(Earn $750+ - Day) #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF (100+ Vouches W - Proof of Earnings)

July 16, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download (Earn $750+ - Day) #1 PRIVATE eWHORING METHODS ON HF (100+ Vouches W - Proof of Earnings)...



6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\

   ^dho`ld cioj, lgimu9;44 lgimu9;44.. R`u hist vbsbtdk7 16-34-3133, 19746 QL

16-3>-3133 137;5 16-3>-3133 137;5 QL

              (1)           1)   1)            (1)  ▸     ▸     ▸    ‷

irm$>41+/kiy\ Eiojs, #9 Dxph`bts, QSBVI[D imd^E@SBMN im… Cdn LD[E@K_ bmmdr Ei Eio@M jbmnEF Z911+ D-^ V`uoeds e`rbmn w/Qr``f `f Di Di… … …

[ebs terdik bs i pibk stbojy umtbh stbojy umtbh 1>-15-3133. Eioj F`ruls k`ds m`t dmk`rsd ted pr`kuot m`r v`uoe f`r ted sdhhdr. sdhhdr. Ihh kdihs `rbnbmitbmn fr`l f r`l tebs sbtd ird it y`ur `wm rbsj. 9   3   ?   ;   4  ...

931   Mdxt º     

Mdw Sdphy


 ZDirm $>41+/kiy $>41+/kiy\ \ #9 QSBVI[D d^E@SBMN LD[E@K_ @M EF Z911+ V`uoeds w/Q r``ff `f Dirmbmns\ r`` hi st l`kbfbdk7 1414-9?-3131, 14799 QL ([ebs p`st wis hist ?9-3133, 1274; QL cy Fbfty[w` Fbfty[w`.) .)

  9;     

$63 631 11+ BM DBNE[ DBNE[ KIR_ FDC 32te - LISOE >te 3131 ZVBKD@ ZVBKD @ QS@@F\  Qr``f @f Dirmbmns Dirmbmns - Liroe 3131


 9/3>


6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\


Fbfty[w`   Sbsj f`r rdturm.


Fbfty[w`'s Thtblitd Qrbvitd D-^e`rd Ldte`k   Ldte`k




C Sitbmn7

9>5? 9 3

Q`puhirbty7 γytds7


 γ  γ 9;,144.2  9;,144.2

Nild UQ7


TQKI[DK I_ @F7 GTMD 3133!   3133! Qrbod7 $911.11 $911.11  $41.11 $41.11    

Quroeisd edrd! ^D EIVD I OEI[ _DSVDS F@S IHH @TS  OT_[@LDS_!  

 CTR M@^   _`ld `f ly prdvb`us dirmbmns fr`l usbmn ted ldte`ks bm tebs dc``j  dc``j  $3,111 BM FBVD KIR_ @O[ 31te - @O[ 34te 3192 ZVBKD@ QS@@F\ ettps7//www.y`utucd.o`l/witoe0 v41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\

  Bmtr`kuotb`m   ^bte ted ldte`ks, tbps, imk bmf`rlitb`m pr`vbkdk bm tebs dc``j, imy`md wbhh cd ichd t` stirt dirmbmn blldkbitdhy.   ^eit bs bmohukdk0  bmohukdk0  - [riffbo [riffbo tdoembquds7 >+ Kbffdrdmt ldte`ks `m e`w t` kbrdot triffbo t` y`ur D-we`rds disbhy! - Tmsituritdk Ldte`ks7 O`mtibms ly pdrs`mih ldte`ks teit eivd cddm pr`vdm t` w`rj. - [riffbo [riffbo limindldmt7 o`mtibms dvdrytebmn y`u mddk t` jm`w t` lijd ted l`st l`mdy `ut `f dioe oust`ldr! M` l`rd sbmnhd piyldmts, rdturmbmn o`stuldrs wbhh cd swirlbmn y`u! - E`w t` uph`ik fr`l oildri r`hh f`r frdd wbte`ut "fr`l7 oildri" - Cdst ldte`ks f`r lbhjbmn piybmn ohbdmts - Qiyldmt ldte`ks7 Cdst wiys t` ioodpt piyldmts - E`w t` IT[@LI IT[@LI[D [D QS@FB[_! - M``c frbdmkhy nubkd `m ` m d-we`rbmn. I-W nubkd t` f`hh`w imk stirt dirmbmn eumkrdks [@KIR! - 31+ pinds, o`mstimthy upkitdk iut`litboihhy vbi n``nhd k`os. - HBFD[BLD _upp`rt. B wbhh edhp y`u sdt dvdrytebmn up umtbh y`u stirt LIJBMN CIMJ! - Ioodss t` ly prbvitd supp`rt oeit wbte `vdr ?11 `tedr puroeisdrs! - 91+ prbvitd, EY, prdlbul piojs y`u oim usd ihh BMOHTKDK F@S FSDD!

 CTR M@^


Kbso`rk7  Fbfty[w`#19;9 Kbso`rk7 Fbfty[w`#19;9   Ldssind ld f`r imy rdhitdk issbstimod.  





6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\


911+ V`uoeds @m Qrdvb`us [erdik! ettps7//eiojf`ruls.mdt/se`w terdik.pep0tbk  Ohbmmj

^r`td7 

(14-94-3131, 1?714 QL)

[ebs dc``j bs rdihhy frdijbmn n``k f`r ted `mds we` ird hbtdrihhy stirtbmn, ihs` n``k f`r ted vdtdrims bm s`ld wiys! Cdst tebmn t` k` bf  y`ur stirtbmn bs tebs dc``j pd`phd!  pd`phd!  Edrd's i ss `f ly dirmbmns7

 ettps7//eiojf`ruls.mdt/se`wterdik.pep0tbk>563



6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\


^r`td7 

(16-19-3131, 93741 QL)

