E&l Do2000

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Description H


Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001

1. Function 2. As Assembly and installation

2 2

3. Keys and displays 4. Setup mode

2 6

5. Commissioning 6. Parameters

8 17

7. Operation


8. Special applications


9. Technical data




Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 Explanation of symbols


= jobs to be performed = important information and instructions

1. Func Functi tion on

Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 is designed to operate a digital guider. The following operations are possible with command station DO 2000 / DO 2001: - ac actu tuat atin ing g elem elemen entt opera operati tion on - supp suppor ortt beam beam ope operrat atio ion n - os osci cill llat atio ion n op oper erat atio ion n - multi operati tio on - prepositioning - web tension - wi widt dth h meas measur urem emen entt The command station consists of a housing and command unit ZC 4070. cover is for mounting in a control Command station DO 2000 with cover is console or cabinet, command station DO 2001 with desktop with desktop housing for mounting in the field.

2. Assem Assembl bly y and installation

3. Keys a and nd displays

Please observe the locally applicable and professional safety and accident prevention regulations . Please ensure that the insulation is not damaged, leads properly secured, protected and run away from heavy current-carrying current-carrying leads. Shield and run signal leads. The total length of the CAN bus line must not exceed 200 meters. ➜

As far as possible, mount the command station within view of the web guider.

Connect CAN bus lines and the power supply to the command station.

For standard applications (actuator, positioning support, oscillation and multi-operation) the keys have the following assignments. For special applications applications (prepositioning, (prepositioning, web tension etc.) the function of the individual individual keys might might be different. In this case the varying functions will be described separately.

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Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 "Help" key If necessary, press the "Help" key to start the online help function. Special settings, e.g. address setting, are also started using this key. If the green LED lights up in the key, a help request or special setting is possible. A flashing yellow LED indicates a warning, although the guider is still operational, the "Help" key should be pressed to initiate an error query. Alarm display If a system error occurs (e.g. temperature error, defective CAN line etc.), the alarm display lights up and the error may be queried via the "Help" key (see "Operation" section). Text display The text display can display letters, numbers and symbols. Menu guidance is performed, to some extent, in the required foreign language.

Function keys "F 1", "F 2", "F 3", "F 4" Depending on the devices used, the following functions may be selected via the "F 1" to "F 4" keys: F 1 Actua tuator In actuating element mode, one may switch between the left,right and both sensors. If a support beam is featured and support beam mode selected, one may switch between left, right or both drives. F 2 Supp Suppor ortt bea beam m Use F 2 to switch between the actuating element and support beam. Function F 2 is only possible if a support beam is featured. F 3 Osci Oscill llat atio ion n The oscillation stroke (amplitude) and time are set here. F 4 Multi-operation Using the multi-operation function, key "F 4", up to 8 control loops may be operated by just one command station DO 200. . The groups that are to be operated simultaneously are selected in menu "F 4". Values (web offset, web width etc.) may be displayed by one of these selected groups.

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Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 "Increase value" / "Decrease value"key A web offset may be set via these t hese keys in automatic mode. In manual mode, the actuating element or positioning carriage may be shifted to the left/right. Variable numbers, e.g. parameters, parameter p arameter values etc. etc . may may be changed. Shortly before reaching the end position, the display in the appropriate key flashes, once the actuating element reaches its end position, the display lights up. Simultaneous pressing effects a reset of the web offset to "0" in automatic mode, mode, a jump back to the start of the parameter list or in the parameter itself, the parameter value will be set to 0. "Acknowledge" key The entered values are adopted (stored) via the "Acknowledge" key. With regard to the function of the key, key, it is comparable to the ENTER key on a PC. "Automatic" key If the "Automatic" key is pressed, the green display will light up on the key. If the display flashes, the guider block signal is supplied and automatic mode inhibited. The function of the "Automatic" key depends on the setup settings in parameters 15 "control mode" and 32 "chang nix/t/off/on" of device X.5 (master device). Amongst others, automatic mode may mean: a. Guiding by the web center, center, an edge, line or colour contrast If the automatic key is pressed, the web guider controls according Both sensors to the signals of the selected sensors. Both  sensors must be selected for guiding by the web center. b. Hybr Hy brid id (machine  (machinekey center) If the automatic is pressed, all support beams and sensors are selected, the web guider controls according to the machine center (automatic hybrid mode). c. Osci Oscill llat atio ion n The "Oscillation" function must be set in parameter 32 in the master device address X.5 and may be selected in addition to operating modes a. and b.. In oscillation mode, the web is moved in parallel to the left and right.

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Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 "Center mode" key If the "center mode" key is pressed, the actuating element moves itself to the stored center position. While advancing to the center position, the display flashes. Once the center position is reached, the display on the push button lights up.

"Manual mode" key If the "manual mode" key is pressed, the display on the push button lights up, the actuating element may be moved to the left or right via the "Increase/Decrease value" keys. In "Support beam" mode the positioning carriage may be moved to the left/right via the "Increase/Decrease value" keys.

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Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001

4. Se Setu tup p mod mode e

4.1 Basic Basic operati operation on in setup setup

only. Setup settings should be performed by qualified by qualified personnel only. Basic operation in setup mode on how parameters are displayed and changed, is documented in the following diagram. In setup mode, the parameter values may be displayed and modifiable parameter values also changed by each device featured in the CAN network.

mode Setup mode iis started via the "Acknowledge" key and, at the same time, the "Increase value" key. If a password is requested in the display, setup mode may only be started once the password has been entered .

+ Enter the password via the "Increase/Decrease value" keys. Press "F2" to select each individual place.


Press "Decrease value" to select the "Show Cannet" menu option.

To quit setup mode you must select the "Keyboar "Keyboard" d" menu option. Then press the "Ack" Acknowledge" key. Select the required de device vice via the "Increase/Decrease value" keys .

The parameter value may be changed via the "Increase/  Decrease value" keys

Select the required parameter via the "Increase/  Decrease value" keys.

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To change a parameter, the latter must be opened via the "Acknow-

Select the required option via the "Increase/Decrea-

A tick is set via the "Acknowledge" key . With round brackets () only

ledge" key .

se value" keys.

one menu option may be selected, with square brackets [] several.


Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 4.2 Import Important ant additio additions ns

"Jump back" back" in setup mode: During operation in setup mode it is possible to "jump back" either step by step or level by level.


1. The step by step procedure is described described in chapter chapter 4.1 4.1 "Basic operation in setup mode". 2. Key Key "F4" may be used to jump ba back ck level level by level. level.




