Drawing Checklist
February 9, 2017 | Author: Manoj Ashok Baraskar | Category: N/A
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List of drawings 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Demarcation drawings Contour survey drawings Development drawings Architectural working drawings Structural drawings Plumbing and drainage drawings Electrical drawings
Check Lists I.
Demarcation Drawing All site boundaries in our possession Any encroachment of land if any Existing water sources, bore wells, tube well etc Electrical pole, telephone pole , high tension cable, tress etc Roads Slums or existing wall Nearby Water lines, Nalla / canal and drainage Any existing structure
Contour Drawings Level of plot in fixed grid interval provided or not? Level of adjacent plot – if at higher level make necessary provisions (RW, filling etc) Details of sudden level up downs between intervals Levels of roads, culvert, nala bed levels and high flood level Nearest drainage line camber level
Development drawings Compound wall : - layout, section, top R.L., specifications and working drawings RCC columns/ plinth beams details fencing. Main gate: - Position, Elevation, Section, Specification, working details, RCC details, design, Opening details, electrical arrangements, Space for writing project name. Anchoring RCC details, any watchman cabin? Underground water tank and pump room: - layout, section, top R.L., specifications and working drawings, inlet/outlet/over flow/ suction pit details and levels. Pump position/ manhole position/ ladder position pump HP specs etc. FFL from existing ground level
Architectural Drawings 1. Project Layout Drawings North direction Side margin spaces and critical backs Mark the distances between buildings Specify the outer measurement of building Give distances of reference points for building from existing permanent structures, pole or road etc Give details of steps, ramps, paved areas, parking areas with clear dimensions and levels Internal road width and details Underground water tanks positions and sizes Septic tank position and sizes Garden location and details of plantation Open space details as per required by local authority All internal development detail. Recreational areas, club house swimming pool etc. Society office Pump room Compound wall position Front gate details Transformer position Playground position and equipment details Watchmen room Proposed / existing bore well Existing well position with size rain water harvesting pit location. 2. Centre Line Drawing Show the reference axes of 00.00 Show the footings with scale to avoid overlapping Specify the size and orientation of the column at footing level Specify the fixed corner/ fixed face and reduction arrow of the columns Expansion joint details in case of long buildings. 3. Parking details Mention FFL of parking level with reference to road level Give flooring details Show exact parking layouts ( Entry, Exit, driveway, parking slot) Show plaster finish treatment to columns and ceiling Show location of washing space of toilet if any Details of meter box along with position and size
Parking allotment for cars and bikes Locations of letter box and flat holders name plate Details of masonry work Details of electrical point Detail of fire tender movement and should be enough space and driveway for fire tender on all sides of building. Ramp details and turning radius for all ramps…………..
4. Floor plan details Level of FFL at each floor Give room dimensions along with wall thickness Show position of doors windows and openings with their dimensions and distance from side wall Opening direction and sill level from FFL Specify the type of flooring to be used Show if any floor level difference drop downs Mark Ducts and its closure Mention number of steps in flight, details tread and riser with dimensions Staircase, lift details staircase railings floor finishes? Windows fire water pipe locations etc. Stepping details Basement lighting and ventilation Loft position in all flats with level Kitchen otta position and size Balcony Dimension Mark sunk portion in flat and mention sunk depths for terrace and toilet. Show flowerbed area with dimensions Proper index for doors windows ventilators and other openings. Show proper differentiation for different types of masonry with their thicknesses. Show internal layout of WC and bath Show level difference for all skunks and all rooms. Show balcony slopes, water spouts/drainage locations. Should be near duct. Escape route in case of fire. Dist. Of staircase should be less than xx meter form any corner. 5. Refuge floor? 6. Terrace level plan Show slopes of terrace with locations of rain water outlet Give details of waterproofing work over terrace and top finishing details. Lift m/c room and staircase cap details along with location of doors RLs of lift machine rooms and OHWTs check fire water tank is provided Circ. water tank for toilet flushing shown or not? Give details of size capacity and outlet location of OHWT and waterproofing details.
Details of expansion joint treatment at terrace level Details of light point at terrace Ladder position of OHWT and LMR doors windows to LMR Details of finishing work of terrace and parapet work railing details 7. Sectional drawings Mention FFL of all stories Mention heights of sills and lintel levels doors windows openings lofts and rolling shutter from FFL. Show and give details of elevations cornices drop pradi and projections of slab with reference to building line. Specify the thickness of waterproofing treatment for toilet / terraces. Section through staircase Mention the number of steps in each flight details Details of treads raisers with finishes Give details of staircase railing, water tank parapet walls along with height. Show FFL of all floors and landings Show RL of landing and waterproofing treatment for staircase caps. Show the position of railing and its support Give the details of openings from staircase, window opening in staircase and LMR Show position, type and sill level of RCC grills to be provided in staircase Show chajja detail and water break in chajja. 8. Elevation details of all faces. Show the elevational features with dimensions In case of arches give radius of arches Show plaster patta width floor wise Show the height of drop pardis, and inverted pardis. Plastering details, tile details, cladding details etc.
