Dowsing for a Healthy, Happy Home_ Improving the Health of Your Home With t

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Dowsing for a Healthy, Happy Home Improving the health of your home with the art of dowsing

Brenda Hunt

Copyright © Brenda Hunt 2014 All rights reserved world wide No part of ‘Dowsing for a healthy, happy home’ may be reproduced or


stored by any means without the express permission of Brenda Hunt Whilst reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication, no responsibility can be accepted for the consequences of any actions based on any opinions, information or advice found in the publication. Healing information contained in this publication should not be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always consult your doctor on serious matters. ISBN-13: 978-1502384706 ISBN-10: 1502384701


Also by Brenda Hunt A Beginners Guide to Pendulum Dowsing Dowsing and the Chakra System Dowsing for your garden An Introduction to working with Healing Crystals A Beginners Guide to the Chakra System

Healing crystals – a guide to working with series A A A A A A

guide to working with Amethyst guide to working with Rose Quartz guide to working with Obsidian guide to working with Carnelian guide to working with Citrine guide to working with Tourmaline




Introduction What is dowsing? Dowsing with rods or a pendulum? Dowsing rods. The Y rod or forked stick The dowsing pendulum. What movements can a pendulum show? Advanced programming Rods or pendulum? Dowsing for Decision making Career decisions Dowsing and the home. The energy flow of your home Creating a map Mapping a room Why does negative energy build up? Space Clearing Dowsing earth energies. Redecorating your home Colour healing. Choosing Furnishing Positioning ornaments Tracking down faults Finding tradesmen Choosing a contractor. Regular Home Maintenance Creating a spiritual haven An outside sanctuary Planning your outside spiritual haven. Your home altar. Choosing a new home


Choosing your location Choosing the property. Buying a home Renting a home Choosing Student digs What type of accommodation? The property Your flatmates Choosing a holiday home Choosing a 2nd home. Avoid the ‘Holiday’ risk. Choosing a holiday home Choosing a holiday


Open up your mind and your senses and enter into this fascinating world.


Introduction Your home is the most important place in your life. It is where you relax, sleep, recover from work, entertain, bring up your children, share time with your partner. It’s the place that you rely on to build your spirit and recover from the outside world. It should be your sanctuary and your sacred space. But all too often in the modern world, e have lost sight o home as a sanctuary. It has become an extension of the office, a place where we prepare work, rush from one appointments to another, check emails and out social networks. Houses have become investments rather than homes, nest eggs rather than nests. It’s time that we reengaged with the idea of a home as a refuge from the outside world, a retreat from the rush of everyday life and a sanctuary where we can find rest and security, a place to recover and feed the soul as well as the body. Having the right energy in your home is important, but at the other end of the scale – having the wrong energy can be disastrous. Living in an energy that is negative for you can be a contributing factor in ill-health, relationship problems and emotional problems. At its extreme, it can be involved in serious illness, depression and divorce. Some houses and apartments can see a stream of different owners and occupiers, as the families who have chosen them as their homes, then move on because of ill health, financial problems and divorce. You certainly don’t want to move into a house or apartment like that! Working with a dowsing pendulum or dowsing rods when you are choosing a new home means that you can help yourself avoid these toxic energies in the first place.


Obviously the biggest decision about your home is what home to choose in the first place. It is such a huge financial decision that the questions of cost can outweigh all other considerations, but there are many other things that you should take into account, and dowsing can help you sort through the enormous number of decisions that have to be made. But you don’t have to be choosing a new home to be able to benefit from dowsing. If you are concerned that you are being affected by negative energies in your existing home, dowsing can help you discover what and where the problems are and then help you choose the cures that can help clear your personal space and turn it into the nurturing sanctuary that you seek. It can also help you making the decisions that are part and parcel of looking after your home – choosing furnishings and carpets, or deciding what colour scheme you should choose or which tradesmen you should choose. When you stop to think about it, there are an awful lot of decisions involved in creating a happy and healthy home.


Section One Introduction to dowsing


What is dowsing? Although this book is about dowsing for your home, you do need some information about dowsing in the first place. If you are already experienced with a dowsing pendulum or rods, please feel free to skip this section – I won’t be too upset! On the other hand, if you would like more information, just check out my other books on dowsing;A Beginners Guide to Pendulum Dowsing Dowsing and the Chakra System Dowsing for your garden Dowsing is a very ancient art, one that was absolutely natural, in fact a normal part of everyday life in the past. But as we have grown more technological in the way we look at the world and distanced ourselves from nature and the land, we have lost, or at least forgotten a lot of the knowledge that was taken for granted by our grandparents. Dowsing has become ‘new-age’, something a bit weird, something you don't really take seriously, even something that you laugh at. But the fact is that it does work even though no one can explain it, and different experts have different ideas. There are many theories as to how or why it works, but the important thing is that it does work. Often, the first reaction to the unknown is to be sceptical.


How does it work? Why does it work? It can’t possibly work, it’s all rubbish! That is often the path that our ‘modern’ minds take. But in the 21st century, many of us are becoming more open once more, and willing to explore other possibilities and other ways of looking at the world. Eastern philosophy and medicine has always accepted that we are beings of energy as well as solid physical mass, and western science is beginning to accept this as well. We accept easily that some energies are very destructive to us, even fatal. We accept that medical X-rays should be used in moderation and that those operating the equipment should be protected with lead. We accept that lasers can be used to destroy parts of us that are harming or disfiguring the whole. Now think more personally. The human senses or sensitivity often gives warning signals which we tend to ignore. We call it intuition, feelings, bad vibes. Whatever you want to call it, or however you choose to dismiss it, our energy field is constantly interacting with the energy around us. When we meet new people we can feel instantly drawn to them or uncomfortable and we look for logical reasons, ignoring the feeling – often at our peril – if we can’t locate ‘real’ reasons. Places, situations, decisions, even directions when you’re driving can give signals to your senses. If I take a wrong turn on a journey, even when I’ve never been to that area before, I know I’m going the wrong way. I ‘feel’ uncomfortable. It can make ring roads and detours difficult, but I’ve learnt to listen to that sensory message, it can save a lot of petrol and time. Once you begin to listen to your inner voice, to accept that the senses that pick up energy signals are as valid as those that tell you what colour you are seeing or if the saucepan you are reaching out for is too hot to touch, you will learn to tune into them more naturally and your use of the pendulum will become more accurate and more natural. There have been many attempts to explain how dowsing works, but whatever you decide for yourself – electricity, radar, the subconscious – the basic bottom line is that it is energy and it works. Edison was asked, “What is electricity?” His reply – “I don’t know what it is, but it’s there, let’s use it.”


Dowsing with rods or a pendulum? There are various different methods of dowsing. The two that are most recognised are using a dowsing pendulum or the more traditional dowsing rods, but you can also dowse with a forked stick or using just your body. Whichever type of tools you choose to work with, one of the most important tools for accurate dowsing is the way you format your question in the first place. When you are dowsing you are asking your rods or pendulum to respond to your question - whether that is to find water, decide on where to buy a house or choose which part of the garden is most suitable for a new plant - making sure that you have asked the right question in the first place is central to getting a meaningful answer. As an example, if you are looking for a source of water, you must be clear in your mind and in your question. What type of water you are looking for? If you simply ask your rods or pendulum to pinpoint the source of water, you may well locate an underground water pipe or a pool of stagnant water in the corner of your garden, when in reality you are looking for a place to dig a new well for fresh water. If you don’t phrase your question clearly in the first place you will not be able to get an accurate response from your dowsing tools. So whatever you are dowsing for, the most important first step is to ensure that you are clear in your mind about exactly what your question is. The skill of being able to focus on a question clearly is the most important part of successful dowsing. Practice this part of the process. Think of some questions. First of all, phrase it in the first way that comes to mind – for instance “are my keys in the kitchen?”


If you asked your partner that question, they would probably know which set of keys you were asking about because of the background of knowledge that they have of you. But if you ask a stranger that question, they wouldn’t automatically know what keys you were looking for. The house keys? The keys to the Ford? The keys to the Volvo? The keys to the shed? You would have to be much more specific in how you phrased the question so that the other person could understand exactly what you were looking for. The same is true in dowsing. Clarity is vital. You have to be able to phrase your question clearly, so that there is a definite yes or no, positive or negative answer. This often means that you have to break down your question into a number of different stages, narrowing down the choices you start with until you finally reach a clear indicator to a specific question. Where should we go out tonight? is far too open as a question. Should we go out for a meal? will result in a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, but you will then have to narrow it down before you have an actual decision. An Indian restaurant or Pizzeria? Pizza Hut or your local Italian restaurant? The same rules apply to any type of dowsing. You have to clarify your question to be able to get a meaningful answer. So if you ask ‘should I plant new rose bushes?’ it’s only the very start of the dowsing process. Should you plant them this spring? How many should you plant? – start your question at ‘one’ and work upwards Where should you plant them? There are a number of methods for this and I’ll describe them later What colour should you chose? Should you plant for just colour or should you plant for scent? Which supplier should you choose? This in itself can lead to a quite a number of different more detailed questions. As you think about this part of the process and practice how you can phrase your question you will find that it becomes much easier. Your thought processes will become clearer and you will naturally develop much greater precision as time goes on.

Dowsing rods. The traditional image that most of us have of somebody dowsing is somebody walking through a field holding two parallel rods or sticks, one loosely


held in each hand so that they can move independently of your actual hands. Each rod is L shaped with a shorter leg of the L held in the hand, and the longer length facing out in front of the dowser with the rods parallel to each other and to the ground. The easiest way to ensure that you are not actually moving the rod yourself is to have the shorter length of the ‘L’ sitting into a sleeve or tube which you hold and this means that the actual rod is not being held in your hand. You can buy many types of L-shaped rods, although a pair of wire coat hangers cut to shape will also work, with empty plastic pen tubes used as the holders. Dowsing rods are a very good way for dowsing for what is under the ground, such as water or a particular soil type. Focus on your question and ask your rods to indicate the right area when you reach it and then begin to pace out your area. For instance you might be looking for the right part of the garden to place your pond, to suit a certain type of plant, to place your vegetable garden or even to dig a well. You can also use this method to make a map of the earth energies in your garden, plotting any lay lines or areas of negative energy that you want to work in to improve. Hold the rods straight out in front of you, parallel to each other. As you walk around the area, keep the rods level with the ground, once you reach the target area, the rods will cross, indicating the spot you are looking for. You should practice with this method until you are comfortable with it. You can get someone to bury an item that you then locate with your rods, or practice in an area where you know there is a source of water, allowing your rods to pinpoint it. The rods, or indeed a forked stick, can be easier to work with in the landscape than a dowsing pendulum. A pendulum can be influenced by the wind or indeed by your own movement as you walk around your garden making it difficult to interpret the movements of the pendulum.

The Y rod or forked stick You can also dowse with a ‘V’ or ‘Y’ rod, the more traditional picture of a forked twig, although it can be made from any springy material such as lightweight metal or plastic, as well as the more traditional wood. Again, this is a good method for dowsing for underground sources of water or for checking soil types and creating a plan for an area you are


planting in. Although it is the traditional tool for water divining, it can be a more difficult tool to get used to than the straight rods, as it depends on the user learning to get the tension right in the tool. The ends of the rods are held so that you create tension in the rods but pulling the handles apart so that the pointed end of the rods will pull either up or down as your signal. It takes a little while to get the ‘feel’ of this type of dowsing but if you practice you will find your own reaction to the forked stick and be able to tell when you feel the dowsing indicators.

