Dwadasha Bhava Phala (Part-1)

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Kadalangudi Centenary Astrological Book Series No: 10




Houses 1 to 5.

A Compendium of Results from Classics PARA5ARA SAMHITA. SARAVAL1,SARVARTHA CH1NTAMANl. JATAKATATTVA etc on the 12

Houses of Horoscopes.

Compiled in Tamil by


TranSCleated in English by "Asi4'S Leading Woman AS/fologist-CoUn5ello

l "

Dr. Mrs. K. N. SARASW ATHY. B.A. (AstronOmy)' M.Ed. (Educationa' Psychology). o. lItt. (Astrological Sciencel (U.S.A .•

., (c:. h o d hli




Vi ii ·,. in the sidereal world, how potent a knowledge of astrology is will be patent. The clock indicates. it does not influence. the time. The Zodiacal hands by their daily position in each one's clock indicates what his destiny is likely to be. All heavenly bodies have not only their mutual relations but are blended with man's existence since he is but a microcosm in the macrocosm the universe). The study of these twelve houses and their lords reveals the coming ascents and descents and vicissitudes in the life of the concerned human being. For the study of this "Dwadasa Shava Phala", the twelve houses may be divided, for purposes of study, into three groups as follows:-

I (1 ) The Ascendant or Lagna Shava

(2) The house of family or the Kutl!mba Bhava



The house of brothers or Sahodara Bhava


The house of education or Vidyaa Shava


The house of children or Putra Shava


The house of foes or Putra Shava


The house of spouse or Kalatra Shava


The house of longevity or Ayur Bhava

III (9)

The house of fortune or Shagya Bhava

(10) The houle of profession or Karma Shava (11) The house of gains or Labha Bhava (12) The housa of expenditure or Vyaya Bhava The present set namely JATAKA OWADASA BHAVA PHALA NIRNAYAM has been divided into three volumes accordingly: Volume 1 comprising houses 1 to 5; Volume 2, houses 6 to 8; and Volume 3, houses 9 to 12. The set is a compand ium of results from at least four classics PARASARA SAMHITA, SARAVALI. SARVARTHA CHINTAMANI, JATAKA TATTVAM, and JATAKA PHALA DEEPIKA. (Each Volume is independent; in other words it can be studied independent of the other two Volumes.) These

iX were edited. compiled, translated in Tamil and published by Revered Pandit Kadalangudi Nates3 Sastri in 1938. I have now ventured to transcreate them in English. We hope that readers will find this set of three volumes useful and helpful. We will gratefully receive sLJg ~ estions for improvement of thes e books. We will be fail ing in our duty if we do not acknowledge the encouragement given to us by the Advisory Committe~ of the Kadalangudi Astrological (Indological) Research Centre. We are greatly appreciative of the eXp1ld itious and efficient service done by the enthusiastic printer and publisher Mr. M.A. Jaishankar, B.A., proprietor, Jaishankar Printers, Madras 17 (India). Raktaaksha New Year Day






Page No.





Introduction General Rules from PHALADEEPIKA Signification of the planets Significators of the houses Results of the 1st house (Ascendant) as told in SARAVAlI PARASARA SAMHITA SARVARTHA CHINTAAMANI 60 Divis iODS ot Rasi 6 Kinds of strength d planets 10 Stages of planets Results of the 2nd house (Wealth House) as told in SARAVALI




1 4 9



17 18

26 29 33





Results of the 4th house (Relation!.' House) as told in SARAVAlI




34 46 47 60





Results of the 5th house (Children'S House) as told in PHALA DEEPIKA


92 100

107 125

121 141

160 168 20i

206 229 238

INDEX Chapter No




Introduction What is a Zodiac? The 12 Shavas Judging the results of different houses Significations of the planets Significators of the houses Results of the 1st house (Ascendant. as told in SARAVALI Results of aspects of planets Results of the 1st house as told in PARASARA SAMHITA SARVARTHA CHINTAAMANI Dasavarga Division of Rasis in 7 parts (SaptamarTIsa) Division of Rasis in 60 parts (Shashthyamsa) Kinds of strength of planets Stages (Avasthas) of planets


Results of the 2nd (Wealth) house as told in SARAVALI Results through the signs .. 'f the position of 2nd bouse lord .. .. the aspects to the 2nd house Diseases to teeth, mouth and ears Wealthy protector: Yoga for Mathematician Beggar Wife"s virtues Eating Dogbite Fear of snakes . Eye diseases Resu It. of the 2nd house as tJld in PARASARA SAMHITA

" "" III "" VI'


1 2

3 9 ,

13 15 17 18 24 25 26 29


34 35 37 38 39 40

41 41 42 42 43 43



Wealth: Yoga for Millionaire M ultimill iona irs Buried treasure Hidden treasure Wealth from brothers mother " ,. sons " • •• enemies to wife " H father " Punishment by king Pauper: Yoga for Prosperity



44 47

49 50 51

51 51

52 52 S2 52 54 55 ~8



Disgrace Results as told in SARVARTHA CHINTAAMANI Concerning eyes Speech and leadership Temperament Being dumb Being talkative Idiot in publ ic

59 60

Astrology scholar Mathematician Grammarian Vedantin Cheat Joking Hidden wea Itb Wealth by self-effort Wealth from variQus sOurces Loss of wealth ' Pauper Millionaire and multimillionaire Moneylender Debtor

Diseases 10 teeth

60 61

62 63 63

64 64

64 6S 65 6S

66 67


68 69 71 73 74

74 74

Xiii Diseases to palate, eyes and ears Metal Glutton Meals Fire injury Bad blood Fear of dog Fear of snakes Fear of poison Burled wealth

, HI


'n 75 7']

78 78 19 79

19 8Q .80

Resu Its of the 3rd (Brothers') house as told in SARAVALI Aspects of planets to the 3rd Bhava Yoga relating to brothers " .. sisters Houses indicative of brothers Results as told in PARASARA SAMHITA Effects of the 3rd Bhava .. .. '. Lord in Rasis Result3 as told in JATAKA TATfVA Brotbers' affection/enmit'( Number of brothers Is i1 going to be brother or sister?

93 '94

Loss of brothers


Brotberlessness Brothers' illness Becoming government employee Daily wages Employer's slave Heroism Beggiog Dishonourable job Gaining from others Career Results as told in SARVARTHA CHINTAAMANI Trouble to brothers Gain of brothers


'8 L 84 86 87 8!;l 90 90 91 92


96 '96 96

96 97 97

93 98 99 100 100 10 I

Xiv Is it going to be brother 0' sister? Numbe, at Brothers Heroism Fear of poison Fear of animals Planets with the Bhava Lord Eating utensils Gas trouble Ear ache. neck pain Ear ornament IV

105 105 105 106 106

106 106

Results of the 4th/Relations' bouse as told in SARAVALl Signwise Aspects of planets


4th LOld in various sign.


107 107


. Kingship

9th and 11th bouse (Saamanta)


Nature of tbe home Acquisition of a home Reli>ults as told in PARASARA SAMHITA ., .. JATAKA TATTVA Kind of house one will have Friendship Results as told in SARVARTHA CHINTAMANI Relationship with relatives Houses and lands Miserv Committing incest and other sins Mother Vehicles

119 III 125

127 134

139 141 143

144 148 ISO 154 155

By own effort buying house






102 103 104


Results of the 5tb/Children's house told in PHALADEEPIKA Calculating number of children Propitiatory ceremo nies. Results as told in SAAAVALI

160 163 164 168


Legitimacy of children Lover's children Ch iidJessness [)est,uction of fa mi Iy I ine/l ine'lge S6.,'s character SOD'S birth after long delay Dates of loss of children Birth of many children Calculating number of children More daughters than sons Date of bilth of son Adoption Childlessness !-oss 01 children due to snake curse Propitiation for snake curse Loss of children due to Pitru-curse Propitiation for Pitru-curse Mother's curse propitiation for maternal curse Brother's curse P(opitiation for brothers' curse • Uncle's curse Propitiation for uncle's curse Brahmins' curse Propitiation for brahmins' curse Wife's curse Propitiation for wife's curse Mantras and ghosts Results as told in PARASARA SAMHIT A l

Yoga for getting children " " an only child Child-delivery after difficulty Adoption Birth of many children I Uegitimacy Yoga to have children .• Time of birth of children Loss of children (

172 176

178 179 179

18() 181 } 82

184 184 186 lIs7

189 189 199 191 192 192

194 194 195 196 196 196

197 198 199

199 201 201 201

202 202 202 203 203 2{)4



Determining number of children Position of the lord of the 5th in different signs Results as told in JATAKA TATTVA Intelligence Memory Quickwittedness Ficklemindedress Meanmindedness Idiot Learned wise man Magician E"orcist Ph} sieian Alchemist/ Che m;stry speeiarist Grammarian Mathematical skill Astronomical skill Poetical talent Dumbness in public Logician Skill in arts Vedantin Snake-curse • Pitru -cu rse Curse of the decea sed mother's spirit Conceptionlessness Death of children . Destruction of family line Childlessness Divine curse Yoga for getting children Child-birth after delay " " difficu Ity Year of birth of baby Determining sex of birth of baby Many daughters Many children . . Character of children "

204 205

206 206 207 208 208 208 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 210

211 212

212 212 212 212 214 214 216 217 217 218

219 221 222 223 224 224 224

226 226 227





Results as told in SARVARTHA CHINTAAMANI Birth of son Death of son Birth of children Destruction of family lina Intelligence Keen understanding Stupidity Madness Philanthropist Clever minister Knower of past. present and future Determining sex of children Number of children Character of son Gifts of food


229 229

230 231 231 232

233 !34 235 235 235 235 235 235 236 236

Sri Ramajayam

Jataka Dwadasa Bhava Phala ,


(A Compendit..lm of astrological results from Parasara Samhita, Saravali, Sarvartha Chintamani, Jataka Tatwam, Phala Deepika etc.) By PANDIT KADALANGUDI


Astrology is an instrument by which man is enabled to earn his bread, a boat by which he can cross the sea of danger. and an able minister to help him defeat his enemy. The positions of the various Planets in the Zodiac at the tim of the birth of the baby are plotted in a horoscope. The zodiac is a circle of light marked by 27 constellations occupying the twelve zodiacal signs. Each zodiacal sign has certain peculiarities attributed to it by the ancient seers. The power of a planet to produce good or bad effects on a native is modified to a great , extent by the natural sympathies or antipathies of the aspecting and the aspected planets. Success in prediction is due to the great scrutiny of tbe planetary influences in the analysis of a horoscope and the relative values of the good or evil sources of strength of different planets and Bhavas. The following points are noteworthy in the consideration of a. horoscope:


Owadasa Shava Phala Every

!',oroscope has characteri~ tics:

the following twelve Shavas Or


Lagna Shava or the Ascendant


Kutumba Bhava or the house of family


Sabodara Bhava or the house of brothers


Vidya Shava or the bouse of education


Putra Shava or the house of children


Satru Shava


Kalatra Bhava or the house of wife


Ayur Bhava or the house of longevity


Bhagya Shava or the house of fortunes

0 ..

the house of enemies •

(10) Karma Shava or the house of profession (11)

Labha Bhava or the house of gains


Vyaya Bhava or the house of expenditure.

Each house has many indications but is named aftsr its primary significance in a horoscope. The study of these twelve houses and their lords reveals the coming ups aud -downs in the life of the concerned being. for the birth of a cl)ild provokes the parents to think as follows: (1)

How will the new·born be in his complodon. stature?


How will he lead his family life?


How many brothers will he get and what will be their status in life?


How will his mother. education and landed property be?

and so 00. Here this science of Astrology tells us tho t the physique (his body.features e(c.) can be ascertained from the 1st house; his family etc. from his second house; brother etc. from his third house; his mother, education etc. from the fourth house and his intellect from the fifth house of the hcroscope ofthe child. This science also lays down the rules and methods for the arriving

Dwadasa Bhava Phala


at their judgement. Thus the state of a being can be understood upto the period of youth. Thereafter, if be be a male he desires to marry at the proper age. When the thought of marriage aris9s he can know the form. virtues and other such particulars about his would-be-spouse as indicated by the seventh house, But on the two sides of the seventh house. one (that is the sixth bouse) indicates diseases and the other (tbat is the eighth house) indicates death. By this. 'it is hinted that, after marriage, since diseases and death are possible through wrong methods of living, it is necessary that he should conduct himself in such a way that these do not happen prematurely. After getting married. he has to run the family. Then as the saying goes: "One cannnt enjoy this world without money and the other world i.e. (para. loka) without piety. "fhe ninth house furnishes him with the details regarding the possible means of acqlJiring fortunes. "The diligent never become victim3 of disgrace", The goddess of wealth seeks the lion among men who is ever industrious"from such saying.>. it becomes kno ND th3t wealth can be acquired only by those who are ever industrious and hard working. So he seeks a proper job, which will provide him enough. Here, the tenth house gives information regarding the job he should do . Information regarding the gains he can acquire through his jOb is supplied by the eleventh house. For tl1ese gains, should he spend money from his pocket? or will he be able to achieve them through the merits accumulated by him in his past births? The answer is supplied by the twelfth house. It follows, therefore, that the "twelve houses of a horoscope

are to be divided into three \:lroups-hou$es 1 to 5 constituting the first group. 6 to 8 the second group and 9 to 12 the third group. Thus we stort judging the results ' of the different houses. JUDGING THE RESULTS OF THE DIFFERENT HOUSES:

First. through the plnnets placed in the respective Bhavas. then through the planets aspecting these Bhavas, thirdly, though the iords of those signs and thereafter through the planets whiGh are the significators of these, One should examine the


Dwadasa Bhava Phala

the results of the different Bhavas thoroughly before declaring them. Hence we set forth below the rules given in Phaladeepika in th is regard I (i) All the Bhavas produce their benefic results to the full extent provided they are associated with their own auspicious lords or with benefic planets owning benefic houses and are devoid of aspects and associations with malefic planets. (ownership of sixth, eighth and twe Ifth houses is bad). But it is said that even a malefic placed in a particular Bhava, would OUIY produce good results. Further if the pfanet is not in debilitation, nor in heliacal setting, and is not placed in the house of its enemy, only good results are produced. That is, the respective lord of the hou3e, whether a benefic or a malefic by nature. provided it is not debilitated, nor in heliacal setting nor in the sign of its enemy. will only produce gooJ rasu Its. Further, if there are benefics placed in the triangul ar signs (J, 5, 9) and the angular houses 2.4,7 and 10 counted from a particular house b ~ associated with benefics and be devoid of aspect and association with malefics and if the house be associated with its own lords. the house will produce its benefic results to the full extent. (ii)

But if it be the reverse of what has been told, destructive results are to be told. T hat is. if the houses 5, 9, 2. 4, 7 and 10 counted from a particu lar Bhava are not associated with benefics but are associat-'!d with m31efics and are aspected by malefics (which may be benefic or .and do not contain their own lords malefic) the results will be bad. But if benefiC and malefics are In the houses of ascendants etc. ' these results of these hou , es will be of mixed nature i.e. good results and bad results will both happen. If the lord of a house is in heliacal setting and is placed in the eighth house or is placed in debilitation or inimical sign without having association and aspects . of benefics, only (iii)

Oawadasa Bhava Phala


evil effects ensue. Similarly, if a . benefic planet is placed in a house, conjoined with the lord of the eighth house or in an inimical sign, that house will not yield good results. But if there be a malefic planet placed in the house, having the affliction told as before, the result is completely destructive. From what had been told, it follows that the house whose lord is afflicted by heliacal setting etc. yields bad effects. Sgcondly, if a benefi~ having afflictions such a heliacal setting etc. be placed in a house, such a house does nat yield good results. Lastly, if a malefic having afflictions such as heliaca! setting, combination, e~c, be placed in a house, that house al placed in the houses 4, 8,12, 5 and 9 from the house Or the place of the significator complete destruction of the house bas to be fourfold. If two or three conditions mentioned above are satisfied the result will be found to be clearly true.

Dwadasa Bhava PhaTa


(7) The lords of the houses 6, 8 and 12 and the lord of th e 22nd decanate will produce destruction to the house concerned during their Oasa periods if they are devoid of strength and are placed in houses 6, 8 and 7. Also when malefic planets are placed in 3, 6 and II and strong benefics are placed in the houses 1'; 4, 7. 10, 5 and 9 and friendlY towards the lord of the house in question, they make the Bhava flourish. (8) All the following cause destruction to the house during their respective Dasa periods: The lord of the 3rd house from th9 ascendant and the Chandra Lagna (Moon sign). the planet aspecting the 8th house, Saturn, the lord of the 22nd decanate, th9 lord of the house in which Gulika is placed, the lords of the Rasi and Amsa wherein the abov~ mentioned planets are posited, the planet that is the weakest at the time of birth, those placed in 6,8. and 12 are Rahu having association and aspect of malefic,;. (9) The house containing the lord of the ascendant flourishes. The lord of the ascendant when associated or aspected by whichever lord, produces the effect~ laid down for the house owned by that lord . If it is placed in 6, 8 and 12 from a particular house, the effects will be reverse (i.e. the results of the house will not be realized). If at the same tima, the lord of tle hJuse be weak, affliction of tne hous~ will be much more pronounced. If the lord of the house be endoNed with strength. the eVIl will be surely less. (10) The lo:d of the ascendant, even if malefic, brings only good to the house in which he is placd and even it it possesses tb: ruler~hip 0 1 the 6, 8 alld 12th hOllses, his rulership of the a ~cendant abov~ is importan t and not the lordship of the other houses. Here is an illu!>tration: For persons born in Aries or Scorpio atcendant. Mars, in addition to becoming the lord of ascendant haPtJe::ls to own the 8th and t heSth houses re3pectively . Yet that Mars if placed in the 5th hou3e i.e. in Leo or in Pisces (for the tWJ a3cenjants respectively) will 9 ve offspring Those prof,cient in astrology declare that if this Mars gel5 aspect from benefic planets in addition, he will bestow children very eariy.

