DTCP-A4 High-Speed Roll Copy Paper Cutting Machine Instruction Manual PDF

April 2, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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DTCP-A4 High-speed roll copy paper cutting machine

Inst In stru ruct ctio ion n

Ma Manu nual al

 [email protected]



1.Preface First of all, sincerely thank you to choose our DTCP-A4 roll copy paper  high high-s -spe peed ed cut cutti ting ng ma mach chin ine. e. We ha have ve adv advan ance ced d qual qualit ity y manag managem ement ent system, syst em, expe experie rience nced d des design ign prof profess ession ionals als and product production ion staf staffs, fs, str strict ict quality inspection personnel who are responsible to guarantee the good quality for each machine.



Catalogue 1 Safety

regulations for operations

2 Product parameters 3 Product Configuration

4.----------------4.------------------------- Installation, commissioning 5----------------------- Production process 6.----------------------  Operating instructions 7----------------------- Maintenance 8.----------------------Fault inspecting and solutions 9.---------------------- Warranty range and after-sale service



1.Safety regulations for operations: This Operations Guide is specially designed for users, which enables users familiar  with the machine's features and usefulness. The manual includes important data of  how to operate machinery safely, maximize the effectiveness of the machine. Reading the operating guide can help you avoid the risk of accidents, reducing maintenance costs, increasing machine’s reliability and longevity. The manu The manual al adde added d to re rela late ted d re regu gula lati tion onss and and ru rule less to prev preven entt acci accide dent ntss and and environmental protection.It plays a guiding role on the boot. 1. Operations including: Boot, repair mechanical problems; 2. Dur During ing the mainten maintenanc ance, e, inspecti inspection, on, replace replacemen mentt parts, parts, or in transp transport ortatio ation, n, in additio add ition n to obey obey the operati operating ng gu guide idelin lines, es, so are the relevan relevantt techni technical cal rules rules and regulations of the machine,in order to prevent accidents occured.The manual includes only some of the major   major   introductions of how to  use the machine. In regard to some things uncertain to grasp, especially the issues related to product characteristics, must  be provided a detailed description by the company, the data supplied by us is typical description for the designing of machine or the spare part model. We recommend that, in order to make the installation,operation, production, maintenance and other work  can be proceed smoothly. Please follow the relevant technical data provided by us.

Safety knowledge guide: 1.1 Alarm and symbols See the most effective method to of how use the machine.  Note:As to the special description of how to prevent accidents,failure.Refer to the relevant regulations and prohibitions of prevention of injury and damage.

1.2 Description Description of basic operati operations ons and the using of equipm equipment. ent. 1.2.1 The equipment's manufacturing processes are complied with modern standards, however, failing to follow the safe operation of equipment maybe a danger to the user's body, or causing damage to equipment. 1.2.2 The use of equipment must meet the conditions described in the manual, the operation of equipment, safety awareness must be strengthened by operator, for any ab abno norm rmal al phen phenom omen enon on,, espec especial ially ly which which ar aree dang dangero erous us ,r ,req equi uirin ring g imme immedi diat atee inspection. 1.2.3 The machine is paper processing equipment, manufacturer believe that it won’t cause any harm. If any injures,it is caused by improper operationg of the machine. Oper Op erati ation on of th thee mach machin inee sh shou ould ld with within in th thee scop scopee of the the manu manual, al, inclu includi ding ng its guidance of inspection and maintenance.



1.3 Safe operation: 1.3.1 In the operation of the machine, the operating manual must be readily available. For example, it can be placed in the toolbox or tool room. 1.3. 1. 3.2 2 In addi additi tion on to op oper erat atio iona nall in inst stru ruct ctio ions ns,, the the user user mu must st also also foll follow ow othe other  r  regu regula latio tions ns an and d mand mandat ator ory y ru rule les, s, which which ar aree re rela lated ted to ac accid cident ent prev preven enti tion on an and d environmental protection regulations. 1.3.3 The person who are responsible for operating the machine must read the special sect sectio ions ns of Oper Operat atio ions ns Guid Guidee fo forr sa safe fe op oper erat atio ion n befo before re usin using g mach machin ine. e. Afte After  r  working,then reading operation manuals,it was too late, this item specially applies to those staffs who occasionally operate or repair the equipment. 1.3.4 1.3 .4 Check Check wheth whether er the operat operator or workin working g in accorda accordance nce with with operat operating ing manual manualss weekly, and pay special attention to the potential danger part. 1.3.5 For security purposes, the operator should have long hair tied back or cut off, cloth clo thes es mu must st be ap appr prop opria riate te fo forr th thee tight tight mout mouth, h, do not not wear wear jewelr jewelries ies,, su such ch as earrings, earring s, rings, etc, these may cause accidents. 1.3.6 1.3 .6 In accord accordanc ancee with with the law and enviro environme nmenta ntall protect protection ion requir requiremen ements, ts, use  protective equipment in needed place. 1. 1.3. 3.7 7 Read Read all all th thee at attac tache hed d sa safe fety ty an and d warn warnin ing g labe labels ls on mach machin inery ery.Ch .Chec eck k them them oftenly to see whether they are complete oftenly complete and legible. legible. 1. 1.3. 3.8 8 In the the oper operati ation on pr proc oces ess, s, if a secur security ity fa failu ilure re occu occurs, rs, imme immedi diat ately ely stop stop the the machine, report the situation of the machine to the technical staff. 1.3.9 1.3 .9 Do not change change any part part of the machin machinee withou withoutt manufa manufactur cturer’s er’s permiss permission ion,, otherwise other wise it will cause unsafe unsafe events. events. 1. 1.3. 3.10 10 The The sp spar aree part partss must must meet meet th thee te tech chni nical cal re requ quire ireme ment ntss pvov pvovid ided ed by the the manufacturer manuf acturer,, which are provided by the original manufacturer manufacturer can be used directly. directly. 1.3.11 Do not modify the software of program controlling system. 1.3.12 Even in the situation without any trouble, the hydraulic tube should be replaced in the specific specific time or intermittent intermittent suitable time. 1.3.13 There are detailed descriptions in the operating manual for daily inspections.

