EBay Stealth Guide 2019

July 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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eBay Stealth Guide 2019 Intro:

My name is Alexander Polischuk, I am dropshipping on eBay since 2016 and today I run successfully multiple unlinked eBay accounts. The truth is that it was not that easy to get to a point you have multiple unlinked accounts, and I have failed many times until I saw success. This guide is not only for people that want to have multiple eBay accounts, but it fits also people that got their account suspended, got flagged, or for those who understand how important it is to minimize risks and protect your income. I will be sharing with you all my experience and knowledge about this subject and what worked for me so far. Just a quick heads up, I am not promising you anything and maybe things that worked for me won’t work for you, but I am 100% sure you will get some MASSIVE value reading this guide.

Young Millionaires LTD. www.alexanderpolischuk.com   www.alexanderpolischuk.com



What Are Linked And Unlinked Accounts? If this is the first time you hear about that, you probably want to read this section. I will be going over exactly what are linked accounts, what are unlinked accounts and how you can tell if your accounts are linked or not. Linked Accounts:

Linked accounts mean that eBay treats your accounts as one, they know that you are the one operates those accounts and you are the only one responsible for them. Now, where is the problem with that? The problem is simple, if something happens to one of your accounts that will affect all your eBay accounts, it means that if 1 account got suspended, all the rest will get suspended as well. Let’s talk about the possible ways eBay can link between your accounts. It can happen by using the same name, same registered address, the same mobile phone number, same credit/debit card, same PayPal account, same internet IP address and even by using the same computer. There are many ways eBay tracks those things but not all of them are 100% guarantee to link your accounts. The one thing I can suggest to you is to open a new account with 100% different details so you will have the highest chance of not getting linked. Unlinked Accounts:

Now, unlinked accounts is the right way to go. Unlinked accounts mean that even if you are the one who is running the accounts, eBay are 100% sure that every one of the accounts owned by a different individual. For you to be able to achieve that, you need to disguise all the ways eBay can link between your accounts as we mentioned in the “Linked  Accounts” section. Don’t Don’t worry, I will will share with you the EXACT way I am doing that in this guide. Young Millionaires LTD. www.alexanderpolischuk.com   www.alexanderpolischuk.com



Why Do We Need Multiple eBay Accounts? Let’s talk about the main reasons why we want to have multiple eBay accounts. 1. Expanding And Growing Your Business - You need to treat eBay like one of the biggest malls in the world for online shoppers. Imagine yourself that you own only 1 small store inside this huge mall with millions of different stores and billions of different products, that is really hard to max out your potential with running only 1 eBay store. Yes, that is possible to succeed with only 1 eBay store which will have to be unique compared to others, but because we are dropshippers that is not that possible. We sell the same exact products as all the others, using the same images, similar titles and selling them almost at the same prices. Now imagine yourself you have multiple stores inside this mall, having buyers seeing your products in every corner, that is way more productive and will increase your chance of buyers going to one of your stores, seeing your products and even buying them, and that is all the idea behind expanding. 2. Minimizing Your Risk - Now, this is really straightforward and easy to understand, you want to minimize your risk of having 0$ revenue coming into your store because this way you can say goodbye to your eBay journey. I guess you have heard this before, never put all your eggs in one basket, and that is totally true! eBay suspending, flagging and restricting dropshippers on a regular basis. If you will rely on 1 single eBay store and something will happen to your store, guess what will happen next? Your income now is 0$ and you don’t have a business anymore. 3. Suspensions - As I said before, eBay can suspend your account whenever they want without any announcement or any real Young Millionaires LTD. www.alexanderpolischuk.com   www.alexanderpolischuk.com



reason. I am sure you already heard about the FAMOUS suspension which is MC011. Honestly, I don’t know anyone that got away with this one, and there is no one out there that has a real solution for that, not even me. This is not the only suspension you have to worry about, there are plenty of reasons and suspensions that people receive every single day. On top of that, recently, eBay started suspending new selling accounts right from the get-go, which means that even if you have never sold on eBay before and you want to start today, there is a high chance your eBay account will get suspended before even started.

Those are the 3 main reasons you should have multiple eBay accounts if you want to succeed and protect your income no matter what. In the next section, I will be going over the interesting things I have learned through the process of creating new accounts more than 50 times.

Young Millionaires LTD. www.alexanderpolischuk.com   www.alexanderpolischuk.com



Case Study With Different Types Of eBay Accounts There are some very interesting things I have found out doing this process so many times. I will divide it into 2 main things I have discovered.

