971551238408 Bill Date : Bill Period : Bill Number: Account Acco unt Num Number ber::
01/08/11 01/07/11 - 31/07/11 09305426 5.3 5.3952 9522.1 2.10.0 0.00.1 0.1000 00089 89
ABU DHABI AIRCRAFT TECh. PREMIER E Ahmad Mohd Din PO Box 46450 Abu Dhabi
Account Statement
Previous Balance Payments Received - Thank you Overdue Amount
Current Charges du business Mobile
Enjoy the fastest 42 Mbps Business Mobile Broadband in the region for only AED 150 per month. Call 800 188 or subscribe on-line at http://shop.du.ae/busines s
Other Credits and Charges Discounts Balance for this period:
988.95 (988.95) 0.00 417.02 417.02 0.00 0.00 417.02
Please note: Payments received after 28/07/11 will be shown on your next statement
Total Amount Due:
AED 417.01
Hello! We are going green! We're moving to electronic billing so we can email you your bill and save some paper. paper. Like the idea? Subscribe by sending an SMS with with your email address to 9785 or visiting http://selfcare.du.ae Save paper and money by opting in! Thanks
Payment Due Date 03/09/2011
Custo ustom mer Name ame : Bill Period : Bill Number : Account Nu Number :
ABU ABU DHAB DHABII AI AIRC RCRA RAFT FT TECh TECh.. P PR REMI EM IER E 01/07/11 - 31/07/11 09305426 Your total outstanding 5.39522.10.00.100089 balance is AED 417.01 due on 03/09/2011
´%!"—¶ ´%!"—¶ ´%!"—¶ 09305426
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How to pay your bill 1) Online payments - registering with Self CareŽ at www.du.ae/selfcare is simple and easy. Once registered, you can view your bill, recharge your Pay as you Go account and make credit card payments to a maximum of AED 50,000
2) Autopayments - register your UAE or GCC credit card on Self CareŽ or at any of our shops and your bills will be charged automatically to your card
3) Banks - You can pay your bills through our participating banking partners. You can do this through various selected channels, including online banking, ATMs and phone banking. Channels vary depending on the bank, a list of our partners is outlined below. Further information, including available payment channels can be found in more detail at www.du.ae/payments
4) Cheques - Write a current dated cheque payable to EITC or du. Please make sure to write your du account number on the back of the cheque. You can send Cheques to P.O.Box 122122, Dubai, UAE, or pay at any of our shops
5) Direct Bank Transfer - To our Samba Bank account. Account Number 0005502560, SWIFT code SAMBAEAD. Please ensure that you include your du account number as the reference when making payment to ensure service continuity.
6) Other Payment Partners - You can pay your bills or recharge at participating exchange houses and partner outlets that display the du "pay your bill here" sign*. A list of payment partners is outlined below, or can be found in more detail at www.du.ae/payments * Not available in all partner outlets
Pay your bill online through Self CareŽ Step 1 ·
Step 2
go to www.du.ae/selfcare or click on
enter your mobile number or account
the Self CareŽ link on our website homepage ·
number (found on the right hand corner of the bill)
if you have already registered for Self
click on the "billing and payments" link to make a one-time payment, click the
"pay now" tab and enter your payment details
you will then receive your Registration Code via SMS or Email
if you have not registered, click on
view your current balance, outstanding
amount or prepaid balance and download your last three bills
manage your personal information,
update your registered credit card, and change your username &
by clicking on the "autopayments" tab
enter your Registration Code
choose a unique username &
you automatically pay yourcan billregister in full, ortopay a fixed amount every month
the "du business" link in the "register here" panel on the left
You can also
CareŽ, enter your username and password for access to your account ·
Step 3
in "account settings" choose to receive
an email notification of your bill each month instead of a paper bill
you can call du Customer Care on 800
188 for any assistance
Bank partners ·
Partner outlets
Emirates NBD Bank Emirates Islamic Bank Mashreq Bank Dubai Islamic Bank Commercial Bank of Dubai Union National Bank
Citi Bank RAK Bank Dubai Bank Al Hilal Bank First Gulf Bank Dunia Finance
Axiom Fono OneMobile Eros Electrical
Exchange houses
Al Ansari Exchange Redha Al Ansari Exchange Al Fardan Exchange Al Ghurair Exchange LM Exchange Al Razouki I nternational Exchange
Useful information Credit Limit
du sets a credit limit which controls the amount of billed and unbilled charges that your company is allowed to incur at any one time. This is inclusive of charges for monthly fees, calls, data, other usage and all other fees and charges. When your credit limit is reached, outgoing services may be barred at any time, including in the middle of a bill cycle. du assigns a default credit limit to your account which may be reviewed and modified from time to time. You may request a change to your credit limit, this is subject to our approval. A message will be sent to you via SMS and email as your charges approach the credit limit. In the event that you receive a message stating you have reached 90% of your credit limit, please pay a sufficient amount to bring your charges within your credit limit, or pay your most recent bill in full to ensure continuity of service. After paying your outstanding billed amount, suspension of service may still occur if the unbilled charges are higher than your credit limit.