1.4 The basic criter criteria ia for select selection ion of operato operator: r: 1.4.1 The selecte 1.4.1 selected d operat operators ors must must be   owning   of the the cr cred edib ibili ility ty an and d thei theirr ag agee also also necessarily necessa rily meet the statutory age. 1. 1.4. 4.2 2 For For the the di diff ffer erent ent oper operat atin ing g posit positio ions ns,, the the oper operato atorr must must be clear clear.. Such Such as: operation, maintenance, repairs, etc. Ensure that each part is responsible for by the  professional staff. 1.4.3 1.4. 3 Formulate Formulate responsible responsible regulations regulations for the machine machine operator.Re operator.Related lated power power given to the operator, who can refuse to accept indications accept  indications provided  provided by a third party which contradict with the safety instructions. 1.4.4 Don’t let newly trained staff switch on the machine,except under the supervision of experienced technicist. 1.4.5 1.4. 5 The working working of staff of electrical system must be under under the supervisio supervision n of  5


qualified professional technicians and engineers. 1.4.6 1.4. 6 Staffs working working in the field of equipment equipment of gas thermal thermal  energy must  energy  must be specially specially trained. 1.4.7 The staffs working on hydraulic equipment must have special knowledge and enough experience.

1.5 Safety guidance of special operating parts: Avoid Avoid using using the mode of operation which has possible possible damage to the safety safety.. 1.5.1. 1.5 .1.2 2 Take Take the necessa necessary ry precau precaution tionary ary measur measures es to ensure ensure that that the machin machinee are operating in the reliable and normal situation. Only all safety measures are all in place, and the functions of the machine under normal circumstances to start-up machine. Check whether the machine has obvious damage and defects at least for each shift, if so, should immediately report to the responsible person. If the machine fails, stop it immediately and troubleshooting. In the process of booting and shutdown, observe whether the   indicator obeys operation instructions guide. 1.5.16 Selector switch must be set in normal position and locked. During operating process of the selector,don’t turn off it.

1.5.2 Particular task of using,reparing of machinery and the disposing of  consumables consum ables and spare parts. Inspection Inspection and maintenance maintenance of machinery machinery should follow follow the method of the manual , of which including the replacement of spare parts of equipment, this work  should be completed by experienced personnel. For For th thee pers person onne nels ls who who tempo tempora rari rily ly oper operat atee the the mach machin ine, e, befo before re thei their  r  op oper erat atio ion n and and ma main inte tena nanc ncee ,p ,ple leas asee se send nd sp spec ecia iali lize zed d pe pers rson onne nell to expl explai ain n the the  performance and safety s afety measures meas ures of that part of machine. Any Any work work re rela lated ted to th thee oper operati ation on,a ,adj djus ustme tment nt,, secur security ity,, main mainte tena nanc nce, e, insp inspec ectio tion n of th thee mach machin ine, e, must must st stric rictly tly en enfo force rce the the proc proced edur ures es of boot bootin ing g an and d stopping machine and the maintenance methods of manual. To ensure that the region of maintenance is absolutely security. If the machine is completely stopped for maintenance or replacing parts, make sure that the machine will not be started up suddenly.( 1. Lock the main control part and taken away start key.  2.Hang signs on the main power switch.) In order to avoid dangerous incidents, moving or replacing large parts, suitable lifting lift ing equipm equipment ent must must be used.E used.Ensu nsure re that that no body body standin standing g under under the suspen suspended ded object. Working Working on the upper part of the machine, use specially designed safety ladder  and work aisles. Do not use any part of the machine as a climbing point. The implementation of machine’s maintenance work for higher position.Wear safety clothes, wear a helmet, and keep handrails, walkways, escalators without dust,ice, or  snow. 6 Keep the machine machine clean, clean, especially especially during during maintenanc maintenancee and replacement replacement of   parts.Pay a particular attention to keep the screw joints without any traces of oil, fuel, anti-corrosion material, do not use cleaning agent to clean it, adopt cleaning materials without cotton velvet. When cleaning machine with washing machine or high-pressure steam, all the open parts of the machine, such as transmission belts, motors,gear boxes and other   parts must be covered with material to prevent water or cleaning agents dipping into them. When cleaning the machine machine with water or other cleaning cleaning agents, agents, make sure that the temperature sensor (the temperature sensor of alarming) is not contacted with the cleaning agent, in order to avoid touching touching the fire alarm system. After cleaning, remove all the covering materials. After cleaning equipment to check all fuel, lubricants lubricants and hydraulic fluid lines to see if there is any leakage or damage. Check if there are any signs of loose conn connec ecti tion on,, fr fric icti tion on.. In th thee even eventt of an any y unus unusua uall sign signs, s, sh shou ould ld be re repo port rted ed immediately ,then check and correct them quickly. Reme Rememb mber er th that at th thee lo loos osee screw screw durin during g re repai pairin ring g proc proces esss must must be re re-tightened. During During mainte maintenan nance ce the safety safety device device moved moved due due to the work, work, should should be immediately put back to the original position after the maintenance work is finished.

