 50% profit on what I do.


Currently, for a prospective name they receive an oversized postcard sent first class, hand-written by myself thanking them for there inquiry. The note tells them that I am Houston's premier FramerSelect framer and there is a 20% off coupon at the bottom. Approximately 1 month later I send them a letter, brochure and business card desribing a bit more about what I can do for them as a picture framer and again invite them to the gallery or give me a call, that I would be more than happy to make house calls. If the prospect comes into the gallery they are shown around and if an item has been brought in for framing suggestions then I work with them and their budget. When the design process is as they would like, I then tell them it will be ready in 1 week and how would they like to pay for it. About a week to week and a half after they have picked the piece up I send them a thank you card saying it ws a pleasure working with them and I look forward to framing more of their art in the future. That if they ever have any type of questions please give me a call. Then when the next newsletter goes out they start receiving them quarterly.


Customer buying is usually spur of the moment.


customer calls/writes for information, we send it to him, he buys a ticket to a seminar, we confirm it, enclose invitation to another seminar, he will get another invitation at the seminar and he will keep getting weekly e-newsletters


Customer is called, questions asked to determine solution, discuss pricing, send contract, negotiate a little, close the sale


Customers appear, I do the job and then that’s it.


Difficult to do briefly, but….. a) Prospect and identify client (see 46); b) introduce to the company and our capabilities our current customer references, while at the same time developing a set of internal relationships that we turn into sponsors – almost always a lengthy process, requiring a lot of face-to-face meetings, time and cost; c) either bidding on a project opportunity, or ideally generating an opportunity without the necessity of the bid; d) if successful on the project bid, then negotiating and signing the contract; e) staffing and commencing the solution development project; f) for our business in building management systems, our objective is to take advantage of the relationships developed during project completion to transform the relationship into one of a paid service and maintenance agreement, whereby this results in an embedded presence within the customer base which then identifies new and follow-on project opportunities. This is our typical building owner relationship lifecycle.


Direct mail, Seminar, Appointment, Data gathering, Financial Plan, Implementation Referrals.

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Page 799

Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. 108.

Direct mail , fax or phone requested, free tickets to the followup seminar, meetings with consultants after the seminar followed by phone and person to person meetings to close.


Direct mail piece seeking inquiries, follow up contact to offer benefits, contract business, write and deliver resume, ask for referral, ask to be kept informed as to the job search, offering further assistance, ask for a success letter when the client lands a job (i.e., testimonial), follow up one year later, offering to update the client’s resume information


Direct mail, call, meeting. No referrals.


Direct mail, cold call referral, appointment, presentation, close


Direct mail, leading to booking, Where permitted following mailing by fax or email. It is generally a single shot mailing resulting in a sale. When sending certain products we include relevant promotional material for other products. Most of our products sales come from people attending courses, therefore courses are the tactic to sell products.


Direct mail, phone, In person meeting, phone, in person meeting, etc. Referrals are asked for after every sale.


Direct mailer with return card with request for additional information. Name, address and phone number is provided to advisor after request is made. Advisor calls person who only requested information in paper form. Advisor convinces person to come in for initial consultation. First meeting is discussion of goals person wants to achieve and whether to hire advisor or not. Second meeting is data gathering. Third meeting is delivery of plan and implementation of plan. Annual service meeting follows.


Direct marketing generates potential leads.visit, call to potential customers.installation of desired equipmentoffer of other equipment


Do not have one in place yet


Do not have one.


Does not exist.


Doesn’t exist at present


don’t do any


Don’t have a strategic marketing cycle


Don’t really have a strategic marketing cycle, need to get one set up.


Don’t really have one


Don't have any yet.


Don't use a strategic marketing cycle now. Need to develop one.


E mail orders Fulfilment/ Post


Each new client is sent letter saying who they were referred by, we also send the referrer a letter thanking them for the referral and letting how they doing in our referral program. They are sent another letter (Hot 1) a phone meeting is set up to determine their wants and needs, fact finding, appointment set up Next letter is sent Hot 2 , email then sent newsletter. All this is done automatically. When we first meet they are giving a copy of Rich Dad Poor Dad, to get them thinking about passive income. They are sent a follow up letter summarizing what we discussed. & what

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

Page 800

Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. they require to get their loan. Then we process the loan, with continuous follow up letters & email and Phone calls , locking them and strengthening our case for them to give us referrals. So we start the process again 128.

Each situation seems different. Our initial meetings help define the scope of the work at hand and we go from there: writing and presenting a proposal, negotiating scope and price, doing the work and then following up with further calls and email regarding potential next steps.


Email , fax, phone call, cold call.sales letter, seminar, existing clients . business evaluation >business health check .> business planning session> implement our business development program > continual business coaching / mentoring


Email, direct mail, and with magazine pieces for both payup for free trial subscriptions and for renewal. Phone, trade show, and email work with potential advertisers and renewal campaign. Always work to sell year or at least 3 time ads.


Email, fax ,or phone calls to convert the member into a prospect. Then phone calls to close the deal. These merchants are across the country. We do not have any system for staying in touch with the customer after that.


Email, telemarketing, event, Data gathering meeting Demo Proposal Project Define more work opportunities Close them


E-mail/Phone – follow-ups until production goes / does not go – periodic contacts with progress to-date – 80% buy if they can.


e-newsletter sent to prospect contacts for free guide or report and then receives it. Follow-up ph call to that prospect to make contact and offer complimentary coaching session. Complimentary coaching session completed If yes to coaching, send thank you note for attending comp session. Then provided with coaching contract and model client info. Commence coaching. If no to coaching, thank you note for attending comp session. Maintain in loop with e-newsletter. Follow-up phone call on 2 monthly basis. Request coaching client to refer colleagues.


Exactly as asked.


Find a possible lead. Mostly through referral from our clients/dealers. Contact them to arrange a meeting. Show them the product, explain the benefits, give them 60 days to test the product for free under no obligation. Close the deal After they become paid customer, after 60 days, ask for referrals


Finding prospects through other peoples assetsCreating interest through educationHighlighting ways their businesses can be made to grow more rapidlyFace to Face sellingScoping and ContractingClosingPlanning and learning the businessParticipating in their business as VP marketingDeveloping USP, strategy, understanding of lifetime value Designing marketing programs Sign off Implementing programs Identifying new opportunities for additional programs(New pillars)Coaching the president on opportunities


First contractor gives us job and tells us sales price (we get 60% of that after subtracting material costs); Second contractor walks thru job with President who gives him an estimate of how long and how much it will be, then we invoice as job is completed


First step being to create a lead thru an outside talk or lead generating box offering gift certificate. Second step being to get into communication with the prospect. Communicate with them so that they have the following realizations: That they have a problem, that the problem is significant and that they should do something about it,

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

Page 801

Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. that what they have been doing hasn't fixed the problem, and that if they continue along the same line or do nothing that their problem will get worse. Then we close them on coming in for a no charge consultation with the doctor. The doctor that closes them on the need for further evaluation of their problem, following which they ar given a report of findings that educates and closes them on our services for corrective care. To be followed with ongoing wellness care. 140.

First we qualify the customer, then we contact him through a letter, call & then visit. Then we eliminate the buying barriers and finally close the sale.


First we use joint ventures, newsletters, print ads, and referrals to generate new prospects. Once one has presented themselves to me I immediately give them the information they requested with a Jay Abraham twist. I immediately, in a very subtle way build the need/want of the product/service in the prospect. Then I get them on the phone once they request more information, and make the close on the phone. Asking for referrals, and if they would like to upgrade to our Professional package for only 50% of the retail price. Offering them terms to pay off the service upgrade over the course of the year. So far this is working well. Especially when I started using a 100% money back guarantee for the current month that never expires. By reducing the barrier of entry, more prospects are becoming clients.


Floor Time - contact Buyer Prospect - Make appt to show Property, write offer -open escrow -follow up thru-out the transaction - keep the buyer informed- ask if they have contacts that could benefit from our service, add to mailing list.


Focus more on client development


for new patient, we wait for a patient to call. They ask if we participate in their insurance. If not, they typically say Goodbye. If yes (now BCBSyes), they`ll likely set up appt. If enough time, we mail packet of: practice brochure, PA brochure, calendar. financial\insurance paper, welcome letter. For established pt., we suggest f\u visit (3mos, CPE in 1yr, repeat Lab in 6 mos.


For our direct marketing business we basically make a phone call, let them know about our product, do a follow-up phone call and that is the end.


For reimbursement consulting or services: Find the prospect with the revenue problem and make the appointment. Get approval to do a sort 2 day study of the practice. Present the results and show the problems. Offer the contract to solve the problems. Solve the problems. Promote the results in literature, trade presentations and such. Badger the client for referrals. Give the client free stuff that he didn’t expect. Do the same for the client’s employees. Find other clinics having problems from this client and his/her employees.


For selling my books, people come to me from my Bookmasters web site or Site Build It web site, or they will call if they heard about my books from a friend or purchased from another source and want to purchase more copies from me. For the customized nutrition, I’m calling the people on my mailing list who have purchased books from me and also I have links on my web site to request information and I’ve placed some classified ads.


Friendly and honest greeting, gather by conversation what their needs and wants are, propose solutions and options, guide through the decision making process, close the sale. Follow up contact my email or phone for further purchases.


From lead to sales takes from three weeks to one month, and sales are normally a one year’s agreement.

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. 150.

Generally obtain lead from agent, phone to make appointment talking about some strategies on the phone to secure the appointment by whetting their appetite, visit in their home, find out their needs, give suggestions and alternatives, take the application. Marketing continues from this point with great customer service taking the stress out of home buying for client, ending the settlement with referrals being offered.


Generate demand – leads harvested, survey research completed.Close sale – seminars and demosAsk for further purchases – during fulfillment of ordersFollow-up – referral generation


Generate lead through print advertising, cold calling or referral. If the client is not using any similar service their first cake is half price. If they are using a competitor it's free. A promotional flyer will arrive with the first deivery, a follow call will ensue later the same day and a letter follows a few days after with the second part of a two step promotion. We offer all existing clients a free cake if they refer a company who places an order.


Generate lead through: referrals, alliances, website or ads; when the person calls, I ask information about them, then either book an appointment OR get their contact information to send them our brochure; once the appointment is made, I conduct a 60-90 minute consultation, take tons of notes, set up follow up, make the sale, get payment UP FRONT; then I write the project; next I send a follow up letter thanking the client and asking for the referral; I reward referrals with a check; I also ask clients to share success stories; I reward success stories with prepaid phone cards inviting them to share their success story with others; I send e-mails and articles on what the client told me they are looking for; I respond to all calls and inquries from the client regarding their job search; I send holiday cards annually thanking them and asking them to share their latest news; I send b-day cards occasionally, encouragement cards occasionally


Generate leads mainly through referrals, present, close sale, follow up gifts, one on one consultancy to implement for the client, 1 visit a month for 3 months, calls and emails in between that, JV nights are held for our clients. Go back in for referrals after one on one visits


Generate leads through referrals, then make a call to prospect/ lead site, then get and initial contract to set up networks, and email systems. Move on to maintenance contract with hardware purchases.


Generate sales online or calls to call center to order products. No follow-ups currently.


Generate the lead thru mass marketing primarily. Once the Client is in our store, we have point-of-sale and sales aids to up-sell them on additional services and products. We have bounce-back coupons for first time Clients to encourage repeat business, then loyalty program to continue that. Free shampoo for all new Clients, also. Stylists are instructed to give business cards and/or coupons to their Clients to pass out at work or to their sports teams, etc. or kids to give to their dads.


Generating a lead through telemarketing, direct mailing or advertising. Trying to sell using same media .Put leads into the database and contacting them often. Sometimes offering them free things. Contacting regular customers often and offer new services. Asking for a referrals from time to time.


Get call, phone interview, set appointment, assess needs, perform work, get paid, leave material for future needs

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

Page 803

Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. 160.

Get client. Work.


Get exposure, close the sale on the phone or Internet, deliver the product, maintain contact via email; phone; snail mail.


Get list. Check names etc Put on direct mail process Follow-up with call or email Get appointment Make presentation Proposal Close Referral Start second process Start third process


Get names (hot, warm, cool or cold)Contact them about something modest and nonthreatening. Meet them and listen Agree a modest project Do it decide if we want them long term persuade them to do something bigger and better keep in touch have dinner with the very best


Get the call, set up meeting, sell through prospect self-experience


Give free seminars, make appointments, present proposals, close sales


Go to the merchandise Mart show in Atlanta in Jan and July. Get business cards, try to get orders, give cards to Faye, Faye calls and tries to set up an account. That is the end of it.


Handbills go out creating awareness, salesmen go and try and sell. Ask them if they know other who will be interested.


Haven’t had many sales yet


Haven’t formalized it. Could be something like: Advert – call office / salesmen – visit office – purchase product/ service.


Hit and Miss


I am now sending seven emails talking about a home based business to 25 people a month. I purchase these names and receive them within 24 hours of their inquiry. I call them on the telephone or ask when I can call them on the telephone. The are individuals that have requested information on getting involved in a home based business. I then put them through a quick education process and get as much data as appropriate about their background and situation. When they say they are ready to join or purchase product and then commit with them a training cycle that will be conducted in person, by the mail or by email. I ask them for at least a two year commitment and a willingness to spend at least $300 per month to build their business. The preferred customers are educated on the rest of the company products and they are invited to share the names of their friends and family that would benefit from using the products and are given a free product for doing so. All referrals are followed up with information, the product tape and any other information that will get them in the pipeline.


I ask the warm market for referrals, I follow up with letter and phone calls to set appointments with those referrals. I do a free analysis for client and close them on the results of the analysis.


I ask them if there is anything in interest, and if not I ask for referals or if they want me to call back and when.


I call FSBOs and ask a series of questions, I set an appointment and present my service. If they are not quite ready I continue to follow up. I find the more I follow up the less chance I have for the listing and sale. I find that if I set the appointment on the first attempt I usually end up with a listing. I have been an active full time agent for 2.5 years and haven’t had many repeat sales as of yet.

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. 175.

I call them by phone I set an appointment with them if I can or I follow up on them and set an appointment then ,I list the home ask them for referrals immediately upon closing escrow I meet them at the property ask if theres any thing they need, ask for referrals again then I follow up on then in 7 days to see how everything is going, then I call again in 30 days ,after that I call once a quarter and ask for referrals.


I contact business owners through postcards, letters, email and encourage them to read my sales letter at my Website. I offer free stuff to make it easy for them to get started. Then follow up until they take my services or tell me to stop contacting them.


I do discuss current affairs, experience and events, I allow the prospective client to open up and start talking. I explain a few thing of what I do and then I listen to the client – I wait until the prospective client commits to a unfulfilled desire to accomplish or to achieve some goal. If I can offer a service to the prospective client to achieve the goal I do explain more about what I do and what I have.I allow the client the opportunity to make the move/ (take the decision) to access the opportunity I have to offer. Hard sell does not work for me.After the first sale I will approach the client again at a later date to sell some more. Then I ask for referrals.


I do Quickbooks training seminars to generate leads and provide packaged support services on a prepaid basis at the seminar.


I don’t do any


I don’t have one written yet.


I don’t understand.


I don’t.


I don't have one


I generate the lead by them visiting my website, I provide educational articles and daily news to keep them coming back, within these articles I suggest the best ways to position themselves to get the best mortgage rates and lead them into calling me to set up appointments to apply for mortgages


I generate the lead, qualify the lead, send a thank you letter, go on appointment, do the listing presentation, send a thank you and get to work marketing the resale.


I get referrals that lead to presentations and personal selling.


I give prospective clients a copy of my tapes in place of a business card—and let them know that I’m not trying to sell them the tapes. I follow up with a phone call to schedule a time to meet with them and pick up the tapes. I fact find during that meeting and reschedule and presentation meeting. I do my presentation and ask for the business.


I had an ad in the yellow pages, and sent literature to those who were interested.


I have 10 pastors, attorneys and doctors that refer people to me (also past patients), they call for appointment, and I mail a thank you to referral person after first session.


I have a display of my work set up in my target area. Potential customers that are interested call me for details. I offer a free session with no obligation. Once the session is completed, I do a proof showing and they (hopefully) like my work enough to order.


I have already described how we identify and prospect for leads the sale is closed on the basis of show the prospect how they will benefit from the taxation advice and the overall financial plan which is established. Because of legislation there is an in

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

Page 805

Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. built discipline in gathering information about the prospects circumstances this is call a fact find. From that the need is easily identified and the advisor will point out for example the advantages or pitfalls if adequate protection is provided or not. Because the prospects needs are not always know to themselves such as we might identify an inheritance tax problem that they were not aware of. This in itself builds confidence in our professional know how. When this information is gathered and their priorities established we conduct detailed research and a very professional report is produced. Generally our proposals are accepted because we are always testing buying signals during the gathering of information and discussion about what the prospect wants to achieve. Repurchase is achieved through annual reviews conducting meeting updating the initial fact find as the clients circumstances change. As far as referrals are concerned there is not formal mechanism and this is an improvement area. 192.

I have never done this


I have not really sold even one product/service, so I don’t know,


I have periodic communication with key people at client organizations so that I can be available when they need resources for new projects.


I keep in touch with referral sources, letters to new prospects and follow through during and after the process


I link my sites in my email signature and on my messages to egroups. I answer emails. My sites link the places folks can go to buy my products. My email newsletters remind folks that I do have books they might enjoy.


I make sure that by the time my customer gets the treatment bed we are colleagues. If an opportunity arises for me to help with some treatment related problem I will spend time educating. (Hope much of this will be available on the web site in the future.) Next time this customer has a friend over who is also a therapist he or she will be “sensitized” to the prospect of buying a unit. It may take a month or a year, but I usually get some call from every sale I make. I wish I had the resources to follow up more, but given the fact that most therapist need only one table in their lifetime and I have no other product to sell, the follow up would be strictly to encourage them to talk to there colleagues. I am sure that could be beneficial.


I meet somebody and approach them. I typically follow up with a phone call, a short in person meeting to provide information, a follow up meeting to provide additional information followed by a meeting to recover tools left with the prospect and determine their level of interest. If I can get them in their own business I can generate profit from the volume that goes through their business. If they are not interested in a business I then shift to them buying products through me and me servicing them as a valued customer.


I simply stay in touch via phone and forward potential business to other companies that have sent me referral business


I start by making friends, then I propose some mailing or some improvements in the business advertising against results


I use a schedule that goes: Day 1, Ring and try for appointment; if minimal interest, ask permission to mail and phone follow up. I used to use: Day 1, Ring to get name; mail; Day 3 or 4, phone follow up.


I use free information initially…(a sales letter really) or email to initiate the process. If I get an appointment I then find out what the business needs in my opinion and

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. offer a proposal. After completing any requested project I’d follow up with further proposals for additional marketing the business needs. 203.

I will get a phone call from a new client requesting a product purchase. The order will be filled and shipped. Repurchase requests and referral generation not usually done


I wish we had such a process


I’m still creating this. Generating the leads is the toughest, but then have a first conversation, follow up with a letter, another phone conversation. They usually decide yes or no at that time, and if no, put them on the mailing list for updates and regular contact.


I’ve already above listed lead generation. Closing depends on the product or service. First we have a discussion phone call; then we send out appropriate written materials, then a follow up call. Next a meeting if necessary. With some of our services one phone conversation is enough to close. If repurchase is an option, we contact the client by phone to request repurchase. We don’t do follow up referral generation. If they are happy, all their family and friends see the results and call us.


Identify client, send letter, follow up on telephone arrange a meeting, discuss business needs, submit a detailed proposal close sale.


Identify prospect; identify product needs; qualify prospect; present product benefits; customer evaluation of product; product approval; sell product; deliver product.


Identify the seven companies and the personnel. Contact them, make appointments, present and close. Repeat.


Identify the seven companies and the personnel. Contact them, make appointments, present and close. Repeat.


Identifying the leads(multiple methods employed),identifying the decision makers, Contact through Direct mail, telemarketing to sell the appointments, invitation to bid the job, interview process with multiple decision makers, contract award.


In our industry once you have a particular part you are manufacturing it remains yours unless you change the equation by missing delivery mess with pricing (up) so the sales effort is mainly aimed at working with engineers to see new projects coming down the pike and keeping good working relations with purchasing so that as competitors screw up we are there to pick up pieces for the buyers of our goods


In planning


In regards to end user either a phone call to initiate a face to face product meeting with a sample for trial purposes or program to work through distributor and follow up visit or call to see if they are satisfied wit product working with distributor they choose to work with. Sometimes these are joint calls between myself and my customer


In the service industry, we seek to find a client need, resolve it, and repeat the process. When successful, our clients are pleased to refer us.


Informally request referrals from friends and clients when appropriate.


Initial contact can come in a number of ways. Ultimately it comes down to a face-toface or, rarely, a phone call to work out the details of an engagement. Then I’ll put together a proposal/contract, and the customer will sign.



Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

Page 807

Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. VERIFY, MAKE THREE WAY CALL TO COMPANY WITH CUSTOMER TO SECURE THE ORDER, CALL BACK EVERY 2 WEEKS FOR 90 DAYS. THEN NOTHING ELSE. 219.

Initial contact. Samples. Take an order. Service the account. Get referrals


Initial inquiry (possibly sale)Cruise Consumer’s Guide Sent Out Perfect Cruise Analysis Sent In Cruise Club Materials Sent Out Cruise Sale Cruise Magazine Sent / e-mail specials sent out Repeat Purchase


Inquiry, follow up call, follow up letter, meeting, development of proposal, close


Interest, new patient, welcome kit


Interest-schedule lesson or clinic-discussion of further offerings-attempt to schedule next lesson-follow up via email or phone


International partnership – supplying material – high quality training - feedback – follow up


Intitial marketing leads will come through media marketing and media promotion. Sales people will follow up with a phone call, then a personal call to demonstrate the product and secure the sale. Sales will actually be product rental for a minimum 12 months period so follow will commence 10-12 weeks before the end of the rental period.


intro letter, telephone call, voice mail message, decision maker interview, group presentation, seminar, post seminar interview, upsell to coaching


Introductory letter, email and or phone call, followed by a meeting and presentation of our experience and capabilities and seeking a background on the clients business and how their needs for services like ours are met currently. There expectations and experience with the services they require in our industry. Explain how we go about meeting those expectations and seeking an opportunity to demonstrate this with a package of work. Submit a proposal and gain work. Seek a service contract as the foundation for the provision of services on an ongoing basis. (very easy mechanism for the client to utilise for ongoing work.


Introductory letter; telephone call(s) for an appointment; series of subsequent sales calls combined with mailings of samples and mailings or emails of testimonials; request(s) for quotes from prospect; project award and production; requests for quotes, etc.


Invite customers and prospects to our showroom or a fair; show them our products; sell; support buyers with information (product info sheets); deliver prompt and as desired, after delivery calls,


It changes with different product lines, different sales people, different marketing campaigns and time times of the year. Most common for shipping side of the company is – get a USPS rep to call in a lead and then telemarket the lead and have support serice them so they are happy. Most common on the Mailing side is to have a client refer us and the referee downloads our software and we then follow up with e-mail then phone call then demo then help them sell it in their company.


It is not really a system.


It’s all done with direct mail/email. My answers above describe my strategy


Join a real estate investors group, speak about my properties for sale at the mike each month, offer as a member perk free phone advice. Phone calls allow me to offer Real Estate Express to them and describe how they can use it once they buy,

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. fix up, plan to sell. They can’t resist it because it gives them know how and plays to their greed. 234.

Lead – meeting – proposal – follow up – close sale – follow up


Lead arrives, telephone call, follow up letter & info, follow up call, close deal (or not).


Lead comes from either seminar, direct mail, telemarketing, or referralWe meet oneon-one with the decision maker and use various sales techniques like NLP, using a testimonial list, allowing payment plans. When they buy, we will send them a thank you card and subsequently deliver the coaching services on a weekly basis. Through regular contact, we establish further rapport. When clients do something right, we praise and reward them to encourage more of such behavior. We cross sell various products and services related to their needs as we see it. To obtain referrals, we would get them to send us to their best clients/suppliers to be a mystery customer. As most of these businesses referred to us find it different and they start getting curious about what we do, that is another opportunity to sell the program again.


Lead generated through newspaper ad. Prospect telephones. 5 – 20 minute discussion with parent determining areas in which we may assist. Outlining benefits. Mailing of information. Some follow up.


Lead generated, needs assessment, free-trial, conversion


Lead generating ad. Direct mail letters (3)


Lead generation comes from several sources, as described above. Once in our gun sights, we work to determine their needs (either by meetings, email exchanges or discussions of their RFP); a proposal is then written and submitted; sometimes a personal presentation follows; followup on any questions or issues; move to closing the sale as soon as the prospect indicates that they have found our proposal to be the best offered.


Lead generation from other customers, web or principle. Follow up by phone or personal visit. Evaluate requirement, submit samples and determine competitive pricing. Never leave potential customer without a reason to return.


Lead generation is based on a couple things: Internet activity from people searching and inquiring through strategic partners, and referrals both personally and through customer incentives. Discount incentives for first-time buyers are used. Newsletters are free with the intent of developing readership and eventual expanded customer base. Hot links to service and product pages and outside resources provide choice, and credibility. When a customer buys with us, incentives are offered for repeat business and loyalty. Feedback for better service offering is encouraged through the Website and may even be in the form of a short questionnaire to high volume customers. People are not ‘closed’ into the sale, but rather they opt to buy something of value. Sales date is used for offering discounts to historic volume and frequent buyers and to up-sell services such as coaching. Free coaching partial sessions are provided. First-time buyers are given a surprise choice of a free product or service. Brand loyalty/repeat sales are accomplished through the newsletters and informational resources.


Lead generation is done through ads in the newspaper or through our real estate agent. We show the property to interested parties trying to create competition (since there is only one property available). There is no repurchase or follow-up referral generating done at this point in time other than a questionnaire asking what they were interested in/ what they liked about the property and what they didn't like for

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. future use. 244.

Lead Generation, Free booklet, Free trial period up to one month, close sale


Lead generation.(data bases. clients. referrals) Sale…Service delivery….ongoing contact….by various means.


Lead generation: search engines, direct mail, customer referral, focused advertising, supplier referrals, email advertisingOnline Orders: cross-selling before sale completion, newsletter offer, order confirmation and rating offerOffline Orders: great human customer service, newsletter offer, verbal order confirmationAll orders: Tracking number when shipped (usually same day), follow-up rating form for previously noted interested customersEmail newsletter follow-up for all customers who signed up for newsletter.


Lead is generated by search engine traffic or one of the other methods previously described. Lead is enticed by copy on web pages to join newsletter / free minimarketing course or purchase services or products. Autoresponder follow up messages begin immediately. In the case of newsletter, free mini-marketing course or product purchase the follow up never ends (until the customer says, "Stop!"). In the case of inquiries the lead will receive a minimum of 7 "touches" from an autoresponder message series. From the follow-ups we hope to turn the curious into satisfied customers. From satisfied customers we hope to generate more referrals.


Lead is normally generated through referral, or contacts, we then approach the prospect for a meeting to introduce our service. We haven’t any thing to request repurchase.


Lead through networking or referral --> Meeting --> Proposal --> Receive an order (or Not) --> Job done --> Get paid. Keep in touch.


Lead Follow-up call Discussion Clarification Negotiation Sale


Leads are gather from each customers through referrals. One of the strategy is to allow the customer who give 5 referral to have a discount on their purchase price. Otherwise it is full price. Every customers/prospects will then be follow up for the internet portion for their business.


Leads are generated by joint ventures/articles/web site traffic. Prospects are exposed to my articles and then my sales letters. Email then allows me to send info on additional/new products.


Leads are generated by word of mouth; We call/email the client to setup an appointment; Finalize everything via email; Deliver the product; Follow-up 3 – 6 months after delivery.


Leads are generated from various sources. They get a confirmation email for training events and rapid shipment of products with a personalized welcome letter in the package. Phone and email support is provided for all customers (will soon change to fax and email). Short newsletters are sent out periodically to all customers.


Leads are generated through the regional field marketing and sales people, and through local distributors. They go through the marketing segments and are filtered to the product lines.


Leads call a toll free number and leave their details. I then call them up and ask what their goals are, health issues and whether they have tried any other products before. I explain about out products and give them three different priced options starting with the most expensive. All product sold include a catalogue of our other

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. products. I follow their progress at 1and 3 days post sale and then weekly thereafter. At the time to reorder I remind them that their stocks would be getting low and ask if there are any friends or family that are interested. 257.

Leads come from direct inquiries from existing customers either directly from the engineers or through our agents. We receive the written specifications for a special project or piece of equipment and an invitation to bid based on the specs and submit priced proposal to purchasing. Once all proposals are in ,purchasing looks at compliance and price. Then they send an offer to all bidders using 70% of the lowest price offered (target pricing letter) as the basis of negotiation for the price bidders have to meet or underbid to receive the work.


Leads come from enquiries, the internet, purchased lists or generated leads, networking, and referrals and from our own Sales Team. An account manager calls to begin the sales process with personal presentations, showroom tours of our facilities and typically tours of other completed projects. For new building interiors, the sales process can take months or years or working with the client plus architects, designers and contractors. The project can be bid or negotiated typically after detailed drawings are prepared by us, changes made and approved. Upon receipt of order, other services/products will be proposed such as lighting, carpet, artwork, if they were not part of the original proposal. Follow up is regular and referrals are formally requested in a project follow up questionnaire.. ate for new first time buyers? As above, leads, networking, referrals, internet.


Leads come from introducing myself in person to referrals fro other clients. >From the initial meeting or phone call I follow up in person and assess the job. We discuss the clients options and ask to have us do the work for them. The job is then completed. Before leaving I always ask if there is anything else that they need taken care of now or in the future. I am now telling them that we offer benefits to them for their referrals. After the job the client receives a thank you card and a follow up call the next month too. If there are any other matters they needed handled I call back to let them know what is being done for them or provide the information they requested.


Leads first receive instructive material in the form of a 7 day course giving an overview of ezine marketing. Then a set of reviews of products and services that will help create ezines, and market them effectively, will be offered. If any one results in a sale, another sequence of messages is sent out about related products, in similar price range, and slowly increasing the value of the products. At periodic intervals, customers are surveyed about present needs. If a product exists to meet this need, the customer is told about it, and this generates a repurchase. If it doesn’t and the demand is high enough, I will try to create a product specifically to meet that need.


Leads first receive instructive material in the form of a 7 day course giving an overview of ezine marketing. Then a set of reviews of products and services that will help create ezines, and market them effectively, will be offered. If any one results in a sale, another sequence of messages is sent out about related products, in similar price range, and slowly increasing the value of the products. At periodic intervals, customers are surveyed about present needs. If a product exists to meet this need, the customer is told about it, and this generates a repurchase. If it doesn’t and the demand is high enough, I will try to create a product specifically to meet that need.


Leads generally come through referrals – telephone contact by us – initial meeting – sample presentation offered – follow up at agreed time – enroll in programme. From

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. there occasional offers to purchase products are made. Programme attendees are subscribed to the e-newsletter, where other offers are made – gently. Referrals are requested largely ‘when required’, not as part of the process – as they will be in the future! 263.

Leads generated as listed above. Contact of leads by phone. Fax or email of info and application, call when case evaluation and decision is made.


Leads generated through telemarketing, referrals, etc. which leads to introductory meeting to identify needs, followed by proposal presentation and securing business, initial client set up and then follow up generally happens at renewal.


Leads get caputed in a database, analysed on potential sales volume and willingness to adopt new products. Salesforce effort is allocated on this result. They are the main contact with customer and conclude sale and follow-up


Leads will be generated through direct mail, direct fax, ads, articles, press releases, shows, and etc. Each lead will be contacted by phone first and then with a personal visit if it is necessary. Sales can and will be made all along this path. After the sale, about 30 to 60 days later, the buyer will be contacted to check to see if there are any problems and to get referrals.


Letter 1 – letter 2 – letter 3 – call – meeting – proposal after the meeting – agreement – continuous work at client’s office, where I always look for other services and projects that the client needs or wants from me.


Letter box brochures and then visit they lead to give them a quote and follow-up phone call in a couple of days


Letter to chamber of commerce list, ask current clients for referrals; call respondents back (if call in is missed); pitch; close or follow up until close or desist.


Letter-call-appointment-sale-course delivered.


Limited in detail


Mail – telemarketing – physical visit – sales of diagnostic – sales of mission – sales extra missions for helping continuing implementation and/or development


Mail the prospect with a very attractive offer included in a letter with an order form Receive order or enquiry with questions followed by a more specific quote Fulfill order Place on clent mailing list for other offers On reorder, suggest joining the Mobilite Partner Programme which includes preferential pricing for a testimonial and 5 referrals


Mail, email or see at seminar. Acquire customer address, email. Put on newsletter mailings and refer to website. Sell books to them from coupon in mail, at website or in person.


Mainly I rely on my sales skills to develop loyalty with the customer. Face-to-face and phone calls and letters occasionally.


Make a cold call, maybe a warm one, get a meeting, interview the client, find their problems, offer valued solutions, close the sale.


Marketing – a series of communications designed to make the prospect aware of the gap between where he is and where he could/should be. Leads to: Sales – assessment, consultation. Successful consultation leads to contract to provide employee benefits. Providing employee benefits – compensated by commissions paid by insurance carriers. If I do the right job, the contract renews each year. Upsell – additional business development services Referrals – request referrals

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. upon the conclusion of successful consultation, and successful employee benefit planning 278.

Marketing is the direct mail, email and other efforts to get the lead. The sales process goes from the lead to the close. We are random on our marketing and advertising but very specific on the sales process.


Meet someone, get contact info, follow up email, arrange complimentary session, client


Meet the individual, answer questions, find out their interests, schedule another meeting, find out more, make the sale, follow up within 3 days, after 7 days contact again, offer to meet their friends and family, get them into 2 lines of products within 45 days, help them to decide to shakleeize their home, follow-up


MORTGAGES: appointment with qualified prospect provided at time that matches my availability. First appointment is primarily a fact-finding exercise with an educational element. Do sow seeds for referrals throughout the process. Second appointment used to report back my research as to the available mortgage that meets their requirements. Third meeting do paperwork for mortgage. Usually further contact before it completes. At each meeting/contact look for ways of raising referrals. Try to follow up at future date but not good at doing this.


Most donors start out in response to dirct mail. So close comes in response to mail.


Most leads generated through client referrals, 2 meeting analysis w/ close on 2nd visit. Commitment to referrals on first visit, collect referrals on 2nd visit


Most leads through personal contact.


Most of all the campaigns are built on having people bring their prospects to one of the leaders for a 3 way call...we do not ask for referrals until they have committed


Most of my sales are referrals from clients and from several well-drillers who refer me.


My web site is marketed mostly through search engines, reciprocal link sharing, and some press releases. I also visit discussion groups and mention the web site casually while there whenever possible. Prospects come to my web site where they can find free tips, sign up for a free newsletter, read all about the books for sale, purchase software, purchase decorative accessories, sign up for consultation services, or register themselves in my directory. Once a month they get a newsletter with more tips and ideas, and I continue to push my product line that way. The web site also has a place on almost every page for people to send a referral to their friends. I will shortly be adding an affiliate program where people can advertise my products on their web site and share in the revenue. As I get further along and more established, I will pursue more direct emails to my subscriber and customer lists.


N/A (9)


Needs to be improved, with a clear game plan.


Network to meet qualified prospects. Engage them in conversation to learn more about their business. Set up an appointment to meet to learn more about their business. E-mail a form to fill out and return before our meeting. Meet once and then again if needed. After second meeting, close if possible. If not, keep in touch over coming years until the time is right, and to get referrals. When a prospect agrees to join the Executive Round-Table, I always ask for names of other he knows and respects who he would like to have in his group. This is a great way to get

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Some from my agent.

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. introductions to others. 291.

New venture.


Newsletter - free info report - followup phone call - complimentary session - sign up 12 month programme - request for referrals - ongoing contact and service


Newspaper ad, telephone prequalifying, personal meetings, closing the deal, follow up letters to be sent after the first year.




No folllow up.


No real marketing strategy in place. They call, we explain and follow up with them to some degree.


No specific strategic plan


No strategy


None (17)


Not clear leads are made via talks/ seminars/ radio show and then we approach via telemarketing/ newsletter/ direct mail to get them to become consumers and then follow up monthly


Not clearly defined as yet. I normally set a time-frame within which they must formally accept our proposal in principle and arrange for finalizing. If they do not react within this time frame, I contact them and ask whether they have decided against it or us, or need more time to consider/time the action. After 30 days (or shorter, depending on the nature of the project) I inform them that our quotation has lapsed and that they should contact us again for a new quotation if they are still interested.


Not clearly stated. List , letters, calls ,post card presentation, control of decision mile marks


Not in place yet. But up to now I make contact with qualified prospect and make the sale.Since I am not actively trying yet to sell I keep this as a testing ground. I am in the let's discover the hightest master strategy mode so it makes it difficult to be in two places at once. I will complete the discovery process soon and I can then turn my attention to sales etc.


not really applicable.


Not so well structured (customer signs up for certification online or by phone; attends class; takes exam; gets certified).


Not sure what you are asking for in this question.


Not written yet


Not yet started on this


Nothing defined to date – this is something we’re starting to look at developing (with your help!)


Nothing developed


Nothing strategic about it. Meet someone. Talk to them about what they want. See if there’s a match. If so, do some work. Get them to evaluate the difference. Look at what a difference it would make if we worked on another area. Ask them to if they know of others who could benefit it.

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. 312.

No formal process


Obtain lead Send email offering free information Seek opt-in permission to email with a newsletter or other special information. Ask them to fill out very brief survey that includes how they want to be contacted. Follow up with additional emails or whatever communications method they prefer with information that should prove helpful. Create and tout a chat room where people can pose their question or offer their opinion on an issue.


Obtain qualified leads with decision makers, follow up, close, follow up, advise, follow up, keep informed, make further offers.


Obtain referral, consultation, provide handouts and educational material.


Obtain referralSend out a letter of introductionCall up in 4 days to ask for an appointment If given appointment, meet to give introductory core story orientation Set up appointment for Needs Analysis Conduct needs Analysis Prepare proposal Present proposal focusing If someone does not get through the whole process the are put into database for follow up through email and direct mail system.


OFFLINE: We’ll run space ads, advertise via radio, mail out sales letters to targeted lists, send press releases to targeted media. ONLINE: Drive traffic to our landing pages with the goal of collecting names and email addresses as well as sell product. We’ll use viral marketing to add new prospects into our pipeline.


On recruiting side – buy lead or solo ads etc. drive to first website, they respond, we send more info and direct them to a second website, they respond again, then we set up appointment and send more information.


Once a realtor refers a buyer, we send realtor an loan approval letter, we notify realtor with faxes at 4 key points in loan process. From the operations side, we have implemented numerous steps to make sure we have a smooth loan process and that we are far better than competition


Once lead is in house, speak to customer, determine if there is enough ingredients in the financial information to do a deal, do proposal and ask for commitment check, get credit approved, get lease documents, signed, fund the lease on equipment delivery, send thank you letter, send birthday and Christmas cards. They also get a monthly bill from us every month. “Try to be in front of the customer regularly”


Once we get a lead from phone in, cxold calling or follow-up calling we find out what they desire in a shelter and give them all of the options for the shelter. Then we produce a quote and give it to them verbally while following up with a written quote, ususlly be fax. Next we follow up by phone and ask if there are any questions or if we can be of any further assistance and ask when the decision is expected to be made. The next step is to follow up and see if we were araded the contract. Then we complete the order, ship and bill it, follow-up to make sure the building arrived safely and ask if there are any other companies in their area or divisions in their company that might need our services or products.


One note: I’m putting it all working just now.1. I have 2 online courses (about business plan and seo) that get me pleanty of new subscribers + I've written 2 reports (how not to became spamer and 8 cruciual quewstions "8 crucial question to successfully market your business and never ever lose money on advertising").Those are managed by AutoResponse Plus. I have multipied new subscribers flow by 8 times adding those 4 free things – of course you have to get on my list to get them2. I have 9 page sales letter on my site + the same send by email on demand.3. when someone is interested and hit form button, he get 1 step

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. site (email + name). When he send it system ads him to 1st follow-up system with main purpose: ORDER. When he orders systems deletes him from this list and ads to 2nd follow-up system with purpose: PAY. When he pays he gets on 3rd list which do some service work plus will do up-selling and so on.ARP give possibility to followup my (potential) clients for year or more. My strategy here is simple: buy it or leave it. He will buy (on 1st, 2nd, 3rd..... 30th or any letter) or leave the list . 323.

Online Research.Direct Phone Call to CFO or CEO.Establish Mutual connections in the Corporate Finance Community.Face Time Meeting (s) and or exposure to our educational events.Conference call with our strategy and fulfillment staff.Proposal.Follow up call(s).Sign them up on a 12 month retainer ($7000-$9000 /month with a 90 day out clause should the relationship prematurely turn sour).Asking for referrals.


our cycle is a system based on our business and marketing goals. Advertising in newspapers and yellow pages, along with personal community contacts through organizations, yeilds phone calls regarding cost of desired repairs. Referrals from existing customers yield new customer calls. Phone work isolates and amplifies the consumers true questions and leads to appointment to give accurate answer. Appointment results in inspection of vehicle by technician trained in preventative maintenance as well as diagnosis of problems. Customer is notified of findings, educated regarding advisability of various options, decision is made by consumer, work is performed and documented in understandable way, work done and not done is explained to customer, payment is made, customer is advised of next recommended action/visit, reminder is mailed, phone call is made to assure reminder has been received, appointment is made. Thank you cards are sent to customers who referred customers


Our largest amount of leads comes from real estate agents who in a large percentage of cases handle the transaction on behalf of the client. In all cases we do at least call the client and thank him for the work. Where appropriate, we do keep an ongoing relationship open with the client and, even though there is little repeat or referral business among most of our clients, we do usually receive that business if and when it does become available.


Our leads come in the door, we don’t market mach. But once in the door we use the 7 steps approach with setting the buying criteria and a heavy dose of experience and knowledge of the industry to pre-empt them ever going to another machine shop. When the sale is complete we ask for referrals and give them cards and capture their contact info of which we are just now trying to figure out what to do with.


Our leads come to us from referrals or previous customers. When the perspective clients contact us, we try to positively explain why we are the ideal solution to accomplishing their personalization needs. Once a need is determined and a price is set, we continue the dialogue, keeping our clients up to date on the status of their order since there is a lead time of several weeks. When the order comes in, we do a quality check to ensure that the order is exactly as requested. When the customer receives the order we ask if everything is ok. After the order has been delivered we send a thank you note, a questionnaire and the customer name is entered into our database to determine other marketing opportunities.


Our marketing cycle is not established. Generally, a link goes up on a partner site. Impressions or page views are generated. A % of the page views click through to our site. A % of the click throughs register or request more information. A % of the registrations become clients and have CircleLending set up a loan. All registered

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. users get an e-newsletter with a formalized request for referrals once a month. 329.

Our marketing team is involved in the lead generation and that is all. Once the lead is generated, it is passed to us. The lead can come from a web demo, a trade show (which we have stopped doing), a partner, etc. It is our job to qualify the client. 29 times out of 30 the leads are not qualified. Once we have a qualified lead, the sales team follows up with the client via email and telephone. Web demonstrations are used. Sales engineers are engaged. Our sales are complex so we are engaged with multiple contacts at the company. Some customization of our product may be required so our developers are often engaged. Sales cycle is often 6-12 months. My longest sales cycle has been 3 years so far. Sales can go direct or through a software reseller, channel partner, or strategic partner. Sales often include maintenance that covers upgrades and technical support for one year. Future sales could include additional software licenses if they have not purchased enough for the entire company. If they have purchased licenses for the entire organization, then we have 15% of the original sales price as a follow-up sale one time per year.


Our members close all of our sales.


Path#1: personal contact, appointment, Path#2:personal contact, fax info, appointment Path#3: personal contact, fax info, no appointment, sequential followup fax or email, follow-up call Path#5: Direct mail, 800# 24/7 message, Fax-OnDemand Info or Mailed Info, They call us for info appointment Path#6: (see #5) if they do not call us they receive follow-up phone call leading to appointment or follow-up faxes/sequential Direct mail, follow-up phone call, appointment *Referrals and additional sales take place after the initial sale during the follow-up visit.


Pay for Click Ads (PPP). Direct Marketing Website with free Opt-in Newsletter of high value on a semi-regular basis. USP: Risk Reversal, High Value/Low Cost Bonus Reports. Flexible and Easy Ordering process: including 4 interest free rates, Secure Sever, Fax 0800 and free Specialist advice before and after the sale. Sale of Back-End products has to be organized. Referrals are being organized – AssocTrac.


People call me because of referrals


Person comes to our free seminar- books for 2 day course on the free seminar- on the 2 day course books for master class- buys home study course- comes to the club meeting. If person doesn’t book, we send e-mail and sales person calls them. If they don’t turn up at the event, we keep sending them e-mails


Personal contact, private consultation, product is offered with money back guarantee. Or, offered free as part of “risk reversal”. Skin analysis complimentary. Follow ups at 5 and 12 weeks to ensure satisfaction and results.


Personal invitation, preview seminar, close at preview seminar, weekly sale.


Personal involvement (one man office)


Phone book ,Proposal,Sale


Phone call meeting from me -Reference phone call or letter (from a referrer expressing their benefits received not benefits the prospect might get)- a face to face call from me. Or a blind research assessment expressing benefits I have discovered for them. I then repeat the process above


Phone call or referral call, further qualification and presentation, Profit Improvement presentation, leave off CD, follow up, phone, and close at every step after qualification.

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. 341.

Phone Call, Letter, Follow-Up, Meeting, close


Phone call, prospect visit, commence contract


Phone call/referral comes in, given to originator, contacts prospect, answers questions/provides info and attempts to close for appointment, gets appointment and generates info file for processing of customer loan.


Phone calls and emails and letters with CD demos.


Phone contact, sample and letter, followup phone call, up to two more followup letters, monthly emails.


Phone for appt, see folks and propose plan, sign them up or not. Send newsletters 2x yearly


Placing business cards for referrals, try service continual customer for Telecom or Massage schedule weekly appointments


Placing classifieds for lead generation, sending out direct-response-info-letters, hosting business-presentation/sales-seminars, follow-up telemarketing-sales.


Please refer to no: 41. Regarding referrals, I am planning to have two types of referral gathering system: one - verbal request for referrals upon finalization of new product installation supported by a written request. Second – a letter offering a gift for referrals.


Possible lead generation – follow up call promoting services – initial prospective contact – follow up call and letter arranging appointment – appointment – work carried out – follow up call (re:progress) – completion of job and invoicing with follow up letter


Prepare Scope of Work Proposal by referral and initiate no more than a 6 month contract.


Present our services – ask and probe for needs / wants and expectations –Create proposal and present – organize the event or do the venue finding – ask for feedback and referrals –


Promote gallery and show openings; get a walkin; close the sale; followup on the phone


Prospect calls us after hearing us in the mail, newspaper, from a friend, etc. We have an appointment. We service them and then follow-up on them. We ask for referrals.


Prospect marketing consultants. Go through 7 step sequential tactical marketing tools to engage them in a strategic alliance. Work with consultant to use the software to increase their own business by minimum 25% over 3 months (or shorter). Work up a game plan based on consultant's mix of clients, and approach the client base with a sequential marketing campaign involving 6 tactical marketing tools. Sign up client for regular monthly use of product. Then go back to end-user clients with back-end products & services specifically targeting them based upon the projects we know they are trying to achieve within their business.


Prospecting, Qualification, Needs Assessment, Demonstrating Capability, Handling Objections, Commitment, Follow-up. No referral generating.


Provide effective problem resolution so that when future problems occur I am the first person they think of for themselves or for their friends or colleagues.


Putting data from prospects I find in various media in a databaseSending them a

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. personalised e-mail that should appeal to their needs, catogorised according the need expressed when collecting the data. By example: a shop placed an and for the opening of a new shop, they might need models for a fashionshow following two weeks or month after the opening. They're new hired staff might need a course in selling too. And since they are located near the border, or near the airport, language courses for the staff are maybe needed too. Maybe the shop doesn't have a website yet, so we can provide that too.Confirming the e-mail by regular (snail) mail.Calling them by phone to sell'm a meeting.During the meeting a salesconversation followed by an order (in half of the cases).Referals are mostly other shops of the chain or supplier names from the shop that deliver to shops that might be interested in the same pack. 359.

Qualify out client on telephone by asking 12 questions. Send 10 point qualifying qustionairre. Send pre-meeting material. Meeting. Follow up times 7 steps. Get sale ask immediately for referral. Then ask for testimonial. Then give away a free bonus. Then another free bonus in exchange for 5 referrals. Then back-end other products.


Receive a lead by telephone solicit, factory inquiry, mailing, advertising, referral, or old prospect or customer. Set up an appointment, review the application, recommend a product/solution, explain features & benefits, send or hand deliver a quotation, follow up with telephone calls to close the sale.


Receive calls from web site, ads or telephone ads, pre-qualify for project cost since it is high ticket item. Upon call ask them to visit the web site as it is my showroom. Visit and do estimate and close sale, I don’t waste time on tire kickers, they are always a pain in the ass. Repurchase doesn’t happen only had two in five years. I always ask and followup. Sometimes get referrals.


Referral 2. Lead follow up. 3. Presentation 4. Always two proposals for client to choose from: Proposal 1, is my foot in the door approach, and Proposal 2, is a longer term approach.


Referral or Recommendation – Follow up sequence – on-site assessment and working session – engagement plan with real time communication plan – engagement and results creation – referrals and recommendations – newsletters to others citing progress and outcomes


Retail – customers generated by PR, news ads, Radio and word of mouth


Review articles and leads from contacts regarding up and coming companies. Find out principal contact. Call contact and offer them a risk free proposition. On site visit. Exploratory meeting. Proposal written. Present proposal. Review objections. Present contract. Close business. Create Statement of Work. Deliver results. Create case study. If leveraged opportunity (recurring revenue) finalize on-going revenue payments.


Right now leads are generated through personal phone calls and e-mails. If the lead is interested, I keep in touch with them through e-mails, phone calls or letters until they are ready to purchase. Since they are on-going clients, we stay in touch with them.


Run a classified ad (while continually testing and tuning it), get prequalification information and tell them to drive by the home and call back if they’re still interested to schedule an appointment, schedule showing and take application, check banground, and lease if meets criteria.


Sadly – we don’t have one at this time. From my learning from the home study of the MM – we will be working on this soon!

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. 369.

Sadly, we just go with whatever the day brings. We have no specific cycle.


Sales funnel previously described, and I also sell against immovable dates through the year, much like an _ccountant sells against April 15th i. e.. either you file by 4/15 or you don’t


Scientific experiments are done on schedules. when a client starts with us they stay until we cannot turn the work around fast enough.


Search engine traffic and JV, close the sale through website copy, email autoresponders to take care of automated follow-up :)


See a client face to face and get a signed order


We need to actively solicit more referrals from happy clients.


See PEQ “Seven Steps”


See plan


After purchase we always follow up and determine frequency cycles and place calls at strategic times before a shipment of hazardous wastes


Select potential hosts that have an existing quality relationship with my target niche market. Contact the host and explain the benefits to him/her and his/her clients, members, etc. if I permit him/her to send a special offer to receive a valuable gift (a 30 min. phone consultation if I am trying to acquiring more clients or a free e-book that they can download on my web site if I am generating leads for my products) . Host sends out letter via snail mail or email depending on the database. Report or consultation is fulfilled. If consultation, most prospects will want to know how they can work with me and I tell them how we get started. If they are not interested at the time I follow up with them monthly via mail, email or telephone. If they go to the web site I follow up via email with sequential mailing in an attempt to build a relationship, become a valued resource and make offers to convert to purchasing one of my products or services.


sellers hold open house I call the list of names generated by people who toured the open house over the weekend, make my pitch – try to book an appointment Show houses, narrow down selection process to “The House” Write offer, wait for acceptance/counteroffer/rejection Ask for referrals on sporadic basis


Seminar…do a good job…pitch another seminar / other offerings…do a good job…pitch again


Send a fax offering a special report. Send out report. Follow up with phone call or they will call me. Have a first appointment, do a second appointment with a proposal and then book them to use our services to purchase a property. There finance is arranged, property is completed and they will receive a monthly client newsletter.


Send direct mail to new companies, if they call back, I qive them a quote, if they agree, I develop the website.


Send Direct mail, try to follow up with phone, try to get appt to meet, even if they have no current need.


Send out info pack with buying incentives. Follow up with 1 - 2 letters throughout thew year ( changing as of now) If the customer has a large concern, phone calls will follow.


Send out initial direct mail offering them a free report. Offer them a low cost service. Continually keep in touch with them through email/direct mail while offering them

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. information and services. Pray that they buy from you 386.

Send postcard, fax or email, generate call to hotline message or website, capture phone number or email, they contact use by phone, fax or email, or we call, fax or email them to follow-up on their response. We sell (take orders) them by phone, fax , web and email


Sign up for a free report, series of auto responders, get them to buy, automate the purchase so they are on autoship, offer other products, affiliate program, tell-a-friend program, etc.


sign up to monthly newsletter, buy ebooks, request response on quality of ebook, carry on newsletter, reapproach with new products, offer discounts, refer friends.


Since the inception of the web. Most of our new clients come from web access offers we have made, others come from our marketing to all of our competitors schools offers to buy from us. We do our best to provide something that even our competitors would want. We are just starting to work on a referral program.


Somehow we obtain the lead (word-of-mouth, from vendor, newsgroup posting, from third part, event, accident). We call direct, see what they want, what they are looking for. Visit them onsite or over lunch. If we like each other, move on to getting contract and work order(s) squared away. Work closely with them to get work done to best fit them. Final work handed off. Shortly after, we call to see how things are going. Periodic follow up calls thereafter.


Someone calls me, I personally schedule a complimentary initial consultation where I listen to their wants and needs, discuss the range of service options that are available, schedule a follow-yup meeting to present a proposal and tour a project if necessary. I stay in contact with them on a regular basis until a decision is made. Throughout the project, I am in constant communication with the Client to see if there are any expectations that are not being met; the Contractor to see if there are any areas of project documentation that could be improved; Building Officials to see if there are any aspects of the documents or the projects that could be improved.


Someone orders and I send them a followup postcard 30 days later.


Sorry, as today i have not rich case like .


Starting with a referral or person that has expressed an interest, I will get them to complete and sign an application which I will compare against a list of financial sources that can provide those services. If none exists in my database, I will locate a financial source followed by a call to assure that the source will fund in the client industry. Once a potential source is located I will send them the application. I stay in contact with the client and set up any meetings between the client and fource until funding is approved or declined. In the later case I will continue to shop around for a source. Once approved and the legal work is completed, my immediate job is completed.


Still being developed.


Still learning this.


Still very early days, so an answer would be difficult.


Subscribe Follow up thank you Restating benefits Selling product at favourable price Customer buys product Upsell product Customer buys multiple product If they buy multiple they qualify for inner circle membership If they don’t they get a message that they need to get there. Membership with rewards Feedback from members (to qualify for membership)New loop of selling products to members Sell to subscribers

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. separately and upgrade them to members. 399.

Target organisation by telecom spend, geography and multiple sites, telecanvass, visit (use testimonials, case studies etc.), Qualify, discussion document, feedback, final proposal/presentation, close, ask for referral, serve well, obtain testimonial, sell additional services based on good track record




Telemarketing call, appt, face to face visit, prospoal, close. No referral system.


Telemarketing, sales calls, site visits, closing, follow up


Telephone or email response to inquiries. quotes. follow thru on quote. if order placed then follow through after for other jobs or repeats.


Telephoning and ads generate most enquiries. We then send out info/samples. Owing to the nature of our business, we have to sit and wait for the response and can’t request repurchase.


Telesales generate the appointment, Sales call, Follow-up sales call when the client is closed, occasional referrals etc.


The business before never had one, everything else is being developed from scratch!


The clients came to my office for a first meeting. I'm trying to get him as my client.


The cycle is quite often a one or two call close. After the needs assessment, we determine if there are other services to be provided. If so, we contract for them. When one project nears completion, we determine if any other issues have come up that we can help with. We have had many long-term clients.


The first lead is often friends who are invited to our retail shop cum membership center. Alternatively, they are callers who respond either from the internet or newspaper articles and magazines. Or walk-ins. Once they purchase, there is a follow up system (not as tight as it should be) to ask them for feedback, and to encourage them to re-purchase. They are also informed that if they make referrals, they will attain loyalty and reward points which lead to either free renewals or gifts.


The lead is generated by a salesperson who seeks product information and pricing from me. Later, after they become a client, if they complain about pricing or their issue a new RFP, I review their account to determine if they would benefit from some training or a change in deposit type or if their volume would qualify them for a discount.


The lead may be direct ie door to door as the service can be performed in ten minutes, further house contents (assets) is offered now or at a later time. A colour brochure is left for their friends and their referral is the yearly warranty


The person calls and I gather as much info as possible to make and informed recommendation in their best interest. This would involve a customized quote to meet the customer’s needs. I follow up as needed to secure the order and arrange time, special parts of the job, etc. I work closely with the client to ensure that they get what they need, and try to give super customer service and build a personal relationship. After the job is done, I offer to sell them copies of the video, CD, or DVD.


The prospect companies in general pay a small percentage fee in order to receive payment at the time of transactions and not in the 30 or 60 days that the selling agreement calls for. Once the small business owner gets the receivable value (face

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. value minus retainer), the monies can be used to either purchase raw materials, meet payroll, pay interest on outstanding loans, or any other business cash need. The typical transaction by which Capital Providers is to generate revenues includes the following steps: a) The company, through extensive marketing, locates a prospect client. Once the client is located, a face to face meeting is arranged. b) At this meeting, the company representative provides the prospect client with all the information needed about the cash flow benefits of selling the accounts receivables to a funding source (a factor). c) The small business owner, account receivable holder, agrees to engage in a factoring transaction with the Capital Providers, LLC and a funding source to be selected in advance based on established relationships.d) Capital Providers reviews and pre-qualifies the accounts receivables. Furthermore, the cash flow broker identifies which available funding source is the best alternative provided the size, seasoning, and results of the due diligence process.e) The Cash flow broker, as a member of Capital Providers team sends the collected information on the accounts receivables to be financed to the selected funding company.f) The funding company performs due diligence process and determines the validity of the account receivables in questions. Provided everything is satisfactory, the funding source sends payment, minus retainers, to the accounts receivable owners to satisfy his immediate cash requirements.g) Upon payment of receivables, the funding source sends a commission check to Capital Providers, LLC. h) Once the transaction is completed the customer gets a phone call to see if he/she has receive the services and results promised. At this time questions for referrals are provided to the clients. Additional services provided to intended customers includes alternative ways of business funding using financial vehicles such: asset based lending, collection services, unsecured loans, and leasing programs. All financial tools are to be catered according to the prospects specific requirements and available collateral. In addition, Capital Providers will provide its cash flow clientele consulting services in the areas of process analysis, efficiency improvements, as well as marketing strategies to improve profitability 414.

The referral comes in generally from seeing the publication. The client is assigned to a salesperson, the sale is made and the client is solicited at the end of the contract.


There is no clear cut system that has been set up to consistently generate sales. Our first objective is to establish for one quarter the closing of twenty one loans each month through our direct mail Campaign.


There are multiple communications at the lead stage letting the prospect know that there is no cost, commitment involved and that I just want to consult to see what is best for them, regardless who they go with. Once an application is taken I hand the file off to a processor who takes over until closing time. Post-closing a thank you letter is sent with copy of appraisal and the bank takes over cross-marketing efforts. I will contact at least two times a year to request referrals and touch base.


There is no strategic cycle


There is no strategic process.


There is not a set process.


There isn’t one


There ist no special marketing cycle in place. The first meeting is free. Then they get an offer.


These functions are performed by the agents we work with – we typically fulfill the

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. contracts offered to us. 423.

This cycle is not in place in the businesses I currently work with.


This is exactly the major problem I seem to be having!


This is something I am interested in learning more about, but do not do at present.


This is something I really need to define.


this system needs work.


This we don’t really have in place at the moment


time is about 4 to 6 months. Phine contact to see if they have the funds, then in office demo and get a feel fo rthe company, then written proposal, then lease agreement so wwe get paid.


To initially generate leads direct face to face sales calls will be made supported by direct mail. Once a sale is closed, ongoing correspondence will take place monthly. Clients will be also be asked for testimonials and referrals. Joint venture partners will also be identified and approached.


top secret


Touch suspect until timing is appropriate Set phone appointment with prospect Set Discovery Meeting with Prospect Record Prospects Business issues Set Demo of Product to address business issues Provide proposal Hold their hand while they make the decision Sign Contracts Install the Hardware and Software Provide Implementation and Training Assist Client to GO LIVE on the software Provide continuing Technical Support Provide Best Practicies Training Provide Upgrades and additional products


Trade show and preshow marketing; take order, produce and ship.visit cust. With new products


Tragic isn’t it that I haven’t done this.


Two full time salesmen to follow up all leads.


Under development


Up to each individual producer.


Use purchased market intelligence to identify prospects and their project(s), Review customer database for names and contact information; if lacking, obtain through public sources, Call prospect, if unknown and nearby, solicit meeting, Meet or send marketing materials describing services and the financial incentives for purchasing, Ask for order, Identify objections, if any, and address, Ask for order again, If sold, follow up after job asking if satisfied and suggestions for improvement on next job, as well as referrals to others in company.


Usually the prospect calls to set up an appointment with the front desk for an estimate. They come in we ask if we can get them anything and have them fill out a contact survey asking the basic info and how they heard about us, the Ins. Co, etc. The estimator is called, estimate is written and explained to them and we see if there is anything we can help with (Ins co, rental cars, etc)


varies depending on the client and the level of desire I have to work w/ them againnot all clients are equal


Various enquiry generating activities such as articles, web site…Enquires come in through phone, post, email. Graded according to size & ‘heat’ and passed on to

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. relevant person for personal follow up or into an automatic system that sends out basic company and product info.In both cases the enquirer is followed up after a designated time with polite offer of help and ongoing updates about our speciality topic. This continues until we get a clear signal/purchase. Following delivery of service we send thank you letter/email and follow up by phone three weeks later, whilst also keeping them on regular updates system. All workbooks and most literate has referral requests on them. 442.

Very haphazard. Mainly referals from clientele. Establish relationship. Create needs list. Priortize. Decide on course of treatment. After complete Reinforce the need to continue monitoring and ongoing care to realizeThe fullfilment of the long term goals for them that we have established.