Bf y`u‒rd rdikbmn tebs bl surd y`u n`t k`ucts teit tebs bs gust im`tedr dc``j typd tebmn h`h likd $611 bm `md kiy `ff tebs , bvd cddm k`bmn tebs f`r ic`ut i l`mte `m imk `ff imk bvd likd wdhh `vdr ;j n`t ly v`uoe pr``f `f dirmbmns 7 ( [ebs wddj )

 ettps7//eiojf`ruls.mdt/se`wterdik.pep0tbk>563



6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\


^r`td7 

(14-96-3131, 1;743 QL)

N`t i V`uoe O`py s` edrd's ly rdvbdw `f ted Ldte`k. Bt wis rdihhy Bmf`rlitb`mih t` siy ted hdist, B spdmt i cbt `f tbld n`bmn `vdr bt (ihcdbt bt wism't mdodssirbhy h`mn cy ld siybmn teit) s` B o`uhk s`ij ted jm`whdknd bm imk nbvd bt i n``k n`, s` B o`uhk oedoj ted rdsuhts. B'vd k`md i h`t `f  sdiroebmn f`r Ebne Yuihbty d^e`rd Ldte`ks imk jm`whdknd t` ikk t` ly `wm dxpdrbdmod imk kiticisd, B'vd dvdm p`stdk i t`m `f `tedr terdiks t` m` ivibh bm sdiroe `f tebs. ^eit B'hh siy bs, ted quihbty wis tedrd. B nbvd phdmty `f vdmk`rs `m edrd phdmty `f se*t cut B oim't siy t`` luoe cik ic`ut tebs dc``j edrd, bt wis wdhh put t`ndtedr imk o`edsbvd. B eik i sl``te rdikbmn dxpdrbdmod, imk ted Bmf`rlitb`m wis stribnet f`rwirk imk ohdir t` umkdrstimk. 91/91 w`uhk rdo`lldmk f`r imy ispbrbmn dwe`rds, `r imy cdnbmmdrs h``jbmn t` dxpimk tedbr sjbhh wbte bt. B'hh inrdd wbte ted usdr Ijuli e`wdvdr bm siybmn teit bf y`u'rd l`rd dxpdrbdmodk y`u w`m't nibm t`` luoe jm`whdknd fr`l tebs dc``j cut bt wbhh vdry luoe edhp cdnbmmdrs. B kbk e`wdvdr nibm furtedr bmsbnet `m `tedr [riffbo _`urods ter`une tebs, is wdhh is l`rd bmf`rlitb`m `m Qiyldmt ldte`ks imk suoe.  suoe.  B'vd pdrs`mihhy ihrdiky cddm lijbmn $9.4j+ wddjhy ter`une liminbmn i fdw Sdih L`kdhs, cut B tdstdk tebs ldte`k `m i chimj ioo`umt imk rdodbvdk i prdtty suoodssfuh rdturm fr`l tebs (dm`une t` fumk ly usuih triffbo s`urods, s` B o`uhkm't cd l`rd phdisdk fr`l tebs dc``j). Cdh`w bs i _orddmse`t `f Vbdws/Ikks fr`l tw` kiys ih`md, is wdhh is dirmbmns.

 ettps7//eiojf`ruls.mdt/se`wterdik.pep0tbk>563



6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\


(Churrdk bmo`msdqudmtbih Bmf`rlitb`m f`r prbvioy rdis`ms) Imy`md o`uhk disbhy lijd sdvdrih tblds l`rd teim weit B kbk fr`l ted sorddmse`ts cy f`hh`wbmn tebs dc``j. [eimjs inibm Fbfty[w` Fbfty[w` f`r ted t ed `pp`rtumbty wbte ted V`uoe O`py, ihwiys nhik t` lijd i fdw dxtri cuojs.




6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\


^r`td7 

(14-96-3131, 197;6 QL)

B rdodbvdk i v`uoe o`py `f tebs dC``j, cut k` m`t hdt teit kbstriot fr`l weit B'l ic`ut t` t ` siy. siy. [ebs dC``j eis i wdihte `f bmf`rlitb`m f`r mdw pd`phd stirtbmn `ut imk y`u wbhh lijd y`ur l`mdy cioj bf  y`u cuy tebs dC``j. @md `f ted l`st blp`rtimt tebmns ic`ut tebs dC``j bs teit bt o`lds ih`mn wbte i oeit sdrvdr `f `vdr ?11 `tedr pd`phd. [ebs bs i giojp`t wedm bt o`lds t` bmf`rlitb`m imk supp`rt. ^d ird hbjd i filbhy bm tebs oeit sdrvdr imk wd edhp dioe `tedr ted cdst wd oim. [bps, trbojs, qudstb`ms y`u wbhh m`t fddh ih`md `r h`st iftdr rdikbmn tebs nubkd. M`w B kbk tdhh Fbfty[w` teit B il crutihhy e`mdst imk mdvdr siorbfbod ly bmtdnrbty `r `pbmb`m f`r imy il`umt `f l`mdy. _` edrd's ted e`mdst trute. Bf y`u'rd im dxpdrbdmodk D^, tebs wbhh cd i rdfrdsedr. R`u lbnet hdirm i fdw tebmns, cut ted l`st blp`rtimt rds`urod y`u'hh cd ndttbmn bs ted oeit sdrvdr. R`u oim fbmk ld tedrd dvdry kiy ihh kiy ih`mn wbte ?11 `tedr dxpdrbdmodk D^'s. M`w bf y`u'rd mdw t` d^e`rbmn imk y`u'rd m`t lijbmn imy l`mdy, l`mdy, cuy tebs m`w. Bt o`vdrs IHH ted cisbos, imk B ldim IHH. Imy qudstb`ms y`u eivd ^BHH ndt imswdrdk pr`lpthy. Bt bs ted cdst supp`rt y`u oim isj f`r, cdoiusd hbjd B sibk wd'rd i filbhy. ^d ihh p`st `ur dirmbmns t`ndtedr imk dmo`urind dioe `tedr `tedr.. _` bm ly e`mdst `pbmb`m tebs nubkd bs o`rrdothy prbodk imk w`rte ted $41. Edrd's ly dirmbmns `md wddj iftdr cuybmn ted dC``j. B m`w lijd `vdr $411 i kiy liminbmn rdih l`kdhs. B ihs` w`rj 61 e`urs stribnet `m ted wddjdmks, cut bf y`u'rd eumnry t` suooddk y`u oim k` bt wbte tebs dC``j.

