Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer Replies to "Dr." H. Spencer Lewis.pdf
Short Description
The Supreme Grand Master of the authentic Rosicrucian Fraternity in America replies to H. Spencer Lewis ... and the arti...
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‘DR.” H. SPENCER LEWIS The M ystic Swindler AND
BEING AN EXPOSE OF H is Attempted M isuse of ThatArticle A s a Shield of and in Perpetua tion of H is Own Insidious Fraud
T h e Supreme Grand Master OF
T h e Authentic Rosicrucian F ratern ity in America R E P L I E S TO
H. SPENCER LEWIS F a b ric a to r
of a
a n d F rau du len t R . C. O rd er AND The Article in the Journal of the American Medical Asso ciation of December 15, 1923 WHICH He Has Used and is Attem pt ing to Use as an Aid to Shield and Perpetuate His M ystic Racket and Occult Swindle
Published by
R . S w in b u rn e C ly m e r, M . D. Q
u a k er t o w n
e n n s y l v a n ia
N o t C o p y r ig h te d
F irst P rinting p 0,000 Copies A d d itio n a l copies w ill b e sen t on
req u est
PREAMBLE In this brochure, I speak to a point of Personal Privilege, to legions of friends; to the many thousands of loyal students throughout the land who have accepted me as their teacher, occult guide, and spiritual adviser; to ahnost a m illion readers who have purchased and read my hooks during the p ast thirty years, and to all occultists, mystics, occult teachers, and leaders of the several Secret Schools of White Magic, with whom I enjoy the most cordial fraternal relations.. T his brochure has been prepared for the special aid and benefit of all those who are truly interested in real Rosicrucianism, and who are sincerely seeking the way to the Door of the Temple of the Rosy Cross. I f such sincere seekers do not find the path th at leads to the right Door of the real Temple, may th a t which is said herein be sufficient to guide them safely away from the beguiling snares of the cleverest charlatan of this day, th a t leads to the trap door and p itfa ll of a commercial enterprise and fam ily racket conducted in the holy name of the Rose Cross. As is well known, I am by profession, a physician as well as the official head of the authentic Rosicrucian Organization in America. In the Journal of the American M edical Association, issue of Decem ber 15, 1923, there appeared an article in which the attem pt was made, by the clever use of strong insinuations, plausible im plications and subtle innuendos, to connect me with frauds, medical quackery and disreputable medical colleges. I t criticized severely m any of my medical teachings and practices; with scorching sarcasm, belittling references, and villifying defam ation it essayed to pronounce the last benediction on my professional career. H appily, however, it was a misdirected effort and did not have the intended effect. Instead of being a final rite of benediction, it proved to be a splendid profes sional benefaction. Fortunately, I have never participated in any fraud or know ingly encouraged such practices. I loathe crooked dealing and nonethical conduct. M y so-called “ quackery” has become recognized practice in the regular school. M y alleged connections w ith dis reputable medical colleges may be fully explained, an d w hen the actual facts are known, there is— there can be—no condemnation. T he article was written for the purpose of preventing the form a tion of a rival medical association and afforded the A. M . A. a splen did opportunity to release its pent u p spiteful feelings of revenge against several doctors, as well as myself, who had dared to vigor-
A n A n s w e r T o M r . L e w is a n d t h e A. M. A.
ously oppose them—especially their pet project of compulsory vaccination. Professionally, I ignored the article. Upon its face, it carried its own answer, which all medical and professional men fully under stood. While not so intended, it made me professionally. It greatly increased the sale of medical books, especially my books on Dietetics, and consultations with other doctors immediately increased. A host of doctors, far and near, became my friends; my fraternal circle in die profession was widened, and the fraternal ties, that bind, were made secure. It established my professional standing upon a firm and solid basis. Not long ago, a unique impostor, with a rare genius for the successful manipulation of all the subtle wiles of the deceptive arts, with an astute knowledge of publicity and with a singular system of high pressure salesmanship, fabricated, instituted, and has since maintained for private gain, a wholly spurious rosicrucian organiza tion. This resourceful charlatan and mountebank extraordinary has mislead, deceived, and defrauded thousands. He has numbered his victims and counted his accomplishments alike among the poor, gullible and ignorant; as well as the learned, rich, wise, and other wise. As a propagandist, he is the past master superior, excelling yet unexcelled. He has deceived the most astute editors of authorita tive dictionaries, encyclopedias, and books of reference. Likewise publishers of high class newspapers and magazines. H e has made dupes of them all. And, all alike have permitted him to use their publications as free vehicles for his subtle, yet false and insidious, propaganda. Being the official head and Supreme Grand M aster of the genuine and authentic Fraternity, Order, Brotherhood and Temple of Rosicrucians in America, none were in a better position than I to know that the aforesaid so-called rosicrucian order was and is a gigantic swindle, so skillfully designed, so cleverly operated, and so ingeniously and cunningly hidden beneath a velvet veneer of intrigu ing mystery, plausible deception, and almost perfect camouflage, as to deceive others not so well advised on Rosicrucian affairs. It, therefore, became my duty to direct attention to the truth and the facts concerning this spurious rosicrucian organization, to advise and warn all interested parties. This I have done from time to time. Only recently in several booklets, afterward republished in a per manent bound volume,* in the interest of truth and for the benefit of all who are interested in Rosicrucianism, or the August Fraternity *The Rosicrucian Fraternity In America.
A n A n s w e r T o M r . L e w i s a n d t h e A. M. A.