9. Doors and windows - check as per checklist. Doorframe/ shutter drawing, schedule with fixtures and fastenings with their heights. Windows drawings with their schedule for fixtures and fastenings Rolling shutters details 10. Aluminum windows Show the position of windows on the wall inside and outside with respect to room. Give the details of aluminium frames , tracks, aluminium shutters, etc. Show the vertical sections of aluminium windows with following details. - Sections of aluminium door frame and shutters - Details of all sill slopes - Thickness of glasses
- Opening of AC units if any. - Total height of aluminium windows Height of window sill to be clearly specified in elevation Give the detailed positions of pivots, centre to centre distance of pivots (both vertical and horizontal) Give the details of holes for accumulated water to flow out of tracks. Give the details of locking arrangement Give the details of grills if any.
11. Doors Give the elevations of all types of doors with specification of frame, shutter, arch, cover mouldings, etc. Give the sectional plan of door frames, with details like size of frame, position , size of grooves, details of shutters, vertical section of door frame, plaster groove, etc. Give the table of fixture and fastening. Position of fixtures and fastening should be as per following table for door frame height. All the heights of fittings should be shown on the drawings to maintain similarity throughout the work. Recommended height of fitting may be as per following tables. STANDARD HEIGHTS OF FITTINGS FOR MAIN DOOR Sr. Recommended Recommended Height Position of Fittings No. Fitting Details from FFL 1. Main Door Inside a) Tower bolt 15cm (6”) Top Flush to Top of 5cm (2”) from opening Shutter edge of shutter. b) Safety Chain 145 cm (58”) 5cm (2”) from opening edge of shutter. c) Eye Piece 145 cm (58”) At centre of shutter d) Handle ‘D’ type 120 cm (48”) 6.5 cm (2.5”) from (bottom) opening of shutter. e) Night Latch 100 cm (40”) At opening edge of shutter f) Tadi patti 85 cm (34”) At opening edge of (Aldrop Bolt) shutter g) Rubber Guttu 7.5 cm (3”) 7.5 cm (3”) from opening edge of the shutter. 2. Outside a) Unit number plate b) Name Plate c) Decorative Handle (bottom)
175 cm (70”) 167.5 cm (67”) 110 cm (44”)
Centre of shutter Centre of shutter 7.5 cm (3”) from opening side edge of the shutter.
d) e)
90 cm (36”) As per requirement
At the opening edge At the opening edge
Aldrop Bolt Door Stopper
STANDARD HEIGHTS OF FITTINGS FOR INTERNAL DOOR Sr. Recommended Fitting Recommended Height Position of Fittings No. Details from FFL 1. Internal Door Inside a) Tower bolt 15cm (6”) Top Flush to Top of 5cm (2”) from opening Shutter edge of shutter. b) Aldrop Bolt 85 cm (34”) At the opening edge c) Handle ‘D’ type 95 cm (38”) 6.5 cm (2.5”) from opening (bottom) of shutter. d) Baby Latch 82.5 cm (33”) At opening edge of shutter e)
Rubber Guttu
2. Outside a) Handle ‘D’ type (bottom) b) Aldrop Bolt c) Door Stopper
7.5 cm (3”)
7.5 cm (3”) from opening edge of the shutter.
95 cm (38”)
6.5 cm (2.5”) from opening of shutter. At the opening edge 5cm (2”) at the opening edge.
85 cm (34”) As per requirement
STANDARD HEIGHTS OF FITTINGS FOR W.C./BATH DOOR Sr. Recommended Fitting Recommended Height Position of Fittings No. Details from FFL 1. W.C./Bath Door Inside a) Tower bolt 15cm (6”) Top Flush to Top of 5cm (2”) from opening Shutter edge of shutter. b) Hook 160 cm (64”) At the centre of shutter c) Handle ‘D’ type 95 cm (38”) 6.5 cm (2.5”) from opening (bottom) of shutter. d) Baby Latch 82.5 cm (33”) At opening edge of shutter e)
Rubber Guttu
2. Outside a) Handle ‘D’ type (bottom) b) Aldrop Bolt
7.5 cm (3”)
7.5 cm (3”) from opening edge of the shutter.