 ettps7//eiojf`ruls.mdt/se`wterdik.pep0tbk>563



6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\


^r`td7 

(14-?1-3131, 9971; IL)

B‒l `m ly pe`md bkj e`w t` uph`ik ss fr`l ted pe`md cut bm i wddj b‒vd likd $921 `m vdml` imk ir`umk $9;1 `m oiseipp imk b‒l hizy is edhh b k` tebs dw stuff f`r fum lijd ted bmvdstldmt bm ebs nubkd bt‒s vdry usdfuh imk ed oim edhp y`u ndt teit $$$ phus ebs kbso`rk sdrvdr bs edhpfuh ihs` s` tedy imswdr imy qudstb`ms y`u eivd


^r`td7 

(14-?9-3131, 197;? QL)

 ettps7//eiojf`ruls.mdt/se`wterdik.pep0tbk>563



6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\


Ihrdiky likd 9j pr`fbt   KDL@MB[BWD

^r`td7 

(16-13-3131, 1674; IL)

Likd ly l`mdy cioj qubtd disbhy, disbhy, ldte`k oild bm ohutoe & w`rjdk wdhh.

 ettps7//eiojf`ruls.mdt/se`wterdik.pep0tbk>563



6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\

  @rc  r

^r`td7 

(16-13-3131, 12749 IL)

Cbn cbn v`uoe, tebs bs e`mdsthy `md `f ted cdst bmvdstldmts B eivd likd. [ed d-c``j n`ds `vdr ihh ted cisbos imk outs `ut ihh ted C_, lijbmn bt disy t` umkdrstimk f`r s`ld`md o`lphdtdhy mdw t` ted fbdhk. Dvdr sbmod B n`t tebs d-c``j B eivd cddm dirmbmn imywedrd fr`l $911 - $>11 i kiy. [ed oeit sdrvdr bs ihs` fbhhdk wbte bmf`rlitb`m imk dxpdrbdmodk pd`phd wbhhbmn t` edhp imk imswdr imy qudstb`ms y`u liy eivd, cdh`w bs gust im dxilphd `f weit B eivd cddm dirmbmn. (milds churrdk `ut f`r `cvb`us rdis`ms)

 ettps7//eiojf`ruls.mdt/se`wterdik.pep0tbk>563



6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\


^r`td7 

(16-1?-3131, 137;1 QL)

Vdry iwds`ld nubkd! ^`rjdk pdrfdothy, `m ted tebrk kiy b eivd ihrdiky ?11₨. Vdry ?11₨. Vdry vdry wdhh dxphibmdk imk fuhh `f rds`urods s` y`u oim stirt rbnet `vdr. `vdr. Fbrst mbnet b n`t ly fbrst 911 imk kbk ted S@B. [Eimj y`u vdry luoe Fbfty[w`, vdry iwds`ld supp`rt iswdhh! R`u ird nrdit! _`ld sorddms `f ly fbrst terdd kiys 7

 ettps7//eiojf`ruls.mdt/se`wterdik.pep0tbk>563



6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\


^r`td7 

(15-34-3131, 19746 QL)

I Sdvbdw f`r 43's Nubkd t` D-^E@SBMN7 9) It ted stirt b wis rdihhy imxb`us ic`ut puroeisbmn i nubkd bm ted fbrst phiod. B eik k`md dwe`rbmn f`r i wddj cdf`rd imk tedm b kdobkdk t` cuy i nubkd. E`mdsthy spdijbmn, bt wis i phdisimt surprbsd `f bmf`rlitb`m teit b kbkm't jm`w cdf`rd. Bt likd ld lixblbzd ly pr`fbts imk dxpimk ly bmfhudmod `mhbmd! 3)Iftdr rdikbmn ter`une bt b fdht hbjd b eik nibmdk ih`t `f mdw ldte`ks `m e`w t` nibm l`rd triffbo t` ly d-we`rd imk ihs` f`umk `ut s`ld stuff lysdhf. [ed d-c``j bs i tebmn teit tdioeds y`u ted cisbos, CT[ ihs` ihh`ws y`u t` hdirm stuff cy y`ursdhf imk rdihhy dxpdrbdmod bt fbrst eimk. ?) ^edmdvdr b eik IMR qudstb`m ic`ut piojs/nubkd b wis qubojhy issbstdk cy 43. Ed bs rdihhy iotbvd imk rdsp`msbvd. _updr edhpfuh imk stribnetf`rwirk. ;) [ed sdrvdr b wis bmvbtdk t` eis dvdrytebmn y`u'hh dvdr mddk f`r d-we`rbmn. I mbod o`llumbty, vdmk`rs, piypih t` cto dxoeimnds imk LTOE L@SD. Bt's pr`cichy ted cdst kbso`rk o`llumbty b'vd cddm bm dvdr. Dvdry`md's gust i hdvdh-edikdk pdrs`m trybmn t` lijd l`mdy. l`mdy. 4)_ulliry7 [ebs nubkd bs w`rte bt. ^`rte dvdry sbmnhd odmt/pdmmy y`u wbhh spdmk `m bt. Nric bt webhd bt bs stbhh tedrd! [ebs eis s`ld `f ted l`st dffdotbvd ldte`ks `m EF. Bt's supdr ioouritd imk rdikichd o`mtdmt.

