Dover DMC REM. Message PDF

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Issued: April 2003


RF - 11

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Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003


TABLE OF CONTENTS 1-006: 1-009: 1-014: 1-047: 1-102:

Condition Resolv Resolved ed ............................. ....................... ...... 8 Low Tank Oil........................................ Oil.............................. .......... 9 Excessive Alerts ............................... ....................... ........ 11 Elevator Elevator Delayed Delayed ............................... ....................... ........ 12 Hoistway Door Close Failure (UNOC2)) ................ (UNOC2 ........................ ................ ................ ........... ... 13 1-103: Elevator Elevator Failed Failed to Run (UNOC3) ....... 14 1-105: Car Doors Failed to Open (UNOC5)) ................ (UNOC5 ........................ ................ ................ ........... ... 15 1-106: Run Too Long (UNOC6) .................... 16 1-116: 1-117: 1-118: 1-119: 1-11 9: 1-120:

Low Battery - Replace Replace Battery Battery .......... 18 Low Battery ....................................... ...................... ................. 19 Battery Configuration Configuration Error ............... 20 Dead Battery or No Battery Battery .............. .............. 21 Unit Powered Powered On But Not Configured Config ured ................ ........................ ............... ............... .......... 22 1-121: Satellite-to-Main Communications Faile ailed d ................ ........................ ................ ............... ............... .......... 23 1-122: Satellite-to-Main Satellite -to-Main Communications Communicati ons ReRe1-123: 1-124: 1-125: 1-126: 1-129: 1-130:

stored ........ stored ................ ................ ................ ............... ............... .......... 25 REM® Unit Powere owered d On ................... 27 Main-to-Local Main-to-Lo cal Communication Link Verified ................ ........................ ................ ............... ............... ............. ..... 28 Elevator-to-REM ®  Communication Failure................ ....................... ............... ................ ................ .............. ...... 29 Elevator-to-REM ®  Communication Restored store d ........ ................ ................ ................ ............... ............... .......... 31 Controller Shutdown ......................... 32 Front Door Not Opening.................... 33

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1-131: 1-132: 1-133: 1-134: 1-135: 1-136: 1-137: 1-138:

Rear Door Not Opening Opening .................... 34 Front Door Safety Shoe Stuck On..... 35 Front Door Light Ray Ray Stuck On ......... 36 Rear Door Safety Safety Shoe Stuck Stuck On ..... 37 Rear Door Door Ligh Lightt Ray Ray Stuck Stuck On ......... 38 Front Door Communication Communication Failure Failure ... 39 Rear Door Communication Failure ... 40 Selector Board Communication Failure ............................................... ........................ ....................... 41 1-139: Car Shutdown Shutdown on Stall Protection Protection ..... 42 1-140: Car Not Releveli Releveling ng ............................ ...................... ...... 44 1-141: CLC Battery Batter y Failed........ ailed................ ................ ............ .... 45 1-142: Ignoring 2-100: CLC Miscellaneous Miscellane ousRequests REM® 5 .................... Message Re-46 ceived....... ceived ............... ................ ................ ................ ............... ......... .. 47 2-101: Service Mode Entered ...................... 48 2-102: Service Mode Exited ......................... ........................ . 49 2-103: Doors Blocked Blocked Multiple Times........... 50 2-106: Run Took Took Too Long .......... ..... .......... .......... .......... ....... .. 51 2-195: Selector Detected Pulse Count Problem.. Prob lem.......... ............... ............... ................ ................ ............ .... 52 2-196: Terminal er minal Switch Not Active When Expected pecte d ........ ............... ............... ................ ................ ................ ........ 53 2-197: Target Floor Floor Sequence Sequence Error ............ 54 2-198: Front Door Pulse Count Count Failure Failure ........ 55 2-199: Rear Door Pulse Count Cou nt Failure Failure ......... ..... .... 56 2-201: Front Door Loss of 150 Volts Volts ............. 57 2-202: Front Door Light Ray Stuck Stuck ............... 58 2-203: Front Door Safety Shoe Stuck On..... 59 2-204: Rear Door Door Ligh Lightt Ray Ray Stuck Stuck On ......... 60 2-205: Rear Door Safety Safety Shoe Stuck Stuck On ..... 61 2-206: Slowdown Slowdown Interrupt Fault Fault .................. 62 Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003

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TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) 2-207: Rear Door Loss of 150 Volts ............. 63 2-208: 2-209: 2-210: 2-211: 2-212: 2-213: 2-214: 2-215: 2-216:

F ront Door Open Button Stuck Stuc k On .... 64 Stuck Hall Button Detected ............... 65 Front Door Limit Problem Problem .................. 66 Overshoot Overshoot In Up Direction................. 70 Overshoot Overshoot In Down Direction ............ 71 Unknown CLC Fault Logged ............. 72 Unknown Mode Detected.................. 73 Overheat Overheat During Oil Heating............. 74 Oil Heating on Too Long ................... 75

2-217: 2-218: 2-219: 2-220:

Rear Door Limit Problem Problem .................. 76 Stuck Car Button............................... ......................... ...... 80 Rear Door Open Button Stuck On .... 81 Front Door Communication Communicat ion Failure Detected Detec ted ............... ....................... ................ ................ ............ .... 82 Selector Communication Failure Failure Detected tecte d ....... ............... ................ ................ ................ ............... ......... .. 83 Rear Door Communication Communicat ion Detected Detec ted ............... ....................... ................ ................ ............ .... 84 Hoistway Hoistway Lock Open During Flight.... 85 Group Communication Communication Failure .......... 86 CLC Communication Communicati on Failure Logged Logg ed ................ ........................ ............... ............... ............... ....... 87 Front DR Off When Doors Closed..... 88 Rear DR Off When Doors Closed ..... 89 Front Door Overspeed Overspeed on Close Close ....... 90 Rear Door Overspeed on Close Clo se........ ..... ... 91

2-221: 2-222: 2-223: 2-224: 2-225: 2-226: 2-227: 2-228: 2-229:

2-230: DZR on Outside of Door Zone .......... 92 2-231: Sensor Missed .................................. ........................ .......... 93 Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003