Dwadasa Bhava Phala· (11) If a planet happens to own two houses, lordship of triangular houses alone will overrule. Suppose two houses are owned by a planet. Here the importance of the ownership of the house othar than the triaogular is only half. i.e. the importance of owning the triangular house will be double, or in other w ends. only half of the results in : respect of the house other than the triangular house may occur. Further. their results of the house which happens to be the first among the two occur during the first hatf at the Dasa period. The fesult in respect of the second house will occur during the second half of the period. (12) If a planet happens to be the Ati Satru (extreme enemy) of the lord of a house, during its Das') period it will not give the rasults of the house. Similarly, if it is placed in a house • which does not have any b auefic dot in the Ashtakavarga, during its period. no good result will result in respect of the Bhava. In fact, the houses will undergo total destruction. Thus, the astrologist should tell tile qJerist. (This rule applies even ill Horary Science). More details can be found in our Brihat Jataka II Chapter 18th verse where it is written c Ie arly which may be referred to for cia rif icat ion. (13) If a planet is posited in its exalt ation or own house or be endowed with the six kinds of stren!Jth or be in a Bhavasandhi it will not give the results during its period. In this matter one should interpret after much carefu I thought. (14) If a planetisplacedexactly ' on .the cusp of a house , and the Bhavasandhi the amount of result it will yield has to be • • calculated by the rule of ~hree. "









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, ' .. - . ,

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,- -

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If a planet is placed 1, 5,6.7, S or 9 from another planet it is declared as temporary enemy of the latter; if it be an nemy by nature in add ition it is termed as Atisatru.


Dwadasa Bhava Phala Significations of the planets

(15) By means of the Sun we should judge matters relating to Atman (the soul. father. prowess, health, freedom from diseasea. strength and prosperity). The Sun is the significator for all tbese. Similarly, by means of the Moon we should decide matters relating to mind, intellect, king's favour, mother and wealth. By means of Mars we should know power, diseases. nature, character, brothers. enemies and jnatis (kinsmen). From Mercury we should know learning, relatives, discrimination, uncle. friend. speech and profession. (16) From Jupiter we should decide matters relating to wisdom, wealth. money. nourishment. sons, children and knowledge. By means of Venus we should understand things relating to wife, vehicles, conveyance. ornaments, conjugal happiness etc. Through Saturn we should guess longevity, livelihood. cause of death, danger and servants. Through Rahu we should judge paternal grandfather, and through Ketu maternal • grandfather. Significators of different houses

(17) The respective significators of the houses from lagna onwards are as follows:

(1) (2)

(3) \4) (5) (6)

(7) (8)



For the first house





.. " .. "

second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth

" "


.. .,






the Sun






the Moon & Mars




Saturn & Mars



... ...


Tb. Sun. Saturn & Jupiter I•


Dwadasa Bhava Phala (10)




eleventh "










Jupiter, thl Sun, Mercury & Saturn Jupiter



(18) The extent of the results depends upon the nature of the placement of the planets in the signs-that is whether placed in friendly, inimical. neutral, own or exaltation houses. Saytacharya says that if cen efics are placed in the houses of Lagna etc, matters ' relating to these houses will flourish; but if malefics are placed these mattars undergo destruction. But it will be the reverse in the case of houses 6, II, 8 and 12. But if malefics are placed lio 6. 8 and '12, these houses flourish. Butif hene'ics are placed in these houses, the significations of these houses are destroyed.

(19) If malefics are placed in houses 6, 8 and 12 these houses flourish. If benefics are there they destroy these houses. Hence it follows that when benetics are placed tbere, the evil results arising from enemies diseases etc do not happen . That is , if malet:cs are placed in ~6th house they will increase miseries. sorrow, debt, diseases and enemies. If benefics are there troubles from these will not arise. If malefic, are in the 8th house longevity will increase. But if benefics be th ere they will decrease the same. (:0) Whichever house is to be judged the same should be kept as the ascendant and physical features, wealth, etc. should be decided from the twelve houses counting that hou~e as the first.

(21) Similaqy, we should keep tbe house of the significators the Sun, etc. as the ascendant ab d from them effects can 'Je judged relating to father. mother, brother. uncle,so()n, husband and sel vant• •





(22, 23, 24) The above rule is illustrated here by ,means of , an example): When we want to decide matters relating to father,


Dwadasa Bhava Phala


we should keep the sign of the Sun as the ascendant and by that we should judge the form. stature. etc. of his father. By means of the second sign (from the sign where the Sun is posited) his prosperity may be judged. By the third sign his brothers' nature, etc. can be ascertained; his m')th ·' r. happiness, etc. may be guessed from the 4th. From the fifth his intellect and favours he may receive may be known. From the 6th sign, Jove, pride etc. ma y be gauged. From thfl 9(h sign, his merit, auspicious deeds and father may be und.!rsteod. From tile IOtll sign his profession may be determined. .

From the 11th sign his ga ins can be found out. Lastly from the 12th sign to Sun's hou,>e. his utter financial ruin etc. m3y be surmised JLlst as we ascertain matters relating to father from significator i.e the Sun we sbuld judge others from their respective Karak-ls (Sig r,ificators) i.e., the Moon etc., keepi ng their places as the ascendant in each case.


In the Brihat Jataka, it is sa id that for those born during the day-time, the significator for father is the Sun and for those born during the night the significator for father is Saturn. Similarly, the significators for mother are Venus and the Moon respectively for births occurring during day and night respectively 'Therefore, the case of those born during the day, results pertaining to mother should be declared by judging the house of Venus as the ascendant. And in the case of those born during the night rcsu 'ts relating to father is to be seen by keeping the house where Saturn is placed as the ascendant. Other details in this connection can be seen in Brihat Jataka (pages lSI. 152 and

153.) (25) Matters relating to one's motber, fatber. brothers, son, etc. are to be guessed from the respective houses balonging to these and also from the places of the respective significators. If the significators and the lords of Jhese houses are strong these houses thrive well. ,


It is said that the Sun in the 9th house, the Moon .· in'


Dwadasa Bhava Phala

the 4th house Mars in the 3rd Jupiter in the 5th house Venus in the 7th house Saturn in the 8th house produce evil to respective houses menrioned against them. In the case of people born at night, placement of the Sun in the 9th house does not produce any evi I for father. Similarly, it should be seen that the Moon in the 4th house does not produce any evil to mother for those born during day. Note:

(27) The lord of the ascendant yields results of the planet with which he is combined or the house in which he is placed. It that house or the lord of the house is endowed with strength, he produces good results in respect of that house. If they are weak, he produces only evil results. (28) The lord of the ascendant produces good results in respect of the house with whose lord he is combined and at the same time placed in a sign containing a large number of benefic dots in the Ashtakavarga plate. He produces good results also in respect of the house where he is posited. On the contrary, if• the lord of the ascendant is combined with a planet which is weak and is placed in a sign containing less number of benefic dots, he will yield only bad results in respect at those houses. These should also be applied to other houses. (29) If the lord of an evil house i.e. 6, 8 and 12th houses occupies his own sign which is not an evil house at the same time he will reduce the result of only that house occupied by 'him and not the results of the evil house. For example-For a Virgo ascendant. Capricorn is the 5th house and Aquarius becomes the 6th house. Here if Saturn be plated in Capricorn which is the 5th house be will only cause the birth of sons and will not cause the evil results due to the ownership of the 6th house.


Dwadasa Bhava Phala

(30) There are five types of relations between two planets. (1) Conjunction in the same sign. (2) Mutual aspect (3) Occupation of Kendra (angular) positions with respect to each other (4) Occupation ofTrikona (triangular) positions with respect to each otb.er (5) Mutual exchange of Resis. So in this science wherever results are to be told arising from relations between two planets. these fivefold relations have to be examined and ascertained. Results


the 1st




told in Saravali :

In . this work the technical terms used fnr first house (ASCendant) are- (1) Lagna (2) ViIagna (3) Udaya (4) Hora (5) Kshiti (6) Bhava (7) Tanu (8) Moorti (91 Siras (to) Kalpa etc. By means of the 1st house We have to judge matters regarding form, age, colour, moles. caste. happiness, sorrow, courageous acts, etc., etc. ,

If the lord of tho! ascendant. is placed in th~ 1st house he w ill . be passionate. free from diseases and long· lived. He will be very strong and may be a minister to a King. He will be always endowed with comforts. joy, and wealth. If the lord of the ascendant Is place:! in the second hous2. he will be wealthy and will have a tall wsll.built-'lody. He will earn his livelihood easily. He may be an adeot in Mantra Sastra (Vedas etc.) He will have a go')d fa 'llily. H s will do various kinds of meritorious acts (dharma). If the lord of the ascendant is plac d in the third h'luse, it brings about tile birth of many brothers. If therein it is combined If, with a friendly planet, it makes the person very courageous . it is endowed with strength. it makes the person gdoerous in giving gilts. Aspected by benefic planets. it best.:>ws good speech. The lord of the ascend;)nt placed in the 4th house confers happiness, various kinds of delicious food, joy. honour. reverencs anj r¢spact fro!Tl kiag,. hl,)pilless through mother, comforts through the possession of elephants ch'lriots and horses. powers and ability to command aven celestial beings. (This may be taken

14 to mean trusteeship of temples fitting in modern times.)

Dwadasa Bhava Phala ~

as this meaning would be more

'The lord of the ascendant placed in the 5th house gives modest. well·mannered and virtuous childre n enjoying a fang life. Further, it make'S the person to meritorious deeds and thereby earn various kinds of wealth. Also it gives him a strong taste for • musIc. • •

If the lord of the ascendant is placed in the 6th house, the person will halfe many enemies. His sons may be crafty. The person may derive much happiness through his uncles, domestic animals like cows etc. and through his mother. The person will be miserly but endowed with various kinds of wealth. If the lord of the ascendant is placed in the seventh sign. · I dentical with a feminine sign, the person will lead a hanpy life with his wife and enjoy comforts and wealth. He will possess good conduct. He will be modest and will be in the company of . women. He will be fond of good dress (i.e. He will ever adorn bis lad~ and himself with good dress and ornaments.) . The lord of the ascendant placed in the eighth house points to the danger of death. It m"lkes the person miserly, and deceitful in money matters . The person will suffer various hardships. If there be benefic aspects, the person will lead a respectable life and will be englged in virtuous acts. And he will possess a sharp intellect. , If the lord of the a.scendant is placed in the ninth house, it will bestow brothers, and friends upon the native. .Also, it makes the person generous and mun ificent in giving gifts. The person will be endowed with comforts, and good conduct. He will acquire much fame and will be honoured by kings. . •

If the {oid of the ascendant is placed in the tenth house, the person will derive much happiness through his parents who will


Dwadasa Bhava Phala


be almost equal to a king and a queen in prosperity. He will do virtuous acts ldharma) and thereby get earthly enjoyments of all sorts. He will be a , poet of a high rank. He will be respectful towards his elders and preceptors and will adore his preceptors. "

If the lord of the ascendant is placed in the eleventh house. the person wi II have a long life. H is mind will be pure. He will derive much happiness through a king possessing elephants, chariots, horses, and treasury. He will be much renowned and will possess high menta I powers of discrimination and analysis. If the lord of the ascendant is placed in the twelfth house, the person will be a rude speaker. He will be in the company of wicked people. He will do bad deeds. and will be bereft of compassion. He will go to a foreign land. He will be inimical towards his brothers and relatives. He will nave many enemies. And he may cause the ru in of his brothers.

Rllilits of thl aspects of planets If the Sun aspects the ascendant the person will possess much courage and power. He will annoy others and womenfolk aod be cluel by nature. He will get wealth and prosperity from his father. He will serve some king (i.e., He may be employed in the govem ,r,ent.) If the Moon aspects the ascendant. the person will be easily won over by women. He will be handsome and will be kind towards others. His body will be soft and lustrous. He will deal in substances of a watery natura. · That is, according 10 mOdern' times, it may be interpreted that he may deal in spirit, petrol etc.) ,


If Mars aspects the ascendant he will be rash in his actions but possess much' courage. He will be fond of quarrelling with others. His relatives will be famous. He will do meritorious acts. His genitals will be of a large S'ize.

,1 6

Owadasa Bhava Pals

If Mercury aspects the lagn3, he will be proficient in the art at sculpture and will possess a sharp intellect. He will be famous and will be respected, and honoured by society. If the ascendant is 8spected by Jupiter,

the native will be devoted to sacrifices, austerities and religious rites. He will be much honoured and respected by kings. He will have the company of Sadhus, Gurus. aod guests. If the ascendant is aspected by Sukra (Venus), he will have the company of woman of ill . repute, will be capricious snd fortunate, and have moeny, enjoyment, happiness, and gOOd physique. •

If Sani

(Saturn) aspects the Lagna the native will be afflicted by disease, adopt foul means, will lose happiness through loss of grain and death of relatives; he will be blunt and stupid. ,

A planet aspecting own house will give the native happiness and wealth and will most likely make him the favourite of the mler. If the planet is malicious, it will do him ill, and if good, do good. •

If the ascendant is not aspected by aoy planet, tM native will lack any kind of 'Guna' (individuality) and will have the nature of that particular house.

If the ascendant is aspecied by two or three plants it wi" mostly do the native good, provded not even one benefic planet is aspected by a malefic one. If all planets aspect the ascendant, the native becomes a ruler or an officer of great power. If a II these planets are strong, the native will have all happiness; long life and no fear.

Owadasa Bhava Phala General Results of the Lagna Bhava

If the lord of the ascendant, Guru or Sukra be in Kendra (quadrant), the native's son will have wealth and long life. If the lord of the ascendant be in his Rasi of exaltation and aspected, by benefic planets . the native will have plane. wealth, good· enjoyment, and bodily well being. .. Tanu Dhava

Phala as enunciatell in PARASARASAMHITA:

If the lord of the ascendant (of birth) is associated with a malefic and placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th house, it wi II hamper the physical comfoits. In all the Bhavas such results should be noted in accordance with their specific results. Likewise the wise should know the results in 3(d and 7th houses. So should be known the effect of the lord of the ascendant placed in the 6th. 8th or 12th or in a friendly house. The child born at the time when the lord of the ascendant is a malefic and placed in the ascendant or the moon is placed in the ascendant 'will suffer f,am variQus diseases and ailments. When the lord of the ascendant is in an angular or triangular house or a bouse of profit. he will drive away diaseases. The resuhs of the planets lacking in strength or being malefic due to their lordships should be asceltained accordingly for wealth etc. The results should be told by judging the house of debilitations, the house of enemy, the house at the Sun, own house, 6th 8th and i2th houses. The lord of the ascendant or of the lunar ascendant (Chandra Lagna) being placed in 3, 12 aod 6 becomes weak. The planets being debilitated or settiog or placed in 2 and 8 gives many diseases to the body of the native and makes him thin . The native born when the lord of the afcendant or Jupiter or Venus is in angular house becomes wealthy, roysl favourite and enjoys a long lite, The native in whose chart th3 evil planets are not placed in an angular or a triangular house and the lord of the ascendant and Jupiter are housed in 1, 4 and 7 enjoys pleasure of various kinds. does holy acts, lives for a hundred years without suffering from any illness. If the lord of the ascendant is in a movable sign and is aspected by a benefic the native earns fame, glory and much


Dwadasa Bhava Phala

l-S •

enjoyment and a healthy physique. The native bears the insign ia of a 'king if in the ascendant are Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and tile Moon or . Jupiter; Venus the Mercury are in an angu lar house along with the Mooo. The native will be born twin if the Ascendant is associated with Rahu and aspected by the Moon and in the navamsa of the ascendant both Saturn and the Sun are housed. The ' native is ':lorn with umbilical cord (that binds the baby with the mother during pregnancy) around him if the ascendant is Rahu associated with Saturn and both the sides of the as cendant are aspected by the malefic. If both the SUD and the Moon are housed in ~ one house or in one Navamsa, that native with in • three months will bave three mothers, br()ti1ers and falher for his care. •

Tbus end the results of the Tauu Bhava as told in the Paras arasamhita.

The Results



The body comfotts should be ascertained from the lord of the ascendant being placed in the degree of its own exaltation, or its own navamsa and associated with or aspected by the benefic. The benefic lord of the ascendant being strengthened and placed in 1,4,7, 10 or in 1.5,9 and not beingaspected by any malefic tells the pbysical comforts of the native. The native is bestowed with fame and very good fortune if the Sun is the lord of the ascendant and is strong and is in the degree known as Devalokamsa and the lord of the 9th is in exaltation. The native gets good fortune, fame, wealth and long life, if the lord of lh~ ascendant is very much strengthened, associatad with benefic class is in its exaltation, in, its navamsa. associated with its friendly planets, associated with the lords of 1,4,7, 10 houses. There will be discomforts to the physique of the native if the lord of the ascendant is associated with a malefic. So is the result of the lord of the ascendant if placed in the 8th house. But even ih aforesaid cases, if the lord of the ascendant is aspected by the



Dwadasa Bhava Phala


benefics, the results will be contrary to what was said before. That is, there will be no laok of physical comforts. Tbe nat'ive is brone to suffer fresh diseases if the lord of the ascendant or the ascendant is associated with tbe lord of 6, 8 or 12. The native will not suffer from diseases if the lord of the ascendant, even though weakened, is placed in house 1,4, 7 or 10 or in I, 5, or 9.


