DreadBall Tournament Rules Pack

May 4, 2017 | Author: J | Category: N/A
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DreadBall Tournament Rules Pack Welcome sports fans... to the official DGB (DreadBall Governing Body) Tournament rules pack. What follows is everything you need to know to take part in a Dreadball Tournament, have some fun games of Dreadball and hopefully lead your team to success. Glory and fame awaits you on the bloodstained pitches, as well as the opportunity to make new friends and have some fun games. Play ball!

Tickets One ticket is required per Coach to play in the Tournament. The Tournament Organiser will be able to let you know where you can buy a ticket. Remember to bring a copy with you to the event.

What do I Need? You will need a starting Dreadball team to take part, as per the ‘Dreadball Teams’ section of the rulebook. In addition, you will also need to make sure you have the following: • • • •

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Your ticket. At least two copies of your starting team roster. A copy of this rules pack. A Dreabdball pitch board, balls, dice, rule books, counters, cards, pencils and other gaming accessories you will need. Please bring dice that are clear to read for both you and your opponents. A copy of the score sheet – you can download this from the Mantic Website. Lunch, or money to buy food on the day. Some venues may have food available onsite others will not, so please check with your Tournament Organiser in advance.

Choose Your Team You must pick a single official starting team from any of the DreadBall rulebooks. No Fan Teams are permitted as they are not considered to be official. You also have an additional 20mc to customise your team, or 10mc if your team is Nameless. This can be spent in any of the following ways: •

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Purchase additional players for their team at the cost stated in the rulebook (no player count for a given position may exceed twice the original starting level). Purchase up to an additional 2 Coaching Dice (6mc per dice). Purchase up to an additional 2 Dreadball cards (10mc per card).

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Purchase extra Player Ranks at 5mc per rank. (e.g. rank 2 is 5mc, rank 3 is 10mc. No player can exceeded rank 4. Remember all players start at rank 1.) Each skill is rerolled at the start of each game during the set up time. Purchase Cheerleaders (8mc per cheerleader). Purchase Coaches (8mc per coach). Purchase MVP’s (as per the listed cost).

Any unspent mc will be lost.

Miniatures Players must use Mantic miniatures in their team. Models must be based on Dreadball bases. Counts-as and proxy models should be appropriate replacements (no Robot’s representing Trontek 29ers, for example). Playing with unpainted models is acceptable but understandably, you won’t be able to win the Best Painted Team award. To qualify for a chance to win the Best Painted Team award, you must meet the following criteria: • All models fully painted & based on DreadBall hex bases. • Fully painted is as it sounds, paint on all parts of the miniature to show of its features. • Mark the base to indicate which is the front edge (you must do this, even if your team isn’t painted). • Paint an identifying number (or use transfers), on the miniature or the base (you must do this, even if your team isn’t painted).

Tournament Rules

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Game Time and Victory Conditions The tournament consists of four games in a one day event, and eight games in a two day event. You will need to make use of a phone timer or other device to ensure you don’t go over the 60 minute time limit for each game.

Schedule The tournament organiser will let you know the start and finish time(s) and will run through the schedule as part of the briefing at the start of the tournament. Note that the time allocated for each game is 70 minutes, 60 minutes for the game itself, and (10 mins for setting up & completing score sheets). The schedule may be adjusted on the day if things are running behind (or ahead!). When you arrive, make sure you go to the Tournament Organiser to register. They will collect your details and allocate your table for the first game. The Tournament Organiser will then give a brief so you know what to expect throughout the event.

Rounds The match-ups of the first round (Game 1) will be random. For the second and subsequent rounds, players will be paired using a Swiss System, matching players based on Tournament Points, in descending order. In the case of a tie, Strike Difference will be used. Fan Check dots will be used if there is still a tie. The tournament organiser will endeavour to avoid player’s re-playing an opponent they have already faced but on occasion, this may become unavoidable. Feel free to ask a player next to you to swap places if this happens.