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2-232: Unknown Front Front Door Fault Fault Detected Detec ted ............... ....................... ................ ................ ............ .... 94 2-233: Unknown Rear Door Fault Fault Detected Detec ted ............... ....................... ................ ................ ............ .... 95 2-234: Unknown Selector Fault Detected..... 96 2-235: Front DCB Stuck Stuck On ......................... ........................ . 97 2-236: Front DR Open During During Flight ............ 98 2-237: 120-Volt 120-Volt Chain Open........ Open................ ............... ......... .. 99 2-238: Switch Tree Tree Open ............................ ........................ .... 100 2-239: Position Fault .................................. .......................... ........ 101 2-240: Inductor Sequence Error Due to DZ .......... ................. ............... ................ ................ .............. ...... 102 2-241: LU DZ and Missing ...................................... .......................... ............ 104 103 2-242: LD Stuck Stuc k On ....................... 2-243: Front Door Voltage Voltage Spike or Armature Problem Problem................ ........................ ........... ... 105 2-244: Rear Door Voltage Spike or Armature Problem Problem................ ........................ ........... ... 106 2-245: CLC Not Responding Respondin g to Commands Comma nds ............... ....................... ................ .............. ...... 107 2-246: 24-Volt 24-Volt Power Power Supply Failed Failed ........... 108 2-247: 2-248: 2-249: 2-250:

Configuration Table Corrupted ........ 109 Rear DCB Stuck Stuck On ........................ 110 Rear DR Open During Flight Flight........... 111 Front Door Speed Exceeded While Whil e Open Opening ing .............. ...................... ................ .......... .. 112 2-251: Rear Door Speed Exceeded While Whil e Open Opening ing .............. ...................... ................ .......... .. 113 2-252: DR and DOL Active at the Same Time............... ....................... ................ ............... ....... 114 2-253: Rear DR and DOL Active at the Same Time............... ....................... ................ ............... ....... 115 Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003

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REM  Messages for  ® 


Otis is a registered trademark of Otis Elevator Company of Connecticut Dover is a registered trademark of Dover Dover Cor Corporation poration of New Y Yor ork, k, New Y Yor ork k Freedom Tool  is a registered trademark of World Electronics Sales and Service, Inc. of Reading,

Pennsylvania. Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003


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The message code number is made up of two segments that identify the message


type subtype.


Example: Message 2-132 Mes sage Messag e Type = 2. Type 2 messag mes sages es do not necessarily warrant a service call. They indicate a condition that should be investigated during the next maintenance visit.. Type 1 messages visit messages sent to the mechanic report conditions do warrant a service ser vicealarm call. (Some Type and 1 messa messages, ges, such as 1-126 and 1-127, do not warrant service servic e calls; these are filtered by the REM ®  Center and not sent to the mechanic.) Message Subtype = 132. See the message description for a detailed description of the symptom and possible root cause(s).

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A previously received Type 1 shutdown message (usually the last one received) has been resolved. Expect running on arrival. NOTE:

Does not d denote enote which T Type ype 1 event event was resolved. ved.Type Rarel Rarely , this appli applies es to anresol earlier 1 yevent, rather than the current/active ev event. ent.

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The oil level input signal is low when the car is at the bottom landing. The oil level level sensor will detect oil loss at approximately 4.5 gallons. Oil loss is usually due to leaking cylinder or cylinder packing.

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Leaking Oil – Verify location of missing oil; reclaim reclaim/recover /recover if possible. If location cannot be determined, unit must remain shut down until missing oil has been conclusively located. Empty pit can. If can needs to be emptied more than once every three months, replace packing and correct leakage. Report problem to your Supervisor.


Check for leaking cylinder packing and check cylinder for leaks.

False Messag Message e – If a false oil lev level el message occurred, check (in order of probability): o Oil Le Level vel Sensor Float – Is float (see next page)  Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003

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restricted from moving freely? Hidden floating tank debris may obstruct proper float operation, or debris between float and brass shaft may cause intermittent false messages. o Oil Temperature emperature – Extremely Extre mely high oil temperature can cause float to lose buoyancy; may require float replacement and/or better cooling of hydraulic hydr aulic oi oil.l. o FloatSensorAssembly Assembly – Replacement of float sensor assembly sometimes stops false messages (use upgraded assembly p/n 177BH4). o Improper Sensor Wiring to REM ®   Unit – Verify oil level sensor wire is connected RMH DI-2 (+) and HL1 is •

connected to RMH DI-2 (-). Oil Lev Level el Sensor Adjustment/Failure Adjustment/Failure – Ensure sensor has ground return to G24 and P24 (HL1 and 30-volt feed, in Otis terminolog ter minology). y). REM ®  PC – REM ®  main or satellite board failed.

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An excessive number of the same Type 2 message was detected in a 24-hour period. per iod. The default setting in the Alert Threshold REM ®  parameter is 10 events in 24 hours. This parameter can be configured for the REM ®  unit from 5 to 99 occurrences. IMPORTANT NOTE: This setting affects all Type Type 2 messa messages. ges.

Causes: •

Refer to the Type 2 messa message ge included included in the 1-014 message.

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The elevator was delayed from responding to demand for a period longer than th an the “Car Delayed” REM ®  timer value value.. Causes: •

Refer to acc omp anyi ng Type 2 message.

Safety Chain – Rev Reverse erse phase relay, relay, pit safety switch, bottom final limit, top final limit, car top switch, emergency exit contact. contact. SC0–SC SC0–SC6 6 points (switch tree).

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     M   Explanation: Hall or car demand was established and the doors failed to close within the “INOP2 to UNOC2” REM ®  configuration timer timer.. Causes: •

Door System – Something is bloc blocking king the doors or causing them not to close.

Door Lock – Lock is not making. Early versions of Dover ®   software will cycle doors six times then keep them open; car will not enter shutdown mode as in later versions of Dover Dover ®  software.

Stuck Car Button – Button is stuck in the active state.

Gate Switch – Switch is not making.

150 V – Voltage supply to door operator failed. Will also generate Type 2 door fault indicating loss of 150 15 0 volts.

Rel Relay ay Board Boa rd – HWP, HWP, HW1 HW1,, HW2 HW2,, HW3. Relay failed or associated wiring problem. Door Control Board – Failed. Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003

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Hall or car demand was established, the hoistway doors were closed (HWP=1), but the car failed to run within the “INOP3 to UNOCC3” REM ®  configuration timer. timer. Causes: •

Gate Switch – A car with rear doors may be at a floor with one opening, with an open gate switch on the rear doors.

TBD – Other causes of this error message are currently under investigation.

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     M   Explanation: A run was completed but the doors failed to open within the “INOP5 to UNOCC5” REM ®   configuration timer. Causes: •

Door System – Doors not opening.

Door Control Board – Door control board is not allowing doors to open. A Type 2 door fault may also be logged.