— for those who have been misled, and for those who are likely to be misled by the seductive wiles of this master fabricator, shrewd propagandist, and remarkable swindler. I exposed his methods and his racket—the most remarkable of its kind. H e could not answer the charges preferred, or face the facts presented. So, he resorted, among other ruses, to the ancient artifice long employed by the shrewd and crafty, namely: “W hen you cannot face the facts, then direct attention away from the facts, create con fusion by making a vigorous, vicious personal attack on the informer.” Therefore, he is using the article in the Medical Journal in connection with his planned and systematized campaign of personal abuse and vilification against me as strategic subterfuge in lieu of facing the facts. Seeing that this pseudo-occult swindler is thus using the article to shield himself and as a means to perpetuate his racket, I shall make reply to the article and full explanations concerning all matters therein stated. I am not a destmctionist. I would not destroy that which is good and righteous. However, whenever it is necessaiy to raise my voice and to use my efforts to right a wrong and to protect the inno cent, I do not hesitate, or falter. T ru e it is, that I dislike to criticize and attack the pet plans and projects of another in which others are interested— even though they have been deceived and beguiled1— because it generally means war with the victims whom the charlatan uses to defend himself. I disdain it because I am a lover of peace, but not peace at any price. Yet, when I see well-meaning men and women making a pet out of a snake-in-the-grass, kneeling to its siren charms and bareing their breasts to the poison of its fangs, I am compelled to sound a warn ing. T h is I have done— none could do less. Fraternally submitted, R. SW IN B U R N E CLYMER.
H . Spencer Lewis And His Spurious AMORC I n the year 1915, H. Spencer Lewis, without Rosicrucian authority, fabricated and instituted a spurious Rosicrucian organiza tion w hich he has been and is now conducting, as a private business enterprise under the trade name of AM ORC. November 15, 1928, he incorporated this family enterprise in the state of C alifornia under the corporate name of the Supreme Grand Lodge of A M O R C . T h e incorporators and trustees were H. Spencer Lewis, his wife, his son, his son’s wife and Charles D. D ean. O n September 1, 1930, h e filed a n amendment to the charter changing the nam e of the corpora tion to T h e Supreme Grand Lodge of the Ancient and M ystical Order Rosae Crucis, and vesting the absolute control and total voting power of the corporation in the board of trustees, by the following provision quoted verbatim from a certified copy of said charter, viz: “E ighth: The total voting power of this corporation shall be in said trustees and any three o f their num ber shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business of the corporation.” A F A M IL Y A F F A IR
T h is corporation owns all of the property of AM ORC. I t is a closed corporation composed solely of H . Spencer Lewis and his family, and is governed by a board of five trustees, headed by H. Spencer Lewis, w ith his wife, his son, the son’s wife and Clement Le B ru n , one of his handy men. T h e paying members of A M O R C are not members of and have no interest in or control of the property of A M O R C, although it belongs to them. I t is owned by a corpora tion w hich is controlled absolutely by LI. Spencer Lewis and his family. T here is an unincorporated subsidiary body under the in corporated Supreme Grand Lodge, known as the “ G rand Lodge,” which owns no property, to which the membership at large belongs. The initiatio n fees, contributions, and m onthly dues p a id by those who h av e joined this enterprise do not go to the unincorporated G rand Lodge to which they belong, but to the incorporated Supreme G rand Lodge controlled by H . Spencer Lewis and his family. A lthough it purports upon its face to be a fraternal organization and is so con
A n A n s w e r T o M r . L e w is a n d t h e A. M. A.
ducted as to give it the plausible appearance of a m utual fraternal organization, it is simply a family enterprise for the support and aggrandizement of H. Spencer Lewis and family. A G IG AN TIC S W IN D L E
However, it is more than a family enterprise; it is a most plausibly designed fraudulent scheme and gigantic swindle. W ith this cleverly organized device, conducted under the trade m a rk : “AM ORC,” falsely represented to be the perpetuation and continua tion in America of the original and authentic Rosicrucian Order or Brotherhood. D uring the past 20 years, H . Spencer Lewis has deceived thousands and defrauded them of millions of dollars. Although he calls himself the Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order, jurisdiction of N orth America, he is not a Rosicrucian. H is fam ily enterprise carried on under the trade marked name of “A M O R C — Rosicrucian O rder” and other Rosicrucian names and appellations, is not a genuine Rosicrucian organization. From time to time, we have warned sincere seekers of the Rosy Cross, as well as the gullible and the curious against this fraud p er petrated in the name of the Rosicrucians. Recently we issued booklets and a perm anent bound volume* thoroughly exposing th is gigantic swindle and the Lewis family racket, and also pointing the way to the real, genuine and authentic Rosicrucian Order and Brotherhood in America. MR. L E W IS C A N N O T FACE T H E FACTS. TO S U B TE R FU G E
M r. Lewis could not in fact and with truth, answer. As a sub terfuge in the nature of a reply, he printed a pam phlet which he styles: White Book D filled with plausible falsehoods, ingenious, cunning misrepresentations, expertly manufactured and m utilated evidence and clever stratagems, which has the appearance of an answer, but which in fact is not an answer at all. O f course, my expose' of this fraudulent scheme and fam ily racket of M r. Lewis made him rather angry and resentful Albeit he was without an honest straight-forward reply thereto, he resorted to the age-old, yet clever, stratagem1 of making an indirect personal attack on me to detract somewhat from the truth of our expose' by ♦See th e booklets:
The Order M ilitia Crucifera Evangelica, A C hal lenge and the Answer; The Exclusive Right to Rosicrucian Names and An Expose' of the Im perator of AM O RC, being books II, III, IV and V in the perm anent volume: The Rosicrucian F ra te rn ity in America.
