DW to DH

July 21, 2016 | Author: Pierre-Eric Raby | Category: N/A
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Short Description

A document to convert Dragon Warriors to Dark Heresy rules (you need both games to use it)...


Characteristics Replace Ballistic Skill with Archery Skill (AS) ADVENTURING CAREERS Knight Starting Skills: Common Lore (War), Speak Language (local), Trade Starting Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Swords, Maces or Polearms) Melee Weapon Training (Shield), Armour Training (Padded, Light, Medium and Heavy), Melee Weapon Training (Basic) Ranged Weapon (Basic). Starting Gear: Full Mail Armour, Shield, Dagger, Lantern, Flint & Tinder, Backpack, 25 silver florins, Sword or Morningstar. Starting Wounds: 1d5+8 Starting Fate: 1d10: 1-5:1, 6-8:2, 9-0:3 Barbarian Starting Skills: Survival or Intimidate, Speak Language (local), Trade Starting Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Swords or Axes), Ranged Weapon Training (Bows or Thrown Weapons), Armour Training (Padded, Light and Medium), Melee Weapon Training (Basic) Ranged Weapon (Basic). Starting Trait: Aggressive (being mostly aggressive fighters, Barbarians suffer a -10 penalty to WS when they make a Parry attempt) Starting Gear: Mail Hauberk, Dagger, Torch, Flint & Tinder, Backpack, 4d10 silver florins, Battleaxe or Bastard Sword. Starting Wounds: 1d5+10 Starting Fate: 1d10: 1-4:1, 5-8:2, 9-0:3 Sorcerer Starting Skills: Literacy (own alphabet and Arcane), Speak Language (Arcane), Speak Language (local), Obscure Lore (Spells and Enchantments), Trade Starting Talents: Disturbing Voice or Foresight, Sorcery I. Melee Weapon Training (Basic) Ranged Weapon (Basic), Armour Training (Padded) Starting Gear: Lantern, Flint & Tinder, Backpack, Dagger or Staff, 20 silver florins, any two potions from the following: Dexterity, Occult Acuity, Strength, Healing, or Replenishment. Starting Wounds: 1d5+5 Starting Fate: 1d10: 1-6:1, 7-0:2

Mystic Starting Skills: Awareness, Obscure Lore (Mysticism), Speak Language (local), Trade Starting Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Basic) Ranged Weapon (Basic), Premonition, ESP, Armour Training (Padded and Light), Ranged Weapons Training (Bows), Mysticism I. Starting Gear: Torch, Flint & Tinder, Backpack, Shortbow, Quiver with 6 Arrows, Dagger, Staff, 2d10 silver florins, Ring Jacket Starting Wounds: 1d5+6 Starting Fate: 1d10: 1-5:1, 6-8:2, 9-0:3 Elementalist Starting Skills: Survival, Obscure Lore (The Elements), Speak Language (local), Trade Starting Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Basic) Ranged Weapon (Basic). Armour Training (Padded), Elementalism I, and Melee Weapon Training (any one) Starting Gear: Torch, Flint & Tinder, Sword or Staff, Shield, 2d10 silver florins, Quilted Jacket. Starting Wounds: 1d5+5 Starting Fate: 1d10: 1-5:1, 6-8:2, 9-0:3 Warlock Starting Skills: Literacy (own language), Obscure Lore (Spells and Enchantments), Common Lore (War), Speak Language (local), Trade Starting Talents: Melee Weapon Training (Basic) Ranged Weapon (Basic), Melee Weapon Training (Swords or Polearms) Melee Weapon Training (Shield) or Ranged Weapon Training (Bows) War Magic I. A Warlock can only have two non-Basic nonShield Weapon Training talents at one time. He may switch with a month of practice. Starting Gear: Lantern, Flint & Tinder, Backpack, Bow, Quiver with 6 Arrows, Dagger, Scale Hauberk, 2d10 silver florins, Two-handed Sword or Spear, or Sword and Shield. Starting Wounds: 1d5+6 Starting Fate: 1d10: 1-6:1, 7-0:2 Assassin Starting Skills: Dodge, Awareness, Speak Language (local), Stealth, Trade Starting Talents: Armour Training (Padded), Melee Weapon Training (Basic) Ranged Weapon (Basic), Ranged Weapon Training (Thrown). Starting Trait: Aggressive (see Barbarians) Starting Gear: Backpack, Staff, Sword, Hand Crossbow, Case with 5 Quarrels, Soft Leather Jacket, Rope, Climbing Gear, Hand Lantern, Flint & Tinder, 3d10 silver florins. Starting Wounds: 1d5+6 Starting Fate: 1d10: 1-4:1, 5-8:2, 9-0:3 FREE XP All new characters may spend 20xp.

