E Banking
December 16, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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E- Banki Banking ng re refe fers rs to sy syst stem emss that that enable enable ba bank nk custo custome mers rs to ac acce cess ss accou accounts nts and and gener general al information on bank products and services through a personal computer or other intelligent device. Interne Inte rnett banking banking product productss and service servicess can include include detaile detailed d account account informa informatio tion n for corporate customers as well as account summery and transfer money. Ultimately, the products and services obtained through Internet Banking may mirror products and services offered through other bank delivery channel. The project gives real life understanding of Internet banking and activities performed by various roles in the supply chain. Here, we provide an automation for banking system through Internet. Internet banking system project captures activities performed by different roles in real life banking which provides enhanced techniques for maintaining the required information up-todate, which results in efficiency. The project gives real life understanding of Internet banking and activities performed by various roles in the supply chain. The meaning of Internet markets or online business has been widely used in these days. The success of the business depends on its flexibility, availability and security. Since that the web-based systems should have a special way to design the system and implement it. Nowadays, the Internet Banking System widely used and the banks looking to provide the best quality system with highly available,fast response, secure and safe to use.
Candidate Declaration ………………………………………………………….. …………………………………… ……………………..
Certificate………………………………………………………………………… Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………….. ……………………………… …………………………..…… ……
List of Figures …………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………….… …………….…
List of Tables …………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………….….. …………….….. V Table of Content…………………………………………….. Content……………………… ……………………...…………………… .…………………… VI
1. Introduction……………………………..............................................…...
1.1 Problem Problem Description... Description.................... .................................... ..............................………… ...........……………. ….
1.2 Problem Problem Solution...………....... Solution...……….......................... ........................................ ...........................…… ......……
1.3 Need and Scope …....... ................................. .........................................………………. ........……………….
1.4 Plateform Plateform Specification. Specification.................... ...................................... ..................................…… ...............……….. …..
1.4.1 Hardware Hardware Specification. Specification.................... ...................................... .................................. ...............
1.4.1 Software Software Specification.. Specification.................... ..................................... .................................... .................
2. Feasibility…................…….......................................…………………….......
3.1 Technical Technical Feasibility…... Feasibility…........................ ....................................... .................................……... ...............……....... ....
3.2 Economical Economical Feasibility…..... Feasibility…........................ ....................................... .............................……....... .........…….........
3.2 Operational Operational Feasibility…...... Feasibility…......................... ....................................... .............................……....... .........…….........
3. Software Engineering Approach.………..............................................…...
3.1 Software Software Model Used .................................... ....................................................…… ................……………. ……….
3.1.1 Description.. Description................... ...................................... ......................................... .................................... ................
3.1.2 Reason for Use........................... Use.............................................. ........................................ .......................
3.2 Planning managerial managerial issus…................ issus…................................... ....................................... ....................…… ……
3.2.1 Planning scoped Project resources................. resources......... ................. ................. .............. ......
3.2.2 Team organization...... organization........................... ....................................... ....................................... .....................
3.2.3 Project Scheduling........... Scheduling.............................. ....................................... .................................... ................
3.2.4 Cost Estimation.... Estimation....................... ........................................ ........................................ ........................... ........
3.3 Requirement..... Requirement........................ ..................................... ....................................... ........................................ ...................…… ……
3.3.1 Functional Functional requirement....... requirement.......................... ....................................... .................................. ..............
3.3.2 Non-functional Non-functional requirement.......... requirement............................. ....................................... ........................ ....
4. Designs Designs................ ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................ ...............
4.1 Use Case Diagram.............. Diagram................................. ....................................... ....................................... .............................. ...........
4.2 Data flow diagram.............. diagram.................................. ....................................... ........................................ .............................. .........
4.3 Data Dictionary........ Dictionary............................. ....................................... ..................................... ........................................ .......................
4.4 E-R Diagram............. Diagram................................ ....................................... ....................................... ........................................ .....................
4.5 Class Diagram.............. Diagram................................. ....................................... ....................................... ..................................... ..................
4.6 Sequence diagram............. diagram.................................. ....................................... ....................................... ................................ ...........