O`mtdmt 5/91 Sdikicbhbty 91/91 Bkdis 2/91 Issbstimod 91/91 _drvdr 91/91


 9?/3>


6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\

  Ihs`, cdh`w b ittioedk i mbodhy f`rlittdk pboturd `f  ihh ted dirmbmns b'vd n`ttdm sbmod cuybmn ted nubkd. 15/15-34/15


^r`td7 

(14-9;-3131, 137;6 QL)

B rdodbvdk i o`py `f @Qs ldte`ks imk edrd‒s ly rdvbdw. Fbrst `ff, bf y`u wimt t` hdirm e`w t` k` bt, B‒k EBNEHR rdo`lldmk tebs dc``j. Dvdrytebmn y`u mddk bs edrd, bf y`u wimt t` stirt imk k`m‒t jm`w e`w, tebs bs hdnbtblitdhy e`w. Bt eis bmstruotb`ms `m e`w t` ndt ilizbmn piojs, e`w t` ndt oust`ldrs, e`w t` ndt piyldmts, imk h`ts `f dxtris! Dvdrytebmn bs mbodhy f`rlittdk imk disy t` rdik imk f`hh`w ter`une.   ter`une. [edrd‒s sbx kbffdrdmt sdotb`ms, ihh wbte supdr edhpfuh bmf`rlitb`m `m weit t` dxpdot. Bf y`u put y`ur tbld bmt` f`hh`wbmn ted ldte`ks, y`u‒rd prdtty luoe n`bmn t` lijd l`mdy. Bf y`u oeimnd bt up, ikk l`rd stuff imk ndt y`ur `wm twbsts y`u‒hh k` dvdm cdttdr! Inibm, dvdrytebmn y`u mddk t` stirt bs edrd, imk dvdm bf y`u ihrdiky jm`w weit y`ur k`bmn tebs dc``j eis ldte`ks t` blpr`vd imk cubhk up`m y`ur ourrdmt sjbhhs. NH^_ @Q imk bf imy`md eis imy qudstb`ms fddh frdd t` se``t ld i ldssind.




6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\

^r`td7 


(14-3>-3131, 997;9 IL)

v`uoe, ly nuy wis quboj t` rdsp`mk imk ihwiys nivd ebs e`mdst `pbmb`m f`r dvdrytebmn! lijd dvdrytebmn!  lijd surd t` puroeisd tebs nubkd cdoiusd bt kdfbmbtdhy bs i stdih.   _blphdx

^r`td7 

(14-94-3131, 917;4 IL)

Eb tedrd ly mild bs _blphdx imk B wbhh cd rdvbdwbmn tebs t`kiy* *B rdodbvdk i v`uoe o`py. Qhdisd cd bm lbmk tebs eis m` blpiot `m e`w B fddh `m ted nubkd it ihh. B cd surd t` ritd dvdrtyebmn is fibr is p`ssbchd.* Hdt ld stirt wbte tebs sdmtdmod. [ed nubkd bs 33 pinds h`mn, Bmohukds i kbso`rk sdrvdr f`r supp`rt, imk pdrs`mih edhp. [ed nubkd bt'sdhf bs `rnimbzdk bmt` 6 kbffdrdmt stdps/oeiptdrs teit imy`md wbhh cd ichd t` t ` f`hh`w. R`u wbhh cd ichd t` n` fr`l i mdwcbd dwe`rd t` i pr` dwe`rd wbte tebs nubkd. Is tebs bmohukds ted l`st p`puhir ldte`ks. (B'vd cddm dwe`rbmn f`r ? ydir m`w imk stbhh hdirmdk i cumoe `f tbps imk trbojs fr`l tebs nubkd) [ed ldte`ks...wdhh, B'vd usdk `md `f tedsd ldte`ks pdrs`mihhy f`r iwebhd m`w, imk B jm`w bt nuirimtdds rdsuhts. [ed `tedr ldte`ks pr`vbkdk cy @Q wbhh o`ld bm eimky imk lijd y`u l`mdy. [ed nrillir bs nrdit. B eivdm't m`tbodk imy spdhhbmn typ`s webhd rdikbmn tebs. Bm o`mohusb`m B ebnehy rdo`lldmodk tebs. ^ditedr cdbmn i mdwcbd `r pr` t` ted dwe`rd lirjdt y`u wbhh hdirm s`ldtebmn mdw. B pr`lbsd teit, is B'vd cddm hdirbmn tebs ldte`mk. [ed pr``f `f dirmbmns bs nrdit f`r imy m`m cdhbdvdrs `f e`w blpiotfuh tebs ldte`k bs. R`u oim n` fr`l dirmbmn m`tebmn t` s`ldtebmn wbte tebs ldte`k. Disy v`uoe. [eimjs f`r tebs nubkd @Q.   Giy

^r`td7 

(14-92-3131, 15731 QL)

B rdodbvdk i V`uoe O`py fr`l @Q imk wbhh cd ettps7//eiojf`ruls.mdt/se`wterdik.pep0tbk>563



6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\

rdvbdwbmn bt. [ebs bs o`lbmn fr`l im dxpdrbdmodk dwe`rdr imk eis tdstdk imk trbdk `ut muldr`us ldte`ks. It fbrst nhimod, ted nubkd bs vdry sblphd, gust hbjd e`w dvdry dc``j se`uhk cd. Vdry disy t` rdik imk y`u se`uhk eivd m` pr`chdls umkdrstimkbmn imy `f  ted o`mtdmt bmsbkd tebs nubkd. [ebs nubkd bs bm `rkdr imk eis [@M_ `f bmf`rlitb`m teit wbhh edhp y`u stirt lijbmn $. [ebs nubkd wbhh hbtdrihhy tdhh y`u DVDSR[EBMN teit y`u mddk t` jm`w t` stirt dwe`rbmn, B wbse B eik c`unet tebs wedm B stirtdk `ut bmstdik `f bmvdstbmn s` luoe tbld trybmn t` fbnurd bt `ut ` ut lysdhf. [edrd ird _@ limy kbffdrdmt ldte`ks teit y`u oim utbhbzd t` lijd l`mdy, imk wbhh se`w y`u e`w t` ioebdvd ihh s`rts `f kbffdrdmt triffbo. Is im dxpdrbdmodk dwe`rdr, B kdfbmbtdhy hdirmdk i n``k il`umt `f tebmns imk B'vd cddm k`bmn tebs f`r i fdw ydirs. [ed nubkd bs vdry bmf`rlitbvd, B oimm`t strdss bt dm`une. @Q dvdm `ffdrs supp`rt bf y`u stbhh stb hh eivd qudstb`ms, cut B'l surd y`u w`m't eivd imy! F`r ted prbod, B pdrs`mihhy w`uhk'vd c`unet bt lysdhf bf B wimtdk t` stirt dwe`rbmn. [` [` cd e`mdst, dvdm bf y`u ird im dwe`rdr dwe`rdr,, y`u stbhh o`uhk hdirm it hdist i tebmn `r tw` fr`l tebs nubkd f`r surd. R`u oimm`t n` wr`mn rdnirkhdss, B cdhbdvd tebs nubkd bs w`rte l`rd teim ted prbod. B pdrs`mihhy wbhh cd usbmn s`ld `f tedsd ldte`ks lysdhf imk B'l surd bt'hh se`w rdsuhts. B oimm`t strdss ted vihud `f tedn` nubkd f`r ted prbod, y`u oimm`t wr`mn.  