The dowsing pendulum. At its most basic, a dowsing pendulum is a weight on the end of a cord, although you can get some very beautiful dowsing pendulums to work with. Personally, as a crystal healer, I prefer working with a dowsing pendulum, and indeed I prefer to work with one that is made from natural crystal such as amethyst, clear quartz or Agate. You can also work with a pendulum that is made from wood or metal. The most important part of pendulum design is that it is well weighted and balanced so that it can swing evenly. Although any weight on a cord can be used as a dowsing pendulum, I find that adding that the energy of a healing crystal to the dowsing makes it more effective for me personally. When I am dowsing nature I like to work with Agates, especially green moss Agate or bloodstone as I personally feel that these have more of an affinity to the plant world, although your choice of pendulum is entirely up to you and you should work with a tool that you feel comfortable with. Throughout the rest of this book I have referred to pendulum dowsing, because that is the tool I feel most comfortable with for most dowsing requirements, but of course you can use the dowsing rods or forked stick if you are more comfortable with those methods. Learning to follow your instincts is an important part of learning to dowse. A dowsing pendulum can make a number of different movements in response to your questions, so you can get more precise answers, more nuances and shades of gray than just ‘yes’ and ‘no’ – black and white. In order to get the most out of a dowsing pendulum, you need to put some preparation into it. When you first start working with a new pendulum you need to program it so that you know what answers, or indicators, your pendulum is giving you. A dowsing pendulum works by giving you responses to a clear


question. The standard possible answers are ‘Yes’, ‘No’ and ‘Neutral’ although you can develop the range of other answers that your pendulum can show as you become more comfortable with dowsing. Dowsing rods respond to the presence of water or other items you are looking for by moving from sitting parallel from your hands to crossing one another. A dowsing pendulum will react as it swings from the chain or cord it is hanging from as you hold it. There are only certain ways that a weight on the end of a cord can move – in circles, backwards and forwards or by vibrating. A pendulum can of course make any of these movements, so you have to be able to tell what movement in your pendulum indicates a ‘neutral’ or ‘don’t know’ response, which is the ‘yes’ or ‘positive’ response and which is the ‘no’ or ‘negative’ response. Before you begin your programming, you should get comfortable with your pendulum, especially if it is the first time you have worked with pendulum. You can do this by carrying it with you for a while, making sure that it is protected from scratches by wrapping it in a soft cloth or placing it in a small bag or pouch. You can also hold it while you are relaxing or meditating, allowing your mind to clear. Listening to calming music might help or sitting comfortably in a quiet room with gently scented candles, or you could simply hold it as you sit and relax in the garden. There really isn’t a right or wrong way to relax, just find a way that works for you. If you would like more information on working with a dowsing pendulum in general, you can find more information in my book A Beginners Guide to Pendulum Dowsing. Once you feel that you are in tune with your new pendulum, you can begin the programming process. Again, there isn’t a right or wrong answer as to how long this will take. Children attune very quickly, sometimes almost as soon as they pick up a pendulum. They have a natural affinity to the energy all around us and to the energy of dowsing. But the older we get, the more entrenched we become in our modern, scientific and closed way of looking at the world. So don’t worry if it takes you a few days, or even a few weeks before you become comfortable with dowsing and the pendulum begins to work with you. If you begin the programming procedure and the pendulum doesn’t really do anything at all, just relax, stay calm and put it back in the bag and carry it with you for another little while and try again. The more you work with dowsing pendulums, the more quickly you


will be able to programme a new one until it becomes an almost instant process.

What movements can a pendulum show? Obviously, there are a limited number of ways in which a pendulum can move and you need to understand them before you can begin to interpret the signals that your pendulum is giving you. So what sort of patterns should you expect when you begin to work with your pendulum? There is a Circular clockwise movement A Circular anti-clockwise movement Either clockwise movement can also form an oval rather than a circle A left to right movement – across your body line A backwards and forwards movement – away from and towards your body line And a diagonal movement, either top left/bottom right or top right/bottom left. Finally, the ​pendulum can also hang still or vibrate gently on its chain or string. Prepare yourself before you begin Once you feel ready to begin the programming of your new pendulum, make sure that you find somewhere comfortable and quite where you won’t be disturbed or distracted. You have to allow yourself to interact with the energy around you. You do this every day without really noticing it, some people and places drain your energy, making you feel tired and sometimes irritable, while other people and places can make you feel better just by being there. We interact with this negative and positive energy without ever really considering in, but when you begin to dowse you are interacting with it on a more conscious level. Calm your thoughts and empty your mind of negative energies. Remember, as with anything you do, negative emotions or energies will interfere with your pendulum dowsing. You can light some candles, use some aromatherapy oils or incense, or play some relaxing music, anything that helps you personally to achieve a calm relaxed mental state. You might find that you prefer to dowse in your garden surrounded by nature. Make sure that you’re comfortable, don’t wear clothes that restrict you or feel too tight, too hot or too cold. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly.


Imagine yourself in a bubble of calm, it might help to create a mental shell of golden air around you Sit comfortably, but do not cross your feet. Allow your energy field to be open. Hold the pendulum between the thumb and forefinger of your dominant hand, letting your wrist relax. You are simply holding the pendulum securely so that it won’t fall from your hold. You are not gripping it or moving it yourself. You are working with the dowsing pendulum, so ask it to work with you. Ask the pendulum to show you its ‘neutral’ or ‘don’t know’ indicator. Normally the pendulum will hang still or will vibrate gently on the end of its chain or string, but don’t force any movement. The idea of this method is to allow the pendulum to show you what indicators it will use. You can ask the question out loud or simply in your mind. Always be polite to your pendulum, you are asking it to work with you, so don’t simply demand that it works. Once you are happy that you know the ‘neutral indicator’, ask the pendulum to show you its ‘yes’ answer and wait for a response. The pendulum should start to move, often in a clockwise or anti-clockwise pattern, but sometimes it will be left-right and backwards-forwards. Whatever the pendulum shows you is the ‘yes’ answer for you with that pendulum. You may find that you have different indicator patterns with different pendulums. Ask the pendulum to return to its neutral position. When it has come to its resting position, repeat the process, asking the pendulum to show you its ‘no’ answer. This will often be the opposite of your ‘yes’ indicator - Anti-clockwise to a clockwise movement or backwards–forwards to the left-right movement. The process of programming a dowsing pendulum may be almost immediate or it could take a few days of work, even a couple of weeks before you are really in tune with your pendulum, so don’t get despondent. You may not get the same response with every pendulum, so make sure that you follow the process for each one if you use more than one pendulum. I have different patterns with an agate pendulum that I do with a quartz one and I have much weaker responses from a brass pendulum that with a natural crystal one. I is a very personal process Even with your regular pendulum, it’s worth checking the response sometimes, as it can change temporarily. I always ask mine to show me its basic answers before I start a dowsing session.


Advanced programming As you do more work, and more detailed work with your pendulum, you will probably find that you require more subtlety in your answers. So far, you have only asked your pendulum to show you ‘yes’, ‘no’ and ‘neutral’. The strength of the answer is reflected in the strength of the movement. For instance - if your ‘yes’ indicator is to move clockwise, a small circle will indicate a weak ‘positive’ or ‘yes’, while a very large swing will indicate a very strong answer. But there are times when it would be helpful to have more information than this. It’s not a good idea to move on to this stage too quickly. You must be confident in your dowsing ability and your dowsing pendulum before you move on to more advanced work, otherwise you will simply confuse the responses and reduce the efficiency of your dowsing. Ask your pendulum to show you its indicator for an ‘unanswerable question’. Some questions just don’t have a clear ‘yes’ or ‘no’, and neutral doesn’t really tell you that. It’s not that there isn’t a clear answer, it’s more that you’ve asked a question to which there isn’t any answer. You can also call it the ‘stupid’ answer because you might be genuinely asking a ‘stupid’ question! When you get this response you know that you need to re-phrase your question more carefully or possibly, shouldn’t ask that question at all. This happens when you really knew that it wasn’t an appropriate question, when you are using the pendulum more as a toy than with a serious intention. You can also ask the pendulum to show you a ‘can’t answer’ response. This is useful if you have asked a question that literally can’t be answered rather than has a neutral or don’t know. This movement will tell you that there may well be an answer, even a clear answer to your question, but for some reason, the pendulum cannot tell you what it is at this time. My own pendulums have diagonal movements for the ‘stupid’ and ‘can’t answer’ responses. (one to the left, one to the right). You probably will not see either of these answers very often, except when you ask your pendulum to show them, and you will not see them at all until you programme the pendulum to give that type of response, but they are very useful when you want to be more detailed in your dowsing work. An alternative is to program your pendulum to show you a ‘yes- but’ and a ‘no – but’ indicator. If your ‘yes’ indicator is a clockwise circle, ‘yes


– but’ will normally be a clockwise oval. Programming this indicator can be very useful, allowing you to gain much more subtlety in the answers from your dowsing. It is best to get used to working with your pendulum for a while and to become comfortable with dowsing before you go onto this advanced programming

Rods or pendulum? So – rods or a pendulum? Which is best? Although personally, I am generally more comfortable when dowsing with a pendulum, there are times when dowsing rods are a good choice. Dowsing rods are excellent tools when trying to locate a energy line underground, such as an underground water line, an energy line or changes in soil types. The rods move as your reach a type of energy underground, which makes them ideal to track a line of energy in the ground. A pendulum can be difficult to hold still as you walk an area, making it more difficult to see when it is actually moving in reaction to an energy rather than just to the movement of your body as you walk across the garden. The wind can also affect the movement of your pendulum, making it more difficult to interpret your findings. When you are using your dowsing to lay out your initial plan for a garden – whether a brand new design or restructuring an existing, well established garden – then the rods can help you create your outline plan and your pendulum can help you fill in the details. If you can’t get comfortable with using dowsing rods and only want to work with a pendulum, you can use either of two methods to overcome the problems of movement and weather. Either walk very slowly and evenly, stopping a regular intervals to check your answers, or draw a map of the garden and dowse over that map, avoiding all weather problems such as wind and rain. And of course, while my preference is for dowsing with a pendulum, there are many dowsers who would cling to their rods just as strongly.


Dowsing for Decision making There are so many decisions that we need to make on a regular basis in our modern complex lives. Some are simple. Some are incredibly complex. Some will have small effects on our lives, others will change them completely. Obviously, you won't want to resort to your dowsing pendulum to answer every question and every decision that has to be made on a daily basis, but used in the proper way dowsing can be a very useful tool in helping us navigate through the modern world. Of course, much of this book is about making decisions – although you will also learn to track different types of energy as well – and I will be more specific about the types of question you might want to work with as we go on, but at this stage I think it will be helpful to deal with decision making in general. The dowsing pendulum's ability to give clear ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers to clear questions means that it is a great help when you are trying to make a decision.


