Duran, Fatima Medriza B. BSN 3-B Lesson 1 (Done)

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Duran, Fatima Medriza B. BSN- 3B Nursing Research 1 October 8, 2020

Submitted to: Prof Prof.. Rica Rose May Rubio


In the eld of nursing, nursing research is a systematic inquiry used by nurses that validates and enhances existing knowledge and generate new information and concepts that established our theories.


At the end of this lesson, you can: 1. De Den ne e re rese sear arch ch 2. Expl Explain ain th the e impo importan rtance ce of re resear search ch  T  Topic opic Outline ne Research I. Outli Nursing

Try This!

 T  Try ry to re read ad some oth other er denitio denitions ns of nursin nursing g resear research ch from other auth authors ors and answer the following question: 1. From the di dieren erentt denitions of nur nursing sing research, research, what ar are e the common points of view about it? Author/Organizatio n

Webster, 1971

Burns and Grove Barnes, 1964

Common Points of View Stated Sta ted th that at resea researc rch h is a stu studio dious us inq inquir uiry y or examination, investigation, or experimentation that aims to discover and interpr interpret et facts, revise accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts or practical applications of such new or revised theories or laws. Believed Beli eved that nur nursing sing resear research ch is a scie scienti ntic c pr proc oces ess s that that va vali lida date tes s an and d re ene nes s exi xist stin ing g knowledge and be able to come up with new information from it. Nursing Research is a way of dealing with


Duran, Fatima Medriza B. BSN- 3B Nursing Research 1 October 8, 2020

Schlotfeldt, 1960

E. Treece and J. Treece, 1986

Polit and Beck, 2006

Submitted to: Prof Prof.. Rica Rose May Rubio

ideas. Nursing Research answers problems concerning health maintenance, maintenance, health delivery and health care. Nursing research is not dierent from research in general, although it utilizes additional tools of measurement for those activities peculiar to nursing (e.g. clinical nursing) Nurrsing Nu sing Res esea earrch is a sy syst stem emat atic ic in inqu quir iry y designed to develop knowledge about issues of  imp im porta tan nce to nurse rses, incl clu udi din ng nursi sin ng prac acti tice ce,, nursi sin ng ed edu ucati ation and nursi sin ng administration.

Think Ahead!

1. What is yo your ur conce conceptual ptual un understandin derstanding g of nur nursing sing rresearch esearch? ? Nursing research is only one area of research, one piece of the whole pie, so to speak. Therefore, when talking about Nursing Research, we are talking about one type of research – that which is related to the whole of  nursing. Nursin Nur sing g resea researc rch h inclu include des s th the e br bread eadth th an and d dep depth th of th the e di disci scipli pline ne of  nursing; the rehabilitative, rehabilitative, therape therapeutic utic and preve preventive ntive aspects of nursing, as well as the preparation of practitioners and personnel involved in the total nursing sphere.  To  To sum it up, nursing resea research rch is where we generate knowled knowledge ge from previous acquired information to come up with new and innovative ways to improve our health care and the nursing eld in general. 2. Describe br briey iey the natu nature re an and d character characteristics istics of nursi nursing ng resea research? rch? According to Polit and Beck, nursing research is systematic enquiry designed to develop knowledge about issues of importance to the nursing profession. Systematic, because it goes through a process and enquiry


Duran, Fatima Medriza B. BSN- 3B Nursing Research 1 October 8, 2020

Submitted to: Prof Prof.. Rica Rose May Rubio

because it seeks to answer questions and give information. Nursing research is scientic in nature, meaning it involves systematic investigations that are rooted in objective reality and that aim to develop general knowledge about natural phenomena. Nursing research helps to expand the body of nursing knowledge. It is benecial to all elds of nursing, including education and administration. With modern times also comes the modernization of knowledge, with that nursing research also seeks to validate and rene previous nursing knowledge and information in order to provide quality healthcare and make it ecient cost- eective.  

A nursing research must be systematic systematic,, logical, empirical and

replicable in order for it to be called a good research. Systematic, meaning it is following a process, it must also be orderly. It should be started with dening purposes and objectives and should end with a solution to the problem. It must go through an objective and logical process. It must be empirical, meaning the tools that are used to gather data must be valid and reliable. The methodology used must be appropriate for the research that will be conducted. Lastly, it should be replicable, research is called research for a reason which is to rene previous knowledge and information and expand the body of knowledge for nursing profession, education and administration.  _______________  _______ ________________ _______________ _______________ ________________ _______________ _______________ _______________ ______________  _______ 

Read and Ponder!