Quit setup mode: The following two options are available to quit setup mode: 1. Jump back back in the the menu to the start window window (as described described in secsection 4.1 "Basic operation in setup mode"). 2. Setup mode is is quit by pressing pressing one of three "Automatic", "Automatic", " Center Center mode" or "Manual mode" keys, regardless of where one is. De Devic vice e add addres ress s

Devic Device e design designati ation on

CANMON may only be called up once, either via the CANMON program or command station DO 200. . A flashing device address means that two devices are featured in the CAN network with the same device address. If the device designation flashes, the device is not featured (is not identified via CANMON).

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Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 All devices in the system must be connected for commissioning purposes (supply voltage / CAN-Bus) and be connected to the power.

5. Commis Commissio sionin ning g 5.1 Addre Address ss settin setting g

On compact systems (those planned by E+L) the address of command station DO 200. is preset. Should the command station be ordered separately (e.g. as a spare part), the device address must be checked/set as follows: ➜

Work through setup mode (see section 4.1) until the "SystemMenu" window.

Position the selection bar to "Rescan Cannet" then press "Acknowledge".

Set the selection bar on command station (∗ZC 4070∗) and press "Help".

Select the "Set Address" menu and press "Acknowledge" . The set command station device address is now displayed. If the set address is identical to the address in the block diagram, press "Acknowledge" twice to quit the "Set Address" menu, otherwise

5.2 Device Device addre addresses sses of virtuvirtual command stations (with multi-command only)

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set the device address as follows: Set the group number (Group) via the "Increase/Decrease value" keys.

Press "Acknowledge".

Enter the device number (Device) via the "Increase/Decrease value" keys.

Press "Acknowledge" to quit the "Set Address" menu.

Quit setup mode.

The device addresses of the 2 - 8 virtual command stations must be entered in the command station parameter field as follows: ➜

Start setup mode.

Select parameter "keyboard address 1" and enter the device address of the virtual command station in group 1.

Select the appropriate "keyboard address 2 ... 7" parameters one after the other and enter the device device addresses of the virtual vir tual command stations in groups 2 ... 7 (if featured).

Quit setup mode.


Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 5.3 Allocate Allocate passwor password d

All settings in setup mode may be protected by a freely selected password. Settings in setup mode are only possible following password entry. To assure that no unauthorised persons may enter setup mode, we recommend that a password is defined as follows: ➜

Start setup mode.

Select the "customer PIN" parameter in the device ( ∗ZC 4070∗) and enter a five-place numerical password. The password may be freely selected between 1 and 32767. If parameter value "0" is entered, no password will be requested (status on delivery).

Quit setup mode. Should unauthorised unauthor ised persons attempt to establish the password by entering numbers, after the third entry of an incorrect password, setup mode is inhibited and in addition, a commentary entered in the error memory memor y. Switch off the power briefly on comman command d station DO 200. to re-enable it.

Group and device number

5.4 Set Set direct direction ion of of web travel

The following sections 5.4 to 5.8 must be performed separately for each group featured. When doing so please observe especially that the correct group number is specified in front of the device number when selecting the corresponding device. The group and device numbers are always displayed in front of the device designation. The web direction of travel arrow on the command station display must match that of the entire machine. If the arrow points in the opposite direction, the parameter value in the "arrow direction" parameter of the command station (∗ZC 4070∗) must be inverted as follows:

Web direction of travel of the enti-

Start setup mode.

re machine

Select the "arrow direction" parameter in device (∗ZC 4070∗) and invert the parameter value.

Quit setup mode.






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Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 Further commissioning, sections 5.5.X to 5.7.X depends on whether the revelant devices are featured or functions required. - Sect Sectio ion n 5.5. 5.5.X X ac actu tuat atin ing g elem elemen entt (de (devi vice ce)) - Sect Sectio ion n 5. 5.6. 6.X X su supp pport ort be beam am (d (de evi vice ce)) - Sect Sectio ion n 5. 5.7. 7.X X os osci cill llat atio ion n (fun (funct ctio ion) n)

5.5 Commissio Commissioning ning with actuating element

On systems configured by E+L (actuating element and command station supplied together), sub-sections 5.5.1 to 5.5.3 may be omitted. If supplied separately or as a replacement, the sections must be performed.

5.5.1 5.5. 1 Enter Enter actuating actuating element element motor rated current

The actuating element motor rated current must be entered in parameter ".1.1. motor current" of control control card RK 40../DC 55.. . When selecting the control card, please ensure that the correct control card is selected (controller address is listed in the block diagram).

5.5.2 5.5. 2 Actuating Actuating element element initiainitialisation run

Start setup mode.

Select parameter ".1.1. motor current" of the actuating element control card and enter the motor rated current. The motor rated current is specified on the actuating element typeplate.

Quit setup mode.

The initialisation run permits the guider to establish the two mechanical end points (actuator stop) of the actuating element. These positions are stored in the guider. In addition the start position of the actating element is stored as center position. For this reason, the actuating element should be located in center position before the initialisation run. During the initialisation run the path (actuating path at outfeed) covered thebe actuating path must be measured. actuating path by must enteredelement as described in section 5.5.3. This

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Start setup mode.

Position the selection bar on "Show Cannet", then press "Acknowledge" .

Set the selection bar on the master device, address X.5 and press "HELP".

Position the selection bar on "Service Functions" then press "Acknowledge".

Position the selection bar on "piv. frame calib." and press "Acknowledge". The actuating element initialisation run is performed.

Quit setup mode.


Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 5.5.3 Enter Enter actuatin actuating g path

The actual path of the actuating element (actuating path at outfeed) measured during the initialisation run must be entered in parameter ".1.3. motion range" as follows: ➜

Start setup mode.

Select parameter ".1.3. ".1. 3. motion range" in device RK 4003 (address X.5) and halve the motion range measured, enter the halved motion range in mm. The motion range must be halved as the ± value concerned is related to the motion range center.

Quit setup mode. If this parameter value is changed, another initialisation run must be performed as the gear parameters must be recalculated. In this case, perform section 5.5.2 again.

5.5.4 Check Check center center position position

Select center position mode.

If the center position deviates from the required one, the former may be corrected as follows . ➜

Start setup mode.

Select parameter ".1.6. zero offset" on RK 4003 (address X.5) and change the parameter value until the required center position is set. Every parameter value change is executed immediately by the actuating element.

Quit setup mode.