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having circulated a m ultigraphed circular (not having the courage to do it him self) with his own acrimonious and false comments thereon, containing a copy of a sarcastic and back-biting article published 12 years ago in the Journal of the Am erican M edical Association, be littling my professional qualifications as a physician and containing defamatory insinuations and false innuendos placing me in an alto gether false light— at least in the eyes of the laity. T H E A. M .A . A R T IC L E W IT H L E W 1 S T O N IA N COMMENTS
T h e m ultigraphed circular above mentioned containing M r. Lewis’ comments and a copy of said article insofar as it relates to me, being circulated by him through the agency of others, is quoted verbatim as follows: T H E “R E V E R E N D ” R. S W IN B U R N E C LY M ER H ead of the “R osicrucian” Foundation of Quakertown, Pennsylvania S-O -M -E S -I-D -E -L -I-G -H -T -S 0 -N H -I-S E -A -R -L -I-E -R C -A -R -E-E-R Foreword: [Mr. Lewis’ Statement] The present day activities of this man consist almost entirely in trying to wreck the real Rosicrucian organization, known as the Rosicrucian O rder (A M O RC) w ith national headquarters at San Jose, California. He hopes that by putting it in a false light and causing dissatisfaction among some of its members they will resign and join his own organization. H is organization is a sm all one, is in reality anything but Rosicrucian, and is housed in a farm house and barn near Quakertown.* F or years, with m anufactured “evidence” and innuendo as his stock-in-trade, he has printed and flooded tire country with scurrilous booklets in his m alicious campaign against the Order and its chief executive officer. O f a particularly revolting nature are three booklets being circulated by him this year (1935). Revealing him self unconsciously in his writings, he *See our reply to Mr. Lewis "W hite Book D” in w hich Mr. L ew is is shown to be the m anufacturer of evidence and th e publisher of plausible falsehoods. H e always accuses o thers of doing th a t w hich he has done. I t is one of his clever trick s.
A n A n s w e r T o M r. L e w is a n d t h e A. M. A.
deceives neither the members of the Order nor the general public, especially editors, writers, researchers, and leaders of other fraternities. Nevertheless, something of a tangible nature should help in circumventing this man in his career as a destructionist, and it is with this end in view th at th is authorita tive report on him has been brought to light. [E nd of M r. Lewis’ statement, here follows the article:] Copied from T H E JO URNAL OF T H E A M E R IC A N M E D IC A L ASSO CIATIO N 535 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, III. The Propaganda for Reform Journal Vol. 81 ------------------------------A. M. A. No. 24 Page 2050 In this D epartm ent appear Reports Dec. 15,1923 of the Journal’s Bureau of Investi gation, of the Council on Pharm acy and Chemistry and of the Asso ciation Laboratory, together with other General M aterial of an In formative Nature. The American Progressive Medical Association Another Attempt to Organize the T w ilig h t Zone of Professionalism
From various parts of the country, the JO U R N A L is receiving requests for information about a new medical organization calling itself the “American Progressive M edi cal Association” and having its “N ational H eadquarters” at Milwaukee, Wis. Physicians are receiving letters an d application blanks from the “President” of this new society urging them to send in their application for membership and the annual membership fee of $5.00. According to the letterhead of the American Progressive M edical Asso ciation, which, by the way, is said to be incorporated, this organization is “Impartial—Fearless— Progressive—Demo cratic.” It has a President, three Vice-Presidents, a Record ing Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, and a General Counsel—to say nothing of an E d ito r and Gen eral Manager of its medical journal, the latter, apparently, not yet bom. I t has a “Council on H ealth and P ublic Instruction,” a “ Council on M edical Education and H os pitals,” a “ Council on Scientific Research,” a “ Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry,” a “ Council on M edical Legis-
A n A n s w e r T o M r . L e w is a n d t h e A . M . A .
latio n ,” n ’ever’th in g ! Applicants for membership must “agree and stipulate” th a t they will give their “m oral support to Progressive T herapeutics.” Furthermore, they “ agree to stand firm fo r N ational Reciprocity for all Licensed Physicians w ith out examination or any R E D T A P E .” W hen physicians ask T H E JO U R N A L , as some have, to inform them as to the “ standing of the American P ro gressive M edical Association,” they are asking for the impossible because the Association has not yet been in existence a month. T he best the JO U R N A L can do is to pub lish w hat m aterial it h as regarding the founders and officers of this new organization. From this m aterial, any physician should be able to determine whether or not he wishes to be associated with an organization so fathered: H e re it is: T H E PERSONNEL
T H E O D O R E H U B E R T LA R SO N , M .D ., M ilwaukee, W is., President, Editor and General M anager: (Note by copyist: Long report to h is discredit is being omitted in th is copy as he is not involved in the attack on A M O R C ). S IM O N L O U IS K A T Z O F F, M .D ., Bridgeport, Conn., F irst Vice-President and Chairman o f the Council on H ea lth and Public Instruction: (N ote by copyist: Long report to his discredit omitted for same reason given above). R. S W IN B U R N E CLY M ER, M .D ., Quakertown, Penna., Second Vice-President: O ur record fa ils to show th a t this m a n was ever regularly graduated by any reputable m edical college. In a paid notice th a t appeared in P o lk ’s M edical D irectory of 1906, Clymer claims the degrees of “P h .G .” an d “M .D .” H e is classified as a “Physio-M edicist” and a graduate of the Independent M edical College, Chicago, 1898. T he Independent M edical College was a diplom a m ill which sold diplomas to anyone who sent the cash. I t w as finally declared a frau d by the federal authorities and p u t out of business. In P o lk ’s directory for 1908, Clymer is listed as an “Electro-Therapeutic Specialist.” I n the sam e directory for 1912, he is given as a graduate of the College of Medicine and Surgery, Chicago, 1911. Corre spondence with a one-time officer of this extinct school b rought the statement th at in 1911 Clymer “w as granted a n a d eundem diplom a” !
