Dropbox Reconditioning

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Service Information Document Title: Dropbox reconditioning

Function Group: removed, 434

Information Type: Service Information

Date: 2/15/2016

Profile: Manual Transmission, FL–IL2 [GB]

Dropbox removed, reconditioning Op nbr nbr 434-029 434-029 Total procedure time (hr): 15.00 Tools: 9993812 Fixture ure 9993812 Fixt 9993844 99938 44 Regu Regulator lator 9998534 99985 34 Brea Break k out harness 11667001 11667 001 Hand Handle le 11667010 11667 010 Plug 11667060 11667 060 Drift plate plate 11667090 11667 090 Drift plate plate 11667105 11667 105 Drift plate plate 11667110 Drift plate 11667110 plate 11667118 11667 118 Drift plate plate 11667120 11667 120 Drift plate plate 11667125 11667 125 Drift plate plate 11667140 11667 140 Drift plate plate 11668022 11668 022 Brack Bracket et 88890074 88890 074 Multi Multimeter meter

Guide pin, M12x120 mm. 2pcs. M12 lifting eyes Sealant Loctite 518 Lock fluid Loctite 243 This operation also includes required tools and times for applicable parts of the following operations:         

Rear output shaft, reconditioning Differential lock control, reconditioning Rear housing half, reconditioning Lower main gear, reconditioning Upper main gear, reconditioning Shift fork, reconditioning Differential housing, reconditioning Oil pump, reconditioning Front housing half, reconditioning

Dismantling 1. Remove the oil oil plug and dr drain ain the the oil.


Figu Figure re 1

2. Install 11668022 Bracket Bracket on the dropbox. Lift the dropbox dropbox in the brackets with three lift slings. slings. Weight with bracket: 400 kg (882 lbs). lbs). Weight without bracket: 375 kg (827 lbs)

Figu Figure re 2

3. Set up the dropbox dropbox in a stand. Bolt Bolt 11668022 Bracket to 9993812 9993812 Fixture which which is secured on the the stand.

Figu Figure re 3

4. Remove the bolts and the cover that that hold the drive flan flange ge for the front output shaft. shaft. Lock the drive flange flange in a suitable way.


Figu Figure re 4

5. Remove the drive drive flange. Use a suitable suitable puller. Secure the puller in the drive flange with 2 bolts, UNF 1/2"x60 mm (2.4 in). Use suitable counterhold.

Figu Figure re 5

6. Loosen and remov remove e the oil pipe. pipe. NOTE! The upper pipe connection has a loose seal (sleeve and washer).


Figu Figure re 6

7. Remove the the bolts (8 pcs pcs.) .) for the dropbox dropbox's 's parting parting plan plane. e.

Figu Figure re 7

8. Rotate Rotate the the d drop ropbox box 180°. 180°. 9. Loosen the bolts bolts and th the e cover that hold hold the driv drive e flang flange e for the rear output output shaft. shaft. Lock the drive drive fla flange nge in a suitable way.

Figu Figure re 8

10. Remove the drive flange. flange. Use a suitable p puller. uller. Secure tthe he puller in the drive flange with with two bolts, UNF 1/2"x60 mm (2.4 in). Use suitable counterhold.


Figu Figure re 9

11. Loosen an and d remove remove the bol bolts ts (9 pcs pcs.) .) for the sseal eal cover. cover.

Figure Fig ure 10

12. Install the lifting sling under the cov cover er that holds the drive drive flange and fasten fasten it to the shaft with with three bolts. Remove seal cover, bearing, and rear output shaft. Weight: 30 kg (66 lbs)


Figure Fig ure 11

13. Check the shaft shaft with bearing and seal cover ffor or damage, wear, and function. If needed, overhaul overhaul the shaft, see Rear output shaft, reconditioning reconditioning.. 14. Remove the shims shims and the O O-ring -ring..

Figure Fig ure 12

15. Loosen and remove the lock lock nut and the bolts (3 pcs.) for the cover cover over the differential differential lock control. control.


Figure Fig ure 13

1. 2. 3.

