Ds Agreement

May 4, 2018 | Author: Denny Acevedo | Category: Bdsm, Bondage (Bdsm), Dominance And Submission, Sexual Intercourse, Human Sexual Activity
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Ds Agreement example...


Dominant (@Penetrates)-submissive Agreement

Contents 1.



Petition To Become A Submissive


Appendix A. Terms and Conditions of Submission.


Attachment A. !ossar" of Terms


Attachment B. Submissive$s Bi!! of %i&hts.


Attachment C. (iscip!ine) Contro! or enera! P!a" *ethods and Instruments


Attachment (. Sexua! Intercourse Positions


Attachement -. Submissives ard /imits.


Attachment Attachm ent . aivers To Standard Standa rd Terms of A&reement A&reeme nt

Introduction Provided herein is the information and forms needed to petition to become a submissive to Titter5 Titter5 6Penetrates. Acceptance b" 6Penetrates of "ou as his submissive is not &uaranteed. Acceptance is contin&ent on understandin& the materia! provided herein) a&reein& to the terms herein and submission of the forms herein. 7ther re8uirments are9 1. ema!e. 2. *inimum a&e of 2#. 3. *ust not be in an" continuin& re!ationship. re!ationship. 4. In &ood hea!th. #. *ust not smo:e or use dru&s. '. *ust have a smart phone. +. *ust provide cit" and state !ocation. ,. *ust submit to to private textin& via ;i: or some simi!ar service. service. 0. *ust be prepared to submit submit nude fu!! bod" photos from from front and behind) if re8uested. re8uested. 1ote the the terms and conditions of this a&reement are potentia!!" ne&otiab!e. (o not si&n this a&reement un!ess "ou are prepared to fu!!" comp!" ith it.

Petition To Become A Submissive I) ????????????????????????) herein :non as @sub) ith a free mind and an open heart do re8uest of ??????????????????????? ) herein :non as @(om that e accept the submission of m" i!! unto is and to ta:e me into is care and &uidance) that e ma" &ro toðer in friendship) trust and mutua! respect. The satisfaction of (om$s ants) desires) and hims are consistent ith m" desire as a submissive to be found p!easin& to im. To To that end) I offer (om use of m" time) ta!ents) and abi!ities. urther) urther) I as:) in sincere humi!it" hu mi!it")) that) as m" *aster) (om accept the :eepin& of m" bod" for the fu!fi!!ment and enhancement of 7our sexua!) spiritua!) emotiona!) and inte!!ectua! needs. To To achieve this) (om ma" have unfettered use of m" bod" an" time) an" p!ace) in front of an"one to :eep or to &ive aa") aa") as e i!! determine. I as: that (om &uide me in an" sexua!) sensua!) or scene=re!ated behavior) both toðer ith) and separate from im) in such a a" as to further m" &roth as a person. I re8uest of (om) as m" (ominant) that he h e use the poer vested in is ro!e to mo!d and shape me assistin& me to &ro in stren&th) character) confidence) and bein&) and that e continue to he!p me to deve!op m" artistic and inte!!ectua! abi!ities. In return) I a&ree9 To obe" (om$s commands to the best of m" abi!it". abi!it". To strive to overcome fee!in&s of &ui!t or shame) and a!! inhibitions that interfere ith m" capabi!it" to serve (om and !imit m" &roth as (om$s submissive. To maintain honest and an d open communication. co mmunication. To revea! m" thou&hts) fee!in&s) and desires ithout hesitation or embarrassment. To inform (om of ants and perceived needs) reco&niDin& that (om is the so!e Eud&e of hether or ho these sha!! be satisfied. To strive toard maintenance of a positive se!f=ima&e and deve!opment of rea!istic expectations and &oa!s. To or: ith (om to become a happ" and se!f=fu!fi!!ed individua!. To or: a&ainst ne&ative aspects of m" e&o and m" insecurities that ou!d interfere ith advancement of these aims. *" surrender as a submissive is done ith the :no!ed&e that nothin& as:ed of me i!! demean me as a person) and i!! in no a" diminish m" on responsibi!ities toard ma:in& utmost use of m"  potentia!. In reco&nition of m" fami!" ob!i&ations) nothin& i!! be re8uired of me that i!! i!! in an" a" dama&e or harm m" fami!" and friend re!ationships) m" Eob) nor interfere ith the performance of m" duties as a mother. mother. I understand and a&ree to the Terms Terms and Conditions of Submission hich e have have reached and hich is appended as a part of this petition. >o part of the Terms and Conditions of Submission ma"

