November 15, 2018 | Author: Kashif Zaka | Category: Machines, Switch, Transmission (Mechanics), Screw, Hvac
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Himont Pharma VC-Cal Packing Machine Manual...


Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd



Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd

Catalog .................................................................. ......................................... ...................  1 One、 One、 Use Use and scope scope of applic applicati ation on............................................ ................................................................ ......................................... ...................  1 Two、Performan Two、Perfo rmance ce and characte characterist ristic ic.......................................... ................................................................ ............................................ ............................................ .................................. ............  1 1 Performance Performance .......................................... ................................................................ ............................................. ............................................ .......................... ....  1 ⒉ Characteristic Characteristic......................................... ................................................................... ............................................ .......................... ....  2 Three、Technical Three、Technical specification specification............................................. ................................................................ ......................................... ...................  2 Four 、Working 、Working theory theory and structur structure e .......................................... .................................................................. ............................................. ............................................ .......................... ....  2 1 Workin Working g theory theory........................................... ................................................................ ............................................. ............................................ .......................... ....  3 2 Major Major structur structure e......................................... ................................................................. ............................................ .......................... ....  9 Five 、Install 、Installment ment of equipmen equipment t ........................................... ............................................................... .....................  10 Six、Pac Six、Package kage and transpor transportati tation on of equipmen equipment t .......................................... ................................................................. ............................ ......  11 Seven、A Seven、Adjus djust t equipmen equipment t and change change mould mould ...........................................

1 Equipmen Equipment t adjustin adjustin


Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd Attached

chart 1

Technology echnology flow diagram diagram

chart 2

Machine Machine electrical electrical wiring diagram diagram

Notice:please read this manual before start the operation


Use and scope of application

This machine run stable with compact structure, it is leading the advanced level of  the same domestic t equipment, can be applicable for pharmaceutical, food, cosmetic indus industri tries. es. It can pack pack granu granule, le, powder powder,, and liquid liquid and semi-s semi-stic ticky ky liquid liquid four sides’ sides’ sachets.


Performance and characteristic

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd human-machine interface. (4)The lengthways sealing, horizontal sealing, printing and cutting unit are installed two steel board which has enough rigidity to guarantee each bags with the same dimension. (5)Layout is reasonable, small volume, nice appearance.


Technical specification

(1) Pack material: Aluminum-plastic, paperpaper- plastic and other composite composite material. Specificati Specification: on: Width: Width: Max 900mm Thickness: 0.05-0.1mm Membrane roll outer diameter:≤φ300mm Membrane roll inner diameter:≤φ70~φ76mm (2) The max sealing width :≤450mm (3) Bag size: length:80~120mm;width:40~150mm (4)Dose:granule:3~20g ;liquid:5~50ml (5)Cutting frequency:≤50times∕min (6)Packing frequency: max400bags/ min (7)Main (7)Main ServoServo-motor motor power: power: 1kw rotate speed: speed: 3000r/mi 3000r/min n

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd

2 Major structure The machine is composed of machine body, drive system, spreading roller system, dividing roller system, feeding system, sealing typing cutting unit, waste receiving unit, conveyor belt and electronic and gas system and so on.(chart1 ) (1) Machine body The body is the basic of the whole machine, we adopt frame welding and bolt linking struct structur ure e with with stainl stainles ess s steel steel board, board, it looks looks beautif beautiful ul and gener generous ous.. There There are three three sides can open the door which is easy to install adjust and repair. The inside is drive system, in front of the base, we install sealing typing cutting unit, on the right of the machine body is electronic control box, and with four holders under the machine body. (2) The drive system (chart3) The drive system is made up of main servo motor reducing gear, chain wheel,wheel gear  and transmission shaft. Main motor adopt servo to satisfy the need of facility segues. Vertic ertical al seal sealin ing g is driv drive e by solo solo serv servo o moto motorr. Adju Adjust stin ing g the leng length th of bag bag thro throug ugh h adjusting the rotate speed of vertical sealing roller by setting the length of bag in the human-machine screen. There are three differential mechanisms in the drive system, three of them used for adjusting position of typing transverse cutting and crossing broken line. The servo motor in vertical sealing transmission chain can automatically