The native wi II have a wea k cody if the lord of the house where in the lord of the ascendant is placed is house 6, 8 or l2. Likewise it is generally said that the lords of the Bhavas when placed in 6, 8 or 12 harm their own Bhava. The native is cheated by others, lives under fear of thieves, etc. it the malefics are in the ascendent, associated with Gulika or the lord of the ascendant is associated with a malefic, Dr it Rabu is in the ascendant.

1 here will certainly be fear of thieves, royal disfavours, cheating by ethers if the ascendant is a;;sociated with or aspected by Saturn. The elders opine that the native will have a large kidney if Rahu is associate d with Mars and is placed in ascendant or Rahu is associatl'ld with Saturn. The kidn9y of the native will be enlarged if the lord of the ascendants in the 8th house, Rahu and Gulika and in the 8th house.

That the kidney is large should be told if RahtJ is in the ascendant, Gulika is in the 5th or the 9th house, M~rs in association with Gulika is in the 9th house. The kidney will be large if the lord of that house wherein the Navamsa of the lord of the ascendant is placed is associated with Rahu, Mars and Gunka. The kidney will be enlarged if the lord of . the house housing the lord of the 8th house is associated with Rahu. It is sa id that the native will have head injuries caused by the pelting of stones or by a knife etc. If Mars is the lord of the asceLdant and is placed in the ascendant, and associated with or aspected by 8 malefic. It Saturn is placed as said before (i .e. Saturn being the lord of the ascendant and is placed in tbe ascendant end is associated . . . with or aspected by a malefic) the native will suffer head injuries


Dwadasa Bhava Pala


wind, Hre or weapon or falling on the ground. The due astrologists proclaim that the native will have a big head if 5 gha,t is 'are past in the time of birth in the Lagna . will not have a big head if only 2t ghatis are pa~t will have a small head if less than 2~ · ghatis are past. They say that the native will have a lean body if a dry sign (Rasi) is the ascendant and therein is housed a dry planet. The nativa will suffer much and have a lean thin body if the lord of the ascendant is associated with a dry planet or housed in the house of a dry planet, and the lord of • the ascen dant is in 8th house and an ascendant is a dry sign. If the lord Of the navamsa of the hous e occupi ed by the lord of the ascendant is in dry sign the body of the native will also b e dried up. It is said that the native wi II have a tbin body' if the ·, cfry sign is the ascendant and associated with many malefics. ' • •


The native will have a fat body if the ascendant is the wet sign and associated with the benefics. They teach that the Rhysique of the native will be well-built if the lord of the ascendant is a wet planet, is strengthened and is associated with gentle planets. The physique of the native will be well-built if the lord of the ascendant is in a wet sign, is associated with a wet planet or aspected by a wet planet, the ascendant being the sign of a benefic, the lord of the navamsa of :the house occupied by the lord of the ascendant placed in a wet sign. . •

The phys'que will be well-built as said above if the sign (Rasi) of the benefic is ascendant and devoid of the aspects of any malefic. The b:>dy will be hea !thy if Jupiter is in the ascendant Or the ascendant is aspected by Jupiter or a plane~ having a wet sign, or the ascendant is a wet sign. It is said that the b09Y will be very stout if there are the benefics in the ascendant and aspected by other beneflcs. It is said that the native will suffer from evils caused by .the witches if Saturn or Rahu is in the a , cend mt. .. ,

'The native will sufter from breathing trouble, tuberculosis, stomach-ache, etc. if the Sun is in the ascendant and is being ..


Owadass' Shave Phal3


aspected by Mars. Tne nativ~ >Nil! un iergo 3ufferinqs caused by we.pons if Mars is in the ascendant and aspected by Saturn and the Sun. There will certair'lly be fears caused by thieves. witches (devils) if Ketu is in the ascendant and is aspected by many m defics. The native will loiter m..Jch if the ascendant is in a movable sign, the lord of the ascendant is in a movable sign. They say that the native will travel much if the movable sign is an ascendant and the navamsa ascendant also is a movable sign. The native will visit for.:iga countries if the m:>vable sign is the ascendant and the lord of the ascendant is in the movable sign and aspected by the movable planets. If the ascendant is a. fixed Rasi, the native WIll earn much fortune in his \)wn native land. The native will be very wealthy if the fixed sign is tbe ascendant and therein are housed flx.:d planets• ..

, When the fixed Rasi bscomes the ascendant and therein is posited a movable planet a fixed planet the native gets totune great fame and with fame and fortune he moves to many places, steps in i II·ways (Ln. order to get high positions,) The native is serious-minded if the lord of the as::endent is strengthened and is in its exalht 'on. If the lord of th'} ascendant is weak the native is opposite of what has been said above, (i e. he is not seriousminded) and is also an idiot. But if the lord of the ascendant is aspected by or associated With or the ascendant is aspected by or associated with benelics, the native will not be an idiot. The native leads a comfortable life since his childhood if the benefics are in the ascendant and aspected by other benefics. If in such positions there is any relation (yoga) with any malefic, the Mtive will not halle a comfortable life right from his childhood. fhe native is always grief-stricken from his birth to his death. If maay malefics are placed in the ascendant. The native is bles5ed with comforts till his death if tbe lord of the ascendant is in the ascendant. The n ~tive is blessed with comrorts tin his daalh if the lord of the asc9ndant Is in the Vargottamamsa or in its own exalted Navamsa, or in the trintal of its friendly Iiouse and aspected by assoc iated with benefics. The native begets . happiness in his early and middle stages


Dwadasa Bhava Phala

of life if the ascendant (at the birth) and benefips are in 12 & l1 and the lord of the ascendant is strong and is placed in a quadJant and Jupiter is in S,mhasana.nsa. Similarly those born at a time when the ascendant, 2nd and 3rd houses are aspect.!d by b9nefics. and the lord of the ascendant is benefic and the benefic are in the amsa called Paravatm&ha, enjoy hailpiness in the early and middle stages of their lives. . The person enjoys his childhood if at his time of birth the ascendant is strong and Jupiter occupies 1st, 4th, 7th or 10lh house. The person enjoys the comforts and pleasures througb wife, off-spring and friends when the lord of the ascenJant is in what is called Paravatamsi. The native enj0Vs comforts in his middle and old ages if the lord of the ascenda'n t is in what is ealled gopuramsa and Venus is in what is termed as Devalokamsll and the ascendant is aspected by benefics. There will ,be first sufferings and then comforts in the Iives of those whose horoscope contains a benefic in the ascendant: a malefic in the 2nd house and 1, 4, 7 and 10 occupied by ma lefics and the lord of ,the ascend 'mt in Vargottamamsa. The childhood will be comfortable and the later stages will be full of hardships if the ascendant is occupied by.a malefic, benefics in 2nd and 9th, the lord of the ascendant in Devalokamsa. The great sages of astrology proclaim that the nativa will enjoy a high reputation far and wide if the lord of ascendant is in the 10th, the Sun in the "'ascendant and aspected by or associated with benefics or the lo~d of the ascendant ;s placed ;n its exaltation house. The native become~' notorious if at the time of bis birth malefics are in the ascendant. ' coupled with Rahu, the lord of the Navamsa. and also occupy 1, 4,7. 10; a mEileflC in the 10th, a debilitated (or malefic) planet o'ccupying the ascendant house and even aspected by the Sun; the lord of the ascendant and the lord of fortu ne aven when! placed in debilitation but moving towards their exaltation bestOlNl world-wide fame on the native. When aspected by or associated with beneficll, both the lord of ascendant and the lord of forun91 give the same i.e. world wide fame). If Venus occupies the first half of the asceridant the native enjoys happiness in the first stages of his life and sorrow in the later stages., Thue iii! also • sorrow and griefif malefics occupy 4th and 5th houses. I

Dwadasa Bhava Phala


The native is bles:led with a good fotune, fam~, wealth, prosperity and a long life if the lord of the ascendant is aspected by or associated with benefics and is plac ed in exaltation (the highest place) or in 1st, 4th, 7tn or 10th house, or in 5th Or 9th aspected by a benefic, or in it3 own h :>use along with the lord of Karma. The lord of the ascendant bestows a steady prosperity, a long and virtuous Iif.: dispelling a prematurd death when it is highly strengthened and aspected by benefics and not by any malefics and IS placed either in 1,4, 7 or in 10. The persons in wl10se h)rosco;::>~ there is no mllefc ill the 1~t, 4th, 7th and 10th houses in the 1st, 5th and 9th houses, in the 8th house and the lord of the ascenjant and J Jpiter are placed in 1st, 4th, 7th or LOth house, enjoy comfo.1 s and pleasures of vHious sorts, do various nobla acts, live a hundred year life without sufferinJ any ailments. But if the lord of the 8th is stronger than the lord of the ascenda nt and malefics occupy 1 st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses the native has a short span of iife or will h:'lVe a middle-aged life aud may have a long life by his efforts and sufferings. The native has an unusual I ife-span of 2000 years if Mercury. Venus and Saturn are placed eitber in the same Navamsa or in 9th house, : or in the ascendant and the Moon in 6th or 8 th house, or in the ascendant and the Moon in 6th or 8th house. The nativCl and c onj~ in3d or flspected with the • lords of the tenth auli the elevanth houses_ (15) The native is very rich if all the four angular houses i.e. 1st, 4th. 7th and 10th houses are occupied by the benefics. (16) The native is a very rich man if the lords of the I st. 2nd and 11th houses are placed in vaiseshikamsa. (17) The person begets mu.::h wealth if Mercurv is in Cancer and Saturn is in the elevtJnth bouse. (18) Th'} person is very wealthy if Saturn occupies its own house. or the fifth bouse or the e leventh house. (l9) When Jupiter is in its own house or in the eleventh house and the Sun is in the fifth house the native has much w ealth . (20) Jupiter in its own house and the Moon in the fift h house make the p~rson very well-off. (21) When the Sun is in Leo, Jupiter and Mars together in the first house. the native is very well-off. (22) The native is very wealthy wh im Canc er is the ascendant and . therein is posited the Moon conjoined with Mars and J IJ piter both. (23, The person is vary well-to-do if Mars occupies the a scendant and is in its own house aod is conjoined with Saturn; Venus aod Mercury. (24)The native is very well-to-do if J Jpiter the ascendant occupies its own house and is conjoined with both the Moon and Mars. (25) The native is very rich if Mercury is in the ascendant and occupies its own bouse and it gets association or aspect of Saturn and Venus. (26) The native becomes very wealthy if Venus is placed in th e :isCond bouse is 8 benefic and is in what is called Simhasanall1sa. (129) The person will be a leader of twenty people if tbe lord of the wealth is associated with a benefic and is in an Amsa called Paravatamsa. (J 28)

(130) The native will protect the lives of many if Jupiter is in Simhasanamsa. Venus in Gopuram, and the lord of the house of wealth in Airavatamsa. (131) The native protects thirty people when the lord of wealth is in Simhasanamsa or in Parvatamsa and is associated with or aspected by Jupiter.

Yoga for Being Disgraced

(132) The lord of the eighth house is associated with or aspected by malefics or is located in a sign of a malefic or is in between two malelics or in the 8th house, the native has to suffer much disgrace. If nol so, the native will not face any disgrace. Yoga for Being in want of wealth, family etc.

[133] The native suffers from want of wealth if the Sun is in Taurus, the Moon in Pisces, Saturn in Aries and Mars in Cancer. [134] The native lacks wealth etc iwhen the lord of fortune is placed in the twelfth house and malefics occupy the angular houses. [135] There will be utter loss of members of one's circle if all planets occupy tue a~cendant or twelfth or seventh house.

• 60

Dwadasa Bhava Phala THE PREDICTIONS OF THE SECOND HOUSE AS TOLD IN THE Sarvartha Chintamani ,


(1) The predictions pertaining to wife, face, tongue, right eye past heritage, special skills, special enjoyment tof feast etc.), servants and fr iends must be told by judg iog toe second hOLise.

Yogas related to the predictions concerning eyes (2) It should be predicted that the native ,will lose his eyes if the lord of the second house is placed in the 6th, 8th pr 121h along with the lord of the ascendant. Or the native will suffer from night-blindness when the lord of the second occupies the ascendant and is conjoined with Venus and the Moon. The above said results do not hold good if the lord of the second house is in its exaltation and is conjoined with the benefics. ,

(3) The native is blind by birth if the lord of the se'c ond is conjoined with tne Sun, Venus and the lord of the ascendant and is placed in either the 6th or 8th or 12th house. · Mars in the 12th causes the loss of left eye at the time of birth. So does Saturn in 12th to the right eye. ,




(4) It is said that the Sun occupying the ascendant and conjoined with both the Moon and Mars and Saturn being aspected byars cause loss to the eyes of the native. The Sun when either coupl'ed with both the benefics and the malefics or aspected by these (the benefics and : the malefics) make the eyes :watery (tearful), The native does not suffer from any eye ailm ent if the Sun is aspected hy or associated with the benefics only. (5) The eyes will be closed if the second house is conjoined with the malefics , There will be eye diseases if the ,lord of the second is aspected by the benefics and -the lord of the ascendant being associated with>~many malehcs is aspected by Saturn. (6) The n"tive has extraordinarily long and wide I>yes if the benefics occupy the second house, 'the . lord of the second -is associated with the benefics and the significator of the second house is associated with or aspected by Jupiter as the lord of tlie ascendant (7) There will be eye diseases if the lord of the second is


Dwadasa Bhava Pha'a

associated with Saturn and Mars and Gulika. Similarly there wdl be eye ailments if the second house is occupied by many malefics and is aspected by Saturn. (8) The lord of the Amsa wherein is posited the lord of the se;;ond if associated with the malefics or placed in a house of a malefic causes ailments to the eyes. likewise the Sun or Mars as Ihe lord of the second houss and aspected by Gulika and the Sun also causes similar sufferings of eye-Cliseases. (9) The native suffers from eye troubles caused by the diseases at heat. bile, cough etc. and other physical ailments jf the lord of the second is a')saciated with the benefics and is placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th (10) If the planets in the aforesaid manner occupy the 3rd or 5th or 6th house, there will be eye troubles to wife, children and others respectively. The eye will be reddish in the corners when the lord of the second is either aspeClec:1 by or associated with the Sun and Mars. (ll) If the benefics are the s ignificators of tile second house, or the lord of the second house and if the secood house get their (the bene.. fics') aspect the result will be usually beneficial. Through the aspects or as,ociatioos of the mdlefics the result will always be evil. Such predictions are also told aboClt the father etc. YO[Jas for Speech, Living, Leadership etc.

[12] The native, born at the time when the lord of the second is conjoined with the benefies and occupies its own exaltation or , ,'an angular house or il friendly h:>use. or a house of a . benefic. becomes the prote.:tor of his family and acquries the graces of speech (Vag vaibhavam) [13] The native, born when the second house is an exaltation house and is either oCGupied or aspected by a benefic and the lord of the ascendant being strong occupies its own house of exalt nioa, is fortunate to earn the fruits of protecting many. [14] The nc.tiv3 is an altraist aod a protector of the people when the second house has the owner of th a second house or JUpiter, Venus or Mercury as lord of the second h-: use and is its exaltation or in friendly house or in the 4th [l5] . If the lord of the second is a malefic and is associated bvor aspected with malefics and occupies own house of elCaltation and the lord of the ascendant is a weakl ing and is also associated with a malefic


Dwadasa Bhava Pha! J

the native leads a life devoid of means of earning his own liveli~ hood. [16] One will not lead a comfortable life if the family house is occupied by many malefics and the lord of the second house is weak and is aspeeted by the malefics and is placed either in the 6th . 81h or 12th. [17] Tne native is capable of protecting all people if the lord of the second house occupies the third house, and is aspected by the male planets ,The Sun, Mars and Jupiter) or the benefics, the Sun is in the 9th house which is also its bouse of exaltation. [18] The native will protect fifty people if the owner of the second is in the Gopuramsa, and the lord of the house occupied by the owner of the second house is a benefic and is placed in the Simhasanamsa. [191 The native is able to protect all people if the lord of the house wherein is placed the lord of the second is in an angular house and the lord of the second is in its house of exaltation, in triangular house, or in the eleventh house. and tbe lord of the ascendant is strong. [WJ The native tbinks of getting the undesirable objects if the second house is occupIed by a malefic or the lord of the second house is aspected by or associated with malefics [21 J The native will protect people up to the number of twenty when the lord of • the family [the second house] is conjoined with the benefics and ascends the Paravatamsa and the Moon also is housed in the second house . [l2] Born at such a time when the lord of the second bouse is in exaltation or in a friendly house, or in his own house, and ascends the Simhasanamsa or the lord of the second houle is in the Paravatamsa and is aspected by Jupiter, the fortunate native commands 300 people. [23J Born, at such a time when the lord of the second house occupies the sublimest position [ParamocchabhagaJ and is aspected by Jupiter the native becomes worthy of protecting a thousand people. [24} Born at a time when Jupiter holds Simhasanamsa, Venus Gopuramsam, the lord of th9 second also is in Gopuramsam and also gains strength the native bas the power to protect unlimited number of people.

