Douglas Adams & John Lloyd - The Deeper Meaning of Liff

June 7, 2016 | Author: does_not_exist | Category: N/A
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Akctby DouglasAdtms in PanBoohs TheHirchHikcls cuid€ to rheGalaxy 'the Restaurant .u the Edgeof thc Univers€ Life,thc UnivcrscaDdEveryrhing SoLong.:nd Thankrfor AUrheFisL MostlyHarmless 'fhe

Hltch Hikcr\ Guid€to thc OalaxyOrnniburl:drtion The Hifth Hikcrt cuidc to thc calaxy: 'Ihc OriginalRadioScripts(€ditcdarldwith ln inrroduction by GeoffreyPerkins) Dirk G€nrly\Ilolistic D€t€ctive Agency 'Ihe l,ongl)ark Tea-Time of rhc Soul With Mark Qttua ine L.rstChanceto S€e

DouSlas Adams'w€biit€is .tl




D O U G L A SA D A M S & J O H NL L O Y D illuminatcdby BERT KITCHEN

The StarshipTitanicw€brireir 5rl www.rt.$ lf you arc intcrcstcrl in thc worksof DouglasAdams, you may likc io joirrZZ9 PluralZ Alpha,thc official Ilitch Hikcr'sGuidcto the Galary Apprcciation Sociery. For detailsof thisfan+unsocicty, establishcd 17 years, 6cndan SAUIRCtol 67 SouthParkGard€ns Bcrkhamstcd HcrtsHP4 IHZ UK P A NB O o K S rAItIR & Fr\BER

Prefaccs PTEFACE TO THE FITSTEDITION,I9E! ln Lifc. th.r. .rc meny hundrcdt of cohmon .xFricncc., feelingr, rhualionr .nd .vcn objcd! which wc ell inow and rccotnizc, but for which no wotd cxi!!t. On tha orhcr hand, fic world ir litrcEd with rhou..ndr of wordr which ,pcnd tim. doing nothinS but lo.fing.bour on ,ignpo.t! pointing ar phc.!. Ourjob, a! wc lcc it, ir !o gli thcrc wordr down off thc aignpocu rnd into thc mout}! of brbcr and ruckling! end ro on, ehcrc th.y aan ltrn c.ming their lccp in evcrydey conv.B.lion rnd mrl(e e morE lErilivc conrribul|Jon!olocfcly. h.tht Ad.*,'tllo4 M'4lN,I9t2

PT,IFACE TO THE I9t' IEPRINT What w. in rhc fir$ pr.facc prclty much lgndq I thinl. Ddgbt A&tt, N@ Ydl\ I9tt

PAEIACETO THESECOND I964TEIIINT Canl rhinl ofany rhing much io rdd !o lhc prcviou! prcf.c.. -D.iats It'3 nicc, hcr., thou8h, t/(nt, s4a., iut lsir'l JohtU"d, ai^sth.r, tgl

PI'EFACE TO THE I9E6IEPr|NT wr| a point I war going !o mzL in thir prcf... bur ir'! on. of rho.c rhing! lhrt you jurt crn't rcm.Ebcr sh.n you actually rh down to writc it. blaht A&^t, MtA.a@, t9,t 'Ihcre

PRETACEE P I E F A C ET O T H E I 9 E 7R E P R I N T No. It camc io m. bricfly whcn I lfaa in Bi.zil, didn'thavc.Fn with mc. Dqgbt Ad.r,t,H6t K6g,l 6

but I


Did yougetlha prcfeccI fax.d you from Nc$ Zcaland? Ddgbt Aes, Zttr., 196E

P R E I A C ET O T H E I 9 8 9 I E P t I N f No. lot t Lbtt, L,fi,.ti, I9t9

P T , E T A CTEO T H E S E C O N DI 9 E 9R E P R I N T Pi!y. That wa! a tood onc. Cen'arcmcmbcr ho$ it wcnt now. Detbt Ae*, B.ij6g, 1 9

P R E F A CTEO T T I ET H I R D I 9 E 9R E P R I N T Did we male thc point about all thc!. word! ectually bcing ical placa namc!? D@sbt Adb^, Mdwitiu, I 9

P R E F A CT EO T H E F O U N T HI 9 6 9T E P R I N T Yc.. l&n Llird,I'tui,


P R E F A CTEO T H E F I I S T E D I T I O NO F T H E D E E P E R M E A N I N CO F L I F F I 9 9 O Wcll, rhcrc'! not much w. nccd to add to lhal lhcn, rcally, rhcrcl D@da A,s',lo^'tlJ'rt, tdvr, tgn


ABI-ADL Abitrg€r(n.) cx.eplthefryingpan,the Oncwhow$hc!upcvcrything

andlhc aauccpan whiahlhc choaolatc cheerc-gratd saucc her bc€nrnadcin.