Due Date
Payment for the current charges should be made on or before your bill due date to avoid "overdue" status.
Suspension of services due to non payment
Suspension is the interruption of du services (i.e. mobile or landline calls, data services, broadband and TV). T his happens if you have not settled your overdue bills. du may initiate debt recovery through a debt collector partner should suspended accounts remain unpaid. If bills remain unpaid, you may incur interest, collection fees, litigation fees and any applicable pre-termination fees due at the time of the collection.
Reconnection of services
Reconnection of services will take place within twenty-four (24) hours from making a payment to du directly, for the total amount due including any applicable interest, collection fees and litigation fees, subject to terms and conditions set by du.
Request for reconnection of services
A request for lifting of barring of a suspension or for reconnection of services, will require presentation of proof of payment (e.g. official receipt, deposit slip or payment validation in the form of a billing statement or ATM transaction slip). You may request lifting of barring of the reconnection services by calling customer care or by visiting any of our du shops.
Questions about your bill
If you have any questions regarding your statement of your account, please email or call using the contact details below.
Contact us
For mobile enquiries ·
[email protected] Call: 800 188 (from any UAE phone)
For fixed and other service enquiries
[email protected] Call: 800 188 (from any UAE phone) or
or +971 4 3699 188 (from overseas) ·
Fax: +971 4 3699 911
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+971 4 3699 188 (from overseas)
Fax: +971 4 391 8867
Other useful numbers
Directory Enquiries: 199 Voicemail: 161
Shop information You can also pay your bills at any of our shops,visit www.du.ae for a full list of locations
v 2 . 2 2 1
Bill Summary Balance for this Period
Bill Date : Bill Period : Bill Number : Account Number :
01/08/11 01/07/11 - 31/07/11 09305426 5.39522.10.00.100089
Current Charges
Description du businessMM onotbhillyeCharges
Y P C O National Calls Business Calling Circle International Calls SMS
Balance for this period
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Ch2a0r0g.0 e0s
0.36 0.00 212.16 4.50 417.02
AED 417.02
AED 417.02
Bill Date : Bill Period : Bill Number : Account Number :
Bill Summary by Service ID
01/08/11 01/07/11 - 31/07/11 09305426 5.39522.10.00.100089
Current Charges
du business Mobile User ID
Ahmad Mohd Din
Service ID
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417.01 417.01
AED 417.01
Bill Date : Bill Period : Bill Number : Account Number :
Itemised Bill du business Mobile
01/08/11 01/07/11 - 31/07/11 09305426 5.39522.10.00.100089
Itemised Charges - du business Mobile
User ID: Service ID:
Ahmad Mohd Din 971551238408
Tariff plan:
Premier Plan E
Monthly Charges
Smart Offer (from 01/07/2011 to 31/07/2011) Sub-Total
National Calls Other Networks Date Time
16/07/11 16/07/11
16:36 17:05
971509054576 971509054576
00:00:54 00:00:17
Su S ub-Total
Charge 200.0000 200.00
0.2700 0.0850 0.36
Business Calling Circle Date
Su S ub-Total
International Calls Direct ID Date 01/07/11 01/07/11 01/07/11 02/07/11 02/07/11 03/07/11 04/07/11 04/07/11 05/07/11
05/07/11 06/07/11 07/07/11 11/07/11 11/07/11 12/07/11 12/07/11 13/07/11 13/07/11 13/07/11 14/07/11 14/07/11 15/07/11 15/07/11 15/07/11 15/07/11 15/07/11 16/07/11 16/07/11
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0.0000 0.00
Time 08:02 18:04 18:05 05:53 17:09 06:02 05:38 17:01 05:38
Destination Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia
Number 60166600052 60377701770 60166600052 60166600052 60377701770 60377701770 60166600052 60377701770 60166600052
Duration 00:02:46 00:00:55 00:00:14 00:00:37 00:00:42 00:01:54 00:00:51 00:00:56 00:00:29
Charge 2.7672 0.9169 0.2334 0.6168 0.7001 1.9004 0.8502 0.9335 0.4834
13:31 06:03 01:37 13:39 19:01 16:46 19:02 18:59 19:55 19:56 10:00 17:03 14:40 14:45 16:54 17:45 21:33 05:54 07:33
Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia
60166600052 60166600052 60166600052 60166600052 60166600052 60166600052 60166600052 60377701770 60377701770 60377701770 60166600052 60377701770 60166600052 60377701770 60377701770 60166600052 60377701770 60377701770 60377701770
00:00:18 00:00:08 00:00:28 00:04:43 00:04:19 00:05:42 00:02:24 00:02:34 00:00:15 00:11:00 00:04:51 00:01:41 00:02:19 00:00:54 00:01:37 00:03:35 00:01:28 00:00:17 00:02:20
0.3001 0.1334 0.4668 4.7176 4.3175 5.7011 2.4005 2.5672 0.2501 11.0022 4.8510 1.6837 2.3171 0.9002 1.6170 3.5841 1.4670 0.2834 2.3338
Bill Date : Bill Period : Bill Number : Account Number :
Itemised Bill du business Mobile
01/08/11 01/07/11 - 31/07/11 09305426 5.39522.10.00.100089
Itemised Charges - du business Mobile (continued)
International Calls (continued) Direct ID
16D/0a7te/11 16/07/11 17/07/11 17/07/11 17/07/11 17/07/11 17/07/11 18/07/11 19/07/11 19/07/11 20/07/11 20/07/11 21/07/11 21/07/11 21/07/11 21/07/11
1T5im :0e3 18:28 05:54 09:51 15:15 16:44 16:49 05:55 06:02 19:49 06:01 19:00 15:46 17:00 18:56 18:56
DM esatlianyastiiaon Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia
6037N 77u0m 17b7e0r 60377701770 60166600052 60166600052 60377701770 60166600052 60166600052 60166600052 60166600052 60377701770 60166600052 60377701770 60377701770 60377701770 60166600052 60166600052
D 00u:r0a0t:i1o7n 00:11:21 00:03:22 00:01:12 00:00:41 00:03:54 00:00:14 00:03:19 00:02:20 00:12:29 00:03:27 00:01:01 00:03:02 00:01:53 00:00:01 00:11:03
22/07/11 22/07/11 22/07/11 23/07/11 24/07/11 24/07/11 25/07/11 25/07/11 25/07/11 26/07/11 26/07/11 26/07/11 27/07/11 28/07/11 28/07/11 28/07/11 29/07/11 29/07/11 30/07/11 30/07/11 31/07/11
09:05 15:17 16:25 12:17 07:03 19:04 13:43 17:24 19:04 05:56 21:22 21:46 17:09 05:57 07:14 18:35 19:42 19:47 07:31 15:57 18:31
Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia
60377701770 60377701770 60377701770 60377701770 60377701770 60377701770 60166600052 60166600052 60166600052 60166600052 60166600052 60166600052 60377701770 60166600052 60166600052 60377701770 60166600052 60166600052 60166600052 60166600052 60166600052
00:01:33 00:16:38 00:00:22 00:00:48 00:02:57 00:01:29 00:01:18 00:01:54 00:02:31 00:01:06 00:01:20 00:00:22 00:09:24 00:03:57 00:01:16 00:13:34 00:04:52 00:10:44 00:01:46 00:05:54 00:08:29
1.5503 16.6367 0.3667 0.8002 2.9506 1.4836 1.3003 1.9004 2.5172 1.1002 1.3336 0.3667 9.4019 3.9508 1.2669 13.5694 4.8676 10.7355 1.7670 5.9012 8.4850
Sub-Total SMS
International Date 04/07/11 07/07/11 11/07/11 11/07/11 11/07/11 18/07/11 18/07/11 26/07/11 26/07/11 27/07/11
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Time 15:44 01:18 01:37 13:12 15:25 16:56 17:20 14:07 14:33 11:05
Number 60166600052 60166600052 60166600052 60166600052 60193043112 60166600052 60166600052 60166600052 60166600052 60166600052
11.3523 3.3673 1.2002 0.6835 3.9008 0.2334 3.3173 2.3338 12.4858 3.4507 1.0169 3.0339 1.8837 0.0167 11.0522
Charge 0.4500 0.4500 0.4500 0.4500 0.4500 0.4500 0.4500 0.4500 0.4500 0.4500
Itemised Bill du business Mobile
Bill Date : Bill Period : Bill Number : Account Number :
01/08/11 01/07/11 - 31/07/11 09305426 5.39522.10.00.100089
Itemised Charges - du business Mobile (continued)
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AED 417.01