Predictions relating to face, about one's hot temperament, about being orator etc. [25] If the owner of the second house is placed in an angular •

Dwadasa Bhava Phala '


house, and is aspected by a benefic or 8 b3nefic occupying the second house the native has a handsome face. (26) The native will have a smiling face and will be prOsp"lrous when the lord of the second house occup ies 81 angnlar house or its own house of exaltation. or its friendly house, or its own Varga, and moreover in such places it also is in Goouramsa. (27) The native will hav3 an ugly face if a m:llefic is as~ociated with ' the second house or with the lord of the second house or tbe 100d of the second house is placed in debilitated Rasi (sign) or is aspecled by a malefic. (28) The na tive has a very bot temperament (always angry) when the owner of the second house is assoc iated with Gulrka. If associatcendant is in the · twelfth house, the lord of the tenth is associated with or aspected by the lord of the eleventh. (le9) The nat.ve runs into debts if the lord of wealth i.e. the second hou se is Astangata, and occupies a debilitated sign. anJ the second, and eighth houses are associated with th e malefic, (110) The native becomes a debtor if the lords of the second and the eleventh houses are in de )ili· tated signs or in Krooramsa. (I L 1) The man also becomes a oebtor when the lord of the Amsa of th.e sign occupied by the lord of the eleventh is associated with the benefics of 6th. 8th or 121h houses and attains Kro oraFhashthyamsa.

Conditions pertaining to teeth (112) Them will be dental diseases or dec 3Y (of teeth) during the sub-periods (Bhuktis) of the planet who is lord of the second house and either is associated with Rahu and is placed in the sixth house or is assoc .ated with the lord of the sign which houses Rahu .


Similarly there will be dental decay or/and diseases during the sub-periOlis of the lord of the second house when associated with the lord of ttle sixth house or during tbe subperiods of the p Ia let associated with the Am ;a lord of the se _and house associated with the lord of thc sixth house. (114) Saturn whe.1 associated with the lord of the second house, or with the m~lelics makes the native suffer fro·m dental trobles through aftliction of wind. When the SUD is disposed so, the native suffers from dental troubles through the governmental • •

DNadasa Bhava Phala


penalties (Rajakopa). When Mars is placed thus. the native suffers from dental troubles because of heat. Conditions for Palatal diseases. remaval of eyes, chopping off of ears etc.

The native will suffer from palatal diseases during the sub-periods of Mercury when associated with the lord of the se;ond house and dssociated either with Rahu or with Ketu and oocupies the sixth house or associated with the lord of the sign which houses Rahu. (116) The eyes of the native will be taken out becau:;e of tbe anger of the king (now lhe governmental decrees) when the owners of the tenth anri tb9 sixth houses occupy the house of a5cendant and are associated with Venus and tbe lord of the second house. The Sdme is al:;o the result when the ONuers of Ihe tenth and the sixth houses are either debilitated or housed in an enemy's camp or assoiated with malefics. (ll7) Similarly th9 native has to lose his eyes when the lords of the signs and Amsas w ;, er ein are posited the lords of the tenth and the sixth houses occupy the 7th, 8th or 12th house and are also associated with the lord of the ascendant. The same is the direction when the planets housing the lords of the tenth and the sixth houses are associated with Venus and the lord of the second house and occupy the 8th house_ But if aspected by the benefics there will be no eye-trouble. (118). Likewise the predictions should be made about the father etc. considering the respective lords of the houses concerned and the respective significators, One's ears will be cut off Saturn associated with a Mars and the lord of the second house occupy the house of ascendant, and also if the lords of the sixth and the second houses occupy the second house along with Gulika and Mars. (119) SUCh directions can be had about the father etc . by taking into consideration the lords of the houses related to father etc. and the significators thereof. · (115)

Conditions for finding out the metal of cooking vessels

(119) The Vessels for cooking meals will be of silver if the

Dwadasa Bhava Phala


lord of the second house occupies an angula,r house along with Venus and the Moon. (120) The Vessels will be of gold when Jupiter associaed with Mercury occupies an angular house. The Vessel!; will of gold when the lord of the second of the four angular houses and Vaiseshikamsa house occup (121) Similar directions can be had when the lord of the second in the Amsa of Paramoccha Rasi house is either in mridvamsa (exalted sign.) The same is also to be said when the Moon, Jupiter, Venus and Mercury occupy their own Amsas and • Paramoccha Rasis. (122) The vessels will be likewi5e of gold if the lord of the second hoose gains strength and is in its own Amsa. The same can bo:l said when the lord of the second house occupies Mridvamsa.gains full strength and is in Parwatmsa.(l23) If the lord of the second house) occupies an angular house aod is aspected bv the benefics of the friends, the native gets his meals selved in vessels of various metals. When the lord of the second house gains strength and occupies an angular house, the Vessels are said to be made of extraordinary metal. (124) The afore.said result is obtained when Venus, Jupiter a.nd MercL.ry all gain strength and are themselves In Vaiseshikamsa. second house is associated with the When the lord of the lord of the ascerdant and occupies the sixth ' house the vessels will be then, of iron lor of aluminium or of china-clay etc can also be said). The vessel will be made of strong iron when the lord of the second house is either associated with the lord of the sixth house or occupies the sixth house itself. (125) The vessels will only be of bronze if the owner at the second gains strength (lnd does not occupy Vaisesh ikamsa but gets only the aspecls of the benefics. The vessels will be of bronze if the lord of that sign which houses the lord of the Navamsa of the house wberein is placed the lord of the second house is associated with the benefics. (1 1. 6) The vessels wi be strong and solid when the second house is aSSOCiated with malefics and the lord of the Navamsa housing . the lord of the • second house holds the same Amsa and the lord of tbe second house is aspected by the weak benefics. (127) The pots meant for meals will be made of two metals if the Amsa of the second house is with the lord of the second house (that is to say. it the ,., • f




Dwadasa Bhava Phall

second house and th:l seeon::! N.lVam;a are one.) This is only possible in the mobile signs of Ades, Cancer, Libra and~ap~i~orn). aspected by the malefics and Jupiter belOg the slgnlflcator of the second house indicate two metals.

Conditions for being



(128) The native eats too much if the lord of the second is associatedwitb the malefics and is in Davagni. or Oandayudham or Kalam Shashthvamsa and is in debili tated Amsa, and is also aspected by' malelics This will not be so (i .e. the native will not eat too much) if there is either an aspect or an association .of the benefics.

Conditions for getting meals comfortably (129) The natille gets his m.,als comfortably well when the benefies occupy the second house, the lord of the second house is associated with the beneflcs and is also aspected by the benefics. (130) The native has the luxury of good meals when the lord of the second house ga ins strength, attains Va isesh ika msa, and is aspected by Jupiter and Venus. (1 31) Th9 native gets his meals with quiet case and comfort when the owner of the second h .l use occupies the second house or his own house of exaltation or a triangular house. and gains strength and Jupiter, the significator of the second house is in Vaiseshikam ~ a, gains strength, and also is aspected by the benefics. «(32) The native gets meals as th e occasion would have it when the lord of the second is aspected by the lord of the asc endant. This is not the r; sult when the lord of the _second house is aspected by the malefics or is debilitated.

Conditions for giving food grains or meals in charity (133) The native g i ves grains (or meals) in charity when the lord of the second house is conjoined with Jupiter and Mercury or is aspected by them, attains Vaiseshikamsa or Mridvamsa.

Dwadasa Bhava Pbala


(13M The native gives grains in gifts when the second house is occupied by Jupiter &Venus, &the lord of the second house is aspected by Mercury and is also ill Vaiseshikamsa. (135) The native gives gifts of meals pr grains to others if the lord of the second houss occupies the third hou,e or an angular house or 6th, 10th or lIth house and gains s1rength and is aspected by the benefics. (136) The native gives good grains and meals as gifts when the second bouse is the house of exa Itation and therein is placed a benefic and also is aspected by a friendly benefic and the lord of the second house is in Vai'5ehikamsa.

Conditions for taking light meals The natixe takes his meals not heavily and has a liking for taste when the lord of the second hquse is a benefic anrl ,is housed in its own house of exaltation or is aspected by the beneUcs or is in Mridvamsa.

Conditions for polluting or eating others' meals (138) The native eats the meals of others if the lord of the second house is in Krooramsa. And if it is also aspected by the debilitated planets the native pollutes the meals of others.

Conditions for taking meals offered in sraddha (rituals), polluted meals, etc. (139) The native more often than not has to take sraddha meals when Saturn is the lord of the second house. · or the lord of the second house is associated with Saturn or is debilitated and aspected by Saturn. (140) When the lord of the second house is conjoined with Saturn, Mars and Gulika and occupies his debilitated house or house of enemy or is in an Amsa of Saturn and is devoid of any aspect of the benefics, the native eats polluted meals. (141] The native will eat in a hurry his meals if the lord of the •


Owadasa Bhava Phala

second house gains strength and also gets an association of the benefics and the second house being a good sign and houses a benefic. [l~ 2J 1 he Lative is a wicked doer and takes his meals without any hurry if the lord 01 the secoc,d house is also in a movable sign and is also a~pec[ed by a movable planet the Moon and il both the s ' gn and the planet have an evil relationship between them. Conditions for Being Burnt bV fire, for having burn injuries

(143] Whe n the Sun occupies eitber the first, the seventh, the eighth or the second house and is a~pected by Mars Of Mars occupies the second house and is asp9cted by the Sun there is a fear by fire or of burn injury or of a wicked man. Conditions for Having had blood

[144J The native has a blood worthy of being discarded if Mars occupies either the first or tbe twelfth or the sixth or the seventh house and is associated With Gulika !rs sho uld be pledicted. ,

[91 If the 3rd Shava is asoected by a mllefic and Rahu. or the lord of the 3rd is in thg Bhava or in Kroora Shashthyamsa, destruction of brothers will take place. [10] If the lord of tbe Navamsa, in which are posited the • lords of the Amsa a ad Rasi of the lord of the 3rd, is in the 8th . house brothers will be destroyed. [11] If the lord of the Navamsa, !n which are posited the lord of the 3rd in . conjunction . with the lord of Rasyamsa, is debilit~ted, 'Astangata' (in tile Sun), or in 'Satrubhava' [inimical Shava], there will be destruction of brothers. [12] If the lord of the 3rd, or the Karaka is in the 6, 8 or 12th hou.se, and is conjoined w ith a malefic, or is in own exaltation. destruction of brothers will happen •• •

(13) It the lord of the jrd Shava. or the 3rd Shava. or Karaka is conjoined with an extremely Kroora planet, there will in (native's) youth bi destruction of brothers . ,


If in (13) the Kroora planet is just slightly Kroora brothers' destruction will happen after years. (The number of years should be determined based OD the strength of the Kroora planet. , Yoga for gain of brothers

(15) If there is 8 benefic in the 3rd and is aspected by a tenefic. and if the lord of 3rd house is also strong. gain of brothers will happen.


If the 3rd Bhava . or Karaka gelS the association and •

Dwadasa Bhava Phjlla

102 •

aspect of a benefic. and if the 3rd Bhava gains full strength, mo re number of brothers is indicated. .'

(17) If the lord of 3rd Bhava or Karaka is in Kendra-Trikona, or in own exaltedjVarga/friend's house. there will be gain of brothers.

(18) If the lord of the 3rd Bhava or Karaka or 3rd Bhava is conjoined with a benefic or in b;:nefics' Amsa, more brothers will b;: born. • (19) If the lord of the 3rd is in GoplIIamsa, and ,Karaka planet is in Simhasanam'5a, and the lord of :rd Bhave is a benefic, gain of brothers i& the effect. •

(20) If the lorc! of 3(d Bhava is in Paravatamsa or Kendra Rasi with benefic planets, or if the lord of the 3rj is in the house or Amsa of a benefic. more brotheJs will be born. ,

(21) If the lord of the 3rd ehava is in 3rd, or ollYn house or exaltation or Moola-Trikona and is strong, brothers will be born• . •

[22] If the lord , of the 3rd Shava is in Mridvamsa conjoined with a benefic, or if the lord of the Shava .s aspected by 8 benefic b :others will be born. .,. [23] If the lord of the 3rd Shava is in Vaiseshikamsa or Mridvamsa or aspected by a benefic, more brothers will be ' born. •


If the rord of Lagna is a friend of the lord of the 3rd,

brother(s} will be friendly to the native; if an enemy, brother(s) will be hostile to the native.

The sex of younge! OneS to be barr1


. o~ld !=tasl of and the Sun, and the 3rd

If the Karaka of the 3rd or its lord

Amsa, and is aspected by Jupiter,


Is In dfl


Dwadasa Bhava Phala

is an odd sign, the num')sr of brothers born will' be the sarna as Navamsa rising in the Lagna. [26] If the lord of Karaka of the 3rd is in even Rasi cir Navamsa, and if the 3rd is an even Rasi, sister(s) will be born. If the lord of the 31d is in neutral Rlsyamsa. eunuch-brotherhood is indicated. • The number of brothers ,

[271 The numb3r of brothers will bi:! equal to the Amsa rising from the SahJdara Rasi. The numb~r can also be calculated from the Amsa rising from the Rasi of the lord where the lord Of the • Bhava and the Karaka are posited. [28] The number ,can be got from (i, the Am'la of the planet in the 3rd Ras;, (ii) the Rasyam;a associated ,with the lord of the 3rd, and (iii) the Amsa in which the Karaks is posited.

[291 The numoer will depend on (i) the Rasyamsa of the planet associated with the lord and the Karaka of the 3rd. or (ii) the rays t of the lord and the Karaka of the 3rd. If the planet is a malefic. destruction of brothers is predicted. [30] The number of brothers/sisters is to be predicted from whoever is stronger of the two: the lord or the Karaka of the 3rd house. . •

t In Gh 36 of Saravali. the number of


is given for planets in exaltation: the Sun, l ' ; the Mo,!n 9; Mars 5; Mercury5; Jupiter 7; Venus 8; Saturn 5; for planets in debilitation, it is nil; for planets going from debilitation to exaltation, it is called 'Abhimukha Rasmi; for planets going from exaltion to debilitation, i.t is 'Paaraang Mukba Rasmi'; Trairasikam must be done between exaltation and -debilitation. r'


Dwadasa Bhava Pbala

Yoga for courage (31) If the lord of the 3rd is exalted and strong in KendraTrikona and is aspected by a benefic, or is Moola-Trikona own house, or friend's house, or VaiseshikamS3. the native is courage·' ous/adventu rous. (32) If the lord of the 3rd is in a with a benefic, the native is daring. If the Karaka of the 3rd Bhava native is heroic.

benefic's •Amsa associated is in a benefic's house, the

{33} If the lord of the Amsa. in which are posited the lords of the Rasyam,a where the lord of the 3rd is. is in the Varga of own house or other Vargas, the native is courageous, adept in fighting, and clever in manipulating strifes. •

• (34) If the lord of the 3rd is exalted in the 8th and is can· joined with a malefic in a 'cara-Rasi' or 'cara-Navamse', the native is undaunted in war. (35) If the 3rd Bhava is the house of malefic and if a malefic is situated there. and if the lord of the 3rd is thus situated the native is undaunted in war.

(36) If the lord of tbe 3rd is in Kroora Sbashthyamsa or in debilitated house, and has association or aspect of a malefic. the native is a coward in battle. (37) If the lord of the 3rd is exalted in the 8th. or the Karaka is weak in Kroora Shashthyamsa, the native will face defeat in • war. • (38) If the lord of the 3rd is in Simhasanamsa 01' Paravat· amsa or Gopuramsa or Mridvamsa. and. is aspected by a benefic; , he native will be too happy and is an adept in b-a'tle.




Dwadasa Bhava Phala (39) exaltation the nativa opposites


If Mercury is the lord of the 3rd and if he is in own in Vaiseshikamsa with-full strength, or is in Mridvamsa is fond of battles and is an adept in warfare; if the are true, the effects will also be negative.

E /fects of planets' association with lord of the third

If the Sun is conjQined with the lord of the 3rd, the man is daring. If conjoined with the Moon, the narive will be brave in imagination. If with Mars, the nat iva will be dark-complexioned. very cowdrdly and very short-tempered. (40)

If conjoined with Mercury, the native will be 'Saatwik" •

(41) If conjoined with Jupiter, the native will be brave, and will be aware of the significance of the Sastras/sciences. If conjoined with Venus, the native will be sensuous/full Of lust, and I/\Iill be ao adept in the ensuing quarrel. (42) If conjoined with Saturn , the nat ive will be quite firm/ unmov ing. If with Rahu, the native will be outwardly brave, but in mind a coward. If with Ketu, or with Gulika, the effect will be the same as that of Rahu with the lord of the 3rd house. Yoga for fear of poison and of animals


If Jupiter is in Lagna conjoined with the lord of the 3rd, th~re will be fear from quadrupeds, especially cows; if the Lagoa is a 'Jala-Rasi', there will be death by drowning. •

(44) If the lord of the 3rd is conjoined with the lord of the Rasi occupied by Rahu, or if Rahu is in Lagna, there will be fear from serpent• •

If the lord of the 3rd is conjoined with Mercury, there ' will be illness of the neck. ,

J-13 •


Dwadasa Bhava Phala

106 •

(45) If a debilitatea planet is in the 3rd, or if that house is inimical to the Lagna-Iord, or ' if, that debilitated planet is 'Astangata' (in the Sun), or if the 3id house is aspected by a malefic, there will be affliction of poison. If the above Yoga is not there, then there will be no fear of poison. •

Eating utensils, illness of ears neck, affliction of gas

(46) If in the 3rd house there is a strong Venus or Moon aspected by Mercury or conjoined with ~ben::fics, or if that Venus or Moon is in own exaltation or very friendly Varga, the native will eat in a plate of precious metal, will ..eat good and tasty food.