Bolt, M8x40 mm (3 pcs.) Shaft Lock nut

16. Remove the cover from the shaft for the longitudinal differential lock. NOTE! The cover is bolted on the shaft.

Figure Fig ure 14

WARNING Spring tension. 17. Secure the cylinder with with three bolts M8x160 mm, provided provided with fl flat at washer and nut. Remove the lock lock ring for the piston. NOTE! The differential lock's spring has a preload of 120 mm (4.72 in). in).


Figure Fig ure 15

18. Remove th the e Allen hea head d bolts (2 pc pcs.) s.) for the cylinde cylinder. r.

Figure Fig ure 16

19. Release the spring spring preload by loosening the nuts on the attaching bolts. Loosen half half a turn per nut at a time.

Figure Fig ure 17

20. Remove tthe he cylinder cylinder,, the piston, piston, and the the spri spring. ng.


Figure Fig ure 18

21. Check the cylinder and and piston for dama damage, ge, wear, and fun function. ction. Overhaul cyli cylinder nder and piston ifif they are defective, defective, see Differential lock control, reconditioning. reconditioning. 22. Remove the remaining bolts (19 pcs.) for the dropbox dropbox's 's parting plane.

Figure Fig ure 19

23. Remove th the e rear housin housing g half. Use two lif lifting ting eyes M12 M12 for lifting. lifting. Weight: 55 kg (121 lbs)


Figure Fig ure 20

24. Check the rear housing half for damage and wear. If needed, over overhaul haul the rear housing half, see Rear housing half, reconditioning.. reconditioning 25. Remove the upper upper oi oill plate. plate.

Figure Fig ure 21

26. Rem Remove ove th the e lowe lowerr main main gear. gear. Weight: approx. 30 kg (66 lbs)


Figure Fig ure 22

27. Check the lower main gear for damage and wear. If neede needed, d, overhaul the main gear, see Lower main gear, reconditioning.. reconditioning The following applies to dropboxes for machines equipped with ATC: 28. Remove the speed (rpm) sensor. sensor. Continued: 29. Remove the upper upper main ge gear ar and the shift fork ffor or the differential differential lock. Weight: approx. 30 kg (66 lbs)

Figure Fig ure 23

30. Check the upper main main gear and sh shift ift fork for dama damage ge and wear. If needed, overhaul overhaul the upper main gear and shift shift fork, see Upper main gear, reconditioning and Shift fork, reconditioning reconditioning.. 31. Rem Remove ove th the e lowe lowerr oil plate plate..

Figure Fig ure 24

32. Rot Rotate ate the the dropb dropbox ox 180°. 180°. 33. Loosen and remove the bolts bolts and the cover for the the drive flange on the input shaft. Lock Lock the drive flange flange with a bolt or similar.


Figure Fig ure 25

34. Remove the drive flange. flange. Use a suitable pul puller. ler. Secure the p puller uller in the drive fflange lange with two bolts bolts provided with washer and nut.

Figure Fig ure 26

35. Loose and remove the bolts that secure the seal cover. Remove the seal cover.

Figure Fig ure 27

36. Rem Remove ove the shims. shims.


Figure Fig ure 28

37. Loosen and remove the bolts (16 pc pcs.) s.) that hold the cover for the differential differential housing. housing. Remove the cover. Use two lifting eyes M12 for lifting. Weight: 20 kg (44 lbs) NOTE! Make sure that the seal surfaces are not damaged.

Figure Fig ure 29

38. Remove the differential housing. Install a lift sli sling ng under the drive flange flange cover, and secure the cover to the shaft with three bolts. Weight: 60 kg (132 lbs)


Figure Fig ure 30

39. Check the differential housing for damage, wear, and function. If needed, overhaul overhaul the differential housing, see Differential housing, reconditioning. reconditioning. 40. Loosen and remove the bolts, the seal cover, and and the shi shims ms for the front front output sha shaft. ft. The seal cover is loosened by screwing in existing bolts in the puller holes, located under the plastic plugs on the seal cover.

Figure Fig ure 31

41. Remove the protection for the ground ground-dependent -dependent hydraulic pump taketake-off. off.


Figure Fig ure 32

42. Remove the drive sleev sleeve e for the the ground-dependent ground-dependent hydraulic pump. pump.

Figure Fig ure 33

43. Loosen a and nd re remove move th the e bolts bolts for the the oil pump. pump. Rotate the pump gear so that the markings on the pump gear and in the pump housing line up with each other. NOTE! The pump is locked with a ball in the gear's shaft.


