The main objective of the report was to evaluate the performance of Eastern Bank Limited (EBL) in comparison with the Un...
The goal of Eastern Bank Limited was to reah !anking s"stem more losel" to the general #eo#le$ In addition% this made this !ank to this time$ 'ow Eastern Bank Limited is an im#ro(ed and moderni)ed !ank where the !anking s"stem has !een easier than the ontin&ing !anking s"stem$ *irst% I looked at the o(er(iew of the !ank$ Then% in the literat&re literat&re re(iew setion% I look at some +nanial data regar egardi ding ng the the #erf #erfor orma man ne e of East Easter ern n Bank Bank and and some some of the the most most ommon terminologies of !anking setor$ 'e,t% I look into the anal"sis #art$ In this setion% I &se ratio anal"sis to e(al&ate the #erformane and om#are it with another om#etitor !ank named United Commerial Bank Limited -UCBL.$ /ere ere
some ome
om ommon
ratio atio
re0e e0eti ting ng
!anki anking ng
#erfo erforrmane ane
o!ser(ation for e(al&ation o(er the #eriod of 122341255$ The anal"sis is done thro&gh inter#retation of the ratios fo&nd$ The ne,t #art onsists of some reommendations reommendations a!o&t how to im#ro(e im#ro(e the the ond ondit itio ions ns of the the !ank !ank in term terms s of li6& li6&id idit it"% "% le(e le(era rage ge%% e7i e7ien en" "%% #ro+ta!ilit" and market #osition$ At last% I onl&de !" dis&ssing the o(erall #erformane e(al&ation of the !ank$
1 | 8age
I'TR9:UCTI9' Banking ind&str" is one of the #ri(ate setors that ha(e !een attrating in(estors so m&h to in(est in the +nanial market$ To ens&re eonomi sta! st a!ili ilit" t"%% an and d to de de(e (elo lo# # th the e r& r&ra rall an and d &r &r!a !an n ar area eas s wi with th ne nee ess ssar ar" " +nan +n ani ial al
assi as sist stan ane e%%
go(e go (errnm nmen entt
nati na tion onal ali) i)ed ed
omm o mmer eri ial al
!ank !a nkin ing$ g$
8re(io&sl" onl" go(ernment !anks were here to ser(e the +nanial needs of ons&mers% !&t later #ri(ate !anks started dominating the market with lots of !ranhes and man" ser(ies all o(er the o&ntr"$ The" ha(e ;oined the !anking ind&str" to ser(e the ommon and or#orate setor and to enhane their #ro+ta!ilit" in the eonom" eonom"$$ Bangladesh Bank has reated a fa(ora!le en(ironment for the #ri(ate !anking setor$ It has eno&raged in(estments in !anking in a wa" that most of the #ri(ate !anks ha(e !een r&nning their o#eration #ro+ta!l"$ R&les and reg&lations are im#lemented !" the go(ernment to ens&re ao&nta!ilit" of the !anks% and also to ease the #roess of the &stomers to deal with !anking ati(ities$
Among Am ong so ma man" n" do domes mesti ti and m& m<i ltinat nation ional al !an !anks ks o# o#era eratin ting g list listed ed in :haka Stok e,hange I ha(e randoml" seleted 8rime Bank as the !ank for m" anal"sis and Eastern Bank Ltd as its om#etitor$ 8rime Bank Ltd$ has !een esta!lished in the #ri(ate setor to #ro(ide all !anking ser(ies and +nanial ser(ies to failitate Bangladeshi #eo#le$ The Bank o
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