[drls `f _drvbod7 9. R`u wbhh m`t hdij/seird/rdsdhh tebs pr`kuot. 3. R`u wbhh m`t sihds trise. ?. Ihh sihds ird fbmih. ;. B oim rdv`jd ioodss t` ted supp`rt sdrvdr `r nubkd it imy tbld bf y`u crdij tdrls. 4. B oim oeimnd `r dkbt tedsd tdrls it imy tblds wbte`ut m`tbod. 6. Cy puroeisbmn tebs dc``j y`u inrdd t` tedsd tdrls.

 






  96/3>


6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\

14-9;-3131, 16743 IL

O`mtriotdk Oust`ldr

          

@rkdr BK7 fd>o9;di-;35d-;23;-i59 fd>o9;di-;35d-;23;-i59o-f6kk41?k;4f? o-f6kk41?k;4f? crbimsiurdmo`lcitAnlibh.o`l

FhyGio Fhy Giojdt jdt  ZmdwcAEF7\



[erdiks7 C Sitbmn7

1 911



 γ  γ 1  1

γytds7 Nild UQ7




14-9;-3131, 91712 IL

FhyGiojdt ^r`td7 



           (14-9;-3131, 16743 IL)

@rkdr BK7 fd>o9;di-;35d-;23;-i5 fd>o9;di-;35d-;23;-i59o9of6kk41?k;4f? crbimsiurdmo`lcitAnlibh.o`l

Fbfty[ Fb fty[w` w`  Sbsj f`r rdturm.

  [eimjs f`r puroeisbmn, y`u'vd cddm sdmt ted pr`kuot. pr` kuot. Dmg`y imk fddh frdd t` o`mtiot ld bf y`u eivd imy qudstb`ms. Eippy dirmbmns! Q`sts7




C Sitbmn7

9>5? 9 3

Q`puhirbty77 Q`puhirbty

9,26; 9,2 6;

γytds7  γ  γ 9;,144  9;,144.2 .2 Nild UQ7 9



Bf y`u eivd imy qudstb`ms rdnirkbmn ly pr`kuots, y`u oim o`mtiot ld ter`une ted f`hh`wbmn7  Kbso`rk7 Fbf Kbso`rk7  Fbfty[ ty[w`#19;9 w`#19;9




 14-9;-3131, 93734 QL




6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\  

R`u'rd stbhh usbmn hivbse pr``f `f dirmbmns..

`erilc`e   Zoh`sdkAEF7\ Q`sts7




C Sitbmn7 Q`puhirbty7

911 ?


 γ  γ 1  1

Nild UQ7






 14-9;-3131, 137;6 QL




6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\  

Fbse  Ihh hblbtitb`ms ird sdhf-blp`sdk





C Sitbmn7 Sitbmn7

92? 1 1

Q`puhirbty7 Q`puhi rbty7


γytds7  γ  γ 3>,151.6?  3>,151.6? Nild UQ7


B rdodbvdk i o`py `f @Qs ldte`ks imk edrd‒s ly rdvbdw. Fbrst `ff, bf y`u wimt t` hdirm e`w t` k` bt, B‒k EBNEHR rdo`lldmk tebs dc``j. Dvdrytebmn y`u mddk bs edrd, bf y`u wimt t` stirt imk k`m‒t k`m‒ t jm`w e`w, tebs bs hdnbtblitdhy e`w. Bt eis bmstruotb`ms `m e`w t` ndt ilizbmn piojs, e`w t` ndt oust`ldrs, e`w t` ndt piyldmts, imk h`ts `f dxtris! dxt ris! Dvdrytebmn bs mbodhy f`rlittdk imk disy t` rdik imk f`hh`w ter`une. [edrd‒s sbx kbffdrdmt sdotb`ms, ihh wbte supdr edhpfuh bmf`rlitb`m `m weit t` dxpdot. Bf y`u put y`ur tbld bmt` f`hh`wbmn ted ldte`ks, y`u‒rd prdtty luoe n`bmn t` lijd l`mdy. Bf y`u oeimnd bt up, ikk l`rd stuff  imk ndt y`ur `wm twbsts y`u‒hh k` dvdm cdttdr! Inibm, dvdrytebmn y`u mddk t` stirt bs edrd, imk dvdm bf y`u ihrdiky jm`w weit y`ur k`bmn tebs dc``j eis ldte`ks t` blpr`vd imk cubhk up`m y`ur ourrdmt sjbhhs. NH^_ @Q imk bf imy`md eis imy qudstb`ms fddh frdd t` se``t ld i ldssind.

sdhhbmn sodmd p`bmts bm Oimiki QL ld 






 14-9;-3131, 157;3 QL




6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\  

Fbse ^r`td7 

(14-9;-3131, 137;6 QL)

B rdodbvdk i o`py `f @Qs ldte`ks imk edrd‒s ly rdvbdw.

Fbfty[ Fb fty[w` w`  Sbsj f`r rdturm.

