Dotsenko Psychology of Manipulation

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Dotsenko EL Psychology manipulation: phenomena, mechanisms and zaschita.- M .: CheRo, Publisher State University, 1997 - 344 p. ISBN 5-88711-038-4 Scientific monograph is devoted to interpersonal manipulation. The problem of the psychological impact of being developed at the intersection of psychology, such as the partition communication psychology and personality psychology. Will be interesting not only for psychologists, but also for therapists, political scientists, and philosophers. Will be useful also for teachers, managers and other professionals dealing with people.

Contents MANIPULATION from different sides .......... 7 Chapter 1 methodological orientation ..... 15 1.1. Choice paradigm ............... 16 1.1.1. Paradigmatic coordinates ......... 17 1.1.2. Ratio paradigms ............ 22 1.1.3. Why is hermeneutics? ............ 24 1.2. Hermeneutics action ............. 29 1.2.1. Action as text ............. 30 1.2.2. Contexts that are available ........... 32 1.2.3. Qualifications interpreter ......... 35 1.2.4. Problem Description Language .......... 37 Chapter 2: WHAT IS HANDLING ......... 42 2.1. Phenomenological description ......... 42 2.1.1. Phenomenological representation or discretion? ............... 43 2.1.2. Origin of the term "manipulation" ... 44 2.1.3. Metaphor manipulation ........... 47 2.2. Psychological definition of manipulation ... 48 2.2.1. Starting positions .............. 49 2.2.2. Feature extraction ............ 60 2.2.3. Formation criteria .......... 62 2.2.4. Definition of manipulation .......... 68 2.3. Psychological impact .......... 60 Chapter 3 BACKGROUND MANIPULATION ....... 63 3.1. Cultural background manipulation ..... 65 3.2. Manipulative nature of society ....... 68 3.3. Interpersonal base ........... 73 3.3.1. Interpersonal community .......... 743.3.2. Deformation of communication ............ 77

3.3.3. Manipulative evasion ......... 79 3.4. His name - Legion (Pointing to each of us) ................ 84 3.4.1. Multiple nature of personality ...... 86 3.4.2. Intrapersonal interaction ...... 88 3.4.3. The inner world of the robot arm and its victim ................ 92 3.5. Technological requirements .......... 97 3.6. Place of manipulation in the systemhuman ofrelations .................. 100 Premonition procurator or executive head of the secret guard ................ 105 3 Chapter 4 manipulative technologies ..... 108 4.1. The main components of the manipulative influence ................. 109 4.1.1. Stable transformation of information ................ 109 4.1.2. Hiding impact ........... 113 4.1.3. Means of coercion ........... 114 4.1.4. Target effects ........... 114 4.1.6. Robotic ............... 116 4.2. Preparatory efforts of the manipulator 117 4.2.1. Contextual design ........ 117 4.2.2. The choice of targets of influence ........ 122 4.2.3. Making contact .......... 126 4.3. Control variables interaction ... 128 4.3.1. Interpersonal space ....... 129 4.3.2. Initiative ................ 131 4.3.3. Orientation effects ........ 132 4.3.4. Dynamics ................. 136 4.4. Information-force provision ..... 137 4.4.1. Psychological pressure ......... 137 4.4.2. Information design ....... 140 Chapter 5: Mechanisms of manipulative influence ............... 146 5.1. "Technology" and psychological "mechanisms" - match reality and metaphor ...... 146 5.2. Mechanisms of psychological influence. . . 148 6.2.1. Hold contact ............ 148 5.2.2. Psychic automatism ......... 150 5.2.3. Motivational Software ........ 163 5.3. Species and processes manipulative influence ................. 156 5.3.1. Perceptual puppets ......... 157 5.3.2. Conventional robots ......... 160 5.3.3. Living tools .............. 162 5.3.4. Managed conclusion ........ 163 5.3.5. Operation of the individual recipient ...... 165 5.3.6. Spiritual pomykanie ........... 168 5.3.7. Bringing in a heightened state of obedience ................ 169 5.3.8. Combining .............. 170 5.4. Generalization of the model of psychological manipulation ........ 172 5.5. Destructiveness manipulative influence ................. 175 Experience "manufacturing" tragic Mozart ............ 178 4 Chapter 6: Protection against manipulation ... 185 .... 6.1. The concept of psychological defenses ....... 186 6.1.1. Psychological defense in different theoretical contexts .... 187 6.1.2. Semantic field anddefinition theof"psychological defense" .... 191 6.2. Types of psychological defenses ......... 194 6.2.1. Interpersonal themselves and protectintrapersonal ......... 195 6.2.2. Basic security installations ....... 199 6.2.3. Specific and nonspecific protection .................. 204 6.3. Psychological defense mechanisms ...... 208

6.3.1. Non-specific protective actions. . . 209 6.3.2- Patronage personality structures ...... 210 6.3.3. Protection of mental processes ...... 213 6.3.4. Towards manipulative technologies. . . 215 6.4. The problem of recognizing the threat of invasion manipulative ......... 217 6.4.1. Possible indicators .......... 219 6.4.2. Detection of manipulation in live communication ............. 223 6.5. Do I need to be protected from manipulation? 227 .... The chief secret custody under Pontius Pilate protected ........ 228 Chapter 7: STUDYmanipulative OF INTERACTION............. 231 7.1. Protective action in the manipulative influence. . . 232 7.1.1. Planning ............... 232 7.1.2. Procedure ................. 238 7.1.3. Results ................ 240 7.1.4. Discussion ................ 242 7.1.5. Free interpretation of the movie .............. 244 7.2. The scammer and victim: anyone got more? ........... 252 7.2.1. Story of how the great schemer hogging the former leader of the nobility ................ 252 7.2.2. Was great schemer great manipulator? ......... 260 7.3. Dialogue as a method of research ........ 262 Chapter 8: EDUCATION PROTECTION AGAINST MANIPULATION ............. 265 8.1. Do I need protection? .............. 266 5 8.2. Creating a "radar" .............. 270 8.2.1. Sensual level ........... 271 8.2.2. Rational level ........... 272 8.3. Expanding the peaceful arsenal ........ 275 8.4. Psychotechnics coping .......... 278 8.5. Personal potential ............ 281 Chapter 9: Can I learn not to manipulate? .......... 286 9.1. Management or pomykanie? ......... 288 9.2. Education or development? .......... 295 9.3. Correction or normalization? ........ 303 Conclusion ...................... 315 Applications ...................... 318 Literature...................... 328 Index ............. 335 .... Summary ....................... 342 MANIPULATION from different sides (instead of the introduction) "I've been the editor in chief of regional television. Recently, I urgently need to use one already held in the air drive like to brush up on some of the details that did not work ... I go discrepancies in the studio and explain that I need, the director, which at that time was engaged in private affairs. It is clear that she did not want me to look for the desired film, so she pretended that she remembers nothing of the sort. I try to explain what was the transmission. Director still continues to "not understand". Could not resist - something rude and told her to come out. Anger drained in the hallway and I came up with a great idea. I went to the department editors, as if to no one speaking, saying that we recently took on the air of a good program about ... We have to see whether it is possible to introduce competition. The author of this transfer almost takes off: "This is my transfer. I'll get it. "Do not have time to cook the coffee itself - the film was already on my desk." Story described the employee television, notable for the fact that it is one and the same person in a short time was in two situations, having a successful manipulation. The only difference is that in the first he was the injured party, and the second turned himself into a manipulator. Manipulator and his victim - the main role, without which the manipulation does not take place. Respectively, and approaches to the manipulation of these two will be different ... However, ifthe implementation of the manipulative influence enough of these two positions, when considering the manipulation of the number of points of view increases. To the position of the manipulator and victims involved in the process of interaction, added many external. In this context, highlight the psychologist and researcher, psycho and moral philosophers.

Give the word to all whose position has just been mentioned. Each of them in their own be able to explain why this book was written. 7 Thus, a psychologist and researcher. Starting with Wundt, develop separately physiological psychology and the psychology of peoples, psychological science has two platforms: the part of the individual human psyche - individually aspect, and on the part of the culture - the social aspect. Simultaneously there was their gradual convergence, and the joint between them often proves one of the points of growth psychology. The current state of the region of interest to confirm this idea: in recent years intensively developed as communication psychology and personality psychology, and at their junction was exposed unexplored zone containing secret psychological interaction. Accordingly, there are three possible points of consideration. Firstly, the manipulation can be considered as a socio-psychological phenomenon. The main problems arise from the questions: what is the manipulation when it occurs, is used for what purpose, under what conditions are most effective, what are the effects produced by it, whether it is possible protection against manipulation, the latter may be organized? Secondly, manipulation is a node in which the most important are intertwined problems of psychology influence: transformation of information, the availability of the power struggle, the problem lies and truth-secret-explicit, dynamic displacement of responsibility, changes in the balance of interests, and others. The literature on the psychological impact has lots of interesting empirical studies and observations, still awaiting a theoretical understanding, opening the laws behind this diversity. It is hoped that a solution package challenges to the ma-nipulyativnomu impact will the means to solve such problems and for the whole range of problems in psychology impact. And thirdly, the interest in the mechanisms of protection against manipulation moves us into the area of personality psychology, as it involves close attention to vnutripsihi -cheskoy dynamics associated with the decision-making processes, intrapersonal communication, integration, and dissociation. Study of manipulation in this aspect highlights new facets of the problem of mutual transitions between the outer and 8 the inneractivity by shifting the subject of research in the plane of general psychology. Thus, the study of manipulation affects a wide range of problems, ranging from fundamental theoretical and completing the application and descriptive. Practical psychology (often as psycho-). For over ten years we have witnessed previously unseen for the national psychology of the process of active participation of psychologists in the implementation of direct orders "from outside". In addition to the subtle social order psychologists began to get very specific financial supported by the application for the execution of works, the hallmark of which organized an impact on people: group training, group psychotherapy, business games, training in management, business communication, and so on. N. Available technologies such effects makes it possible to use them and lay. Produced by these technologies psychotechnical effect creates the customer experience high training artist-technologist. As a result of technology, starting an independent life according to the laws of the market, allows for the possibility of its use as a means of achieving the objectives and inhumane. Under what conditions the technology becomes manipulative psychological impact - question, searching for answer to which is one of the objectives of the present work. Often the psychologist himself - whether he likes it or not - gets hired manipulator. This happens, for example, when he bought a psychodiagnostic examination in order to have the decision taken by the Administration give the appearance of scientific (or psychologically) informed. Like sometimes observed for certification of personnel or the formation of a reserve for executive positions - a survey is a means of exerting pressure on subordinates or even information with disagreeable. Manipulative notes are often heard in the very request of customers: learn how to manage, tell me how to act, advise that I / we do with him / her / them to do, and so on. N. In most cases, a psychologist is in a difficult situation of choice: on the one hand, can not become a tool in someone else's game, and 9 on the other, to deny - means absent, replaced by a non-professional, to lose the opportunity to change the perception of the customer on a more constructive and humane. Knowledge of the laws of manipulation allows the specialist to more intelligently build their line of conduct in such circumstances. Many cases when customers themselves expect from a psychologist manipulation, and sometimes actually put him in the position of the manipulator with respect to itself. Several samples of typical manipulations with respect to the psychologist-consultant described by Eric Berne. Sometimes the psychologist asked to teach or help protect against someone else's manipulation. An example would be the client's complaint that her husband is bullying, making life unbearable. Being in a formal divorce, does not go away, in fact - is going to move in with her in her apartment received. It turned out that all the scenes begin with his "special look" that leads the woman in a state of fear and willingness to carry all the bullying. Quite often the problem of protection against manipulation is part of the other, complex problems. Therefore, knowledge of the laws of practical psychology to manipulate help improve their professionalism. Moral philosophers. Magical power of words is manifested in their "persistence" and "assertiveness." The former means that the notion of time can not be destroyed - can only be modified. On the one hand, the concept of sets being referred to the phenomenon - it generates a "life" in the views of people. As soon as the public becomes aware that in the world there are, say, manipulation, then this manipulation begin to notice everywhere. And then there is the temptation - especially interested researchers or politicians from science - to stretch this concept to a larger class of possible events. If desired manipulation - or at least its components - can be detected in virtually any moiety interaction. But is it really - question to answer. On the other hand, the content of the concept adapts flexibly to new generations of requests and tasks of the new time. With manipulation, originally identified onlyagility 10

and qualified actions, the same thing happened - now the term is used in relation to the interaction of people. Change is striking that, in the first sense to manipulation (eg, medical or engineering) are treated with respect for the skills to carry out their people. In the second meaning refers to the manipulation of something reprehensible. This is a relatively "survivability". "Assertiveness" of words reflects their remarkable activity and effectiveness. Practice the use of any term over time leads to the modification of other concepts, especially related. As soon as one and the same phenomenon of "makiavellianizma" repainted "manipulation", it began to give new shades such concepts as "management", "control", "programming" and so on. N. Moreover, the concept, denoting some phenomenon requires that the phenomenon did something. In the case of manipulation is often a desire to experience its power in its purest form - and this can not but cause concern. However, parallel to talk about manipulation occurs and the problem of how you can protect yourself from it - and this is to be recognized as a positive result of the emergence of the term "manipulation" in this sense. Explore the marked points also among the objectives of this monograph. Manipulator. Somehow, it is assumed that manipulation - it's bad. Do you remember what beautiful Scheherazade told stories to his formidable lord Shahryar? With the manipulation of it for almost three years (!) Saved from the death of not only themselves, but also the most beautiful girls of the country. Such examples only in folklore can find dozens. Not only in the time of fairy tales "1001 Nights", but also in our everyday life, manipulation acts as a means of protection against a soft tyranny of rulers, heads of kinks, bad temper colleagues or relatives, hostile attacks on the part of those who had occasion to talk casually. Largely therefore, manipulation of interest not only to researchers, but also the general public. Another reason for this interest lies in the fact that 11, many people managers in particular, it is still difficult to imagine effective control without manipulation. Looks like ideological and natural manipulators rush for help to psychology in the hope of finding clues. Army interested readers searches through a lot of literature in search of information on how to influence people. It is not surprising that the appearance of books that deal specifically with this issue consistently meets and attention and support. Psychological knowledge really helps to effectively manage people. For example, if you know that fat people are generally good-natured and love to eat, it makes sense to take this into account, in case you need to be able to set up such a person for favorable attitude. Or vice versa - to bring him in a bad mood, if you need to. Another example. If, for example, to take the position of Carl Jung that kind of a man's soul and his biological sex does not match, it becomes clear how to lord it over men, masculinity is beyond doubt. Enough at the right time to put this masculinity into question - and the man again and again will rush to prove their masculinity. Short, almost any book on psychology - as long as the latter is in its present state - helps to effectively manipulate people. This is even more true of this book about manipulation. Since many manipulators - just self-taught, the undoubted benefits in the books that would help improve their skills manipulators. The question is not whether manipulated or not all the people regularly do it. It is important to learn how to manipulate gently, without arousing suspicion on the part of their victims - why cut the branch on which you sit ... The victim of manipulation. Almost all academic psychology is based on the money-pulyativnyh grounds. Man it is conceived as a subject, often even as an object - perception, information, feedback, education, training, and so on. N. Many examples: the desire to divide people into types, to reveal correlations that allow forecasting 12 Vat human behavior depending on the of certain conditions, the desire to establish universal (true for all people), and so on patterns.. All this leads to a stereotypical approach to the unification of the knowledge of the person. Psychology of individual differences in this context looks like a weak exception that proves more rights. No doubt - received academic science information is useful and necessary. Now talking about the fact that this knowledge and approaches - a wonderful gift manipulators. And since it happened, then maybe it's time to take another psychology and the way of its manipulators trained to defend themselves. On the one hand, it is important to find out what happens in the human soul, who is manipulative pressure. Often, either now or later, when you've already fooled, you can not understand how there is this or that emotional reaction, why there is a desire to explode and saying stupid things, although everything looks so peaceful ... Detailed analysis of internal processes are known to contribute to the mastery of them. On the other hand, it is equally important to examine the experience of the successful defense: how is coping with the external pressure, where do you get the strength to repel, by what means and methods of people with this use, and so on. d. All of this will help us to learn how to solve the problem of protection against manipulation is practically: what you can find support for organizing resistance to the aggressor, which for this tool can be used, how the funds can be created, which tactics can be employed and so on. n.? Equally important is also the problem of creating an environment in which the need to protect against manipulation would have been reduced. This problem arises where are psychological services. It is known that any psychological service, if it is to become a full-fledged, evolving towards total coverage of the people, to influence which it is created. How to make office served and not suppressed - if somewhat utopian, but not devoid of meaning (especially common) question. * See., For example, [Kovalev, 1987, 1989; Grof S. 1993]. 13 ** * So, dear readers, now you know the range of problems related to the topic of interpersonal manipulation. Overriding consideration, which prompted me to work on this topic was that good manipulation, having just enough time to schedule and continuing effect, is a work of art - the art of influencing people. In manipulative play admirably balanced wide range of elements, sometimes in a rather bizarre combination. Destroy as artificial (as it is clever) design in most cases is not

