Dr York - Golden Calf is From Egipt

April 1, 2017 | Author: MENTALRTST | Category: N/A
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The Ancient Pg.10



Editorial page


Editorial kalumaat shil hagug..................................


Magical eye sees all.


I . . . . . . . . . .

The root of freemasonry!..


Did you know?.


Hagar is not an Egyptian name... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


Christianity and idol worsnip. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


Golden Calf Of Judaism, Christianity, Islamism, & Hinduism From Egipt!....


"The Egyptian deity's are catted Neteru, Jews catted them Etoheem, Christians catt them Thehos, Muslims call them by the 99 best ot names trout Allah to MAs Sabur" All their prayer ends in respect of the Egjptian Deity Amnn-Ra. The Jerws, Christians and Muslims alt end their prayers "with the name Amen, which is a short word tor Amun-Re." The Hidden one". Page 2


Now Available!! interesting topics on Egipt, and find ou the hidden secrets and , more!





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Editorial Director NETER: Amunnubi Raakhptah Special Project Editor Sekhmet Ptah Atum Contributing Editors The Staff of The A.E.O. Editorial NETER: Amunnubi Raakhptah Graphics and Layout Salkis Sent Haru Nefer Ankh Amun Merit-Aten-Ra


The Ancient Egyptian Order P.O. Box 5579 Athens, GA 30604-5579 OR E-MAIL US AT:[email protected]

Publisher The Ancient Egyptian Order

A.E.O., The Ancient Egyptian Order. We are living in a day and time where what you thought was the truth is failing. The things that you believed in are being proven wrong by Scientist who are breaking into tombs and uncovering long buried secrets. Are you ready for the truth, the realities, for the facts? Or do you wish to dwell in the blinding light of Ignorance? Are you willing to go on with blind faith and beliefs, or are you strong enough in character to face the fact that you have been misguided ? Are you ready to step into a new frontier of facts about the conscious and the subconscious you; the three principles- mind, soul and spirit of you? If you are ready then enter through Pa Sebkhetaat "the pylons" of time, arrive back in Ancient Tama-Re (Egypt) and sit amongst the Tama-reye Waabaat "Egiptian Priests", as all of the people of this world have done. All the Romans, Greeks, Phoenicians, Mesopotamians, Canaanites and Hebrews all borrowed from the Egiptian mysteries. They all became initiates in the sacred orders, which either gave birth to religions or they changed the Egiptian Deities into their own claiming their greatness. Are you ready to take this journey from then to NOW with The Ancient Egyptian Order? If you are a true seeker, what we refer to as a Mummy lying in a state of Mental and Spiritual Death, it is time for your reawakening by the high Waab Amunnubi Raakhptah. Enter the Order for the New Millennium Today! Become a part of: The Ancient Egyptian Order P.O. Box 5579 * Athens, GA 30604-5579 E-Mail To [email protected], or visit our website at: WWW.EGIPTIANMYSTERIES.COM





CQords of Crutb..

By: Amunnubi Raakhptah

he faculty of attention, just how important is attention, when not paying attention, or focusing on your goals can be very deadly to you. It is important that in every day situations, one should develop the faculty of attention. Concentration itself is a narrowing of the field of attention. Your entire attention is thrown into whatever is being done. The individual becomes lost in the job at hand. One must concentrate on the work and rigorously shut out all other thoughts. No work can be done successfully with out calmness and concentration. In this way the mind becomes one-pointed. Failure is a stranger to work, done with perfect attention. When one sits for meditation, there should be no thought of job related work. When doing job related work, .household chores never should enter the mind. In training the mind to Page 4

attend only to the work at hand, a person with an agreeable concentration can accomplish a task in half the time. In The Mind Book Scroll 10, verses ( 9-14) where it says: "when I work I should be as the strings as a guitar through whose soul the silence of the moment becomes harmonious. 10) which of you would be likened unto a leaf who plays when the wind blows when all else sings together harmoniously?. 11) I never want to see work as a curse of m i sfo rtune for being disobedient. I say to you when you work then fulfill a part of the distant dream of nature, 12) the birth of that dream was the gift unto you. 13) and you who truly loves life will forever reside in labor; if you truly love. 14) Thus through labor you loveth life. For it is why you were procreated, through labor the intimacy of life innermost secrets will manifest." It is easy to pay attention to what is pleasant, for the mind


[_earn to develop uour a ttention

span. /\ ttention is the onlu wau uou can accomplisn yourgoals in life


-f\jeten /\munnubi i

is naturally attracted to what pleases it. A beneficial exercise is to fix the attention on unpleasant task, from which one may have previously shrunk. Under scrutiny, they become interesting, interest reduces the unpleasantness. Its very nice to be important. However it's more important to be nice. "^ Mine your mind for the jewels of your soul


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Magical eye of Ra sees all....

JHaejical ege of la sees atL. \r II ^ ** he eye, Pa Utchat or wadjat. The continuing controversy surrounding events at the Giza Plateau has recently taken a new twist, the Magical Eye has been involved with documenting the discoveries made by a number of research teams in Egipt, during the last ten years. Just what is the mystery behind the magical eye? All throughout the television industry it is not too Surprising to find out that the magical eye of Egipt is being used as an icon (listen to the phonetics of the word I-Con) as their logos. Various television companies like Home Box Office HBO (Figure 1), who Followed CBS's (Figure 2) lead and incorporated the Egiptian "eye", which symbolizes the deity Ra or "Re", the sun deity, as its logo.