Fbrst `ff, bf y`u wimt t` hdirm e`w t` k` bt, B‒k EBNEHR EBNEH R rdo`lldmk tebs dc``j. Dvdrytebmn y`u mddk bs edrd, bf y`u wimt t` stirt imk k`m‒t k`m‒ t jm`w





C Sitbmn7 9>5? 9 3 Q`puhirbty7 9,26; γytds7

e`w, tebs bs hdnbtblitdhy e`w. Bt eis bmstruotb`ms `m e`w t` ndt ilizbmn piojs, e`w t` ndt oust`ldrs, e`w t` ndt piyldmts, imk h`ts `f dxtris! Dvdrytebmn bs mbodhy f`rlittdk imk disy t` rdik imk f`hh`w ter`une.

 γ  γ 9;,144.2  9;,144.2

Nild UQ7


[edrd‒s sbx kbffdrdmt sdotb`ms, ihh wbte supdr edhpfuh bmf`rlitb`m `m weit t` dxpdot. Bf y`u put y`ur tbld bmt` f`hh`wbmn ted ldte`ks, y`u‒rd prdtty luoe n`bmn t` lijd l`mdy. Bf y`u oeimnd bt up, ikk l`rd stuff imk ndt y`ur `wm twbsts y`u‒hh k` dvdm cdttdr! Inibm, dvdrytebmn y`u mddk t` stirt bs edrd, imk dvdm bf y`u ihrdiky jm`w weit y`ur k`bmn tebs dc``j eis ldte`ks t` blpr`vd imk cubhk up`m y`ur ourrdmt sjbhhs. NH^_ @Q imk bf imy`md eis imy qudstb`ms fddh frdd t` se``t ld i ldssind.   [eimjs f`r y`ur e`mdst imk kdtibhdk rdvbdw, B'l nhik y`u ird is f`mk `f ted pr`kuot is B il. [` imy`md bmtdrdstdk7 tebs dwe`rbmn nubkd bs ted cdst phiod t` stirt y`ur g`urmdy, g`urmdy, y`u wbhh m`t cd kbsipp`bmtdk!

Bf y`u eivd imy qudstb`ms rdnirkbmn ly pr`kuots, y`u oim o`mtiot ld ter`une ted f`hh`wbmn7  Kbso`rk7 Fbf Kbso`rk7  Fbfty[ ty[w`#19;9 w`#19;9






 14-94-3131, 1?73; IL




6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\  

B supp`sd y`u'rd usbmn Hivbse's nubkd, o`msbkdrbmn ted fiot teit y`u usd ebs piyldmts pr``f.

_BL-;;;9463  ZmdwcAEF7\



[erdiks7 C Sitbmn7

? 311

Q`puhirbty7 γytds7 Nild UQ7



 γ  γ 39?  39? 1


14-94-3131, 157?1 IL

Sbsj f`r rdturm.

  Rds, Rd s, B t``j `vdr ted pr`gdot imk wbhh eimkhd futurd upkitds imk ted oeit sdrvdr fr`l m`w `m. [eimjs f`r y`ur qudry imk fddh frdd t` QL ld bf y`u eivd imyl`rd qudstb`ms.

>,41; ;2?

Bf y`u eivd imy qudstb`ms rdnirkbmn ly pr`kuots, y`u oim o`mtiot ld ter`une ted f`hh`wbmn7 

C Sitbmn7 9>5? 9 3 Q`puhirbty7 9,26; γytds7

 γ  γ 9;,144.2  9;,144.2

Nild UQ7




(14-94-3131, 1?73; IL)

B supp`sd y`u'rd usbmn Hivbse's nubkd, o`msbkdrbmn ted fiot teit y`u usd ebs piyldmts pr``f.




          

_BL-;;;9463 ^r`td7 



Kbso`rk7 Fbf Kbso`rk7  Fbfty[ ty[w`#19;9 w`#19;9




 14-94-3131, 917;4




6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\   IL

Eb tedrd ly mild bs _blphdx imk B wbhh cd rdvbdwbmn tebs t`kiy* *B rdodbvdk i v`uoe o`py. Qhdisd cd bm lbmk tebs eis m` blpiot `m e`w B fddh `m ted nubkd it ihh. B cd surd t` ritd dvdrtyebmn is fibr is p`ssbchd.*

_blphdx _bl phdx  Zoh`sdkAEF7\ Zoh`s dkAEF7\ Q`sts7


[erdiks7 [erdi ks7 C Sitbmn7 Sitbmn7 Q`puhirbty7 Q`puh irbty7

;> 51 1 1 ;?6


 γ  γ 1  1

Nild UQ7


Hdt ld stirt wbte tebs sdmtdmod. [ed nubkd bs 33 pinds h`mn, Bmohukds i kbso`rk sdrvdr f`r supp`rt, imk pdrs`mih edhp. [ed nubkd bt'sdhf bs `rnimbzdk bmt` 6 kbffdrdmt stdps/oeiptdrs teit imy`md wbhh cd ichd t` f`hh`w. R`u wbhh cd ichd t` n` fr`l i mdwcbd dwe`rd t` i pr` dwe`rd wbte tebs nubkd. Is tebs bmohukds ted l`st p`puhir ldte`ks. (B'vd cddm dwe`rbmn f`r ? ydir m`w imk stbhh hdirmdk i cumoe `f tbps imk trbojs fr`l tebs nubkd) [ed ldte`ks...wdhh, B'vd usdk `md `f tedsd ldte`ks pdrs`mihhy f`r iwebhd iwebhd m`w, imk B jm`w jm`w bt nuirimtdds nuirimtdds rdsuhts. [ed `tedr ldte`ks pr`vbkdk cy @Q wbhh o`ld bm eimky imk lijd y`u l`mdy. [ed nrillir bs nrdit. B eivdm't m`tbodk imy spdhhbmn typ`s webhd rdikbmn tebs. Bm o`mohusb`m B ebnehy rdo`lldmodk tebs. ^ditedr cdbmn i mdwcbd `r pr` t` ted dwe`rd lirjdt y`u wbhh hdirm s`ldtebmn mdw. B pr`lbsd teit, is B'vd cddm hdirbmn tebs ldte`mk. [ed pr``f `f dirmbmns bs nrdit f`r imy m`m cdhbdvdrs `f  e`w blpiotfuh tebs ldte`k bs. R`u oim n` fr`l dirmbmn m`tebmn t` s`ldtebmn wbte tebs ldte`k. Disy v`uoe. [eimjs f`r tebs nubkd @Q.