difficult, then how to come up and successfully implement good manipulation more difficult than from it to defend himself. Therefore, the protection against manipulation - it's pretty much the technology. And as you know, the technology (or craft) to acquire easier than art. Therefore, careful consideration of the problem of manipulation, it seems to me, gives more benefits to victims of manipulators-nvasion not manipulators. Chapter 1 methodological orientation Reflection ways of generating knowledge, the means of their conversion and ways to use is the subject of methodological concerns researchers in any field of knowledge. Psychology is particularly sensitive to methodological problems. Explain this feature can be its dual position in the status of either natural, or human. Debate about whether to refer to humanitarian psychology or science, it seems, is still not completed. Grounds for making a single decision, and the other is possible, as in any long-term dispute cited. Apparently, as is often the case, the dispute is conducted on the basis of different, still not aware yet of the bases. Psychologists into force of the provisions of our science gets a lot of trouble to determine the logic of its own. The problem arises especially acute when the subject of psychological studies, it is communication between people, the underlying vertex or intrapersonal processes. "As a result, it must be noted that the living reality of human relations or available scientific and psychological analysis at all, or requires a different methodology" [Smirnov, 1994, p. 8]. Desire to decide on its own logic and research brought to life this chapter. Scope of the position statement and the conclusions reached in this case is limited only by the present study. We are not talking about the new methodology and the appeal to colleagues to change the logic of psychological research, but only for clarification - for the sake of convenience in the work - his own position. Beginning of this chapter is devoted to the search for reasons to help explain the choice of methodological platform under which this work is carried out. Then the reader's attention willExamples 15 involveto the justification of the adequacy of the chosen methodological paradigm in relation to the assigned research tasks. 1.1. Choice paradigm difficulty faced by a psychologist and researcher, is that he has to maneuver between the general scientific norms and the inner essence of the studied reality. On the one hand there are the psychological tradition of university education, which (in part programs) reflect the values and requirements of experimental science, clearly caters for physics as "exemplary" science. Examples of natural scientific mode of thought postulates: • Facts - above all, • the laws of nature - is detected by researchers stable trends or factors that really exist, where we find them - in nature, • the truth - one for all, • any judgment is either true or false - there is no third, and so on. n. On the other hand psychologist in contact with several classes of mental phenomena that stubbornly refuse to submit to the logic of the natural sciences: facts arise from the desire to have them; almost every statement is relative and subject to varying interpretations; as facts and judgments are modified when changing context; interconnectedness of everything and everything is so great that "establish the existence of dependence" between all possible, whatever ... Scientific norms prescribe a detailed analysis, which, dissecting and slay the living fabric of life, leading to a more detailed description of - and in this sense understanding - study reality. But paying for it is necessary to understand the loss of integrity [Gadamer 1988; Huizinga 1992; Grof 1993; Krippner and de Carvalho 1993; Bateson and Bateson 1994; Fedorov, 1992, 1995]. Progressive fragmentation of the subject of research leads to a narrow Ad 16 socialization, resulting - in a loss of context. The essence of psychological phenomenology, by contrast, requires the ability to restore this context, moreover, include it in the work, literally "to keep on hand." Otherwise eludes us the sheer quality of the psychic. In natural science ideal logic is the ability to predict a certain phenomenon, based on the law, which is subject to this phenomenon. Psychic same reality is that its basic essence expresses the unpredictability [Nalimov 1990]. The desire to predict the inevitable shifts the researcher to study the consequences of this fact, more than its superficial manifestations. Psychologists have to give up the habit and also think in terms of the dichotomy of "either true or false." Replaced with the statement "all right and all wrong at the same time", which is going to carry out a thorough reflection on the original grounds in making value judgments. 1.1.1. Paradigmatic coordinates one of the attempts to understand these difficulties undertook A. Bochner [Bochner 1985]. The author begins with the fact that casts doubt on the following underlying assumptions of social psychology: 1. The aim of science - representation of reality. 2. Science establishes the general laws which "reveal" or "explain" the relationship between the observed phenomena. 3. Science focuses on stable and reliable connections between the observed phenomena. 4. Scientific progress is linear and cumulative. At the end of the polemical part of his article he states that none of these claims are not satisfied and as a result we have to admit, * that: a) ahistorical laws of social interaction is still not open, and b)using the theoretical concepts is not Can not explicitly capture the essence of the observed and phenomena,c)not found any method that would be able to resolve the theoretical battles. 17 The author introduces the idea of the three levels of scientific methodology in the social sciences, particularly in psychology, corresponding to the three goals of science. Table 1 provides a summary of the author borrowed from the source [Bochner 1985, p. 39].

Table 1 Three-level scientific методологии Перспектива: Эмпирицизм Герменевтика Цеди:

Предсказание and control

view on the phenomenon:

Facts (vneistorical) Bring a law


interpretation and understanding of Senses (contextual)

Критицизм critical and social change values (historical)

Put in Enlightenment understandabl and e emancipation framework How is objectification Путем Рефлексия knowledge: (зеркальное) наставлений (критическое (бесед) оценивание) На Based on Tampering Экспертное Свободный what is (Поппер) подтверждени консенсус judged on the е (Хабермас) truth: (Рикёр) Естественнонаучный level methodology herein referred to as empiricism. The most appropriate paradigm for the social sciences at this historical juncture, in the opinion of Boh-inequality is hermeneutics. Obviously, these "levels" are not built in levels: within each criterion change of signs is not subject to a single logic, it is unclear what level should take a leading position, and so forth. They look more like different ways of scientific thinking, none of which can claim regardless of the status of the preferred. different classification methods explanations existing in psychological science, offered MS Poole and 18 p ~ D. McPhee [Poole & McPhee 1985]. They come from the following scheme the relation between theory and methodology:

Classification of ways of explaining and understanding, these authors causal conventional and dialectic, is derived from 1) assumptions about the nature of the relationship between the researcher and the object research, 2) the proposed forms of explanation and the criteria by which they are measured, 3) assumptions about future landmark for the study of [Poole M. S. & McPhee RD 1985, p. 104-108]. Causal mode of explanation is based on the assumption that the researcher is an independent observer of the phenomena. Explanation is given in the form of a grid type approvals X * Y is the cause of the conditions A, B, C, ... ", where X and Y - variables or constructs secreted by the researcher. Causal explanation provides researchers to position with regard to the definition of the constructs, the allocation of causal relations and to test the causal hypotheses. In the future, the researcher must describe adequately studied them peace. Conventional way of explanation, also based on the assumption of independence of researchers from the object of study. However, he at the same time based on the assumption that the world is a social product, and the people in it is viewed as a starting point. The explanation is a demonstration of how the test adapts its behavior to the appropriate conditions, regulations, algorithms. Opening of the latter is also a goal of the study. As a result there is no need to establish causality and generalization, is considered adequate settlement of the observed phenomena into one of the already known explanatory or behavior patterns. These schemes can be checked: a) model - a comparison of 19, the behavior of which of them should be, with the actual behavior of people, and b) almost - a test of whether or not to act on them may be trained by a person in) expert - direct questioning of subjects Are there separate rules or schemes. dialectical way of explaining how and conventional, based on the assumption that the objects of study are defined socially. At the same time, however, the researcher does not consider itself independent of the reality studied, as in the causal approach, and considering scientific research as mediating the views of the researcher and the subject, without providing benefits to any of them. Dialectical explanation combines aspects of causality and conditionality. On the one hand, it ascertains how causal forces create conditions for action: determined rule circuits, structures and how to apply them. On the other hand, how people within this determination modify its manifestations: the base form and direction of action of the causal forces. The researcher can not apply to rules as given (that is done in the conventional way), and needs to learn to give a set of rules and powers. Historical evidence often plays an important role in this process, because the causes are embedded in the previous, often established system of acting. Causality should not be a direct link «X-Y», but rather resembles something like «X affects conditionality A, B, C, which lead to the Y in the context of the system of acting W». Causes and conventions, as we see, interact in this explanation. Thus, the causal approach puts emphasis on the objective forces, conventional focus on subjectivity (or intersubjective) and dialectical emphasizes conditioning of subjectivity (or intersubjective).

At the national psychology GA Kovalev (1987, 1989) proposed to distinguish the following types of paradigms: "1. "Object" or "reactive" paradigm, according to which the mind and the man generally regarded as a passive object of external conditions and the product of these conditions. February 20."Subjective" or "actional" paradigm, based on the approval of the activity and selectivity of individual mental reflection of external influences, where the subject rather as if he has a transformative effect on the coming to it from the outside psychological information. 3. Finally, the "subject-subject" or "dialogic" paradigm, where the mind acts as an open and in constant interaction of the system, which has an inner and outer control loops. Mind, in this case considered as a multidimensional and "intersubektnogo" inherently formation "[Kovalev 1989, p. 9]. These types of paradigms are related, according to the author, with the types of abstraction at the level of general (object), special (subjective) and the individual (dialogic). Theoretical explanations are formulated in the form of, respectively, the laws, regulations or relevant hypotheses. Thus, we find some grounds on which you can navigate in the choice of research method: The ratio of the phenomena - a class to which classifies them as a researcher: the facts, the results of interpretation of reality, to the timeless meanings are transient or stable values, and so on. d. Targets for which the researcher focused - which will be used for this knowledge: to explain, predict and control, for the interpretation and understanding, or to evaluate and make changes in the studied reality. nature of knowledge, the researcher is going to get - the universal laws, private laws, limited explanatory diagrams barely emerging trends or single unique information. A method for establishing the validity of knowledge - hardware (vnesubektnaya) verification, careful planning of experiments, expert judgment, personal involvement, direct experience of relevant experience and so on. Assumptions (presentation, beliefs, beliefs) about how this world works - that is, the philosophical 21 Position of the researcher. Ultimately, they are the result of his philosophical preferences, the basic provisions which are often axiomatic in nature and are based on the beliefs of almost refleksiruemyh. 1.1.2. Ratio paradigms All the grounds on which we could decide what methodological position to take, in the end turn out to be derived from it worldview that guide the researcher or practitioner. This dependence is clearly marked VS Bibler (1991) when comparing the different kinds of logics of knowledge. Modern rationalized knowledge (which are oriented on natural sciences) involves the desire objective - that is, detached, "non-contact" - to penetrate into the essence of things. Original philosophical premise reads: "I" and the world are on different sides of the ontological abyss. The main task of science is to try to bridge this gap epistemologically - "know" the objective reality given to us in the sense organs. Others logic - ancient and medieval. The first is to try to catch pervosuschest things in such a concept, which is similar to the image arbitrarily polysyllabic, if only he would let somehow draw a vague sense (prediction) secrets. In other words, this logic is based on the identification of the "I" and the World, the identity of the microcosm with the macrocosm. Medieval logic, in turn, expressed in a desire to commune with svehrsuschemu, to understand the world through revelation. The premise: "I" - only a very small part of the ever-present - this is the whole "the pathos of understanding things like guns and emanations of subjective forces, only sverhsuschih" [Bibler 1991, p. 5]. Thus, the dispute about what the logic of the study better at the level of assumptions is a dispute about whose idea of world order rather. As the foreseeable retro and prospect hope for a speedy solution of philosophical problems is not necessary: this problem, fortunately, will always remain unsolved and accrue subsequent generations inherited 22 leniyam as the eternal adversary and booster to the philosophical quest. Therefore, one of the possible solutions to the problem of choosing the paradigm of the study is to consciously remove it from the current worldview, while agreeing that other scientists are free to build another research platform. However, once the different specialists will try to share the results of their research, it may be - and continuously occurs the difficulty in understanding each other. While we are talking about the results of the description, then this situation can still be tolerated. However, the fact that the researcher is a methodological difficulty for psychologist practice becomes the problem of choosing the method of their professional development. Then the difficulty rises to the level of "what to do" and "how do we continue to be?" Because, despite the difference in outlook, act, and that, and other professionals have in the same world. Mismatched philosophical system again starting to experience, but at the level of practice. As a consequence of disputes about the method of the humanities sometimes reach glow struggle for survival. G. Allport, Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers believed that the pilot and pilot ways of knowing are not the opposition, they complement each other. Specific decision was that "the starting point of psychological research must be return" back to the object itself. " The study of human nature must begin with the knowledge of the phenomenological and only then put on the yoke of the objective, experimental and laboratory methods "[Krippner and de Carvalho, 1993, p. 119-120]. The experimental method is worthwhile to complete the process of acquiring knowledge. Precede immersion in the phenomena studied, "the absorption of direct experience" before reaching the point where "some things just come into my head." After that requires more prolonged work on the final design ideas to a level where they can be tested experimentally or quasi-experimental way. Key idea VS Bibler is that we live in a period of change of logic, which is guided byhuman 23 mankind in its quest understand the world order. Namely, from one logic (rational at this stage) we come to the dialogic dialogue of different logics. The logic of the coming of the XXI century - dialogics - is able to combine the different logic: as those that existed in earlier periods of history, and the new, yet to manifest themselves. Similar or completely identical statements are found in many of the authors: "There is no need to prove that one way to explain better than the other.