This works best when you are genuinely looking for an answer, rather than just trying to reinforce your existing strong opinion or desire, or using the pendulum as a toy – which you should never do! You must approach the process with an open mind. You might not like the answer that you get, but you must think about it calmly. It would be a great mistake to dismiss an answer out of hand just because it's not the one you were expecting or wanting. There are many examples where you may need help in focusing your mind and making a decision. · Choosing a holiday · choosing between different pieces of healing crystal · choosing a new home · choosing a new outfit for an important event · picking the right college or university · to do or not to do? · Deciding whether to make changes in your career · Deciding if a car is the right one for you · Deciding which quotation to accept when you’re having work done – it’s not always as simple as just picking the cheapest These are just some suggestions to give you an idea of the type and variety of ways that your pendulum can help you in your general life. As you begin to work with it and get more comfortable with dowsing, you will find areas where your pendulum can help you find an answer. Although the dowsing pendulum can help you in many types of decision-making, in general you probably don't need it to help you between two different pairs of shoes, or which TV programme to watch! Some decisions can be made without the aid of dowsing pendulum. Once you have decided that you do want to work with your dowsing pendulum on the subject, it’s important to decide on your question. That might sound obvious, but you have to phrase your question clearly, and it has to be a question with a definite ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘don’t know’ answer. Once you learn to form your questions clearly, it is much easier to get definite answers from your pendulum, so it is worth spending time to focus your thoughts. This will become easier with time and practice. Many of the more complex decisions in life require a series of questions, and these will help you focus your thoughts about the matter. However, if you are dowsing to choose between actual objects that are in front of you, you can simply dowse over them, asking if this is the one you should choose for a specific purpose, and allowing the pendulum to tell you ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Preparing to Dowse


Sit in a quiet space, with a calm, positive energy. You might want to play some soothing music or light some scented candles If you are going to dowse in a place where you can’t control the surroundings – like a shop – try and calm your mind and learn to create your own bubble of tranquillity. Identify your question. Are you trying to choose for yourself or someone else? Are you choosing the outfit for tonight or as a long term investment? Always be clear about your intention. Sit or stand comfortably. Don’t cross your legs, you don’t want to enclose your energy Relax. Calm and empty your mind of any preconceived opinions or emotions. Take some deep breaths Ask the pendulum if it is alright for you to begin your questions (you might not always feel the need to do this) · ‘Can I ask this question?’ · ‘am I ready to ask the question?’ As long as you have received the positive indicator for the preparation question, hold the pendulum over the first item and ask your question Move to the second item and ask your question again. Continue in this way until you have checked all the items you are trying to choose between. It is better if you try to narrow it down using your instinct and normal decision making methods before you start to dowse. You really don’t want to dowse over every pair of shoes in the shop! As with all dowsing, the larger and smoother the indicator action, the stronger the answer. If your ‘yes’ indicator is a clockwise circle, the larger and smoother the circle the stronger the ‘yes’. If your indicator movement is small or ragged, you could be asking the wrong question. Try and rethink your question and be more specific. If you’re still not getting a clear answer, it might well be that there isn’t a clear answer. One item is as good as the next. If that happens and you can’t really tell why, you can dowse to try and clarify the problem do you need either item at all? do you really need both? Try to stay neutral! are they equally good / useful to you? Often your question will not be about an actual object but an idea or a decision that you have to make. You could be trying to make a choice between two holiday destinations or different types of holiday. Write each different choice on a slip of paper or print out the holiday details or use the individual page


from the brochure and work with the dowsing pendulum over each one. As always, it's important to clarify your question. The round the world cruise might be perfect for you, but that doesn't help if you don't have the time or the money to be able to take it in your next summer holiday. If you are dowsing about a holiday, you need to focus on when this holiday is to be taken and who you are going on holiday with. The dowsing pendulum may give you a clear indication that a luxury spa is definitely the right choice. But that won't help if you are thinking about a girl's weekend away and you really need to choose a family holiday. You may be deciding about a new car, and this might need a series of questions such as what style of car, should you buy new or used, should you buy diesel or petrol. Once you've narrowed the choice down, you may be left with a decision between different makes in a certain size of car, and eventually you may be trying to choose between two specific vehicles. For most of this process, you wouldn't take your dowsing pendulum to the actual cars. Simply write the make or model or size or engine type on pieces of paper. As you work through the decision-making process, keep writing out new slips of paper for each stage of dowsing. At each stage place the pieces of paper on a clear table in front of you - don't allow clutter to get in the way. Once you have narrowed it down to a choice between two or more actual vehicles, you could either write their descriptions or registration numbers onto slips of paper and continue as before, or you could visit the actual vehicles with your dowsing pendulum. The same is true of any decision you have to make. When you are working with your dowsing pendulum you must think the process through before you start, to ensure that you have the right questions.

Career decisions. The decisions we make about our careers create the framework for our entire lives and far too often they’re not really decisions at all. In matters where we should be taking real care over each decision, we don't even think them through at all, we just drift. So many people are in jobs that they hate, trapped in the 9 to 5 and just living for the end of the working day, the end of the working week, and in many cases the end of the working life. You shouldn't have to spend a lifetime just looking forward to retirement. Far too many people take a career path that somebody else has chosen for them. Parents, teachers or career officers, or sometimes just blind luck, taking you into the first job that was offered.


But we spend so much of our lives in work that we really should invest a little bit of time in trying to decide what we actually want to do. After all, you're far more likely to be successful if you are doing something you actually like doing. At the end of the day, although money is very important, it certainly isn't everything. You can be very rich, and still miserable. Although everybody needs a certain amount of money to be able to pay the bills, once that is taken care of, you also need to be able to enjoy life. There's not much point in having a big house, the big car or even the big yacht, if you don't have any time to be able to enjoy them. You may have a choice of two career opportunities which could be a simple ‘one or the other’ choice. But one may involve moving, or taking a cut in income for a long term gain. Some decisions are complex and may require a series of questions to sort out the answers to each stage. · Would I be happy in another part of the country? · Do I want security now? · Do I want a long term opportunity? · Do I want position A? · Do I want position B? Again, the list is almost endless – you can use your dowsing pendulum in any situation where you are having a problem making a decision. Try not to become totally dependent on your pendulum – there’s really no need to check if you should get up in the morning! But there are plenty of decisions where it can be extremely helpful, especially when you feel a tug between instinct and logic. Some decisions can involve a lot of money – buying a car, building an extension or fitting double glazing, making an investment, buying a pension. In this type of case you want to ensure that you are making the right decision because it’s not easy to fix any mistake you might make. Other decisions might affect you for a long time, choosing a university, choosing what to study, deciding to change career or leave a secure job, choosing a school for your child. Then there are decisions that cost you your time. Do you choose event A or B? A walking holiday or a week on the beach? Learning Cordon Bleu cookery or watercolour painting? Working through endless decisions is all part of life and actually making the decisions instead of allowing someone else to make them for you, can make life so much richer. You can take control rather than drifting The whole process of working with your dowsing pendulum can help you regain that control, not only the actual dowsing, but the preparation.


The actual process of thinking about what your choices and questions are means that you are taking control and dowsing - done properly and seriously - will lead you to the correct choices for you at that time.


Section Two Dowsing and the Home


Dowsing and the home. Why dowse your home? Even allowing for our modern hectic lifestyles, the place that we live in is still a place where we spend a great deal of our time, even if it is just the time to sleep and change our clothes for the next outing! And of course, most of us spend a lot more time than that in our homes. It’s the space in our lives where we rest, spend time together as a family, where we keep the belongings that matter to us, and often a lot more 'stuff' that we really don't need! Home is the place where we feed our bodies and our souls. In many cases, the story is turning full circle, and our homes have become our place of work again as well, as the internet allows the office to be anywhere with a good connection - although all that extra electromagnetic radiation can cause problems as well. We have entered a new age of cottage industries and offices. As a writer, I work from home and I consider myself very lucky in that I can have a separate office overlooking the garden – although that does tend to remind me that I could do with cutting the grass and sorting out the rose bushes! But we are often unknowingly surrounded by negative energy in our home, and of course at work, and this can be very detrimental to our health on all levels, emotional and mental, spiritual and physical. Very often, we can simply feel unwell or unhappy, without really knowing what the cause is.


Working with the dowsing pendulum can help clarify where problems may lie, helping you work out how to solve them or avoid them in the first place. There are many ways that dowsing can help in relation to your home. Of course the most obvious is when you are planning on moving but you can also work on your existing home to improve the energy flow, discover where the energy blockages are and make the right changes. Knowing what and where there is a problem is the first part of the process of solving the problem.


The energy flow of your home Any blockages in the flow of energy can have very detrimental effects in your life, whether that is in your own personal energy field or in the energy field in which you live or work and this can be caused by a number of different things. Sometimes, you may feel the energy of a room doesn't feel quite right or that there are some areas of your life that are not working as you would wish, you might even find that you tend to get headaches when you spend too much time in a particular area. Some people have a room in the home that just doesn’t get used very often, even though the extra space would be very useful. When you do have these problems, doing something as simple as reorganising the use of rooms or the placement of furniture can help to make your home more comfortable, and your dowsing pendulum can help you work out the right areas of energy for each purpose. If you work with feng shui principles, you can incorporate your dowsing pendulum when you are working on the correct layout for your home. Although you don’t have to use feng shui to be able to get answers from your pendulum or to solve the energy problems, it is a very effective and practical way of improving the energy flow of your home and it’s well worth investing in a book about the practical aspects of feng shui if you need more information.

Creating a map The first stage in this process of improving the energy flow of your


home is to dowse the entire house room by room, checking the energy in each room. At this point you are asking the pendulum to show you whether the energy is positive or negative, and the easiest way to complete this part of the process is to actually stand in the middle of each room in turn and dowse for that particular room. When you are looking for negative or positive energy in a room, it can either be a general question – some areas do suffer from negative energy – or it can be related to the use that you actually put that room to. Make a list or draw a simple map of your rooms before you start and make a note of the responses you receive for each room. You might finds that you need to make changes or add feng shui cures to one room, or you may find that you need to swap the uses of some rooms, so it’s best to keep a record of your dowsing rather than guessing as you try to remember the details after you’ve finished. Make a record of how strong the answer is as well as whether it is negative or positive. A room with a very weak positive energy might still benefit from some more detailed work with energy clearing or feng shui cures to improve the strength of the positive energy. As always, before you start you should check with your pendulum that you can ask your questions at this time. If you receive the ‘no’ response to your question it might be because you are too stressed or tired and you should set your pendulum aside and come back to it later. You should never reach for your dowsing pendulum as a last resort or when you are seriously stressed by the situation you are going to ask about. Your emotions will affect the dowsing and you will not be able to get accurate responses. As long as you have received the ‘yes’ indicator you can begin with your dowsing process. When I am dowsing to check energy I prefer to simply ask my pendulum to show me whether the energy is negative or positive, rather than actually asking a series of questions at this stage. If you haven’t done this before you should ask your pendulum to show you its indicators first. Normally the positive indicator will be the same as your ‘yes’ and the negative the same as ‘no’. Once you know that the indicator movements are, you can simply stand or sit in the area you want to check and ask your pendulum to show you what the energy in this area is. As always, a larger movement indicates a stronger answer and you should make a note of how strong the response is in each room. The ideal that you are working towards is to have strong, positive energy throughout your home but you’ll probably have to make some changes, do some


energy clearing or add some cures such as healing crystals or some light catchers to improve the energy in some areas. Decluttering is also a good cure – one that is a constant struggle for me! Once you have created the energy map for your home you can begin to work on individual areas.

Mapping a room You will probably have discovered a variety of energy fields in your home, but you will now need to dowse in the individual rooms that have shown a problem. There are a number of reasons that can cause negative energy in a room. There could be a problem with clutter which can interrupt the flow of energy throughout a space. There could be too much electrical equipment in a room – see if you can keep some of it turned off until actually needed rather that leaving everything on standby. You can save of electricity as well then. Some rooms are being used for the wrong purpose. A bedroom used as an office might be better turned back into a bedroom with the office moved into another room. Homework done in the kitchen or a busy sitting room might be causing tension and stress and it might be better to add a small desk to a quieter bedroom. You could introduce feng shui cures such as hanging crystals to move stale Chi, or you could work with healing crystals to counter any negative energy you have found. Black tourmaline is an excellent crystal to create protection in your home, rose quartz can introduce a calming, loving healing energy, hematite can help create a protective barrier if you are suffering from the negative energy of neighbours and clear quartz is the master healer and can be very helpful if placed around electrical equipment of a source of electromagnetic radiation such as power or telephone lines. Once you have your energy map, you can begin to concentrate on the areas that show problems and at that stage you will want to start asking actual questions. Don’t try to do the whole process at the same time, you should never dowse when you are tired or stressed, you won’t be able to get accurate results When you enter the room to dowse for the second time you can concentrate on why the area has negative energy and go back to asking a series of questions. Always ensure that you are calm when you start a dowsing session.