ADVENTURER RACES Human Traits: Adaptable (Humans have access to all adventuring classes) Elf Traits: Refined (Elves cannot be Barbarians), Soulless (Elves have no soul, making them immune to possession of any kind, but unable to be resurrected or reincarnated) Elfsight (Elves are only hindered by complete darkness). Dwarf Traits: Nonmagical (Dwarves are a nonmagical race and can never use magic, restricting them to the Knight and Barbarian adventuring classes), Master Smith (Dwarves of Rank 4 automatically gain Minor Enchantment (Weapons) I and Minor Enchantment (Armour) I. At Rank 6, they gain Minor Enchantment II, and at Rank 8, Minor Enchantment III), Gloomsight (slightly hindered by bright light and total darkness, in-between is best). SKILL CHANGES Chem-Use becomes Poison Use Common Lore skill groups are: Nobility and Royalty, Religion, War, Specific country/culture, Folklore Concealment and Silent Move combine into Stealth Demolition does not exist Drive becomes Ride and only allows riding normal mounts, war mounts require a Talent. Forbidden Lore skill groups are: Black magic and curses, Demons and sacrifices, Undead and necromancy Invocation does not exist Literacy now has skill groups, which are: Classic, Nikkar runic, Emphidian, Jezant, Qemor hieroglyphs, Kell, Majestic, Khitai pictograms, and Arcane. Logic does not exist Medicae becomes Apothecary Navigation skill group are: Land, Sea Pilot skill groups are: Carriage, Ship Psyniscience does not exist

Scholastic Lore skill groups are: Astrology, Heraldry, Judgement, Legend, Religion (own and other cultures), Ancient Kahikuhurian, Lughwyd Speak Language skill groups are: Simple (Any one), Complex (Any one) Abstruse (Any one). Tech-Use does not exist. Wrangling becomes Animal Handling. NEW SKILLS Obscure Lore includes the following skill groups: Spells and Enchantments, Mysticism, The Elements, Enchanted and Magic Items, Creatures of Lore and Legend, Magic Constructs. TALENT CHANGES Arms Master requires Weapon Skill and Archery Skill 30 and applies to all weapons. All Weapon Training skills are replaced by Melee Weapon Training (Basic, Swords, Axes, Maces, Pole arms, and Shield) and by Ranged Weapon Training (Bows, Crossbows, and Thrown Weapons). Corpus Conversion gives you 1 Magic Point for 2 points of damage you take. Chem Geld becomes Pure or Insensitive Dual Shot only applies to Hand Crossbows and Thrown weapons Good Reputation skill groups are: Nobility, Adventurers and Mercenaries, Commoners, Crafters and Merchants, Scum, Savages, and Learned. Gunslinger becomes Swashbuckler, requires WS 40 and affects swords and knife types. Hatred skill groups are: Criminals, Cult (specific), Magic Users, Goblinkind, Legendary Monsters (specific), Supernatural Monsters (specific), Creatures of Sorcery, Infernal Creatures, and The Undead (sentient or non-sentient). Hip Shooting becomes Shot on the Run Independent Targeting only applies to Hand Crossbows and Thrown weapons Insanely Faithful or Insanely Brave Peer skill groups are: Nobility, Adventurers and Mercenaries, Commoners, Crafters and Merchants, Scum, Savages, and Academic. Resistance skill groups are: Cold, Fear, Heat, Poisons, Magic,