1.6 Alarm Alarming ing of specia speciall risk: 1.6.1 Electric energy Use the original binding fuse under the specified current range. If the electrical system go wrong, immediately switch off the machine. Electrical system should be responsible for by the experienced and specialized staff,w staf f,who ho also must be traine trained d profes profession sionally ally and familia familiarr with the applica application tionss of  electrical engineering regulations. 1.6.1. 1.6 .1.3 3 During During mainten maintenanc ance, e, replace replacemen mentt or inspec inspectio tion n of parts parts of the equipm equipment ent,,  power supply must be cut off. Before starting up the machine, insulation facilities  protection must be needed, should also check the circuit, ground wires, short circuit conditions. The inspections of electrical equipment of machinery should be carried out weekly, if the phenomenons of loose or cables burned are found, replace or repair  them immediately. If working part is running, the second person must be on the spot, in case of  any danger or problem, the main power can be immediately cut off or pressing the emerge eme rgency ncy stop bu button tton.. Ensure Ensure that there there are red - white white security security work areas and warning signs, working with insulated tools. After the power is cut off and begin assembling, feeder must be grounded, othe otherr co comp mpon onen ents ts,, su such ch as ca capa pacit citor ors, s, sh shou ould ld be eq equi uipe ped d with with shor shortt circ circui uitt   fuse  protector . 7


1.6.2. Gas, dust, steam and smoke: Welding, flame cutting or grinding on the machine, sufficient preparation and mana ma nage geme ment nt work work must must be ne need eded ed,, su such ch as,b as,bef efor oree work workin ing, g, du dust st and and othe other  r  combustible materials surrounding the machine should be cleaned up, as these can cause fires and explosions, ensure good ventilation around the machine. 1.6. 1. 6.2. 2.2 2 If abov abovee work workss ar aree ca carr rrie ied d ou outt in a smal smalle lerr ro room om,, chec check k the the curr curren entt implementation of national regulations to see whether they are allowed in a smaller  room.

1.6.3 Hydraulic and pneumatic: 1.6.3. 1 Arrange Arrange exp experi erienc enced ed person personnel nel to be respon responsibl siblee for the work work of hy hydrau draulic lic equipment. Check all lines, pipes and screws whether are connected correctly, to see if  there is leakage and damage phenomenon damage  phenomenon.. If so, please do the maintenance, otherwise the spilled oil may cause personal personal injuries injuries and fire. Before performing any maintenance work, follow the provided instructions to deco decomp mpres resss an and d re remo move ve th thee co conn nnect ected ed part partss (suc (such h as press pressur uree pipe pipes, s, hydra hydraul ulic ic systems and compressed air systems).

1.6.4 Noise: In the operation, close all the sound barriers. 1.6. 4.2 Wear Wear ear protection devices.

1.6.5 Oil, grease and other chemicals: When using handling oil, grease and other chemicals, please refer to product safety instructions and conditions.

1.7 Using locations of mechanical equipment often change: 1.7.1 Only use lifting gear and cranes with enough force. 1.7.2 1.7. 2 Appoint Appoint special staffs to assist in lifting work. work. 1.7.3 Use appropriate delivery vehicles. 1.7.4 Loading the components use its fixed points and have them fastened firmly. 1.7.5 When using the lifting equipment to load and unload the components should be in accord accordanc ancee with the instruc instruction tionss provid provided ed in the opera operating ting instruc instruction tions, s, check  check  whethe whe therr the device device meet meet the safety safety standar standards ds or not, not, whethe whetherr the safety signs are  posted on the machine, we must ensure the safety s afety of the t he equipment. 8


1.7.6 Before removing devices, must be very carefully to have the moving part fixed firmly and tied tightly. 1.7.7 If just repair or replace small parts of the machine, only need to cut off the external power supply. Before inspecting machine,the main power supply should be switched on. 1.7.8 Debuging equipment according to the method of the manual.

2. Product Parameter: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Non-shaft Non-shaft paper rising shelves shelves of the ground ground cont controlling rolling system---system------- Two Two sets Advanced Advanced tension tension controlling controlling system---system--------- Four Four sets. Four sets sets of anti-warp anti-warping ing mechanis mechanisms----ms------Four -Four sets. Longitudin Longitudinal al cutting cutting knife knife groups----groups------Five -Five sets.

5. Simultaneou Simultaneouss cross-cutti cross-cutting ng knife knife group group One One set. 6. High-speed High-speed paper feeding feeding system Three sets. 7. Low-speed Low-speed paper paper feeding feeding system---system-----Two -Two sets 8. Waste Waste paper paper automatically automatically dischar discharging ging system-----On system-----Onee set. 9. Making papers papers in order order of 2D oscillation, oscillation, the cylinder cylinder lifting device device of reams of   paper collecting collect ing system------One system------ One set. 10. PLC reams of paper counting device------One set. 11. Reams of paper longitudinally discharging equipment-----One set. 12. PLC failure alarm and machine haulting system and PLC controlling equipment ------One set.