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RUN TOO LONG (UNOC6) Explanation:

A run was started, but the car failed to complete the run within the “INOP6 to UNOCC6” REM ®  config configuratio uration n timer. Some of the early ear ly versions of Dover ®  software did not provide down stall protection. Causes: •

Run Circuit – Check down run circuit relay contacts on relay board.

Valves – Valves failed; start star t with down valve.

Relay Board – HW2, HW3, CST, CST, DN1, DN2, VMR, or UP2 relays.

Switch Tree – Bottom directional limit (BDL).

Door Lock – Door lock opened in flight and did not close.

LD Sensor – LD sensor is missing or there is a wiring error error.. Car will not complete a down run.

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Emergency Stop Button – Emergency stop button or switch was activated. Dover ®  does not remove run command when switch is active.

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The REM ®  main unit detected low backup battery voltage and the battery cannot be recharged. This message is indicative of future problems with the REM ®  unit failing to report problems when expected. Causes: •

Connections - Verify batter battery y termi terminals nals are clean, tight, and free from corrosion. Check for battery leakage and case swelling.

Batter Battery y – Replace REM ®  backup battery batter y at next regular visit or sooner (REM ®  5 battery p/n AAA718E3).

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LOW BATTERY Explanation:

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The REM ®  main unit detected low backup batterr y voltage. Main AC power has batte probably been removed and the battery is discharged. No mechanic action normally required unless this message continues to be dispatched. May also indicate the backup battery is failing.

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The REM ®   main unit detected an error in the configuration parameter that indicates presence or absence of a battery backup. This is a REM ®   installation message and normally does not require field attention. If this message continues to be generated, notify a REM ®  Center engineer.

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The REM ®  main unit detected its battery is dead or not installed. Cause: •

REM ®   Battery – Replace battery. Check batter battery y connection. Check configuration information for proper battery configuration.

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A main or satellite unit was powered on b but ut not configured. This is a REM ®  installation message that normally occurs when the REM ®  Center CSR is configuring the unit. The message indicates that configuration has succeeded far enough for the REM ®  unit to know how to call the REM ®  Center, but not far enough to know what ki kind nd of equipment it is talking talk ing to. Cause: •

Incomplete Incompl ete Configuration Configurat ion – Typical ypically ly caused by an incomplete site  ® 

configuration.unitAsk REM   Centerare to reconfigure if no messages received from controller after this one.

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     M   Explanation:

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Communication failed between the main REM ®  unit and a satellite unit. If ffailed ailed and    R restored messages occur excessively or    E unexpectedly, closer examination of the    F REM ®  system is recommended, as the REM ®      E system has become unreliable.      R Causes: •

RF Interference Interferenc e – Verify eri fy RMH-RM RMH-RMH H communications cable is not routed rout ed next to any high frequency RF source (e.g., motor leads on VF sites or incoming building power leads). Line Ter erminato minators rs – Verify erify RMH-RMH horizontal bus cable line terminators are installed only at far ends of cable run for terminators s this group of REM ®  units. Line terminator should be placed from “R” terminal to “-” terminal.

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   M Address Conflicts – Check REM ®        ®  ®  addressing addres sing for confli conflicts. cts. No two REM      M units in the group may use the same    E    R (see next page)  Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003




address (dip switches 1–4 on REM ®   5). •

Power – Veri erify fy power feed to all REM ®   5 units units is 105–125 105–125 V VAC AC..

Replace REM ®   Unit – Not a common solution for this problem.

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     M   Explanation:


Communication restored between the main REM ®  unit and a REM ®  satellite unit. If this error message appears often, it may indicate a communication problem.

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Causes: •

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   C    M    D    ®  Communications Link – Check REM      ®    R    E Online web site and check for excessiv excessive e    V    O occurrences of this message. If message appears random or unexplained,    D    R troubleshoot RMH-to-RMH communi   O    F cations link:

No action necessar necessary y if message was expected.

1. Check for loose wires, transient voltages. 2. Ensure routing communications cable is not next to motor leads or incoming building power.

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(see next page)  Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003

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SATELLITE-TO-MAIN  COMMUNICATIONS RESTORED  (CONTINUED) On some sites, communications cable must be run in separate conduit to be fully isolated from  effects of induced EMF interference and eliminate problem completely.

Power – Check REM ®   unit 110 VAC supply, wiring, and fuses.

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AC power was restored to the REM ®  main box. If the cause is known, no mechanic action is normal normally ly required. If the message appears appear s excessively or unexpect unexpectedly edly,, check the unit for a bad backup battery and/or poor or intermittent 110 VAC power source.

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     R Causes: • •

No action necessar necessary y if message was expected. Backup Batter y – Bad, dead, or disconnected backup battery when 110 VAC power removed and then returned.

POR – Mechanic PORed REM ®  unit.

Power – Low voltage suppl supply y. Measur Measure e 110 VAC VAC input voltage a att REM ®  unit and verify it is greater than 105 VAC.

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Periodically the REM ® main units will call the local to verify that an outgoing call can be completed. This message is confir confirmation mation that the call was was completed. For controllers with little to no message activity this message enables the REM ®   Center to periodically verify that the REM ®  main unit and phone lines are working properly and can successfully report any recorded faults if they do occur. Cause: •

No action action necessar necessary y. This messa message ge is generated to help track noncommunicating bad phone lines or bad units REM ® that  unit.have If this message is obtained, it verifies that the REM ®  unit, line share device, device, and telephone ser service vice are all working properly properl y for for an outbound call. This message is only seen on REM ®   main unit machine numbers—satellite units will not generate this message.

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     M   Explanation:


The REM ®   box is no longer able to communicate with the elevator-enhanced diagnostics via the serial link. This message is only generated once unless the REM ®  unit is PORed or the problem is corrected and then occurs again. Causes: •

• •

Building Power Loss – When building power is lost, REM ®   unit will run on battery batter y backup b but ut controller will not be powered up. Fuse – Fuse F1 caused the loss of AC voltage. System Power Supply – 5-volt or 12-volt side of system power supply (located in car operating panel) failed. There are two adjustment pots on the board. Verif erify y that it was not v vandalized. andalized. Output 1 should be 5 volts and output 2 should be 12 volts. If REM REM ®  can talk to CLC but CLC is generating communication failures (see next page)  Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003

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with all devices in system (door boards and selector), check 12-volt side. •

REM ®   Box PC – Check REM ®   box processor and associated wiring. Replace board if communication wiring to controller is OK.