Adrt (n.) Oncwhochanges hb bcncarcrthefront, A.! (n.) A liqucurmadconly for drinkingat the cnd of a rcvoltingly longborilcpartywhcnall thc drinkablcdrinl has b€endrunL. Abd.rnrrr (n,) Thc agonizinglituationin whichthcrc ie onlyone possiblcdecilionbutyourtill can\takeit. Abcftccg (vb.) Ofamatcuracbrs,

toadopt a Mexican ac€enrwhen called

uponto playanyvarictyofforeign.r (exceptPakisranir forwhoma acccnti. conlidcrcdsumcient). (vb.) To d€!ir. stronglyto swingfrom the poleon rhe footplat€ofa bus, Ab€rt (vb.) Tochang€a baby's nameat thelastpo$iblemom€nr. Abcryrtwyth (n,) ycarningwhichir in ibelfmorcpleasanr A nostalgic rhan thcthingbcingycarnedfor. Abilcnc (adj.) Descriptiv€ ofthe pl.a3ingcoolness on th. rideof th€pillow. 2

Abligo (n.) On€whopridcshimrclfonnorcvcnknowingwhatdayof thewcel it is. Abotnc (vb.) 'fo b€atan cxpcn a! a gameof 3lill by playing30appalIinglythar noncof hfucl.v.r ractic!or itratcgie!arc of anyuscto him. Abrurro (n.) 'fhe wornpalchofgroundundcraswing. Abr€con(n,) An annual confcicncc hcld a! thc Dretonara Horcl, I.eds, for p.opl. whohavcn'!goranyorherconf.rcnccs ro8oro. Abwong(vb.) To bounccchccrfullTon a trcd. Ackliru (pl.n.) Th. odd lwinge!yougctin panr ofyour bodywhenyou e4raich othcrpans, Aclc(n.) 'fhe roguc pin whichlhirtmek.r. conccalii a hiddcn fold ofi ncw rhirt. ttr funcrionfu ro !r2byouwhcnyou donthcgarment. Addb Abrbr (n.) 'fhe torrentof incomprchenrible gibberithwhichcmanatcsfrom rh. loudcpcalcrson top of c5ls covcrcdin AdLlEop (n,) l hepartofa ruitcarewhichir dcaigncd ro tct snarlcdup 3



on conveyorb€h3at airports,Somcof the moremodcrn 'quickr€le$€' fcatur€ adlcstropdcrignshavca lpccial whichcnablcslhe caseto nip op.n at thispointandRing your underclothcainio thc convcyorbclt's 8€aring mocnenlsm,

Ilenc., al!o,howlong$c $ill havcto wahfor thc abolirionof incomctaxor thcSc@ndComint.

Adrigolc (n.) on whichthe man Thc cantr.picceof a merry.go.round unnervintly3lill. wirhthatickcts3tands Afrcot (n.) Thc sortof fart youhopep€oplcwiulalLaf(cr. Affpuddlc (n.) A puddlewhichb hiddcnundera pivotedpavinSston.. You only knowit! thera whenyou stepon thc paving up yourleg, stonaandthepuddlcahoots Ah.lry (adj.) 'Ihe way p.oplc atandwhen€xaminingother p€ople! booklhclves, Aigburth (n.) anatomyfoundamongst Any picc.ofreadilyidentifiablc cookcdmeat, Aind.rby Qucmhow (n,) bcmoans the'lors'of thc word'tay' Onewhocontinually to the Englishlantuage,.v.n thouShlhey had never usedrhe $,ordin any contextat all until they starled complainintthatthcycouldntu.eit anymorc. Airdcfty St rplc (n.) Onc whoasksyoua qucrtionwiththeapparen!motiveof wantingto haaryour am$er,but $ho culslhort your opcningrcntcnccby lcaningfonard andsaying'andI'll t€llyouwhyI asl . , .'and thcntalking3olidlyfor thancxt hour, Alnrsonh (n.) The lcnFh of timcit takcato tat !€rvcdin a camcra!hop,