Rite of Awe and Rite of Fear are displays of magical power and cost 2 and 4 Magic Points respectively. They otherwise have the same effect as their DH counterparts. Strong Minded requires Resistance (Magic) and applies to mind-affecting spells. Two-Weapon Wielder only applies to melee weapons (Melee) OR Hand Crossbows and thrown weapons (Range). NEW TALENTS Armour Training allows a character to wear armour without suffering penalties to Weapon Skill, Archery Skill, and Agility Tests. The penalties are a cumulative -10 for each category above your allowed armour type. The categories are Padded, Light, Medium, Heavy, and Plate. Ride Warhorse allows a character to use the Ride skill with a War mount. Master Bowman allows the character to add 1 to the Penetration of any Bow. Weaponskill allows the character to add 1 to the Penetration the chosen melee weapon. This Talent can be taken multiple times, choosing a different weapon every time. Calligraphy allows a Spellcaster to prepare magical scrolls. This reduces their Magic Points by 2 and costs 2d10 gold crowns. This takes 28 days. Alchemy allows a Sorcerer to prepare magic potions. There are 5 ranks of Alchemy. Rank 1 lets the Sorcerer prepare Dexterity (35c), Occult Acuity (40c) and Strength (35c). Rank 2 lets him prepare Healing (40c), Replenishment (100c), Poison (120c), and Theriac (100c). Ranks 3 potions are Night Vision (35c), Smoke (50c), and Amianthus Dust (150c). Rank 4 is for Control (120c), Truth (100c), Love (100c), and Sleep (200c). Rank 5 allows Transformation (200c), Dreams (200c), Elemental Essences (200c), Evaporating Potion (200c), Elixir Vitae (250c), and virus Lunare (180c). Preparing potions takes 28 days but with a normal-size lab, one can have up to ten potions being made at the same time. Artifice has 4 ranks and is used to create magical items. Rank 1 is for Talismans and crafting one takes 7 months and 300 gold crowns. Rank 2 is for Amulets and crafting one requires a year and a day and 400 to 500 gold crowns. Rank lets one craft magic Rings and demands 3 years and 600 gold crowns. Rank 4 allows for creation of unique magical items that must be devised between Player and GM and is the work of a lifetime. Wandcrafting has Artifice I as a requirement and allows a Sorcerer to craft his own magic Wand. The cost for a Wand depends on its look and can very from a few silver florins to hundreds or thousands of gold crowns. The Sorcerer’s social standing is taken into account.

Premonition is the ability to sense danger. The character must use 2 Full Actions to concentrate on a given object or location within 5m. The Premonition Test is rolled against 25% +2% per Rank. ESP lets a character detect the presence of minds, but doesn’t allow reading thoughts. The ESP Test is rolled against 5%+3% per Rank. Elves (except if the character using ESP is also an Elf), Ghosts, Gnomes, Goblinkind, and the Undead are undetectable. Minor Enchantment has two skill groups: Weapons, and Armours. Each has 3 Ranks, allowing the character to enchant a weapon or armour with a +1, +2, or +3 magic bonus. This bonus applies to the Damage and Penetration of the weapon and to the Weapon Skill of its user for a melee weapon. For a Ranged weapon, it applies to the Archery Skill and Penetration. For an arrow, quarrel or slingshot, it applies to damage. For Armour, the bonus applies to AP. Adepthood is a special state of being, only attainable after weeks of quiet meditation and contemplation in a secluded spot. 96 or more must be rolled on a d100 after a week to achieve Adepthood. Agility and willpower gain a +10 bonus, Natural healing rate is doubled and the character becomes immune to poison, disease, Fear and Insanity, as well as mind-controlling spells and effects. Raw Power allows the character to cause raw power to surge from their body and into a foe. The Range of this power is 10m per Magic Point expended and causes 1d5 of damage per Magic Point spent, plus WP bonus. Count as an Indirect Attack spell. This power can also be used for mundane tricks instead of an attack, such as lighting a candle or campfire for Fire Elemental magic, or cleaning clothes or a room for Sorcery. Note that only Elementalists can use Raw Power as an attack form. Elemental Resistance gives an Elementalist a +10 bonus to any Test made to resist an attack based on their primary element, and a +5 bonus to Tests made to resist an attack based on their secondary elements. Unarmed Combat represents powerful martial art techniques and gives the character’s unarmed strikes a Penetration of 2 and lets him deal 1d5 damage plus Strength bonus. Major Enchantment has to skill groups. Weapons, and Armours. The Weapons group allows the character to create the Volcanic Sword (a sword of any sort that glows whitehot or bursts into flames on command, adding 5 to its damage), the Sever blade (A sword of any sort that completely ignores Armour Points), and the Vampire Sword (A sword of any sort that gives 3 Wounds back to its wielder when it kills). Each sword can only be crafted once and takes a year and a day. The Armours group allows creation of the Nullplate (a plate armour has a permanent 3MP Spell Screen), the Herculean Armour (a plate armour that grants +15 to Strength), and the Fortress Armour (a plate armour which absorbs 20 Damage from indirect damage-dealing spells). Each armour can only be crafted once and takes 3 years.