Dover ®  Converter (REM ®  - CLC Serial Link Converter) – Check loose wire, check power feed, replace converter.

CLC Board – Communication Communic ation line locked up or failed. Check Dover ®   communication line termination.

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     M   Explanation:


Communication was re-established between the REM ®  unit and the controller. Causes: • •

No action required if message was expected  ® 


Dover  Converter (REM  - CLC Serial Link Converter) – Troubleshoot REM ® to-CLC serial communications cable and conver converter ter box. Elevator controller controller processor may be failing and need to be replaced.

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The CLC entered shutdown mode 0. Cause: •

Other Type 2 Fault – Refer to the last Type 2 fault listed by the message.

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The doors were commanded to open but did not begin to open. Causes: •

Door System – Door unable to open.

Power – 150-volt suppl supply y to door failed. Message 2-219 will also be generated.

Door Fault – Type 2 fault repor reported ted by door board.

Door Control Board – Front door control board failed.

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The doors were commanded to open but never started to open. Causes: •

Door System – Door unable to open.

Power – 150-volt supply supply to door failed. Message 2-220 will also be generated.

Door Fault – Type 2 fault reported repor ted by rear door board.

Door Control Board – Rear door control board failed.

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     M   Explanation:

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The Dover ®   system will label a reversal stuck if a reversal device sticks on for a configurable period of time (the default time is four minutes). Once detected, the device is disabled and the doors are nudged closed. The device is disabled until the signal


provides a zero reading (off). This message is generated if the device is stuck on for a consecutive number of door operations specified by the REM ®   configuration timer “Excessive door closings”.

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• •

Reversal Reversal – Safety shoe stuck on. Door System – Blocked doors, failure of door control board.

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The Dover ®   system will label a reversal stuck if a reversal device sticks on for a configurable period of time (the default time is four minutes). Once detected, the device is disabled and the doors are nudged closed. The device is disabled until the signal provides a zero reading (off). This message is generated if the device stays stuck on for a consecutive number of door operations specified by the REM ®   configuration timer “Excessive door closings”. Causes: • •

Reversal Reversal – Light ray stuck on. Door System – Blocked doors, door control board failure failure..

Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003


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     M   Explanation:

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The Dover ®   system will label a reversal stuck if a reversal device sticks on for a configurable period of time (the default time is four minutes). Once detected, the device is disabled and the doors are nudged closed. The device is disabled until the signal


provides a zero reading (off). This message is generated if the device stays stuck on for a consecutive number of door operations specified by the REM ®   configuration timer “Excessive door closings”.

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• •

Reversal Reversal – Safety shoe stuck on. Door System – Blocked doors, door control board failure failure..

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The Dover ®   system will label a reversal stuck if a reversal device sticks on for a configurable period of time (the default time is four minutes). Once detected, the device is disabled and the doors are nudged closed. The device is disabled until the signal provides a zero reading (off). This message is generated if the device stays stuck on for a consecutive number of door operations specified by the REM ®   configuration timer “Excessive door closings”. Causes: • •

Reversal Reversal – Safety shoe stuck on. Door System – Blocked doors, door control board failure failure..

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     M   Explanation: The front door control board can no longer communicate with the CLC CLC.. Causes: • •

Door Control Board – Front door control board failed or lost power. System Power Supply – 5-volt or 12-volt side of system power supply (located in car operating panel) failed. There There are two adjustment adjust ment pots on the board. V Veri erify fy that it was was not vandalized. Output 1 should be 5 volts and output 2 should be 12 volts. If REM ®  can talk to CLC but CLC is generating communication failures with all devices in system (door boards and selector), check 12-volt side. Line Termi ermination nation – Improper terminati termination on of RS-485 communication line. Shields of the two communication lines at DOC1 connection should be tied together.

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The rear door control board can no longer communicate with the CLC CLC.. Causes: •

Door Control Board – Rear door control board failed or lost power.

System Power Supply – 5-volt or 12-volt side of system power supply (located in car operating panel) failed. There are two adjustment pots on board. Verify that that it was was not vandalized. Output 1 should be 5 volts and output 2 should be 12 volts. If REM ®  can talk to CLC but CLC is generating communication failures with all devices in system (door boards and selector), check 12-volt side.

Line Termi ermination nation – Improper terminati termination on of RS-485 communication line. Shields of the two communication lines at DOC1 connection should be tied together.

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     M   Explanation: The CLC cannot communicate with the selector.. A call to the elev selector elevator ator will cause it to run to a terminal limit and eventually shutdown at 1 on stall protection. Causes: •

Selector Board – Control board failed or lost power. power.

System Power Supply – 5-volt or 12-volt side of system power supply (located in car operating panel) failed. There are 2 adjus adjustment tment pots on the board. Verify eri fy that it was not vandalized. Output 1 should be 5 volts and output 2 should be 12 volts. If REM ®   can talk to CLC but CLC is generating communi-cation failures with all devices in system (door boards and selector), check 12-volt side.

Line Termi ermination nation – Improper terminati termination on of RS-485 communication line. Shields of the two communication lines at CS1 connection should be tied together. Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003

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An up stall protection was detected and the car returned to the bottom landing and shut down. Causes: •

Up Valves – Up valve failed or needs adjustment. Check/replace small filter in valve, valve, which tends to clog.

Relay Board – FST relay. relay. Car will run up at leveling leveling speed.

Switch Tree – UTS, TSL, or associated associated wiring. If car fails to run at all, check up terminal slowdown and terminal speed limiting switches switches..

Relay Board – HW3, HW2, CST CST,, VMR or UMD relays or associated wiring. CLC will energize UMD (up motion disable) relay during during down runs. Make sure signal is not active active if e event vent buff buffer er shows no car motion (DZ off signal not seen after start of run).

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Selector Board – Circuit board failure. failure.

Leveling Leveling Problem – Car may have trouble leveling lev eling when oil gets cold. Adjus Adjustt for firmer up start. star t. Add tank heater heater or enab enable le oil heating heating with with Freedo reedom m Tool Tool ® .

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Pump – Failed to star start. t.

Thermal Overload Contact – Check overload ov erload contacts.

Temperature emperature Senso Sensors rs – OTS1 failed, causing oil to overheat during heating operation.


Door Locks – Door lock opened during run (2-223 message) and never closed.

LU Sensor – LU not seen on type 1A controller.

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Terminal erminal Direction Direction Limit – Car was parked at top landing, sagged to LU and could not level level because terminal ter minal direction limit (TDL) was open. Check e event vent buffer. buffer.