Take deep breaths and imagine yourself in a bubble of pure white light. You can play some relaxing music, light candles or wear a pure clear quartz crystal if you prefer to help create your calm centre. You might start out with an idea of what the problem is in the room. For instance there might be very little natural daylight which can mean that the energy flow is very stale. At the opposite end of the scale, a room that has a direct line between the front and back door can mean that the energy flows through so fast that the room always feels restless. There are two ways of dowsing a room. You can remain in one position and ask a series of questions. Or – if you feel that a certain part of the room is the root of the problem – you can use the same method as you did when creating the energy map for the whole house. Ask your pendulum to show you negative and positive energy and slowly move around the entire room, taking note of where the energy changes. You may have to repeat this a few times to accurately map the energy plan of the room. If you do feel that the use of a room needs to be changed you can ask a series of questions to discover the best use for each part of the house. We often just accept a use of a room because that is the way it was described in the estate agents literature, or because that is what the last owner did. But there are very few hard and fast rules about how you should use your home. Changing the use of reception rooms and bedrooms is easy and if you decide that you want the master bedroom downstairs and the sitting room upstairs when it catches all the sun, there’s no reason to stop you having exactly what you want. Even the kitchen or bathrooms can be moved, although that will take a bit more work and investment. If you do want to check the actual use of the individual rooms you can either dowse in the actual spot or over a sketch of the house plan or room plan. This process can be a little like the old childhood game of hotter and colder. You start with quite a general question. Would this room make good office for me? Should this room be the master bedroom? If you get a ‘no’, you can move on through either different rooms or different purposes for that room. Once you get a ‘yes’, you can move on to more specific questions about the placement of pieces of furniture or equipment.

Why does negative energy build up? Negative energy can build up in buildings for a number of different


reasons. Buildings can act like a sponge, soaking up the debris of our lives and absorbing it into the walls, the furniture and carpets, even the ornaments and objects. We’ve probably all had the experience of walking into a place and either feeling a cold shiver or a lovely warm welcoming glow. Life in general can clutter our homes with negative energy over time, and of course any traumatic event will have a strong affect on the energy field. So checking the energy map of your home should be done on a regular basis – spring cleaning is a good time to choose. You should also go through the process after certain events: · When you move into a new home · When someone moves out of the home · After a serious argument · After a divorce or breakup · After serious illness or a death You can also concentrate on cleansing the energy in certain rooms or even objects, for instance when you buy antique or second hand furniture, you should ensure that you are not importing the negative energy from someone else’s life into your own home. When you are starting a new project or beginning a new stage of your life you should check the energy in the room that you intend to use for this, so that you can ensure that you are giving yourself the best start.

Space Clearing There are different ways of balancing energy, such as decluttering, adding healing crystals and light catchers, adding fresh plants and aromatherapy candles or scents, but you can also actively cleanse a space. There are various different ways and of course I prefer to work with my dowsing pendulum but you can also incorporate some other methods into the process. Ensure that you are calm and that your own energy is positive before you start. You should never begin a process like this if you are tired, stressed or over emotional. Reinforce your positive intentions. If it helps, you could say the words out loud – for instance:“I ask for positive energy to infuse this space, bringing love, harmony and health into my home.” You can burn sandalwood incense or sage, either can help dissipate negative energy. As always, hold your pendulum lightly, letting in hang between your


thumb and forefinger and move freely. Ask your pendulum to balance the energy in the room and let it move as it wants, unwinding the negative energy as it moves and slowly coming back to its neutral position. As the pendulum swings, imagine the negative energy being swept from the room and being replaced by clean, bright, vibrant positive energy. If you ‘feel’ it is needed, move into each corner of the room as you dowse, visualising the negative energy being cleared out of all the dark crevices. After cleansing, light a candle and imagine a beautiful white light filling your home with bright, positive, loving energy. You can use the same cleaning process in any space – your office or place of work, a holiday home or even a hotel room if you intend to spend some time there.


Dowsing earth energies. They are many types of earth energy - both natural and those that we have imposed upon it - and of course not all energies can be seen, in fact most of them are invisible and we are unaware of them, but we are aware of the affect that they have on us. They can cause you to feel tired, listless and generally unwell. They can drain your energy and actually cause ill health. At their most extreme, energies that are negative to our health can cause serious illnesses and cancer hotspots. Whatever they are, all of these energies can affect you, your home and your garden. They can also affect you at your place of work. There may be underground watercourses, mine workings, phone masts, pipework, cables or lay lines affecting the energy of your garden and home. We all accept the idea of energy quite happily in areas that can be easily proven. We know that electricity is invisible most of the time, but we also know that it's there and that it works. When you plug something in it turns on. Everybody will also accept magnetism. After all, you put a fridge magnet on the fridge and stays there. But not everybody accepts that different types of magnetism and electromagnetic fields can have an effect on health. And imagine what an electric light would have seemed like to somebody 500 years ago. It could have got you burned as a witch! The earth is full of energy fields which were accepted by our ancestors. They built many of the great monuments to coincide with these energies, whether that was in areas of sacred geometry, or on the Ley


Lines or Dragon Lines that are believed to carry a form of the Earth's magnetic field in straight lines across the planet. Working with dowsing is a wonderful way of being able to pick up these invisible energies, whatever your interest in them. You may have a deep interest in the ancient energies of standing stones and stone circles. You may want to work with the Dragon lines in your feng shui practice. You may want to protect your own health and that of your family from Geopathic and electromagnetic stress, and of course these energies can be a very important part of designing your home and garden, working with the positive energy and negating the effect of negative energies. Before you can do any work with these energy fields, you have to know where they are and whether they are having a positive or negative effect on you and your home. Some are quite obvious, if you have an electricity pylon at the end of your garden it’s going to be quite obvious that the house will be effected by the electrical energy that it carries. But some are less obvious and less visible, and this is where dowsing comes in. As always with dowsing you should prepare yourself first before you start so that you are ready to receive the answers from your dowsing. · Calm your thoughts and empty your mind of negative energies. Try to distance yourself from any emotions you might feel about the area. · Take a deep breath and let it out slowly. · Hold the pendulum between the thumb and forefinger, allowing your wrist to relax. · Ask the pendulum to show you whether the energy is negative or positive · The pendulum will hold its neutral position until it finds an energy source, then it will move either in the positive or negative pattern. As always, the larger the movement of the pendulum the stronger the energy. An area of strong positive energy can be wonderfully recharging to your whole energy system, making you feel better, lighter, giving you a more positive outlook on life and improving health problems. When you find one of these areas of positive energy try to design it so that it can become a regular part of your schedule to spend time there to recharge your energy system. When you find a positive energy hot spot inside your home, place a relaxation area there if you can, somewhere you can sit and relax or meditate. You could locate an altar at that point to make the most of the positive energy. Avoid adding unnecessary electronic equipment. For instance, don’t find a clear, relaxing spot and place a TV or computer in


it. When you find an area of positive energy in your garden, incorporate it into your design, again creating a space where you can sit and relax or meditate. Place a seat there to make it easy to spend time, plant aromatic flowers and herbs that can lift your spirits and calm your mind, you could plant lavender which is a very calming herb. At the other end of the scale, an area of negative energy can be very detrimental to your well-being and if at all possible you should try and avoid it. Of course if you have an area with negative energy in your home or garden it’s very difficult to avoid it, but as long as you know it is there you can and introduce feng shui cures such as a water fountain, wind chimes or some soft lighting to minimise the effect, or you can work on improving the energy field of the area by adding healing crystals such as obsidian, black tourmaline or amethyst to your design. You can also cleanse the energy of that area on a regular basis I have done many fairs and events over the years, many of which have been in ancient castles that have collected a variety of energies to themselves over the centuries and some are more comfortable to work in than others. One example was a country fair in the fields below a castle which has been the centre of power and power struggles for almost a thousand years. There were a number of large marquees pitched on the field and a craft fair was in one of these on the edge of the event. Although we had done this event in previous years, and thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere, there was something wrong this time, and a group of us were all suffering from headaches, tiredness, and to be honest, irritability! When I dowsed that area of the marquee, I found that we were at a point of very negative energy that went specifically through that part of the marquee. Unfortunately we couldn't move the tent or our stalls, so all I could do for the rest of that weekend was try to reduce the effect as much as possible by placing natural points of clear quartz crystal around the area to deflect the energy away from where most of the people were. The area of earth energies is a huge subject worthy of a number of books all to itself, so I can only begin to scratch the surface here. If you are interested in learning more, there are many books and websites for you to explore with many different approaches to the subject. Just look around until you find one you are comfortable with. Of course, you can work with your pendulum to decide which book and approach is the right one for you. Although some of the energies that you will find are natural Earth


Energies, others are energies that we introduce into our own environments. Some are imposed on our homes. Nearby pylons, phone masts, electricity sub stations and all sorts of other cables. Of course the best thing to do is avoid buying a home close to them in the first place, but everyone has some cables and power sources close to the home, even if it is only the phone and electricity cables entering into it to allow modern life to exist. Placing clear quartz points to deflect the negative energy away from your home can help improve the atmosphere. You can also plant clear quartz or black tourmaline around the base of the pole if it is actually on your property. Much of the other electrical energy is added by choice. Televisions, computers, mobile phones, Wi-Fi enabled equipment and all the other electrical gadgets that fill the modern home add to the negative electrical energy overload that is part of modern life. All of this electrical fizz can also be part of the problem, causing headaches, sickness, fatigue and the general ill health that so many of us suffer from on a regular basis. Although I obviously work on computers to write my books, I normally do most of the writing with old fashioned fountain pen and paper in a relaxed and positively charged corner of my home or garden. If I try to do all the work on the computer I end up tired, irritable and with a headache – not the best way to get the words to flow! Prepare a set of questions that you can work with about different pieces of equipment. You may want to check a new appliance or electronic item before you actually make your final decision to purchase. In that case you could dowse to ask which one would give out the least negative energy. Unfortunately they all produce some negative energy and it is difficult to live without them altogether, but as an example you might choose to use corded rather than cordless phones in your home and to avoid Wi-Fi equipment when it isn’t actually necessary. You can also work with crystals such as clear quartz, amethyst, sodalite or citrine to absorb some of the negative electro-magnetic energy and you can check with your pendulum so that you can choose the right crystal for each location or piece of equipment. As you would expect, I have a variety of crystals around every piece of equipment in my home – even the toaster. You could also find that some electronic gadgets should be left outside the bedroom. It has become almost a requirement to have a TV in every bedroom, but it’s much healthier to do without them and it’s


certainly better if you can leave the smartphone with all the emails downstairs so that you can actually get a peaceful nights sleep! We are designed to thrive in clear positive energy and it’s worth making an effort to give ourselves and our families the best possible environment in which to live.


Redecorating your home You can ask the help of your dowsing pendulum in all sorts of decision-making as we have seen, and some decisions can cost more and have a longer lasting affect than others. You might not ask your pendulum about choosing a new cushion cover, but choosing a new sofa and chairs is a much larger investment and not something you can change in a few months if you make the wrong choice.