A n A n s w e r T o M r . L e w is an d t h e A. M . A.
In 1903, Clymer was “ Secretary and M anager” of the “ Twentieth Century Pliysio-Medical College,” a diploma mill whose “M ain Office” was a post-office box in Guthrie, Okla., and whose “ Corresponding D epartm ent” was a postoffice box at Union City, Mich. Letters written to Clymer at Union City, Mich., were answered by him on stationery bearing the same address, but m ailed from H atfield, Pa. Through the efforts of T H E JO U R N A L (see issue of October 1, 1904, P. 990), the post-office departm ent at tempted to get a case on this fraud, but Clymer discovered that the tiling was being investigated and dropped th a t line of endeavor. However, the charter of the “college” was cancelled by the State of Oklahoma in 1904. T h e name of Henry J. Barton, of whom more later, appeared on the stationery of the “college” as one of its attorneys. In 1904, R. Swinburne Clymer conducted from H at field, Pa., and Union City, Mich., “T he International Academy of the N atural and Sacred Sciences” and at the same time exploited the “Elixir of Y outh,” the “ W ater of Life” and “Bioplasma.” T he “International Academy of the N atural and Sacred Sciences” offered a “ course” in the “N atural System, of H ealing” which proposed to enable those taking the courses to “T reat Every Known Disease.” Instruction was given on the m ail-order plan and the de grees of “M .D .” and “D .O .” were granted. At the same time, Clymer had offices at Allentown, Penna. T hose who wanted to take tire “course” were told to “address the Associated College, Union City, M ich.” and obtain a “prospectus and full information.” I n this connection, it is of interest to refer to a fraud order that was issued by the United States postal authori ties against “T he Philosophers of the L iving F ire ” with whidi R. S. Clymer was connected. I t was operated from Union City, Mich., the “home” of Clymer’s “Associated College.” The scheme consisted in obtaining money for membership in this alleged society for “degrees” in the “society.” T he government investigated and found that the degrees were “simply devices for obtaining additional sums of money from credulous persons.” T he “Philosophers of the Living Fire” was supposed to be a quasi-religious, secret order with signs, grips, obligations, passwords, and similar paraphernalia. Henry J. Barton, already referred to in connection with tire “Tw entieth Century Physio-
A n A n s w e r T o M r . L e w i s a n d t h e A . M. A.
M edical College,” was head of the concern and was known as the “Reverent Supreme G rand R abboni.” In October, 1905, the Philosophers of the Living Fire were extinguished by the frau d order which covered not crrly Barton but “Dr. R. S. Clymer.” T he fraud flared u p again in 1917 and w as again extinguished by a second fraud order which again covered the name of “Dr. R. S. Clymer.” A testim onial credited to R. S. Clymer from Souderton, Pa., appears in the advertising m atter issued by the “ In stitute of Physicians and Surgeons” of Rochester, N. Y. I t is to the effect that he has received the diploma from th is “institute” and “it is in every respect equal to my m edical or hospital diplom as.” It doubtless was. The “ Institute of Physicians and Surgeons” was a mail-order swindle that was put out of business by the federal authori ties Ju ly 21, 1905. (See “Nostrums and Quackery,” Vol I, page 407). In 1910, R. Swinburne Clymer was exploiting the “International System of M agnetic (Alchemic) Therapeu tics.” Advertisements were published stating that R. S. Clymer had obtained a patent from W ashington for an ap paratus for the magnetic treatm ent of diseases and that a company was “being formed by D r. Clymer and some others interested.” T h is venture was an outgrowth of an earlier scheme known as the “ International System of D irect M edication.” Some of the later activities of Clymer concern another organization, the “Rosicrucian A id,” conducted from “Beverly H a ll,” Quakertown, Penna. One of the numer ous activities of this organization was th at of issuing a book on dietetics which is credited to “R. Swinburne Clymer, College of Medicine and Surgery, 1902.” I t will be remembered th at Clymer had claimed graduation in the m edical directories from the College of Medicine and Surgery, 1911. We have in our records still other informa tion regarding Clymer of a more personal character, which need not be gone into at this time. G E O R G E STA R R W H IT E , M .D., Los Angeles, Cal., T h ird Vice-President and Chairman of the Council on M edical Education and H ospitals: (Note by copyist: Long report to his discredit is being omitted in this copy). JO N A T H A N M . LA RSO N , M .D ., Chicago, 111., Record ing Secretary:
A n A n s w e r T o M r . L e w is an d t h e A. M , A.