Very sporatic


Virtually all of our business comes from word of mouth. A new Case Manager will be referred to us either by her firm or by a colleague already doing business with us. They will either request information or, more likely, visit one of our centers. Our manager will describe what we do, how it benefits the worker, what the Case Manager would normally get from us. At the same time, she will identify any special requirements or preferences that the Case manager has and emphasize that these can be delivered as well. Once the case manager starts an injured worker with us, we work intensively with him/her especially during the first month. We will contact the case Manager in the first 2 weeks as well as meet with him/her in 30 days. Thos contacts are designed to ensure that there are no problems that we have overlooked, that the Case manager understands what we are doing and that s/he is comfortable with their decision to place the worker with us. Subsequently, it is a ‘maintenance’ task until the end of the worker’s program. Before the end of that program


We ask our patients to refer friends and family, when they come in we give them the best service and use consultative selling for treatment planning, lead them to set up an appointment to get treatment, we write a letter with gift after first appointment (and mention that we accept referrals), during treatment – we talk about their life, ask questions and get to know the patients – build a rapport. After large cases we send a gift and thank you note.


We ask patients to send family and friends and then reward them when they do with movie tickets or and dinner at a nice restaurant


We canvass for a new client, we send a van around , it services the clients, we make follow up calls to check all is ok every so often


We contact current clients and ask for a reference. We then contact their lead and present our products


We convert suspects (our basic e-mail list of fellow trade association members) to prospects (our Registered Users –see answer to question 75) through free subscriptions to our monthly research newsletter and occasional free reports. We promote existing reports on our website and through the newsletter and separate emails, and occasional phone calls (this is probably my weakest area). I do follow-up calls to clients, and tell them about a new report we have published or are working on. I’ve asked one fellow at a cable industry trade association (who ordered one of our reports and was very happy with it) if he knew anyone in the industry who would be interested in a new report we had published, since he wasn’t interested. He said yes, and despite my following up a few times, nothing came of it.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. 450.

We create a client after going through the sales cycle and they buy as needed. We are changing this to better understand their needs and better get in front of those needs.


We do Lead generation - we email leads – Autoresponder – Send to website – send requested FREE mini-course – follow up by autoresponder to backend & cross sell products (to create retail cash-flow)- then we introduce them to our newsletter and introduce them to our main business.


We do not have a plan in effect. All followup is done by phone .


We do not have follow up at this moment, we are advertising on the Internet and when customer rings we are closing the sale.


We don’t yet have an effective system


We find them by word of mouth, they are happy with the USP, clarify the goals, agree the contract, ways of assessing progress, give comprehensive support for the client, they are usually happy to pay on time. At end of work, period we ask for referrals; follow up approx every 6 months


We generally get an introduction to a key industry leader, meet with them in person, provide them with relevant materials/testing results, identify how we can work together to move forward. This generally takes several meeting, but it is almost all face to face.


We generally put on free workshops at the local high schools and elementary schools. At the high school level, we’re showing how to survive planning and paying for college. At the elementary level, we’re showing families where and how to save for college. After the workshop, we offer each attendee a free consultation. Most families take advantage of this. At their meeting, we review there concerns, and ours, calculate their estimated out-of-pocket college expenses, review our services and how they can benefit from working with us and then close the sale. Once they’ve signed on as a fee paying client. We’ll schedule a follow up “financial” appointment. This is where we’re looking to go after financial services.


We generate leads for our marketing efforts either through direct referral from our patients or by going out into the community and doing presentations or screenings. When we acquire a list of contacts, we follow up with a letter and offer inviting them into the practice for a reduced fee or free initial evaluation. If they have given us permission to do so (by writing their phone number on the “contact me” line) we call them to follow up with information or to make an appointment for an initial examination. On their first visit, we begin with referral references in the initial consultation, particularly if they were referred to us by an active patient. We make sure they know that we accept and appreciate referrals from our patients and ask them to thank the person who referred them in. During the consultation we plant referral seeds about friends and family who may be experiencing less than total health as we explain the purpose of our care and the unique approach to health that we offer. When we complete the initial examination, we remind them that the initial visit offer is available to their entire family for the next two weeks and invite them to arrange an appointment for them. They then watch a 10 minute video which talks about chiropractic care, its importance to health, family care, and referral of friends and family, while we develop their x-rays. They are them scheduled for their report of findings visit where they return to hear what we found and to receive our recommendations for their care. The referral concept is reinforced during the report visit once again and they are asked if they have spoken to anyone about coming in to get their spine checked. If they choose to begin care with us, they are next

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. scheduled to return for our New Patient Orientation / Special Report where we provide a 30 to 40 minute class on how to best utilize chiropractic care. The class covers the basis of chiropractic care, the unique approach to health that chiropractic provides, the long term benefits of chiropractic care, and the importance of referrals to their friends and family who may not know about this yet. Our entire educational process is designed to move them from the ‘gotta pain’, quick fix, medical care mindset that most people show up with to a long term wellness attitude where they include chiropractic care as an integral part of their regular health regimen to improve body function and maximize life. This all reinforces their decisions to begin care and to ultimately continue care well beyond their pain or condition which is where the real benefit of chiropractic care lies. We generally receive 80% of our new patient referrals in the first three visits when the new patient is most excited about their decision to begin care and most open to telling others about it. 90% of the new patients who participate in our full educational program will complete an initial care recommendation of 6 months and 65 visits. Of those, 75% will choose to continue beyond their initial care phase and begin a Wellness Care program which is designed to be a lifetime care program. 459.

We get calls asking for additional information, the secretary or my self return them to answer the prospect questions, then sale is closed or not. We only occasionally advertise intermediate courses among former graduates, we do not have a systematic approach


We have a database full of about 9000 motorcycle dealers. Sales reps pull leads from the database and call to introduce the company. Reps use a sales script. If time allows on that call we do a web demo of the product go through the sales script, ask preclosing questions and ask for the order. If we don’t get that far on the first call we will send a fax and/or mailer and schedule time to follow up and close the deal then. Sometimes it may take 1-4 calls to close the deal. Follow up after the sale is shipping out the product with marketing collateral and POS materials. Sales rep calls to train people in the dealers how to sell the product to their customers. Once the dealer starts selling the product the begin to reorder as they sell them. As far as referrals, the sales reps ask about other dealerships that can be referred, but we don’t have a formal referral program.


We have a very defined market. Usually clients will know all the players in the market based on their presence over the years at conventions and trade shows. When they feel they want to look at software they will call all the vendors and ask for a quote and demonstration for their council. Each vendor will come in and display their solutions. They then try to come to a decision over the next weeks, months or even sometimes years. At that time they will call and set up an installation/training date.


We have a very long (2 – 10 year) sales cycle. Define customer requirement Submit technical proposal Feasibility study Submit working samples and prototypes Customer testing Results analytisis and modification to requirements and proposal Commercial proposal Formal contact negeoPre production Orders Mass production orders End of life and spares and repairs orders


We have not previously had a comprehensive strategic marketing cycle as you describe. In the past, we have generated the lead either through cold-calling or via referral, the lead has been followed up with a phone call and variously an in-person sales call and/or provision of follow-up materials. After the sale, email follow-up has occurred periodically with offers of additional assistance.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. 464.

We have not won any new business, only working with existing customers.


We have people come to us at expos, where the leads are generated we give them our contact info and leave it up to them ( 95% of the cases) to contact us the exception is when we are asked by them to follow up w/ them once in a while we get a phone call / email to follow up w/ another company, so we oblige and follow that lead per phone call.


We honestly do not have a marketing cycle. I know we should but we do not.


We just deliver great service. when the client reports how good he is feeling and doing, we get him to tell us, write it up and encourage him to share it with others, and we do thje same with his written report by sharing with current and past clients.


We just keep talking to people


We present the line to a buyer, if he likes it we make an specific propusal and planogram to fit his needs. If he accepts an initial order comes by and then we must go to each store to take care of inventory, exhibition and product replenishment.


We prospect is in your store by first giving them a business card. Next, we try to know the prospect. We use story from the existing marketing literature and explain the difference regarding the Quality Construction. We walk through the hot tub models while actually sitting in a dry hot tub with the prospect to show them just how comfortable it is even without water. We try to pre-qualify for the “Convenience to Buy” Preferred Client status, just like they would for a mortgage. Then they can shop with ease. It’s a convenience level exclusive and private branded. We could present them with your monthly offer, the 30 Day In-Home Trial. It’s very important to get their name, address and phone number. Without a lead to follow-up, a business will not survive in the long term.


We provide information, we assess interest level and questions it generates, assess level of early adapter sales, provide repeat informational pieces and assess levels of sales with each piece, look at group effects and testimonial effects, provide regular direct and mail/email thank you, present sales and special event opportunities, assess interest in other products, build on new information in media to develop new and increase back-end sales. Contact referrals by phone and/or mail.


We receive a phone call, generated from some source (Yellow Pages; referral; depot signage; etc.). The caller expresses their interest in a container and asks the price. We than ask more questions about their intended application, educate them on the types of boxes available and the various grades (condition) they can obtain. (If it’s a hire, we only rent our A grade boxes.) From there we get their email address and send through a written quote, based on the conversation, plus a digital photo of the box(es) we recommend, and a copy of our ‘Assurances’. A day or two later (if they don’t call us back) we phone to see if they are still interested in a container. At this point they will either say ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘I’ve got to go and talk with X’. If they say yes, we take the specifics of the delivery (address, date, location within the site, direction –doors facing nth, sth, east or west ) and then book our delivery contractor. If it’s a hire customer, we send out the Credit Application and Terms Of Hire documentation. Then, on the due day, the contractor delivers the box to the site. 24 – 48 hours after delivery we phone to check that everything is OK.


We receive leads from clients that we are meeting with on their second appointment (we have a two appointment cycle). We send a letter to the lead and then follow up with a phone call to set the appointment. We go to the first appointment, gather the information, and set the second appointment. At the second appointment, we bring

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. back the personalized get out of debt plan, write any applicable business and get referrals, and the cycle repeats from there. There is no repurchase cycle. 474.

We run commercials generally on TV for the weight loss offering a free consultation. The prospect calls about the programs and we suggest they come in for free 20 minute consultation. We call and remind prospect day before appointment. At the consult a weight loss technician reviews all programs and answers all questions. If they start that day then we send welcome letter encouraging referrals by giving discounts. They repurchase by being scheduled to come back in either 1 or 2 weeks depending on their program.


We send an obit mailing at-need and allow them to contact us. Once they contact us we work with them to design a memorial. When we send a layout, we include an information piece about our flower program. Upon completion, we contact them and send them a warranty.


We send Emails, brochures, flyers, letters, to contact people, by phone or personal. We explain our business and try to close the sale.


We send out a newsletter or an audio cd, next we follow up to answer questions or concerns. We ask them if they would like to participate with an exclusive team of advisor with no down side. Most convert to customers


We send out direct mail or people just call us for hinese food delivery, we send out menus with all our new customers.


We send out the direct mail. Then calls come in and do the follow up


We take the order at the seminar and that is it… (I almost feel like apologizing to you.)


We tele-prospect, qualify their needs, once a need is identified, we sell the customer, after the product is delivered, we follow up for the next order.


We use direct sales at the fair. When they pass your counter there gone. We use a free drawing; we clean their ring for 25 cents. We step them up. There has been no plan to set up a repurchase program. If they wanted Elva’s Jewel Joy they had to come back to the fair next year. I have never had a program to generate referrals. The client sent me referrals on their own. ALL OF THAT HAS CHANGED NOW STARTING THIS SEASON IN JUNE.


We wait for people who discover website to ask to join. Add to membership and mail reports twice a year.


WEB Site, Trade advert or target e-mail response leads to sale. Sales have been one-off with little repurchasing. But will look at referral generating.


Web/fac contact/ tel call from prospect/in office or tel interview/result letter


Website – get reciprocal links, etc., people visit the site and buy products, we acknowledge and encourage additional purchases. In-person – advertise/announce availability for Gardening Seminars, arrange and conduct, then sell products at Seminar conclusion, maintain names and addresses for later follow-up invitations to buy other products.


Well with my log homes my leads are given to me and I follow up with a phone call and then mail and another phone call. I have not closed a deal yet, it seems that people are always waiting or they find the homes are to expensive for them and then they go another direction.


What we are planning on doing is to use direct marketing through a master letter for

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Question 45. Briefly Describe the Compete Strategic Marketing Cycle From Generating the Lead Through to Closing the Sale on to Requesting Repurchase and All Follow-up Referral Generating That you Do. lead generation. We will offer a free report, send marketing pieces to those that responds. We plan on using newsletters via mail and e-mail to keep in touch with our customer base. We need work on referral generation. 489.

When a lead comes in from a referral, fax response or lender approval list, we ask questions to determine their needs, describe our services and how we feel we can help them, e-mail or fax information/direct them to our web site


When a lead comes to us we put it on a lead tracking spreadsheet along with the source of the lead and any notes.>From this lead we try to identify opportunities that we can turn into paying projects. We move these onto a new spreadsheet described in a question above. The contact at the prospective new client will be contacted, and it’s our job to get a face to face interview. We will not respond to RFPs without first getting a face to face meeting. Actually, we tend to avoid RFP situations, as there tends to be too much competition, and it’s primarily evaluated on a cost as opposed to value proposition. Once we get a face to face interview we attempt to sculpt the opportunity into something we can then write a proposal for. The proposal includes a high-level description of the project, a fixed cost, and a schedule. We also include a list of next steps so that the client know what we would like to happen next. Once the proposal is written, we follow up to get their reaction to the proposal and then to start a Master Services Agreement contract. We generally try to finish up the agreement in two weeks. We invoice for each deliverable on our projects. When the project wraps up, we will try to put together a proposal for a follow-on project which consists of a list of things the customer identified originally but was willing to defer in order to keep the initial project costs down. We also tend to identify new project opportunities just through the work we’re currently doing, or by talking to the client or their other vendors. We also ask for three referrals to other companies in the client’s own network of contacts that would benefit from our services. To these referral clients we usually offer some sort of discount on our fees and attribute this to the referring client in order to garner them additional good will with the new client.


When a person comes to web site – sign up on newsletter (or buy immediately), get a series or autoresponders, calls to action, regular weekly newsletters, backend offers


Word of mouth, telephone call, little follow-up on leads or referrals.


Write sales letter to targeted young execs, 3 letters in all, 1st leter telling them I bring something new, totally unprecedented in Pakistan that will increase their profits by 350% but not revealing what – to intrigue them,. 2nd letter tell more, position myself, rant my intriguing. Gripping USP, create desire. 3rd letter invite them to come to the free seminar, their last chance to attend for free, becaue I’ll be very costly.


Yada yada yada


Yellow pages response query via email. Send message back asking for fuller details so I can send more info. Send the info leaflet along with business card. After consultation send invoice or receipts along with further cards and another leaflet. Write to patient’s own family doctor informing them about my care and enclosing a leaflet and a card.

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? Question 46. How do you currently prospect and generate for new first time buyers? 1.

1) Advertise in Australia’s premier property magazine.2) Guest appearances in other Wealth Creation seminars.3) Free air by supplying topical stories to one Current Affairs producer ... about 3 – 4 per year.


1) Receive leads from two sources, 2) get on "provider lists," 3) give presentations and write articles -- 4) also just teamed up with an associate who has a large backlog of contacts so that we can offer them new solutions.


1) Referral, Repeat; 2) web; 3) books; 4) special reports


1. We work the Fortune 1000 list from top to bottom. 2. We ask our existing clients to recommend us to their clients.


50% comes from Yellow Pages, 30% from customer referral, 20% from other sources (web site; depot and vehicle signage, drive past / walk in; etc.)


55 Yellow Page Directories and Qwest online


a) referrals from other of our host/beneficiary partners and our customers; b) through our internal corporate network (which is not working today); c) commercial building market new-project-lead publications; d) networking; e) participation in relevant organizations


Actually I don’t


Actually I own a database of potential customers and they are promoted on a regional basis depending on the logistics for delivery the product.


Ad in yellow pages




Ads in the newspaper, press release, info packets to physicians, one-on-one discussions with doc’s and patients


Ads, business cards, referrals, cold calls.




Advertise as above.






Advertising – television, radio and billboards.


Advertising in newspapers, mail drop.


Advertising in weekend papers


Advertising, referrals


Advertising, referrals


--Again referrals


All business is referred by my centers of influence


All internet based lead and prospect generation: PPC’s, lead companies, search engines, creating lists.


All the time


Alliance, referrals, terrible ads..

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? 28.

Alliances, Ads, Referrals, Mail Lists, Phone & E-Mail


Almost exclusively thru existing client referrals


Already answered


American Business Lists, Inc compiled lists


Annual mailings to decision makers. Perform at showcases everyyear.


ask all clients when contacting them; stop in cpa offices; give talks at ltc facilities and affinity grps


Are you asking about leads? I telemarket.


Article submissions and joint ventures.




Articles in well known publications and affiliate marketing through complementary, already established websites.


Articles on other websites, Links, Business cards. Hoping to hold free seminars too


Generally from referrals, or from someone seeing a speaker at a conference and showing an interest when/if followed up.


As referred above, I call at least 25 new prospects each month that have asked for information on building a home based business. This is in addition to the residual group that accumulate month by month.


Ask for referrals from current patients, pharmaceutical research studies


Ask for referrals, go to networking events


Ask for referrals. Speak at service clubs. Talk to people at fund raisers.


Ask or get referrals


Asking for referrals


Asking for referrals; face to face cold; letter program with telephone followup; mail outs to list


Association meetings right now. I also pick up names from news stories and the Internet.


At parties and gatherings just talking. Attempting to get them to chase me, not working very well at the moment. Most people do not have a existing database so I have been trying to make mailing to a blank database work.


At T’ai Chi Chih conferences, workshops & trainings


At the moment, we depend on referrals, personal contacts, and clients bringing nonclients to our seminars and educational events.


Attend meetings, meet people, try to get a relationship going


Attend networking events, search websites, send brochures with follow up phone calls.


Attend wind generation seminars and conference throughout the state of Idaho.


Auto dialer and email blasts


Besides clients and other referral sources mentioned above we have quite unsuccessfully tried mass mailing from lists of retirement funds or high net worth individuals in Ohio ; also direct telephone campaigns to these lists yielded almost no results

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? 56.

By ads and word of mouth.


By attending business meetings and calling organizations and associations.


By drawing thru Search Engines, Targeted articles & Promotion to web site & achieving the highest level of conversion possible. Also, use of updated content & newsletter to convert green cherries when they’re ready..


By maintaining continual contact with the Case Management firms who employ the Case Managers


By networking with current clients/partners, industry experts etc. Referalls and leads gained here. Spend a lot of time now working with the few trusted long term partners on building their supplier base because this helps us.


By putting a lot of effort into internet marketing – many new visitors to our site are through search engines. Also in strategic partnerships with other firms


By putting a lot of effort into internet marketing – many new visitors to our site are through search engines. Also in strategic partnerships with other firms


By referral only.


By search engines right now. I have limited time since I am a ONE MAN operation.


By using database and sending out brochures followed by telephone contact.


Call them by telephone or run a ad on the pennysaver.


Call ads, Internet, real estate agents.


Call friends, make new friends on planes, in stores, leads groups


Call or visit


Call them and propose the line or at trade shows.


Calls based upon download leads from our software partner’s macromedia and Microsoft


Cannot handle new customers so we don’t prospect for them.


Capital Markets are very transparent. I look for companies with a minimum $10million market cap (higher is some sectors) that want to proactively communicate their growth strategy and perhaps that are having difficulty doing it (i.e. poorly understood “on the street”)


Chamber of Commerce-sponsored seminars


Circ: Web, newsstand, and free issue brochure in Pocket PC packaging Advertising: Editorial team hands new product leads to advertising team. We maintain a public data base of all known Pocket PC products on our web site.


Classified ads


Classified ads and real estate magazines


classified ads with free reports


Classified ads, flyers, doorhangers, and with employers.


Classified advertising and DM to companies hiring new sales or marketing managers.


Cold all, letters.


Cold call and referrals


Cold call from my data base (which I refresh annually with new data)

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? 84.

Cold call, call expired listings, for sale by owners, advertise homes for sale.


Cold Calling


Cold calling


Cold calling a specific group of home owners with follow up calls until a yes or no is achieved. Asking for referrals after sale is completed.


Cold calling and referrals from existing customers.


Cold calling from trade association lists and intelligence – such as newspaper articles.


Cold calling is the main way. On occasion, we’ll get referrals or introductions.


Cold calling leads


Cold calling, booths, ad in newspaper


Cold calling, email marketing, trade shows (very selected), invitation to educational sessions and information sessions.


Cold calling, referals from past clients or local professionals (eg lawyers), letter box drops, visitors to open homes.


Cold Calls


Cold calls and referalls


Cold calls based on industrial directories


Cold calls or referrals


Cold calls or warm calls, some referrals.


Cold calls predominantly. Some are referrals.


Cold calls, letters and telephone


Cold calls, mailers


Cold calls…warm calls…personally visiting people.


Combine direct mail, telemarketing, and e-mail. Hosts – obtain introductions from firms who have the clients I want


Comes from already happy current patients.


community speaking, writing articles, special topic workshops


Contacting Attorneys, Real Estate Brokers, Mortgage Brokers, Title Companies, etc. for referrals


Coupons to drive them in


Cultivate other professional for referrals


Current patient referrals, media ads


Currently using mailing list based on demographic information


Data bases and straight cold calling using a very well defined script etc etc.


Data out of all sources 'heard from', papers, internet, ...Salesletter followed up by phonecall, sell a meeting and sell product. Referals from clients. Advertising in media, online and newspapers


Described above.


Direct calling using the telephone


direct mail

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? 117.

Direct mail letters sent out to targeted market a minimum of 3 times.


direct mail & referrals


Direct mail (UK).Search engines and IOMA's mention of my beta-test requirement (US)


Direct mail and some personal contacts


Direct Mail and Telemarketing


Direct Mail and warm contacts at Chamber of Commerce meetings.


Direct mail and web.


Direct mail from generated lists.


Direct mail primarily.


direct mail target list


Direct mail to companies I find in business newspapers, on Internet, or on signs on buildings


direct mail to SIC specific mail lists of small biz. in biz less than 3 yrs and with less than $3mil. in revenue.


Direct mail with postcard the first time. Then send a business card, brochure and personalized letter. Third contact is my current newsletter. These are names that I receive each month that have responded either via the FramerSelect website (find a framer/would like more info) or have sent in reader service cards from major magazines (Conde Nast Travelor, House & Garden, Victoria, etc.)


Direct mail, mostly direct sales calls


Direct mail, networking at C of C events.


Direct Mail, Referrals & Attending Microsoft events


Direct mail, telemarketing


Direct mail, telemarketing.


direct mail, trade shows and industry publications.


Direct mail, TV, being involved with a fund raiser.


Direct mail, website, networking,


Direct Mail, with follow up phone calls, and promotional CD.


Direct mail.


Direct mail. Cold calling. Referrals


Direct mail. Free seminars. Cold calling. Some PI advertising if can get it.


Direct mailing mostly.


Direct mailing, phone book advertising


Direct mailings IMedia pro CD’s Client events Financial Planning for existing company clients


Direct marketing


Direct marketing to execs, referrals, media releases


direct recruitment at live presentations, brochures at specific events


Directories, Rolodex, Referrals


Directories, Rolodex, Referrals

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? 150.

Display/classified ads, radio, referrals from Realtors




Do not…a future thing if tail-winds can be used.


Don’t have a really good plan.


Don’t specifically


Don’t specifically


Donr by subcontractors


Don't at the moment


Door to door, show promotions and fundraising organisations


Downloaded evaluations of our software, Channel partner leads, Host-beneficiary leads


Dream 100—referral from existing marketing partner—then we work their base


Either by calling or sending letters to prospects.


Email , fax, phone call, cold call. sales letter, seminar, existing clients Hold seminars for various business organistations


Email campaign to 2000 realtors: 3 emails per week using Greg Frost’s pdf’s Mail: mail postcards to top 400 realtors monthly Mail letters to top 400 realtors monthly Have 3rd party mail (title, other realtors) to top 400 realtors Mailed audio tape with 20 top realtors in-depth comments about us Voice broadcast; trouble implementing, but plan to top 400 realtors monthly Website including Audios of 20 top realtors in-depth comments about us


E-mail campaign, letter drop/direct mail, cold calls by phone & in person.


Email marketing, affiliate marketing, networking at events where people are strong suspects (i.e. Robert Allen events and other similar gatherings).


Email, word of mouth, referrals


Email, fax broadcast, telemarket, personal visit


Email, faxes, and phone calls to the Buying Group members.


Emails, yellow pages advertising, newspaper advertising, referrals, trade shows, home shows, special events, billboards, promotions.




Exclusively through referrals


External talks and internal referrals.


Fax marketing offering special reports.


Fax response letters to a targeted list


Faxing schools


Field days and advertisements


Find need , inquire, cold call, send buying criteria report…. Follow up…. Sell… follow up


First time buyers come through referrals OR yellow page ads primarily


Floor Time


Follow on leads based on information from associates about what is happening in different companies, ask for referrals from existing clients and make cold telephone

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? calls to potential prospects. 181.

Forum posting and JV, a little bit of Search Engine traffic


Free ads, ffa post.


Free software on shareware sites like www.cnet.com


From customers lead system


from membership lists and trade directories


From recommendations from existing clients


From the book phone and referrals.


Gathering of info from boards and databases, research


Generate referrals from current clients (95% are unsolicited)


Get visits to website for Internet sales and contact local fraternities for sales.


Go out and meet business people at local business/networking events.


Go to the Merchandise Mart and wait for them to approach us.


Great idea Jay! I’m mostly working referrals and selling additional products to existing clients


Handbill and salesmen


Have a dedicated Origination team who identify currently unrated entities in Europe, Middle East, & Africa. These people are targeted and contacted with a view to arranging a face to face meeting to describe the benefits of getting a rating, how the process works, what our company can do for them.


Having a booth at the expos, for our product needs to be felt ... for it looks to simple, gadgety to be working .... closing ratio at least 30 %, depending on event.


home shows, newspapers


I am still working on this, but planning on ads in local papers and target focused bulletin boards in local offices. After that I will get a direct mail and internet mail campaign going where I will probably start with a rented list of previous buyers.


I ask people how do they manage their finances. Then I ask if they would like to learn about my company and how we can help them become financially independent.


I attend seminars and cocktail parties. Have conversations with people whenever possible about the service I provide. I’m looking to enhance my prospecting through the creation of my Network Exchange on my Web site (see the answer to Question 12 above).


I don know how to do that.


I don’t (4)


I don’t apart from above referrals and yellow page ads


I don’t. They typically come to me.


I find their ads on the web, and I look them up in the National Referral Directory


I find their ads on the web, and I look them up in the National Referral Directory


I get information from yellow page, CD data, ...


I have an ad by the labor exchange


I have contracts at various different fairs. We clean their rings to show how Elva’s

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? Jewel Joy works. We educate them on the product. 210.

I have not focused on these. They may turn up during normal marketing


I have relationships with email publishers and adv. Agencies with over 100 million opt-in emails. I work on a CPA basis with them. I run DRTV spots and some trade shows


I have the Association book which I use to contact conference organizers.


I intend to give a free seminar


I know of particular ezines with particular type clientele where I submit articles or ads


I look for hosts and strategic alliance partners in niches I want to market to.


I make calls on generated market-selection-lists.


I make contact with leagues, teams, coaches, and sport skills training programs.


I make regular contacts with people I’ve worked with in the past and seek referrals.


I offer free subscriptions to my paid newsletter to related marketers and businesses, so that they will refer their paying customers to me. Then I try and sell them one or more of my products. I also use my free newsletter as a hook to get contact details, as well as many features on my website that will encourage a new prospect to part with an email address to enable further contact.


I offer free subscriptions to my paid newsletter to related marketers and businesses, so that they will refer their paying customers to me. Then I try and sell them one or more of my products. I also use my free newsletter as a hook to get contact details, as well as many features on my website that will encourage a new prospect to part with an email address to enable further contact.


I recently went down to city hall to get the new business list and to solicit them via the phone. There a few networking groups that I plan to attend.


I send an article to demonstrate that I do understand their number one problem in which I describe my solution process. Then I send a follow up letter in 4 weeks followed by a call or a second letter.


I send post cards to my target market driving them to get a special report from a hotline or a special web page.


I subscribe to the FSBO lists and print expireds every day and call expireds and fsbo’s every day.


I tell almost everyone I know that I am a massage therapist. I hand out monthly specials flyers to the tenants in the shopping center where the day spa is located. I trade treatments with the personnel in the day spa and they then refer their clients to me.


I try to make myself and our products know to the sales staff in the various LOBs within the bank. I do not contact prospective clients directly as the relationship managers are trained to sell a wide variety of products, not just cash vault services.


I wait for them to call me.


I’m out and about at markets, I give reward cards to visiting customers, I wear my jewellery and the website is in phase one gear towards market info.


If I had card-size ads written, I know to prospect in every local group’s benefit booklet, run the ad in 17 local newspapers from Boomer Digest to Pitt Technology Council newsletter.


I'm sorry, can't uderstand the question.

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? 231.

I'm trying to get referrals for clients. I'm a member in an organization called BNI BUT IT IS NOT REALLY WORK FOR ME.


In all the ways mentioned


In an unorganized manner.


In our business there are first time home buyers and there are refinances. We need to definitely develop a first time buyer and move up buyer program.


In person, starting to use alliances.


In person, starting to use alliances.


Industry database


Industry events, other consultants, cold calls, referrals


Industry Guides


Industry journals Industry reference books Exhibitions


Industry research, trade lists, web searches, people who find our website, trade shows are planned.


Industry trade shows – Yellow page ads


Informal communication at social / business gatherings


Initially letter-phone call, then appt.


Internal referral requests primarily


International partnerships and Website


Internet & direct mail


Internet links


Internet marketing relationships


Internet search, contact recruiters that have advertised open projects.


Internet searches


Internet website, network contacts


Internet, newspaper and local supermarket adverts. Soon to do local flyers in the post




Internet. We just added to commissioned salespeople


intro letter and cold calls


It is all word of mouth.


Joint ventures, print ads, and referrals


Just beginning


Just started the approach of special offers to groups.


just talk to them


knock on doors, new business license list


Lead generating ads


Leads from manufacturer and distributors as well as targeted end users (certain plumbers or builders, etc)


Leads list, networking meetings, and Internet searches.

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? 266.

Letterbox brochures


Letters, market research


Letters, our book, Emails, ads, brochures and flyers.


letters, e-mail, faxes, calls, visit




List sharing with non competitive other businesses and phone canvassing for industry seminars


Listen for health needs and desires


Lists, other similar clients, drive by, referrals etc. Knowledge of the client base in our region after 24 years of being in the market.


Lists, then call to find our sales target, then send a sales letter and follow up with a telemarketing call for an introductory meeting to review their needs.


Lists, tradeshows, trade groups, alliances with other marketers to these clients (specifically, insurance agencies).




Little or no prospecting….work referrals


Live seminars, teleseminars, articles in other ezines


Local advertisements in media, purchase of e-mail prospect lists, purchase of qualified leads form names brokers, asking for referrals from both present customers and from new prospects who decide not to become involved with the business


Look at trade/industry publications and newspapers as well as tapping our industry network for new players in the industry and follow up personally.


Look through newspapers for companies that offer incentives and call them. Also find out who is using the competition and approach their competition.


Magazine advertising, articles, pay for click


Magazines, online.


Mail brochure to mailing list, also advertise in trade journal




mail received from prospects, online lists of upcoming seminars.


Mail, calls, seminars, alliances


Mailers etc.


Mailing list


Mailing list and Yellow Pages


Mailing list of retailers


Mailing to local chamber of commerce list, referals


Mailings, referrals, and host ben. Relationships.




Mainly by article writing or referral.


Mainly by TV and radio advertising and referrals calling the office and scheduling free consultation.

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? 297.

Mainly referral


many methods (in fact ALL methods rcommended by Jay Ab), but PR works best


Mass media.


meet new influencers


Meet them and sell them


mentioned above


MORTGAGE WORK: telesales plus referrals from clients. Some cross-selling from accountancy work.ACCOUNTANCY: either from prospect seeing directory listing or, being referred by existing client


Most of our customers come from referral from consultants. We get a few people who call us from our ad in the yellow pages. And we get a few people who call us from the charity work we have done in the past.


Most of our poroducts are sold to large distributors who dominate their industry.


Mostly by referral


Mostly direct mail, Sales call to build awareness


Mostly internet-based currently – starting to do more seminars and networking.


Mostly my clients and friends introduce me to new customers. I don’t have a web site, I never advertise, all my telephone numbers at my business are unpublished. I’m not in the telephone book. People only hear about me through word of mouth.


Mostly networking; some ads and direct mail; sometime fax blast invite to seminar


Mostly print including FSI’s


Mostly through our referral generation previously described. We also use newspaper insert advertising offering reduced fee initial examinations and through our web site.


Mostly warm market.


My links in my newsgroup postings, and my keywords in my web listings in search engines.


My main focus right now is my Truck And Trailer Equipment Maintenance System Software. I have a website and generate traffic via the search engines. When a prospect comes to the site they can download a fully functional trial copy of the software. I also offer to send them a CD of the software for free. It is a timed copy that expires 30 days after the first time they run it. If they decide it works for them after 30 days, they can purchase the product and receive a product key that allows them to keep using it.






National listings for government jobs, some word of mouth


Networking (5)


Networking and referrals (4)


Networking and word of mouth


Networking with other


Networking, advocates, free speeches.


Networking, through lists of possible clients, through existind contacts or advertised

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? tenders 325.

Networking, website.


Networking. (via events and personal contacts)


Networking; prior business contacts and targeted email.


New companies are found in reference material, magazines and phone books. We have some large prospects that we have been contacting for years.


Newspaper ads


Newspaper ads - word of mouth promo – radio ads




Newspaper ads. Word of mouth.


Newspaper and classfied ads in local newspapers


No (2)


No activity other than walk-in traffic.


No time.




None currently…which is a big problem.


Normally from referrals


Not really – except via web site – even there it is deliberately understated.


Not too much


Nothing until we started advertising


Obits in the newspaper.




Offer free sample for people to try the product before introducing them to buy at hugh discount ( 40 % or more )


Offer them a 10% of the profit generated from the new first time buyers.


Offline marketing I do use methods associated with discussion of topics of mutual interest followed up by providing/demonstrating a solution to a problem. Online I do publish a Newsletter and an eCourse.


On the web through search engines


Online forums and free Web adverts.


Only business is from website visitors and leads from magazine ads we place from time to time.


only over references and training and seminars


Only prospecting is to buyers met through Trade shows.


only through our Internet site.


Only through referrals.


Opt- in email leads.


Our primary source is from an e-mail list of people in the industry who are fellow members of an industry trade group. We attempt to convert these people to our list of Registered Users (see answer to question 75), who receive our monthly e-

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? newsletter, and then attempt to convert Registered Users to clients (we’ve not done well in this area, but that will change soon). 357.

Outside marketing with individual with numerous contacts.


outside rep cold call


Participation in newsgroups and forums- direct e-mailing to targeted lists- Search engine optimization- Links from related companies


Partner referrals and ‘Homes’ magazines.


Pay per clicks, offline advertising, word of mouth


Pay-per-click ads, articles


Peridocal ads, passing out business cards, word of mouth and referrals from others.


Periodic mailings, hosting regional and national workshops.


Personal approach, referrals, ads, agents,


Personal contacts, business cards, referrals from family and friends


Personal knowledge of potential customers; trade associations; trade shows; distributor clients; referrals; buyer/manufacturing guides.


Phone book (2)


Phone book, referrals


Phone call


Phone call or personal meetings. Anyone we know is a hot lead as we believe all need our services but we prefer to work with already successful entities.


Phone calls and referrals.


Phone calls, letters, e-mails


Phone, coldcalling and plain old fashion door knocking business to business


Phone, JV’s with suppliers, associations, franchisors


Phonecall, visit exhibitions/personal contact


Place short ads in local newspaper giving e-mail address for more info, etc. Use autoresponders


Placing classifieds for lead generation, sending out direct-response-info-letters, hosting business-presentation/sales-seminars, follow-up telemarketing-sales.


Plan to e-mail and direct mail.


Please see #45 above.


Post cards, letters, phone solicitation with goal of an in-person call.


Postcards, fax, email in 2 step campaign with free recorded message and web qualifying


PR Ads Shows , Competitions Give aways


Press reports, publications, sales person contacts, leads from agents,


Primarily from referral or word of mouth from a company representative who has an experience of our work


Primarily referrals. Limited advertising, as it hasn’t been productive. Telemarketing has also been disappointing.


Primarily telemarketing

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? 388.

Primarily with mail-out cards.


Print Ads, referrals


Print advertising and cold calling


Print radio tv e mail


Probably: Ads, commissions to referrals, salesmen.


Promote chiefly through real estate agents. We also keep in close touch with area developers and are currently contacting governmental agencies in our state for possible work.


Prospect list; new buyer at trade show; referals


Prospecting is primarily analysing our customer list for our dream prospects and focusing on them. There are also totally new garden centers. If it is a corporate entity (Multi outlet, we usually negotiate at the top level).


Providing public training and promote our major products during the events.


Published articles and joint venture deals.


Purchase leads


Radio advertising, church bulletin advertising (business card type)


Radio, Internet


Radio, some TV, dealership referrals, Ins. Co's, etc


Read personal ads and look for new marketing persons in companies and contact them


Read trade press


Reading yellow pages. Member of BNI(Business Network International)


Referalls from pool supply companies , web site, ads in newspaper and flyers, telephone book ads. Home shows


References, referrals, cold calls


Referral sources


Referral system described above


Referrals (9)


Referrals (that happen of their own accord) and list purchasing.


Referrals and B&B 100


Referrals and magazine ads


Referrals and Networking (2)


Referrals and show room walk-in customers


Referrals as described earlier


Referrals from current dealers.


Referrals from existing clients – no specific formula in place


Referrals from existing clients and occasionally through casual conversations.


Referrals from existing retailers Yellow Pages


Referrals from key vendors and a singular industry web site.


Referrals from patients and physicians.

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? 422.

Referrals from telephony providers, and associates.


Referrals, advertise in specialty media (more effective for equipment sales), endorsements, host-beneficiary offers


referrals, advertising


Referrals, connections


Referrals, Direct Mail invitations and Speaking and Cold Calls


Referrals, Gift Certificate's for Fitness Center to give as a gift for a new membership


Referrals, magazine ads, targeted cold calls


Referrals, new business start-ups, in person sales visits.


Referrals, read industry magazine/newsletter


Referrals, request through email signature, strategic alliances


Referrals, telesales cold calling and trade journal contacts


Referrals, yellow pages and other directories and my web page


Rent a list from a Dun & Bradstreet type organisation and phone canvass it. Occasionally we will run a specific mail campaign for a specific product and then follow-up with telephone


Rent lists of marketing consultants, and mail them an initial letter, followed by other sequential steps.


Review 150 magazines for new developments, stay in touch with top level management and developers, ask clients about new properties they have planned.


Reviewing purchased intelligence which describes RFQs (requests for quotations) for drilling rigs. Ask field surveyors to ask people on the rigs where they are working to identify future users of the rigs (and people they think might be qualified to be employees). Our problem is we get busy and this task does not happen until we need work.


Ring up other service providers and offer my skills, I’ve lost my confidence to contact customers direct.


Sales-letters and follow-up calls (2)


Same as above. All buyers are treated as new and first time buyers. We have been in business for a year and a half and haven't yet got any repeat customers.


Same as above. Either we send out press releases and/or the high schools will help promote the workshops.


Samples to anyone with employees would qualify.


Search engine placement.


Search engine relevancy. Ads in relevant publications.


Search engine traffic on the Internet is the biggest. Next would come referrals and joint work with a client from my primary or secondary joint ventures. The various forms of advertising on the Internet (Pay-Per-Click & high profile newsletter advertising) along with enticements from my own newsletter and autoresponder message series. I have purchased leads in the past but haven't been too impressed with the quality thus far but I hear there are good lead generating companies on the Internet so I will keep trying this method.


Search engines,


search engines, direct mail, customer referral, focused advertising, supplier

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? referrals, email advertising 448.

Search engines, ezine subscription.


Sell them on the phone first. Make it very positive


Seminars (2)


Seminars advertised through email blasts and newspaper ads.


Seminars and direct mail


Seminars, flyers etc


Send a newsletter annually. Talk with doctors offices, staff freely, tough cases they are working with.


Small ads


Solicit referrals from existing clients.


Some cold calling; mostly via e-newsletter and offer of free guides.


Some direct mail, mostly cold calls


Some direct mail, some cold calling, networking


Some local group marketing programs but increasingly internet focused


Some targeted email and direct mail, classes in new locations (includes promotion in institutes mailings, etc.). Also referrals from existing customers and chiropractic and acupuncture offices that sell my book.


sometimes call and propose painting idea. Put sign in front of studio.


Speaking P.R. referrals etc.


Speeches, publishing, meetings


Spend an hour or so in creative mode, carving out market niche to approach. Identify key targets. Prepare small questionairre, conversation opener. Start calling. Create appointments. Measure results (sales cycle, close percentage, etc.)


Store traffic


Strictly thru my web site (link sharing, discussion groups, writing reviews at Amazon, press releases, search engine optimization) and yellow page advertising.


Study the buyer demographics of the population and entice them into the store through an initial Grand Opening promotion with a discount coupon or free gift for just visiting and hopefully through clever usage of the merchandise mix create a sense of desire in their minds where emotional desires are whetted and they are salivating so much that they are waiting to haul the products home.




Talk to my clients as I’m doing business with them. Through my Rotary Club. Going into other new offices and introducing myself and our service.


Talking with people I meet.


Talks/ seminars/ write ups


Target prospects are generated from local business directories and publications. Once identified, the process described in question 45 is begun.




Telemarketing and Referrals


Telemarketing to companies in our region with 100+ employees in certain industries,

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? meeting set up with (supposedly) person in charge of security AND a decision maker. 477.



telephone solicit, factory/vendor inquiry, mailing, advertising, referral, or old prospect






Telephoning new FDs and ads in trade journals.


Telesales mainly with a little bit of referrals


Telesales, Direct mailing, Networking, and Referrals from “centres of influence” e.g. bank managers


That’s where I need the biggest help


The actions of salespeople vary (telemarketing, advertising, solicitaion of realtors, builders, financial planners, accountants, etc.) and past client referral.


The are the new seminar attendees


The calls that come in from listing inquiries and classified ads offering buyer search services (lists, emails).


The initial prospecting will be media advertising, followed by a strong referral system once clients have used products for a certain period.


The list of new shows at the convention centers in our area. Also, referrals have been huge for us.


They call us off of our marketing.


They contact us because of 1) items we have listed on web based inventory listing, 2) referrals from existing customers, or 3) we contact new prospects based on available information about their activities.


This is under revue in a changing market.


Through ad , direct mail & seminar


Through ads pushing people to our Cruise Consumers Guide


Through advertisements Through referrals


Through advertising


Through agents, eg real estate agents, solicitors, etc. or just by talking to people about what I do and asking if I can help or if they know of anyone.


Through directories, adverts in magazines, internet, referrals, exhibitions, agents and dealers.


Through distributors’ leads. Introduction of how we do business.


Through email lists, personal contacts, magazine interviews, talks, tie-ups with prestigious organizations.


Through exhibiting at arts & crafts shows and by asking existing customers to refer their friends to us.


Through existing clients and partnering with other businesses that sell products that we are able to assist in supporting from new hardware, software and network implementation to ensure their product runs properly.


Through experience of our oldr operators


Through mailing lists purchased.

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? 505.

Through my agent and personal contact.


Through my hosts


Through newspaper ads, although I have had success with “Deli Dollars,” which is discounted script sold through non profit organizations as a fund raiser.


Through our network of business and association contacts including lawyers, bankers and other service providers.


Through people I know


Through people I meet through my full time job or on the street.


Through print and broadcast advertising


Through referals


Through references. On off cold calls


Through referrals and news media.


Through response marketing tactics offering special reports for sellers to avoid mistakes in numerous areas. Also offer this information for many types of different sellers (divorce, empty nesters, seniors, move up buyers, etc.) I am in touch via a 21 day mail out program that I have developed also offering free information about local sale prices in their area, Over the Phone Market Evaluations, Finding out what their neighbour sold for and Free Insider reports.


Through word of mouth from contacts


Thru internal and external presentations/lectures, thru asking for referrrals, thru lead generation boves, thru periodical advertising.


thru the internet only


trade directory and direct mail


Trade directory and referral from business contacts and friends


Trade journals, network of related professionals, referrals


Trade press, referrals, trade associations, exhibitions, cold calling.


Trade shows and cold calls. Direct mail doesn’t work well.


Trade shows and through distribution organization.


Trade shows, occasional advertising in the two trade magazines (which, so far, has never brought any inquiries at all).


Trade shows, Referrals from host – USPS, Small amount of advertising (not very affective), Web site search engines find us. Cold calling new prospects.


Trade shows, telemarketing, list generating, company database, sic codes via d&b etc.


Um, I don’t


Unfortunately, I would say that I wait for them to come to me


Unfortunately, I’m in a reactive mode… Because of being brand new, and a lack of money, I typically wait for inbound leads.


Up till now I waited for the phone to ring or the e-mail


Use discount price for them when they provide 5 refeerals. Some of these referrals become our new first time buyers


Use my business network of contacts to identify prospective new buyers for my

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? products/services. 534.

Use of current mailing list and additions by board members.


Use to do radio but now nothing


Usually by mailers and get them into the store.


Usually through brokers or agencies over the Internet.


Vendors receive reciprocal referrals, and they are armed with my marketing arsenal when new dates are contacted.


Visit 20 potential prospects a day – trying to meet business owners. We do meet about 30% of the owners. We invite them to a free seminar in their area. At this seminar we offer them a seminar special, that day only, for a one technique module for a very reduced price – also risk reversed.


We all tell people that we happen to meet about our work here, and quite a few try us out and remain good customers.


We attend the major conventions where our clients will be attending.


We buy a list by (sic codes), then tele-prospect, we usually send postcards to these prospects every once in a while.


we buy business lists and mail to them


We call current business clients to ensure that we are servicing their needs appropriately and to ask for referrals. We use current networks to get names of individuals in similar business arenas and call them directly.


We cut articles for thosae we target then drip market em till we call


We don’t.


We first offer a free audio book, or ebook


We get leads almost exclusively through our existing network and through referrals from our clients. We originally hoped that Microsoft would be a good source of leads, but such has not been the case to date.


We get our new clients from the Yellow Pages and referrals.


We have a Radio Infomercial planned. Also, have a PR campaign


We have made cold cals on the phone


We have not changed our prospects, except that we want to promote it more effectively through our web or other means.


We have not—but are using direct mail


We haven’t started yet.


We mail an extremely attractive front end offer to lists of prospective buyers. We also do a small amount of enquiry prospecting and those prospects we put into a sales follow-up process.


We only go through our top patients for referrals of their friends and family…we also work with specialists for referalls of thie patients, but we have not done any outside marketing as of yet.


We only operate in a very specific market so there are not many potential clients and we communicate with them on a regular basis so they know what we are doing.


We only target those customers who reaches a certain thresh hold.


We rely on the work of the agents that we deal with – some referrals come through our web site. The primary agent sends out mailouts and uses yellowpages display

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? ads. Also has reputation in the area. 560.

We use mailing and have used e-mail.We have used literature drop-off in target areas.We have used co-operative efforts and alliances to develop new relationships with prospects and first time buyers.


We use the Yellow Pages, some seminars and events and word of mouth.


We wait for them to come to us.




Web marketing and affiliate building


Web newsletters, referrals, articles in publications


Web, cold calls, referral calls.


Web, visibility at conferences, local partners


Website is visible to search engines. Some personal selling at conventions.


Website search engines; gain referrals from existing clients; prospects from commission agents; personal discussions at business and social events; articles written for business journals; sharing our demonstrations with friends and business associates; keeping in touch with past clients.


Website, referrals


Web-site; word of mouth; workshops


Well with the video business which I am getting out of I did a lot of cold calling. And with the log home business they are given to me because they are the ones seeking the information on the homes.


Will use personal community outreach program.


With sales reps in the field


word of mount, expert sales people and trade shows


word of mouth (9)


Word of mouth and advertising in the yellow pages and different education publications.


Word of mouth and contacts within the industry – Promotional flyers placed with venues where prospective clients are likely to visit (eg-studios, specific bars and music venues, etc) – adverts in music related magazines.


Word of mouth and ezine advt etc.,


Word of mouth by cold calling in person or on the phone.


Word of mouth, newspaper ads


Word of mouth, personal conversations


Word of mouth, realtor and builder referrals, past client referrals


Word of mouth, referrals, calls.


Word of mouth, viral marketing. I would give voters a chance to “challenge” others in answering the question, thereby signing them up and eventually selling the paper and giving them the full email subscription. Also promote service through church bulletins, inviting people to the site.


Word of mouth, We starting to seek out real estate companies and offer our services for their prospective buyers. Direct mail to our old database collected over the years, have over 20,000 contacts Observations and talking to people

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Question 46. How do You Currently Prospect and Generate for New First Time Buyers? 587.

Word of mouth. Search engines Articles Speaking Workshops It goes on…


Word of mouth/referral. PR with our contact details attached Networking Through using allies contact databases and endorsement.


Word of mouth…tried Radio with NO RESULTS AT ALL.


Word of mouth—either me or downline


Word-of mouth, sponsor clubs, events, concerts, sell in retail stores, promote website….


Work for a company at a discount in order to retain the customer when the warranty period is over.


Work through the yellow pages


Yellow page ads, referrals from existing clientele. Word of mouth


Yellow pages (3)


Yellow pages ad. Street sign. Referral reward program.


Yellow pages and word of mouth and trade shows


Yellow pages, I’m thinking about working with alumni relations at the major Tri-State (NY, NJ, CN,) college campuses.


yellow pages, internet banners/search engine placement/minimal local t.v./PR


Yellow pages, word of mouth, online sales, book and video sales through Amazon.com


Yes (4)


Yes, prospect, not sure what you mean by ‘generate for’


YP, referrals, tv exposure!

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? Question 47. What frequency of communication do you have with your prospects, active or inactive clients/buyers? What forms do they take (call, visit, letter, etc.)? 1.

1 – 12 per year..calls, letters, consultations


1 followup email after the download.


1 letter every ten days.


1-2 times per year. Letter.


12X per year; electronic communication, monthly newsletter plus billing emails.


1-4 times a year – mostly calls and e-mail


1-4 times per month.


2 times a year on in-active client. Once a month on active client


2 times a year. Through telephone contact.


2-3 months calls


28 - 30 direct mail pieces


3 mailings per year to prospects, monthly to dream 500 and monthly to clients.


3 times a month.


3-6 months; call then sometimes visit


4 times per year minimum


4 times till 20 times a year


4-6 weeks, we send cards, letters, relevant articles, call, but all a bit hit and miss


6-8 times per year at least. Letters, 3-5, calls, at least one, post cards, 4 per year, emails, at least once a month for those whose emails I have.


6-weekly mail shots


A couple with the inactives…and a couple of times a week with the active ones.


A cycle of calling, visiting, sending letters (repeat the cycle)


A newsletter I already talked about.


A phone call works better. We do it aprox. 3 times a year.


A visit.


A weekly e-mail newsletter with many of them. Mailed postcards when new books come out. Phone calls sometimes. In-person contact with bookstores.


A= TOP PROSPECTS B=OTHER PROSPECTS C=TOP CLIENTS D= OTHER CLIENTS P= PERSONAL /FRIENDS/DRIPmonthly newsletter, A,B,C MAIL OR EMAILQUARTERLY NEWSLETTER ALLPhone contact A,C BimonthlyPhone contact B,D Semi annualAcct Review Triannuale-mail contact at least once monthly besides newsletter


About 5 times per year via phone calls, emails or letters.


about once every two months, telephone call.


about once every two or three weeks by mail or email.


About twice a year, generally in the form of a mailing or a phone call.


active – weekly by email, from time to time (once every two months also a printed letter with an invitation)

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? 32.

active (weekly calls), inactive (none to yearly)


Active 20 times a year Inactive once a quarter, 6 month


Active clients are seen weekly, or monthly or quarterly depending on their needs. inactive ones are sent a series of 3 letters inviting them back once they are inactive for 3 months with no purchases or visits; everyone now gets a monthly mailing with a success story type of communication.


Active clients have weekly calls (the service) when ask what they are getting out of the call and what want to do differently. Inactive clients – nothing at present. Newsletter in the future


Active clients have weekly communication ; inactive clients have no communication


Active clients is the easiest to answer – constant contact, as we have an active project whereby we typically have people onsite interacting with everyday. Prospective and inactive clients, depending upon the type and status of the clients’ business. Most commonly used forms of contact for prospective and inactive clients would consist of E-mails, phone calls, face-to-face visits, customer conferences, etc.


Active clients/buyers who are enrolled in a programme are contacted 3 times monthly – personally, written & email. Prospects are followed up by telephone and personally ‘during the process’. If they do not proceed, follow up is then spasmodic.


Active clients: Once every six weeks report / letter three months with a newsletter


active customers get face to face meetings and or phone calls


Active customers: weekly Too soon for inactive customers


Active once a week call or meet for couple of weeks after the product was delivered. Non-active once in a while phone, mail or meeting


Active: Initial call, visit, followup calls keeping informed throughout the process, visit to sign up contract, letter of introduction to bank, final settlement letter and flowers or gift.


Active: occasional with key customers. Inactive: no contact.




Advertising is the primary mode of communication and contact for the consumer segment, followed by in-person communication when they come to our dealers. With the business segment, it is primarily a personal-selling environment.


after initial sale they don’t buy for years in mortgage banking


after we receive a direct mail response, we call them back. if not ready , we wait a few weeks and call back then. then we follow up periodically using ACT as a way to control when to call , etc.


Agents visit regularly.


All communication is via magazine or e-mail and at least 1 time/mo.


All customers have limited phone/email support – they have to initiate the contact when they require it. Email newsletters are sent out periodically.


All done with email


All forms have been utilized, and are offered. Differentiates per client


all forms, about once per 4-6 weeks.


All of the above

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Inactive clients: Once every

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? 56.

All of these by Account Manager responsible or a VP but frequency is informal – just as often as we can


all of these on 3 month cycle


all the above


All three


All two or three month. Phone call or E-Mail.


Always by direct mail or email


Annual mailings


annual meetings, monthly newsletter


any of the above


Approx monthly


as needed; newsletters


as of the last couple of years it has been only in response to requests (they ask us to quote price and availability of a product or service). I am working on a client contact plan


At least 3 times every year with prospects. Perhaps 5 times every year clients. Most of the contacts are letters or calls.


At least 4 direct mailing per year


At least monthly visits, daily calls and circulars.


at least monthly, usually calls or visits


at least once a month - letters


At least once a month. Sometimes call, sometimes letter, sometimes email. I mix it up.


At least once every 3 months. Mostly telephone, sometimes a letter with updated info and also visits to mainly (though not always) the nearby FDs and crematoria


At least once every 30 days or lessEmail mostly.


At least two times a month by e-mail mainly


At least weekly calls during the decision process and as many meetings as they require to make a final decision. I will also schedule meetings with any members of the design team the prospective Clients wish to meet. All of this is to demonstrate value to the Client. No fees are charged for these meetings by me or the members of the project team.


At least weekly calls or visits


at random


At this time we meet with anyone wishing to meet privately or in small groups at their convenience.


BASICALLY, WHEN THEY COME IN THE SHOP, and the 2 -3 times a year Direct mail


Before 9/11, we used to have quarterly sales forums where we product managers could present new products, services and pricing to the sales staff from around the region. It’s much more difficult to get the word out now, which is why I’m looking for new and innovative ways of doing so.


bi annual letter

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? 84.

bi monthly letters, weekly emails, periodic calls and visits


bi-monthly, quarterly or as needed


Bi-monthly. Cards, calls, letters.


Bi-weekly e-mail to our customers and subscribers Weekly online chat for interested prospects and customers Daily chat for customers (providing on-going support)Daily newsletter for subscribers


Biweekly, email, phone


both dealership and manufacturer contact customers after sale through both letter and telephone. (new customers are contacted approximately 5 times between dealer and manufacturer)


By call.


By phone


By Phone every two weeks


By telephone, almost weekly


Call (3)


Call about every three months.


call and business trips


call and email to the active telling them the next test I about to run.


Call and visit to active clients. We don’t have but 2 inactive clients and we haven’t been in touch with them.


call appointment quote phone call


Call at least once every quarter,


Call at least once per month


Call but no specific frequency


Call every 4 months


call every two weeks


Call monthly, visit at least annually, letters quarterly


Call once in a few weeks.


Call or letter ever 3 months


Call them once every 6 months.


call weekly, or daily as needed during the escrow process, visit them after they move in, add to mail list.


Call, E-Mail


Call, email


call, letter, fax, email


Call, letter. At least once a week.


call, send catalog if they request.


Call, visit, and email.


Call, visit, e-mail.


call, visit, letter, email

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? 118.

Call/ newsletter – monthly


call/letter once per year


Call/Visit once every 3 months.








Calls – Not frequent enough if the prospect is not in the buying cycle


Calls / emails – once every 1 – 3 months.


calls about every three months to clients that have done business. Very little to no follow up on leads who have not.


Calls about once a month.


Calls and /or letters usually monthly.


calls and letters once a week to once a month


Calls and post cards with little “WIIFM” from their perspective


Calls and visits.


Calls are made every day to prospects and those we’ve met with before but have not converted.


calls letters just starting email communication


calls mostly. I send every quarter a professional letter to them.


Calls on a monthly basis. An Occasional note and email from me.


calls usually triggered by their requirements


Calls, emails, lunches (1x/2 months)


calls, infrequently and now3 direct mail


Calls, visits, email.


Calls, visits, until now. Will be different when volume products are ready for take off.




Calls. Emails. Visits.


cals and e-mail. Most of our sales are done over the phone all over the world.


cleaners leave an evaluation form after every clean. Inactive clients get a letter with an incentive to win them back every 3 months.


Client monthly / some weekly - Prospect Phone only well 90% some written


Clients receive info monthly. Others, at least quarterly


Constant contact by phone or in person. In house programs.


Constant. A staple of my approach. Phone works best.


Contact is made at least fortnightly in one form or another


Continuous and frequent, phone. fax/mail/email/visit/etc.


Currently do not follow any specific plan.


currently low frequency because in pre-launch mode


currently none

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? 154.

Currently we call the customers on the anniversary of their orders, for all orders over $1,000.


Daily – weekly ---face to face


daily with active clients, or weekly. Prospects, irregular,


daily with current clients, monthly with prospective clients




Depending on importance-I have weekly til´ every second/third month contact with my customers.


Depending on level of interest it could range from talking once per day or less. Call.


Depending on the client it can be quarterly, monthly, weekly by phone, email, followup site visits, or mailings.


Depending on their immediacy it can be daily, weekly, or monthly via mail with calls and visits mixed in.


Depends on the volume of business and shipments generated from that client but we can call once a week once a month it depends on the needs


Depends on their level of interest. The higher the level of interest the more frequent the contact and it is usually by phone.


Direct mail letter every other month, personal call. Not very good at doing this consistently either.


direct mail twice a year.


direct mailings every three to four months


either a one time email or direct people to call me or visit my autoresponder


email (3)


Email 2 or 3 times per month Monthly direct mail to select target Personal visits/lunch on going


E-mail and direct mail about 7 times a year minimum


Email campaign to 2000 realtors: 3 emails per week using Greg Frost’s pdf’s Mail: mail postcards to top 400 realtors monthly Mail letters to top 400 realtors monthly Have 3rd party mail (title, other realtors) to top 400 realtors Mailed audio tape with 20 top realtors in-depth comments about us Voice broadcast; trouble implementing, but plan to top 400 realtors monthly Website including Audio’s of 20 top realtors in-depth comments about us


E-mail newsletter and telephone calls.


email newsletter once a month.


Email newsletter with product info, etc.


email newsletter, and occasional postcards. Newsletters only to those interested. Post cards to very specific customer groups


Email once a month with newsletter and invitation to answer next question (could be two different emails, but hasn’t been decided)


Email or letter. Followed up with phone call.


E-Mail see above. Often intensive and time consuming advisory service on dyslexia and learning disabilities. ADHD.


Email via newsletter, hand written notes.

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? 181.

E-mail, call, and visit. As frequent as the customer finds acceptable, or constant stalking until the sale is made for new prospects.


email, occasional phone call


Email, primarily. Contact at least once a week, often more frequently.


Email, print too costly, mail too costly for $60 sale


e-mail, sending information, calls




email/snail mail/ phone: no real “strategy”, but we do maintain at least some contact.


emails once a week. Letters monthly, newsletter monthly, fax . New prospects we use the series of 7 contacts.




every 21 days


every 90 days


Every One to two months I send out a newsletter and 3-4 times a year I send a special promotion that is tied into the season.


Every two weeks for ezine newsletter.


Every week I distribute my weekly “Must-Know” InfoTM Bulletin to everyone on my email distribution list. From time to time I call existing clients to talk about reviewing their financial position, e.g., to convert a term insurance policy to whole life, or to exercise a future insurability option rider on a disability insurance policy. Recently I have hardly been using direct mail.


Every week, two week or three week depending on servicing needs. of the vending machine.


E-zine and future magazine.


fax ads and a monthly newsletter. Occasional phone calls maybe 2 or 3 times per year.


Follow up letter / e-mail and face to face meeting.


Follow up letter for further business and yearly warranty call


follow up letter, calls every week then 2 until we get a definite decision( taking care not to get on their nerves) we try to get them to take a tour as soon as possible and follow up with a letter and then the same phone call schedule. We also send them our monthly newsletter


Follow up letters to all trade show/phone leads. Phone call to confirm receipt of letter with goal of setting up an on-site appointment.


Follow-up call made within 24 hours after their initial call to us.


Followup calls and letters at holidays and cards


followup every2 to 3 days to one week, either by phone, email or in person, usually a combination


Follow-up letters to referring physicians.


For heart disease and chronic pain sufferers we continue to send information on upcoming seminars.


For the time being, we make contacts via e-mail and phone. Soon, we want to have set up, a scheduled mailing strategy for follow-up consultanting.

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? 208.

fortnoightly - enewsletter, monthly phone call


Frequency depends on the situation. Calls and emails.


Frequency has not yet been enforced, on an as needed base. Calls, letters, fax.


Frequency of 5x/week is our target for electronic media plus direct mail or print.


Frequency of contact is sporadic, generally once per quarter. The form is usually email and occasionally a phone call.


Frequency varies, and contact usually takes the form of a phone call or email.


Frequency will probably be weekly or bi-weekly. Form : See above.


Frequent – mostly e-mail.


From once a month to once a quarter, by phone, visit, letter, and thank you card.


Generally prospects are contacted once per year. Our existing clients we speak with regularly generally to resolve issues or answering questions. We don’t do much follow up marketing.


High frequency & in all forms.