CLC Board – UMD or RUM output wiring or board failed.

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© Otis Elevator Company, 2003




The elevator elevator is stopped on LU or LD and not releveling to the floor for a period specified by the REM ®  configuration value “Rear Door Cycle”. Causes: •

CLC Board – LE output or associated wiring.

Relay Relay Board Boa rd – FST, FST, LU, LD LD,, or DZ relays.

Terminal Direction Limit – Car is at terminal floor and directional limit is open.

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© Otis Elevator Company, 2003


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The battery on the CLC failed. All RAM data was lost, so RAM needs to be reloaded. Causes: •

Batter Battery y – Batter Battery y is defective. defective.

CLC Board – Board failed.

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© Otis Elevator Company, 2003




The Dover ®  CLC is not responding to requests from the REM ®  unit. Causes: •

Dover ®  Converter – RS-422 to RS-485 REM ®  conver converter ter failed. REM ®  wiring to conver conv erter ter is incorrect. Notify Engineer Engineering ing if converter is not the problem.

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© Otis Elevator Company, 2003


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Explanation: A REM ®  5 message used by European REM ®   was received. received. No action is normally normal ly required unless this message occurs excessively.

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© Otis Elevator Company, 2003




The REM ®  main or satellite service button was activated.

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The REM ®  main or satellite service button was deactivated.

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The doors were blocked for more than the time-out period specified by the REM ®   configuration value “INOP2 blocked doors” (default time is 2 minutes) and this occurred occurre d a specified number of times (default occurrences is twice) in a 1-hour period. Note that the car had further demand when the doors were held open. Causes: •

Re Reversal versal – Sticking or false firing.

Hall Button – Sticking.

• •

Car Button – Sticking. Door System – Motion inhibited.

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RUN TOOK TOO LONG Explanation:

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A run started star ted but did not complete within the time-out period (REM ®  timer 16). Causes: •

Run Circuit – Check down run circuit relay contacts on relay board.

Valves – Valves failed; start star t with down valve.

Relay Board – HW2, HW3, CST, CST, DN1, DN2, VMR, or UP2 relays.

• •

Switch Tree – Bottom directional limit (BDL). Door Lock – Opened in flight, on down run, and failed to close.

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The selector board detected a problem with the pulse counts received. Causes: •

Selector Selector Tape – Check tape tension tension and adjust or replace guides. guid es. NOTE: Guides can be reversed one time.

Main Sensor Board – Main selector sensor board failed.

Selector Board

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     M   Explanation: The elevator stopped at a terminal landing and the terminal limit UTS or DTS did not activate when expected. Causes: •

Switch Tree – UTS or DTS (refer to message). Contact was not activated when expected.

Selector Board – Check inputs and wiring.

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The CLC generated a target fault error 07 00. The selector detected an invalid invalid change in position, at the reported floor. Causes: •

Selector Selector Tape – Check tape tension tension and adjust or replace guides and magnet alignment.

Rails – Check lubrication cans on top of car. Check ride ride for smoot smoothness. hness.

Selector Board – Selector board or main sensor board failed.

Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003  

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     M   Explanation: The front door board generated a pulse count failure failure.. Cause: •

Door Control Board – Check DOC2 connections and motor sensor or replace board.

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The rear door board generated a pulse count failure failure.. Cause: •

Door Control Board – Check DOC2 connections and motor sensor or replace board.

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     M   Explanation: The front door board detected a loss of 150 volts. Causes: •

150 Volt Door Power Supply – Check 150volt door power supply and associated wiring and fuse F6 on relay board. Power circuit is on relay board.

Door Control Board – Fuse F1 on front door board or board itself failed.

Travelin raveling g Cable Wire – Check for possible possible break in TC wire or loose connection.

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The front door light ray has been on for a period of time that is Dover ® -configurable (the CLC timer “Stuck door sensor device timer”” default is four minutes timer minutes). ). The re reversal versal device is disabled until the signal clears and the doors are nudged closed. Causes: •

Door System – Someone is bloc blocking king door.

Light Ray Ray – Light ray ray is stuck on or there is a wiring problem.

Conf igu rati on Paramete r – CLC configuration parameter # 14 (not available av ailable for three-chip CLC) “stuck door sensor device timer” is set too short. Should be set to at least 60 seconds.

Door Control Board – Front door control board failed.

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     M   Explanation: The front door safety shoe has been on for a period of o f time that is Dover ® -configurable (the CLC timer “Stuck door sensor device timer”” default is four minutes timer minutes). ). The re reversal versal device is disabled until the signal clears and the doors are nudged closed. Causes: • •

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Door System – Someone is bloc blocking king door.

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Safety Shoe – Safety shoe is stuck on or there is a wiring problem.


Conf igu rati on Paramete r – CLC configuration parameter # 14 (not available av ailable for three-chip CLC) “stuck door sensor device timer” is set too short. Should be set to at least 60 seconds. Door Control Board – Front door control board failed.

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The rear door light ray has been on for a period of time that is Dover ® -configurable (the CLC timer “Stuck door sensor device timer”” default is four minutes timer minutes). ). The re reversal versal device is disabled until the signal clears and the doors are nudged closed. Causes: •

Door System – Someone is bloc blocking king door.

Light Ray Ray – Light ray ray is stuck on or there is a wiring problem.

Conf igu rati on Paramete r – CLC configuration parameter # 14 (not available av ailable for three-chip CLC) “stuck door sensor device timer” is set too short. Should be set to at least 60 seconds.

Door Control Board – Front door control board failed.

Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003  

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     M   Explanation: The rear door safety shoe has been on for a period of o f time that is Dover ® -configurable (the CLC timer “Stuck door sensor device timer”” default is four minutes timer minutes). ). The re reversal versal device is disabled until the signal clears and the doors are nudged closed. Causes: • •

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Door System – Someone is bloc blocking king door.

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Safety Shoe – Safety shoe is stuck on or there is a wiring problem.


Conf igu rati on Paramete r – CLC configuration parameter # 14 (not available av ailable for three-chip CLC) “stuck door sensor device timer” is set too short. Should be set to at least 60 seconds. Door Control Board – Front door control board failed.

