DRT Users Guide

February 6, 2017 | Author: Siva Kumar Mathan | Category: N/A
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DRT Users Guide Version 6.1 June 11

Copyright © 2011 Gemcom Software International Inc. (Gemcom) All rights reserved. Gemcom publishes this documentation for the sole use of Gemcom licensees. Without written permission, you may not sell, reproduce, store in a retrieval system, or transmit any part of this documentation. For such permission, or to obtain extra copies please contact your local Gemcom office, or visit www.gemcomsoftware.com. This software and documentation is proprietary to Gemcom and, except where expressly provided otherwise, does not form part of any contract. Changes may be made in products or services at any time without notice. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, neither the authors nor Gemcom assumes responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused from the use of the information contained herein. Gemcom Software International Inc., Gemcom, the Gemcom logo, combinations thereof, and GEMS, Surpac, Minex, Whittle, Gemcom InSite, Gemcom Hub, and PCBC are trademarks of Gemcom Software International Inc. or its wholly-owned subsidiaries. Product Gemcom Minex ™ 6.1 DRT Users Guide

DRT-Users Guide

Table Of Contents Prerequisites .........................................................................................................................2 DRT Categories .......................................................................................................................................... 3 DRT Settings ............................................................................................................................................. 20 Enabled Seams for DRT ............................................................................................................................ 22 DRT Category Defaults ............................................................................................................................. 23

Starting the MINEX-DRT software......................................................................................... 24 Assigning a DRT Category to a MINEX String ........................................................................................... 24 Display Options -- MINEX5-Plot Geometry Data ..................................................................................... 31

The MINEX Stations File ....................................................................................................... 33 The Stations File....................................................................................................................................... 33

Grids and Triangles to DRT Contours Settings........................................................................ 37 Grid Contours to DRT Category ............................................................................................................... 37 Triangle Contours to DRT Category ......................................................................................................... 38

Exporting the ArcInfo Shapefiles........................................................................................... 41 The Export DRT Shapefile Menu .............................................................................................................. 41 Specific DRT Category requirements DRT Category - Survey .................................................................. 45 Specific DRT Category requirements DRT Category - Grid Lines ............................................................. 47

Importing an ArcInfo Shapefile ............................................................................................. 49 The Importing capability. ......................................................................................................................... 49

DRT-Users Guide

Prerequisites Prior to running the MINEX-DRT software it is assumed that the User will have a good working knowledge of the String capabilities of MINEX6 and has various Geometry Files setup with specific MINE Survey data representing the various DRT Categories required to complete the DRT Transfer to ArcInfo. This includes a MINEX Stations File containing relevant Survey Control Station used in the MINE Area The DRT Categories and their Required and Optional Attributes are those specified in the DMR Survey and Mine Directions for Mine Surveyors and are listed below:

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DRT Categories Approval Settings Required String Attributes:

Optional Attributes:

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Grid Line Settings Required String Attributes:

Optional Attributes:

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Inrush Settings Required String Attributes:

Optional Attributes:

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Workings Settings Required String Attributes:

Optional Attributes:

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Titles Settings Required String Attributes:

Optional Attributes:

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Void Settings Required String Attributes:

Optional Attributes:

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Dateline Settings Required String Attributes:

Optional Attributes:

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Survey Settings Required String Attributes:

Optional Attributes:

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Borehole Settings Required String Attributes:

Optional Attributes:

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Colliery Holding Settings Required String Attributes:

Optional Attributes:

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Minfra Settings Required String Attributes:

Optional Attributes:

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Local Cadastre Settings Required String Attributes:

Optional Attributes:

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Barriers Settings Required String Attributes:

Optional Attributes:

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Contour Settings Required String Attributes:

Optional Attributes:

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Contour Void Settings Required String Attributes:

Optional Attributes:

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Geology Settings Required String Attributes:

Optional Attributes:

For more detail requirements on any of the above DRT Categories please click on the specific Category for more information.