Armour Piercing gives the character +1 to Penetration with dagger, shortsword, sword, staff or throwing spike. Shock Attack is an enhanced form of surprise attack. A character with this talent gains a bonus surprise attack for each degree of success on his Stealth Test. Throwing Spike Specialist allows the character to throw 3 Throwing Spikes at a single target or different targets in a single Half Action. Crafting Throwing Spikes takes 2 days and 1d10+2 silver florins. Inner Sense has Blind Fighting as a requirement and allows the character to sense obstacles, beings or traps within 1m when moving cautiously with a successful Perception Test. Each degree of success extends the range by 1m. Deathvow takes one week to prepare, the character studying his victim’s every moves and everything he knows about them during that time. Once ready, if the character comes within 3m of their victim, he gains +20 to Weapon Skill and +2 to Penetration and Damage, ignores Critical Damage penalties until death, and becomes immune to Stun. He ignores the need for food and rest and can cover twice the normal distance in a day on foot. He must spend a week to de-psyche himself if he wishes to stop pursuing his target. Trance of Light allows for recovery of wounds and poisons. It takes 3 Rounds to enter trance. After one day in trance, regain 1d10 Wounds and make a Toughness Test to neutralize any disease or toxin. Trance of Darkness lets the user fall into a deathlike coma after 2 hours of trance. Thoughts cannot be detected and the body seems to be dead. The duration is up to a year and a day. It takes 3 Rounds to enter trance. Trance of Water hides thoughts for 20 minutes after a trance of 1 hour. It takes 3 Rounds to enter trance. Trance of Earth can be maintained indefinitely. While in trance, the character is immune to extreme heat and cold and absorbs 10 points of damage for flames, including magical ones. The character can also go for an hour without breathing. It takes 3 Rounds to enter trance. Trance of Void requires a half-hour of trance, after which the character ignores all visibility-related penalties to AS for 15 minutes. It takes 3 Rounds to enter trance. Trance of Fire takes 1 hour to complete and allows 2 Full Actions every Round (1 at Initiative and 1 at the end of the Round). The effects last for 5 minutes. It takes 3 Rounds to enter trance. Trance of Wind gives Intangibility. Roll 1d10 after each Round, the effect ends on a result of 0. It takes 3 Rounds to enter trance and this one takes 1 hour to complete.

Alchemical Techniques allows the character to prepare 3 special types of compounds with mostly natural easy-to-find ingredients. The Assassin’s Lotion is an Instant/-/Lethal poison that is normally coated on a blade, which must be used within 1 minute before it becomes harmless and only works on the first 5 wounds inflicted with the coated weapon. Brewing it takes 3 days and 150 florins. A Smoke Jar is a large clay pot that creates a dense white fog in a 5m radius where the pot is broken. Visibility is nil. Roll 1d10 every round, the fog dissipates on a 9 or 0. A Smoke Jar takes 2 days and 100 florins to make. The Flash Pellets produce a blinding light when hurled to the ground. Any creature within 5m is dazzled for the next Round. It takes one day and 150 florins to make 3 Pellets. Sorcery has 10 Ranks. Each Rank gives access to spells of that Rank as well as a certain number of Magic Points (4, 8, 12, 15, 19, 23, 25, 28, 31, 35 for Rank 1 through 10). Once he has Sorcery X, a character can buy 4 additional Magic Points for 20xp every time he achieves a new Career Rank. Mysticism has 9 ranks. Each Ranks gives access to spells of that Rank. Wearing Enchanted Armour disturbs mystical energies and a character using Mysticism spells has a 10% chance per magic bonus AP to fail casting a spell. Mystic Mastery lets the character keep one Mystic spell always active, provided he can cast it. It takes one week of meditation to switch the active spell to another. The spell must be one of the following: See Enchantment, Darksight, All-Seeing Eye, Mind Cloak, Clairvoyance, Hidden Target, Telepathy, TruthSense, or Assessment. Elementalism has 10 ranks. At first rank, the character must choose his primary focus (Fire, Earth, Air, Water, or Darkness) and his secondary focus (he chooses 2 of them but can’t choose the one opposed to his Primary Element. Fire opposes Water and Air opposes Earth). For each Rank, the character gains 3 Magic Points for his Primary Element and 1 for each of his Secondary Elements. He always has access to all Elementalism spells provided he has sufficient Magic Points of the appropriate Element to cast them. Once he has Elementalism X, a character can buy additional Magic Points for 20xp every time he achieves a new Career Rank. War Magic has 9 ranks. Each Rank gives access to spells of that Rank and 2 Magic Points. Once he has War Magic IX, a character can buy 2 additional Magic Points for 20xp every time he achieves a new Career Rank. Spell Power grants a +10 to WP Test for casting spells and is available for 10xp to all spellcasters at Rank 4. Greater Spell Power replaces Spell Power and grants a +20 to WP Tests for casting spells and is available for 20xp to all spellcasters at Rank 7.