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As the car activates the SI signal, this message indicates indicates that it is time to slow down into a floor. floor. The message is sent from the selector to the CLC at the slowdown point. This 24-volt signal originates at connector CS9, pin 3, of the selector then goes to terminal block CSX2, pin 7, then to the CLC connector LCC11, pin 18. If the selector board is mounted on the side of the controller controll er where the wires are run with door signals or through the door doo r operator operator,, noise may cause intermittent faults. Causes: •

DC Power – Current setting for starter star ter may be too high, causing 24-volts to drop when car starts.

CLC Board – Check connector at LCC11, pin 18. Replace board.

Selector Board – Check wiring CS9, pin 3, through through to CLC board. board. Move wire away from door control signals if noise is indicated. If interrupt is indicated as failed, transistor Q5 on selector board may have failed.

Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003  

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     M   Explanation: The rear door board detected a loss of 150 volts. Causes: •

150 Volts – The 150-volt door power supply or associated wiring. Fuse F6 on relay relay board. The power power circuit is on the relay board.

Door Control Board – Fuse F1 on rear door board—or board itself—failed.

Traveling Cable Wire – Break in wire or loose connection.

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The front door-open door-op en button was held in for a period of time that can be Dover ® -configured (the CLC timer “Door open time—stuck button” default is one minute). The DOB will be disabled until the signal reads 0 (off). Causes: •

DOB – Door-open button stuck on or failed, or there is a wiring problem.

Conf igu rati on Paramete r – CLC configuration parameter 7 (6 for threechip CLC), “Door open time—stuck button”, set too short. shor t. Value should be at least 60 seconds.

CLC Board – Board failed.

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A hall button was held in for for a period of time that can be Dover ® -configured (the CLC timer “Door open time—stuck button” default is one minute). Causes:

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     R • •

Hall Button – Hall button stuck, or there is a wiring problem. CLC Board – Board failed.

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The doors were commanded to open or close but failed to reach the limit (DOL or DCL) within the time specified by CLC configuration parameter “door ffail ail time”. The signals that contribute to this fault are gate switch (DR), door close limit (DCL) or hoistwa hoistway y lock (HWP) for the closing direction, and door open llimit imit (DOL) for for the opening direction. The e event vent buffer and the second line of the message will be very ver y helpful. DR is the gate switch, HWP is the hoistwa hoistway y locks, DCL is the door close limit on the door motor shaft, and FDOL is the status of front door open limit. The gate switch, DR, should energize 1.5–2 inches from fully closed. The hoistwa closed. hoistway y lock should should follow DR and energ energize ize before DCL. DCL shoul should d energize about 0.375 inch from the final stop and should remain energized once the doors have stopp stopped. ed. If DOL or DCL are mo moved, ved, you must run the door setup sequence on the Freedom Tool ® , which will restore the default door parameters, then re-enter the values last adjusted.

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The spirator plays an important role in the door profile. profile. Tension ension shoul should d be equal on all floors. A Dover ®   software bug may cause this message if the door system has a light ray. The CLC may command the doors to close c lose when the light ra ray y is active active,, but the doors will not honor the command. When a door limit problem is determined, the CLC commands the doors to override the light ray signal. More recent versions of door software honor this andonclose the doors at Older normalversions speed, relying the safety shoe. versions of door software will cause the car to lock up as long as the th e light ray is active. active. NOTE:

If the gate switch or door lock do not make after six attempts, the car will shut down with the door open.

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Door Lock – Door lock not making. making. If lock doesn’t make when there is no demand, linkage linka ge may have slipped. slipped. Fix and pin linkage.

Door System – Doors bloc blocked ked or motion inhibited. Door power power is removed removed when


there is no demand, allowing doors to

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(see next page) 



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sag. This may be enough to break DCL, gate switch, or hoist hoistwa way y lock. Make sure spirator tension is consistent on all floors. Opening hoistway door with drop key may ma y also generate this message. •

Door Gib – Door gib is inhibiting motion, so doors could not reach fully open position.

Light Ray – Old door software and stuck light ray causing software s oftware bug.

Configuration Parameter – Current CLC configuration configuratio n parameters related to door operation may be contributing to this fault. If nudging is enabled (“nudging (“nudging operation” 1), adjust CLC configura-tion parameter=“door fail time” to 7 seconds longer than “nudging time”. Low values yield short shor t delayed delayed car and door retry if door lock fails fails to make. High values yield longer time before dela delayed yed car and door retry operations.


To test for this as the cause, stall doors when almost fully closed and check whether door configuration parameter 9 (close speed manual) can make

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DCL, DR, and hoistwa hoistway y lock. Increase Increase parameter if necessary, which may require additional door parameter adjus adjustments. tments. For example, paramet parameter er 7 (close high speed), may need to be reduced if doors close too hard during normal close. Verify spirator tension is consistent on all floors.

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The car ended an up run on the lev level el down inductor. Causes: •

Magnet Alignment – Adjust magnets at landing of reported problem.

Run Adjustment – Adjust run in up direction.

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The car ended a down run on the level up inductor. Causes: •

Magnet Alignment – Adjust magnets at landing of reported problem.

Run Adjustment – Adjust run in down direction.

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An unknown fault was logged by the CLC. Cause: •

Unknown – Contact REM ®   Center to investigate inv estigate message source.

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The CLC entered a mode that has not yet been documented. Cause: •

Unknown – Contact REM ®   Center to investigate inv estigate message source.

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The over-temp over-temperature erature sensor OTS2 indicated oil overheating during the oil heating operation. Causes: •

Temperature emperature Senso Sensorr – Sensor Sensor OTS1 failed indicating cold oil.

CLC Board – Failed input or temperature input wiring wir ing error.

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The elevator elevator returned retur ned to the bottom landing and attempted to heat the oil, staying on too long. Causes: •

Rel ay Boa rd – VMR rel ay not energizing.

CLC Board – Failed output or VMR output wiring problem.

Temperature Sensor – OTS1 failed while stuck on.

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The doors were commanded to open or close but failed failed to reach the limit (RDOL or RDCL) within the time specified by CLC configuration parameter “door ffail ail time”. The signals that contribute to this fault are gate switch (DR), rear door close limit l imit (RDCL) or hoistway lock (HWP) for the closing direction, and rear door open limit (RDOL) for the opening direction. The event event buff buffer er and the second line of the message will be very helpful. DR is the gate switch, HWP is the hoistwa hoistway y locks, RDCL is the door close limit on the door motor shaft, and RDOL is the status of rear door open limit. The gate switch, DR, should energize 1.5–2 inches from fully closed. The hoistway lock should closed. should follow DR and energize before RDCL. RDCL should energize about 0.375 inch from the final stop and should remain energized once the doors have stopped. stopped. If RDOL or RDCL are mov moved, ed, you must run the door setup sequence on the Freedom Tool ® , which will restore the default door parameters, then re-enter the values last adjusted.

