EASA Part-66 Module-1 (Mathematics)

January 20, 2017 | Author: Manish Choubey | Category: N/A
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EASA Part-66 Module-1 (Mathematics)...


Module 1 Mathematics Extra MCQs 1) a) b) c)

If sin A = 3/5, then cos A: 2 /5 4 /5 3 /4

2) a) b) c)

21 + 6 x (8 - 5) = 64 39 81

3) a) b) c)

5x3+4x3= 75 57 27

4) If 4/x = 3 + 3/x, then x is:

a) 1/3 b) 3 c) 21/3 5) The polar co-ordinates (15 angle 30) in rectangular form are: a) (12.99, 8.66) b) (12.99, 7.5) c) (7.5, 12.99) 6) 2/5 of a consignment of 600 bolts are distributed to spares boxes, how many are left?

a) b) c)

240 400 360

7) The expression (23)(41/2)3 all over (3-3)(23)2 simplifies to: a) 1/9 b) 1/27

c) 27 8) 25 + 23 + 1 in binary is written as:

a) b) c)

10110 101001 101010

9) The hexadecimal number 6E16 is equivalent to a) 10810 b) 1010 c) 9410 10) The solution to the equation (x - 2)2 + 3 = (x + 1)2 - 6 is

a) b) c)

1 2 -2

11) 513810 is equivalent to: a) 141216 b) 121416 c) 32116

12) a) b)

What is the area of a circle with a radius of 15 cm? 94.25 cm2 1414.28 cm2 [1]


706.86 cm2

13) When simplified (x - 2)2 + x - 2 is equivalent to:

a) b) c)

(x - 2)(x + 1) (x - 2)(x - 3) (x - 2)(x - 1)

14) What is the value of cosB in the diagram shown below?

a) b) c)

15) true? a) b) c)


/√164 /√164 10 /16 8

Regarding the straight line graph equation y = mx + c, which of the following statements is c is the dependent variable m is the gradient of the line y is the independent variable

16) What is the product of 3x, x, -2x2 a) 4x - 2x2 b) -6x4 c) -5x4

17) a) b) c)

What is the square root of 2587? 72.42 160.8 50.86

18) a) b) c)

What is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 10 cm? 62.8 15.7 31.4

19) a) b) c)

The mass of a bolt is 23 g. What is the mass in kg of 80 bolts? 1.84 kg 184 kg 18.4 kg

20) There are approximately 4.5 litres in one gallon. How many litres will be shown on a fuel gauge if 1600 gallons are uploaded to the aircraft? a) 355.6 litres b) 7200 litres c) 55.6 litres 21) One bar pressure is approximately equal to 14.5 psi. What is the number of bar equivalent to 3625 psi? a) 250 bar b) 255 bar c) 25 bar 22) What is 3/4 of 1/3 ÷ 1/2 x 1/4? 1 a) /8 [2]

b) c)

2 1 /32

23) What is the angle ABC in the diagram shown below?

a) b) c)

75° 150° 105°

24) (7/12 x 3/14) - 1/16 + 21/8 = a) 25/16 b) 21/4 c) 23/16 25) The expression 1/2-3 + 1/2-4 - 1/2-2 when simplified is equal to:

a) b)


32 -1/16 20

26) Correct to three significant figures, estimate (i.e. don't use calculator) the value of (80.125 x 20.875) - 1600 a) 74.1 b) 80.5 c) 85.61 27) Which of the following is a common factor of x2 - x - 6 and 2x2 - 2x - 12?

a) b) c)

2x - 6 x+2 x-3

28) Simplify this expression (a + b)(a - b) ÷ a2 - b2

a) b) c) 29) a) b) c)

a+b a-b 1 What is the cos 57° 50'? 0.5324 0.5319 0.5334

30) X = the square root of Z2 - R2. Transpose to make R the subject. a) R = the square root of Z2 + X2

b) c)

R=Z-X R = the square root of Z2 - X2

31) y = mx + c can also be written: a) x = y/m - c b) x = (y - c)/m c) x = y/(m + c) 32) a) y = 2

y = 2x + 4. Calculate y when x = -1: [3]

b) y = 4 c) y = 05 33) a) 37 b) 28 c) 54

Work out the following sum: 4 {2 (5 – 1) – 3} + 8

34) Which trigonometric function of an angle (x) has value of 1 when x = 0? a) sin(x) b) cos(x) c) tan(x) 35) a) b) c)

Which triangle has two sides equal in length and two equal angles: equilateral isosceles obtuse

