DT 700 I - English-Version1.5

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Important Notes ! Please indicate following information on your spare part/ repair order. 1. 2. 3.

Voltage of the Instrument Serial Number of the instrument A short description of the fault

Our policy is one of continual development and we reserve the right to amend specifications and dimensions without notice.

Version 1.2


Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700

Table of Contents: 1

Technical Details 1.1 Introduction DT 700 1.2 Overview Diagram 1.2.1 DT 700 LH 1.2.2 DT 700 HH 1.3 Technical Details 1.4 Additional Options 1.5 Delivery Range 1.6 Unpacking and Checking 2 Setting up 2.1 Safety Instructions 2.2 Overview Installation 2.3 Flow Through Heating System 2.4 Setting-up 2.5 Keypad 2.6 Switch on the instrument / Password request 2.7 USP/EP- Conformity– Display 3 Overview Software 3.1 Menu DT 700 4 Configuration 4.1 Language 4.2 Date/Time 4.3 Run Time 4.4 Format of Date 4.5 LCD-Contrast 4.6 Hours of operation 4.7 Validation 4.8 High Head 4.9 pH-Change Time Limit 4.10 Basket Start 4.11 Stop of the Test Run 4.12 QC Traffic Light 4.13 Printer 4.14 Beep at Lifter ↓ 4.15 Tablet Drop Time 4.16 Adjust Pump FRL800 / SP840 4.17 FRL-Service 5. Adjust 5.1 Documentation (Temperature/Speed) 5.2 Calibration PT 100 5.3 Calibration Heater 5.4 Temp Offset 5.5 Filter Offset 5.6. Probes 6. TEST 6.1 Duration 6.2 Temperature [°C] 6.3 Speed [RPM] 6.4 Sample 6.5 Runschedule 6.6. Method 6.7 Baseline Version 1.2

1 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 20 23 24 24 24 25 26 26 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 30.03.01

Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700 6.8 Test Start 6.9 Sampling during a test run 6.10 No stop after end of Test run (Highendtest) 6.11 Abort a Test 6.12 Testprototcol (Print out of the testprotocol) 7. Manual Test Performance (Test Manual) 8. Offline-System 8.1 Adjust Pump 8.2 Test 9 IQ / OQ 9.1 Speed 9.1.1 OQ-Protocol / Speed 9.2 Paddle wobble 9.2.1 OQ-Protocol / Wobble 9.3 Basket wobble 9.4 Centricity 9.4.1 OQ-Protocol / Centicity 9.5 Method Height 9.5.1 OQ-Protocol / Method height 9.6 Temperature 9.6.1 OQ-Protocol / Temperature 9.7 Horizontality 9.7.1 OQ-Protocol / Horizontality 9.8 Vibration 9.8.1 OQ-Protocol / Vibration 9.9 Documentation 9.10 FDA 9.10.1 FDA-Protokoll 10 Clean Sampling 11 DT700-2 Option

Version 1.2

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Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700

1 Technical Details 1.1

Introduction DT 700

The ERWEKA Dissolution Tester Type DT 700 has been designed for testing of tablets, coated tablets, oblongs and other dosage forms. The instrument comprises of 6, 7 or 8 test stations arranged in 2 rows with each 4 test vessels for easy access. Operation will be done by an alpha-numeric touch-sensitive foilkeypad with LCD-display located in the drive head of the DT 700 with maximum safety and visibility. The Flow Through Heating System (DH 2000) guarantees a constant and vibration free distribution of the tempered water. An external PT 100 temperature sensor serves for checking the temperature in the individual test vessels. The instrument has a product memory to store up to 60 product general data. The user software is adjustable to 2 different languages (German and English). As standard, the DT 700 is equipped with a serial RS 232 interface, a RS 485 interface and a parallel interface for documentation. The System-Suitability Test menu guides the user through the whole sequence of suitability tests (QC) step by step. The appropriate values are typed in via the tester keypad whereupon the complete document can be printed out together with the appropriate time and date.