Figure .1 & .2 HBO, Home Box Office cable logo & the logo for CBS

This symbol represents "the Left eye of Hani (Horus)" and "the Right eye of Asaru (Osiris)" as the deity Re (Ra), and also called the Pa Utchat or Wadjat, which means "sound" or "whole". The Wadjat was seen as a -L.Uidcv potent amulet, and worn _ I-MM -:• as protective jewelry. One of the hidden mysteries of this sacred Figure .3 eye was called Usa, in the The human eye, and the Iris Egiptian language. The rising sun is the "All Seeing Eye", or the Iris (Figure 3) of the eye which is the round, colored, shrinkable membrane of the human eye; also note that the Greek goddess of the rainbow is the messenger of the gods, named Iris, and that's where the word iris came

from. Again they take it back to Ancient Egipt which is the deity ray as in the sun rays which is written as Re and is also found as Ra. As you can see ancient languages are the key and they stem from ancient Egipt like the Hebrew language which came from Aramaic and the Arabic which came from Syretic as found in the Hebrew Torah or Bible, Genesis 10:22. And then both Aramaic and Syretic "Ashuric" Figure .4 came from the The Code of Hammurabi P h o e n i c i a n Babylonian language. Accadian and Chaldean, both come from Ugarit, which came from the Hieratic and Demotic language of ancient Egipt. Again, stemming from our mother land, Egipt. The Babylonian tablets of Hammurabi (Figure 4) shows this Babylonian worshipping in his language, Cuneiform. The deity Shamash is the sun deity, note that the Hebrew word used is also the word Shamesh for sun. In Arabic , they use the word Shamsa. Anyone can see that the Hebrew and Arabic word for sun, was borrowed from the Babylonian language of Cuneiform. This is indisputable proof that they retained the sun god in their religious languages, as found in Genesis 15:12 and a whole chapter of the Qura'an 91 named Ash Shams meaning The Sun. Muslims, Jews, and even Christians worship the sun (Figure 5). The Jewish star is symbolic of the sun, and the Muslims star and crescent is the sun and moon. The Halo around the head of Jesus symbolizes the ring of Saturn and the word "Helo" is the Greek word for sun, also you see the cross with the sun.

Diagram showing Examples of how the Muslims, Jews, and Christians worship the sun



Magical eye of Ra sees all.... 07200 is used in this quote ra'ah], nor the ear filled with hearing." The word Ra represents "The Seer" as in to see. This is the same Arabic word Ra'a (jlj) "seeing" that is used in the Arabic Muslims Qura'an, where it is translated as:

Ya-RA Seeing

Allah God is

Bianna that

Ya'lam He know

alam Does not

Arabic is written and read from right to left. figure .4 Jesus with Halo around his head, also which really represents the sun.

Figure . 5 The crown of Thorns is the ring of fire the Halo.

Note, that in Matthew 14:23, the halo is symbolic of the evening sun when it comes up. The sun start's down behind the water, then it proceeds to walk across the water in the morning; this is symbolic of god walking across the Water. Jesus, who is also referred to as the early morning star, is always dressed in red and blue. The red is thej sun, and blue is the Water. The crown of Thorns worn by Jesus is the ring of fire the Halo, as a sun is eclipsed you see a ring of | fire. And as the appearance of the setting of the sun, god walks away. The sun goes away and comes back. The Halo on Jesus's head, as depicted by the Christians, Symbolizes the rings of Anshar, Saturn, as bright as the sun or the 'sol' of the solar System, when the sun of god died with the crown of the thorns on his head, the crown of thorns was symbolic of the sun's rays, as the "black as night" fez with the ankh, "the key to eternal life" this is indeed a symbol of a new person being born again. The Egiptian sun deity Ra is also found in the Bible as El Roi used by the patriarchs of the three monotheistic religions. In Genesis 16:13, Abraham's second wife, Hagar called on the deity Ra as El Roi "..unto her thou god seeth me..". Hagar was Egiptian by birth, being the daughter of the pharaoh Imhotep, and a worshipper of the deity Ra. The word for god is El and "that seeth" is Roi.. El Roi is another way of saying Ra. The Egiptian word El Roi, as found in Genesis 16:13. So "Roi" was not being used as a verb but as a name or noun. Again note in Proverbs 20:12 "The hearing ear, and the seeing eye [the word for seeing in Hebrew according to Strong's Hebrew Lexicon #07200 is the word ra'ah to see, as the word Ra the Egiptian deity], the LORD hath made even both of them". Also in Ecclesiastes 1:8 "All things are full of labor; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing [and the same word and number PageS

The word used in Qura'an 96:14 jljj Ya'ra (Seeing) comes from the root word jlj Ra'a which means 'to see'. Remember, all Muslims will say that the original Torah or Old Testament, was inspired by the same god Allah, who inspired the Qura'an 2:136. So the use of Ra or Roi, is the same, which is the Egiptian deity Ra "Re". This eye is on the back of every U.S.A dollar bill today (Figure 6) Note that the initials U.S.A and the Egiptian word for the eye is Usa are the same. This is not a coincidence secret societies such as the freemasons designed the code of the dollar bill and they take their roots back to the Egiptian mysteries of Ra's eye. This is the eye that you trust, or "in god we trust" we say. The laws of your country are based on the dollar bill and people all are ordered to live by it. People steal and kill, in the name of the Egiptian Deity, Ra, and even end their prayer with the first part of his name Amen which became Amen -Re, it is also found in the New Testament, the Book of Revelation. Just take a look in your Bible in Revelation 3:14 which reads "And unto the angel of the church of the Laodkeans write; These things saith the AMEN, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God". Note that the deity is being called, The Amen, used as a noun and a name. Again you see the Bible refers to the creation of god as The Amen, the Egiptian deity Amen Ra (Amun Re) one of the trinity or triad deities of Egipt the other two being Atun-Re and Atum-Re from whence they get the trinity, or in the case of Islam 1. Allah 2. Al Rahman 3. Al Rahim the Islamic trinity, and in Hebrew 1. Eloheem, 2. Jehovah and 3. Adonai, the trinity. The Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) used a reserved version of "the eye of Horus" on their Television stations for many years. As late as 1991 A.D., the eye was used in an Equilateral triangle as a backdrop during their station identification breaks. For the last Several years in some areas, the CBS local news broadcasts have been referred to as "Eyewitness News".