36) Which of the following statements is true? a) sin(x) = sin(-x) b) sin(x) = -sin(-x) c) cos(x)=-sin(x) 37) Which of the following shapes has no parallel sides? a) a rhombus b) a triangle c) a trapezoid 38) Which of the following are acute angles? (1) 63° (2) 90° (3) 120° (4) 45° a) All the angles are acute. b) 1 and 4 only. c) 1, 2, and 4 only 39) Which of the following are acute angles? (1) 14º (2) 80º (3) 170º (4) 40º a) All the angles are acute. b) 1 and 4 only. c) 1, 2, and 4 only 40) Which of the following algebraic expressions can represent ”The area of a rectangle with its

longest side twice the length of its shortest side”? a) 2a2 b) (1/2)a c) 4a2 41) a) 23 b) 6 c) 12

Which number is the lowest common factor of 36, 66 and 126?

42) When evaluating expressions:a) Evaluate exponents before brackets b) Subtract before dividing c) Multiply before adding 43) When evaluating algebraic expressions the order of evaluation should be a) brackets - multiplication & division - addition & subtraction b) brackets - addition & subtraction - multiplication & division c) multiplication & division - addition & subtraction brackets 44) What type of equation is y = x2+ 9x + 14? a) quadratic b) exponential [4]

c) circular 45) What two symbols make up the binary system? a) A and B b) 1 and 2 c) 0 and 1 46) What two symbols make up the binary system? a) A and B b) 1 and 2 c) 0 and 1 47) a) 104 b) 105 c) 106

What power of 10 is equal to 1,000,000?

48) a) 4 b) 2 c) 8

What is the y-intercept in the following equation: 4y = 2x + 8

49) a) -1 b) + 1 c) 0

What is the value of sin 90° ?

50) What is the value of cos 120° ?

a) 0.5 b) -0.5 c) 0.7071 51) a) 64 b) 1 c) 8

What is the value of 82 x 83 ÷ 85 ?

52) a) 64 b) 2 c) 1/8

What is the value of 81/3.

53) What is the value of 81/3. a) 64 b) 2 c) 38930 54) What is the surface area of an open ended cylinder whose diameter is 20cm and height of 15 cm? a) 942π b) 350 π c) 300 π 55) What is the surface area of a cone with a base of 16cm diameter and length of 10cm? a) 80π b) 160π c) 120π 56) a) 1:6 b) 6:1 c) 36:1

What is the ratio of 36 mechanics to 6 aircraft?


57) a) 4:1 b) 1:3 c) 3:1

What is the ratio of 10 feet to 30 inches?

58) What is the log of 50? a) 0.699 b) 1.699 c) 2.699 59) What is the log of 5? a) 0.6990 b) 1.6990 c) 2.6990 60) a) 3 b) 6 c) 9

What is the highest factor of 153?

61) What is the fraction 1/7 in decimal? a) 0.14295 b) 1.429 c) 0.14286 62) What is the formula for the area of the curved surface of a cone (where r = radius; h = vertical height and l = slant height)? a) 1/3πr²h b) πr²h c) πr x l 63) What is the area of a rectangle with base 160cm and height 12cm? a) 0.00192 m² b) 0.0192 m² c) 0.192 m² 64) What is the area of a rectangle when its height is 11cm and the width is 120cm? a) 1320 m² b) 0.132 m² c) 1.32 m² 65) What is binary 011100001 in octal format?

a) 324 b) 452 c) 341 66) What is an obtuse angle? a) an angle greater than 90°,but less than 180° b) an angle less than 90° c) an angle greater than 180° 67) What is 738 in binary coded decimal? a) 111100010 b) 1011110010 c) 1011100010 68) a) 96 b) 37.5 c) 2400

What is 5/8 of 60?


69) What is 3% of 0.001? a) 0.3 b) 0.003 c) 0.00003 70) a) 8 b) 13 c) 17

What decimal number is represented by D in hexadecimal?