Main Technical Parameter: Gross width


 Net width


 Number of cutting

4cuttings-A4 210mm(width)

Diameter of paper roll


Di Diam amet eter er of pa pap per ro roll ll's 's core core

3”( ”(7 76.2 6.2mm mm))-6” 6”(1 (15 52.4m .4mm) 60-100g/㎡

Weightt of paper sheet Weigh


Length of paper cutting


Paper quantity


Ream height


Desi De sign gnin ing g sp spee eed d of pa pape perr cu cutt ttin ing g

16 160m 0m/m /min in

Times of cutting


Cycle time of ream exhausted


Real speed of paper cutting


Times of cutting


Cycl Cy clee time time of re ream am exha exhau ust sted ed

3.5 .5/m /min in(1 (14 4 re ream ams/ s/mi min n) (max)400g/㎡(4×100g/㎡)

Load of paper cutting


Paper cutting accuracy

±0.2mm(Permissible error)

Paper cuttin ting condit itiion

1.Speed not change 2.Paper roll with no  breakage 3. Qulified paper roll.


AC Frequency conversion,stepless speed regulating

Main power source


Adjustable voltage

220V AC/22V DC

Installed capacity


Air consumption


Pneumatic pressure Overall dimension(cutting machine)

6bar   15000×2750×2100mm


Weight 12 T Overall dimension(packing machine)   6000×3400×1600mm Weight 2.5 T



3, Product configuration:



1.Pape 1.P aperr ri rising sing racks racks



Non-s Non-shaf haftt paper paper rising rising racks racks of the ground ground

Four sets

controlling system Advanced te ten nsi sio on controllin lling g syst systeem 2.Anti2.A nti-war warpin ping g

and Anti-warping mechanisms

Four se sets ts Four sets

edge leading part

Deviation conditioning system

Four sets

3. Main cutting ing part

Longit itu udin inaal cutti tin ng knif ifee grou roups

Five ive se sets ts

Sim imu ult ltan aneo eous us cr cro oss ss-c -cu utt ttin ing g kn knif ifee group roup

One One set set

High-speed paper feeding system

One set

Low-speed paper feeding system

One set

4.Transportation part

Waste  paper



One set s et

system 5. 5.Pa Pape perr  part

co coll llec ecti ting ng

Making Makin g sheets in order order of 2D oscillation, oscillation,

One set

screw rod lifting device of paper reams collecting system Pape Paperr

re ream amss

lo long ngitu itudi dina nally lly



disc discha harg rgin ing g

One set


1. Paper rising rack (Standard equipment equipment): ): It mainly consists mainly  consists of  machine   machine wall, spindle, power control, paper clip head, clip wall, and magnetic brakes, cylinders, hydraulic system, four non-shaft paper rising racks are suitable for the size of paper core 3 "and 6", the maximum diameter of paper roll can reach 1200mm.

1. Cl Cliip wall all 2. Ma Mach chin inee wa wall ll 3. Lift ift cy cyli lind nder er

4. Ar Arou ound nd

mov oviing

cyli cy lind nder er 5. M Mag agne neti ticc bra brake ke 6. H Hyd ydrau rauli licc syste system m 7. Spin Spindl dlee 8. Pap Paper  er  clip head



2. Anti-w Anti-warping arping an and d edge guidin guiding g par part: t: It consists It  consists of edge guiding guiding brackets, brackets, paper feeding racks, paper feeding aluminum tube, edge guiding system,paper clip device, deviation regulator, anti-bending motor, anti bending system etc. Through the manual fine-tuning of the deviation regulator of  supporting racks can ensure the paper smoothly and neatly. Adjust the tension inside the touch screen to control the paper’s degree of tightness, so that the traversed paper  having a proper tension. Manually adjust the warping degree of aluminum tube of  anti-bending motor to make paper cut flatly and vertically.

1. 1. Edge  Edge guiding bracket   2. Pap Paper er cli clip p dev device ice

3. Dev Deviat iation ion regulat regulator  or 

4. AntiAnti-bendin bending g sy system stem 5. AntiAnti-bendin bending gm motor otor

6. Paper feeding feeding rack 

7. Paper Paper ffeed eeding ing alu alumin minum um ttube ube

8.P 8.Paper aper loa loadin ding g rack  rack 



2.1 Anti-warping part: It consist consistss of machin machinee wall, wall, anti-b anti-bend ending ing rod, rod, paper paper feeding feeding alumin aluminum um tube, tube, antianti bending motor, adjusting the position of anti-bending rod through motor, the paper  will be transferred smoothly and flattly before entering the host machine.

1. Machine wall

2. Anti-bending ro rod

3. Paper feeding aluminum tube

4. Anti-bending motor 



3. Main drive system system:: It mainly mainly consists consists of upper upper slittin slitting g knife knife group, group, lower lower slittin slitting g knife knife group, group, suction suction device, host machine wall, flattening roller, cylinder groups, cross-cutting unit, drive  pulleys, synchronous belts, paper pressing rubber roller, main drive steel wheel, transpo tran sport rt drive drive wheel, wheel, part part of the main transmiss transmission ion,, main main drive drive pulley pulley etc. Main motor drive steel wheel through the main drive pulley,and the cylinder control paper  clamping rubber roller which with expansion   screw threads to press paper firmly. At the same same time sy synchr nchrono onous us belts belts drivin driving g cross-c cross-cutt utting ing unit, unit, after after the smooth smooth paper  paper  entering into which the effective paper cutting process begins. The role of flattening rolll is to fla rol flatten tten paper, paper, enable enable the paper paper smooth smoothly ly pas passs throug through h the crosscross-cut cutting ting section of the machine.