Figure 34 Figure Marking pump gear and pump housing 44. Remove the ground-dependent ground-dependent oil p pump. ump. The gear shaft shaft may need to be rotate rotated d slightly so that the lock ball ends up in the groove. Weight: 16 kg (35 lbs)

Figure Fig ure 35 45. Check the oil pump pump for damage, w wear, ear, and function function.. Overhaul the oil pump pump if it is defective, defective, see Oil pump, reconditioning.. reconditioning 46. Remove the lock lock ring ring from the the gea gearr shaft. shaft.


Figure Fig ure 36

47. Remove the lock lock ball ball from tthe he gea gearr shaft. shaft.

Figure Fig ure 37

48. Tap carefully carefully on th the e gear shaft so that it releases releases from the bearing. bearing.

Figure Fig ure 38

49. Check the front housing housing half for damage damage and wear. If needed, needed, overhaul the housing housing half, see Front housing half, reconditioning.. reconditioning



Risk of frostbite! Use protective gloves.

Oil pump, mounting 50. Cool the oil p pump' ump'ss gear shaf shaftt to a tempera temperature ture not low lower er than –20 °C (–4 °F). °F) . 51. Install the ground-dependent ground-dependent oil pump with four four bolts. The oil pump is used as counterhold whe when n driving iin n the gear shaft. Weight: 16 kg (35 lbs)

Figure Fig ure 39

52. Rotate the dropb dropbox ox ha half lf a turn.

WARNING Risk of frostbite! Use protective gloves. 53. Ins Instal talll the oil oil pum pump p gear. gear. Tap down the gear against the bearing.

Figure Fig ure 40

54. Rotate the dropb dropbox ox ha half lf a turn. 55. Remove th the e bolts that hol hold d the oil pump, pump, and rem remove ove the oil p pump. ump. Weight: 16 kg (35 lbs)


Figure Fig ure 41

56. Instal Installl the lock lock rin ring g for the the gear gear shaft. shaft.

Figure Fig ure 42

57. Faste Fasten n the lock bal balll on the gear sha shaft ft with som some e vaseli vaseline. ne.

Figure Fig ure 43

58. Turn the inner pump gear so that the ball groove ends up directly opposite the the groove in the p pump ump rotor carrier. Apply sealant, Loctite 518 or equivalent, on the oil pump's contact face.


Figure Fig ure 44

59. Place the gear shaft's shaft's marking so that it e ends nds up direc directly tly opposite the markin marking g in the oil pump. pump. Install the oil pump. Weight: 16 kg (35 lbs)

Figure Fig ure 45

60. Instal Installl and tighten tighten the b bolts olts fo forr the oil pu pump. mp. Tightening torque, see: Tightening torque


Figure Fig ure 46

61. Install the drive ssleeve leeve for the ground ground-dependent -dependent pump.

Figure Fig ure 47

62. Appl Applyy seala sealant, nt, Loct Loctite ite 518 518,, on the oil oil pump. pump. Install the cover for the ground-dependent pump' pump'ss take-off. Tightening torque, see: Tightening torque

Differential case, installing 63. Install a lift sling under the drive flange cover, and and fasten the cover to the shaft with three bol bolts. ts. Install the differential housing.


Figure Fig ure 48

64. Drive out the bearing race race for the input shaft ffrom rom the differential differential housing cover. Use 11667001 11667001 Handle and 11667140 Drift plate.

Figure Fig ure 49

65. Apply sealant, Loctite 518 or equivalent, on the differential differential housing cover's sealing face. NOTE! Apply sealant around the oil channel.


Figure Fig ure 50


Oil channel

66. Install the cover for the dif differential ferential housing. housing. Use two M12 lifting eyes for lifting. lifting. Weight: 20 kg (44 lbs) NOTE! Line up the cover with the guide pins so that the oil channel ends up in the correct position.