Colour healing. If you are redecorating a room, it is vitally important to choose colours that will suit you, your family and your lifestyle and that will be suitable for that particular room and what it is used for. Colours can have a huge impact on your health and well-being, and it's far more efficient if you can make these decisions before you stand back, look at the newly decorated room and realise you've made a mistake. It’s well accepted that colours can affect us. How we feel, our moods and our emotional state, colour can influence our lives in both positive and negative ways. In fact we often choose a colour subconsciously, depending on how we are feeling or our mood at the time. Companies can spend huge amounts of money choosing their colour schemes and corporate colours, not just because the Chief Executive likes the shade, but because of the affect that it can have on their customers and therefore, their profits. Choosing the colours we use with some knowledge of the affects that


they can have, can be very powerful and have strong healing results, and colour can have a profound influence on us physically. Sitting in a red room will make you feel warmer than sitting in a blue room, even though both are exactly the same temperature, simply because of the colour. A green or lavender colour scheme is very calming, while orange decor in a restaurant is very energising and will make you more dynamic rather than relaxed, making it excellent for a fast food restaurant but not necessarily for your sitting room! The affects of colour are reflected in language - feeling blue, in the pink, red rage, green with envy. Colours can have good and bad affects on us and can be used with this in mind, when you are decorating a room. You can strengthen the areas where you need help and avoid the colours that can feed the more negative aspects of your personality or draw the wrong energies into an area. For instance, red is a very warm, motivating colour which can help enhance your physical energy, making it perfect for a room that is used for entertaining, but the same energies mean that it can also enhance anger and irritability, making it a bad choice for a room where compromises and agreements need to be made. All colours of the spectrum have their own energies that can be used to create the right effect. Blue can be a very calming colour and can encourage the energies of honesty and peace but it can also cause the energy to be cold and withdrawn. Yellow is a very happy and stimulating colour, very good for encouraging communication, strengthening courage and easing shyness, but it can also make you more critical, of others as well as yourself. Orange is a joyful, practical colour energy, wonderful for creating an atmosphere of spontaneity and motivation, but that can lead to hyperactivity if taken too far and can be overpowering if used in large areas. Green is a very harmonious colour very good for balancing the emotions and helping ease confusion although it can also lead to problem with indecisiveness. Although it can give a sense of self reliance, it can also lead to possessiveness. Violet is a very inspirational, spiritual colour, making it a wonderful choice for spiritual or living areas as well as areas for personal retreat and meditation. But its negative traits can also lead to a sense of obsessiveness and a tendency to be impractical. It’s important to choose the right colours to create the energy that you


actually want in an area and of course you can add the colour energies with accessories and soft furnishings rather than painting the entire room in a vibrant shade. I find it easiest to gather some paint charts to help in this area of dowsing. If you haven’t made any decision about your colour choices you can start with a general colour wheel or a chart of all the basic colours that a paint company offers. Choose a time when you are calm and can focus on the question clearly, rather than at the end of a long day trailing around the stores looking for the perfect colour. Choose a clear place to do your dowsing. · Place the colour charts or wheel on a table. Make sure there isn’t anything else on the table, you don’t want other items to clutter your dowsing. · Calm your mind. Take some deep breaths and imagine yourself enclosed in a bubble of pure, white light. You can play some relaxing music, light some candles or burn incense if you find that it helps calm and relax your energy. · Ask your pendulum if it is all right to ask your questions at this time. You will normally get the ‘yes’ response, but if your pendulum says ‘no’ put it aside and try again later. You might be too emotionally involved, too tired or your mind might not be calm enough to be able to get accurate responses. · As long as you have received the ‘yes’ response you can start your dowsing session. · Focus on the room that you want to ask about. It’s important to keep the exact area clearly in your mind and you might find it easier if you actually have your dowsing session in that room. You must remember to keep the room you are asking about clearly in your mind, otherwise you could get a ‘yes’ indicator to a colour, but your pendulum is referring to the kitchen rather than the master bedroom if you were also thinking about making dinner.. · Hold your pendulum over one of the colours and ask if this is the colour you should chose as the main colour for the specific room. · Make a note of the answer. You can dismiss any that have a ‘no’ indicator, but you will probably want to dowse again over a small selection that have produced the ‘yes’ indicator to find out which is the strongest ‘yes’. Remember, a larger movement of the pendulum is a stronger answer.



You might get a ‘yes’ for more than one colour or shade and that could indicate that you should use both, possibly one as the general shade and the other on a feature wall or as the soft furnishing.

The dowsing process can take a while to complete as you narrow down your choices. First selecting the general colour and then some of the accent colours you want to use. Most paint companies produce a general paint chart for the main colour groups, and then a series of swatches giving different shades in a colour family. Make a collection of these and keep them safely somewhere, they make very useful dowsing tools when you want to make any colour decisions, whether it is for decorating, choosing carpets or furniture, or even when choosing new clothes or a planting scheme for the garden.

Choosing Furnishing You can also work with your dowsing pendulum using the same techniques when you are choosing new furniture, curtains or carpets. Again, getting this wrong can be a costly and time-consuming mistake. Try to get samples of the carpets or fabrics when you have narrowed down your choices, many companies will allow you to take their sample fabric swatches home to check your colour scheme and you can normally get a piece of the wallpaper you are considering. If you can’t get a sample of the actual material or paper to work with, you can use catalogues or magazines that have photos of the furniture. If you are working with catalogues or magazines, it’s best if you can actually cut them up so that you can dowse over the photo of the item you are asking about, rather than over a whole page that has other items on it as well. Again, clear the table of any other objects and place your pictures on a clear surface for your dowsing. Allow space between each photo. Form your question clearly in your mind. You can either hold the question in your mind or you can say it out loud – whichever you are most comfortable with. Remember, you must focus on the details of your question. Are you thinking of a new carpet for the hall or one of the bedrooms – which bedroom? Do you want a new chair for the family sitting room or the den? Remember, if you are choosing new furniture it is not only the colour that matters. It has to be practical for your home. A beautiful leather chair might be perfect for a bachelor pad but a disaster for a family home with children and dogs. Furniture also has to be comfortable as well as


looking good. Another variable that you should consider is the type of property you are furnishing. You will choose different sofas for different homes. Your permanent, long term home is worth an investment in your comfort. A holiday home that you rent out still needs furniture that you like, but it will also have to be robust and easy to clean. A flat that you are renting while you work abroad might need cheap and cheerful furniture, items that you won’t worry about transporting home at the end of the contract, that are reasonably enough priced that you will just leave them in place. So think about exactly what you are asking and prepare your questions. You can just sort it out in your mind or you might prefer to write a list to work through. I prefer to work through a list and also keep notes of the answers as I have received so that I can refer back to my notes. Once you do start your dowsing session, you will probably get a range of responses from your pendulum. Some will be a definite ‘no’ indicator and you can reject these items straight away. But there will probably be a range of intensity in the ‘yes’ indicators. After all, there is probably more than one table that would be a good choice for the room. I always find that it is best to take a break from the dowsing session to clear the mind. Go and do something else, have a hot drink, go for a walk or just go and do some work. Don’t do anything else involved with the choice you are trying to make, you want to clear your mind. So don’t read more home decor magazines or go to the sofa store. Once you’ve cleared your mind – it might take an hour or a couple of days, there are no hard and fast rules – come back to your dowsing and concentrate only on the items that produced a ‘yes’ indicator. Clear your mind and take a deep breath to calm yourself as you would for any dowsing sessions and ask your question again. This time, it’s important to take notice of how strong an answer you are getting. Remember, a larger movement indicates a stronger answer. You might also need to include more questions as you narrow down your choice. After all, it’s an unfortunate fact that the ‘perfect’ choice can often be far above the actual budget available. You should also take into account the amount of time you want to keep the furniture. This will have an effect on how much you want to spend. Some people like to invest and then enjoy long term, others like to be able to change their decor as the mood takes them.

Positioning ornaments 48

Choosing the position for pictures or ornaments is much easier to rectify than expensive furniture, but there are times when you just can't get it right. No matter how many different ways you hang the pictures they still don't look right! Clear your mind and calm your energy. Focus on the layout of the room and the object you want to place. First of all you should check that the particular room is the best place for your object or picture. No matter how much you love an item, it might not be the best room or indeed, the best time to have that item on display. Go through each potential position individually, asking if this is the right place for the object. You might find that you get more than one ‘yes’ indicator and again, you should ask your question a second time for these two or three answers, taking note of which one gives you the strongest indicator. An alternative method is to actually move around the room asking your pendulum in each position if this is the best place for the object or picture. It’s a bit like the children’s game of ‘hotter and colder’, where a child leaves the room while an object is hidden, and then returns and has to try and find it while the rest shout hotter and colder as the searcher gets closer to (hotter) or further away (colder) from the hiding place. And on the subject of hanging pictures, you can work with your dowsing pendulum to check that you are not about to bash a nail right through something vitally important! Spending some time working with your pendulum can take a great deal of the stress out of choosing new colour schemes and soft furnishings and it can be used for any decision making in the home. Although you might not ask your dowsing pendulum about a new table cloth or set of towels, choosing a new kitchen or bathroom can cost you thousands – it’s worth getting the choice right before you start.


Tracking down faults There are times when there is a problem in the house that you just can't pinpoint. For instance, if you have a number of pieces of electrical equipment that are all connected, quite a common thing with modern electronic equipment. When something goes wrong with the system as a whole, it can be a very time consuming and irritating task to track down where the actual fault is. It could be one of the pieces of equipment, it could be a fuse, it could be a fault in an extension or it could be one of the connecting cables there are times when even the experts work on the system of trial and error, keep changing different things until you find what works, especially if it's an intermittent problem. It can save a lot of time and frustration – and indeed, a lot of money if you have to bring in experts - if you spend a little bit of time with your dowsing pendulum at the beginning of the problem. The method of dowsing in this case will depend on what type of problem you have. If there is a problem with the water system for your home, such as a slow leak that you can’t track down, your dowsing can go back to its ancient roots of water divining and you can follow the path of the underground water until your pendulum indicates the area of the fault – either a blockage or a leak. You must be clear in your question. If you just ask your pendulum to find water, it could lead you to any source of water such as an outside tap, a rain water collector or the garden pond. Focus on the actual problem


you want to track down and keep that clearly in mind as you dowse. Other problems can be a little more complex and as with many types of dowsing, there are basically two methods you can use. If you are trying to solve a problem in your home entertainment centre, you can focus on each individual piece of equipment and connection asking your pendulum if this is where the fault lies, or you if it is a more complex system, such as a homewide audio system, you can follow the path of the system asking your pendulum to show you where the fault is. Although not strictly in the home, your car is certainly part of the home and you can work with the same dowsing pendulum system to track down faults in a vehicle, especially those irritating and difficult intermittent electrical faults. It can save a great deal of time and money if you discover that you simply need to change a fuse rather than book the car into a garage for a full check. As you get more used to working with your dowsing pendulum and more comfortable with it, you will find areas of life and areas of your home where it becomes an indispensable tool for you.


Finding tradesmen Getting work done on your home can be fraught with difficulties. The last thing you want is a rogue tradesman in your home and in your life. There are two areas that you need to consider when choosing the people and the companies who will work in your home. Obviously the first concerns the practical aspects – is the price fair, are their standards good, are they reliable? But you will be sharing your personal space with these people and allowing them into your home. Working with someone in your personal space means that you should be comfortable with the energy of that person, so you should also take this into account as well. Will you be comfortable with this person in your home? There are also two types of tradesmen that you can consider. There are times when you are looking for someone or some company to undertake a project. It might be a large, expensive project such as building an extension or loft conversion, or it might be small – laying a new carpet or painting a room. There are other times when you will be entering into a more regular arrangement such as finding someone to look after your garden or clean your windows. Either type of work is important but you will have different types of question.