MAGIC For Sorcery, Elementalism and War Magic, casting cost is 1 Magic Point per Rank of the spell being cast. Mystics have to test psychic fatigue. The formula is 65 + WP bonus + Mystic’s Rank – Spell Rank. If the test is failed, the spell is still cast but no more spells can be cast until the character has slept 8 hours. Casting a spell is a Half Action. Magic Attack Vs Magic Defence: Opposed Willpower test. Speed vs Evasion: Dodge Test. Duration: When Spell Expiry Roll applies, roll 2d10. The spell ends on double 1 or 0. Any spell with a dramatic visual effect causes Pinning. SORCERY SPELL CHANGES Casting cost is 1 Magic Point per Rank of the spell being cast. LEVEL 1 Dragonbreath Challenging Dodge Test. 1d10+3 E. Image Hard Perception Test to notice it’s an illusion. Lesser Healing (No change) Moonglow (No change) Open/Close Portal (No change) Weaken Target suffers a -5 penalty to WS and AS and a halves their Str bonus (round down, min.1) LEVEL 2 Detect Aura (No change) Hold Off the Dead Any Undead trying to get in zone of 2m radius centered on caster must win an opposed WP Test to do so. Only works on Undead of equal or lower Rank. Inflict Wound Target suffers 1d10 damage, no Armour. Peer (No change)

Tangleroots Difficult Dodge Test. Cutting the roots with a blade takes 1d5+2 rounds (1d5 only if Str is above 40). Animals with fangs and claws can get free in 1d10+1 rounds. Warding Enemies trying to hit the caster suffer a -5 to WS and AS. LEVEL 3 Banquet (No change) Beacon (No change) Command Command Test for complex orders. Greater Healing (No change) Illusion Very Hard Perception Test to notice it’s an illusion. Wolfcall Wolf arrives in 1d10+1 rounds. LEVEL 4 Antidote Target gains a +10 bonus on his Toughness Test to resist the poison. Curse Affects 1d5 targets get-10 on all Tests. Disease (No change) Oracle (No change) Shadowbolt Difficult Dodge Test. 1d10+8 E. Wall of Magic Every Magic Point lost by a spell is -5 to caster’s WP. LEVEL 5 Banish (No change)

Divination (No change) Fossilize (No change) Mantlet (No change) Reanimate the Dead 1d5 zombies reanimated. Transfix 1d10 victims. LEVEL 6 Armour (No change) Cure Disease (No change) Dishearten 1d5 damage, no Armour, no Toughness, if spell fails. Dispel Magic (No change) Phantasm WS 40 AS 0 S 40 T 35(6) Ag 30 Int 25 Per 35 WP 40 Fel 15 Wounds: 2d10+4 Damage 1d10+4 Pen 2 Talents: Furious Assault Skills: Awareness Traits: Daemonic, From Beyond, Natural Weapons, Warp Instability No Spell Expiry Roll Sword of Damocles Very Hard Dodge Test. 3d10 R, Pen 3 LEVEL 7 Deathlight 1d5 victims. Hard Dodge Test. 2d10+8 E. Enslave Command Test for complex orders. Nova Very Hard Dodge Test. Roll 1d10: 1-4 = 1 beam, 5-7 = 2 beams, 8-0 = 3 beams. 3d10 E

Spell Screen (No change, but see Wall of Magic) Stasis Roll 1d10: 1-4 = 1 victim, 5-7 = 2 victims, 8-0 = 3 victims. Vorpal Blade +3 Magic Sword is 1d10+4 R, Pen 4, +10 WS. LEVEL 8 Astral Gate Roll Scatter on page 196 if missed. Bastion (No change) Burden Hard Dodge Test. Destrier Warhorse with the following Traits: Daemonic, From Beyond. Also has silver Barding with an AP of 3 Evil Eye Caster gains Fear Rating 3 but suffers -5 WS and AS and -10 Per and -10 to Dodge Tests. Rune (No change) LEVEL 9 Animate Bones (No change) Battlemaster WS 60 AS 0 S 35 T 30(6) Ag 30 Int 30 Per 40 WP 40 Fel 20 Wounds: 24 Damage: 2d10+7, Pen 2 Talents: Frenzy, Swift Attack, Berserk Charge Skills: Awareness, Dodge Traits: Daemonic, From Beyond Warp Instability Gear: +2 Magic Greataxe, +2 Magic Full Mail Armour Firestorm Very Hard Dodge Test. 4d10+4 E. Reduced by 3 if the character wears magic armour. Invisibility (No change) Miracle Cure (No change)