O R IN WM. JO SL IN , M.D., New Y ork City, Correspondin Secretary: A LCIN O U S B. JA M ISO N , M .D., New York City, Treas urer and Chairman of the Council on Pharm acy and Chemistry, JO S E P H R. HA RRIG A N , M .D., Jam aica, N. Y ., Chair man of the Council on S C IE N T IF IC Research: (Note by copyist: Long reports on these former associates *of Clymer in the realm of quackery are being omitted in this copy for the reason that other personalities are not involved in his malicious anti-Rosicmcian activities. Suffice it to say that each and every one of them were revealed in the report as just the kind of men Clymer would associate w ith). So much for the personnel of the “American Progres sive M edical Association.” T he letterhead of th a t organi zation carries the admonition: “ Investigate everything— select the best.” We commend this suggestion to our readers. Look over the list here published and “ select the best.” A B R IE F R E P L Y TO T H E F O R E W O R D BY MR. L E W IS
Mr. Lewis errors greatly. I am not seeking to wreck the real Rosicrucian organization. I am seeking to preserve it in its pristine purity and to protect its holy name against the unholy misuses to which he has subjected it. I am not seeking members from his organization. By his sordid methods, he has disgusted thousands with the name, very few if any of his members when they know and fully realize the tru th about his swindle and family racket will care to have anything further to do with any organization designating itself by any Rosicrucian appellation. Therefore, few if any of his victims will ever seek affiliation with die authentic order. Mr. Lewis is quick to charge others with following his own practices—he m anufactures and mutilates evidence to give plausi bility to his swindle. W hen we produce die evidence proving it to be a swindle, conceived in sordid selfishness and brought forth in fraud and corruption, he charges th at the real evidence is manu factured. We trust th a t all interested readers will secure the three booklets (they are free), which Mr. Lewis says are " o f a particularly revolt ing nature.” They contain much evidence and proof certain of his revolting swindle and family racket.
A n A n s w e r T o M r . L e w i s a n d t h e A. M. A.
My campaign, has been solely against M r. Lewis, his swindle and fraudulent practices— not against his victims and members. It has not been malicious. I have acted only in the interest o f truth and for the protection o f the innocent, Concerning the statement th at our organization (the real Rosi crucian Fraternity) is housed in a farm house and bam , see our reply to his “W hite Book D ” where he m akes the same false state ment. O ur reply will be sent without cost upon request. A N O T H E R M IS U S E O F T H E A .M . A. A R T IC L E
In the August (1935) issue of his mouthpiece T H E R O S IC R U C IA N D IG E S T , M r. Lewis, “The Im perator,” w riting under the title: T he Lighter Side o f L ife’s Mysteries, on page 265, comment ing on the above quoted A. M. A. J oum al Article sa y s: “W e learned some time ago in a m agazine published by the American M edical Association of December 15, 1923, th at this m an (meaning the w riter), at one tim e was connected w ith so-called schools of medicine which were claimed to be genuine colleges of medicine or therapeutics, and that he issued diplomas to others until legal inter ference stopped the system. I n fact, the medical magazine alleges that he issued a diploma to him self from one of his own medical schools before he had established it. W hether his ideas were right or wrong does not concern us inasmuch as the American M edical Association saw fit to condemn him as a notorious fra u d in the Journal for December 15, 1923." (Italics ours). It will be noted th a t M r. Lewis is commenting on the above quoted A. M. A. Journal Article. Nowhere in said article does the A. M. A. allege, by inference, innuendo or otherwise, that I issued a diploma to myself from one of my own medical schools before it was established, nor has the American M edical Association ever seen fit to condemn me as a notorious fraud. (Again he accuses others of doing w hat he has done— issuing diplomas to him self and of being w hat he is— a notorious fra u d ). I t is h is own statement which he cleverly attempts to attribute to the American M edical Association and its Journal (another of his clever tricks). T h e state ment is absolutely and wholely false. ALSO A N O T H E R M IS U S E O F T H E A. M. A. A R T IC L E
Only recently (1934), the Secretary of the Commonwealth of
A n A n s w e r T o M r. L e w is a n d t h e A. M . A.
Pennsylvania, with the assistance and advice of the Attorney General of the Commonwealth, conducted a thorough and prolonged investi gation into the question of the right to the exclusive use of all Rosicrucian names, titles, terms, designations, and appellations on appli cations made under a Pennsylvania statute for the Registration of such names and appellations. AMORC was a party to said proceedings. M r. H . Spencer Lewis, through h is attorneys and a member of his organization, presented the claims of AMORC as to its Rosicrucian authenticity and his protest against the registration of Rosicrucian names, titles, and appellations by the Randolph Foundation of the A uthentic Rosi crucian Order in America. As the Supreme Grand Master of the Authentic Rosicrucian Order or organization in America (the said R andolph Foundation), I presented the claims of our organization as to its authenticity and superior rights to the exclusive use of all Rosicrucian names, titles, and appellations. The issue was clearly and sharply drawn. T he Secretary and the Attorney General made a most complete, searching, and exhaus tive investigation of all issues raised, kept the proceeding open almost a year, and gave M r. Lewis and his spurious A M O R C every possi ble opportunity and ample time to establish their claim s and to justify their protests. AM ORC NO T A RO SICRU CIAN O R D ER
However, M r. Lewis being entirely without proof of Rosicrucian authenticity of his fabricated and spurious organization, and wholly without justification for his protest against the registration of Rosi crucian names by the Randolph Foundation of the authentic Rose Cross Order; in a futile attempt to confuse the issue, vainly hoping to overcome the impregnable claims and right of the authentic order by detracting attention from his own weakness— the absolute nothing ness of his claims, and his inability to justify his groundless protests; introduced the above mentioned and quoted article from the A. M. A. Journal in said proceedings, caused the same to be read and used as the basis of a vicious, malicious, acrimonious, rancorous, atrocious, and wicked personal attack on the writer—yet to no purpose— it availed him nothing. The Secretary and the Attorney General disregarded the m ali cious personal attack and decided all issues solely upon th e ir merits. Every issue was decided in favor of the Authenticity o f the Randolph Foundation of the Ro-sicrucians in America and against M r. Lewis
A n A n s w e r T o M r . L e jv is a n d t h e A. M. A.