Aird ofSl..i (n.) (A..haic) AncientScottilhcur!. plac.d from afa! on thc strctchofland now occupicdby HcethrowAirpon. Aith (n,) Thc sinSlebristle fiat sticl! ou! lidewayson a cheap painrbrush. Albrcctc (n ) A ,ingl. 3urprhingly long hair growing in th€ middlc of

Albuquerqu.(n.) 'l

he shapclc!!squigglcwhich is utterly unlikc your normal signatur., but which ir, ncvcnhcl$3, all you arc ablc tr: producc when a3kcd formally to idcntify your!.lf. Muslim3,whosc rcligion forbids thc making of gravcn images.usealbuquerqu* to tow€ls,mcnu cardsand pyjama!. Alcoy (adj.) wantint to b. bullicd into havinganothci drink. Aldclun. (n,) One$ho collectsrcn-year-oldtelephonedirectories, Alltrhi (n.) 'fhe ancicntan ofbcing ablc to balanccthc hor and cold

Ahbrrol.rnpy(n.) 'l'h!

bizarrcalsortmcnrof objc.tscollectedby a ileep-

Arnblerid. (n.) 'I he talk givcnaboutthc Facrrof Lifc bt a f.rhcr ro hh sonwhils!walkingin rhcgard€nona Sunday aftcmoon.


AME-ARD AncrrhrE (n.) (Thouthlto whichtickl.rbut ncvcrcornca. Thc ancez€ dcriv. from thc Mctropolitan Linc tubc atationof thc samc namc where thc raik alwaysrattL but th. train

Ard.liglith (adj ) of Sellotape whenyouar€ of thcbchaviour Dcacriptive tltco.

Anlwch (n.) softbyb€in8 A Eritilh Railsandwich in clingfilm. andrescalcd regularlywashed Atrpu! (n.) A lurid bruisewhichyoucan'tremcmber tetting. An.niug (vb) (Eskimolcrm) To bang)our lhumb3bctweenlhe oarg whenrowing. Anjoromb€ (n.) brin8syoubaclfrom A lo6e, colouredgarm€ntsomeone expectyouto wcar. thcir travelswhichthcyhoneslly Arrglir (n.) (Archaic)1'hc medievalprecticaljoke playedby young squircson a lnight aspirantthc afternoonhe ii due to sr.rt his vigil. As ihe knight arrivcaat the castlethe asthe squir€rsuddenlyattcmptto raisethc drawbridg€ s!.pon it. knightandhischarg€r Ardcrory (n,) pass€d offas'a verytood lriend A remoicacquaintanc. people tryingto impress ofmina'bysomeone Ardclv. (vb.) yourpockct!whcn To mal(ca bigdisplayofs€archingall bya charitycollectot approach.d Ard.ltitrny (n.) On. who rubshis handseatcrlytogcthcrwhcnhc !it! downin a reltaurant,

ARDSLICNISH (n,) .onstructiondcaigned to givethe A cleverarchilcctural illusionfrom th. topdeckofa busthatit isfar toobi8for rheroad. Ashdod(n.) Anyobj.ctagain3t whicha emokcrhabiluallyknock out hispipc. Aubueron(n.) 'fhc which hair3tylaa girl adop6for a spe(ialoccasion suddenlygivcsyou a scnreof $hat shewill look lile in twcntyycarr'!imc. Ayrho (vb.) 0fwaitcrs,ncvcrto havea pen.

B A N- B A T B.ntecr(n.) (Archaic) A lustyandraucous old balladsungafrcra (q.v,)ha! pariicularly spcctacular araglin bccnpull€doff. Brrrtibl.Y(n.) Bebworth(n.) havinga rcallygoodcry somcthintwhichjustifrer

A humorou.dcvic.luch asa chinahonc or rmallnalcd porc.laininfanrwhichjocular hosrsu!. to pilswercrinto yourScotch with.

(n.) Br&cho!.ch.r An on.offrclationlhipwhichnevergetsresolvcd.

B.dgrbup(n.) Thc lplotch on a child's face whcrc the ice-.reamcon. hashisscd, Bddock (n.) Th€ sharp prong on top of a tree slumPwhere the tree hassnappcdoff beforebcinBcomPletelysawnthrough.


' Thelootwhich says,'Stoptalkingto that womanat oncc

Bdlycurnbcr(n.) One of the rix half-rcadbookslyinS someu'herein your b€d. (n.) 'fie

noiscofa dustbinlid comingoffin the middle oftlte nrSnL AARSTIBLEY

Bentr(adj.) P.rraininEro. or d...riptivc of. that kind of facialexpresrion whici i! impdsib[ to achievecxceprwhen havinga passport photograph talcn, which resulls in hapPa!

