Dream Village Neighborhood Association vs. BCDA Digest

May 4, 2019 | Author: Janina Rose Javelosa | Category: The United States, Government, Politics, Virtue, Common Law
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Dream Village Neighborhood Association vs. BCDA Digest...


Dream Village Neighborhood Association vs. Bases Conversion and Development Authority Facts: Dream Village, Village, composed of more than 2,000 families have been occupying the disputed lot continuously, exclusively and notoriously since the year 19!" #aid lot used to be a part of the $acienda de %aricaban, &hich &as subse'uently purchased by the government of the (nited #tates of )merica *(#)+ and &as converted to Fort illiam %c-inley" .ater on, (#) transferred /0 hectares of it to the %anila ailroad ompany, &hile the rest &ere still in the name of (# overnment" Finally, on December of 19!3, the (# government ceded Fort illiam %c-inley to the epublic of the 4hilippines *4+ and &as renamed Fort 5onifacio, reserved for military purposes" 6n 7anuary 193, 4resident %arcos 8ssued 4roclamation o" 2;3 declaring certain portions of Fort 5onifacio alienable and disposable, thus allo&ing sale to the settlers of  home lots in (pper 5icutan, .o&er 5icutan, #ignal Village, and estern estern 5icutan" 4resident ora
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