I try to call all of them 3-4 times a year, fax twice, email weekly


I am implementing a twelve step plan of action for all prospects/clients, weather first time buyers or repeat buyers. Email Phone call White Paper


I am planning on at least twice monthly with email. This will be my focus in the beginning although I can see their may be benefits with letters and calls.


I am testing what approach will be the most effective. I am planning phone calls and production restraints information letter for prospects, monthly newsletter and events for inactive clients.


I call active customers monthly after the first month and have no communication with inactive customers


I call and mail and visit if I can.


I call or email them 4X per year


I call or visit if I don’t hear from them in six months.


I call them as often as they will receive my calls.


I call them once a quarter and ask for business.


I communicate on an as-needed basis, usually by phone or fax.


I communicate with active Executive Coaching clients several times a month via telephone, email and with some clients in person. I don’t communicate with prospective RT members nearly often enough.


I deal exclusively with prospects. Bi-monthly – phone/email.


I do a lot of handwritten thank you notes.


I do send e-mails. One to 4 a week. (3 are my free newsletters/paid newsletters if I publish them regularly).


I don’t have any systematic communication at this time; I plan to develop a note and/or educational flyer/newsletter mailing once every 3 months, and an annual phone call; also will call to request a personal visit whenever I am in their geographic area (I recently moved)


I get on query sites and assist people with their problem.


I have a monthly communication newsletter and then if they are in my farm area I

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? also send out a flier every 21 days. My farm or focus areas consist of approximately 2,500 houses. 237.

I have made some calls, a few cards sent out, but not too much contact yet.


I have not gotten in touch with them once they bought. From what I’ve been reading, I’m already writing a letter to mil it to them.


I lucky if I see them once a year. My clients have told me that they don’t come to the fair every year. It is a wonder that I am still in business. I don’t call, visit, send them a letter or email them. A lot of them search me down by contacting the fair to get my address or phone number. Shame on me. I have treated this very profitable business as a stepchild.


I send a letter every couple of months. I make sporadic phone calls.


I send a monthly newsletter. I offer all of my readers a special email to write me for ongoing help absolutely free of charge. I will call some who seem to have unusual problems. Most contact is by email.


I speak with prospects quite frequently in the beginning of our relationship. Once they’ve hired me, I communicate one time per week with them.


I stay in touch through a weekly e-newsletter.


I try to find out what forms they prefer. I plan to communicate with prospects every three weeks.


I try to get out a newsletter to my clients and prospects on at least a quarterly basis.


I try to visit prospects once or twice a month. Not real plan in place for inactive customers—Am planning to call the inactives. Active buyers get discount promotions according to their purchase volume. This is accomplished through letters and data on the website that tells them how much they have purchased.


I use the autoresponder message series as described previously. I will call prospects that enter their phone numbers into the online forms. The phone works best. The Internet is so impersonal that to make contact on the phone proves you're real. It makes a big difference. Once a phone contact is made the autoresponder messages to those contacts become much more effective.


I will call on an sporadic basis.


I will send a newsletter every week.


I’ll usually give up if I can’t get an appointment after 3 contacts


If it is a follow up phone call it is in a week. If it is a follow up letter it is in 4 weeks.


If it is to set up a new alliance, I may call, write or visit 1-2 times per week, until we have a working arrangement.


In most cases an inactive customer is called every 3-6 months, receive 1-4 letters per year, local customers can expect at least 1 visit every 1-3 years, depending upon the stability of their system, every active customer receives a Christmas gift (like a pen) and a personal call form me thanking them for the business.


inactive / email


Inactive downlines: I call one or two times a year when we have new products or something else could be of interest. Buyers, I hope and pray they call me, I seldom call them




informal semi annually calling (phone or drop in)

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? 258.

Information calls and mail (including email)


infrequent calls


Infrequent communication by phone.


Infrequent. (3)


Infrequent. Calls mostly. Occasional letters. Rare visits.


Infrequent. I send brochures to prospective callers who don’t book. Inactive clinets is actually frequent. I send them articles, tips, e-zine.


Infrequent…call, letter.


Initial letter with brochure


Initially when required, then randomly by a call or fax.


irregular. Ezine, letter, phone calls.


It has been very infrequent.


It is high frequency, calls at least once a month with prospects. Active clients are contacted weekly.


It is not really systematized , but we attempt to e-mail and call each person that expresses interest.


It varies; no specific plan in place beyond Monthly Specials mailings


It will be a one time communication via telephone and booklet. I will not need to follow up because I only need one sale/joint venture partner.


It’s irregular, because as the only one in the department, I’m still in the process of setting up that system. I hope to be able to contact them with pertinent information, industry info, updated company info, etc., as it is appropriate: the plan would be to have around 3 – 6 contacts with them per year.


just recall reminders of when their appt is about every wix months


Just when a new product is coming out: letter for books, call for nutrition


Key accounts telephone within every three months or more frequentlySmaller accounts once or twice a year


Launch new initiative every 2 to 3 months.




Letter perhaps once per year or phone call if #46 not executed crisply.


letter, call, visit…repeated


letter, email


Letter, newsletter, card update.


Letter. On farm visits. Frequency depending on whether buying


Letter/call or visit with active “hot” prospects as frequently as useful. For prospects: weekly newsletter plus invitations to seminars, workshops, as they are scheduled


letters & email newsletter


Letters- 3x/year, calls 3x/year, visits as we can get a meeting,


Letters and phone calls, primarily. Producers do make personal visits.


Letters once every six weeks


Letters, mostly. Every 3 weeks.

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? 290.

letters, newsletter and we will begin an email program with health tips, etc.


Letters, telephone contact regularly


Little if any, currently


Little, if any


Lots of calls and e-mail


Lots of contact since it are contact intensive services/'products' offered.


Low frequency. Most will not receive any communication after 6-8 weeks. Clients accept calls, emails, visits.


Mainly email ... some phone calls ... no letters ( too time consuming)


Mainly e-mail and phone.


Mainly telephone, email and sometimes a face to face meeting


Many calls with active buyers, fewer with less active


min. monthly with postcard, email, or fax


Minimum of once per month in the form of calls, visits and letters.


Minimum once a month by means of an electronic newsletter, and once a month (some prospects/clients) at networking functions. Existing customers are seen on at least a weekly basis, with telephone communication in between as and when necessary.


Minimum once a month by means of an electronic newsletter, and once a month (some prospects/clients) at networking functions. Existing customers are seen on at least a weekly basis, with telephone communication in between as and when necessary.


minimum once per months, phone calls, email, direct mail


Monthly (2)


Monthly – telephone calls


Monthly / Phone, Visit, E-Mail


Monthly at a minimum – e-mail, e-cards, newsletter and phone calls


Monthly calls


Monthly calls, site visits, letters, e-mail, etc


Monthly contact through email


Monthly E-Zine/letter/gifts/special reports/surveys/research requests


Monthly meeting, monthly report, annual Quality Survey Results


monthly newsletter (2)


monthly newsletter, special mailings


Monthly newsletters, semi-annual catalogs


Monthly phone calls


monthly telephone calls, sometimes I write letters or send books or goofy stuff as presents. We call and sing happy birthday to them so0metimes too.


Monthly through email or telephone call


Monthly to Quarterly when inactive. Weekly when active. Both, when inactive more likely to be a phone call. Few letters.

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? 322.

monthly web newsletter, occasional phone call, handwritten notes, thank you notes for referrals


monthly, letter


Monthly, mainly phone conversations. Every once in a while face-to-face meeting.


monthly, all of the above


Monthly; phone calls, personnel visits, emails, letters.


Most follow up is by phone, and I do a lot more than most of my group..i believe the fortune is in the follow up


Most of our clients advertise monthly, so contact is generally by phone or visit monthly. We also deliver copies of the publication to each client monthly.


Mostly email – monthly or quarterly. Phone calls quarterly. Starting to do cards (personalized)


Mostly email once or twice per month.


Mostly e-mail, and semi-regular.


Mostly emails.


Mostly, telephone calls whenever we have the time to call them.


My current clients hear from me at least quarterly with the newsletter. I call them if a particular product (photo frames, art) arrives that I think he/she would be interested in. My inactive clients I've just this week set up a separate database for them and I will be mailing a handwritten postcard to them. Prospects receive brochure, business card and any informational type of handouts that I have, depending on what they are interested in. Particular artist - I will give them the latest tear sheets on new releases. For framing - I will give them the 10 things to know before framing your picture handout.


My property managers sees them or calls them on a monthly basis when collecting the payments.


N/A (4)


New patient letters, reminder card for physical if they opt in3.


News letter four times a year and annual review letters follow ups and further presentations if a client’s circumstance change. We don’t go and see them if there is not a requirement on their part. One interesting thing regarding the newsletter which produced in house we run a quiz in each newsletter and the clues are in the text this encourages our clients to read it and we publish the prize winner in the next edition.


Newsletter – monthly, newspaper ads – monthly, seminars – quarterly.


Newsletters and visits


newsletters by mail or email, calls & visits


Newsletters phone calls christmas card Direct mail


Newsletters twice/year, training course announcements twice/year.


No communication.


No follow up


No formal method of communicating on a regular basis with the customers at the moment


no frequency

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? 348.

no set frequency


No set frequency, but we do mail, telephone call, visit, active & inactive customers & prospects


No specific contact made with a view to selling further services at present.


no specific frequency


No structure contact tends to be random either letter, phone call or more often email


no system yet awe are instituting monthly newsletter!


Nominally monthly via email newsletters.


None (31)


None currently – Newsletters did not seem to be a good ROI


None for the inactive. Bi-Yearly for the active


None since it is all mental….my business, that is.


None they call us when they need us


None, but that will change once I have created the master strategy and I am able to be free of this important time consuming stage.


none, except when there’s a problem.


None, if they don’t want to buy we call them depending on the size of the account.


None, in fact one of the problems is that therapist, busy once anyway they are on a schedule. Usually they call when they have an unexpected break (cancellation). If I get a call I will drop anything to be there for that customer, because calling back is a major headache, to catch that person. I often call after hour with my customers when they have time to talk. E-mail has proven a good way to communicate, but I have a long way to go to bring technology up to snuff. Like sending full color repays and so for. Par of my incremental improvement plan.


None. I don’t even have a client list.


none. Sometimes a call


Normally a telephone call, email or letter.


Not as much as I would like


not as much as I’d like. Due to hours in the day, and amount of staff I can afford.


Not enough as proven by Jays marketing


not enough- notes calls


Not enough. Usually less than once a year.


Not frequent enough – trying to shoot for once a week or at most, two – through a Member’s Updates and phone calls.


Not in place yet – just started prospecting.


Not much


not much and it’s not consistent


not much frequency, track them for follow up on their schedule


not much of anything.


Not often due to time limitations.

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? 379.

Not regularly scheduled program. Telephone call/visit once a month. With inactive customers, contact every quarter.


Not so relevant to markets but my business has a strong repeat business basis with customers returning on average every 3 – 4 weeks for more jewelry. From each jewelry party of 5 – 10 women I generally have another 1 – 2 parties booked within a week. I hand out reward cards and jewelry party info sheets to every party guest. I hand out jewelry party info sheets at market on request – after I’ve explained the parties. I regularly call my shops to see how it is all going, about every 2 – 3 weeks.


not very frequent when up and running.


Nothing currently, but planning on newsletters and e-mails.


Nothing structured. Mostly with hardware.


Nothing's really established.


Now I just started to send out a weekly newsletter to my client base.


Now on at least a monthly basis, a letter or phone call and/ or both. I am trying to make sure when I am in one clients office and another client is in the building I take a few minutes to stop in and say hello and see if they have any needs at this time or just a friendly hello.


Occasional follow up call and letter (up to 3-4 per year)


Offline I do like a chat/visit with an existing client on a monthly basis. I do enquire about their needs. Sometimes they interpret it as a hard sell but I never push too hard. I ask them if they need something and do take their first response as the final answer.


Often once only.


On email about 2x/month. By calls, usually about 3-6 months.


On the mortgage side calls, e-mails, mailings, e-mailed newsletter around 70 contacts per year.




once - calling


Once a month a least plus mailings


Once a month flyer. Periodic attendance at in-house meetings at the real estate office within the shopping center to meet the agents and introduce myself. Personally hand out the flyers and visit with the tenants.


Once a month printed newsletter and/or ezine, every 3 months a 2-day seminar for clients.


Once a month through email/fax


once a month to a year, too bad, call and email


once a month, visit to collect fees.


Once a year


Once every 2 months they will get a phone call.


Once every 6 months, call or letter


Once every week or two, phone, in person, email.


Once or twice a week visits followed by calls.


Once or twice per month. Via emails.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? 406.

Once per month direct mail, inconsistent communication with active clients in the form of phone calls and occasional letters.


Once per month, by further invitations to seminars


once per week , something


One every month. Could be a telephone call, a postcards, an email.


One letter after initial contact as a follow up. Then only e-mail to follow up on that.


one time fax only


online chats (weekly), call (qtr), newsletter (monthly)


only when things come up. Call.


Only working with active clients now – plan to initiate monthly email with all others soon.


Our active patients are communicated with each week with an information handout that they receive at the time of their visit. The handouts serve as a positive reinforcement for their decision to continue their care beyond the reasons that may have brought them in the door initially. They also receive a quarterly newsletter that fills them in on any new developments in the practice, such as changes in our techniques or services, upcoming special events or promotions and an article on how chiropractic care can help to improve their lives. Inactive patients and prospects receive a quarterly newsletter with the same information and an offer for a return “check-up” at a reduced fee to find out how they’re doing. (We get 3 or 4 returning patients with each mailing) We also have recently instituted a monthly email newsletter that will go out to all active and inactive patients and prospects. Everything we send out also directs them to look to our newly updated website for the latest information on the benefits of chiropractic care.


periodic calls, reminder notices


periodic emails


Personal contact at meetings, gatherings, political rallies, etc. Letters would be so much easier. I’d love to do an ezine and have written/culled the articles of interest but just cannot get to doing the mailing list (no time).


phone and e-mail primary. They usually call us.


Phone and visits.


Phone and/or fax and a visit.


phone calls


Phone calls but not many.. we basically wait for customers to come to us or call us back with questions.


Phone calls mostly ,letters and visits.


Phone calls, face-to-face meetings, email contact on a monthly basis with inactive clients. Weekly contact with my active clients.


Phone calls, letters, e-mails and very rarely, a visit


Phone calls, visits to offices, faxes, letters, and phone calls for confirmation.


phone or personal contact 1-9 times a week


phone, email, in person


Phone, personal visits, letters and e mail.


Plan is to have weekly contact in person. If we have a drop off, call them on the

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? phone and follow-up by mail or email. 432.

Plan to contact prospects weekly or bi-weekly.


Post card Spring & Fall


Postcard every 30 days started just 2 months ago


Postcard quarterly.




Practically none


Pre season – minimum monthly calls and emails. During the season we communicate weekly and often on a daily basis. Telephone and email.


Print newsletter, biweekly e-zine . . .


Probably will be; every occasion – holiday, birthday, via letter.


Prospects - fortnightly enewsletter Thank you notes to prospects following comp session. Phone calls to prospects more serious about coaching.


Prospects - very infrequent call or email. Active clients regular phone, email & in person. Inactive clients same as prospects


prospects ~ 6 times in 12 days, clients almost daily, partners by need


Prospects get emails, or faxes, or phone calls weekly. The forms to sign for our ECR service is either faed, emailed, or can be printed from the website.


prospects usually call us by referral


Prospects vary from 3 days to 6 months depending on where they are in the sales cycle, this will be stepped up with mailings. We call, visit, and send letters.


Prospects, 3 times per week; Active clients at least once a week; Inactive clients not enough; My contacts are primarily through email with some letters


Prospects: At least once a week. Clients: At least twice a month. Calls / letters / emails.


Prospects: contact weekly or on agreed schedule until they buy. Clients see us regularly so lots of opportunity to discuss referrals. No contact with inactive clients, as so far too busy to call. Inactive buyers are contacted.


Prospects: weekly or bi-weekly phone calls, sample mailings and letters. Inactive clients: contacted sporadically on a semi-annual or annual basis. Active clients: daily, weekly or bi-weekly contact by phone and personal visit.


Prospects: weekly to semi-weekly calls plus e-mailActive – weekly calls plus emailInactive – press releases – needs to be better. Not sure what to follow on with except a friendly check in


Prospects>3 calls 2 letters, Activities>1st month call, letter, each month thereafter letter calls as service dictates


Prospects-at least every 60 days (direct mail); Active Clients- weekly (calls, visits, meetings); Inactive Clients-quarterly (direct mail)


Qtry newsletter


Quarterly html email newsletters, phone calls per contact management reminder – often 3 mos or 6 mos.


Quarterly newsletter and visits from sales staff (yearly)


Quarterly newsletter mailings, phone calls and visits

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? 458.

Quarterly newsletter, frequent invitations to seminars etc, regular phone calls from account managers. Top clients get frequent visits each year as well.


quarterly newsletter.


quarterly newsletters, annual statements, calls to prospects


Quarterly, as needed via phone call


quarterly. By pones email and personal visits.




Random and miscellaneous. Usually call, letter, direct mail, email and visit.


random, we do mail to inactive clients 3-4 times a year. Prospects more frequently. Occasional calls to active clients, random visits.


rate differs depending on whether they are active or inactive purchasers or active/inactive enquirers. On average for active one we contact them every 6/8weeks and the inactive quarterly or 6 monthly.


Recall visits every 3 -6 mo


regular calls – 3 weekly


Regular sales visits, faxes and emails usually 2 contacts per month average.


Report of latest studies, twice a year.


Sales calls, phone calls, faxes, direct mailing (minor), trade shows.


Salesmen call approximately once a month and visit where required.


We are pretty persistent both for circ and advertising.




send out mailing about new products


several times a month


Several times a month using phone and e-mail.


some regular every month some not but once a year.




Sporadic and not tightly scheduled telephone calls and sometimes personal meetings. Rarely use letters or other written communication.


Sporadic…not planned yet, although completing this questionnaire will take care of that, either phone/e-mail/visit – no snail mail.


Start up still


Still developing


Talk to prospects on a as need basis but don’t have a plan to create follow through.


telephone calls once every several weeks or months if inactive


Telephone contact ongoing through out relationship.


Telephone contact with virtually all clients followed by a letter of thanks with a small gift.


Telephone or email every month with active customers.


Telephone, letter, sales calls, e-mail


Tends to be mainly telephone and email

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? 491.

the final client is not ours directly so we don't contact


The first contact is usually direct contact within a week. Repeat information occurs weekly. Letters occur about once a month. Special mailings occur every 60 to 90 days. Special events have started and we are aiming at a rate of once every month to quarter.


The frequency of communication with our customers is generally via phone once every 3-6 months or so.


The only communication is the initial contact letter, the phone call to set the appointment and the two appointments themselves and then follow up if we have to deliver an insurance policy, etc.


The plan contemplates a very active low cost and frequent communication where the intermediary channels where they are encouraged to accept attractive money making plans for introducing and further selling our products to the end users.


There is currently only an at best haphazard approach to communication with Our previous client buyers. With our current prospects we speak with them At least one or twice a week to follow up with them.


There is no consistent method. I want to implement one, however, the sales people are reluctant. Is it time I simply laid down the law? Decisions makers receive our monthly infoletter by email. Managers get calls without a pattern.


They receive an initial welcome letter, after that the relationship is built thru visit to visit contact as the client comes in for care.


Three times a year we send out direct mail , we use industry publications monthly and do an annual trade show.


Through our Newsletter


try for 90 day cycles and usually call. If not a call then an email. For active clients we visit.


Twice a week to once a month: emails mainly, sometimes phone calls.


---twice a year by letter. Visits to top 50 donors.


Two letters a year and some clients receive an email.


two to six weeks cycle current clients in person visits, just started actively pursuing inactive with letter and voucher offer towards future purchases.


Typically a two week period.


Typically via phone calls and a few face to face meetings. I typically try to talk to a new prospect every 2-5 days.


Typically, it’s just an e-mail or the monthly e-newsletter. Occasionally (without any schedule), I call clients to bounce ideas off of them (when I’m considering a new project).


Usually a phone call within 90 days.


Usually about once/week I call until I either get them to commit or they convince me they aren’t buying.


Usually email. Sometimes telephone call.


Usually one visit and one letter per year.


Usually only one contact with prospects unless they decide to become involved with the business of become customers, at least once per month with customers, rarely with inactive people. It may take the form of personal calls or e-mails but most of

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? the time personal calls. 514.

Usually phone call, sometimes a face-to-face visit at a local coffee shop.


Usually weekly with active clients as a phone call, quarterly as a mailing to inactive clients.


Usually, we send out a letter annually, to remind people that we are still here to help them. We plan to do follow-up phone calls, but do not yet have an organized system in place.






Varies depending on client needs. Calls, Letters, e-mail, one on one sessions, newsletters.


Varies by product. One product is quarterly newsletter. Seminars has usually been 1-4 times in a year. Almost all contact is in writing.


Varies from one-a-month to once.


varies from salesperson to salesperson, probably need a standard procedure. Some calls, some letters.


Varies greatly. No set frequencies.




Varies. Letter/fax, Phone, Call if necessary.




Vary rarely unless it is someone with a current order.


very infrequent – mostly prevent calls or follow up calls


Very infrequent.


Very little if any.


very little, when I do ring they don’t want to take the call because they are already excluded my service because they may have no need


Very little. Some follow up and I distribute information on new products


Very seldom, no systematic


Via email once a month


Virtually none. phone call every six months.






visit and call


visit and letter


VISIT frequency starts at 3 times per week to 2 to 1 to every 2 weeks, then 3 to finally 4 weeks for maintenance.


visit or call




we are building a template newsletter which we will use every two months. We will extend it to go to all people who have attended the seminars not just the ones who buy the alerts.

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? 544.

We are going to start analyzing the latency between projects for our regular clients and calling them when that latency has elapsed. We also have a drip marketing program we are going to start rolling out so that we can stay in the minds of clients and prospects.


We call every client who falls behind, Which is 2/3 on any given month. We fax reminders first, then follow with phone calls.


We call them once, then follow up with mailed information if they are interested in the service.


We communicate with active prospects on a weekly basis for the most part, more often when indicated. Inactive clients have received email and telephone contact on approximately a quarterly basis.


We contact existing customers every six month to remind them it is time to return for service.


We do not do the contacting – the agents do. We keep in touch with the agents on a biweekly basis.


We do not have a fixed cycle. We try to remain in touch with prospects based on when they have asked us to call them back.Most of the communication takes place in the form of phone calls.


we do not have specified policy at this moment.


We don’t have a sales force yet, but we should be electronically in touch with customers/prospects via the internet, emails, newsletters, and telephone, all in increasing frequency


We email them, then we call them if necessary, they email us back, customers sometimes call us back


We envisage a monthly contact system through email based/postal newsletter linked to a special website which will have specific free benfits for clients and non-clients


We follow up with prospects to some degree via telephone call. become our clients, we do not follow up with them at all!


We have a physical store, so they call us.


We have just instituted a program to send one letter per month to the product customers and one letter or email a week to the Independent Business Owners encouraging them to participate in the National Conference Training Calls.


We have no consistent program for this. Phone calls are common for local (Philippine) contacts; email for most of the rest of the world, as well as the Philippines.


We keep sending the inactive clients some letters only. However, we don’t follow up unless they call us. However the active ones, we email, send a letter and visit them.


We ring our A clients at monthly , we setting a system to be able touch at leat once a month. Newsletter quartly. Letetrs sent 15, 30 60 90 120 200 etc days after loan settled. We going to provide a budgeting service where we go help them with their budget, this be 14 days after loan 30 , 60 120 1 year


We send a thank you card after they p/u vehicle send some customers a Christmas card.


We send Emails and newsletters once a month. Some times they send us Emails, or they contact us by phone, or by letters.


We send out a monthly newsletter to all of our clients and prospects we’ve met with who still haven’t given us a commitment. We communicate quite a bit through email.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

Once they

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Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? It seems to be the most efficient use of our time. I have at minimum an annual meeting with our clients. 564.

We send out a quarterly newsletter and arrange for meetings at local hotel (with cash bar) for accounts spending over a certain amount each month. We do the same for consultants who work with us.


We stay in contact through our secure communication channels that are established from the onset.


We try for at least weekly with each referral source. Calls, visit, newsletter


We use all kinds of communications, something like several times a week by email, telephone conversation and sometimes faxes. Letters are seldom used .


We usually get to see many of our clients a couple times per year at these conventions. Also most people deal with us monthly on support issues. We have a short list of potential clients that we will about once per year visit when in that area of the province. This is just usually a 10-20 minute cold call while we happen to be traveling by on the highway and it is still business hours.


We visit our clients once a week to performance system maintenance.


We visit them


We visit them at least 4 times per year, we e-mail them our e-newsletter monthly and we talk to them on the phone at random intervals.




weekly – using agent2000 to network all staff members


weekly biweekly and monthly calls, a few emails


Weekly by email bulletin


weekly email (4)


Weekly email annd phone contact for new marketing partners and our KEY top 20%


weekly emails, calls and letters


weekly emails, calls and letters


Weekly ezine with various offers (DM if not among my subscribers)


weekly folllowed-up calls. At least one visit per month to check on things


weekly minimum


Weekly or fortnightly at the start. When business is more confirmed, then maybe daily.


Weekly service,phone contact


Weekly to monthly. Calls and mail or e-mail. Mostly telephone.


weekly until the sale, then monthly newsletter.


weekly via phone, meeting and e-mail.


Weekly, usually by phone. We just purchased ‘Goldmine’ contact/client mgt. Software, and intend to utilize this as the hub for all interaction and follow up.


When a prospect comes into the sales channel, he is continuously worked until a buying decision is made. For those who decide not to buy, they are contacted my mail with flyers, letters, and product information for about 6 months.


when they come for lessons


Whenever they order or when I send commission cheques.

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Page 872

Question 47. What Frequency of Communication do You Have With Your Prospects, Active or Inactive Clients/Buyers? 592.

With Internet visitors we currently have no regular communication. With fraternities there are periodic followup phone calls.


Yearly (mailing)


Yearly follow up letters, Mailing pieces congratulating them on landing a job, and offering to update their information to advance their career.

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Page 873

Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? Question 48. What tactics do you use to overcome frequently posed objections? 1.

? (5)


100 % money back guarantee for 90 days.


100% no questions asked return of money.


A combination of all Ziglar tells about in his book Secrets Of Closing the Sale: customer satisfaction letters, they can talk with customers, open communication, building trust, etc..


A good prepared presentation.


A list of answers provided by an organization involved in the business during training.


A resume is an investment in the best product you know, yourself. Selling yourself is an overlooked skill that can pay lots of returns in salary with its concurrent advancement. As one advances in a career, self promotion is even more vital for getting ahead.


Additional information, or thanks but no thanks


Address any real issues. Most objections revolve around cost – while competitively costed for service offered, clients are often opting for cheaper, less effective computer orientated courses or ones run by unqualified tutors / teachers


Address common concerns before they are voiced. Discuss how common shortfalls are avoided through preventative measures. Never negotiate fees. I bring actual value to a project, not just a commodity or service.


Address the issue head on, use freebies, and bonuses.


Ads feature our Stylists and our Experience….why go anywhere else? We guarantee our haircuts, also, so there is no financial risk.




Again, this is a problem area.


Agreeing and turning it into a advantage for me


Agreement and Reframing


Although it happened once or twice, we usually solve posed objections by immediately improving them pursuant to clients’ more specific requirements.


An initial test period with risk reversal


Analogies & examples


Answer in the most truthful manner that you can think of.


Answer the objections first


Answer their objections, calm their fears, be there for them help be win/win


Answer them by phone.


Anticipate and embedd the answers into the presentation ahead of time


Anything possible


Ask ?s then show the power of the solution and explain the cost of doing nothingtry and show my services pay for themselves


Ask for clear definition of objectionAsk questions to put the objection in perspective with needsAsk questions to see the benefits of meeting the need.

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Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? 28.

Ask propect to suggest a way to overcome the objection.


Ask questions back to verify if objections are real or imagined and ask if objections are taken care of would a purchase follow


Ask what the obstacles they have to getting care and overcome those obstacles.


Asked “Is that all?” and keep building the relationship until I have answered all the questions


Asking them questions, to get them to crystallize their problems and focus.


Basic education. Most objectsions are in the form of challenging questions.


Basically the propective client needs my service desperately.


---Because endowment covers cost of operations we can say %100 of your donation goes to the cause.


Because we clearly state to the client from the get-go that we only recommend a product or service if it is in their best interest (and we absolutely live by this), we meet very few objections. We don’t have any tactics other than the fact that the client knows that we are looking out for their best interest.


Being online I do not get as much feedback (objections) as I would like. Hard to know what people want when it is not face to face


Benchmark the “pain” and value of services, walk away, be viewed as always full with work, create new opportunities for them from working with me


Biggest one is risk reversal. Many folks don’t know who we are or what we do so we take on all of the risk for them - - meaning they can work with us for X amount of time and if they aren’t happy we will refund their money. In exchange, we ask them to answer three simple questions.


Biggest—they already have a company they deal with—try to tell them what I can do, how I’ll do it, and ask for them to try me an a small scale basis, and give me the same opportunity they gave their current vendor when they started with them.


Bring them up first


Bring up the objection ourselves in pre-appointment written communication and answer the objection then


Build info to cover those objections into info provided


By asking them questions to find the real objection and respond accordingly.


By asking very good closing questions.


by offering free services most objections never arise.


Call, emails


Capturing objection from Salesforce Analysing crafting responses Sales force training Direct mail/ E-mail responses


Case by case basis


Certain templates I use for estate planning/investments are discussed with clients if they object or are uneducated.


charts to validate our prices, etc...


Circ – try different angles in collection letters.Advertising – sell virtue of marketing (independent of our pub) to those who claim don’t have the money.


communicate about desired results

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Page 875

Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? 54.

Compare cost of treatment/products to cost of not doing anything. Quote or provide factual information supporting claims. Provide a free demonstration (like a free trial). Offer a two-year guarantee.


Comparison of investment and ROI to not taking action. Fear of losing business to the competitors.


Complete disclosure if it is some decision we have made. Follow-up to objections, and or suggestions. For legitimate objections we have no reason to not follow we solicit customer suggestions, and comments.


Constructive frame of mind Define the posed objections clearly. Exactly what happened? Write it down. Think on paper. Who exactly is going to do what, and when, and how.In dealing with posed objections is to take action.


Continual communication with better rates


Continued education about the condition of their mouths


Convey consequences of inacCion


Cost is the biggest, try to get grants, offer discounts or that’s the price its up to them.


Cost, in which a good appraisal can possibly save or make you many times its price


Create at least 5 responses – 10 for most common – and memorise them as scripts.b


Create scarcity in the service we provided. Also create the need for approval by our partners before their promotion can be finally accepted.


Current satisfied customers


David Sandler system, plus evaluate my presentation.


Deal with them one by one


Deep product and industry knowledge


Depending on the prospect, we invite them free of charge to a course with the goal of evaluating it for recommendation within their organization. We highlight our niche and qualifications of our instructors. We have many courses which are not offered elsewhere and can then offer them a complete program.


Depends on the objection!


Describe our organization and the results we have obtained


Developed playbook for distribution organization to overcome most common objections.


different closes




Direct mail sales letters. I usually didn’t hear objections


Discount, eliminate risk and packaging.


Discuss them, acknowledge them and have an answer!




Do not have any tactics I am aware of.


do not have time – we have a seminar that will help you have more time, do not have money – we have a seminar that will help you get more money by selling more, bad experience with seminars – here is a book of testimonial letters customers have sent us

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Page 876

Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? 81.

Don’t have none


Don’t have them currently.


Don’t try to overcome objections


Don't push them into coming. Don't want unhappy customers.


Each objection is addressed and eliminated, so there is no more objections. Then the client is asked, “Don’t you want the best? Don’t you deserve the best?”


Educate and listen


Educate customer about process and costs


Educate customer that they only need 1 estimate and can choose wherever they want to have vehicle fixed.


Educate the customers


Educate them using fearful tactics- Do you know that you will lose $29,000/yr after retirement if you choose ________. Why? Because______________


Educating the prospect on business realities they don’t like to face.


Education (4)


Education and I hope the web will in time help via video andhonesty, admit that even the product I make are a compromise in terms of features.As far as price objections. Making it clear that a 4-wheel drive is more costly and if that’s the only way you get where you want to go you have to live with it.


Education with some scripting.


Education, patient explanation


Education, questions to ask competitors


Deferred payment, payment options and guarantees


Either follow up with a sales letter or drop the company


Empathize with the customer while continuing to stress the benefits and value added parts of our service. What can the service do to help our customer.


Empathy followed with additional questioning to make sure the stated objection is really the actual objection.


Emphasise the preciousness of time. Offer Free info & maintain contact.


Engineers buy numbers: develop sample calculations describing value of purchasing services. Concerning fact that we are higher in daily cost and/or mobilization, point out cost of downtime, tools and systems we have others don’t.


Ethically persuasive words/ Scripts


Explain benefits


Explain the advantages of using my services and products.


Explain the dealers and the direct sales executives the possible objections and our replies for them , so that it can be used to explain to the customer .


Explain the features of the products and how they would enhance the customers lifestyle as well as show them how they could have something no one else possesses and satisfy their sense of vanity. Also convince them that their $’s are well spent and they are really getting a tremendous value for their purchases.


explain the truth


Explain the value I give and why my cost is cheaper over life of problem – with or

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Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? without insurance coverage 110.

Explain why we developed our system the way we did. I am not sure I understand what is being asked.


Fact based rebuttal and testimonials will be used to overcome frequent objections


Factual response. Explanation of services and products.


FAQ worksheets and education




FAQs list


Favorable financing and explanation of services


Feel – Felt – Found response tailored to suit the situation. Removes the adversarial position


Feel, felt found (3)


Feel/felt/ found and revisit the benefits.


Find a solution to the objection which client agrees.


Find out common denominators and figure out a way to over come these objectives


Finding what's behind the question & answering that


First of all by asking prospect questions I establish what the actual objection is. I then deal with the actual objection


First we validate their feelings then we provide anecdotes about successful participants with those same reservations show pictures of participants and letters from grateful families


First, gather as much data as possible and ask specific question as to the particular needs of prospect. Know your product.


Focusing on the pain the person is in and painting the picture of being out of it


For example, the objection is: “Consulters are expensive and doesn’t help me in any way.” Then I describe successful projects I made with my clients.


Free call


Free samples to experience effect, suggest comparative shopping when cost concerns


Generally focus on the objectives the prospect wants to achieve.


Generally I don’t try to overcome them. I use a take-away (perhaps you’re not ready; not sure I have space or time to work with you right now)


Get client back into “yes” mode. Getting real (or no deal). Asking questions to clear up any confusions there might exist. Turning the light to yellow or red and asking the client to turn it to either red or green. Helping the client to buy (rather than sell it to the client). Helping the client discover the value themselves (rather than us telling the client). Focus on helping clients succeed. Period.


Getting the true reason as to why they are not going ahead


give em the facts


Give examples of how my business has excelled in those areas of concern and followed up with educational materials to help the client better understand the industry and my positioning in it.


Give the same offer for free for 30 days.

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Page 878

Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? 137.

Give them the facts


Give up!


Giving information and reframing


Go back and answer all those questions


Good training session with sales staff and proper sales scripts to qualify our prospect.


Great flexibility on the product offering. reliable service, clean, responsive to needs and requests for products.


Great knowledge base. We are working with award winning products so by knowing other competitor products can compete well. Pre-empted any objections prepares for overcoming these.


Guarantees and past success


Guarantees, talk to past clients, testimonials, case studies


Handle them in presentation, sales people handle them


Handouts, testimonials, other case studies.


Hard sell push


Have a scripted answer


Have answers catalogued into FAQ’s and use testimonials


Have rebuttals already scripted.


Have testimonials from clients who are in a similar situation. A list of FAQ’s and answers for retailer to answer end-user questions Would like to offer guarantee – but not sure if national importer would allow.


Have them speak with previous clients/buyers. Discuss each objection in phone conversation.


Haven’t really had any


Hear them out, feed it back, question it, answer it, confirm it,




I agree with them and ask of that is the only reason


I always follow a no, with may i ask why. then i ask numerous questions to find the real source of objection


I am still learning how to overcome objections, although this question is the first time I’ve thought about writing down the most frequently posed objections, and creating a system on overcoming them.


I ask more details about it.


I back off,


I bring them up in my presentation and answer them there. In my case I say there are 8 big risks in owning Investment Property. Here they are and here’s how to eliminate them.


I can demonstrate or give an overview of areas we can work on developing based upon what they want to achieve but it is up to them to want it bad enough to focus on the area and do the work – I am the helper, the motivator


I can’t say there are frequesnt objections. After reviewing a clients financial situation, I’ll discuss areas of “concern”. I’ll rehearse and review my presentation

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Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? before they come in for a follow-up appointment. I’ll anticipate where any potential objections are, and weave the solution or benefit to them into my presentation, and why they need to go through with my recommendations 165.

I can’t.


I carry pertinent information and articles, some of which are in the “Must-Know” InfoTM section of my Web site that I might print out and give to a prospect. I also have certain answers and scripts on which I rely.


I deal with the objection up front, mentioning it first


I determine and anticipate every possible objection and have a predetermined way to allay the fears and concerns of prospects. Also, I bring potential objections up and answer them before the prospect does.


I discuss dental treatment options, my office manager discusses finances and all other concerns.


I do explain the benefits of using the products. I try to show in terms of $ and Cents that my offer provide good value for money. Sometime a prospective client indicates that FINANCIAL RISK is too high. In MLM that is not always true – TIME RISK is high if marketing is done in the wrong way!


I do not have frequently posed objections. I educate so thoroughly that I probably do not get more than one or two objections per month. I am a consultative seller, not a high pressure closer.


I don’t deal with objections.


I don’t get objections because I inoculate them ahead of time.


I don’t get too many objections. Once I’m in front of a client, I normally sell him or her


I don’t have a scripted response. It’s “off the cuff”.


I don’t really have any. Just say that I’ll do a piece for free to start with and then they can decide whether it had any value or not. If so, away we go.


I don’t.


I don’t.


I emphasize the benefits.


I first make sure I understand their concern, and then address if I can


I get few objections. Either someone is looking for a new solution, or is happy with what they have. If they are happy, I don't waste my time. I have a 80% interest rate.


I get few objections. Either someone is looking for a new solution, or is happy with what they have. If they are happy, I don't waste my time. I have a 80% interest rate.


I get no objections they are just slow to take it on. They sit there and look at me.


I get them to elaborate on their objections, I empathize, I lead them to commitments that what I’m selling is what they could use, then lead them to commitments that what I’m selling could be important to them (if what I have could actually be important to them), then vividly re-describe the benefits and close them.


I give examples of successful former graduates


I give them more information that relates to the objection and ask them if that makes sense to them.

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Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? 187.

I handle objections by the "Feel; Felt; and Found" technique. Example: I understand how you feel; Others have felt that way also; But when they looked deeper into the matter here is what they actually found.


I have 30 days money back guarantee... and I'm only one in whole Poland to have one on paid site. I have testimonials .I have list of all my articles on site to look at it.


I have a set of answers plus I always ask a return question.


I have an F.A.Q. section on my website.


I have learned responses to the objections that sellers always come up with.


I have no formal assessment of objections


I have prepared a paper with responses for each question arised


I have set responses and do not try to convince a prospect


I have tried to lay out in printed form all the golfer receives when he/she takes a lesson or clinic.


I haven't handled these well. I end up with the "can I call back in 3 months" type thing.


I include a Frequently Asked Questions section on the website, offer an unconditional guarantee to reverse risk, and offer enough information on my website for free to answer most questions and establish my credentials.


I include a Frequently Asked Questions section on the website, offer an unconditional guarantee to reverse risk, and offer enough information on my website for free to answer most questions and establish my credentials.


I let the client explain his reasons for the objection, isolate it, align with the client, so he knows he’s being heard, turn the objection into a question, answer it and tie down the deal.


I listen to the objection, respond that I understand and then propose a counter argument to the objection


I listen to their objections and list them out. I then address the objections and listen for new ones. Sometimes the prospect will come around once you have addressed their objections. Sometimes they don't.


I make a list of all objections I cannot answer meaningfully on the spot, seek plausible answers for them, and bounce these off as well as ask for advice from wise and knowledgeable associates. Answers are tried in practice at the first opportunity.


I make a list of all objections I cannot answer meaningfully on the spot, seek plausible answers for them, and bounce these off as well as ask for advice from wise and knowledgeable associates. Answers are tried in practice at the first opportunity.


I make the objection a reason to buy, I sent it back as a question or I show a specific benefit.


I may not fully understand your question.I usually ask the prospect to clarify the objection, listen, try to understand the issues. Only when the person with the objection acknowledges that I understand the objection do I try to respond. In the process, I can determine if the prospect wants me to answer the question to his satisfaction or if he is giving me a veiled “NO, I will not do business with you” – there are some people you cannot sell – if his objection is “convincing enough” I will probably agree and go spend my time working with some one who is truly interested.

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Page 881

Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? 206.

I need help here.


I position myself as a consultant to the client and use the “Miracle on 34th Street” approach. If a client’s stores are too geographically dispersed to make it economically worthwhile to use armored car pick up for vault delivery, then I counsel against becoming a vault client. In other cases, I explain that asking an employee to put several thousand dollars worth of negotiable checks and cash in their car and get on a public thoroughfare and then walk into a bank branch is to imperil them and their liability insurer. It takes a lot of armored car service to reach a multi-million dollar jury award.


I present the answers to the objections before they come up.


I provide examples of success stories and sometimes give a free session to allow prospective clients to see what I can do for them.


I rarely encounter an objection.


I relate similar concerns with other clients and the results they got.


I rely extensively on our reputation and history with the client.


I seldom have objections


I show them the written guarantee, adjust the price.


I simply try to answer the objection.


I state the potential downside costs to the clients.


I study the objection scripts and I recently am taking an N.L.P. course to be more persuasive.


I try to address the concerns raised, then ask again for a meeting


I try to convenes them with a phone call.


I try to find the answer to the real questions they are asking. When I do I call them back to share the information with them. Nicely just to say “ for your information” or “just responding to your question”.


I try to find the solution to their problem so I don’t get a lot of objections.


I try to get around objections in my first presentation and these things happen very rarely


I try to make sure that the objections are real and answer as truthfully as possible. It often takes sending additional information or recommending a particular web site or book to give the potential client the information needed to overcome their objections. I will often contact them for the coming six months or one year on a periodic basic in the event they are still interested and have found and answer to their objections


I try to make the service seem free in the long term due to possible tax savings.


I try to preempt objections. Not working well. I need to phone potential clients instead of relying on email.


I try to set up another meeting if the rejection is that they are already using another supplier or using a contract. I have noticed that buyers like the perseverance of follow-up.


I use references.


I use similar responses.


I use the testimonials where the offerings made and the USP are confirmed as facts by other clients.

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Page 882

Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? 230.

I validate them and explain how either we are each different or how my product is different.


I will investigate an get back to them.


I will refund money


I wish we could get to that point


I would suggest common sense and draw their attention to the state of their business…where they seek it to be…then make an offer they can’t refuse. Bring along the godfather of course. Give them something for free to start…part of the coopting process.


I’ll coach them around the objection – mostly it’s cost, so I’ll coach them around the value of having the service versus the cost of not having it.


I’m still working on that. In our industry, the biggest stumbling block is ‘indecision by committee.’ We offer a good proposal that gets a good reaction from our initial contact, and then a level of bureaucracy has to sign off on it…and it gets bogged down, sometimes for months. Sometimes forever. If I could break those logjams effectively I’d be a happy man.


I’ve developed scripts. I am very skilled at sales and at handling objectives with questions to help the prospect challenge the assumptions that underlie their objections.


Identify up front.


Identifying objections and then offering solutions that resolve the objections.


If a customer doesn't like the product we move on to a new one who does.


If a problem comes up I solve it.


If it's for price on a custom frame job then I will redefine the design, benefits along with the features. UV coated glass will help keep your art from fading, acid-free matting and backing will help to prolong the life of the artwork, etc.


If money, I let them know how they can earn free massage through my referral program. I will also offer a barter if that is mutually beneficial. If the issue is time, then I let them know that anyone who is that busy really needs time out for self care and an hour, even if it is just once a month, is really necessary to help them get grounded and centered.


If someone is in enough pain, they don’t have any objections or least they don’t voice them.


If the objection is price, I tell them I am not the cheapest but past clients have been very satisfied with our products/services and they refer others to us.


If they have no need for our services then I am stuck.


Ignore objection, unless they bring it up more than once. ask why this objection is a problem for them, offer solutions to their specific problem


Ignore-sell benefits


In cases where price is the frequently posed objection, we sell them on the longterm value, on our project management capability, and on our ability to take singlefocal-point responsibility. We also take the opportunity to, if objections are posed, of having further and higher-level management discussions (as many times, the longer-term value is only appreciated by the highest levels of management).


In most cases the only reason people do not use my products is that the LA studios impose restrictions on the software that must be used for the show

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Page 883

Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? 251.

In person sales skills – utilize the Sandler Selling System


In reality, we do not get many objections, we just do not get the order. Most of the time, the client is not very responsive in advising why we did not get the order


Include frequent objections and solutions in a full presentation. Get agreement to the solution, then probe for additional underlying reasons. Use testimonials and referrals as well.


Information, reference material, media pieces, testimonial information.


Information, results and by referring them to ‘happy’ clients/partners.


Instantly addresssing and fixing the problem


Isolate them and find agreement on general proposals, then deal with the isolated objections


It is worth the cost because teachers have told us that their students have done better on state exams because of what they have learned from us.


Just communicate over email


Just sales training and I use the gift I’ve developed to create relationships.


Just started; does not apply.


Just trying to convince the merchant that does not accept checks that he can accept checks for less than the cost of accepting credit cards, and thus increasing his business.


Know USP and competitors.


Learn the products you promote. It's essential. Knowing the products puts you in a much better position to answer objections from first hand experience. Tell the client the truth about everyting. Even the not-so-good things about the business.


Learned how to overcome them (sales training) and then have offers that someone can’t refuse


Let competition usually piss them off and them come back when I shoot straight with them. I’m not the cheapest, but I deliver.


Let our clients answer the objections in our behalf; use our clients’ answers ourselves when WE happen to be talking with a prospective client. . . .


Let them see testimonials


list of objections


Listen and feed back their concerns and delve deeper behind the No!


Listen and oral explanations.


Listen closely and be truthful


Listen to the objection. Agree with the objection. Find way to reframe and overcome the objection.


Listen, ask questions and respond to what they’re saying and not saying


Listen, isolate them and then resolve them.


Listening for the true ‘objection’, followed by detailed education.


Literature; customer education via web site; articles; tapes.


Logic and Persuasion.


Logic and Persuasion.

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Page 884

Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? 280.

Logic/ free product


Loss of Benefits


Lots of education and testimonials.


Lower front end pricing to get back end return; some spec work to win an account


Lower my prices, guarantee our work unconditionally.


Lower prices


Main objection Interest rate, can offer them rates similar to banks, but we are more flexible


Making people realize that putting off information that may improve their well-being is self-defeating.


Many people have never had a massage. I describe other clients reactions and repeat their comments after their first massage. I ask them if stress plays any part in their everyday life – Who doesn’t have stress? Then I ask them if they ever take the time to pamper themselves and explain that they are definitely worth 1 hour of time to treat themselves for all that they do for everyone else. Ask if anyone else in their family or circle of friends that get massage. They normally know at least one person that gets massage regularly. I ask how that person appears to feel, Do they like it. Why do they get regular massages? Pretty soon they start to see that they are worthy of the same personal pampering. They owe it to themselves. I ask them to think about it – I’ll be here when you are ready to take time for yourself.


Many people quickly question the guarantee of the return I am suggesting they could make. The only tactic I have here is to tell the truth, that being that I cannot guarantee anything, because I cannot predict the future. I will then help educate them on the risk / reward issues involved in investing.


Many, questions to change the focus-re-state the benefits- yes questionsreferences- statistics-proven record of success.


Market is too slow to have a track record of objections


meet objections with benefit statements, rephrase objections to allow different approach, offer proof


Meeting pricing competition, be prepared to offer comparable products.


Memorization of overcoming objection scripts.


Money back Guarantee


Money back guarantee / try one lesson for free


Money back, they can try our services for free.


Money- objects- convince them that they have nothing to loose, if they do not achieve what they want, they do not have to pay for more than the prints.


Money-back guarantee to overcome objections about price and informational relevance of a given research report.


Most common objection is price – we’re expensive on a per hour basis. We say the hourly rate is not the key figure, it’s the total cost that matters. This typically works fine


Most common reasons people don’t cruise or repeat are in the Cruise Consumer’s Guide.


Most importantly, is the attitude. When I talk I talk like an authority, which I honestly believe I am… especially in tactical Pakistan. So I’m brimming with energy & faith.

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Page 885

Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? Usually I say , this is the first time in Pakistan. Come see, y I hour seminar. Make up your mind. Moreover, it’s free. For now. 303.

Most of our objections come from prospects not knowing exactly what we do. Once then know what we do then they either say “I don’t need that” or they close 95% of the time. Thus, our tactics are to educate the prospect.


Most of the objections we get are based on price and we show e-mails or letters we have received about our knowledge level and how that has saved clients money.


Most of the objections we hear are related to finances. “My insurance won’t cover”, “My insurance won’t cover all of this,” “I just can’t afford it any more,” and comments of that nature. We have created a cash based fee structure for our wellness care patients which offers them reduced fees when they commit to long-term care plans. Patients on our initial care plans are offered prepayment incentives to take the sting out of insurance shortfalls and are told about the decrease in the fee structure that will be available to them when they reach wellness care status. People who have real financial concerns and who truly want care are handled on an individual basis and we will find a way for anyone to get care if they truly want it.


Mostly a FAQ’s section on the website, references, etc. Do have a 90 day return policy.


Mostly the objections have been “we have no budget” or “we don’t outsource.” So far we haven’t been trying to overcome either of these objections. We tend to move on to situations where we have to sell ourselves less.


My experience in this matter has been……..what, in your opinion would be a mutually beneficial strategy to accomplish both of our goals” or simply confident education that addresses the objection.


My salesletters do all of the overcoming of objections. I don’t have any pre-sale contact.


My script covers all objections but generally I get the client to introvert on the lack of not doing something to resolve the problem.


N/A (9)








No effective tactics have been being used to overcome objections.


No objections…usually based on written proposals only


No set tactics


No strategy


Nobody poses objections.


non received


None (28)


None that work.


None yet.


None, except we mailed a post card to them


None, we cannot promise the potential customers things that are not approved by the service provider.


None. If patient declines to come to my practice, I respect their choice but state if

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Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? they change their mind, I am available 327.

Not applicable.


not enough sales experience to identify...


Not in place as a scientific approach




Nothing systematically. We try to anticipate general objections , answer them with our solutions.


Objections are either comparing my product to another or attempting to determine if this type of investing is appropriate. Both are answered as factually as possible, with information on why my system works and how easy and convenient is can be to invest from home and earn high rates of return guaranteed by the government and backed by real estate… etc etc


Objections are voiced by purchasing department based on price. We normally meet all of the specifications from engineering and have no objections from their side.


Offer a discount on bulk, or immediate decision.


Offer a free 30 Day trial to everyone who rejects the idea of taking immediate action.


offer guarantees, scrips for objections


Offering information that people are looking for and get them calling me.


Offering to email site administrator (me) with questions, perhaps eventually having a “most asked questions” section of site.


Offering to work for a lower fee by providing the client with fewer hours per month of my work


On ojections of price, it is “ we make more service revenue if you don’t buy our products, we are happy to help you either way”


Online FAQ page


Only objections from first contractor and we remind him we have more lucrative contracts with someone willing to pay T&M, point out his jobs are very detailed, requiring skilled work and time and he usually underbids them. He only gives us the work because he is the Presidents father, doesn't want to worry about production, and knows his other subs would not do as good a job.


Our biggest issue seemed to be related to surprise fees, which we have partially addressed through our consultative engagement planning and fee proposal preparation


Outline products and services to other clients.




Permission/Permission Also generating a frequently asked questions area on the website.


Persistence. (2)


Personal intervention


Personal persuasion.


personnel knowledge


Pointed questions in the form of an informal survey: According to feedback I get on a regular basis, most companies have a pretty good handle on who their major shareholders are. What I don’t find all too often, is a company that can predict with

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Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? certainty, how those shareholders will react to major announcements and new strategy plans. Where would you fit into this dichotomy? 352.

Post Q & A’s if needed on websites


Preemptive consultation, market data. and client benefits.


Preparation in advance Rehearsal in advance of meeting with prospects Turn objections into benefits by deeper analysis Relate objections to other products or services Empathize with objector without admitting validity of objection


Present facts to display objections which are often based on perception rather than reality.


Price is usually the only objection and that is easy as my product caries a longer warranty and I am a member of BBB and they can check me out






Probe for objection. Gracious acceptance that leaves the door open. Add to contacts list for (eventual) newsletter


produce faq's and send answers to clients


Prompt availability, cost, expertise, experience in field.


Prove product knowledge and outline benefits we offer,,,


Provide education and plan of implementation.


Provide them with relevant test data about the technology


Quality and value, related historical events


Quality has a price, but longer term, it pays. So what is the value you place on your health? It’s for you to decide.


Question the statements


Questioning to delve deeper and gain full understading, paraphrase back to confirm understanding, then deal with as relevant to the type of objection (need not strong enough, now is not the right time, competitive service is being considered, price) General approach is to paraphrase back the objection in very clear & direct terms, contrast that to the benefits they want and invite the prospect to answer their own objection “what do you want to do – given that these are the benefits you want to get?”


Re sell our advantages over our competitors


Record the objections, list and record the answers though a FAQ list.


Refer prospective clients to existing happy clients


Refer them to my materials and tell them the reasons why.


Refer them to one of our successful dealers if we can’t answer their questions.


Referal to existing customers


Reference letters


Reference to clients with similar objections


References to other Case Managers, ensuring that they know that all of our work is fully guaranteed





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Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? 380.

Re-inforce advantages of products, company and plant locations. Ask questions to find out real objections.


Reiterate the benefits: no up front cost, only cost is percentage of return, potential savings/money back


Remain flexible in my approach to running the business and any difficulties encountered on the journey.


Reputation is our biggest help.


Respect the stand point of prospect – but do not support it. But forth the logic of our products design (it overcomes all forms of spelling and reading disabilities). Emphasize benefits. Offer interest free installments for families when necessary.


Restating the objections and working through them


Return on investments.


Review my quality, listen, reframe.


Right now I am learning what objections people have.


Ringing customers do not have objections , they want to buy but I think we loose some clients.


Risk removal


Risk reversal


Risk reversal techniques, Objection script book memorized responses (Moine)


Risk reversal, showing our methods, explaining what we do to result in higher prices.


Risk Reversal, try again with a new position.


Risk reversal.


Risk reversal. If what I point out doesn’t make sense, there’s no reason to proceed.


Risk reversal. Just give us a try you have no real risk.


Risk reversal. I will take the product back if it doesn’t sell within a specified time


Risk reversal; preferred pricing; guarantees


Risk Reversal-Gift Certificates


role playing, scripts


Rrrrg. I don’t have any of those tactics developed yet! On my list of things to do: anticipate objections & script myself some answers.


sales people training and negeo


Sales scripts


Sandler sales system


Scientific papers, one-on-one demos with customer, software customization.


Script book -


Script book and FAQ sheets. Also case studies and testimonials helps here.


Scripted answers


Scripted phone calls, initial letters and presentations which pre-empt these objections… often with the use of case studies.


Scripted responses.



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Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? 413.

Sell quality and lifetime value of our interiors vs lowest up front cost, Sell service and support and the ability to source Total Building Solutions from a single source, provide tours of sites of existing clients.


Sell value of premium product for premium pricing.


Send varied methods of contacting, non obtrusive, with good compelling copy to spur reading


Sensitive listening to the customer


Share testimonials of people like them who are getting benefits from the products and/or the business


Show daily cost over ten years vs. purchase price, highlight unique value and technology.


Show genuine interest in their situation and invite them to keep me in mind whenever.


SHOW HOW product or alternative product answers objection - view objection as a further definition of customer's wants/needs that we hope to assist in satisfying. One objection is Price, all too often leading to giving them a discount - partially with belief that the shop in the mall will give them a deal and make the sale if we don't.


Show people how quality counts


Show results


Show them our experience, to build faith in us.


Show what we offer and what differentiates us from others.


simple questions that are provocative


Simply show the client the facts of their foreclosure situation. They will see that they have no choice or they will lose home, equity and credit.


Since I’m basically selling myself, the tactics are to meet each objection head-on in an interactive meeting with the prospective client. This is done primarily through displaying knowledge and insight on the specific issues involved and making reference to past engagements of a similar nature.


Since the business relys on “them buying” this is not relevant to most of our sales channels.


Small steps generating agreements so that we can proceed to the next action.


So far the biggest objection is lack of fast decision after presenting a proposal. Even though prospects like the proposal, there is no enough urgency to act immediately; therefore I need to develop a system that would allow putting some time pressure on them.


Socratic method, truth and consequences


Solve the problem or try to realize that we shouldn’t sell to everyone…




Staff training.


standard responses


Standard responses are taught to all salespeople


Standard sales tactics to handle price objections. Education often used to handle feature objections.


Stress benefits ... How the seminar will solve their problems.

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Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? 439.

Stress benefits to their long term survival the social economy is struggling with grants being cut.


Stress benefits. Compare usefulness for life with the cost which is less than either a date for dinner and a show, or a single textbook.


Suggest talking to a client, highlight benefits/results obtained, emphasise the riskreversal


Supply more info




Tactics based on speed


Tell them to compare




Testimonials, frequently asked questions, money back guarantee, free shipping.


Testimonials/endorsements risk reversal—free trial


That having our services is essential if you are a “professional Serious trader.”“ IT systems and automatic transaction engines are subject to faults and this alerts service is an insurance policy that your trades has been transacted.


That’s fine, of course, we’ve been around for 22 years in this area; of course, we’re members of the BBB; of course, we have other satisfied clients you can speak with; etc.


The biggest objection is my accountant normally deals with that (tax) Followed by I want my accountant to be at the meeting We have two standard responses to deal with these objections a section from one our responses is “Well it’s absolutely fine by us. But let’s recognize Mr. Prospect Name that it’s not going to be easy for your accountant. We’re going to turn up and we are going to show you ways to save tax. Your accountant is going to be sitting there and he’s not going to say wow that’s a really good idea isn’t it because he knows you’re going to look at him and think “why didn’t you show me this? ”We try and work with the accountants it’s not our aim to get into a technical argument with them normally we take them to one side there have been circumstances when the accountant has been fired but that is a exception.


The major one was overcome when we began offering consulting services instead of just services. Worked like a charm. The rest are overcome by information and training.


The most common objections are that the software does not have a particular feature that they would like. I will usually add the features as people request them to create new versions.


The most frequently posed objection relates to price and we generally try to educate the prospective client that because the shelters last for years they are actually a much better value because they do not have to replace them every 2-5 years.


The normal closing techniques.


The tactic used most often is to ask a question


There are few objections. I’m very credible.


Think positive


This has not been an issue.


This is difficult. The primary objection is the cost of advertising.

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Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? 461.

Through showing features and benefits.


Too soon to say.


Train salespeople to ask questions, isolate objectives, sell around, sell value


Trained sales staff and a detailed frequently asked section on our website. If we keep getting these objections we post them on the site of answer it some way in our material to head it off right away so they don’t have to ask it in the first place.


Training on answering them, to ask and to listen


Treat every objection as an opportunity.


Try and figure what the real objection is – there are a lot of smoke screens in the car business


Try one more time


Try to agree with their objections first then slowly convince them that they are not true (indirectly).


Try to cover them up-front in any seminar / sales situation thus prevemnting them from becoming an issue.


Try to gives more values or benefits to our customers


Try to pre-empt them in initial discussions and presentations, have enough testimonials that someone else (another customer) answers the objection rather than you


Try to show how my service is different than the other lawyers (whose past service has created the frequent objections)


Turn it into another sales pitch.


Understand and restate objections, educate client to create buying scenario from me


Use a FAQ fact sheet, and offer their money back


Use the opportunity to “update” prospect on the latest developments


Using knowledge of our products, the industry, the market and in business to business their industry and market.


Usually a non linear value versus price focus and better identification and understanding of our clients overall long term needs.


Usually educating the client.


Usually this is a money issue or they don’t have the time to devote to a new project idea at this time. I haven’t found a good way to overcome these two.


usually, the client needs funding so there are not that many objections once they are in the door. our sole problem is getting them here.


Usually, they will have uncovered a number of things which they are not doing in the business through discussion with them and they will feel unease and discomfort about not getting what they should have. At that point, they know they need a coach to help them.


Variety of products, service, pricing.


Various objection handling techniques and dialogues.


Verbal and written answers and explanations. Best ones later posted on website as FAQ’s


Verbally craft an answer based on whether its belief or structural bases. If its

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? skepticism -find expectable proof to or for them If it’s a misunderstanding correct the data to change the perception If it a draw back probe for another benefit or benefits to handle it Reframe their presupposition or probe to in a manner so as to have them realize their invalid assumptions. PLUS other skills 488.

Virtually the only objection we receive relates to price. We feel that our prices are fair and cannot be lowered, and we do occasionally lose a sale for this reason.


We analyse the biggest objections and then work on how to destroy them. When the next customer comes along, we don’t even wait for the objection, we tell it to them upfront and then destroy it-before they’ve had a chance to voice it.


We are in the process of building a script book of objections but we have trained our sales staff to articulate objection in the selling process and take away their bullets, preemptively.


We are taught to memorize common rebuttals to common objectives.


We are weak here.


We ask a lot of questions.


We ask for details on their concerns, restate them as best we can and clarify them, in the context of their business environment. We then explore with them their alternatives, and if it appears that we can fashion our service to properly address their concerns, we move on from there. Otherwise, we state plainly that it is unfortunate, but we cannot help them, and recommed any alternatives that we can.


We ask the customer to compare our facility to the brokers.


We build the answers into our sales presentation to overcome the objections before they are asked.


We collect them all in a binder, soon we’ve answered 90% of all possible objections.


We convince customers that we can give them a better deal


We definitely need some help on this one.


We do have weekly sales meeting that these issues are discussed, but they are not formally put into a script book. This is a goal for the next 6 months.


We do not typically deal with the end-clients pre-sale that is done by the agents we work with.


We do not yet survey our prospects and customers, therefore we don't know their objections are.


We don’t no pressure from us


We don’t get many objections because we’re not in the “selling” game. We’re in the buying game, which means people come looking for us when they have a need. You can’t persuade someone into wanting a shipping container!!


We don’t have any tactics, basically if they object we just don’t deal with them


We educate on the value of what we do.