Raise Fog (No change) LEVEL 10 Doppelganger Wounds reduced by 1d5-1, minimum 1. Hecatomb (No change) Pentacle of Entrapment 1d10+1 victims. Resurrect Roll 1d10 for permanent Wound loss: 1-4 = 1 Wound, 5-7 = 2 Wounds, 8-0 = 3 Wounds. Scry Cost for the mirror is 3d10x6. Transformation (No change)

MYSTICISM SPELL CHANGES LEVEL 1 Invigorate (No change) Mirage Hard Perception Test to notice the illusion. See Enchantment (No change) Suspended Animation (No change) LEVEL 2 Darksight (No change) Dazzle See page 136 for Blindness. Might Increases caster’s Strength by 15. Pursuit (No change) LEVEL 3

Allseeing Eye (No change) Mind Cloak (No change) Nourish (No change) Telekinesis Routine Dodge Test to avoid objects moved by Telekinesis. LEVEL 4 Clairvoyance (No change) Enthrall (No change) Hidden Target (No change) Telepathy (No change) LEVEL 5 Force Field Absorbs 5pts of damage before Armour and Toughness, until it has absorbed 15. Mystic Blast Hard Dodge Test. 2D10+2 E. Pass Unseen Opposed WP Test to see the caster. No Rank limit. Truthsense (No change) LEVEL 6 Assessment (No change) Purification (No change) Steel Claw Unarmed damage becomes is 1d10+2 R, Pen 4. Survival (No change) LEVEL 7 Duel (No change)

Levitation (No change) Paralysis (No change) Protection Caster adds 2 to his AP on all locations and gains a +10 bonus to Opposed WP Tests made to resist magic. Add 5 to Psychic Fatigue Tests if the caster maintains the spell indefinitely after the encounter. LEVEL 8 Intangibility (No change) Mindpool Offensive Opposed WP Tests are made with the highest WP of the group. Defensive ones are made with half the total WP of the group, max 90. Swiftness Caster has 2 Full Actions per rounds, or 4 Half Actions, or 2 Half Actions and 1 Full Action in any order. Can’t cast two spells. Trance (No change) LEVEL 9 Impregnable Sphere (No change) Phoenix (No change) Teleport (No change) Thunderclap Challenging Dodge Test. 4d10+2 I. Only magic armour reduces damage by 2. ELEMENTALISM SPELL CHANGES EARTH SPELLS 1- Abundance Darkness: Poison is Swift/-10/Lethal 2- Spider Magic (No change) 3- Forest Murmurs (No change)

4- Create Bog Challenging Dodge Test to avoid. Challenging Strength Test to free self. 5- Roots Hard Dodge Test. Each Root has 4 Wounds and T bonus 2. Darkness: Roots constrict for 1d10 I. 6- Rock Wall (No change) 7- Fissure Very Hard Dodge Test 1d10+5 I from falling. 8- Give up the Dead Graveyard: 1d10+1 skeletons, Ruin: 1d5+1 skeletons, Open ground: 1-5: 1 skeleton, 6-0: 2 skeletons. 9- Tremor Round 3: 1d5 I, no Armour. Round 4: 1d10 I, no Armour. Round 5: 1d10+4 I, no Armour. 10- Summon the Man of Stone WS 60 AS 0 S 55 T 45 Ag 20 Int 15 Per 30 WP 40 Fel 10 Wounds: 24 Damage: 2d10+5 Talents: Brutal Charge Skills: Awareness Traits: From Beyond, Natural Armour (6), Natural Weapon (Fists) AIR SPELLS 1- Cutting Power of the Mind Caster gains +5 Int and AS. Darkness: Ranged Weapons also deal +1 damage. 2- Stargaze Caster ignores all effects of critical damage except death. Darkness: Caster ignores all damage caused to him and cannot cause damage. Food is poisonous. Must pass WP Test at the end of the 1-day duration or evaporate. 3- False Rumours Darkness: Fear Rating 1. 4- Windwall Wind causes 1d10 R, no Armour. Hard Strength Test to force through. 5- Summon the Host of the Air Roll 1d10. 1-2=1, 3-4=2, 5-6=3, 7-8=4, 9=5, 0=6.