Magical eye of Ra sees all

(Horus, Heru), there is an emanating light, which symbolizes the light of Asaru (Usir, Osiris), the father of the Son or the sun. It is even written in your Bible in Malachi 4:2 "but unto you that fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall". The magical eye can be seen many places, it is the watchful eye of America today. This is the reason you have organizations like this called: the CIA. (Central Intelligence Agency, the I.R.S. (Internal Revenue Service), or the I.V. H.S. (Intelligence Vehicle Highway Surveillance). What is a detective called, a private eye! Even the Greek name for Jesus begins with lesous. It is not a coincidence that the letter "/ " is the ninth letter in the English alphabet the first person which a singular "you". You can tell the connection with the woollyhaired nine either beings from Egipt. Egipt is the light of the world. Today, take a look in the New Testament in Acts 26:18 "to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto god, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me". And in Revelation 11:8 "...the great new city of Babylon: America which being called a spiritual Sodom, and Egipt..." Figure. 8 This is where the eye on every label or Everyone all over America is worshipping the logo originated from, Egipt! dollar bill, the eye of Haru (Horus) as Ra, who is the light of the world today. Egipt is truly the source of all religion. Just think about it, if your god really The right eye is really symbolic of Re sometimes considered the Egiptians to be the evil pagans as you have spelled Ra and mispronounced as "Rah", when it is actually been lead to believe, do you really think he would have sent referring to the rays of the sun. The eye is called Ra his only begotten son to Egipt? ^ Meaning "The Seer." It is the eye of Haru (Horus), the right eye, that is symbolic of the Sun, and it is also written in Revelation 22:16, stating Jesus is the morning star "/ Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. " The morning star is the sun, and The eye of Haru (Horus) is known as the early morning star, which is symbolic of the sun on the cross. It was this eye that was lost to Sutukh (Set) (Hams') uncle, due to a terrible battle between the two, which became the root of the battle between good and evil of the monotheistic religions. When you look at the back of the dollar bill you see the pyramid, which symbolizes a mountain. And at the top of that Mountain in the capstone there's the eye of Haru (Horus) in Hebrew Har means "mountain" every Muslim say Muhammad was in a cave in mount Hira when he received the light of Islam which is the Qura'an, Har, Hem is all the same it's the name of Haru (Horus, Heru). Surrounding the eye of Haru And now almost every news station uses Eyewitness News Briefs. According to CBS inc. Since 1952 A.D., the television network has been the world's largest Medical publisher and the symbol used to abbreviate medicine prescription is "Rx" which is Also a symbol of the "right eye of Hani (Horus)". Which eye is really being used today by many ? Many Wonder if the two eyes symbolized the two heavenly bodies (Figure 7), The sun and the moon, with the right eye being the sun and the left eye being the Moon.

Page 9


The root of Freemasonry, Egipt!....


fn~i rfrflW


/s toe mystery of freemasonry Egiptology?

any wonder if the freemasons received their teachings Egiptian empire. It is now generally accepted that the Rosetta stone furnished the master key to the secret knowlfrom the root of Egipt. edge so effectively conAccording to the "American cealed beneath the old History Dictionary" the word Egiptian hieroglyphs. But freemasonry means: /. The that is not true, it was creinstitutions, precepts, and rites ated as a detour to protect that which is secret. of the freemasons. 2. SpontaEquipped from the decineous fellowship and sympathy pherment of this stone, among a number of people. they really thought they Well in the book had solved it, with the ele"Freemasonry, A Journey ments of the ancient hierThrough Ritual And Symbol" atic alphabet, Egyptologists essayed the task of written by: W. Kirk classifying the literary MacNulty, on page 66 where fragments of this magnifihe states "this picture of the cent civilization". What Masonic aprons goes far in its they did not know is that speculation as to freemathere were many Egiptian sonry's origins nevertheless dialects and mystery Ian(Figure 1 & 2), there has been Figure .1 The Neter Asaru (Usir, Osiris) in communication with guages, one namely called conjecture that freemasonry the high grand master disguised in the Ibis mask Tehuti (Thoth). Nuwaupic, the ancient comes to us directly from He has just been initiated with a triangular true Masonic apron, Egiptian mystery lanwhich really stems from Egipt. He also grasps the grand Masonic guage. They want you to Egipt". think nothing remains of Here's another book emblem or key of life The Ankh. Egipt's ancient glory but entitled "Freemasonry Of The crumbling monuments, Ancient Egjptians" written by: Manley P. Hall where he states Figure 2. Left, The Ma"the language of the ancient sonic apron shaped like Egiptians was rediscovered, the pyramid: the lower and that modern interest in the part is a square, the bib whole subject of Egiptology is largely due to the impulse triangle. given to this field of research Right, The Ancient Egipby the body of learned men tian Order" Apron, This whom Napoleon carried with was the original ancient him to Egipt and was pubEgyptian apron that was lished under his patronage a used for the deities initiaset of massive tomes, magnifition. A confirmation that cently illustrated, setting forth freemasonry came directly with starting accuracy the art from Egypt. and architecture of the ancient Page 10