Each approach has its advocates, and each has its both advantages and weaknesses compared to other »[Poole & McPhee 1985, p. 107]. This idea of fundamental compatibility of different logics is extremely attractive on moral and environmental reasons. In addition, it has been and its operational specification: firstly, it is necessary to start with an introduction to phenomenology, in the first step trying to get its rich connections, and secondly, it must be a dialogue of distinct logics. Do not fight, not arrogant (or anxiety) ignoring, and in-depth discussion of common problems in different languages. Researcher for this will need to learn a few languages, and practice - to rethink how mnogoresurs the eclectic-ness. 1.1.3. Why hermeneutics? It's time to decide on their own logic studies already relying on dedicated paradigmatic coordinates. Assumptions relating to the ideological position within the task claimed just a sketch (and only in so far as it relates to the subject of the conversation). I do it for the sake of clarity regarding its position, but not as a discussion of the provisions. Human psyche and the world ontologically merged: they initially (when it started there) are packed into each other. Confrontation between materialism and idealism - is a debate ways to describe this fusion. It seems that it is a consequence of incorrectly formulated problems. 24 That part of the world with which man is concerned, is largely a product (including topical) of the person. It is made in the description of the world - its semantic (iconic, linguistic, symbolic) doubling. And since every description always selectively, then the item description selectively turns (unpacked) in doubling. After creating another batch of themselves and the world, a person acts in accordance with his new understanding, and is one of the leading transformative forces of the universe. Any description, no matter how paradoxical it may seem, always has its reasons, its ontological roots - and in this sense, any description, any way of seeing in its own correct. Their lack of understanding lies in the lack of access to the context in which they signified. Relationship phenomena. Phenomena with which psychology is concerned - it is an event (co-existence - held, true existence), which have a dual rationale: by cause and by result. Therefore, an understanding of their construction and the causal and teleological concepts. At 3 Freud grasped this duality phenomena dichotomy libido and character [Ricoeur 1995-6, p. 405-408]. P. Ricoeur gives other pairs of concepts: motivation and focus, and a desire to be a sign of the desire and effort to exist and others. Objectives of research - to understand the way in the real causes of human activity linked with the intentions to interpret the meaning of this relation with respect to the specific people and / or the whole of mankind. In this perspective the human desire to understand itself coincides with the design itself, the development. Nature of knowledge, which is expected to receive - the private laws, limited contexts in which they make sense, until the unique individual characteristics of a single person. A method for establishing the validity of knowledge - expert judgment, private participation, the direct experience of relevant experience and so forth. described in the first section of the methods of scientific thinking as by name, and filling various authors 25 do not match. However, if you correlate the position stated only that the contents of the mentioned paradigms, then the amount of provisions, they could fit about hermeneutic (A. Bochner), dialectical (MS Poole and RD McPhee) or subjectsubject (GA . Kovalev) paradigms. However, the most appropriate paradigm benchmark in this paper was elected hermeneutical way of thinking and method of research. Let me explain why. I have to move away from the logic of natural science research - studied the reality is not accepting it. The subject of this study - known subject, the carrier of the psyche, a living creature. It is possible to separate the individual pieces and make them into inanimate preparation for laboratory work - instructive, clearly, but ... with the loss of quality. Naturalistic logic comes from the initial dilution of subject and object, and then seeks to overcome this gap. In this logic, the person has to first mentally transform into an object, and then try to look for it subjectivity. Alternatively therefore elected reverse thinking, initially believing existential-packed of the world and man in each other. Cognitive activity of the latter is to try to unpack themselves - to turn the potency of relevance (to update itself). Means unpacking - semantic doubling - a man as yourself, and the world is language. Methods unpacking - understanding the allocation of substantial (that is hidden, but it is the essence of the world and man himself), rearrangement of the resulting material - together constitute one method: interpretation. In this sense is a means of interpretation of the man himself and the world. The most complete elaboration of interpretation as a method found in hermeneutics. Thus, with the help of hermeneutics there is hope to find a way out of these methodological difficulties. And most importantly, to stop fighting with the subjectivity of the researcher in an effort to turn it into a measuring device, and vice versa, the desire to apply to the fullest extent of its unique features. 26 Hermeneutic approachfor me - it's also a way to share (with his colleagues, acting as a function of competent experts) study this subject area. In the work of this type appears to be allowed to do free modeling based on a constructive discussion, which in itself is already a way to study. The specificity of the studied reality is that it is in its fully presented in the same subjective space, and qualification of experts - we are all immersed in the mental and social elements, they are rooted in their deep spiritual layers. To move away from this reality and take a position of "objective" researcher, its subjectivity would kill him. Direct experimental verification - in the Science, its understanding of the hardware - the manipulyativnogo impact (as well as the psychological impact) is hardly possible, since it is difficult to imagine what an objective tool can fix that in principle can be detected only mental tool. And if you avoid subjectivity, we can not, it will correctly interpret the very subjectivity as a specific research tool. Therefore, the central method is recognized to make expert opinions: subjective reality can be explored in such removal (with respect to one researcher) as the transfer of judgments handed down to the other research experts.

Methodological position A. Giorgi, shared by many of humanistic psychology, comes from these basic characteristics person: 1) All people are included in and society,2)all persons are parties to the language of communication; 3) All people express direct experience in the system of and values,4) all people are able to transform the perceived structure of direct and experience,5) all the people come together in community, for example, in a group or community. 27 Psychological research may include "a phenomenological study, hermeneutic interpretation of values , the study of the life and history of individual cases, as well as many other studies using qualitative data and / or rekontseptuali-ized quasiexperimental procedures "[op. by Krippner and de Carvalho, 1993, p. 124]. As you can see, in this series of hermeneutics stands near the beginning of scientific research. Therefore, at the initial stage of development of this area of concern to me is the approach seems to be most correct. Hermeneutics is attractive because of its eco-logical. It consists, first, in caring for all components of the subject matter: nothing can be considered redundant, all recognized as necessary and useful, we need only specify which conditions it is true. Secondly, within the meaning of naturalness, a situation where there is no uniformity and diversity - of ideas, opinions, images, events ... Third, in the tolerance to the polarization of opposites, contradictions perspectives in the pursuit of the organization of productive dialogue between them . It remains for me, in summarized form to designate certain provisions of hermeneutics, which will serve as the starting point and at the same time guiding the study. For hermeneutic approach is characterized by: 1. Conscious installation on the interpretation, clarification, and not a fair description. Understand - means to bring their understanding (concluded in the ways and means of thinking) in the subject matter, and not sterile fix something in the subject. "I call all the discipline of hermeneutics, which originates in the interpretation and the interpretation of the word I give it real meaning: to identify the hidden meaning in the sense of the obvious" [Ricoeur 1995-6, p. 408]. 2. The desire to understand the meaning of human action, it is the totality of its relations with the world. 3. Focusing on language as a medium of information about the person. "Interpretative approach addresses specific changes the values to range of values in which we find ourselves, and which are not able to completely overcome» [Bochner 1985, p. 43]. April 28.The meaning is grasped through a comprehensive analysis of the means of expression: speech, conversation, symbolic actions, social artifacts. "Semantic core of all hermeneutics [is] ... a way of constructing meaning, which could be called a two-or multi-sages sages" [Ricoeur 1995-6, p. 17]. Therefore, the existing contradictions are seen as sources of meaning. 5. May be missing the obvious differences between the facts and the assessment, truth and faith. It's not about mixing Pleroma and Creatura (Bateson), that is described by the object and its description, and the sequence in the knowledge that in the framework of the language we are always working only with different kinds of descriptions (interpretations), and not with reality itself. The latter, too, we have access only through language. 6. The value of any event or phenomenon depends on the context - from the totality of its actual and potential relationships: "Every individual phenomenon is immersed in the elements of first principles of being" [Bakhtin, 1979, p. 361]. 7. Inability to formulate a precise theoretical description. "Instead, given" warm idea. " Its "survival" is not dependent on the future outcome, but rather how well the conceptual frame is applied to the interpretation of new »[Bochner 1985, p. 45]. 1.2. Hermeneutics of action is quite customary to speak of hermeneutics as a science (or art) interpretation of texts (Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Gadamer, Ricoeur), but in relation to human activity, direct transfer method of interpretation requires further study. First we need to show that the very human activity can be viewed as text. When this is done, we must still discuss the issue of reliability of the knowledge obtained in the hermeneutic study. It is about how well the text refers to the objective content, which sought to specify the author. This accuracy depends on three things: first, how well the author managed to pick up the necessary means of expression, and secondly, the resolution of the first and third, the ability of the reader to reconstruct the author's intention. In the case of this 29 kind of text, which is the person's behavior, we have to deal with a phased interpretation: the behavior is fixed (the first being subjected to reduction) and / or described (interpreted, and therefore easier), and then evaluated by experts (again interpreted), and in the completion of the study's author makes some conclusions (again interprets). In general, this corresponds to the usual course of a scientific or applied research (in practice, this scheme often varies). In hermeneutic study, this time of constant transformation of content as a result of procedures is attributed to the subjectivity involved in the study of people and seeks to account for these distortions, to understand them as a source of important information about the behavior of the person. This is done not by reducing the degree of subjectivity of people, and in recognition of his full factor research. The result is a list of some claims that may be brought to the text (stimulus material), the interpreter (the subject or expert), as well as to the language, which should be the results of the interpretation of the text as a behavior. In this order they will be discussed below. 1.2.1. Action as text That every act of communication can be seen as a message, it sounds trivial in the light of theories of communicative interaction. Everything that relates to speech (speech utterance as the text included in the context of a holistic message), almost immediately be subjected to traditional methods of text interpretation. The situation is different with non-verbal communication - still to be proved that it is possible to apply the same research tools.

Justification adequacy hermeneutic approach to the study of events and actions taken P. Ricoeur (1995-a). He notes the following properties of operations, rodnyaschie them with text. 1. Action can be read. Firstly, the action itself is formed by means of signs, rules, norms, values, the totality of which "is not rooted in the minds of initially", but is included in the action. Secondly, the steps have a structure comparable to the structure of the text. "It is impossible to 30 understand the meaning ofof any rite, without defining its place in the ritual as such, but a place of ritual - in the context of worship and the place of the latter - together agreements, beliefs, and institutions that create a specific image of a particular culture; ... Can thus be interpreted any gesture, such raised hand, how a vote, as a prayer, then the desire cab stop ... in this sense interpretation itself constitutes action "[1995 Ricoeur and c. 11-12]. Third, the "action is always open with respect to the requirements, which can be both technical and strategic, and aesthetic, and, finally, the moral" [Ricoeur 1995 and c. 12]. This means that actions such signs may be filled with different content, each time getting a different meaning, understanding (recovery) which requires a special operation, in its essential features coinciding with the process of reading the text. 2. In an action is its content - something that can be understood. This is the content, as well as the timebase action has an independent internal logic. "Talking about the action ... then compare the terms such as goal (project), agent, motive, circumstances, obstacles, distance traveled, rivalry, help, an auspicious occasion, opportunity, intervention or taking the initiative, desirable or undesirable results" [ Ricoeur 1995 and c. 13]. 3. Action fit "into the fabric of history, to which it affects and which left its mark; In this sense, we can speak about the phenomena archiving of registering (British record), which resemble writing fixing action in the world ... "[Ricoeur 1995 and c. 17-18]. Hence it follows directly, as the author points out, the issue of responsibility, which in this study is given much attention. Together, these three properties as practical action events generated by human initiative,-evoke talk about them as kvazitekste. "As in the field of writing, here it wins the opportunity to be read, the top takes the uncertainty and even the desire to confuse" [Ricoeur 1995 and c. 18]. (Running a little ahead, 31 I note that the last sentence of the quotation immediately leads to the phenomenon of manipulation.) Thus, it is the correct transfer techniques of hermeneutics to the actions of man, and hence, for all its activities. In this context, the title of the popular book "Read rights - as the book" [Nirenberg and Calero 1990] familiar to a wide range of our readers, from the status of metaphor rises to a methodological principle. 1.2.2. Availability contexts Psychological understanding of the essence as getting sent someone a message is mental activities that relate word utterance or text with an object or idea, which is referring to the author. This activity is to determine the direction of the "language of gesture," pointing to an object [Kharitonov 1988]. In its simplest form, the definition of (stuffing containing the "name" of the object) is pointing gesture (ostensive definition). In more complex cases, various kinds of links to the already well-known objects: a comparison of ("like"), summarizing the category ("refers to"), construction ("consists of"), and so on. N. Thus, understanding the mechanisms of their based on the linkage. process of interpretation of the text - as a higher level of understanding of the complexity - and is explicitly based on the establishment of ties, but with more complex objects - contexts. In this sense, interpret the text, the sentence or word means to put them in such a framework, in the semantic field of which they receive a new value, enriched with new semantic connections: "Every word (every character) text displays beyond. Any insight is to relate the text to other texts "[Bakhtin, 1979, p. 364]. * It is interesting that the word text comes from the Latin textum - cloth, communication, construction. Prefix con- (lat.) In the word context means an association, community, compatibility, further underscoring the complexity of the structure and diversity of relations between the elements. 32 Interpretationtext turns out to be richer than a lot of contexts, it is related, the greater the range of ideas involved in this interpretation, the thinner and unexpected meaning relations than their more interesting layout. Interpretation would be rich or not depends on two factors. The first - a potential - is in the text (or message), and is, as far as it preserves the original communication with related contexts, as well as on the degree of accessibility of the latter (the presence in the text pointers to them). The second - the actual - factor is the skill of the interpreter, his willingness and ability to detect and describe the semantic links. Richest in the number of stored (not subjected to screenings) contexts, it is necessary to recognize the live event - the current action, current activity ("it is better to see once ... "). I understand why - life is always richer than any of its description. Therefore, the object of our interest - human behavior - is in this sense an ideal text: extremely rich in contexts and therefore inexhaustible to interpretation. However, each event is unique and fleeting, ends and disappear before we have time to explain it. Therefore, for scientific and educational purposes has to use his description, which may multiply subject to interpretation. Such a description of our work serves as a stimulus material - subject of peer review. Therefore, since we are dealing with the description, we would like to know how it is possible to judge about the subject of description, that is, how it saved contexts. Discuss some warning signs that these contexts are not lost. Presence in the text of multiple contexts is directly reflected in the multi-level, enigma, "multistory ™» description, available in a variety of formations it. Such as for example the plot, a number of conceptual, artistic aspects, psychological observations, comments, attitudes, thoughts, emotions, rules ... Their diversity seems to be random when enumerating only when a comma is considered as the abutment. In good texts, as in life, all the ontological and semantic horizons form a 2 - 848 33