We educate regarding the real issues/costs/concerns and show why we are best answer, if we are. If not, we give other alternatives.


We explain, provide personal care


We figure out all common objections first and explain before they object.


We handle many objections prior to being voiced and specifically ask what would stop them from getting their problem handled. Usually time and money is the answer. We then get their answer to if we can handle those concerns what would be

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? your personal commitment leave to getting it handled. If less that 8/10 then we won’ accept them under care. 511.

We have a book of testimonials from our satisfied customers.


We have a collection of scripts to handle objections which have been encountered.


We have a good track record with references from many large firms, this usually works well.


We have a list of reasons why we are the best in the industry. We don’t have a list of answers to common objections.


We have a series of answers to address objections.


We have a standard script book for handling objctions. These scripts are drilled on periodically.


We have a written Q&A profile


We have general rebuttals and product specific rebuttals the sales reps are trained on.


We have people and schools with whom the work we have done, and the introduction of our speciality topic to their setting, have made a difference – we refer any ‘objectors’ to them.


We have scripts for most buyer questions


We have some basic sales script type responses and train our team to deal with objections.


We identify the problems and provide answers. cost –we break up the cost into payments.


We just try to address their concerns.


We know the Frequent Objections and usually try to avoid them in dealing with them upfront with setting or resetting the buying criteria to our advantage. Most objections are dealt with in the sales process in person, phone or email.


We like to raise the most obvious objections up front –like we are just starting our business – the others we answer with a question “That’s a good observation – can I ask why you asked that?” This technique is from the David Sandler Sales System and is called a Reverse. You reverse 3 times and get down to the emotional reason behind the objection.


We listen to what they have to say, and make adjustments to minimize those objections in the future.


We offer information about advertising in our paper vs. other papers.


We offer more convenience, and are cheaper with combined services.


We really do not get any, since our sales are based on guiding them through the options, which are all available through us.


We really don’t have any.


We really don’t run into objections, a client usually gets to if they are more or less ready to buy.


We record all such objections, make everyone aware of them, and train everyone in how to respond to them (either by putting counter arguments to them or by treating them as suggestions and improving our offerings)


We record all such objections, make everyone aware of them, and train everyone in how to respond to them (either by putting counter arguments to them or by treating

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Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? them as suggestions and improving our offerings) 534.

We record all such objections, make everyone aware of them, and train everyone in how to respond to them (either by putting counter arguments to them or by treating them as suggestions and improving our offerings)


We record all such objections, make everyone aware of them, and train everyone in how to respond to them (either by putting counter arguments to them or by treating them as suggestions and improving our offerings)


We relate their objection to how we can solve their pain. “We’ve had other clients feel that way, and we demonstrated “X” to them and they felt that we had a goo handle on it.”




We try to show how an objection may actually only be a perception and also that our advantages would outweigh any perceived disadvantages.


We turn they back to what we do and the value we provide, if they really want it they must be prepared to pay a price. If they are really not ready, we would rather walk away then get a painful client.


We use our knowledge of the job that they don’t have also we us the fiduciary responsibility approach.


We use the annual reports of the big banks to point out how involved they are in the forex market. We use satisfied customers in attendance at our seminars.


We use to give them value for what they are and they want. We give reason for the clients all the time, and make them trust in our advises.


We usually determine with questions and answers if there is an application or need. Then we attempt to determine a return on the investment. By the end of the process the prospect is simply attempting to get the funding for the investment.


We workshop those things with our associates during in-house trainings, and aim to equip them sufficiently with counters and supportive evidence.


We’re weak!


We’ve designed a simple and strategic question process that pre-qualifies every prospect…so we don’t really have objections…except price.


Weadd details to our sales pitch and literature, like explaining that pandas do not eat our species of bamboo or that our coffins are made in different sizes that slot inside one another to keep transport fuel to a minimum.


Weakest part is establishing the value of my services to clients. Tend to make them products and commodities. I try to distinguish my service by discovering their pains


Weekly training


Well, on my website I have a list of frequently asked questions. Objections are listed and addressed. If I am talking with them on the phone, I use my entire arsenal of telemarketing techniques.


Were better and we take care of your needs


What we delver is wroth much more than we charge.


When a customer comes to us and complain that our prices are too high, we do not lower them but try to explain the quality difference between our products and that of our competitors. In most cases, when a customer leaves us for better pricing, they come back the next year and become clients after that.

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Question 48. What Tactics do You Use to Overcome Frequently Posed Objections? 554.

When I get a price objection I stress value to the customer. But I don’t push too hard on prospects who don’t want to buy now, because they can always buy later.


When someone says that they are not spending money on extras, I ask if they have considered making an investment that will create an income stream. Often I receive a blank look followed by the comment, "We are down to the basics, food, and shelter. Nothing else."


While we are at the fair we try to see if there is a past customer in the crowd. This always helps to have a strange tell them that it is the best they have ever used. We show them how it works and if it doesn’t work better at home than it does here they get their money back, no questions asked.


Written facts that overcome these objections.


Your price is outrageously high. We said may be you are not ready at this moment .if you can not massively benefit from my products as other client had. It is truly too expensive. Then they look at the products closely and eventually buy some.

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Question 49. What is Your Strategy for Reclaiming Windfall Profits from Prospects You Don’t Sell or Close? Question 49. What is your strategy for reclaiming windfall profits from prospects you don’t sell or close? 1.

? (20)


“Keep in touch”. Convincing them to subscribe to my newsletter


A very small amount of referrals to others Non


Absolutely none. I would love to see how that could be accomplished. That would give more capital to put into your other marketing strategies.


After each appointment sending Recap letter of discussions then hook them in sales system where they get ongoing sales letters, newsletters. We also offer them other products which may be of interest to them


Ain’t got one.


All we do is keep in touch and try and sell something else or resell them when their contract comes up again.


As we will be introducing many new products in the first five years we will be constantly contacting clients and non clients with new offers


Ask & give referrals, pass to another supplier & contact them for swaps; keep in touch with prospect for future


Ask for a referral fee from a competitor if they close a sale from leads I provide to them.


Ask for leads but never got any.


Asking for referrals (2)


Asking for referrals or asking permission to work with them to settlement


At least get their name in database, for future marketing promotions


At present - None


At this point, referring the unconverted to affiliates, but I know there are many more methods.


Because they stay on our data base, all new services/offers are brought to their attention on an ongoing basis.


Because they stay on our data base, all new services/offers are brought to their attention on an ongoing basis.


Classify as A/ B Newsletter / e-mail drip program accordingly


Completing J-V programmes


Constantly work them in a non –pressured non-threatening environment and convince them that they will actually reap great benefits from using our products and will be the envy of their friends. Also will guarantee their utmost satisfaction and perceived value.


Contact them a few months or even years later a make a proposal again


Contact them again and let them know that I have free special trial limited offer


Continue to sell benefits


continue to treat with respect the time just may not be right for their circumstances


Continued contacts and continued “eduction” meetings


Continuing to mail to them

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Question 49. What is Your Strategy for Reclaiming Windfall Profits from Prospects You Don’t Sell or Close? 28.

Cross-marketing and joint ventures.


Cross-referral deals with other consultants


Currently there is none can you please help us?


Do have one? Other than maybe recommend them to someone else and get a small introduction fee.


Doing JV’s with other people. Ie: telling them about other companies/people/products and sharing the profits


Don’t have a strategy for this – and I’d like to develop one.


Don’t have a strategy yet.


Don’t have one (37)


Don’t have one – definitely need one


Don’t have one yet. I’d like to be able to refer them to Jay—but I don’t know what Jay’s sweet spot is.


Don’t have one. Ad hoc. On the list of projects.


Don’t have one. I think I should contact a competitor and offer them the referral for a fee.


Don’t have one. Our owners would probably not entertain a thought of selling our leads.


Don’t know how yet


Don’t yet have this in place


don't really have any and not sure if it is applicable to my situation...I do keep a list and go back to it occasionally, and I have an a,b,c list


Email campaign/ letter series(short lived)/newsletter


Emailing them, asking how they “enjoyed” the competition, and offering an incentive to give us a try


First get them to become your advocate. Then they have no excuse not to use your product


follow up


Follow up and persistence


Follow up email / questionaire


Follow up with letters and super special offers


Follow-up and continue to stress advantages of our service. Continue to stresss our leadership and expertise.


Followup note


Further contact


Great question. We don’t have a strategy currently.


Have no way of knowing who they are.


Have not had such a strategy.


Have not set up this mechanism because the business strategy is not being deployed yet.


Haven’t implemented one yet but was thinking about client appreciation dinner.

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Question 49. What is Your Strategy for Reclaiming Windfall Profits from Prospects You Don’t Sell or Close? 59.

Haven’t thought about this yet.




I do follow up calls a few times after not having closed the sale.


I do not have one. (16)


I do try and make a Joint Venture – Offer a method from which they can earn large commissions as resellers or agents. This did work out quite successful in terms of getting an agent to sell CD’s.


I don t understand the words reclaiming and windfall


I don’t currently have one, maybe a JV idea would be good to look into for a referral fee.


I get referrals and depending on the case, I try to get back at them in a better time.


I go back and try again later. I figure the old right place at the right time has worked before and it will work again.


I have alliances with other consultants and business I use where I can refer my clients and businesses who don’t, didn’t or won’t get value from working with me – then I get a “cut” from that sale.


I have no strategy and would not know how to set one up within my industry.


I have not thought about that.


I have over 20,000 preferred clients in my organization and most of them were not sold or closed by me. However, contacting as many as possible with a monthly email or card or letter has brought some of the clients back. The resulting purchase will bring me profit. I also call some of them when I have the opportunity.


I invite them to visit my website and read about the mortgage market regardless of whether I was able to help them out.


I keep in contact with them so when they have another project they will call us.


I keep them in my contact pipeline so that I am the one they think of if their circumstances change and the have a perceived need for any of my products or services. I also look for joint venture partners that I can send them to in return for a percentage of the sale or referral fee or referrals.


I like what you said about telling your competition about them, and offering them to your competition for a percentage of the sale or a flat fee.


I look for JV partners who may have something they need or continue to offer them things.


I maintain on going contact.


I need to create one.


I plan to offer an educational service to the agents of prospects I don’t close.


I refer clients that can’t afford me to 2 other lawyers that will pay me consulting fee!


I refer them to my competitors sometimes


I refer them to other agent’s I know for a 25% referral fee.


I suggest another treatment that may be more in their interest or of more benefit to them. I ask if they of anyone else that may benefit from a massage or body treatment of some sort. I also ask if they have to purchase any birthday or special occasion gifts. These treatments are very personal and solely for the recipient’s pleasure. It is an excellent gift. Easy to purchase.

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Question 49. What is Your Strategy for Reclaiming Windfall Profits from Prospects You Don’t Sell or Close? 84.

I use some order trapping tactics as pop-ups on the sales page of my website. I also use upsells at the time of completing an order to further increase the value of each sale.


I’m tinkering with a host-beneficiary relationship with related career building services, suit and dress stores, business coaches, for speech, dress, and organization enhancement.


I’m trying to use my newsletter for that but it hasn’t been very profitable.


If I don’t close them because they ultimately don’t pass our due diligence phase, then I disassociate for reasons of reputation maintenance. If I don’t close them for timing issues, then they go into my follow up file(s). I don’t close them because we lost the contract to a competitor, I keep tabs on the relationship so that when the relationship ends, I can go in to gain competitive information and hopefully bring them on a client at that point.


If they sign up for my newsletter, I will use that as a vehicle to build their trust by providing relevant and interesting articles on investing in the newsletter.


Information that they will have to wait for half a year, if they don’t order immediately.


Just started; does not apply.


Keep going back to them.


Keep supplying helpful information.


Keep the in computer and contact them regularly.


Keep the sales funnel full of prospective customers.


Keep them in database to offer other products, services.


Keeping in contact with the newsletter and previously mentioned autoresponder messages.


Keeping in contact.


Keeping the door open asking for referrals when appropriate and continue to email or fax relevant information to help their business.


Later follow-up with special copy


learning the customers favorite artist(s)


Mailing a letter written by a respected church media expert inviting them to visit the site and answer the question.


maintain relationship


Maintain them in the contact loop.


Make them another offer, or refer them to someone who can help them where I get a referral fee.


Maybe put them on a campaign to receive monthly newsletters


Missing out on this!


Modest rather than windfall is more descriptive of our profits from cash vault clients. Margins tend to be small for this necessary service. In any case, I have no strategy for reclaiming profits from those I don’t sell or close.


My approach leads me to almost never missing a sales opportunity.


N/A (20)


Nil (9)

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Question 49. What is Your Strategy for Reclaiming Windfall Profits from Prospects You Don’t Sell or Close? 111.

Nil – but as mentioned above, Jay has driven home to me how much we are leaving behind…


Nil at this stage!


No response--we are a start-up business preparing to launch


No strategy (7)


No strategy. On occasions I will give information about them to a print broker that we do business with.


Non in place though I am aware of concept.


None (203)


none – other then asking for referrals


None (Not sure if it applies)


None at present, but I am working on a way with one of our AMA members to provide him with these leads to see if there is a way to reap some profits from these leads.


None except keep them on our contact list until they tell us to remove them.


None except to try to follow up with other fringe products not part of the main proposal or provide installation services etc.


None right now, but I plan to eventually enter into a host-beneficiary relationship with another firm (potentially a competitor) whereby I could endorse its product/service to my prospect list.


None- we say no first


None, but we continue to try convert


None, but we refer to others and sometimes receive referrals in return


None, should be asking for referrals.


NONE, sooner or later they will buy


None. I’m all ears………


None. it is rare we don’t close.


None. just look friendly to them


None. Our product nature doesn’t seem to fit with


Not applicable at this point.


Not applicable.


Not driving one through pole distribution organizations. Short staffed sales teams are busy running to next deal.


Not really sure about this one. We don’t really do anything with those lost prospects.


Not sure this is applicable to our situation.


Not sure what this means. What are windfall profits from unconverted sales? Where is the profit there? My risks are small and I only risk what I can afford to lose. The business has to pay for itself.


Not the nature of my process…although there are always experts I could carry in my pocket…accountants, lawyers and…beautiful women. Promotional and spokesmodels of course.


Not very good

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Question 49. What is Your Strategy for Reclaiming Windfall Profits from Prospects You Don’t Sell or Close? 141.

Nothing (8)


Nothing yet, I'm not sure what you mean exactly by this.


Offer less, deliver more


Offer opt-in source for many new products they can benefit from


Offer them the free newsletter or other affiliate programs.


Once I get my joint venture, I will follow up on my new partner’s past customers or lost prospects by showing them a benefit(s) that my new partner had never thought of before. Hopefully, it will be a USP that will establish some form of pre-eminence in their marketplace.


Only recently did I get the insight from hear. Now they go on my email list for future education/relationship building and for future sales of other products.


Patience and acceptance of them for where they are in the present.


Perhaps I don’t understand the question? I don’t get anything from prospects until I close the deal and get some of their already spent money back.


Perseverance on the next customer and follow up with the non-buyer to keep the door open.


Personal relationship continually nurtured


Planning to offer products/services that people want that I am currently not offering.


Potential future homes that my be more appropriate.


Potential hosting of partner mailings


Prayer. ---- 99% of the time they don’t come back. It has been a very big mystery to me.


Presently none


Probably non-existant


Prospect mailing list.


Re contact


Recommend to alliances that may be able to close on issues they may deem more important at the time.


Recontact 90 days hence with different offers, etc


Re-examine the question Why did I loose this account or why didn’t close this account. Then develop a strategy to win this account. Never, Never, Never Quit. Objections are always a clue to tell you the customer is very interested in your product or service.


Refer them to some one else that may be able to do a better job – sometimes I can get a finder fee


refer to other agents who can insurd their health


Referral to affiliate product






Renting my mailing list.


Repeat letter.


research them and hit from angle they will perceive beneficial to them

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Question 49. What is Your Strategy for Reclaiming Windfall Profits from Prospects You Don’t Sell or Close? 171.

Review of their charts quarterly and calls from the office manager


Right now I'm laughing at the question.


Seek referrals


Seek referrals from them. (Some people who aren't interested in massage at all for themselves have referred to me many people who are!)


Selling them other products or services.


Send newsletter to them and offer special reports or tapes covering summary of the actual services that qtr. In addition, it helps newletter membership grow and advertisers like large numbers.


Send them to competitors, with prior agreement to collect referral fee. Send them to affiliates or subsidiaries selling products or services more appropriate to these lessthan-ideal customers. These enterprises have no apparent connection with our company.


Simply keeping in touch and further educating and informing.


Simply offer them a ‘referral commission’ if they will send other prospects our way.


Sometimes able to find out about projects in other areas of the organization – often with an introduction to a new key individual.


Sometimes we pass leads on to others.


Stay in touch periodically with new information


Stay in touch, call back in a few months


Still trying to figure that out.


Stop communication


Suggest a lower price service, company that we own


Supposed to be follow-up but it is not currently being done due to logistical problems and poor implementation.


Taking part in business clubs, forum in the same industrial field (online as well as offline), sharing written papers in specialty manual, ...


Tell me more


Thanks them anyway and send cards to them at some season holidays


That’s where the clubs come in


They are included in all future mailings to trade show leads.


They are placed in our prospects follow-up list so that we remain on their minds when they decide to act.


This is not an area to which I have devoted much attention. I do, however, to keep them on my email distribution list so they continue to receive my weekly “MustKnow” InfoTM Bulletin.


This number is so small that I think this doesn’t apply.


Today: I haven't got one but I know how to do it. Now I'm focusing on year long follow up system.


try to get referrals


Try to refer them to other agents


Under revue

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Question 49. What is Your Strategy for Reclaiming Windfall Profits from Prospects You Don’t Sell or Close? 200.



We always keep going back, check in for changed circumstances, share new things we are doing, etc.


we are consultants and all Jay Ab suggestions in that area would be considered unethical here in Europe; but we ‘recommend’ other consultancies when we cannot close, who in turn recommend us when they are in a similar situation


We are going to exchange the list of them with our competitors


We ask them to refer us to someone else (well, that’s a tactic, not a strategy)


We contact all people every six month with a personal letter asking if their situation has changed.


We contact them again several months later when a new product comes out. We ask for references.


We do not have a strategy for prospects we don't sell.


We do not have one


We do not have such strategy.


We do Nothing. Again, I know we should but there are only so many hours in a day.


We don’t as of yet.


We don’t capitalize on this at all. We simply expect that eventually they will come to us.


We don’t choose to go back to them any time soon, once we have exhausted the alternate avenues for making a sale, if they have chosen an alternative provider. If there is just a deferral of a decision, we look to establish a time for re-examining the proposal afresh.


We don’t do anything except keeping their names in our marketing database.


We don’t have one (9)


We don’t have that strategy. Ahhhhhaaaaa.


We don’t really have such a strategy.


We don’t reclaim them.


We don't know how to deal with this.


We follow up with emails to prospects and non-renewers. Ad sales people revisit prospects.


We have a follow up sheet where we contact patients request for info.


We have a list of prospects that we did not successfully sell, we are attempting to get better pricing, in order to retry selling the prospect.


We have no strategy for this.


We have none.


We haven’t instigated one yet.


We keep open in communication and ask for referals


We maintain an open communication with them.


We may rent those names out to other direct marketers…or offer these prospects products and services from other companies for a share of the profits.

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within 2 weeks of their

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Question 49. What is Your Strategy for Reclaiming Windfall Profits from Prospects You Don’t Sell or Close? 229.

We pass it to partners in other areas


We put them in our e-newsletter list and try to win them over after proving that we can help them to succeed.


We sell food nearing its use by date in a shop for $1


We send them to others, whom we get a commission off.


We send them to our competitors and we get a percentage from every client they win over.


We share with others selling to our market (but not competitors).


We’ll add them to our monthly newsletter. Notify them of “new” services.


We’ve been trying to work out deals with non-competitors (software development houses specializing in Java, graphic designers, etc.) but so far they haven’t bitten at any sort of compensation scheme.


What’s a windfall profit?


When my list is large enough I will do joint ventures with other writers.


When we hit an ease, I say take the profit and run. There are times you will work and work a sale, but it still won’t come together despite all the time and energy you have put into the sale.


With our database, we must do a proper follow-up session and utilizing proper tool such as our video.

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. Question 50. Describe five of your most formidable competitors and their marketing approaches. 1.

#1 Exactly the same business, have opened 15 centers giving them a presence in every geographic area we share Beyond our principal competitor, we face either small, one center locations or the Colleges in our area


#1.Large- volume driven- (under new mgt. and starting to be profit driven) #2.- 5 medium to small, relatively local, more brand and price focused versus a consultative sales approach such as we execute.


#1—Big, is in the paper a lot—sends out a lot of PR announcements—has a lot of “prestige clients”. #2 Rapidly growing, takes some prestige clients from #1— including its largest. #3 Was big, had several large clients—losing some business, as the owner is getting old, and they haven’t kept up with new technology. #4—Has high-tech clients, and is into them “very deeply”, charges high prices. #5Old, stable company expanding into supplemental services—part of a large buying consortium— keeps plugging away.


(1) 50 year old General contractor – personal sales and existing relationships – sponsorship of Tennis tournament – job signs and involvement on Economic development boards. (2) 15 year old General Contractor – personal sales, existing relationships and reputation – (3) 30 year old Mechanical Contracting company – personal contacts (4) 35 year old mechanical contracting company – personal contacts, direct advertising in trade magazines, sales reps, support trade industry events(5) 25 year old mechanical contracting company – personal contacts of owners, existing and past customer contacts – direct personal sales


(1) Safety Step = franchise operators (2) Johnson & Johnson = mass marketing of chemical products (3) Rubber mats = retails stores/product salesmen (4) Safety shoes = shoe stores/catalogs (5) Non-slip flooring = floor supply stores/contractor installation


(a) Accenture (formerly Arthur Andersen) and the ‘Big Five’ consulting firms such as McKinsey plus (b) other technology-oriented small consulting organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area. The big firms typically focus largely on developing personal relationships between their key people, and client decision-makers and decisioninfluencers. The smaller firms for the most part market as we do by seeking to locate potential clients that have a current or future need for their specialized services. (I singled out Arthur Andersen from the other Big Five firms because they are encountered most frequently and are the most aggressive. They also tend to a greater degree than the others to have a long history of close personal relationships with their clients.)


“Substitute” products for our services include all forms of media advertisements as well as in-house brochures produced by the client. Approaches in marketing vary.


”Spider Project” very well-Known project management consulting and software development company. Very specialized marketing inside industry, mostly by referrals. “ITexpert”-partnering with well-known business and professional web-sites and big training centers, only in Moscow.”Sovnet”-professional association Europeanoriented –conferences. PMI is actually partner traditional marketing-faxes, letters, calls without strategy and innovation. IBM Learning Services”-expensive trainings because of strong brand, marketing through IBM partners and clients.


1 in each market – they have close relationships because they are physically located in LA.


1 is pharmaceutical companies-brainwash by flooding the air and print, 2 is other

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. chiros-accept a patients insurance so they think they are getting a great deal when they are only going to get relief care from it, they also under price to get the initial contact and then provide substandard but sometimes acceptable treatment to the patient, 3 other health care alternatives massage and reflexology-spend a lot of time on a person to give them the feel of value. That is really it for competition. 11.

1- UCLA medical acupuncture for physicians course. They were first on industry 25 years ago in the US, they are well established and use massive repeated mailing as marketing approach, plus word or mouth.2- AFCI (Acupuncture Foundation of Canada Institute). Well established in Canada. They provide a certificate after only partial training, that attracts many physiotherapist who afterwards are able to bill even though they do not have the full training


1) Anagram A manufacturer whose products we represent that now sell direct to our customers, offering huge unmatchable discounts! (Bastards).2) Qualatex. As above, but not quite as big a Bastard!3) Up Up & Away. Same as us, but they have a great location and offer a Cash & Carry service.4) Although there are dozens of other competitors, I don’t class them as “Formidable”!


1) full page ads2) mass mailing3 media exposer4) seminars5)trade shows


1) Hotsprings – proper marketing material 2) Coast Spas – glitz on their products 3) Sundance – great line-up and options 4) Jaccuzi – great brand recognition 5) MAAX – strong marketing support and distribution


1) Lowe’s Home Improvement: Name recognition, customer financing, low price strategy. 2) Home Depot: Same as Lowe’s. 3) Expo: Glossy magazine using low price, glitzy displays. 4 & 5) Local Remodeling companies: Yellow Pages using the usual platitudes of professional staff, etc.


1) price2) price3) price4) price5) service


1, cost free online games. 2. Offline Scientific Committee as grey emminence in Background – they nail the prospects to 12 month down payment for the offline courses. Regular offline Newsletter + website .3.Greater Acceptance in the Learned Community with Referral and Linking System in place4. Terrific online games available also offline – with very little marketing expertise. I will set up a Host-Benef. Relationship with latter if possible and copy Nr.1 when ready.


1. Batteries.com – Affiliate Marketing, banner advertising, email list2. Batterybarn.com – search engine optimization, link exchange, free shipping offers3. ThomasDistributing.com – Price ‘wars’, search engine optimization, link exchange, free items with purchase, returning customer incentives4. Batteryguys.com – search engine optimization5. Batteries Plus – store front locations, radio and newspaper advertising


1. Children’s Hospital—give for the children. 2. United Way—Your one gift helps people at 28 agencies. 3. University Hospital—Give to the University Hospital as it is better than all others. 4. West Virginia University—Give to support the no. 1 college in WV. 5. Relay for Life—support cancer research.


1. Concordia Publishing - they are the "official" publisher of the church body.2. Augsburg Publishing - they are the "official" publisher of the church body.3. Concordia Supply - Discounts4. Lutheran Supply - Discounts5. All That Matters Heavy Discounts


1. Household name. Changed the face of mortgage lending and the banking industry. Advertising on TV. 2. Brand Name. Advertises extensively in local papers. 3. Linked to Real Estate Agents. In house services. 4. Brand Name. Linked to internet real estate sites. 5. Banking institutions. Generally where mortgages used to come from. Marketing is based on this is how it is always been done.

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. 22.

1.- Marketing firm that has advertising in many magazines2.- Advertising firm that has also advertising in many magazines3.- Marketing firm that has advertising in newspaper


1. Orange sales force; 2. Vodafone distributor; 3.Optus distributor; 4. Orange corporate sales team; 5. other Orange distributors.


1. Raise costs of clients switching using punitive exit fees and lower prices to ridiculous amounts that difference price gets attention of prospect.


1. The drug companies. They advertise constantly in all the major media, spending billions of dollars annually. 2. Other chiropractors. They generally don't market much, rather they tend to rely on word of mouth. 3. Hospitals. They have recently begun to include so called "health and wellness' programs into their marketing. 4. Physical therapist. They are endeavoring to provide the same level of service that doctors do by trying to get laws passed allowing visits to them without referral. 5. Massage therapist. They are seeking to provide stress relieve, they tend to run small business card size ads in small papers and rely on word of mouth.


1. They maintain storefronts and large media campaigns. They also sell low grade products with large market-ups generating more cash to maintain they’re advertising campaigns.2. They form alliances with health clubs and then market under multiple brands.3. They establish MLMs, sell through various channels using similar products in same storefront under different brands with different price points.4. They maintain an MLM, hold seminars, provide marketing meetings, individual seller websites, and build on existing involvement of sales agents in community groups, playing heavily on sickness and miraculous cures.5. They establish a highly focused web ad, direct sales material, sampling, materials for a doctor’s office, material for sales representative, scientific material. (They outdo everyone else in short order.)


1.lower fees 2.Advertising 3.Location 4.marketing specific services 5.Night and weekend availability


1.Main national PTO solid, but slow and not too innovative - general brand advertising in newspapers/magazines 2. Local franchise organization - heavy direct mail campaigns 3 & 4 Similar organizations to ourselves - tend to be both similar to us, relying on telecanvassing and face to face selling. 5. Very cheap reseller - using direct mail, phone plus banner ads


1.Works out of the largest retailer 2. Sells the cheapest product and calls it custom 3. Door to door sales


3M Dental- Sell by pricing/ Denstply- sell loading the customer method


4 are using a “Trial” offer, small $, short time.


555 soul, Diesel, Echo, Phat Farm, Adidas. A way of life can be had by new clothes…


A long time awards and recognition company who position themselves as the low priced producer. While they frequently price lower, their finished products do not look as professional or appealing as my product. Most of the other competitors do not have any kind of marketing approach. We have some online businesses and franchises offering low cost products but that is all they offer.


a) British Standards Institute - Trade press and mail shots;b) IBM – Everything (They purchased project management book rights when annual sales averaged £50,000 / US$75,000);c) Top 20 Management Consultants – Brand, Everything and old school tie;d) e-learning UK Government organization – Brand & budget;e) Profesional Institutes IEEE/IEE/AMA etc.


A. Fox Collision: Only a little over 1 yr old. 2 Locations now. Is supposedly supposed

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. to start a location every 6 mo's to keep getting a Paint vendor cash influx. First location is "The Show Shop" w/top notch everything. Takes an Insurance friendly/bribery tactic to grease the wheel needed. Their approach is Direct Repair Relationships in combination w/ radio/TV and a high exposure location. He's trying to "do it right" as he has said. He sold out a few years ago in another market and got back in after giving up his new position w/his old suitor/Consolidator. Now he's their competition. Appears unscrupulous and has a huge turnover problem and a bad reputation in the industry. B. Ford of Tulsa: They now have 1 bodyshop but have 6 Dealership Locations. They refer customers to their Big Bodyshop. Also, they pursue Direct Repair Partnerships (DRP) w/Ins. Co's. C. Tulsa/Owasso, etc Collision Centers: 3 locations now but I know are working on 2 more now. They're purchasing small/medium size shops and trying to bring and/or strengthen their DRP relationships. Not sure what their long term strategy is. He has been bringing in partners and having them run at least some of the new stores (new stores I believe are Stand alone Corp's).Does no radio, etc that I know of. Buys Insurance guys shotguns instead. D. Hourglass Collision: 2 locations. Primary source for business has been Dealer Referral from High line Dealerships. Some DRP's. Very little radio, etc. Has high exposure locations. He targeted one of my main Dlrships and gets some work there. E. The Boyd Group: Public Company out of Canada. Also the Consolidator that bought Fox's old locations in Kansas. Has 60+ locations in US & Canada. 2 in our area. Had been trying to buy up more locations locally but has been unsuccessful. Their old mode was to grow 50% yr Company wide but I've heard they might sell locations in our area. Focuses on Insurance DRP Relationships I don't know future plans in this market. 36.

a.GNC – massive advertising and more than 25 stores island-wide.b,Body Shop – well-placed island-wide, selling relatively inexpensive personal care products (questionable quality). C.Numerous fitness center and spas, all tapping the affluent yuppie market.


AAR big dollars and sophisticated programs; FAT, small company headed by a expatriate from Taiwan that established close personal relations with many of the customers $$.


AARP-magazine w/ assumed expertise, Calpers same, ltcp-same as me; prudentialhas a ready client base from other services


About the only one I have seen is an advertising promo that looked like a new article. But, even then, they sounded like all the rest.


Action International. Cold calling, drop off business improvement pack of reports and two marketing cassettes. Profitune. Telemarketing. Small business clinic. Business seminars.


Actually, we usually win the sale. If the client calls me, they have been referred. I rarely lose a sale to a competitor. I actually can’t remember an instance where I have lost a sale I wanted. If people are really price sensitive on services, their long term value to us is minimal.


Advertising Agency: Advertisements PR Agency: Advertising DM Company (I consider a joint venture) Direct Mail (Printed magazine)Online Course supplier (I consider a joint venture) Advertising, Online marketing Business Consulting Company. Advertising and personal selling.


Advertising agency-Lindberg- making a spectacular design on their marketing that customers recognize. All marketing agencies- competing in the “golden egg” competition this is a way to achieve formidable recognition.


Advocare: MLM/ Herbalife: MLM/ Seasilver: MLM/ Metabolife: Mass market distribution; Atkins: radio/television/ mass market distribution

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. 45.

aerofund, commercial finance group, CIT – they all generate most of their biz thru referral networks that they have built up over years


All approaches are the same – just put the web site out there and wait.


All are formidable only because of the resource advantage they presently enjoy.


All are large firms and use more advertising than we do. All tend to spend more $ on client relationships – meals, etal


All are the same, they drive their vans around and canvass for work


All chocolate producers/ - everything


All ebook marketers.


All I see is home shows and papers and mailers, tv


All my competitors a) market the same way, or b) sell at much higher prices, or c) sell different stuff.


All of our main competitors use traditional marketing approaches (advertising in Yellow pages, etc.)


All of our peers work pretty much the same way we do. Our growth figures are higher than most of them – we ARE the competition!


All of the muse different tactics but generally they have exclusive customer lists, a niche market and a follow up system.


All off them extremely aggressive


All seem to heavily use suburban and city advertising. Very expensive. Do not offer the same quality of service- teachers either not currently practicing or not qualified


All sell synthetic fertilizers, have many staff including agronomists, have many depots, lots of money to provide for delayed payments, have govt. support


All specialty gourmet suppliers. But our different cuisines should actually complement each other (ie., give gourmet customers additional choices).


All the large local and national mortgage lenders and brokerages


All use approach similar to law or accounting firms. Stress trust, competence, caring


Almost NO competition and their marketing is worse than mine.


Amazon.com, everyone knows them. Reel Mowers Etc. no impressive strategy.


American Building Maintenance, Associated Building Maintenance, Pacific West, Service Master, Jani-King. They are all large national or regional companies that market heavily on price and who they have as their major customers. They push their size & expertise to convince prospective clients that unreasonable production rates can be attained, justifying their low estimates of time required to perform the work. They all use a lot of branding type advertising-4 color brochures & pictures showing what they can do.


AMTA, politics, ABMP, magazine and we really have no other.


Anthony Robbins, Bob Proctor, Brian Tracy


Any IT services and training school. Marketing: trade shows.


Apple - Yellow Pages StorageMaxx- PR Campaign and Yellow Pages All Canadian Yellow Pages and relationships with real estate co’s & blding Super’s All City Yellow Pages Public Storage- Branding and dealer network Uhaul- Branding and dealer network


Are most formidable competitors are the large well established mortgage banks . or

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. large banks. They are as listed 1. Countrywide 2. Bank of America 3. Wells Fargo 4. Washington Mutual 5. Indy Mac 71.

Armies of salesmen knocking on doors and telemarketing salesmen cold calling.


As a brand new agent, I don’t even know who my five most formidable competitors are yet.


As far as I know, I only see them advertised/listed via search engines.


As noted, we are offering a new service in a unique space, and do not have any direct competitors.


As stated before. I’m not aware of many competitors doing anything other than the traditional.


Assessments – Gallup – Size + Book + Research Training – Achieve Global Dollars to promote DEI – More “feet on street”


At this point there are none. Generally, we compete against the Big Monolithic Bank who has limited products and poor customer service or against Mortgage Brokers who are entrepreneurial however with limited financial capabilities. The other Mortgage Bankers (like us) haven’t figured out their USPs so they compete on price (or doing shady business practices).


Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Bank One, Fleet Boston, HSBC (Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank). Don’t really know that their approach is much different. The first three do have a larger footprint and they do seem willing to cut prices to buy business in new territories where we’re established.


Banks – seminars, telemarketing, contests on their websites Other mutual fund representatives – seminars in which they bring in a financial guru on a subject.


Banks, newspaper, radio ads


banks; assante; cartier partners; . assante uses credibility marketing


Basically they’re out in front of people more than I am. It simply comes down to that.


Because of the Baby Boomer Generation and the millions of prospects looking for a home based business, we really do not have competition. However, NuSkin International, USANA, Amway, Life Force are some of the better ones that come to mind. They have really excellent Web sites, quality materials, steller reputations and systems that, if followed, are successful.


Berlitz international franchise mainly play of long history and international name. They sell business to business and large newspaper adsIngles individual. Combination of home study and tutors for a convenient at your own pace system. They use periodic marketing blitzes Quick learning promise of a quick result although not specifying in how the result is measured - mainly telesales Ingles Sin Barreras – home study video course – shopping center promotions Harmon Hall – State a guaranteed result although not articulated how they make good on the guarantee and how they measure the result. Extensive newspaper and yellow apges advertising


Best one is Fechin Inn who spends huge on PR and enjoys highest occupancy and rate in town.


Big agencies, with heavy hitting ‘suits’ – Account Reps


Big box stores such as Michaels, Hobby Lobby & Garden Ridge market price by always running 50% off coupons in the Sunday paper when in fact there price isn't much different than mine, however the public doesn't realize it. My other competitor that is the closest is award -winning and has been in the community for at least twice as long as I. His marketing seems to be award-winning designs and largest moulding selection in the area. Currently his name is fairly close to being top of mind, even

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. though he is the most expensive and actually fairly pushy and rude to his clients. 88.

Big Four accounting firms, IBM, Accenture, CSI, hardware vendors, Microsoft. All offer consulting. Some associate the consulting with hardware/software sales. Some associate the consulting with accounting services (less and less these days). All push the brand and their size.


Big integrators, their marketing approaches is to hurl truckloads of money at the prospects (not bribing, just in terms of sheer magnitude of effort)


Bigger organizations can make themselves better known through advertising.




Burke Williams – Have many locations, well known name, very lavish, reputation for high dollar pampering, first class treatment. Have heard their ads on the radio on occasion. Mostly by word of mouth. Glen Ivy – Reputation for exquisite treatments, pampering and beach location. Word of mouth. John Of Italy – Westlake location, cater to people with more disposable income and pampering mindset. Lavish setting, exquisite treatments. Has good reputation. Word of mouth. Bella I’mage – Located in Agoura Hills, higher income population, lavish setting, very pampering, exquisite treatments. Word of mouth. Pure Indulgence – Lavish setting. Located in a brand new shopping center with loads of traffic. I think walk in traffic due to location is their greatest draw. Good name and beautiful sign in front. The sign says pampering all over it.


Buyu Books- Webpage low prices, rare books others can’t get Budomart – Webpage and occasional e-newsletter


Calvert: space ads, users at home school conventions, online; BJU Press: space ads, professional salespeople at home school conventions, online; A Beka: same as BJU; . . . then it trickles off rapidly. Most use space ads, online presence, and some kind of salespeople at home school conventions. . . .


Can’t name a single competitor by name – mostly large Management Consulting firms I assume.


Can’t say that I know their marketing approaches, other than email marketing, cold calling.


Can’t. we are a niche unto ourselves practically. not sure what others are doing to market.


Capita, Jeff Austin Associates, Mindfields, Internal Providers, Hacas Capita – Large organization, comprehensive range of courses, well networked, can handle large projects over a long period of time, primarily consultancy business. Jeff Austin, as above Mindfields – Niche clinical skills, Certificated products, Appeal to a specific type of audience Internal consultants – favored by internal management, have up to date information, have insider information Hacas – The first agency in the area, well networked, keep ahead of all development, in fact create the development needs, plus all the above areas mentioned for 4 organizations.


CBM Training – shotgun mailing of companies in the “yellow pages” Peregrine Training - shotgun mailing of companies in the “yellow pages” Executive Education Africa – referrals from their holding company, Damelin Management School Mel Brooks – referrals from Wits Business School (his employer)John Ford – referrals from Wits Business School (his employer)


Cenovis Nutriplan – high volume TV advertising for pull campaign Fast Burner –TV infomercial Body Enhancer – radio direct response


Century 21, Coldwell Banker, Re/Max, Era, Prudential.

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

Similar but they spend Page 912

Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. more on newspaper ads, do more direct mail. 102.

CharacterCounts.com - Market to large companies and to the Government. IdealFisher.com -Offer Free 2 hour Brainstorming session PersonalStrengthspublishing.com -- Some people like seminar stetting and plenty of information. Efficientworkskills.com -- They market strictly to business.


Cheaper – faster delivery


Cheaper products/solutions, a lot of money to spend on ads, hold many free products seminars, have political connections, willing to give commission up front.


Cimbar is price. Huber is price and location. Imerys is name recognition, broad product line, price. Mountain Minerals (Canada) is advantage of Canadian dollar.


Coach House – targeting more corporate training and personal coaching (not really a competitor) Business Thinking Systems – very low profile company and they are short handed. Marketing systems are inferior to ours and they rely mainly on referrals and networking.


COMPANY ONE:$20MM+24/7 consolidated organization holds training sessions on site for clients and students; participates in local and regional trade shows; receives “filler” work from other companies in the organization around the country who are overloaded; maintains a fully furnished apartment on site for clients from out-of-town or local clients who need to be on site over 24 hours participating in press approvals; and offers free office space to “independent contract” printing brokers. COMPANY TWO: $15MM+24/7 consolidated organization also fills capacity with overload projects from outside of our region; produces a considerable amount of work for cultural and non-profit organizations AFTER contributing to their annual development drives; entertains heavily including golf at Oakmont Country Club which has national acclaim. COMPANY THREE: $15MM+24/7 added a considerable amount of large new modern equipment 3 years ago and re-tooled their plant to produce extremely efficiently. They feature this capability in all of their market communications; they bypass large print purchasing advertising agencies and, instead, call directly on the agency clients. COMPANY FOUR: $8MM one shift organization receives 80% of their sales from printing brokers; has one excellent lead press operator; and prices very low enabling the print brokers to add their mark-ups. COMPANY FIVE: $8MM one shift organization invested considerably 8 to 10 years ago in local publications positioning themselves as an “excellent quality” print company and still has this position in the local market even though we and the other competitors mentioned produce the same “quality”.


Competitor 1 – Corporate Marketing; Competitor 2 – Guerrila Marketing; Competitor 3 – Marketing product pecs


Competitors are being identified as I develop the strategy. Work in progresss


Competitors are plentiful


Computer based tutoring Firms using Uni students who are unqualified teachers Once a year ‘visitors’ who come in with a special offer and then are gone until the next year.


CTI of Georgia- home shows magazine ads, Envirodeck- web site newspaper flyers, Creative Concrete Solutions web site –out of business, Atlanta Stamped Concrete web site, pay off achitects


Dale Calvert, David LeDoux, Tom “Big Al” Shreiter, Frank Garon, Joe Shroeder. They all have credibility and give away tips and training for FREE, have extensive market penetration, with huge opt-in lists.


Dealer Impact – First Mover AdvantageI Publisher Inc. – First Mover Advantage,

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. heavy advertising 115.

DEPARTMENT STORES - large ads, frequent "Sales" that are really same as our normal price MALL LUGGAGE SHOP - mall traffic, hard sell, no prices shown so they can quote prices they believe will capture customer, and give room for 'deals' OUTLET STORES - mainly the outlet image MASS MERCHANDISERS - be it Costco, WalMart, Target, Sav-On Drugs, etc., they all stock some luggage, billfolds, briefcases


Difficult to assess


Direct Mail, Trade Shows, Seminars, Referrals & Telemarketing


Disney, carnival cruise lines , Sony , lexus,


Don’t have 5. The closest three use project based billing and they tend to focus on one or two aspects of the business as opposed to taking the full service approach. All of my competition takes on a mediator role in terms of introducing senior management individuals on the client side to centers of influence in the professional investment community. We are the only company that continues to help manage those relationships over time, which can only be done through a monthly retainer type billing system. It’s a big value ad.


Don’t have a real handle on my competition.


Don’t have formidable competitors.


Don’t know (4)


Don’t know 5 local competitors who are not law firms IP Law firms – promote quality, size, name, time in business


Don’t know the marketing approach of competitors.


Don’t know them that well.


Don’t know. Hmm. Perhaps yet another reason I’m not doing so well at this time, eh?


Don’t really know my competition as well as I ought to.


Don't know who they are or what they are doing. Some schools out there may be getting students whose tuitions are being paid by the U.S. Government. Maybe I need to take a look into that!


Dr Fred Gross --- internet marketing, haven’t seen other marketing approaches as yet. Same for the others, except for Brian Tracey - heavy radio advertising.


Dynamic Air, worldwide sales. Cyclonaire – operate across a wide spectrum of industries; Vulcan Engineering – multiple industries; FATA – large Italian company with worldwide and multiple industries activities.


Each competes on price alone – not value


EBC- internet marketing, pre-packaged programs that people work through themselves.


Eclipse – Business Expertise Profit 21 – Price Cutting Navision – Lack of Client InvestigationMAS 500 – PriceTecSys – Product


ELI, Level 3, RIO, Qwest, Uunet, PAC West and resellers Dial-up USA and Ikano


Email newsletters, who use opt-in strategy and offer a qualitative product that people can actually use.


ERM lots of mailings, NTH lost of old clients, Clayton lots of old client and lost of mailings, ECT staff with background working for state, DDA low cost

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. 137.

Ernst & Young, Deloitte & Touche, KPMG, Pricewaterhouse Coopers – they have name recognition, I’m not sure of their particular strategies.


Every other marketing consultant.


Examples: Boston Consulting, IBM, Maynard; They have the “brand name” identification advantage


Existing mortgage lenders: continual communication with their client. Unrestricted telesales opportunities (cannot cold-call in UK anymore)HIGH STREET LENDERS: prospect can often walk in off the street and get limited advise. Combined with media adverts means Brand Awareness as well. INTERNET: those so inclined can search out a mortgage lender from their home 24/7OTHER PROFESSIONALS: can crosssell to existing clients. Use the goodwill they have already built up with the client


Expedia – 24/7 Availability, Price Travelocity – 24/7 Availability, Price Orbitz – 24/7 Availability, Price VacationsToGo – Price, Easy online comparison, Basic port information, Good Ship Information UniGlobe – 24/7 Availability, Price, Online Air Pricing, Online chat.


Fat burner market on TV with saturation advertising as so weight watchers. Fat burner is available in local shops and supermarkets.


Fibercote up front investment, Others are large multi faceted companies.


Five large multinational companies operating worldwide with plenty of massive advertising. Big Big Big.


Flow Tech- classic face to face sales & golfing Staples- offer everything. Almost one stop sopping & low cost.


Framesi, L’Oreal, Wella (national advertising and distributor sales)


Franklin Covey. Seminars, Brochures. Character Counts, referrals and Gov’t contracts.


Freeman Decorating-They have such a huge company-they are dominating ever market around here. They take no prisoners.


From what I can tell they operate at a senior face-to-face level to sell their services directly


Gallant 2000 Set up a networking group Business Link Government supported body that provides _subsidized consultancy The most formidable thing is educating potential clients about coaching


generally lower prices and more marketing $’s


Giving of information, Selling of well written information, have a lot of statistics and background.


Golden Tiger Martial Arts Supply – price elasticity. Century Martial Arts Supply – Presence of Mind. Asian World of Martial Arts – sheer volume of product and catalog presence everywhere. Tiger Claw Martial Arts Supply – Presence of Mind. Wing Lam Enterprises – aggressive catalog presence and growth.


Government: biz info: free marketing services to those that have just started up in business Accountants: they market directly to their own clients, and also do seminars and advertising Internet: they offer free newsletters, free programmes Small companies: they network too and meet people just as I do


Great websites, constant contact, out there being seen.


Guidance – my former employer. They write terrible proposals but tend to win bids by the “see what sticks” approach. They have money in the bank from an equity infusion several years back, so they don’t have a compelling reason to operate more

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. resourcefully. Interknowlogy – they are known for being a collection of mostly authors without deep experience with business. They’ve gotten into some trouble with Microsoft for falling down on some projects MS has brought them in on. Skematix – they are another small developer who happen to be bigger than us. They have close host/beneficiary relationships with a recruiter in the South Bay and do a lot of speaking, events, etc. Genex – they serve the major corporate account space, probably by spending a lot of resources courting the entertainment, finance, and other large vertical industries. 157.

H & R Block.


Hard sell, cold approaches, huge salesman incentives and bent contracts Referral from peer to peer, occasional cold sell, Play golf, Guarantees, capped fees Some VERY BIG NAMES work on Brand awareness


Have described answers in several questions above. Don’t have direct competitors – but net and other ways of using time is our biggest competitor.


Have not identified them.


Have primarily one formidable competitor and they are a marketing machine. Nonstop marketing to customers, monthly emails. Great positioning, on-going training programs and positioning them appropriately. Strong channel partner program. Like to always win as the low priced alternative. Competitor can give away their product which competes against ours because they see it as a loss-leader to upsell are larger software suite of tools.


Haven’t met any local competitors


Haven’t studied


healthfood stores – products are on the shelf and often advertised in magazines, etc. conventional health professionals - the traditional approach is still “in”. alternative health professionals - they usually visit people one to one at an office and prescribe “nutraceuticals” for diseases nationally known natural healthcare gurus such as Dr. Andrew Weil – website, TV appearances, and $50,000.00 Alternative Health Care Fellowship program for physicians direct sales companies – market dietary supplements and other healthcare products by word of mouth


High end direct selling, wining and dining the competition,. They build better industry alliance for implied endorsements. They are integrated into their partners systems better then we are.


Highly aggressive but, by my standards, unethical. They "shop" bids, "use" people, sometimes appropriate the work of others. Fortunately, I do not want to work with potential clients who share bid information with favorite suppliers so that they can match the bid. We would never get to the same page.


Home Gain, Lending Tree – TV and internet presence


I answered that one already before: only 3 competitors left and they hardly do any marketing since they are know. They have an ad in the yellow pages, an open door every two months and for them that's enough.


I believe they are doing the same type of things as I am on the internet.


I can name them, but not their marketing approaches. Guess I need to get busy , huh?


I can only think of a couple at this time. Agora Publishing. They have a number of email lists that they use to market many of their similar products. They have free daily emails that offer insightful commentary on many aspects of investing, business issues, political issues. These emails also have advertising for Agora products.

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. Sometimes I will receive an email that is simply advertising but it is not so often to become annoying. Lombardi Publishing. Fairly similar strategy to Agora. Others seem to have more advertising than informational content. 172.

I don' know, I don't have many competitors


I don t think I have competitors.


I don´t have formidable competitors, other companies that do not compete directly with me have sales people that bond extraordinarily with buyers.


I don’t actually know them by specific co, they all have distribution, larger marketing budgets and direct mail tie-ins as well as strategic alliances (like Deepak Chopra hooking up with Nightingale connant and marketing tho their list).


I don’t know of any competition except internal engineering departments


I don’t know the competitors- the big well known consulting firms may not be my real competitors.


I don’t know them


I don’t know.


I don’t monitor my competition


I don’t pay much attention to competitors because they market the world and only deliver to a small fraction of them.


I don’t really have anyone else doing quite what I do in my market area.


I don’t see any competition which makes it a wide open market.The only other person who has been mentioned seems to get his business by referrals by accountants.


I had a virtual lock on my market by being first. We had great quality, good service. Competitors never lasted.


I have a couple of copycats. They are using what I used to use several years ago. They are cleaning rings for free and they are also cleaning eyeglasses.


I have no competitors.


I have no overview in this moment


I have no real competition in my area other than time….I am basically a one man show with limited support and people at first want to meet with me only so it is hard to bring in others.


I have none but myself


I have not assessed this


I have not studied any of my competitors


I have one true competitor in town and he has a big store with many employees, has many of the top brand names in the industry and is a very competent jeweler.


I haven’t really pinpointed any yet although I know of many.


I haven’t really seen much as far as marketing from any of my competitors except one sells carpet cheaply, then only guarantees it is they are doing the cleaning. Some of them do have the momentum of a longer time in business, size, and some personal relationships they’ve built.


I only have one, they appear to use mostly space adds in industry specific magazines.


I only know of two firms I’m not sure how they market. One has a web site.


I only know the approaches of the brokerage firms, not the tactics of each individual

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. salesperson. Since my most formidable competitors are mammoth in marketshare compared to me, much of their marketing dollar is spent on image advertising in print and TV advertising. 198.

I really don’t have many identifiable competitors. The only one here in Australia is Brad Sugars. He runs seminars teaching marketing and entrepreneurial skills. From these cheap seminars, he advertises his $9,000 entrepreneurs training seminars and his $1000 a month coaching opportunity with his franchise coaches. He has an amazing business and strategy. He mentioned YOU... that’s how I found out about you jay!


I really don’t see any direct competitors that have any significant market share.


I really don't have any formidable competitors. (See also Question 43, which contains more information, and which this question seems redundant to.)


I won’t name the competitors, but their approaches include web-hosting, direct mail, large companies on their client list.


I. T. Equipment:1. Package with complete system at apparently reduced prices2. Package with brand-new, hot peripheral equipment3. Attractive interactive showrooms4. Sell at dealers’ prices to consumers5. Sell casings to manufacturers, not just consumers Accounting and ERP software: Upgrade offers to target markets Full Windows versions of software at upgrade prices Ability to sell modules, not whole systems Package with reduced price hardware upgrades Package with almost-free services (vital for first timers)


IBM and they use television and high end magazines and trade journals.


I'm ashamed to say I don't know.


In many ways my competition is stuff like, braces for the kids, a holiday, car repair, payments for mother in the old folks home you name it.


In MLM there is a person who do have an enormous downline – I am in this downline as well- They are allowed to and can sponsor large meetings of distributors and prospects. Currently I am not able to sponsor such meetings. They do have a LIST and they do build this LIST by providing symbiotic services. I do realize that I cannot compete. Selling info products I do have competitors who are very successful. Maybe I am in the wrong Niche wrt marketing information products on the Internet. The competitors do have large LISTS and do use cross promotions. Well I did learn a lot from them. The number of people (those who do become well known) who actually do progress to selling Info Products are limited. I have identified some cluster groups on the Internet. Offline wrt Info products I do not have much competition. I do experience the problem that the ebook products are a bit alien to many people. Some/many people do not like reading on a video monitor. Some/many people just do not read – Most are coach potatoes watching kids play – watching TV. With respect to nutritional products I have to compete against a pharmacy in a high traffic shopping center. They do provide alternative products. I am not allowed to sell from a shop. It must be done person to person.


In my area only 2 major competitors. they use yellow pages, newspaper advertising, and value pak


In my direct business there are 3 businesses that I traditionally compete against. One is very internet focused and has a complete strategy for her net biz; another has same day service and boasts a 95% placement rate (where she got stats I’ll never know – as she has told me she never follows up!); and finally the third has been in the industry longer than dirt and is very active in professional orgs.


Individual software freelancers/contractors tend to use agencies

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. 210.

Internet Marketing Center (Corey Rudl) - He dominates the Internet marketing scene because of great copy, exceptional branding and good products.- ScamFreeZone (Neil Shearing) - Great job of getting people comfortable with his web site - visitors feel, "This guy is honest and won't steer me wrong".- Associate Programs (Allan Gardane) - Been on the Internet since 1998. Really does his homework about associate programs (affiliate programs) and it shows in his great copy and newsletters. Again, someone that is honest. He tells you that some of the programs he represents may not be for everybody and why.-Business Lyceum (Jim Straw) - An "old timer" in direct marketing with an Internet presence. I love his "jus' bein myself" approach. It works well for him. He has years and years of offline experience in direct marketing which translates *very* well to the online world. - The Gary Halbert Letter (Gary C. Halbert) - Talk about gruff! This guys not for everyone but if his language and gruffness don't turn you off he's one of the best. I go online to learn from his letters. I've never been to one of his marketing seminars but I hear they are top notch. I like his straighforward approach. Again, someone who has been around forever.


Internet-email, advertising,/franchises-advertising/cpas-percieved expertise/other consultants-advertising


It would be the 5 largest institutions… Merrill Lynch, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, LaSalle Bank, and Smith Barney. They use their huge size and history as testimonials.


Jenny Moseley Associates – very well established name in specialty of Circle Time which is a good process through which to deliver our specialty of emotional literacy. She markets aggressively using similar methods to our own and has had longer in the field than we have. She also has better resources and can fulfill larger contracts with her associates more easily than we can. We need to use the same strategy smarter or pull in something out of the ordinary to overtake her given her head start. Lucky Duck – a publisher/training consultancy with an overlapping interest sphere who are now adding emotional literacy to their offering. They market through their very large and very loyal database. They have been in the business for the longest time and are extremely well established. I have tried to establish an alliance with them which is fairly successful, though could be more so if I had time to ‘grow’ it. Centre for Child mental health – a new competitor and a very directly competing product. Have got resources behind them to put glossy mail shots together and their ‘look’ is good. Also moving forward through alliances too.Now having our look refined and going more up market in our printing. paper stock. Though still think we need a smarter use of the strategy to out gun them. Other competitors are the very large consultancies or inhouse trainers in LEA’s. The large consultancies have very high, influential networks and do a lot of advertising. Am working on developing higher level influencers as my network/allies. LEA (education authorities) do not need to have marketing strategies as the business comes to them as the local provider.


Jim Daniels of www.bizweb2000.com, Corey Rudl of www.marketingtips.com, Dr.Ralph Wilson of www.wilsonweb.com, Jason Potash of www.ezineannouncer.com and Paul Myers of www.talkbiz.com Their marketing approaches are a mix of tactics, but no discernible strategy behind them.


JP Morgan- use their brand name, Charles Schwab- personal attention, Scot tradelow cost producer, E*trade-Young computer savvy clients


LA Weightloss – TV advertising with testimonials Heart surgeons- referrals from general practice physicians and then they use scare tactics to get patient to commit to surgery.


Large cosmetic companies. They market in large dept stores.

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. 218.

Large vendors and bottlers can offer large expensive machines with large cash –back offers that make little economic sense unless you are willing to work with no profit


length of time in market


Lillian Too, claims that she is the most famous feng shui consultant in the world.


Local CPA firms, but not sure of their marketing program.


Local firms are only competitors. Their advantages are (1) they know the business owners, and (2) their price is always lower (than mine)


Low price; large selections; convenience of ready on spot delivery


Massive printed ads, billboards.


Mclaughlin Anderson Villa Rentals, St. Barth Properties, Carimo realty, Wimco.com


Membership associations (direct mailing to their members), Private competitors, direct mailing to their own lists and host beneficiary relationships.


Metagenics, Lifespan, NRG, Bioconcepts, MD Nutritionals Carry a larger range of allied products Conduct seminars


Microsoft – overwhelm with resource, persuaded the market that Windows is “the way” IBM – overwhelm with resources JD Edwards, SAP, and Oracle – We are big, we have been around for over 20 years, we have over 7,000 customers, and we have outstanding technology


Microsoft: rule the world: if you can’t beat them, buy them or crush them; leverage monopoly. Endeca: goes for high-end market; we go for volume market; on every desktop.


Mocoat – Yellow Pages, Industry Directory, Trade Shows and word of mouth, field visits. Buster’s – Yellow Pages and word of mouth. Polypropelen Shelters – Price undercutting, field visits. We really only have three competitors.


ModuSpec – good old boy, press the flesh marketing, have in recent years been more effective in identifying large jobs, particularly with drilling contractors. They do some advertising. HOSE – same, limited ads in industry publications, other marketing unknown C-Mar – same as HOSE; OAS – same as HOSEVeritas – top in internet searches, other unknown. We believe our company and ModuSpec together deliver 80% plus of all rig survey business.


monthly newsletters to each subdivision


More or less they are using the same approaches


Mortgage House Australia Spend big money on advertisers, their sales people don’t last Preferred Finance broker Provide access to mortgage companies deal with multitudes of brokers Agreatotors Wizard Franchise own by Australia Richest Man Kerry Packer Lots of sponsorship and advertising Investment Planning Aust Use Telephone call centres to make appointments AGF use ex banking people for leads


Mortgage One Paramount Blanket advertisement, great relationships with most productive realtors


Most competitors are large companies and have large marketing budgets and sue dealers etc with multiple products. We have a single product and focus on quality and status wit style.


Most every awards dealer in the country sticks to their area for growth. We grow by the “domino effect” by going after chain stores. Easier to get another store of chain you already have than to get new client started.


Most formidable competitors: the thousands of beautiful full color books on the

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. market on decorating, one designer that published similar book and has been on Oprah and HGTV, all the decorating magazines, all the decorating web sites, all the interior designers and decorators, all the design schools and seminars. I don’t have specifics. 239.

Most of my competitors do not do much external marketing except for one who does some special events, charity and sponsorships. Most do very little internal marketing as well.


Most of our competition is based on price, some chain operations also use a “lifetime warranty on parts”.


Most of our competitors use price as a selling point – I won’t do it, and will explain to the clients WHY they use price as their motivation


Most of our most formidable competitors have been in business for many years and have well established name recognition.


Most of them do live seminars, and they do a one half day seminars to promote it. Another advertises in the trade magazines, his ads are a long Dan Kennedy sales letter, driving them to a hotline, and then a special report and a web site.


Most of them do not use long-form sales letters, and few, if any of them, make risk reversal an integral part of their sales offer. They market through press releases, banner advertising, being quoted in trade articles, and direct marketing to an e-mail or postage database.


Most organizations use same marketing tactics, some advertise but this has never proved to be cost effective now looking at e-zine.


most similar to ours, except Ken Fisher, a money manager in San Francisco with $12 billion under management (we have only $250 million.) He has 100 salesmen in the states including one in Ohio. He also works with Schwab’s referral program in Ohio. When they get a lead, they send a gimmicky package to the suspect, with perhaps a flashlight to help them search out a good investment manager. The sales person then follows up on the phone to close or arrange a visit.


Mostly one person shops who do not have the office overhead we have and can sell cheaper


My largest competitor offers the security of being a bank vs my being a broker, the second largest pretends to offer more choices with the “offers from up to 4 lenders” approach, my third largest competitor simply out advertises me since they are 50 times larger than my company


My most formidable competitors are large institutions that provide a comprehensive package of several services usually for a fee


My primary competitors are the standard financial services firms and I am not sure of their marketing strategy.


Net Effects – networking; 3k Design – networking and contacts


Never studied them – big financial companies


Newspaper – cost based, TV costs, Radio costs, Apathy, Unfocused clients


Newspaper advertising with promises of newer techniques which have actually been around for 30 years.


Newspapers, Val-Pak


NextGen, Medic, and A4 Health Systems - have money, can advertise in magazines, have many sales people. Management Plus has a few salespeople and more money than we do to go after clients. XXX– has our old company and they try to convert our

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. old clients to their new (lousy) software 257.

Nikken group meetings transfer factor plus great advertising wellness network they have a very credible anti-aging test to prove their product works. It internet campaigning melalueca in home presentations.


No competitors in combined services. Single service providers are to a large extent possible joint venture “sub-contractors” – we try and work with top class service providers in every business service field. Also see answer to question 43.


No competitors in combined services. Single service providers are to a large extent possible joint venture “sub-contractors” – we try and work with top class service providers in every business service field. Also see answer to question 43.


No direct competition. The greatest barrier to purchase is ignorance of the service (“What is it?”) and ignorance of the need and benefits.


No direct competitors. I’m competing against the notion of my clients doing the job themselves.


No formidable competitors – yet.


No formidable competitors exist for this program in this form.


No major competitors


No true competitors in our market segment yet.


None are formidable, all sit and wait for customers, others put up 1 or 2 banners.


None are that formidable. Just big and sluggish.


