Earth and Life Week 3 Real

September 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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S choo l S an M i guel nat i onal H i gh S chool Te a c h e r Teaching ate! and Ti"e #une $%&$'( $)1*


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G r a d e L e v e l 11 L e a r n i n g A r e a E A RT H A N L I F E S  I E N  E Se"e!ter 1!t

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O46ective! "u!t 4e "et over the 3ee7 and connected to the curriuculu" !tandard!. To "eet the o46ective!( nece!!ar+ 5rocedure! "u!t 4e 2ollo3ed and i2 needed( additional le!!on!( e9erci!e! and i2 re"edial activitie! "a+ 4e done 2or develo5ing content 7no3ledge and co"5etencie!. The!e are a!! e!!ed u!ing For"ative A!!e!!"ent !trategie!. 0aluing o46ective! !u55ort the learning content and co"5etencie! and ena4le children to 2ind !igni2icance and 6o+ in learning the le!!on!. ;ee7l+ o46ective! !hall 4e derived 2ro" the curriculu" guide!.

  A. ontent Standard!

The learner! de"on!trate the under!tanding The learner! de"on!trate the under!tanding o2 the 2or"ation o2 the univer!e and the !olar o2 the 2or"ation o2 the univer!e and the !olar !+!te" !+!te".

  /. er2or"ance er2or"ance Standard! Standard!

The learner! !hall 4e a4le to e95lain 3h+ there The learner! !hall 4e a4le to "a7e a i! li2e on Earth. 5re!entation a4out the current advance"ent!
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