Earthquake Analysis BVB

May 10, 2019 | Author: Sundar Balakrishnan | Category: Eclipse, Earthquakes, Astronomy, Science, Planetary Science
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Analysi Anal ysiss of Eig Eight ht pow powerf erful ul ear earthq thquak uakes es tha thatt sho shook ok the world – Com Common mon parameters found I have been studying the major earthquakes for the past 3 years and always wanng to nd out if there are any common parameters. This prompted me to take up study of major earthquakes. earthquakes. I took up the study of previous earthquakes with a magnitude of  richter scale and also in which major lives were lost or major damage was caused. The earthquakes of  !ujara !ujaratt "#huj$% "#huj$% &epal "'atmandu$% "'atmandu$% &epal &epal "'odari$ "'odari$%% Indonesia Indonesia "(umatr "(umatra$% a$% )hile "#io #io$% #io$% *akis *akista tan n "+u,a "+u,afa fara rabad bad$$ and -ai -ai were were take taken n for for analys analysis. is. In the analys analysis is follo followin wing g methodologydata methodologydata were used/ 0. The basic basic natal natal chart chart of the country country was was referr referred. ed. 1. The a2is a2is of global global solar solar eclipse eclipse prior prior to to the earthqu earthquak ake e 3. The a2is a2is of of lunar lunar eclipse eclipse prior prior to to the earth earthquak quake e . The ne2t ne2t global global solar solar eclipse eclipse a4er a4er the the earthquak earthquake e 5. The ne2t ne2t global global lunar lunar eclip eclipse se a4er a4er the the earthquak earthquake e 6. The immediat immediate e preceding preceding ingress ingress chart chart of (un before before the earthqu earthquak ake e . The immedia immediate te precedin preceding g new moon moon chart befo before re the earthqu earthquak ake e 7. The immedia immediate te precedin preceding g full moon moon chart chart before before the earthq earthquak uake e 8. The number number of days days elapsed elapsed a4er the solar solarlunar lunar eclipse eclipse The following were the conclusions/ 0. 9ut of 7 sample sample si,e% si,e% 5 lunar lunar eclipse eclipse was was found found to be be in dual dual signs 1. (imilar (imilar was was the the case case with with global global solar solar eclipse eclipse 3. :unar eclipse eclipse was was seen as as the main trigge triggerr as compare compared d to global global solar solar eclipse eclipse . The earthqua earthquake ke occurr occurred ed from from day 05 to to day 58 from from the lunar lunar eclipse eclipse 5. In the case case of global solar solar eclipse eclipse the earthqua earthquake ke appear appeared ed from day day 0 to day 3 6. 9ut of 7 sample sample cases cases in 6 cases cases the earthq earthquak uake e appeared appeared in shukla shukla paksha paksha . In all cases ses th the 7 th house or its lord was a;icted a;icted in the ingress ingress chart. The 7 th house denotes calamies 7. In 5 out of 7 sample sample si,e si,e the eclipse eclipse occur occurred red in 17 a2is. a2is. The The 1 nd house is marak and 7th house is calamies resulng in massive damage 8. (imilarly (imilarly the the global solar solar eclips eclipse e occurred occurred in 0< 0< a2is a2is in  out of 7 cases cases 0ven the full moon chart also played important role where the 7 th house or its lord was a;icted in all cases. 0. The eclipse occurred in either 0 or 0< a2is of the natal chart of the country. The th house in mundane denotes weather condions and calamies like earthquakes. 07. ?;icon of previous eclipse point by malec also triggers natural calamies.

Sundar Balakrishnan B.Com., MFM Finane !"M#MS$ % &ear 'yo(r)id and * &ear 'yo(r)isharad !From Bhara(ya +idya Bhawan, Mumai$ -ate /*th May, %0/1 2ime /%.*0 3M, Mumai

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