None at this stage


None of them are quite in that category.


None…not a niche, individually, that pays. Plus small marketplaces. Jay’s too far away and too costly.


not clear as to who my competitors are because I'm haven't focused on a niche market yet


Not identified


Not really an issue because of my approach of obtaining referrals.


Not really any direct competitors in the repair side. There are 5 retailers that I have a working relationship with. They all use me for repairs and I refer clients to them for furniture sales if it is a product I can’t by directly. Otherwise I answered this with question 43.


Not sure of this but some of our competitors could be Crate & Barrel, Domain furnishings, The Bombay Company, Pottery Barn and probably the high end furniture stores. Not sure what tactics they use as usually they have catalogue advertising seasonally. They would only have similar type of products in one corner of their stores, as they sell all kinds of stuff. Our store would be entirely devoted to only this merchandise mix-hence we would be able to display our full range and expertise and provide a better value.


Not sure who my competitors are


Number 1 buys run down houses, rehabs them, and then sells them to the tune of about 100 properties a year. He typically sells to investors with a renter already in the house. Making the offer even more attractive. He sets up loans for some occupants. He has contemplated giving away a free car with each house as an enticement. He also uses flyers. He claims to sell at 70% of market value but the appraised values are at times over estimated. I don’t want to compete on the rehab.

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. because I don’t have the experience or more importantly the time or desire to rehab. 100 properties per year. Most of the others in the area are not this sophisticated and don’t do this amount of properties although one also rehabs houses and then does a nice job of rehabing the interiors with “designer” materials, they then lease option the property. There are others in the area but I don’t know enough about them yet to comment. 278.

office depot, boise, staples, cannon 4, corporate express. They mostly claim to sell for less. They cut vendors and do all of it their self.


On the title side the top 5 buy the business using various methods. Also on the title company side we loose business to affiliated joint venture entities that realtors and lenders have an interest in. On the mortgage side especially in a rate and term refinance market it is the lender who has the lower rate in many cases. Also on the lending side people get lied to about the interest rates and or the lenders fees.


One has search engines high ratings


One is John Agno, a coach/consultant who offers about the same services I do – he has an outstanding website and ezine. He’s gotten appointed to a visible spot in the International Coach Federation. I’m still too new in the coaching market to know very many of my competitors.


One tries to outspend everyone else with a TV campaign; traditional Real Estate offices fill their offices with as many bodies as possible in hopes that they can get a few of their family or friends to buy or sell before they exit the business (high dropout rate for new agents).


Only ad agencies or traditional advertising avenues.


Only approach I’m aware of is yellow page advertising or price of sessions based on person’s income.


Only have one, Air Miles and they advertise heavily.


Only one direct competitor – they are inactive – once a year report. Cato – much larger – direct mail and website. LP – membership recruit others. LF Books – Monthly catalog. LI – email newsletter and conventions.


Only one in the area besides us -- trade shows and seminars is how they get their leads.


Only other accountants who say they can do the work and yet they can’t


Only Sabona is our competition and they're in a completely different market.


Only three competitors, they are not well focused.


Optionetics- advertise in national press, mailshots, have good systemized presentation with use of hypnosis and NLP, alliancesHazel Hassan –ex agent who used to promote us, similar strategies


OPUS Marketing – state to the art technical investments AIMS International – 20 years experience MARITZ – Global presence Secretaries in companies who claim to be able to do all by themselves


Other brokers who advertise price only


Other major banks and direct lenders..quicker and cost effective….


other mlm's and their strategies are all the same and I am sure you know them...as I said we lose people to faster money, more hype, and more successful marketing over the net


Other than Chilmark and Legends, I don’t know.

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. 297.

Our 5 most formidable competitors are quite similar to us, except that they are more generalist (less specialist) than we are


Our competitor is the general market place rather than an individual business for the most part. What is available or on the market right at that time and at what price. And it isn't very formidable. We can't compete with Builders on speed of completion or supplying free appliances in new builds, but we can on price and we can beat their quality (however, a lot of that quality is unrecognized by home buyers). With renovated homes, the price is generally higher than other homes available on the market, but customers are getting the charm of an older house with all the benefits of a new build. So far, not much in the way of competition. The marketing approaches of the builders we are competing with seem to be: 1. cookie cutter houses.. fast and cheap.. and throw in some free appliances. Billboards, newspapers, incentives. 2. cookie cutter houses.. build them fast.. offer several to choose from.. slightly different layouts to give the illusion of picking your dream home.. and talk them into the aspects that you want to build. Real estate agents.3. build better quality houses, charge more money and target a slightly wealthier crowd. Pick an area that people are actively looking in to find a home that they like. Offer to bid on building a home if customers create their own floorplans.


Our competitors are not good marketers either and that’s why I know if we can get a good system in place we could dominate!


Our competitors have been successfully selling the product for over 25 years, as opposed to our company of 5 years. each competitor has multiple sales reps in the field, and marketing dept. , we only have 1 salesrep. that doubles as the marketing dept.


Our competitors marketing approaches are not all that great. I believe that if we implement even 20% of your strategies we will own our market and will be in a position to rapidly expand into new markets.


Our competitors most likely do some of the same things we do, but I’m not completely sure. I don’t pay mush attention to my competitors.


Our competitors simply have a larger sales force .


Our competitors undercut the market place with price cutting


Parker Hannifan, gates rubber, aeroquip, goodyear and motion industries.


Perka, Best, Al Pac, Butler, and Stewart, all of these companies use a tactical marketing.


Peter Hingston – Strong build up of fear in customers of doing auctions, open homes and other standard real estate practices. Pitch themselves as the ‘ethical’ agent. Anthony Trees – Secure many properties by putting together development sites and then 90% of the time securing resale of new properties. Ie strong market niche. Epping First National – Low base fee and very high volume; national franchise connection. Mikhael+Mikhael – Cutting edge marketing, supported by premium ‘staging’ of your home so that it presents 100%. KG Hurst – Oldest agency in the area; experience; commitment to the area.


Peter Spann ... Newspaper advertising (VERY expensive) and snail mailouts of glossy brochures to a massive list ... also VERY expensive.


Pharmaceuticals… MD’s, PT’s


Physical therapy clinics—doctor referrals; fitness gyms- advertising; personal trainers-advertising;


Physicians are probably our biggest competitors because they can order alternative tests that are not as effective, but they make money off of them. So our best strategy

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. is EDUCATION. 312.

Pizza places-have consistent direct mail every other month,New chines delivery places sending out direct mail.


Points – name brand recognition co created 5 years before us.have fewer marketing tactics than us


Pricing, more privileges offers as company is well established with larger membership based, easier to establish joint-partnership with others, larger and more frequent in their advertisement


Primarily do things the same way as us only not quite so personal


Procrastinators/ cccs-referrals/ Ameridebt Massive Advertising/Jerry goes after particular market Christian/ Debt Settlers &no-pain easy way out.


Professionals, leaders, L.J.Hooker real estate agents. They use TV adverts.


Profiles Internations and Caliper, DISC, I am not aware of their marketing strategy


Putting big moneys into big campaigns.JV with big sites, like portals.Doing some good PR


Quite frankly, I don’t have any competition. If I’m not able to deliver a particular service, I’ll call my competition and ask for help.


Qwest (TV, radio, print ads) ICG (Direct mail, full time sales force), Date West Internet (Large yellow page ads, direct mail), Code Net (Yellow page ads, radio ads) PCI Sys (Yellow page ads, radio, print)


Radovan Vlatkovic Marie-Louise Neunecker David Pyatt Dale Clevenger


Rainsoft—totally unethical—nationwide!—sleezeballs! They will say anything to get the sale, then they don’t ever want to hear from their clients again—will never service them. The big sellers in this area work the same way—stay in the house til they get a contract or get thrown out. They sell for 2-3 times the price we sell for, but there seems to be no ethics involved. We are ethical, probably to a fault, but we do really good work and have very happy clients. I need some sales people, because I don’t sell hard enough.


Really do not have any formidable competitors—and they have no marketing program


Refer previous related question.


Retail stores—multiple locations doctors—public perception


Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Ernesto Guerrero, Celia Chavez. – Alliances, experience internet referral


Runing ads doing mass mailings cutting their commissions.


Sadly I see, I haven’t put enough time into knowing my competition to answer this.


Sales Training organizations - experience based Other sales coaches Other General life coaches Apathy Lack of knowledge


Salon Business Strategies – business seminars, website, industry partnerships, Salon Training, Inc. business seminars, industry relationships, teleclasses


Same approaches that we use


Same scenario as before md and drugs company


Sanyo - Price


SAS: Monopoly power Accelrys: Software has overwhelming features Scitegic: Good

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. customer service Spotfire: Uniform, low price Lead Scope: Reps in the field 336.

Save time Visuals = TelemarketersTasman AV = Monthly product catalogues mail out to customers. B & H = Account managers who cold call. Rutledge = Have a reputation for handling pro-AV installations and leverage that through mailings, cold calls and web site. APS = Telemarketers


See this is an area I’m not too good with – market research. I’ve checked out all the competitors my customers talk about and they aren’t big either – all SME’s. There are fashion designers who are in all the shops all over the country but I don’t want to be mass produced. I want my business to be handcrafted and available. There is a special blend there. So I don’t have formidable competitors. See, lessons from MBL, niche market, better margins.


Seminar Companies-lots of course choices Consultants-more specialized areas Writers-lots more articles, books


Sheridans – Old boys club big player. They farm their present client base and are ripe for picking! More smoke and mirrors than substance. Mori – Another biggie. Relatively litlle marketing other than sales rep but has good loyalty from existing clients. Tougher nut to crack because they are larger and have deep pockets. Pride’s corner – Medium in product quality but good marketers, excellent pop materials and good bundling marketing. Glossy catalogue etc. Connon Nurseries. – Best product in the industry , worst marketers . If you want to buy we will sell. That’s it.


Siemens – key points of brand name marketing described above Honeywell Johnson Controls Master/Andover


Similar outfits, their marketing approaches involve, contacts, yellow pages, web site, mailings, service with built-in insurance cover for their advice.


Since we are essentially alone in our niche in our draw area, we don’t really have any formidable competitors. Our biggest competitor is a lack of identity because we have not effectively communicated our unique approach to the consumer public so they can find us and buy from us.


Since we do not have any direct competitors I will refer to related financial services. Banks have the name and the history to back them up. The tradition of banks being safe is ingrained in the consumers mind. Over time we need to do the same thing.


Size of business law firm is perceived to be better.


Skill – Tv advertising Welcome – Tv ads CCAA – Tv ads Bright – Door to Door CNA – Not sure


Small Business Administration – the power of the federal government and their research SCORE – leveraging the experience of experienced executives to help folks grow their business Universities offering “adult education” – they simply leverage their “background” and experience…. Can’t think of others


Some of the biggies” I’ll be competing against are using billboards and radio. Once I find my niche -- or niches --- I’ll market in a way that has ma more personal appeal.


Sorry, I don’t know enough about them to say


Sorry, I don’t see real competition on Polish market and didn’t have time to study competition abroad. Our model is an Italian kitchen manufacturer AURORA (www.auroracuccine.it) , but I am not too impressed with their marketing strategy. A different approach is to market kitchens at ceramic tile show-rooms.


Sorry, in our rural area we have very little competition. What competition we do have uses pretty much the same marketing approach we do, which is to say, not much.


Square Foot Gardening book by Mel Bartholemew (a total piece of junk). Hypes and

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. promotes on the net, in book stores, and even on TV. He is a real “huckster” who makes outlandish claims with no real substance, but he has sold a “Gazillion” books.Not aware of other competitors’ efforts. 352.

Staff of PR writers, ad writers, ad placers,


Still doing research




Strong sales through third party distribution outlets Strong sales force on the ground combined with industry awareness Cheap products Catalogue mailings


Success d-internet, Newswatch-finance, Lifeway, do Tell-do TIYD-do


Sunbank – similar to usITT Cannon – typical lazy big companyAmphenol – sameIcor – part of UK Smiths industriesVasrious local “machine shops”


SuperCuts…..used to be Family haircutters, now feature more men in their ads. Still have a generic, plain environment. Great Clips….. Family haircutters, feature mom, dad and the two kids. Frequent price promotions. Generic, plain environment. Cost Cutters ….. Family haircutters, feature mom, dad and the two kids. More female oriented, however….do perms & colors. Frequent price promotions. Generic, plain environment. Fantastic Sams ….. Family haircutters, feature mom, dad and the two kids. More female oriented, however….do perms & colors. Frequent price promotions. Generic, plain environment. ProCuts… knock-off of SuperCuts, not very well done.


Ted Thomas: Blitzes the market with direct mail, is present at most of the larger upsell events. John Beck: More of a local market (northern CA), so not a huge competitor. Various other small competitors with very little consequence. Not much competition for the exact same product – competition is in other types of products that produce similar results.


TeleCheck – They approach all new businesses with contacts form the sales force and mailing to the business. Fed-Check – They market to larger companies. I lost the Dominos Pizza account to them. Check Free – do not know their strategy, except that they focus on grocery stores Check Care – do not know their strategy, except that they focus on grocery stores


Telecheck, Equifax. Sales reps and probably direct mail


Telemarketing, sales letters and direct sales


Tesco – brand leading supermarket, Boots, H&B, Chemists


The “big boys” entered the market earlier than I did. They do a lot of crosspromotions for one another.


The best two or three have lots of realtor referrals. That seems to be a big opportunity, but we’re not sure we can break in.


The big five : they use their presence for accounting implementation and try to sale Consultance. Cedec : telemarketing saling appointment – sales people trying to sale diagnostic – economist making the diagnostic saling a Consultance mission


the biggest one uses sales-people to go into companies and sell long-term programs, we just do non-personal-contact selling (mail, email, phone)


The closest thing I have to competition are collection agencies.


The Corporations cemeteries are able to get the families attention first and they are able to do a good job at keeping it during the service and locking up the memorial sale at an inflated price. They also use some unethical tactics like lies. Our other competitors aren’t as sophisticated.

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. 370.

The Final Four CPA firms. They use image ads, memberships in professional organizations, and referrals by attorneys and bankers.


The first has become a brand name in my region by an extremely aggressive brand marketing campaign. She was first to offer web marketing with Picture Tours, she aggressively farmed a very prestigious and expensive area and has branched out from there. She has continued to hire people to fill roles to help her expand as she grabs bigger shares of the market and now she promotes how her entire team offers top service. She has only been in our market for 5 years and has become #1 in that time. Other top Realtors in our market have been the same names for years and seem to have a consistent program but don’t really seem to have a growth rate.


The large chain/corporate daycares because the have deeper pockets and larger facilities.


The local engineering consultant, in the potential clients region. Most engineering consultants do not know how to market.


The other garages


The other green coffin manufacturers are small and quite low key except for the cardboard ones. It’s not easy to tell exactly, but perhaps they try to ally themselves with the big funeral directors to ensure that they buy from them alone.


Their marketing approach tend to be direct sales


There are 3 main categories of competitors: large commercial training and consulting companies; large government-funded training institutions; and well-established small concerns with big marketing budgets. In all cases, they outgun me in marketing budgets.


There are hundreds


There are hundreds of people doing what I do on the internet including Luis Arauz/Jeff Paul /Dan Kennedy etc. etc


There are just 2 And they are only ahead because of the time they have been in the market


there are not really five other quality companies. Successful competitors seem to get leads from trade shows and massive advertising as well as massive cold calling


There are numerous ‘large’ exhibit houses that are well funded, do large jobs, have large contingents of sales people, sales literature, etc…all stuff that we don’t have. They’re all pretty much the same.


There larger therapy practices around. They have bigger yellow page ads and that’s it. Some hospital-based psychotherapy practices have occasional TV ads.


There really aren’t any.


They all advertise and try and bring in the customer to the dealership


They all have about the same marketing approach, but their implementation is worse


They all rely heavily on print advertising and cold calling their most frequent tactic is to lie about the other companies.


They all try to offer the least cost solution or were better positioned with the Architect or Design Firm of the client.


They all use the same media – some have bigger budgets than us – some don’t.


They are either very small companies who have technologies that don’t really distinguish them from all the others, or very large companies who have an established network in place. The small companies rely on website and small-scale

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. local advertising, the large companies have older technology but they have the ability to sell it through their established network. 391.

They are first and second tier companies. They market by reference selling into verticals they have customers in. They have large marketing budgets for print ads, access to industry consultants, large business partner programs so they use direct and channel sales


They are much bigger then us with much more resources financially and with manpower. They spend a lot more on adverting, editorials, literature, getting dealers, follow ups and in all other marketing.


They are normally institutions and don’t care about marketing. Of course customers have regular contact to chambers of commerce, US commercial services etc. since they are free of charge. Since I am just a one-man-band (up to five freelancers) it would be dangerous to compare myself with McKinsey or JTI Inc.


They are so big they “own the market”.


They do email coaching, publish articles and/or books, conduct seminars and workshops


They do telemarketing inviting people to seminars, they run ads in the paper promoting seminars.


They establish themselves as expert in the field. They adhere themselves to a wellknown government sponsored body. They provide a lots of side products apart from their major products.


They have primarily written several books, have a good website, and appear on TV or radio.


They have strengths I do not. Some have larger offices and can produce work more quickly. Some aggressively promote their work in trade publications and periodicals. Others methodically submit projects for awards.


They really don’t compete except on surface level…I offer more…and give more for dollars paid… but have very good repeat and referrals business


they use a sales force


They use aggressive pricing strategy, introduce customization of programee and reliable service


They use sales agents on commision basis . They deliver to faraway places which we don’t They are constantly in touch with their customers.


They use the same as we do or less


This really is a non- issue. We have a great corporate culture and personality. We typically only lose someone who doesn’t know about us. Our peers are not good marketers and certainly are not strategic.


Through appearing smart by offering all publicly available materials in good categories. Through lots of self-promotion and tie-in with a newsletter or website. Steal our socket through end-customers’ request. Using exact replica of our solution. Be early with products in which they’ve a technological edge through having sufficient manpower.


Tony Robbins - Neuro Associative Conditioning Marketing Osho Commune International - Dynamic Meditation Techniques and outstanding therapies. - High Quality Marketing. Dr. Robert Young - Innerlight Nutrition Products - The Best in Nutritional approach. Deepak Choprah - Ayurveda Medicine - Body/ Mind & Spirituality Kripalu Yoga - Seminars, classes, trainings and Retreats on Yoga and

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. Natural Health. 408.

Too soon to say


Total eden has 16 retail stores referring customers


Trade Magazine advertising, salespeople, phones, brochures


Traditional realtors- MLS, direct mail, sales force. Other owner financers- signage


Transfield –Worley. Big, let us manage everything.Beca’s – part of a large nationwide group. ITL- Cheap


Turville Photography, Reinbold Gallery, Olin Mills, Kinderphoto, Misc mall photgs. They have physical locations that people constantly see and they work the mails.


Two are fat and ugly, one is gorgeous, two are just so-so. I will describe the only two of consequence. Competitor 1 is an old style service bureau operations that also sells software to prospects that want help but not service. We don’t want to sell software. We will recommend them as a software source, they won’t bother the account in that case. Competitor 2 is a large service bureau organization run as a sweatshop. They have recently been outsourcing data entry service to India which has made many of their customers mad. We are actively marketing their disgruntled customers.


Two strongest competitors: DnV has 4000 employees and offices in every country in the world. Makes direct efforts to partner with technical departments of national oil companies in countries which have national oil companies. Shell Global Solutions owned by Shell Oil. Has captive market for all Shell owned facilities and works at top management level with other oil companies, particularly in facilities where Shell has a minority share.


Typical paint companies have yellow page ads, may also place classifieds, build a reputation of quality, or try to be the lowest price.


Unaware of their marketing


Universities and consultants (numerous)


University hospitals, contract laboratory, government research centers. these services rely on referrals and just being the in-house service.




Urgent care, marketed with speed of care, come without appointment, extended hours


Very few see the resume business as a package deal of success enhancing vendors, that’s where I see my USP.


Very little direct competition


Walmart – low prices


we are "copying" their marketing approaches


We are competing for advertising dollars. We focus on a specific market that is fun and exciting.


We are lucky to be competitive free right now.


We deal with an underserved segment that isn’t actively marketed for our services. If we scaled up to larger businesses we would encounter the larger consulting firms.


We didn’t have time to analyze them


We don’t know a lot about how smaller firms are really marketing.

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. 431.

We don’t monitor competitors


We don’t really have competitors on the same scale as we are. Some local competition Exists and main competitor is a local, independent tennis pro. I don’t know of their Marketing approaches.


We don't have a product that competes head to head with us . and we don't know their approaches.


We have competitors on several levels from machine shops to mail order companies selling automotive parts. The approaches vary depending on size with the larger competitors using print and the smaller ones using the yellow pages.


We have no competitors doing exactly what we are doing.


We have none, ours is a totally new line of products that do not fit into an existing group.


We have only one formidable national competitor worth to be counted in our field, i.e. Pansystems. While foreign competitors with more experience in adjacent field of services such e-commerce have direct lobby with international financing agencies like the World Bank. This domestic competitor has a longstanding close relation with the Regulator/government. On assistance in international conferences we have practically no domestic competition, while foreign competitors cooperate with us to obtain our assistance and expertise. One of the international competitors, such as Compass Rose have very extensive experience and contacts with governments, international agencies and many private sector companies regarding their international scope of services.


We only have 4 serious competitors in the industry. The most formidable, though out of our league, is GESeaco who have multinational resources available and play in the ‘big league’ of major fleet sales and hire. The one we really keep an eye on is Royal Wolf who also have multinational resources and compete with GESeaco, and are active in the ‘little league’ where we are. Wolf would be our primary competitor and they are price cutters. We generally make no attempt to compete on price, because they’ll win at that game every time. On the area of customer service, there is a small one-person operation which is run by a very personable man who has adopted our phone techniques and could easily be mistaken as one of us. He’s very good, though he’s a lone outpost of an company based in another state. GESeaco have representatives that schmooz with transport companies that have container fleets of tens of thousands and in some cases hundreds of thousands. Nobody else locally uses roving reps, though some interstate companies occasionally send scouts out to try to drum up business. Both GESeaco and Wolf place image ads in various transport magazines and transport directories. We’ve never received any value from ads placed in these publications so we save our money.


We’ve not yet lost job to a competitor that we know of. Our target market is SME. Sometimes, we lose the job to a one-man band because they’re related to the director or manager. Otherwise, we lose the job because they don’t have the budget or they’re unable to get out of the existing contract.


Weight Watchers – tv adds Jenny Craig – tv adds and low price offers Bonnie Stern – uses her cooking school to sell herself. Ann Lindsay – aligned with Heart and Stroke Association to sell books.


Well, there were 1.9 million hits on Google to “supply chain management software”. It seems like everyone and his dog has a solution. The big dogs are Microsoft, Oracle, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft and SAP. I have not studied their marketing practices in any orderly basis. However, it appears that they trade heavily upon their brand and brand advertising; and spend heavily to field large teams of salespeople.

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Question 50. Describe Five of Your Most Formidable Competitors and Their Marketing Approaches. Having gone against some of these competitors, I find they do little consultative selling – if any at all – and the cost their software, including organizational deployment, exceeds our quotes by factors of 5X to 10X. 442.

Well, this is pretty much answered in question # 43.


Wolfson Big YP, Rick Wright great repl. Good Fed practice. Watkins great DUI rep with attys, Bill Terry Great rep, been here forever. Chesnoff Oscar’s partner.


World Profit Affiliate Program Email Marketing Joint Ventures Quality business hosting and design Ready Hosting Affiliate Program Email Marketing Cheep domain hostingWebdomains4u.comAffiliate Program Email Marketing cheap domain hosting Apollo Hosting Joint Ventures Referrals AVA Host. Net Joint Ventures


www.radiant.net - large company.


Y2 Marketing plus other marketing/advertising agencies.


Y2Marketing uses saturation radio broadcasting for 2 weeks prior to their free seminar. They also use a good CD with a few well chosen success stories. Their web site is very rich in content as well.


Yellow pages advertisement-glossy magazines-.


Yet to be determined.

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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? Question 51. What are the top two reasons that you lose business to the competition? 1.

#1 – Market not being aware of our alternatives. #2. Our lack of organizational depth is perceived as a continuity risk.


#1 Location – in some cases, they simply have a more convenient location Otherwise, I don’t know


(1) Pricing (2) Cosmetic appearance of final product


(1) Loyalty to present supplier.(2) Product shortage and selection (Ours)


(1) Never getting them in to me in the first place. (2) Financial reasons (e.g., they go to another therapist who costs less, or who is covered under their insurance when I am not)


(1) The client has a pre-existing relationship with the competitor and (2) the client wants the comfort of dealing with a large organization.


(i) Price (ii) Relocating


“Perceived” better value. Corporate convenience.


“Time” not enough to spend cultivating the relationship……and also not pushing enough at the “close”


1 Follow up 2 Not getting in front of enough people.


1) Price & Price.


1) Price 2) Perception by the client that the competition have more expertise in a certain market sector – therefore they can justify their fees better than we can.


1) They do not know about us2) They have better promotional material/contacts


1) They don’t know about us.2) They want to keep the prestige of being direct rather than go through another party.


1) They have more published reports available, and 2) they do a better job of generating publicity or communicating with the marketplace (largely because they have more things to offer).


1)Price, 2) Brand loyalty to existing furniture or interiors to competing lines that we do not handle.


1)They can advertise more 2) They can offer a better deal


1. Discounters


1. Not well known. 2. Competitors get more referrals than I do.


1. Price


1. Availability: We are a small firm and, once staffed on a project, need to finish the current engagement before starting another. 2. Pricing/rates: Competitors are willing to dramatically lower their rates (because they don’t pay nearly as well) so they can sometimes “appear” cheaper to utilize.


1. I don’t go after it2. I don’t have the staff or capital to get the work done


1. I don’t sell the benefits as I sell my self 2.I don’t know how the competitor is working


1. Inadequate communications. No web site yet. No company brochure. No business card (until after web site can be printed on it). 2. Inadequate follow-up. Current customers are well motivated to call. We lose many who are not so well motivated or

2. Affiliation with church denomination

2. Location (competition's physical address is closer to them than I am)

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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? who lack a support system. 25.

1. long period of development of training program-time-to-market, because limited recourses.2. Lack of clear marketing strategy and system on tactical level.


1. not in their insurance plan and 2. location - not close to their home


1. Our facility is physically not as attractive as our main competitor. 2. We lost a key staff member, and we are trying to find someone to replace him. Our fill-in person is not able to please our higher end clients.


1. Price2. Customers go after the latest fad or media buzz and don’t stick to a plan of health.


1. Public does not know what we do. 2. Public has been falsely indoctrinated to believe that what we do is either unsafe or hurts.


1. The competition doesn’t yet know about CodeScholar.2. We are much smaller than all of the competitors (although if you add in our offshore development resources we are probably competitive)


1. They have better connections. 2. They have more money


1. They were there before me 2.


1. We are viewed as a RICH Hospital who does not need money. 2. Giving goes to United Way which has a large volunteer base and payroll deductions at many employers.


1. We do not reach enough potential customers2. We do not clearly communicate our benefits


1. We don’t fully differentiate our services from those of the competition.2. We are smaller and are judged less “substantial.”


1. We don’t get to the right decision maker 2. Price


1. When people ask for quotes they believe they are comparing apples to apples. What tends to happen is that we only quote on products that we know are going to provide the reliability businesses require of their computer systems. When it comes to servers competitors tend to sell clone boxes versus us who will only sell Tier 1 equipment. Examples: IBM, COMPAQ, etc. 2. I’ve heard that the impression some clients receive is that we “push” certain hardware and software. This is true and the reason being is that through experience we know that they are reliable, great cost for the product, the backend support is fantastic if we ever need assistance and it just plain works. This reduces the amount of money our clients will be required to spend in the implementation process or problems afterwards.


1.the competition finds the prospect before we do.2. the prospects banker refers prospect to our competition bec. they don’t know that we exist.


1.They closed the deal before I got there. 2.They lie.


1-Brand recognition. 2- Fear that the service will not work or be reliable since it is a new brand name.


A lousy performance of mine. I do need to work on the way I communicate. My cadence, intonation, and rhythm need to be improved.


a) Brand Name Recognition b) More complete building system solution offering, all offered with products & systems branded as their own


a. Insurance Company tells them to go to.... b. Location not as close/convenient


a. People not understanding the differences in the product.B. They call them first (Yellow pages)

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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? 45.

Ad sales lost because we are significantly more expensive then other handheld magazines. Also, some companies have products for the variety of handhelds our print competitors cover, and so they feel they will reach more types of customers.


All mental??? Unless they brain-wash me. Ignorance or resistance to change….within the prospective client. I would base my success on percentages.


Already with another firm/business and client content to remain where they are.


Am perceived as too young for realizing my tall claims. Fear of meeting top execs.


As we have no direct competition I can only say that we will lose business to apathy and genuine poverty.


Availability – I don’t have my own shop and won’t for some time – 3 -4 years. They have to find me at market. But it is a choice I’ve made. Can’t think of a second.


Because I’m in a Network Marketing Company


Because the buyer of a Mass Merchandiser, by practice, does not give the whole enchilada to just one vendor.


Because we have almost no history and no brand name. Because forex is completely new to the average consumer.


Being at a private club, many are not aware they can come out for instruction. Pricing possibly


Better interest rate lower fees


Better offerings, more compelling copy, better follow-up


Better product features Unaware of customer requirement


Better service


Big companies feel sometimes more comfortable with big agencies I must be more visible


Bigger purchasing power and the fact they have been in business for a longer time. Also discounted sales tactics just to clear inventory.


Brand and the old mindset that says you wont get sacked for picking IBM.


Brand Awareness, perception of bigger is better.


Brand name and price


Brand they are the safe choice they get to them faster price


Buyers don’t know about RealEstateExpress.


By the prospect not knowing what I do. My failure to communicate effectively.


Cannot fulfill requested software functions without charging extra- Lack interactive showrooms


Cannot match offers of cash-back and return of sales of large bottlers and vendors based on the volume of sales.


Changes in insurance plans , inability Patient wait time in office


Cheaper – faster delivery


Cheaper than me. More well known. No money to spend so larger companies give services free.


Cheaper, government subsidized consultants available.


Clients think we’re too small to do a particular type of job – that’s usually the only

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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? reason. 74.

Clients want less than we offer. They offer less and undercut.


Clients want to hire their own pro rather than use a management company – they feel they have more control over the pro/program. They are less expensive.


Commission or price.


Commission, experience and timing


Company perceived too small


Competition has higher visibility and a cheaper intro product.


Competitive stronghold accounts


Competitor has more recognized brand Lower fees quoted by competitor


Competitor price dropping or client looking for a more ‘basic’ sales training.


Conservative nature of people – stay with existing lender because of inertia.Not happy paying for professional advise




Cost & slow service


Cost and aggrasive sales activities.


Cost of service


Cost, cost


Cost, no knowing about my services


Costs and Production


Credibility, critical mass


Credibility, we are just starting out.


Customer don’t know of us and there overall marketing structure.


Customer financing and cheaper products.


Customers not comprehending that they are not getting what they think they are getting. Customer “compromising” for price.


Customers who are only interested in immediate or perceived price, our inability to properly educate or inform customers regarding our value to them.


Cutbacks in consulting overall due to the economy (actually, this is a loss to everyone – not to the competition). Competition is a known quantity (the old “you never get fired from going with IBM” mentality).


Didn’t do as good a job providing value when they were a client and when we are about to lose them then we turn on the support.Didn’t have as strong a relationship with the key decision maker as we should have had or the clients business was bought out and the purchasing company already has a long standing relationship with our competitor that they aren’t ready to change yet.


Didn’t make big enough promise


Difficult to contact/too much business for me to handle




don’t cover all of the market, timing (whatever presentation people attend first they book for that seminar)


Don’t have our software ready when they want to buy. Can’t offer a practice

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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? management system until 2005. 104.

Don’t know (3)


Don’t know. We all offer more or less the same product. I think it would boil down to who the client finds first via internet or periodical ads.


Don’t loose to competition that much, mainly loose to our prospects desire to do nothing.


Don’t lose too much… if they talk to me on phone I never lose them


Don’t want to deal with switching, prefer existing product


Don't follow up on leads fast enough, may not be as professional, up on the most current changes in the industry, don't pursue with intensity.


During periods of rapid stock advance, such as ’95-’99, our performance was not fantastic and some more aggressive managers got the business. Second, someone on the committee if an endowment fund or husband or wife may have bonded better or knows someone better from another firm. Hence, these presentations are often called beauty contests.


Educating the referral base is I feel going to be my biggest challenge. Getting known in the industry.


existing relationships, better name recognition


Experience and fulfillment.


Experience in industry


exposure and pricing issues


Exposure to the principal players. It all depends who meets one of us first – each main ‘player’ from each organization has a powerful effect on the people they meet and then that connection tends to remain strong so the purchase is made from the person the client first has contact with. How influential our networks are. It depends who has referred us into the business – how influential and senior they are.


Failure to “show up” (ie. haven’t been consistent about telling people I even have products & services on offer – a real deal-killer), prices “too high”


Failure to demonstrate need and show sufficient business size to prove competency.


Failure to present my service offering and start up fees associated with the initial transactions.


False promises by other accountants.


Faster money and a more sizzle product


Fees too high & belief by clients that because we sell lower volumes we may find it more difficult to find a buyer.


Financial prowess


FIRST :THEY GIVE discount. Second : they make alike a conference !!!


First, a perception among high caliber prospects that large institutions are more competent than me because they are large and established and have fancy offices. Second, a lack of a proper business infrastructure and credibility to match my knowledge, experience and expertise.


First, dated products, second, less promotions.


Follow up and pricing


Follow-up and follow through

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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? 129.

Freshness and price


full page adverts


Geography – clients are fearful of any requirement for travel outside of their immediate area, Price pressure if from a non referral


Geography of customer occasional pricing




Greater Market Awareness; Least Risk


Greed and lack of understanding. Also the fact that many insurance companies don’t pay for these services because they claim they are “screening” services. Medicare won’t pay for virtual colonoscopies but they will pay 3-4 times as much for a colonoscopy


Habit and familiarity.


Hasn’t happened yet


Hate to repeat myself, but I’m in the process of developing a marketing strategy.


Have never lost in a competitive situation.


Have not lost to competition


Haven’t met any local competitors


Having not the right items, the customers are looking for and sometimes to high prices too.


Hmmm. A lot of business is lost because people like to deal locally. I think that as my business grows, that this will be less of a problem. Another reason is that they just haven't heard of my business. A lot of this industry is word-of-mouth.


I am not aware of this happening. If it did I would suspect price.


I am only starting to become known and my marketing has been nearly non-existent until recently. I am just starting to ramp up now.


I assume the product did not meet expectations


I believe it’s through in-attention. People just lose interest.


I cannot provide the personnel resources they want. I am not famous enough.


I did not establish the link between their pain, its cost to them and the value of my solution.


I do not make sales


I don’t


I don’t believe we do. Many people come to us AFTER they have been to a Sp[ann or Kay or Burley seminar and contrast the m ... The comment we hear all the time is ... “Now we BELIEVE we can do it (property investment) ... we never felt that before!”


I don’t have the wide range of products that my competitors have. They spend more marketing dollars


I don’t know them


I don’t make marketing effort and I don't have strategy at all. I'm a small firm and it is difficult to get, pay and hold good people.


I don’t really stay in competition. Once a prospect is in contact with me, I close the order. But I should have more contacts to new prospects.

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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? 157.

I don’t upsell people enough.


I don't know yet, because I am not out in the market yet the people I talk to prefer my proposition when all is said and done..


I get there first, and I do more than they do.


I have no competitors.


I have not made it easy for them to contact me.


I have only lost 1 in 100 proposals


I lack both a large advertising budget and an overall plan.


I need mor linking, referrals, online dyslexic Games and back end


I retain more than 97% of clients that do business with me.


I think because I’m not aggressive enough in marketing, and don’t follow through well enough with sales or with post-sale activities. I think I haven’t focused well enough on “customer bonding”.


I will have to review this once my business gets going.


I’m busy and can’t start right away, cost


I’m guessing that it’s because they have more experienced salespeople – or more clever ideas, or a better strategy. I don’t have enough knowledge to see inside their strategies to know for sure.


I’m not in as many places as they are since they have a full sales staff is one reason. Their volume allows for bigger discounts so they can come in with lower pricing sometimes and still have a profit margin. (Although I can say Yahoo for a deal this last week where I took a little less profit but through the sale of value of my follow up I got the deal. And it is now starting the next sale going which means I ‘m gaining from the backend)


I’m not matched to their want


If I fail to convey competence, trustworthiness and sometimes price


If our program doesn’t get the results the client expects in a fast enough time for their reality. or they simply don’t want to correct their damaging lifestyle habits badly enough in those cases where that would be essential.


If we offer conventional loans in normal circumstances, we usually can match their lower fees.


In house work is cheaper as they are paying the person anyhow.


In many ways I’m not in competition because they come to me through a recommendation, or a lack of business behind me


In the broadest sense of losing work to them, they got some high profile projects that I was never considered for because my sphere of influence does not extend prolifically to their region. In the past two years, I have not ‘lost’ a project to anyone that I have been inconsideration for. I have turned away more work than I have accepted. I am now in the position of ‘selecting’ the clients that will be the best fit for my services and personality.


In the past, increased fees accounted for up to 27%, we fired quite a few clients who didn’t fit our ideal client profile, and others left for a variety of reasons, such as consolidation of advisers, convenience, and bust-ups between business partners.


Ineffective marketing


Inferior sales effort by our sales staff (no Superstars) and price competition due to the

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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? buying criteria of the people whom they are calling on. 181.

Influence inside the clients


Insider connections Competitor selling lower quality product at lower price


Insufficient time to build the relationship.


Insurance – we don’t participate in HMO’s and PPO’s


Irresponsive/ unavailability


It can be price as the Polish customer is not sophisticated enough to differentiate quality vs. price issues. We offer good product for normal price, where normal means expensive accordingly to the material and equipment used, without adding sky-high margins. This means that our products are in the upper part of middle price segment. People who do not understand quality of our product and look only for discounts can not afford our product.


It is history of company and their relationships


It’s all about whether they can afford us or not. Once we get into their heads, there is no competition.


Jar design, Price


Just started; does not apply.


just starting new in Vancouver; no one knows about me yet


Lack of ability to communicate USP


Lack of adequate competitive marketing to leverage money spent, and also for the businesses I work with, some need to question their product and follow-through on their promises. All lose business because their USP is under-developed and undercommunicated.


Lack of awareness of my existence and for the cost savings oriented consumer, it is price.


Lack of communication of benefit of product Approach not organized


Lack of contacts and exposure


Lack of credibility


Lack of credulity or not considered an industry expert


Lack of customer contact, not getting the message out that I’m in business


Lack of differentiation to established brands Perceived price – actual vs. value


Lack of distribution and discounting their products.


Lack of effort


Lack of experience in the field.


Lack of exposure


Lack of exposure. Organic lies – people think our methods are anti-organic (not true)


Lack of follow – up with clients or clients move away


Lack of fund to lower the margin, so less financial benefit can be offered to customers.


Lack of information on the consumer’s part about what our service is and lack of know-how on our part in getting the information out to them.


Lack of knowledge of specific niche programs for non-conforming mortgages

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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? 210.

Lack of market knowledge lack of a well greased marketing and support system


Lack of marketing knowledge, sloth.


Lack of money and lack of marketing knowledge.


Lack of name recognition and relatively tiny marketing budget – or maybe, I’m not doing things right with what I’ve got, as many of these started with nothing too.


Lack of pre or post sales follow up.


Lack of preparation Lack of follow-through


Lack of reputation and brand recognition


Lack of self confidence and sales skills. Price of products are higher than the value we can communicate.


Lack of time spent,


Lack of time to take on new work.


Lack of understanding about the benefits of doing something differently than how things have been approached in the past. Also lack of understanding of what good IR actually entails – especially when dealing with smaller cap companies that tend to be naïve in many respects.


Lack of years of experience, a limited testimonial base, not enough word of mouth, maybe I need to distribute business cards in mailing pieces and business conventions.


length of time we have been in business (don't have 10 year relationship with customer); no one gallery is able to always have the best artist


Lies and distance to Portland.


Lillian Too calls herself a "master." and people assume that she is.


Little follow-up, not getting clear on what they want and putting it into their words.


Location of school – we are on a smaller street


Location, budget


Longer in market (them) and their higher profile


Low quality = low prize


lowball prices and dishonesty


lower budget and fame.


Lower fees; personal referrals


Lower Price and faster delivery.


lower price not willing to make long term (3 – 10 year) fixed commitments


Lower prices Kickbacks


Lower prices, more market presence


Lower rates or lower closing costs.


Loyalty to the originator of T’ai Chi Chih


Many patients leave because their insurance plans provide for lower costs at a PLAN dentist.


Market presence - clout


Marketing $$.

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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? 242.

Marketing and plan




More aggressive sales techniques, cut commission or cheaper price.


More expensive. People cannot see that quality deserves more fee.


More experience, better presentation skills.


More expertise, pricing,


More frequent contact, greater name recognition, sometimes lower pricing


More staff, more capacity


Most of the business that we lose is lost to companies that decide to send notices themselves, without outsourcing them, some decide that they do not need to send notices at all. I believe that our primary problem with losing this business is one of educating clients effectively about the opportunity in front of them.


Mostly due to the realtor referrals they get.


My ability to only work part time at this business, and also to lack of time and money to spend on cutting edge tactics, and implement them quickly and effectively.


My ability to only work part time at this business, and also to lack of time and money to spend on cutting edge tactics, and implement them quickly and effectively.


My benefits are not clearly enough articulated. The perception of trust is not sufficient.


My location not convenient to client and cost pressures from overseas firms


My price is higher than theirs.


My prices are too high.


My product is quite differentiated. I am daring at creating a new category in the business so my intention is to dominate that small category.


My track record is not as strong as theirs yetI haven’t been able to “break in” to their cross-promotions and live seminar circuit yet


N.a. We don’t do enough business yet, but getting ready to.


Name ID and proven track record


Name recognition and the perceived image that they offer more choices


Name recognition Lack of marketing budget


Nepotism, mostly. Sometimes, it is because we are not connected to the right places to know when the jobs are coming up.


Nervousness on listing presentations and I tell the truth.


Never heard of name


new company, unknown brand


new in area


No advertising, no client follow up.


No agents in the area, ignorance of the farmer


no budget


No competition


No Competitors

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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? 274.

No contacts and no relationship established.


No good business & marketing plan in place.


No Marketing game plan No major brand name


No one knows about me and I’ve not pounded the pavement as much as others may.


no real strategy in place


No response--we are a start-up business preparing to launch


No stability to establish the company.


No storefront,


No strategic plan in place


Nobody knows who I am or what my products are. They don’t belive a small guy like me can produce better products than the gigantic firms do.




None yet, probably will be cost and distance away from home, convenience / comfort of location.


Not a big enough company and not the right technology


Not able to build a relationship. I’m not what they are looking for


Not able to reach the larger portion of my prospects.


Not applicable


Not applicable at this point.


Not as well known in the market


Not aware of any losses yet to competition; so far losses have been to inertia by prospect.


Not being aggressive enough. It is a numbers game. He who contacts the most will win. Procrastination and Quality of Materials and Products are two of the reasons why we would lose.


Not being in right place at right time, nervousness


Not being known


Not being well enough known.


Not close enough


Not defining our USP. Poor utilization of lead follow up


Not deliver on time; low price


Not enough advertising


Not enough contact with my clients, don’t stay close to buying decisions.


Not enough exposure to prospective clients, they do not know about me.


Not enough marketing


Not enough people know about me, but I really do not have too much more excess capacity. I think I could do about $1,000,000 per year before it became too much.


Not enough visibility or credibility.




not getting our foot in the door first, he has more homes for sale

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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? 308.

Not keeping in contact. Price.


Not knowing the right people, too busy doing it to be out finding it.


Not offering additional data: demographic or professional specialties, phone, email Tough to crack the brokers market, I think many brokers are unwilling to take a chance with a small company.


Not organized, and presented in form, package, that client, really validate the benefits from it. Lorea' l and Zone Therapy. Even the effect is faster, better and last longer.


Not proactive enough in the market place. We need to be actively out in the marketplace continually drumming up business. We are always inside finetuning the program. Lack of confidence. Don’t have big enough balls! We don’t have anyone who loves to get out and sell.


Not recognized as a serious builder who builds a lot of houses and not having a lot of selection.


Not seen and not seen as an expert.


Not selling enough programs


Not so much that we lose them to competition, they just don't join with us


Not started yet


not strong enough


Not sure


Not sure


Not sure as yet, but could be pricing and lack of traffic.


Not sure yet


Not understanding of customers and markets Not market segmentation, pricing and positioning


Not widely know Limited cash for advertising


Not yet being able to offer a “full” solution- Price –


Once we get them, we haven’t lost hardly any—one was a new buyer had a friend in the business.


One would be price, where the prospect was looking for the cheapest deal, the other would be that the enquiry never reached us in the first place. This could be due to the prospect having been referred directly to a competitor, or for some reason the prospect doesn’t know we exist. Our conversion rate is predictably three out of five.


Only if more convenient location-wise for certain customers.


Other banks price differently from the way we do and their fees wind up costing the client less. For example, we run our shops like manufacturing plants. We know how much a widget (a deposit ticket or a bank note) costs to process (that is verify and credit to the client’s account). Our price to the client is based on a markup from that cost. Our competitors all charge pennies per dollars deposits, e.g., 12¢ per $100 deposited.


Others use gallery representation or internet


Our first competitor is doing nothing. We have many people coming to us knowing that they have hiring problems and their boss don’t want to spend the money to address the problem or even acknowledge it.


Our own inadequacies; the competition spreading misinformation about us.


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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? 333.

Our product sounds too good to be true people are afraid of biotechnology


Our products are not suited to a client’s specific needs. Our operating philosophy does not align with that of the clients.


Our service is too expensive (or can see as the market we are in are too cheap to pay for decent service). Or our service doesn’t exactly meet client’s need.


our size and lack of reference accounts


People are scared to take chances with a smaller firm.


People don’t know about me. Location of services


People don’t know I’m there.


People don’t like our approach to education (we require too much parental involvement) and/or they want different content (more “Christian” and/or more “classical”)


people don’t shop enuf-buy the perceived sponsored plan; other agents play along w/ client need to shop til they drop and send info w/o finding need 1st


People get bored with anything. New managers want to do something new when they come to the store we have. That’s the main reason for loss of clients for us.


People not knowing of me, or if knowing of me, believing they would be better served by one of "the majors."


People still think of our coffin as something a little too far out “What will the neighbors say?”


Perceived indifference cost


Perceived needs, priority


Perception of offering specialized services Insurance programs


Perception of price with the big box stores listed above and my marketing ability to the public.


Perhaps a lack of trust.


Personal relationships and name recognition


Poor after sales service and non competitive pricing


Poor economy tightens advertising budgets, prospect believes that another media might gain it more exposure.


Poor follow up, not focused enough.


Poor response time due to no organization in our business


Poor Selling Not making the case for change


Poorly organized workforce; staff feel public sector is non-competitive.


Price (6)


Price Poor presentation


Price & price


Price & Product.


Price (potential customers perceive our shelters to be too expensive without really understanding the underlying long term value and longevity of our buildings) and delivery time (we need to be able to streamline out manufacturing process).


Price , brand and financing

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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? 363.

price and don’t know


Price and ability to service accordingly


Price and availability of newer equipment we don’t currently have.


Price and availability of product. Also, lack of “official” certification


Price and availability.


price and branding


Price and customer not aware of us and or chance to try product.


Price and delivery time


Price and do not offer what they are looking for.


Price and experience


Price and free minutes


Price and freebie seekers


Price and full time person ( we just hired a full time person on Jan 24)




Price and lack of understanding of issues of quality and content of preventive supplements


Price and misinterpretation of the facts.


Price and not being good enough salespeople consistently


Price and not being quick enough to market on some technologies


Price and not convincing the customers


Price and not having the correct product


Price and personal relationships.


Price and personality isn’t a match. In this biz we are very connected to the client and the personality really has to be a fit in order for us to help clients be successful.


Price and price (5)


Price and product functionality


Price and shorter response time.


Price and sometimes. Id Do not tell them what they want to hear!


Price and terms of the business contract ie. Some of the competition offer loans up front etc.(2) personal relationships of competition by virtue of living in the region or country vs me in the USA.


Price and that some people wanted to do business with a larger organization


Price and the perception that they can do a better job for the $$$.


Price And their reputation


Price and them not knowing the services we offer


Price and they don’t like the artwork


Price and we are not national provider


Price and we do not educate our client.


Price Awareness/buying habit/distribution chain


Price is the main one but usually if we are contacted by the prospect we close the

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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? sale because we put their needs first. 399.

Price is the only one I know of right off hand


Price level for standard items


Price Location of surveyors (price, indirectly); Billing practices (currently changing).


Price or bad contact management


Price Reluctance to change from incumbent supplier


Price, and ability to deliver quickly


Price, and captives who are in house financing.


Price, and top of mind awareness


Price, availability


Price, branding


Price, demographics


Price, esp. for kids. Convenience….if we have a long wait, it’s no longer convenient. Poor execution on our part, poor Client service.


Price, extras (options we don’t include)


Price, features


Price, lack of attention


Price, Less resources


Price, product range


Price, relationships


Price, shipping costs, lack of listing with competitors for some search terms.




Price. Visitors find the other site first.


Price; work sometimes late




Pricing (3)


Pricing & communication, i don’t think we communicate effectively to our prospects.


Pricing and more privileges offer to members


Pricing or the competition uses unfair practice of bribing buyers


Pricing, and they make more in person visits with that account. Better relationship.


Pricing; existing relationships they may have with key decision makers


Probably price and limited resources [1 person vs. global PR agency].


Probably a lack of understanding on their part to these non-traditional approaches.


Probably lack of credibility because I don’t have a big name like Brad Sugars does here in Australia.


Procrastination Fear


Product availability and price.


Product mix; older established business; topical imagery


products are specified by end user or decisions on product buying controlled by

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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? headquarters not in my territory 435.

Prospective customers not fully grasping the concept of an integrated service provider. Example: For a product launch, services can be provided (in any combination) like finding the right venue, arranging the catering, creating the marketing copy and documentation format, handling the publicity, translating into German/French for the benefit of VIPs from these countries attending, close personal protection for these and other VIPs, venue security etc…Clients deciding to scale down because of the cost factor and because they are not professionally minded enough (“we can do that ourselves; I know a guy who’s a security guard; my secretary’s sister is a caterer; my daughter is very good in French at school” etc).


Prospects do not know the quality of our program, the real differences with the others


Prospects don’t hear about us. then they keep not hearing about us.


Prospects looking for a magic bullet and them not wanting to do their part in making the changes.


Pt does not respond quick enough even though they come here as a last resort.


Public acceptance


Quality of trainers and relatively fewer /smaller clientele


Rarely do if I see them face to face.


Rate and costs


Reason 1: They see more prospects than I do. Reason 2. I’m a newcomer to the game and don’t have the credibility of the more established sales trainers


References, I’m just getting started


Relationships and deep pockets.


Reputation – they have been in business longer Resources – financial and human – they have more resources to gift things to the customer that I must charge for.


Reputation (mine is still very little, I’m not too well known yet)Search engine optimization


Retail stores are more convenient and sometimes the prices are very competitive


Right now they have a Stronger name in market and are more accessible to the masses.


Right now, it’s because the business community at large doesn’t know about me.


sales pitch


Scope and price


Service and inventory


Size and perceived specialty.


Size of my company


Size, price.


Small organization, Not enough proactive research, Take too long to field new expertise, Not able to market out products very well


Some competitors cut prices more than I do.


Some people insist on buying the lowest price without evaluating the proposals.


Some people just don’t want to download an ebook. I don’t allow them to print it off, some don’t like that. My books are more expensive in some cases. Some people

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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? won’t buy anything they can’t see and touch first. 462.

Someone hears about them and not me


Sometimes it is not competition – people just decide that they do not need my services (seminar, books)Competition is more aggressive, louder. Customers like to shop nnova


Speed and price


Still quite new in this game


Tell the truth not what they want to hear. Don’t like me or office policies price


The buyer shops for a rate and believes some misleading competitor or the other realtor tries to get buyer to use their in-house lender(they get kickback) Neither of these are big issues


The clients don’t know I me and what I do.


The clients have already an established relationship with those competitors since we're the 'newby' .


The competition has been in business for a much longer period of time. We are not situated in the best location


The lack of reputation And longevity in this industry.


The main reason we lose is because we weren’t in on the deal. We probably weren’t in on the deal because our competitor had a previous relationship that we didn’t.


The mindset of most people is that they will continue doing what they’re familiar with, even if what they’re using will lead them into bankruptcy. Therefore, a joint venture will be new to them whereas hiring someone to lead a department is what will first be on their minds. Second reason: I’m not a “yes” man. I tell people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear.


The only reason I’m losing business is because I haven’t duplicated my time by bringing on additional sales reps.


The only reason we lose business is the customer just doesn’t know we are here


The right course in the right location at the right time. Established street cred for the membership associations.


The two top reasons we lose business to these competitors are name recognition and price.


Their facility is newer , they say that they take more trips


Their particular Insurance doesn’t cover me but only a PhD; attracted to sliding scale fees


Their sales people are more persistent, most have a national product.


Their sector knowledge in a specific technology, bigger with more resources perceived as lower risk


Their stuff is cheaper.


There is only one – LA studios impose restrictions on the software use.


They are a lower price, perception that they are more capable due to size and experience


They are able to deliver faster or they are willing to fraudulently inflate values to serve the needs of a client


They are better known and do more marketing.

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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? 487.

They are big, and can afford to do marketing that I can’t afford.


They are bigger with big brands. But I do guerilla marketing to beat them in my field – usable marketing for small biz.


They are cheaper than me and we've also been on the wrong end of some awful stories even though they were untrue.


They are in the account before we are, and they are cheaper.


They are longer in business and they’re better known, we do no t have enough testimonials.


They are not properly educated about their options to surgery and the other weightloss facilities have a larger budget for TV advertising


They are not willing to pay my fees or we don’t get along


They are ready available in retail outlets.


They are seem as better qualified (he is a CPA also).They have been around longer.


They are there, I’m bogged down with current clients.


they beat us on price (mostly)their PR is better (occasionally)


They convince our client to buy an inferior product at a lower price.


They cut their commissions.


They didn’t hear about us, They think we are for smaller companies.


They do a better advertising and networking than I did.


They don’t know about me


They don’t know I exhist. Prospects don’t realize they could have a guaranteed ROI on their training investment.


They don’t know we have it or can get it for them.


They get my prospects on their LISTS. I have to be able to access prospects using tools which will not allow my competition to access my LIST. I have to go to a Unique Turnkey solution as well.


They get there first, and they offer platforms that I cannot offer at this time, esp. for restaurants.


They have a better sales letter, and better price strategy.


They have a large sales force generating referrals.


They have a perceived better property in a better area.


They have been in business longer. They advertise more.


They have better branding and "time in service" on the Internet (and "Brick and Mortar" world) over and above me.


They have better participation with insurance plans, I’m too slow.


They have extensive market penetration, established multi-million dollar businesses with huge opt-in lists that they frequently market to.


They have more experience and a better track record


They have more experience and I’m still working on my sales skills. I also will look at developing a USP.


They have more general libertarian interest.


They have more to offer during slow times.

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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? 518.

They have the benefit of more longevity in the marketplace and a massive marketing budget. They also have a large trained staff in place.


They know what they are doing.


They lie about costs, service/reputation cccs/ followup


They offer a free BUT UNRELIABLE service


They want 24-7 support. They want integration with other systems.


They want results from the first mailing when it is only a test. And they say but you are the expert


They will provide much less than comprehensive care to their patients up to current insurance limits $1000 to $1500 annually which doesn’t get very many patients healthy


They’re better known They have more institutional acceptance


They’re reaching them and I’m not. That’s it.


Think they can do it themselves. Don’t want to outlay advance apyment.


Timeliness of service


Timing mostly. Others are irrelevant.




Title company that buy their business and title company joint venture controlled business entities. On the mortgage side in this market it is mostly lenders who lie about the interest rate or fees to get the business then at closing the buyer finds out that they are getting screwed but need the money so they will not recind the loan or still move forward because they have signed a purchase agreement and want the house and they do not have time to go to another lender.


To electric massagers: because people want to have the work done for them and relax, when they live by themselves.


To small I am only a constant - My material is to complicated they want the easy stuff (they don't want to thing to much to hard)


Too early to tell.


Too far away and our software doesn’t meet the exact needs of the client.


Too high a cost and unsurity about the demands of the financial source.


Too little supply and not sustainable supply


Too long time to market. Can’t meet customer’s deadline.


Too small a shop


Too soon to say


Undercutting on price and the fact that they don’t have the restrictions on marketing and sales that I have from those that regulate my profession.




Usually not competition, usually they decide not to do the work.


Virtually the only reason we lose business is price. The only other reason might be that a potential client knows a competitor personally or has been referred to him by someone he trusts, and is simply shopping my office to compare price.


Visibility and clients unaware of our business name etc.


We actively encourage “shoppers” to go to the competition. Rarely price. Better

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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? known “Big Boy” reputation. 547.

We are a new concept that is not totally accepted in our market.


We are new and have not done as aggressive advertising and marketing as they have.


We are not known and we don’t market properly


we are not on any insurance plans where they have to pick from a list of dentists.


We are small, with small money budget


We are unknown; they are scared to change


We aren't really competing in the open industry yet. We have our own safe haven that barely covers our costs.


We cannot accept more work due to capacity and the turn around time


We can't fit anymore children in our facility


We did not send out menus in advo, people are not seeing our menu with new offers


We do not have the specific product the customer is looking for.


we don´t do personal selling – reason: difficult to get good salespeople


we don’t educate our client correctly. Smoke and mirrors. The compet. Appears to save them money.


We don’t have a proper referral system


We don’t have technology that can be used in large industrial applications. However, we have a new technology that will help us with this.


We don’t have the lobby tactic with the regulators to obtain projects as we are limited in staff, and we do not have an effective web to support us.


We don’t lose quality business to Jenny Craig or Weight Watchers, these are for people on strict budgets. Stern and Lindsay – we have not been able to forge a recent strategic alliance.


We don’t satisfy our customers and pricing.


We don’t.


We go against the grain and don’t accept insurance to keep our own sanity, we charge more due to the time we spend on people and service that we provide, we are confrontational versus appeasing to the patient’s demands because it would make life easier.


We have a 91% retention rate.


We have a 91% retention rate.


we have less political connections- we can not give commission up front


We have never had a client see if they could get a better deal because the advice is independent and our research tools link in with all the product providers the client will get the best product for their circumstances.


We haven’t lost any business to our competition.


We quit servicing and taking care of them the way we should. We lose our creativity.


We’re new, and haven’t built our reputation.


We’re too small- although in reality only two creatives service an account


When a company uses my system they have to come up with upfront payment.

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Question 51. What are the Top Two Reasons That You Lose Business to the Competition? 576.

When it happens, it will be because the newsletter does not meet readers’ needs.


When we launch our product line, the one advantage our competitors will have over us will be testimonials. So one of my marketing objectives will be to aggressively request testimonials from satisfied clients.


Where it occurs: High profile (competitors), local presence (not virtual)


Wish I knew them


Wrong first time briefing (I work continually on that)


Your solution runs on the IBM AS/400 (we want Windows – once we determine this we usually do not even bother to compete), we really favored another company and we just brought you in to keep the other company honest (and we were not straight with you when we shopping you), we selected a industry specific solution from people we have known for years

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Question 52. How Much Follow-up do you do with A Client— After They Buy? Question 52. How much follow-up do you do with a client---AFTER they buy? With a prospect if they don’t purchase? And with a client AFTER they buy. 1.



12 months


2 times per week for 3 weeks, 1 per week for the next 9 weeks if they do not show interest I do not re-contact them


3 times a month minimum. = client3 times a year if not


3-4 times a year


6 times in 12 days, clients almost daily, partners by need


90 days coaching, on permanent mailing list, regular follow up – some clients have been part of my follow up for 10 years…


A consulting basis so this doesn’t pertain. On-going. Non-buyers? Perhaps a recontact with statistics and names of successes.


A couple of calls, send Gift certificates for ½ off massage


A letter, bringing our name in front of our client every two or three months


A little phone , letters, flyers


A lot – that’s where the work is.


A lot via email follow up campaigns.


A lot with a client after they buy , very little otherwise.


A lot with a client who signs up, very little if they don’t.


A lot!


A lot, some, and a lot


A phone call or letter to see if they want to book for next year.


A thank you note or email after they buy


About once every 2-3 months


Ad hoc for all – this is something that needs to be developed and standardized


after - limited


After a client buys, I will review their confirmation slips or other paperwork that they get when a sale is made. I haven’t been following up with clients that don’t buy.


After a client has bought we follow up immediately after delivery to make sure that everything is all right and then we usually follow up every 3-6 months just to touch base. We usually don’t follow up with a client very much if they do not purchase.


After a client has purchased they receive a hand-written thank you card within a couple of weeks, then they are added to my newsletter mailing list. If I don't close a prospect then if I have their personal info I try to either call or write. This isn't something that I've actually spent much time doing but probably should look further into it.


After Buying: CSI Card as they p/u vehicle. Thank you card next day. No Purchase: Follow up phone call sometimes


After client has purchased our product, follow-up is done in 30 to 60 days to see if they are having any problems with our product and at the same time they are asked for referrals. For those who decide not to buy, they are contacted my mail with flyers,

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Question 52. How Much Follow-up do you do with A Client— After They Buy? letters, and product information for about 6 months. 28.

After getting the refund(s) for a client or after a first or second refusal, an annual or biannual letter or call to see if they’d like me to double check or check their bills for more or first time refunds


After purchase 4-5 times in they don’t purchase possibly a followup call from sales rep – no formalized program or followup system.


after purchase minimum of monthly. if no purchase - no follow up


AFTER same as BEFORE they purchase – approx once every 2 weeks


After the buy we work together for about six month until the project is closed.


After the customer buys I follow up with a phone call in two weeks to see how they liked the products, if they need any additional or if they are interested in some other products that I have to offer.


after they buy: 2-3 times. They don´t purchase: seven times


After they buy: call 2-4 weeks after purchase Most of the time none, unless they want a call back If someone becomes a business owner with me, then, every day or so


AFTER they buy – direct mail With a prospect if they don’t purchase – further contact from the sales person


After they buy – High (weekly)Don’t – Medium – 2/3 calls


After they buy – still not enough. If they don’t buy – almost ‘nil up until now.


After they buy : we follow up with a Thank-you letter With prospect if no purchase: None


After they buy = Re-contact about once per year. After they don’t buy = Re-contact about once per year.