1.Host machine wall 2. Main motor 3. Paper pressure cylinder 4. Main drive belt 5. Drive belt of the main cutting part 6. Main drive part 7. Adju Ad just stab able le par partt of pap paper er ou outp tput ut 8. Ma Main in cutte cutterr part part 9. Pa Pape perr press pressin ing g rubber roller 10. Main drive steel wheel 11. Upper slitting knife group 12. Lower slitting knife group 13. Drive belt of slitting knife 14. Waste paper  suction tube. 15


3.1 Longitudinal cutting part: It mainly consists of knife block, upper slitting knife group, upper and lower knives locating sheath, fixed axis of the lower knife, the drive wheels of the lower knife.The longit lon gitudi udinal nal cutting cutting part is heavy heavy structu structure, re, with five sets of the knife, knife, includ including ing  bottom axis, for the slitting of A3/A4 copy paper, removal of unnecessary paper edges,  producing the paper sheets which meets the specifications.

1.Up 1.Uppe perr slit slitti ting ng kn knif ifee gro group up axiss of the axi the low lower er k kni nife fe

2. Kn Knif ifee bl bloc ock k

3. Dr Driv ivee whee wheell

5. Low Lower er kn knif ifee loca locati ting ng sh sheat eath h

7. Adju Adjusta stable ble han hand d wh wheel eel of fix fixed ed aaxis xis


8. U Uppe pperr knif knifee

4. Fi Fixe xed d

6. Lo Lowe werr kni knife fe


3.2 Cross-cutting part: It mainly consists consists upper cutter shaft, lower cutter shaft, blade blades, s, knife rest, rings, driving wheel, gear box, which includes: - Paper supporting (frame) - The entrance is made up of upper upper paper pressing pressing roller and assist entry plates. - Gear box is high-p high-precision recision transmissio transmission, n, which ensures ensures that the paper cutting dimensions is accurate. - Rubber off the track, including cross-cutting part and the back belt. - Cutter knife is made of special steel, long life and sharp of the knife to ensure that all qualified paper products.

1.Kn 1.Knif ifee res restt

2. Up Uppe perr kn knif ifee spi spind ndle le

5. Gear box 6. Drive wheel


3. Lo Lowe werr kn knif ifee spind spindle le

4. Ring Ringss


4. Conveying adjustable part: The adjustable part is mainly consists of the machine wall, guide sleeve, cylinder, cylinder fastener, over cardboard etc. Conveying adjustable part is an integral part of  machine debugging, which plays a role of connecting cross-cutting knife to transport  paper, through the cylinder to drive adjustable part to disconnect with cross-cutter, when debugging or starting up machine the unqualified the  unqualified paper  paper can be discharged from the bottom.

1. Ma Mach chin inee wa wall ll

2. Gu Guid idee sleev sleevee

3. Cy Cyli linde nderr

5. Over cardboa cardboard rd


4. Cy Cyli lind nder er fas faste tene ner  r 


5. Waste dischar discharge ge part: It consists of cylinder, paper-block square steel, paper-block combination unit, when unqulified paper were found during the running of machine ,they can be discharged through this part.

1. Cy Cyli linde nderr

2. Pap Paperer-bl bloc ock k squ squar aree stee steell

3. Paper-block combination unit



6. Paper overla overlapping pping part: It consist consistss of machin machinee wall, wall, main drive shaft, shaft, rotati rotation on shaft shaft of paper paper overla overlappi pping ng,,  paper overlapping wheel, paper pressing wheel, eccentric shaft, by the role of paper   pressure  component  component   , former and back paper sheets are conveyed in the overlapping state.

1. Machine wall  paper overlapping wheel

2. Main drive shaft

3. Rotation shaft of 

4. Paper overlapping wheel 5. Paper pressing

6. Eccentric shaft



7. Stati Staticc el elimin imination: ation: Static elimination is mainly to eliminate the static electricity which emerged during  paper converying, pressing and cutting process. Otherwise it will affect the paper  separation, transportation and stacking neatly.

Special attention:  As the static eliminator switchin switching g on ,it will produce high voltage,  please do not touch the t he sharp needle, to t o avoid electrical injury.

I:Static eliminator 



8. Conveying part, paper collating collating and collect collecting ing part: Conveying part are overally   composed by two parts,which are   high-speed and lowspeed conveying part, the main components including: adjustable transmission, waste discha dis charge rge system system,, high-lo high-low w speed speed transm transmissi ission, on, paper paper collec collectio tion n slot slot,, transv transversa ersall conveyor belt and motor group etc.The 9 pieces of high-speed conveyor belts and 8  pieces of low-speed conveyor belts,which are must high-quality products,this is in order to ensure order ensure the paper paper are transp transport orted ed smooth smoothly ly,ste ,steadi adily ly and and   synchronously, synchronously, the length of conveyor belts must be consistent, make sure that there are not gaps in the edge,not fractures or wrinklings in the middle.During the using process, pay attention to the regulating of their tightness, tightness, not too tight or too loose.