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Each of the Categories above have specific Attributes that are required under the DMR Survey directions To Perform the required Actions on the displayed strings some background information will be required during a session to ensure all Compulsory fields have been answered. The included PDF file ( survey&DraftingforMineSurveyors.pdf) contains more information on the Statutory Requirements associated with the MINEX-DRT Implementation. Note:

Date formats are required to be stored as YYYYMMDD however MINEX allows for the entry by MM/DD/YY format. MINEX-DRT allows for predefined DRT categories to be assigned to String Geometry, Surface Contours and Survey Control Stations to allow for the generation of ArcInfo format shapefiles in accordance with the NSW Department of Mineral Resources -Survey and Drafting Directions for Mine Surveyors. These string attributes conform to various types of Mine Survey data for each Colliery Holding/Mine and nominated seam.

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DRT Settings Prior to attempting to set any of the DRT Categories to String Geometry it is necessary to setup DRT Defaults for the particular Colliery Holding and Mine Operations. This is done by going to the Tools > Options window and setting up the various default DRT Settings. These include the Colliery Holding Name, Mine Name, Record Tracing Number, Seam Name and any Endorsements required as shown below.

Also at this stage it is prudent to set up the Seam names to be used as the basis of seams for the DRT export. This is achieved by activating the Enable Seams for DRT option under the Options window shown above.

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Enabled Seams for DRT By highlighting the Enabled Seams for DRT option the Enabled Seams Properties tab is used to open the Enabled Seams browser. Click in the Enabled Seams field to invoke the Seam Customizer. Activate the window by clicking on the

[...] icon.

To Enable or Disable the required seam simply "click" in the appropriate "Tick Box". The Seam list has the current DMR Standard Seam list and Abbreviations ONLY. Note:

It is advisable to enable the "ALL SEAMS IN COLLIERY" and the "SURFACE" Seam for use in general DRT Categories later. Additional Seams can be enabled or disabled at any time during the software session and are automatically set for subsequent software sessions.

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DRT Category Defaults The various DRT Categories (16) are listed under the Options > DRT Settings. These DRT Categories conform to the DMR - Survey and Drafting Directions for Mine Surveyors and are described fully in the MINEX-DRT_Manual. An example of the DRT Category -- Approval Settings is shown below -Defaults set under the DRT Settings are automatically carried through to these individual categories eliminating the need to set up every DRT Category individually. It also should be noted that the "Disk Name" and "File Name" are automatically created at the DRT-Export stage and do not have to be filled out here.

The only requirement in this category (Approval Settings) is to Fill out the Approval Date and DMR_File_No. Also note the 2 Tabs at the base of the Approval Settings attributes window. These are Properties and Expert. The Properties tab shows those settings that are mandatory and the Expert tab indicates those settings that are optional.

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Starting the MINEX-DRT software Assigning a DRT Category to a MINEX String NOTE: The process of assigning a DRT category is restricted to the MINEX - Geometry File -STRUCTURE Data Type. During a normal MINEX6 session all Survey data required to be assigned DRT categories must have been converted to the STRUCTURE Data Type and appropriate MAP/IDENT names assigned for the convenience of displaying and distinguishing the Various DRT Categories. The extensive use of the MINEX Geometry File's hierarchical storage capability of GROUP/MAP/IDENT and CLASS should be used to store the specific DRT Category and Working Seam strings. It is recommended that a specific MAP name be set up for each DRT Category and the IDENTIFIER be used to categorize the various Seams or Workings associated with each Mining Approval Area. In the first instance simply display a set of strings representing the Mine Approval Areas and follow the following instructions. The example slide shows a simple polygon representing a Mine Approval Area in the Hunter valley NSW.

Use the Plot Geometry data window and select the appropriate MAP/IDENT combination to view the Mining Approval polygons (Data Type-STRUCTURE/BOUND) and display these strings in the 3D Design Window. Now "Select" the appropriate string representing a known Mine Approval area and using the RH Mouse button select the "Assign DRT Category" option to bring up the DRT Category Window.

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Now Select the required DRT Category from the DRT Category List and enter the appropriate note for each "Compulsory" Attribute and optionally add notes for any other information available under the "Optional" Tab.

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After filling out the appropriate Attributes and Values use the "OK" button to store these attributes for this string. NOTE: The Date format used within the String-Assign MINEX-DRT Category is MM/DD/YY ie: for SEPTEMBER 19th 2004 you would enter 9/19/04, the date displayed above 11/30/2004 is therefore 30th November 2004. To confirm you have completed this operation correctly, Select the same string again and note now the additional Properties Tabs shown in the Properties Window attached to the File Systems/Project Explorer Window.