"counterpoint" motives, the intertwining, the opposing. Multiplicity of frames (dots review products) also suggests maintaining communication with noticeably large number of contexts than in the one-dimensional look. On the one hand, each context defines their point of reference, on the other hand, each position is based on some of the most related to her contexts. "In fact, the text is always something more than a linear sequence of phrases; it is a structured integrity, which can always be formed in several different ways. In this sense, the multiplicity of interpretations and even conflict of interpretations is not a lack of or defect, and the dignity of understanding, which forms the essence of interpretation "[Ricoeur 1995 and c. 8]. Text retain due to the large number of contexts, if used in it will be the concept of multi-valued, semantically "blurred." This is exactly the opposite of what is considered the norm in scientific works, which require compliance with a clear understanding of the terms used. Most vysokokontekstualnymi are literary texts. They can compete perhaps only religious works. Not by chance as those and other proper hermeneutical and spawned a line in culture: the interpretation of the ancient myths and canonical religious texts (exegesis). It is obvious that the flow of interpretations of ancient myths and sacred books (Torah, the Gospel, the Qur'an, etc..) Will be updated with new versions. Together, these features lead to the fact that multiplying the number of weak, implicit, lateral ties. Because of the many branches in the way of semantic even stronger ties all of the above is the opportunity to "jump off" from the main path to a random fleeting association be instantly transported into a different semantic field. In some of these weak links in the presence of opportunities to detect them, or rather, the establishment of the well-trodden, is the power of the text. His power is contained in the voltage (power lines) ambiguities, instability ambiguities, contradictions collision. Energy semantic stress 34 is released as soon as the immense diversity of the necessary elements are extracted and are connected by the will of the interpreter in a new integrity, rooted in the text-event-life. 1.2.3.interpreter qualification Following the advice ofG. Bateson, ask ourselves not only what should be text, but also what should be the reader that the text can be understood. Indeed, no matter how good the text itself, "only thanks to one of the participants in the hermeneutical conversation, the interpreter, the other party, the text, generally finds a voice. Only thanks to him that the written notation again transformed the meaning of "[Gadamer 1988, p. 451]. Interpret - to form and express their opinions - anyone can. Efficiency of different people, however, will vary greatly. Primarily due to different fitness interpreter. Qualification of the interpreter is: a) from domain knowledge (familiarity with related contexts) and b) of the general cultural training (familiarity with distant contexts) and c) skills to establish and build meaningful relationships (actual ability to interpret.) Therefore, the interpreter, water First, there must be an expert in the test domain. In relation to psychology experts can act not only trained psychologists, but within certain limits (limited daily life) and "naive" observers (or observers observers), then there are people who do not receive psychological education. Secondly, the interpreter must not be Only a specialist. In varying degrees, this is every man - the carrier of human culture. Unfortunately, in our time specialization is increasingly difficult to get encyclopedic knowledge - universities have now become more specialized. A great combination of skills connoisseur of everyday human relationships, emotional experiences, and at the same time a broad general cultural erudition observed in the arts, in particular 2* 35, of the writers. Therefore, literary work, providing us with "only the description" of life, carries a large number of saved contexts. As a writer working in the field of general cultural contexts, the results of his own selection, even if they are marked by involvement in a specific subculture, still bring to the text clearly more meaningful relationships than is found in the texts of the psychologist-specialist (especially one that specializes in the manufacture of drugs of psychic reality). Therefore, for the final work of art that may be a valid source of empirical data. And even double interpretation is not a drawback for hermeneutic research. Thirdly, the interpreter must be able to allocate significant elements in the text (how do you know what would be the matter?) Open behind them semantic field, choose one such connection between them (Semantic lines) form a new integrity, united around a limited set of key ideas, images, concepts. Common path, as he is scheduled by P. Ricoeur (1995-6), is that you first made a simple listing of selected links, and then only because they formed a new content structure, inevitably reflects the theoretical preferences of the interpreter. An Empirical Study of interpretation as a psychological process conducted AN Slavska. The resulting typology of subjects as interpreters consists of two main groups. The first consisted of those who sought precisely as possible to uncover the logic of the author of the text, placing your opinion on the second plan. Second - of those who sought to work out their own position, apart from the author's position. At the same time, and in both cases, "not just the reorganization of the author's concept, but created a new own context, and by different methods and its comparison with the" old ", the author, such as the opposition of the comparison, the destruction of a copyright, with creative These synthesis, etc.. g. "[Slavskaya 1994, p. 82]. The author believes that the interpretation of psychological mechanisms of 36 revealed "as the ability to pass easily from one context to another, such as freedom of interpretation" [ibid, p.87]. It turned out that such ability devoid about 30% of the subjects. 1.2.4. Problem description language is another important tool work - the language in which the interpreter presents the results of their work. The problem of language in relation to hermeneutical study contains several aspects. One is the problem of the reliability of knowledge transferred to specific text in a particular language. This problem has been largely discussed above and is solved by the fact that in the course of converting the contents expressed in the source code, you must strive to maintain its links with the critical minimum volume of contexts and select qualified experts. This is not surprising when you consider the following points. On the one hand, any description of an

interpretation, so it is always subjective - and in this sense is inaccurate. On the other hand, any statement has a refer (sending) and its reference index (the object reference), that is, any statement can have a range of values where it is true. (P. Ricoeur notes the existence of the reference even in fiction). Thus, all true and not true at the same time. Need power (position) that will set benchmarks in accordance with its sense of the truth. Such a force is the subject - the subject, the expert researcher. Here we can discuss the requirements, which in this paper will be presented to the language used by experts, and in particular to the language in which it is written. A second aspect is that, as far as is permissible to use language itself as a source of knowledge. It is important to know whether the language as a carrier of values is also the custodian of the information about the world contained in its significant * Really, Russian "interpretation" more euphonious compared with a foreign counterpart, also reflects exactly the procedural aspect, being cared for by publication. 37 units, structures, elements and their relationships. Sure, yes, because "in the language expresses himself the world" [Gad-action {H.-G. 1988, p. 520]. This arrangement means that the language per se, irrespective of any specific language we use already contains the world. This is because, according to H.-G. Gadamer, that the world and the man was originally included in one another, and the "language - is the environment in which the combined, or rather, appear in their native co-existence," I "and the world" [ibid. 548]. This environment is not a receptacle for man and the world, and she is an intervening space: "Being that can be understood is language" [ibid]. Therefore legitimate to refer to the language issues, trying to find it, if not solving of problems, hints on possible solutions. "Through the archeology of language, we can approach the theoretical reconstruction of the whole human being and to discover in him the ontological hierarchy poor, which man in his everyday life is watching the empirical" [Fedorov, 1995, p. 130]. The uniqueness of the language as a source of knowledge lies in the fact that "it is the only form of objectified subjectivity, which contains all the historical semantic bedding available" empirical observation "[ibid. 131]. Applied to our problems this position means "permission" to use as a full-fledged arguments etymological reconstruction of references to words idioms, analysis of the structural features of words and phrases, and so on. N. Third aspect concerns the question of what languages we can use within the declared approach. "To what extent can reveal and comment on the meaning (or the image of the character)? Only with the help of another (isomorphic) meaning (a symbol or image). Dissolve it in terms of the impossible "[Bakhtin, 1979, p. 362]. In relation to the actions of this is also true. It is obvious that the change of paradigm-mal orientation inevitably raises the question of the revision of the relationship to the strict descriptive concepts, so characteristic of the natural sciences glossary, in particular, the definitions of these concepts. 38 "can be either a relative sense rationalization (general scientific analysis), or depression it with other meanings (philosophical and artistic interpretation). Deepening by expanding distant context "[ibid]. Therefore, alternative means may make a metaphor (in the broadest sense of the word). Since the essence of the hermeneutic approach is in relation to the text as an allegory, the whole text was originally conceived as a metaphor - indirect (using language) a reference to the item description. Behavior, as has been shown, is also parable, which uses non-verbal language. Understanding these texts, no matter what language they were made, and by their profound essence is metaphorical. Of course, this also applies to the language, which is called the research - all of it is metaphorical, not only in fact but also in origin means of expression: "to consider thought "- an obvious absurdity in terms of perception," conclude "- does not mean that the author is going to someone from somewhere output," to trace the evolution "- as a detective for the suspected citizen ... Many familiar figures of speech that make up the scientific style, date back to the behavioral acts, processes of perception, physical or mental condition "of what has been said it follows directly," "strong argument", "management practices experiencing greater demand", "view", "may follow in several directions", "it is impossible to to avoid a collision, "" for this theory should "," this idea goes back to the ... "(really, people - the measure of all things). So what, then, more an allegory - the very image or form of its expression, filled with new content, for which already forgotten (scored, erased) the original? What is true: the imagery, the closer to the core, and hence more accurate, or more strongly reduced imagery, the more scientific? Reformulate the way: how to choose the power of allegory? On the one hand, the images, the fuzzy concept "modes of thought" (Bibler), "warm" ideas allow you to save the context of behavior - and this is consistent with the stated position. On the other hand, if we are willing to use fuzzy concepts, you need to decide how 39 way to enable dialogue between the sciences and the hermeneutic logic. In this study, we will adhere to the following tactics. Where it would be possible - and in relation to the key concepts of all an analytical descriptive definition is complemented by an appropriate metaphor, but a metaphor, in turn, - "translated" into the language of more stringent terms. This will, on the one hand, to put a strict definition in a broader context, to keep the weak bonds that are not included in the definition, to soften the inevitable in such definitions Reducing. On the other hand, in a metaphorical image to select an area of the most active values and convert them to a stricter definition. As a result, we obtain a coherent structure in which the strict definition of a metaphor would be justified as a figure and background. What is the figure, and that the background - it's up to the reader or user, depending on the needs and preferences. Most likely, as in visual perception, which is made of dual images, figure and ground, unable to exist separately, will spontaneously change each other, competing in the competition for the championship. Fourth aspect relates to a questioning attitude toward living everyday language - how it is permissible to use scientific text. In view of the above it becomes clear fundamental recourse to everyday language as a phenomenological basis, treating it as an object of study, which concluded a rich experience of human activity and communication. In the same statement of everyday expressions will be used as a means of transmitting a figurative sense - a metaphor or allegory, which are more suitable manner consistent with the objective and capacious shirokokontekstualnogo statements.

* "To *to In this chapter,provide a rationale for the choice of methodological position, namely, the hermeneutic approach to study the problem of manipulation. essence of the position that I, in short, is as follows. My task accordance 40 worthto build a comfortable working theoretical construct. Whatever it was, any structure of this kind has its share of truth. Me, my appears to be correct. reader is free to reject, alter or rethink it. His picture will be different from mine, even if it is completely agree with me. So let this discrepancy lies in thebased on method is our joint work: I do workpiece, and the reader brings it to the kind that it is more than satisfied. finishing this degree will vary depending on, first, how the reader considers himself an expert in the field of theoretical and applied psychology, and secondly, what problems he has to solve, and Third, what resources it has (skills, equipment, people, etc..) Chapter 2 WHAT IS MANIPULATION preliminary idea of manipulative phenomena can be gained from the following examples. Example 1 Granddaughter grandmother asks to show how to carve a doll apron (job in the classroom labor). Grandma explained, but five minutes later again the question, and then another and another. Finally, naive consultant does not stand up, and ends up taking the job yourself. Granddaughter internally triumphs. Example 2: You are known as a good specialist in their field. In addition, you are willing to tell about his own experience than to curry favor to his attitude on the part of colleagues. Often, however, asking you about how you can solve a problem, you manage to extract more and information, which are considered a trade secret, and what is left to pay. Example 3: The slave comes with a question that he can not solve due to the lack of authority . Head not to betray his unwillingness to address it, is starting to "inflame" the slave - rebuke for the real and imaginary bugs. He finally explodes, moves to higher tone offended. Decoupling should immediately: "Learn first control himself - and then come." 2.1. Phenomenological description of first briefly look at the phenomenon of psychological manipulation and gave birth to her cultural context, employees researchers support semantic understanding of its essence. \R 2.1.1. Phenomenological representation or discretion? Feature manipulation is that the manipulator seeks to conceal their intentions. Therefore, for all but the manipulator, manipulation acts more as a result of the reconstruction, the interpretation of some of its actions, rather than a direct way. In this regard, a reasonable question arises: is manipulation of the phenomenon, ie a phenomenon to comprehend in sensory experience, the object of sensuous intuition? There are three sources of information about the existence of manipulation. 1 position of the manipulator. Everyone repeatedly visited her: that as a child, climbing ropes adults, then as a parent, pounding of the child in a position to blame, then as a fan, to seek attention on the part of the object of adoration, the buyer seeking the favor of the seller, it is a slave that avoiding liability for negligence in the work. 2 Position the victim of manipulation. enough to change the above-mentioned role pair - and we are ready to recall a situation where insincerity been opened our partners, when we felt annoyed because caught on someone's bait: let slip, offered, promised, agreed, did, and then found out that the complaints have been played, the promises - ambiguous friendliness - superficial and qualification - phony. And it turned out that all the actions of our partners were directed at achieving the goals they need, which they, for whatever their reasons, we were not informed. As you can see, the experience of people who have been in these positions, gives grounds to judge the manipulation as a phenomenon, This man himself subjectively. At least on this basis, it can be argued that the manipulation is a phenomenon. The subjective experience of this kind is available for everyone, no matter how short it is not designated. 3 position of an external observer. A person not involved in a manipulative interaction, have to deal with the reconstruction of its parts and character recovery 43 placed di- missing links for thinking the participants. To the aid of their own experience. On the one hand, the observer himself had to manipulate this experience allows the actions of others interpreted as manipulators-tive. On the other hand, the experience of victims of manipulation makes us more susceptible to manipulative attempts. The task is greatly simplified if we know the intentions of the initiator of the manipulation of words whether of himself or of information that give us the authors of works of art (literature, cinema). However, exclusion from both positions allows you to see more details. Observer, tend to open larger units live interaction, such as "continues to prevaricate," "fluttering helplessly," "left in the dead of protection", "all the time fussing" and so on. N. True, have to pay for it as the loss of natural emotional involvement in the situation and decrease the reliability of judgments. fee is so substantial (as it must) that there is a theoretical problem, but a practical task is to learn to distinguish from other types of manipulation of the psychological impact. We need a tool that allows you to accurately enough to do it. Such a tool - a kind of pointing finger - should be to identify manipulation as a form of psychological pressure. 2.1.2. Origin of the term "manipulation» Manipulus - Latin progenitor of the term "manipulation" - has two meanings: a) a handful, a handful (manus - hand + pie - fill), b) a small group, a handful, a handful (manus + pi - a weak form of the root) . The second meaning of this word, in particular, indicated by a small detachment of soldiers (about 120 people) in the Roman army. In the Oxford English Dictionary manipulation (manipulation) in its most general sense is defined as the management of objects with a specific intention, a special purpose, as manual control, as a movement, made hands, hand action. For example, in medicine - a survey, inspection of a certain part of 44