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The spirator plays an important role in the door profile. Tension should be equal on all floors. A Dover ®   software bug can cause this message if the door system has a light ray. The CLC may command the doors to close c lose when the light ray is active and the doors will not honor the command. When a door limit problem is determined, the CLC commands the doors to override the light ray signal. More recent versions of door software honor this andonclose the doors at Older normalversions speed, relying the safety shoe. versions of door software cause the car to lock up as long as the light ray is active. NOTE:

If the gate switch or door lock do not make after six attempts, the car shuts down with the doors open.

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Door Lock – Lock not making. making. If lock doesn’t make when there is no demand, linkage linka ge may have slipped. slipped. Fix and pin linkage.

Door System – Doors bloc blocked ked or motion inhibited. Door power power is removed removed when


there is no demand, allowing doors to

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(see next page) 



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sag. This may be enough to break DCL, gate switch, or hoistwa hoistway y lock. Make sure spirator tension is consistent on all floors. •

Door Gib – Inhibiting motion, doors could not reach fully open.

Light Ra Ray ycaused – Software buglight in old software by stuck ray.door

Gate Switch – Gate switch signal DR failed to make. Check adjustment adjustment and for loose wire.

Configuration Parameter – Current CLC configuration configuratio n parameters related to door operation may be contributing to this fault. If nudging is enabled (“nudging (“nudging operation” = 1), adjust CLC config configuration uration parameter “door fail time” to 7 seconds longer than “nudging time”. Low values yield short shor t delayed delayed car and door retry if door lock fails fails to make. High values yield longer time before dela delayed yed car and door retry operations.

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To test for this as the cause, stall doors when almost fully closed and check whether door configuration parameter 9 (close manual) can make RDCL, DR,speed and hoistway lock. Incre Increase ase parameter if necessary, which may require additional door parameter adjustments. adjus tments. For example, paramet parameter er 7 (close high speed), may need to be reduced if doors close too hard during normal close. Verify spirator tension is consistent on all floors.

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Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003  



A car button was held for a period of time that is Dover ® -configurable (the CLC timer “Door open time—stuck button” default is one minute). With early versions versions of Dov Dover er ®   software softwa re a 0 is reported repor ted instead of the numbe numberr of the car button that failed. Use the event event buffer buff er to iden identify tify the landing. landi ng. Causes: •

Car Button – Button stuck or someone holding button.

CLC Board – Input or wiring to board failed.

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     M   Explanation: The rear door-open door- open button was held in for a period of time that is Dover ® -configurab -configurable le (the CLC timer “Door open time—stuck button” default is one minute). The rear DOB will be disabled until the signal reads 0 (off). Causes: • •

DOB – Rear door open button stuck on, failed, or there is a wiring problem. CLC Board – Board failed.

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Communication failed between the CLC and the front door. Causes:

Door Board – Front door control boardControl failed or lost power.

Line Termi ermination nation – Improper terminati termination on of RS-485 communication line.

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     M   Explanation: Communication failed between the CLC and the selector. Causes:

• •

Selector Board – Selector control board failed or lost power. Line Termi ermination nation – Improper terminati termination on of RS- 485 communications line.

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Communication failed between the CLC and the rear door. Causes: •

Door Control Board – Rear door control board failed or lost power.

Line Termi ermination nation – Improper terminati termination on of RS-485 communications line.

Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003  

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     M   Explanation: The hoistway lock (signal HWP) opened during a run. Causes: •

• •

Door Pickup – Door pickup clipped hoistway hoistwa y lock during run. Doors bouncing closed. Relay Board – HW1, HW2, and HW3 relays. Configuration Parameter– Make sure CLC configuration parameter 15 (12 for three-chip CLCs), “Door fail time”, is set to at least 30close seconds allow doors enough time to oncetostalled. Stall doors when almost fully closed and see if the door configuration parameter 9 (close speed manual), can make DCL, DR, and hoistwa hoist way y lock. Incr Increase ease if neces necessar sary y, which may require adjustment of other door parameters. Reduce parameter 7 (close high speed) if doors close too hard during normal close. Make sure spirator tension is consistent on all floors.

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Explanation: The CLC lost communication with another elevator. Causes: •

Mecha Mechanic nic – Other elevator being serviced.

Line Termi ermination nation – Improper terminati termination on of group serial line l ine GPSC or GPSN. See Area 55–57 of wiring diagram.

CLC Board – CLC board in one of the cars failed.

Commun icat ion Wir ing – Loos e connection.

Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003  

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     M   Explanation: The CLC detected intermittent communication failures with the service tool (REM ®  box). Causes:  ® 

• •

Wiring  box  bo x wiring through RS-422– Check to 485REM converter to serial port on controller. controller. Line Ter erminat mination ion – Check CLC line termination PSC, NSC area 55–57.

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Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003  



The front door control board sensed sens ed the gate switch signal (DR) was off when the doors were closed. Causes: •

Gate Switch – Gate switch contact bad, gate switch out of adjustment (must be active before before DCL), or wiring error error..

Door Control Board – Front door board failed.

Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003  

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The rear door control board sensed the gate switch signal (DR) was off when the doors were closed. Causes: •

Gate Switch – Gate switch contact bad, gate switch out of adjustment (must be active before before DCL), or wiring error error..

Door Control Board – Rear door board failed.

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Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003  



The front doors oversped while closing. Causes: •

Configuration Parameter – Adjustment  ® 

13 on Freedom  may befrom incorrect. Adjust item 13Tool downward high value until “close speed exceeded” fault is generated, then set eight counts higher. •

Door Control Board – Front door board failed.

Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003  

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The rear doors started to open and the DR signal stayed active. Causes:

Configuration arameter Adjustment 13 on Free reedom domPT Tool ool ®   may–be incorrect. incor rect. Adjust item 13 downward from high value until “close speed exceeded” fault is generated, then set eight counts higher. Door Control Board – Rear door board failed.

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Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003  



The door-zone read relay (DZR) signal is on when the selector thinks the car is out of the door zone. Causes: •

DZR – Relay stuck on or wiring error (CS8 of selector board).

Selector Board – Board failed.

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Explanation: A leveling sensor (LU, LD, or DZR) was missed at the end of a run. Causes:

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DZR – Relay failed, wiring wiri ng problem (CS8 of selector board), or adjustment problem.


