Dream Walking

March 31, 2017 | Author: Christine Carreon | Category: N/A
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hugh calloway/oliver fox not all dreams lead to dreamspace Gates of Dream dream incubation Podalirius and calchas in Apulia tomb of Achiless Trojan War eteran asia minor ancient greece Dream Yoga-tibet gates of death and gates of dream has own dreamworld-if something different we notice dream telepathy-Montague Ullman and Stanley Kipper vivid full color somehwat puzzling to dreamer did not reflect any recent daytime activity vivid and memorable feels real space no more than 20ft-large room define space-wall of trees or fade away, ringed with mist short periods of meditation repeated frequently > one long session 5-10 min at a time several times throughout week successful: u can call it to mind at will all the details appear vividly without concentration it feels like a real space u carry within ur mind Gate of Dreams point of passage from personal dreams to wider territory of dreamspace portal new space, unworked and unembellished removed from dream haven go to other's dreams or draw them through portal to you appearance and identity 1st just look at images then go through it manifests clearly without any effort something u can physically pass through/into u can us it to connect ot others u perceive it as a gate leading beyond your dream haven ediolon you identify the image as you the image provides a point of first person perspective the impt details manifest automatically it feels just like your physical body dreaming chamber

open space, clar of clutter - physically and energetically quiet space where u can reduce disturbances space free from electronic devic dark sapce protect from light space comfortable, both physically and mentally bed placement - away from wall open sensation aesthetics special place build energy-sit on floor in exact middle of room back straight hips rocked forward slightly hands on knees arms loosely against sides close eyes, head drop towards chest tongue against roof of mouth, breathe slowly and evenly through nose several minutes point of relaxation distractons pass warm hum vibration thru limbs - ready as u breathe, build sphere of energy within u, in belly so botto part rests almo st on tops of thights build sphere a little more as u inhale, seeing sphere grow brighrer with each in take of breath think about what you want to achieve pthink about purpose, long term goals think about how u want chamber to feel being safe in dreaming chamber but also able to reach out and perceive things ov er great distances with each new thought and desire, add another layer onto this glowing sphere of energy imbue sphere with everything u seek to achieve with this room in regard to dream walking turn attention to foundation of the room feel floor drop energy to contact floor if on higher floor, block out other floors between u and ground imagine where body mets floor, thick, stable, stone pillar descends straid down into earth pillar connects room to ground, hilding it up like sturdy, elegand stem of exoti c flower like a stem, pillar should also allow energy to pass up from earth to nourish wh at you are building waste enrgy will flow down the pillar into ground: fresh clean energy will pass back up 'roots' turn attention to room with eyes still closed, picture room around u clearly in mind's eye do not lose focus on sphere of energy or connection to ground send energy u've gathered into floor but not down to ground seep out of u and spread around like glowing pool of energy let energy spread through floor two fet on either side of u, then 3, 4... see energy ripple as it spreads, reaching for abase of walls when it reach walls, keep sending energy out from sphere u have gathered inside u, if u feel u are running out, pull upon pillar and draw more energy up from the g oround energy make countact with walls and flow up them

with u as center, see energy spread to every corner of room, flowing up and up u ntil it raches celing and then flowing inward across ceiling as u extend energy through room, keep in mind you are establishing ur boundaries nothing can get in that you don't want to enter, but the energy will allow you f ree passage -secure relaxed but in touch with more than physical reality before energy completely closes off celing, take moment to turn attention inward while not losing mental grip on pillar beneath you or rippling fluid energy inf uesed every corner of room around u reach up to heavens with thin line of pure energy gossamer thin but tensile and strong that nothing can break it send it up, straight out of top of head, literally reach for stars with it ine of expansion-a point that connects from the microcosm of u to macrocosm of e verything elese allow energy holding around a hole in the ceiling flow around it. don't seal energy completely shut: easy passage sphere, not right angles lotus flower -draw upon thousand of yars of meaning be well rested avoid artificial stimulants for at least 3 hours eat light, eat early 24 hours Grounding-to earth centering - up and find center between foot and head tree-roots unwanted energy down and fresh and vital energy up stabilize, foundation raise arms over head and imagine branches feel urself stretching and spreading between earth and sky earth grounds and stabilizes sky bend and flow when balanced, take hands and hold them over center glowing sphere of energy cupt it in hands and fix sensation of internal balance, stability, flow into thi s central point let image of tree slowly fade away until ur you again, but balance remains build from center and let focus spread thourhgout u breathe slowly in and out and start thinking what you want to accpmlish with dre amwalking evoke person in mind item foucs on srengths feel confident say it out loud s