an d liis spurious organization.* T H E A N S W E R TO T H E A. M. A. A R T IC L E
H aving made d e a r for you the motive for the use and the reason for the circulation at 'this time, of m ultigraphed copies of said article, 1 shall answ er fully and in detail every false charge, unfair insinua tion, dam aging innuendo and statement therein made or contained. I will also show the reason why the article was written, the purpose it was intended to serve, why the w riter of th a t article treated me in such a spiteful, step-motherly fashion, and deliberately left inferences an d created innuendo not justified by the facts. However, before m aking specific answer in detail to the A. M. A. Journal article, a few matters of general observation, as a background may be helpful as giving a better understanding of the specific reply thereto. M Y BACKGROUND
My forefathers migrated to Pennsylvania during the early colonial days from Switzerland, near the German border, where the N a tu ra Physicians and N aturopathy were predominant. T hey be lieved in th e philosophy and efficiency of 'the natural systems of healing, and were liberals in politics and religion. One of m y ances tors, George Clymer, was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and a delegate to the Constitutional Convention from Pennsylvania. At an early age, I became a student of the Occult Sciences and a neophyte in the Order of the Rosy Cross. T he Secret Schools, as is well know n to all of their neophytes and initiates, and as is also generally know n to students of mysticism and occultism, advise their neophytes and followers against the use of warm-blooded meat, poisonous drugs and serums, or other anim al inoculations. W ith tins background, nurtured in such a fam ily tradition, trained in an occult sdiool, it is not at all strange th at I should be a liberal in religion and medicine and a N a tu ra Physician. T he system of healing to which I subscribe and follow in my practice was first known in this country as the Thom sonian or H erbal System, then the N ature Cure, and later as the PhysioM edical system. I AM A P H Y S IO -M E D IC A L IS T
A P hysio-M edidst is a physician who does not use poison, narcotics, h a rm fu l drugs, antitoxins, vacdnes, serums, and putrified *S ee our booklet The Right to the Exclusive Use of Rosicrucian Names fo r a fu ll account of all m atters above mentioned.
A n A n s w e r T o M r . L e w is a n d t h e A. M. A.
germ laden animal inoculations in his systems. H e employs the constructive principle in N ature on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes of being. He treats causes, not effects and symptoms of disease, with elementary natural remedies such as water, heat, air, light, magnetism, electricity, etc; with chemical remedies such as diet, scientific food selection and combination, nonpoisonous medicines, herbal extracts and vito-chemical remedies, and also with mechanical remedies such as corrective gymnastics, massage, osteopathic manipulation, and surgery when indicated and necessary. He also uses psychological methods such as norm al sug gestion, emotional control, scientific relaxation, constructive thought and methods of natural living. T o such a physician, prevention of disease is most important. T H E O C C U LT IS T AND P H Y S IC IA N
I f the Physio-Medicist is also an Occultist, he will successfully employ the finer, more potent forces and higher laws of N ature. H e will, in tru th and in deed, possess a knowledge and skill akin to in tuition—and know the highest art of healing, health, and salvation. H e will be a Priest of N ature and an interpreter of h e r holiest Mysteries— and will realize the highest ideal of the physician. I t is not my purpose here and now to discuss the relative merits and demerits of the theory and practice to which I subscribe, as compared with th at of the Allopathic school of medicine, which has become the dominant, hence the “regular” or “ orthodox” school. I have no quarrel with Allopathic Physicians. There is vastly more to be learned than is known. It is charitable, reasonable, and just to say that no school of medicine, or of the healing arts, has acquired a monopoly on wisdom, even though they have acquired the factitious privilege to practice their theories to the exclusion of all others, under and by virtue of special legislation and the arbitrary special favor of governmental authority. I have believed, and still dare to assert, th at no one rightfully has a commission to arbitrarily set up a standard, to cast a m easur ing line an d to say to all others: “Thus far shall thou go and no further.” I t is the unalienable right of everyone to do, without u n necessary and arbitrary restrictions, the work which is appropriate to him, for which he has fitness and aptitude. T h e words of A ugustin of Hippo are replete with good sense and reasonable justice: “ In the things which are necessary, let there be unity; in those not absolutely certain, let there be liberty; and in them all, let there be charity.” There can be no genuine progress in science where these are not. T h e D ivine Art of Healing should have but a single ethic:
A n A n s w e r T o M r . L e w is a n d t h e A . M . A .
To live in charity and intellectual hospitality, doing to others as we desire them to do to us, and to all as we have the opportunity. T his is the H igher Law of Medicine and the H ealing Arts. I t was because I entertain these fundam ental convictions and dared to vigorously assert them in the interest of and for the advance ment of the healing arts at the time when the persecuting political branch of the Allopathic school was gaining its ascendency by special legislation and enforcing its views and theories by the authority of law and special privilege of Governmental sanction, I incurred the embittered resentment of the then management of the A. M. A., that later found expression in the back-biting article now quoted and used for still more unworthy ends by M r. Lewis. T H E B IT T E R C O N T E S T S W IT H IN T H E P R O F E S S IO N T H E A. M. A. F O R M E D
In this land of the free, as well as in the tyrannical lands of kings and dictators, there has existed a dom inant persecuting, politi cally m inded branch of the medical profession intent in compelling their brethren to adopt their views and to practice according to their dictation. They proposed to establish a hierarchy of M edicine to which all m ust bow and pay due reverence, the regularity of which must not be questioned and the theories, teachings, dogmas, doctrines and practices m ust be accepted by all who would practice the divine A rt of H ealing. T o accomplish this object they proposed to grasp and hold all lucrative medical offices in the Army and N avy; the Civil Service and H ospitals; to m an and control a ll medical regulat ing and licensing boards, and departm ents of health. T o unite and organize against all medical reform and independent practitioners, to compel all healers and physicians to join w ith them and adhere to their standards, or be excluded from fraternal courtesy and just recognition as professional men— an d driven from the field. Finally, to completely regulate die medical profession and all healing arts by law and enforce their views and practices upon the profession and laity alike by special mandatory class legislation. Accordingly, a conference was held in New York, in 1846, by which the American M edical Association was brought into existence for this purpose. O T H E R M E D IC A L S O C IE T IE S
A t th a t time, there existed m edical societies representing the doctrines and fostering the practices of the Homeopathic, Eclectic, Physio-M edical, and others. A lthough they differed in the theory and practice, they were united in their opposition to class legislation granting exclusive privileges to one class of healers, or physicians,
A n A n s w e r T o M r. L e w is a n d t h e A. M . A.