battered inscrutable stone faces, that have gazed down upon the Nile for these several thousand years, they are wrong. But what they have not given back is answers to the queries of the secret sciences. The how's and why's of the lips of Khem (Kam or Kami means "to be black" this is where Kham or Ham who was the son of Noah of your bible in Genesis 5:32) (the real Tama-Reans) are sealed with the dust of time. An alphabet is not a language, and although much progress has been made in the decipherment of the curious legends which adorn the ancient carvings, the religions and philosophies of the Egiptians have not yet been released from the symbolic characters to which they were entrusted, only The Ancient Egyptian Order can give you that information. To express the difficulty in the words of a great Egyptologist, the late Sir P. Le Renouf wrote: "The difficulty is not in literally translating the text, but in understanding the meaning which lies concealing beneath familiar words". A great part of Egiptian literature is cryptic; its true significance is unknown in the Ptolemaic period even to the mixed race of Egiptians themselves. You should therefore not be too confident of the accuracy of your translations, realizing that beneath the surface you have lighted with the small ray of our knowledge, which in turn be unfolded. In the great hall of darkness is a pitch black darkness deeper than Egipt's night where the true Deity of all Deities exist. Now look at the U.S. dollar bill (Figure 3). It is obvious that the mystery of freemasonry comes from Egipt. The eye on top of the pyramid is freemasonry. The eye on

The root of Freemasonry, Egipt!.... the apron shown in Figure 2 is Egiptian. The pyramid has four corner at the base but as it comes up it forms three; the pyramid on the dollar bill shows three perpendicular angles. These three lines represents the physical, mental, and spiritual. The freemasons believed that nothing grows out of space down from air. Everything grows from out of the ground upwards. Our ancient fathers had this knowledge of the natural world and their sign was the pyramid.. .this kind of knowledge was known to the people of ancient Egipt. Ancient Egiptians built great pyramids and they knew the psychological nature and composition of man. In observing the pyramid on the dollar bill we see the geometrical figures: the square, the circle and the triangle. At the base of the pyramid we find four angles or squares. These four angles or corners symbolically represent the four basic elements of the universe: fire, air, water, and earth (material) (Figure 4). In the ancient mystery system (freemasonry) the candidate was tested by each element during his initiation in order to prove his worth. In the 24th Honorary degree of the true 3rd degree of freemasonry we find this same ceremony. The candidate is tested by fire (a lighted candle is placed to his arm). He is then conducted to the south where a few drops of water is poured upon his head. The base of the pyramid points in the four directions, north east,

This room was thoroughly researched at the metropolitan museum of art at the Philadelphia Masonic Temple, which also has an Egiptian room. It is obvious that Freemasonry came out of Egipt.

Page 11

Figure .3 Notice the "Square" symbol on the dollar bill inside of apron looking symbol on the dollar bill, so realize the dollar bill that you are carrying is filled with the knowledge of Freemasonry. Which all comes from Egipt.

Figure 4. The four elements of nature

A Close up, terra cotta colors authentically enhance the sculpted Egiptian symbol and designs which line the room of the Metropolitan Museum of Art at the Philadelphia Masonic Temple.




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5 To You Front THc Of Our Ancient Ancestors There is More To Egipt Than Meets The Eye, But The Mystery Will Unfold Before You In

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ithored By: The Supreme Grand Hierophant Ammmubi Raakhptah CtfMirNo.9 If YUM W.\Ht To Know More

About The Ttwe Istpti^n TKc Minbs of S^ M.\n\t AH

Ancient ESHP* ^



The root of Freemasonry, Egipt!....



Figure 7 left, The first second, and third degree burn coming from the sun of righteousness, bottom, Jaheez Symbol.

masonry. , the third degree, 3rd degree burn coming from The Sun Of Righteousness. You see the first degree of freemasonry is the entered apprentice, is symbol of Malachi, the son of righteousness, Malachi The masons believed that it keeps them in touch with god, and without all three standards the world would perish. Figure 8 The geometry symbol of freemasonry used in all of their temples.

Figure 5 This is the Philadelphia Masonic Temple. Here is another confirmation that Freemasonry originated in Egipt. The Masonic order attempts to initiate or teach man the material or human sciences in imitation of the Ancient Egiptian Mystery systems that taught man the lesser and "greater" mystery.

south and west. Representing the universal constitution of man and various levels of knowledge. This was all rituals that took place in Egipt now you tell me where freemasonry originated from. The Egiptian pyramid that appears on the dollar bill is the Pyramid Of Khufu (Cheops) and represents the Egiptian project, still they don't know how we did it. The word pyramid when separated in two, Pyra meaning "in our midst". Thus you The freemasons wearing the Shriners symbol fez like the Egipget "Giving order to chaos", Which is where the saying on the tians. LEFT, The Egiptian Pharaoh Mentuhotep Wearing a fez back of the dollar bill "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM", like the freemasons. Comes from. This is the bondage of the Nuwaubians in America the true Egiptians. 400 years under the Amorites, fourth son of Canaan mention in Gen 10:16. These two pictures (Figure 6) Notice in Figure 8, the 32 spears on this Masonic symbol. They represent the Egiptian symbol. Of the god Aten the were taken out of sun deity represented by a circle with a dot the book entitled with arms extending down. The fact that "The Craft And there are 32 spears that represents the 32 deIts Symbols" gree of freemasonry and is proof that the Written by: Thoroots of freemasonry mas W. Davis, Pg. «r \, again is from ancient 10 this shows the Egipt the number 32 is apron presented to also the latitudinal point Washington by of the pyramid of anLafayette. Notice that George Washcient Egipt It is a known ington is wearing a fact that most organizasquare as a pentions today inherited their dant, which syminformation from Egipt bolizes morality. and we all are using the The word pyramid methods of the ancient means "middle Figure 9 Shriners ones today in our everyfire" that's why we Symbol with an day life. We Egiptians use the Jaheez Egiptian face, Now were people with The symbol (Figure you tell me where Right Knowledge, Right 7). .Because the the Shriners get Wisdom And The Right Jaheez is the highthere knowledge Overstanding. It's called Figure 6, George Washington wearing a Masonic est symbol in freefrom! Nuwaupu! "^ apron and medallion Page 12


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covei 8" in height PRICE: $ 12.50 If you look carefully, you should be able to find twenty anachronisms things unknown in ancient Egipt.