1.2 1.2.1

Overview Diagram DT 700 LH

DT700 LH „Low Head“ with special v-shaped vessel covers which guarantee a minimum evaporation External PT 100 Thermometer

Stirring Elements Testing Vessel

Version 1.2



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700


DT 700 HH

DT 700 HH „High Head“ with maximum access to the vessel at all times. Please note that the DT 700 HH “High Head” does not have an electric lifter! The stirring unit will therefore remain in the same position at all times.

The instruments are available in following configuration:

ccch defg

DT 706 LH / HH 1000 / 2000

ccih defg

DT 707 LH / HH 1000 / 2000

cjih defg

DT 708 LH / HH 1000 / 2000

Version 1.2



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700


Technical Details DT 700 LH

Dimension Sizes: Vessel Size: [ml] Height: [mm] Width: [mm] Depth: [mm] Movement of electr. Lifter [mm] Weight: Weight: [kg] Power Supply:

1000 420 - 510 635 435 200

DT 700 HH 2000 540 635 435 200


1000 630 635 435 No movement / fixed position

2000 840 635 435 No movement / fixed position


230V/50 Hz 230V/60Hz 115V/50Hz 115V/60Hz Additional voltages on request Fuses: Safety Fuse:

115V/250V, 16A T (slow) 2x 250V, 1A T (slow) / 115V, 2A T (slow)

Testing Stations: 6, 7 or 8 arranged in 2 rows Speed:

20 - 220 min1

Testing Vessels: 1000 ml or 2000 ml (Round Bottomed Vessels acc. to USP made of glass, 1000 ml also available in Polycarbonate) Height Adjustment of Testing Vessels: Automatic Temperature Control: External PT100 Sensor (acc. to DIN Kl. B) Heating (Flow Through Heater micro processor controlled): Power Consumption: 2000 Watt Temperature: 20 - 50°C +/- 0,2°C Interface: RS 232 Water Bath: Volume : approx. 20 litre Material: PET (Polyethylenterephalat), clear Wall Thickness: moulded, approx. 6 mm Cover: 1.4301; 2 mm Teflon coated Control: Numeric touch-sensitive foil keypad Interface: RS232 and RS485 Printer Interface (parallel) Printer: IBM- compatible printer language (Type on request)

Version 1.2



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700


Additional Options

Options: ƒ Sampling Station, fixed sampling probes Sampling Station with electronic controlled height adjustment of the probes (AVAILABLE ONLY FOR LOW-HEAD VERSION!) ƒ Double speed control ƒ Height Adjustment Check ƒ Automatic Tablet Drop (AVAILABLE ONLY FOR LOW-HEAD VERSION!)



Delivery Range

The Dissolution Tester incorporates the following components as standard: Model

DT706L H

DT707L H

DT708L H

DT706H H

DT707H H

DT708H H

Flow Through Heating System with 1x connection cable to DT Mains Cable 1x











Temperature Sensor PT100







1000ml or 2000ml testing vessels







Shafts with Paddles or Baskets







Centring Ring for testing vessels







Instruction Manual








Unpacking and Checking

Upon receiving the unit please check that no physical damage has occurred to the packing material or the instrument itself. If any damage is evident please notify ERWEKA immediately. Please read the following instructions before us.

Version 1.2



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700

2 Setting up 2.1

Safety Instructions • • • • •

The instrument is to be wired only to an earthed mains supply socket. The voltage of the available mains supply is to be compared to the indications on the identification plate. No liability in case of false wiring. In case of any failure the instrument should only be opened by authorised staff. Before opening the instrument pull mains plug.

When lowering the lifter no work should be carried out under the head of the instrument Do not position any object onto the head of the instrument (ONLY FOR LOW-HEAD VERSION!). Please pay attention that no article of the clothing or long hairs will come into contact with the rotating stirrers.