supercede this petition. In event of conf!ict this docu ment and its interpretation sha!! ta:e precedence. This I) sub) do entreat) ith !ucidit" and the rea!iDation of hat this means) both stated and imp!ied) in the conviction that this offer i!! be understood in the spirit of faith) carin&) esteem and devotion in hich it is &iven. Shou!d either of us find that our aspirations a spirations are not bein& e!! served b" this a&reement) find this commitment too burdensome) or for an" other reason ish to cance!) either ma" do so b" verba! notification to the other) in :eepin& ith the consensua! nature of this a&reement. e both understand that cance!!ation means a cessation of the contro! stated and imp!ied ithin this a&reement) not a termination of our re!ationship as friends. Fpon cance!!ation) each of us a&rees to offer to the other his or her reasons and to assess our ne needs and situation open!" and !ovin&!". !ovin&!". This a&reement sha!! serve as the basis for an exten sion of our re!ationship) committed to in the spirit of friendship and consensua! dominance and submission ith the intention of furtherin& se!f=aareness and exp!oration) promotin& hea!th and happiness) and improvin& both our !ives. This a&reement has no !e&a! basis in an" court of !a. (espite this) the parties hereto a&ree to function to the best of their abi!ities to the terms herein as if it ere !e&a!!" bindin&.

I offer m" consent to submission to ?????????????????????????????? under the terms stated above on this the ???????? da" of ????????????? in the "ear ????????.  ?????????????????????????? ??   ????????????????????????????  Si&nature of Submissive

I offer m" acceptance of submission b" ?????????????????????????????? under the terms stated above on this the ???????? da" of ?????????????? in the "ear ????????.  ?????????????????????????? ??   ????????????????????????????  Si&nature of (ominant

Appendix A. Terms And Conditions o Submission 1. !enera" Scope 1.1 (efined herein are the set of terms and conditions of submission that that (ominant  ???????????????????????????  ?????????????????????????? ? (om5 expects Submissive ?????????????????????????? sub5 to perform and that sub a&rees to fu!fi!! to the best of her abi!it". 1.2 The !ossar" of Submission Submission Terms) Terms) appended hereto as Attachment A) app!ies for definitions definitions of terms used herein. 1.3 -ither part" ma" ma" re8uest re=ne&otiantion of these terms and conditions at an" time. ai!ure to a&ree on maintainin& current a&reement terms or modifications to these terms and conditions are &rounds for disso!vin& the (ominant=submissive re!ationship of the to parties. 1.4 The parties to this a&reement) (om and sub) reco&niDe that actions ithin the scope of the the Petition To Become A Submissive and these Terms Terms And Conditions of Submission are a form of ro!e p!a"in& ithin the context of their !ar&er !ives. -ither part" ma" at an " time uni!atera!!" and temporari!" step out of ro!e and re8uest the other part" to do so. This ma" occur hen the (om and sub are &eo&raphica!!" separated) for the purpose of c!arif"in& these a&reements) en&a&in& in rea! !ife situations ith or!d outside the ro!e p!a"in& or other such reason. In &enera!) it is expected that the (om and sub i!! se!dom step out o f ro!e hen toðer. toðer.

2. Contro" 2.1 The sub sha!! consider herse!f to be the @propert" of (om in matters of concern defined herein. @Propert"sha!! be construed to mean that the sub$s priorities) actions) ph"sica! appearance and p!ans sha!! first and foremost comp!" ith directives presented herein or as otherise communicated b" (om ithin the scope of this document. @Propert" sha!! not be interpreted in the sense of a @s!ave) that  bein& a different B(S* re!ationship c!ass. 2.2 The sub sha!! be timid) deferentia! deferentia! and submissive submissive to (om in a!! matters matters re!ated to to this a&reement) &enera!!" ith e"es don in the presence of (om and !oo:in& at (om on!" hen &iven permission. Fpon receipt of directive or orders or tas:in&) the sub sha!! not ar&ue and sha!! ac:no!ed&e her submission and a&reement to perform ith @Ges) *aster) @Ges) Sir or @Ges) (om. 2.3 (om sha!! sha!! not p!ace an" unreasonab!e re8uirements on sub nor an" re8uirements or demands that cou!d EeopardiDe her hea!th) ph"sica! ph "sica! e!!=bein&) Eob or re!ationship ith fami!" or friends. 2.4 Shou!d a conf!ict arise beteen the re8uirements herein and rea! !ife re8uirements) sub sha!! sha!! inform (om of the conf!ict and reasons h" h " she re8uests to deviate from the re8uirements herein or (om$s dictates. (om i!! provide temporar" re!ief to the se!ect criteria of this a&reement to a me!iorate the conf!ict. Sub i!! use Specia! %e8uest method para&raph +.'5 or !eave ro!e para&raph 1.45 to inform (om of conf!icts) the former mode bein& preferred. 2.# ai!ure of sub to meet the re8uirements and duties !aid out herein ma" resu!t in discip!ine. See

