Dr York - The Holographic Brain

May 4, 2017 | Author: Larry Shelton | Category: N/A
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Holographic Brain...


The Holographic 5rain Tne Power of Three Dimensional Visualization Tor Tne Ancient Egyptian Order


Conferred By: Supreme Grand Hierophant S.G.H. 720th Degree Amunnubi Raakhptah (Atum-Re) Mir "Pyramid" No.9

Your Holographic Brain: The power of three - dimensional visualization "Objectives" 1. We shall describe what a hologram is— 2. We shall describe and list step-by-step how a hologram works. 3. We shall describe the 3 major similarities between the hologram and the brain. 4. Describe how memory in the brain is stored and recalled holographically. 5. Now you will be able to logically explain why those things which are vividly sensed eventually become a concrete reality. BACKGROUND Since the beginning of time, Homo Sapiens have been intrigued by their ability to see with their eyes closed. By that I mean, the same detailed images that reflect the reality he/she sees with their eyes open. Homo Sapiens have been mystified by the power of the mental image, which tends to affect the Gisum "body", A'gul "mind" and Nawu' "matter" in the outside world. For thousands of years, the Homo Sapien has intuitively known that whatever he can vividly create in his mind he can make it manifest. Like magic, which manifests itself into a concrete reality. Until recently, Homo Sapiens have not had the Right knowledge to logically and scientifically explain the power of this phenomenon. Without Right knowledge, this power has been able to ascribe to the superstition of the Religious Spookism.

The brain is a holographic computer. Just like a computer, your brain has a certain amount of memory or bytes that can be used as impulses from the senses that are beamed to the brain, converging and interfering as they overlap within the brain cells. The electromagnetic energy serves as the Holographic brain's laser-like light. The eyes serve as the object beam. Now they are even putting chips or programs right into the brain and touch screens as well as mind control of computers, etc. The remaining senses and the emotion serves as the brain reference beams. One of these three sensory reference beams is needed to trigger a mental 3-dimensional Holographic image. Once you overload your brain, it shuts down like a computer. Although you only use 7% of your brain, which means there is another 93% waiting to be accessed, you can overload the portion of the brain that you do use. Human Beings tend to indulge in certain types of recreations (wreck creation) or habits that are simply detrimental to your brain and your mind. This in turn becomes detrimental to your health such as drugs, tobacco, hard alcohols, loud music, bad diet, evil friends or relatives, etc. The word Hologram comes from two words: according to the comprehensive etymological dictionary of the English language "holo" or "hoi" meaning "whole, entire", and "gram" combining form denoting "something written", as in anagram, cardiogram, diagram from Genitive meaning 'that which is written; a written character, letter'. So the word hologram simply means "a whole or entire message". Holograms are produced by illuminating the scene with light from a device called a laser, which works off of the principle of vaporizing the hardest and most heat resistant materials through multiplied stimulation of atoms. It is any of several devices that turn striking electromagnetic radiation of

mixed frequencies of highly amplified and coherent visible radiation. It is also called 'optical laser'. The output of a laser is in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. In an attempt to overstand this remarkable ability of the human mind, Homo Sapien has modeled the brain on the latest technology available. The Hologram is a three-dimensional image projected into space re-created from interference patterns of the red laser light. Some people might want to know why red laser? I'll tell you why. The red laser is the red ruby stone which is symbolic of the morning sun; Atum-Re and evening; setting sun Amun-Re (blue), as the opening and closing of the eyes. As Atum-Re rises in light of day, Amun-Re sets in darkness of night. They are referred to as Re "Ra" (Rays) and in their midst is Atun-Re, high day sun, yellow. This knowledge is the same as the Christian's beliefs of the son (sun) raising. They believe that the red is the blood, and blue is the water, yellow is The sun rising and setting the sun. And as the appearance of the setting of the sun, god walks rising on the waters. The sun goes away and comes back, return of Christ. The Jews and Muslim have this same belief. The Jews call him Mashiakh, the Christians Messiah. The Muslims call him Masih, which is all the same, and was copied from the Egiptian word Messeh.