Overview Installation

Overview Diagram : Instrument Connections (rear side) RS485 Heater

Temperature Sensor PT100

RS232 Printer

IQ/OQ Instrument Socket

Fuse 1AT Fuse 16AT/230V Fuse 16AT/230V

On/Off Switch

Mains Input Socket Mains Plug Heater

Version 1.2



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700


Flow Through Heating System Fill in water and connect with the heating system

Serial Connection DT700

Mains Connection DT700

Water Bath


Tubing with quick coupling

Do not bent the tubing's. Please make sure, that the connection tubing's are filled with water, because the pump is not self-priming.

Version 1.2



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700



Once unpacked, position the Dissolution Tester on a horizontal, plane surface e.g. on a laboratory table.

In order to avoid any damage during transport, the head of the Dissolution Tester LH version, is moved down to its lowest position. To move the head of the instrument up, the Dissolution Tester must first be connected to the mains supply. (please note mains voltage and frequency).

Connect the water bath with the pump by means of the quick-coupling.

Fill the Dissolution Water Bath with de-mineralised water up to the appropriate graduation mark, add water bath stabilizer, if necessary. Fill the system as shown in the drawing of the Flow Through Heating System. Please make sure, that the connection tubes to the heating system are filled with water, because the pump is not self-priming. Water Bath and Heating System should be positioned at the same level.

Fill the testing vessels with appropriate medium and introduce them into the openings in the water bath cover.

Pull Stirring Element without paddle or basket through the appropriate guide on the upper side of the instrument until the supports are locked. Attach paddle or basket to the stirring element.

Connect the Flow Through Heating System DH 2000 to the Dissolution Tester DT 700 by means of the serial connection.

Connect the temperature sensor to the socket on the rear side of the instrument and introduce it into the appropriate opening in the water bath cover.

Connect the external printer to the printer interface port on the rear side of the instrument.

Connect the Dissolution Tester to an earthed mains supply socket by means of the delivered mains supply cable

The tester is powered up by pressing the mains supply switch on the rear side of the instrument. As soon as the instrument is powered up the pump starts working. Remove remaining air in the tubing's or heating system manually.

Check Water Bath, Heating System and Connection Tubing's for leaks.

Operation of the instrument can be done using the touch-sensitive foil-keypad.

Version 1.2



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700



Operation will be done by an numeric touch-sensitive foil-keypad with LCD-display located in the drive head of the DT 700. Lifter Keys Numeric Keys

Function Keys

QC Traffic Light

To enter figures the following keys are available - A menu or an option can be selected with the arrow keys . Is a menu listed in more than one page, it can be scrolled down using the arrow keys A menu or window can be closed using the key. An data input or confirmation will be completed with the key. All data inputs are supported by a beep tone. The beep tone confirms that the command has been accepted and carried out. ONLY FOR LOW-HEAD VERSION ! THE HIGH-HEAD VERSION OF THE DT700 HAS A FIXED POSITION OF THE STIRRING UNIT WITHOUT ELECTRIC LIFTER. The head of the instrument will be raised by pressing the key. Once the lifter has reached its end position it switches-off automatically. During its movement, the instrument can be stopped by pressing the key. With the key the instrument will be moved in the lower position. The lifter moves automatically to the working position. To stop the down movement of the lifter release the key. The stirrers will be stop working with the key.

Version 1.2



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700


Switch on the instrument / Password request

Power up the instrument by means of the mains switch on the rear side of the instrument whereupon a display indicating Version Number and Instrument ID number appears. The Version number indicates the actual firm ware (user software). The ID-Number is an instrument specific number, which relates to the PCB installed in the instrument. The IDNumber is not the Serial number of the Dissolution Tester. The Serial number is on the identification label on the rear side of the instrument ERWEKA DT700 Version 1.0 ID.0000123456789

This display is only an information.

After some seconds the display changed and the pre-heating temperature is requested. Pre-heating Temperature 37.0 °C to select to clear

Version 1.2

The pre-heating temperature is adjusted to 37°C. Change the temperature with the numeric keys or confirm it with .