71) V = (a + b) r2; Find 'a' a) V – r2– b b) (V – b )/ r2 c) V / r2– b 72) a) 63° b) 114° c) 80°

Two angles of a triangle are 68° and 32°. The third angle is

73) Transpose v = u + at to make t the subject.

a) t = (-v)/au b) t = (v – u)/a c) t = (u – v)/a 74) To work out the circumference of a circle, which of the formulas should be used? a) D x 3.142 b) D x 0.3142 c) D – 3.142 75) To find the area of a circle, multiply: a) the square of the radius by π b) the square of the circumference by the radius c) twice the radius by π 76) To find the area of a circle, multiply a) the square of the radius by π b) the square of the circumference by the radius c) twice the radius by π 77) To convert pounds of fuel into kilograms, it is necessary to: a) multiply by 4536 b) multiply by 0.4536 c) divide by 0.4536 78) a) 4.5 b) 5.4 c) 4.7

To convert imperial gallons to liters, multiply by

79) a) 240 b) 200 c) -40

The value of ab(b - 2c) - 4abc when a = 5, b = -2 and c = 3 is:

80) a) x-1 b) 7x-1 c) x+17

The value of 4(x + 2) - 3(x - 3) is:

81) a) 90°

The three angles of a triangle summed together equal: [7]

b) 180° c) 360° 82) The surface area of an open ended cylinder of diameter 10 cm and height 10cm is: a) 80π b) 50π c) 100π 83) The sum of the internal angles of a triangle is: a) 360° b) 2π radians c) 180° 84) a) 180° b) 270° c) 360°

The sum of all (interior) angles in a square is:

85) The standard decimal form of the scientific notation number 3.45 x 10-6 is: a) 3450000 b) 3.00000045 c) 0.00000345 86) a) 2/12 b) 1/3 c) 1/6

The simplest form of the fraction 24/144 is:

87) The ratio of 6:5 can be expressed as: a) 20 : 25 b) 24 : 20 c) 10 : 16 88) The ratio of 6:4 can also be expressed as a) 64% b) 66% c) 150% 89) The properties of a scalene triangle are: a) all sides are equal b) acute angle c) all sides have different lengths 90) The parts department’s profit is 12 percent on a new magneto. How much does the magneto cost if the selling price is $ 145.60? a) $ 128.12 b) $ 125.60 c) $ 130 91) a) 1020 b) 17 c) 510

The lowest common denominator for the problem 1/6 + 1/5 + 1/17 + 1/2 is:

92) The longest side of a rectangle is 3 times the length of the shortest side. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 32 cm. Find the length of the sides. a) 3 cm. and 9 cm. b) 4 cm. and 12 cm. c) 6 cm and 10 cm. 93) The height of an oblique pyramid is measured a) perpendicular to the base [8]

b) angled to the base c) parallel to the sides 94) The graph illustrates a a) sine curve b) sine curve c) cosine curve 95) The formula for calculating the area of a right angle triangle is: a) ½ height + base b) ½ base / height c) ½ (base x height) 96) The diameter of a cylinder is 200 cm and the height is 20 cm. What is the volume? a) 628000 cm³ b) 8000 cm³ c) 62800 cm³ 97) The curve drawn through points equidistant from a central point represent: a) a radius b) a chord c) a circle 98) The circumference of a circle is found by: a) dividing the diameter by 3.142 b) multiplying the diameter by 3.142 c) multiplying the radius by 3.142 99) a) 16 b) 8 c) 2

The base of the hexadecimal system is:

100) The average of 14, 27 and 48 to the nearest whole number is a) 29 b) 30 c) 29.67 101) The area of the following shape is a) 1/2 height x base b) 1/2 base x 1/2 height c) 1/2 height + twice base 102) The area of a cube is its a) height x length x width b) height x 1/2 base x height c) height x 1/2 base x length 103) The area of a circle whose circumference is given as 12cm is approximately: a) 11.3 cm² b) 3.8 cm² c) 38 cm² 104) Solve the following set of equations to find x : 4x + 8y = 64 and 2x – 8y = 86 a) x = 5 b) x = 25 c) x = 125 b 105) Solve the following equation: 11/16 + 5/8 = a) 55/128 b) 1 5/16 c) 1 1/10 [9]

106) Solve the following : 9/4 + 5/12 + 1 3/8 = a) 4 1/24 b) 2 25/24 c) 4 1/12 107)

Solve 0.75 X 0.003

a) 0.225 b) 0.0225 c) 0.00225 108) Solve (a + b)(a - b) : a) a²- b² b) a²+ 2ab - b² c) a²+ b² 109) a) 26.5 b) 4.5 c) 11.1

Solve (15.4)2 - 2 x (6.2 – 15.6) :

110) a) 20 b) 35 c) 28

Solve (- 3 + 2)(-12 – 4) + (-4 +6) x2.