Choosing a contractor. 52

When you are looking for contractors, suppliers, builders or other professionals, you can use your pendulum to dowse through the phone book, check cards or leaflets that have come through the door or even the details of someone recommended to you. You will probably use a series of questions for this dowsing, for instance · Is this person/company trustworthy? · Is this person/company reliable? · Does this person/company give fair quotations But even once you've established that the tradesman is a reliable and trustworthy person, there are still other questions that you need to take into account. Each project will be different and personal to you and your family, which means that each set of questions will also be different. Think about the project in mind and think about what your questions should be. Some examples are:· Is this the right person/company for this project? · Will I be comfortable working with this person or company in my home? · How long will the project take? · Will the project run over budget? You can use this same approach for various other types of supplier for your home, especially when an expensive purchase is involved or long-term working relationship is in question, such as finding a new gardener or a cleaning service. Having work done in your home can be a serious investment in time as well as money, and it’s vitally important that the end result should improve your home and the energy in it rather than cause damage or input negative energy into your haven. Although it can be such a large investment, and it is so important to the happiness and health of your entire family, many people just do not take enough time and make enough checks before they allow complete strangers into their lives, and unfortunately many people have lived to regret it bitterly. If you don’t choose the right people you can end up seriously out of pocket and with a home that is seriously damaged. Do not rush into any decisions that can have such a huge effect on your life. Gather plenty of information and dowse over the various companies that you have found. Don’t rely on large adverts, impressive brochures or even recommendations on web sites – even these can be faked on some


sites. Once you have gathered details of some suppliers write their details on separate cards and lay them out on an otherwise clear table. · Clear your mind and take a deep breath. As always, make sure that you are calm and are not too emotionally involved in the answer. Don’t start this dowsing session after hours of trying to make a decision, leave it until another day. · Make sure that you are comfortable. Play some relaxing music or light a scented candle to help you create positive energy. · Focus clearly on the work you want them to do · Ask the questions you have chosen over each card separately. You can reject any that have a clear ‘no’ response but you will probably be left with a selection that have show a ‘yes’ or even a ‘yes – but’ response. · Make notes about the dowsing responses you receive. One you have narrowed down your selection you will have to dowse over the remaining ‘yes’ cards and at this stage will have to narrow down your questions to more specific issues. For instance, a company that has resulted in a ‘yes – but’ might be perfect for a different project, or might be perfect for this project if you could delay it for a few months. Continue your dowsing session until you are happy with the results and don’t worry if you feel that you need to spread the dowsing over a few days. It’s much more important to be right than to be quick with such an important decision. Regular Home Maintenance. Having a new extension or the whole house repainted isn’t something that happens every month, but there are other contractors who do arrive at our home every month or even every week. We might not be investing the same amount of money or changing the fabric of the building, but the people we work with on a regular basis can also have a profound effect on our lives. Every matter that you put to your dowsing pendulum will require a different set of questions and you should think clearly about them when creating your list. There are things that will be very specific to you and you shouldn’t allow yourself to be influence by anyone else. Think seriously about the work you are considering. One of the first questions might be, do you actually need it? Some people assume that they must have a regular cleaning service because all the neighbours do. But you might like cleaning, so why have someone else to do it. Years ago, my mother had a cleaning lady twice a


week, but she always spent the day before cleaning everything in the house so it didn’t look a mess! If you do decide that you need to invest in the service you also need to check that you can work with this person. Obviously you need to ask the basic questions of your pendulum:· Is this person trustworthy? · Will this person do a good job? · Is this person reliable? · Are the charges fair? But there are also some other things you need to take into account when you are thinking of allowing someone into your personal space. Someone might be a wonderful gardener and perfect for your sister or next door neighbour, but you might not be able to cope with being told what plants you have to have in your garden. Remember, it’s your home and the people you let into it have to be the right ones for you.


Creating a spiritual haven Making space in your life for healing and spiritual balance is very important but not easy in our modern, busy, 24/7 lives. There are so many demands and so many demanding, selfish people, that finding spiritual space can seem almost impossible. The home and garden should be the perfect place to retreat from the world, to rest and relax and unwind from the daily stresses that we all face, and creating a personal sacred space is an excellent way of focusing your attention. Most of us are anchored in the physical world and we need outward signs, physical markers to help draw us into our inner world of spiritual healing. Try to set aside some space, no matter how small, that will give you these outward visual triggers, a collection of items that form a spiritual home in a part of your life. You can create your altar in a corner of your garden or on a small table or shelf in the corner of room, even a small corner of your desk. Creating a sacred space can be a very calming process and of course it will add a centre of calm to your life once you have it. There are various ways to create a sacred space either in the garden or inside your home and either are equally valuable to your emotional wellbeing. Of course, you don’t have to limit yourself to a single choice. You can


easily create an outside shrine and then one or more altar areas inside your home. You should work with your dowsing pendulum at each stage along the way in creating your spiritual space or spaces, as it is very important to work with the right energy in creating these havens and altars.

An outside sanctuary If you have space – either as part of a larger garden designs, on a patio or in a back yard or even on a balcony, a healing garden or spiritual shrine can give you a beautiful living centre of focus. As the well known poem says The kiss of the sun for pardon, The song of the birds for mirth, One is nearer God's heart in a garden Than anywhere else on earth. Dorothy Frances Gurney Whatever your God or Goddess, finding peace and being able to centre your spirituality is always easier when surrounded by the beauty of living nature or a calm special corner that you have created in your home. But you can do more to make your garden a spiritual haven. You can choose plants or herbs to create the right atmosphere. You can create an outside altar or shrine. You can create a healing garden or a sensory garden. Planning your outside spiritual haven. First of all you will have to decide what you want from this part of your garden. Are you able to devote your entire outside space to your haven or will it have to work in with the other needs of the family? Do you want to create a place where you can work quietly, relaxing as you prune and take care of the plants, or do you want a space where you can sit and relax, enjoy a peaceful glass or wine or cup of tea. You might want a place where you can meditate or a place where you can read quietly. Some people create a Japanese Zen garden complete with a Tea House and dedicate their time to the pursuit of beauty in an oasis of calm. If you are having trouble deciding exactly what you are looking for, write down some of the ideas you have come up with on separate pieces of paper or cards. Calm your mind and try to distance yourself from any judgements you


may have made about logic, practicality or what other people might think of your choice! Take a deep breath and ask your dowsing pendulum if it is the right time to ask your questions. If the pendulum indicates ‘no’ then you might be too tense to ask the question at that time. This can happen if you have been worrying over your choice for quite a while and reach for your pendulum as a last resort. Put your pendulum away and tidy your papers, putting them safely away as well. Come back to them once you have cleared your head. That might be a little later, after a cup of calming herbal tea – or a couple of days later when you no longer feel the pressure to make an instant decision. After all, gardens take time, so you may as well take some time to make the right decisions. As long as the pendulum indicates ‘yes’ you can continue with your questions. Be very clear in phrasing your question. After all, you are not asking if the idea is a good one – it might be perfect for your sister or friend or for you in your next home – you are asking if it is the right plan for you, in this garden, at this time. Dowse over all the cards you have prepared. Discard the ones that receive a ‘no’ response. You might find that you are left with more than one idea at the end of this. After all, there might be two or more ideas that would suit you, but you have to narrow it down to one, the best one for you at this time. If you are left with more than one slip of paper, take a break and come back to the remaining slips and ask again. You will probably find that you have a stronger ‘yes’ reaction to one of them in this second session or you might decide that you have the space to create more than one area.

Your home altar. You can have more than one altar in your home as well and of course you can create one in your work area. They don’t have to be obviously altars, just a collection of objects that are special to you and that have spiritual meaning for you. An altar gives you a space where you can think, meditate or simply take time away from the everyday noise. When you are planning an alter you should use your dowsing pendulum at the different stages as you grow towards actually completing it.


The energy in a sacred haven or an altar is very important as you are going to be working with it to balance and repair your own energy. There are a number of different types of question you might want to ask. · Is this the right place to create an altar? · What objects should you add to it? · What crystals or aromatherapy oils should you include? · Should you create a separate altar for a special purpose? · What colours should you use? I’m sure you will be able to think of many more questions that are special to you and to the purpose of the altar that you intend to set up. Take the time to think clearly and calmly before you start and then take notes of the answers that your pendulum is giving you. And the way you use your altar is also personal. You may choose to pray at it, meditate, light a candle and create a peaceful moment in time for yourself. You might just pick the objects up and take a close look at them as individual items that are special to you. I like to leave my dowsing pendulum on my altar to allow it to rest and recharge when I’m not working with it. But whatever you choose and however you choose to use your altar, keep it special and personal, your own private, spiritual space. Don’t allow it to become cluttered with other stuff, keep it tidy, dusted, a separate area away from the everyday rush. You can also add any pictures that you feel you want in your sacred space. You can add pictures of family, a favourite place or an aspirational place that you want to work towards. Really there are no rules, chose things that are special to you, listen to your instincts as you design your space and avoid the temptation to add clutter. Once you have your altar, spend time at it. We find it so hard to find quiet time, there’s always something that has to be done or someone who is demanding our attention, but make a plan, set aside a space in your life to be quiet and to rebalance your spiritual energy by spending time at your altar.


Section Three Dowsing for a new home


Choosing a new home So far we have concentrated on improving the energy of the home, but of course there comes a time when we actually have to choose a new home and this is normally a very exciting period of life because it normally accompanies change and a new stage of life. It might be the first step out alone, a new, first home together for a couple. It could be a home for a growing family, a more for a new career or even downsizing to be able to spend more time with our partner when the children have left. Whatever the reason it is a time of change, and the change is more than just a new address, it is normally a new stage in life as well. New beginnings, so your want them to be the best possible new beginnings and finding the right home is vitally important for your health and happiness. There are many ways in which you can work with your dowsing pendulum while you are looking for a new home and it can help avoid all the heartache, pain and expense of choosing the wrong one. Your home and the energy in it, is vitally important to your general health and well-being on all levels.


It should be your sanctuary, your escape, your place of security and comfort. But none of this will be the case if the energy of your home is incompatible with your personal energy.