All of this was taken from the Egiptian deities Atum-Re (the rising sun, color red) and Amun-Re (the setting sun concept, blue). The red ruby is a deep red variety of corundum, valued as a precious stone: it is also called Oriental Ruby and true Ruby. The pigment in the red ruby is chrome for various brown hues and has iron. It is the hardest mineral after the diamond. It is brittle and special care must be taken when cutting and setting this stone. The Tau, The Rising Sun This Is Where The Christians Get Their Cross Symbol From

brain. The Ancient Egiptians knew all this about the brain. The Ancient Egiptians knew that the brain is a threedimensional holographic image or a triad image of three. Do you notice how everything in Ancient Egipt summed up to 9 from 3. For instance, (1) Aset, Asaru and Haru (a triad), (2) The father, son and holy ghost, 1. Judaism, 2. Christism, 3. Islamism, (your triad), and (3) another triad of names from the triad of monotheism, Jesus, Yashu'a and Isa.

Firstly lets identity what laser really means: "any of several devices that convert incident electromagnetic radiation of mixed frequencies to one or more radiation." Laser stands for: L: light A: amplification S: stimulated E: emission R iradiation Laser provides the long sought after model of how visual and sensory information is received, stored and recalled by the

Pa Netert Aset "Auset,Isis"

Pa Neter Asaru "Usir, Osiris"

This is where you get your triad concept from. The number 3 always compounds into 1, or one being, to become 1 from 3 images, 3 gods in 1 creating a new image, representing an object that cannot be visually distinguished from the real object.


Now the only real reality is change and that's age. Say: Pm Aging and you see the word Image (IM-AGE).

PRACTICE 1. Before beginning the practice exercises, first look up as much as you can about holograms, "Your Holographic Brain: The Power of three-dimensional Visualization." 2. When instructed, refer to the following information: you shape your own mind world, you can make things happen for or against yourself. Create an image and it will come true. To stop evil use your mind, bury it or them in the ground and they will disappear. Etc. 3. You have to use the true power of your mind. • 4. You have this power just waiting to be released. Use it. Pa Neter Haru "Horus, Heru That is 3 beings becoming one being as water, sugar, tea becomes one cup of tea. A holographic image is a by-product of an electrical and chemical process, visual images and sensory impressions generated by the brain are holographic in nature. Every image and impression is composed of electromagnetic energy that consists of matter. Vividness and sensory detail increase the energy and power of the visualized image. In essence, what one visualizes is real. The Gisum "body" and A'gul "mind" interpret visual images and sensory impressions as reality and react to them accordingly. Charged visual images produce a magnetic field that attracts to the images, those things that he vividly senses and visualizes. This attraction force is what gives one the power to control his or her life and environment for either success or failure.

5. Your grand and great grand parents are waiting to hear from you. They will DC your guide. 6. Therefore, you link your mind power into theirs. 7. You have the power to do it. 8. It is real and they will help you. 9. Just tap into it and they will respond.

A. HOW A HOLOGRAM WORKS To produce a hologram, the following 9 steps are necessary: 1) A beam of laser light emanating from a laser source.

2) Is divided by a beams litter 3) Into two separate beams. One of the beams, the ob : ject beam 4) Travel in a straight line to the object

Pa Mir "The Pyramid" has a geometric solid figure which is formed by connecting every point on or interior to a plane polygon. A pyramid is thus a special case of a cone or of a polyhedron, a solid, bounded by planes. Most pyramids that you see today have 5 sides, 4 sided by being triangular and the

5) In this case a Tetrahedron. Many people can't figure out the difference between a tetrahedron and a pyramid or Mir as it was called in Tama-Re "Egipt". But the difference is that a Tetrahedron is three . sided, giving it a dimensional look. It is a four sided polygon, 3 sides of it is a triangular in the shape of a 4 because the 4th side is a base. The Tetrahedron also pulsates in and out. The pyramid is where all the secrets of the universes are kept. In A. E.O., or The Ancient Egyptian Order you belong to the true pyramid school. Pyramids are triangular structures built of stone or brick on a square base. The inside of these pyramids contain a network of passages and tunnels that connect numerous rooms and compartments and where great ceremonies such as the opening of the mouth ceremony was performed. To be explained in a later degree.