Figure Fig ure 51

67. Instal Installl and tighte tighten n the bolts bolts cr crosswi osswise. se. Tightening torque, see: Tightening torque

Figure Fig ure 52


WARNING Risk of frostbite! Wear protective work gloves. 68. Cool the input shaft's shaft's outer b bearing earing race to a temperature temperature not lower than –20 °C (–4 °F). °F).

WARNING Risk of frostbite! Wear protective work gloves.

69. Instal Installl the outer outer bearing bearing ra race ce for the input input sh shaft. aft. Tap down the bearing race against the bearing. Use a brass drift. Rotate the shaft to ensure correct bearing position.

Figure Fig ure 53

Axial clearance, input shaft: see Dropbox, specifications

Input shaft, shimming 70. Measure the distance distance between the differential differential housing cover and the the bearing race (A (A). Note the value!

Figure Fig ure 54

71. Measure the distance distance between the lug and and the contact face on the seal cover (B (B). Note the value!


Figure Fig ure 55

72. Calculate the distance between between the bearing bearing race and and the seal cover's lug (C), that is: C = A – B where C = distance between bearing race and seal cover's lug A = distance between differential housing's cover and bearing race B = distance between lug and contact face on seal cover Total shim thickness (D (D) is determined by subtracting the axial clearance from C (= distance between bearing race and seal cover's lug), that is D = C – permitted axial clearance. clearance. specifications ons Axial clearance: see Dropbox, specificati For information on thickness of available shims, see Parts Catalog. Example: Measured distance between differential housing's cover and bearing race = A = 7.35 mm (0.289 in). Measured distance between lug and contact face on seal cover = B = 3.95 mm (0.155 in). Then distance between bearing race and seal cover's lug (C) is: C = 7.35–3.95 = 3.40 mm (0.289–0.155 = 0.134 in) The axial clearance should be between 0.06–0.10 mm (0.0024–0.0039 in), which gives that total shim thickness (D) may vary between: Dᵐᵃ = 3.40 – 0.08 = 3.32 3.32 mm (0.1 (0.134 34 – 0.0031 0.0031 = 0.1307 0.1307 in) and Dᵐ = 3.40 – 0.12 = 3.28 3.28 mm (0.134 (0.134 – 0.0047 0.0047 = 0.1291335 0.1291335 in) Select a shim with thickness 1.60 mm (0.063 in) and a shim with thickness 1.70 mm (0.067 in), which which gives a total shim thickness of 3.30 mm (0.130 in) and a clearance of 0.10 mm (0.004 in), which is within the permitted range. 73. Ins Instal talll tthe he shims. shims.

Figure Fig ure 56

74. Drive out the seal seal rings from from the seal cover. Use a suitable hammer hammer and drift. drift.


Figure Fig ure 57

75. Drive iin n new seal seal rings rings in the the seal cover cover.. Use 11667001 Handle and 11667120 Drift plate.

Figure Fig ure 58

76. Instal Installl the seal cover cover and tig tighten hten the bo bolts lts crosswise crosswise.. Tightening torque, see: Tightening torque NOTE! Make sure that the oil channel ends up in the correct position.


Figure Fig ure 59

77. Instal Installl a dial indica indicator tor wit with h a magnetic magnetic stand. stand. Reset the dial indicator to zero and rotate the dropbox half a turn. Check that the axial clearance is within the permitted range. Axial clearance, input shaft: see Dropbox, specifications. specifications.

Figure Fig ure 60

78. Loose and remove the bolts that secure the seal cover. Remove the seal cover. 79. Appl Applyy sealant sealant,, Loctite 518 or equiva equivalent, lent, on the se seal al cover. cover.

Figure Fig ure 61

80. Instal Installl the seal cover cover and tig tighten hten the bo bolts lts crosswise crosswise.. Tightening torque, see: Tightening torque NOTE! Make sure that the oil channel ends up in the correct position.