4.7 Activity Activity Diagram........... Diagram.............................. ........................................ ....................................... .................................... ..................
5. Implementation Phase.......................................................................................
5.1 Language Language used & its Characteristi Characteristics............. cs................................ ....................................... ...................... ..
5.2 GUI (Snapshot)...... (Snapshot)......................... ........................................ ........................................ ....................................... ....................... ...
6. Testing. Testing.................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ............................... ................................. ............................... .............
6.1 Testing Method & Strategies of used.................. used......... ................. ................. .................. ................. ..........
6.2 Test Case...................... Case........................................... ........................................ ....................................... ................................... ...............
7. Conclusi Conclusions.. ons.................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ..................... ....
8. Limitation & Fure Enhancement............... Enhancement........................ .................. .................. ................... .................... ................. .......
9. Bibliogra Bibliographand phand references.......... references................... .................. .................. ................... .................... .................... .................... ............. ...
9.1 Reference Reference books..................... books........................................ ........................................ ....................................... ........................ ......
9.2 Other documentation documentation and resources............ resources............................... ...................................... ......................... ......
1.1Problem Description Our main aim to make a accounting and insurance system which handles the record of every customer (i.e. account summary, transaction, insurance etc. ) and function of software is to manage the whole detail (i.e. account summary, transaction, insurance etc. ) of a customer on the internet or local intranet directly submitted to the Admin.
1.2 Problem Solution The customer can put there details which will be submitted to the admin officer and can get the the required details of the particular particular customer and other detail by sitting at home so this will help in maintain records and sending information very fast and easy. Hence an overall grade is generated for customer.
1.3 Need and Scope
This application simply generates the list of the customer according to the
account number. Also this application can have some co applications running on the client side that made the final updating to the main website at the server end. This process can be triggered on a particular event defined custom. The future use for this project will put a new thing in the mind for use in a large scale. It can be also in various industries for grading their products. This is a simple application with larger extensible and convenient uses.
Platform specification 1. 1.4. 4.1 1
Hard Hardwa ware re Sp Spec ecif ific icat atio ion n For Client Side
1. Processor
550 MHz
2GHz 32-bit processor or higher
2. Hard Disk
10 GB
40 GB or More
3. RAM
256 MB
1 GB or more
For Server Side
1. Processor
800 MHz
2GHz 32-bit processor or higher
2. Hard Disk
40 GB
80 GB or More
3. RAM
512 MB
2 GB or more
Software specification
For Client Side
Operating System
Windows 98 or A Ab bove
Internet Explorer 7.0 or Above
For Server Side
Operating System
Windows 98 or Above
Microsoft SQL server 2005
Internet Explorer 7.0 or Above
ASP. Net 2008
Importance of project
CHAPTER 2 Feasibility
Feasibility Study A feasibility study is a study made to decide whether or not the proposed system is worthwhile. The implementation of feasibility study is based on the information assessment (what is required), information collection and report writing. Feasibility study should be done with the help of project managers who is going to handle that particular project, software engineers who are about to develop that system, technical experts and customers who will be using the system. Typically the feasibility study should be completed within two or three weeks.
Types of Feasibility
2.1. 2.1.
Te Tech chni nica call Feas Feasib ibil ilit ity y •
Technical feasibility around existing computer system and to what it can support proposed addition.
Our project is technically feasible as it is coded in ASP. Net.
Database Microsoft SQL Server 2005 which is easy to use and highly secure.
All the Codes and Modules can be easily implemented.
Database Connectivity is also highly feasible and quickly operable.
Economical Feasibility •
Econo Economi micc analy analysis sis is the most most freque frequentl ntly y used used metho method d fo forr eval evaluat uating ing the effectives of a candidate system.
Language used is easily available.
More Mo re commo commonl nly y known known as cost cost benef benefit it and sa savi vings ngs th that at ar aree expe expecte cted d fo for r candidate system and then compare them with cost.
Browsers come inbuilt with Operating System it adds to feasibility.