(47) ·If there is a malefic in the 3rd, there will be illn ess in the neck. If Mandi is in the 3rd house. the neck illness will be aggravated. If ito the 3rd house, there is Mars in the Amsa of Shs shthyamsa called 'Preta Pureesa', illness of the ear is predicted_ If in the :rd there is Saturn along with Mandi, and if they are not aspected by any benefic, and if the lord of the Rasi and Navamsa.associated with the lord of the Rasi occupied by the lord of the 3rd, is in Kendra. there will be aflliction of gas · (48)

If the lord of the 3rd atta ' ns asso::iation or aspect of a malefic. or is in Kroora Shashthyamsa. there will be illness of the ear. (49)

Yoga for wearing ear ornament



(50) If a benefic is in the 3rd or if the 3rd is aspected by a benefic, the native will wear an ornament in the ears. ~ •

(51) If Venus is in the 3rd, the native will wear a pearl necklace; if Jupiter is there, it will be an invaluable ornament. If the 3rd bas association with the Sun, the native will wear , jewel made of high class 'ratnam'.



Dwadasa Bhava Phala

If Saturn has association with th's 3rd, the native will get a

jew91 made of high class 'blue ratnam I . (52) plenty of jewel of forecasts

If the Moon is there in the 3rd, the native will get jewels, if Mercury, green jewels, if Mar3, magnificent 'ratnam'. If a malefic aspects the 3rd, the above ' will not come true.

(53) If the 3rd house is the house of benefics, th'e native will have the fortune to listen to stories of God; if it is an evil Rasi, and if a malefic is there, the native'" ears will be afflicted.



What One Can Learn From the Fourth Bhava

From the 4th Bhava, one can learn about one's good disposition, house, village, animals, agricultural land, self-effort and sight. There will be increase of any of the above items, if the 4th house is associated with or aspected by benefics. . (1)

(2) One can predict about one's relations, house, mother, water, physical strength and food, vehicles, heart, a tree's 'sk:mdha' (where it shoots out its branch), seat. bed, happin~ss anj underground water source. J

FO'Jlth Bhava According to Signs




(3) If Aries happens to be the 4th Bhava; the person Is' happ.y in the possession of qUfldrupeds, . 11\'0 men, good \ood and drinks, and many special delights acquired ~by self-effort.

Dwadasa Bhava Phala


(4) If Taurus is the 4th Bhava, the person is hc:oppy In getting several gifts by his valour. royal service, reverence to Brahmins, by vows and discipline. (5) With Gemini as the 4th house, the person is happy in holy baths, dwell ing in forests, and in possession of women, flowers, clothes and servants. ! •

(6) He will be fortunate, full of beauty, good natured, pleasing to women, of good character, intelligent and loved by people, If Cancer bappens to be the 4th house. . (7) -Angry and unhappy will be the person with Leo as the 4th Bhava, He will have daughters, and he will be of bad cbaracter and associated with. evil persons.

l8) The person will be wealthy, but evil-minded and of bad character, and get delight in telling tales (it may also be stated that he belongs to the secret police), earn by stealing, fighting and infatuation if Virgo is the 4th house. ,

(9) When Libra is the 4th Bhava, tbe person will be happy, interested in performing good actions, inte!iigent, full of delights, clear-headed and wealthy,

(10) Scorpio . in the 4th house makes the man hard -hearted , ' timid due to fear of others, servile by nature, lacking in courage, intelligence and character and protected by others. '


(11) Ever happy, possessed of good character, is one with Sagittarius as the 4th Bhava; he gains fame in militarv glory and is devoted to Lord Vishnu.


(12) Freed from grief, I iving in pleasant places with tank ilnd garden, indulging in sensual delights a~d respect'~d by friends . Is the happy person with Capricorn as the 4th Bhava • • • • • • •


Dwatfasa Bhava Pha!a


(13) When Aquarius is the 4th Bhava, the person gets happiness from the wealth of the woman. He gets delight in good food and drinks, fruits and vegetables; he is eloquent and is helpful even to his enemi es. (14) The man with Pisces as the 4th Bhava is also happy blessed with water resources.. If Saturn happens to be in that sign. he will be endowed with divine vehicles. garments and .. iches. ' . ,

When Aspected by Planets

. (15) , When the 4th 8hava is aspected by the Sun,' there will be affliction of mother, death of relatives, and gain of riches, . fame and glory. ,



(16) When aspected by the Moon, there will be death of .relatives, gain of riches. fame and glory. longevity but lack of ' bappiness due to parents. (17) If aspected by Mars, there will be trouble for moth~H in the fourth year. The person will derive good benefit from the Icing and land , and the enemy will be defeated by Mars' aspect. (18) When the 4th Bhava is aspected by Mercury, the mother will be extremely happ)'. The parson enjoys royal happiness, gains riches in addition to paternal property. but is g reltly sensual. ,

(9) When the fourth Bhava is aspected by Jupiter, the mJther's happiness is greatly increased. The native too is happy in the possession of elephant, horse, chariot, is respected by his OW~ people and is a learned p!lnd it. •

It Venus sheds its full aspect on the 4tb -house,

the • mother is happy. The person is very active and is blessed with riches, fame. vehicles and happiness. (20)




When aspected by Saturn, the mother's father will die; '

Dwadasa Bhava Phala


either in his 4th year or 16th year, the native will have cause to fear from some illness. • • •

(22) Rahu aspecting the 4th Bhava will not cause happiness to motbf r, but will create more work for the native, defeat from a lower class person and make him face several difficulties. ,

When 4th lord Is in various signs (2 ~) When tbe lord of the 4th Bhava is in the Lagna. the native will be happy, possessed of vehicles. and full of glorvand fame and endowed with good health. He will give much bappi" ness to mother. •

(24) If the lord of the 4th is in the 2nd house, associated with a malefic , the person will be inimical towards his father,- be miserly but pure ip habits. But if association with a benefic, the person will be rich, devoted to father, proficient in tha knowledge of the Sastras (sacred scriptl!res) and be happy. •

[25] The 4th lord in the 3rd house makes the person patient, kind to father but quarrelsome towards mother, ha ppy in the possession of land, cattle and vehicle; and if associated with a benefic gves him several friends. [26] When the lord of the 4th occupies the 4th house, the person will rival a king in bis happiness, be rich, command several servapts, loved by his father, respected by the people and be happy in the possession of riches, elephant, horse and chariot.

(27) The person will live long, have children and be intelligent if the lord of the 4th is in the 5th house. If associated with a benefic, it confers riches and comfort, and makes him proficient in the Vedas 'and good in writing. (28) When the lord of the 4th is in the 6th house. tbe person though beset with en~mies. i~ abre to o\{ercorre dangerS-if when


Dwadasa Bhava Phala

associated with a malefic, the person has a corrupt uncle; and whl)n as.ociiiled with a benefic, the person is very rich.

(29) Godly in appearance will be the man when the lord of the 4th is in 7th bouse; rich and loved by women too will he be' Affl icted by sensual ity wi II he be, if the 4th lord is associated with a benefic. If associated with a m31efic, the person WIll be a cheat arid hard - hearted. (30) When the lord of the 4th is in 8 th house, associated with a benefic, the person will b;: sick and unhappy, with lack of affectio:] from his parents, and lose his vehicles. If associated with a malefic, there will be loss of much income.

(31) The person with the 4th lord in the 9th house will be very fortunate biassed with paternal property, have worshipfu I friends. will be a leader of men, build houses, tanks and wells in pilgrim centr 'S, will be del/out, pious a!ld patient, have beautiful eyes and live h3ppily in foreign pLices. (32) When the 4th lord is in the 1 Gth house, the person will 1)3 happy through h is wife, have parents I iving rang. enjoy • wealth, be patient hava beautiful eyes and be ' loved by the king. If there is assoc ation witn a malefic, the results will be the reverse of what is stated a Jove. (13) W,th the lord of the 4th in the 11 th house, the puson will protect hiS faibar, gain riches in several WdYS, be ever doing good deeds, will be devout towards his parent, and have long rife • tree from any disease. (34) If the lord of the 4th Bhava is in the 12th house, and a&sociated with a malefic, his father will die at the time of birth, • or he Will join his father living in a f')reign place . If there is a benefic in the 12th house, he will ever be devoted to his father.


If the Sun is in the 4th house, the person will create ,


Dwadasa Bha\ta Phala •

ouble in his 14th year; if tne Moon were there, the trouble will be in his 54th year; if Mars were in the 4th house. illness in his 38th year; if Mercury, loss of property in the 55th year; if Jupiter. happiness in the 21st year; and jf Venus, happiness in the 5th year. If Saturn, the effect will be that of Mars. t (36) If the Moon or Venus is in Kendra and is associated with or aspected by a malefic. or is in a malefic Navamsa or in descension, the boy born in that yoga will commit incest with his mother. (~7)

If the Sun or the Moon is in Kendra and is associated

with or aspected by a malefic. or a malefic is in the 4th house and aspected by a malefic. the person born in that yoga will commit incest with mother. , .


If the lord of the 4th, 9th or the Lag na were to be in the

1st, 5th or 9th houses or in Kendra, the mOlb.er during the OasaBhukti period of the lord concerned will commit "Sali", i.e. ascend the tuneral pyre along with her husband. •

I •


(39) If Jupiter were in Lagna. Saturn in 2nd and Rabu in 3rd house the mother of the nat.ve will not live. . (40) If malefics were in Lagna. 12th or 7th house and I ~ benefics in 2nd house. there will be destruction to t h e army • •

(41 ) If there is very good aspect of benefics to the 4th ho use the mother will have financial happiness. But if the aspect Of malefico is great) there will be only unhappiness and difficulties. •


(42) If the lord of\the 4th house is not aspected by a benefic but is associated , with or aspected by a malefic, and if the ford of the Lagna is weaker than the lord of the 7th, the person bornAn that yoga will commit incest with women similar to his mother•


• •


The translation of 35th sloka is in the light of the available text which is tricky and blemished. If a batter text Is available it would be most welcome.

Dwadasa Bhava Phala If the Ird of the 7th is associated with a malefic and is po.ited in the 4th and is aspected by or united with a malefic, or in a malefic Shadvarga. it is stated by some that there will be incest with sister. (43)

(44) If Saturn were in the 4th house and is associated with or aspected by a malefic, the a'.)ove sin will be committed. A similar fate is predicted, if the 4th house is the sign of a malefic and if a malefic Shadvarga is rising there. •

(45) If the Moon in the 4th house is associated witb Mars as the lord of tbe 6th house, or aspected by matefics or the lord of the Navamsa where the Moon is, is in the above situation, the mother's chastity is to be suspected. (46) If the lord of the 4th house is associated with Rahu or . malefics like the Sun or Saturn, the mo'her will have liaison 'with another. A similar fale is predicted if the owner of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 4th were in such a situation. (47) When the lord of the 4th is strong and is in Lagl'8 aspected by Jupiter. Moon, M9rcury, Venus and Sun or is in Vaiseshika Amsa and aspected by benefics the mother will be chaste. (4&) If the Moon were in Lagna or in Vaiseshika Amsa and is associated with Rahu or Ketu, the mother will have liaison with a low class man; in the above Yag3, if the Moon were to be associated with Saturn, the mother will have liaison with a labou· rer associated with Mercury, with a merchant. (49) If in the above Yoga, the Moon is associated with the SUD, the liaison. is with a Kshatriya; if with Jupiter or Venus. •• it is with an excellent scholar; and in the case of Moon associated with Mars, the liaison is with a Kshatriya . •


If t,he 4th house is having the Yoga of 8 benefic and if ,


Dwadasa Bhava Phala


the lord of the 4th is either in own sign or in exalted sign and if the Matru Karaka is strong, the mother will have long life. "

(51) If the lord of Lagna is in the 4th ho'use or tile lord of the 4th in Lagna and is associated with or aspected by the Moon, the person will do the mother's funeral rites soon (i. e. the mother will die soon). It the lord of tbe 4th or the lord of the Lagna were in each one's inimical or debil itated sign, or in the 6thor 8 th house, or had no friendly association, the person will not be in a position to help his mother at the time of her death. (52) As stated in the above verses for the mother, similar predictions can be made with regard to the effects of the Bhava pertaining to father, brother and son. "

(53) If the lord of the 4th is associated with the lord of the (th and posited in the 9th house, the father will have liaison with OIher women. The same will be the case if the lord of thn, the mother will have long life, say the astrologists. "

(56) If the Moon were posited between two malefics or associated with or aspected by malefics . the death of the mother "is predicted~ If Venus or the lord of the 4th were in a similar situation, the same fate is predicted. (57) If the 7th sign from either the M00n or Venus is occupied by a ma lefic. the death of the mother is predi cted. If Saturn



Dwdasa Bhava Phala

were in the 4th house, tbe mother's death is certain. And · if that Saturn were aspected by a malefic, the mother will die soon• . (58) Elders affirm that if Saturn were in the 4th house and aspected by a benefic, the mother will die after a long time, But if Saturn were in a malefic house and is associated with a malefic the death of the mother is predicted, (59) If the lord of the Lagna and the lord of the 4th are mutually friendlY and are either associated with or aspected by a benefic, the native will be friendly towards the mother. (60) The same is the case when the lord of the 4th is aspected by the lord of the Lagna and is in Kendra position, or associated with or aspected by a benefic. (61) If the 100d of lhe 5th or 1 Ith are inimical to the lord of the Lagnl and are aspec!ed by or associated with a malefic, the native will be hostile towards his mother.

(62) If the lord of the 5th were in the sign of the lord of the Amsa where the lord of Lagn.a is p:)sited. or the sign happens to be the Lagna the native will be hostile towards his mother. (63) If Jupiter were in the Lagna and associated with Venus Ihe person will have a clear and open mind. But he will be muddle-headed, if a malefic is in the 4th bouse or asscciate the person will be unhappy. .


71. When the lord of tbe 8th is in 11th. the person will be unhappy in childhood. With Saturn in Lagna. Rahu in the 8th and Mars in the 6th the person will be sorrowful.



If the Moon is between mateHes, the person will

unhappy. 74. If the lord of Lagna is in 12th and a malefic in the 10th and if Mars and the Moon are associated. tbe person is unhappy.

Predictions about the Home 75.

If the Moon and Venus are in the 4th place from the Navamsa Lagna, the person will have a mUlti-storied house. If a planet in exaltation were to be in the 4th place from tbe Navamsa Lagns, the native wiU have a multi storied house. 76.

77. The same is the case when Rahu and the Sun are in the 4th house from the Navamsa Lagoa. If Ketu and Mars are in the 4th place from the Navamsa lagna, the person will bave a brick house. 78.

Dwadasa. Bhava Phala


' .

79. A house made of timber ' will be the 4th place from the Nlvamsa Lagna.

thefe, if Jupiter is in,

80. If the Sun w ere in the 4th place from the Navamsa Lagn", the person will have a hut (made of grass). . 81. If the lord of Lagna is in the 4th and the lord of the 4th in Lagna, the person will have a house of his own. "

, 82 If the lord of the 4th is strong and in Kendra and aspected by a benefic. the person will get a house. 83. There will be gain of a house if the lord of the 4th is in 'Vaiseshika" Amsa or in a most exalted position. 84. If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 4th is in Kendra, there will be gain of a house. -, -



.., In

85. With the lord of the 9th in Kendra, the lord of the 4th own exalted house or in a friendly sign, and a planet in exaltation in tbe 4th house, the gain of a beautiful house Cdn b~ predicted.

86. A benefic in 3rd sign, the lord of 4th and the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 4th. both being strong, give to the native a storied house with compound. ' 87. If the lord of 4th were be to the Am'5a of Simbasam, Gopura Or Mridvamsa the above Yoga will result. 88. If the lord of the 4th were in Paravata Amsa and the Moon in Gopura Amsa aspected by Jupiter the person will got a bouse blessed by tbe gods. 89. If the lords of 4th and 10th were to be associated with the Moon and Saturn, a most pleasing house will be obtained.


Dwadasa Bhava Phala

90. If the lords of 4th and Lagna were to be in the 4th sign, there will be gain of a house in a most unej(pected fashion.

91. As many maleties as are with the lords of the 10th 4th 2nd and 12th and are posited in the 6th. 8th or 12th will be the number of houses' consumed by fire.


If Rahu and the Sun are in the Navamsa Lagna and aspected by Mars, the person's bouse will be burnt to ashes • •

93. If the Sun were in Kendra or in the 1st, 5th or 9th. the person's house will fall down due to decay and degeneration. 94. There will be destruction of the house, if the lord of the 4th is in the 6th and aspected by a malefic. 95. If tbe lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 4th is in the 6th sign, the destructoin of tbe house can be predicted. . 96. If the lord of the 4th is in the 8th, the house will fal\ down to pieces. ,


97. As many malefics with which the lords Cif the 4th 2nd and Lagns are associated will be the number of house which will meet with destruction. But if they are' aspected by benefics, such a destruction will not take place. 98~

If the 4th is a moveable sign and if the lord of the 4th or the Karaka of "griba" is in a movedble sign, the person wil, h3ve to live in several houses.

99. But if the 4th is a fixed sign and if the lord of th9 4th or the Karaka of' "griha" is in a fixed sign, the person will live i Q the same house.

Owadasa Bhava Phala


(100) If in the 4th sign a benefic Sbadvarga is rising the native will remain in the same house. Of the lords ' of Lagna, 2nd, and 4th as many planets as are in Kendra, 1st, 5th or 9th, so many homes will give benefit to the native.