The Black Mir "pyramid" at Tama-re, Egipt Of The West built in the U.S.A. today. This pyramid is an electrical capacitor to draw energy from the sun. base being a square, you can find a 5 sided pyramid on the planet Mars also, the tetrahedron and the pyramid basically follow the same principle, as above so is below. The object beam illuminates the object, bounces off it and travels in wave form toward the undeveloped film plate (5). (6) The second

beam, the reference beam is aimed at a mirror (7) angled toward the plate deflected off the mirror, the reference beam travels toward the film plate, before reaching the film plate. The two beams collide with each other, creating wave like interference patterns. (8) These swirling patterns are recorded on film plate. The film plate is then developed using normal photographic chemicals (9).

(9) Interference from Object and Reference Beam Collision (5) Interference Wave Forms

(3) Object Beam (2) Beam Splitter

A View From Directly Overhead Towards The West, The Five Sided Pyramids On The Planet Mars 10

Looking at the developed film plate to the right, the naked eye barely perceives the unintelligible swirling gray and white interference patterns created by the collision of the object and reference beams of red light.

To reconstruct the holographic image of the Tetrahedron, all that is necessary is to direct a second reference beam (1) toward the developed film plate (2) at the same angle of the original reference beam. Once illuminated with the reference beam, the once silvery gray film blossoms forth an image into space (3) a three dimensional image of the Tetrahedron that cannot be distinguished from the real and material three-dimensional object.

(3) 3-D IMAGE.


Impulses from the senses are beamed to the brain converging and interfering as they overlap within the brain cells. The sum total of all of the incoming interference patterns is distributed and stored throughout the brain — the film plate for our organic hologram. Electromagnetic energy serves as the holographic brain's laser like light. The eye serves as the object beam. The senses of sound, touch, taste, and smell plus emotion serve as the brain's reference beams. As in the physical hologram, to reconstruct the original experience a sensory reference beam will trigger a mental three-dimensional holographic image.

Visual Impulses

Auditory Impulses

(2) Developed Rim Plate

Sight (1) Reference Beam

Optic Nerve 12

Auditory Nerve 13

PROGRESS CHECK Answer each question by filling in the blank with the correct answer. 1. Describe in one sentence what or why a hologram is created by a ruby stone.

2. Draw a schematic that details the 9 steps of how a hologram is produced. Note it's a red light.

3. List the 3 steps involved in reconstructing a holographic image from a developed film plate.

POINTS TO REMEMBER A hologram is a three-dimensional image projected into space that cannot be visually distinguished from a real-life object. The holographic image is not seen on the film plate but is projected into space, where it appears to be suspended. One cubic centimeter of holographic film can store over 9 billion images. The only known system capable of storing more information than the hologram is the human brain. The visual and sensory impressions formed by the mind are composed of the same substance of concrete matter and, as such, are real. The more sensory-detailed and emotionally-charged the image, the greater impact it will have upon matter. The visual and sensory impressions created by the brain produce a magnetic force field that attracts to us, those things that we sense.


4. The hologram and the brain share these three major similarities: First, their memory is throughout the film plate and brain. Second, both have tremendous storage capabilities; and third, both produce three-dimensional • that are by-products of electrical and chemical reactions. The triad-qual image into one trinity. 5. The




the beam.

plus emotion serve as

holographic brain's The other senses beams.

6. A mental image is generated by the brain by the activation of a sensory beam that was originally associated with the memory event. 15

7. From quantum physics we learn that the most basic building blocks of matter and the universe are electromagnetic forms, the root colors are 3, 1. Red, 2. Blue and 3. Yellow. 8. M e n t a 1 images are composed of wave forms, and as such are interpreted by the pod, mind, and environment as . The Law of Electromagnetic Energy states that whenever an electrical field is generated, a field or attraction force is created.

9. Whatever we image with sensory, clarity, and emotion generates energy. This energy creates a force field that attracts the things we image to us.

Toe Index Gfsum A'gul NawuJ

Re Neter Netert Mashiakh Masih

Messeh Aset


"Mind" "Matter" "Sun" "Male deity" "Pemaie deity" "Hebrew word for Messiah" "Arabic word for Messiah" "Egiptian word for Messiah"

"The throne"

Haru Asaru

"Par away"

Pa Mir

"The Pyramid" "Egipt"

Ta ma-re

"He who is seen, the eye"

10. Explain What a Tetrahedron is and its meaning?

11. We learned that there are three 3 suns. Which one is symbolic of the morning sun? 12. Every image and impression is composed of electromagnetic energy that consists of what? 13. The senses of sound, touch, taste, and smell plus emotion serve as the brain's . .



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