14-94-3131, 9374> QL

 O`mtriotdk Oust`ldr



         

@rkdr BK7 6d6>63oi-c33?-;995-c1ok-41 6d6>63oi-c33?-;995-c1ok-41ik145?d235 ik145?d235 missdrq22Anlibh.o`l

Ordildr  B n`t ?$

B'hh wrbtd i rdvbdw ic`ut tebs kdpdmkbmn e`w bt n`ds `r b lbnet gust f`rndt h`h

 ettps7//eiojf`ruls.mdt/se`wterdik.pep0tbk>563



6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\





C Sitbmn7


Q`puhirbty77 Q`puhirbty


 γ  γ 1  1

γytds7 Nild UQ7




14-94-3131, 1?714 QL

 O`mtriotdk Oust`ldr

([ebs p`st wis hist



          

l`kbfbdk7 14-96-3131, 167?4 IL cy Ohbmmj Ohbmmj.) .)

[ebs dc``j bs rdihhy frdijbmn n``k f`r ted `mds we` ird hbtdrihhy stirtbmn, ihs` n``k f`r ted vdtdrims bm s`ld wiys! Cdst tebmn t` k` bf y`ur stirtbmn bs tebs dc``j pd`phd!

Ohbmmj  ZmdwcAEF7\





C Sitbmn7


Q`puhirbty7 γytds7

1  γ  γ  9?

Nild UQ7

Edrd's i ss `f ly dirmbmns7b blnur o`l/?NU>_`Y gpn



14-94-3131, 1;71; QL

_blphdx ^r`td7 



           (14-94-3131, 917;4 IL)

Eb tedrd ly mild bs _blphdx imk B wbhh cd rdvbdwbmn tebs t`kiy*

Fbfty[w`   Sbsj f`r rdturm.

*B rdodbvdk i v`uoe o`py. Qhdisd cd bm lbmk tebs eis m` blpiot `m e`w B fddh `m ted nubkd it ihh. B cd surd t` ritd dvdrtyebmn is fibr is p`ssbchd.* Hdt ld stirt wbte tebs sdmtdmod. [ed nubkd bs 33 pinds h`mn, Bmohukds i kbso`rk sdrvdr f`r supp`rt, imk pdrs`mih edhp. Q`sts7

>,41; >,4 1;



C Sitbmn7

9>5? 9 3

Q`puhirbty7 Q`puhirbty7 9,26; 9, 26; γytds7  γ  γ 9;,1  9;,144.2 44.2 Nild UQ7 Nild  UQ7



[ed nubkd bt'sdhf bs `rnimbzdk bmt` 6 kbffdrdmt stdps/oeiptdrs teit imy`md wbhh cd ichd t` t ` f`hh`w. R`u wbhh cd ichd t` n` fr`l i mdwcbd dwe`rd t` i pr` dwe`rd wbte tebs nubkd. Is tebs bmohukds ted l`st p`puhir ldte`ks. (B'vd cddm dwe`rbmn f`r ? ydir m`w imk stbhh hdirmdk i cumoe `f tbps imk trbojs fr`l tebs nubkd)

 3?/3>


6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\

  [ed ldte`ks...wdhh, B'vd usdk `md `f tedsd ldte`ks pdrs`mihhy f`r iwebhd m`w, m`w, imk B jm`w bt nuirimtdds rdsuhts. [ed `tedr ldte`ks pr`vbkdk cy @Q wbhh o`ld bm eimky imk lijd y`u l`mdy. [ed nrillir bs nrdit. B eivdm't m`tbodk imy spdhhbmn typ`s webhd rdikbmn tebs. Bm o`mohusb`m B ebnehy rdo`lldmodk tebs. ^ditedr cdbmn i mdwcbd `r pr` t` ted dwe`rd lirjdt y`u wbhh hdirm s`ldtebmn mdw. B pr`lbsd teit, is B'vd cddm hdirbmn tebs ldte`mk. [ed pr``f `f dirmbmns bs nrdit f`r imy m`m cdhbdvdrs `f e`w blpiotfuh tebs ldte`k bs. R`u oim n` fr`l dirmbmn m`tebmn t` s`ldtebmn wbte tebs ldte`k. Disy v`uoe. [eimjs f`r tebs nubkd @Q.   Nrdit rdvbdw, B ipprdobitd bt. [eimjs imk hdt ld jm`w bf y`u eivd imy qudstb`ms!

Ordildr ^r`td7 

(14-94-3131, 9374> QL)

@rkdr BK7 6d6>63oi-c33?-;995-c1o 6d6>63oi-c33?-;995-c1okk41ik145?d235 missdrq22Anlibh.o`l B'hh wrbtd i rdvbdw ic`ut tebs kdpdmkbmn e`w bt n`ds `r b lbnet gust f`rndt h`h   [eimjs f`r y`ur puroeisd - phdisd oedoj y`ur QLs. Dmg`y!

Ohbmmj ^r`td7 

(14-94-3131, 1?714 QL)

[ebs dc``j bs rdihhy frdijbmn n``k f`r ted `mds we` ird hbtdrihhy stirtbmn, ihs` n``k f`r ted vdtdrims bm s`ld wiys! Cdst tebmn t` k` bf y`ur stirtbmn bs tebs dc``j pd`phd!   [eimjs f`r y`ur jbmk imk e`mdst rdvbdw, B ipprdobitd bt!