 para&raph + H (iscip!ine5



3.1 The cornerstone of success in in an" re!ationship is &ood and open communications. communications. So too ith this (om=sub re!ationship. The (om$s position as teacher and mentor !eaves free (o m to sub communications in an open and unrestricted manner. Sub$s position of deference ma" be perceived or  become an inpediment to free communications. As such such a procedure for ensurin& sub ma" communicate free!" ith (om is is that of Specia! %e8uestin& as prescribed in in para&raph +.'. Fsin& said  procedure) sub sha!! ensure that (om is made aare of sub$s fee!in&s) needs and desires across the spectrum of aspects needed for her menta! and ph"sica! hea!th. 3.2 (urin& ph"sica! separation) e!ectronic communications is the critica! and the primar" mode mode of interaction beteen (om and sub. Such communications modes inc!ude but are not !imited to9 Titter Titter)) textin& and e=mai!. 3.3 Sub sha!! be continuous!" avai!ab!e for communications ith ith (om b" one of the three means !isted in para&raph 3.2. S"mmetrica!!" S"mmetrica!!")) (om sha!! be continuous!" avai!ab!e b" the the same methods for communications from sub . 3.4 Sub sha!! do her best to inform (om if if she i!! be unavai!ab!e for communications for more than te!ve hours b" e=mai! or three hours b" b " textin&. At conc!usion of said &ap in avai!abi!it") avai!abi!it") sub sha!! notif" (om that she is a&ain avai!ab!e for submission to him. 3.# (om i!!) s"mmetrica!!" s"mmetrica!!" to para&raph 3.#) notif" Sub in in the event of unavai!abi!it" for for communications.



4.1 Sub sha!! enter into into no B(S* re!ationships) re!ationships) rea! or virtua!) virtua!) ith an"one other than (om. (om a&rees to s"mmetrica!!" abide b" this restriction. 4.2 Sub sha!! enter into no romantic or sexua! re!ationships or activities) rea! rea! or virtua!) ith an"one other than (om. (om a&rees to s"mmetrica!!" s"mmetrica!!" abide b" this restriction. restriction. 4.3 Sub i!! not fra&rant!" f!irt ith nor perform sextin& sextin& ith an" other ma!e) ma!e) b" virtua! virtua! or rea! means) ithout (om$s approva!. !a&rant f!irtin& is construed to mean f!irtin& as an invitation to sex) here such sex invitation is rea!) teasin& or fa:e.



#.1 Sub a&rees to meet ith (om in a pub!ic p!ace) mutua!!" mutua!!" a&reed to to and as convenient for Sub) for introductions as a part of or soon after si&nin& o f this a&reement and hen proposed b" (om.

'. Speciic Duties and #esponsibi"ities o Dom '.1 (om promises to care for and cherish sub and in particu!ar to never :noin&!" harm her  ph"sica!!" be"ond scope provided for herein as re&ards para&raph +) @(iscip!ine 5 or emotiona!!" b" ord or action. '.2 (om sha!! be a!a"s open and honest ith sub never hidin& fee!in&s that are necessar" to the the continuation of their mutua!!" supportin& re!ationship. '.3 (om sha!! be responsib!e for :eepin& sub safe at a!! a!! times hen she is is ithin his purvie. purvie. '.4 (om i!! do ever"thin& ithin is poer to train) educate) instruct) shape and mo!d mo!d sub into into best submissive possib!e. '.# (om sha!! provide for and a!!o sub to present her needs and opinions to him ith ith the scope of  propriet" set out herein for sub. '.' (om i!! i!! maintain himse!f in &ood hea!th and ph"sica! condition. '.+ (om i!! refrain refrain from the use of tobacco tobacco products) dru&s of an" :ind and i!! i!! on!" drin: a!coho! in moderation. '., (om i!! not a!!o or ma:e sub sub scene scene9 en&a&in& in sexua! activities activities ith other persons5 persons5 ith an" minors or anima!s at an" time. '.0 (om i!! not ma:e sub Eoin in an" mu!tip!e mu!tip!e person scene ith other ma!es ma!es andor fema!es at an" time ithout her mutua! prior consent on the persons5) p!aces) times) durations and activities. '.1< Shou!d (om a!!o sub to part" scene ith an"one e!se) (om sha!! be present durin& the entire scene in order to assure that sub is unharmed) does nothin& (om disapproves of and is not forced forced to do an"thin& on sub$s hard !imit !ist. '.11 (om sha!! immediate!" immediate!" respect and honor the invocation of the safe ord ????????????5 b" Sub) ceasin& a!! activit" undera". '.12 (om i!! stretch Sub$s !imits to he!p Sub &ro in the !ife) !ife) position and fee!in&s of se!f=esteem. '.13 (om i!! honor the Submissive$s Submissive$s Bi!! of %i&hts in Attachment B. '.14 (om ma") ma") at his discretion) en&a&e sub in in discip!ine) contro! or &enera! p!a" usin& methods and instruments activities as !isted in in Attachment Attachment C) except as !isted in Submissive S ubmissive ard Conditions) Attachment - or as ne&otiated and !isted in Attachment Attachment ) ) @aivers @aivers To To Standard Terms Terms of A&reement. '.1# (om i!! respect a!! hard !imits of sub sub as !isted in Submissive Submissive ard Conditions) Attachment -.

