Drisana Manual Level 1 Parts 1 2

April 22, 2017 | Author: José Matos Iniciações Celestiais | Category: N/A
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DRISANA, the Tibetan Spiritual Energy. Throughout history the Tibetans have long been known for intensely powerful and highly aspiring religion, spirituality and philosophy. Many incredible stories were brought back to Europe by travelers of highly evolved spiritual leaders and their inspiring accomplishments and knowledge. Today, this is reinforced by loyal followers of their methods of higher consciousness. One only need think of the Dali Lama and his constant pursuit of world and inner peace, and you know there are millions of minds meeting in the collective conscious toward this purpose. Anyone with a serious spiritual pursuit will be interested in Drisana because of the many attunements to help purify, cleanse and balance the chakras, subtle bodies and the physical body. The Tibetans have had tremendous experience and retained vast knowledge along these lines; they have also blessed us with a versatile energy system. Working with energies is a master key in spiritual evolution and can cut decades from the time to your enlightenment. Could you imagine a subtle energy system that has more versatility and variability to change you and your clients profoundly? It would have the healing ability of other

systems and also combined with the ability to accelerate your spiritual evolution and the potential to enhancing future incarnations. Drisana can bring you out ahead of previous work that you have done in the past whether you are Christian , Buddhist, Jewish or any denomination or path. This is accomplished with multiple attunements in the first workshop which covers aspects of our lives on all planes. Each level has attunements that work with all seven planes, and each level works with one special plane that proceeds from the ground up. This creates a more complete, balanced and fulfilling system to work with, allows you to advance spiritually and not be "in the clouds" but remain grounded. Drisana is one of the most powerful healing systems, and like Huna it is also a very practical spiritual connection. The Tibetan Drisana system can open up energy channels known as Nadis which carry subtle energies in your body and mind. This allows an improvement in the flow of all energy systems you now use or will learn in the future. As you advance through the levels in Drisana, you can run all your energies at a higher power settings with the Nadi strands open. Do you need more power?? Most of the time you don't need to be super powered but occasionally you may have a limited time to help someone or wish to advance faster. This quote is from the Spiritual Unfoldment Network quarterly newsletter written by Irving Feurst. "Each level of Drisana contains an unusually large number of empowerments, many of which have no parallel in any other system. An example is the use of "power settings", which enable you to increase the force of not just Drisana but any subtle energy system. If you have been initiated into any other energy system, you will be able to use this empowerment to run that energy stronger than you ever have before. " "Drisana is one of only a few energy systems in the world which work with all seven planes of reality - the physical, emotional, mental, Buddhic, atmic, monadic and the cosmic. Most systems neglect the atmic and monadic. Unless we can connect deeply into all seven planes, there is some part of us which feels incomplete. "Drisana is the only energy system in the world that works by directly accessing the star tetrahedron shaped energy fields surrounding our six incarnation centers (also known as permanent atoms). Our physical body chakras, aura etc. are but manifestations of these fields. " Most psychic healers use their personal energy to do the work while these systems use cosmic energies which offer a vast source of different rates and frequencies. To flow more energies this way, these energy systems open the Nadis and the strands inside them to hold and flow more energy and integrate it into our lives. The Nadis must be opened one at a time, and most people take lifetimes to open five strands. This is done with several levels of Drisana, also Huna, with time in between classes to integrate the changes.

Another concept with these energy systems is that they carry intelligence. When we run these energies they have the ability to go to where they are needed in the body and mind and to work on the problem. This amazing ability is like a computer program that has intelligence and can perform actions at blazing speed; but has no soul or life as we know it. This intelligence works further for you when you ask the energies to work on something specific. For example, you may ask Drisana to work on your headache or stomach ache and help out with that. This allows the ability to work generally or specifically on problems, and provides help in checking out the thousands of energy channels in our body and subtle bodies.

Level 1, Part 1 This is the first half of the Drisana level 1 workshop. Remember to drink plenty of water after your attunements! Please take about 35 minutes to accept the first 16 attunements at your specified time. These attunements are energetically programs one after the other so you will receive just the right amount according to your higher will.

30 Different attunements for Drisana 1.

* Autonomous means that the energy runs by itself without our conscious awareness through our higher self. * Activatable means that you can run energy consciously and stop it at will.