Operational Feasibility
Operat Operational ional feasibility feasibility is mainly concerned concerned with issues like whether the system will be used if it is developed and implemented. Whether there will be resistance from users that will effect the possib possible le app applic licatio ation n bene benefit fits? s? The esse essentia ntiall ques questio tions ns that help in tes testing ting the ope operat rationa ionall feasibility of a system are following. •
Does management support the project?
Aree the us Ar user erss not hap happy py wi with th cu curr rrent ent bu busi sine ness ss pr pract actice ices? s? Wi Will ll it re reduc ducee th thee ti time me (operation) considerably? If yes, then they will welcome the change and the new system.
Have the users been involved in the planning and development of the project? Early involvement reduces the probability of resistance towards the new system.
Will the proposed system really benefit the organization? Does the overall response increase? Will accessibility of information be lost? Will the system effect the customers in considerable way?
CHAPTER 3 Software Engineering Approach
Software Model Used
A Process is a set of partially ordered steps intended to reach a goal. In software engineering, goal is to efficiently and predictably deliver a software product that meets the needs of business. UML is largely process-independent; meaning that you can use it with a number of software engineering processes. The Rational Unified Process is one such life cycle approach that is especially well suited to the UML.
For design, I used RUP for following reasons: •
Architectural centric
Employee industry standard language UML: To visualize modeling and synthesis
architecture and component. •
It is use case driven.
Incremental Model
Incremental model combines elements of the linear sequential model with the ite iterat rative ive philoso philosophy phy of protot prototypi yping. ng. The increme incremental ntal model model applie appliess linear linear sequenc sequences es in a stagge sta ggered red fashion fashion as calenda calendarr time time progre progresse sses. s. Each Each linear linear sequence sequence produce producess a delivera deliverable ble increment of the software. In our project we intend to use this Linear Sequential Model (Waterfall Model) because our project Task modules are dependent closely on each other. Therefore if we try our hands han ds on a Concu Concurr rrent ent Model Model then then the the comp comple lexit xity y in it itss im impl plem emen entat tation ion could could make make th thee conditions worse. We require completing one task at a time so as to pave the way for other task to begin. Such high degree of dependency makes the condition ideal for using the Incremental Model. Implementing this model in this project heightens the efficiency of the system and yet maintains the complexity under control.
Fig 4.1.1 Showing the Incremental Incremental Model
Advantages and Disadvantag Disadvantages: es:
1. Early increments can be developed with few people. 2. Increments can be planned to manage technical risks. 3. Deadlines can be managed in an effective manner.
1. Reusability of codes among the modules is minimum. 2. .Integration testing is difficult to do.
3.1.2 Reasons for Use:
The project can be created through a series of delivery steps with each delivery deliver y steps adding a new feature to the existing existing product. Thus the process model suited to the project is Incremental Model. It combines elements of the Linear Sequential model with the interactive philosophy of prototyping.
Our project demanded to be on time so this model helped us in the right way. Such an approach does not call for many people working on the initial increments so it served us right. And such increments were very well planned with minimized set of technical risks coming our way.
Planning managerial issues
3.2.1 Planning scope and Project resources
Online Bank offers a bunch of products and services to meet the every need of the people. The company cares for both, individuals as well as corporate and small and medium enterprises. For individuals, the company has a range accounts, investment, and pension scheme, different types of loans and cards that assist the customers. The customers can choose the suita suitabl blee one from from arra arrange nge of prod product uctss whic which h will will su suit it th thei eirr li life fe-st -stag agee and and needs. needs. For organizations the company has ahost of customized solutions that range from funded services, Non-funded services, Value addition services, Mutual fund etc. These affordable plans apart from providing long term value to the employees help in enhancing goodwill of the company. The products of the company are categorized into various sections which are as follows: • Accounts and deposits. • Loans. • Investments and Insurance. • Forex and payment services. • Customer center.
A project management program should manage and control the limited resources needed to run a project, such as people, money, time and equipment. When working with any project, the hardest part can be making sure that you don't overbook any of your team members or resources, so having a scheduling assistant makes your job a whole lot easier. Project management services manage all resources – people, talents, money and time. Sometimes it’s difficult to keep track of who is on your team and what skills they have. Effective resource management lets you build member profiles so you can assign the right task to the right person to get the job done.