1. Adjus usttabl blee transmission

2. Waste di disschar arge ge sys system

3. Highigh-sp spee eed d tran transm smis issi sion on

4. Low ow-s -sp pee eed d tr traansm nsmis issi sion on

5. Paper collection slot

6. Transversal conveyor belts



Machine’s installation and debugging: 1. Lif Liftin ting g The whole machine’s lifting wrok are totally including five parts, as follows: raw  paper rack, anti-bending rack, paper cutter rack, paper feeding equipment, paper  collecting intergration and interface device.There are steel cable lifting rings on the  paper cutter rack, the lifting rings location are shown in the belowing picture, for the convenience of maintenance of the paper cutter, when lifting it only tighten the steel cable rings is ok, when moving and laying down, should be careful not to make it tilt severely or shake violently, much less upside down. The lifting of other parts, the contacting parts between the steel cable and the machine, should be put a clean soft cloth or kraft wrapping paper,so as to prevent scrat scr atch chin ing g the the su surf rfac acee of th thee mach machin ine. e. In ad addi ditio tion, n, so some me eq equi uipm pmen ents ts ar arou ound nd the the machine also should be wrapped well by above mentioned packing material in order  to avoid damaging their exterior.



2. Install Installation ation The machine has passed inspection and testing before leaving factory, in order to en ensu sure re the the mach machin ine’s e’s ac accu cura racy cy of work work an and d norm normal al lif life, e, whic which h must must be prop proper erly ly install ins talled ed bef before ore use. use. At fir first, st, check check the external external condit condition ionss of the machin machinee before before installing to see if there is damage ,and then check accessories and tools companied with the machine.According to planar graph to chose machine installation site, then start basic construction in accordance with the foundation drawing(as the following shows) of track of raw paper rack. After the foundation dries enough, now the machine can be falled, adjust the horizontal horizontal adjusting  adjusting screw of the machine base, thereby to regulate  horizontal position of the whole machine, after the part of this work is well done, use impact drill to drill hole holess of φ2 φ20, 0,th thes esee holes holes must must be re reac ach h hori horizon zontal tal stand standar ard, d, then then driv drivee the the M16 M16 expansion bolts into them , finally tighten the nuts evenly;Besides,all the aluminum tubes must adjusted well and locked firmly too.

3. Scru Scrubbi bbing: ng: After the machine is installed, cleaning agent (such as white oil) is needed to fully scrub   oil stains  of the machine’s outer surface, making the machine clean, and then add enough enough grease grease oil on machin machine’d e’driv rivee parts, parts, transmis transmission sion parts, square square steel steel of   paper rack and the steel wire wheel of  lift  lift table. table.





4. Product Production ion flo flow w di diagram agram:: Roll paper 

Paper loading rack 


Deviating inspection

Deviating regulator 


Sucction of waste paper edge


Longitudinal transmission   Wa Wast stee papere paperedge dge discharge discharge

Paper sheet overlapping

Paper cutting and counting

Horizontal output

Finished paper ream

Waste pa p aper processing



5. Operat Operating ing instru instruction ctions: s: 1. Main operation panel

Power----------The power switch is in “on” state,the machine is in the charged booting state,human-machine interface started up at the same time. Emergency Emerg ency stop--------stop----------Its -Its function function is to stop the running of the machin machinee immidiately immidiately.. Restarting the machine, please reset the button. Start----------- Pressing the button,the equipment began running slowly. Stop----------- For normal stopping of the equipment. Paper pressing----------The switch is to control rising and falling of the paper pressing roller and spiral rubber roller of main cutting part. The switch is in “ON” state,two rollers are falling to press paper firmly.The rotation of steel wheel drive the paper  delivered forwardly. Upper knife---------- The button switch is used to control the work of upper knife, the switch is in “ON” state, the upper knife will fall  simultaneously,  simultaneously, then close to lower  knife. Speed up---------- The button switch is used to control running speed of the equipment. Clicking the button the equipment will automatically accelerate the highest degree. Slow down-----------Pressing the button the machine’s running will slow down. In the accelerating accelera ting process can use the button to stop the acceleration. acceleration.



2, Touch-screen interface: 1.Booting interface

2.   Main interface---------- The selection of entering next interface.



3.  Automatic operating interface:

Paper cutting speed ---------- It displays the operating speed of equipment,

"+""-"symbos can be used for acceleration and deceleration.  Number of sheets----------It shows the number of sheet cut.  Number of reams---------- It shows how many reams of paper were produced in all.  Number of sheets setting----------It shows the number of sheets for one ream,it can be setted directly. Run---------Run---------Clicki Clicking ng this button can start up machine,its machine,its function is the same as the start button which is on the operation panel. Stop----------Stopping the running of machine normally,and its function is also the same as stop button which which is on the operation panel. Inching Inching----------Controlling ----------Controlling the running of machine in an inching way. Touching this  button by hand,the machine will run,take away it will wil l stop. Back----------Clicking this button can return the main interface. Clear----------Clicking this button the data can be cleared.