5.6 Commis Commissio sionin ning g with with support beam

On systems configured by E+L (support beam and command station supplied together) sub-sections 5.6.1 to 5.6.3 may be omitted. If delivered separately or as a replacement the section must be performed.

5.6.1 Support Support beam initiali initialisatisation run

During the initialisation initialisation run the guider establishes the two mechanical end points of the support beam. On support beams with two positioning carriages, the two locations of the positioning positioning carriages in relation to one another will be established additionally. These positions are stored in the guider. ➜

Start setup mode.

Position the selection bar to "Show Cannet", then press "Acknowledge".

Set the selection bar on the master device, address X.5 (X.6/X.7) and press "HELP".

Position the selection bar on "Service functions", then press "Acknowledge".

Position the selection bar to "Support calibration", then press "Acknowledge". The support beam initialisation initialisati on run is performed.

Quit setup mode.

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Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 5.6.2 5.6. 2 Output Output of the web width/ width/ position value

So that the web width or position value is output on the display, the menu option "Show Width" must be selected in the "output mode" parameter of the command station. ➜

Start setup mode.

Select the "output mode" mo de" parameter in device (∗ZC 4070∗) and select the "Show Width" menu option. Select the "Inverse Width" menu option to invert the value to be output.

5.6.3 5.6. 3 Display Display selec selection tion

Quit setup mode.

The "number of motors" parameter determines the type of support beam that is being dealt with. With a support beam with one drive but two positioning carriages (VS 352.), the "Only VS 352" menu option must be selected, for all other types, select "VS 35X., CAN-Camera". ➜

Start setup mode.

Select the "number of motors" parameter in device (∗ZC 4070∗) and select the required menu option. If, instead of a support beam, a camera or wideband sensor FE 80.. is used, "VS 35X., CAN-Camera" must be selected.

5.6.4 5.6. 4 Support Support or edge position position display

Quit setup mode.

With command station DO 200. the support or edge position may be displayed. With the support position (Support Beam Pos.) Pos.) the location of the positioning carriage only or the distance between the two positioning carriages is displayed. With the edge position (Web (Web Width) the sensor signal is incorporated in the display. This means that a change in the web position is displayed even if there has been no change in the location of the positioning carriage. If there is no web in the scanning range, no value is displayed. ➜

Start setup mode.

Select the "use sensors" parameter in device (∗ZC 4070∗) and select the required menu option. When using one/two camera/s or two wideband sensors the edge position (Web Width) must be selected.

5.6.5 5.6. 5 Display Display adjust adjustment ment (Offset)

When scanning a web with two sensors the web width is displayed, with only one sensor a required position is displayed. With the "width offset" parameter the web width display may be adjusted or the position value calibrated to a required value. ➜

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Quit setup mode.

To calibrate the web width display (2 sensors, 1 or 2 camera/s, 2 wideband sensors FE 80..) a web must be simulated in the motion  /scanning range range by by a template with with a specified width. width. When calibrating the position value (1 sensor, 1 camera for scan-


Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 ning only one edge, 1 wideband sensor FE 80..) the edge of the simulated web must be exactly located at the position the value of which the display is to be calibrated to. ➜

Switch from the edge search run to "support beam" mode via "F2".

Select center mode.

Press "Decrease value", the positioning positioning carriage/s will be positioned at the web edge/s. On a support beam with only one drive but two positioning carriages (VS 352.) please ensure that each of the two web edges are exactly located in the center of the respective sensor scanning range. The web may have to be offset slightly to the left or right.

If the display deviates from the required value (simulated web width/  position value), the "width offset" parameter value value must be corrected according to the following example: Example:  

500 mm

Web width: Display on DO: Parameter value:

500.0 mm 108.32 mm 0.0

325,4 mm

Position v va alue: Display on DO: Parameter value:

325.4 mm 365.87 mm 229.2

The new value for the "width offset" parameter is calculated according to the following equation: Attention! "Inch" Attention!  "Inch" values must be converted into mm (1 inch = 25.4 mm). new parameter value = value = parameter value + web width/position value - display = 0.0 + 500.0 -108.32 = 391.68 Entry in "width offset"parameter: 391.7

= 229.2 + 325.4 - 365.87 = 188.73 Entry in "width offset"parameter: 188.7

Start setup mode.

Select the "width offset" parameter in device (∗ZC 4070∗) and enter the established parameter value via the "Increase/Decrease "Increase/Decrease value" keys.

Quit setup mode. When using the following sensors, calibration to web width/position value is performed in the same way. Sensor: Display type: 1 or 2 camera/s Web width/position value 2 wid wide eban band se sens nso ors FE 80.. 0.. Web wi width dth 1 wid wide eband and se senso sorr FE FE 8 80 0.. Posit itiion value

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Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 5.7 Commissio Commissioning ning with oscillation

The "Commissioning "Commissioning with oscillation" oscillation" section may be omitted entirely if no oscillation function is required.

5.7.1 5.7. 1 Key Key allocation allocation to start start oscillation

In the actuating element (RK 40../DC 55..) control card parameter field it must be determined in parameter ".3.2. chang nix/t/off/on" how (with which key) oscillation is to be initiated. ➜

Start setup mode.

Set the selection bar to the master device (address X.5) and press "Acknowledge".

Select parameter ".3.2. chang nix/t/off/on" and enter one of the following parameter values depending on how oscillation is to be initiated. 0 = oscillation is switched switched in conjunction with automatic automatic mode mode via command station DO 200. , remote display DO 002. (oscillation function) or digital interface DI .... (command code). 1 = Oscillation is switched switched in conjunction conjunction with automatic automatic mode mode via the "Automatic" key. 2 = Oscillati Oscillation on must must alway always s be switch switched ed off. off. 3 = In automatic automatic mode, mode, oscillation oscillation is always always switched switched together with oscillation. Guiding without oscillation is impossible. In the case of path-dependent oscillation (the number of path sensor pulses determines the oscillation time) the following settings are possible: 4 = oscillation is switched switched in conjunction with automatic automatic mode mode via command station DO 200. , remote display DO 002. (oscillation function) or digital interface DI .... (command code). 5 = Oscillation is switched switched in conjunction conjunction with automatic automatic mode mode via the "Automatic" key. 6 = Oscillatio Oscillation n must alwa always ys be switc switched hed off. off. 7 = In automatic automatic mode, mode, oscillation oscillation is always always switched switched together with oscillation. Guiding without oscillation is impossible.

5.7.2 5.7. 2 Set oscilla oscillation tion mode mode

Quit setup mode.