Brthet(vb.) 'fo

prctendto havcr€ad th. book under di!.u$ion whan in factyou'v€only 3ccnth€ TV lcricr.

BAU-BEL B.ughunt (n.) That kind of largc fierce ugly roman who o$'n! a 3mall 6crccuSlydot. Dluab.r (n.) A fittcd clasticatcdbotlom thcct which turns your maltre3sbanana-!hapcd

B.uplc (n,) An indctcrminatepustule\dhichcould b..ithci a sP(nor a Dlrc, Bedingi (pl.n.) (Archaic)Thc uNavoury part! of a moat $,hicha kniSht ha! to pour out ofhi! armour aftrr bcint th€ ofan araglin (q.v.). ln mcdieval Flanderr, louP made ftom bealingswasa very slighdylouthr'aft.r d€licacy

BcrulicuHill (n.) 'l'hc

optimum vantagcpoint from t{hich to view p€ople undrca.inginlhc bcdroomacro3sthc slre€t

B.cclcr (pl.n.) Tha smell bone buttons Placcdin baconsandwichesbt uncmployeddcnti.its.

Bcdfont(n.) A lurching 3.n3ationin th. pit of th. rtomach exP€riby th€ rcalizaiion enrcd at bieakfartin a hotcl.occasioncd tha( it i! about now thar th. chambcrmaidwill havedis' rlain on your bottomshe€i covcrcdthe embarrassing

B.lding (n.) first ball hae The technicalname for a stallionalier its 'Bcware of the reads which notice b€en cut off. Any Belding'shouldbe tal en very,vcry sclioudy

B€lF (n.) A lnob of somcone clsc's che$iD8 8um which you uncxpected\ find your hand resting on under l h e


BEN-BIL pasrcntdlcat of yourcaror on somcbody!thighunder their!kirt. Benburb(n ) 'fh.sort of manwhob€comes a r.turnirg Bcppu (n.) The lriumphantslammingshutof a bookafr.r rcading thefinalpage. Bepton(n.) Onewhobeam!b€nignly aft.r burping. B€repp.r (n.) 'I he irrevocablc andsturdyfart released in thc prcsence of royalty,whichroundslile quite a smallmotorbikc pasringby(butnotcnouSh!o beconfuicdwi$ one). Berkh.ortcd (n.) The massive three-coune nridmomingblow-outcnjoyed bya dieterwhohasah€ady donehisor herslimminS duty byhavinga spoonfulof cottatecheese for br.akfasr. Berrivillocl (n.) An unknown workmate who$rit.s'Allthcbcst'onyour Ieavingcard. Bcrry Pomeroy(n,) L TheshapcofaBourmer's lips. 2.Thedropl.t of salivawhichhanSs frofl thcm. Bickcrrtrffc (nJ fhc personin an olice that cveryonewhinges aboutin lhe pub. Many largecorporarions deliberarely employ bickeEtffca in cach department.lbr cxamplc.Mr RobcrtMexwcllwasbothChairmanand ChicaBictcr. staffeof Mirror GroupNc$papcr3. Bilbrrer (n.) A bauple(q.v,)sohidcousandcnormous tha!youhavcro II

BIN-BOG covcrit withrtiahngplaat.randPretendyou'v€cutyour' !clflhaving, BirdlG (vb.) To llip forcigncoinrintoa cultomcr'!change. Birhop'r Gurdlc (n.) An openintgambitbaforea Sameol chc$ *herebyth€ by smallornamcnt!Irom the mi$ing pia.caarereplac€d mant.lpiecc. Bl.ldford ForuE (n.) AnyRadio4 chatshow Blc.n (n.) Scicntificmcarureof luminosity:I glimmer= 100'000 blcans. Ushcrettectorchesarc dcaignedto producebelwecn then to a!3i3tyou in tallint 2.5 and 4 bleans,.nabling treadingon pcoPleor Puttingyourhandinlo downstairs, forchanF tubwhcnreaching a Neapolitan llithbury (n.) A l(x)k someonegivesyou whichindicat€rthal lhey're anythingyou'vesaid muchtoodrunkt; havcundcrslood twanty minutcs to theh in thclasl Blitt.rlc.r (pl.n.) 'fhc fittleslivcftof bamboopickedoff a canechairby a quelrwhi.h Iirterrhecarpetbcneath andtcll thc nervou3 piece isaboutro wholc offurniture chair! oiner rhatthe a until it rescmblcs llowlt uncoilttrribly and SiantPencil sharPcnrnt. Eodtnin (n,) b.twe€nthe Thc irrationaland incvitablcdiscrePancy when pooled n€edcd a large amount and lhc amount groupof'people try to paya bill togcth€raliera meal. Botu€ (n.) lhetoPof your b€twccn Thc expanleof3lin lhataPPcarc