3.2.2 Team organization
The best team structure depends on the management style of an organization, the number of people who will populate the team and their skill levels and the overall problem difficulty. Three generic team organizations are proposed by menteioned-
1. Democratic decentralized (DD). 2. Controlled decentralized (CD). 3. Controlled centralized (CC).
We have Democratic decentralized team structure as •
Our team has no permanent leader.
Tasks are coordinated for short durations and may be replaced by others.
Decis De cision ionss on prob proble lem m and appr approa oach ch ar aree made made by gr group oup conse consensu nsuss i.e., i.e., we together try and solve the problems.
We have Horizontal communication among us.
2.2. 2.2.3 3
Proj Projec ectt Sch Sched edul ulin ing g
Project scheduling scheduling is the process process of putting together together a time line for all the activities in the project. This involves examining the interdependencies of all of the activities, and coordinating all the tasks to ensure a smooth transition from the beginning to the end of the
project. projec t. There are many different different methods of scheduling, scheduling, which can address the requirements requirements of the type of project resulting in different pictorial representations of the schedules.
2. 2.2. 2.4 4
Cost Est Estim ima atio tion
3.3.1 Functional requirement
Functional requirement such as what will the system do, when will the system do it, are there several modes of operation, how and when the system can be changed, are there constraints for speed, response time are required.
The project is an application application for providing providing PC connectivity connectivity with a mobile phone. The users will input the data to the system in the text area provided.
Although the performance of the system is enhanced by the use of better hardwar hard ware, e, even even with with the minimu minimum m hardwar hardwaree requir requireme ement nt present present,, the system system can correctl correctly y transmit and receive data.
3.3. 3.3.2 2
NonNon-fu func ncti tion onal al requi require rem men entt
NonNo n-fun funct ction ional al re requi quire reme ments nts ar aree re requi quire reme ments nts th that at ar aree not di dire rect ctly ly concerned with the specific functions delivered by the system. They may relate to emergent System properties such as reliability, response time and Store occupancy. They may specify system performance, Security, availability, and other emergent properties. This means that they are often more critical than individual functional requirements. System users can usually find ways to work around a system function that doesn’t really meet their needs. However, failing to meet a nonfunctional requirement can mean that the whole system is unusable. Non-functional requirements require ments needed in this internet internet banking system are identified identified as performance requirements, requirements, safety requirements, security requirements and software quality attributes.
4.1 Use case diagram
4.2 Data flow diagram
4.3 Data Dictionary
4.4 E-R Diagram
4.5 Class Diagram 4.6 Sequence diagram
4.7 Activity Diagram
5.1 Language used & its Characteristics
5.2 GUI (Snapshot)
6.1 Testing Method & Strategies of used
6.2 Test Case
The internet banking system is aiming to provide users with the easiest way to
access to their bank account and do some banking transactions anytime at anywhere without the need to go to the bank. In the end we would like to say that we have tried our level best to develop a solution mentioned to the problems above. Our project will help the entire customer to put their records directly to the admin by sitting at their home quickly and efficiently.
The list of the customer will be displayed on the site according to the account number. We would also like to monitor the various drawbacks of our software and would like to correct them if possible.
Future Enhancement
Ourr proj Ou projec ectt is a mo modul dulee of the E-ba E-banki nking ng and and insur insuranc ancee sy syst stem em so can be
developed to act as a bank system. As now our project deals with accounting and insurance process of any bank, in future it can be extended to be served for bank.
