Eaton-Krauss_Khat Headdress_SAK 5 (1977)

December 31, 2017 | Author: Imhotep72 | Category: Akhenaten, Religion And Belief
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die lVahrscheinvorf iegen' erhöht natitrlich verschieclene Beweisstränge r ' lichkeit unserer'These beträchtlich?

den vordergründigen zu zeigen, daß sich hinter loser Es karn uns darauf an, Anenophis' II" der in

für sportlichen Sinngehalt der Sfninx-Stele zur Qualifikation ihres stifters als die Forrn mit al-lgerneinen ;tt;'"; sein schi-en' Elenente verbergen' dem Gedas Königsant uetbu"d"" zu des der Königskrönung (oder wesentliche Statlonen in Ritual Formen starren Die sind' verankert halte nach gleichen Sedfestes) " sportr.



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unseuohnter "ritterrj aktualisiert ;::'.1: den Zeitgeist entsprechend Zug das Leben veränderte' Ritual der Krödas Lebensgefühls ist auch

i,l'li: :i:"il" ;"iff:":";11'lin'"

uorden. In Zuge d"' "t""t erhielt' unt€r' König seine Legitimation nung, innerhalb dessen der worden' InwreKanons nodernisiert Berücksichtigung des überlieferten der KönigsVerlauf bei den in ueit die sportlichen Demonstrationen .wirklich durchgeführt wurilen' 1äßt sich Bedeu: krönung vollzogenen Ritualen entscheiden' Von entscheidender Si'ctrertrei-t nit nicht Krövon natürlich Unfeld daß Gedankengut aus dern Nach'eis' der jedoch zu ist tung sportlichen Gehalt der Sphinx-Ste1e nungsritual und Sedfest den Grunde


das sich in verdas sportliche Elernent, Mit dieser Feststerlung erhärt als wesentlich eragyptische Königtun bereits schiedener Forrn für dal Ritual der Akzentuierung. Denn das wiesen hatte, erne noch stärkere Leben und Gedas voraussetzung für Königskrönung war die unabdingbare von den athund Natur' die nithin deihen der ägyptrschen Gesellschaft abhängig waren' stark letischen Fähigkeiten Pharaos


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Stuttgart/Berlln/Koi Alten und Neuen Testdent 6) Seite kurz angesProchen ast' l""i"ai"-tn..tliche

Marianne Eaton-Krauß


excavations which carne to the Metropolitan Museum of Art fron Petrie's DepartEgyptian the el-Amarnal' Tell Aten, at the Great Ternple of the the Although Akhenaten2' of heads fragnentary acquired five ment also

forns of the king's face in each case had been severely darnaged' the l''brn by the king royal headgeat are preserved' Two of the headdresses arefamiliarelenentSofroyaliconographyinEgyptianSculptule:the falling forlard nemes", a pteated (or striped) headcloth with lappets

the Lexikon der AgypAbbreviations used in this article are lhose adoPted for XxvII' VI 1972' l, I, Lieferung Bdsee tologie: r. staehelin, an6 M' Seidel for reading I would like to ttant n.ä. iis"i..' mny. suggestions for its improvement' offering and study of rhis drafts early rrr' l93o' 8l-

in: MMS iltti"*t' 21.9.3 (Akhenaten) ."ä äi.g'c i*tiättiri)t Neu York 1973' 93' 106' Nefertiti' and eti"t"t"t Aldred, Cyril cf' 99; ia6' rot addiiional data see cat' No' 36'Mentioned by Hayes, t""pi"t-ii' order through Dynasty The appended catalogue comprises in chronological whose costume includes XVIII extant royal statues (or representations thereof) to include all published rhekhat headdress. eranotgh an eifort has been mde that sore pieces have been unintentionally examples' it is to l".tp"Iita from consideraomitted. (Anthropoid .or?it" and shawabty; have been excluded tion - see further below, note 59') nemesz Evers' staat The reader is referred aä at'" "t"ti"td discussion of tlr.e MMA



Marianne Eaton-Krauß

197 7


and the chest with a queue behind' is over the shoulders and onto the headdress third o! "war helnet"' The khepresha, the "blue crown" Variousround' the in in sculpture in nuch less frequently encountereil which holds the hair loosely hoocl of *"'U as ""' to described ly " or a soft kerchief'e it seens a bag,"t, a bag wig,ö a wig cover'" in contrast to both his pretlecessors have been favored by Akhenaten and successorse ' granite is best seen in the fragnentary The forn of the headdressro general' of Khendjer' Saqqarail' In statuette frotn the pyranid precinct rectangular the nenea: both are essentially the headdres, t"'"tbi"' band rhich attached an by fast xnade at kerchiefs laicl across the forehead' together excess rnateriaL gathered passes behind the ears' with the disnornally both headdresses the nape of the ""tt' Rt the forehead' the royal regaliar2' The nenes' of part play the uraeus as an essential in front the two corners of the cloth howevet, always has lappets; donning ilhen to rest upon the chestlt' over fall forward over the shouldeTs back corners threw the forward the the bag-li'ke kerchief' the wearer of Because band' gp under the tied or the shoulders and tucked thet[ more a shows view of lhe nemea presence of the lappets' a profile sane line the ear to the shoulder; the 1e5s perpendicular line from I


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see Beckerath,

in: 2' Zuischenzeit' 67-8 an
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