(102) If the lords of 11th and 2nd are in thi: 4th and the lord of the 4th is in "Vaiseshika" Amsa and aspected by a benefic, the person will obtain a .house with a lot of property (or fittings). (103) If the lord of the 4th is in 10th and the lord of the 10th in 4th and Mars is strong. the person will have mu.ch landed property.

(104) If the the lords of the 10th and 4th are strong and mutually friendly. the person will have much landed property• •

The same is the case when either the 4th sign or the lord of the 4th is associated with a benefic. • (105)


Similar result Comas when the lord of the 4th is in the sign "Gopwa" Amsa of the 5th sign. (107) If the lord of the 4th is associated either with the lord of the 3rd or with the Karaka of the brother the person will obtain land from brother. If the lotd of the Lagna is strong and fs ill 4th and the lord of the 4th isstro;")g B'ld is in Lagna lind aspectad by benefics. tha person will purchase land by self-effort. (108)


If Venus, the Karaka of



is in 4th and the lord


Dwadasa Bhava Phala

of 4th in 7th and are mutually friendly, the person will get land through his witI.'. (110) If the lord of the 6th is in the 4th and the lord of the 4th is in 6th and tho latter is stronger than the former. the person will get land through his enemy. ~111)

If the lord of the 4th is strong and in own house, or in 3rd. 6th, 10th or 11th and asp'3cted by a benefic, there would be gain of landed property. (112) If the lord of the 4th were to be in a debil itated sign. or in an inimical house, or eclipred, or between malefics or aspected by a malefic. thera will be destruction of land. ' •

(113) If Mars were between malefics or aspected by a malefic. there will be loss of landed , . or in a malefic Navamsa, property. (114) If the lord of the 4th were in- an evil Shadvarga or a malefic is in the 4th s:gn, the land will be lost.

(lIS) The sama fate will overtake if the I.ord of the 4th were to be in the 6th, 8th or 12th sign. ,

If the lord of the 4th were to b~ in 2nd sign associated . with a malefic. or in a debilitated sign or in an inimical sign, the person will lose his landed property.




If the lord of the 4th were in exaltation, and the lord of the 2nd were a m:llefic au.j is in ,a debilitated or inimi;;al sign, ' the person wi" se II h is I and. ,

( 118) If the lord of the 10th. associ ated to be in 4th, there will be loss of land.


i th

a malefic



Dwadasa Shava Phala

(119) If the lord of the 10th were to be in the malefic inimical or cruel Amsa or in bad Shadvarga of the 4th hou~e there will be destruction of land., , (120) When the lord of the 4th were to be in the 10th along with the Sun, the land will be lo.t due to the anger of the king. (121) A similar fate comes when the lord of 4th associated with a ma :efic also comes together with the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord in whose Navamsa the lord of the 2nd js posited. Predictions about friendship


If the lord of the Lagn'3 and the lord of the 5th a'ii friendly the Sun will be friendiy to Nards the father.


If the lord of the Lagna and the lord of the 7th are friendly, there would be friendly relationship between husband and wife. •

(1 24)


If the lord of Lagna and the lord of the 4th are friendly.

there will be friendship

with many people.

(125) If the lord of the lagoa and the lord of 4th are in a friendly sign, the person will be 'Supported by his friend . •', '

(126) " there are several benefics aspecting the 4tb sign. tbe person will be a friend of many people. ,


(127) If 8 beneficial planet is in the 4th sign and aspected qy a benefic, and the Karaka of the Shava is also strong, the dersoo will be worshipped by his relatives.

(128) The same is the case when there is Jupiter in the 4tb sigo and the lord of the 4th is associated with a benefic.


Dwadasa 8 hava Pha Ia


(129) If a planet is in an exalted sign, in a friendly sign in the 4th sign, and 8spected Jupiter. tbe native wi II be worsh ipped by his relatives. (130) A similar result comes when three p'anets are in their own houses.

(131) If the lord of the 4th is in Kendra, or in the lst, 5th or 9th, or in tbe "Vaiseshika" Amsa. and not aspected by any malefic, or associated . with a malefic, the person will be very helpful to his relatives. If the lord of the 2nd is in 11th, of in Trikona (1. 5. 9) and if the 4th sign is aspected by a benefic, tbe person will be very helpful to his relatives. .. . (132)


Similar is tbe result when the lord of the 4th is in Kendra or in h is own Navamsa wh ich is benefic. (134)

(135) If the lord of the 4th is associated with a malefic and in a cruel Sbadvarga and is weak, the person will be forsaken by his relatives. (136) The person will be reviled by his relatives, if the lord of the 4th or the Karaka of the 4th Bhava is assoc iated with .. many malefics. (137) If the 4th is a malefic sign, or if a debilitated p!anet joins with an eclipsed planet and not aspected by any benefiC. the person will deride his relatives. (138) If four planets are in a good sign, the person will be tostered by his relatives. •



Dwadasa Bhava Phala


About beds

(139) If the lord of the 12th is associated with a benefic, or in a benefic Varga or in its own exalted sign, tile person will sleep 00 a cot. (140) There will be no comfort in the bed if the lord of the 12th is associated with a malefic • •

(141) Even if the lord of the 12th is a malefic, if be is in the Varga of a benefic. there will be comfort in affairs of the bed. (142) There will be no comfort in the bed if the lord of Lagna is in 6th; Sth or 12th place. . .

. (143) . The same is the case when the lord of Lagna is in , debi IitatiOn. •

(144) If the lord of Lagna is associated with Saturn. Mandi ar Riihu,there would be no comfort in the bed. FOURTH BHAVA EFFECTS

AS STATED IN Sarvartha Chintamani .

(1) From the fourth Bhava, one can predict about one's relatives. house, mother, water, physical growth, and comfort; as also one's vebicle, heart, army. seat, bed, happiness and underground water. .

. •

About house

(2) If the lord of Lagna were to be in Lagna itself or in the 4th there will be the gain of a house. Wben ' associated with or aspected by a benefic. orin own exalted sign, or own house, or in the friend's sign. and if strong. the gain of a house comes without much eftort.

Dwadasa 8bava Phala


(3) When tbe lord of the 4th is strong and in Kendra aspected by a benefic, the person will gain a house. Also when the lord of the 4th is in "Vaiseshika" Amsa or in the most eXdltedportioll of the sign. the house is obtained. If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the 4th lord and the lord of the sign in which that lord is, are · in Kendra, the · gain of the house is to be predicted. (4)

(5) If the lord of the 9th is in Kendra, the lord of the 4th in own exalted sign or in a friendly sign, and the planet in tbe 4th sign is in its exaltation, 8 very novel mansion will come to the . •. . possession of tbe native. When a benefic is in the 3rd sign, the lord of the 4th is strong and is in the ::' nd sign and when the lord of the 2nd 100 is strong, the person wi!! get a storied house with compo!Jnd walls (6)

• .



.. '.. . ..


If the lord of the 4th is in tbe Am oas either $ifllhasana Gopura or Mritwa, the house will be built of lime, with a storey too (7)

. •

. .

• •

(8) If the lord of the 4th is either in Paravata Amsa Or Gopuramsa. and aspected by Jupiter or the Moon, the nativ~ will get a beautiful house with a storey. blessed by ·the gods. • (9) Wnen the lord of the 4th is in Kendra and associated with ~he lord of tbe 10th, or with Saturn, the person will get a lovely storeyed bouse with compound walls. ..

. ." If the lord of the 4th is in the Sth and asp ected RY,a male"". .









fie, tDe house will be destroyed; the same result comes, ) .vhen the lord of the Navamsa associated with the lord of the 4th is in 8th. . . '



. .'

Dwadasa Bhava Phala

About relatives •

(11) The relatives would love and respect him whose ·lol d of the 4th is a benefic and aspected by a benefic, and the Karaka of the 4th 8hava (the Moon and Mercury) is strong.


If Jupiter is in the 4th ond the lord of the 41h is associated

with a benefic and aspected by Jupiter, the person will become excellent among his relatives. (13) If the lord of the 4th is in Kendra or Trikona or in 'Vaise

-shika' Amsa and unaspected by any ma!efic. the native will be helpful to his relatives.

(14) When Jupiter. Venus or Mercury

is in the 4th, or their houses happen to be the 4th sign. or the 4th is aspected by any of them or associated with "Mridwamsa," the person will be help fu I to h is relatives.

(15) If the lord of the 4th is associatedl with a malefic or in an Evil Shadvarga, or in a debilitated sign or inimical sign, the person will be forsaken by his relatives. (16) If either the 4th sign, the lord of the 4th or the karaka of the 4th Bhava is associated with malefics, the person would be vilified by relatives.

(17) If the lord of the Amsa occupied by the lord of the Navamsa in which is posited the lord of the 4th or the Karaka of the 4th Bh3va is in a debilitated sign, the person causes fear to his. relatives. When the lord of the 4th is ill Kandra and aspected by of "Gopura" or "MridNa", the person a benefic or in the Amsa , wi II get benefit from his relatives.


Dwadasa Shava Phals .


(19) If the lord of the 4th is ill 2nd. 11 tb, 1st, 5tb or 9th iign and aspected by benefics or in the Amsa of benefics,the person will ba bdpful t..> his relatives • •

(20) When the 4th sign is associated with malefics. or with planets in eclipse Or in debilitation, and unaspected by benefies, the person will become the hater of bis relatives • . "

(21) If a planet is in the 4th sign and it happens to be its exalted sign or friendly sign and is aspected by .Jupiter, the miD will be worshipped by his relatives. About houses and lands

(22) If the 4th is movable sign. and the lord of the 4tb :is in Lagna, which is movable sign, and the Karaka of the 4th Bhava, (the MOOD or Mercury) is also in a movable L:tgna. the persoll will Jive in several houses.






. .



. 7

Lagna gu ercury ~- ,,,: ~.

Dwadas8 Bhava Phala


Note: This is applic3ble only ta those who have Aries. Cancer. Libra or Capricorn 6S t Leir Lagroa. let us take the example ot Libra as Lagna:

The 4ti:l to Libra is Capi ie')rn. whose lord is Saturn. who with the Moon and Mercury , the 4th Karaka . Shava. are in the, imovable sign of Libra. •

The same with other signs, Aries. Cancer and Capricorn.

(23) If the 4th sign is a fixed oue, and if the lord at the 4th and the Karaka of the 4th Bhava too are in fixed signs. and the 4th lord is in a benefic Shadvarga. the native will live in the sa me house.

(24) As ml fjY malefics are with the planets in the 2nd. 12th and 4th signs. so many houses of the person will De destroyed • But if they are as pected by benetics, there will be no destruction;

(25) The number of planets in the Kendra, and Trikona among the lords of the 2nd, 12th and 4tb, gives the number Of houses and temples of the person in which he also reaps benefits • .



If the lord of the 4th is in the 10th and th$ lord of the lCth is in the 4th and Mars it> stroog. tha person will have good agricultural land yieldiLg paddy.



(27) If the lords of the 4th are strong and friendly, the person Will have paddy yielding fiefds.



. .,..

(2 8)

If a benefic is in the 4th and the lord of the 4th is asso~iated with a benefic, and if t he Ka ra ka of the 4th Bhava is with a benefic, the person will have ricbes and good agricultural land. . ! : I

J-19 "


' I~



Dwadasa Bhava Phala

(29) If the lord of the 4th is in the 5th and in "Gopura" Amsa, or "Mrid Namsa ", the native will have good paddy fields.

(30) If either th e 4th sign or the lord of tbe 4th is associatad with the lord of the 3rd sign or with Mars. the Karaka of the 3rd Shava, the person will get his brother's land. (31) When the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 4th is in Kendra, or aspected bV a friendly planet, and associated with or aspected by Mars, the person will get his brother's riches and lands, (32) If the lord of Lagna is strong and in the 4th, and the lord of 4th is strong and is in Lagoa and is aSSOCiated with or aspected by a he nefic, the person acquires land by self·effort. (33) If the Kalatra Karaka(Venus) is in 4th and the lord of the 4th is in 7lh and the lords of 4th and 7th are friendly, the person will acquire land through his wife. (34)

If the lord of the 6th is strong and is in 4th

and the

lord of the 4th Bhava is in 6th. and if the lord of the 4th is stronger than the lord of the 6th the native will get land from the enemy.

(35) When the I07d of the 4th is strong and is in "Paravata" Amsa, own house, or in 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th sign, and is in the ascending part, and is aspected by benefics, the person will acquire much land. (36) If the 4th sign is occupied by the lord of the 2nd and 11th, and if the lord of the 4th or the Karake of the 4th Bhava is in "Vaiseshika" Amsa and aspected bV a benefic, the person will get a highly priced house.

Dwadasa Bhava Phala


(37) V\hen the lord of the 4th is in a debilitated sign, or in eclipse, or caught between two malefics, aspected by a malefic at in an inimical sigr'\, or in a malefic's house, elders predict the loss of agricultural lands. (3S) If malefics are on either side of the 4th sign, and if Mars is between malefics or aspect~d by a malefic, or in a malefic's house or in an evil Amsa, the loss of agricultural land is predicted, (39) If the lord of the 4th is in a cruel Shadvarga, and a m3[efic is in the 4th sign, Or if the lord of the 4th is in a debilitated sign, or in 6th, 8th or 12th house, or in an inimical sign, the destruction of lands is predicted.

(40) It the lord of the 4th associated with a malefic is in tbe 2nd house, or in debilitated or enem 'y 's house, the destruction of lands is certain. (41) If the lord of tbe 10th associated with a malefic is in the 4th, the 10;>$ of land due to royal anger is predicted. (42) If the lord of the 10lh, the Karah of the 10lh Bhava, and th:: lord of the 4th ale in a malefic Amsa, or in a descending part, in 8th house, or io the "Mrityu", "Yarna" parts, loss of land due to official action is predicted, (43) The same fate overtakes tbe land, when the Sun in association with the lord of the 4th is in debilitation. or associated with the lord of the Amsa where the lord of the Navamsa occu-pied by the laId of the 2nd honse is associated with a malefic.

About happiness: (44) When Jupiter aspects the lord of the 4th, or when Jupiter or any , benefic is unecl ipsed. or when the 4th sign is

Dwadasa Bhava Phala


between benefics or associated with a benefic, the person born in the Yoga will be happy and roved and be excellent among men I

A strong Jupiter associated with the 100d of the 4th , or a Kendra with a benefic, or the lord of the 4th aspected by Jupiter or in "Mridwclmsa" give the nativa happio9sS. (45)

If Juoite r is in the 4th sign, or any other benefic, or if benefics me on either side of the 4th (i.e in 3rd and 5th), and Jupiter associated with Mercury is stronger than the lord of Lagna , the pe~son born in this Yoga will be happy and leader of men. (46)

(47) If Jupiter is lord of 4th. and is in "Gopura" Amsa, or in 2nd, lith or 4th place, the native wi!1 be h1PPY.

About misery: ••

(48) If malefics are in the 'lth sign, aJJ if Jupit~r is weak and if the lord of 4th is weak :J.:1d associated with a m::lIefic, the

person will be without money and be miserable. A planet in debilitation, even it in the 5th, 2nd or 4th house, will make the man miserable. The lord of the 4th associated with a malefic and in an evil Amsa causes unhappiness (49)

(50) The lord of the 4th, associated with the Sun and Mars, in an evil Amsa. unaspected by any benefic, and in a descending part causes unhappiness always.

(51) When the Sun and Mars are in either debilitated or enemy"s part of the 4th sign and aspected by a malefic, and when the lord of the 4th is is evil Amsa, the destruction 0 f land and wealth happens because of the person's negligence.


, 149

Bhava Phala


If the lord of the 4th is ei!hcf associated with Or a;pected by a malefic, or in the midst of two ma!efics, and evenr if aspected by a benefic b:.Jt pO.:lited in a cruel Shadvarg:l, the

person becomes a sinner.

(53) When many malefics are in the 4th sign and when the lord of the 4th is in enemy's house or eclipsed, or associated with a malefic, the person born in that Yoga becomes a sinner• •

(54) A powerft.:1 Venus, the Moon, Mercury and Jupiter posited in the 4th sign and aspected by benefics cause the birth of one who is destined to enjoy all comforts.

(55) If in the 4th sign Venus is associated with Mercury and is between two benefics, and the two - Venus and Mercuryare in "G opura" Amsa, the person born in that Yoga is very blessed. (56) When the lord of the 4th is in debilitated sign and weak or eclipsed by the Sun, and even if posited in the 4th sign, and if it is a watery or inimical sign, the p,Hson born in that Yoga will fall in tank, well or sea.

(57) When the 10rJ of Lagna is weak and in 4th sign, and being debilitated and eclipsed by the SUD and associated with a malefic and when the lord of the 4th is weak and associated with a watery planet, the person will be drowned in an ocean • .

(58) If the lord of the 4th associa ted with the lord of the Lagna is in 4th sign, and aspected by the lord of the 10th, the person will be drowned in tank, well or river. "


(59) The lord of the sign occupied by the lord the 4th, if aspected by or associated with the lord of the 4th will cause . ifalling into tank or river.


Dwadasa Bhava Phala

(60) If SUD and Mars are in the 4th, and if associated with or aspected by the lord of the 10th or the lord of the 4th, tbe person will suffer stoning. (61) A similar fate overtakes the person if the lord of the 4th is associated with Rahu and Saturn and aspected by Mars and un'lspected by any benefic.