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700


USP/EP- Conformity– Display

The QC-Traffic Light automatically checks temperature (standard), stirrer height (optional) and speed (optional) for USP/EP compliance. At the same time, the in-built system suitability and USP Calibrator Tablet Test logs are checked to ensure that they are up-todate. "Amber" indicates that the test logs are not up-to-date and calibration is required; "Red" denotes that the system does not meet USP/EP requirements; only if both conditions are satisfied, will the light change to "Green". ERWEKA DT 700 VIA

▌▌▌▌ ▌ ▌

STIA ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ SIA

▌▌▌▌ ▌ ▌






Validation Interval Display (QC) Each log indicates one month. Is the last validation more than 6 months ago, the traffic light changes to "Yellow" and a special note appears on the display. After expiration of 12 months, the traffic light changes to "Red". Once the QC has been performed, the Instrument counts from zero and the light changes to "Green". Suitability Test Interval Display (PQ) Each log indicates one month. Is the last suitability test more than 6 months ago, the traffic light changes to "Yellow" and a special note appears on the display. After expiration of 12 months, the traffic light changes to "Red". Once the new PQ date has been entered in the configuration menu, will the light change to "Green" and the instrument counts from zero. Service Each log indicates 500 working hours. Is the last Service more than 3000 working hours ago, the traffic light changes to "Yellow" and a special note appears on the display. Once a service has been performed by ERWEKA Service staff the working hours are set to 0 and the traffic light changes to "Green".

Last Validation more than 6 months ago to continue

Last Suitability Test more than 6 months ago. to continue

Service required Contact ERWEKA or Distributor! to continue

After a few seconds the Main Menu appears on the display.

Version 1.2



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700

3 Overview Software 3.1 Menu DT 700 Test Adjust Configuration IQ / OQ

The instrument starts with the main menu of the DT 700. Select the appropriate item by means of the arrow keys and confirm with whereupon the sup menu appears on the display.

Following menus are available: Test: Tests will be proceeded related to general data. Adjust: - Documentation intervals can be set for information print out. - Calibration of the external temperature sensor PT 100 or 8 off PT 100 sensors for individual testing vessels - Calibration of the Heating System DH 2000 - Adjustment Temperature offset - Adjustment Filter offset - Adjustment sampling probes Configuration : Basic adjustments of the instrument IQ / OQ : To perform a function qualification. Operation of the VIA (QC), menu guided. (Speed, Paddle Wobble, Basket Wobble, Centring, Method Height, Temperature, Horizontality, Vibration, Documentation, FDA – Print-out)

Version 1.2



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700

4 Configuration Use this Main menu to input details on the Dissolution Tester. Test Adjust Configuration IQ / OQ

Select [Configuration] in the Main Menu with the arrow keys ↑ ↓ and confirm with , whereupon the following sub menu appears.

On the DT 700 Display are only 4 lines, therefore you have to select the other Menufiles with the arrow key ↓ . Configuration Language Date/Time Select with ↑ ↓ /

Two menu languages are available: English and German

Configuration Run Time Format of Date Select with ↑ ↓ /

Run time format to display the test run time during a test run can be entered. Two options are available: Timer counts down or Timer counts up

Configuration LCD Contrast Hours of operation Select with ↑ ↓ /

Select the LCD contrast.

Configuration Validation High Head Select with ↑ ↓ /

Date of the last PQ can be entered.

Configuration pH-change Time Limit Basket Start Select with ↑ ↓ /

Use this menu item to enter the maximum time to change the media in all test vessels ("Full Change"). Is a longer pHchange time required than entered in the menu item, an appropriate note will appear on the test protocol.

Actual date and time can be entered.

Two date formats are available: American and German date format

Total operation hours are indicated in the sub menu.

Use this menu item to enter whether a Low Head Tester should work like a High Head Tester (head of the instrument will not be lowered, special stirring shafts are required).