After they buy I do a follow up on a monthly basis. If a prospect do not purchase I do a follow up to determine what else the prospect would be interested in – I do discuss current situations and business philosophy I do follow up on a monthly basis after the client buys.


After they buy is not allowed by lenders. If a prospect doesn’t purchase, ask if we can work with them to secure loan further. Ask for referrals. If they don’t want your product and have indicated no cannot go any further with their permission due to legislation.


After they buy- once a week normally,


After they buy they get a welcome letter If they don’t buy I often don’t send them anything


After they buy they receive a follow up call and a letter a few days later. We currently don't follow up prospects that don't buy.


After they buy we follow up until the job is complete. Prospect, if they don’t purchase, I follow up at chamber events and E-mail newsletter.


After they buy we have an entire customer service department dedicated to follow up, up-sell and relationship building.


After they buy we talk to them by fax or phone monthly. We check back with those that refuse our service every six months, or so.


After they buy: maintain a dialogue and offer potential value-added services or “next step” offerings that make sense to the client.

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Question 52. How Much Follow-up do you do with A Client— After They Buy? 50.

After they buy->1 call 1 letter, calls as needed, 1 letter /month. Prospect->3 calls 2 letters


After they buy-I do a post event interview. With those that don’t buy-I call and simply ask why they didn’t choose my company. As stated in the last question this is the reasons for now going with our company.


After they engage us – a lot; if they don’t engage us - none


After they sign up, twice a year. If they don’t sign up – we don’t.


AFTER: Depends on the requirements of the customers. Sometimes weekly for a period to monthly. Often quarterly communication or once ever 6 months. If no high demand, once a year. Prospects that don’t purchase, typically not communicated with after 6 weeks.


Again, 90 day cycle of above


Again, we are face to face with them while servicing their account.


All buyers receive mailings. Prospects receive (sometimes separate) mailings


All customers – at least once with the tracking number email Customers interested in newsletter – in addition to above, each month with our newsletter. Non-buying customers – occasionally email follow-ups. None if website visitor who leaves without buying.


All the time. Everyone is on a constant upgrade path…No matter if they buy or don’t buy. We manage lists very carefully though.


Almost nothing.


a lot


Always ask for a “debrief” on a loss. Always do client assessments on projects we win


Always check to make sure everything is OK and they are happy 3months and 1 year


Always every one is called monthly.


Always follow up to learn how we can help them.


Always ongoing in all cases – usually by phone, sending info and leads to them, finding articles from their competitors, etc.


always ring a new client after a consultation, not always a prospect


Always weekly phone calls


An e-mail after 6 months. An e-mail after 1 month.


Plus monthly mailings


As I give an ongoing service, my follow up is several times a month. And, as I am getting closer and closer towards the kind of people I really want to be working with, I don’t invest too much time with clients who have ‘graduated’ my services. Usually, I have moved up to the next level of client.


as I mentioned, the company does mailing...each health coach is supposed to call at least once monthly to their customers


As many times as necessary


As much as we can with limited resources.


At least monthly


At least monthly Almost never At least monthly

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Question 52. How Much Follow-up do you do with A Client— After They Buy? 77.

At present – Very Little


Bi-annual calling of all customers, monthly mailing of all customers and biannual mailing of all prospects on the database.


Building up to a lot


buyer: call for referrals nonbuyer: keep calling, faxing etc. until they buy or have had enough of us. we don't quit after the first dozen no's.


BUYING CLIENT: letter of appreciation & slides for insurance purposes, postcard announcements of upcoming shows (about 2/year)NON-PURCHASING PROSPECT: note to acknowledge their interest, express regret at parting of ways, ask to be considered in the future


Call a couple of weeks after installation – reiterate that we are there – also help out with product setups / advice where possible.


Call them once a year to see how things are going.


call to see how they benefited from the program


Call to sell them supplies and renewals.


Care call to see how feel a day or two later. Otherwise very little, a confirming call that approved and how to send in payment


Client – constant. Prospect – seldom.


Client after buying—once a month. Prospect—one every 2-3 months.


Client after they buy is constant (monthly). Prospect no purchase (none).


Client after they buy: monthly newsletter, loan servicing happens over 1-5 years so they hear from us via e-mail when money is transferred. Prospects get the monthly newsletter.


Client after they buy: They receive material to promote the event, they receive contracts and they receive a call from the artist to confirm the desired event content material. Prospect that doesn’t purchase: They receive future mail-outs, follow up in 3 – 6 months


Client contact by phone letters email etc at least once weekly


Client Followup – Substantial Prospect without Sales – Very Little Client Relationship Building – Some


Client, after purchase, right after signing contract send a letter, call and set up appointment to walk through about 10 days before start of service, that appointment, call day after first service, 1 week after 1st service, generally monthly after things are in operation, more often if any problems occur. If they don’t purchase, we follow up until we get a definite ‘no,’ then follow up time varies from a month to 6 months depending on their circumstances.


Client-monthly; prospect-weekly


Client-on-going weekly; Prospect-an occasional phone call or quarterly direct mail piece


Clients after they buy – phone call the next day to acknowledge and re-assure their decision to buy. Begin the service immediately with some quick wins or benefits. We then work with the client on a weekly basis to identify and implement strategies so, we develop a close working relationship.


clients get weekly newsletter with current offers, nothing with people that dropped out


Clients have a yearly surveillance meeting with our analytical teams. Clients are

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Question 52. How Much Follow-up do you do with A Client— After They Buy? invited to attend our seminars / conferences and receive relevant sector research reports when they are published. 100.

Clients: I stay in continuous contact, at least weekly, in person or by phone. Prospects: mailing to them every 3 weeks or more frequently.


Conference calls and training with GM’s, Parts (installation), Finance & Insurance, and Sales. Depending on the dealership we will proactively call them 1 – 4 times a month.


Constant communications


Constant contact – discuss project and whether there is more we can do.


Constant contact, we’re their “Utility Company” of sorts.


Constant phone calls and letters.


constant, since it's contact intensive. It just starts then. They get the montly newsletter by e-mail and I try to pass by once every two months.


Contact every few months. Prospect - only if meet them again


Contact is fairly extensive while we are providing service. Afterwards, we contact a few times a year (annual meeting notices, birthday cards and employment forms and handbook renewal notices.




Continually after they buy and rarely if they don’t purchase


Continue contact monthly


Continue contact through Quarterly Newsletter, some follow up phoning


Continued contact via mailing list


Continuous follow up with current customers


Continuous follow-up with buyers, couple more tries with non-buyers




Customer is bi-weekly. Prospect is no less than quarterly.


Daily to weekly


Depending on the product or service. Weekly immediately after they buy, and taper off to monthly or quarterly as appropriate for the customers buying cycle. Annually if they do not.


Depending on the relationship created whether they buy or not every month or two.


Don’t do enough


Don’t do much with prospects who don’t purchase. Follow up with clients with email newsletters.


Don't buy: Stay in touch with different offers After: maintain relationship to see what else they might need


E mail


Email - sporadic


E-mail thank you, offers.


Email, try to set up a follow up coaching call after the event but only do them with maybe 1/3rd of clients.


Embarrassingly little.

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Question 52. How Much Follow-up do you do with A Client— After They Buy? 129.

Every 3-4 months


Every month for buyers. Don’t buys get twice a week for 4 weeks.


Every prospect and client gets m 6-wekly email


Every quarter a courtesy call is made to existing clients


Every week


Everyone get the same treatment—perhaps I should customize my responses. People that do not purchase get no follow-up. Currently there is no mechanism in place for that.


Everything is done weekly since we have weekly contact in person.


Extensive follow-up via telephone calls, emails, drop-ins


extensively. Quarterly.


Follow up and building a true trust relationship is KEY for our kind of work and future positioning.


Follow up call made within 24 hours after their initial call to us.


Follow up is scheduled with a client after they buy – to determine a number of things, as mentioned previously in question 45. If a prospect does NOT purchase, I will endeavor to keep our name in front of them on a regular basis indefinitely.


Follow-up after they buy to see how they liked the service. Not enough with clients that don't buy.


Follow-up contact after a job has been sporadic and ad-hoc, it is a goal to do this 100% of the time this year and forward.


Follow-up phone call; appointment to reinforce sale; 1/4ly appointments


Follow-up throughout delivery, install, and apps training.


For a client our plan is to follow up after one week, after one month and every three months thereafter. For clients and unconverted prospects, monthly through a newsletter


For the clients that buy, a letter for post sell, call to keep upto date in funding process, and referral generating phone call. If e-mail is provided feedback form through email. If they do not. E-mail in future time.


Frequent visits


General contact every quarter - but very little unless they have a specific requirement


Get back to them 4-6 weeks before wedding for finalization


Give them a letter after they become a client and a follow-up after the first three cleans. After that, a phone call every month after that.


great follow-up each quarter




Hardly ever.


Have frequent follow-up after visits




I call a few times Maybe a call


Have not marketed yet have just tested somewhat to test the waters..


Client—call to make sure everything is OK—if not, we react rapidly—we show

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Question 52. How Much Follow-up do you do with A Client— After They Buy? concern, and give them the knowledge that we handle everything for them— especially problems. Don’t buy—add to monthly newsletter and semi-annual catalog programs, and hope for another chance. 159.

I always thank them for their business; and I always thank a non-buying prospect for their time and interest in seeing me.


I am constantly in touch with my clients because of the nature of what I do.


I am quite confident with my service. It is getting the initial sale that is crucial.


I am very bad – NONE


I call at least twice over two months.


I call them after the sale, then a couple of weeks later and then every month or so.


I contact the client with the x-tra letter, and depending on importance I contact the customer over phone after some time, say a month, to here what was the importance of the product we developed.


I continue to follow up with auto-responder series for each group – till they buy again (and thereafter) or die (or unsubscribe)


I do weekly to twice weekly follow-up with my clients. I do bi-weekly to monthly followup with those who don’t become a client


I don’t follow up after people have bought as much as I should. I post new articles on a members only site. That’s it at the moment, other than a prospect/customer autoresponder service I have at my web site... it follows them up for 1 year.


I don't have any clients yet and I "move on" if a prospect says no.


I felt we do very little on follow up


I follow every customer and try to keep them for life


I follow up at least once monthly


I follow up sometimes as much as every week, I forget the ones that don´t purchase.


I follow up with a phone call and a thank you note thanking them for buying from me and ask them for referrals to other people that might be interested in our products. And the ones that do not buy I usually call and send them some literature.


I follow-up as many times as necessary to make sure the client has exactly what they want. I only follow-up with prospects that don’t commit to an immediate project if there is a possible project somewhere on the horizon.


I generally follow up with these “dead” prospects. Some of them ultimately turn into customers. With those that don’t buy I check in 6- 12months later and there after 6months to 12 months thereafter. For a customer, I cal back frequently until the project is finished and thereafter 3 months


I haven’t been following up at all.


I haven’t even closed my first sale yet! Up until now, I just dismissed the prospect after they said ‘no’ to my first appointment pitch.


I like to make sure with one or two contacts by phone that they are satisfied and utilizing whatever plan I laid out for them. If they don’t buy, they go on my email list and get info and keep in touch that way.


I literally become one of the firm. See also last sentence of answer to question 47.


I maintained a customer mailing list to tell them about sales or new items.


I make a how do you do call.

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Question 52. How Much Follow-up do you do with A Client— After They Buy? 183.

I offer a follow up coaching service for my clients. And I keep in touch with them at least once a month.


I plan to do sth about 50 in a year for both not counting special offers I will have – only automated follow-up by Auto-Response Plus.


I plan to regularly contact them. Perhaps this could be done by offering a newsletter with recipes and cooking tips.


I provide tech support if they call.


I see client weekly for many months, sometimes a couple of years. When the coaching ends, we have no systematic follow-up for contact


I send out twelve forms of contact in the form of, email, phone, fax, letter, and downloadable white paper.


I send them a monthly newsletter, I write them immediately when they have questions or problems. To my business buyers, I write them separately once in a while and give them something free usually.


I stay in contact to track the results of my recommendations, etc.


I stay in contact via email with my weekly “Must-Know” InfoTM Bulletin. If I see an article that is of interest, I will email it to the client. If the situation calls for it, I will call to discuss a review of their situation.


I stay in touch through a weekly e-newsletter.


I try to touch base with people after their lesson to see if they need any clarification or would like schedule another session. Those that don’t buy, nothing


I usually call the client about a week or two after they buy to see if they have any questions, and to find out if the report delivered what they expected or hoped it would provide. I follow up by e-mail and then phone with prospects who have expressed an interest. Although there haven’t been many examples of this type of prospect, I have closed most of them by being persistent. The big task is getting them to express an interest in the first place.


I usually send a feedback questionnaire. With a prospect if they don’t purchase? None.


I’m available to purchasers for follow-up.


I’m working on that now so that I can stay in touch with everyone.


If a prospect doesn’t purchase I ask them if I can call back in a few months to see if things have changed. Once a prospect becomes a client I stop in to see them from week to week to make sure they are using my system to the best of the system’s advantage.


If a prospect is initially interested – but does not buy – I make it a point to follow up and ask them why – and if I could have done anything different that would have made them say Yes . I go to school on my lost deals.


If prospect doesn’t purchase I usually let them go unless there is something that indicates that they’re a really big operator….part 2…previously described I sales funnel analogy


If someone buys there is constant contact because I do consulting work. If I don’t sell there are usually one or two follow-up calls.


If the people join the Business Development program we continually work with them until they don’t want any more assistance. We also Subscribe them to our email ezine so we keep in touch.

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Question 52. How Much Follow-up do you do with A Client— After They Buy? 203.

If they buy they will get a follow-up post card every 30 days. If they don’t buy Autoresponders


If they buy, once a month for the first year, if they do not buy 2 times a year direct mail and maybe one or two phone calls.


If they don’t buy, see # 41 above. If they do, weekly e-mails or phone calls to see how the animals are doing and if there were anything more that I could do.


If they don't buy, unfortunately right now, no follow up. If they do buy, then they continue to get more information about our products and services on a visit to visit basis as they come in for care. They ar also invited to come workshops on special subjects regarding health.


If they sign up for the email newsletter, they get it.


I'm in constant contact with a client after a sale. If they don’t purchase no contact.


In terms of ensuring they are satisfied almost nil unless a problem is suspected


In the title company not much in the mortgage company a lot.




Initially, once a week, and after 2 months once a month


Insufficient and not sustained. I don’t have a system call up which reminds me when contact needs to be made therefore it often lapses.


Internet Sales: No follow-up after purchase. No way to contact if they don’t purchase. Fraternities. We offer a package to do a seminar as part of a group purchase. If they don’t buy we try periodic recontact. In the future we plan an e-mail newsletter with tips on using the Career Portfolio which will be sent to both online buyers and embers of fraternities who are part of a group purchase.


It depends on the project, but we do a lot of follow up.


It is a little hard to follow up as we do not really know when the potential client would require our services. Clients use us on a project by project basis


It is up to the individual sales person


It’s ongoing


Its systematize that we send catalogues annually newsletters invites etc


Just started; does not apply.


Just the assignment


Keep calling regularly to ask how things are going and what we can do to improve/help


Letters, emails, phone calls, post cards. No follow up with people who do not become clients.




Little, if any




Little-I need to show the results to them better




Lots, letters, gifts, newsletter, direct mail and email coming soon.


Low or nil


Mainly follow-up with those who buys from us and further introduce more products to

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Question 52. How Much Follow-up do you do with A Client— After They Buy? them. To constantly go back to those who have not bought our product yet. 232.

Make a telephone call a few days later.


Make sure they get what they were promised. If they don’t purchase we follow up by phone and check pain level.


Make sure they succeed with our product. Make sure they can be used as a reference.


Missed prospects- never because there are so many new ones. Clients after they buy…..every six weeks




Monthly letter to current customers 3-6 months for customers who haven’t purchased and already went through our initial marketing steps


Monthly personnel calls, letters, telephone, etc.


Monthly we monitor results with some accounts, with others every quarter and other every 6 months.


MORTGAGES: after application done, be follow up to ensure legal paperwork dealt with on time. Also might be life assurance to arrange and/or house insurance. If prospect does not apply for a new mortgage, might agree date for follow up (timing might not be right for a re-mortgage). Once completed re-mortgage, follow scheduled for future date. ACCOUNTANCY: relationship is on-going by various means


most of occurs around an hour…


Much as it is ongoing relationship generally


My clients last for years - Prospect not to much I always have new ones to try because of my referral system.


My interaction with a client I work with is at least for a few months. After that I always keep in touch for at least one month after expiration of the contract. If they do not purchase I keep them warm at least with 2 follow ups.


N/A yet


Nearly all first-time clients get a follow-up call. Continuing clients get calls usually quarterly. Lost prospects usually don’t get a follow-up communication.


New client gets follow up visit immediately after new purchase. Clients that do not purchase are contacted regularly


New patient letter telling of our services we offer.




Newsletters only






Nil with prospect that expresses disinterest. Client after sales follow up is as above


No follow up ..(4)..


No follow up with clients that don’t purchase, follow up continuously with client that buys.


No follow up with prospects who don’t purchase, unless we agree timing is wrong. After client buys we speak/see them regularly.


No formalized method

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Question 52. How Much Follow-up do you do with A Client— After They Buy? 258.

No letters congratulating them on a good decision or reinforcement of their original buying decision


no limits, we follow up our prospects until they buy, or asking for unsubscribe,


No real follow up system in place


No response--we are a start-up business preparing to launch


No specific amount of time.


Non purchasers – none; client – simple thanks


None (48)


None [this is a great tool Jay! You’ve completely humbled me and exposed how little I’m applying the info you’ve shared with us and motivating me to take action]


NONE other than Thank You Notes occasionally


none right now but I plan on it. They do get a email after they make a purchase thanking them for the business.


None with a non-purchasing prospect, unless the decision was mad after we left the meeting and then we do call to try to find out why we lost. We do follow up a great deal with new clients because we must implement our investment program.


None with a private prospect for previously mentioned reasons, but we will always try to find out from a FD why their client has picked another coffin instead of ours. If a private individual buys, we do not contact them after the funeral, but for a FD buying for the first time we will always do so to find out how things went.


None with the prospect. Quarterly with the client.


None, unless ongoing customer


None, what else can you sell after a home loadn and or refinance other that others who need to refinance


None. I’m on to the next deal.


None/daily contact with customers


Not a huge amount if they do not buy keep in regular contact if they do.


Not applicable yet. But I intend to follow up at least once a month with the clients of my new joint venture partner.


Not as much as I would like to. The email newsletter that I am planning would be a great help for prospects. A separate newsletter for clients would be great as well.


Not doing a very good job with this. Irregular follow up in both cases. Feast or famine situation in construction is standard.


Not enough (12)


Not enough follow-up


Not enough. Usually we send a thank you letter.


Not good with after sales service at all Better with prospects\


Not much (11)




Not much – sad but true


not much at the moment


Not much due to time constraints.

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Question 52. How Much Follow-up do you do with A Client— After They Buy? 288.

Not much formally


Not much with the clients and hardly any with a prospect who doesn’t


not much, just the contact during the course


Not much. Only if they have a problem.


Not nearly enough, almost none


Not nearly enough. They get a newsletter 4x a year.


Not nearly enough. Time is the big issue.


Not often enough. Once a year, maybe.


Not really any follow up as most of them are coached on a regular basis.


Not specific – as needed


Not sure what meant by follow up


Not too much. 2 to 3 phone calls.


Not very much


Not very much (it’s wrong, isn’t it). Currently with prospects who do not purchase: nothing.


Not yet selling


Notes – 1 & 2 months for last 6 months clients


Nothing consistent.


Nothing with those who don’t purchase Our process is pretty involved with those who do buy


Numerous follow ups to complete the initial assignment, determine subsequent assignments, and complete those. Additional follow up will be made to offer products as they are launched.


Offer FREE newsletter, we plan on offering a “Enter to Win” contest (to keep them coming to site) They are in database, for future promotions


On going client satisfaction polling.




Once a month


Once a month after purchase – every two days before they buy


Once a quarter


Once a year


Once every 1 – 3 months.


Once every so often


Once for each


Once someone becomes my Client, I am a member of their family. I am in constant contact with them throughout the project. Past Clients stay in touch with me and I with them on a friendly basis. Many will never be repeat Clients, but many will not hesitate to refer me to friends and acquaintances. Most individuals do not build several multimillion dollar homes in their lifetimes.


One thank you.



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Question 52. How Much Follow-up do you do with A Client— After They Buy? 320.

Ongoing and continuous until they either start buying or request to be dropped from our contacting list.


ongoing involvement


Ongoing relationship, lots




Only as above


Only when I see them again or I bump into them in town.


Our business is dependant on not one project order. Instead, the ideal client places multiple orders, often weekly. Or, they publish a periodical monthly, semi-monthly, or quarterly. After they buy, there is constant communication during project production because of the process which demands proof approvals and tight scheduling. After one project is concluded, there is continuous follow-up by sales and sales management with clients and prospects because of the ongoing nature of their purchasing process.


Our clients get a post-project questionnaire where they answer about 10 questions regarding the project, our effort, impact and feedback from their employees. We follow up with prospects about every month for a 4 months, and then unfortunately will let them die. Maybe we try again in a year, but that’s it.


Our database automotives this follow up process they get 7 days, 15 days, 30 days, 60 days, 120 days and budgeting program will allow to get in front of clients 5 times a year


Our marketing and training is rolled into one. Meaning our trainers are also our marketing staff. Once a user decides to purchase our software they are trained for 23 days which is the first contact after the sales cycle. After this their only contact with our company is either through support if they are having problems or our receptionist if they are ordering forms for their printers.


Our new program is for up to 12 contacts for a prospect. Once a Client, we are developing a followup vehicle (ezine or newsletter) that we will generate and send every 3 weeks forever.




Phone occasionally and newsletter quarterly.


Plan to continue working with employee benefit clients to help them grow their businesses


Planning to have a lot of feedback after the sale is made. Nothing with the purchase declining prospect


Post-purchase: Intensive in software sales. Service agreement ensures frequent contact. Post-presentation to prospects: almost nil, only if they are receptive.


Probably – letter and discount, and bulk discount rate, membership.


Probably not enough.


Prospect that doesn’t buy, none. After they buy, 2 times a year personally- 6 times a year corporate.


Prospect 1 time; client 5 to 10 times (explore their wishes)


Prospect: I will check back periodically (quarterly at the most). Client: I’m in frequent contact throughout the engagement.


Prospects are set up in a tickler file to receive continual monthly follow up by phone.

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Question 52. How Much Follow-up do you do with A Client— After They Buy? Clients receive monthly phone calls and monthly visits if local. 342.

Purchase: informal satisfaction survey by phone/email. Don’t purchase: no follow up.


Quality is critical but that’s about all so far




Quite a bit.


Quite a lot as I am with the client regularly. Prospects that I lose, I normally send them a letter of regret. That’s about it.


Reasonable amount on all fronts – but could be more.


Recontact continually over time via phone, face, fax, tradeshows




Redundant. At the retailer level – after they buy have service calls generally once per month – either by phone or in personWith a prospect – as agreed at time of presentation and at least within 90 days – usually a phone call.


regular and consistent


Regular check ups.


Regular communication weekly/monthly/yearly


Regular follow-up with all clients and prospects before during and after including hot prospects who don’t buy.


Regular phone and email contact


Regular phone calls, emails, up-selling product information and education.


Regular reviews/newsletters


Regularly. Most in case of complain only. May be once to check if every think OK. If didn’t purchase I contact regularly but finally give up.


Right now very little.


Sadly, none


Sadly, we don’t have a systematized follow-up right now.


Same, a few e-mails.


Satisfaction surveys after projects completed, ongoing contact with prospects we lost – they are added to our mailing lists.


See answer to question 49. With clients that have purchased, rarely a day goes by when we don’t communicate with the client. We relationship is best described as an outsourced employee rather than as a consultant. We want the Pres/CEO to look at us as if we were the in-house VP of IR with office just down the hall.


See cycles above


See them at least 4 times per year. twice per year


Seldom unfortunately.


Send out mailing about 4 times a year.


Sending monthly newsletter, hosting a seminar every 3 months


Sequence of mailings for both


Service is weekly coaching and ask how can coach them better. Not got system for follow up for people who don’t buy.

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Question 52. How Much Follow-up do you do with A Client— After They Buy? 372.

Since coaching is ongoing, I have a lot of contact with a client. If they don’t purchase, I’ll have minimal contact


Since our customers are repeat buyers we are in ongoing contact with them.


Since our program for Foreclosure Rescue is so unique and exclusive, we don’t worry about those who don’t go with us. They will either come back or will go on with life and lose what they have. We don’t have time to deal with those people right now. Later on, if we don’t have anything else to do, we might try going back to them. The clients that do buy into our program will be set up to be our client for life.


Some (2)


Some follow up. I tend to irritate people at some points.


Some, mostly I keep them on the newsletter mailing list.


Sometimes nothing


Sporadic e-mails and calls – no set schedule


Start up still


Still in the development phase.


Still working on AFTER they buy…Before they buy I would usually only follow-up once and if they didn’t call back I let them go. This is something I’d like to take a look at and would like to know how many times to follow-up with someone as well as how to approach them.


Survey/regular contact after end of service commitment, regular visits


Thank you and offers to do tune ups (free presentations) send articles relevant to their industry, calls.


Thank you notes to both and follow up phone calls with clients.


Thank you notes, special occasion cards (birthday, anniversary, etc.), periodic informational letters, newspaper clippings about them or their interests


Thanks you letter, on going personal visits, 2 per month average. If they don’t purchase there is usually very little personal contact. Especially if it is a 5 year contract.


The best follow-up is with clients on contract. Contact is constant. For retail and services bought, contact follow-up is very sporadic


The buying client will never stop hearing from me until he says, "Stop!". - The nonbuying prospect will hear from me at least 7 times (usually more) unless they ask to be removed from my list.


The client is generally contacted twice a month. The prospect is re-contacted periodically, but not on a specific time table


The follow up answered here and asking for referrals. Yes honestly I sometimes have to push myself to remember to get the referrals.


The prospect. I currently don’t have a method for tracking a prospect. Once I get a direct mail or email list, I will be able to create a sequential marketing campaign. The client. I follow up with a client through a cover letter with their purchase, this letter: Thanks them for their purchase Encourages them to refer others to me by offering discounts on future purchases Gives a brief overview of my company Opens the door for future purchases. I have added this letter to the appendix.


The same for all. I treat customers and high potential value prospects the same.


The work is ongoing so I see them every week.

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Question 52. How Much Follow-up do you do with A Client— After They Buy? 395.

There are always between 7 & 10 contacts.


There is constant communication with all of them, especially new customers.


There is continuous follow-up with clients after they buy because of the nature of the services they are buying. There are continuing discussions, meetings and presentations throughout the consulting process. We keep in contact with clients that don’t purchase but it’s more like the contact you would have with a client that didn’t buy a ‘widget’ or some other industrial product. It should be much more frequent and intense that it currently is.


There is no formalized marketing done at initial contact other than an offer is made to join my mailing list. After the sale, a thank you letter is generated along with a follow up ‘are you satisfied’ letter (asking for referrals) and those names are added to my list. If a prospect doesn’t buy and doesn’t join my list then no further follow-up is done.


They are immediately placed into our database and receive emails 3+ times per month educating them as well as monthly direct mail.


They are recalled on a regular basis with phone calls and letters.


They get monthly contact with my newsletter.


This is REDUNDANT. See above responses.


This is the area where we are now directing our attention. We are good with our follow-up with customers up to the container’s delivery, and we check in a few days to ensure that everything is OK. After that we generally leave them alone. For prospects that don’t purchase – we’ve just prepared a ‘lost sale’ letter which we’ll be implementing as a standard part of our enquiry process shortly. We do nothing to stay in touch with expired hire customers or sales customers. This is largely due to not having anything else to offer them (i.e. product or service) or anything further talk to them about unless they have a need for another container, in which case they’ll initiate a further conversation with us.


This varies totally. There is, however, no plan in place for follow-up other than announcing future books.


Three direct mail pieces yearly and an evaluation form


To little, I know


To this point it has basically been through the emailed newsletter which is monthly. Once I can get a mailing program working, I will set it to follow up after buying and after inquiries. Recently I contacted someone when I got their order, basically I wanted to convince them to take another similar product that I had on special (I didn’t have the one they wanted on hand, they still wanted the original product they asked for, but took the other at well. Made me think what am I missing out on here?




Unless a client told me that please do not call, I try to call them back in two months. I also try to get an appointment so that their calendar is clear on that date.I try to remain in touch with clients on a regular basis. I try to call them once a month.


Until its finalized


Up to the salesmen


Usually a call or two


Usually follow up initially either in person or over the phone. with a prospect that doesn’t purchase one or two visits is the norm.

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Question 52. How Much Follow-up do you do with A Client— After They Buy? 414.

Usually we follow up on quotations




Very infrequent. We make attempt (feeble at best).


Very little (18)


Very little – should follow up more regularly


Very little after they buy. I keep after the client if they do not buy.


Very little if any at all


Very little if they don’t originally purchase, and if they do it’s generally an ongoing conversation


Very little or none.


Very little with a potential client if they don't purchase. If a client does purchase, there will still be very little unless there is reason to believe that he may purchase additional land.


Very little, should do more


Very little. We do more with a client after they buy because there is a lot of set up involved. But I would say we really only do the minimum follow up and are not very effective in cementing their decision to work with us.


Very little. A quarterly follow-up after they buy. No follow-up with prospects that do not purchase.


Virtually none (2)


We are a retail business, therefore most of this is not applicable. We don’t capture address, phone #, etc. because men don’t want to give this info out “just to get a haircut.”


We are in business only a short time, not answer yet


We are in contact with them daily at first until they are used to the software.


We are repeating the same question. After they buy, for the first three months on once per month basis. After that once every 6 months. Besides, a monthly newsletter (printed). For prospects if they don’t purchase information to hurry or else they will need to wait half a year, monthly newsletter and then information that production capacity is back.


We call, write, make direct contact, provide information. With prospects our contact has been more limited and works out to about once a quarter after sending out several pieces.


We develop and nurture a long-term personal relationship


We do not follow – up. (2)


we do the same amount of follow up mailings to each category, or calls is appropriate


We follow up constantly with clients that have bought, none with a prospect that does not buy


We follow up regularly with a client after they buy. We don’t follow up for a year with a client if they don’t purchase. We are changing that on “products” (as opposed to services).


We follow up with calls (2)


We have a plan with customers after they buy—account management is very proactive during first 90 days, and beyond—don’t do anything with clients who don’t

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Question 52. How Much Follow-up do you do with A Client— After They Buy? purchase 440.

We have an authenticity card they can send in to register as a collector, we then send them a newsletter that comes out a couple times a year.


We have an extensive database of customers and we have an after sales department targeting these existing customers.


We have meetings with them and let them know of what is happening and make sure that they are happy


We have usually one to five email conversations as a follow-up with a client if they don’t buy directly. However, with those buying our services we have daily contacts or several times a month mostly by email, and from time to time by teleconference, as required.


We haven’t done anything significant with prospects who don’t buy. We are much better at looking for the next opportunity with clients (e.g. notes on 41)


We keep close and constant personal contact after a purchase.


We maintain a continual contact with clients – monthly meetings and reports mainly


We maintain regular contact, but don’t have a clear system for doing so.


We need to do more follow up


We phone all clients after they buy and email them if we cannot get them on the line. Prospects: Newsletter, I also intend to run a parallel sequence of special reports


We provide ongoing support through phone, e-mail and chat, but we do not actively follow-up customers.


We really keep in touch as much as is possible


We recently incorporated an initial process for the follow up – but we have not yet implemented it.


We schedule follow calls during the year based on buying patterns


We see clients daily


We send out a Thank you letter with our Federal EIN, and a quarterly newsletter for buyers and a prospecting letter for non buyers.


We send questionnaires only to customers who buy to determine their attitudes about the sale and products received


We send them a letter and thank you if they retain (Shannon check!


We service accounts well; Prospects – E-zine, letters & offers


We speak with family members of current participants every 2 months or so just to check in but we generally speak to most of them weekly because of their concerns, schedule changes, questions, etc. we also send them a quarterly progress report


we speak with most clients on a daily basis and check with non-sold prospects on a periodic basis based on ACT calendar of calls


We spend all the time with a patient to get their result if they buy, if they don’t we try to follow up with a why not but if its not something we left out in our sales approach it is simply that they don’t value themselves enough to follow through and usually would not be worth the bother. We toy with the idea of reactivation but if they don’t get it we can’t force it down their throats so we put our energy on those who do.


We try to stay in touch with current customers at least once a week. This will be enforced with the rollout of a new weekly project status report we’ll be emailing to all of our clients.

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Question 52. How Much Follow-up do you do with A Client— After They Buy? 463.

We work closely with the client immediately after purchase we don’t sell a membership and then run off.


We write to them and thank them for their business when they buy from us and see them once a year. If they don’t purchase we don’t do anything.






Weekly and sometimes twice / three times a week contact for 12 months. Haven’t purchased: fortnightly email newsletter.


Weekly contact at the very least for up to 2 months. Gift basket/hamper 3 days after purchase, movie tickets a week later, lotto tickets a week later, One personal visit for implementation, weekly calls to check on progress etc


Weekly email follow up.


Weekly emails to make sure they are happy, reminders to do certain things at certain times


Weekly, bi-weekly visits




Welcome letter, letter of offer occasionally., often none.


When a prospect buys from me, I write to thank them immediately, offer them two or three free gifts as a way of saying “Thank you”, then keep in touch once a week or 15 days, offer them a free bonus or special discount from time to time, and tell them about any new releases I’m planning. When they do not purchase, I keep them on my announcement list to receive future promos so that they have another chance to become my paying customers.


When a prospect buys from me, I write to thank them immediately, offer them two or three free gifts as a way of saying “Thank you”, then keep in touch once a week or 15 days, offer them a free bonus or special discount from time to time, and tell them about any new releases I’m planning. When they do not purchase, I keep them on my announcement list to receive future promos so that they have another chance to become my paying customers.


When they buy weekly when they don’t I do not do much


Will be working on newsletter for those who have no email address to keep them in touch through valuable content they can use immediately.


Will ensure clients who bought are completely satisfied-phone call/mailer/questionnaire. Also personal visit to their home if within the area to ensure they are completely captivated with the product and their purchase experience. This would be entirely true for personal design consultations. For prospects who don’t buy would not pressure them but try and ascertain what their objections are and overcome them by stressing the lifestyle changes and positive benefits they would achieve, besides providing a good value for their dollars spent.


With a client regularly, with lost causes we don’t


With a prospect if they don't purchase - maybe 3 or 4 times by phone. client AFTER they buy - no follow-up!


With active clients, we constantly follow-up, as we have an active project whereby we typically have people onsite interacting with everyday. We also have frequent project reviews and “sanity” and “satisfaction” calls. Prospective and inactive clients, the level of follow-up is depending upon the type and status of the clients’ business.

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Question 52. How Much Follow-up do you do with A Client— After They Buy? 482.

With advertisers – ongoing to reaffirm their ongoing placement With readers through web site and each issue.


With client: until the job is completed. With prospect: until they buy


With clients that don’t purchase from us we don’t generally follow up with them. Clients who purchase from us we follow up with every week or couple of weeks.


With clients, we follow-up by phone to obtain feedback and satisfaction and identify future needs. For prospects, we don’t. Maybe we should!


With most clients, I follow closely for several months. But I don’t have a plan for following up with prospects if they don’t purchase


With my customers often with end users just initial follow up and sporadic after that


With my previous clients, After they buy, I come back a week later to deliver their ID´s and the medical directory; none with those who don´t buy; and after they buy, none so far, but a letter is being written for this purpose.


With partners/clients follow up is constant as we work together throughout the season and after planning for the next. None committed or potential clients follow up is intermittent, till next preseason when we try again.


With prospect that don’t purchase: monthly calls to check on the status of the competitor design-in With client after buying: on 24/7 to help solve problems caused by our solutions.


With prospects-none With clients-twice a month


With the customers that don’t buy we do not have any follow up. With the customers that do buy . we have them complete a customer survey and ask them to write the names of referrals .


Yearly follow up letters offering to update information or offering to assist friends and associates for a client discount on future services or a finder’s fee straight off the top.


Yearly revue


Yes after they buy from us. No if they buy from someone else

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Question 53 Do You Ask for Referrals, How and How Often? Question 53. Do you ask for referrals, how and how often? Total: Yes 484, No 212 Additional comments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

0 1 in 10 1 or 2 per year 1x per month 2/3of our patients, at the end of our visit, for the last 35 days. 25% of the time 50% (3) 80% of time. 88% our business comes from Referrals, this constantly pushed to our clients every letter, newsletter, phone all relates to giving us referrals A really interesting question. For the last 50 questions, I have been saying that my business is built on referrals, but I don’t ask for them! Wow! A time of purchase and ¾ month after sale about 5% of time. About a month after a sale About once every 2 months, saying that when they refer me to other companies, I then increase my resources so I can help my current clients even more. About once per year Absolutely, every time. If they don’t think there aquaintances have a happy communication home then we recommend that we be that home. After a 3 month period, we will speak to our customer who hopefully has had time to see the benefits we offer. After case ! After closing a sale, all the time. After completing installation and understanding that client is satisfied and then every three months in a newsletter, every half a year a special gift campiagne. After each presentation, I’d request for 3 other contacts to follow-up After each sales a total of 5 referrals is requested. After every deal closes and will go back to ask them every quarter. after every project After every sale. After every successful meeting After I check with the client to see how things are going. After one on one consultations by a personal visit After product demo - who do you know that could benefit from these products? After project is complete and customer is satisfied. Not very effective in my industry because of nature of my client’s positions. After seminar, using feedback sheets. After some inner silence, I have no process for that. It’s completely sporadic After the sale has been consummated or refusal to purchase. During each sales call. All automated with auto responders

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Question 53 Do You Ask for Referrals, How and How Often? 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72.

All clients All the sales reps are instructed to do this and we send out occasional messages by e-mail reminding our clients about this opportunity to save. All the time (4) All the time and we flat out ask if they have anyone who would like to get the service and results that they just got. All the time. Asking clients if they know of people that I can help in the same way. Almost all the time – but the teachers just don’t know teachers in other schools Almost every communication. Almost every meeting. Almost from every client (I admit I forget it sometimes, but I can always go back) Always (8) Always ... but only once, after the seminar on the feedback sheet. always, but very tentatively as this is considered unethical in our line of business here in Europe Always, however we haven’t earned any new business from this yet. Always, when our clients are successful Approx 30% of the time As above, we haven’t figured out a way to get referrals from people due to competition. As directly as possible, after some relationship is established, or sometimes earlier, when there is just some rapport, but this business is unlikely to develop into a client As often as possible As often as possible. As part of the ongoing dialogue As we target the corporate world, clients hesitate to give us referrals. Consequently, we call people around them. As yet, no. ask after the sale Ask for on both sales calls. Ask for referrals to friends or business associates who could benefit from the same products and service. How often depends on the relationship. ask if they have friends or family that could use our service. With each client while showing property, writing the offer. Ask if they have other business associates they can refer us to. Don’t ask often enough. Currently developing a referral process to make this more regular. Ask infrequently. I’m based on servanthood strategy where on their own I’m referred Ask them if they can think of anyone else who could be interested. I do that as often that I remember to do that, perhaps 30% Ask upfront but do not follow up Asking if they anyone with similar problem. Always after finished work At each monthly meeting At every third or forth patient visit. At every training course At finish of every face to face meeting and in all communication and follow up materials At Guests check out and in electronic newsletter At least 1-2 times initially and then quarterly there after if our system works properly At least every 90 days. I primarily let my clients gift a 30 minute phone consultation to their clients that meet specific criteria.

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Question 53 Do You Ask for Referrals, How and How Often? 73. 74. 75. 76.

77. 78.

79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89.

90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110.

At least four times a year – do not get a high response rate. At least, not explicitly! AT our seminars and then personally when in discussion with client. At some events the audience is offered the opportunity to receive a business card with contact information. Occasionally a name and address is taken for future followup. At strategic times At the close of sale we offer discounts on future services if they provide referrals and the referral purchases our services. Plus they get additional entries into our giveaways At the end of a project, through the evaluation form At the end of each engagement. At the end of every job. This just started last year At the point of sale At the right time, everytime starting just with our last planning retreat. At the sale and in all subsequent contacts Automated response incentive with every purchase. Before and after securing business. before, during and after the sale. we also pay referral fees to them. Bi-monthly Building the strategy into the sales process allows me to ask for other businesses whom they service or patronize in order for me to have an opportunity to meet and uncover some of the hidden potential in those businesses. When they don’t buy anything, we still ask for referrals over the phone or on the feedback forms. But not consistently or often enough from current clients or prospective ones. But not often enough. I will change this. But not structured But not very often But we’re just starting a procedure that’s asks for referrals. By actively asking; after completion of an assignment By fining out about their friends and family through dialog and then offering to meet By letter/email, when I remember By mail quarterly. By mouth, whenever they make payment. By offering them a percentage of profit every time I send out a mailing Depends on the rep. We train them to ask for referrals. Directly, every prospect and client Don’t know how often because a lack of sales control. Don’t know how often because referrals are at the sales rep discretion – not measured. Drop the issue in at various times during initial meeting. Try and get them at all stages but best time often after re-mortgage has completed During follow-up calls and in meetings with customers. During follow-up visit, via email, *we pay a referral finders fee during initial client meetings 4 & 5 – Twice annually by separate insert in newsletter – Listed as value brainstorming agenda of each acct review During most visits During the engagement – and as the engagement winds down. Again 90, 120, 180 and 360 days after the engagement

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Question 53 Do You Ask for Referrals, How and How Often? 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147.

148. 149.

During the first or second meeting with a client. Each client each service Each client one time. Each email, sporadically Each time of meeting Email and call, every 2 months E-mail and direct mailings will invite prospects to pass special offers along to friends. E-mail letter. Very infrequent Every 2 months Every chance I get. Is there any one you know that could benefit from our service? Every chance we get Every contact (4) Every customer (2) every interaction with the client Every month in different ways. Every new customer, at the end of the mission. I ask him to make me a closing letter with an evaluation of my work Every newsletter Every opportunity (2) Every opportunity. Networking, incentives, friends, existing clients Every phone call. Every prospective client that declines, and all active clients. Every so often Every time (9) Every time I get a new Client or a new contact; business associates I know, at the grocery Store, Post Office, at Walmart Every time I make contact. Every time that we talk I ask for referrals. Every time the project goes well, in the form of written testimonials Every time we deliver a shelter and the customer is pleased. Every time we meet. Every time we produce a great result, we ask for referrals. Every time. However it is rare that I get those referrals except in the form of a letter. Every visit. everyday Everytime I do business. Everytime I know a trend setter is aware of my product and its benefits. Everytime there is contact. Unless they start cracking jokes about it… First as an integral part of our proposal, with language such as “The only other “cost” of this engagement will be our request – if you are truly satisfied with our work as we expect you to be – that you provide us with three business referrals. These would be for companies which have similar unfulfilled needs as you have now. We have found, as I’m sure you have as well, that referrals from satisfied customers are the most powerful way to grow one’s business.” Then, once the engagement is completed, we will ask every 6 months or so if they have anyone else in mind that we should call. From agents initially, and from clients everytime meet with them. From all of my current clients, and prospects. I am even working on getting referrals from our competitors.

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Question 53 Do You Ask for Referrals, How and How Often? 150.

151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165.

166. 167.

168. 169.


171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176.

From banks etc and current businesses on the program.. We don’t seem to be able to sell our system. We are ‘shithouse’ marketers. Sometimes I think the business owners feel it is just to hard and too much work to fix their business problems. From existing clients but not enough and not on a consistent basis. From happy customers, not often enough. From satisfied customers, not very often. Hardly ever. have a special form that we give to our clients Have not in the past. Will now. Have thought about it but not implemented the strategy Haven’t put that into effect yet for the website business. Here is an area where we can stand a lot improvement. We just ask them to tell their friends about us. But we don’t have anything systematically in place. I am going to institute this into the selling process. I ask each client for referrals in the cover letter that comes with the report. I ask for 3 referrals at the first session, before I start. I ask for referrals during and at the close of a sale, and in the months and years that follow the first or next sale. I ask for referrals from satisfied clients on an ongoing basis.I develop a list of ideal prospects I would like to do business with and ask clients and centers of influence to refer me. I ask for subscribers to our free monthly e-newsletter to forward it to a colleague, and this has had some success. But as far as asking for referrals from paid clients, I don’t know how to do this in our industry. The problem is that a given report is typically purchased by only one person at a company. So their referring to a colleague is meaningless, since the colleague is not going to buy the same report (although he might buy something else in the future). And most people who work at a particular company are not likely to call up their counterparts at competing firms. Therefore, I have set up no formal referral systems, and it is one area that I’d like to develop. I ask if they know anyone who would benefit. 2 or 3 times I ask my contacts every 6 months. I get a few but most are not that good. My strategy is to use the free seminar to close a number of one shot deals - convert a number of those to full year service deals, and then get referrals from these clients every 6 months. I ask who do you know who is looking to buy or sell real estate right now? Some clients I have asked more often than others. Some I haven’t asked at all. I didn’t before Jay’s seminar, but I certainly do now! I ask for them from everyone with whom I have more than a fleeting conversation (I give out postcards w/one of my art images on it, and ask the recipient to write whatever notes they’d like to make on the back)In the future, I plan to ask upon delivery of finished work, and with each subsequent written communication (eg. newsletters) I do ask for referrals whenever I sell or sell again! I ask who else do they know who may derive benefit? Many people do respect the privacy of other people and do not divulge contact information. However, I have seen that every man/woman do have a price and if they can benefit more they will divulge some more information. I do ask my centers of influence by not my current clientele. I do it at least once a month and have offered a referral fee too I explain the kind of client I'm looking for, tailored to fit into their experience I give the client a few business cards after each and every treatment. One to keep for themselves and the others to pass on to their friends, relatives and acquaintances. I give them business cards but do not directly ask for referrals. I have a affiliate program I offer to pay a 25% referral fee. This message is in the first

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Question 53 Do You Ask for Referrals, How and How Often? 177. 178. 179. 180. 181.

182. 183.

184. 185. 186.

187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197.

198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203.

three emails. I have an on-going referral strategy that has me recruiting centers of influence who will wholeheartedly refer my business. I do the same for my affiliates. I intend to institute a formal procedure for getting referral from clients I simply tell my clients that I appreciate referrals. I tell them about it on the first appointment, and I ask and get referrals on the second appointment. I tend to ask for referrals after I have performed the work. I use a technique while I am working with the client of gathering names without the client realizing it and making a list of those names. Then, when I have completed my job, I sit down with the client and ask him who on the list should I NOT contact. MY objective is to weed out those who don’t meet my criteria of ideal prospects. When initiating a working relationship with a prospect, I also mention that I am paid in three ways: a. Through commissions from the sale of insurance products, b. Through referrals, and c. Through a testimonial or endorsement. I particularly like the two question approach I learned from receiving Jay’s materials: a. “Where do you keep the names”; and b. “Let’s start with the A’s.” I try to remember to ask on a call at least once a month. I usually ask satisfied clients directly for referrals at the systematic of an engagement and ask them again for referrals when new clients are needed. A more disciplined schedule for follow-up with past clients will create many more opportunities to ask them for referrals which should strengthen this approach. I will as a condition of doing business. I work it in during the beginning of a relationship and explain it is part of working with me. I.E. Patty Lund technique If I feel I need to remind them directly I do, but more often we get around in the conversation where the customer suggests it. I like that better. I would like to create a communication tool to express my gratitude if they do refer. I have also paid some money to people that asked to be reimbursed. Frankly it never felt truly satisfactory, most likely to them as well. I stay away from linking it with money if I can. Not because I am cheep. If you know of someone just like you we’d be happy to help them too. When there was a good result after treatment In all correspondence and on the web site. In annual newsletter In BNI but it doesn't work. In conversation during loan process and after closing. In each postcard mailing done to current customer In every contact with the customer In every seminar and when clients start working with us. In house while we are working with the individual. no real system is set up. In my thank you and in my follow-up letters. Also on my site. In newsletters, while they are in, in thank you notes…by providing them with gift certificates for their friends and family. We always are subtle and position it as a gift… In person and once every other meeting. In person, occasionally In person; in writing; right after event incentives to students for referral of other students and to clients for other clients Inconsistently Infrequent

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Question 53 Do You Ask for Referrals, How and How Often? 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210.

211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219.

220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232.

233. 234.

Integral part of our partnership strategy. However, we don’t from advertisers or readers and that is probably a mistake. It is more informal with no consistency. It’s not planned, but whenever there is movement within the network, we stay in contact and suggest they Consider hiring us. It’s sort of sporadic. It's my complete system I've been so excited during the consultation, that I've totally spaced on this.With my seminars, I've focused on answering their questions, and forgotten to focus on my needs: a referral. Just after we get started with the client (the honeymoon phase) if we remember; more often after we have had a run of strong performance or the client is happy with us for some other reason. Just at the end of the application and sometimes when I’m showing a house. Just by whatever comes out our month (not scripted by no means). How often…if we remember to ask after completion of a tower installation. Just let them know that there will be accordingly some return for the referrals. Every time when the referral buys our service. Just started. Just started; does not apply. Just starting to put this in place Just starting to test in this area. Offering $5, $10, $25, $50 back to referral based on new client purchase amount. One-time finder’s fee. just verbally at the end of the program: something like: if you have benefited from this program please tell your colleagues. Lately didn't but in my follow-up system I will ask for them – I was doing it when I was selling for hosting company and get plenty of the which cost me nothing. I just send an email asking to send opinion about my products to his friends (event if it is bad one). I also add: If it is good opinion, please send it to me to. If it's bad one, I urge you to send me one so I can check what's wrong. Let say daily… Monthly (2) Most of my customers are once a year customers. Everytime I speak to them I ask for referrals. Most of the time but not consistently in the same way each time Most of the time…but I need to become more successful at it. Nearly every sale, depends on opportunity. Needs to improve. No frequency No proactive referral program is in place. Referral requests are sporadic depending on the sales person involved with the client or prospect. Non-direct, every time None to date, but now planning to make it in every e-mail sig. Not as much as I should. Not as often as I should. One approach, “You have obviously been very successful in your business. I am try to get more exposure in this industry, what kinds of things can you suggest that I do to break in – or who would you suggest I can talk to in your industry that may be able to help me help other like your self” Not as often as we should, especially with the economy the way it is. I’m hiring 3 new salespeople in the next week or so. They will be taught how to ask first thing! Not as often as we should. We do it probably twice a year.

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Question 53 Do You Ask for Referrals, How and How Often? 235. 236. 237.

238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258.

259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271.

Not consistently. not enough Not enough but we’re working on it. We ask for referrals each visit for the first three or four visits and then we back off if we don’t get a response. After that we only ask for referrals in newsletters and when we have a special event taking place in the office. Not much Not often enough (8) Not often enough – no set policy Not often enough and not in a consistent format. Not often enough through a system Not often enough. No set system for that. Not often enough. We need to do this all the time. Not often enough. We will be incorporating at least 3 systemized referral solicitation programs into all prospect/client communications in the next three months. Not often enough. I generally ask them to refer the product to their friends and clients for a cut of the profits. (Affiliate program.) Probably once every few months. Not often enough. Maybe once at the beginning of the relationship and once near the end. I know… I know… Not often enough. That is why I’m putting together a formal referral program in writing to present at the point of sale. Not often enough; maybe a couple of hours a week Not often enough…nothing systemized or automated. Not often enough…Stylists are supposed to do this with every Client, but we know they don’t. Not often except on web site referral program and on our buddy study system Not often. I’m not consistent/systematic with it. Not regularly, usually when business slows down Not regularly. Not systemized – verbal request on ad-hoc basis Not too frequently Not usually (except through real estate agents). Most of our clients are not likely to know others who need a survey at a particular time. If dealing with businesses or governmental agencies, then we do always ask for referrals, but most of our business is with individuals. Not very often (5) Not very often, this is an area we improvement in. Not very often. We’re just trying the method only after listening to your audio CDs. Not yet – but we will. Want the business to be largely referral based. Now and then. Now, every time a client leaves Occasionally (9) Occasionally probably not often enough. Occasionally, But not systematically or often enough. I’ve always been afraid of offending people with hard-sell. Often (2) often, with every contact On a pretty regular basis On a yearly basis.

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Question 53 Do You Ask for Referrals, How and How Often? 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313.

On phone when reorders are made, in writing as ride alongs with shipped goods On some seminars, not often enough. On some transactions on the free event ask who else could be interested that they know, on the 2 day course we also offer a referral fee and on the master class On the mailers, in person and do it every opportunity we get On their visits when they are re-examined, usually ever 12th visit. Once (3) Once a quarter or more if they send me a lot of business Once a year and they are usually not forthcoming Once after the transaction Once at closing, usually once or twice a year by phone to those who have been funded Once at purchase time Once every three meetings or phone calls. Once in a while, a mailing mentions our interest in referrals Once in a while, and again without any plan. Once in a while. not nearly enough. Once per year. Once/month, I describe my ideal client to non-competitive service companies One a year in an annual review Only after we’ve earned the right to do so. Only if a conversation leads to that request. Only if they like what has been done and they mention someone might be interested. I ask if I can get in contact with them on their recommendation. Only occasionally only occasionally if the opportunity arises, and then only if I'm comfortable doing so. Only on occasion, if a conversation leads to it. only periodically. Only stated a couple of years ago, but we follow up Past customers – monthly to bi-monthly. Past customers 4 times per year, realtors is ongoing People refer others when they want to. Health care appears to be a very sensitive subject. People who come to my seminar have to give me five names before they are admitted Per Jay’s suggestion, we’ve just started this in March Personal ask Plan is to implement a total referral program. Posted notices and personal request directly to residents. Infrequent Pretty much with each client. I try to set up a non-threatening way for anyone they know to get acquainted with my services. Probably not frequently enough. Probably not often enough because of a limited market. Probably not often enough, though we have to sensitive. Quarterly Rarely (2) Rarely – maybe twice in 24 years

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Question 53 Do You Ask for Referrals, How and How Often? 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334.

335. 336.

337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346.

Referred client similar to referrer: as condition of sale Non-referred client: only after they prove to be reliable. Regularly (2) Repeatedly, whenever a statement made by the client/prospect creates a lead to ask. See above – all potential referrals see the results and hear about the clients satisfaction – always. We don’t have to ask. Seldom (2) Should be. Simply have a referral request AND a testimonial page. Since my last project I do ask for a written referral. Sometimes (2) Sometimes with a multinational we ask for referrals to their other plants or facilities or ask for referrals to possible local technology transfer partners. Sometimes. 30% of the time Sometimes. I refrain from using tactics. I prefer to do it strategically. Positioning myself irresistibly Sparingly, no formal program Sporadically (5) Sporadically and not very successfully tell them and every time writing at the end of the letter. Telling people that this is a referral business and I’d like the chance to help anyone they can send to me who might need to buy or sell property They usually refer others to the product because they like it. This is part of my plan. This should become a habit. This subject is discussed in the first meeting with prospective Clients. They know I was a referral to them and that has lead to the initial meeting. I tell them that I take referrals and my professional reputation very seriously. I let them know that I am a small operation and can only take on a certain number of Clients at any given time. I will not compromise service to existing Clients by taking on more work than I can successfully manage. They understand that I will be involved in every aspect of the project, from beginning to end. I am their liaison and am there to take as much of the stress and anxiety away from them as possible so that they will be free to focus o the excitement of seeing a dream come to fruition. This will be a one of our marketing pillars. This will be a very major strategy. Every client will be asked on the first follow up call, every unconverted prospect on the sales call. We also plan to introduce an incentive program through the newsletter for referrals. Through affiliate program and “send this link to a friend” script Through previous business friends and clients on a sporadic basis. Thruout interview, give mail form, explain to call me w/ referrals name and # and best time to call them to see if this coverage might be helpful Twice a year Unfortunately, only when the salesperson thinks of it. Upon becoming a customer-it’s a condition Upon conclusion of successful service. Usually once after they become a paid client. Usually once or twice, no real system here Usually only once at the beginning of the relationship. We do this by letter and telephone.

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Question 53 Do You Ask for Referrals, How and How Often? 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365.

366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373.

374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380.

Usually wait for them to bring up subject Usually when making a proposal to a new client. Verbal and not often. Verbally – once or twice. Verbally as the opportunity presents itself. Verbally at any time during a relationship Very frequently Very little by mouth We put a flyer in the invoice Very little. very often very often, just asking and/or helping make the connections Very rarely but we do it Very regularly. We have a chat, send them a letter with a list of ‘symptoms’ for hot prospect and then follow up. Via phone upon successful completion of project We are now calling business clients and asking for referrals on a one time basis. We ask almost every time we communicate We ask for referrals from contacts in the relocation industry, but not from our clients, thus far. We ask for referrals only after the mortgage process has been completed. We ask for referrals when we close out the active projects we have with a client. We ask them to refer us to three companies that they work with or have worked for, that would benefit from our services. We also suggest that they offer a 20% referral discount that will make them look like good guys to the people they contact on our behalf. We ask for referrals when we do follow-up in 30 to 60 days. We do ask for referrals with all of our customers, at every opportunity. We do from vendors, but not from clients. This is changing. We do have a space on our order form that asks people to mention what friend TOLD them about Sonlight . . . so we can “thank” the friend. . . . We need to do more DIRECT requests of such referrals. . . . We don’t ask for referrals because our market is very defined. We know everyone who is a potential customer. We have an ongoing promotion where if you refer a client you receive a free cake. We have no consistent approach towards this and when we do, it is not often enough. This is unfortunate, because we generate so much new business that we are not building on for future business. We haven’t made a practice of asking for referrals. We aren’t opposed to it, and have several discussions about how we could drive the referral aspect of te business more proactively. Its just that we haven’t been able to settle on a tasteful way of setting it up. We look for companies or suppliers who can refer us to new clients We should. We need to come up with an incentive We sign framework contract with our clients that includes special discounts for generating referrals. We try to get some when we sell, then we tell them of our $100 Referral Bonus Program—but we seldom push it. We typically ask existing clients about once a year. We usually don’t ask for it. We will be doing this more often

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Question 53 Do You Ask for Referrals, How and How Often? 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405.

406. 407. 408. 409.

410. 411. 412. 413.

414. 415. 416.

weekly When I feel the time is right When I get slow. When I meet someone new. Also with current clients once their first trisections is completed. When is present proposal & make sale When people reorder. We offer a discount off their reorder. When the job is finished and I receive a check and they are happy and in followup letter. When there is an opportunity. When they buy. when they come in for treatment. When we have space When we see them. Whenever complete a successful transaction (sale) for a client. Usually done on phone call when confirming that the sale has completed. Whenever i remember to ask. Whenever I remember. ;^) Whenever I talk to a client. Whenever it is obvious that the client is winning. Whenever possible. Where someone mentions an upcoming show I get the name of the contact and follow-up. While they are seeing me for counseling and upon termination of our sessions. Will play major part With cards and a letter With each client through an informative colour brochure With every client as well as with other business contacts. I tell them that the best sales people are happy customers and offer them a half day of free consulting for a referral that turns into a project. With every online order at the completion of the order and with the tracking number email. With every offline order – with the tracking number email With all orders – occasionally in our newsletter, or by postcard we give incentives for referrals With every partner and every client. With our best clients perhaps annually. With patients after completion of treatment but I am not very successful at getting names. With the first trail of my course... even if they don’t buy. Then whenever I contact them I remind them of the reasons to refer people to me... and the new goodies they’ll get by doing so. With virtually every contact by letter or email and often with post cards and calls. Would when bringing it to earth. When seeing a happy and smiling client. Yes a minimum of 5 because you generally get 3. This one works for me big time. It reduced my need for sales calls to virtually nil. Yes all the time. Am looking to get some and implement some of Jay’s ideas on this issue. I am certain he has employed some wildly successful ideas on this topic alone and would love to implement some in our business. Yes but not often Yes often. Yes, but not consistently. Not part of the process yet, just something the sales guys

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Question 53 Do You Ask for Referrals, How and How Often?

417. 418. 419. 420. 421.

do when I ask them, or when they remember. Yes, but not often enough Yes, by giving them the easy method of challenging others to visit the site and answer the hot-button question. Yes, during and after the engagement. But I haven’t offered any incentives for referrals (yet). Yes, via the monthly newsletter, via a link on our website and via a one line request at the bottom of all our bills that are sent out. We ask monthly. Yes, with most customers.

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. Question 54. List three things you could do to strengthen your marketing effectiveness now. 1.

#1 Establish the ezine mentioned earlier, with educational articles for our clients and prospects; #2 Establish and grow our emailing list; #3 Invite all those I meet to join our list, giving them a “welcome package” of articles and information that they should find useful.


#1. Invest in one single person to handle only the marketing issues without a ton of other responsibilities.#2. Once and for all complete our web page and make it more effective etc.#3. Develop a formalized referral program/


(1) Get more exposure. (2) Finish producing my marketing tools (brochures, newsletter, advertising copy, etc). (3) Expand my services. (See also Question 42, which contains additional information.)


(1) Get our Email thing going.(2) Finish and implement our core story (working on it at the present time).(3) Communicate better the immense marketing knowledge we possess and how it can build their businesses.


(1) Get our patent application completed and filed today. (2) Review, polish, and expand our strategic marketing plan. (3) Repeat item (2) again.


(1) Learn to integrate other techniques into my existing system to create a synergistic whole. (2) Find and implement more effective referral techniques. (3) Maximize customer purchase size by finding more beneficial products and services for my clients (am already looking into that).


(1)Develop marketing plan (2) Increase promotional activity (3) hire a sales resource


(A) Better direct mail letters (B) Better research on clients needs (C) Strategic plan directing and coordinating all marketing efforts


(a) Develop a strategic plan (Game plan); (b) Keep regular contact with customers informing of new offers; (c) maximize and optimize email/www opportunities.


(a) Initiate a newsletter or information sharing for past and prospective new clients, (b) establish a systematic schedule to follow up with past and prospective new clients and (c) initiate a direct sales campaign to find new clients (direct mail piece, phone call, direct mail piece, phone call, etc.)


1 – create a marketing plan, 2 – increase frequency, 3 – increase reach.


1 – more consistent communications, 2- more varied communications and outside of the box events


1 – write down my long-term marketing development plan (eg. thoughts on sequencing/phase-in of desired new tactics); give myself a schedule to implement & evaluate each as they go into effect2 – redesign my website based on my desired strategic objectives, include “membership” sign up3 – host/beneficiary with charity OR zoo OR non-profit


1 get effective voice broadcast to realtors voicemail2. find better way to get through to new realtors, to get them to really listen and understand we are for real not just another loan broker that can deliver on promises


1 Work on strategies 2 Integrate more tactics into a single strategy more follow-up


1) Be more consistent, 2) Broaden our marketing means, 3) Take a rifle approach instead of a shotgun approach


1) Develop a clear statement of USP; 2) Network more, 3) Start a marketing

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. calendar 18.