The First Discovery, BUSINESS ACCOUNTS:

Now, something interesting I have discovered that if your eBay account is a business account, eBay will not link this account to any other account you own, even if it’s under the same name! That’s right, if you own multiple businesses/companies eBay will not link them to each other, even if you use the same name, the same computer, and the same IP address. In my discovery, what happened is that I had a business account on eBay for one of my LTD UK companies, and the second one is my personal account that is registered under my home address. Now, what happened is that my business account got suspended, but the most interesting part is that my personal account was not affected in any way. So, after that basically what I did, was creating another LTD UK company on my name and tried using it to create another eBay business account. I was really surprised, but it WORKED! The reason behind that is simple, because legally a person can have multiple businesses/companies and the government will treat every company as a different entity, that is exactly how eBay treats your business accounts! The only problem with that is the liability. Yes, forming a company is really EASY, but running it correctly is very difficult and having more companies on your name can be very overwhelming! Forming a company is really a no brainer and you can do that in less than 3 days, but if you don’t want to take this road that is ok I have a much easier solution for you in this guide. Young Millionaires LTD. www.alexanderpolischuk.com  www.alexanderpolischuk.com 



The Second Discovery, Buying Accounts:

Ok, so the next thing I have discovered is this. If you will start a brand new eBay account from scratch and start as a seller right from the get-go, you will probably get suspended right away. Now, nobody actually knows why eBay are doing that but my best guess is because they want to minimize the number of sellers they have on their platform. It is kind of make sense, they need buyers more than sellers because without buyers their platform will die off. So, you are probably wondering how is this relevant to us as eBay dropshippers? Let menew tell you about my discovery… I was trying to create eBayallpersonal accounts, but the problem with that is that they got suspended as soon as I listed my first product. Every time that I was trying to create a new account, the results were the same and I was so frustrated! So the interesting part here is that I got myself a buying account from a family member, an account that was used only for buying products from eBay, not selling. The surprising thing was that when I listed my first dropshipping product, nothing bad happened and the account did not get suspended :) So basically since then, what I have started doing when creating a new account, is acting as a buyer at first, and only then using the account for selling. Don’t worry, I will share with you my exact steps in this guide :)

Young Millionaires LTD. www.alexanderpolischuk.com   www.alexanderpolischuk.com



Creating Your First Successful Unlinked Account Ok, so you are probably asking yourself how can you finally create your first successful unlinked eBay account? Basically, there are 2 main ways that I have found, which I am going to share with you right now.

Opening New eBay Account Using A New Company:

It is exactly how it sounds, you need to form a brand new company. It doesn't matter in which country you from it, it just has to be a legit business. After you do that you will use the details of your company to register your eBay & Paypal business accounts. Let’s go over the steps. 1. Forming A New Company - The first thing is forming your company, personally for me, I am using this website to form LTD UK companies: https://www.registeredaddress.co.uk. https://www.registeredaddress.co.uk. You don’t have to open a UK company, you can form a company or a business anywhere in the world, including where you live, but for tax purposes, I am using the UK because they are really tax-friendly. 2. Creating A New Remote Desktop Server   - You need to open a new remote desktop cloud server so this way it will look like you are logging in from a different computer and a different internet IP address. I am using this website to create new remote desktop servers: https://www.kamatera.com/ https://www.kamatera.com/.. You will have a free 30-days trial to test them out. If you need a tutorial about how to create a new server on Kamatera from scratch check out my video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elXUcPsjjd0&t=198s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elXUcPsjjd0&t=198s.. Now, something you want to take in mind is that you don’t have to use a remote desktop when creating a new company, as I said, even if you will use the same computer and the same IP address, eBay Young Millionaires LTD. www.alexanderpolischuk.com   www.alexanderpolischuk.com



will treat you like a different entity. If you want to be 100% sure and safe I suggest you use a remote desktop server. Me personally, I am using it because this is not only giving me extra protection, it also helps me managing my accounts more efficiently. 3. Getting A New Phone Number   - You will have to use a new phone number, a mobile number is probably better. You can buy a new SIM card for a cheap price and use it, or using the mobile app I am using to buy a new mobile number, the app called “TextMe”, it is available for both iPhone and Android smartphones. What you need to do is simple, you can buy a mobile phone number for any period of time that you want, it can be for a week, a month or even permanent. For our purposes, I suggest you pay for a 1-month plan, Don’t worry this is only a one-time payment of 4.99£ and only if you want to keep this number after a month you will have to pay again. 4. Creating New Gmail Account - You need to go to www.gmail.com and www.gmail.com and create a new email for your new eBay account, but you have to do it inside your new remote desktop server. Now, the tricky part is that you cannot use the “TextMe” mobile phone number to create a new email, Gmail are doing that because of security purposes, but don’t worry, all you need to do is creating the new email with a real mobile phone number, you can even use yours. Gmail is not a part of eBay or Paypal so it doesn't really matter if you will use your real phone number just for creating your new email. 5. Registering New eBay & Paypal Business Accounts - After you formed your company, created a new remote desktop server, got a new phone number, and created a new email, you need to login to your remote desktop server and use this new information to register a new eBay & Paypal business accounts.