111) Simplify 4(x + 2) – 3(x – 3) a) x – 1 b) 7x – 1 c) x + 17 112) a) a¹⁵ b) a⁶ c) a¹º

Simplify (a²x a³)³ :

113) a) 3/15 b) 1/5 c) 1/50

Select the fraction, which is equal to 0.020

114) Select the correct solution for the following statements: 1. (- 9) divided by (- 3) = + 3 a) Both statements 1 and 2 are b) Only statement 1 is correct. c) Only statement 2 is correct. 115) 2(- 7) minus (+ 5) = +12 a) Correct b) Incorrect 116) Rewrite the following with a positive index: z-2 and x-3 a) 1/z2 and 1/x3 b) (zx2)2; and (x)3 c) z/22 and 1/x 117) a) 575° b) 90° c) 75°

One radian is equal to:

118) a) 2

Octal is to the base of: [10]

b) 16 c) 8 119) Maximum engine life is 900 hours. Records show that an engine has consumed 630 hrs. What percentage of its life remains? a) 0.3 b) 0.7 c) 0.37 120) Make x the subject of the formula y = mx + c : a) x = (y - c) / m b) x= (y - m) / c c) x = y/m - c 121) Make m the subject of the formula y = mx + c : a) m = (y - c) / x b) m = (y - x) / c c) m = y/x - c 122) Make L the subject of the formula 2πfL = x : a) L = 2πf b) L = 2πf/x c) L = x/2πf 123) In the triangle a) a + b = c b) c2 + a2 = b2 c) c2 - a2 = b2 124) In the graph of the equation y = 2X – 6, where does the graph cut the Y axis? a) at y = 2 b) at y = - 6 c) at y = 3 In the graph of the equation y = 2X – 4, where are the X and the y intercepts located respectively? a) at X = 2 and y = - 4 b) at X = - 4 and y = 2 c) at X = - 2 and y = 4 125)

126) a) y b) b c) 6

In the equation y = 4b + 6, which is the ‘independent variable’?

127) a) y b) b c) 6

In the equation y = 4b + 6, which is the ‘dependent variable’?

128) a) R b) S c) 4

In the equation R = -2S + 4, which is the independent variable ?

129) In an equilateral triangle, all of the angles are equal to: a) π divided by 3 b) π divided by 2 c) π divided by 4 130) In a right-angle triangle the other two angles are both 45°. The length of the opposite side is equal to: [11]

a) sin 45° x length of the hypotenuse side of the triangle b) cos 45° x length of the adjacent side of the triangle c) sin 45° x length of the adjacent side of the triangle 131) In a right angled triangle, the tangent any other angle is calculated by dividing a) the opposite side by the hypotenuse b) the adjacent side by the hypotenuse c) the opposite side by the adjacent side 132) In a right angle triangle, the two longest sides have the dimensions of 13mm and 12mm. What is the length of the shortest side? a) 5 mm b) 1 mm c) 10mm 133) In a right angle triangle, the sum of the two sharp angles is: a) equal to 90° b) less than 90° c) more than 90° 134) In a right angle triangle the longest side is 20cm long; the shortest side is 12cm What length is the remaining side? a) 136 cm b) 16 cm c) 18 cm 135) In a right angle triangle the longest side is 20 cm and the shortest is 12 cm. What is the other side? a) 13 cm b) 16 cm c) 18 cm 136) In a rhombus: a) all sides are equal length with no angles 90° b) adjacent sides are different lengths with no angles 90° c) adjacent sides are different lengths with no angles 90° 137) If y/x = 4 and y = 5, then: a) x = 20 b) x = 1 1/4 c) x = 4/5 138) a) 20 b) 1 1/4 c) 4 / 5

If y / x = 4 and y = 5 then x =

Answers for Extra MCQs 1112131-b 41-b 51-b 61-c 71-c 81-b 91-c 101-a 111-c

2122232-a 42-c 52-b 62-c 72-c 82-c 92-b 102-a 112-a

3132333-b 43-a 53-b 63-c 73-b 83-c 93-a 103-a 113-c

4142434-b 44-a 54-c 64-b 74-a 84-c 94-b 104-b 114-b

5152535-b 45-c 55-a 65-c 75-a 85-c 95-c 105-b 115-a

6162636-b 46-c 56-b 66-a 76-a 86-c 96-a 106-a 116-a [12]

7172737-b 47-c 57-a 67-c 77-b 87-b 97-c 107-c 117-a

8182838-b 48-b 58-b 68-b 78-a 88-c 98-b 108-a 118-c

9192939-c 49-b 59-a 69-c 79-b 89-c 99-a 109-a 119-a

10203040-a 50-b 60-c 70-b 80-c 90-c 100-b 110-a 120-a

121-a 131-c

122-c 132-a

123-c 133-a

124-b 134-b

125-a 135-b

126-b 136-a


127-a 137-b

128-b 138-b



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