1. Kundalini Shakti- This is an energy of spiritual unfoldment. It is an extremely safe way to work with Kundaliki, being one of the most intelligent of all shaktis. It is about 80% chit kundalini (goes to the heart and brain) and 20% prana kundalini (starts at the base of spine and works it's way up). The chit kundalini component works primarily with consciousness and does not affect energy blocks that much. In addition to it's own impetus this shakti, being unusually intelligent, has the power to oversee your spiritual development and will act to coordinate Drisana and any other shaktis or spiritual practices. Autonomous.

2. Angelic Forces Attunement, level 1.-

There are two parallel evolutionary tracks in the universe- The devic track and the humanoid track. Angels are spiritual beings who occupy a position on the devic track that parallels the position human beings have on the humanoid track. Devas also include elementals, plant spirits, crystal spirits, etc. There are many kinds of angels that you might work with, though the single most important one is your solar angel (guardian angel). However, the primary purpose of this angel is not to guard you but to oversee your personal and spiritual evolution.) Generally, archangels work with other angels and not with humans. This attunement allows any angelic forces that with to work with you to do so more easily by facilitating communication (from them to you and from you to them.) Autonomous.

3. Alleviation of Karma, level 1. This procedure alleviates some karmic burden from the past, but does nothing to effect karma accumulated in the present life. It is guaranteed to do something for everyone, though the amount varies from one person to another. Your teacher has no control over how much karma is alleviated. The alleviation is a personal experience and can be anywhere from slight to tremendous. Autonomous.

Note: The kundalini shakti, angelic forces attunement and alleviation of karma procedure constitute the basic triad that underlies all Drisana work. They work together to produce an extremely powerful force for change. *You work it out in some way, or it can be alleviated from an act of God.

4-10. Seven Attunements. These seven attunements work on the seven sub-planes of the etheric plane, as they manifest in ourselves, to make them more self-clearing and self-balancing. The attunements expand the first strand in each nadi so it can hold more prana and also makes the strand more efficient. These attunements also open substrands 1-3 of the second strand in each nadi. (The nadis of the subtle body are analogous to the nerves of the physical body. Each nadi has five strands and each strand has five substrands.) It is in these attunements that you acquire the basic Drisana energy. Autonomous. *Cosmic- union with God *Monadic- true self

*Atmic- spirit *Buddhic- soul *Mental *Emotional *Physical

11. First Light. This attunement makes the basic Drisana energy more coherent and penetrating and increases it's power by a factor of five to seven. First light is a general purpose energy that can be used for yourself or others to produce profound changes on the etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. It is a shakti. Activatable. To activate: think 'Drisana' or 'First Light' and intend for the energy to flow down your arms. The only thing that you need is intention to run the energy. You need to have this intention present continuously throughout the entire time you are working with First Light, however it is intention not will power that keeps the energy flowing. Even the smallest amount of intention is sufficient. You can run it down your arms and ask it where you want it to go, or place your hand where you want it to build up a charge more quickly. You can ask it to do anything like digest your food, relieve headache or whatever. You can use the mode settings with it (attunement 25).

12. Activation by will alone, level 1. Allows you to activate any energy or procedure through will alone. This applies to any energy or procedure you had before the attunement and any you receive afterward. It can be used in place of symbols, but is not a substitute for hands-on work. You can also use the attunements to create customized "Programs". Decide on a name for your program at some point before you complete the program. Then run all the procedures you wish to program for the amount of time and in the order you wish the program to simulate. After doing this, you can ever afterward just think the name of the program and it will simulate everything (at roughly 50% to 70% efficiency) in roughly one-fifth to one-third the time. Once activated, the simulation will run to completion by itself even if some or all of what you were programming required continuous intent to activate. If you are programming a large number of things, you may experiencing some drop off in efficiency

due to the number of things you are programming. A very rough rule of thumb is that you need to program over 25 things for this to start to be a serious consideration. Example: Morning Program. Run 1st. Light (always start off running first light first, or higher lights at higher level Drisana) At the same time, start to run *Clearing-> Power setting of 5 (and for 5 min. or longer) *Balancing-> Power setting of 4 (and run for 5 min. or longer. *Aligning-> (same as above or whatever you prefer and for how long) After you finish, state: This is the end of the Morning Program. Now let's take the above example a step further.. Add up all the minutes that you ran at the above which is 15, then divide it by 3, and 5 (always). 15 divided by 3 equals 5, and 15 divided by 5 equals 3. Take the two answers and that is how long the energy will run autonomously. This particular program will run for about 3 to 5 minutes and will turn off by itself. * You can use a variation of Drisana energies, or any other that you have been attune to from other systems. You can also run any energy for longer periods as long as you state it, and with different power settings. Think about how you would program a computer to do specific things. It's the same thing here.. Neat, huh? Think of the possibilities.:) To change the program, say: I'm rewriting the new Morning Program to take the place of old Morning Program.