the bodywith the hands or treatments. Specifically noted the presence of mobility, dexterity when performing actionsmanipulation. Close to the specified value (by extending the scope of use) adjoins the use of the term "manipulation" in the art. This is primarily skilled activities with levers, made by hand. Sami levers and knobs are often called manipulators. As the complexity of the mechanisms manipulators became known as simulators or artificial substitutes hand: Special tools for complex moving objects with remote control. For example, to load and unload the nuclear fuel rods. Figuratively Oxford Dictionary defines manipulation as "an act of influencing people or their management or things with dexterity, especially disparaging connotations, as a hidden control or treatment." It is in this filling the word "manipulation" has replaced the political dictionary previously existed, the term "Machiavellian-ism." You can name at least two reasons for such replacement. Firstly, there was a shift in focus from leading Stock outlook on technology at the approach to this phenomenon. And secondly, the range of phenomena to which was to treat the term "manipulation" - it was not so much about the qualities of individual political leaders, many of the activities of entire institutions and government entities. It is used in relation to the media and political activities aimed at programming the views or aspirations of the masses, the mental state of the population, and so on. N. Endpoint Name * Italian politician Niccolo Machiavelli became a household word to refer to a moral position of "the end justifies any means." Familiarity with his works is declining, however, to believe that Machiavelli himself in this respect no different from his contemporaries. In this age is quite difficult to admit advice on, for example, who should be destroyed after the capture of the territory. But for the medieval reader it was in order. Measured by modern standards, it and the authors of the Old Testament could be accused of being sympathetic to the genocide. 45 goal of such efforts - control over the population, its controllability and manageability. In political science literature, since the 60s, were discussed in detail are two big problems. The first was devoted to debunking the manipulative nature of the media (in socialist literature with the added definition * bourgeois "or" imperialist "). The second concerned the practice of "brainwashing» (brain washing) in the dungeons of the special services of China and the Soviet Union faced in captivity war veterans of the Korean peninsula and in Vietnam. In the psychological literature, the term "manipulation" has three meanings. The first completely borrowed from the art and is used primarily in engineering psychology and psychology of work. The second meaning, taken from ethology, under the manipulation is defined as "an active movement of animals of medium components in space" (as opposed to locomotion - move in space the animals themselves) [Short psychological dictionary] ", with primary involvement of the front, at least - of the hind limbs, as well as other Effectors "[Fabry 1976, p. 145]. In these two meanings of the term "manipulation" can be found in the psychological literature since the 20s. And since the 60's, he began to be used also in the third sense, this time taken from the work of political science. Gradually - is almost without elaboration - the word "manipulation" began to be used in the context of interpersonal relationships. Thus the process of expanding its scope has reached the area that is the focus of consideration of this work. Namely, both the object (intersubjective interaction) and subject (mechanisms of action), the phenomenon of manipulation was in the range of issues that concern directly psychology. Thus, the term "manipulation" of interest to us the meaning was twice moved from one semantic context to another. The term also, the use in a figurative sense, a metaphor. Therefore, before proceeding to the definition of manipulation as a concept, it is necessary to clarify its actual content as a metaphor. 46 2.1.3. Metaphor manipulation We have already seen that in the initial nonmetaphorical the term "manipulation" refers to complex types of actions performed by hand: control arms, perform medical procedures, arbitrary treatment of the subjects, and so on. N. Requiring skill and dexterity in the performance. Transitional stage to metaphor was the use of the term "manipulation" as applied to demonstrate tricks and card games, which is valued mastery not only in carrying out false distraction techniques, but also to hide the true intentions or actions, creating a false impression or illusion. Connection with the initial value especially clearly speaks in the name of "magician manipulator" - one that specializes in the foci, excluding complex mechanical or electronic devices, assistants and so doubles.. All their tricks - "sleight of hand and no fraud." The main psychological effects are based on the control of attention (distraction, moving, concentration), widespread use of the mechanisms of psychological set, stereotypes and illusions of perception. As will be shown later, all these elements are stored and interpersonal manipulation. Complete transfer of the word "metaphor" in a new context - and the product of interest to us, the metaphor - is the fact that under the subject of an action-manipulation refers to no longer objects, and people at the same time actions themselves are performed is not hands, and through other means. As a result of manipulation in a figurative sense - a desire to "get their hands on," "under-entrust" the other, "lasso", "catch on the hook," ie, an attempt to turn human an obedient tool, like a puppet. however metaphor pribiraniya their hands - though the core attribute that is derived from manipula, but not the only, constituting psychological manipulation. In the process of its formation, as we have seen, this feature has been added other qualities. Firstly, for the manipulation characterized by finesse, agility, skill 47 execution. Indeed, clumsily concocted effect is not subject to that intuitive sense of manipulation, which we are accustomed to be guided. And secondly, manipulation involves the creation of an illusion. Would not make sense to call an action manipulation, if it was done explicitly. He is a bad magician who can not create the required focus on a plan of the illusion that all the tricks on the mind. Bad is the puppeteer who is not able to make the audience forget that a person acting in the play - just puppets. Therefore, manipulation of the metaphorical meaning also implies the creation of the illusion of independence recipient impact of outside influence, the illusion of self-sufficiency for its decisions and actions performed. Thus, the complete psychological manipulation metaphor contains three major feature:

• the idea of "pribiraniya their hands», • prerequisite conservation illusion of independence of decisions and actions impact the destination, • a master manipulator in the implementation methods of exposure. 2.2. Psychological definition of manipulation Example 4: At a meeting of the trade union is the distribution of apartments in new building. M. worker, not included in the list are given, states that on that list, there are people whose living conditions, family structure and other characteristics are such that it has a greater right to receive an apartment than they are. Chairman of the Union asks: "Who exactly do you mean?" The question of trade union leader can be seen as a simple desire to clarify the application of M. However, something compels last efface or break. What we see here: the labor question, or an attempt to hide the impact? And if it is the latter, can we call it manipulation? In general terms, it is possible to consider the impact of any hidden manipulation? 48 obvious need to define manipulation. Below is an attempt to give a proper psychological definition of "manipulation". Of course, it is a working definition, which if necessary can be debated. For this purpose, an analysis of the existing scientific literature of ideas about manipulation, justified the content and the number of features that should be included in the required definition. 2.2.1. Starting positions first step that it was natural to do to solve the problem - contact the authors, who worked on the problem of manipulation. In them we find a discussion of the problems of using manipulation [Bessonov 1971 Volkogonov 1983; Schiller 1980; Key 1989; O'Connor at all 1990; Paine 1989; Rozenberg 1987; Vilar in 1972], the effects of manipulating the behavior of [Beniger 1987; Brock 1966; Pan-dey], the art of manipulation [Riker 1986], protection against it [Lentz 1989; Proto 1989], and so on. N. However, most sources do not contain the definition of manipulation. Of all the works, which was able to read only one [Rudinow 1978] is entirely devoted directly to the problem of determining a set of criteria adequately outline the range of interpersonal phenomena attributed to manipulative. In the other (except for [Goodin 1980]) justification of the criteria is virtually nonexistent. Accessing dictionaries also proved unproductive, since none of the six available English dictionaries in psychology was not the article "Manipulation" (or "Makiavellianizm"). Only one dictionary on the sociology of manipulation is defined as "a use of power, in which it has affected the behavior of others, * Completeness literature search provided work with standard bibliographic sources: Books in Print (1975-1991), Cummulative Book Indexes (1980-1991 y), «Psychological abstracts» (1927-1994), ASSIA (international electronic review articles on the social sciences, published in English between 1986 and January 1994), the catalog of theses (in Russian) in the past 10 years, etc. . 49 without disclosing the nature of the behavior, which he expects of them »[A Modern Dictionary ... 1969]. In relation to the reality, which is found in interpersonal relationships, it seems, each researcher or the user has to be determined independently. 2.2.2. Feature extraction criteria, which were planned to form the basis of the required definitions extracted only from those texts in which the authors, or give your own definition of manipulation, or adequately discussed the concept of manipulation. In the first case, the definition was broken down into its constituent features and as such classed Table. 2 In other cases, isolated signs immediately transferred to table 2 (For explanations suggest the reader to compare the contents of the table the original definition of R. Gudina: manipulation is "the power applied is hidden and contrary to the will of another alleged» [Goodin 1980, p. 8] . Reasons for partitioning a single formulation on isolated criteria are taken from the author explaining his views.) Once this has been calculated the frequency of use of extracted features. The results are shown in Table. 3, which shows that the majority of symptoms are hallmarks of "single use" - another indication neprorabotannosti the concept of manipulation. Following this, there is a problem find a means to carry out the selection criteria are necessary and sufficient for the construction of the definition of manipulation. Majority of authors in solving this problem come, apparently, from his intuitive understanding of the essence of manipulation. Successful method - analysis of manipulative situations - J. applied. Rudin [Rudinow 1978], which allowed him to make significant progress in understanding the specifics of the manipulative influence. However, the selection of cases for analysis is still a matter of subjective, and assessment of the situation as manipulative strongly depends on its interpretation and the completeness of the description. 50 Table 2: Performances of various authors on the concept of manipulation (by the definitions on criteria) № Authors Definitions pa ra gr ap hs 1 B Bessonov. N. Form spiritual influence * hidden * domination carried out violent petem


Volkogonov DA

* Reign over the spiritual state, * control * change in the internal world


R. Goodin (Goodin R. E.)

* Hidden exercise of power (power ) * against the presumed will of another


Yokoyama OT (Yokovama OT) L. Proto (Proto L.) W. Riker (Riker W. N. ) J. Rudin. (Rudinow J.)

* Fraudulent indirect effect * in the interests of the manipulator * Hidden * impact on the performance of select Such structuring of the world, * that allows you to win * Motivation behavior by deception * or play on the alleged weaknesses of the other


Sagatovsky VN


Schiller G.



relationship with another person as a means, an object, the gun Covert * coercion * programming thoughts, intentions, feelings, relationships, attitudes, behavior Management and control *, * another operation, * use as objects, things

5 6 7


PW Robinson * Masterful management or *use (Robinson PW) Iis natural in this case to use the metaphor of manipulation as a reference means for allocating a minimum necessary set of essential features. Presumably it is the source of metaphor for intuitive understanding, which studies 51 Teli trying each time to explicate defining manipulation. (Or selecting situation containing manipulation, as did John. Rudin.) Table 3 Signs used to determine the manipulation (the numbers in the last column indicate the serial numbers of the authors table. 2, use the specified attribute) № Criteria Authors, pa ra gr ap hs 1 Hidden implicitly, deception 1,3.4,5,7, 9 2 Operation, domination 1,2,10 3: Monitoring, Control 2.10 4 Forcing the use of force 3.9 5 Structuring the world 6 6 in the interests of the manipulator July 4. contrary to the will of another 3 8 for the sake of winning 6 9 Using other as things, objects 10.11 10 relationship with the other as to the means, the 8 object, the gun 11 Motivation 7 12 game weaknesses 7 13 nonviolent path 1 14 Indirect effects, the impact of 4.5 15 exposure toSpiritual 1 16 Programming thoughts, intentions, and so on. p. 6.9 17 Focus on the spiritual state, the inner world 2 18 Skill and dexterity 11 2.2.3. Formation of criteria 1. Signs of 14 and 15 define the concept of tribal affiliation is determined - a kind of spiritual and psychological impact on individuals, groups or society. These same

52 abut 16 th and 17 th criteria, indicating the mental structures - target effects. 2. Important dimension that has a moral nature, introduced features 9 and 10 to the position characteristic of manipulative attitude to another as a means of achieving their goals manipulator, Reducing the other qualities of the subject of decision-making. From the height of his own "I" manipulator other becomes "it" is reduced "to the level of things subservient control and management" [Sho-Strom 1992, p. 5], when "one subject sees the other as a means or an obstacle to the project of their activities, as a special kind of object ("speaking instrument") "[Sagatovsky 1980, p. 84-85]. 3. A number of features (2,3,5,6,7,8) concern manipulation functions. Most of the terms, however, can not be considered successful. "Management" and "control" is too broad and versatile, require additional restrictions. "Operation" and "domination" bear a significant political overtones, which does not allow to use them in relation to the therapeutic situation or process of education. In addition, they laid a strong negative assessment, which would like to avoid. Criteria 2, 3, and 5 indicate the desire of the manipulator actively influence events, structuring the world according to their own interests. More clearly the problem of balance of interests and intentions of the parties indicated in the sign of the interaction 6, 7 and 8 Symptom "in the interests of the manipulator," as noted [Goodin 1980, Rudinow 1978], is inaccurate, since manipulation can be produced and manipulated in the interests of (at least partly). For example, to someone else gave up smoking, drinking and so on. N. Sometimes use the most inventive techniques, including manipulative. "What makes these actions manipulative, it's not that they are contrary to their interests (certainly it is not), but the fact that they are contrary to his will. Or, more precisely, his alleged will »[Goodin 1980, p. 17]. However, E. Shostrom [Shostrom 1992] indicates that the manipulation can be used to control the security situation, desires and actions of the communication partner. This refers to the pre-emptive effect to reduce their own anxiety, to remove uncertainty and so on. N. Consequently, the targetis subjected to 53 manipulation before, as defined in its desire, and no matter whether he will resist. The term "will" can not account for this class of phenomena. Clarification of "alleged" only partially removes these difficulties. Another important criterion may be a sign "in order to win." Semantic structure of Russian "win" and the English «win» consists of three values: overcoming something or someone, to achieve a certain superiority over rival or enemy, and the benefits or benefits for themselves. It is obvious that the test "in order to win" covers the entire field of characteristic values, united in the group. It is only necessary to specify: win sided because of the four possible combinations - "I won he lost," "I won - he won" and so on. D. - Only the first pair corresponds to manipulation. 4. Signs of 1, 14 and 17 are fixed one of the most notable features of manipulation - invisibility effects. However, R. Goodin ^ insists on the optional nature of this feature: "Since manipulation should be misleading and should be withholding some information," which means, "the analysis of the manipulation as concealment or misrepresentation is too narrow» [Goodin 1980, . 25]. Conclusion is valid only for one group of methods of manipulation. Other methods, on the contrary, imply the creation of new information, designation of new frontiers in it, the introduction of new variables for discussion (see., For example, [Riker 1986]). This difficulty arises because of the lack of distinction between (a) the concealment and distortion of information component content of impact, (b) the concealment of the fact of exposure and (c) the concealment or distortion of information about the intentions of the manipulator. If we consider this distinction, the objection with respect to (a) does not mean the rejection of the other two. Conversely, if in the definition of manipulation * This idea was expressed by Frank Pyuslikom privately. ** The more so that, on the contrary, the limit (of course) the disclosure may also be manipulative technique (see. O'Connor) 54 put mandatory (b) and (c), the criterion of "latent effects" will receive an unambiguous content. Trying manipulation only has a chance of success, if the fact of the impact on the destination they are not recognized and the ultimate goal of the manipulator is unknown to him. Otherwise, or attempt is not successful, or it will not be keying. We show this by an example taken from an article by J.. Rudinova. Example 5 Jones complains that is subject to regular manipulative attempts on the part of his wife. Here is a typical example. He was going to go to a weekly poker game. It was at this point the wife appeared in the translucent chemise in seductive pose, playing with buttons. Jones protested, he does not want to be seduced right now - then he will miss the game. Jones believes that his wife is really interested in is not sex. Although the last two weeks he has been particularly busy and came home late, the frequency of sexual encounters was higher than usual. He accused her of trying to manipulate it so as to leave the house. Wife agreed with him, adding that he knows better than Jones, how often they had sex recently, and that they are both equally well known for what it is doing. J.. Rudin based on an analysis of the case concludes that manipulation can be accomplished not only through misrepresentation, but also the (open) playing on the weaknesses of the other. But is the situation described is an example of manipulation? If we turn to the metaphor of manipulation, it becomes clear that this case does not comply with it, as no one has any illusions about who and what wants. Yes, it's a game on the weakness of Jones, but not manipulation them (but could be so if Jones does not solve it). In terms of the VN Sagatovsky is "reflexive game" that is, the desire to beat the other, taking advantage of any advantage. 5. Next group of symptoms (4,12,13) corresponds with another important variable impact - the power (or vice versa weakness). With regard to the interpersonal interaction force can be defined as the nature of the relationship of partners in dialogue, which is expressed in the presence of an advantage with respect to one another, an important goal to achieve exposure [Ershov 1972], 55 the use of which allows us to overcome the resistance of the partner. This may be physical strength, financial wealth, employment status, professional qualifications, ability, reasoning,