to the exclusion of a ll others, to mandatory laws enforcing upon the people their theories and practices, and to all legislation prom oting and fostering the intolerant spirit of medical monopoly. T H E B A TT L E FOR S U P R E M A C Y
W ith th e organization of the American M edical Association, the die was cast and the battle for supremacy and the control of the medical profession and healing arts was waged with relentless vigor and accumulating bitterness for more than a h alf century. A t the close of the nineteenth century when I entered the medical school and upon my professional studies, the American M edical Association h ad almost succeeded in legislating out of existence a ll schools of theory and practice, except the Allopathic School which it sponsored. At that time, the fight for compulsory vaccination was at the height of its bitterness. O f this, I shall say more as I proceed. Dr. Alexander W ilder, the classic scholar, profound philosopher, eminent physician and Rosicrucian in his H istory of Medicine, from the earliest historical period to the dose of the nineteenth century, in speaking of these contests within the medical profession sa y s: “We sometimes hear it pleaded that in the H ealing A rt there should be no parties, no separate organizations-. M a n kind have a common interest in health and in the m eans to preserve it. This pleading is plausible, and perfectly consistent w ith that charity that seeketh not its own ad v a n tage, but the welfare of others. But in the hum an consti tution, as in every department of N ature, there is a p rin ciple of polarity, and an impulse to differentiation. O ne class of hum an beings hold fast, sometimes almost convul sively, to what has been long esteemed and venerated; w hile another is ready, and frequently even eager, to discover what is new, and to bring it into possession. In a state of savagery, there may be little distinction in art; in the civilized state there is certain to be differencing of effort in every direction. It is in the plurality of faculties, in the variety of aspirations, the infinite extending of concep tions, that m an is developed and perfected.” " In the Art of Healing there is, accordingly, a m u lti plicity of methods to be brought into view, and w ith each of them must come the modifying and even the discarding of older notions and procedures. W ith the bringing of them into contiguity, there is very certain to follow collision, ■degenerating into strife. Personal ambition and selfish
A n A n s w e r T o M r . L e w i s a n d t h e A . M . A.
motive are likely to transcend philanthropy and love of truth. There has been in every country and every historic period an official M edical Practice, taking its sanctions and theories from enforced authority. I t boastfully claimed to be ample for its purpose, and was characterized by jealousy and intolerance of innovation. From the Sham an of the Siberan village to the pretentious stickler for scien tific regularity, this has been the case. As in former religious crusades and persecutions, the arm of the Civil Power has been involved and employed without scruple to arrest changes by the punishm ent of innovators. T he record of history in this respect in both hemispheres has been fa r otherwise th an hum ane or honorable. In every new period, there have been demonstrated the shortcomings of its predecessor, and instead of truth-loving candor, there have been encountered derision, social proscription, perse cution, and even virtual outlaw ry.” “ In Europe the disciples of H ahnem ann, and in America the associates and followers of Beach and T hom son, breasted alike the torrents of calumny and proscription. The Homeopathists, who bravely adhered to their convic tions, opened a New W orld, like Columbus, to subsequent explorers and colonizers. Eclectic M edicine in America was likewise characterized by a career o f vigorous protest and earnest endeavor. I t was an enthusiasm not to be measured by common understanding. Its champions labored to develop a practice of M edicine, not cosseted and fenced about by special legislation, but having its foundations planted upon its intrinsic usefulness, without factitious privileges, always open to new light, and still retaining tenaciously the principles to which it owes its inception and continued existence.” (Pages 884-885). “Even now, with all the boasted learning of our M odem Time, the diversities of opinion in m edical circles are innumerable. There are sects and schools of practice, even where there exists arbitrary authority and sentiment to prevent organizing into distinct forms. A one Catholic science of Medicine, of inerrant orthodoxy and faultlessly classified, cannot be intelligently affirmed to exist. T he medical vista is like a kaleidoscope in which the several dom inant opinions appear conspicuous according as the instrum ent happens to be turned. * * * Sentiments th a t are often scouted as vagary and of revolutionary character,
A n A n s w e r T o M r . L e w is a n d t h e A. M . A.