13. Light Carrying Capacity, level 1 This enhancement works mostly with the physical nervous system to enable it to absorb more spiritual level energy. Autonomous.

14. Mental Imagery Attunement, level 1 This attunement empowers your mental imagery, increasing your ability to visualize in some way. It may be more vivid, 3-D, contain more emotional content or it may show you what it feels like in your body to be what you are imagining. To activate: Say or think "Mental Imagery" then develop your mental image.

15. Heart Center Enhancement, level 1 This increases the ability of the heart and the heart chakra to give and receive love at the human, devic and divine levels. It releases a healing energy from the heart, increases flow between the heart and higher self, and prepares the heart to receive the additional enhancements of higher levels of Drisana. The first degree heart enhancement allows you to send heart center energy to others or into your environment without touch. To activate: think "Heart Enhancement". Some people like to see light or feel warmth at the heart chakra. To send to others or the environment, activate as above, then send a beam of white light (cone shape with point at heart chakra) out to others or the environment. Another way to use this attunement is to maintain a continuous focus on the heart chakra after activating the attunement. An elixir (an energy of a particular class which has a liquid feeling to it.) which has been described as feeling like "liquid love" Will begin to circulate around the body. This elixir is very healing and develops qualities of the heart. This energy can be sent to one person alone or to many.

16. Etheric Heart Attunement. The thymus gland has been called the "etheric heart". It is in the upper central part of the chest, roughly on-third of the way from the bottom of the collar bone towards the heart chakra. However, it is not necessary to know exactly where it is located in order to work with this attunement. This attunement opens you up to acceptance of your inner divinity. The strength of this attunement builds over time. To activate: think "Etheric Heart." Some people also like to see light or feel warmth at the thymus. To send to others or the environment, activate as above, then send a beam of light (cone shape with point at etheric heart) out to others or the environment. Another way to use this attunement is to maintain a continuous focus on the thymus after activating it. You will feel an elixir circulate around the body. This elixir accelerates the process of accepting one's inner divinity.

Good Luck!

Lot's of love, Jose Gonzalez

Level 1, Part 2

This is the second half of the Drisana first level workshop. Please take about 35 minutes to accept highest divine attunements for the second half at your specified time. Remember to drink plenty of water after your attunements. 17. Triangulation Attunement (Channel Building) This increases the efficacy of channel building, a procedure to work with your central channel from your soul star to your earth star. The attunement helps to maintain even development of the channel and also facilitates energy flow from the central channel out to the rest of the body. Channel building sensitizes each chakra to the rays of the soul since the soul star moves through each chakra. Channel building enhances the personality/soul fusion process and is profoundly transformational on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Autonomous.

18. Soul Star Attunement The Soul Star is an energy center located 6-8 inches above the crown chakra. Some people experience it as being star-like, but it is more common to see it as a ball of light. It's job is to regulate energy entering your field from the cosmos, your soul and your solar ("guardian") angel. The soul and the solar angel most commonly (though not aways) will first pass energy they want to send you through the soul star. This attunement dramatically increases the ability of the Soul Star to work with prana from the Buddhic plane and above. It also helps to increase your awareness and understanding of the Soul Star. Autonomous. Procedure for Channel Building (Triangulation) (1)It is definitely best (though not absolutely essential) to be in a position where all the centers used in channel building are in a straight line (i.e. standing or lying down). Relax. (2)Say Soul Mantram (say as if you are the soul) I AM THE SOUL I AM THE LIGHT DIVINE I AM LOVE

