Dowland - Third Book of Songs

October 23, 2017 | Author: Jonas Nordberg | Category: Entertainment (General)
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JOHN DOWLAND The Third Bookeof Sonqs (1 603) edited by

EDN{UNDH. FELLOWES revised bv Thurston Dart

AssociateReviserfor this volume: David Scott

LONDON: Stainer& Bell BOSTON: Galaxv Music Corporation t

THE AN D THIRD LAST BOOKE O F S O N G SOR AIRES. Newly composed to sing to the Lule, O/phaliot, or tiols, and.a dialogue for a base and meane Lute u'ith liue voices to sing thereto. By lo]dN D}WLAND, BacheLer in Musiche, anil Lulenist to the most high arut mightie CHRrsrrAN the foutth

by the grace oJ God

King oJ Denmatk aul Norwey,6c.

Bona qub comrnunio/a eo tuelioro

Pinted at London by P.[eter] S.[hort] for Thomas Adams, and.are to be soLdat the signe oJ the ahite Lion in Paules Churchyard, by the assignementof a Patcnr 6rantcd ro T. Morley. r6oj.

Thc wmdblock usedfoL thc border of tlrc titlcpagc was usedfo r other nusicel publicatiursI Dowland s Fil\t B@k ol Songj (seethe facsimile i,r rhe edirion of rhc book, S. & B. 32or ) i Nlorlev\ Book of Songsi Xlorler\ ,1 p1,a e ad eati, ;ht' ad,niot ta ptactica/ nusi; td F.asctcr's Book of Ayres. It ws nade by J&h,t B[etts].

CO NT EN TS Prefaceby E. H. Fellowes Note Revis€r's


Dedication The Epistle to the Reader I.

Farewell too fair


'fime standsstill

3. 4.

Behold a *ondcr here Daphne was not vt chastc


N{e, me, and none but me

6. Whcn Phebus liret did DaPhnelove 7. SayLove ifevcr thou didst6nd 8. 9. Io.

Flow not so fast ye fountains

6 8


What if I never speedI Love stoodamaz'd

Lend your €arsto my sorrow rz. By a fountainwhereI lay r 3. O what hathoverwrought r4. Farewellunkind

r i.


Weep you no more' sad fountains

16. Fie on thh fcigning r7. I mustconplain r8. It wasa time when sillv bces /.-\ { rq. ) The lo*"'r \i wr,,, *.' *"*ome,s are they zr.

Come when I cttt (a Diahgu)

2+ 26 3o 32

3+ 36 38 +z


to ljowland s I nlrd lj00k oI )onrs

or Alrs,

This vollrme. $hich w^s Dublisled in 1603, was described bv Dowland as iis third and last book of Songs, but it vas lollowed nine years later by the volrme to wh,ch he gale the titl€ ot ''A Pilsrimes Solace." The full title of tbe book is as fdlotrs:-"The Tbird ard Last Booke ot Songs or Aires. N€wly composed to sins to tle Lut., Olkhdt;oi, o/ riols, did d .lid-logue for a base and beane Lnt€ with five voices to sing thereto. a, John Dorvland, Bd.helu i" Mrsich., dltJ Lrten;st to ,ha nost hieh d .l n;ehtic Chti.tlan the Jottth b! th. Ence oJ God hntg ol DenDturk atul Nor@ct &c. Boad qub .orrtliio4 .ij nel;o/d. P(iiIed at Lon.lon by P. S. for TLonas Ad^ms. dt,l dre to bc sold dt tlrc si9Dc oJ the whita liot.;, P^ules Cburchyard, by the assignement of e Patent gra.ted to T. Iforlcy. 1603." The woodcut border used or the tille page is the same as that of Dowlarlds $rst book of Songs a.d Airs repnxluccd in tbe llrst volume oi the present Series. Tlre first forr in this third Rook are \tilt.n as solo-songs wilbout any .lternative 'fhe version for un^ccompanl.d voices in combinatior. last nnnrber jn the boolr, as mentbned 'n the tille page, is a dlalosue w,tb acconr)ininrelt lor t\{o lutes, the second of which is strunA a fourth lower than the lirst. The ^n refrah is for filo voices, but it can be salisfactorily periormed by tlle two voices wbich enga{c in the dialogue. This bool< contains Dowland's sup3rb setting of Weep you no more, sad fotrntains" and tlre s o hewh a t si h iiar , and alm o s t e q u a l l y b e a u ti fu l , s o n s " Il ow not so fast, ye founta,ns." Tbc author of the words of these two so'gr is not kno,vn. but ihe words of No. 17 are by Campian, and Nos. 18 and 19 are generally attributed to Robert, Lord Essex, and Sir Edward Dy€r respectively. Dowland dedicaled the volume to Srr John Souch (or Zolr.h) whose Coat of Arms with eisht quarteriDgs is represeDtedon ihe ba.l of the title-prye. The quarterihgs are as follo('s:-L Guler, f if t ee n b e za n t sand a c aDto n e rm n re , fo r Z o u c h . 2 . G ul es, three l eopards' headsj essaD i s,or, for CantelLrpe. 3. Argeni, r$'c chevrons gules r.d a label of three poirts vert, for 51. Maur. 4. Or, 5. lJ.rry of six, vaire and gules, for scmle of rosses crosslet, a lion rampadt azure, for Lovell. Braose. 6. Or, thrc. piler gules, a cahton laire .rgent and 6ules, for Rasset. 7. Or, a fess sules, Crest. On for de Quinci. 8. Areent, rlree cinquefoils gules aDd a canton of the last, for Dryby. a staff couped and ragulCeor, sprouting at the dexter poirt, a raven with wings e\panded Beride. the de.l,cation, $brch calls for no special comment, Dowland printed an " Ep,-lle ro thc Reader" in which hc alludes to the success of bis first two books, mentioDing thai he $as still arvay from Ersland; and it contains one pithy little recommetrdationwhich may well be quoted he.e, for, although Dowland s epistle is more than three hundred years old, his wise counsel on this matter ' A s n a hi ve of beesal l l abouf al i k6 i s nee d e dp e rhapsas f t lc h to -d a y d i i t w a s w h e n h e $ ro!e,t: to lay up honcy, opposins tbemselves against none but fruitless drooes; so in tbe house of learni.S fame all sood endeavourersshould strile to add somewhat that is good, not malicing one arcther, ^nd but altogether baodying agarnst tbe idle and malicious ignorant."

EDMUND H. FELLOWES. THE CLorsrERs, wINDsoRcAsrLE, Md! lst, 1923.

REVISER'S N OTE The mnsical ard lcrbal texts of this cditiorr hare betr checkerl(an
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