3.Manual operating interface:

Waste discharging cylinder----------Controlling discharging cylinder  Tension switch---------- Controlling the work and stop of all magnetic power brakes. Waste suction fan---------- Controlling the switch of sucking waste paper edge. Sheets collating---------- Controlling the switch of sheets collating motor. Tray strip working---------- Controlling tray strip reaching out. Reset of tray strip----------Controlling the return of tray strip Paper pressing cylinder----------Pressing paper firmly and do not let it run around. Adjusta Adju stabl blee co conv nvey eying ing---------------- Used Used to co conn nnec ect, t, separ separate ate cr cros osss-cut cuttin ting g with with converying belts. Tray rising----------Controlling rising of the main sheets collecting tray. Tray falling--------- Controlling falling of the main sheets collecting tray. Tray strip rising---------Controlling rising of the secondary sheets collecting tray. Tray strip falling---------Controlling falling of the secondary sheets collecting tray.



Parameter setting:

Rising frequency------------------ Frequency Frequency setting of motor inverter inverter of screw rod lifter’s rising, the data can be directly set.

Falling frequency--------- Frequency setting of motor inverter of screw rod lifter’s falling,, the data can set directly. falling directly.

 Number of sheet--------  The quantity of paper sheets on the tray strip, the data can  be set s et directly. ----------The ---The quantity quantity of paper rolls on the paper laoding rack, the  Number of roll------data can be set directly. directly.



Tension Tensi on A,B,C,D-------- With data to set tension directly. Maximum tension-------- With data to set maximum tension directly. Minimum tension-------- With data to set minimum tension directly. Total reams--------  The total quantity of paper reams produced by four raw paper  rolls.



3. Pneumatic pressure interface regulating:

Pressure regulati regulating ng valve of upper knife-----knife------------- The adjustment adjustment of air supply supply of upper slitting knife group.

Left pressure regulating regulating valve of paper pressing ----- ------------- The adjustm adjustment ent of  air supply supply of left left cylinder cylinder of of

paper pressing pressing roller. roller.

Right pressure pressure regula regulating ting valv valvee of paper pressing--pressing---------------- The adjustment of  air supply supply of right right cylinder cylinder of

paper pressing pressing roller. roller.

Pressure regulating regulating valve of paper cut off----off------------   The adjustment adjustment of air supply supply of cylind cylinder er of

paper paper cut off. off.

Pressure regulating regulating valve of paper clamping ---------- The adjustment of air  supply suppl y of

paper clamping clamping cylinder. cylinder.

Pressu Pre ssure re reg regul ulat atin ing g va valv lvee of adju adjust stab able le pape paperr feedi feeding ng-------------------   The adjustment adjust ment of of air supply supply of

adjustable adjustable paper paper feedin feeding g cy cylinder. linder.

Pressure regulating regulating valv valvee of waste discharging discharging------------------ The adjustment of air  supply of waste discharging cylinder.



4, Alarming: Alarm will occur in the follow following ing condition conditions: s: 1. Parameter--------- The number of paper rolls or sheets are not set 2.Waste 2.Was te ssuction--------uction--------- Paper edge suction motor is not switched on. 3.Emergency stop--------- Emergency stop button is in pressed state. 4.Air pressure-------- Air pressure is not supplied enough enough by air source. source. 5.Tray----------------Whe ---When n zero clearing,the clearing,the tray is not at the below part,do not allow to start up machine. -----------Whe ---When n zero clearing,the clearing,the tray strip is not at the upper part or  6.Tray strip-------return,do not allow to start up machine.

7.Paper pressing--------- Paper pressing roller failed to press paper. 8. 8.Deviation Deviation-----------








transported(Warning function)

9.Upper knife--------- Upper slitting knifves dosen’t work(Warning function) 10.Paper sheets-----------------Pa ----Paper per sheets which on the conveyor conveyor belts are not fully conveyed,the tray is not allowed to rise,the machine stops automatically.

11. Upp Upper er li limit mit of tra tray y-------------------- The tray reaches upper limit,please check the lower signal.

12.Lower 12.Low er limit of tray-----------The tray reaches lower limit,please check lower  signal.

13. Upper limit of tray strip----------- The tray strip reaches upper limit,please check lower signal.

14. Lower limit of tray strip----------- The tray strip reaches lower limit,please check lower signal.

15.Paper jam-----------------If ----If meet paper jam phenomenon,the jam  phenomenon,the machine will stop automatcally.



6. Maint Maintenance enance:: In order to ensure the normal operation and reduction of wearing parts of the cutting mach ma chin ine. e. Regu Regula larr main mainten tenan ance ce is need needed ed,, so as to ac achi hiev evee mach machin ine’s e’s work workin ing g accuracy accura cy and extend extend its service service life as well.

 NO. 1





of   Add grease


Once a week

All the the gre reas asee nozz zzlles

Check it once a month

Oil level should be above centrall part of centra of the oil window.

Check it once a

Oil level should be above


centrall part of centra of the oil

 bearing seats seat s 2



Hydraulic  box




40# Hydraulic

paper  oil

unwinding 4

Slid liding axle of 

window. Add grease

Once a week


Evenly spread

on the

slidding axle.

unwinding stand 5


Coolin ling fan of 

Dust clearing

electric box

and descaling

Coolin ling fan of 

Dust clearing


and descaling

Once On ce a mont month h

All All of elect electric ric boxe boxes. s.