1) Follow a plan. When I’m busy I tend to stop marketing. 2) Develop a strategy to benefit from work generated when I’m too busy to take on anything else. 3) Simplify some of the marketing tactics so they are easier to implement.


1) Ask for referals2) testimonials3) endorsed mailings


1) Better define niche market. 2) Do more, JV mktg. 3) Write news column.


1) Better response time to enquiries (We are right now setting up autoresponders etc)2) Bigger emailing list (Working on that right now)3) More TV coverage for free.


1) Create a strategic marketing plan2) Ask for referrals at every opportunity3) We need to re-evaluate our marketing efforts


1) Develop a system, 2) Integrate it with other processes, 3) Followup more.


1) Direct response, 2) Patient communication, 3) Lectures


1) Do a better job of putting together a training manual for a new hire to show how all the pieces fit together,2) Look for more “partners” to help get leads and referrals – develop a referral kit3) Ask customers s for more referral


1) Employ GOOD tele sales people. 2) Re-locate. 3) Create a unique own brand product range.


1) Focus on a particular market and define a specific strategy through interviews. 2) Ask for referrals 3) Ask customers who do not buy, why


1) Get the referrals request ONLINE, in the midst of the purchasing process (90% of our sales are made online); 2) Team up with appropriate affiliate companies; 3) ????


1) Have more money; 2) Educate marketing staff; 3) Invest more time into it myself.


1) Implement ongoing direct marketing to clients AFTER they have purchased on an ongoing basis. 2) Create new messaging for website, script for selling, and other opportunities to better communicate the bottom-line value for clients. 3) Create hostbeneficiary relationships.


1) improve advertising 2) develop a followup strategy 3) focus more on getting referrals


1) Overall grand strategic plan with tactical components and assignments.2) Database that is being used by everyone in company.3) A dedicated resource to keeping our marketing programs in focus and on track.


1) Plan a comprehensive strategy 2) Implement successful tactics to achieve this overall strategy. 3) Monitor results and tweak any inefficiency to achieve maximum momentum and results thereby devastatingly increasing our business revenue and profits.


1) To be more consistent in lead generation. 2) To have better client communication after the sale. 3) To have scheduled practices/tactics in all of the areas of marketing.


1) We can (and are) tightening up on our enquiry follow-up procedures so that no enquiries become ‘orphaned’. 2) We can (and are) studying our database to start identifying who we can get back in touch with. 3) We can (and will) tighten up on our phone technique so that the spiel we give will be more pre-emptive against the conversations a prospect will have with our competition.


1)implement customer contact program2)implement a prospective customer contact program3)Do a better job with each current customer and follow-up to advantage other opportunities


1)More select mailing 2More effective media ads3)more back end.

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. 38.

1. Approach a reporter for my local newspaper and present her with an article I have written to publish. 2. Notify my email distribution list about my Network Exchange, which has just been posted on my Web site and invite people to list their businesses there in return for at least 6 referrals agreeing to receive my weekly “Must-Know” InfoTM Bulletin. 3. Offer people a Special Report I need to polish to give people in return for at least 6 referrals who agree to receive my weekly “Must-Know” InfoTM Bulletin.


1. Ask for referrals more often 2. Create a way to say thank you and give a premium 3. Create a long range plan to contact the customers


1. Be more consistent in our referral generation by asking for referrals whenever the opportunity presents itself. 2. Present ourselves out in public more often to increase our exposure and identity 3. Find a way to establish our “brand” and our unique approach to care that they don’t get at other practices in our area..


1. Client appreciation program. 2. Generate more referrals 3.. Seminar program.


1. Consistent marketing effort 2. Sending our prospects something every month to keep us in front of them. 3.


1. Develop a more professional CMA, 2. Improve the quality of advertising. 3. Study the percentages of success with each type of promotion and focus on that form that produces the best result.


1. Do coop marketing mailers in conjunction with large motorcycle manufacturers. 2. Major branding and marketing campaign in motorcycle magazines. 3. Develop a business vision and strategic sales and marketing plan that can be integrated across the entire company.


1. Following my marketing plan.2. Applying a methodical approach.3. Seeking publicity and outlets for generating ongoing publicity, such as a radio or print column or internet chat room.


1. have more time; 2. More assistants; 3. Better skills


1. hire someone to do some of the more routing work I do.2. Be more disciplined about following my plans.3. Invest more time journal writing to analyze my business and the opportunities I have and the threats I face.


1. Improved advertising (format, content)2. Broadening product selection3. Sales meetings with phone sales reps


1. Write a book. 2. Develop a regular training program in conjunction with a competitive league. 3. Give more talks to coaches and teams.


1. Write more articles to be published in trade journals. 2. Issue a press release at least weekly. 3. Disseminate a survey to my target companies, asking them what their biggest challenges in financial management are now. Publish the results of the survey, send results to each respondent, and create services to address the companies’ challenges.


1. Ask for referrals 2. More follow-up to prospective clients to clients AFTER they buy


1. Be more organized. 2- Get a few more business services in place and 3. Get better literature created up for giving to the client.


1. Better communicate our benefits and USP2. Reach more prospects by more actively postings in newsgroups and forums, maybe even classifieds3. ?


1. Determine exactly what type of new clients I would like to have to improve my profitability. 2. Determine the best way to attract these clients.3. Start marketing!

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3. More follow-up

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. 55.

1. Develop a marketing plan. 2. Hire people who are proficient in the areas we’re not and assist with making things happen. 3. Speak with our clients about what we’re doing right, wrong, and what we’re missing.


1. Develop business vision 2. Understand marketing strategy 3. Systemize marketing effort-tactic. To make consistent process.


1. Develop strategy, 2. Do Sequential Marketing, Develop Referral


1. Enter my list of customer into a database direct mail them. If they have an email address email them. 2. Improve my web site so that it captures their email address by offering free jewelry cleaner. 3. Ask for referrals from my customers.


1. Get investment capital. 2. Market ot more Buying Groups. 3. Develop a training and motivating system for the agents.


1. Get out in the field and into head offices to meet the decision makers. 2. Phone and follow-up with letter or e-mail. 3. Ask for referrals every single time.


1. I have special system to track every element (sales letter, info, buttons, links ect) of my site. I have to analyze it more often cause it give me chance to change sht and check what will happen with CRs.2. I have to make my follow-up system working.3. Test, test, test everything I can – I do half of it because of lack of time.


1. Make it an important part of each day. 2. Involve all of my staff. #. Spend more time learning about strategies.


1. More frequent communications2. Get a better e-mailing list3. More sales visits in support of partners


1. Plan better2. Work out a better solution for referrals and affiliates3. Work nonbuying customers better


1. Put on more staff to execute the objectives. 2. Do more sequential follow-up. 3 Use email marketing and internet presence.


1. Use more effective direct mail 2. Use newspaper ads more effectively 3. Work some effective host-beneficiary arrangements


1.Develop a direct mail campaign 2. Ask for referrals consistently 3.Follow up (with prospects that don’t purchase and with clients that do)


1.Follow up with a phone call. Follow up with multiple emails explaining how to get the most out of the product. Set up an affiliate/referral program.


1.Identify Strategy, 2. Create plan, 3. Execute on the plan/


1.Increase web presence2.Better use of referrals3.Direct mail


1.More promotion 2.better client contacts 3.other services (that will make or keep customers buy)


1.spend more on ad 2 go online 3.put more money into the business


1/ work on the big picture strategy. 2/ Implement the strategy. 3/ build our partners businesses.


1; Ask for referrals; 2. Advertise in the newspapers; and 3. Set up a web page on the computer.


A better commitment, a stronger marketing plan, more self confidence.


a better internet campaign...better headlines for our ads....more cost effective advertising


A clone. Even offering a share of the business doesn’t work. Find someone with recent demonstrable experience/success to do the PR/ad thing.

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. 78.

a Increase the number of prospects to visit per week. b. more accurate letters asking for business.c. More high impact brochures


A plan would help


A sequence of multi-media e-mail reports, using MP3 files Plugging in phone conferences with parents and experts. Product optimization. Massive online fully automated referral system. Online games for the family. I trust that this information will be treated with the utmost discretion. It’s aweird feeling revealing one’s intimate marketing strategy.


a) Initiate an overall corporate brand name promotion in the China market. b) Hold some educational seminars in key geographic China markets introducing our overall corporate solutions and service capability c) Complete our overall corporate market strategy for the China market, using the strategy as the guiding document for all of our numerous (currently independently-functioning) China corporate business units. The goal is that we present a more unified corporate image into the China marketplace, with a common, complementing set of marketing tactics guided by our common strategy.


a) Network more; b) Always ask for feedback and referrals;c) Join a business referral network.


a. get a better plan/strategy b. reach secondary markets – to make our skills and talents known.c. have more $$ to spend on marketing.


a. I have to duplicate myself by developing Tape/CD/PC-Audio sets of promotional material. PC-Audio material can also be made available for download from the Website. b. I have to write and publish promotional material (Little Guide Books) for promotion. Online EBooks can be distributed on the Internet. Offline Printed Little Guide Books are to be distributed to prospects on the Good Prospect LIST c. Stop reading other peoples material (ebooks), stop selling other people’s material and focus on developing my own Unique Selling Proposition (Product)


a. Strengthen message in media buys. b. Measure and Systematize closing procedure for prospects and follow up c. Consistently call on Ins Agents in area.


a.Develop stronger referral system. b.train staff to keep closer contact with customer. c.establish non-salaried commission system going quickly


Ability to follow up telesales and networked referrals.


Acquire funding, Improve salary of marketing key personnel. Immediately set up tight marketing program with goals, dates, and dollars to be generated. Tracking results with key indicators, on a weekly basis.


Actually start marketing and selling Review your material for additional techniques. Formulate a formal marketing strategy.


Actually try to market, using direct mail as we could not afford a salesman on the road. Our shop cannot put out that much work.


Add risk-reversal, increased perceived value by adding bonuses.


Added pillars, a clearer USP.


Additional Investment Additional Salespeople Additional employees in our marketing dept


Adverting with direct response Sending more direct mail Set up Host beneficiary program


Advertise in the proper places Have a first class meeting with potential clients on a regular basis. Speak at general meeting and seminar locations to targeted

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. audiences. 96.

Advertise more and better.


Advertise, Direct Mail, Trade Shows


Again, that is what I don’t know, really. However, reading this questionnaire has given some ideas, especially that I need to reassess the methods I’m using.


Alliances Group presentations Better Internet information


Apply what I know, develop a real strategy, massive action.


As for referrals, keep newsletter regular, take on a salesperson


As we are nott yet marketing we are still unaware of how effective our marketing will be. However we will closely monitor our effectiveness from launch date onwards and implement changes if and where necessary


Ask for more endorsements and referrals. More detailed research into the opposition. Get out and meet more decision makers in funeral companies.


Ask for more referrals, get some leaflets printed for a mail shot, Look at new telesales script and operation, look at a website


Ask for more referrals, more cold calling, more direct mail


Ask for more referrals. Meet with high position people. Build my firm in that way that can make me free to market much more.


Ask for more referrals…develop a mastermind group…have better training and tools for marketing


Ask for referrals Dedicate more time to cold calling Be more tenacious


Ask for referrals do radio show write a book


Ask for referrals every time, better followup scripts, more consistency in followup


Ask for referrals more often and in a better way.


Ask for referrals! Better contact with past clients, more regular contact with current clients.


Ask for referrals, do seminars, e-mail


Ask for referrals, followup, more, web presence


Ask for referrals, pitch seminars…contact more potential customers.


Ask for referrals, Seek more Board member help., and make more personal visits.


ask for referrals, send out mailings, get a show room


Ask for referrals, send the letters concerning refinancing to all of my clients in a more effective format.


Ask for referrals, write a sales letter, contact all dealers and ask what we could do to help them.


Ask for referrals. Learn to close more effectively. Ask more questions


Ask for referrals. Start regular email newsletter Set up system to collect leads


Ask for referrals/Create a newsletter/Monthly seminars


Ask for referrals; be more disciplined in follow-ups; increase advertising


Ask more often for referrals. Better salesmen, Better incentives for salesmen.


Be able to offer test rides to prospects and discussions with other owners.

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. 126.

Be clearer about what my service is Define my USP Educate people


Be consistent, backend service follow up and referral marketing system.


Be consistent, Follow up, being more organized


Be consistent. Qualify better. Follow up sooner.


Be more aggressive in implementing a referral program; Try to develop new groupings of clients (such as the Governmental Agency program we are now working on); market to developers whose interests are outside our rural area.


Be more consistent / be more strategic /


Be more consistent in preparation. Put more time/effort into prospecting.


Be more consistent. Speak more, follow up better


Be more thorough; act quickly; know which string to pull


Be persistent with a plan, ask for action, always give them something distinctive to remember me.


Be strategic, Set better goals, More testing


Be the first to have TCC on dvd, get website up & running, develop written marketing plan


Become more disciplined. Practice/rehearse my approach more Target higher potential people


Become more educated about marketing and put together a plan so that I could “see” what I’m actually working towards (in the big picture sense).


become more systematic about asking for referrals work on cross selling other services to accountancy clients treat sales presentation as something that can be continually improved


Become more systematic, build a better profile of myself, more frequent contact with prospects.


Becoming more aggressive, do more marketing research and be more persistent.


Begin offline advertising- Do more online advertising- Join more online forums and contribute to the discussions


Begin to look closely at my deficiencies in their area and consider how to turn that around.


Better communication, via sales letters, promotions, website traffic, postcards. more time in front of the prospects. and more knowledge of what to do. how to do it, etc.


Better customer service. Better offer. Better risk reversal.


Better follow through on those who fall through the cracks, asking for more referrals with 100% of the patients, more education later on in their treatment when they feel great, prior to going to maintenance. Often they fall away there.


Better follow up, ask for referrals, thank you letters


Better follow up. Get referrals. Trade show attendance.


better followup with prospects more consistency with communication and followup hire a salesman


Better followup, Lead Generation, local exposure


better integration of all marketing activity is the ONLY area we could improve in


Better materials, creation of a better list, more aggressively pursue alliances and joint

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. venture opportunities 154.

Better plan, better selling strategies, better tracking


Better planning, better measurement..


Better positioning, more consistent effort, better USP


Better product requirements definition Cost-effective campaign management More responsive and effective technical support


Better referral generation, utilize customer base, develop e-mail list.


Better referral system, better contacting of current client base, more aggressive system for attracting new clients, system for going after inactive accounts.


Better strategic plan, marketing systems that would include both front and backend.


Better telemarketing scripts, which I’m working on. Getting a website, which I’m planning on doing over the next few months. Putting my training newsletter on the website so people can download it instead of me having to send it out.


Better web-site and web-site strategy. More realistic pricing. Beat the bushes for customers.


Branding/ better control of telemarketing/ direct mail


Bring out more CDs. Am in the process. Have some reviews published in trade journals. Expose my agents to your materials.


Broaden product range in present industry; Learn how to establish a better strategy


broaden the number of types of marketing we do, formalize strategy and put consistent approach to work


Build a System Manage the System Improve the System


Build a web site Start an ezine Run some “taster” events


Build a website (many teachers are email neophytes and check their email only once every week or two PLUS my “direct mail style” attachments are often too big)Hire a person full time to work on it Finally refine and distill my process so it’s turn key


Cable TV commercials, market more often to interior designers & architects, market to home builders


Call on prospects more often Keep prospects better informed Use technology better, including internet/email.


Calling prospects, Testing Ads, maintaining contact with past clients.


Capture names of prospects, follow up on them, find out their needs and wants


Change a lot of thing and get a better understanding of marketing and how to beat my competition to be perceived better so patient don’t use me as last resort


Changing some of my pages to see if it helps generate sales. Implement some pop up boxes to catch visitors email addresses. Submit some articles to some ezines for publication.


Clarify my USP. Build a better sales letter. Learn to drive more traffic to site.


Clearer market strategy, more action, and research of successful companies in our field.


Client follow-ups,


Client Referrals, Follow up Letters, PR

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Branch out into other industries;

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. 180.

Clone myself to get some available time, make the day 30 hours long, and the week 8 or 9 days.


Co-branding, name endorsements, and an aggressive Media comparing


Come up with another product to offer to current customers. Make Home builders with awareness of us Do more web marketing


Communicate more with current clients


Complete a dynamite brochure. Develop media relationships. Network with local business executives.


Complete a solid Business Development strategy (almost complete); do a much better job of tracking everything; do a much better job testing everything we do


Complete the marketing plan & finish the website


Complete the web site. Prepare more explanatory literature and healthcare protocols; improve the catalog. Prepare a brochure for consumers and another for corporate customers.


Conduct email campaigns More regular contacts with clients that are of value to the client Ask for referrals


Conduct monthly marketing strategic meetings for planning & analysis purposes, Conduct follow-up calls on 100% of jobs, Do a better job utilizing intelligence reports, Develop DP literature, including findings from past jobs, and Develop unique and proprietary methods to identify equipment weaknesses in the drilling area.


Consistency in executing the strategy/plan is not what it should be. Appoint an assistant whose primary duty is to expand the data base. Do more follow-up on contacts made at networking occasions, as well as through change meetings and referrals.


Consistency in our direct mail sendings, increase our telemarketing staff, provide regular sales training for the telemarketing staff.


Consistent action; ask for referrals; organize my activities


consistentency, and focus my vision


Consistently letter drop around the area; set up an email newsletter; increase sales staff


Contact local businesses for employee referrals, contact local banks for lists of people that have been turned down for loans, and continue to fine tune my ad copy.


Contact my past customers & especially prospects more often; More networking meetings Generate more contacts who have the most leverage


Contact past patients; develop a plan to consistently follow; add risk reversal or a more formal host-beneficiary than loose referral sytem


Craft a plan that includes a sales letter, an email sales letter, and a newsletter. Craft a script for a follow-up call to current customers, and prior prospects ... and begin to call them!


Create a better understanding of what we do: Show SOHO company’s that we can help them also: Speed up our development time


Create a long term marketing plan, don’t lose focus on that plan when I get busy, automate the plan.


Create a manual to use in the sales process. Create a presentation in the sales process. Create and do a call/write/call/write/set appointment process

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. 202.

Create a Marketing Plan, hire someone to execute the plan, spend considerable time testing results


Create a more offer-driven sequence for all high value customer. Create a formalized referral program. Be more aggressive in getting people into our funnel.


Create a newsletter that is mailed monthly, obtain targeted email lists to send email marketing, and create some alliances with other companies.


Create a plan and be consistent in its implementation


Create a teaser package Trainer package – negotiate with marketer who has some good documents if I can use them in my information packages or on sell the packages ( but I worried I will loose the client and they will make me redundant Ask everyone I speak to for referrals Call and speak to the person Negotiate package


Create an information package outlining the differences with other programs and the reasons we are a higher value Create e-news letter to generate an opt-in list of interested professionals Write a book to improve my personal credibility as a teacher


Create sales and follow up letters, have a referral system that is more managed and happens each and every time, have a better USP


Create USP, re-write business cards, write text for web site


Creative pricing, more trade shows, pilot program


customize, ask for referrals, increase advertising and offer incentives.


Dedicate more time, plan a strategy, employ marketers


Define a clear marketing strategy Set timetable for implementing Budget time and money to implement


Define a strategy, have a written plan, stick to the plan.


Design more packages; work more on marketing through mail and Internet, Just do it…all


Develop a clear focused plan (strategy) that we can effectively stick too, from acquiring customers, building relationships, closing deals, and then maintaining and growing those relationships for continued future contract jobs.


Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy, more advertising, and more consistent follow up with clients and prospects


Develop a marketing plan.


Develop a marketing strategy, have employees in place to support and drive the strategy, train all employees in marketing strategies and appropriate elements


Develop a plan, pick one approach; implement.


Develop a plan/strategy plan and implement tactics to fulfill the plan


Develop a proper referral programme Host Beneficiary relationships with professional firms Introduce a sales control system so that we can monitor future marketing efforts


Develop a strategy and implement it, monitor its effectiveness, and then modify where necessary.


Develop a strategy, Develop a detailed plan, Commit the time and funds to follow the plan


Develop a strong internet marketing strategy, network more effectively through organizations and have a year plan for marketing


Develop a truly effective marketing strategy Program out the tactical steps and get it

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. implemented Monitor it’s stats and adjust tactics as we move forward. 227.

Develop an actual marketing strategy, ask for referrals, and complete a direct mail process and begin testing it.


Develop an overall strategy, develop a low-end product, develop a suite of marketing pieces, develop a follow-up plan.


Develop and implement a marketing plan. Develop a sense of brand. Get over enjoying the view from the back corner.


Develop and tell the story Clearly define a strategy Implement testing


develop direct marketing plan, ask for referrals, more community follow up


Develop processes for referrals. Develop prospecting process – email, direct mail and telemarketing. Improve the level of communication we have with our clients – outside of providing support services


Develop referral system with current clients Develop some sort of market educational-promotion Develop program of up-selling other services


Develop sales presentation, telemarketing scripts, marketing messages


Develop stronger relations with representatives in the (1) media (2) insurance industry (3) contracting industry (4) cleaning/maintenance industry Develop a better system to ask for referrals Develop a system of following up with existing & potential clients


Devote more time to planning, write better copy, execute effectively


Direct mail - white papers - Better up front offer


Direct mail, more seminars and monthly lunch with a lawyer sessions.


Direct marketing, email marketing, better referrals


Do it, do it, do it!


Do market research to come up with the best proposition (‘irresistible offer’)Have a sales process in place (cycle)Get training on acquisition


Do more of it, do more testing of headlines, copy and pricing, keep learning from you guys.


do more; asking the right people; more followup with prospects


Do some, ask for referrals , look for customers that fir demographic profiles of our current customers


Don’t know (2)


Don’t want to do more than telemarketing right now. If that‘s not effective enough I could use classified ads and postcards


Effective database/ record system/ marketing strategy put in place


E-mail Asking referrals Become more aggressive while looking for clients


Email letters. More frequent reports. Ask for referrals.


Email news letter – Optimize my site for Search Engine optimization and pay more attention to my pay per click. Increase Strategic partnerships


Email system in place,-media profile-leaflet drops


Email, trade associations, more strategies alliances.


Emails, join associations, bring on sales reps.


Employ web traffic expert / salesman/ develop new products

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. 255.

Employ a marketer, a web designer, organize my time better


Enhance and demonstrate other features of my product in additional channels. Create complementary products (expand product line) to use the established channels Create regional promotion centers.


Establish web-site Follow up with all clients Improve public awareness of my company / products


Establishing better referral base. Advertising. Making more contacts.


Exactly what I’m doing. 1. Learning about internet marketing which I believe will become the model [where the customer is driving the whole process] used in this century. 2. Learning innovative ways of thinking and doing from a pro like Jay and 3. Learning to plan & integrate.


Figure out a way, with very little money and only me to do it, how to get radio interviews and produce sales on internet.


Find a better way to advertise, determine how to use our internet site more effectively, convince our sales staff they should work smarter, not harder.


Find a marketing strategy, implement that strategy and follow up to see if the strategy is working


Find a salesperson, advertise for entrepreneurs to purchase my business to be used in other parts of the country.


Find a way to ask for referrals from current customers without it coming across as sleazy, the same for past customers, the same with our referral sources in the healthcare professional sector


Find a way to get more leads, increase the brand name and educate the public on the benefits


First the web site, a mailing of the new product info to all customers and prospects. New ads in the Trade Journals.


Focus more time and energy on it


Focus more, narrow things down (the hierarchy of opportunities) and delegate more.


Focus on those who have not decide to buy our product yet and constantly try to communicate with them by creating some form of Risk free to customer to try our product.


focus, systematic plan, larger marketing budget


Focus, Systematize, and locate fulfillment companies.


Focus, time management, systematize efforts


Focused action.


Follow through, consistency, knowledge.


Follow up by phone. Produce more educational material and come up with a way of getting it into the right hands.


Follow up letters and calls to past clients. More networking for personal referrals, follow more of the systems I am learning form Jays books.


Follow up more, go after inactive clients, increase budget


Follow up prospects who don't buy, make our promotions a little more cost effective(they're very expensive at the moment) and have a more strategic marketing plan as at the moment it is a bit erratic.

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. 279.

Follow up with clients, ask for referrals, provide them more value added suggestions, rather than the normal audit responses


Follow up with email asking if happy with product and if they would like an automatic refill. Send product info/sales letters with their orders. Follow up with inquires.


Follow up with prospects.


Follow up, referrals, better list of prospect, get them know me before presentation


Follow upAdvertise Direct Mail


Follow ups Make some ads Education


Follow-up with clients a regular basis. Ask them again for more referrals. Find out what financial information they need and to keep them as a valued client.


Followup, followup, followup.


Follow-up. More phone and personal contact work. Newsletters and email.


Form strategic alliances, get published, and receive testimonies


Formalize our relationship with Funeral Homes, ask for referrals for pre and at need, have a strategic plan.


Further define our target clients, develop a marketing program, and implement the program.


Get a better set of referenceable customers. Try harder to get in touch by phone. Increase value of the web site.


get a clear strategic business plan get a clear marketing plan focus on a market niche and go for it


Get a strategy Get a start to finish system for dealing with prospects Read Jays stuff and implement


Get better copy, getting media coverage, developing a master marketing strategy ;-)


Get better referrals, have a usp and use public relations


Get bigger balls. Get more confidence get more proactive


Get cliennts, maintain clients and growth with clients


Get consistent on specials. Get the correct info into our database., new phone system to monitor calls/effectiveness of inside reps


Get in front of more prospects. Get access to senior decision makers.


Get it started, be consistent with it, and systematically increase frequency and media width in time.


Get jays programs


Get known, if we get in front of them, we usually close!


Get magnets to put on the vehicles, put up job signs when working on a site, get letters of endorsement from high profile jobs.


Get marketing pieces out on company’s intranet; get intranet bulletins and banners or pop ups to call attention to marketing material; get LOB product fairs to always carry my marketing material.


Get more consistency out of our current plan. Measure what we’re doing. Test new approaches to optimize our current plan.


Get moving on developing our strategy, always ask for referrals and also proceed with developing more ways to constantly stay in touch with our clients.

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. 307.

Get much more aggressive in referral expectations. Focus on prospects that could more greatly benefit from cost savings. Add additional prospect categories.


Get my database in, decide on my marketing image, and then start.


Get my strategy focused and developed get my marketing efforts integrated to back up my strategy do a lot more


Get organized, collaborate with third parties, and focus on a few powerful tactics and perfect them before doing too much at once.


Get out of product development and more into marketing Get better admin support to manage follow up processes


Get published, win an award or two, expand to more high-end target areas for diversification.


Get testimonials from my happy customers. Create case studies of various situations where we successfully solved the client’s problem. Write a report.


Get the website listed in the top ten of the major search engines for our main subjects. Get nationwide media coverage of our humanitarian/public service/family preparedness and self-sufficiency message. Increase our efforts with all past customers.


Get the website up and running, create an offering for reengaging clients, continue sales training.


Get website launched. Send press releases. ?


Give driver incentives Have weekly specials




Greater use of the Internet to find and qualify leads, greater productivity from existing direct sales force, improved ability to hire sales superstars.


guarantees, improve quality/communication, USP


Have a decent marketing strategy and plan which would pull things together more! Have a better understanding of how to market through a retail chain so that we get an effective pull and push strategy for our product Learn better how to create cut-through and differentiation from competing products – not just weight management products but also other non-essential products.


Have a full time marketing staff member. Personally visit each client.


Have a marketing plan, action the plan, work on a contact list of past prospects, clients and people met through networking


Have a marketing plan, Train staff in delivery, Create standard tools that people can use.


Have a plan (and implement it and stick with it )


Have a plan that I can implement at little cost, write more news releases, learn how to close the sale and have it not look like I’m selling.


Have a plan then stick to it.


Have a plan, write it down, and follow it with discipline.


Have a schedule of activities set for a quarter that I will stick to. Leverage on those who have similar clientele and help to build each other’s business. Raise the profile through regular seminars and strategic tie-ups.


Have a system, have outrageous offers, spend more money

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. 331.

Have a well thought of successful marketing strategy. Have video/cd or internet sales tools. Have an effective follow up system.


Have an overall marketing plan Run more lead generating ads Be able to apply the information I’ve learned from you and others to my business


Have greater knowledge & skill of what is the best thing to do and take more action!


Have menu or postcard mail outs strategically in place with right offer.2. Make sure all staff are informed to produce our food and service to exceed our customers’ expectation.


Have more content and materials to give away Have more case studies Have more experience with some of the less common strategies to sell better when face to face with customers


Have more sales staff Develop more effective campaigns Improve website


have plan and implement


Have the clients generate good referrals for us. Have a set system of follow ups, etc. to use


Have the confidence to spend some money. Target specific markets Advertise more


Having a plan and follow through would be excellent so that we can measure and make changes


Hire a commissioned Business development person. (Tried on a couple of occasions – but am too small to make it interesting


Hire a full time marketing manager or outsource to a small marketing firm. Hire more technical staff. Delegate more.


Hire a person to make the calls and followup’s .advertise more speak at trade events


Hire a sales person to sell full time, do more direct mail, conduct seminars about our products


Hire a salesperson, work more hours, advertise.


Hire a telemarketer


Hire additional staff to create campaigns—finish focused marketing plan--


Hire and Train.


Hire help. More follow up. Better ads and referral script


Hire more competent people


Hire someone to do some of the work so I can be out marketing more Pick a strategy, test it and then stick with it if it is working Stay focused on one “single project” – flesh it out and go from there


Hire someone to implement what I plan and draft.


Hiring better Marketing associates


Hiring salespersons to cover more market;


Hold more meetings to get in front of more people and develop a follow up program for my customers for my product lines


I am looking for those same three things.


I could follow up with past clients more, I could be in front of more realtors and I could advertise in other forms of media that the web


I don’t know – Am going to work part time so can have more time for the business –

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. but need direction as to most effective manner of marketing educational tutoring business. 359.

I need help and can’t seem to the point of an assistant because of no fallback dollars


I should improve my marketing materials, I should invest in keeping my database more up to date, we should develop new versions of our best selling products.


I wish I had more money and time


I wish I knew


I wish I knew.


If I knew them and could afford them I would do them.


Implement scripts, sales letters, dm


Improve closing skills Schedule seminars/workshops more aggressively Get in front of more business groups


Improve consistency of contact with current customers – automate it better. Implement computer based project management approach with customer and prospect activities. Increase contacts with customers to generate referrals. Improve capacity to capture contacts with the internet. Model the approach of # 5 from question 50.


Improve copy Find new approach avenue Find new vehicle to deliver marketing messages


improve effectiveness to satisfy existing clients, educate ourselves about opportunities


Improve follow up, upgrade website, polish my marketing conversation to focus on results.


Improve loan officers closing skills Build more referrals from realtors, not just customers. Improve direct mail.


Improve my phone pitch, I get a lot of rejection over the phone. Getting in touch with clients after they buy. For testing purposes, I’m sending the sales letter to small companies, I should begin with medium and big ones as soon as posiible.


Improve our staff effectiveness and quality, improve our web-site exposure, and intensify our personal contacts.


Improve referrals, use internet, get message across more clearly and concisely


Improve skills of Guest Service team, increase regularity of e-zine, add PR program


Improved communication with patients before during and after purchases and even with those who do not purchase at first.


Include more information in follow up thank you letter. Call current customers after xx months of business. Proactively meet with more prospective clients, selling business and asking for referrals. Upselling, making more efforts to sell retail to current clients.


Increase partnerships with other firms, referral programs, increase communication with clients


Increase partnerships with other firms, referral programs, increase communication with clients


Increase advertising, increase Direct Mail, Make more Cold Calls


Increase follow up contacts Change content of recruiting letter


Increase frequency of sending out direct mails Ask for more referrals Advertise in the

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. newspapers so that more people know my company exist 383.

Increasing awareness of successful marketing activities Knowledge of specific steps for their implementation Incorporation alongside existing initiatives


Internationally based staff; profile raising through relevant conferences etc, and most importantly complete the documentation of our strategic marketing plan!


Internet marketing, improve fax marketing, structured literature/pricing by market, hire people that can sell – can’t find them.


Internet presence Marketing tie ups in different geographies


Interview dentist clients about publications and meeting in Nassau co.Interview chiropractics clients about publications and meeting in Nassau co.Brainstorm with healthcare business owners on marketing


Just do it (I’m a professional procrastinator)Just do it Just do it


Just do it. Make a plan and follow it with seminars, email and direct mail.


Just started; does not apply.


JV’s, create movies, tapes or mp3s of my free 1hr seminar & other free reports, create my dream 50 (100) list , create story board, pictures the benefits of by using & disadvantages of not using my services.


Know how to market correctly.


Lear more!!!!


Learn a strategic system, implement one and revise it from the experience.


Learn marketing strategies from you. Learn to sell much more. Have more money and follow the marketing plan.


learn more of how and what


Learn strategy, Write a plan, and correct advertising.


Learning how to market better and to whom. Follow up with prospective buyers better and start planning better what is sent out to prospects/active customers in regards to my direct mail and print advertising.


Letter scripts, ad pieces with endorsements, web presence


letters, networking, internet


Liaise with other companies who share the same prospects, but are not in direct competition with us. Join China council to find out who wants to do business in China. Promote our business with Austrade together, give free seminar to get prospect.


Link tactics into a cohesive program. Increase frequency of contacts. Increase number of prospects.


Live the strategy Pick up the phone Consistency Discipline


Magazine, get articles in national publications and have conferences.


Mail brokers, attorneys and CPAs


Mail more often – recruit telesales team.


Mail to lawyers, accountants, and other leasing companies.


Make a mail, call after the shipment and go myself to the appointment


Make a plan and stick to it. Work on getting some joint ventures going. Allocate more money for my marketing budget and outsource some of the work.

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. 410.

Make a plan and stick to it. Work on getting some joint ventures going. Allocate more money for my marketing budget and outsource some of the work.


Make additional contact than through my newsletter and web. Meet bigger customers personally and call on them regularly.


Make host-beneficiary deals with college alumni associations, subscribe to executive councils, headhunters organizations, and temporary employment and full time employment agencies.


Make more calls, write more emails, write more letters, write more post cards.


Make the strategy for long term and plan my sells tactics


Make those calls Decide on a specialty and 3 niche areas (FOCUS) Design an elegant group coaching program


Mark out more set times to do follow up calls and then do just that. Not answering all the other interruptions in between.


Market for customers from the most successful people in my community and market for business partners from working people. learn proper phone skillssit down every day for 1 hours and think up 20 ways to develop a bigger customer base.


Market more decisively and proactively. Follow up better. Know my competition better and learn what they are doing that is and is not successful.


Media articles and interviews website restructure


Money, a better plan, and overcoming fear


More advertising Some P.R..


more aggressive advertising, receive more testimonials, turning the consulters dogma in our country


More bang for the buck would be nice


More contacts. Use ads. More followup.


More direct mail, get referrals from existing customers,


More direct marketing, better reward method for referrals


More education, impact, benefit


More effective communication of core message. More tie-ins with other merchants and sports teams, perhaps sports equipment (shoe) manufacturers. Third party marketing firms to implement mktg strategy vs. depending on franchisees to do it.


more efficiency in admin, better use of database, have more products for sale


-More event based marketing.-Monthly column in news medias.-Monthly email communications with prospect base – non promotional / educational.


More events More email marketing


More external marketing, better close with educational seminars


More focus, more concerted efforts, less overhang


More follow-up, being more open to the people around me,


More frequency with campaigns, better quality prospects


More frequent communication, more direct mail, better website.


More listening / designed solutions More infrastructure, more biz without proper infra is chaos.

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. 438.

More long term planning – establish goals – measure effectiveness


More market research; more follow-up; more QUALIFIED LEADS


More mkt. education.


More networking, more Internet utilization, more risk reversal


More of everything I do, I don’t because of resources which I have chosen not to increase.


more referral techniques, money back guarantee, better unique selling proposition


More rigorous application of the 90 day contact. More client and prospect visits, Feedback on client perception of us.


More strategic alliances; find a celebrity to align with; send out prospecting letters.


More testing. More plans.


More time spent identifying targeted markets. 2.


More visibility; active referral system


Much better follow-up with multiple avenues and more frequency. Newsletter. Better referral program in place.


Net work more. Send more direct mail introductions, Ask existing customers for referrals.


New hirings (already being done); Taking advantage of the wealth of marketing information and guidance available from Jay Abraham and elsewhere; Creating consistent campaigns that are measurable, time specific and goal-directed – and following through, changing where necessary, etc.


Newsletter. , 3 letter system when they don’t retain with free reports. More prerecorded messages. Video loop of me in waiting room Video of me discussing penalties


No idea


No response--we are a start-up business preparing to launch






Not applicable at this point.


Not sure. plan


Offer educational pieces to those interested: prospective or current patients, advertise educational pieces, letter to patients who haven had physical exam in a long time, cross sell


offer money back guarantees, results are guaranteed keep advertising


Offer quick turn around time. free sampling. provide education materials and methods via download, cd rom, or newsletter.


Organize database better, automate, know what I want from them.


Organize our client and lead databases so we can market effectively to them. Begin sequential marketing campaigns. Test everything


Pay someone to manage my client and prospect list, get my mail out, and follow up with Thank You notes.


Phone people who order a report before Is end it out. Then phone them after they have got it. Send a different cover letter with my special reports which sets out 3-4

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. common problems that they may be able to solve with our services. Write a targeted direct mail letter and send it to a number of targeted prospects using an endorsement. 466.

Pirate a top sales person from a competitor; hire one or two Superstars; develop Core Stories for large volume market niches to be presented to upper management and promote volume contract relationships.


Plan half day each week to think and act on. 2. write out plan 3. list what bogs me down and delegate it 4. identify top client targets 5. develop strategic alliances or plan to secure and serve these prospects


Plan them thoroughly with relevant market information and setting specific key performance indicators ; review them regularly ; implement and act on them


post testimonials on website ask for more referrals more often work to get referred to targeted companies


Prepare a comprehensive plan Seek professional help in preparing the plan Execute the plan


Prepare the plan. Map the strategy. Educate the team.


Prepare thorough marketing calendar, refine sales system implementing all steps as a procedure., develop a client’s personal style oriented sales manual.


Present in various formats, study effectiveness of each approach, tweak approaches and literature


Print, direct mailers and more calling


Promote our website; do more networking.


Proper resource, be more focus, and freedom of execution from the CEO.


Publicty, ezine and newsletter


Purchase more advertising.


purchase of names on inactive customer list, email, web store


Pursue active mining of installed base. Leverage promotion more effectively to drive behavior. Develop tools to create need for prospecting portion of sales cycle.


put ads in papers, get write-ups in magazine or papers. Talk to businesses who could use art on their walls


Put all of my plans into action, keep studying, implement, implement, implement.


Put more time in, work smarter, develop staff better


Put some effort into it1. I could put more effort into marketing to the customers I have2. I could ask my current and new customers for referrals3. I could create an email advertising campaign


Qualify prospects so as to avoid wasting time. Advertise on internet search engines. Adv. in industry relevant journals and magazines. Ask for referrals.


Raise capital for marketing effort, contract services, implement


Reach more people, improve ad methods, make it easier to buy.


Read Jay Abraham materials, read Jay Abraham materials, read Jay Abraham materials.


Reading and learning. Beefing up the website tools A little PR would be nice.


Realize that even though we are cashflow negative, that will not change unless we market more. Also that marketing is ineffective unless we utilize the leads effectively

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. 491.

Redesign website, rewrite website, and hire salesperson.


Referrals – enhance referral system (a la Paddy Lund)Host-beneficiary: re-establish system Risk reversal: refine in revamped agreement


Referrals testimonials performance guarantees


Referrals, referrals, referrals


Referrals, suggesting additional services to existing clients, calling lost bids and offering them bonuses and risk reversals.


Refferal system, set buying criteria, educate our clients , dream 250.


Register a domain and have the name on the internet. Increase meetings/contact with industry insiders Promote referrals made by current clients


Regular client contact; broader public exposure; internet presence


Regular client contact; broader public exposure; internet presence


Resell, follow of clients, create a marketing strategy


Revamp my entire psychology


Review everything we have done to sell our services in the past several years Develop a marketing strategy Look for immediate things that I can do to ‘kick start’ this


Revise the web site. Ask customers for referrals. Ask customers for written testimonials.


Risk reversal plan, find other back end products to sell the same client (after initial sale), and focus on developing future sales for when new products are ready.


Risk Reversal, develop a USP and a followup program


Sales scripts, better web traffic, more consistent marketing communications


Schedule regular client follow up; set aside one day per week for marketing efforts; write a marketing plan


See more people . Put out a news letter. Establish a web site


Send e-mails, go to more exhibits, have a direct marketing campaign.


Send sales letters to existing clients. Call existing clients with new products. Set up existing clients on a regular schedule to be serviced (this one we are beginning to implement by having one of our part-timers begin entering our clients into an Outlook scheduling program.)


Set strategic goals. Design suitable tactics. Act on the implementation of the plans.


Set the standard for customer service, quality, and flexibility as far as pricing.


Set up more joint ventures where people who have a list of my potential clients introduce me,


Setup website, email autoresponders, and more informative ,mailings


Speak to more people, be more positive, target different group of people


Specific application to wooden industry


Spend $10k on LA lunches. Complete software transformation. Get direct mail going with sales letter (one I can follow through with the software.


Spend 100% of my time marketing.


Spend a significant amount of time planning and implementing and follow the

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. implementation schedule rather than being pulled in every direction. 520.

spend more money, better follow up to faxes and direct mail.


Spend more time, partner, and direct mail with better lists


spend time on it, communicate effectively with them, show them the results of our work


Spent more time. Write a plan. Bring my partners up to speed. Reread your book(Money-Making Secrets).




Start an internet-page. Make more telemarketing-calls, especially to other agencies. Be more aggressive in asking for referrals.


Start mailing to my past clients. Create print ads. Increase my numbers and types of displays.


Start marketing more efficiently, test, create cash-flow


Started website, ask for referrals, make audio tape


Stay motivated; follow-up


Still researching


Strategic Alliances, better automated e-mail system, special offers to those who have just purchased


Strengthen follow ups, increase referral activity, implement host deals, barter


Stronger business plan, Marketing strategy, implementation plan,


Stronger risk reversal proposition, more detailed testimonials outlining exactly what their ROI was, more frequent and systematic contact and long term nurturing


Study Jay's materials, test more approaches


Subscription email Considering a more obvious referral reward program – just need to figure out the workings Ordering online – working on it


Systematic approach to follow-up calls Handling various rejections from clients Improve on promotional material


Systematic approach, sales team, Core story


Systematize and hire sales people.


Systematize the handling of all incoming phone calls, letter campaigns, follow up, and referral systems.


Systematized our operation; deliver on time; be consistent with our massage


Systemize the marketing


Take a Dale Carnegie course. Run more tests. Overcome fear of rejection.


Take a week off to write a plan. Get more buy in from some key people. Hire a coach to insure its implementation


Take more time to Think, Plan, and Act strategically for my business.


Take on sales reps, advertise more JV’s


Take time to speak to the customer to get feedback on how we’re doing and what they’d like better done. Have control or review sessions once a month on achievable.


Targeting centers of influence to refer me to larger, more ideal prospects on dream list Update my orientation again Develop high quality brochure to use at certain

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. stages. 549.

Test more often and consistently


Testing, testing, testing


The biggest one would be to get a program started.


There are many different tactics I want to test. First, I want to implement a stronger personal touch follow up system where people get to see or hear of me more often. Second, I’d like to find a good angle where I could create and get press coverage. Third, I feel quicker follow up with my Talking Ad system is imperative.


This questionnaire.


Three things that we can do now to strengthen our marketing effectiveness now are 1. Increase the frequency of our direct mail campaign 2. Significantly Develop more ways to increase our referral base 3. Implement a plan that will Give our company significant exposure on the internet driving more traffic to our website.


Time to co-ordinate more effectively


To act, to act, to act. But only after I am totally satisfied I haven't left any happiness, lowest risk path, and money on the table after thoroughly researching what is available to me in regards to the most efficient master strategy.


Too soon to say.




Trade Journal advertising, Local Chamber Business Fairs, PR


Trade shows, newsletters to prospects, partner with IT schools.


Train, focus, followup


Try to pick up windfall profits from non converted enquirers Get clearer handle on finance to see what we can do to improve image/branding of our organization. Free up more time for me to form stronger connections with influencers and press.


TV, newspaper, direct mail.


Update webpage, answer email faster, be more aggressive.


Use outside copy writers. Test ads. Use advertising agency to improve quality of print ads


Use referral, risk reversal, superior services


Use the three Ps not only on marketing but on all things


Utilize direct mail, do chamber meetings, and be more aggressive with alliances with business attorneys or accountants.


We are currently working on a new script, that was done by Dr. Moine, and we have revised the sales letters. We are starting to send thank you cards, etc..


We need a marketing plan.


We plan to try and sell some of our subscription products through third parties. We are trying to build a broader range of products so that we can meet a broader demand. More effective copy.


Web site, hire telemarketer, more press releases


Web site, mail shot, advertise


Web site, referrals, develop a marketing strategy for marketing consulting.


Website , development of brochures and image development.

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Question 54. List Three Things You could do to Strengthen Your Marketing Effectiveness now. 576.

Website, seminars, advertising


When visiting my 20 prospects every day – ask them if they have 5 minutes and then test varying openings, offers, and pricing to see which combination will pull best. That is the number one item now. When I have some regular clients and have more cash flow – I plan to put a monthly ad in the local business journal to create awareness and offer a free White Paper that covers the items in my seminar. I might even tape my seminar and offer an audio tape.


Where do I begin. Ask for referrals. Develop a powerful USP.


Win the lottery and invest the money in crushing our competition. build customer loyalty. deliver more wows to get more referrals.


Wish I knew.


Work my referral system more aggressively.


Work on more pillars, develop more of strategic focus on each product line and on the overall company vision, work on more host beneficiary


work on our systems, get out of always doing, doing it, monthly newsletter


write a plan of action and follow it


Write a plan, and stick to it – my issue is we are sti testing a lot.


Write an ezine, submit articles and create a product.


Write articles in the local papers, develop back end and hidden assets


Write better copy


Write longer more detailed selling letters. Be at the customer face more often.


Write more articles and get them more distribution. Seek more joint ventures. Participate in biz chat rooms.


Write more effective press releases. Get my cloned site on the search engines with more reciprocal links. Finish my 5th book. Get my affiliate program in place.


Write more to the point content for mails Be more visible at social functions Create more leads


Write more, improve monthly newsletter, more public presence


Written marketing plan


Written marketing plan. Adequate marketing budget. Distributor, Customer Service training.

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. Question 55. List the materials, products, programs of mine you’ve been exposed to---plus how often, how well you’ve studied and honestly applied each one. 1.

0 (2)


1) Getting Everything You Can Out of Everything You've Got -- Re-studying it now with a view of applying as many of its "21 ways" as possible2) Mailed materials3) Emailing materials which have helped understanding of marketing and how I could change my approach4) Course in marketing (which I have recently misplaced).Marketing, like economics, mathematics, is both a language and a conceptual framework of its own. It has taken me that last couple of years just to start to understand the way of looking at things and only now am beginning to see what needs to be done. Can’t wait to see what the year will bring!


1. Business Breakthroughs and accompanying special reports; 2. NightingaleConant 6-cassette tape program. 3. Taped Interview with Tony Robbins; 4. Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You’ve Got; 5. The materials received at the December 2002 Mastermind Marketing Summit. I believe that the essential message of your materials is that we must think three-dimensionally. Zig Ziglar, I think, captures it well when he says: You can get anything you want if you help enough other people get what they want. I am constantly thinking how I can help others get what they want so I can get what I want. For example, I was at a Microsoft Seminar on its new Customer Relationship Software the other morning, and sat next to a guy who is a business intelligence manager for a specialty foods distributor. The next day, I referred him and his company to a contact of mine who runs a software company dedicated to showing companies how to enhance their efficienciew with the Internet. In due course, I plan to arrange a joint seminar with a law firm looking for clients, the software company and me, so that we can each invite our respective clients and all benefit from each other’s expertise.


1. Protégé program sponsored through Robert Allen, 2. Mastermind Seminar in LA this last year and all pounds and pounds of mind blowing material that came with those programs. I have spent probably on average 5 to 10 hours a week trying to absorb all the information and listening to tapes (Wizard edge, Encounter with Jay Abraham, etc). Currently, I am trying to figure out what ones of the hundreds if not thousands of ideas to use in my business and how and when to implement them.


100 Marketing Weapons – Have tried most of them haphazardly. Stuck with the ones that I can easily teach to my sales people and use daily. I.e., educate customers, promote customers, increase perceived value of being our customer, point out the higher quality and value of our products and services. MasterMind – love the concept, have not been able to find people I really want in it, and do not know what to offer them and get them to stay with it. Have used the concepts to better utilize discussions with my partners.


1995 Mastermind Marketing Event.


1--Attended Internet Seminar, but wife was deathly sick 2 of the 4 days, greatly distracting me. (Wife has Type I diabetes (44yrs) and has had numerous health problems which take away time, effort and intensity from everything I do. She is a brilliant marketer, but I have so far been unable to figure out the best way for her to help. She is now getting healthier and may be able to help more. She is a truly remarkable and wonderful person, so this is not an excuse, but it is definitely a factor in our business.) 2—Money Making Secrets……. book, 3—I have mountains of material that I have barely scratched the surface studying.


21 Principles – I’ve read this book but its to soon to apply the techniques, we are a

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. start –up. 9.

21 Ways. MMT 2nd Dec. 2002 I study the materials daily and apply them diligently.


2-3 day seminars


3 Ways to grow your business Tape set; Mr X book - I honestly have not put many of these things into practice yet.


4 products and I felt as though I needed someone else to implement them , I am good at ideas but bad at implementation


5 day live seminar in LA several years back, Nightingale conant tapes you did, your book and the emails over the last few years. Look at when I did them and haven’t reviewed much.


53 referral systems; listen to about 10%; ask for referral


—93 referral methods tape and the home study course on Mastermind Marketing from Dec., 2002.


93 referral system


93 Referral Systems –not well Getting Everything You Can – not well


93 referrals, mastermind marketing


93 ways referral system; the 6 weeks program growing from where you are to where you want to go. I did not complete the 6 week program. I did not consistently implement them.


97 referral techniques, Your secret wealth, eX Factor program, Mastermind marketing program, Making the money connection, Getting everything you can out of all you´ve got


A big Marketing Book which I loaned to my manager and he lost it. My first sign in home study of MMT


A book (Money Making Secrets of Jay) I purchased years ago and the package from the last seminar. We’ve gone through most of the package. The book was read and notes were made. There is lots to apply, and lot’s I haven’t used.


A couple, don’t recall which off hand. I don’t enjoy marketing so I mostly skimmed them.


A lot of materials generously provided free from Jay, our hero. First introduced through the “How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be” Materials. Studied too infrequently. Pathetically applied.


A lot of the stuff I’ve received has been online PDF format: Jay Abraham 101.pdf, Jay Abraham Combo.pdf, 6hrs With Jay.pdf, Barter Info Reportr.pdf, Double Your New Business Opportunities by Paul Lemberg 11-03-02.doc, Drews 27 FreeTools.doc, elite100.pdf, Headline Insert Challange.doc, How To Keep Your Sales Flying High by Andy Miller.pdf, Jay Abraham Combo.pdf, Jay Abraham elite100.pdf, Making the Money Connection Summaries.doc, MasterMind%20 Report%209-10.pdf, MasterMind Report.pdf, Multi-Million$.doc, Orders Of Magnitude.doc, Orders of Magnitude Report.pdf, overview report.pdf, Re:Thinking In Side the Box.doc, strategy report part1.pdf, Strategy Report P12 and P2.pdf, Twenty Five Mastermind Marketing Strategies to Outmarket Your Co.doc, ultimate market domination report 3 1.doc, UltimateBusi[1].Advantage.pdf, Young Entrepreneurs 10-15-02.doc and Getting everything you can out of all you got by Jay Abraham. Not really sure how to implement them. Given a fair amount of effort.


A one day seminar in Sydney and some tapes and books from that seminar

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. 27.

A PEQ series that I listened to some of. Have not studied & applied very much.


Abraham methods


Ad hoc - what has been in your newsletters, grabbed what I could use at the time


Advertising classics, PEQ, Mastermind, 93 referral, getting everything you´ve got, Protégé Mentor


After reading seminar info again, plan to start next month.


All e mails referring to Carl Turner


All free papers over lst year, read once or twice in most cases


All of the free information for the past 5 years, purchased notebook and several seminar notes. I have read everything at least once, in several cases I have reread several times and worked to apply the concept in my business.


All of your free stuff via the web plus some early hard copy programs.


All of your home study materials since Ex factor. I have applied very little.


All the material supplied before and after LA summit. Have read the books, not listened to all the tapes and just started looking at the website. Basically still overwhelmed by all the information although I understand the basics.


All three PEQs (have listen to tapes several times, watched videos, need thorough study of written materials Home study to most recent Mastermind Home study to several other Mastermind Need to internalize the written material and continue application.


All your programs since end 1999.


Almost all of them in the past 5 years. Have studied them, but have not been able to figure out how to apply them to my business.


Almost everything on your website


Am a relative newbie to this – so far only have exposure to your e-mails and articles available on your web-site.


Anthony Robbins Seminar in Hawaii, did not implement very well, information on the internet – study and very interested, a few books Money –making Secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham and Other Marketing Wizards.- implemented very little.


As previously mentioned, I have just begun studying your material. I have purchased: The “Mr. X” book - I have just skimmed over this so far The MMT home study - I have read some of the grounding and bonus material (chapter 17, the sequential marketing overview, some of the edge reports)I have just ordered your book.


Attend the 94 conference in LA, purchased the marketing book by Mr. X, Singapore Tapes and work book, United Kingdom Advanced X factor & work Book, European Super Summit Work book & tapes and the 2,002 home study Mastermind program(currently working through) Studied at about a 20-30% efficiency. I’ve only applied a few of the many concepts that I’ve studied and learned. However, I’ve had enough minimal success to keep coming back because they have worked on a limited basis.


Attended as staff two of your mastermind programs, read your book, bought and listened to your tape – How to get from where you are to where you want to be.


Audio cassette tapes comprised in Your Hiden Wealth, Mastermind Marketing, and

Book-getting all you can..They are next to my bible

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. teleconferencing in 1998. 48.

Audio cassettes and some of your articles.


Aussie boot camp, Internet summit, Dec2002 program plus various other packages


Australian Mastermind Marketing Singapore Mastermind Marketing93 extraordinary referral stystems Ex Factor in London European Super Summit How to get from where you are to where you want to be I”ve studed them all in massive detail. I’ve got notes to them all on my computer. These I review a lot. Plus I re-listen almost every month to about 5-10 hours. I’ve applied everything I’ve thought of . But there’s so much I haven’t applied it all yet. I started with the biggest bang for my buck.


Basic materials but I like how you force people to think outside of their own field to use marketing strategies across other professions. I have not studied it enough and therefore not applied it. The idea is often in the back of my mind.


Basically just bits and pieces from emails you have sent.


Basically just what I’ve seen on your Website. I’m in the process of studying and applying all of your stuff.


been exposed to a lot, even bought some, and it is more the philosophy of these programs that I have learned from because I can not honestly say I have ever applied specifically anything


Been exposed to material for eight years and have honestly tried to study and apply them. My problem initially was that I couldn’t make good judgments about the likely costs and resource implications for each of the tactics and therefore couldn’t make good judgments about which tactics would be the most feasible and effective. Tried to do too much too quickly and left myself in a very vulnerable financial position.


Been seeing your materials for the last 4-5 years. My father gave me my first exposure. Have your book. Just purchased MMT as my first purchase. Have used risk reversal successfully, also pre-sold software licenses and maintenance in Q4 02.


Book ~ Getting everything you can out of all you’re got. Newsletter, conference call, all your websites


Book “Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got”, some newsletters, your web site, an audiotape.


book Getting Everything you Can... Articles some 2 times.


Book program, the December live AMA event Used referrals, used host beneficiary, tracking, life time customer value all the time.


Book- studied a little. Audio interview with Tony Robbins, listen several times.


Book, Aussie Boot Camp tapes (listened to 2 times) $15,0000 Boot Camp (listened to 2 times), attended December event, reviewed notes, made notes of things while listening to tapes and CDs. Listened to Volume 1 of the December event, talked with a group of people about what we had learned, think all the time about what you have taught us, see signs and go, “Jay wouldn’t have approved of that, there is no direct response in it.” Awareness and an expanded and changed mind view of marketing is probably the biggest stuff for me. Oh, I have also listened to phone calls (invited a group of people over to listen to them with me and discussed it afterwards.)


Book, free articles, some tapes. Not very good application.


Book, read twice and applying strategies. PEQ sent back due to cost. Previous business couldn’t afford (underestimated foreign currency cost). Read and took in as

articles from web site. Read book 3 times.

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. much as possible and once I have started to see some results from my knowledge base from book and other information sent will probably reorder or buy another course. Attendance at seminars is a huge initial outlay as based in Australia. 65.

Book, Tapes, PEQ…studied applied weekly/monthly


Book, Tony Robbins taped interview, protégé tapes, . Honestly, I’ve tried a few, but had poor follow through


Book: "How to Get All You Can Out of All You've Got" by Jay Abraham


Book: Jay Abraham. Marketing Secrets.


Books – "Getting everything you can out of all you've got" & "No Nonsense Guide to Great Wealth……" & website & emails.


Books emails


Books, Tapes and PEQ II. completeness I would like.


Books, tapes very poorly


Books, tapes, newsletter, conference calls, PEQ and PEQ II. Have not applied well.


Boot Camp in California in 90's. E-mail material since. Studied Boot Camp material and tried to apply it to our old business with very little success.


Bought the “Mr X” book but haven’t read!


Bought the 3 volume set with tapes from Nightingale Conant the 400.00 one that you made 16million from bought the set of 6 tapes from Nightingale Conant bought the book


Bought the Money Making Secrets book but find it hard to apply to a product like cash vault services within a major bank where my clients are sales people dazzled by higher profit margins in sexier products.


Breakthrough newsletter years ago, PEQ I and II home study courses. I’ve gone through them all, but do not do a good job of really getting into it. I tend to get too busy with working in the business and do not spend enough time working on the business


Brief mailings, I have never been to a seminar.


Business breakthrough newsletter and every direct mail piece.


BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGHS - I keep a binder of em, and browse through for inspiration a couple times a year. It all sounds great, but haven't been able to find ways to implement much. What we have implemented certainly hasn't done much to increase business, to say nothing of profits SEVERAL OF YOUR SPECIAL REPORTS, ETC - same as above - sounds great, but what does it really mean for us? THREE OF US ATTENDED a short Seminar you put on in Long Beach last year, and it really turned us OFF. You had advertised that you would provide tools and tactics to be successful even in the recession. None of us felt you did anything but 'brag' about how great you were, and tell us that we needed to sign up for the new mentoring service you were promoting. We went expecting some real info and inspiration, and left feeling we'd been pitched some time-shares


Can’t remember what I have seen, but I haven’t spent time with any of it.


Dec 02 Mastermind marketing and working to apply


December Mastermind Marketing seminar, and follow-up conference calls, as well as pre-conference and other materials provided. I have reviewed the materials seriously,

We apply them on a daily basis just not to the

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. and have much more to cover. Need to develop a systematic routine and schedule for continued self-education. Joined a mastermind email group, participating regularly. Have begun to study your techniques, and am beginning to implement them, will test results, and refine. 85.

don't even remember one, as much as I dislike admitting to it. Sorry.


E-mail articles and newsletter. I read them, often make notes, and now and then have gotten my toes wet. I have found that many of your ideas were bigger than where I wanted to go at that time. I’ve kept them, however, because I knew there would come a time when big was okay with me.


Email information and download information. – Has led me to making the decision to spend AUD$5,000 on the Mastermind Program. This Mastermind Marketing Training program – I am very determined to work hard and gain the expertise that I need to successfully market my business


Email stuff


e-mails – we go over what we receive, attempt to model and apply what we receive Money Making Secrets- We pour through it over and over and test out different examples and work at developing their consistent application.


Emails literature- and 21 ways book. Helped with my letters and mail shots. We are a new company and refer to your material before we embark on new selling-marketing ideas.


EX-Factor, Master-Mind Marketing, PEQ, ... . Not studied any thoroughly or applied much from any of them.


Exposed to a lot, applied not too many so far. Applied the sales letter-type internet site the best. Have mountains of materials, not all have been read and/or listened to yet.


Exposed to a lot; applied 50%


Exposed to just about everything studied most applied over 70%


Ezine newsletter. No idea. Been in receipt of it for approx 3 months.


Free reports at Abraham.com,I studied it seriously and try to apply each strategy on my business.


Free reports, and Mastermind Marketing Summit 2002 Home Study. For a scale of 1 to 10 I guess is 4 (1 been low, 10 been high)


FYMEO, and your marketing genius at work. I have not been able to use it, because my ex-wife said she didn’t know where it was when we divorced and she wouldn’t let me look for it in the business offices. When I bought this business I needed it even more desperately, but she still denied any knowledge of where the books were.


FYMEO, Billion Dollar Internet Summit, My Life In Marketing, Wizard’s Edge – I feel I’ve done a good job studying and applying, although education and application never ceases. You can never become good enough


FYMEO, Your Marketing Genius at Work and Money Making Secrets of Jay Abraham and Others. Haven’t studied them well or worked the strategies well


Get everything you can out of all you’ve got


Getting all you can, I’m in the middle of reading it now.


Getting everything you can out of all you got stealth marketing21 power principles cassette tapes of interviews audio files breakthrough articles100 greatest

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. headlines12 case studies 104.

Getting Everything You Can Out of All You Have Got. Studied this book many times and have tried to applied, unsuccessfully, many of the applicable ideas in it.“How to Get Any Business Going and Growing”. Studies and listened many times. Applied the concept of “Risk Reduction”. Now we offer 60 day free trial.


Getting everything you can out of all you’ve got the book and the tape, the Tony Robins interview tape the Marketing Contracts Book plus various downloads from the Website. I have made quite an extensive study of the materials recently I have used risk reversal successfully we are using database research scripts we could be doing a whole lot more.


Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got, book “Your secret wealth” tape


Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got: 21 Ways You Can Out-Think, OutPerform, and Out-Earn the Competition. “21 Power Principles” “Stealth Marketing”. I have only completed reading “21 Power Principles”. The rest I go back to when I am motivated.


Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got: 21 Ways You Can Out-Think, OutPerform, and Out-Earn the Competition ; I read this book and tried to implement some of the things, but I got so overwhelmed that after a while of working with it, I forgot about using it.


