Dymond Sarah First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Wi

April 10, 2018 | Author: Ana Laura Garcia | Category: N/A
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Short Description

Six practice test to FCE (not 2015)...


Contents Introduction

Training and Exam Practice Test 1 P1j>Or I R••d1ng P~r 2 Writing Paper 3 Use of English

Paper 4 listening Papor S Spc•klng


P"4)er I Reading



Practice Tests Test3 Paper 1 Reading P1j> you with d.rftfent parts of the t.ta•lng tlXt Wtth [ust one othtr andid.t.l«. but sometlmfl candklatt'i take th~ Speaking test In gtUpsof thrtt. Cindida1es art assessed on tht'r ptrformance 1h1oughout

Frequently asked questions:

What level is First for Schools?

Al this level a &earner shoukt be a~ to: • use the main structures of the language W1lh some confidence • demonstrate lcnow~geof a wide range o( vocabulary

use approl)(iate com.munowe strategies in a variety of social situations

• • • •

peck out it~s of factwl information from spoken languagfl and written text diSlinguish betwffn mam and subsidiary potnts distlngui5h betwttn the ost of a text and specir.cdetail prodvcewritten texts of various typesshO\ving the ability to develop an argument~ wel as

descnbe or recount events. For more infor·mation on 'C.n Do' statements

go 10:

http:/Avww.cambndgeesolorgle:ums/exams•info/cefr.html Nole that different Sh.Jdents ~ difff'renl strMgths and weaknesses, Some may be good al speaking but not so good at writing: others may be good at re.xting but not so good .it listening. The 82 1.evel 'Can Od st.atemenls simply help teachers understand what 5M'st for' Schools candidates should gener;illy be- able to do .ii this level

What grade do I need to pass First for Schools?

, ,

Results ere reported as three passinggrades (A.Band C) and two failing grades (D and E). Candidates who don't &fl. a pass.ng grad~but show that they ha~ ab1llty in English at a sli~tfy lo;yer level (Council of Eu~ L~ 81) get teve-1 81 on their certjflcare, Candidates who score below levet 81 get• fail grade. Independent user

Buie use-


A2 Key tor SChools (KETtor Schools)




First for Schools (FCE for Schools)

for Schools (PET for Schools)

Proficient user



Introduction I


What marks do I need

paper. and to~an

to pass each

Aor Bin the exam?

U.ndidales do not hilve to get• certain ma rte to ~lSSe-ach paper in the test, The fin.JI m,1rk for FllSl k>f ~hools Is the totJJ number of marts from au tivt papas.; b:.-.ding and W11tlng. USf> of Englrsh. Ustening and Speaking. Uch paper ccntnbutes 40 m•rb to the examination over.111 mark of 200. Candidates rtt na- or all tht flmething she d.:j n the elbibt

WtYt n


mt other two options wrongl Tesc 1 TrMntng



Test 1 Exam practice

Reading • Part 3

You are going to read a ma9 .)UJ I ktfl:'ot .Ill .lbout the ltuplll


arguments 'V
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