+. Speciic Duties and #esponsibi"ities o Submissive +.1 enera!. This para&raph defines specific duties and responsibi!ities responsibi!ities that Sub sha!! be re8uired to comp!" ith. ai!ure to prompt!" comp!" in !etter and intent ith these duties ma" resu!t in discip!ine See para&raph +5. +.2 Basics +.2.1 As per para&raph 2.1) sub sub sha!! consider herse!f to be the @propert" of the (om (om in matters of concern defined herein. +.2.2 As per para&raph 2.2) sub sha!! be timid) deferentia! deferentia! and submissive submissive to (om in a!! matters matters re!ated to this a&reement. +.2.3 Sub$s re8uirement for timid) deferentia! and submissive behavior to (om is is >7T to be interpreted as the sub bein& in an" an " a" inferior or unorth". uite the opposite. Assumin& the ro!e of a submissive ref!ects a stren&th of character) be!ief in onese!f and trust in her (om. +.2.4 Sub sha!! >7T se!f=deni&rate herse!f herse!f nor spea: peEorative!" peEorative!" of herse!f herse!f nor in an" a" imp!" that she is an"thin& !ess than a substantia!) orth") orth") inte!!i&ent individua!. If an" Eud&ment of the sub is to be made) it i!! be b" her (om (o m and that i!! be made based upon performance and !imitations therein) not  presumed character f!as in the sub. %epeated fai!ure in this re&ard b" sub i!! resu!t resu!t in substantia! discip!ine. +.2.# Sub sha!! cooperative!" submit to direction) sex) &ame p!a"in& and discip!ine discip!ine invo!vin& an" combination of e!ements from Attachment C) @(iscip!ine) Contro! or enera! P!a" *ethods and Instruments @ except as ne&otiated and !isted in Attachment ) @aivers @aivers To To Standard Terms of A&reement or as dec!ared hard !imits !imits in Attachement -) @Submissive$s ard ard /imits.

+.3 ea!th and h"&iene +.3.1 Sub sha!! do a!! in her poer to maintain &ood hea!th and &ood menta! out!oo:. This inc!udes)  but is not !imited to9 eatin& re&u!ar!" eatin& hea!th" &ettin& &ettin& ade8uate s!eep exercisin& at !east 3 times a ee: socia!iDin& ith friends friends at !east once a ee: and) !imitin& a!coho! consumption. consumption. See  para&raph +.3.05 +.3.2 Sub sha!! remain c!ean and h"&ienic at a!! times. Sub sha!! shoer or bathe re&u!ar!") re&u!ar!") no !ess than three times a ee: and at !east once dai!" hen co=habitin& ith her (om. +.3.3 Sub sha!! :eep her armpits) armpits) !e&s) pubic and ana! areas shaved comp!ete!" c!ean and smooth. ai!ure to do so is punishab!e. +.3.4 Sub sha!! use such va&ina! products as necessar" to :eep her va&ina and vu!va vu!va re&ion c!ean and ithout unp!easant odors. The (om sha!! routine!" assess the sub$s va&ina most often throu&h sexua! activit") activit") especia!!" ora!5 and advise her if her he r va&ina fai!s to meet his standards. Such fai!ure is  punishab!e. +.3.# Sub sha!! inform inform (om of commencement of her period and provide updates on an" si&nificant

discomforts re!ated thereto. +.3.' Sub sha!! inform (om (om immediate!" of an" sudden chan&es of mood) especia!!" ne&ative moods) e.&.) depression) !one!iness) fee!in& un!oved) etc. +.3.+ Sub sha!! sha!! inform (om immediate!" of onset of an" i!!ness. +.3., Sub sha!! maintain her ei&ht at approximate!" her current ei&ht and sha!! notif" (om if her ei&ht increases b" more than five pounds pou nds from her ei&ht at the time of acceptance acce ptance of this a&reement. The sub$s current ei&ht is ????????????. +.3.0 Sub sha!! attempt to minimiDe her consumption of a!coho!ic bevera&es. %e&ard!ess) %e&ard!ess) sub sha!! re8uest permission of (om to have a drin: or refi!! a drin:. This app!ies to a!! situations situations H socia! and otherise. In the event Sub is in a socia! situation here communications ith (om is unavai!ab!e) the Sub sha!! !imit herse!f to no more than one drin: ever" +# minutes. +.3.1< Bod" Piercin& and Tattoos Tattoos +.3.1
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