Magnet Alignment – Magnet missing or not aligned. Make sure magnet has correct polarity facing out.

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Main Sensor Board – Selector’ Selector’s s main sensor board failed.


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• •

Selector Board – Selector board failed. DC Power – Check 24 volts to selector selector board.

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The front door board has logged a fault that has not yet been mapped. Causes:

Belt Slippage – If code C repor reported, ted, belt may have slipped.

Configuration Parameter – Readjust and perform door learn with Freedom Tool ® .

Unknown – Contact the REM ®   Center to investigate message source if belt slippage or configuration parameters (mentioned above) are not   source of message.

Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003  

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The rear door board logged a fault that has not yet been mapped. Causes:

• •

Belt Slippage – If code C repor reported, ted, belt may have slipped. Configuration Parameter – Readjust and perform door learn with Freedom Tool ® . Unknown – Contact the REM ®   Center to investigate message source if belt slippage or configuration parameters (mentioned above) are not   source of message.

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The selector board logged a fault that has not yet been mapped. Causes:  ® 

Unknown – Contact thesource. REM   Center to investigate message

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Explanation: The front door close button has been stuck on for four minutes. Causes: •

Door Close Button – Front door close button error. stuck on or there is a wiring

CLC Board – Input failed.

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Explanation: The front gate switch (DR) opened during flight. Causes: •

Front Gate Switch – Switch defectiv defective e adjustment problem, or wiring problem. Force to close doors increases on door retry to close, which may cause doors to bounce open at close limit. Revie Review w event buff buffer er associated as sociated with message.

Door Control Board – Failed.

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Explanation: Signal SC6 at the selector board is 0 volts. Causes: •

AC Voltage olta ge – AC1 missing. miss ing. Check fuse F1 and associated circuit on relay board. Re Reverse-Phase verse-Phase Relay – If provided with contract, reverse-phase relay may be open. Safety Chain – Check connections SC0–SC6, pit safety switch, car top switch, final limit, and emergency exit contact.

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Explanation: A contact in the switch tree is open. Cause: •

Switch Tree – Check wiring and contacts in switch. For 1A contr controller, oller, check UTS if up run, DTS if down run.

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Explanation: A position fault fault occurred. The second line of the message will state that ISFL is missing or that a signal sequence error occurred. Causes:

IFSL switch wiring. wir ing.–VCheck ane missi missing. ng. and associated

Rail – Make sure lubrication cans on top of car are full.

CLC Board – Check input wiring of IFSL, LU, LU, LD LD,, and DZ. Repla Replace ce board if necessary.

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The DZ signal is stuck in the active state or LU/LD are stuck off. Causes: •

LU Sensor of up run. – LU did not energize at end

LD Sensor – LD did not energize at end of down run.

DZ Sensor – Check wir wiring; ing; replace replac e sensor.

CLC Board – Check wiring to board; replace board.

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Explanation: The DZ signal is missing. The car transitioned from LU to LD without seein seeing g DZ. Causes: •

DZ Sensor – Check wir wiring; ing; replace replac e

sensor. LU Sensor – Defective Defective sensor or wiring problem.

• •

LD Sensor – Defective Defective sensor or wiring error. CLC Board – Check wiring to board; replace board.

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Explanation: The LU and LD signals were both active at the same time. Causes: •

LU Sensor – Check wiri wiring; ng; replac replace e

sensor. LD Sensor – Check wiri wiring; ng; replac replace e sensor.

CLC Board – Check wiring to board; replace board.

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A voltage spike could cause this message on power-up. power-up. A grounded or shorted shor ted door motor armature may also generate this message. Cause: •

Door Control Board – Replace board.

NOTE:  You may see elevator shut down on every every main line power cycle and restart only by hitting reset switch on door board.

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A voltage spike could cause this message on power-up. power-up. A grounded or shorted shor ted door motor armature may also generate this message. Cause: •

Door Control Board – Replace board.

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The CLC determined that another company (not Dover ® ) is trying tr ying to access informati information. on. Nothing can be done—this just allows us to monitor this occurrence.

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Explanation: The 24-volt power circuit failed. Causes: •

Fuse – F2 or F2 on the relay board.

DC Power – 24-volt power supply supply failed. See page 1 of drawing.

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The selector, front, or rear door parameter table is empty or corrupt. Causes: •

Learn – Contract withouttRun withou lear learning ning hoistway . Frontrestored or rear doors not set up (requires Freedom Tool ® ). Batter Battery y – Stored data corrupted due to battery problem.

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Explanation: The rear door-close button has been stuck on for four minutes. Causes: •

Door-Close Button – Rear door-close

button stuck on or wiring wir ing error. CLC Board – Input failed.

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Explanation: The rear DR signal opened during flight. Causes: •

Rear Gate Switch – Switch defectiv defective, e, adjustment problem, or wiring problem. Force toclose, close doors increases door retry to whichismay causeondoors to bounce open at close limit. Revie Review w event buff buffer er associated as sociated with message.

Door Control Board – Rear door control board failed.

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The front doors oversped while opening. Causes: •

Configuration Parameter – Adjustment  ® 

13 on Freedom Toolfrom  may bevalue incorrect. Adjust item 13 down high until open speed exceeded fault is generated, then set eight counts higher. •

Door Control Board – Front door board failed.

Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003  

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The rear doors oversped while opening. Causes: •

Configuration Parameter – Adjustment  ® 

13 on Freedom Toolfrom  may bevalue incorrect. Adjust item 13 down high until open speed exceeded fault is generated, then set eight counts higher. •

Door Control Board – Rear door board failed.

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The front door signal DR and DOL are active at the same time. Causes: •

Gate Switc h – Stuck in or set incorrectly.

DOL Adjustment – Stuck on or adjusted incorrectly.

Door Control Board – Board failed input stuck on.

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The front door signal DR and DOL are active at the same time. Causes: •

Gate Switc h – Stuck in or set incorrectly.

DOL Adjustment – Stuck on or adjusted incorrectly.

Door Control Board – Board failed or input stuck on.

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Unpublished Work – © Otis Elevator Company, 2003  

A   D D I T I O N A L . I N F O R M A T I O N :

Please a ddress any comm ents, questions, or suggestions pertaining to REM ®  MESSAGES FOR DOVER ®  DMC REFERENCE MANUAL  RF - 11


Otis Elevator Company  Manager, Maintenance Support 212 West West Newberry Road Bloomfield, CT 06002-1308 (860) 286-6318 

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