Choosing your location When you’re in the first stages of looking for a new home - whether buying or renting - work with your dowsing pendulum to help you choose the right geographical area in which to look for a property. You might be trying to choose within a few streets or across continents, but finding the right place is vital. You know what they say – Location, Location, Location! And location is certainly a very important part of choosing a home, so dowsing to choose your location is a good place to start. You can do this by dowsing over a map, either of the local area or region or country. In fact, if you are looking for a property abroad but haven’t narrowed down exactly where you want to look, you can dowse over a map of the larger area to begin with, to help you narrow down the country you want to search. For instance, you may be trying to decide between France and Spain, or between a holiday home in Italy or Scotland. You may have decided that you want a second home in America, but not have made your decision about which State to choose. You may want to relocate entirely but can’t decide between Australia and Canada. Finding the geographic position of your new home is very important and can have a huge affect you the lives of your whole family. The area of the town or city will have an effect on which schools your children go to, what after school facilities they will have easy access to and whether it is safe for them to play outside. The area of the country will control what type of job you will be able to find and whether you will be able to continue education. You might not have thought about it, but some areas quite close to each other will have different levels of broadband speed. Does that matter to you and your family? There can also be huge differences in price between the fashionable street and other houses just a five minute walk away. Does that matter to you? As with all dowsing, the process of clarifying your questions can be very helpful in letting you see what you actually want and need, even before you start the dowsing process. Map dowsing can be very helpful in the early stages of a house


search. It can save a lot of time and a lot of fuel! It can also throw up some unexpected answers, indicating an area you hadn’t really thought of, so don’t limit yourself too much at this stage. Keep an open mind, sometimes you can find that the thing that is perfect for you is something you might never have even have considered. When you are dowsing over a map, spread the map on a clear table. Don't put anything else on the table, as you don't want the pendulum to be distracted by another item. For instance, a favourite ornament that you brought back from a holiday in one country might influence the pendulum dowsing. Calm your mind and think clearly about your question. Play some relaxing music of light a scented candle, whatever will help you create a bubble of pure, positive energy for your dowsing. Try not to let emotion influence you. For instance, your choice of a holiday home will also have to allow for the ease of getting to it, how often you're likely to be able to use it, whether you are able to earn income by letting it out if this is important to you, whether it's a good investment. So try not to make such a momentous financial decision when you’ve just landed back into the rain at home from a wonderful holiday. Be willing to consider things outside your comfort area, for instance a part of town that you might not have considered or a town instead of a village. Sometimes, what we think is perfect, and what we really think we want, will in truth lead to a lot of trouble and stress because it simply isn't practical. Working with your pendulum should lead you through this minefield, so that you can find the right answer for you. The same sort of process is true whatever type of home you are thinking of, whether that is the family home, a student flat or a holiday home. The area you think you want might not actually be the area that is right for you. The whole idea of working with your dowsing pendulum is to allow you to find the right answer, rather than to confirm the answer you want. So remember to stay open in your approach and only dowse when you can be calm and detach yourself from too much emotion.

Choosing the property. Once you have narrowed the area and have found the right location, you can begin to work on picking the actual property. Most people start their search with some ideas about what they want.


There are certainly things that are fixed requirements. The number of rooms, an apartment or a house, whether you want outside space, a garden, off road parking or a garage? You might also have some definite ideas about specific requirements. You might be looking for a modern open plan apartment or will only consider a detached house. Some people want new build, others want an older property with traditional features. There might also be specific requirements for the facilities around the home. Walking distance to a good school, close to the shops, away from a main road, a fast internet connection. If you have specific requirements, likes and dislikes, of course you should take these into account when creating a short list of properties to consider. But try not to narrow your choices too much, you might find that perfection is a type of home you have never considered at all. Spend some time dowsing about the check list you have created in your mind to see if you are going in the right direction. You might have en-suite bathroom on your lists of must haves, but if there are only two of you, is it really essential? Should it be a deal breaker? Choose a time when you can calmly consider what you want from a new home. Don’t try dowsing when you’ve just come back from a fruitless search or when your latest offer has been rejected. Find a calm time when you can distance yourself from any urgency about your search and when you can approach the questions without too much emotion. This might not be easy, so create a calm place for your dowsing. You might want to play some relaxing music, light some scented candles or use some aromatherapy oil to relax your mind. Wear comfortable clothes. You don’t want a tight waistband to distract you. Imagine yourself in a bubble of clear white light, take deep breaths and calm your mind. The first question you should ask when starting any dowsing session is ‘is it alright to dowse on this subject at this time?’ Most of the time you will receive the ‘yes’ indicator and you can continue with your session, but there are times when you will receive the ‘no’ indicator and you should consider why this might be. It could be because you are too emotionally involved at the time and you should come back to the question later when you can be more distanced from the answer. In some cases it will be because you are not treating the pendulum with respect – this often happens if someone decides to treat their dowsing as a party trick or a bit of a joke.


You should always treat your gift to dowse with respect and in a dignified manner, thanking your pendulum for its help when you complete a dowsing session, and don’t allow other people to undermine your respect and confidence for this wonderful ability. As long as you have received the ‘yes’ indicator, you can continue with your dowsing session and work out what is actually important in a property, and what items on your list could be left more open. This is a very useful stage to your property search, because many people unwittingly narrow their choices and don’t even look at their perfect home. Once you have decided on your list of needs, wants and things that have to be absolutely avoided, you can begin to gather some details of individual properties. Most people will gather some information sheets from an estate agent or online property site. For dowsing, I would recommend that you print off details that you are considering on-line. Again, you should create a calm and clutter free space for your dowsing session. Place the different property sheets on a clear surface – I always find it easiest to place the papers, pictures or charts on a table. You can dowse without any physical representation of the item or property as long as you can hold the idea or the image of the thing you are asking about, clearly in your mind. This does make dowsing easier if you want to check something while you are out. At this stage you are trying to narrow down a list of properties so that you don’t spend every spare moment travelling to see places that you can dismiss as soon as you reach the front door. Some questions you could ask are:· Will we like this house? · Will we like the area? · Are the rooms big enough? · Is there space for the car? · Is someone else about to put an offer in before we get a chance? · Will the seller pull out? · Are the legal documents in order? · Would we get a mortgage for this property? · Does it need too much work and modernisation? · Are the neighbours too noisy? · Is the garden large enough? There are all sorts of questions and the ones that you choose to ask will be personal to you, so take a little time to think about it and prepare


your own list of items that would be deal breakers for you. It can save you a lot of time and frustration. You can continue varying this process as you work your way through the stages of choosing your new home. As you go on the list of properties will get shorter and the list of questions more specific. You can continue to dowse over the details of different properties to check them before you visit, asking if there are any areas of the property you should pay special attention to when you visit. As you get closer to choosing your new home, it becomes more important to try and remain detached as you dowse and this will become more difficult as you actually visit properties, fall for the lovely garden or the wonderful smell of new baked bread in the kitchen!. This means that it becomes even more important to clear your mind of any emotional attachment to the property. At this stage, you must forget that there are pretty roses round the door, that it's in the area you've always wanted, that it's very close to a school. You are asking if this particular house or flat has the right energy for you and your family. This type of question is a very good example of how specific you must be in how you phrase your question. For instance, you could ask simply, is this the right home for me and my family? Do you have a specific timescale in mind? It might not be the right long-term home, but it might be exactly the right home for the next two years. So the question should really be, ‘Is this the right home for me and my family at the moment?’ Asking the first question might mean that you miss out on something that is perfect for you in the short term. Once you have cleared your mind and focused on your question, hold your pendulum over the address or details and allow it to give you your answer. You can follow the same process as you work your way through property details, gradually narrowing your list until you reach the properties you want to seriously consider for your new home.

Buying a home When you are buying a house you are making the largest financial commitment of your life – so it needs to be the right decision. There are some questions that are needed when you are actually purchasing a house rather than renting your home.


Of course you will still have the same basic questions of any house of flat where you will be living, but some of the practical aspects are different between actually owning a building or allowing a landlord worry about the actual fabric of the building. So you can ask other more specific questions such as:-. · the structure of the building, · the energy of the property · the correct price. · how long it might take to complete a sale. · Whether the mortgage will be the right choice for you at this time · Whether you will be able to re-sell the property easily · Whether you will be able to extend the property if you need to in the future. · If you are buying a house for the wonderful view, you might like to ask if the land will be built on in the future. Think carefully about what you might want to know about a new home and then form your questions. After all, choosing a new home is one of the biggest, most important and most expensive decisions you will make. It's worth spending some time on getting that decision right. You can also take your dowsing pendulum with you when you are viewing houses or flats. In this case, you might be actually checking the energy in the building, asking your pendulum to show you whether the energy is negative or positive. You already know all the movements that your pendulum uses to show you negative and positive, so if your ‘yes’ answer is a clockwise circle and that is the movement that your pendulum makes, then it's picking up positive energy. As always, the larger circle the stronger the energy. We've probably all entered a building and felt either comfortable or uncomfortable. Dowsing helps us to clarify that feeling before making a very costly mistake. You can also dowse more physical attributes. Is the building sound? Is an area of damp important or just a minor problem? Does the new decorating in one room hide something that will give you trouble in the future? Obviously you still need a surveyors report and to make all the necessary legal and financial checks and take full professional advice before making such an important decision, but this can help clarify some of your questions.

Renting a home 67

When you are renting a home there are some specific questions that you should ask with your pendulum. The time scale for this home can vary greatly. You might be choosing to rent your long term family home rather than taking a mortgage to purchase a house. Over the last few decades in the UK and the USA, we have become used to the idea that purchasing a home and investing in bricks and mortar is the ideal that everyone should aim for. But it just doesn’t suit everyone and in many other countries as well as for much of history, renting a home longterm is much more normal. So when you are choosing a new home to rent, you should still dowse about all the questions you would check for any new home, but there are other things you need to take into account as well. When you are asking the basic question such as will you and your family be healthy, will the relationship with your new neighbours be positive etc, you should take into account how long you plan to live there for. If you only want to stay for the short term – six months or a year – keep this in mind as you form your questions. A home that would be wrong for you in the long term might be perfect for six months and if you don’t specify in your questioning that this is for the short term, you will get a negative instead of the positive that would be more helpful. When you are renting a property there are also other things to take into account. Specifically, you should ask about the relationship that you will have with your new landlord. Find somewhere calm where you can quite your mind. Try to clear your mind of any emotional feeling you have about the actual property – you may love the apartment or have a desperate need to make a quick decision, but you don’t want to find yourself in a worse position in a couple of months because you ignored some basic questions. Of course you should make some independent enquiries about your proposed new landlord – and don’t just rely on review on the website – you can’t be sure who wrote them! Once you feel calm and have surrounded yourself in a bubble of peace and tranquillity, you can begin to ask your questions. · Is the landlord or rental company trustworthy? · Will they deal promptly with any problems in the property? · Will they keep the property in proper repair? · Will the rent remain fair? · Will you be able to contact your landlord if you need to? The majority of landlords are fair. They are in business to rent their properties and it’s in their interests to be fair to their customers – you. But


there’s no doubt that there are some that you should definitely avoid and asking the proper questions of your dowsing pendulum can help you do just that. Again you must always make all the proper legal and financial checks and take proper professional advice .before you commit to such an important contract.


Choosing Student digs Choosing the place where you will live during your time at college or university can be a huge mix of emotions. It’s exciting and a little bit terrifying at the same time! There are differences when you are thinking about a relatively short term contract, maybe only a year or two. But that doesn’t mean that you want to enter into the contract blindly. After all, the place that you live will affect your mood, your concentration and ultimately your success and your future. When you are dowsing about short term accommodation, it is important to keep the time frame clearly in your mind. After all, the house you might choose to live in for a year or two in your early twenties is very unlikely to be the property you want to raise a family in. If you just ask a question such as ‘is this the right flat for me?’ you might be getting a ‘no’ response because you have recently become engaged and subconsciously you are thinking about a family home. Equally you might get a ‘yes’ response because it would be an ideal family home – but that isn’t what you are looking for at this stage. As with all dowsing, you need to approach it calmly and seriously. You must respect your pendulum and the dowsing process. Find a time and a place where you can sit quietly and surround yourself in a bubble of peace. Don’t reach for your pendulum when you are rushed, agitated or have spent hours trying to decide. You will be too tired and too emotionally involved to be able to work clearly with your pendulum. Settle yourself somewhere quite and comfortable and begin your dowsing session by asking your pendulum if you can ask your questions


at this time. As long as you receive the ‘yes’ response you can continue. If you receive the ‘no’ response, put your pendulum away and come back to it later. There are different questions and areas that you need to ask questions about when choosing student digs. :· What type of accommodation · The property itself and all the questions you need to check about that flat, house or room. · And the other people you will be sharing with.