Basket Start No / Yes can be entered. Configuration Stop of Test Run QC Traffic Light Select with ↑ ↓ /

Version 1.2

Two options can be selected: Stop at end of test run or Continue at stop of test run This sub menu is password protected. The traffic light can be switched on or off.



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700

Konfiguration Printer Piepser bei Lifter ↓ Select with ↑ ↓ /

All printers which can be connected to the instrument are listed in this sub menu.

Konfiguration Tablet Drop Time Pump adjustment Select with ↑ ↓ /

Delay time during the tablet drop until all temperature values are within the range.

Konfiguration FRL-Service

Use this menu item to test functions of Pump and Fraction Collector.

The beep tone when moving the lifter can be switched off and on by means of the arrow key and confirmed with ENTER.

Use this menu item to adjust the pump.

Select with ↑ ↓ /

Version 1.2



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700



Select the menu item [Language] from the Main menu [Configuration] whereupon the following window appears: Configuration Language Date/Time Select with ↑ ↓ /

Select [Language] with the arrow keys↑ ↓ and confirm with .

Language German English Francais Select with ↑ ↓ /

Select the language with the arrow keys ↑ ↓ and confirm . To exit from the menu and return to the [Configuration] menu press .



Select the Main menu [Configuration]. Configuration Language Date/Time Select with ↑ ↓ /

Select menu [Configuration] with the arrow keys ↑ ↓ and confirm with .

Date/Time 29 . 06 . 00 08 : 45 dd mo yy hh mm Select with ↑ ↓ /

Use this menu item to enter the actual date and time. Enter actual date and time by means of the numeric keys and confirm with .

Weekday Sunday Monday Select with ↑ ↓ /

After changing date or time, select the actual week day with the arrow keys ↑ ↓ and confirm with .

Version 1.2



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700


Run Time

Select the Main menu [Configuration]. Configuration Run Time Format of Date Select with ↑ ↓ /

Select [Configuration] with the arrow keys ↑ ↓ and confirm with

Run Time Timer counts down Timer counts up Select with ↑ ↓ /

Use this menu item to set the run time format to display the test run time during a test run. Timer counts down:

Counter counts down to 0

Timer counts up: Counter counts down up 0


Format of Date

Select the Main menu [Configuration]. Configuration Time Formatt Format of Date Select with ↑ ↓ /

Select [Configuration] with the arrow keys ↑ ↓ and confirm with

Format of Date Dd mo yy hh mm mo dd yy hh mm Select with ↑ ↓ /

Two options are available. Select the requested date format dd.mo.yy (day/month/year) or mo.dd.yy (month/day/year) by means of the arrow ↑↓ keys and confirm with .



Select the Main menu [Configuration]. Configuration LCD-Contrast Hours of operation Select with ↑ ↓ /

Select [Configuration] with the arrow keys ↑ ↓ and confirm with

LCD-Contrast 50

Select the LCD-contrast by means of the arrow keys ↑↓. Higher values increase, lower values decrease the contrast. If one of the arrow keys ↑↓ has been pressed too long, the LCD disappears. Press the arrow keys ↑ or ↓ again until the LCD display is visible. Confirm the setting with .

Select with ↑ ↓ /

Version 1.2



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700


Hours of operation

Select the Main menu [Configuration]. Configuration LCD-Contrast Hours of operation Select with ↑ ↓ /

Select [Configuration] with the arrow keys ↑ ↓ and confirm with

Hours of operation 000050

Use this menu item to display total hours of operation. To exit the menu press .




Select the Main menu [Configuration]. Configuration Validation Basket Start Select with↑ ↓ /

Select [Configuration] with the arrow keys ↑ ↓ and confirm with

To enter date of the last calibration

Use this menu item to enter the date of the last PQ.

Continue Calibration 02.08.00 To exit Continue


Press whereupon the following window appears. Enter the date with the numeric keys and confirm with .