Figure Fig ure 62

81. Install a dial indicator indicator with a magn magnetic etic stand. Reset the dial indicator indicator to zero and rotate the dropbox hal halff a turn. Check that the axial clearance is within the permitted range. Axial clearance, input shaft: see Dropbox, specifications

Figure Fig ure 63

Upper main gear, installing 82. Clean the threads in the holes in the front housing housing half where where the lower oil plate plate is to be fastened with an M8 thread tap. 83. Install the lower lower oil plate with the two bolts closest to the upper main gear. Apply lock fluid, Loctite 243 or equivalent, on the bolts. Tightening torque, see: Tightening torque NOTE! Install one of the lower bolts, without lock fluid, as a guide for the oil plate.

Figure Fig ure 64

84. Instal Installl the overflow overflow valv valve e in the front housing housing half. half. NOTE!


Change the seal (no. 2 in Fig.) when installing the overflow valve.

Figure Fig ure 65

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Valve peg Seal (shiny side facing valve peg) Washer Spring Spring retainer Ring Lock ring

85. Instal Installl the lock lock ring for for the overflow overflow vvalve alve..

Figure Fig ure 66

86. Apply lock fluid, Loctite 243 or equivalent, equivalent, on the oil pipe's thread. thread. Fit the oil pipe. NOTE! The pipe shall protrude 60 ±1 mm (2.36 ±0.039 in). in). Make sure that the pipe's opening points at the bearing.

Figure Fig ure 67

87. Lubricate the bottom pin on the sh shaft aft for the shift fork with vaseline.


Figure Fig ure 68

88. Install the upper upper main gear gear and the shift fork for the differential differential lock.

Figure Fig ure 69

89. Rotate the upper upper main gear and check that it is ce centred ntred in the hole. Check that the shift fork can be moved and pushed.

Figure Fig ure 70

WARNING Risk of frostbite! Wear protective work gloves.


Lower main gear and rear housing half, installing 90. Cool the bearing bearing race ffor or the front output shaft, lowest lowest temperature allowed is is-20 °C (-4 °F). °F). 91. Install the bearing bearing race ffor or the front output shaft in in the front housing half.

Figure Fig ure 71

92. Tap do down wn th the e bea bearing ring race appro approx. x. 3 mm (0.118 in) below the inner edge. Use a brass drift.

Figure Fig ure 72 X = (distance bearing bearing race — inner edge) ap approx. prox.3 3 mm (0.118 in) 93. Instal Installl the the lo lower wer main gear gear..

Figure Fig ure 73

The following applies to dropboxes for machines equipped with ATC:


94. Instal Installl the speed speed (r (rpm) pm) sensor sensor SE SE4309. 4309. Tightening torque, see: Tightening torque

Figure Fig ure 74

The following applies to all machines: 95. Remove tthe he guide guide bol boltt for the low lower er oil pl plate. ate. Install the upper oil plate. Apply lock fluid on the bolts, Loctite 243 or equivalent. Tightening torque, see: Tightening torque

Figure Fig ure 75

96. Apply sealant, sealant, Loctite 518 518 or equivalent, equivalent, on the front housing half. half.

Figure Fig ure 76

97. Instal Installl the the re rear ar h housin ousing g half. half. NOTE! Make sure that the upper oil plate enters in the rear housing half's bevel.


Figure Fig ure 77

98. Instal Installl and tighte tighten n the bolts bolts (19 pcs.) pcs.).. Tightening torque, see: Tightening torque

Figure Fig ure 78

Rear output shaft, installing 99. Install a lift sling under the drive flange cover, and and fasten the cover to the shaft with three bol bolts. ts. Install the output shaft without shims.


Figure Fig ure 79

100. Measure the clearance between the bearing retainer and contact face face on the housing. M Measure easure in two place placess at the same time. Note the value. Install a dial indicator to check that the bearing retainer is not lifted during measuring

Figure Fig ure 80

101. Calcu Calculate late the rrequi equired red shi shim m thick thickness. ness. This is done by adding required bearing clearance for the rear output shaft, with the measured value of the clearance between the bearing retainer and contact face on the housing. Then select shims so that the thickness matches the calculated value. specificationss Bearing clearance, rear output shaft: see Dropbox, specification For thickness of available shims, see Parts Catalog. NOTE! Bearing clearance for the rear output shaft may not be less than the bearing clearance for the input shaft, see specifications. Dropbox, specifications. Example: Measured value of clearance between bearing retainer and contact face on housing = 1.37 mm (0.0539 in) Required bearing clearance for rear output shaft = 0.10–0.15 mm (0.0039–0.0059 in) This gives that the shim thickness may vary between 1.37 + 0.10=1.47 mm (0.0539 + 0.0039 =0.0579 in) and 1.37 + 0.15 = 1.52 mm (0.0539 + 0.0059 = 0.0598 in). Select a shim with thickness 1.50 mm (0.059 in), which gives a clearance of 0.13 mm (0.0051 in). 102. Install a lift sling under the drive flange cover, and and fasten the cover to the shaft with three bol bolts. ts. Remove the output shaft.