Oscillation mode determines the signal waveform fed into the oscillation generator. The set waveform is superimposed on the actual position value . Triangle (shallow increase/decrease of the oscillation signal, 90 = Triangle (shallow brief dwelling period in the oscillation end position) Rectangle (sharp increase/decrease 10 = Rectangle (sharp increase/decrease of the oscillation signal, long dwelling period in the oscillation end position) The signal waveform may be adjusted via values between the minimum value (10) and the maximum value (90).

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Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001

5.8 Direct Direct access access to parameparameters

Group number "3" (3)

Device number "A" (10)

Start setup mode.

Set the selection bar to the master device (address X.5) and press "Acknowledge.

Select parameter ".2.0. osz. mode" and then enter the establised parameter value (between 10 and 90) via the "Increase/Decrease value" keys.

Quit setup mode.

With command station DO 200. you have the option of determining 10 different parameters per group which, if necessary may be retrieved at the press of a button and changed. In particular, parameters required during production (e.g. error messages, guider optimisation parameters etc.) should be assigned here. Assignment is performed as follows: ➜

Select the required parameter as in "Basic operation in setup mode".

Press "HELP".

Select the "Set User Param" menu option.

Press "Acknowledge". The parameter will be automatically set to the first free place in the user parameter list.

Quit setup mode. Starting with "parameter 1", the 10 parameters are assigned one after the other. If a parameter assignment is to be changed or deleted, the parameter value must be set to "0" in the appropriate parameter. The group number and the device number are shown to the left of the point. The parameter number is shown to the right of the point. Each number is a hex. figure! Access to these parameters is explained in the "Operation" section section..

Parameter number "1E" (30)

5.9 Storing Storing paramet parameter er values values

Once commissioning of the entire system is complete, the set parameter values of all attached devices must be stored in the EEPROM as follows: ➜

Start setup mode.

Position the selection bar to "Save Cannet EEPROM", then press "Acknowledge". Once storage is complete, "Backup ok!!" is indicated on the display and storage terminated by pressing the "Acknowledge" key.

Quit setup mode.

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Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 5.10 5.1 0 Activ Activati ating ng err error or monitomonitoring

The "used sensor values" and "used add. values" parameter is set for all groups. This specifies which CAN devices will be monitored. Specification is initiated as follows: ➜

Press "HELP".

Position the selection bar on the line.

Press "Acknowledge", hold it down then press "Automatic". The network structure is now stored.and Release the "Acknowledge" key first, then the "Automatic" key. The sequence in which the keys are actuated and released is important as otherwise saving cannot be performed. ➜

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Press "Acknowledge", "Acknowledge", the menu is quit.


Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 The abbreviation for the parameter is listed in the Name field. The Default field indicates the standard settings, Min and Max are the reUnit field. spective permissible limit values. The unit is shown in the Unit  field. The Description field explains the function of the parameter.

6. Para aramet meter ers s

The details written in italic in the parameter list (Description field) are the texts that appear in the command station display field. The texts are always in English, regardless of which user language has been selected.

6.1 Param Parameter eter list list comma command nd station DO 200. No.

N ame







ZC 4070







keyboard usage





Operating mode 0 = Web Web guid guider er co comm mman and d stat statio ion n Webguider/Support  1 = Positioning s su uppor t Support  2 = Web tention Tension  3 = Pre-positioning Prepositioning Keyboard 


arrow direction





used sensor values




Displayed direction of web travel 0 = no norm rmal al (d (dir irec ecti tion on of w web eb trav travel el to rrig ight ht)) Normal (Right) 1 = inve invers rs ((di dire rect ctio ion n of we web b tr trav avel el tto o le left ft)) Inverted (Left) hex

Devices implemented (Error monitoring) Web guider / positioning support 0x0001 = right sensor Right Sensor  0x0002 = left sensor Left Sensor  0x0004 = right sensor 1 Right Sensor 1 0x0008 = left sensor 1 Left Sensor 1 0x0040 = Actuating element Pivoting Frame  0x0080 = right support beam Right Support  0x0100 = left support beam Left Support  0x0200 = right support beam 1 Right Support 1 0x0400 = left support beam 1 Left Support 1 0x0010 = Liniensensor Line Sensor  0x0020 = line sensor 1 Line Sensor 1 Web tension (old) 0x0001 = Speed (Velocity) 0x0002 = Web tension right (Tension right) 0x0004 = Web tension left (Tension left) 0x0008 = Speed (Speed) 0x0020 = Sum web tension (Sum) 0x0010 = Web tension sum 1 1 (Sum  (Sum 1) 0x0040 = Positioning signal output (Controler output) 0x0080 = Actual batch diameter (Diameter Actual) Web tension (new) 0x0001 = Web tension right (Tension right) 0x0002 = Web tension left (Tension left) 0x0004 = Web tension right 1 (Tension right 1) 0x0008 = Web tension left 1 (Tension left 1) 0x0020 = Sum 0x0010 = Sum 1 (Controler output)


used add. values





Devices implemented (Error monitoring) 0x0001 = Mount position left Mount Pos. Left  0x0002 = Mount position right Mount Pos. Right  0x0004 = Web offset Web Offset  0x0008 = Controller target value Guide Target  0x0010 = Controller position Guide Position  0x0020 = Operating mode System Mode  0x0040 = Web width Width  0x0080 = Pre-positioning Pre Positioning  0x0100 = Web speed Web Speed 

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Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 No.

N ame






w id th





Parameter title

.1.0. output mode





Web width/position display output 0 = no output No Width  1 = we web b widt width/ h/po posi siti tion on disp displa lay y ou outp tput ut Show Width  2 = in inve vert rted ed outp output ut of we web b w wid idth th/p /pos osit itio ion n d dis ispl play ay Inverse Width 

.1.1. display r es oluti on





Display resolution (point position) 0 = display without point No Point  1 = display with one point int One Point  2 = display w wiith two points Two Point 

.1.2. number of motors





Display selection 1 = wi with VS 352 only. Only VS 352. 2 = all other other supp support ort bea beams, ms, cam camera eras s and wideb ideban and d sens sensor ors s VS 35X., CAN camera 

.1.3. width offset


.1.4. use sensors





Support beam or edge position display 0 = Suppor t beam p po osition Support Beam Pos. 1 = Edge position Edge Position 

.1.5. user parameter





Parameter title

.1.6. parameter 1





Select parameter directly (DD.PPP) DD = device address (01...7F) PPP = parameter number (04...FF)