Game Sequence •

Meet your opponent at your allocated table, agree whose Dreadball pitch board you will use, and setup the game as per the Dreadball rulebook. You should discuss before the game how you will deal with cocked dice & dice going off the table and in what circumstances they should be re-rolled. Sit on your own side of the table and place you team on your side of the table, so that your opponent can see your miniatures and team roster and ask any questions. Go through the following pre-game preparation steps: • Determine who will be the Home and who will be the Away team. This can be either the toss of a coin or selection of face down cards. • Set up and roll for any skills you have purchased in front of your opponent.

Play a game as per the Dreadball rule books. The game will end when one of the following conditions are met: • One Team wins with a 7-point landslide. • At the end of Rush 14. One Team wins by having the scoring track in their favour. • The round time limit runs out – When there are only 4 minutes left (check your timer) the Team performing the current RUSH completes that RUSH and the game is declared over with the score as it stands at this point. DO NOT START ANOTHER RUSH! After 4 minutes the round is over. You may complete any Action you are on. The score in the game at this point is the final result, even if the Rush is not completed. tOnce players have completed their game in a given round they should jointly complete their score sheets and hand them in to the tournament organisers as soon as possible so that the next round can be organised in time. Make sure you fill in all sections including Strikes scored and Fan Check.

Tournament Points Make sure you have downloaded and printed off a copy of the DreadBall tournament score sheet from the Mantic website. After a game the points will be assigned as follows: Result Tournament Points Victory 2 Draw 1 Loss/Concede 0 You will also need

Winning the Tournament The winner is determined at the end of the last game (game 4 or 8), according to the following criteria: • • • •

Tournament Points will be used to determine 1st, 2nd & 3rd place. In the case of Coaches having the same Tournament Points, then Strikes Difference will be used. If both the Tournament Point & Strike Scores are matched, the total Fan Check dots will be used. Finally, if the Coaches still cannot be split, the tournament ends with a joint victory and the Coaches will share the award.


DreadBall Rules All games will follow the rules from the Season 1 - Season 6 DreadBall rulebooks, along with the official FAQ found on the Mantic Games website. There will be no use of GIANTs in the tournament. There is no “permanent death” and the DreadBall Governing Body has deemed the tournament important enough that any players killed will be fully restored without Coaches needing to roll and all such expenses will covered by the DGB.


everything is being done correctly. All we require is that you ask nicely and politely, and that you do your best to sort out any problems yourselves. If you are unable to amicably resolve a ruling amongst yourselves, you can call upon the Tournament Organiser to make a ruling. Their ruling is final, regardless of the outcome. The Tournament Organiser reserves the right to take appropriate action for any player they deem to be playing unfairly or acting inappropriately. This may be in the form of a warning, a time or TP penalty or even a forced Time Out result. In extreme circumstances a player may be ejected from the Tournament for inappropriate behaviour (such as cheating, excessive swearing, shouting or verbal or physical abuse).

The Sportsmanship award will be decided by the Tournament Organiser. We feel that all players should be fair and respectful to their opponent, displaying a fun and inclusive attitude to the game for themselves and their opponent. These are the criteria that this award will be based on.

Crowd at the Table

Rules Questions and Player Conduct

Reporting Match Results

As noted, all rules will be taken from the Season 1 - Season 6 DreadBall rule books. In addition, any official FAQ rulings and errata from Mantic Games (published on their website or official forums) will also be used. Please note that there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking an opponent if they can show you the appropriate rule or set of characteristics so that you can check for yourself that

As noted previously, players will be given enough time to play a full game of DreadBall and enough time to hand in results. In order to ensure that the Tournament runs smoothly, make sure you hand over the Score Sheet to the Tournament Organiser as soon as you’ve filled it in.

If one player feels discomfort with the amount of spectators present at his table, he may request them to step aside. Please respect the player’s space if you’re asked to do so.

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