6- Intangibility (No change) 7- Garrote Very Hard Dodge Test. Target suffers Suffocation (see page 210). 8- Flight (No change) 9- Spin 1d5 R per round, no Armour. Darkness: 1d10 I to Legs per rounds, no Armour. 10- Banshee WS 34 AS 0 S 0 T 25 Ag 55 Int 15 Per 50 WP 40 Fel 10 Wounds: 18 Damage: 5d10+5 X Skills: Awareness Traits: From Beyond, Immune to nonmagical weapons WATER SPELLS 1- Rain Darkness: Acid is Instant/+20/Necrotic(1d5) 2- Wave Mastery (No change) 3- Icewall Ordinary Dodge Test. 4- Walk on Water (No change) 5- Ice Spear Attack is made with AS 40 (or +5 if above 40). Damage is 1d10+4 R, Pen 4. 6- Breathe Under Water (No change) 7- Blizzard Darkness: Ice shard damage is 1d5 R, Pen 2. 8- Freeze Hard Dodge Test. Toughness Test to not die from cold. Darkness: Dodge Test is Very Hard instead. 9- Lightning 1- Very Hard Dodge Test. 12 E, no Armour if metallic. Toughness Test to not die. 3- 3 E per round, nor Armour, no Toughness.

10- Summon Tidal Wave Very Hard Swim Test to swim out of the wave. See page 214 and 210. FIRE SPELLS 1- Candle Darkness: +10 to Dodge and WS Tests to Parry. 2- Pyrotechnics Very Hard Perception to notice the illusion. Darkness: Fear Rating 1. 3- Fire Arrow Arrow is shot with +15 AS, damage is 1d10+5, Pen 1. 4- Sheet of Flame Fire deals 8 E damage, No Armour. Difficult Dodge Test if used to trap. Suffocation after 6 rounds if encircled by the flames (see page 210). 5- Protection From Fire (No change) 6- Extinguish (No change) 7- Flash Agility Test to close eyes fast enough. See page 136 for Blindness. 8- Fire Weapon Damage and Pen of weapon increase by 2. Darkness: Damage is increased by 2, all Armour is ignored. 9- Conflagration (No change) 10- Summon the Holocaust WS 64 AS 0 S 30 T 30 Ag 34 Int 15 Per 30 WP 45 Fel 10 Wounds: 28 Damage: 2d10+2 E Talents: Skills: Awareness Traits: From Beyond, Natural Weapon (Fists of Fire), Immolation Aura (1d10 E for each round in close combat). DARKNESS SPELLS 1- Catspaw Caster gains +5 to Stealth test for every 2 ranks.

2- Darkeyes Blindness (see page 136) is 2d10 rounds 3- Benight Fear Rating 2 4- Curtain of Night (No change) 5- Javelin of Darkness (No change) 6- Shadowfall Fear Rating 2 (temporary phobia of darkness) 7- Summon the Creatures of the Night Roll 1d10. 1-2=1, 3-4=2, 5-6=3, 7-8=4, 9=5, 0=6. Geas: WP Test or become a Wraith. 8- Eclipse of the Moon Fear Rating 2 9- Shadow Self (No change) 10- Summon Balor, Prince of Darkness (No change) WAR MAGIC SPELL CHANGES LEVEL 1 Eyes of Night -10 to Stealth Heal Injury Recover 1d5 Wounds. Imperil (No change) Perception of Sorcery Perception Test to sense magic. Silent Warrior The Silent Warrior strikes with WS 36 and uses a Two-handed Sword 2d10 R, Pen 2. LEVEL 2 Camouflage +10 to Stealth, no need for cover.

Fearlessness (No change) Fortune Add or subtract 5 to any roll (but only one every round). Inquiry (No change) Warning (No change) LEVEL 3 Deceit (No change) Enhancement Caster gains +15 Strength and Agility. Both drop to 5 below normal until sunset after the spell expires. Havok Difficult Dodge Test. 3d10+3 E. Illusion Very Hard Perception Test to notice the illusion. Telekinesis (same as Mysticism spell) LEVEL 4 Aegis Negate attacks on 1 or 2 on 1d10. Neutralize Toxin (no change) Oracle (No change) Turncoat (No change) Vitality (No change) LEVEL 5 Force of Will Caster ignores all Critical Damage effects and fights until reduced to -20 Wounds. Hellfire Target catches fire (see page 210).