Incest and other evils (62) When the Moon and Venus are in Kendra and are associated with or aspected ty malefics, and are in evil Amsa or in a descending part, the person commits incest with mother. (63) When the Moon is associated with or aspected by ta malefic, and Sun is in Kendra, or if malefics are in the 4th sign or aspect it, the same sin is predicted. (64) If the lord of the 4th is asso~iated with or aspected by benefics, and if the lord of the l1.grli'1 ;s weabr than the lord of the 7tb, the m ilO commits incest with a woman like his mother. (i.e. similar in status.) (65) If the lord of 7th ;s asso:;iated with a malefic and is in the 4th sign, and is aspected by a malefic and is in an evil Sl13dvugl, incest with sister is p redicted by sOme. (66) If Saturn is in the 4th sign. and is associated with or asp9cted by a m3lefic, the above sin is expected. The sarna will result if 4th sign is the bouse of malefics and is in evil Shadvarga.


• (67) If the Moon j the lord of the 6th and Mars were In the 4th sign, and aspects by a malefic, or if the lord of the Navamsa of the Moon, Mars and the lord of the 6th were in

Dwadasa Bhava Phala


the 4th sign and aspected by a mlleiic, the mother's chastity is questioned. (68) If the lord of the 4th is associated vlith Rahu and another malefic or with Saturn and the Sun or if the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord the 4th;were in such a combinat~ ion, the mother would have liaison~with onother person. (69) If the lord of 4tb is strong and is in Lagna and aspected by Jupiter, the Moon, Mercury or the Sun, or in a ·'Vaiseshika'· Amsa and aspected by a benefic, the mother wi II be chaste. (70) If the Moon is strong an d is the lord of the 4th, and is posited in the Lagna and associated with either Rahu or Ketu, the mother will have liaison with a low caste man. If the Moon were associated with Saturn the liaison;s with a Labourer; if with Mercury, a Trader. (7t) If the Moon in the above situation is with the Sun the liaison is with a Kshatriya; if with Jupifer or Venus, the union is with a Brahmin; and if with Mars a Kshatriya. (72) If the lord of the 4th is associated with the lord of the 6th, and is in the 9th, the father wi11 have relationship with other women; and if the lord of the 4th along with th(; lord o~ the 9th is in the 4th, the father will be after other women • If the lord of the 6th is associated with the lord of Lagna, lord of 9th, and the lord of 4th. the person is botn to a different father. If the lord of the 6th is with the lords of the Amsa of the abovementioned planets, and 8spected by a malefic the person is born to a different father. . (73)


Dwadasa' Bhava Phala ,

(74) If the 4th sign is between two malefic planets, and if the lord of the 4th or the Karaka of tbe 4th Bhava is aspected by malefic planets, and jf Lhe lord of the 9th is inflrior in strength to the lord of the Lagna, the person should have been born to a different father. ,, . (75) If Jupiter does not aspect either the Lagna, or the Moon, or if the Sun and the Moon are together, or a malefic -associated Mocn is togelhal with the Sun, ' the person should have been born to a different father.

If marefics are in the 9th and 4th. and a malefic - associated Lagna is weak and posited in the 4th in a cruel A'nsa. the c/;lild bOlD in this YOiJa must have a different father.


(77) If a benefic i3 in the ~th and the Karaka of the '4th Bhava is associated with a b3nefic and is strong, the muther would have a long life.

\78), If eit llsr the Moon or Venus is strong and aspected by a. benefic, and is in a b~ilaflc Am3a if aoenetic is in the " Kendrd of the 4th sign. the mother will be long-lived • •

(79) If the lord of the Ams3 occupied by the Navam sa lord of the Matrubhavesa (the Karaka of the 4th B~~va) is in Kendra and is ~trof1g, or the above lord is in Kendra to the Moon. the motter will have long rife. ' .,


(80) If the Moon is between malefics, or is associated with a malefic and th9 4th Sign is aspected . by a malefi.c , the mother will die. The same prediction is stated with ~ regard loVen'us also. And it is st It¢d with regard to the lorJ of Matru Bhava • •

(81) If the 7th sIgn from the Mooa is associated witha malefic and the same situation with regard to Venus also, the

Dwadasa Bhave Pbala mother's death is predicted. If Saturn is in the 4th sign, tll9 mother will die. If this Saturn is aspected by a malefic, the death takes place sooner.

(82) But if Saturn were well disposed, the mother will live longer If Saturn were in the sign of evil planets and associated with malefics the death of the mother takes place. .

(83) By determining the rays of the Amsa of the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of tbe 4th. the time of death 01 the mother can be predicted. (84) Whichever is stronger among the lord of the 4th, the Karaka of the 4th Bhava or the planet in the 4th sign, its Amsa is to be found; and when Saturn or J:.Jpiter in its trdnsit passes through that sign, tha death of the moth"r will take place.

In calculating time and effects. one h~s to take r'lote of the fact that if a planet is retrograde in motion. its effects would be double, and if it reach3s the blckNard sign if would be treble and if aspected by a benefic. the effects would be four-fold. (85)

(86) Deceit in the mind is to be predicted if malefics ate in the 4th sign or malefics aspect the lord of the 4th, or malefics are on either side of the 4th sign.



The same Is the case when Saturn, Mars and Rahu are in the 4th sign, unaspected by any benefic; or if the lord of the Bhava is in such a situation. (88) If the lord of the 10th is a mllefic and aspecfed by a malefic, is posited in the 4th sign, the person will be a cheat•


Dwadasa Bhava Phsla



(&9) If the waning moon and Sun ale in the 4th sign. the person wi II for a moment be deceitful and soon turn to be good.

(90) Frank and open-minded will be the person if benefics ate in the 4th sign or are associated with 3 planet in its own house, in exaltation or in a friend's house, or if the 4th sign happens to be the house of a benefic. If the lord of the 4th is strong and is in either "Gopura" Amsa or .. Mridwam~a". the person will be pureminded and patient. (91)

(92) If the lord of the Lagna is in the 4th and is aspected by a benefic or if it is in the "Paravata" palt, tte r.:erscm will be

without deceit. If Jupiter and Venus are in Lagna, the person's mind will be pure; if malefics are in the 4th and tbe lord of the 4th is associated with a malefic, the person's mind will be contradictory (93)

ho.tile or inimical. (94) If Rahu is in the 4th sign and is aspected by a malefic the person will be a hypocrite appearing to be honest but in reality a cheat. The same is the case when there are several malefics in the 4th sign.

Regarding Mother (95) If the lords of Lagna and the 4th sign ar: mutually friendly and if associated with or aspected by benefics, the person will be friendly with his mother. (96) If the IQrd of Lagna aspects the lord of the 4th who is in the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th signs and asptlcted by a benefic. the person will be well disposed tONards his mother.

Dwadasa Bhava Phala


(97) If the lords of 4th and 11th are inimical to tbe lord of Lagna, or jf associated with or aspected by m llefics the ,person will be inimical towards his motber. (98) If the lord of the 4th 'is in the 8th place either from Lagna or from the lord of Lagna the person wilt be the enemy of his mother.

About vehicles (99) If the lord of the 4th is strong and is in the 4th sign · and aspected by a benefic, he will have vehicles.

The possession of gold-ornamented vehicle can be predicted from eIther the position of Venus or its 4th place. (100)

If the lord of the 4th is in Lagna aloog w;th the Moon or associated with the lord of Lagna, the person will have a horse to I ide.

(101) If the lord of the 4th is in Lagna along with Venus. the person will hdve a pa lanqu in. If the 4th lord is in Lagna With Jupiter, the person will have the four forces of transport. namely, chariot, elephant, horse and man·drawn. If the lord of the 4th is associated with J!.Ipiter. Venus and Moon, not debilitated Inimical or eclipsed, and is in the 4th the above kinds of vehicles will coma to the person. (102)

(103) If the lords of the 9th, 1st, and 4th are not debilitated nor eclipsed and are in the 10th sign. and if the lord of Lagna is associated with lord of Karm3, elders predict the ascension of a throne. (101) If the lord of the 4th is in the 9th, and Venus asso~ ciated with Jupiter is in the 4th, and the lord of the 9th in Kendra,


Dwadasa Bhava Phala

or Trikona, the person acquires much property, land aod decorated vehic: Ie. (105) If the lord of the 4th is associate d with the lord of 9th and aspected by Jupiter and is strong, and in Lagna, or own house, in exaltation or in Trikona. the person will get as a gift from the king riches and vehicles. (l06) If the lord of the 4th and the lord of the 9th are assocated and in whatever sign they be, and if they aspect the 4th sign or being strong are in "Vaiseshika Amsa", the person will obtain all kinds of wealth and fortune as also a lucky vehicle. (107) If the lord of the 4th, although aspected by the lord of the 9th and the lord of the 11th, is eclipsed or in 6th, 8th or 12th sigo, the person will have · a bad or ccnfused army to lead.

When the lord of the 4th is associated with a benefic cr the lord of the Sth, the person born in that Yoga will have a lugs army, land, ornaments and vehicles. (108)

(109) If the lord of Lagna is in the 11th place to the lord of the 9th and the lord of the 4th in the 9th, or if the lord of Lagoa is in 4th. 11 th of 9th places the person will have an immense number oi vehicles and be famous. (110) \0\ hen the lord of the 4th is in Kendra and the lord of the Kendra in Lagna, the person will have a large number of vehicles. The same is the case when the lord of the 10th is in lagns and the lord of lagna in the 10th. (tll) when the lord of the 4th-is associated with Mercurv or any benefic aod is in the 4th sign. the person will be in command of a large amount of weap::ms, treasure and horses.

o Nadasa

Bhave Phalli


(112) If the lord of the 4th is in the house of Mars; namely Aries or Scorpio. the person will have vehicles along with kingdom wealth, ornaments and happiness. The same result comes when Mercury in strength is in lagna and a benefic is in the 9th sign. (113) I f the lord of the 2n d is in own ho use or in exalted sign, and if it happens to be a Kendn, and if the 9th is aspected by a t:enefic, and the benefics associated with the lord of the 2nd are in Kendra, elders affirm that the person will get a throne. (This can be inferred these days as acqu iring the judgeship,) (114) If aD exa Iled planet is in the 2nd sign, Kingship is predicted. If benefics are in Kendra ar d if malefics are in 3rd, 6th and 11th places. the attainment of a throne is predicted.

About house$ (115) If the lord of the 4th is in 12th, the person will leave his father and go to a foreign place. If the lord of the 4th is in 8th house, the person wIll pmchase a house by own effort.

About vehicles •

(116) If the lord of the 2nd is in lagna and the lord of the 10th in 2nd. and if an exalted planet is in 4th, the person will be he ONneT of 8 vehicle • •

(1l7) If the lord of 1st 4th and 9th are mutually in Kendra and if the lord of lagna is strong, the person will have a vehicle.

(118) If 8 strong lord of the 4th is in "G opura Amsa" and ~ aspected by the lord of 11th, l'lth and 9th, the person wi II owo a vehicle.



Shava Phala

. . (119) If the lord of the 9th is in Kendra and in very exalted sign and if two planets are in exaltation, the person will have many vehicles. (120) If the lord of the 12th is in association with the lord of 2nd and in his exalted sign and aspected by the lord of 9th the person will have a vehicle. ( 1 21) When the lord of the 10th is in 4th and assoc iated with the lord of lLth or lord of 9th, the person will have many vehicles and land.

(122) If two planets in exaltation are in the 10th sign (this is applicable to Leo horoscope) and are aspected by either the lord of Lagna or the lord of 9th, the person will have a vehicle. (123) If the lords of 10th and 4th are in «Simhasaoa Amsa" and aspected by the lord of the Lagra, the person will have many vehicles and land. (124) If the lord of 9, 10 and 11 are respectively in 4, 2 and 3 Places and if a benefic is in the 8th sign the person gets property and respect even in his childhood. (125) If the lord of the 4th is in his exalted Sign, and if the lord of that sign is in Kendra or Trikona, and if an ' exalted planet is in th$ 4th and if the 12th sign is empty, the person will get three vehicles.

(126) If Venus is in its mJst eXixth of sign) and not In a matl3ffc 'Shadllarga'the sage will pradict birth of many children. ,


; r':



If the lord of the 5th is a benefic and strong and , , Venus is posited there or if the other part of the 5th is a benefic'

and the lord of the 5th is strong lind aspected by Venus, the same effect is predicted. • ,



Birth of more daughters ,




(126) If the lord of the 5th. the Moon and Venus were in

female Navamsas, Jhe native will hava more daughters born to him. " "


How to find num'ber of children

When Jupiter is in high exaltation~ the lord of the 2n~ in association with Rall u, the lord of the 9th associated with, . be;nefic (or with the lord of tbe 11th), the native will have nine , (127)









children. ,






(128) WhElD Jupiter isin Lagoa (i e the 9th place fromlheStb .




house), and the lord of the 5tb is strong as the lord of the 7th is . in the 10th house,S children will be born to him. .



(129) If Saturn Is in the ' 5th place fro'il tlie ' '5tb hoqse• (i e in the 9th sign) as the 'lord of tbe 9th iii the 5th, . seven . children will be born. ..



. -

, ~




If th3 lord 'oftha 5(h is in high e"ahation and 'if ' the 5th is aspected by a benefic and a strong Jupiter is in a wise men pradicftlle birth of many children. (130)

quadra'nt: ..

Dwadasa Shava Phals


(131) When Venus is in Libra. Pisces, Aries or Taurus, the native will be rich and pr03p;}rOus. respected by all and desirous of learning. He will have three SOns who will live long. In the second year there will be fear of fire.

(132) If the Sun is in the 5ththera will be only one son; if the Moon two daughters; if Mars three sons; if Mercury four dllugh·ers. (133) If Jupiter is in the 5th there will b;} five sons; if Venus six sons; if Saturn tbere witt be abortion; if Rahu no conception at a II. (l34) After removing the debilitated, inimical and eclipsed dots with Ashtavargll of the sign which is the 5th from the sign of the lord of birth (i e 5th house) the remainder will indicate the number of children of the native • •

(13:) ' Birth of offspring can be predicted when Mars is in tbe 5tb house which molY be Aries, Leo, Scorpio or Pisces is aspected by Jupiter. •

Number of d8(Jghters and sons . .

(136) The number of sons is indicated by as many planet!'; -in male Nallsmsas or as many planets associated with the lord of the 5th or as many bencfics aspecting the lords of Amsas. Similarly can be calculated the number of daughters one will have by the numllcr of planets in femala Navlmsas. etc., etc. If the lord of the 5th is a male planet and occupies a male

sign or a male Navamsa, the numbsr of sons can be predicted according to the strength of the planet. Contrarily the number of daughters will be predominant.

J -24


Owadasa Bhava Phala '


If the lord of the 5th, the Moon and Venus are In female sigos or in female Navamsas, the number of daughters can be determined likewise. . General

(138) Calculation about the number of sons can also be made by taking ioto account the lords of the 7th, 5th, and 9th houses and Jupiter. The "buddhi" of the offspring is determined by Mercury and the 5th house and reading about the father from the Sun and the 5th and the 9th houses. (139) If the Suo is io the 5th house, the son gets his father's property. If the Moon is in the 5th house the mother's death is predicted. If , a benefic is associated with or aspects the 5th house or the lord of the 5th the birth of son is certain. (140) If the lord of Amsa occupied by the lord of Lagoa or the lord of Amsa occupied by the lord of Lagna is in ~he 5th or: the lord of Amsa occupied by Jupiter Is io a quadrant the birth of a son is predic ted by wise meo. (141) If the lord of the 5th is in "Paravatamsa" and the lord of the 9th is in the 5th house and the lord of Lagna is aspected by a benefic the birth of a son is certain • • Date of birrh of son (142) The birth of soo will take place either during the Oasa of the lord of the 5th, or in the Bhukti periods of the planets ass ociated with him (I.e. the lord of birth). (143) If the 5th house is a moveable sign or if Jup-iter is posited in the house of the lord of the 5th or aspected by him or if the lord of the 5th aspects the 5th house, the birth of a son is to be predicted.


Dwadasa Bhava Phala •

(144) If the lord of Amsa occupied by the lord of the 5th and tbe lords of Lagoa and of the house occupied by the Moon were to transit in their 'Gochara' in the places mentioned above the birth of a child is to be expected. The reverse is the case if it is otherwise.


The birth of offs;>ring is certain dJring their Ossa and Bhukti periods. It is also possible during the Oasa period of Jupiter and the lords of lagna. 7th and 5th houses. (146) The child's birth is also predicted by the planets in tbe .Sun's Hora. When . Jupiter transits the signs occupied by . . the lord of Lalna or the lord of the 5th, the birth of offspring is possible.


If the lord of thi 51h transits the above places, then

also is birth certa in. From the sign occupied by 'Guliks' and his Amsa as also by the Amsas occupied by thei, lords, the birth of children can be predicted. But the 6th, 8tb, and 12th houses fro11 the Lagna should be omitted in this calcu/ation.

(14'3) If the lord of the 5th or JUpiter is strong. and is asso' ciated with the lord of the quadrant and the lord of the 7th and if the Sun sud Mars do not aspect the 5th house, the birth of a soa in the native's 20ch year is certain.

Of adoption

(149) If M ,irS and S3turn ara in the 5th house and the lagoa is the house of Mercury and is associated with or aspected by Mercury the native will adopt a chird.

(150) If the 5th sign happens to be the house of Mercurv or Saturn or if aspected by or associated with Saturn the adoption of a child is certain. (151)

If the 5th house is that of Mercury

and the



Dwadasa Shava Pbals

Amsa is aspected by Mercury and if the lord of lagna is Saturn the native will adopt a child.