Figure Fig ure 81

103. Turn the d dropb ropbox ox a furth further er qua quarter rter of a tu turn. rn. Install a guide pin, M12x120 mm.

Figure Fig ure 82

104. Install the shims shims,, with a total thickness corresp corresponding onding to the calculated shim shim thickness above. above.

Figure Fig ure 83


Bearing carrier


2. 3.

Shims O–ring

105. Fit the O O–ring –ring on the bearin bearing g retainer retainer.. Smear vaseline on the O-ring. Install a lift sling under the drive flange cover, and fasten the cover to the shaft sh aft with three bolts. 106.. Fit the outp 106 output ut shaf shaft. t. Check that the O–ring does not move out of its position.

Figure Fig ure 84

107. Turn b back ack the dropb dropbox ox a qu quarter arter tturn. urn. 108. Chang Change e seal rings rings iin n the seal seal cover. cover. Use 11667001 Handle and 11667120 Drift plate.

Figure Fig ure 85 X = 5–6 mm (0.197–0.236 in) 109. Appl Applyy sealant sealant,, Loctite 518 or equiva equivalent, lent, on the se seal al cover. cover.


Figure Fig ure 86

110. Instal Installl the seal cover and and remov remove e the guide guide pin pin.. Install and tighten the bolts. Tightening torque, see: Tightening torque

Figure Fig ure 87

111. Rotate the dropb dropbox ox ha half lf a turn. 112. Install and tig tighten hten the rest of the bolts for the dropbox's dropbox's parting plane (8 pcs.). Tightening torque, see: Tightening torque

Figure Fig ure 88

Front output shaft, shimming 113. Tap down the bearing race race so that stops against the b bearing. earing. Use a brass drift. drift. NOTE! Rotate the shaft to ensure that t hat correct bearing position is achieved.


Figure Fig ure 89

114. Measure the d distance istance between the bearing race and contact contact face for for the seal cover ((A A). Note the value!

Figure Fig ure 90

115. Measure the d distance istance between the lug and and the contact face on the seal cover (B (B). Note the value!

Figure Fig ure 91

116.. Det 116 Determ ermine ine shim shim thicknes thickness. s. Calculate the clearance between the bearing race and the seal cover's lug ((C C). C = A – B, wher where e C = clearance between bearing race and seal cover's lug A = distance between bearing race and contact face for seal cover B = distance between lug and contact face on seal cover Add thepre-load. calculated clearance (C), to the bearing pre-load. Then combine shims so that it covers clearance and bearing Bearing pre-load, front output shaft: see Dropbox, specifications For information on thickness of available shims, see Parts Catalog. Example:


A = distance between bearing race and contact face for seal cover = 11.30 mm (0.4449 in) B = distance between lug and contact face on seal cover = 8.40 mm (0.3307 in) The above gives that the clearance between the bearing race race and the seal cover's lug becomes; C = 11.30 – 8.40 = 2.90 mm (0.4449 – 0.3307 = 0.11 0.1142 42 in) Bearing pre-load pre-load should be between 0.08 and 0.12 mm (0.0031 – 0.0047 in), which which gives that the shim thickness may vary between 2.90 + 0.08 = 2.98 mm (0.1142 + 0.0031 = 0.1173 in) and 2.90 + 0.12 = 3.02 mm (0.1142 + 0.0047 = 0.1189 in). Select two shims with thickness 1.50 mm (0.0590 in), which gives a total shim thickness of 3.00 mm (0.1181 in). Then the bearing pre-load becomes 0.10 mm (0.0039 in), which is within the range for required bearing pre-load. 117. Install shims, ma matching tching total sh shim im thickness calculated calculated above, above, for the ffront ront output shaf shaft. t.