I AM WILL I AM EXPANDING DESIGN (3)Ask higher self to give me all appropriate energies for Channel Building with Drisana first light. Then tune into your soul star and wait about 2 minutes. **Do NOT decide on a personality level to add anything else - even an energy that seems like it would be useful may cause serious problems (see caution below). (4) Typically, it will charge the soul star with the highest level Drisana Light to which you have been attuned, as the Lights are both progressively more powerful general purpose energies and progressively more effective at bringing in soul energy. **Whether you are channel building with Drisana, Neryia, or another specifically recommended energy, do NOT consciously run that energy and do NOT consciously charge the soul star. The energy will automatically be carried by the soul star into the chakras. (5)Remember to always think triangle shape. Let the soul star charge on it's own. a. Start at the Soul Star and move it a few inches in front of your brow chakra, enter the ball of light in your brow into the central channel, and move it up and out of the top of your head back to the original position. (Do you see the triangle formation?) Do this three times (3X). b. Then move Soul Star down a few inches in front of throat chakra, into central channel, up to original position. (3X) c. Move Soul Star down a few inches in front of heart chakra, into central channel, up to original position. (3X) d. Do a-c for 3-4 days first so your energy circuit can get use to the intense energy. Afterward.. e. Add solar plexus 3x, f. Add next second chakra. g. Add first chakra. H. Now go below your first chakra between your knees and continue triangulation. i. Next go to your ankles near your feet and continue. j. Last, go to the earth star a few inches below your feet.

k. Do the Triangulation procedure every day if possible. Twice a day is even better. (6)After you have been doing your entire channel (all the way down through the earth star) daily for at least two weeks you can add the following loop through the physical heart. This will significantly increase the power of the triangulation procedure. a. This procedure starts after you have finished passing the soul star through the earth star and have returned it to it's point of origin 6-8 inches above the head. Bring the soul star from it's position above your head down along a slanted line till it is in front of the heart (i.e. the physical heart as opposed to the heart chakra). b. Pass the soul star into the body and into the center of the *physical heart. c. Now bring the soul star up through the interior of the body along a straight line till it is at the level of the base of the neck (it is still in the interior of the body). d. Move the soul star up through the neck (it is moving in the central channel) till it's center coincides with the center of the brow chakra (at the level of the center of the forehead and halfway between the front and back of the head). e. Move the soul star through the body and out in front of the brow chakra. The center of the soul star should be Roughly six inches from the surface of the forehead. f. Now move the soul star along a slanted line till it is back up over your head in it's original position. g. You have just completed one circuit through the heart. Do two additional circuits for a total of three altogether.

**CAUTION: Channel building is an extremely powerful procedure. Doing it more than twice a day is generally not recommended as you could overcharge yourself. For the same reason, DO NOT add centers other than those described. DO NOT combine channel building with any procedure unless it is specifically recommended in your manual that you do so - and then be sure to follow the exact directions for combining the two. While deviating from the procedure as described, can cause difficulties, when channel building is done properly it is an unusually safe procedure. In fact, it is both the safest and most effective od for developing the central channel available to the general public.

19. Soul Contact Attunement, Level 1

This is the first level of a sequence of unusually effective attunements for facilitating personality/soul fusion by bringing in and integrating soul energy into the etheric, emotional, mental and causal bodies. The attunement has five steps, each of which must be activated individually and in the sequence given. Always activate all five steps to maintain balance. If you lose track of where you are in the sequence, go back to the beginning and start over - you will then move very quickly through the steps you have already done. The five steps correspond to the projections of the soul into the five lower planes. Waite 2 to 3 minutes one procedure after the other in the order given. To activate: say in you mind or aloud in the order working in sequence with: (1) the etheric level of the soul. (2) the emotional level of the soul. (3) the mental level of the soul. (4) the Buddhic level of the soul. (5) the Atmic level of the soul. Activate each step by intent. Then wait until you feel the incoming energy taper off and go the the next step. Typically, the energy will taper off in two or three minutes. If you cannot feel the energy, wait tree minutes and then go on to the next step.

Your experience of this attunement will change dramatically as you continue to use it. It is possible that at first you may feel only a little or even nothing happening, however the effects are cumulative and lead to an ever deepening awareness of the soul, with all that this entails. The attunement can be used at any time, however many people find it particularly useful to first do the channel building before activating the attunement. Recommended frequency of use is one to three times daily. If you use the attunement for someone else, activate each stage by intention and then wait till they feel the energy taper off or, if they cannot feel the energy for three minutes. You will be bringing in their soul energy for them rather than your own.