Page 13


Hagar is not an Egiptian name!...


"Hflfiflf ^fj^^f

Is Not ^w ^^v^v^v

Egiptian N9IH6!

(Genesis 16:13). Just think why would Hagar call on the Egiptian deity El Roi, or Ra unless her name was changed purposely or she was fabricated from the deity Netert Hathor. To make a long story short the Bible and Qura'an didn't make sense, they were fabricated stories of the Egiptians, like everything else today. Even Abrams name was changed to Abraham (Ab 'father' Ra 'the Egiptian Neter Ra' and ham 'kham'). • Ab• ra-

T\ /T any wonder if the name Ha- cient Tama-Re from which all other • ham .1.VJL gar (IjlFT) meaning 'Rock' is triads originated from. Hagar became Which means "heart" sun deitySo you see, everything an Egiptian name. Well the biblical the Egiptian wife of the Chaldean blackness". name Hagar (which can be found in Abram (Figure 2) as mentioned in ties back to Egipt. Every major person Gen: 16:4-6), note that her name was Genesis 16:3 where Sarai 'gave her in your holy bible and Qura'an was sent mentioned 10 times in the bible Ha- to her husband Abram to be his wife to Egipt. Abraham was sent to Egipt, gar is not an Egiptian name even (Ish-shaw). and after Hagar gave birth Isaac was sent to Egipt. Moses went to though she was an Egiptian, her to a son called Ishmael, Sarai Egipt, Ishmael was sent to Egipt, Joshua, Mary and Jesus was sent to Egipt, and by Egiptian name was Haqa-Re. Hagar (Figure 3) became jealous (Genesis the way Muhammad's last wife, who was was the Hebrew name used in the bi- 16:4-6), forcing Hagar to leave to the known as Mary the Coptic of Egipt, bore ble not Haqa-Re. In reality she was wilderness where she called upon her Muhammad a son and named him Ibrathe daughter of I-Em-hotep (a Pta- Egiptian deity El Roi fK~l heem, which is basically Abraham in the hite) (Figure 1). Now why would their god not use her real name. Rameses was used. The name Hagar HUH) is derived from the Egiptian name Hat-Hor or Hathor, which is Hat meaning 'House' and Hor meaning' on high of Hor or Horns'. Hathor was the wife of Haru (Horus), the falcon headed sky Neter, who was the son of Netert Aset (Auset, Osiris) and Neter (Usir, Osiris), Figure .1 l-em-hotep (Ptah) Figure .2 Abraham (Abram) Figure .3 Sara (Sarai) making the triad of anfather of Hagar the husband of Hagar first wife of Abraham Page 14


Hagar is not an Egiptian name!... of Canaanite cities and with the pharaohs of Egipt. But it would be extraordinary to find their names in the records of those princes. It is also noted in this book that Egiptian Monuments give no evidence of the infamous Exodus. Therefore it should be questioned where did an Genesis 41:53-54 Egiptian bondservant as she "And the seven was called in Genesis 16:1 years of plenteouswho was Abraham's wife ness, that was in the get the name Hagar from, land of Egipt, were which is not an Egiptian ended. 54 And the name! It is time that we beseven years of death gin searching for the anbegan to come, acswers to these questions cording as Joseph Figure .4 Figure .5 and stop accepting anyhad said: and the The Netert Hat-hor (Hathor) Hagar the 2nd wife of Abraham thing which we have been death was in all told by the worlds so called lands; but in all the religions. It is time to ask lived most of their lives in tents. Alland of Egipt there was bread." though they may have been rich and questions and stop believing what you have been traditionally taught about the Genesis 43:1 -2 "And the famine powerful, such a way of life leaves origins of man and religion as you know little for the archaeologist to recover. was sore in the land. 2 And it Abraham and his early de- it. The roots of all civilization are in came to pass, when they had scendants had dealings with the rulers Egipt. TC eaten up the corn which they had brought out of Egipt, their father said unto them, Go again, buy us a little food. "

Arabic language. Even the son of god himself (Jesus) was sent to Egipt because the king at that time Herod was trying to kill him. The Israelites continuously went to Egipt as shown in Genesis 41:53-54, and Genesis 43:1-2. •

A.E.O. Pvlon

Genesis 12:10 "And there was a famine in the land: and Abram went down into Egipt to sojourn there; for the famine was grievous in the land. " The Egiptian Deity Hat-hor (Hathor/Athyr) (Figure 4) was replaced with a fabricated person named Hagar (Figure 5). Abraham who was a Chaldean from Ur, which were Sumerians and Shinar in your bible, and through out our history the Sumerians are known to be black people, Nuwaupians who traveled in many directions. Not all tribes were invited into Egipt but Abraham as a Sumerian was invited, that is how he was let into Egipt, he was blood related. Yet there are no records in Ancient Egipt that Abraham, Isaac, or Moses ever existed. In the book Encyclopedia Of The Bible, New revised edition copyright 1986 pg. 42 it clearly states as follows: The Israelites and ancestors Archaeology provides no direct evidence relating to the story of the Israelites and their ancestors until the people occupied their Promised Land. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and his sons Page 15