(152) The same happens whEln the lord of the 5tb is associ, ated with Saturn and is aspected by Mars and Mercury and if the ord of Lagna is in Mercury Amsa. (153) When the lord of the 7th is in L'i;Jna an:l th~ lord of the 5th is associated with a benefic and if either Saturn or Mercury is posited in the 5th house, there will be adoption. '(154) If the lord of the 5th is in the 9th bouse, the lord of the 9th io tbe 10tb and if the lord of the 5th is aspected by a b:mefic, the progeny i~ perp:!tu!tej by the ad.)ption of a child. (155) When Venus is tbe 10rd of Lagos and Saturn in exaltation is in the 5th house and the Karaka is strong, assurance of progeny through adoption of child, is predicted. (H6) If the lord of the Sth is the Moon and is in Lagna and Saturn is in the 5th and Jupiter is fully strong the same result will happen. "

(157) If th9 lord of the 5th is the Sun and is in Lagna, and Saturn and Mercury are in tha 5th and tbey are associated with or aspected by the lord of the 5th the birth of son through adoption is predicted. (158) If the lord of lagna is Mercury and is in the 5th aspe, cted by Mars and the Karaka is in the 11th the same result will come. ,


If the lord of Lagna is Jupiter and

is In the 5th aspe~

189 ..

Owadasa Bhava Phala


cted by Saturn and the lord of the 5th is in the house of Mars progeny is certain through adoption. (160) If the lord of Lagna being Jupiter occupying the 5th house is aspected by Mars and the lord of the Stt is in tbe house of Saturn. the same result is predicted.

If 6 planets are in the 5th house, and the lord of the 5th is in the 12th house and the brd of Lagna is weak, the native will have an adopted child. (161)

(\62) If the Suo and the Moon are in the same sign and Am,a the adopted child will be protected by two mothers and two tathers. •

Of childlessness

. (163) If Jupiter, the lords of LaJ!la, the 7th, and the 5th are weak, the native will be childless. (164) The same is the case when the Sun, Mars, Rllhu and Saturn are strong and occupy the 5th nouse and the Karakas are end3red weak. Loss of children due to snake-curse

(\65) If RElhu is ill the Stb and is aspected by Mars or occupies the house of Mars the nativ3 will suffer loss of children due to snake curse.


"the same effect elolsutss when the lOrd of the 5th is In association with R3hu and Saturn is in the 5th house aspeeted by the Moon.


Dwadasa Bhava Pha'a ,



rt the Karaka for offspring is associated with Rahu

and the lord of the 5th is weak and the lord of lagna is associated with Mars, the loss of children due to snake curse is predicted.

(168) Similar;s the fate when the Kara ka for offspring is associated with Mars and the lord of Lagna is with Rahu and the Moon in the 5th house. (169) If Mercury as the lord of the 5th associated with Mars is posited in the Amsa of Mars, and Rahu and Saturn are in Lagoa the native will suffer loss of children due to snake curse. (t10) When tbe Sth house happens to be the house of Mars and occupied by Rahu aspectedby Mercury, the same fate

overtakes the native. (171) The same tragedy happens when the 5th house is occupied by the Sun, Saturn. Mars, Rahu, Mercury and Jupiter and the lord of Lagna anj tbe 5th are weak. (172) Another conjllnction which precipitates such 8 tragedy is the association of Rabu with lord of lagoa and Mars with the lord of the 5th and Aahu with Karaka for offspring.

Propitiation for snake curse


To prevent such a calamity, the wise mao will p~rform Naga·pooja. He should do 'Naga-Pratishtha' as given in the (173)

Gruhya Sutras.

(174) He must wOl'3hip the golden image of the snake; and otfer in charity oows, land, se3amum and gold. By such acts, hie I ine will be perpetaated by the graCe of the snake lord.

Dwadasa Bhava Phala

191 •

Loss of children due to Pitru curse: (175) If the Sun is in the 5th hOlJse and happens ' to be weak and is in the Ams8 of Saturn and malefic planets either side of him, the native wilt suffer loss of children due to the curse of Pitrus.


(17!i) The same fate is predicted when the Sun is the lord of the 5 th house and is ftanked by malefic planets and an evil planet is in the trine position. ,

(171) Another such evil conjunction is: Jupiter in Leo. the lord of t he 5th is associated with the SUD and a malefiC planet in

the 5th house.

More such fateful conjunctions involving loss of chitdren may be listed thus: A weak lord of Lagna in the 5th house, the lord of 5th associated with the Sun and the Lagoa of offspring associated with a malefic; ( 178)



(179) The Lord ofthe 9th in the 5th house. the-lord of the 5th In the 9th and malefic planet, in Lagna and the 5th house; ,



The Sun in the 5th, and the lord of the 5th in the 1st 'or the 9th place associated with a malefic)

(1&1) The lord of the 9th in the 6th, the 8th or the'" 12th house, the lord of offspring (Putra-Karak.a) in malefic lord Lagna in the 5th house;

a malefic sign, and

(182) . The Sun, Mars and Saturn in the 1st or the 5th house, and Iilahu and Jupiter in the 8th Or the 12th house; (183) The lord of the 12th in Lagna, the lord of the 8th in the 5tb house and the lord of the 9th in the 8th house;


Dwadasa Bhava Pha!a



(]84) If the Suo is in the 8th place from Lagna, Saturn i D the 5th. the lord of .the 5th associated with Rahu, and malefics in Lagoa; (185) . The lord of the 6th or the 9th in the 5th house, and

Putra- Karaka associated w itb Rah u. Propitiation for Pitru curse:

To prevent such a calamity, the native should perform 'Sraaddha' io Gaya and feed 10.000 or 1000 Brahmins. (186)

(1 S7) Thea he should perform on considerate to others' points of view and Intelligent.

(10) If the Sun and the Moon are in the Sih or the 9th house the Dlitive will be fickle~minded . (11)

E'/en if Jupiter is in a quadrant) the

person will be

\.IDste~dy .


If Mercury Moon ond Mars ate 8spected by strong planets, the native will be alert and quick-witted, I


Dwad.isa Bhava Phala

[13] With Mercury in the 2nd and aspected by a weak · malefic the person will be fickle-minded. [14] If Mercury and the lord of the 31d are associated together, the person will be good natured filled with Saatwik qualities. [15] If the lord of the 12th is in Lagna, the native will speak charmingly expressing good sentiments.

[16] Wilh the Moon in Lagna and aspected by Saturn and Mars the person will be mean-mindeU. [17] With the lord of the 5lh in a cruel sixth Amsa, the person will be petty-minded.

I: lS] If Saturn, Mars and the Sun aspect the Moon, the native will be a fool. [19] With the Moon in the 6th , the 8th or the 12th house. and aspected by Venus. the persoll 11\ ill be astonish ingly good. [20] If the lord of the 5th is associated with a malefic similar result is expected. [21] If tbe Karaka for offspring is associated with a malefic or is in an evil Amsa, the native will have a surprising natura.

Regarding idiots [22] If Saturn. the Moon and Gulika are in quadrants the native will be a dull-witted fool. [23] With Gulika in the 2nd associated with the Sun and aspected by a malefic or with the lord of 3rd associated with Saturn, the native will be an idiot. •

Dwadasa Bhava Phala


[24] If the lord of the 2nd is associated with a malefic and posited in the lOth, the person Will be shy in public and behaVe fool ishly. [7.5] If the lord of the 3rd is associated with Rahu, the native wi II be an idiot. {26] The sama result happens when Saturn is in the 5th and the lord of Lagna is aspeeted by Saturn and if the lord of the 5th is associated with a rna lef ie.

(21) If Gulika and Saturn are in the 5th and are not associ ated with a beaefic, the nativf the 5th ;s posited in "Mridu" or "Gopura "etc. Amsa" (\9)

(20) The same is the case when the lord of the Amsa occupied 'Jy the IOld of the 5 t h is ill Lagna, or the lord of the Amsa occupied by Jupiter is in a quadrant , Also when the lord of the 5th is in • Paravata' Amsa, and the lord of the 9th in the 5th and the I.;rd (;.f Lagoa is aspected by a benefic. Pi)

[22] S a ges predict also the destruction of the family line bY considering the conjunction of planets.

Destruction of family life [23) If the Moon, Venus and malefics are respectiveiy in the 10th, the 7th, and the 4th houses and the lord of Lagna is associ . ated with Mercury, destruction of the family life is predicted.


It is the same flate if malefics are in the 12th, the 5th.


Dwadasa Bhava Phala

and the 8th houses; or when the Moon is associated with Jup:ter' and either Saturn or Mars is in the 7th place from Lagna.

[25] Or when malefics are in the 4th, or the 1st. the 12th , the 5th or the 8th house. (26] He who is born with malefics in tbe 8th, the 1st or tbe 12th house, the Moon in the 5th, Mercury associated with Venus in the 7th. malefics in the 4th and Jupiter in the 5th will be the cause of destruction of his family, • [27] Similar is the case of one bOln with malefics in the 8th place from the Moon, a malefic in Lagns, the Moon in the 4th and the lord of Lagna in the 5th house • .

[28] Also when the Ie rd of the 5th is weak, the waning Moon in Lagna associated with an eclipsed planet and Jupiter is in Saturn's house [i. e. Capricorn or Aquarius].

(29] If all the rnalefies are ill trines, or if Mercury is tbe 5th, the 1st, or the 4th associated with a malefic, the prrson will die even before any child is born to him/her. [30] The person will be childless if maJefics are in the 5th house and the Lagn8 is the house of Mars [Aries and Scorpio]. Saturn is in the 8th and tbe Sun in the 5th.

[31] With Saturn in Lagoa, Jupiter in tbe 8th and Mars in tbe 12th and benefics aspecting the 5th the person will get a child in his old age. Yoga for intelligence

[321 If th lord of the 5th is a benefic and a!pected by benefics or if the 5th house is occupied by a benefic. the person will be a wise mao witb acute legal intelligence.


Owadasa Bhava Phala


(33) If the lord of the 5th is io high exaltation, aspected by benefics and flanked by bcnefic~. the person will have sharp i ntell igence. (34) If the Karaka is fully strong the lord of the 5th is aspected by benefics or if the 5th house is occupied by benefies the person will be highly clever and intelligent.

(35) If the lord of the Amsa occupied by the lord of the 5th is aspeeted by benefics and is in "Vaisesbika" Amsa the person will be highly intelligent. (3 6)

Tne same is the case if the lord of the Rasi and Amsa

occupied by Jupiter is in quadrant or trine and aspected by tlie lord of the 5th. (37) The same is true if the 5th house is flanked by benefics and associated with tenefics and Jupiter is in a quadrant or trine. (38) If the lord of the 5th is Mercury, and Jupiter is in the 5th house, and if the Sth is flanked by benefics. the person wilt be highly clever and intelligent. Of keen understanding

(39) When the lord of the Sth is in quadrant and is associated with either a benefic or an exalted planet. the native will be of quick grasp and of keen understanding, (40) If the lord of the 5th or Jupiter is in "Mridvamsa" and end aspected by benefics, the person will have a sharp memory . (41)

If the lord of Amsa occupied by Jupiter is in "Gopura"




Dwadasa Bhava Pha la

etc. Amsa, the person. will be clever il1 understanding others' . feel iog will be intelligent and have a sharp memory. (42) When the lord of 'triamsa' in a benefic and in a quadrant or trine and aspected by Jupiter or associated with the lord of the 5th or Jupiter aud benefic!': aspecting the quadrant or trine, the person will be clever in understanding others.

Lass of mind (4 3) If either the 5th housl3 or the lord of 1hfl 51h house is together with a malefic or is in an inimical "Shashthi'~ Amsa the • lese of intelligence can be pred icted. (44) The Same fate overtakes the person when ihe lord of the 5th are karaka [i.e. Jupiter] is ;n a weak sign or in aD inimicai house or iu the house of an eclipsed planet and is aspected by a malefic; or is in a cluel "Shashthi" Amsa. (45] Or again with Saturn is in 5th or the lord of Lagna aspected by Satur n or the INd of the 5th is associattd With a malefiC the person becomes dull and stupid. [46) If the 5th house is V\>ithout a benefic aDd Salurn or Rahu occupies it and the lord of the 5th is aspected by a malefic the person generally btcomes mad. [47} If the Karaka (Jupiter) is associated with a benefic, and the lord of the 5th is aSSOCiated with a malefiC or is in cruel , "Shashthi" Amsa, the person will be approaching madness.

Of intelligent minds [48] If Mercury is in the 5th Bhava and aspected by Jupiter and Venus or the lord of the 5th is aspected by Jupiter

Dwadasa Bhava Phala ,


and Venus, the r erson will be in a a position to teach others and maKe them intelligent. [49} When the lord of the 5th is in 'Gopura' etc Amsa, and the lord of the sign occupied by Jupiter is aspected by the lord of Lagoa, and if Jupiter gains strength, the person will be extraordinarily smart and intelligent, be he a minister 10 a king and be he a philanthropist . . (50) If Jupi1er is in a quadrant and is associated with the lord of tne 5th or is posited in 'Gopura' Am~a, the person will be clever minister able to anticipate events_ ,



(51) When Venus is associated with a benefic or aspected by 8 benefic or is posited in a beneficial Amsa and Jupiter is in his own Amsa or in "Mridvamsa" the person will be a knowlI of the past, present and future. Determination of sex of children (52) If the 5th house is a male Rasi and is occupied by a male planet as of the lord of the Slh is in a male Navamsa and even if It \Nere 'Gopura' etc . Amsa, if it were a benefic Amsa and aspected by a benefic, the birth of a good male child as the first to be pred icted.

-(53) If, on the other hand, a female planet is in a female Rasi and tbe lord of the Sih is in the 7th house tbe first offspring will be a fumale child. If the planet is neutral the birth of a eunuch child is to be predicted.

Determinaton 01 number of chIldren (54) By counting the' Ashtavarga) BindU~ (marks or benefic dots) after eliminating those of the debilitated planet, the inimical ' planet and the eclipsed planet, which are found in ' the planets


Dwadasa Bbava Pbala

occupying the 5th sign from that of Jupiter the number of sons can be determined. (55) This number is to be found by the number of rays of the lord of the 5th Shava, or of th~ Amsa of the Bhava tor offspring or of Jupiter .

Character of the son •


AccordiDI:! to lhe friendly, inimical or neutral nature of the planets in relation to the lord of offspring. the charactet of the son is to be determined.

(57) The son will be dutifu I to the pareot when the planets aspecting the lord of offspring are beneficial. (58) If the lord of the 5th aspects lagna, or is in lagos, or if the lord of lagoa is in the 5th house, the sun will abide by bis father's words. (59) When the lord 01 the 51h is in the 6th. the 8th or the 12th and aspected by the lord of lagna also by Mars and Rahu, the son will despise and revile the fathe r •


If the Sth house is occupied by Jupiter and Venus or by the Sun or if it hapens to be the house of any 01 these planets, the son will be a friend1i one reconc iling the problem mutuallv.

Of gifts of food (61) If the lord of the 3rd is in the 3rd house. the lord of thG 51h in the 4th and is associated with a benefic in eultation tbCl person will make generous gift of tood to others. (62)

When the lord of the 5th is in a good sign and associated

Dwadasa Bhava Phala

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t ,

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with benefics and the lord of the 2nd is together with benefies, the person will make daily gift of food to others.


Heart attack , . .i

(63) With a malefic in the 5th, and the lord of the 5th associated with a malefic and flanked by , maletics. the person Will suffer from heart disease.

(64) Heart disease is indicated when the lord of the 5th is in the 8th or associated with the lord of the 8th or is in debilitation in inimical house or in eel ipse.

(65) If the lord of the Amsa ocupied by the lord of the 5th and the lord of the Rasi occupied by the lord of the 5th were to be in a cruel "Shashthi" Amsa and aspected by malefic planets the person will suffer from heart-disease.


, \



Technical terms have been

glossed then and there;

however, a few terms are glossed here:



: part. portion



stage [page 33)



strength [p 29]









• com



sign [p 9]



9th and lIth houses





division of a Resi into 60 parts p 26]



rites proffered to Pitrus/manes



• trlDes







Daughter and disciple of Pandit Kadalan~ guai Natesa Sastri, Dr. (Mrs.)K.N. Saraswathy had been practising astrologicalJscience with his from 1950 till his passing away In 1961 since when she has been practising independently besides researching. research-guiding, writing, and teaching. She has co-authored with her father some books on astrological guidance-counselling , She has on her own authored 21 socia-cultural books in Tamil and the 17 books of the Kadalangudi Centenary Astrological Book Series in English. She is Founder-Director of the KADALAN GUO I ASTROLOGICAL-INDOLOGICAL RESEARCH CENTRE, a memorial to her illustrious father-Guru whose birth centenary year was 1978. Her speciality is marriage guidance-counselling . Sh e has reputation as the out standing woman astrology specialist and counsellor of Asia. She is connected with several national and international professional societies. In Summer 1977 she was in USA on a lecture tour, and in 1982 toure,d in Asia, EUrope and USA giving lectures, workshops and addressing conferences. She is associated with some American Psychiatrists' Association s in helping them through Hindu Astrology to make exact determinations about their patients ,

About this book The book juxtaposes the results from classics JATAKA PHALA DEEPIKA. SARAVALI, SARVARTHA CHINTAAMANI, PARASARA SAMHITA, and JATAKA TATTVAM, It is a rare and useful compendium reveal ing the ups and downs of fortune of the concerned human being. This Volume deals with the first five 'houses' of the Zodiac: Ascendant. family, brothers, education, and children.

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