middle zone between body and spirit

I am the dreamer and this is my dream 3x it's not the images that matter but the meaning behind them dream halfway point btwn cm and scm who are you dreamwalking to? why are you dreamwalking? what backdrop do you want for the dream? connection mind's eye item write name on paper and put under pillow i wish to contact _ gaze into gate of dreams and call upon connection to target speak target's name at least 3x maintain connection all trhoughout call up an image of target in gate of dreams may hold hand over their heart hold image in mind as u fall asleep state intent to connect with this person over and over again as u drift off Dream Activities Communication Interaction Feeding and energy exchange Healing Instruction - can teleconference Spirit Contact .psychic attacks put into words-clear statement, short repeat intent over and over go to dream gate and call connection with target imagine what form intent take, play sequence of events in mind -may be through the dream gate both clarity and intent play over and over again as u fall asleep, never relinquishing sense of connecti on with target broad and simple themes message psimplest terms possible focuss less on words and more on impact and meaning repeat message several times until its firmply planted in mind pillow technique for message read out loud while thinking clearly about target slipp under pillow sleep

think of place where you'll meet target imagine standing in front of person picture each word of message in ur mind, imagine urself speaking each of words c learly to target keep entire exchange simple and direct repeat several times before u fall asleep create dreamscape when u walk into dream but deconstruct when done mentally build image, existing or new "I will dreamwalk to (nam). I will dreamwalk to this place. As u say this, clearly envision first person, then place Imagine person standing in desired location Invest images with focused intent-making them real can be done thru dream gate see person, then create landscape finish by seeing person interacting with desired landscape step through dream gate and interact with person and landscape repetition< can be phrased as prayer or hs request Richard Wagner Giuseppe Tartini exercise sit on chair, palms down on tops of legs-egyptian position lying flat on back don't cross arms and legs rhythmic breathing dream gate anchor to consciousness-focus on person call person's name gate tripples and mist converge upon scene target hold hands *alternate pathways ties that bind-focus on link, find where it attaches on own subtle body -test li nk, extend to see who's on the other ened. pull on link spider n a web- strand of spiderweb (connections with people) feel vibrations im agine part of yourself moving along web until target cyber visions - wires-ride to target calling the name - selfhynosis-focus on target, name oer and over breaking illusion - make space between u and target not exist. call target into mind0be there balance-direct and observe experiment: bring white elephatn remembering your dreams the more you focus on dreams, the more likely u are to remember them the more you pay attention the more vivid *decide that dreams are worth remembering

start paying attention meditate on dreams ask what it's connected to and what it might mean Dial in your dreams decide before you sleep that you will dream, call to mind dreams you remember fr om past suggest content for dream talk about your dreams dreams may not seem rational but they have meaning and approached as legitimate experiences dream journaling date feelings sensations images interpretation-separate make note of forgotten material as soon as u make up lay in bed for 5-10 min thinking about dreams what was i just dreaming? dream journal wake up from full sleep cycle roll over and go back to sleep solution dreams story dreams-human archetypes surreal dream - short term to long term memory hypnagogig dream-impose meaning on image, only background info but not manifest psychopomp dream 2-3 vivid dreams/week don't force to join images in coherent sentence good dream journal: you make an effort to record whatever you remember you recapture ur dreams in feeling as well as detail u make honest efforts to understand the dream in your commentary you are willing to revise your interpretation when faced with new data LaBerge MILD-Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams wake yourself up from dream then immediately visualize urself back in the dream remind urself next time u dream, you want to recognize the fact that you are dre aming Robert Monroe everytime u go through doorway, touch treshold and ask, "Am I dreaming" look in environment and study * recapturing dream - continue dream, when u doze off, don't fight it-likely to be lucid subconscious programming - think about dreams, dreaming, focus on desire to luci

d dream, think about particular dream. "Tonight I will lucid dream" repeat keep intent focused in mind a prayer for the dream king- call on higher power (ur belief in them)"Dream King , Dream King, help me lucid dream tonight" the buddy system-REM-"Name, you are dreaming. you know you are dreaming. Repeat. (buddy) quieter. rem stop-wake u up and ask about dream dreaming machines- goggles, HemiSync emotional links resolve emotional entanglement-remove door dreamcage wards, dreamcatcher -cover reflective surfaces sigil/charm shield others feeding pool/avoid pool toy-construct protective circle of salt/pentagram below bed survival, food, sex crisis dreams can alter body-use mirror placebo effects subliminal info psychosomatic illness

classifying dreams dream consolidation-memory dump REM sleep reinforce memory patterns psychoanalysis-anxieties, stress, tension problem solving-data processing, subconsicous messaging 4distinct types of dreams Memory Dreams, connected with information processing messages from the subconscious problem-solving dreams story dreams, for entertainment paranormal dreams-telephatic, recently deceased, future events, dreamwalking Dream Telephaty Bisenbud-Pederson-Krag-Fodor-Ellis Controversy Jan EHrenwald-psychic leakage 1. interest in dream telepathy on part of psychiatrist therapist exhibited some need in his/her life dovetailed with pt's own needs anxiety on part of therapist that dovetailed with pt's own anxieties Alfred Adler, Freuid-debunked psychic experiences -unconscious memory or subliminal perceptions Freud-doubts sleep creates favorable conditions for telepathy

Maimonides Medical Center Ullman, Krippner 2/3 spontaneous psychic experiences manifest in dreams in US dreamstorm connected thru friendship or metaphysical ties John Curtis Gowan-chart telepathy individual fed material to collective unconscious, vice versa pillow charms dream shrines dream incubation Bakhukhsikhukh natron-sea salt and baking soda

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