20. Chakra Release Attunement, level 1

This attunement works on one chakra at a time to release blocked energy and dysfunctional personality patterns. It is best used as part of an ongoing program as over time it works at progressively deeper levels. However much is released in a particular session is released permanently, not just re-stimulated. There are two parts to the procedure. (1) Pulling out. Decide which chakra to work on. If you are not sure, you can use Drisana to help you decide - for example, you could run First Light down your arms and ask it to accumulate in the chakra(s) it recommends. Put your hand on the chakra. Activate the attunement by intent, for example by thinking "chakra release". Move your hand out to a point in space away from your body (the exact distance does not matter. Many people find 3-5 inches a comfortable distance.) Return your hand to the chakra. Move your hand back out to a point is space again (does not have to be exactly the same point as before). Return your hand to the chakra. Keep moving and returning until it feels like as much work has been done as will happen in one session. You could realize you have reached this point in various ways- by lessening of a magnetic pull some people feel between the hand and chakra, by feeling less change happening within the chakra, or just intuitively. You do not need to worry about affecting your environment negatively by doing the pulling our, as the Drisana system completely purifies any energy released into the room. In doing the pulling out, the Drisana system will automatically pull more deeply or more strongly (by adjusting the power setting) as is appropriate. (2) Filling up. Fill up the space you have created in step #1 by running the highest level Drisana Light you have (or other high vibrational energy if guided to do so). You could realize you have finished the filling up step in various ways - by clairvoyantly seeing the energy overflowing into the room, by kinesthetically sensing this, or just intuitively. The filling up step generally takes just a few minutes.

IMPORTANT: It is not recommended that you work on more than two or three chakras in the same session and that you wait a minimum of two hours between sessions. Too much change, even positive change, at one time can be unsettling. DO NOT RUN OTHER ENERGIES OTHER THAN DRISANA FIRST LIGHT OR HIGHER LIGHTS IN FUTURE LEVELS FOR CHAKRA RELEASE.

21. Star Tetrahedron attunement, level 1 The star tetrahedron has long been recognized as one of the most important shapes in sacred geometry. It can be thought of as composed of two interpenetrating tetrahedral,

one pointing up and one pointing down. (A tetrahedron is a pyramid with an equilateral triangle for each of it's four faces.) As such, it is a three dimensional generalization of the Star of David and has multiple levels of symbolism. Stars, planets, angels, and humans are surrounded by star tetrahedron shaped energy fields. This attunement is one of the most powerful and versatile in the entire Drisana program. However, it's significance goes even beyond this. It's name derives from the fact that it is historically the first of a number of attunements to make use of an extraordinary new technology that changes at a basic level the way energy is transformed and processed in the human energy field. It places a star tetrahedron fields that are naturally presented in the subtle bodies. Once activated, the attunement goes through three phases. All you need to do is start the attunement off and it will automatically run to completion by itself, in the process passing through all three phases. The first phase does energy work, the second phase does personality integration, and the third phase either prepares for or works actively on personality/soul fusion. The length of a phase can vary greatly. It will usually last between five and thirty minutes. Averaged over many times, each phase lasts about fifteen minutes. This attunement has the unusual property that no matter how many times a day you use it, it will continue to do something for you each time. However, a rule of thumb is you will reach a point of diminishing returns if you use it more than two or three times in a four hour period. To activate: You may use the attunement either for yourself or others and in each case you may activate it either hands on or through intent. To activate it hands on, place hands on the crown chakra and just intend for it to start. As soon as you have done this, you may remove your hands. Activate by intent for yourself or someone in your physical presence. To use for someone at a distance, use the absentee symbol, and just intend for it to come down into their crown. The Star Tetrahedron attunement will combine with almost any other attunement, from either Drisana or another system, to increase the efficiency of that attunement. *Can run it for someone close to you without absentee symbol. Only long distance. Just intend that it goes into crown chakra.

22. Stabilization Shakti This is an extremely useful procedure that can follow chakra release or the Star Tetrahedron attunement - indeed, any procedure of any type that affects your energy flow positively, whether from Drisana or any other system. This energy acts to stabilize any

change that has been produced. Run this energy regularly. Over time, it can make a significant difference. To activate: You can activate this shakti in two different ways. (1)Place hands on the head and say or think "stabilization energy". Run the energy for 1-2 minutes on yourself or another person, maintaining a continuous intent to keep the energy running. (Head or shoulders). (2)Ask the energy to come down from above into the crown chakra, from where it will spread to wherever appropriate. If you use this od, all you have to do is start the energy off and it will run to completion by itself.