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Known writers like Gerald Massey have spoken so much of the missing black history that we never knew existed, this expert was taken from '100 amazing facts about the Negro, with complete proof and he goes on to say: Imhotep, "the child-christ remained a starrily bejeweled blackamoor as the typical healer in Rome. Jesus the Divine healer, does not retain the black complexion of lu-em-hotep (Imhotep) in the canonical gospels, but he does in the church of Rome when represented as a little black bambino. A jeweled image of the child-christ as a black moor is sacredly preserved at the headquarters of the Franciscan order and true to its typical character as a symbolical likeness of Jusa, the healer, the little black figure is taken out in state with its regalia on to visit the sick and demonstrate the supposed healing power 9f this Egyptian, esculapius, thus christianized. The virgin mother who was also black survived in Italy as in Egypt. At Oropa near Bietta, the Madonna and her child-Christ are not white, but black as they so often were in Italy of old and as the child is yet conditioned in the little black Jesus of the eternal city. Surely the profoundest sigh of an ever-warring world went up to heaven in the cult of lu-em-hotep (Imhotep) who was wprshipped as the giver of rest, the kamite prince of peace." (ancient Egypt: the light of the world, vol. II, p. 764, London, 1907.), The statuettes or Imhotep can be seen in the Cairo Museum which show his Negroid features. They are reproduced in G. Daressy's, Catalogue General des Antiquities Egyptiennes du Musee du Caire, Plate IV, 38,045 to 38,050, and Plate V.

Truly represent the A.E.O. by attaching an A.E.O Decal to your car so that other A.E.O. members can easily recognize you anywhere you go. Turn heads and and spark questions jrom non members who may be interested in becoming a -Mail To.- EGIPT3X3@AO f Or visit our Website,

Page 16


Christianity and idol worship!.

What is the difference between Egiptian statues and Christian statues?


onotheist says that Egiptians are pantheons, which is what one might call an idol worshiper (Figure 1). But if you really think about it the Christians share many of these same beliefs. In the United States of America the dog is considered man's best friend, almost all Americans have dogs as a family member. The ram is used in witchcraft and Satanism, which is the fastest growing religions in America and Europe. The cat is also a house pet in the United States of America. The cow is worshipped in India. The Lion is Israel and Ethiopia's symbol. The spider is respected in Islam. And the dog is called the jinn a form of the devil. So by this you see, you all worshiped our ancestors in one way or the other, yet we are called Figure .1 Isis breast pagans, by the same religious feeding her son Horus groups or sects who have cat's and dogs in their homes, and draw all kinds of horses and carved statue of naked people as apart of art. Then turn right around and say that, the worship of animals is Paganistic and this definitely shows a contradiction towards societies admitting that the Egiptians are responsible for the civilization of the world. Christianity has brought over it's idols and animal symbolism and images. It can be found all throughout the Christian churches. The dove for example, descending on Jesus, a man, god hanging on a cross, stained glass of their supernatural being ascending and descending. The Pope wears Page 17

the cross; a symbol of Jesus Christ around his neck, millions of Christians bowing to the Black Madonna (Figure 2), a misconceptions of what angels really look like by portraying humans with wings, saints, doves, a representation of fish, peacocks all in the house of God. Muslims have the holy spider which saved Muhammad's life, and the camel that marked the mosque in the Muslim holy city of Medina, and a holy donkey which Muhammad rode to heaven. And somehow they are tricked into not realizing that in Exodus 28:4 states and I quote: "Thou shall not make unto me any graven image unto thee or likeness anything that is in heaven above or that is to the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth" or look at your bible Leviticus 26:1, that the laws of their god does not apply to them. The Christians symbol or phrase is Figure .2 The black Madonna "drop your nets and that is being worshipped become fishers of world wide


Likewise in the synoptic writings or the apostle Jesus who was called a fisherman who walked on water. In John 21:13 the Messiah is called the Dag "The Fish" Dag-On=Dag+on (Dag=Fish On=Sun) , in that which is the collection of ancient Rab-


Christianity and idol worship!. bonic writings, constituting the basic for the Orthodox Mosesism, and he tied into the sign of the fish: the sign of Shimmah "Pisces" (Figure 3).

Figure .3 The Pisces symbol The deity Cannes walking on water is the Babylonian deity Dagon and the pope's attire with the Mitre "headdress" (figure 4) in the likeness of a fish. How is it possible for you to read your bible daily, saying that you believe in it as the infallible work of God, and when God commands you, you undermine him with the architecture of your churches and the symbol in your churches, by money hungry preachers, to the point where they are wearing idols around their neck, Jesus on the cross. Saint Anthony's cross is also a depiction of Christian idol worship. The shape itself is thought by some to have derived from the symbol of the Sumerian god Tammuz, or the letter Tau (Figure 5 & 6).