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd

(4) Dividing roll mechanism Dividing roll mechanism is composed of carrier roller  divided cutting knife and dividing board. The film is cut two part in the middle by the dividing roll mechanism, the divided films turn by dividing board, after that it reach to two lengthways encapsulation rolls to

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd

(5) Feeding We choo choose se diff differ eren entt feed feeder ers s acco accord rdin ing g to the the pack packin ing g prod produc ucts ts,, such such as we use use plung plungerer-typ type e feedin feeding g machin machine e for packin packing g liquid liquid or sticky sticky liquid liquid,, swingswing- style style feedin feeding g machine for packing granule, screw feeding machine for packing power. (6) Sealing typing cutting unit

L sealing

A sealin sealing g


L cut

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd lengthways broken line lengthways cutting across broken line and transverse cutting, all these parts are installed on two board front and back, forming a whole. Length thwa ways ys seal sealin ing: g: made made up of two two leng length thwa ways ys roll roller er with with heat heatin ing g pipe pipe and and 1 Leng thermo thermoco coupl uple, e, after after heatin heating g the temper temperatur ature e of length lengthwa ways ys roller roller will will show show on the temper temperatu ature re clock, clock, if discove discoverr the temper temperatu ature re not fit can adjust adjust the tempera temperatur ture e clock. When the machine work, two roller opposite continuous rotary, film through two roller with heating edge roll then form lengthways sealing tape, which pressure come from spring, spring, also this unit has the function function of traction package package bags. At the same time the the butt button on can can achi achiev eve e the the leng length thwa ways ys seal sealin ing g trac track k curs curser er func functi tion on by the the huma humann-ma mach chin ine e inte interf rfac ace e ,“ad ,“adju just stme ment nt inte interf rfac ace” e”→“ →“le leng ngth thwa ways ys seal sealin ing g righ rightt adjustment lengthways sealing reverse adjustment”.

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd extension excessive even broken off. On the across sealing roller setting up easy tearing notch tool, apply to cut easily simultaneously.

Easy tear 

3 Embo Emboss ssin ing: g: ther there e are are two two kind kinds s type type seal seal typi typing ng and and ink ink typi typing ng(t (the herm rmal al code coder) r),, according to requirements to choose. ⑴  seal typing unit: prefix clip and word care are installed installed on two two relative relative continuous continuous revolv revolving ing shaft, shaft, rolling rolling a round typing typing two or three three times, the same speed of the transverse sealing roller. It also adopt eccentric sprocket unit in the drive system, in addition it used differential mechanism, being used to adjust

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd divided cutting.

⑤ Transverse cutting unit: made up of fixed knife and moved knife, two knife in the same size, only install in the opposite direction, the moved knife run uniform rotation along bags forward direction. On the control panel, there is a “adjustment interface ”including transv transvers erse e cuttin cutting g right right adjus adjustme tment nt transverse cutting reverse adjustment, these two button buttons s can contro controll the differ different ential ial which which can adjust adjust cuttin cutting g positio position n of cuttin cutting g knife knife relative bags, at the same time “specification interface” can show cutting angle. While

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd



Installment of equipment

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd

2.Keep enough active space around the device setting up place, this is convenient to operate; the ground should own enough intensity to hold the device 3.Adjust the device’s level to the condition of working level with the help of the device of  tail. 4.Clean the nasty on the surface, you should remember: don’t detach and break the machine, clean all the lubricant area. 5.Check in power 、 electric pressure and frequency, you should keep them consistent with the device requires, electric pressure:380v, frequency:50hz, keep the power line connecting with changeable on-off behind the electric control box, in the same time ,shut all the automatic on-off in the electrical control. 6. The air pressure of the receive source is 0.6Mpa. 7.Chec 7.Check k the operat operation ion direction direction is right right or not, make make sure sure the main main engine engine’s ’s rotate rotate direction is not wrong.

