DVD Guitar Shred - At a Glance

March 30, 2017 | Author: Levy S. Nunes | Category: N/A
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Introduc'tion ....................................................................3

Speed Building ..............................................................4

Using a Metronome

How to Practice

Scale Sequences

Pentatonic Sequences

"Children of the Grave" Black Sabbath

Legato Speed Building

Legato Sequences

"I Would Love To" Steve Vai

"I'll See the Light Tonight" Yngwie Malmsteen

Legato ............................................................................11



"Hammer-on from Nowhere"

Single-String Legato Lines

''Zap'' Eric Johnson

"Tender Surrender" Steve Val

"Rising Force" Yngwie Malmsteen

"Spanish Fly" Van Halen

"Aces High" Iron Maiden

"Road Games" Allan Holdsworth

Two-Handed Tapping .................................................... 19

Tapping Triads

"Eruption" Van Halen

Scalar Fragments

Ascending Tapping Licks and Patterns

Tapped Bends

Tapped Slides

"Hot for Teacher" Van Halen

"Seventeen" Winger

"Get the Funk Out" Extreme

"Wait" White Lion

Sweep Picking ..............................................................27

Proper Pick-Hand Technique

Fret-Hand Technique

Three-String Arpeggio Shapes

Legato + Sweep


"Black Star" Yngwie Malmsteen

"Far Beyond the Sun" Joe Satriani

"Blue Powder" Steve Vai

"Hangar 18" Megadeth

"Caprice No, 24" Niccolo Paganini


n:r sirlCl' Eddie Van Halcn and Yngvvie \!1alnlsteen turned the guitar­

pbying world upside-do\\'n in thc late 70s and e(lrly 'flOs, guitarists e\erywlll'rL' haH' spent countless hours in the woodshed, working their fingers to the bmw and "",earing down frets in an effort to cop the fiery vir­ tuosic licks of Joe 5atriani, 5te\c Vai, Marty Friedn1an, and Paul Cilbert as \\cll elS Van He,kn and Malmstcel1, It these kinds of monster chops h,1\e thus far eluded you, or if you\'c only J"l'centh discmcrcd the world of terrifying technique, then DVD Guitar from Hal Leonard's cxciti new At a ClanCt' series, is your remedy. Nut as "scholarh'" or forma) as traditiclilal method books, the material in DVD Gliitar Shred is presented in c1 snappy and fun manner intended to ha\e YOU sv\"l'ep picking, t(,pping, and otherwise shreddin' every which \\"V but loose in \'irtually no time elt "II. Plus, the At c1 Chmce series uses real songs by real Mtists to illustrate how the concepts YOU'H.' learning are clpplied in some of the biggest hits of ,III time, For t'xampk, in DVD Cllitilr S!m'd, ynu'lllt'ellTl licks from over 20 rock, ~hred, (1J)d instrumental cbssics, including Van Hellen's "Eruption," White Lion's "Wait," 'v1egadt'th's "HangtlrlS," and Yngwie Malmstcen's "Black Star." ,'\ddition"lly, e(Kh book in the At cl ClalKt' series comes with a DVD con­ lclining \"ideo lessons that correspnnd to the printed matl'ri,ll. The DVD that accompanies this book contains four \'ideo lessons, each c1pproximate­ Iv fI to to minutes in length, thilt correspond to each chapter in DVD Cuitar Sflred, In these \'ideos, acclaimed shred instructor Troy 5tetincl \vill shOv\' vou in t detail e\'t'rytl,ing from proper swt'ep picking technique to na\'igating long legato sequences without t'xtraneous string noise, try to play the examples first on As vou \\'nrk through DVD GlIitor vour OV\'ll, emd tlwn check out the DVD for additional tips, or to st'e how a pc1rticulelr lick is ext'cuted, As the saying goes, "A picture is worth il thou­ sand words," so be sure to use this im'aluablt' tool on your quest to becoming the consummatt' shrt'd guitarist,


lIittlriSb ~lIch tIS Yngwic IVtllrnsteen, Paul Cilbert, and Steve Vai Me ,,11 well known for their frt't­

bo"n:1 pwwess, ,md tlll'ir music likely has much to do with V()U purch,lsing ,llld lIsing this book. But skillful use of speed is not limited to the sll-called '!shred" gC>llre. Indeed! morc' mainstream songs likt., \/v'hitesn,lkv's "Here I Co Again," Tnto's "Rosannel," Dire Straits! "Sult,1llS uf Swing," (lnd V\l'n Iourney's "Fe1ithfully" ,111 feature l11agically melodic solos cclppvd or injected vvith spec·ely lines th'lt build to" musical clim"x. Further, they e(lch svne as ,In example of why, e\en if specd is not re"lly your fllCUS ,1







With ,III four of thesc cAerl'isl's, continue the pattern (Ill the way up to tIll' 12th frd. Practice these l'\Try day, if possible, and always lISC ", guitMist NUllo Bettencourt is best known for his pluck 'n' s\,)P ,1(Ollstic fnc'tvvork \.irl'l11l' Il)q(l cr(lssmer sil1,bh "More Than Words." But among guitar pbyers, Bl'ttencllurt is 1('\ l'!"l'Ll III \ lrv tpr his nwnstl'r chops th,m his monster bdllads-,) reput,ltion well-eanwd ,IS made l'\'idellt h : he L1r'f'vd ,H~lL'ggios in his suln l)J1 "Cl't tIll' Funk Out." The following four bars of frl'tbodrd clcrob,)t­ it" clrl' IllUgh, but \OU mel\ tind them easier than it appears. T'lke yOUI' time to m,lkl' the line sound as !lllJd ,)'-0 f'lh'oibk, p,HticulMh on the string skips and position shi and then conCl'ntr,lte on the rhythm. 111




Words and Music by Nuno Bettencourt and Gary Cherone _


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White Lion hit tIll' hair met,)1 circuit with "Wait," ,) smash hit buoyed by guitarist Vito Bratt,)'s in the song's snlo. Truly il COl1lp~)sition within a composition, Bnltta combined tapped bend -", ttl t'Pl'~i sl iell'S, kgMo stides, ,mel t,) pped Mpl'ggios tll cfeate one of the most l'xpressi \'l' guita r Slllu" Il\)t just of the h,)ir mdalcr({, but of ,III time. Here Me the opening fi\'c and il half bars. (.1-,1\ tdf,lL'-,t

- MGB SOllqs

Words and Music by Mike Tramp and Vito Bratta


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ust "s fddie Van I-t,len turned tl:e guitar world upside du\\n with his J'l'\(lllltioll,lr\' t
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