Figure 5 & 6 Notice the resemblance of the two symbols Page 18

This later became the very prominent symbol not only in Christianity but in the ancient writings of the Tama-Reans (Egiptians) and other ancient people. The use of the upright cross and the worship of a trinity can be traced back to the Babylonian empire. Narrow minded Christians try to make you think that the Latin cross was the first cross to be used in history. This is quite contrary, the cross known as the Tau was widely used in Egipt. The crucifixion as a method of death was used in ancient times as a punishment for flagrant crimes in Egipt, then Assyria, Persia, Palestine Carthage, Greece, and lastly Rome. Thus the Tau cross, with the cross piece lowered was adopted as the cross of Christ. This same Tau cross was later changed to the letter X the Cruz Immissa which is called St. Andrew's cross, was a two beam cross usually depicted as the kind of cross Yashua (Jesus) was crucified on and becomes X-Mass for Christmas the birth of Christ. The Christian based their belief on the baptism, the immersing into water. They say that Baptism is for the remission of sin (Luke 3:3) but this Baptism was not for remission, but for the anointment of Jesus. Baptism is a ceremony, trial or experience by which one is initiated, purified or given a name. Isn't this a form of worship of water, to dip immerse in water or sprinkle as in "holy water", on a person to cleanse or purify. According to Judaic law, immersion frees oneself from uncleanliness. This uncleanliness is not mud filth which water can remove. Instead it is spiritual and depends on the intentions of the heart. Therefore, these Judaic scholars state that: "If a man immerses himself without special intention, it is as though he has not immersed himself at all." The Easter egg (figure 7) is one of the best known symbols which has symbolized renewed life since ancient times, because all living creatures begin life in the egg. Egiptians continue to color eggs and eat them during their celebration. The egg is the primordial egg that Ra whose proper name is Re was born out of. If you learn science of the primordial egg this is (where the Tam-Hu (Europeans) get the Ra, or the Re which symbolize the sun.) This is where the Christians get their concept of the goose who laid the golden egg.

The golden egg is the sun and the goose was supposed to represent the primordial mother of all nature and that is why when you study each one of the Egiptian deities, read their names, Geb is the guardian of the earth, the soil that grows vegetation on this planet, is also represented by the goose.


Christianity and idol worship!... Hapi, the deity with the male body with breast and female hips, is the key of hermaphrodites. The Hermaphrodite which is the fertility people which also came down in the temple of Edfu, located in Thebes where Asaru (Usir, Osiris) said " / am the male and the female". He was talking about power of the deity called Hopi or Hapi. If you look it up you would see these things. However, these people all relay it back to coming out of the primordial seed, out of the water. That's why they say chaos is in the woman. There is no egg in Christianity. There is no egg in Judaism and there is no egg births in Islam. The only place where there is an egg birth recorded is in the Egiptian book of the dead. When they say that Ra came out of an egg and then the concept of a stork delivering the baby is the same story that the Christians stole from the Egiptians. In Christianity the dove is used to represent Jesus at the age of 33 being resurrected from the dead or what was a dead state. The dove is the holy ghost. As you may have seen magicians use doves because, if you take a dove in your bosom or anywhere out of the light for a moment it goes into a coma state. The voice was behind the dove and Jesus was laying in a dead state and woke back to life. This again is an ancient Egiptian ritual that was borrowed from the deity Asaru (Usir, Osiris) when he was dead. The deity Tehuti (Thoth) a Messa, Egiptian messiah with his power, gave Aset (Isis) the seed to bring Haru (Horus) to life. like Jesus the messiah, did to Lazarus in the bible John 11:43 where it states: and thus when Jesus had spoken he cried with a loud voice Lazarus come forth, and he that was dead came forth. The fact is that humans have associated themselves with animals since the beginning of time and still do. Just take a look at some of these quite common sayings that people often use "Sly as a Fox "Quiet as a mouse" "Fat as a Pig" "Slimy as a Snake", "Busy as a Bee" "strong as a Ox" "Stubborn as a Mule" "Blind as a Bat" "Slow as a Turtle" and many more. Christian fteachers have these cruel tendencies to intentionally mislead people by creating double standards and even fabricating new meanings to words that can be found, but they make the statement if you want to hide something then put it in a book. Egiptians are the furthest from being uncivilized, in fact we were the original gods and the civilizers of the world. The originators of the unadulterated Christianity not Paulism, which is taught today as Christianity. The Greek historian Herodotus said it himself, and I quote: "Almost all of the names of gods came into Greece from ancient Egipt." When the Greek established their civilization they just took the already existing deities in Egipt and their stories and changed the names just like in the bible stories did. All of your Bibles and Koranic stories were copied from ancient Egiptian but they won't tell you this. The Masonic order George Washington belonged to was also Egiptian based. The wig that George Washington wore is indeed the likeness of the Namuz (Figure 8). Page 19

The Egiptian head dress which represents the lion's (figure 9) mane as seen in the Masonic order. The symbol of the Sphinx. The combination of the pharaoh and the lion. The statue of liberty in the image of a woman when Exodus said "take or make unto thee no image for anything." According to Exodus 20: 4 cameras, videos, movies and any other machine that can duplicate an image is forbidden and Christians all over the world are in violation of the law of their God. Does that means the whole world are heathens? And what about the British, who keep very large family pictures along the walls of their homes, Figure .8 are they heathens? The Namuz And what about all of the presidents pictures lining the walls of the White House are they heathens also. They would like you to believe that the Ancient Egiptians were pagans, and heathens for idolizing their ancient ancestors, when in fact each one of these religions and their many sects pray to more than one god, by idolizing hundreds of saints in Christianity. The fact of the matter is that the ancient Figure .9 notice the lion's mane is the Egiptians were not at same as the Egiptian head all idol worshippers. dress "Namuz" The Egiptians gave reference to their ancestors, and sought out their inner divinity which gave them the power to believe they are gods all in all. "^>


Nuwaupic me Ancient Egyptian £2 ii

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throughout all major monotheistic religions of today the cow, or calf is found as a JL sacred deity or symbol of fertility, protection, love and beauty. Of all religions, perhaps the most famous religion known for the worship of the 'sacred calf, that is still being practiced today throughout the world is Hinduism. India has more cattle than any other country in the world. As a central part of India's agrarian economy, cattle haul carts, plow fields, and produce milk for dairy products are considered sacred by Hindus. The Hindus keep their cattle protected from slaughter and are often allowed to roam free. Contraire to what most people think the practice of worshipping the sacred calf did not originate in India but rather in Ancient Egipt. The deity Hat-Hor was represented by the calf in ancient Egipt. The name 'Hat-Hor' or 'Hathor' which is 'Hat' meaning 'house', and Hor meaning 'of Horus', is symbolic of the golden calf