Young Millionaires LTD. www.alexanderpolischuk.com  www.alexanderpolischuk.com 



6. Creating A New Business Bank Account - Obviously, if you want to sell on eBay you have to become Paypal Verified, the way to do that is to link a new business bank account or a new business credit/debit card. The way you can create a new bank account is to go to a real bank and open a new account, but the way I am doing that is by using an online banking company called TransferWise, here is a link to their website https://transferwise.com. https://transferwise.com. All you need to do is to open a new business bank account on their website by using your new company details. After you got your new bank details, all have left for you to do, is to go to your new Paypal account, adding your new bank, confirm it and that is it, your PayPal account will become verified.

Few Cheap Items For Less Than 1$ - Now, 7. Buying as I said earlier, we want to act like buyers at first, it doesn't matter if you have a business account or personal account you still have to go over this process. I saw many people including myself got suspended right from the get-go even if you registered as a business account. Now, what you need to do is simple, you need to go to eBay and find some cheap products under 1$ and buy 3-5 items. Why are we doing that? As I said, we want to act as buyers before starting selling and this way we will stay protected from getting suspended right away. After you do that, you want to wait

3-7 days and let the eBay system run their checks before we move on to the next step. 8. Listing Your First Dropshipping Item Manually - After we waited 3-7 days for eBay to run their checks, we want to finally list our first dropshipping item. The first time you are going to list a dropship product, you have to do it MANUALLY! we want that eBay will not suspect anything so you have to start this way. Try to use a different main image and write your own description so there is no way that eBay will find out that this item is a dropship item. After listing your first item manually you will have to wait another 3-5 Young Millionaires LTD. www.alexanderpolischuk.com  www.alexanderpolischuk.com 



days because eBay will run more checks on your account. After you waited for 3-5 days and everything is good, you can now start adding dropshipping listings to your store little by little and build your way up slowly. Those are the exact steps I take when I am opening a new unlinked eBay account using a new company.  As I said, forming forming a new company is a big responsibility and that is not the only way you can do it. Right now, I will be talking about the second option, which is opening personal eBay accounts, Me personally, I run both business and personal accounts.

Opening New Personal Accounts:

For me, this is the best and easiest way to start a new account without worrying about the liability of forming a new company. 1. Getting A New Name And Address - Now, what you need to do is simple, contact someone from your family, a close friend, or someone you can trust that is not living with you and never sold on eBay before, and ask them to use their details to create a brand new eBay account. You want to let them know that you are going to use their details for eBay and they might have to send you an ID and proof of address later on the way if eBay or Paypal would want to verify your identity. 2. Creating A New Remote Desktop Server   - You need to open a new remote desktop cloud server, so this way it will look like you are logging in from a different computer, and a different internet IP address. I am using this website to create new remote desktop https://www.kamatera.com/,, You will have a free 30-days servers: https://www.kamatera.com/ trial to test them out. If you need a tutorial about how to create a Young Millionaires LTD. www.alexanderpolischuk.com   www.alexanderpolischuk.com



new Kamatera server from scratch, check out my video about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elXUcPsjjd0&t=198s Now, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elXUcPsjjd0&t=198s Now, something you want to take in mind, is that Kamatera is not supporting all countries in the world, they support only China, Canda, United States, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Germany, and Israel. If your country is not one of the above, you either open a US server or find a different provider. From my personal experience that is ok if you open a US server even if you are not living there. 3. Getting A New Phone Number   - You can either use the family member’s actual phone number for registering to eBay and Paypal or getting a new mobile number on your own. If you will use the family member phone number, make sure that his phone number was never used on you one have of your accounts other app selling accounts. The second option is to use theor mobile called “TextMe”, It is available for both iPhone and Android smartphones. What you need to do is simple, you can buy a mobile phone number for any period of time that you want, it can be for a week, a month or even permanent. For our purposes, I suggest you pay for a 1-month plan, Don’t worry this is only a one-time payment of 4.99£ and only if you want to keep this number after a month you will have to pay again. We need this phone number for eBay and Paypal verification process, so make sure you get yourself a new mobile number. 4. Creating New Gmail Account - You need to go to www.gmail.com and www.gmail.com and create a new email for your new eBay account, you have to do it inside your new remote desktop server. Now, the tricky part is that you cannot use “TextMe” mobile phone number to create a new email, Gmail are doing that because of security purposes but don’t worry, all you need to do is creating a new email with a real mobile phone number, you can even use yours. Gmail is not a part of eBay or Paypal so it doesn't really