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd


Adjust equipment and change mould

1 Equipment adjusting (1)Adjusting the sealing temperature and hot coding temperature ① Adjusting the sealing temperature: In the control panel use the adjuster to adjust the 4 sealing rolls and sealing temperature to a modest state.Base on equipment’s operation speed the sealing temperature will be changed,in general the temperature is in the range of 100~140oC.(the detail informations are in part nine,electric control system) t o adjust ② Adjusting the hot coding temperature: In the control panel use the adjuster to o the temperature.,in general the temperature is in the range of 80~100 C. To ensure adequate ink, it is indicating the temperature is suitable if the words are printed on package clearly. Rega Regard rdin ing g to the the deta detail il infor informa matio tion n of adju adjust stme ment nt proc proces ess s abou aboutt temp temper erat atur ure e controlled,see Part IX of electric control system Please turn on the machine when the temperature of each heating device reaches the set temperature.

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd

4).Adjusting the relative location of typing roll and typing splint roll

Make sure the typing head and typing splint match, others are the same as across Sealing rolls adjustment

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd it.

② Adjusting relative location between eccentric sprocket wheel’s location and across sealing roll. Opera Operate te main main engine engine by jog, jog, let eccent eccentric ric sprock sprocket et wheel’ wheel’s s centra centrall direct direction ion plumb roller chain tighten edge’s move direction, and eccentricity in the roller chain tighten edge side. When you need to adjust the length of bag,the farther distance between ecctntricity and tension side,the longer size that bag has. Please look at the

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd moved tool’s fixing state.

(8)Adjusting subordinate roll plank’s location

 Adjusting subordinate roll plank’s center location adjust well to material film ‘s center  when when the main main engine engine in sealin sealing. g. Make Make sure sure the distan distance ce betwe between en subor subordin dinate ate roll roll

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd ①pneumatic filling system pneumatic filling finished the loading material by pushing cylinder,the filling time is based on the angle of coder,and set the filling angle on the human-machine interface.It will start to filling after the across sealing working. ②)Mechanical filling Mechanical filling finished the loading material by mechanical driving.The filling angle is a fixed value that was set by process, need not to set on human machine interface. (10)conveyer belt adjustment If we find the conveyer belt is off in the course of work, we can manully adjust handles, whic which h is at one one end end of conv convey eyer er belt, belt,so so that that we can can make make the the hand handle les s in the the righ rightt position for rotating clockwise or counter-clockwise

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd

Eight 1

Equipment maintain and lubricate

Safe Safegua guard rd and and main mainta tain in (1). Before the machine runs, the machine must be checked overall, if something is

wrong, it must be corrected. (2). Please inject lube in the lubricated place make it lubricity well. (3). Everyday, after the production finished, check if sealing roll is stick by the film or  not, if it is stick by the package, please keep it clear by the wire brush,but donnot destroy the surface crazing of sealing roller. (4). The machine must be keep clear, especially the place which easy to touch the stuff  of the package, it must be wiped often, so the machine can keep running normally. (5). The dust on the surface can be clear off by pneumatic gun after production.

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd

4 PLC and the Man-machine interface  After turning on the power supply, supply, human-machine interface will enter the start up screen as chart 1.

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Chart 1.1

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd Chart 2

◎Out put : calculate the cycles of the machine running . ◎Reset: clear the data in the capacity to Zero . ◎ Act Speed : the number which right of it display the bags that made by the machine . ◎Main Speed: Press the button right of the Frequency ,there will skip out a number  keyboard, input the number will change the frequency of the motor . The scope of the input number is from 0 to 60. We also can change the frequency through drag the slides which under it. ⑴Rectifying left adjust: press this button , the motor will drive the foil spreading system system move left . ⑵Rectifying right adjust: press this button , the motor will drive the foil spreading system move right . If the adjustment over the max value the motor will stop and need manual operate .

⑶Transverse break line downward:  press this button continuously to enable the trimming motor of transverse cutting knife to be adjusted downward . Furthermore the Differential will be brought along with the micro motor let the transverse break moving knife instantaneous deceleration and by this way to achieve the correct position of 

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd printing downward. Furthermore the Differential will be brought along with the micro motor let the printing roll instantaneous acceleration.In this way we can make the printing achieve to right position . ⑻Embossing downward: press this button continuously to adjust the trimming motor of 

printing upward. Furthermore the Differential will be brought along with the micro motor  let the printing roll instantaneous acceleration.In this way we can make the printing achieve to right position .