Once a month

In the the main electrical cabinet.

converters 7


pressure Water 

system 8






engine oil


At the paper collecting collecting



30 30# # Once Once a mont month h

At the the entr entran ance ce to the the wind wind


Dust clearing



and descaling



so sour urce ce..

three thr ee All of electric electric boxes. boxes.




Cros Crosss-cu cutt ttin ing g

Descaling and



Slitt littin ing g knif ifee

Desc scal alin ing g and

Once On ce a mont month h

Up Uppe perr an and d lowe lowerr knife knife

Once On ce a mont month h

Up Uppe perr an and d lowe lowerr knife knife

Once On ce a mont month h

No Note te the the paral parallel lel betw between een

greasing 12


Conveyor   belt Tension axis


Conveyor belts


axises. it Once a week







 Note: All maintenance work must be carried out in the power off state of  the who machin machine! e!

7. Fault inspecti inspecting ng and solutio solutions: ns: 1. Slitting length When slitting knives knives did not disperse completely, completely, all the cut paper will stack in front of collection device.

Reason:  The pressu pressure re between the uppe upperr and lower slitting knife is too small. Solution:  Check downward operating pressure and transverse stroke of the pressurereducing valve, and make the necessary adjustments.

2. Feed rol roller lerss Sheets stacking stacking shows that there are errors when cross-cutting cross-cutting knife cuts paper.

Reason:  The pressu pressure re of paper pressing pressing roller is not enough, enough, because of this,th this,thee  paper start slipping in the conveying process.

Solution:  Check the gauge gauge pressure whether is 3bar, and make the necessary necessary adjustments. 36



3. Cross-cutting knife stacking  occurs in back of cross-cutting knife or on overlapping position. Sheets stacking occurs

Reason:  The cross-cutting knife becomes blunt and doesn't cut qualified paper  sheets.

Solution:  Sharpen the cutting knife. 4. Paper pressing mechanism. After paper sheets leave pressing mechanism mechanism , either misplaced misplaced or not a regu regular  lar  spacing conveyed by belts, forming sheets blocking on overlapping on overlapping or collecting part.

Reason:  The pressure exerted on the belts is too small or no pressure at all, so the sheets can not be fully pushed out.

Solution:  Open iron covers covers of two sids to tighten tighten the bolts, adjusting adjusting the pressure. The effect of paper sheets are not good. good.

Reason:  The pressure exerted on spiral roll is too much, so the pushed paper is too far away from the cross-cutting knife.

Solution:  Adjusting the pressure. 5. Paper sheets conveying and overlapping . The paper sheets which passe through the cross-cutting knife are already overlapped and conveyed conveyed very well. But something wrong appears on overlappin overlapping g parts, although although no adjustment on equipment.

Reason:  There are wearing or deckle edge phenomenon edge  phenomenon on paper sheets cut by crosscutting knife. cross-cutting knife, adjust or replace them, sharpen Solution:  Check upper and lower cross-cutting them when necessary. Paper sheets are not transf transferred erred well,it looks as if the "swimming" "swimming"  between transmission t ransmission belts

Reason:  The tension of the belts is not enough. Solution:  Adjusting the tension of the belts. The failure failure of paper blockage blockage has been solved after adjusting adjusting the equipment, equipment, but 37


restarting up the machine, this phenomenon appears again.

Reason:   There There ar aree sc scra raps ps of pa pape perr lef leftt on th thee bo botto ttom m kn knife ife sh shaf aftt an and d co conv nvey eying ing  platform to t o form paper sheets blockage.

Solution:  Completely clear the scraps of paper. In the high-speed high-speed case, the sheets failed to show a good good vibration.

Reason:  Because of high-speed running, the braking belts belowing the overlapping is braked, the phenomenon of vibration of the braking belts took place.

Solution:   Add the pressu pressure re nut of the brake brake belts, belts, whe when n cuttin cutting g surfac surface-se e-sensi nsitiv tivee  paper or light quantitative paper, not to let machine run in such a high speed ,please removee the nut. remov

7. Collection After changing the grade of paper roll, sheet clogging phenomenon occurs in the back  of the collecting parts

Reason:  Sheet hindering device device is happened happened to knock the sheets layer and clamp it firmly,so firmly ,so the sheets can not move forwardly forwardly with the sheet flow.

Solution:  Open clamp of the cam, rotate cam until hindering device device enters into the sheet flow. After completing adjustment, re-tighten the clamp.



8. Product warranty and after-sales service: The machine’ machine’ss warran warranty ty period period is one year. The user user install install and use the machin machinee correctly in accordance with the requirements in this manual, in the event of quality  problems of non-human factors, and after being identified by our technical staff,the mainte mai ntenan nance ce and replac replacemen ementt parts parts will be free free of charge charge.Ex .Excee ceedin ding g the warran warranty ty  period we will provide paid services; that is, the cost of parts and maintenance service fees . One of the following situations doesn't belong to warranty scope: 1) The damage damage caused by improper improper tran transport sport or storage, storage, except except for the transportation transportation  by us. 2) The damage damage cuased by dismantlin dismantling g or changing changing the structure structure of the machine machine by user. 3) Man-ma Man-made de damage damage.. 4) The damage damage caused caused by irresistible irresistible disasters. disasters. If there is abnormal abnormal phenomemons in the cutting machine, may refer to”  Fault

inspecting and solutions”   of this manual to  troubleshoot one by one. If still not solve the problem, please contact contact us,we will try our best to help you.




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