Slow 1d10 victims can only take 1 Half Action every Round. Soulbane Hard Dodge Test. Victim takes 2d10 WP damage, recovering 1/round. Terminate Enchantment (No change) LEVEL 6 Annihilate (No change) Lunacy Fear Rating 4, Caster suffers Blindness (see page 136) Panoply (No change) Sigil of Destiny (No change) Vaporize (No change) LEVEL 7 Nemesis Caster gains +5 WS and +2 Damage and Pen against designated enemy. The enemy suffers a -5 penalty to resist spells cast by him. Pacify 1d10+1 victims Runic Weapon +3 Magic Weapon Spell Screen (same as Sorcery spell) The Trickster’s Hand (No change) LEVEL 8 Demon Path Agility Test to not fall. Energy Bolt Roll 1d10: 1-4: 1 victim, 5-7: 2 victims, 8-0: 3 victims. Hard Dodge Test. 5d10+3 E.

Gauntlet Gauntlet has WS 40, S 20, T 20, Ag 30, AP 4, Wounds 12 Killing Frenzy Caster may make two All-Out Attacks per round. Reincarnate Character retain WS, AS, Int and WP, as well as skills and non-physical talents and take the other characteristics of his new body. Opposed WP Test between character and host under pychic stress.

LEVEL 9 Flying Steed See new Hippogriff stats. Invulnerability (No change) Simulacrum Chance for both to suffer from an effect is 1-2 on 1d10. Song of Battle Fear Rating 1, +20 WS, +1 Pen, can’t use any other magic, immune to spells that require an opposed WP Test. Teleport (Same as Mysticism spell)

MAGIC WEAPONS AND ARMOURS Enchanted Weapons Each +1 on the weapon adds 1 to Damage and Pen. +1 also grants +3 WS, +2 grants +5 and +3 grants +10. Enchanted Armour Each +1 on the armour adds one to the armour’s AP. MAGIC POTIONS Potion of Dexterity adds +15 to Agility Potion of Occult Acuity adds +15 to Will Power Potion of Strength adds +15 to Strength

Healing Potion heals 7 Wounds or 2 wounds for half dose Replenishment Potion recovers 1d10 Magic Points or allow a Mystic to cast a Level 1-4 spell without making a Psychic Fatigue Test or reduce his Psychic Fatigue by 5. Amianthus Dust (No change) Potion of Night Vision (No change) Dust of Transformation WP Test to resist. Elixir Vitae revives a character with -3 to each Characteristic. Roll 1d10 for Wound loss: 1-4:1 Wound, 5-7: 2 Wound, 8-0: 3 Wound Evaporating Potion (No change) Sands of Slumber Agility Test to avoid breathing the dust (-10 if Head is hit). Vial of Smoke dissipates on 1-2 on 1d10. The Elemental Essences Command Test to control the Elemental. Potion of Dreams (No change) Theriac (No change) Poison usually is Instant/-, -10, or -20/Lethal) Potion of Control must make Command Test to activate the effects Love Philtre (No change) Potion of Truth (No change) Virus Lunare (No change) AMULETS The Periapt gives +15 WP to resist Curses and Possessions. The Blue Scarab (No change) The Abraxus Stone (No change) The Auric Pendulum (No change)

The Eye of Foreboding (No change) The Stone of Valiance reduces all Fear Ratings by 1 (minimum 1) TALISMANS The Ankh of Osiris (No change) The Shielding Charm has a 50% chance to block projectiles. The Amulet of Sovereignty over Violence (No change) The Key of the Dark Labyrinth has WP 40. Roll 1d10 each round, the victim reappears on a 0. The Pendant of Alarums (No change) The Amulet of Soul Storing Roll 1d10 +2 for Rank. MAGIC RINGS have 2d10+1 charges The Ring of Agonizing Doom hits 1d10 targets. Challenging Dodge Test. 2d10 E. The Ring of the Burning Halo deals 1d10+2 E The Ring of Negation (No change) The Ring of Obedient Parts Hand has Stealth 30, Perception 20 Eye has Stealth 35, Perception 35 Mouth has Stealth 40, Perception 25 The Ring of Psychic Chains (No change) The Ring of Red Ruin Very Hard Dodge Test, 2d10 E, only Magic Armour reduce damage by their bonus. The Ring of Sentinels Sentinel WS 32 AS 0 S 25 T 25 Ag 25 Int 25 Per 30 WP 25 Fel 25 Wounds: 1d5+11 Damage 2d10+2, Pen 2 (Two-handed Sword) Skills: Dodge The Ring of Teleportation (No change)

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