95 cm (38”)
6.5 cm (2.5”) from opening of shutter. At the opening edge
85 cm (34”)
RCC drawings 1. Checking dimensions and unit - Linear dimensions should be expressed in millimetres (mm) on building drawings and in metres (m) on site plans. According to the standard convention In drafting, the unit symbol can be omitted if the following requirements are met: 1) A note indicating the unit used is displayed in a conspicuous place on the drawing the sheet; 2) All linear dimensions including those for spat level and land elevation are given one dimensioning unit only, -
For easier reading, group the digits in triads on both sides of the decimal marker (e.g., 123 456.789). All dimensions shown in metres must be taken to three decimals places, even when all dimensions are zero. (eg: - 1.225, 0.000) . Area dimension should be expressed in m2 to two decimals for floor area of rooms, cross section areas of earthwork, etc. & should be expressed in mm2 using no decimals for structural members and other sections bars, etc. Symbols of these units must always be shown on drawings where appropriate. Volume dimensions should be expressed in m3 for volumes of earthwork, excavations, concrete, fluid in large quantities and in (Litre) for volume pertaining to liquids and gases only. Symbols of these units must always be shown on drawings where appropriate. Other units used in structural calculations and drawings should be expressed as follows : - Pressure, loads and stress : MPa - Mass in Kg or Tones or KN. - Bending Moments in kNm - Section moduli in mm3 & MI in mm4
Scales Stage Design
Type of Drawing Sketch & preliminary Drawing Key Plan
Scale 1:2000 1:1000 1:2000 1:1000
Working Drawing
Site reference plan
1:500 1:200 1:200 1:100 1:50 1:100 1:50 1:20 1:20 1:10 1:5 1:10 1:5 1:1
General Location Drawings Component Range Drawings Assembly Drawings
Component Detail Drawings
Notes Scale will vary but it is recommended that preference be given to those used in the working drawing stage..
Preferred scale is 1:50
*The recommended range of scales may be extended to both sides, provided that the new scale can be derived from a recommended scale by multiplying numerator or denominator by a power of 10. 3. General notes Design Note : Refer to the building codes and other requirements for bylaws according to which the structural design has been executed. Comment on EQ designs where appropriate. Soil Note: Comment on or quotes from soil investigation report for the given building site. Concrete Note : Contains information on grade of concrete for various structural members, compressive strength , etc. Special note should deal with expansion joints in concrete and masonry. Formwork Note : Describes requirements for the preparation and removal of concrete formwork. Backfilling Note : State conditions for backfilling and acceptable types of back fill material. Steel Notes Reinforcement Steel : Specifies the type and grades of reinforcement steel and requirements of it’s bending, lapping & placing. Structural Steel : Specifies types and grades of steel for structural members and requirements for bolting or welding them.
Masonry Note : Describes the masonry units to be used, the type of mortar, masonry anchors and reinforcement when required and the bearing capacity of the masonry walls. Structural Lumber Note : Specifies the requirements for lumber and lumber assembly grades to be used, and where required, fastening and special lumber treatment. Lintel Notes : Describes the cover material and any necessary reinforcement and anchoring of all lintels in concrete, masonry and wood frame walls. 4. Site Reference Plan When structural work is required outside the building, prepare a site reference plan showing the location of structural elements on the site. Refer to this plan for foundation details, sections, reinforcement schedule, etc. regarding all retaining walls, underground tanks, outside stairs, ramps, concrete pads, and other structures not directly connected with the building. 5. Foundation Plan Establish a structural grid line pattern. Indicate the foundation walls, cassions, piles, perimeter beams & or footings for all bearing walls and columns. Refer to the architectural drawings for over all building dimensions. Show the dimensions and indicate the material of all foundation structural members. Show reinforcing where applicable. Show the footings and foundations of the building components directly adjacent to outside the building properly. Eg : exterior stairs, ramps, loading dock platforms, concrete pads at entrances , etc. Indicate the unexcavated area Refer to the foundation component details. Note the description of the floor slab and it’s finished elevation. Indicate any changes in the floor slab thickness, elevation and slope. Show all expansion control and perimeter joints and the pit opening to be provided in the floor slab. Check the opening in foundation walls or the floor slabs required by the electrical and mechanical design. Tabulate all footings, walls, slabs, beams and columns, giving the location, dimensions and reinforcement where appropriate. 6. Floor Framing Plans Follow the established structural grid line pattern. Check the architectural drawings to ensure that all walls, posts and or columns are shown and designed on the structural drawings. Check against the mechanical, plumbing and electrical drawings to ensure that all ducts , vents, conduits and other openings are considered in the design and indicated on the structural drawings. Show the dimensions and indicate the material of all structural members. Show reinforcement where applicable.