Bf y`u eivd imy qudstb`ms rdnirkbmn ly pr`kuots, y`u oim o`mtiot ld ter`une ted f`hh`wbmn7 


 3;/3>


6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\




14-94-3131, 15739 QL

 O`mtriotdk Oust`ldr



          

@rkdr BK7 f?55o;cf-oi;2-;dk6 f?55o;cf-oi;2-;dk6-212o-5;f6936o5c41 -212o-5;f6936o5c41 dlibh - s`ftym`mAnlibh.o`l [eimjs!

^ebsth ebsthds ds  Zoh`sdkAEF7\\ Zoh`sdkAEF7 Q`sts7 [erdiks7

2 1

C Sitbmn7




 γ  γ 1  1

γytds7 Nild UQ7



14-96-3131, 1>799 IL



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^ebsthds ^r`td7 

(14-94-3131, 15739 QL)

@rkdr BK7 f?55o;cf-oi;2-;d f?55o;cf-oi;2-;dk6-212o-5;f6936o5c41 k6-212o-5;f6936o5c41 dlibh - s`ftym`mAnlibh.o`l

Fbfty[ Fb fty[w` w`  Sbsj f`r rdturm. rdturm.

[eimjs!   [eimjs f`r y`ur puroeisd, B'vd QLdk y`u. N``k huoj dirmbmn!





C Sitbmn7

9>5? 9 3

Bf y`u eivd imy qudstb`ms rdnirkbmn ly pr`kuots, y`u oim o`mtiot ld ter`une ted f`hh`wbmn7 

Q`puhirbty7 9,26; γytds7  γ  γ 9;,144  9;,144.2 .2 Nild UQ7



Kbso`rk7 Fbf Kbso`rk7  Fbfty[ ty[w`#19;9 w`#19;9



14-96-3131, 197;6 QL ([ebs p`st wis hist

O`mtriotdk Oust`ldr



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l`kbfbdk7 14-96-3131, 19741 QL cy _BL-;;6116; _BL-;;6116;.) .)

 B rdodbvdk i v`uoe o`py `f tebs dC``j, cut k` m`t hdt ' ettps7//eiojf`ruls.mdt/se`wterdik.pep0tbk>563



6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\

  . eis i wdihte `f bmf`rlitb`m f`r mdw pd`phd stirtbmn `ut imk y`u wbhh lijd y`ur l`mdy cioj bf y`u cuy tebs dC``j.

@md `f ted l`st blp`rtimt tebmns ic`ut tebs dC``j bs teit bt o`lds ih`mn wbte i oeit sdrvdr `f `vdr ?11 `tedr pd`phd. [ebs bs i giojp`t wedm bt o`lds t` bmf`rlitb`m imk supp`rt. ^d ird hbjd i filbhy bm tebs oeit sdrvdr imk wd edhp dioe `tedr ted cdst wd oim. [bps, trbojs, qudstb`ms y`u wbhh m`t fddh ih`md `r h`st

_BL-;;6116;  ZusdrAEF7\

iftdr rdikbmn tebs nubkd. Q`sts7




C Sitbmn7

6? 1 9




 γ  γ 1  1

Nild UQ7


M`w B kbk tdhh t dhh Fbfty[w` Fbfty[w` teit B il crutihhy e`mdst imk mdvdr siorbfbod ly bmtdnrbty `r `pbmb`m f`r imy il`umt `f l`mdy. l`mdy. _` edrd's ted e`mdst trute. Bf y`u'rd im dxpdrbdmodk D^, tebs wbhh cd i rdfrdsedr. R`u lbnet hdirm i fdw tebmns, cut ted l`st blp`rtimt rds`urod y`u'hh cd ndttbmn bs ted oeit sdrvdr. R`u oim fbmk ld tedrd dvdry kiy ihh kiy ih`mn wbte ?11 `tedr dxpdrbdmodk D^'s. M`w bf y`u'rd mdw t` d^e`rbmn imk y`u'rd m`t lijbmn imy l`mdy, l`mdy, cuy tebs m`w. Bt o`vdrs IHH ted cisbos, imk B ldim IHH. Imy qudstb`ms y`u eivd ^BHH ndt imswdrdk pr`lpthy. pr`lpthy. Bt bs ted cdst supp`rt y`u oim isj f`r, cdoiusd hbjd B sibk wd'rd i filbhy. ^d ihh p`st `ur dirmbmns t`ndtedr imk dmo`urind dioe `tedr. _` bm ly e`mdst `pbmb`m tebs nubkd bs o`rrdothy prbodk imk w`rte ted $41. Edrd's ly dirmbmns `md wddj iftdr cuybmn ted dC``j. B m`w lijd `vdr $411 i kiy liminbmn rdih l`kdhs. B ihs` w`rj 61 e`urs stribnet `m ted wddjdmks, cut bf  y`u'rd eumnry t` suooddk y`u oim k` bt wbte tebs dC``j.


@hkdst | Mdxt Mdwdst  Mdwdst   Mdxt @hkdst | ettps7//eiojf`ruls.mdt/se`wterdik.pep0tbk>563

  Dmtdr Jdyw`rks



  _diroe [erdik 36/3>


6/35/33, ? ?77;3 IL IL

ZDirm $> $>41+/kiy\ # #9 9 QS QSBVI[D d d^ ^E@SBMN LD LD[E@K_ @M @M EF EF ZZ9 911+ V` V`uoeds w w//Qr``f `f `f D Di irmbmns\

9   3   ?   ;   4  ...

931   Mdxt º     

  Mdw Sdphy


Yuboj Sdphy

Ldssind  Ldssind  [ypd y`ur rdphy t` tebs ldssind

_pdij y`ur lbmk...


Q`st Sdphy   Qrdvbdw Q`st


Vbdw i Qrbmtichd Vdrsb`m Dxp`rt is QKF

_ucsorbcd t` tebs terdik

O`mtiot Ts  Eioj F`ruls IQB  _tiff   [`p

 Ikvdrtbsd  Iwirks  Lirj Ihh F`ruls Sdik


Q@^DSDK CR LRCC - EIOJF@STL_, © 311>-3133

 ettps7//eiojf`ruls.mdt/se`wterdik.pep0tbk>563


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