Bibliography & References Book Referred
1. Visual Basic.net-2004
- Black book
2. Visual Basic.net Edition-2004
- Stephen Walther
3. Data base access with VB.net Edition-
- Jackie Goldstein
4. Data base system concept Edition-V 2003
- Henry Siller
5. MS Office 2000 Edition – III 2003
- Ginni Corter
6. FCI Rule and regulation book
- Study Material
9.2. Other documentation and resources -
Web Sites
1. http://www.vb.net/
2. http://www.microsoft.com/
For MS Access
3. http://www.crystalreports.net/
For Crystal Report
4. http://www.fci.net/
For FCI Information
CHAPTER 9 Glossary
Access Products - products that allow consumers to access traditional payment
Instruments electronically, generally from remote locations. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) - a standard-setting organization; it
is the U.S. representative to the International Standards Organization (ISO). American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) - a standard code
for representing characters and numbers that is used on most microcomputers, computer terminals, and printers. Biometrics - a method of verifying an individual’s identity by analyzing a unique
physical attribute. Browser - a computer program that enables the user to retrieve information that has
been made publicly available on the Internet; also permits multimedia (graphics) applications on the World Wide Web. Chip - an electronic device consisting of circuit elements on a single silicon chip. The
most complex circuits are microprocessors, which are single chips that contain the Database Administrator (DBA) - the individual with authority to control the data
base management system. Data Encryption Standard (DES) - U.S. government standard for data encryption
method published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology for the encryption of sensitive U.S. government data which does not fall under the category of 122 End-to-end Encryption - the protection of information passed in a
telecommunications system by cryptographic means, from point of origin to point of destination. Ethernet - a type of local area network originally developed by Xerox, communication
takes place by means of radio frequency signals carried over coaxial cable. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) - a standard way of transferring files from one computer
to another on the Internet. Firewall - a system or combination of hardware and software solutions that enforces a
boundary between two or more networks. Flowchart - a programming tool to graphically present a procedure by using symbols
to designate the logic of how a problem is solved. Home Banking - banking services that allow a customer to interact with a financial
institution from a remote location by using a telephone, television set, terminal, personal computer, or other device to access a telecommunication system which links to the institution’s computer center. Home Page - a screen of information made available to users through the Internet or a
private intranet; it is the “main page” that users are expected to read first in order to access the other pages that comprise the web site. Host - also known as a host computer that is the primary or controlling computer in a
computer network, generally involving data communications or a local area network. 124 Hypertext - electronic documents that present information that can be connected
together in many different ways, instead of sequentially. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) - a set of codes that can be inserted into text
files to indicate special typefaces, inserted images, and links to other hypertext documents. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) - a standard method of publishing information
as hypertext in HTML format on the Internet. International Organization for Standardization/Open Systems Interconnection (ISO/OSI) – an international standard-setting organization. ANSI is the U.S.
representative. Internet - a worldwide network of computer networks (commonly referred to as the
Information Superhighway). Internet Service Provider (ISP) - an entity that provides access to the Internet and Structured Query Language (SQL) - a query language used to manipulate large
databases. System Integrity - the quality that a system has when it performs its intended function
in an unimpaired manner, free from deliberate or inadvertent manipulation of the system. System Specification - a baseline specification containing all the essential computerbased
business system documentation. It is completed at the end of the Development Phase. Systemic Risk - the risk that the failure of one participant in a funds transfer system, or
in financial markets generally, to meet its required obligations will cause other participants or financial institutions to be unable to meet their obligations when due. Systems Analysis - the performance, management, and documentation of the four
phases of the life cycle of a business system: study, design, development, and operation. Telnet - a protocol that permits users to access a remote terminal or another computer
through a network; widely used on the Internet. Uniform Resource Locator or Universal Resource Locator (URL) - a way of
specifying the location of available information on the Internet. Upload - to transmit a file to a central computer from a smaller computer or a remote
location. Virus - a program with the ability to reproduce by modifying other programs to include
a copy of itself. It may contain destructive code that can move into multiple programs,
data files, or devices on a system and spread through multiple systems in a network. Vulnerability - a weakness in system security procedures, system design,
implementation, internal controls, etc., that could be exploited to violate system security. Web Page - a screen of information supporting the home page of a web site. Web Site - the collection of an entity’s home page and other proprietary pages located
on the World Wide Web. Wide Area Network (WAN) - a communications network that covers a wide
geographic area, such as state or country, using high speed long distance lines or satellites provided by a common carrier. World Wide Web (web, www) - a sub network of the Internet through which
information is exchanged via text, graphics, audio, and video.
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