Young Millionaires LTD. www.alexanderpolischuk.com  www.alexanderpolischuk.com 



matter if you will use your real phone number just for creating your new email. 5. Registering New eBay & Paypal Accounts - After you got the person’s details, created a new remote desktop server, got a new phone number, and created your new Gmail account, you need to login to your remote desktop and use this new information to register a new eBay & Paypal accounts. 6. Linking A New Card/Bank Account To Paypal - Obviously, if you want to sell on eBay you have to become Paypal Verified, the way to do that is to link a new bank account or a new credit/debit card. The way you can create a new bank account is to go to a real bank and open a new account, or the second way which I am using is to buy a prepaid debit card. I(Israel) am notI sure how you can your country but in my country can go straight to do thethat postinoffice and ask for a USD debit card, you can get up to 3 cards per person, So if you are from Israel, this is the way to go. If you are not from Israel, I guess you will have to find a solution to get a new debit/credit card that was never been used in one of your accounts or some else’s accounts to link to your new Paypal account. After you got your new bank/debit card details, all have left for you to do, is to go to your new Paypal account, link it, confirm it, and that is it, your PayPal will become verified. 7. Buying Few Cheap Items For Less Than 1$ - Now, as I said earlier, we want to act like buyers at first, it doesn't matter if you have a business account or personal account, you still have to go over this process. I saw many people including myself got suspended right from the get-go even if you registered as a business account. Now, what you need to do is simple, you need to go to eBay and find some cheap products under 1$ and buy 3-5 items. Why are we doing that? As I said, we want to act as buyers before starting selling and this way we will stay protected from getting suspended right away. After you do that, you want to wait Young Millionaires LTD. www.alexanderpolischuk.com   www.alexanderpolischuk.com



3-7 days and let the eBay system run their checks before we move on to the next step.   8. Listin Listing g 3 Items Items From From Home Home - Now, this is a really easy step, but a step that will help you protect your account even more. What you

want to do, is listing 3 items from home, you want to list 3 items that are second hand used items. It is better to take pictures from a mobile phone and use them to list the items to your store. After listing the products, you will have to wait another 3-5 days. I suggest you list 1 item per day and not all 3 at once. Basically what will happen next is that eBay will run some checks on your account and they will look at what you are trying to sell on their website. The reason why we are listing used items from home is for eBay to think that we are just trying to sell some stuff from our house and we are not dropshippers. (not yet


9. Listing Your First Dropshipping Item Manually - After we waited 3-5 days for eBay to run their checks, we want to finally list our first dropshipping item. The first time that you are going to list a dropship product, you have to do it MANUALLY!, we want that eBay will not suspect anything so you have to start this way. Try to use a different main image and write your own description so there is no way that eBay will find out that this item is a dropship item.  After listing your first item manually you will have to wait another 3-5 days because eBay will run more checks on your account.  After you waited for for 3-5 days and everything everything is good, you can now start adding dropshipping listings to your store little by little and build your way up slowly.

This is the exact way I am opening my new personal eBay accounts. I know that some of the steps might look difficult to do, but it is a healthier way to create new eBay accounts.

Young Millionaires LTD. www.alexanderpolischuk.com   www.alexanderpolischuk.com



Final Words

 After reading this this guide, you have now llearned earned the exact way I’m I’m creating my new eBay accounts. I understand that maybe you live in a different country, or you have different limitations that can make this process harder for you, but it doesn't matter because now you have this powerful information and a complete road map so I am sure you will be able to finally create your new eBay unlinked account. I hope you took some massive value out of this guide and hopefully you will have your new eBay unlinked account up and running in the next few days! Thank you for reading my guide, I really gave my 100% here so you will have as much information as possible, and most important that it will be easy to follow. If you do find this guide helpful, feel free to support my youtube channel and hit the SUBSCRIBE button and join my amazing dropshipping community   Link to my channel: http://bit.ly/2lELAtR  http://bit.ly/2lELAtR 

Thanks, Alexander.

Young Millionaires LTD. www.alexanderpolischuk.com  www.alexanderpolischuk.com 

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