.1.7. parameter 2





Select parameter directly (DD.PPP) DD = device address (01...7F) PPP = parameter number (04...FF)

.1.8. parameter 3





Select parameter directly (DD.PPP) DD = device address (01...7F) PPP = parameter number (04...FF)

.1.9. parameter 4





Select parameter directly (DD.PPP) DD = device address (01...7F) PPP = parameter number (04...FF)

.2.0. parameter 5





Select parameter directly (DD.PPP) DD = device address (01...7F) PPP = parameter number (04...FF)

.2.1. parameter 6





Select parameter directly (DD.PPP) DD = device address (01...7F) PPP = parameter number (04...FF)

.2.2. parameter 7





Select parameter directly (DD.PPP) DD = device address (01...7F) PPP = parameter number (04...FF)

.2.3. parameter 8





Select parameter directly (DD.PPP) DD = device address (01...7F) PPP = parameter number (04...FF)

.2.4. parameter 9





Select parameter directly (DD.PPP) DD = device address (01...7F)

-32767 32767



Web width/position display offset

PPP = parameter number (04...FF) .2.5. parameter 10 10

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Select parameter directly (DD.PPP) DD = device address (01...7F) PPP = parameter number (04...FF)


Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 No.

N ame






.2.6. virtual keyboards





.2.7. keyboard add. 1





Address of the 1st virtual keyboard

.2.8. keyboard add. 2





Address of the 2nd virtual keyboard

.2.9. keyboard add. 3





Address of the 3rd virtual keyboard

.3.0. keyboard add. 4




h ex

Address of the 4th virtual keyboard

.3.1. keyboard add. 5




h ex

Address of the 5th virtual keyboard

.3.2. keyboard add. 6




h ex

Address of the 6th virtual keyboard

.3.3. keyboard add. 7




h ex

Address of the 7th virtual keyboard

.3.4. global settings





Parameter title

.3.5. langua ge





User language 0 = English English  1 = German German  2 = French French 

Parameter title

3 4 5 6 .3.6. brightness

= = = =

Spanish Spain  Por tuguese Portuguese  Italian Italian  Japanese Japanese 





Display contrast

.3.7. sound off/on





Key acknowledgement via bleep 0 = Key ac acknowledgement O OF FF Off  1 = Key acknowledgement ON On 

.3.8. mm/inch





Display switching between mm and inch 0 = display in mm mm  1 = display in inch inch 

.3.9. key filter





Key filter, inhibiting keys on the command unit

.4.0. customer PIN



3 276 7


On-site customer password 0 = password deactivated

.4.1. disable services





Disable basic functions 0x0001= edit no parameters Parameter Edit  0x0002 = edit no parameters in extended setup mode Extended Parameter  0x0004 = no address entries possible Set Adress  0x0008 = set no default values Set Default Values  0x0010 = start no service functions Service Functions  0x0020 = CAN network backup storage disabled Can Net Backup  0x0040 = edit no user parameters Edit User Param  0x0080 = prepositioning parameters Preposition Parameter 

.4.2. scan time *10ms




10 ms

.4.3. temperature



1 00. 0


Time for timeout in CANMON Temperature in command station

H Page 19


Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 Nr.

N ame






.4.4. running time meter



6536 4


Operating hour counter

.4.5. software





Activated software 0x0001 = multi-operation Multi Keyboard  0x0002 = prepositioning Pre Positionierung  0x0004 = web tension Tension 

.4.6. Main loops



6536 4






Main loop passages per second For E+L Service only

3.1 Virtual Virtual command command station station DO 200. parameter list No.

N ame



ZC 4070







keyboard usage





Operating mode 0 = Web guid guider er co comm mman and d stat statio ion n Webguider/Support  1 = Positioning s su uppor t Support  2 = Web tention Tension  3 = Pre-positioning Prepositioning Keyboard 


arrow direction





used sensor values




Displayed direction of web travel 0 = no norm rmal al (d (dir irec ecti tion on of w web eb trav travel el to rrig ight ht)) Normal (Right) 1 = in inve vers rs (d (dir irec ecti tion on of we web b tr trav avel el to llef eft) t) Inverted (Left) h ex

Devices implemented (Error monitoring) Web guider / positioning support 0x0001 = right sensor Right Sensor  0x0002 = left sensor Left Sensor  0x0004 = right sensor 1 Right Sensor 1 0x0008 = left sensor 1 Left Sensor 1 0x0040 = Actuating element Pivoting Frame  0x0080 = right support beam Right Support  0x0100 = left support beam Left Support  0x0200 = right support beam 1 Right Support 1 0x0400 = left support beam 1 Left Support 1 0x0010 = Liniensensor Line Sensor  0x0020 = line sensor 1 Line Sensor 1 Web tension (old) 0x0001 = Speed (Velocity) 0x0002 = Web tension right (Tension right) 0x0004 = Web tension left (Tension left) 0x0008 = Speed (Speed) 0x0020 = Sum web tension (Sum) 0x0010 = Web tension sum 1 1 (Sum  (Sum 1) 0x0040 = Positioning signal output (Controler output) 0x0080 = Actual batch diameter (Diameter Actual) Web tension (new) 0x0001 = Web tension right (Tension right) 0x0002 = Web tension left (Tension left) 0x0004 = Web tension right 1 (Tension right 1) 0x0008 = Web tension left 1 (Tension left 1) 0x0020 = Sum 0x0010 = Sum 1 (Controler output)

H Page 20


Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 No.