Getting everything you can out of everything you got,


Getting everything you can out of everything you got, Protégé Mentor tapes, stealth marketing


Getting Everything You can…Mind Capture A live seminar on audio tape Honestly, I "know" the information, but have not strategically applied it.


Getting everything you want with whatever you have the book- - inter view with Mr Robins Application has not been consistent or rather have not applied it to the business currently


Getting everything…How to get…Mastermind Marketing PEQ IPEQ II Stealth Marketing


Getting the most you can from what you already have (Book)Money Making Secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham PEQI studied most of them. But haven’t applied except around 5-10%.


Grounding package and seminar material from December. I listen on a daily basis as was recommended in your grounding package.


Guerilla marketing plus get the most out of everything you can and a few ideas here and there. Just skimmed for the essence to see if I can apply these ideas to my market


Guerilla Warfare - we found that many things just could not be adapted to our situation.


Guerrilla Marketing; The Marketing Wizard’s Edge; Your Secret Wealth. I realize that we haven’t really worked at consistently applying any of them.


Had your big manual some time ago – lent it to an ad agency – and never saw it again. I had Xeroxed the U.S.P. section as well as the 10 Marketing Mistakes Module which I distribute frequently.


Hard copy of 'Getting more…" book, Interview with Anthony Robbins, one Home study course. I would say I've understood it about 70%, applied it about 70%

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. effectively, but not as often as I should (about 30-35%) 121.

Hard to make this specific. There’s so much available from you. One thing comes to mind: risk reversal. Weaving that into all we do.


Have been exposed to (a) Master Mind Marketing, (b) PEQ, (c) Referral Systems, (d) Results Newsletter and (e) various printed materials and tapes on a number of subjects. I’ve picked out some principles and applied them such as (a) risk reversal, (b) lifetime value of a customer and (c) headlines and copywriting techniques for more persuasive proposals and supporting documents. Clearly, I haven’t picked out all the ‘big hitters’ for my business as this systematic re has pointed out.


Have materials from the middle to late 1980's.


Have no clue because I don't have them filed separately. I put all my marketing ideas in one file.


Have only read the book and read the free documents sent out. Only Have this business because of the strategic alliance concept of Jays.


Have only received one program and have not had the courage to accomplish the ideas contained within. I’ll be the first to admit it.


Have only recently bought your book “Getting Everything You Can…”. Still reading it


Have purchased books and I read all of your promotional material.


Haven’t applied well at all. Purchased the mastermind marketing CD set and read all the materials you’ve sent.


Haven’t really studied them in a while


Home study course of Jay Abraham


Home study kits of PEQ I & II. potential.


Home study program Dec 02


Home study program.


Home study seminar tapes and work books – I’ve studied but haven’t yet implemented everything. I’ve only had them for three weeks


How to get everything you want out of everything you’ve got


How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be 12 cassette program. Listened to tapes several times, began exercises, didn’t complete. “Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got” 2 cassette program. Listened several times. Quantum Leap, Aug 16 – 20, 1993.Listened to all cassette tapes once, about to listen again. PEQ Aug 2002 Watched most videos more than once. Implementing many ideas. Stealth Marketing. Read most of it. Everything you’ve sent to your email list over the last year or so. Overall, I absorb your stuff probably much better than 95% of people. You have had a profound impact on my thinking and it has had definitive impact on how I have grown my business. Most profound and most simple is offering a moneyback guarantee. Opened so many doors!!! You have taught me how to spot opportunities I would have missed. You have taught me how to write a sales letter and design a program from a point of view that emphasizes the benefits to the client, etc.I learned about testing…I can probably go on and on…


How to get from where you are … ; read material, but got bogged down then daily activities intrude and I lose steam


How to Get from where you are to where you want to be – applied it 12/96 – 2/98 with

Only studied and applied to less than 50% of

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. a nutritional MLM with good success; Money Making Secrets… I read 2/3 and applied direct mailing ideas for nutritional business; MasterMind home study am in process of reading and listening to apply to new venture 140.

How to Get from Where You are to Where you want to Be Hidden Wealth – both studied regularly, but not applied too well


How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want To Be Home Study Mastermind Marketing Home Study Applied 1st one consciously 4-5 years ago, embraced a lot of the language and applied it. . .have much more juice and energy on the current Mastermind program. . .idea whose time has come


How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want To Be In Your Business or Professional Practice (tapes and workbook)“Money Making Secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham And Other Marketing Wizards” Tape – Interview with Tony Robbins Incredible Case Studies 2002How to Double Sales In 12-18 Months “Masterminding” and Other Special Reports Live Research Teleconference with Jay Abrahams and Chet Holmes (Chiropractic Marketing)I read from your books and reports frequently, particularly when I am having a difficult time with my marketing efforts and I listen to the tape series over and over in my car when I travel. I am still trying to absorb the hundreds of pages of reports and information I have received from you in the past couple of months alone. I have honestly only been able to apply a fraction of the ideas and concepts that I have studied. Those that I have applied have been helpful but I never seem to get the kind of response I expect. I think you pretty accurately described my frustrations with the volume of information you’ve made available in the introduction letter to this survey. I’ve spent the time to study it and have been either too overwhelmed or inadequately prepared to put it into use in a way that it would produce the results that you and I both would like to see. I have found that, even though the concepts make sense to me and the ideas sound great on paper, I don’t seem to be able to translate that into a meaningful tactic or strategy that I can effectively implement for my practice. The Live Research Teleconference was particularly frustrating because the entire program had been designed to accommodate those from my profession who were pursuing the ache and pain based marketing that I was trying to move away from. Chet Holmes was not at all open to entertaining my questions about how to create the niche marketing that I needed during the question and answer periods and my letters addressing my need from the program went unanswered; I assume because I was a minority concern in the larger program.


How to get from where you are… Marketing secrets book Periodic white papers you have sent out I refer to these a lot, just now getting in a position to use them


How You Get From Where You Are To Where You Want to Be is our Jay Ab ‘bible’, together with various other tapes and ‘occasional’ Jay Ab material – all our staff are required to study it and we refer to it regularly in our review sessions, i.e. we apply it diligently but only AFTER adaptation to allow for European customs and sensibilities


I am new to the abraham group, brian tracy introduced me to you, via his newsletter, i then purchased your marketing manual for $367and one audio book, “using all you got..”, as well as reading everything on your website.


I attended the Mastermind marketing program 12/6-92002…this was my first exposure—probably invested another 40 hrs of study


I attended your Dec. 2002 Mastermind Marketing Program in Los Angeles. Prior to this, I purchased your $395.00 marketing book. I have not been diligent in studying or applying ideas to date.

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. 148.

I bought “How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be” a few years ago, then I previewed your Chet Holmes/Jay Abraham program but didn’t have the money to buy it; besides it seemed to be too much info for a small business like mine.


I bought test marketing program which you later offered for sale through the Nightingale-Conant company. I got only a little way through it because I felt I needed spend a lot of money to implement some of the steps, but I didn’t have have capital nor confidence to do it at the time.


I first came to know about Jay in 1989 when I watched an infomercial on LA TV. I bought Your Marketing Genius At Work. Then I attended at 14 hour (1 day) seminar in Melbourne Australia in January 1992, which was magic. I then purchased a great package of resources including “How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be”, “Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You’ve Got” and “Money Making Secrets…” plus other great resources. I have studied these resources and applied them to a limited degree but have always been hampered by inward thinking regressive marketing “experts”. Now I have a group of forward thinkers with open, receptive minds. We will fly.


I generally flip around for ideas but I can’t say one particular idea I implemented – I am in the process of writing a letter to get me in the door with doctors- I plan on using many of your methods for writing and scheduling the follow-up, I hope to begin implementing it during this week


I had never heard of you before reading a Gary North endorsement of your program in November 2002, so my first and only exposure to your materials was in prep for and during the Dec 2002 LAX Hilton program. Since returning to the Philippines I have been working to apply several of your principles, one at a time, including a lifetime money-back performance guarantee on all our work; the establishment of a host/beneficiary relationship; and asking for client referrals on a more disciplined basis. I already had JVs as an integral part of our strategy and continue to expand this activity; and although I had already envisioned the creation of an ezine, your suggestions has brought this into much sharper focus.


I have "Your Secret Wealth", and just purchased your "Mastermind Marketing Home Study Course" in January. I am working now on ten different marketing approaches, and getting a strategy set for each one. I understand I do not know allot about marketing. That is why I really want the "Mastermind Marketing Strategic Summit" home study course. You have given me the tools, and knowledge to chance my families life for the better. Thank You!


I have a folder of 44 documents (Word, pdf, audio), some marketing materials, some freebies, other my summaries of some of Jay’s concepts and teachings. I also have an audio program of Jay being interviewed by Tony Robbins that I find very informative.


I have a ton of your stuff but not easy to access information easily to actually implement a strategy.


I have a very wide array of your materials, but have really only skimmed them and haven’t diligently applied them because I don’t feel I have the time while launching a new business.


I have all your pre Mastermind'2002 materials. I also have Stealth Marketing which I bought used from some guy in USA – I go through it once a month/two months. I love it. For me 1 dollar is like 4 for you – Polish economy is weak so your products are beyond my budget... for now. But I'm going to get other used products of yours.


I have attended 3 live conferences not including this one I have both PEQ programs

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. on audio and video plus transcripts when available I have the recent Mastermind programI have at least 2 other of the courses 159.

I have been exposed to a wide range of programs from the university level to tape and written programs from Dan Kennedy, Brian Tracy and Jay.


I have been exposed to ONLY the information provided on the web site, and now I am reading the book “how to get everything…”


I have been exposed to PEQ 1,2,and 3 via home study. (I have read and studied certain chapters out of PEQ 1) I have been exposed to audiotapes of mastermind sessions. (I have listened to several tapes numerous times). I have read several of the white papers that crystallize certain subjects like masterminding. As far as application, I am sure that I have only applied a few small percentage.


I have been overwhelmed by the home study course I received in December nad which I am still studying on a daily basis, and will do for the coming months ( and of course implement relevant tactics)


I have bought the tapes and book and then not studied them


I have every article from your web site, your book and many of the email


I have just received your book from Amazom and I am in the process of studying it and I will be receiving your latest course in a week. I have also downloaded a few articles from your website. I am just at the beginning, but I am impressed and I am a fast learner.


I have just started reading your material, and am very impressed, but way too early in the cycle to have gotten anywhere.


I have listened to the tape (many times) how to optimize your Business… I think tapes are the best way for me, I can listening when I am driving or gardening. I have read the compendium of “the Abraham Method”, how to multiply your business results…Honestly I can t say I have used some particular program, but it is in my head working. Much time is reading how successful you are and how much money you have helped yourself and others to earn. I do understand that you have helped a lot of people, that’s why I am interested in getting some help.


I have listened to your tape program several times and read your book, Getting Everything You Can Out of All You Got. I have taken notes and am probably better at following up with prospects and customers because of what I read and heard. I have never attended a seminar and watched part of tape.


I have mainly your older stuff and I have given it a number of readings. I know there is still a ton I could do.


I have many Abraham tapes papers, reports, transcripts and his book. I have spent time studying them but not as much as I’d like.


I have many of the marketing materials that you provide including Your Secret Wealth, How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Go, tapes of several Master Mind Conferences, tapes of eX-Factor conference, and a number of other tapes and reports. I have applied a number of the concepts in my own business and others in businesses of my clients. I probably use about 20% of what I know.


I have most of Jay’s material and have just started (4 months) to really digest and put into place. It is very rich…like eating fudge. It tastes great, but after more than a few bites it becomes too much. You have to pace yourself a little.


I have most of the material you published, bought at one time in a special discount pricing package. It was a coup! As I read some of your methods, I am impressed by

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. their ingenuity. Unfortunately, I have not read or listened to many of your materials. (I would be interested in purchasing the Mr. X. book written by a former client that tersely summarizes your core philosophies; it acts a concise recap. Sadly, I bought a copy and then lost it. Do you offer a special Abraham client discount?) 174.

I have not been exposed to a formal program, but have received several emails with various documents covering different tactics. I have not found a way to pull it all together to make it work for me.


I have not been exposed to any that I am aware of, yet; but I hope to.


I have one book .Most of the examples are to expensive to do or not relevant to my industry.


I have only applied myself in a limited way – I get more satisfaction from inventing than marketing.


I have only brief, limited exposure to your methods.


I have only read your book.


I have only seen a small portion of your encyclopedia, that is all.


I have purchased many programs over ten years and have attended one live event. Our implementation has picked up speed lately over the past year. Teaching the materials to my team. I have spend hundreds of hours listening and studying and have implemented many ideas but my team and I are working hard now on full implementation.. PEQ really made the difference for me.


I have read ever email and pdf you have sent. I read religiously every day for about 2hours – 5 hours. I have been doing this since 1999. online and offline .Your “all you got” book Bought your mastery uni videos off ebay 2 years ago and harry pickens watch about once a week Dan kennedy – magnetic marketing kit Australian boot camp 48 tape set


I have read the Stealth Marketing eBook. I have started implementing some of the concepts associated with LIST building. Recently I have accessed the material at www.abraham.com but did not do much with it. However, it was a most significant learning experience to read the materials. The 21 Power Principles are excellent.


I have read your book and am in the process of listening to the mastermind marketing program. I am reading through all of the material and would like to apply all of the theories.


I have read your book twice and summarized parts or it. I need to reread and finish the summary. We must now spend time doing.


I have recently received the home study marketing course and have just gone through the beginning tape set


I have several of your marketing books and I am in the process of studying them and when I find something I am not using I add it to our marketing program.


I have skimmed through The Master Mind Report, Mastering Optimization Report, Dream Team Report, Barter Info Report and 6hrsWithJay. I have not applied any of these strategies.


I have studied some of your materials but I never seem to apply them. I don’t understand how to ues them in my business. I’m sure its me----- not your materials. However a “how to, step by step guide “ would be very helpful


I have your “Sales Ideas as written by X”, and listened to the tapes which came with it. Great ideas, but more applicable to the selling of products rather than of services.

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. 191.

I have your book, Get Everything You Can From All You’ve GOT, Stealth Marketing, Money Making Secrets, 93 Extraordinary Referral Systems. I haven’t studied that well at all.


I have your mkt techniques manual, but it is mostly a reference source. I am participating in Michael Masterson’s Creative Writing and Direct Response Courses.


I have your Nightingale Conent tape: Secrets to Building Wealth and your book “Getting Everything You Can out of Everything You’ve Got.” I have also purchased many tapes and videos during your sale programs, which are varied authors. I have used concepts from your tape series regularly, especially the story about the real estate woman who became a consultant. I coach clients in career transition, so this story has been a great help to them. I would say that I do not apply your techniques on a regular basis. This is something I need to work on.


I have your tape series from Conant Nightingale and your book, “Getting everything you can out of all you got” and the two tapes of the Tony Robbins interview, and I was a former monthly newsletter subscriber to your newsletter from Phillips Publishing. I listen to the Tony Robbins tapes every three or four months and the tape set from Conant every six months.


I haven´t honestly study them because of lack of time.


I haven't found that much time for studying them.


I honestly cannot remember what material I have been exposed to. I haven’t studied it in about 3 years.


I knew about you only 10/25/02 and the only training I attended is MMT in Dec’ 2002, honestly I have NOT yet fully digested the seminar materials


I know of you from years ago, through my sister, marsha friedman she used to work with ken gerbino). i have some of your books, i have not studied them as much as i should have… i get started and get as great idea and then veer off and lo and behold it is weeks or months and i haven’t look at your books.


I like "Money-Making Secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham and Other Marketing Wizards". It seems to be a fairly comprehensive compilation. I read when I get the chance--I am about 1/2 way through. I do read your emails and freebies as well. Application is as time allows. I am really impressed with these techniques and want to apply and refine them.


I listened to Your Secret Wealth several times. I received the MMT home study and have been immersed in it. I have listened to all the tapes and have started my second listen. I have read some of the materials, jumping around throughout the books. I am just starting some implementation, but recognize the need for more strategic work.


I love to read and have read the book and booklet each about 3 times -- and we are redoing our tactics because of this


I never heard of you when I was in business earlier. Since then, I’ve read Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You’ve Got, along with materials you’ve been sending. I’m working on a new business plan, and am reading your material with an eye toward my new business.


I only have your book Getting Everything You Can From All You’ve Got. I have read it twice cover to cover now. But I can’t say that I have honestly applied anything.


I purchased the 400 page book “Money-making secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham and Other Marketing Wizards”. I have read practically every mailing piece Jay has sent. I have never attended an Abraham seminar because I haven’t

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. implemented what I already know should. I have learned to keep better records to determine the most profitable area, how much we spend in sales and to get the marginal net worth of a customer. 206.

I purchased the book "Money-Making Secrets Of Jay Abraham And Other Marketing Wizards" back in the fall of 2002. This is the very first contact you (Jay) have made with me since that time - need some online marketing help? :-)- I have used the book some (not enough) and I jump around in it. I should probably read it all from cover to cover but I haven't made the time.


I purchased your 2002 Mastermind Training home study program. I’ve listened to the first 13 audio tapes so far.


I purchased your book.. that was recently made available on the internet. But I've only had the chance to flip through it. Most of what I read doesn't really apply to our business, so I put it aside to come back to when our business grows a little more or extends into other aspects.


I purchased your home study course for the Mastermind Marketing. I'm currently finishing up the Aussie tapes and reading the protégé book. I'm almost finished with the grounding materials and I've been listening in on the conference calls each month. So far I've taken your USP and am starting to work that into everything from the ads. Most of the other I'm trying to figure out what and where to test various ads and direct mail pieces.


I read all your information you sent me a couple of months ago. Being by myself, my time is limited.


I read everything you write and that influences how I think. Just can’t implement anything that needs staff help so far.


I read one of your books . My previous boss shared much of your material with me including an entire taped event.


I read some of the Mr. X book but have not applied it or learned it thoroughly


I read your book and some articles, listened to the tapes once. I think I understand everything you say. More examples would not hurt!


I really have not studied any of your products or materials


I started about 8 years ago with the marketing genius book I think it was, it was the big blue one that you took from the guy who was going to sell your ideas. Then after that I just kept reading your letters then I purchased the PEQ and then the Ultra and then the Master Marketing one …I have honestly been listening to the tapes every day for the last five months on the way to and from work and reading the books and material at night…I feel well grounded and now need a business to test it on…I don’t like my business and am in the process of trying to get out of it. I have about four businesses that I am trying to either market for or set up a strategic alliance with. One of them is on the product I am importing from China.


I the materials from the January course in LA but not that often


I traded some of marketing books for this Given Stealth Marketing , started me searching for material, made aware host beneficiary programs, guarantee read Financial Mastering; Anthony Robbins & Jay Abrahams Did I Get A bargain Mastermind home program Getting everything you want We started implementing this into fathers mortgage brokerage, I have only been here 6 months, now a partner. We growing geometrically


I tried some of your programs of your book “Getting everything you can ….”. Probable

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. not often enough. 220.

I was sent over 800 stories of other business owners when I submitted my story/I have browsed “Getting Everything You Can Out of All you’ve Got” and I’ve listened to “Mastermind marketing” CD’s….I get overwhelmed and don’t do anything!!!!!


I went to the event in Dec. Honestly haven’t had time to study much. I have know of your successes going back to Chase and Entrepreneur. I use to do the trade show circuit with the mag.


I’m ashamed to admit that I have tons of stuff from you beginning way back with, “Your Marketing Genius at Work”. I’ve done little with the info mostly because i had lots of other things to do and then later because I was sick of my business. More specific solutions (eg ads) might have helped


I’m fairly new to Jay Abraham materials; I just got the Master Mind program home study course. Although a few years ago I did listen to a Nightingale/Conant program from Jay that a friend of mine loaned me. Only recently have I been in a position to benefit from the material. In the past 2 – 3 months, I’ve soaked up as much of the audio and printed material as time allows, and have come up with a number of ideas to put into place. We are now just getting started with a number of those ideas…too early to tell the results, yet. And it’s too early for me to know how to properly apply everything, too!


I’ve been exposed to many over the past dozen years, and have read and tried – with only limited success – most everything I have received.


I’ve been exposed to some of your reports, tapes. I listen intently and do not apply them as much as I should


I’ve been exposed to the newsletter and only recently so I’ve applied very little


I’ve been exposed to your “Mr. X” manuscript/book years ago, your “How to Get…..” book, your Website.


I’ve gotten a spattering of stuff from your referral program, and mastermind? seminars and I’ve usually tried to make changes to the business as they’ve made sense.


I’ve listened to some of your tapes once.


I’ve only received the grounding material of your Mastermind course, but have read a lot of your free stuff, and will soon be ordering your Strategic Marketing course. I’ve planned to use some of the techniques I learned from your material, but frankly haven’t yet done it.


I’ve purchased “getting everything you can …” in addition to the free education materials you’ve provided. Honestly, nothing has been more inspiring or useful than your information.


I’ve purchased the MMT Home study form December 2002. I’ve looked through most of it and heards about 50% of the tapes. I’ve applied less than 1% of it so far.


I’ve read a couple but really haven’t worked at them


I’ve read a lot of your stuff on the web. I’ve read all your books and have applied some of the strategies for my clients, but not for myself.


I’ve read the material available from your web page, and the files I’ve downloaded from your emails. This material, as well as the one I’m getting from other authors, will be considered when I review my production stats over a period of time. I’m working the best way I could figured it out before I heard of you.

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. 236.

I’ve seen some of your material on the internet and have not made great efforts to apply it.


I’ve studied but not applied as I should


In the past, I faithfully read your newsletters and implemented lots of your suggestions (when I was present at the company and running things personally). Since then, we’ve lapsed.


Internet Conference, changed my life; PEQ One and Two Home Study, have not yet processed; Mastermind, I’m still reeling at excitement and the truth is I have never taken the time to apply your methods as I should.


Internet maketing program, mastermind program home study, Hom study tactical program and one other home study program plus various materials over the years.


Interview tapes with Anthony Robbins….implemented risk reversal


I've been exposed to quite a few but haven't really been able to apply them.


Jay Abraham Newsletter. Various books and reports. Protégé materials. Applied them in software company startup WAS GREAT!! Company today is 75 people and 7 million in sales. Sold my interest in company.


Jay Abraham’s book. We haven’t been able to apply the knowledge as often as we would like to think about.


Jay Abrahams materials are the basic building blocks – CDs and tapes I listen to virtually everyday in my car, books which I try to read at night.


Jay I haven’t had much exposure to you at all. However what I have read is very impressive. I would love to have you transform my company.


Jay, you have provided so much, and I have failed to utilize what I have.


Jay’s Money Making secrets, but I have only had it for 5 months. I am trying to apply but have not had enough time


Just a couple of books and one tape. I read them partially and never applied systematically


Just about every home study course over the last 15-20 years. Applications have not been programmed or coordinated on a continuous basis.


Just articles from the website -- www.abraham.com.


Just beginning


just emails, one book at home….but little time to read all of it


Just getting started. This is motivating me.


Just some of your freebies. I haven’t really looked at any of it.


Just tapes and letters.


Just the Books


Just the Books


Just the materials on the website.


Just the one book "Money Making Secrets Of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham And Other Marketing Wizards"


Just your book getting everything you can out of all you’ve got.


Just your book mentioned above.

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. 263.

Just your PR material you use to sell your products, i.e. interviews small reports, ads.


Just your retail book & email communication from you. ---- Seminars & Courses are priced for the top 10% (1%?) are not easily budgeted for.


Know of – but not used


Last mailing you did I read it was interested in the home study program but exchange cost Canadian vs us dollars and time.


Like I said I am just getting into this so I a trying to learn as much as I can.


Limited exposure, I have the Money Making Book, haven’t started with it yet. Realize that I am missing a lot of opportunities.


List materials: You name it, I’ve probably got it How often: Not often How well I’ve studied: Could go through again How honestly applied: Honestly yes, but not extensive enough


Listen to tapes of you and Tony Robbins


Listened to How to get from where you are to where you want to be in your business of professional practice - bought second hand three weeks ago. Listened to 1.5 times so far. read your book. Bought second hand Mr X book last week. I'm still haphazardly attempting to set up some of the tactics you discuss.


Listened to several of your taped programs (old boss has them), and have received much of the information available in your web-site, also read your book several years ago.


Live Mastermind Mktg Training- Dec 2002PEQOriginal Master Mind Protégé Mentor Mr. X Book Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got Gorilla Meets Guerilla How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be…Special Insider Collection: 25 Reports…Making the Money Connection-E-Commerce Your Secret Wealth Business War Room Consultation Transcripts Stealth Marketing Pre Attendance Tapes YMGAW My Life in Advertising Powertalk with Tony Robbins Optimization (Mastery) with Tony21 Power Principles Business Breakthroughs Countless reports, emails, sales letters, conference calls, etc. I use most of what I learned, when I have the opportunity.


Long wordy letters with an offer at the end. Offer something for free to get key info Package deals


Looking to maximize my time and effort.


Lots of books and monographs and tapes, attended one speaking program


Lots of info…but little practical application


Many different home study seminars. Haven’t really used them as effectively as I ought to.


Many years of seminars within my industry


Marginal Net Worth – I’ve used; USP – I need better defined; Marketing Pillars – I utilized


Marketing boot camp in 1988 with Howard Ruff; protégé home study course; almost all of your written material and seminar tapes and most recently the Master Marketing Training Summit home study course. I have literally invested thousands of hours over the past 15 years listened to, studying and using your body of work. I can’t imagine anyone who has been more committed and passionate about learning your material.


Marketing Genius, FYMEO

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. 283.

Marketing Genius, Mastermind Marketing, Guerrilla Marketing, PEQ. I have been a consuming student and now am beginning to apply the best of each.


Marketing Genius, PEQ, Stealth Marketing Report MMT Tapes –most of them ,I have gone through once


Marketing Gorilla meets Guerrilla Marketing, and The marketing Wizard’s Edge, Collector’s Edition. I have listened to them, but I cannot say that I studied them or implemented anything directly from them.


Marketing Grounding set. I have not implemented any yet as we are waiting for product to be done and do not have a marketing budget at this time. Plan to make a back end and referral system.


Marketing Mastermind was the first exposure. I have not applied any concept consistently


Marketing Mastermind, PEQ I & II home study and it seems like there are others


Marketing Protégé Seminar Dec 2002, working at applying now Your Marketing Genius - maybe 20% applied


Marketing Wizards book.


Master marketing mind set


Master Mind Seminar Dec 2002. I am still studying (practically everyday for two hours, while commuting/driving I listen to the tapes and CDs). I am developing this kitchen business and at the same time consulting a big artistic group becoming famous in Europe and running a small group seminar on basic marketing.


Mastermind + grounding materials – I really haven’t applied this yet—I been spending a LOT of time mentally processing this info, and TRYING to implement it.


Mastermind Exfactor Summit Internet Summit Peq Peq advanced. Played the tapes till they wore out (ex factor, mastermind) Peq – 2 times each.


MasterMind I, How to get from Where you where, Guerrilla and Wizard EdgeMarketing, Billion Internet Dollar summit, X factor book, MasterMind last home study, ETC.


Mastermind Marketing


Mastermind Marketing – Australia (listened to several tapes, just got a hold of it a week ago.)Jay Abraham opt in email – (for the last five months)I have not yet implemented any of Jay’s marketing strategies. Am planning on implementing at least test marketing, test pricing, and testing guarantees.


Mastermind Marketing (1995); Billion-Dollar Internet Conference (1999 (??)); PEQ3 (2002); plus LOTS of printed materials and “home study” courses. . . . I’ve/we’ve done our best under the circumstances of a growing company and demanding clientele.


Mastermind Marketing 2002 – I’ve been random-reading “Marketing Genius” and ad samples from the bound books, listening weekly to CDs from the seminar, listened in on all conference calls I’ve been developing my strategic plan, asked for testimonials from my (few) past clients & teachers, found local individuals to hold me accountable as I learn to walk the walk, started reading materials that will make me better educated about my industry as a whole, refined several tactical ideas through discussion with non-competing business owners, and begun an initial redesign my website with my new, clear strategic goals in mind


mastermind marketing 2002 home study, getting everything book, how to get where

Dec, 2002

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. tape set, secret wealth tapes, business breakthroughs newsletters, reports from website. i read or listen daily. 301.

Mastermind Marketing 2002, Dec 7-9. I went through 80% of the grounding materials once, the Mr. X book twice and the subsequent conference calls and listened to the CDs of the actual event. I’ve applied about 10 concepts at different levels, trying things until they work.


Mastermind Marketing Program – Optimization Video, How to Get from Where You are to Where You Want to Be, Mastermind Marketing Tapes – London. I have reviewed the material, but not fully comprehend and apply the techniques.


Mastermind Marketing Program, I have studied the material but have not been very successful in implementing some of the best areas for growth such as host/beneficiary relationships, strategic alliances, moving parade, back ending, lifetime value of a customer, etc. Much of the reason is that I have been so overwhelmed by all the other duties that I have not taken the time that I believe I honestly need to plan and implement the strategies and ideas.


Mastermind marketing program, Tony Robbins tapes, newsletters. Studied them pretty well…but I think we only have about 20% of total understanding, listen to the tapes and read almost daily to try to gather more understanding. We have implemented about 40% of the approaches (Dream 100, Preeminence, referrals, direct mailers, making the patients experience a WOW experience.


Mastermind Marketing Summit (Dec 2002), Book (Getting Everything…), materials on Abraham.com – these are my main sources of marketing information. I study them almost daily.


Mastermind Marketing tapes – listened once & need to listen again Aussie Marketing tapes – listened once PEQ video tapes – starting to watch them


Mastermind Marketing UK and 2003, PEQ, PEQ II, PEQ Cubed, 93 Referral Systems, various interviews. I’m so new to this I’ve used the materials first time around to give me a grounding. Due to start second time listen after Strategy Home Study listened to.


Mastermind Marketing, E-Factor, I won your contest when we did the ULMRL program. I’ve bought most of what you sell, and listen to or have read your stuff constantly over the years.


Mastermind Marketing, London 1997? Used the material rigorously to redefine our entire marketing strategy involving pre-eminence, educating the customer and building distributor relationships Another UK based program that involved a monthly conference call about 1999. Participated in the calls and occasional exercises related to the calls. Found much less benefit here as the focus was almost entirely consumer marketing.


Mastermind Marketing, Money Making Secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham and Other Marketing Wizards. Multiple listenings/readings.


Mastermind Marketing, PEQ, Stealth Marketing, Marketing Wizards, Billion Dollar Internet Summit, YMGAW, Protégé Mentor home study, 93 Referral Systems. Studied well and attempted to apply all methodologies that were applicable, but had difficulty understanding the order in which the methods should be applied to get the best results.


Mastermind marketing, studied relatively well, applied some


Mastermind Marketing, ULMRL, Billion $ Internet Strategy, Marketing Wizards Edge, How to Get Where You Want to Be, Chet Holmes’ program. I haven’t studied any

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. recently. The one absolutely crucial application for me was to realize that I needed to expand my practice, to shift career emphasis. 314.

Mastermind Marketing. Once a year.


Mastermind program (Sydney Aust): Getting everything you can…book. Jay, I have really studied them but I guess I am a bit overwhelmed.


Mastermind Seminar Materials and program, - I’ve at least browsed through everything, have listened to all pre-conference tapes, in process of listening to conference tapes, have been in on all the teleconferences & in process of reading rest of the material Most of the reports on your general website, book “How to get everything…”, Inner Circle Website – slowly trying to get through some of the materials, trying to post onto the forums, but it really needs some traffic building – if an email could be sent to the members describing the benefits of the forums, they could be built into something great. Right now, I’ve posted several test messages, but it looks like there is almost none visiting the forum to even see that they are there. I am working through the other materials, and have been taking notes and working on putting plans in place. I’ve started using some of the techniques, but not in a formal system yet, which is what I am working on.


mastermind seminar, phone f/u, emails – not much f/u since


Mastermind Tape program I bought on eBay -- listened to it 2-1/2 times. Helpful in getting more referrals (developed a script) from customers and improved our direct mail some.


Mastermind video tape and a previous audio tape program


Materials on the web page, Mr. X book. – not enough time studying or applying.


Mentor Protégé training, 400 hours of study and application ExFactor programs initial one plus 4 tapes from Singapore, UK, etc. 400 hours studying – applying now in my business Million Dollar Internet Summit – 20 hours studying and 5 hours applying market research ideas.


Mind Marketing 1998(UK), How to get….,Apply most of my marketing approached because of these programs.


minimal, and I am just starting to see some of them


MMT – I’m applying this one. I’m listening to the CD’s of it each day. I’m always thinking about it and writing ideas in my journal. It’s gathering NO dust.


MMT 2002 home study. Have studied it intensely have almost finished going through the material have been trying to make sure I have left nothing on the table regarding the strategy options available, I will use all viable tactics eventually But my main concern now is to make sure strategy is optimum and pure.


MMT 2002, free whitepapers


MMT 2002,I am working on it


MMT 2002. Listened to all the tapes once and I am going through them a second time. Haven’t really started to read the written material. Have read half of the free give away material.


MMT in December and most of the associated material. I have been reviewing various components at least twice a week. Major impact has been introducing multiple lines of revenue, adopting the “it’s all about them” approach in a formal way.


MMT- studied extensively but not necessarily implemented appropriately


MMT training in Dec, I listen to the tapes every day and try to read something every

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. day as well 332.

MMT, minimal studying, applied 3 techniques


MMT2002 and still studying at this time. Picked up the idea of marketing my niche technique at the seminar but have not completed writing the course yet.


Money making secrets


Money making secrets from Mr. “X”. I have done a miserable job of applying them .


Money making secrets of Jay Abrahams


Money –Making Secrets of Marketing Genius … I haven’t done much to apply this.“21 Power Principles … “ I have trouble seeing how most of these apply to my business.


Money Making Secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham And Other Marketing Wizards I just got the book a few months ago. I have read through most of it, but have yet to try any of the techniques. Other projects, fires to put out, etc. (or is that bla, bla, bla…)


Money Making Secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham and Other Marketing Wizards21 Power Principles


Money Making secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham-just got it and trying to figure out how to apply the information to my business.


Money making secrets of marketing Genius….Well studied


Money Making Secrets of marketing Genius27 Power Principles


Money making secrets of mktg… -- have looked at some of the samples and various strategies. Have not applied yet. Aussie Boot camp audio – Listened to it once. Taught me about back end and front end. I used it in my business to expand the range of services and products I market.


Money making secrets… Getting everything you can… Interview tapes w/ Anthony Robbins and Fran Tarkenton, One on One retreat w/ Mike Ferry 1/2002. I really have just begun to listen to your stuff. I love it!


Money Making Secrets… I am new to Jay Abraham’s program—within the past 2 months. I got a lot of idea from the tapes, especially the one on Internet/E-commerce. The book is very exhaustive and is taking some time to digest.


Money-Making Secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham I have used you ideas in developing mailing pieces and preparing and delivering seminars to our clients. It is likely that I have hardly scratched the surface


Money-Making Secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham & Other Marketing Wizards; I have read this book near cover-to-cover, and have used as the basis for a Marketing Tactics initiative meeting held with my Asia Pacific management back in November 2002 (I have attached the powerpoint). The key is now to take the tactics presented in this book, and align it with our upcoming new market strategy which is under development as we speak.


Money-Making Secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham and Other Marketing Wizards 2 times read, trying to apply most of the concepts


Money-Making Secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham and other Marketing Wizards applied with very little success


Money-making secrets of marketing genius Jay Abraham and other marketing wizards book, ULMRL home study, Internet home study, internet site (80% did not

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. work and not Mac friendly ), Mastermind tape set, Mastermind Marketer home study 351.

Moneymaking Secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham. Perhaps I am lacking inspiration, but I honestly did not find much in the book that I could apply to my business, which has a very limited client base.


Most of below have not been studied thoroughly Book: getting all you can get, used some Various seminar tapes, not used that much Various manuals, not used that much367 ways by X, used some Various case studies, not used that much


Most of Jay’s home study, Dan Kennedy home study, Jay Levinson web study


Most of your books, I attended the ex!factor program and did the internet marketing at home.


Mostly I read and while I don’t always follow through with all the advice, still I learn a lot from my reading.


Mr. X Book Stealth Marketing Consulting Transcripts The risk-reversal and value-add concepts come from you, Jay.


Mr. X book. Read and not yet applied.


Mr. X., Getting Everything, MMT 95, MMT 2002, PEQ, AMA. Have only been exposed to Abraham material for the past 8 months, and have delved in great detail, and applied concepts to the launching of a new start-up business… focusing on strategy first and foremost… long before individual tactics have been considered.


Mr. X-very little study


Mr. X


Mr. X - Never been applied


MR. X and the MMT course in Dec. 2002. Studied and implemented – not enough. F grade here!!


MR. X as well as the information from the seminar last December.


Mr. X book – applied some of the strategies


Mr. X book Joint-venture seminar PEQ tapes Have studied them to some degree (maybe read and listened to tapes once or twice). Have used a few ideas in them.


Mr. X book, Secret Wealth, PEQ, emails


Mr. X book, ULMRl program, your book, your contracts book, your best ads book, and others. I study them 2 or 3 times per year for a couple of weeks in the morning for an hour or so.


Mr. X Book, Your secret wealth, FYMEO, YMGAW. Just went over them and didn’t know what to do with the info.




Never a live seminar but have reads and studied most of your written and taped products


New to these.


Newsletter, tapes, and your book.


Newsletters, Audiocassette/workbook programs including How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be, UK Mastermind Seminar, Quantum Leap Programs


Newsletters, postings

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. 375.

Nightingale Conant’s program and Tony Robbins JV tape. I’ve studied them moderately and implemented some of the techniques like testing ad copy. It would be nice to have a turn-key system as well as a checklist or maybe a template to help evaluate the appropriate way to implement a system in explicit detail, stated in SIMPLE terms (i.e. like Ken Evoy).


Nine Drivers, 21 Power Principals, Internet Marketing Consulting Questionnaire ,Marketing, Management & Sales Audit - Jay Abraham & Chet Holmes


None (17)


none except tape and small booklets to whet appetite


None, as my husband threw the box away by mistake.


None..too confusing…don’t know which one I should own. You need a simplified offering sheet (vs. 20 page letters) to describe what each packages objective is so that consumers can hone in on the package that will meet their needs.


Not at all!


Not much, just got involved


Not sure.


not very well




Numerous articles over the years, Money Making secrets of Jay Abraham program.


Numerous products of Jay’s but have only scratched the surface in studying them and applying them


Obtained the "book" Money Making Secrets which I'm part way through.


One book “How to get everthing you want out of all you’ve got” and the website


One book Mr X. I don’t find any thing relevant to services business like what we do. So I was little disappointed by spending 400 and not able to use any thing from it.


One large marketing course with many tapes, listened but not studied


Only a marketing summary sent after a Robert Allen teleclass and the teleclass.


Only audio tapes with Anthony Robbins and Fran Tarkenton


Only e-mails from the last two months.


Only freebies. I’ve been bold enough to push for a spot on a radio talk show. Got it. I’ve also posed a weekly column to a local newspaper and in place of payment I’ve asked for free marketing space within the newspaper.


Only heard of you recently, never read any of your books.


Only jay’s


Only just purchased JA publication – not yet read


Only just recently received them and 95% is still yet to be studied


Only one is ‘Money-Making Secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham…’. I am still going through it and cannot say that my progress has been diligent. I have used some of the ideas to flesh out current strategy. The most promising has been obtaining referral agreements and compensation for work that I turn down and send to a colleague on a regular basis. An additional revenue stream that would not require additional time on my part would be great leverage.

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. 401.

Only one of the team here has been exposed to any great degree to your ideas, having attended your first Australian Boot Camp and your subsequent Advanced Boot Camp through the Results Corporation back in 1989/90. Materials provided included Your Marketing Genius At Work as well as manuals from your Protégé program. Also purchased independently has been your first Nightingale Connant tape program. Additional materials most recently have been accessed via your web site. But apart from this one person, there has been minimal exposure otherwise amongst the partners of ACN.


Only recently – but time to peruse etc.


Only some of the books…the previous businesses were small and i only applied a few direct mail ideas.


Only the $5000 one you gave in LA in 1996 and it had a large boxful of menuals which I didn’t refer to because I had no need or business.


Only the “Money making secrets…” book and the tapes that came with it. It’s constituted the beginning of my education and I haven’t actually applied any of the (very good) ideas contained in it.


Only the book- getting everything you can out of all you got.


Only the book mentioned above


Only the seminar I attended


Only to literature provided through e-mail. It is difficult to study each one as most of your material is very lengthy.


Over $3000 in mat’ls, tapes, books and articles. Used as reference on a regular basis


PEQ 1, PEQ 2, Master mind marketing, Protégé Training, X Factor and a few earlier ones


PEQ Cubed, We do daily workshops each day for 1 hour. This could be improved. Abraham Mastermind Alliance – I am on at least one Mastermind call every week. Strategy Setting Super Summit. - Full participation. I am just reading the materials now.


PEQ home study and ex-Factor in person. Not well at all.


PEQ I and II, tapes, Getting Everything, etc etc


PEQ PEQ II Your book, Mastermind marketing. The material excites me and generates a great deal of creativity by the execution is poor.


PEQ seminar, MR. X book, Jays Book, How to get where you are to were you want to be seminar, stealth marketing, Internet summit. Contract book. Shoulders of the Giants. Just have began to study and use


PEQ, Mastermind Marketing and many others or yours. Words that Sell, Ted Nicholas E-Myth – Gerberand many others. Have listened to tapes, watched videos, read books, made notes, and worked on some. Honestly knowly all that I know, the problem has always been to apply that. The time it takes, who is going to do all that, I don’t have the time. There is a lot of information. What shall I do first? And so on goes through the mind. I will get to it and a few days goes by and its forgotten. This is the problem. The mindset is not strong enough to start although you know you should. No one to answer to so it don’t get done, although you should. All the teaching is great, but the problem for one man band or a with a few people company is who is going to do the required tasks when you have other daily jobs to be done.


PEQ, mastermind, deal-making summit, hidden wealth; applied PEQ extensively, but

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. we still have along way to go 419.

PEQ, Mastermind, How to get what you want (?)…I’ve probably studied each through about 40%


PEQ, Ultra and Cubed. MMT. Ex Factor.


PEQ; Money Making Secrets of the Marketing Wizard; The Grand Compendium; Best Winning Adsd; The Do-It-Yourself advertising guide; Stealth Marketing; The Bonus Collection; How to get from where you are to where you want to be; The Wizard's Edge; UK Master Mind Marketing Seminar; How to think like a marketing genius; How to release the explosive hidden assets in your company; Business Breakthroughs Newsletter;


PEQ; previous mastermind marketing taped sessions. It’s all rather overwhelming to grasp and implement all there is, and with regards to PEQ, there is a good deal of groundwork that should first be accomplished…I need a good “pain” story.


Power Talk with Anthony Robbins- I almost know it by heart- listened to every record at least ten times.


preeminence, many histories, tapes. Getting stronger with every day


Profit strategies, various reports, your tape set of/and your published book


Program in 1993 and accompanying materials.


Protégé Marketing tapes from 1990, 92 Referral systems, How to get from where you are to where you want to be.


Protégé Mentor, Case studies


Protégé Program, 1989-1990. Studied it a lot. Have not applied much of it. I have bought most of your publications since then but have not studied them much or applied them. Also bought from you the video set by Chet Holmes and programs by Bob Proctor. Listened and watched them but have not implemented much of their advice.


Protégé program, several other purchased information products. information poorly utilized.


Protégé seminar, ex-factor, mastermind marketing, PEQ. I read a little of each one all the time but haven’t honestly applied them like I should.


Protégé training so long ago….not well or honestly! The seed of looking for opportunities is still there….just haven’t done anything, sadly!


Protégé, Mastermind, Mr X, Your Marketing Eyes Only, and PEQ.


Protégé-mentor tapes, peq tapes, marketing wizard tape so far a couple of times each


Purchased a tape and workbook series several years ago, did it pretty religiously, listened to lots of tapes and read a lot of the material I have received since.


Ran-One, Better Business Cassettes.


Read the workbooks, I have not applied anything.


Read your recent book. Have collection of 10-20 year old tapes and print materials. Read some of content linked to your emails. I read them for ideas and confirmation of my intuitions and have shared some reading with my employees. I have not systematically applied them.


Reading initial set of materials for home study course

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results


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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. 440.

Recent book. Tony Robbins interview, almost every report on the website. i am seriously studying and trying to implement your practices in my own interpretation.


Recent customer


Recently purchased – Compilation of marketing ideas (Don’t have the exact name) I’ve read bits and pieces but not all of it.


Recently purchased the Mastermind Marketing Training program. The wealth of information included contains enough valuable information that it will literally take me months just to assimilate it all. I intend to apply as many functional and dynamic techniques immediately with my business as time and money will allow.


Recently read winning with e-commerce. Also studied your site to see how different it is from ours.


Refer to the 21 Power Principals all the time.


Referral – just tried it recently.


Secret Wealth, Tony Robbins tapes, Getting the most out of what you have. Just beginning to apply concepts


See book question


Seminar tapes: Singapore mastermind, Australian seminar, European super summit and London X-factor… or something like that ;)


Seminar, tapes, books, Reviewed periodically and selected applications


Seminars and publications and phone calls. We try to pick what makes the most sense to us and try to implement as many tactics as we can.


Several of your tapes and writings. Most do not apply to my business.


Several tapes, books etc Studied several closely Not applied well due to family issues mentioned above


Short workshop via Robert Allen Telephone class via Robert Allen and your own – 2 times Written material from Drew Kaplan and yourself. – Read 2 times Tape with Drew Kaplan and yourself – Listened to about 7 times Tape with Tony Robbins and yourself – Listened to about 10 times Book: “Getting all you can out of everything you’ve got” – Read twice I have applied one tactic at a time, depending on what I was doing at the time. I never really developed a strategy and used multiple tactics at the same time as I am more aware of now. Each time a tactic was applied it worked.


Skimmed what you send and really didn’t get it. Trying contests was one of your ideas. Giving away free books to contest winners got me 5 entries. I posted the contest on all the web contest sites.


Some audiosweb-site infomailings


Some books, very little.


Some but have not applied them as I’m low on confidence!


Some years ago I attended your Bootcamp (I was Paddy Lung’s counterpart) in Aussie and have followed your stuff ever since. I’ve not used it to its full extent probably because of the work I’ve been involved in, but I need it in this new enterprise!


sorry I have not yet any of your…


Sorry, but this is new material for me.


Sorry, none by now expect the free newsletter. I sent an email asking for possible

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. cooperation, but never got an answer! 463.

Started with yours in mid 80’s w/real estate and only pretty much reference you now


Stealth Marketing Manual Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You’ve Got Book Marketing Genius Tapeset Bootcamp Tapeset Marketing Machine Tapeset Marketing Makeover Tapeset


Stealth Marketing Materials offered in Internet


Stealth Marketing Money Making Secrets Of Jay Abraham…Getting everything you can out of all you’ve got Tony Robbins tape can’t remember the name


Stealth Marketing, Aussie Boot camp tapes, Your secret wealth tapes.


Stealth Marketing, Money Making Secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham and Other Marketing Wizards books. Audiotape interview of Jay with Tony Robbins and the video tape program of Jay on Marketing. Have not used it as much as I did not have a business at the time but plan to use it now in this new business described elsewhere in this document.


Stealth Marketing, the PEQ marketing material, and a range of free reports from your website. Then it’s been a matter of trying to slog through it, make sense of it, and apply the bits of it that seem most likely to work at the time – so it’s very tactical in your terms, not strategic at all. I guess I do the same with the other marketing books I read – always looking for the next great idea that’ll skyrocket my business…And not quite getting there.


Stealth Marketing, Your Marketing Genius, 10 Mistakes, Hidden Assets. I’ve used many of them at one time or another.


Stealth marketing. I intend to apply few methods from this book.


Still new to your programs and still learning the materials.


Still reading Money-Making Secrets (blue book). Lots of ideas. Many don’t apply.


Still studying your program


Still working on the material compiled by Mr X. Haven't applied anything yet.


Studied some of Jays info. Been to a Boot Camp in 1989


Tape interview with Tony Robbins. Jay Abraham .....


Tapes and books..find it hard to formulate specific industry strategy


tapes of bootcamps/seminar, books and reports.re- listening to an old tapeset currently


Tapes, Books, - tried different copy to see if there was any difference in response.


Tapes-Mastermind seminar/ Million dollar book/ Steath marketing-Once a year at least and applied them every month


Ted Nicholas; Dan Kennedy; Bob Serling; Jay Abraham; Jeff Paul (consistently)


The “Unauthorized” compilation. Only a little study – no application


The Abraham Method…and How to Grow Your Profits Exponentially…Mastermind Marketing Curriculim#1 I try to keep in mind Don’t burn your bridges


The Abraham Method…and How to Grow Your Profits Exponentially…Mastermind Marketing Curriculim#1 I try to keep in mind Don’t burn your bridges


The Australasian boot Camp – and web site

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

Money- Making Secrets of Marketing Genius

Page 1037

Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. 487.

The book - "Getting everything you can out of all you've got". Some downloads from your Website.


The book and case studies


The books and tapes. All great in theory.


The books listed above. i have applied them mainly to change me and my attitude— changing from being a hobby to being a business owner


The Business Insights Newsletter PEQ Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You’ve GotInner Circle presentation


The free reports on your website. I think I've read them about 5 times thoroughly and tried to apply several of them at least two - three times.


The Home study course. I’ve surprisingly listened to and watched the videos twice, made lots of notes and only because of a lack of time, implemented a few of the ideas.


The internet program. Learnt heaps more to the benefit of my clients and I use only a fraction of it. (I was selective in what I used and it did work.)


The Jay Day in Australia Marketing Wizards Edge Getting everything you can out of all you have got Your emails Studied extensively applied only partially although I have been greatly affected by Marginal net worth theory


The keyword is honestly applied.


The marketing material I bought in December – I have written four letters using your examples, tested the letters with follow up call to measure their effectiveness, stressed more customer testimonials, I am experimenting with risk reversal (so far 3 takers), more partnering (this is really working well)


The master mind marketing system your secret wealth and money making secrets marketing manual I’ve listen to the tapes and tried to understand the ideas that applied to my business. I haven’t been consistent and I haven’t tried enough different ideas.


The Mastermind Marketing seminar in LA as well as all the documentation and tapes attached to it; the e-mailed info I have been receiving from the Abraham Foundation over the past few years. I have gone through everything, selected what I regarded as of priority relevance to our local situation as well as being within my financial means to apply, and have applied possibly 25% of it effectively. (This was instrumental in my building the Print Afford/Sign Afford group from nothing, and with nothing – I did not have a father who gave me $55 million to go and conquer the world – to a group of 22 franchises within 22 months, winning the National Business Undertaking of the Year competition (small business section) in 1998, with a turnover at head-office alone close on SA Rand 3 million per annum. When I sold the business, there were 30 franchises operating in South Africa, and 4 in Botswana – with another 2 already sold in Botswana).


The material on referral systems – listened frequently and seeking to apply


The MMT, and its’ materials. I’ve read about 1/3 of it, and when we’re moved in I will do little else but re absorb what was taught, and seek to apply it.


the mr. X book haven’t had a change to implement


The Mr. X Book, Your Secret Wealth, and your sales letters.


The one I purchased was when I was in real estate. I read it thru, used some of your ides in ads. I could be much more diligent in studying - I just I haven't because I don't

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. see how your ides to market products like stores do applied to MLM. 505.

The only thing I did before this Mastermind Program was your tape program “ How to get from where you are to where you want to be”. At first I dug into it and actually got some great results. However I did not keep up with it. You know the old well I tried it and now I’m just busy and I’ll get back to it soon. Since December at the Mastermind I have immersed myself and made the commitment to continue work and build a system that will take me where I want to go. And by leverage instead of me trying to do so much myself. As the initial overwhelm is settling down I AM making progress. The conference calls with the hot seats and others have helped me to keep on track and to take a deep breath and say “do something ever yday, and not everything in one day”.


The USP and the “rifle approach” to finding the right prospects.


This is embarrassing. I have purchased a $2,000.00 home study course, which I looked through and realized that I did not have enough expertise nor funds to implement the ideas that seemed most important. These materials, however, motivated improvements in product literature, including additional literature packed with orders.


This is the first time I have been exposed to your materials. So far I have just browsed them.


Three day program in 1997 I have listened to the tapes 3 times and read most of the materials twice. Program in December 2002 currently still working my way through


Three day Seminar In the process of implementing


To be honest, I only use the free email as USD is too expensive from AUD and your prices are too up there. I also find the male ego massaging too heavy sometimes. I’m an intelligent business woman and I don’t find that respected very often. I find I have to troll through material to find the common sense gems amongst all the hyperbole.


Tony Robbins interview (this is what introduced me), worn out one tape and on second copy, ised for inspiration93 referral systems listened to several time but no action yet. Mastermind marketing systems Taken principles (risk reversal, cross selling etc and applied. Money making system of Jay Not read, I need tapes as I drive but have little reading time. Stealth marketing Not read!


Too many to list


Too many to list. Applied much, but not nearly enough


Too many to mention. i don’t implement enough


Twenty-five Mastermind Marketing Training Program Strategy to Out Market Your Competition Jay Abraham “The Power Panel” Transcript Summary The Abraham Method21 Power Principles to Maximize Your Business Success And other documents.


Two Ex-factors programs (The first was poorly executed but still immensely valuable!) and the ULMRL program. I have listened to all of the tapes that I received in preparation and as follow up to those programs and I credit the information in them with growing my business from 100k to over 500k in just a few years.


ULMRL 98-99, mastermind 2002


ULMR-Program EXfactor


Unfortunately, as we are new to your materials, we have not yet the chance to expose them.

Mastermind marketing

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. 521.

USP , internally we’ve been using this for years .






Various audio programs, and home study course from your December marketing conference, which I am slowly, but surely making progress with!


Various Jay programs. I listen to them and read the books off and on.


Various notes and newsletter, hardback book, Venture Marketing society


Very few, just the tape series.


Very little exposure – initially came across Jay’s name in a book and followed it up form there – probably limited to what’s available in the resources section on the webpage.


Virtually every program except live attendance at the seminars.


War room tapes. (mixed reviews) Aussie Boot Camp. Listen to them in car very often.


Watched Tony Robbins Life Mastery presentation on video


We have been exposed to lots, but have not diligently studied or applied each one.


We haven’t had that opportunity yet.


We just got introduced to you recently. I have read the Master Mind Marketing material. I have learned from it and try to use the concepts when it applies.


We were at Robert Allen & Mark Victor Hansen's program in Anaheim in October. We had planned on attending your conference in California, but my husband became seriously ill for most of the winter. He suggested I go through some of the information we had received from you. I've listened to a tape of your interview with Tony Robbins (which is excellent) and read through several of your books with case studies. Those have generated a lot of ideas. I then discovered a website by Ken Envoy (I swear he must be one of your proteges) that took the very principles you were teaching and applied them to my specific field. Those things have come together for me to put in place the marketing strategies I am currently doing. They have redefined how I have approached my marketing. I recognize that I can actually “pay” quite a bit to get that first customer by recognizing the lifetime value of my client.


We’ve found it hard to adapt ideas to a small service organization like ours.


Web materials Bob Allen seminars and phone conference calls, and getting everything...


Web site and book only


Web-site free materials “Getting Everything…”how often-last year all the time when I think about development of my business how well- I can’t measure, in case I did’nt get astonishing results it means not so well. There is need to digest concepts and make them alive in personal circumstances.


Website reports – fully read, not implemented yet Money making secrets of Jay Abraham – 30% read, not applied yet




What was given on email last year or so. Have studied, but feel you are doing something I am missing so not wholehearted applied much.


Wizards, edge 1, Money making strategies of Jay and other wizards, ex factor, how

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

your book

Page 1040

Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. to get all you can out of all you’ve got , Aussie tape series, Robbins video and audio tape. I’ve used some from each. 544.

Written marketing compilations, Inner Circle/studied & applied inconsistently


Written reports, tapes courses and interviews


X Factor UK training PEQ


X factor, PEQ, mastermind all home study programs all. Also read your book.


X- Factor. Boot Camp. Secret Wealth, PEQ. It’s great stuff, but how do I use it for my biggest problem of combating price for an identical product, due to the manufacturer deciding to sell direct??


X-Factor - 2, ULMRL- 2, PEQ-1


X-Factor seminar, How to get from where you are to where you want to be audio program, ULRML seminars, Your marketing genius at work. Listed to most of the tapes several times, reviewed many of the manuals, but not page by page. Review at least one of your programs every 6 to 8 weeks. When working on marketing problems, many of the principles learned in the seminars are repeatedly used.


You can get everything book – read parts, applied a few ideas Mastermind Training in Dec plus follow-up calls; examined my business; used a few strategies; participate in a monthly group from the seminar


Your book “Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got”. Read it once recently so there has not been enough time to study and apply the tactics in the book.


Your Aussie Boot Camp Your recent seminar and all the books Your website Your Marketing Secrets book (Mr X)Your published book (Cant remember the name)We put everything into action. As fast as we can.


Your book , ebook Stealth Marketing & free articles on your site,


Your book : Getting everything your want, PEQ workshop tapes (listening, note taking, finding application for ideas)


Your book “Getting Everything..”. your emails and free bonus reports. Once a month I review your materials and try to garner something out for my sales team or myself.


Your book and mailing and one seminar


Your book and three tapes – not really applied


Your book Getting Everything You’ve Got….. Also Your Secret Wealth. Anthony Robbins PowerTalk Interview & your site. I’ve just recently began looking at how I can apply some of these things to the business I’m starting.


Your guide to secret wealth and your book. I have read/.listened to each multiple times however haven’t in earnest applied them.


Your Hidden Assets – tape program, excellent ideas, listened many times “Getting All You Want ….” Book, very good material Various other materials obtained during marketing for the Mastermind Seminars


Your Marketing Genius at Work (?), Netrageous, Getting Everything You Can Out of All You Got, a free seminar, a weekend training with you and Chet the month after 9/11. I’ve read all of MGW, Netrageous, parts of GEYCOAYG, and went thru all the preparation materials for the weekend training and did all the homework. I honest applied: setting up 5 referral gathering systems, re-wrote sales letters, tried to incorporate stronger headlines for my web pages and page descriptions, try hard to give more than I promise.

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Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. 563.

Your marketing genius at work. I’ve read it all the way through about 5 times.


Your Marketing Genius at work. 21 Power Principles of business success, Jay Day in Australia, 3 Day Jay Day Marketing Bootcamp in Australia. I‘ve read them all from cover to cover. They all make a lot of sense. But I’ve never been able to turn them into dollars


Your marketing genius; stealth marketing; newsletter; online info. Have not applied any of it very well.


Your mass market book, a few of your tapes


Your Master Mind Training I have applied a few of them


Your money making secrets book. I read most of it and applied some of it.


Your most recent book and taps; I have used your “risk reversal concept”. However, I find it difficult to apply your other concepts since they seem to be basically geared to people already in business (whereas I am still trying to find the ideal business(es) I should be in).


Your Newsletter – read most of them – haven’t applied very many of the ideas due to funding issues and feeling overwhelmed with the material at times (don’t know how where to start with it)


Your newsletter – studied but that has been a few years ago –different owner now


your sales letters


Your Secret Wealth


Your Secret Wealth – poor application Getting Everything you can…. – poor application


Your Secret Wealth (fascinating. Have only had a chance to listen to once. Haven’t had an opportunity to apply). The Referral System Tape & Manual (fascinating. Just got, so haven’t had a chance to apply).


Your Secret Wealth (tape set)Money Making Secrets of a Marketing Genius Plus various free articles from you over past year or so. Although read/listened to above, I know that I have not really applied the ideas in the material. I feel I need an inspirational moment to hit me for it all o fall into place.


Your Secret Wealth 1994, Live Mastermind Weekend (UK) 1995 32 tapes and 2 volumes. 93 Referral Methods 1997. Everything re 7-9 Dec 2002. Used as reference and back up.


Your Secret Wealth cassette program. Have listened to full set twice. Have used some ideas for joint ventures to prepare proposals for prospects that were not implemented.


Your Secret Wealth-- I’ve listened to it once, and as my first exposure to your material, I had some amazing revelations from it. How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be—I’ve listened to the entire program once, and I’ve done some of the workbook. This program did a great job of further expanding my mind by building on the Secret Wealth program, but by focusing specifically on business issues. Mastermind Marketing Training Program—I received the home study course in December. I’m still working on the grounding materials (I’m about halfway through), and I’ve done only a little of the bonuses. It’s been very powerful for me, and I’ve had a lot of great ideas since I’ve been reading and listening to the materials. Virtually all of your online and downloadable articles, white papers, reports, and transcripts— Most of these have very helpful, even if they just reiterated or reinforced other

Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

Page 1042

Question 55. List The Materials, Products, Programs of Mine You’ve Been Exposed to – Plus How Often, How Well You’ve Studied and Honestly Applied Each One. material I was exposed to. Honestly, not a day goes by that I don’t expose my mind to your materials: For instance, when I drive in my car, I’m currently listening to the Protégé Training Seminar tapes; when I workout on the treadmill, I’m listening to the Business War Room tapes; when I’m in the bathroom (!), I read one of the remaining transcripts, articles, or reports that I have printed; during the work day, I listen to MP3 recordings of conference calls on my PC, review your sales letters/e-mails, or read your consulting transcripts book. 580.

Your Secret Wealth Mastermind Marketing 2002Listening to the MM work pretty much constantly since receiving it. Working on applying it as I write this!


Your Secret Wealth plus most others.


Your Secret Wealth tape Program


Your Secret Wealth tapes – listened to about three times and applied some ideas from them.


Your Secret Wealth tapes MMT home study I'm using risk reversal more, starting to use alliances.


Your Secret Wealth tapesMMT home studyI'm using risk reversal more, starting to use alliances.


Your secret wealth, and your book Getting Everything You Can


Your Secret Wealth, Getting Everything You Can, Reports, Mastermind Marketing Summit and accompanying materials, BGM Home Study. Diligently studied. Application commencing in my new business. Results to follow shortly.


Your secret wealth, How to get from where you are to where you want to be, Moneymaking secrets of marketing genius Jay Abraham and other marketing wizards, and Stealth Marketing. I have read and listen an viewed everything I have received from you. But I haven’t applied very much to my business.


Your Secret Wealth, How to get from where you are… and MMT 2002 Home Study. I’m still working on the MMT but the one thing I have tried to use the most is trying to describe the benefits to the client.


Your Secret Wealth. I have been playing the tapes over and over again looking for new marketing ideas. I have had the most success with risk reversal. Very few companies use this tactic.

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Marketing Strategy Diagnostic Assessment Results

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