Grove and Gray (2019) described nursing research as a systematic procedure that conrms and enhance existing knowledge and creates a new knowledge that directly and indirectly impacts clinical nursing practice.


Duran, Fatima Medriza B. BSN- 3B Nursing Research 1 October 8, 2020

Submitted to: Prof Prof.. Rica Rose May Rubio

Simil Similarl arly, y, Poli olitt an and d Bec Beck k (20 (2006) 06) cam came e ou outt wit with h the their ir de denit nition ion of  nurs nu rsin ing g res esea earrch as a sc scie ient nti ic c exp xplo lora rati tion on in inte tend nded ed to es esta tabl blis ishe hed d knowledge about important nursing profession issues in the nursing practice, education, administration, and informatics.


Duran, Fatima Medriza B. BSN- 3B Nursing Research 1 October 8, 2020

Submitted to: Prof Prof.. Rica Rose May Rubio

See If You Can Do This!

1. Look for a additiona dditionall data on th the e emergi emerging ng types of rresearch esearch purposes. Research is the cornerstone of building a case, or a story. It’s the center, the hub, and the well upon which you can draw your knowledge. While the word research can conjure up images of stacks of books, toiling over ov er pa paper pers s wi with th high highlig light hters ers an and d di diggi gging ng un until til the the un under derne neath ath of yo your ur ngernails are dirty and raw, there’s a beautiful part of research that is often overlooked; experience. Research is what gives the researchers, storyteller, student or scientist the means to make a conclusion. When you’ve done proper research, you’re then able to spend time analyzing all of the moving parts, the variables and thus make an informed observation or conclusion on the subject. Wh When en yo you’ u’rre exp xplo lori ring ng th the e to topi pic, c, yo you u wa want nt to ga gath ther er as mu much ch evid ev iden ence ce,, exp xper erie ienc nce e an and d ob obse serv rvat atio ion n fo forr yo you u to be begi gin n bu buil ildi ding ng yo your ur theories.. By fa theories famil milia iariz rizing ing yo yours ursel elff as muc much h as po possi ssible ble wi with th the sub subjec jectt you’re researching you begin to have objective and subjective observations. Exploration is the rst phase of the research. The exploration aspect stokes the curiosity of the resear researcher, cher, which then brings up question questions s that spur into further discovery, digging and study. The second part is built upon the desire to better understand the subject. For the researcher, they must have a deep year ye arni ning ng to n nd d the the an answ swer ers, s, or the the res esea earrch ca can n be beco come me du dull ll an and d cumbersome.  The main purpose purpose of rresearch esearch is to infor inform m action, to p prove rove a th theory, eory, and contribute to developing knowledge in a eld or study. Research helps people nurture their potential and achieve goals through various opportunities. These can be in the form of securing employment, scholarships, training grants, project funding, business collaboration, and budget traveling, among others.


Duran, Fatima Medriza B. BSN- 3B Nursing Research 1 October 8, 2020

Submitted to: Prof Prof.. Rica Rose May Rubio

Research entails both reading and writing. These two literacy functions help enable computation and comprehension. Without these skills, it is less likely for anyone to appreciate and get involved in research. Reading opens the mind to a vast horizon of knowledge, while writing helps a reader use her/his own perspective and transform this into a more concrete idea that s/he understands.

Apart from reading and writing, listening and speaking are also integral in conducting research. Interviews, attending knowledge-generating events, and casual talks with anyone certainly aid in formulating research topics.  They can also facilitate the critical thinking p proce rocess. ss. Listening to e experts xperts discuss the merits of their studies helps the listener to analyze a certain issue and write about such analysis.

 T  To o sum it up, rresearc esearch h long serve served d its purpo purpose se to science an and d manki mankind nd and in dierent forms as well. For nursing research, that is to expand the eld’s body of knowledge and to improve our healthcare system. Research has and always will be a vital part of the nursing practice.


Duran, Fatima Medriza B. BSN- 3B Nursing Research 1 October 8, 2020

Submitted to: Prof Prof.. Rica Rose May Rubio

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