N ame


used add. values










Devices implemented (Error monitoring) 0x0001 = Mount position left Mount Pos. Left  0x0002 = Mount position right Mount Pos. Right  0x0004 = Web offset Web Offset  0x0008 = Controller target value Guide Target  0x0010 = Controller position Guide Position  0x0020 0x0040 0x0080 0x0100


w idt h

= Web Operating = widthmode Width System Mode  = Pre-positioning Pre Positioning  = Web speed Web Speed 





Parameter title

.1.0. output mode





Web width/position display output 0 = no output No Width  1 = we web b widt width/ h/po posi siti tion on disp displa lay y ou outp tput ut Show Width  2 = inver inverte ted d o out utpu putt of of we web b w wid idth th/p /pos osit itio ion n d dis ispl play ay Inverse Width 

.1.1. display r esol ut io n





Display resolution (point position) 0 = display without point No Point  1 = disp isplay with one point One Point  2 = disp isplay with two po point ints Two Point 

.1.2. m nuom tobre sr of





Disp=laywi 1 wsitehleVcStio3n52 only. Only VS 352. 2 = all othe otherr suppo support rt beam beams, s, c came ameras ras and wi wide deba band nd sens sensor ors s VS 35X., CAN camera 

.1.3. width offset


.1.4. use sensors





Support beam or edge position display 0 = Suppor t beam po position Support Beam Pos. 1 = Edge position Edge Position 

.1.5. user parameter





Parameter title

.1.6. parameter 1




h ex

Select parameter directly (DD.PPP) DD = device address (01...7F) PPP = parameter number (04...FF)

.1.7. parameter 2




h ex

Select parameter directly (DD.PPP)

-32767 327 67


Web width/position display offset

DD address (01...7F) PPP==device parameter number (04...FF) .1.8. parameter 3




h ex

Select parameter directly (DD.PPP) DD = device address (01...7F) PPP = parameter number (04...FF)

.1.9. parameter 4




h ex

Select parameter directly (DD.PPP) DD = device address (01...7F) PPP = parameter number (04...FF)

.2.0. parameter 5




h ex

Select parameter directly (DD.PPP) DD = device address (01...7F) PPP = parameter number (04...FF)

.2.1. parameter 6




h ex

Select parameter directly (DD.PPP) DD = device address (01...7F) PPP = parameter number (04...FF)

.2.2. parameter 7




h ex

Select parameter directly (DD.PPP) DD = device address (01...7F) PPP = parameter number (04...FF)

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Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 No.

N ame






.2.3. parameter 8





Select parameter directly (DD.PPP) DD = device address (01...7F) PPP = parameter number (04...FF)

.2.4. parameter 9





Select parameter directly (DD.PPP) DD = device address (01...7F) PPP = parameter number (04...FF)

.2.5. parameter 10 10





Select parameter directly (DD.PPP) DD = device address (01...7F) PPP = parameter number (04...FF)

6.2 Explanat Explanation ion of the most most important parameters parameters

In this section, the only parameters explained are those not mentioned at another point in this description.

6.2.1 6.2. 1 Operating Operating mode comcommand station

The operating mode of the command station is being recognized automatically by the hardware when the equipment is switched on. No adjustments have to be made in the parameter "keyboard usage" .

6.2.2 6.2. 2 Length Length display displays s in mm/inch

This parameter "mm/inch" may be used to indicate all length details on the command station DO 200. display (web width, web offset, oscillation stroke etc.) in mm or inch. Regardless of the display, all value entries in parameters (e.g. offset in the case of web width displays etc.) must be made in mm. All inch values must be converted into mm before being entered in the relevant parameter.

6.2.3 6.2 .3 Key Key filter filter

Every key on command station DO 200. may be disabled. Even if all keys are disabled, setup mode may be started. The keys to be disabled must be selected in this parameter.

6.2.4 6.2. 4 Disabling Disabling basic basic functions functions

The following basic functions may be disabled in the "disable services" parameter: Parameter Edit

= all parameters are disabled

Exte Ex tend nded ed Par Param amet eter er

= on only ly the the par param amet eter ers s in ext exten ende ded d setu setup p mode are disabled

Set Address

= all device addresses are disabled

Sett De Se Defaul ault Val alue ues s

= no de defaul ault val valu ue ma may be be lo loaded ded

Serv Se rviice Fun Functio ction ns

= the the se serv rviice func functi tio ons are are di disa sab bled

CanNet Backup

= Save Cannet EEPROM is disabled

Edit user Param

= user parameter values may not be edited (disabled) Prepositi Prep osition on Parameter arameter = Calibra Calibration tion paramete parameters rs and and functio functions ns are are disabled.

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Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 6.2. 6.2.5 5 Softwa Software re

The parameter "software" shows the functions provided by the software of the command station. The parameter has no other purpose.

7. Oper Operat atio ion n

Operation depends on the device combinations used and will be described in basic terms only below. Detailed system operation is specified in the system operating manual, operation section. Only insert the web when the web guider and processing machine are switched off. Risk of injury! When networking two or more digital controllers each individual control loop for which the following operation sequence is to be valid must be selected via the "multi-command "multi-command"" function prior to operation. If only one controller is featured, omit section 7.1. ➜

Enable web guider operating voltage If message (can is netswitched load error device list) by is being displayedthe when the device on,bad acknowledge pressing key "Acknowledge" and the commad station will change to the normal operating mode. The procedure as listed in sub-chapter "Storing parameter values" of commissioning should now be repeated. The renewed storing of the parameter values should keep the device from displaying this message when it is switched on.

7.1 MultiMulti-com comman mand d (if featured) H E LP

Select multi-operation menu Press "F 4" to start the multi-operation menu. All groups featured will be displayed.

Select group Via the "Decrease value" key each group may now be selected by the selection bar. A tick displayed in front of a group indicates that the latter has been selected for subsequent operation. To set a tick, press "F 4" and press again to remove ticks. Select the individual groups one after another via the "Decrease value" key and make your selection.





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Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 ➜

User group

Quit multi-operation menu Press "Acknowledge" to quit the multi-operation menu. The group selected by the selection bar prior to quitting the menu is now selected as user group. The first number indicated in the "Group" display represents the user group. The remaining numbers indicate the groups selected.

7.2 Actuatin Actuating g element: element: ➜











Select actuating element menu  Press "F 2" until the following symbol displayed beside the key. key.

(actuating element) is

Select center mode The web control is switched off, the web guider positions itself at the set center position. Before inserting a new web always set the actuating element to "center" mode first.



Set web offset to "0" Press the "Increase/Decrease value" keys at the same time.

Select guiding mode Use "F 1" to switch from web edge (left/right edge sensor) to web center (both sensors). The web edge (left/right edge sensor) depends on the direction of web travel.









Both sensors (web center)

Left sensor

By pressing "F 1" the actuating element is always switched to "manual".

Right sensor rechts

When using a coloured line sensor, use "F 1" to switch between light line, dark line and colour contrast. The specification of the set position in the case of camera camera/wide/wideband sensors is performed by pressing "Acknowledge" and "Automatic" at the same time. If only the left/right web edge is to be specified as set position, first of all press "F 1" to select the required web edge (left/right) and then press "Acknowledge" and "F 1" at the same time.

Web direction of travel


Set operating mode





H Page 24

- Center mo mode: the actuating element moves into the stored center position.


Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 - Manual mo mode: the actuating element may be positioned at the required location via the "Increase/Decrease value" keys.