have the sanction of men standing high in the m edical profession. Yet the conservatism of established bodies of men is so great as to induce resistance, even to ferocious violence, to changes deserving of a welcome. N ew views are generally first denounced as false, afterward derided as of little importance, and eventually accepted w ith the assertion that they had always been the property of the profession. T h e first promulgators, however, are seldom included in such favorable reception.” (Pages V I and V II, Foreword). I n the light of the foregoing, and the facts, conditions, and situations existing at the times referred to in the A .M . A. Jo u rn al article, we may proceed to deal with it fairly, intelligently, and understandingly. T H E A R T I C L E M ISCO NCEIVED A N D U N N E C E S S A R Y
T he article was a misconception and not based upon facts and the tru th so far as I was concerned. T h at is also probably true insofar as it applies to the individual doctors therein referred to, ridiculed, and no doubt unjustly criticized. I was not a member, or officer, of the American Progressive Medical Association. A short time prior to its attempted formation, Dr. Larson, of M ilwaukee, wrote me about forming, a liberal and progressive medical associa tion. I replied that I believed the conditions and general situation unfavorable and the time inopportune. Therefore, I refused to lend my aid to the undertaking. Notwithstanding, Dr. Larson went for ward with his futile and unsuccessful plans and had propaganda, literature, an d letterheads printed with my name set forth as “ second Vice-President.” T h is was done without my knowledge or consent. I was in no way interested in that movement and had nothing to do with it. T h e A. M. A. advised of the attempt to organize a rival pro gressive and liberal association, ever jealous of all rivals and deter mined to stamp out, in its very inception, all possible rivalry, re sorted to the undignified and questionable method, to say the least, of m aking caustic personal attacks on those of its professional brethren who were connected, or supposed to be connected, with the movement. T h e bitter attack was as unnecessary as it was unjustified. T he movement gained no headway and never had an actual existence as a functioning organization. M Y P O SIT IO N S T A T E D
Before proceeding further, I desire to state my position, ideas,
A n A n s w e r T o M r . L e w is a n d t h e A. M . A.
a n d ideals as they relate to the healing arts, medical profession, m edical education, schools, and associations. I believe th a t every healer and physician, regardless of the system practiced, should be fully prepared, learned and highly efficient in h is art. I hold no b rief for “ diploma m ills,” fraudulent and inefficient schools, and have no sym pathy with those who would lower the standards of professional training and education, or who would, in any way or by any means, evade the full measure and highest standard of the professional responsibility of the physician. T he public health and general well-being of m ankind are pre cious, and should be duly guarded and protected. I believe th a t the medical profession should be carefully regulated to high standards an d increasingly higher standards of efficiency, and that none should be licensed to practice the healing arts who are not fully prepared to efficiently treat, cure, and prevent disease and safeguard the health of those for whom he renders professional service. But I do not believe th a t one school has the right to regulate the profession to its own selfish advantage, to the exclusion or disadvantage of other or a ll other schools, some of which may be more desirable and efficient I am unalterably opposed to a medical monopoly th at arrogantly establishes a dictatorship over the profession, stifles individual genius, and retards scientific progress by refusing to recognize all innovations, however meritorious, th at do not conform to their own preconceived ideas. I believe in medical freedom, w ith qualified practitioners, un hampered and unshackled; and th at professional colleges of all schools of theory and practice of the healing arts should be estab lished and m aintained to the highest possible standards of progres sive efficiency. I have always opposed the policy of the A. M . A. of forcing its theories and practices by compulsory legislation, its monopolistic ten dencies, its attempts at professional dictatorship, its practices o f personally attacking brethren of the profession who have dissented from its conclusions and who have refused to bow to its dictation. I cannot accept the Allopathic theory and practice of medicine which it fosters; however, I am in accord with its policy of professional training and medical education. It has raised these standards, for which it deserves due credit and high commendation. In the early days of my practice, I associated myself w ith move ments for the establishment of Physio-M edical colleges, which I hoped would develop into strong colleges of high educational stand ards, w ith a complete curriculum, a highly specialized staff, and adequate equipment to graduate high class, learned, efficient and
A n A n s w e r T o M r . L e w is a n d t h e A. M. A.
skillfull Physio-Medicists. Those attempts failed, because, unfor tunately, there were some associated with those undertakings who were not w illing to subscribe to and support such high standards. In the later years of my practice, I have been solicited and urged to assist in the organization of independent, liberal, and pro gressive associations. I believe in such an Association. It is certain that such an organization, or society, if committed to the m aintaining of the same strict, high standard of medical education as the A. M. A. would serve a beneficent and most useful purpose. So fa r I have, of recent years, refused to join in, or to encourage such movements and shall continue to do so until the time arrives when the indepen dent, liberal, and progressive practitioners can unite their efforts into a harmonious movement on high educational as well as progressive standards. V IN D IC A T IO N
We, the physicians of liberal tendencies, of the Thomsonian, Natura and Physio-Medical school, who are seeking no earthly glory, who have not pinned upon our breasts ambitions’ worthless badge, and who are more interested in the welfare of m ankind and the service we may render to and for our fellowmen, have been con tent to see the physicians of the Allopathic school abandon m any of their own fundamental pet theories and to adopt in lieu thereof, the major, fundamental, and basic principles of the Physio-M edicists, which the m ajority of their physicians are generally using today in their practice, and which less than fifteen years ago the A. M . A. was denouncing and ridiculing. It was not then alone sufficient to de nounce and ridicule our system and our remedies, it was also deemed necessary to villify and belittle, to make personal and sarcastic attacks on the personnel of our school, who were active in prom oting its doctrines and practices. There is, indeed, justified gratification in the silent, t a d t admis sion by the Allopathies of the correctness of the principles of our practice, even though they have adopted them as their own without due acknowledgment. W ithin this fact is found sufficient reward for our labors, and a measure of compensation for all the abuse that the A. M. A. has unjustly heaped upon us. “ R E G U L A R IT Y ”
T he A. M. A. has attacked me personally; reviled, ridiculed, and persecuted me. It has dedared me “ irregular” because I have dared to think for myself, because I have opposed some of its policies and have refused to accept its theory of medicine— yet I
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