23. Power Setting Attunement This attunement allows you to use any energy or procedure you have at any power setting from 0 to 5 in half unit increments. Your current power level for any energy will correspond to a setting of 3 after you receive this attunement. If you work with any new energy systems in the future, the normal level of flow for that system will be attuned to you at level 3. Settings below 3 turn the energy down and settings above 3 makes it more powerful. A useful rule of thumb in working on others is to always start off at power setting 5 and, if you think someone might be particularly sensitive to subtle energy let them know you can turn the energy down If you take Drisana 2, the rule of thumb will change to always start off at power level 7. However, the recommendation to start at level 7 then stays the same throughout the rest of the Drisana sequence. If you move the power setting from 3 to another level, it will automatically revert to the base line level of 3 once you stop running the energy. Each level of Drisana adds more power settings (which constitute a logarithmic scale), however the base line always remains at 3. To activate: first activate the energy then say or think "Power Setting (number)". Example: 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3 = normal 2.5

2.0 1.5 1

24. Drisana Absentee Symbol Attunement This gives you the ability to use a simple symbol (the only symbol you need in first degree) to transmit Drisana or other energies over long distances. There are several ways you may make use of the symbol. In each application, once you have drawn or visualized the symbol you may let go of it for the remainder of your work. *Side note: This is for people that chooses to work with symbols as in reiki. Just visualize a triangle pointing up, and another below it pointing down. Then draw a line connecting the two triangles... There goes your symbol. You can also choose to use the absentee symbol from reiki in replacement as well. Whatever you so choose. (I personally don't use any symbols, for symbols are only a means of intentional focus and does not have any real power except the power that you give to it yourself.)

25. Mode Setting Attunement If you run First Light, it will typically work on many different things simultaneously. Modes settings allow you to focus all, or almost all, of the energy into one application. This allows you to run Drisana First Light or any other energy in any one of the following modes: 1.creativity 2.stimulation 3.relaxation 4. subtle body healing (submodes- etheric, emotional, mental) 5.meditation (you can use mudra- fingers together to forehead. 6.grounding 7. pain relief (can reduce the pain) 8.balancing (submodeschakras, meridians) 9.healing sleep (working out things in your sleep. It sets the tone. 10.integration (of physical, emotional and mental aspects of your being) 11. mental alertness 12. clearing (submodes- subtle bodies, chakras and meridians) 13.aligningaligns subtle bodies, chakras, meridians for ideal flow of energy 14. immune system stimulation 15. self-selecting (selected by higher self) 16. regular (1st. light) To activate: Activate first light (or any other energy you are running, but it works best with first light), choose the mode then the submode - add a power setting it you desire. You can run more than one mode at a time. A useful way to start your day is to run the clearing, balancing and aligning modes simultaneously for 10-20 minutes (takes less time once you get into "shape"). If your mornings are rushed, you could use the activation by will alone attunement to create a program for clearing, balancing and aligning.

26. Transdimentionality attunement This attunement assists you in experiencing the state of consciousness in which the mind transcends all dimensions of reality, including space and time. This state could be described as a crossroads where all dimensions of reality meet. From there, you can develop the capacity, through meditation, to move in any direction. Autonomous.

27. Meditation attunement, Level 1-3 These increase the depth, breadth and ease of meditation. Autonomous.

28. Samadhi attunement (Union with God) Level 1 Assists you in reaching higher levels of meditation. Students who have attended all 7 levels of Drisana and received 7 Samadhi Attunements Will find that the time it takes to reach Samadhi (advanced meditative state) is cut approximately in half. Thus, if it were going to take you sixty years, it would take roughly thirty instead. If you make an intellectually based decision to use this attunement, it is recommended that you wait till roughly the last third of the meditation to activate it. To activate: say or think "Samadhi".

29. Mental Control of Energy attunement This attunement gives you greater control over energy. It makes the energy easier to run, stronger or faster. You can use this attunement to work with your own body energy as well as with shaktis. For example, you could use it when you are cold to increase flow to parts of your body. To activate: activate any energy then say or think "Mental Control of Energy".

30. Drisana Seventh Ray Initiation This is an autonomous attunement that increases the capacity of each of your chakras to work with seventh ray energy. Beginning the last day of the workshop, and continuing for seven days, you will have seventh ray energy streaming into your crown and speeding throughout your body. This energy will be in all of your chakras each day. However, it

will focus on a particular chakra region each day. This focus starts with the crown chakra and works down. Each level of Drisana has a different ray initiation, starting with the seventh ray and working up through the first. Autonomous.

*PRIORITIES FOR A DAILY ROUTINE* Meditation is the most important thing you can do for your Spiritual growth. Of the Drisana techniques. Triangulation and the Star Tetrahedron attunement should be used daily. Chakra Release is also a powerful tool to add to your daily routine, but has somewhat less priority than Triangulation and the Star Tetrahedron attunement. Always end any session with 1-2 minutes of the Stabilization energy.

Good Luck, Jose Gonzalez

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