Figure Fig ure 92

118.. Ins 118 Instal talll the seal seal ccove over. r. Measure the distance between the seal cover and the contact face. The distance should be the same as the bearing pre-load. Bearing pre-load, front output shaft: see Dropbox, specifications. specifications.

Figure Fig ure 93

119.. Rem 119 Remove ove tthe he seal seal co cover ver.. 120. Change seal rings in the cover. Use 11667001 Handle Handle and 11667118 11667118 Drift plate. plate.


Figure Fig ure 94 X = 5–6 mm (0.197–0.236 in) 121. Appl Applyy sealant sealant,, Loctite 518 or equiva equivalent, lent, on the se seal al cover. cover.

Figure Fig ure 95

122. Instal Installl the seal cover and and tigh tighten ten the bo bolts. lts. Tightening torque, see: Tightening torque Install the protective plugs for the puller holes. NOTE! Make sure that the oil channel ends up in the correct position.

Figure Fig ure 96


123.. Fit the oil pip 123 pipe. e. NOTE! The upper pipe connection has a loose seal (sleeve and washer).

Figure Fig ure 97

Control differential lock, installing 124. Lubri Lubricate cate the se seal al ring on the cy cylind linder er with vaselin vaseline. e. 125. Apply sealant Loctite 518 or equival equivalent ent on the underside underside of the cylinder's cylinder's flange that seals against against the transmission housing. 126. Instal Installl the spring spring a and nd the cylinder. cylinder. Install three bolts, M8x160 mm, with nut and flat washer. Compress the spring, until the cylinder is about to enter in the housing, by tightening the nuts. Tighten half a turn per nut at a time.

Figure Fig ure 98

127. Fit a sleev sleeve e 32” with extensio extension n over the shaft shaft for the shift shift fork. Line up the shaft so that the cylinder can enter without damaging the seals. Continue to tighten the nuts by half a turn per nut until the cylinder is all the way down.


Figure Fig ure 99

128. Apply lock fluid, Loctite 243 or equivalent, equivalent, on the bolts for the the cylinder. Install and tighten the bolts for the cylinder. Tightening torque, see: Tightening torque

Figure Fig ure 100 129. Smear va vaseli seline ne on the seal rin ring g and the O-ring O-ring on the piston. piston. Fit the piston.

Figure Fig ure 101


130. Instal Installl the lock ring ring for for the pisto piston. n.

Figure Fig ure 102

131. Press Pressurize urize tthe he dif differen ferential tial loc lock k with ma max. x. 0.7 MPa (7 bar) (101.5 psi). psi). Check so that there are no air leaks. 132. Appl Applyy sealant sealant,, Loctite 518 or equiva equivalent, lent, on the co cover. ver.

Figure Fig ure 103

133.. Rem 133 Remove ove th the e thre three e M8-b M8-bolt olts. s. Fit the cover. Tighten down the cover by turning the shaft shaft counter-clockwise. Insta Installll one of the three M8-bolts as a guide.

Figure Fig ure 104


134. Apply lock fluid, Loctite 243 or equivalent, on tthe he bolts for the cover over the longitudinal differential differential lock. lock. Install and tighten the bolts for the cover. Tightening torque, see: Tightening torque

Figure Fig ure 105

WARNING Risk of burns! Use protective work gloves.

Drive flange, installing 135. Heat tthe he three three dri drive ve fl flange angess to max. max. 100 °C (212 °F). °F). 136. Grease th the e seal rin rings gs on the seal cov cover er for the rear rear output sh shaft. aft.

WARNING Risk of burns! Use protective work gloves. 137. Instal Installl the drive drive fla flange nge on the rear out output put shaft. shaft. 138. Apply lock fluid, Loctite 243 or equivalent, equivalent, on the drive flange's flange's or cover's cover's bevelled surface. 139. Apply lock fluid, Loctite 243 or equivalent, equivalent, on the bolts for the cover. Fit the cap and bolts. Tighten the bolts. Lock the drive flange with a pry bar or similar. Tightening torque, see: Tightening torque 140.. Rot 140 Rotate ate the the dropb dropbox ox 180°. 180°. 141. Grease th the e seal rin rings gs on the seal cov cover er for the input input shaft. shaft.