High Head

High Head no yes Select with ↑↓ / to Exit

Version 1.2

Use this menu item to enter whether a Low Head Tester should work like a High Head Tester (head of the instrument will not be lowered, special stirring shafts are required). Select the requested menu item by means of the arrow keys ↑ ↓ and confirm with . To exit from the menu and return to the main menu press .



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700


pH-Change Time Limit

pH-change Time Limit 05 min

Use this menu item to enter the maximum time to change the media of all test vessels ("Full Change"). Is a longer pHchange time required than entered in the menu item, an appropriate note will appear on the test protocol. Enter the appropriate time limit and confirm with . Full Change:

Head of the instrument will be raised. Test vessels can be changed.

Half Change:

Head of the instrument will not be raised. Media can be replaced.

4.10 Basket Start Select the Main menu [Configuration]. Configuration Calibration Basket Start Select with ↑ ↓ /

Select [Configuration] with the arrow keys ↑ ↓ and confirm with

Basket Start Yes No Select with ↑↓ /

When "Basket" is selected as test method, a special start routine is employed which, dependent on media volume, ensures that the test run time is triggered only when the basket is introduced into the medium. Select the requested option and confirm with .

Version 1.2



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700

4.11 Stop of the Test Run Select the Main menu [Configuration]. Configuration Stop of the Test Run QC Traffic Light Select with ↑ ↓ / Stop at the end of test run Continue at stop of test run

Select [Configuration] with the arrow keys ↑ ↓ and confirm with

Use this menu item to select stop of test run. Two options are available: Stop at end of test run The instrument stops automatically on completion of the test run time and the head of the instrument is raised automatically. Continue at stop of test run. On completion of the test run time the instrument continues running (by selection "timer counts down" the test run time is counted up). The acoustic signal can be switched off with the Key. A test can be stopped manually with the key. Select the requested option by means of the arrow keys ↑↓ and confirm with

Version 1.2



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700

4.12 QC Traffic Light Select the Main menu [Configuration]. Configuration Stop of the test run QC Traffic Lightl Select with ↑ ↓ / Code: *******

Select [Configuration] with the arrow keys ↑ ↓ and confirm with

Use this menu item to switch on/off validation and calibration interval. The traffic light menu is protected by a password. Enter the appropriate password and confirm with .

QC Traffic Light On Off Select with ↑↓ /

Select the requested option and confirm with .

The QC-Traffic Light automatically checks following functions during a running test, indicated them optically and documents them in the test protocol: •

Actual temperature outside +/- 0,3°C - > traffic light changes from yellow to green Actual temperature outside +/- 0,5°C - > traffic light changes to red

Options: •

Speed Deviations (second sensor) +/- 2 % -> traffic light changes from yellow to green +/- 4 % -> traffic light changes to red

Water Both not in position -> traffic light changes to red

4.13 Printer Select the Main menu [Configuration]. Configuration Printer

Select [Configuration] with the arrow keys ↑ ↓ and confirm with

Select with ↑ ↓ / Printer HP DeskJet 520 HP DeskJet 540 HP Laserjet Select with ↑ ↓ /

Version 1.2

Select the appropriate printer from the list and confirm with . To select a printer use the arrow keys ↓↑ The printer must be adjusted to IBM-character settings.



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700

4.14 Beep at Lifter ↓ Beep at Lifter ↓ Yes No Select with ↑ ↓ /

The beep tone when moving the lifter can be switched off and on by means of the arrow key and confirmed with ENTER.

4.15 Tablet Drop Time Tablet Drop Time

Enter a delay time for the tablet drop once the nominal temperature value has been reached.

005 min Continue with

A tablet drop delay time of 5 minutes is pre-set but can be overwritten. Press to confirm.