- Autom utoma ati tic c mod mode e: if the guider block is not not connected,  connected, the web guider will go into automatic aut omatic mode immediately immediat ely..







Set web offset Use the "Increase/Decrease value" keys in automatic mode to set a web offset.

Select support beam menu Press "F 2" until the following symbol played next to the key.






Support beam H E LP





Both support beam drives

(support (suppor t beam) is dis-

Select support beam drive Use "F 1" to select both drives or the left/right drive after one another. The left/right drive depends on the direction of web travel.

Manual mode Once manual is selected the positioning carriage(s) may be moved to the left/right via the "Increase/Decrease value" keys.

Park sensors To park the sensors "Center position" mode must be selected. The sensors are parked. The frame around the "Park sensor" symbol, located next to the "Increase value" key, flashes while the sensors are being parked.

Insert web

Support beam drive left / right

Direction of web travel H E LP










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Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 ➜ H E LP





Edge search Use the "Automatic" key to start the edge search. Once the sensors have found the web edge they will follow it. The frame of the "Search edge" symbol, located next to the key, flashes while the edge search is being performed. By triggering the edge search, the actuating element operating mode selected is cancelled. Edge searching remains active until an operating mode is selected for the actuating element. Exception: if, Exception:  if, during the actuating element automatic mode, an edge search is performed without first parking the sensors, the actuating element will be blocked during the search routine. Once the sensors have found the web edge, the edge search is stopped and the actuating element re-enabled. The selected "Automatic" mode is resumed.






Quit support beam menu  Press "F 2" until the following symbol displayed next to the key.

(actuating element) is

Select required actuating element operating mode Automatic, center position or manual mode.

Select oscillation menu Press "F 3" to start the oscillation menu menu for entering the oscillation stroke and time.

Switch oscillation ON/OFF Press "Increase/Decrease value" to switch oscillation ON/OFF, the switch status is indicated on the display.

Enter amplitude To enter the amplitude (oscillation stroke) the acknowledge key must be pressed. Press the "Increase/Decrease value" keys to enter the required amplitude (oscillation stroke).

Enter time Press the acknowledge key again to enter the time (oscillation time for a cycle) via the "Increase/Decrease value" keys.

Quit the oscillation menu Press "Acknowledge" again to quit the oscillation menu.

7.4 Oscilla Oscillatio tion n H E LP










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Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 7.5 Direct Direct parame parameter ter select selection ion

Using the direct parameter selection option, the 10 parameters specified during commissioning commissi oning may be quickly retrieved and edited. ➜

Press "HELP".

Position the selection bar to "user parameter".

Press "Acknowledge".

Select the required parameter and open via "Acknowledge". Perform the required parameter editing. editin g. Parameter editing is identical to that described in the "Basic operation in setup mode" section.

7.6 Error Error query query via the help help key

If a system error occurs that is identified by the command station, the alarm display will light up. The error may be queried as follows: ➜

Press "HELP".

The device group in which one/several errors have occurred flashes. In this example, "Group 0" flashes.

Select the flashing device group via the selection bar and press "Acknowledge". A list of all the monitored devices in this group is displayed.

Scan the list via the "Increase/Decrease value" key until a flashing arrow (>) is displayed behind a device. The error is displayed in text form behind this arrow. If necessary, the flashing arrow may be selected via the selection bar and the "Help" key pressed. Instead of the text, an error number is displayed. Press "Help" again to switch back to the text display.

Press one of the three "Automatic", "Center" or "Manual" mode keys to quit the help menu. When width measuring, the positions of the right and left support beam, together with the relevant sensor signals, are evaluated. When using a camera or wideband sensor no support beam is featured. The position values of the right and left support beams are therefore emulated (created artificially). In this event, an "E" for Emulation Emulation is indicated after the terms ter ms "right support beam" and "left support beam" in the error request display.

7.7 Guiding Guiding mode adoption adoption colour line sensor

Additionally, the guiding criterion of the colour line sensor may be automatically taught. The guiding criterion to be scanned must be located at the middle orange light spot position (set position). Press the "Acknowledge" and "F1" keys simultaneously. After approx.1 s. both keys may be cancelled. The prerequisite here is that "Automatic teaching"is selected in the relevant colour line sensor parameter. At this point, the relevant points in the sensor description should be reread.

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Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 All the main command station setting options and checking settings are described in this section. The following settings are not immediately required required for the functioning of the system, although some are recommended.

8. Spec Specia iall applications

The special applications may be divided into two groups:

8.1 General General devic device e settings settings


Gene Genera rall dev devic ice e set setti ting ngs s


Spec Specif ific ic d dev evic ice e sett settin ings gs

The term "general device" settings means those that do not apply to an individual device but to all devices in that group. The following menu options are all started according to the following example:

8.1.1 8.1. 1 User language language

Work through setup mode (see section 4.1) until you reach the "System menu" window.

Position the selection bar on the required menu window, then press "Acknowledge". The window is opened.

Quit setup mode

Various languages are available for operation purpoes. In the "Language" menu window, the required language may be set. User-relevant displays and the help menu are then displayed in the required language. If the "Language" menu window is open, the selection bar must be positioned on the required language. Press Acknowledge to quit the menu and store the language. The service level is available in English only.

8.1.2 Service Service centers centers

The "Service" menu contains a list of all important telephone nubmers and email addresses by country. In the event of problems or questions arising, the relevant E+L branch may be contacted.

8.1.3 8.1 .3 CAN CAN status status

The "CAN Status" menu indicates if any message transmission errors have occurred whereby the following messages may be differentiated:

H Page 28

Warnin arnings gs :

Send Sendin ing/ g/re rece ceiv ivin ing g comm comman and d stat statio ion n mess messag ages es was was difficult and could only be performed successfully after a further attempt.



A comm ommand and stati tatio on mes essa sage ge co cou uld not not be sent/r nt/re ecei ei-ved.

Bus Bu s Of Offf


The The bus bus syst system em was swi witc tche hed d off off due due to to a seri seriou ous s err error or..

Over Ov erru runs ns


Mess Messag ages es re rece ceiv ived ed by the the c com omma mand nd stat statio ion n hav have e bee been n lost.


Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001

8.1.4 Operating Operating volta voltage ge monitoring lowest voltage

highest voltage



Internal Can counter for receive errors



Internal C Ca an co counter fo for tr transmission er errors.