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Select the DRT Required Tab and check you entries -- if they are incorrect you may change them here as well.

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Now try the DRT Optional Tab and adjust any Endorsements note as well

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The Final Step in the DRT Category Assignment process is to SAVE your GEOMETRY FILE.

Congratulations you have successfully assigned a DRT Category to a MINEX Geometry String. NOTE: This process is repeated for each DRT Category and it's associated Attributes. To SET a different DRT-Category simply highlight another String and use the Assign DRT Category option using the RH Mouse Contextual facility and select the appropriate DRTCategory from the "DropDown-Arrow" list. Note:

the Slide Bar to indicate other categories higher in the DRT Category Order.

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Display Options – MINEX6-Plot Geometry Data

Modifications to the Plot Geometry Data options in MINEX 6 allows the User to selectively Filter on DRT Category to ensure all strings have been correctly assigned their respective DRT Category. The Slide above shows the modified Plot Geometry Data window with the DRT Filter capability. A Tick Box option allows the User to select a specific DRT Category OR optionally select the "All" option to show ALL Strings that have been assigned DRT Categories at that time.

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At end of the selection process, use the F/P/E button to plot the DRT Categories ONLY in the 3D Design Window. To "Turn Off" the DRT Filter simply "untick" the Filter on DRT Category option.

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The MINEX Stations File The Stations File One of the specific DRT Categories used in the MINEX 6 implementation is that of Survey. The implementation of SURVEY STATIONS follows the normal use of the STATIONS File generally used in MINEX and allows for modification of the STATIONS FILE to include the additionally required attributes associated with the MINEX5 DRT Implementation. The additional attributes required from the Stations File are shown in the Slide below. These Include the "required fields" of Mine Name and Record Tracing Number, Station Type, Field Notes and Adjustment comments as well as the obvious Station ID, Easting, Northing and Height. NOTE: the Height will automatically be adjusted by +10000m during the DRT Export process and so will not impact on the normal day-to-day Survey Operation and Reduction process which uses the Stations File during Survey Reduction of Survey Observations to XYZ.

Optional Attributes are shown in the slide below and are characterised by Seam Name, Charted Date, Survey Date and any Endorsements/Notes

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A Stations Edit option has been added to the SURVEY Options as shown below. Note the additional Stations File Fields in the editor.

The Stations File Editor includes additional "Required" DRT - Survey category Attribute Fields. These MUST be filled out within the Stations File Editor OR using Wordpad/Ultra_EDIT on the ASCII STATIONS File. Care should be taken to ensure the Date Fields are correctly formatted and in the required columns. The MINEX-Stations File Editor should be used initially and compulsory fields filled out at the top of the Stations list to show column formats prior to using an ASCII file editor such as Wordpad or Ultra_EDIT.

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Use the

[...] to Access the correct STATIONS FILE

At end of the editing process, simply OK to SAVE the new STATION.STN file, OR, Cancel to exit without saving.

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All fields within the Stations File Editor are able to be "dragged" out to show the full extent of the table as shown above. The Survey Date format in the STATIONS FILE also differs from the String-Assign DRT Category window used within the MINEX-DRT operations.

NOTE: The Date Format used within the SURVEY STATIONS EDIT option uses the YYYYMMDD format and will be automatically converted at DRT Export time to conform with the DMR - ARCInfo DRT Implementation date format of MM/DD/YYYY in the exported Shapefile. NOTE: The Date format used within the String-Assign MINEXDRT Category is MM/DD/YY ie: for SEPTEMBER 19th 2004 you would enter 9/19/04

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Grids and Triangles to DRT Contours Settings Grid Contours to DRT Category The Assign Grid Contours to DRT Category is available under the Grid menu as shown below. The Grid Contour Strings option allows the User to convert any Contours displayed, to MINEX - String data AND at the same time Assign DRT Category -- Contour/Contours Void to those Contour Strings.

The Create Strings from Grid Contours menu below is filled out accordingly using the Interval column, Line Type, Line Weight and Colour options to set the various String Attributes at plot time. These attributes are carried through to the GM3 String Attributes and stored with the contour strings in the currently active primary MINEX -GM3 file.