Israelites left Egipt, they passed through an area called Sin in the Sinai peninsula, on down to a place called the Serabid Al Khadim, where the temple of Hagar, who is symbolic of Hat-Hor stood, and was called the 'Temple of Dendera' which was the root of the astrological charting in Egipt. The ceiling was decorated in the Egiptian astrological chart. The Temple of Dendera, whose ancient name is Tentyra, from the word Tamara meaning 'Land of Ra' is located in Dendera which is north of Karnak also north of Luxor in Nubia. The temple of Arabia called the Ka'aba today was also a temple to the Egiptian deity Aset (Isis, Auset) or m Uzza, known in the Koran 23:19 as a that the Israelites built in Exodus female deity worshipped by the Ara32:4. Hathor, the highest of all bian tribe of the Ghatfaan. The the female Egiptian deities, Ka'aba was a temple origiand the wife of Horus, the nally of the Egiptian deity, falcon headed sky deity, just as a temple of Hathor son of Usir and Aset. was erected in the Sinai penHat-Hor, is also syminsula by the philistine Hykbolic of the name Hagar sos dynasty of Gerar, where meaning 'rock', who was the family of Abimelek reAbraham's Egiptian wife sided. There, they built a temas mentioned in Genesis ple to Hat-Hor in the local area 16:3. In the ancient Sumercalled Serabid Al Khadim. This ian city called Ur (which is is where Thutmose received the thought to be the birth place 613 commandments or laws. of Abraham) royal artifacts While Thutmose was in the that pre-date the Bible, were Temple of Hathor, he received found in that burial site, bethe tablets being carved by the neath all the rumble and dirt Etshah (fingers) of the Eloheem in laid a golden calf. Once Exodus 31:18, a group of deities again, it was taken from Anthat the Egiptians referred to as the cient Egipt by the ancient Neteru. Sumerians and grafted into the The children of Israel built a golden Babylonian culture. Massaykaw meaning 'calf symbolic In the Bible when Moses of the Egiptian deity Hat-Hor, who is (another Egiptian deity falsified also called Athyr. She was also the in the bible whose original name deity of love and beauty; is Thutmose), Above, Royal artifact of golden Music and dance for this and the Egiptiancalf found in Sumerian burial.

Page 21


Golden calf of Judaism, Christianity, Islamism is from Egipt!.... reason, she was identified often with the Greek goddess Aphrodite and also lo. lo, in Greek mythology, daughter of the river god Inachus. She was loved by the god Zeus, who changed her into a white heifer (Young Cow) to protect her from the jealousy of his wife, Hera. Suspecting that the animal was really Zeus's mistress, Hera asked for the heifer as a gift and set the 100-eyed monster Argus to guard it. Because the monster never slept with all his eyes shut, lo was unable to escape until Zeus sent his son, the messenger god Tehuti (Thoth) in Egipt Hermes, to rescue her. Hermes managed to kill the monster after he had put Argus's 100 eyes to sleep with a series of boring stories. Hera was still angry, however, and next sent a gadfly to torment lo, who wandered over the earth in misery. lo finally swam across the sea that was later named for her (the Ionian Sea) and at last reached Egipt. There she was restored to her original physical form. Hathor is referred to as the celestial

tired of people playing :Ile mm







COLLECT THEM ALL TOD AY! Above, The Chi Wara Antelope mask worn by the Bambara tribe. cow, who gave birth to the universe and all that it contains, represented in the form of a cow. Of the Muslim The Koran dedicates the whole Chapter 87 now changed to 2 to this deity called 'Sura Al Baqarah', chapter of the Heifer, cow. It is the longest chapter in the whole of the Koran, but Muslims will swear up and down saying they're not idol worshipers. The deity Hathor is prominent all over the world in many cultures such as the Chi Wara, an antelope mask made of polPage 22

TO ORDER, WRITE TO: THE ANCIENT EGIPTIAN ORDER P.O. BOX 5579 ATHENS, GA 30604 ished and painted wood; is worn by members of the Bambara culture of Mali, in West Africa. It is used in rituals associated with planting and harvesting. Native Americans; who relied on their cattle stock, or oxen's for their livelihood, food shelter and clothing. The Mongols who are still largely a nomadic people, whose wealth mostly consists of cattle, as well as sheep, horses, camels, goats, etc. Cattle, buffalos, oxen; all animals of this nature are in the same family & appear in every culture, and religion throughout the world. They all stem back to our great ancestors of Ancient Egipt- the mother of all civilizations! "^


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Page 23


Vou should have founds I A camel caravan (Roman period), 2. An electronic scale (2Oth century), 3. A gun (Middle Ages), 4. A propeller (France, 1827), 5. A Mayan temple (Central America, fourth century AD.), 6. A modem paintbrush, 7. A paint rotter, 8. A modem sculpture, 9. A corkscrew (seventeenth century), to. A large, flat-based wine jar (the Egyptians made large oil and wine Jars with pointed bases). It. A cement mater (1925), 12. A folding ruler (162O), 13. A wineglass (glass was already in use at this time, but only as decorative heads, marbles, etc.), 14. Sandpaper (invented by George Washington carver, twentieth century), IS. The Eiffel Tower (1889), 16. A pen (Middle Ages; the Egyptian scribes wrote with brushes), 17. Paper envelopes, 18. A shirt and tie, 19. A stick of dynamite (1866), 20. A block and tackle (Greece, 4th century B.C.)

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