To assure that the command station functions perfectly, the operating voltage must lie within a certain range. Via the "Check Power Supply" menu the voltage waveform is represented asvalues a scanare on stored the display. In addition, the lowest and highest measured and represented in the top sector. The scan is continuously updated.

Voltage waveshape

8.1.5 Rescan Rescan Cannet/S Cannet/Show how Cannet/Save Cannet EEPROM

There are two possibilities of reading in the CAN network: 1. Rescan Cannet: Cannet: if a change has has been performed performed on the CAN CAN network (e.g. an additional device, new software), a rescan should be performed. 2. Show Cannet: Cannet: this is the general general start start window if parameters parameters are to be displayed and edited in the "EEPROM". Save Cannet EEPROM: on completion of all settings on the command station, the former should be stored in the EEPROM: as such, it is assured that settings will remain stored once the operating voltage is switched off and shall also be available on restarting.

8.1.6 8.1. 6 Service Service inform informatio ation n

Menu "Webguider Info" displays all CAN details possible within this group. This function is relevant for the E+L Service personnel only.

8.2 DeviceDevice-spec specific ific setting settings s

The device-specific settings depend on the devices used. First of all, the required device must be selected in the "Show Cannet" menu and then "HELP" pressed. Depending on which device was selected, various menu options are available. The following list (section 8.2.1 to 8.2.10) shows all possible menu options that may appear. On devices selected via this menu, the CAN LED lights up red. If the menu is closed again, the CAN LED will light up green again.

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Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 8.2.1 8.2. 1 Setting Setting the the device device address (Set address)

This menu permits the fast checking/setting of the device address. On devices with a DIP-switch for the device address, this setting of the device address is not possible. In this case, the device address must be checked/set directly on the DIP switch. Exception: if Exception:  if the device address 0 is set on the DIP switch, the device address may also be set via the "Set Address" menu. ➜

Use the "Increase/Decrease value" keys to set the group number (Group).

Press "Acknowledge".

Enter the device number (Device) via the "Increase/Decrease value" keys.

Press "Acknowledge" to quit the "Set Address" menu.

8.2.2 8.2. 2 Load defau default lt values values (Set default)

The default values are loaded for the device selected. Any settings in the parameters of this device are thus lost in the process!

8.2.3 8.2. 3 Display Display sensor sensor scan scan

On certain sensors, there is an option of representing the signal waveform (actual position value) of the sensor as a scan on the display. The scan is continuously updated. If several sensor scans are possible, the "F 1" key may be used to switch between the individual scans.

8.2.4 8.2. 4 Dispaly Dispaly error error messages messages

Errors occurring in this device may be queried. The errors will be displayed in the reverse order. The last error to occur will be displayed first of all.

8.2.5 Possible Possible error messages (Possible errors)

All error messages that are theoretically possible on this device will be displayed. Here, a differentiation is made beween the following error messages:

8.2.6 8.2. 6 Device Device properties properties (Pro(Properties)

H Page 30

Glob Global al::

er erro rors rs th that at may may occ occur ur on any any de devi vice ce


device-specific errors

General device properties (ID number, software number etc.) are displayed.


Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 8.2.7 Service Service functions functions (Service function)

Use the "Service Functions" menu option to call up certain, one-off actions such as "Calibrate "Calibrate camera", "Actuating element/support beam initialisation run" etc. The following list indicates the most common menu options. Should a menu option appear on the command station DO 200. display that is not mentioned here, information on the said menu option may be found in the appropriate device description. Menu option


camera c ca al. standard

Standard ca camera c ca alibration

camera cal. patter n

Camera pattern calibration

piv frame calib.

Actuating element initialisation run

suppor t calibration

Suppor t beam initialisation run

save back parameter

Reload stored parameter record

save parameter

Store parameter record

user defind

Numerical ser vice entr y

The actual process may only be initiated by this menu option. Prior work must be performed as described in the relevant descriptions. Basically it applies that the entire "Commissioning" "Commissioning" section of the relevant device must be performed. 8.2. 8.2.8 8 Rese Resett

The "Reset" menu option may be used to reset the guider. Parameter changes are stored.

8.2.9 Reload Reload stored stored paramete parameterr values (Restore parameters)

Use the "Restore Parameters" menu to reload the parameter values originally stored. The parameter record of this device is overwritten.

8.2.10 8.2.1 0 Jump Jump back to to main menu (Main menu)

On completion of the settings, use the "Main Menu" option to jump back to the main menu.

8.2.11 Self test

During the self test a full command station hardware and software test is performed.

Prerequisite to the restore command is that during commissioning a "Save Cannet EEPROM" has once been performed.

Perform self test as follows: ➜

Switch off the command station operating voltage.

Press and hold down the "manual" key.

Reconnect operating voltage.

First of all, a display test is performed whereby all display pixels are triggered. The display will darken for a brief moment during which it can be ascertained whether one or several pixels are defective.

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Command station DO 2000 / DO 2001 ➜

Erhardt + Leimer GmbH Post box 10 15 40 D-86136 Augsburg Telephone (0821) 24 35-0 Telefax (0821) 24 35-666

Release "manual" key.

Following the display test, the display showsthe following test results: "EEProm-Size" no. of EEProm memory bytes. "Temperature" processor temperature on command station interior, it is approx. 10 °C higher than the ambient amb ient temperature. temperat ure. "Power-Supply" the operating voltage must lie within the tolerance range (see Technical Technical Data). "boot"/"soft" Basic software / program software. "test. mem. at" Internal RAM memory. If the memories are o.k., at the end the display indicates indicates "Memory ok". Finally, a key and LED test is performed. All LEDs featured on the command station light up. ➜

9. Techn echnical ical data

Press all the command station keys one after the other (also keys "F 1" to "F 4"). On pressing the keys, their LEDs will go out. Once all keys have been pressed, the alarm display goes out as well. The disappearing of the alarm display indicates indicates the end of the self test and the command station returns to normal nor mal operation. operation.

Operating voltage Nominal value Nominal range (incl. ripple) Current input

200 mA

Ambient temperature Storage temperature CAN bus level

10 °C to +50 °C - 25 °C to +80 °C 5 V (potential-free)

CAN baud rate Weight Dimensions

250 kBaud approx. 0.5 kg see attached dimension sheet

Protection class Command station in housing Command station as built-in kit (in built-in state) Operation language

24 V DC 20-30 V DC

IP 54 IP 54 Ger man English French Italian Spanish Portuguese

Japanese Parameterisation la language English Technical data subject to modification without notice

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