Indicate the elevation of top of floor (concrete slab, rough wood floor, top of steel as appropriate) and all parts of the floor plan that are depressed or stepped up. Indicate the ceiling bulkheads and the door & window lintels. Provide a tabulated lintel schedule for the given floor given indicating the dimension and material. If the floor framing plan is broken down into two or more parts, the following rules must be observed. Draw all parts with the same orientation. Overlap each part to a point midway between the structural grid lines. Show the overall dimensions for each part. Include a small scale reference showing the location of all parts of the floor framing plan on each sheet. Show all openings in the floor assembly larger than 0.25 m2 in area (eg: stair wells, lights wells, mechanical openings , etc.) Show the concrete curbs at the transformer vaults and oil tank storage room entrances if any. Indicate the floor slope and floor drains where appropriate Show any expansion and/or construction joints. Design the elevator shaft and show that it conforms to the loading and dimensional specification provided by the elevator supplier. Refer to the wall sections and/or details where applicable. 7. Roof Framing Plan Follow the established structural gridline pattern. Show the dimensions and indicate the material of all structural members. Show the reinforcing fastening and/or anchoring of all framing members where applicable. For flat roofs indicate the elevation of the top of roof slab or top of steel and any variations. Show all openings in the roof framing assembly larger than 0.25 m2 in area (eg : stairwells, attic hatches, light wells, mechanical openings, chimneys, gas heater stacks, roof vents) Indicate any skylights and other structures or equipment protruding through or installed above the roof plan. Indicate the roof slope if achieved by the roof bearing structure. Show all expansion, control and construction joints in the roof framing assembly. Indicate all curbs, fire-wall protrusions, etc. dividing the roof plane, if any. Refer to the wall sections and/or details where applicable.
8. Wall Sections Show the material, dimensions and reinforcing for all the foundation and bearing walls, footing, piles or caissons and their caps , beams, columns, etc. refer the schedules. Relate all concrete, steel and wood beams, lintels, etc. that occur in the wall section to datum lines such as the finished floor, or the general top of steel. Indicate the depth below grade at the underside of all footings for the finished grade and floor elevation set by architectural drawings. For the masonry wall indicate the type and spacing of masonry ties.
9. Stair details A floor framing plan at each landing level is desirable. (the basement plan is frequently omitted, frequently resulting in the misplacement of the foundation walls around the stairs) It is advisable draw a section through the entire staircase to show all dimensions and required headroom. Locate and give dimensions of the landing support beams, columns and walls. Show, describe and dimension all stair structural members. Indicate the reinforcement in stairwell, columns, beams and slabs. All large scale stair plans should be dimensioned in detail.
10. Miscellaneous structural details Whenever possible, group relevant details on the same sheet with the floor framing plan for easier reading on site. Detail all of the following : Footings Foundations Caissons Piles Grade Retaining walls beam walls Floor- roof Shear walls Large Perimeter Lintels Wall connections area walls beams to bearing openings walls columns Trenches Sunk OHWT/UGWT LMR Chambers
Detail all supports and or anchoring for building components supplied by others. Detail all special structures such as archways, suspended corridors, escalators, and free standing masts. Provided roof trusses, diagrams and a framing plan. Details all expansion, control and construction joints.
11. Schedules It is recommended, for construction convenience, to keep them separate and place them on the sheet of the plan to which they refer. -
Footing schedules Indicate the type of footing. Note the dimensions ( length, width and depth ) Show the number, type and spacing of the reinforcing bars. Concrete member reinforcing schedule (column, walls, beams, etc.) Indicate the designation of the structural member. Note the dimension of structural member. Show the number, type and spacing of the bottom reinforcing bars. Show the number, type and spacing of the vertical reinforcing bars. Show the number, type and spacing of the top reinforcing bars. Show the number, type and spacing of stirrups. Indicate and describe the other elements. Framing schedule Note the designation and material of the framing member. Indicate the dimensions of all framing members used. Show the dimensions of base plate. Note the number, type and length of the anchors and/or connectors. Note the material grouping if any. Lintel schedule Note the designation and material of the lintel. Note the dimensions of lintels. Indicate the support of the lintels. Show the number, type and length of the connectors if any to the structure. Wall plate schedule Note the designation and material of the plate. Note the dimensions of plate. Indicate the location, type, number and length of the anchors.
Footing and column drawings Check overlapping of footings. In case of overlaps show combined footing details. Individual footing – check whether footing sizes are marked as per schedule. Check steel reinforcement details are provided or not. Check footing projections going out of building. Whether interfering with any other UG tanks or footings of other structures around building. Details of lift pit. Confirm the depth of lift pit required from lift vendor. Combined footing of lift and nearby columns- check. Show staircase location in footing plan.
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