communication skills, and so on. n. Obviously, that force is an essential element of almost any type of feedback. And if so, what remains the most important variable in the analysis of the mechanisms and methods of influence, the concept of force can not be a sign that differentiates the various effects. 6. It remains to discuss the 11th criterion - the one that was proposed by J. Rudinovym article specifically devoted to the definition of manipulation. It creates a lasting impression that the author has succeeded by focusing on the problem and the introduction of the new method - case study - discover one of the most important measurements of manipulation. Example 6: Son of Brown singing some annoying tune. Father knows that his son is always striving to do everything in spite of him, rejecting any attempt to work together. Therefore, in response, he picked up a fun tune with the hope that he will stop his annoying singing. The author shows that a sign of manipulation here is not reflective payment - one can imagine a situation where a multistage anticipation does not form manipulation. The crucial point stands the desire Brown encourage his son to commit such acts. But not every inducement constitutes manipulation, but only one, when we do not just join someone else's personal request, and impose his new targets, which presumably they are not persecuted. For example, someone asks us the way to Minsk, and we are sending it to false Pinsk - this is just a hoax. If he can suspect fraud, we show him the right way in the hope that he will reject our clue as fraudulent - this reflexive move, too, not manipulation, since the original intention of the other remains unchanged. As an example, the development of J.. Rudinova, we can say that the manipulation will take place in the event that the other one was going to go to Minsk, and we did so that he wanted to go to Pinsk. 56 Or he was not going anywhere at all, but decided to do something because of our influence. If we again use a metaphor for the manipulation ,, verification discussed criterion, we find good evidence. The requirement that the recipient retains a sense of the impact of independent decision-making, perfectly satisfied if he wants to do what is necessary to the manipulator. Therefore, the criterion of "motivation" or "motivation" seems to be the best means of limiting the range of phenomena that are attributable to manipulation. Should be noted that the proposed criterion is only at first glance defies the usual notion that relate to the manipulation of the action on the formation of stereotypes [Schiller 1980; Goodin 1980], to create a certain impression or attitude [Beniger 1987; Brock 1966; Rosenberg 1987] to a particular person. I think that the point here is rather unreflecting ignoring the ultimate motivational orientation cognitive effects. After all, it is important to say, not very impressed about someone, and his motivational conclusion that, in fact, gives the entire range of techniques common sense manipulative influence. What matters is not the stereotypes of social consciousness, and their ability to become a means of motivation, restraint or direction of the energy of the masses. The ultimate objective is to motivate the backbone feature uniting arbitrarily varied set of actions by themselves are not manipulative, into a single unit under the name of "manipulation". This, apparently, and contributes to the fact that such actions are manipulative. As for another criterion - the instructions for craftsmanship and skill required for successful manipulation, it remains only to note that, with regard to the definition, it was noted by the authors just once . This is surprising in light of the fact that in the semantic field manipulation sign * It is interesting that, with respect to infants, the term "manipulation" is not used, since they are unable to perceive herself the object of somebody's influence [Rudinow 1978], except%that are unable to make decisions. 57 Masteryoccupies a very prominent place. Perhaps this is due to the fact that mastery is meant when we speak of the secrecy, the game on the weaknesses, indirect effects. 2.2.4. Definition of manipulation Thus, we have five groups of attributes, each of which is assigned a generalized criterion for applying for it to enter into the definition of manipulation: 1) generic feature - the psychological impact, 2) the ratio of the manipulator to the other as a means to achieve their own goals, 3) the desire to obtain a one-sided win, 4) the hidden nature of the impact (as a fact impact and its direction), 5) the use of (psychological) forces on the weaknesses of the game. In addition, two criteria were somewhat distinct: b) motivation, motive Zion introduction and 7) the skill and dexterity in the implementation of manipulative actions. As already mentioned, the concept of force can not be a differentiating feature, so the definition will not be included. In order to reduce the definition of manipulation is proposed to avoid mentioning the moral position of the manipulator - the relation to another as a means to achieve their own goals. Of the remaining attributes necessary to construct the required definition of manipulation. One of the essential elements of the definition - a reference to the concept of tribal affiliation. Therefore, in our case it is necessary to point out that manipulation is a kind of psychological impact. (For more on the psychological impact will be discussed below.) Main essential feature of manipulation previously designated as an attempt to obtain a unilateral manipulator win. This criterion proved inconvenient to work as regularly got up issues regarding the definition of the nature of winning: firstly, that * In the time that has elapsed since the first publication [Dotsenko EL 1993] to the proposed early determination made some remarks . Thank colleagues (SL Bratchenko, AI Vovk, SA Gilmanova, AN Alekseev, V. Grishin, and [Score and Burgin 1994]) for the attention and constructive criticism, which helped me to reconsider some elements of the definition of manipulation. 58 is taken as a prize today, tomorrow may turn a loss, and secondly, the assessment of the nature of winning greatly depends on the assessment system. Therefore, by moving one-sided test win in the category of the reasons manipulation (one of the most important), we need to redefine its essential feature. This event may be goal-setting for the destination. As already mentioned, J.. Rudin was the only one of the authors discussed, which drew attention to the central role in the manipulation of the motivational impact on the recipient. It must be emphasized that he understands a motivating

introduction of additional motivation in the context of the recipient desires, the imposition of a motivational "load" in the end (aspectual) modifying his original intentions. In other words, manipulation occurs when the arm comes up in the recipient's objectives, that he should follow, and introduces them to his psyche. Maybe instead of "goal" here is better to talk about the intention of the project activity and so on. - In any case it is important to stress that the idea arises from the manipulator, and then use all sorts of tricks that plan transmitted to the addressee so that he takes it as its. Similar ideas are found in that part of the definition of G. Schiller, which refers to the programming intentions, relationships, attitudes (see. Table. 2). Therefore, the following definition is proposed as an essential feature you must enter the time of bringing the manipulator's intentions, which considers its destination. As a prerequisite for the effectiveness of the manipulation is to hide the fact of how the impact and intent of the manipulator, it should be noted that its main feature. If possible, specify and subtlety, and skill to ensure the effectiveness of manipulation. Finally, it should identify the main effect of changes in the motivational structure of the recipient prompting him to commit certain actions manipulator. Thus, it is proposed the following definition. Manipulation - a kind of psychological impact, skillful execution of which leads to the excitation of the hidden intentions of the other person, do not coincide with its actually existing desires. 59 Of course, the actual words are not entirely accurate. Therefore, we can offer and different formulations - including simplified - definition of interpersonal manipulation: Manipulation - a kind of psychological impact, in which the skill of the manipulator is used for covert introduction into the psyche of the recipient's goals, desires, intentions, attitudes, or installations that do not coincide with those available to the recipient at the moment. Manipulation - a psychological impact, aimed at changing the direction of the activity of another person, made so skillfully that it goes unnoticed. Manipulation - a psychological impact, aimed at another implicit motivation to commit certain actions manipulator. Manipulation - is skilful prompting another to achieve (prosecution) indirectly nested manipulator purpose. practical purposes is sometimes more convenient to use directly metaphor: manipulation - are actions aimed at "pribiranie hands on" the other person's closure of them made so skillfully that the order is created the impression that he runs his own behavior. reader is free to choose his appeals to the definition or construct your own based on the works selected for this criteria. 2.3. Psychological impact in the definition used the concept of the psychological impact, which is still, however, most have not yet been determined. One of the comments that have heard to the definition of manipulation, lies in the fact that the impact of the manipulation can not be considered, since it can not be one-sided: the manipulation takes place as a process of interaction in the course of which account of the special destination. On account of the specificities destination in the monograph will be many said, but to explain why is it that I use the term "impact" is necessary. 60 Undevelopedas the very concept of the psychological impact, and theoretical apparatus to describe it was noted repeatedly [Kovalev 1989; Smirnov, 1994; Score and Burgin 1994]. Nevertheless, the proposed definitions of the existing differences do not seem critical. Thus, GA Kovalev exposed in the most general sense, understand "the process ... which is realized in the course of the interaction of two or more ravnouporyadochennyh systems and resulting in a change in the structure (space-time characteristics), the state of at least one of these systems "[Kovalev 1989, p. 4-5]. In general, it is consistent with the definition that offers GA Score: "The impact of the object B on object A - is an event consisting in the fact that the subject in (possibly in conjunction with objects C, D, et al.) Causes or prevents a change of subject A. The psychological impact is natural to assume that an individual or group in the subject, which causes or prevents changes to the psychological characteristics and manifestations of the individual recipient A, including those relating to its activities (and behavior in general), to his consciousness (and unconscious Psychologically) to his personality "[Score and Burgin 1994, p. 57]. Easier it is expressed TS Kabachenko, which under the influence of psychological understanding "changes the psychological characteristics of the individual, group norms, public opinion or mood through the use of psychological, social and psychological patterns" [Kabachenko 1986, p. 13]. In general, these definitions are similar to those proposed earlier [Kulikov 1982; 1983]. For our purposes, it is necessary to note the following basic features of the psychological impact: 1) is one of two sides of a single process of and interaction,2)when considering the impacts is taken into account only the effect of unilateral included in the holistic and interaction,3) are the result of exposure to some changes in the mental condition or state of destination impacts. 61 To make clear concepts "impact" and "interaction", use of intention-tional breeding and the operational aspects of the impact. Then will reveal that the unilateral effect on an operational level it's difficult to conceive. At the same time, in the aspect of intention-ality, obviously, there is a coordination of intentions, and their uncoordinated implementation - the desire to carry out a unilateral influence, namely the impact. And since the use of the term "impact" with respect to the operational and technical level does not make sense, it refers exclusively to only the level of intentions. Let us explain this idea. In the ordinary use of the word "impact" is not laid Technology and the target point: a man decides what to do with this thing - to move, change, destroy and so on. When we are working on an object, such as in head does not come to say that we interact with it. When is it that we say we have in mind the physical meaning of the mutual influence (impact) of two bodies upon each other. In this case, the interaction of the matter concerns both technological and operational side, which only and can think in terms of the physical layer. Both make sense - technology (in this case, physical) and the target (intentional) - easy to combine with each other, so that they complement each other: a man decides what to do with this thing, but it is something to do - is (recognized) in the process of interaction with her.

Same with the psychological impact. One person decides that another person (as an object), he is going to do, but it is something to do - is (recognized) during their interaction (at operational level) to the destination. In the case of manipulation it is, of course, only about one-sided intentions, the assignment of the right to arms to decide for a destination that he ought to do, the desire to influence its target. With the operational point of view, manipulation, of course, is the interaction. But so is - at an operational level - any impact. Its specificity different kinds (psychological) effects obtained only intensions-tional aspect. Therefore, only he is taken into account when the manipulation is called exposure. 62 Chapter 3 BACKGROUND MANIPULATION Manipulation, like many other events in the sublunary world, does not appear in itself - there are always some forces and conditions that contribute to or directly cause it to life. And, of course, there are always people, thanks to the activity which these forces and conditions apply. In this chapter we will deal asking, where are the manipulators? Why, among other means to achieve their own goals people choose manipulative? What are the factors and circumstances support this? Thumbnail In E. Shostrom review with reference to other authors proposed the following list of reasons manipulation: the conflict of man with himself (F. Perls), distrust of others, inability to love (Erich Fromm) , the feeling of absolute helplessness (existentialism), fear of close interpersonal contact (J.. Haley, E. Byrne, B. Glasser) and uncritical desire to receive approval of each and every one (A. Ellis). Received formal education psychologist would consider itself obliged to supplement this collection, giving homage and other famous colleagues. Then he expanded the list of reasons why people become manipulators. It would, of course, came the desire for symbolic (sublimation) mastery of communication partners as objects of sexual desire (Freud 3) - with the appropriate division into active and passive manipulators; as well as the natural form implementation of compensatory desire for power (A. Adler) [see., for example, Bursten 1980]. Manipulation could also be considered as a reproduction of the means of influence that both market and totalitarian societies apply in relation to its citizens: ma-nipulyativnoe reproduction is self-sustaining stream 63 th, that this behavior gets a systematic positive reinforcement in the form of social success ( Skinner) or because of the passive filling of individual semantic vacuum cultured in such societies pseudo-values (Frankl). Obviously, the reasons can be called a lot of manipulation; it is also clear that they can not be considered in the same row. They have different origins and have different ontological status. Their breeding can be done on the basis of the introduced certain schemes. I will use the following almost obvious distinction ontological sections (levels): Culture (general human context), society (the totality of social contexts), communication (interpersonal context), personality (motivational ext-ripsihichesky context) and technology (context, strengthened the operational staff). With all the evidence of the extent of division attempts to find a common basis for their selection, especially the criteria for their unambiguous breeding, are unproductive. Particularly difficult to manage dilute levels of interpersonal relationships and intrapersonal communication. This logical difficulty, however, you can try to turn into a productive idea, having new explanatory power. This idea of the essential similarity of the deep, characteristic of interpersonal relationships and intrapersonal communication. Therefore, they are undiluted in this study deliberately enhanced, and emphasizes in this form is operated as an explanatory principle. Just as the opposition and anthropological sotsiotsent-ism can not be resolved, and the function of the power line, polarizing opinions in the scientific dialogue [Semenov, 1994] opposition external (interpersonal) and internal can not be regarded as unbridgeable chasm. Moreover, for each level will be given its projection on the individual. All designated horizons we will indicate rooted in them elements that contribute to the evocation of human manipulative spirit and support its existence. 64. 3.1 Cultural background manipulations Tips, tricks and intrigue - a very respected and worthy deeds of the gods, as evidenced by the traditions that have come down to us in the form of myths. Is probably not a coincidence that from the outset the ability to stealth and subterfuge was associated with intelligence and perfect possession of skills. So, Prometheus, to convince the Titans to use in the fight against Zeus not only brute force, but also the mind and cunning, was quite skilled in crafts, which, in violation of the prohibition of the host of Olympus, trained people. Wrath of Zeus in connection with the Promethean helping people was caused by the fact that they are living as well as the gods. Biblical story of original sin also grows up from a combination of cunning and claims to equalize with the gods: "Now the serpent was more crafty than any ... and said, wife ... open your eyes, and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. "[Genesis. 3, 1-5]. Hereinafter referred to as the Bible we find the conviction and punishment of Adam and Eve, especially, but not the serpent-tempter, adjust the whole story. Tales of all peoples and as key elements of intrigue often use lies, tricks, traps: Gingerbread Man was fraudulently eaten by a fox three out of the house to entice Cockerel until took with them. Ok, this is Fox - the embodiment of cunning. The plot of the famous fairy tale about Ivan Tsarevich and Wolf built on theft and forgery. First Ivan twice (!) Did not heed the instructions of the Wolf, tempted by wealth. If this manipulation on his part, it was a success: the third time Wolf went on their own to produce another gem - this time the princess. Wolf then in turn converted into a princess, the horse, to result in escape from those whom they of indemnity had to belong. Thus, Prince Ivan was also a wily intruder arrangements. Like a lot of fairy tales. Of course, there are many completely different, such as enlightened "Finist - Bright Falcon" or the gentle "Kroshechka-Havroshechka." Both these and others are a breeding ground from which listeners and readers selected each on its own ... J - 898 65 At least it is clear that the mythological and fabulous cultural background is not only characterized by favorable treatment to tricks and stratagems, but even raises promoted to the rank of their actions. Sometimes that is a good reason: the manipulation is still preferable than physical violence or direct coercion. But the main value - that value - is win, win, for