What type of accommodation? There are different options for where you can live as a student, and you should check that you are making the right decision for you personally rather than just choosing what is expected or what someone else wants you to do. After all, just because a friend wants to move into a student house doesn’t mean that it is the right decision for you. · Would you be better in university student halls of accommodation, in a private student hall? · Or would it be better if you lived at home if you are close enough? · Would you be better in a student flat with two or three flatmates or a house sharing with more students?

The property Once you have decided what type of accommodation would be best for you you can start looking at actual properties. As with any property choice, you can dowse over the actual adverts, by writing the addresses onto separate cards or by visiting the actual properties and dowsing in the room you are thinking of taking. You can choose a variety of methods. Dowse over information or addresses to narrow down the choice and then visit the actual properties you are finally deciding between. There are various things you might want to ask about the actual property. · Is it safe and secure. · Will transport to and from lectures, libraries, your part time job and of course entertainment be easy, affordable and safe? · Will the landlord be fair, and available if there is a problem? · Is the rent a fair price? · Are the Wi-Fi and broadband connections good enough? · Will you have to pay separately for utility bills or is it included?


Your flatmates If you choose to live in a hall of residence you won’t have any choice over the people living around you, but if you choose to go outside the university to private accommodations you will be choosing flat mates, the people you will be sharing your personal space with for a year or possibly more. This is a very important decision and you should make it carefully rather than in a rush or because someone else persuades you. Many people choose to share with friend, either people that they have gone through school with or those they have met in the first year of university. But if you want your friendship to last you should make sure that you can actually live together before you make the decision! First of all you need to understand yourself. What do you want from the place you live and the people you live with? After all, you’ve never had to actually think about it before, you’ve probably lived with your family and just accepted life as it comes. · Do you need a quiet place to work? · Are you a neat freak or can you create a mess as soon as you enter a room? · How do you feel about sharing chores? · How do you feel about sharing your personal property? · Are you an early bird or a night owl? All students like to party to an extent – it’s part of student life – but does your party calendar work with those of your potential flat mates. It might not suit you to have loud music at 3 in the morning – then again, it might! Work with your pendulum, even when you are asking question about your own preferences, it can be easy to be swayed by what you think you are and should be rather than seeing an accurate picture. Working through a set of questions with your pendulum can help you focus on reality rather than wishful thinking. Once you understand yourself you can work out a set of questions about your potential flatmates so that you can decide to live with people who are actually compatible. As with all dowsing, you must try and separate your emotions from the dowsing session. Choose a time when you can remain calm and focused. Don’t reach for your pendulum when you are rushing to make a decision or are feeling stressed because a friend is pressurising you into giving an answer.


Even though this is a relatively short term decision, it is still a very important one. Your time at college or university can form the pattern for the rest of your life and you want to make sure that you give yourself the very best start.

Choosing a holiday home A holiday home can take a number of forms. You might actually be buying a second home – one that you intend to use for holidays and then retire to in a few years time. You might be buying a large static caravan that you will use for your holidays and share with your family over the next ten or fifteen years In either of these cases, you might also be hoping that your investment will bring you some income. And of course, you might be choosing your holiday – but the hotel, campsite or apartment will still be your home for that week or two – or longer if you’re lucky enough to be able to take long holidays. So a holiday home is an important part of our lives, even if just for a short period of time. Of course the types of decision that need to be made about a holiday home are not the same decisions as we make about a main home, but they are still very important and making the wrong choice can have serious affects on our wealth, health and of course, happiness.

Choosing a 2nd home. If you are about to invest your hard earned cash in a second home it


is vital to get the decision right. It can have a very wide ranging affect on your life, not only because it is where you intend to spend your down time and relax with your family, but you will be investing at least part of your financial future into this particular place.

Avoid the ‘Holiday’ risk. And the problem is, it’s a holiday home and sometimes people are encouraged – strongly encouraged – to make this important financial decision when they are on holiday. It might seem logical, you’re already there, you won’t have the expense of a separate trip, so why not arrange everything if you’re on the spot. But the thing is, that the very worst time to make a big financial decision is when you are on holiday. Your brain is in ‘holiday’ mode, nor ‘real life’ mode. Your dowsing pendulum can be a huge help at times like this. It can help you see thought the holiday emotions, the excitement, the excitement of your family and the subtle pressure – and sometimes not so subtle pressure – of the salespeople. Ideally you should have been thinking about this type of purchase long before you actually went on holiday – if that’s the case and you already know that you do want a second home and you are on holiday and looking for a property in the place you want to buy, it is fine of course. If you find that the idea has just surfaced while you are actually on holiday, there are a number of questions you could ask your pendulum. Try to calm your mind and focus, you want to try and avoid too much emotional attachment. Clear your mind. Imagine yourself surrounded by a bubble of pure white light. It will be better if you can be on your own while you do this dowsing session rather than in a room with people who really want you to buy the property! Ask your pendulum if you can ask your question. As long as you receive the ‘yes’ indicator your can continue your session. At this stage you are really checking whether you should be thinking about investing in a property at all at this time. · Should you invest in a second home? · Should you think about this area for a second home? · Should you make an investment while you are here on holiday? · Is this property the type of investment you should think about? If you are staying at a holiday park there will probably be static


caravans for sale and there might even be a special offer if you make a decision straight away. If you’re staying in a bed and breakfast, apartment or hotel, you might pass an estate agent or ‘for sale’ board and be told that there are lots of people interested. You might even find yourself involved in a timeshare meeting – it can still happen – and they are experts at subtle pressure. It can be very hard to resist any of these pressures – especially when you are having a wonderful holiday, you love the place and there are people (large and small) around you who love the idea of a holiday that goes on forever. But this is a large, long term financial commitment not an ice cream! So take some time with your dowsing pendulum and ask the questions calmly and unemotionally. As with any area of dowsing, if you take out your pendulum when you have already made up your mind and just want it to confirm your decision you will not be able to get an accurate answer.

Choosing a holiday home If you have decided to invest in a holiday home there are various different decisions that you will have to think about. There are different reasons for choosing a holiday home and different ways of actually using it, all of which will have an effect on the actual property and type of property that you will invest in. When you can ask your questions calmly and feel free of the holiday excitement, find a place and time where you can work through your questions calmly. There are times that the thing you have firmly in mind and are certain that you want, isn’t the thing that will really suit you and discovering what you should actually be looking at can come as a bit of a surprise. Relax and allow yourself to feel calm. Wear comfortable clothing and create a relaxing atmosphere with clean, pure energy. You can place healing crystals around you, play relaxing music or light scented candles, whatever suits you personally and creates a bubble of relaxing energy for you. Ask your pendulum if you can proceed with this dowsing session. As long as your pendulum indicates ‘yes’ you can go ahead. If it indicates ‘no’, put your pendulum away and come back to it another time, you might be too tired, under too much pressure to make a decision or just too emotionally involved. There are a number of different questions you should ask, and many of them will be unique to you. You might what to know which geographical area you should choose


if you are unsure whether to buy a property in France, Florida or Folkestone. It’s certainly not unusual to be undecided about choosing between your home country or abroad. Map dowsing can be very helpful if you really need help to narrow down the area to concentrate your search. You can dowse over a map either of the local area or region or country. In fact, if you are looking for a property abroad, you can dowse over a map of the larger area to begin with, to help you narrow down the country you want to look at. For instance, you may be trying to decide between France and Spain, or between a holiday home in Italy or Scotland. You may have decided that you want a second home in America, but not have made your decision about which State to choose. Sometimes focusing on the area you actually want to invest in can be a serious dilemma for you, and none of the other questions can be dealt with until you know what area to actually look in. Then there are other major decisions to make as well. Should you buy a property that can earn some money for you by renting it out when you don’t need it? This can work with any type of holiday home that can be rented out as a self catering unit, whether that is a static caravan, an apartment or a country cottage, although you should check that there aren’t any restrictions on the actual property you are considering. Do you want a property that you can visit almost every weekend and eventually retire to, so that it really is a second home? Do you need a property that can be used by all the family or just a romantic hideaway for the two of you? Do you want a standalone property or an apartment in a complex where you will be able to pay for someone else to take care of the regular maintenance? If you plan on a property that you need to travel to, will the transport links remain available and affordable? It’s fine when you can fly from your local airport for a reasonable price, but it could be very different if those links change and you have to travel to an airport hundreds of miles away or pay much higher ticket prices in the future. Take some time to really think about the decisions you want to make and write out as many relevant questions as you can think of before you start your dowsing session. Dowsing is always a very good way of making you actually think clearly about something because it is important that you actually think clearly about what you what to ask before you can start a successful dowsing session. Make notes as you are dowsing so that you can remember the


answers you have received. Keeping track of the indicators to each session, not only ‘yes’ and ‘no’ but how strong the answers are and whether you see the ‘yes -but’ or the ‘no – but’, will help you really understand the results as a whole and will allow you to clarify your thoughts and your questions for the next session. As you narrow down your choices – which destination, what type of holiday home, how you will use it – you will be able to focus in on more specific questions about the area and the property. Many of these are the same type of question as for choosing any new home. At the end of the day it has to be right for you and your family, as well as being a good investment.

Choosing a holiday Obviously, choosing a two week holiday is not on the same scale as investing in a holiday home, but it can still be a significant investment in time as well as money and you want to get it right. Although you do see stories in the papers about holidays that have gone disastrously wrong, that is very unlikely for most people – after all, it wouldn’t be in the papers if it was a regular occurrence, so you certainly shouldn’t spend too much time worrying about that! But you still want to be able to choose the right destination, the right airport to travel from, the right hotel or apartment and the right travel company, or more often nowadays, the right website or websites to arrange everything through. Probably the most important thing to remember about dowsing for your perfect holiday is to be clear in your mind about what you are actually asking about. If you simply ask, ‘is this my perfect holiday?’ you will not get a very helpful answer. Two weeks on a luxury exotic island, a train ride across the USA staying in 5* hotels or a safari might be absolutely perfect – but not this year or with this budget! You must focus on exactly what holiday you are asking about otherwise the dowsing will be absolutely no help at all. So if you want to book the family summer holiday, focus on that. If you want to book a girls weekend shopping break, focus on that and if you want to book a luxury romantic anniversary weekend, focus all your attention on that. You must also focus on the time you have available and the budget for this particular holiday. If you are using brochures to choose from, lay them out on a clear table and dowse over each brochure in turn to confirm which one you should book from. If you are using websites you can write the names on


separate cards and dowse over them. It always help to have something physical to work with so that you can actually focus on the question and you can create a pile of ‘no’s’ and ‘maybe’s’. As you dowse you will gradually narrow the choices don to a single ‘yes’. You can use the same process until you find your perfect place for this particular holiday.


About the Author

From a long line of healers on the West Coast of Ireland, Brenda has worked with a dowsing pendulum and healing crystals for over 15 years and is a member of the British Society of Dowsers. She regularly gives talks and classes on dowsing, vibrational therapies, crystal healing and colour healing as well as writing books, articles and well known series of Core Information charts on a number of alternative therapies. you can contact her at: [email protected] website: www.healing


Table des Matières Also by Brenda Hunt Introduction Section One Introduction to dowsing What is dowsing? Dowsing with rods or a pendulum? Dowsing for Decision making Section Two Dowsing and the Home Dowsing and the home. The energy flow of your home Dowsing earth energies. Redecorating your home Tracking down faults Finding tradesmen Creating a spiritual haven Section Three Dowsing for a new home Choosing a new home Choosing Student digs Choosing a holiday home About the Author


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