WARNING Risk of burns! Use protective work gloves. 142. Instal Installl the drive drive fla flange nge on the input sshaft. haft. 143. Apply lock fluid, Loctite 243 or equivalent, equivalent, on the drive flange's flange's or cover's cover's sealing face. face. 144.. Fit the cap 144 cap and and bolt bolts. s. Use lock fluid on the bolts, Loctite 243 or equivalent. Tighten the bolts. Lock the drive flange with a bolt or similar. Tightening torque, see: Tightening torque 145. Grease th the e seal rin rings gs on the seal cov cover er for the front front output output shaft.


WARNING Risk of burns! Use protective work gloves. 146. Instal Installl the drive drive fla flange nge on the front ou output tput shaft. shaft. 147. Apply lock fluid fluid,, Loctite 243 or equivalent, equivalent, on the drive flange's flange's and the cover's bevelled bevelled surface. 148. Appl Applyy lock flui fluid, d, Loctite Loctite 243 or equivale equivalent, nt, on the bolt bolts. s. Fit the cap and bolts. Tighten the bolts. Install a bolt through the input drive flange as counterhold. Tightening torque, see: Tightening torque

Figure Fig ure 106

The differential lock is of the dog-clutch type with 100% locking. It is activated with spring force (spring pre-load approx. 120 mm (4.72 in)) in)) and is deactivated with compressed air. Design of the differential dog-clutch halves is such that they strive for full engagement at activation. The differential dog-clutch halves do not have to be pressed together to maintain engagement. This means that the spring-loaded spring-loaded shift fork is to be adju adjusted sted so that it does not press against the differential differential dog-clutch half when the differential lock is activated.

Differential lock, setting 149. Check that the diff differential erential lock is eng engaged aged (activated) by rotating the inp input ut shaft. If engage engaged, d, both output shafts shafts should rotate at the same speed. 150. Turn th the e shaft shaft cloc clockwis kwise e until it stops. stops. From stop position, turn the shaft counter-clockwise 4–5 turns.

Figure Fig ure 107

151. Move the rear output shaft back and forth as much as the gea gearr flank clearance clearance allows.


At the same time, turn the shaft clockwise until the resistance on the rear output shaft increases (shift fork starts to press on the differential dog-cl dog-clutch utch half) 152. From the position where the shift fork begins to press press on the differential differential dog-clutch half, half, the shaft is turned half a turn counter-clockwise. 153. Conne Connect ct equipment equipment for press pressurizi urizing. ng. Use 9993844 9993844 Regulator. Regulator. Pressurize the differential lock with max. 0.7 MPa (7 bar) (101.5 psi). psi).

Figure Fig ure 108

154. Check that the differential differential lock is deactivated, deactivated, that is, disengages. disengages. 155. Remove tthe he equipment equipment ffor or pressuriz pressurizing. ing. 156. Install the lock nut and lock the shaft in adjusted adjusted position. Use lock fluid on the the lock nut, Loctite 243 or equivalent. Tightening torque, see: Tightening torque

Sensor for differential lock, setting 157. Install 9998534 Break ou outt harness on the sensor and connect 88890074 Multimeter Multimeter to the cables marked marked 1 and 2.

Figure Fig ure 109

158. Check th that at the different differential ial lock is in in mesh (activated (activated). ). 159. Screw tthe he sens sensor or in unti untill the circuit circuit is cl closed. osed. 160. Screw in the sensor sensor anothe anotherr one fu full ll turn. turn. 161. Apply lock fluid, Loctite 243 or equivalent, equivalent, under under the lock nut. 162. Secu Secure re the sensor sensor with the llock ock nu nut. t. NOTE! Install new lock nut.


Figure Fig ure 110

163. Check the fu function nction by p pressurizing ressurizing the differential lock with compressed compressed air, max. 0.7 MPa (7 bar) (101.5 psi). psi). The sensor's circuit should be open when the differential lock is deactivated, that is, when it is not engaged.

Figure Fig ure 111

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