the sake of which all these tricks are invented. (In the previous chapter it was noted that the desire to win is one of the most important features of manipulation.) But not only the myths and tales form a stream from which people draw their inspiration manipulative. None of us has not remained aloof and paid tribute to the adventure of reading literature that teaches a young age to the romanticism of the struggle, instills the value of winning it. Impressionable teenage heart like as adventurous and passionate striving toward the goal for the sake of which sometimes seem to be acceptable by any means. Especially because of the characters used by means of traps and tricks, skill in their invention and execution take pride of place. To give just one example. How not to admire the ingenuity of Tom Sawyer, whose brilliant manipulation of his friends let him, not putting hands to whitewash the entire fence, and even buy a variety of securities for him trifles. That with the help of the simulation (like a magician or an actor) pleasure and inspiration in the work of which he himself seems routine to hit two goals at once. On the one hand, secured a comfortable position, protecting it from the ridicule of friends, that presented a painting of the fence, not as a job but as a creative exciting experience, "Do the boys every day goes to whitewash the fences?". On the other hand, aroused envy and interest to work with friends than achieved the main goal of manipulative - buddies wanted to do what Tom weighed. Subtlety in which he played, is in a different attitude to work and to the game: "The work is what we must do - says in the author's analysis of this episode, Mark Twain - a game is something that we are not obliged to do." And as soon as Ben - lervaya victim Tom - wanted to work, toza66 strengthen andbuild on the success started pretending to deny the request, fueling his desire. Mark Twain explains the action of the reception following the law, manage actions of men: "To an adult or a boy passionately want to have any thing, let this thing get to him perhaps more difficult." Thus, the author not only tells how to manipulate, but still and summarizes techniques used, probably to the fact that they can be transferred to other situations. I am far from being able to ascribe a writer striving to educate their young readers manipulation, I just wanted to show what kind of cultural content it broadcasts, reproducing - and that fixing - included in the flesh and blood people how to interact. Next in the series of manipulations, we find teachers prominent historical figures, cultural heroes, really (not fiction) existed and manage their affairs, to decide the fate of the world. Catch phrase, "nothing succeeds like success" - the ultimate expression of the logic of withdrawal liability, references to the fact that the end justifies the means. As a result, almost all human life is distributed between the peaks culture fairy tale, the legends, the adventure literature, the historical novels, that detectives. The interaction between the reading material and the reader like a ferry: the plot draws the reader, the reader himself is interested in him, and leaving at the time of the text carries elements of its content with you. In the course of the internal vibrations between mismatched values a person can be in a difficult situation decision. This, however, does not happen often, and in our everyday life, full of minor cases, quite easy to afford someone to beat ("think of it, a little bit cheated"). So we find two important "cultural acquisition" - Fight as a value and cunning as a sample of one of the possible means of waging it. Instead of tricks you can put manipulation - the essence of this change. Implicit slogan of "cunning can cheat you need to cheat - then win!" People not only accepted, but also widely used, communicated to automaticity, to mental habits, penetrates into the deepest sense base 3* 67 person, from then with great difficulty can be washed other values. Coerce such work under force is not for everyone. This is the first wormhole, the destructive role that the more powerful that is laid in the bed of life, which is responsible for the formation of the essential human qualities of love, compassion, a sense of the sacred unity of all people, foreboding cosmic destiny of mankind , unconditional acceptance of each other as an equal partner or associate themselves, cocreator. 3.2. Manipulative nature of society at the general cultural level, we had to deal with a generalized man as the bearer of his species-being, no matter what the quality of the latter he or broadcast. Otherwise we find content, moving attention to the social horizon of human existence. "One - for all and all - for one" - is a new logic of taking responsibility: not to the whole of humanity, or the Lord, but only to those "all", which belong to the "We". These "we" can be classes and races, territorial and national associations, professional and industrial community, observable groups and factions: the team, teams, crews, relatives, family, friends, and so on. N. Division into "us" and "other "means that in addition to universal values and more people look to the collective (national, class, clan) values-interests. As social group - by definition - are formed on the basis of common interests, the latter in each group are necessarily different from the interests of those "others" who do not belong to this "we." Consolidation community obeys the law "to unite, it is necessary to dissociate." Multiply it by the value of the struggle - we obtain a basis for hostility. "Other", "not as" not "we", "other" is now beginning to be correlated with their group interests - estimated! Others are seen through the prism of their own interests, as a means or an obstacle to their satisfaction. You can, 68, of course and compare with universal values, but these are already priced in terms of self-interest groups. It comes to their full devaluation as a universal human morality is presented as fiction ideologues hostile class, and their "values" are proclaimed as true. Each type of group proclaims its values and its requirements ... Which values prefer in a particular case, each person has to decide. It is noteworthy, however, that a variety of different values obtained support from the outside. Orientation to social or clan interests support the community itself - sets for its members the rules, regulations and laws governing decisions imposing sanctions for their violation. Universal values, as they are broadcast by the same communities, often distorted in favor of the interests of the latter. In a rebroadcast of them often disappear sacredness, Space Art and spirituality as such. In those cases, when they are mentioned, they are already "in service" - it is not worth as a means of political and ideological struggle of clans.

Identify with one or another group, a person is exposed to, in the words of CG Jung, [1994-6] "psychic inflation" - he was "blown up" to the size of the group, creating a kind of guide its normalizing effects. Becoming adept at "their" community, having his doctrine, a person removes a lot of advantages for themselves. Firstly, he discovers that much easier to live without the burden of responsibility that now lies almost entirely in the community, whose representative he is. The matter goes so far that in the interests of the community are allowed (by whom? These same community!) Even physically destroy other people - one of the legitimate (authorized by the community) the prerogatives of the employees of the power ministries. For these benefits, however, a person has to pay the loss of freedom and individuality. Secondly, a member of the community is reinforced for their self-esteem: in their eyes, he is what he is - a state party, industry, institution, firms 69 mu, social institution, and so on. n. their eyes a little - still need others to see the same thing. Hence the desire functionary prove its relevance to others. However, what has to be proved, by itself does not have value. Hence - the secret selfdeprecation, as identified with the group, he ceased to be a. Thus, the price of high-status tsenki - the loss of self-worth (pun and tautology here reflects what is going at the same time essential distortion of human nature). Thirdly, using the authority of the community functionary increases its capabilities (see. Para. 4.4.1.) impact on others to achieve their goals, meet the neurotic needs, and so on. n. (By the way, it is not too much for the acquisition of living in a society where the ability to combat elevated to the rank of merit.) is a good example of such a use of the power struggle bureaucratic red tape. Functionary has authority over any petitioner - this power given to him by post. To compensate for the force petitioner enlists the paper ("Without papers you - bug ..."), which symbolizes the presence of support from the state (or any other community, recognized by the state). With a man - no, a document, an application to which this man was, a bureaucrat will be considered as just "paper issued", then there is also a force (they have the right.) But as soon as the functionary leaves his job, he loses this force. Acute sense of helplessness (no one to help) and loneliness (resource potential is unknown to him) - the inevitable cost for access to a communal force (personality "utilities"). And fourthly, to be right (to do good) in the socio established framework actually easier : enough to join someone else's position, split someone's opinion, to take a collective decision. Feeling elbow, shoulder, support colleagues and friends, the general slogans, common ideology are magnificent external supports for any part of the soul of a man - for each part of its support. Pay as this comes the loss pristine integrity. 70 Thus, people pretty quickly mastering the rules of the game: to shift the responsibility, with the support and what he wants. This process occurs more easily than with a lot of different "we" are a way to identify people. Subjectively, it is strong, happy, happy life as long as his "I" do not move into a new sub-personality (polulichnost, chetvertlichnost etc.. Claim.) Subjectively take a different position, identify with a different opinion, will be ready for another solution .. . This is not about the blatant lack of principle, and the Ordinary of the mechanism of inclusion in society. To make sure, as far as these processes are active enough to sit in the company of friends and listen polvechera as during conversations are changing the views and positions of the same partiers. (Experimental fixation of such jumps between the mismatched positions internal clients in the process of psychotherapeutic work carried TP Yurchenko (1993).) At the same time, humanity needs to develop solid, having a personality and a liability nature. Therefore, the society - as their bundles on different "we" - worked out well and ways of confronting destructive tendencies irresponsibility, regulation and violence. Was found ways of cultivation (cultivation, creation, ascension), and for balance, the operation of such people. As clearly demonstrated CG Jung (1994-6, p. 207), such methods are the sacraments and insignia. With the help of the sacraments of initiation (sanctification sacralization) - premises rights in special position in relation to other people creates a barrier against the encroachments of collective identity. This chosen (and untouchable) loaded responsibility for all, giving as authority over them - can (and are expected to require) to set goals and lend themselves as tools, tools of the design leader. And to any counterclaim could just figure out who before him, the leader confer special marks of distinction - signals dissimilarity on the other, ordinary members of the community. Such is the nature of the sacred - is the secret of personality, the secret decision. As shown by G. Bateson, destroy this mystery - the PV 71 shatsya foundations of society. That is why the unauthorized disclosure of knowledge is punished Prometheus was chained to a rock, Adam was expelled from Paradise [Bateson and Bateson 1994, 90]. Coped with the problem in this way the cost of social stratification, the company also creates the necessary and sufficient conditions for full manipulation. On the one hand, the leader himself - a victim of manipulation by the crowd, which, arousing desire to dominate, it has taken on responsibility - trust! On the other hand, the leader pays the same coin, in its sole discretion disposing wards without devoting their (not trusting the mysteries) in the completeness of their designs. This is how a mutual interest in maintaining the confidentiality of influence: "Both sides are influenced initially misperceptions and try to solve the problem through internal mental manipulation in the outside world" [Grof, 1993, p. 443]. Each party considers himself the winner, while both of them are suffering from an imbalance in the distribution of responsibilities, from undue restrictions on freedom from humiliation and leveling. "This is a situation in which it is impossible to win, you can only lose; no matter who wins or which side is the moral judgment of history - a real solution to the problem is not given to any of the parties "[ibid]. described an illusion - not only in the number of human errors. Division of people into community gave rise to divergent difficulty understanding. In the perception of other people began to rely on their own criteria, ignoring the fact that differences in the foundations of the vision of peace between its members and other groups. Notable examples: cultural barriers between civilizations, illusory perception of representatives of primitive cultures, biased estimation of ethnic minorities and opposition groups, and so on. N. In other words, creating borders, mankind has created a foundation for errors of perception and understanding at the joints between the communities. Being interiorizirovannoy this problem in a

new light appeared as a problem of personality - "magnitude" as the problem of truth and falsity as perception and selfserve. 72 list the most important social "acquisition»: • reduction of degrees of freedom possessed by the citizens, restricting access spiritual resources; • abuse of personality: leveling, comparison, evaluation, exploitation; • encroachment on responsibility, which it is now possible to operate (manipulate): rent, assign, receive, transfer, distribute; • sanctioned exploitation of people - their use in the tool function as a means of achieving their goals are not; • construction of the rank of a customary norm of illusions and mutual deception. Fairness, it should be noted that while there are quite positive, attractive for people to purchase, which reflect the constructive side of sociality: • Improved certainty and certainty of individual perception, the availability of clear guidelines on how how to live and what to do make people's lives more stable and predictable; • removal of the burden of decision-making and the burden of responsibility with the ordinary citizens allowed to make more predictable and their behavior; • achieving standardization in the qualities of people allowed to increase the controllability of human resources, hence the efficiency of social production . 3.3.Interpersonal base Interpersonal relations- is the horizon of life, which are all prerequisites for the realization of the essential qualities of the person, such as the ability to love and compassion, a sense of kinship of, acceptance of the other as a unique and equal itself. This is also the level that is most responsible for the transmission of human values - culture itself comes to life in communion. On the same level found in weaving, confrontation or constructive dialogue human values and social interests of the person. 73 3.3.1. Interpersonalcommunity communicationetymologically refers to the actions of "get together", "united", "mate" (a set of form). Latin communico also means to connect, communicate, communicate. In the literature, communication (message, communication, means of communication) is used in the same sense as the Russian communication. However, the latter would correspond more precisely almost never occur intercourse, which means communication, intercourse (from diplomatic to sex), and etymologically can be deciphered as vzaimonapravlennost (inter-course), move toward, vzaimoperetekanie. Ukrainian stlku-vannya (communication) indicates the formation of the union (sshlki) - an association of interests, the creation of a new integrity. To him close in meaning the English communion, which is also translated as communication, but also ecclesiastical communion, confession, a group of people of the same religion. In the last three terms are felt echoes of the sacred (lat. Sacrum - the sacred) roots communication. Thus, the semantic field of the word communication contains three groups of values: 1) the merger, the union, the creation of community, a kind of integrity, 2)messaging, exchange of information, transfer of and anything,3) a counter-movement, interpenetration, often in a secret or intimate nature . to the conceptualization of each of them already have the necessary terms: respectively, contacts, relations and cooperation. Contact (psychological, interpersonal). Initial value (lat. Contactus - touch) points to touch, touching. Metaphorically contact can be described as a meeting, hugging, establishment of a common border between the two systems, connection to connect nodes, "psychological connectors." Functionality of contact is in the mutual acknowledgment of the communication partner of the existence of each other when I come to someone in touch I hereby certify (for myself and for him at the same time) the presence of my partner (to someone I touch!), whileudos74 toveryayus and their own existence. (This idea is familiar to many graduates of the Psychology Department of Moscow State University lectures AW Kharasch). Instrumental value of the contact is to create conditions for the transmission of information through communication channels. Importantly, between which parts of the inner world is contacted: deep or superficial, strictly personal (spiritual contact) or role-playing game (business contacts), sensory or semantic, and so on. N. - Depends on what kind of information can be transmitted. According to the type of contact and relationships are formed. Relationships (interpersonal). Default value - include, move something (of themselves in each other, from the other - a): ♦ The word "relationship" in the Russian language is a verbal noun (from the verb "to be"), the meaning of which is the action of the relationship. This action suggests that someone someone something relates ... But the specifics of this action is that the thing does not apply or object, and something ideal that can only live in the mind of the subject (presentation, evaluation, feeling , thought, and so on. d.). Therefore, you can carry only what is already his (or assigned) "[Smirnov, 1994, p. 6]. Functionality relationship is to ensure constant interpersonal communication through the continuous exchange of personally relevant information. The presence of such an exchange creates mutual dependence of people have come into contact with each other and shared responsibility for preserving the unity of the resulting dynamic, new community. Instrumental ratio - after the initial contact to fill specific information channels personally meaningful content. The latter is determined by the intention of the parties, their degree of coincidence, the specifics of the situation, and so on. N. Everyday usage features are in good agreement with this view. A particular relation to another person occurs at the moment of making contact (say "appeared ratio"). Further relations are gradually added (say "developed" or "did not work"), and then - set ("established between us warm relations").