801-Bos socksand the bottomofyour trourerr whcnyou sit down. 'Thc Dukc of lford thr.w him!.lf onto thc chc!ter6eld, brazcnlydilpleying hi! botu.s to lhc dowagcr Lady Ingatcatonc.' (Cotr. Soon,Streng. Hors.nan, b,/ BarbaraCarlland)

Boinh (n )

'fhe nobcthroughth. wall$hichtclliyouthat p€opl. the nextdoorcnjoya bcttcrlcx lifc thanyoudo.

BolloYcr (n.) Oneof thorebrownplasticlrayswith bumpson, placed upridedownin boxesof chocolates to makeyou think you'regettinSrwolayers. Bonkl. (vb,) Ofplumbinginold hotcls,to makcloudanduncxplained noisca in rhenight,particularly Ntabout6vco'clck in rhe mornlng. Boolt€Gn!(pl,n.) 'I hc amell3certcrings of forcigncoinsand halfpennier trhichinhabitdrc$ing tabl.s.Sinccthcyarc nevcrused and ncvcrthrownawayboohcenraccountfor a signiticantdrainon thcworld'smoncy supply. Eoothby C'|fioc (n.) l he manin thc pub whoslap peopleon the bacl a! if they w€reold friends,wh€nin fact he hasno fricnd!, larSclyon accouniof lhh habi!, Eoscerttc(n,) 'Ihc hugc pyramidof tin cani placcdjust insidcthe entrancc toaruFrmarkct, Boremrn (n.) One who spendsall day pcdcltrian cro$ingrlookinga! ifh€'saboutto cro6s. l9


BOT-BRE Brrcor (n.)

Botch.rby(n,) The principleby which Britilh roa& are signPosled

Bod.y (n.) The prominent stain on a mans troulcr crotch seenon hir rciurn liom thc lavatory.A botlcyproper is causedby an accidenlwith the Push taPs,end should not bc con' ofthc fusedwith anystaincaus€dby ituumci€nt waSSling willy (!c€ piddl.trcnthide) Botolph! (pl.n.) Hucc bcnign tumours $hich archdcaconr and old cheiiristrytiichers affcct to taearon the sider of rh€ir Bot!w.n! (n.) SomerhinHwhich ir more fruitfully used lbr a purpose other tha; that for which it was dcsigned.A firhlnife used to lcver open a stubborn tin of emukion is a line examplcofa bolswana,

Botu.flcming(n.) sleeltrorcl usedbysur' (Mcdical) A small,lonS-handled geon3to removcth€ con!€nl3of a paticnt'3nostrik Prior to a sinusoperatlon, Errbdt (adj.) Vcry much inclined to 3ee holf lar you can push

Br.dford (n.) A schoolteacher'sold hairy .jaclet, now severelydiscolour€dby chalLdust, ink, e&t and thc precipitationsol unedifyingchemicalreactions

Erdwortht (n.) On€whon.kill€d in th€art ofnaminglmres Br€clde. (n.) ofartifi(ialplanb. A discasc


'fh. pan oftha tocnailwhich isdcaigted!osnagonnylon shccls.

Brindlc (vb.) To remcmbcrsuddenlywhercit is you'remcant!o be goingaft€ryou'v.already bccndrivingfor tenminutcs. Bri.ban€(n.) A p€rfcctlyrcasonable (Suchason. offered €xplanation. by a Frlon with a Surgling.oughwhichhasnothinSto do withlhe facrrhatrh€y3mokcfiflycigarcuca aday,) Brithdir (n.) (Old Norsc)The frrsrday of the win!€ron whichyour breathcondenscs in thcair. Bro.t5 (pl.n.) A pair of trouserswirha carecrbehindthem,Broatsare mGt .ommonlyseenon .ld.rly reriredarmy ofnc€r!. Originallythe broatswercparrof thcir besrsuirbackin the thiriics;then in lhe fiftiesthcy weredemorcdand usedfor gardening.Recenrly, pcnsionsnor bcingwhar rheywcrc,the broatshavcbcencalledout of rctirement andreinstaied aspan ofthe b€itsuitag"in. Brompton(n,) A brompt
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