In the right side buttons as following :

⑴Transverse cutting off: This button controls the knife work or not (The acquiescence of the machine is off ) ⑵ Manual Rectify off : when the button in this station that mean the machine rectify the foil automatically . If this button is on then the rectify of the foil need operate manually . ⑶Feeding Feeding off: press press this button controls the feeder work or not . (The acquiescen acquiescence ce of  the machine is off )

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd

Chart 1.3

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd

Chart 1.4 When you you press Other Other paramet parameter er will go to interfa interface ce of Parameter Parameter set set 2 as Chart1.5 Chart1.5


Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd

Chart 1.5

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd press this button to keep the parameter of the machine . Press this button you will see the the inte interf rfac ace e as follo followi wing ng ,have ,have tow tow butt button on for choo choose se “Dat “Data a back backup up ” and and “dat “data a restore restore ” .Data backup backup is keep record record of the machine parameter parameter , Data restore restore is clear all the parameter . So please choose carefully . ⑷  Start up screen : press it will back to the Chart 1 .

“Parameter “Parameter face” (1)Coder angle: The number behind of Coder is the number of high-speed counter in the PLC ,is the basis of every set parameter and can not be written . Press the button “detailed “detailed annotation” annotation” which in the right of the coder, there will display display a dialogue dialogue box to explain the Rotary coder angle carefully, Correct rotation angle of the procedures to be set according to the Rotary coder such as fixed angle of stop, Corresponding angle of  mechanism across sealing, the alternative angle of transverse break knife , the alternative angle of transverse cutting knife and the begin angle of code step. (2)Oriental Stop angle:  it means the angle data when the machine stop in normal state. The The quas quasii-st stop op angl angle e shou should ld be in the the posi positi tion on whic which h is the the acro across ss seal sealin ing g roll roll,,

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd the same time. (9)The number of linking-bag:It means after the setting of alternate knife, the number of  linking-bag.(Please stress before using it.) (10)T (10)The he amend amend number number of transv transvers erse e cutting cutting:: On the workin working g proced procedure ure of alterna alternate te knife, adjust the start and work angle of alternate knife on the basis of changing of  linking-bag number. number. (11)On (11)On:Same :Same as “Chart “Chart 2” interface interface (12)Ink printing original working angle : the angle of the ink printing working . (15)Stop: (15)Stop:Same Same as “Chart “Chart 2” interface interface (16)Jog: (16)Jog:Same Same as “Chart “Chart 2” interface interface (17)Host (17)Host screen:Sa screen:Same me as “Chart “Chart 2” interface interface Note : if the “working data” have been set please do not change it freely to avoid the machine can not running regular. And the data of the manual maybe not super  so please set in fact .

Besides, there are buttons under the human-interface, such as chart1.3 .

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd Besides, there are four buttons called “ Emergency Stop”, “ Start”, “Jog ” and “ Stop ”, the function function of them are are the same same to the buttons buttons in the PLC PLC interfac interface e .


Pneumatic- controlled system

We adopt gas controlling system when the machine were used to fill liquid or  semi-sticky liquid, this system included the main cylinder and other three gas parts with Φ10gas origin( Any changes is up to the machine).

Eleven i. ii. ii.

Equipment operating program

Turn urn the the pow power er swi switc tch, h, con conne nect ct the the powe powerr sup suppl ply y ( char chartt 9 ),tu ),turn rn the the main switch and the power of the main control loop is supplied. Turn urn right right of the Heatin Heating g Button Button to start start the temp temper eratu ature re contr control ol swit switch ch,, then set up the each switch’s temperature so the heater started to work ( need need 10 ot 15 minu minute tes s litt little le or more more ). (Ple (Pleas ase e chec check k the the seal sealin ing g

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd

Thirteen The

Faults reason and removed

The reason

The method of the exclude

breakdown showing 1.The

work 1) The



 Adjustable mete meterr



adjust. 3) Change Change the Pt resistor  resistor 

the 3) The Pt resistor resistor is is wrong. wrong.

4) Change Change contact contact maker 

temperate not

2) Re-a Re-ass ssem embl bly y carb carbon on bush bush and and

bush is badness.

temperate, but 4) The contact contact maker maker is is wrong. wrong.


is 1) Change Change the heating heating machine. machine.