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After setting the various Contour Parameters as shown above, use the Assign DRT Category TICK box to Assign either Contours OR Contours Void Categories to the subsequent contour strings displayed. The option also allows the User to nominate the Working Seam that the contours will be assigned AND also a Charted Date. The Charted Date is set either by using the DATE Browser as Shown or by Typing in a nominated Date in the date field. Use the OK button to both Display and assign the DRT Category to the displayed strings.

Triangle Contours to DRT Category The Assign Triangle Contours to DRT Category is available under the Triangle menu as shown below. The Triangle Contour Strings option allows the User to convert any Contours displayed, to MINEX - String data AND at the same time Assign DRT Category -Contour/Contours Void to those Contour Strings.

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The Create Strings from Triangle Contours menu below is filled out accordingly using the Interval column, Line Type, Line Weight and Colour options to set the various String Attributes at plot time. These attributes are carried through to the GM3 String Attributes and stored with the contour strings in the currently active primary MINEX -GM3 file.

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After setting the various Contour Parameters as shown above, use the Assign DRT Category TICK box to Assign either Contours OR Contours Void Categories to the subsequent contour strings displayed. The option also allows the User to nominate the Working Seam that the contours will be assigned AND also a Charted Date. The Charted Date is set either by using the DATE Browser as Shown or by Typing in a nominated Date in the date field. Use the OK button to both Display and assign the DRT Category to the displayed strings.

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Exporting the ArcInfo Shapefiles The Export DRT Shapefile Menu The Export DRT Shapefile menu is situated immediately under the DRT Menu Option as shown below.

Choosing the Export DRT Shapefile option opens the following Menu. NOTE the ArcView Export Settings radio buttons

Point, Line and Polygon.

The correct selection for the specific DRT Category is critical in the generation of the ArcInfo Shapefile. EG: For DRT Category - Colliery Holdings the Export Settings MUST be set to

Polygon whereas the DRT Category - Boreholes Export Settings should be set to

Point, DRT

Category - Contours for example would use Line.

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Use the DRT Category Scroll down arrow to select the specific Category for Export, again check the ArcView Export Settings to ensure they are appropriate for that DRT Category

The example below shows the DRT Category - Colliery Holding and the Polygon - ArcView Export Settings.

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NOTE: The software will automatically set the default Disk and File Name parameters from the DRT Category selected and the Default Colliery Holding/Date concatenation. The above example shows the Disk Name as Warkworth1204 and as the DRT Category is Colliery Holding the software defaults the ArcView Shapefile File Name to


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The final requirement in the Export DRT process is to select what data is to be exported The 3 Options are

Data on Screen OR Data on Screen PLUS selected geometry data OR Selected geometry data only Either of the above options can be used -- The use of the DRT Category Filter in the Plot Geometry Data window is often used to display the specific DRT Category and ensure ONLY that data is Exported. This option is also handy to preview your data prior to exporting. The Ok button activates the Export of the selected/displayed or combination Geometry Data to the relevant ArcView Shapefile, Cancel will exit the window without any action.

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Specific DRT Category requirements DRT Category Survey

. Specific DRT Categories such as DRT-Category - Survey and DRT Category - Grid Lines as shown above require extra fields and attributes and are not generally controlled within the MINEX Geometry File.

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The selection of the DRT Category - Survey option automatically activated the Station File TAB in the DRT Export window as shown above. Prior to activating this option, the SURVEY STATIONS FILE is edited under the Survey Menu as previously discussed.

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Specific DRT Category requirements DRT Category Grid Lines Selecting the DRT Category - Grid Lines activates the MGA Zone TAB where the MGA Zone is set for this DRT category.

Use the MGA Zone TAB to select the Specific MGA Zone of the Colliery Holding as shown below. Note:

These zones are preset by the DMR and generally fall within MGA ZONE 56

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Importing an ArcInfo Shapefile The Importing capability. The Import DRT Shapefile allows the User to "Import" any previously created ArcInfo Shapefile from MINEX back into the MINEX GM3 file.

Activating the Import DRT Shapefile options opens the window as shown below. The User then selects the appropriate ArcInfo Shapefile using the ShapeFile browser and nominates where in the MINEX GM3 file this data is to be stored.

At end of the selection process, CLICK the Ok Button to start the Import Process, Cancel exits the Import DRT Shapefile menu. Related Topics: See the NSW Dept. Mineral Resources -- Survey and Drafting Directions for Mine Surveyors (2003) for further information.

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