4.16 Adjust Pump FRL800 / SP840 Select the Main menu [Configuration]. During the pump adjustment different parameters are determined in the following sequences: -

Waiting time for equalisation of pressure in the system Tubing Volume between sampling station and syringes (-> percentage of air in the syringes) Used Syringe Volume (-> 1. Glass Row) Tubing Volume between syringes and needle station (-> 2. Glass Row)

For preparation of a pump adjustment, glasses from the first two rows of the racks are weighed out and the weight (= dead weight) is documented. In addition a stop watch is required for determination of the waiting time. Measure Tube Volume

The menu item "MEASURE TUBE VOLUME" appears. Press to confirm.

Continue with > to Exit Emptying cycle of the syringe, sampling station and FRL in waste collection vessel. Sampling station is not in the media.

Version 1.2



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700

Collect in Test Tubes HPLC Vials 4.0 ml HPLC Vials 1.2 ml Glass 80 ml Glass 25 ml Select with ↑↓ / to Exit

Use the menu item "COLLECT IN" to select the sample collection glass according to the used rack ("Test Tube"=12ml, "Big Vials"=4ml, "Small Vials"=1,2ml) Press to confirm whereupon the message "Emptying" appears on the display. The Needle Station moves above the waste collection vessel and the tubing's from the sampling station to the needles are emptied. Make sure that the sampling station is not in the media.

Syringe Volume 5ml 10ml 25ml

Select the syringe used in the syringe pump. As standard the pump is featured with 10 ml syringes. Before selection, first check size of the installed syringes.

Select with ↑↓ / to Exit Position Sampling Station in the cleaning bath Continue with > to Exit

The message "POSITION SAMPLING STATION INTO THE CLEANING VESSEL" appears on the display. Proceed accordingly and position the sampling station into the cleaning bath filled with media. Press to confirm.

Please measure filling delay 40 [s] Continue with > to Exit

Now the syringes draw media from the sampling station; on standstill of the syringe start the stop watch and measure the time until no more drops are falling into the syringe. Enter the measured time in seconds into the dialogue field "Please measure filling delay XXs" and confirm with . (Value known from experience: 40 seconds using tubing diameter of 1,6 mm and standard length 1,7 m + 0,7 m SP 840). This time is required for equalisation of pressure in the filling system. If a shorter time period is entered, it can come to inaccuracies during the filling routine.

Volume of air in the syringe 00[ml] Continue with > to Exit

Now read approximate volume of air in the syringes and enter the value in ml into the dialogue field "Volume of air in the syringe XXml. (Value known from experience: depending on the tube length: between 1,5 and 1,8 ml). Press to confirm.

Version 1.2



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700

Please wait.

The syringe volume is emptied into the waste collection bath together with the air.

Again, the syringe draws from the sampling station (there is no more air in the tubing) and fills the drawn volume into the first row of glasses in the Fraction Collector. Weigh out glass contents 00[ml] Continue with > to Exit

Enter the averaged net value of the glasses into the dialogue field "Weigh out glass contents X.X [ml]. (Gross weight (=Vessel + Filling) minus tare weight (empty glass) = NET WEIGHT (=Filling); approx. 5 ml when using a 10 ml syringe. ATTENTION: Before entering the value into the dialogue field and confirmation with , push the rack drawer in the FRL to the stop. To abort press key whereupon the previous entered value is automatically accepted.

Please wait

Weigh out Glass contents 00[ml] Continue with > to Exit

Press to confirm whereupon the needle station moves to the second row of glasses in the Fraction Collector and empties the "tubing way" between syringe and needle into the glasses (= Tube Delay Syringe/Needle). Weigh out the vessels and enter the appropriate averaged net weight into the dialogue field "Weigh out glass contents X.X [ml] (approx. 0,7ml – 1ml); Press to confirm. To abort press key whereupon the previous entered value is automatically accepted.


Version 1.2

The programme routine is now completed.



Instructionsmanual Dissolution Tester DT 700

4.17 FRL-Service Use this menu item to control individual functions of Fraction Collector and Syringe Pump. FRL-Service Valves to 0 – 3 Syringe Down Home Position

Ð 4 5

Select with ↑↓ /
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