2) The The touc touchi hing ng of the the carb carbon on

sho shows




Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd

4. The noise of  1) The The gap betw betwee een n fix fix blade lade 1) Turn the break line, transverse

and move blade is too big. 2) The knife-edg knife-edge e is too blunt. blunt.

seal sealin ing g is too too





clockwise to decrease the gap. 2) Grind








big. 5.

The 1) The The pres pressu sure re betw betwee een n slic slice e 1) Rise the press pressure ure


blad blade e and and hold holdin ing g roll roll is too too 2) Grind

seali ealing ng


doe does




not break or  2) The portrait portrait slice slice knife-ed knife-edge ge is with ith the the litt little le

too blunt.

feather. 6. The The doub double le 1) The There is gap between the 1) Adju Adjust st the V plan plane e to alig align n with with packag package e does does

center of the V plane and the

the package.

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd seali ealing ng code code adhibit the ink

quality y of printing printing ink 2 The qualit is bad.


2 Change

the the



Instruction of the Feeder

1. The machin achinee your your orde ordere red d DXDK DXDK 900A 900A adop adopts ts gran granul ulee feed feeder  er  which is used to pack granule. 2. Perf Perfor orm mance ance:: The The machi achine ne adop adopts ts the the work workin ing g prin princi cipl plee of  waving hopper and small hopper, use the voltmeter to measure the weight to keep the accurate dose. And the weight of each sachet can can be got got by adju adjust stin ing g each each scre screw w, the the whol wholee weig weight ht can can be adj adjust usted by the the whole hole scr screw and and when hen the the pac packing king prod produc uctt


Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd

need to reduce the dose, the turning direction is clockwise and use hand to move up the hopper;  b,

The whole weight of the dose can be adjusted by turned bolt 3

in Picture 15.1, When we need to increase the dose, the turning dire direct ctio ion n is cloc clockw kwis ise; e; When hen we need need to redu reduce ce the the dose dose,, the the turning direction is anticlockwise.

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd

whenfeeder started. ⑵



working or not. 3


The component componentss of the feeder feeder clash clash or not. not.

① the bolt tightened tightened the small hopper hopper is loosed. loosed. ②  increase the tension of hopper’s spring. 3

the feeder feeder is crowde crowded, d, make clearin clearing g is ok.

Eye-mark Adjustment of DXDK900A machine interface after put on the packing film and turn on the power supply supply, ⒈ Open the machine make the eye-mark button on the machine interface’s working interface in the working state. ⒉  Check the color mark on each sides of leng lengthw thway ays s seal sealin ing g is tota totall lly y on the

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd

Chart 2 ⒊Use the handwheel of speed governor in the back of the machine to adjust the length of the sachet according to the requirement. To adjust the length, the machine must be under the working condition. Turn clockwise ( chart 3) to make the length of the sachet beco become me long longer er,, turn turn anti anticl cloc ockw kwis ise e to make make the leng length th shor shorte terr. Stop Stop turn turn when when it is suitab suitable le to the requir requireme ement nt and stop stop the machin machine. e. And the measur measure e of the sachet sachet’s ’s leng length th is also also the meas measur ure e betw betwee een n two two colo colorr mark mark by leng lengthw thway ays, s, that that mean means s it

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd

Chart 4

⒌  Adjust the photoelectricity swith position. Make the fillow mark button on the “ follow mark working” position . As picture 5 showed, make the the photoelectricity swith on the packing film width way on the same line with color mark to check it work or not. First adjust the strip hole as arrowhead 1 showed on the fixed steel board to make sure the distance between photoelectricity swith and the packing film, the normal distence is no more more than than 4mm. 4mm. Then Then adju adjust st the the stri strip p hole hole on thr thr arro arrowh whea ead d 3 part part to confi confirm rm the the photoelectricity swith’s point in on the same level as the color mark as the circle in the picture 5 showed. Last turn the wheel of photoelectricity switch as arrowhead 2 showed

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd Color mark position Colo r mark point center  line is on the same level as sealing area center  line Colo r mark point is under  the sealing area center  line.

Photoelectricity switch position No need to adjustthe Switch’s position.

turn the handwheel clockwise to make the checking point move up to the H2’s distance

Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd


Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd


Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd


Liaoning Chungung Pharmaceutical Equipment Corp.,Ltd


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