75 use of "attitude" instead of "communication" or "communicative aspect of communication" allows you to animate lying behind latest metaphor telephone substantially drain it with the "perceptual side "and adding the communicative chain (on the site plan posts) human interests. "Communication" is impersonal, and "attitude" expressed interest and bias. Interaction (interpersonal). Means mutual (both sides) to invest effort, expressed as directed at each other actions (effects). As a result of the establishment of contact and content information channels with specific content formed a temporary system created by the joint efforts of people have come into contact, there is a need to ensure its stability . Maintaining the existence of a unique system is the essence of (function) interaction: the system lives until, firstly, there is a transfer of the contents on common channels of interaction, and secondly, set up a system of relations in the interests of the parties. Operational interaction just is a constant process of debugging compliance of the system with these interests. Each side seeks to communicate to satisfy their interests - this is the essence of unilateral action. But to the extent that while the other side is treated as equivalent, reciprocal (WHO) actions become mutually accountable parts of a process of interaction. Therefore, it is rooted in the interaction of the sacred roots of communication, not only the current generation of the symbolic one another (in contact), not only the interdependence and indivisibility of birth (in a relationship), but also the relative elevation of each other to a higher spiritual level of equivalence. Try to return once again to the semantic field concept of "dialogue" and to play a little with its sister words vzaimoperetekanie, movement towards - Connect, mating, communication, affection - the umbilical cord / placenta - lie, belong, the context (set of links) - unite, unity, community, to be part of - the sacrament / mystery - touch (contact), to join 76 community, integrity - integrity, expediency - to set goals, to heal (restore integrity) - to restore communication between the parts, comprehension, elevation - aspiration, movement forward, vzaimoperetekanie ... transitions between elements can change, set new semantic links, add new elements, but there is no recess - only opening new faces. It seems that here we are nearing the bottom of the semantic beyond which feel the breath of the dense semantic vacuum, the absolute value - the symbol of life. It can only be felt but can not catch the words. Based on the analysis of the semantic field of the word "communication", we have derived from it some of the basic concepts of the psychology of communication. But the main goal was to show that the essence of interpersonal relationships is the formation of the partners of the new system, in which there is an exchange of personal content. At the same time we are ready to have to point to the existence of a deep human need for union with another person, in the creation of the unity of H + you. We could bring it out of the lost symbiotic relationship with his mother. Or from the human need to confirm their existence. And the latter - from the state of abandonment in the world after leaving the womb of the mother. Or higher (deeper?) Bases. But there is no way to go into a similar rationale. We confine ourselves to an indication of the presence of a human need to communicate both the needs of the union, in conjunction with another you in a single community. 3.3.2. Deformation of communication need to communicate is the source of activity aimed at establishing and maintaining stable relationships with people. And where is the source, there is always someone to drop him. Indeed, this need is constantly "commissioned". Social relations with their emphasis on education communities offer people a wide range of tools to meet this need. Individual lives filled with clear everyday meaning, and society getsneistoschi77 my source of psychic powers - "energy of the masses." It was invented by a sufficient number of technologies such mutually beneficial exchange: recruitment, entertainment, social or political activity, and so on. N. Surprisingly, however, that the need to unite in this service was used for separation of people on the community. Perhaps this is why it has transformed (deformed), becoming the need for communion: firstly, it is not communication itself, but only an approximation to it, and secondly, there was an additional pair concept - excommunication. Very illustrative of this point of view a rite of passage, initiation, most clearly as widespread in primitive cultures. CG Jung believes that the initiation of a reorientation of human value to a new mother's womb [Jung 1994-6, p. 155]. Man as a «quasi modo genitus» (as if born again) is included in this new world. It is the exploitation of the primal feelings of affection for a more narrowly objectify her - rebind the person to a particular social community. Movement occurs, replacement new object of affection. Instead of "being together" appeared "to be included in the ...", that is owned by a certain group. And from there on to be "property" to obey. However, the more a person is drawn into a particular community, the better for him threat of loss of identity, which is inconsistent with the evolutionary requirement unique identity. Most important need for individualization is as strong and imperious, as the desire to bring together - equivalent to it. These two needs - to communicate (the union) and individualization (autonomy) - are two sides of the same process, balancing each other - mutual development of people to communicate in harmony with its essence - as a generic or individual. But this need - in individualization - also operated, as has been shown above. During the construction of a leader in his office, this need is the basis of his motivational readiness to take responsibility for others. For yet to become leaders, the same 78 should need to encourage people to strive to be a leader - a good motivation to ensure the selection process of the strongest and brightest leaders. The struggle for identity takes the form of the struggle for leadership. Of course, the need for individualization and performs its basic human and unikalnolichnostnuyu function. But the highlight is just lies in the fact that there is no requirement that the society would not have learned to exploit the benefit of specific groups of people. So we can briefly outline the nature of the deformation, which is subject to communication between people - deeply humanistic in nature - under the influence of discrimination (as lat. discrimino - distinguish, share) trends in society.

1. The first strain, certainly, it is necessary to recognize the use of people in the instrumental function by exploiting both the needs of the union, and the need for individualization. At the same time people are equalized (significance for the exploiter) with things, animals and so on. N. Intrinsic quality of human values are also converted to the tools and instruments of repression and subjugation of people pribiraniya them to the hands and domestication, bringing to .., for fixing. .. etc.. 2. Artificial (unnatural) separation requirements for the integration and individualization, exaggerated unilateral use them. On the one hand, the union without individualization leads to intra-unification, hypertrophic interpersonal identification of members of the group together. On the other hand, the individualization of the group, and not a man - what a paradox deprives its members a sense of universal community, which leads to an artificial opposition between members of different groups. And the very desire for individualization of individuals and groups is elevated to a leading management tools: * divide and conquer. "3.3.3.Manipulative evasion We found that at the interpersonal level in live communication are reflected two trends. The first - a common human - is a synthetic weaving aspirations to unite people on the basis of intimate relatives 79-OPERATION "I - Thou" and personal aspirations towards individualization, self-actualization. Together, they form two sides of a deep full communication between people on the basis of mutual recognition of equivalence and uniqueness of each other. This tendency is opposed (and complementary to) another trend - social, pragmatically oriented to the use of man and his essential powers as a means to meet the interests of the communities. From this it follows that the interpersonal relationships of people based "on two self-contradictory principles, which can be described as grammatically "I - you" and "I - he (it)." In a relationship type "I - it" is another human in appearance contrasted empirical being defined through a set of specific properties and qualities. These qualities can be known, appreciated ... and used to their advantage. In a relationship, "I - you" another principle is not reducible to some finite, certain characteristics, he was involved in the subject, is fused with it from the inside; it can only be the subject of communication and treatment. These two principles can not exist in a pure form, they are constantly flow into one another. It is obvious that people can not live without the knowledge and the use of others, but at the same time, human relations can not be reduced only to this or any other specific functions "[Smirnov, 1994, p. 10]. These trends form a scale relationship in which one pole is given by the ratio to the other as a value in itself, and the other - the relation to the person as a way to satisfy their own interests. "Our thinking and our practice, not technical, and moral (ie our responsible actions) committed between two limits: the relationship to things and relations to personality. Reification and personification. Some of our acts (cognitive and moral) tend to a limit of reification, will never reach other acts - the limit personalization to the end of it does not reach "[Bakhtin, 1979, p. 370-371]. Therefore, each person by virtue of this situation is the problem of choosing his own position, his own personal area on this scale relations. 80 Closer to subjective (personal) post - but it - is the position of "you come to me -human - and I appeal to you as a human. " In this phrase entered motto relations, which already contains a compromise between the personal and interest: a mutually beneficial exchange that should not like to have prices - humanity. Two key elements - the benefits and the price - those growths that provide the ability to "learn" the entire scale. Critical (sufficient) condition appears ready for a violation of the symmetry of the relationship between the benefits and costs (acquisition and card). It offers a distant prospect of movement in two directions: firstly, the increasing trend to build their own benefit, and secondly, the devaluation of humanity, the exchange is extremely large bills into smaller and their further fragmentation. Accordingly, for the greater benefit is required to pay more - a huge number of small coins. And as you know, "carrots forever is not enough at all," which leads to competition - the desire to beat someone who could be called a partner, but now gets the status of an opponent. Throw in a little quite understandable emotions - get the hostility. Well, here's the really all good: not only obvious, but the secret is not only fair, but also treacherous. Manipulation occurs at the stage when opened to beat the opponent is no longer possible, and completely suppress not yet possible. For completeness, we can describe how these trends are triggered at the level of mechanisms of formation of the installation on the use of tricks and gimmicks in interpersonal relations. Do it for two processes - aktualgeneza and ontogenesis. At the level aktualgeneza such installation occurs when two conditions are met. The first is collision of conflicting aspirations, one of which lies outside of the individual. This can be either a conflict aspirations of different people, or the conflict between desire and social (or cultural) norm. In the first case we are talking about the contradictions such as: "I want to make one, and he - the other", "I want to do something, but he resists," "I intend to make their own way, but he will not be happy." In the second case - the standard ratio of 81 to type I want - I can not, "I want everything to be in my opinion, but it will look different?", "I would have done, but it is not good", "Ineed> but for this punished, "that is universally accepted norms do not allow (or not a situation in which it is allowed). The second condition is to try to get the most wins in all directions at once. Instead of choosing between alternatives, instead of the weighted compromise (for something we always have to pay something) there is a child, any obligations not limited to, the desire to get something, and both at once (more than "paid" invested). Overall, this is a natural reaction, the evolutionary significance of which stems from polimotivirovannosti human behavior. It consists to find a common set of motives resulting in such an action, which would find its (at least partial) satisfaction of the greatest possible number of aspirations. In the present case, as in most others, as a general rule motivational integration man strives to find ways that allow both at the same time maximize the payoff: • to get what you want, but it looks good in terms of social norms,

• get what I want to, and at the same time to minimize the chances of anger (resentment, resentment, revenge, etc..) from their partner. As a result, there is a request for funds that can be used to solve such a simple problem. But for all the non-simplicity, it seems, it has successfully solved the children from an early age. Therefore it is natural on our part to consider also the ontogeny of readiness to manipulation. Without claiming to be complete reconstruction (only estimated and wearing tentative) indicate some of the factors likely to play a significant role in this process. The first of these factors - a sweet experience in managing adults, acquired at a very early age. Baby crying as a plea for help - one of the most striking examples of such controls. From the first moments of the life of my mother and other adults act in relation to the 82 helpless child in the instrumental function - serve as a means of satisfying their needs (need only voice file). Specialists (after all parents, as I understand it) distinguish "weeping-complaint, crying-demand, crying-freak, crying, frustration, anger, protest" [Kushnir, 1994, p. 19]. It is noted that the more often the mother responds to the baby's crying and satisfy his needs, the more likely the first loud cry is replaced by a specific pokrikivaniem [Isenina 1983]. Deep semantic fixing that type of relationship with other people is able to further update when a powerful emotional justification desire to lord it over and took possession. In this light, looks not surprising that passive arm (the one that emphasizes its weakness and inability to control) is more effective in handling than the active [Shostrom 1992]. A second factor can recognize the need to provide certainty and stability in the world, in particular make stable and predictable behavior of others. Uncertainty threatening the world makes demands not only to the child's ability to predict, but also his ability to structure the world. The intensity and scope of the struggle for peace stabilization grand and impressive. The very essence of consciousness - and after that, and the whole culture - in one of its functions is to stop the process, to cram it in the form of signs, concepts, patterns, habits, attitudes and so on. In this ambitious project on a convert on and child. It is necessary to receive the baby in the family, his behavior begin signifying, to interpret, to sum to one or another category. General installation adults relative to the child's behavior could be expressed by the motto: "Good behavior is that which is predictable." Of course, the fact that adults do with children, the children begin to do and adults - namely, to stabilize their behavior, make it predictable, and therefore, and manageable. Everything takes place in full accordance with the well-known formula of Vygotsky: first adult act on a child, then he uses the same techniques to influence others, and then to act on itself, as in the other. However, at 83 least partdevices invented independently. Apparently independent of the others invention ma-nipulyativnyh receptions the third factor involved in the ontogeny of manipulative. Thus, we see how interpersonal relationships are the scene of the collision, weave or a compromise between the subjective and objective attitude to man. Human values and social interests, often contradicting, come into close contact with each other and become a living human communication. All this makes high demands to everyone: this contradiction not only stands up to him as a social problem, but it is also one of the key problems of intrapersonal "own" I "person may also gravitate toward the pole reification or personification. It can be seen as a thing, as an object, as a set of specific qualities, which include social status, knowledge of their qualities, knowledge, the image that we want to create in others, an assessment of their own skills and abilities, and so on. D. At the same time, it can be integrated, irreducible to the parts directly related to being with other people, incomplete and not fully defined. As related to any relation to itself varies between these two limits, not reaching them to the end "[Smirnov, 1994, p. 11]. This internal conflict - the result of internalization of the entire system of interpersonal relationships, motivational software which are needed to join and individualization. 3.4. His name - Legion (manipulator in all of us) Among the individual sources of manipulation can be specified at least two: the neurotic needs and inertial processes (personality traits, habits, and so on. N.). Past have been substantially discussed in the previous section under the guise of the standard patterns of interpersonal influence. It remains for us to discuss only the neurotic needs. 84 PromanipulyativnyhThat list of reasons that were given in the beginning of this chapter, for the most part it consists of neurotic needs. It makes no sense to list them again - impossible to prove that someone's point of view, the most accurate description of the reasons why people resort to manipulation, as there is no need to prove that the best may be any of the possible views in a particular case. We confine our discussion to what processes implement the formation of such needs. Earlier we discussed in a sense external to the individual to sources manipulators-tive settings, here we are talking about a special kind of mochi-vative "self-service" - the reasons for manipulation are already No matter with whom and in what circumstances a person comes into contact. Neurotically split subject is closed on itself - now any situation psychologically it may be a situation of unmet need: in advanced cases, this turns out to each situation. For the satisfaction of his neurotic needs - basically unsatisfying because of its motivating part it has little depends on the situation - subjectively appear to have any valid means of Manipulative ... they seem to be far worse, and quite attractive. For the vast majority of the members of the human community, as has been shown, is characterized by partial, internal duality (Rastroenie, multiplicity). In order to understand the ways in which the multiplicity of personality can output to manipulative installation, as well as what processes are implemented intrapersonal dynamics in a manipulative effect, we need to make an additional theoretical basis for this thesis. In the following discussion I will proceed from the assumption that between external and internal, social and the individual is no clear boundary - only a continuous transition [Vygotsky; Leontiev H .; Modell 1984; Roberts 1987; Sarjveladze 1987]. Figuratively speaking, the "mental breath" (mutual change of internalization and Exte-riorizatsii) provides a continuous exchange of one and the 85

samecontent between subjects at different levels (mankind, state, group, individual, mental structures). Probably, this statement requires a more complete evidence. This can be done in a future publication. As long as we restrict ourselves to those preliminary set forth in this section. 3.4.1. Multiple nature of the individual First distinguishing subjects with which it has a baby, it is the source of subjective division of the universe through the "I" the outside world. And inside the "I", in addition, there is a division of the "I" - the mother of [Guntrip 1977; Modell 1984]. But as the full separation occurs not once, all division long time still vnutripsihiches Kimi. In addition, in the process of mirroring and modification reactions mother baby is formed annular flow interactions that begin interiori-ized: vneshneeffektornye units initially localized at the pole mother, are being phased out and sink inside, turn in the internal action. All this leads to the fact that the inner world of man in nature is of a multi, at least for such a description is warranted. Assertion that isolates the structural formation can be considered as subjects, is that they really do have the main features of the subject : are the sources and at the same time supports the activity. Despite the fact that during the period of widespread ideas neyrolingvisti-cal programming it seems almost self-evident; proposed statement, however, is based on the broader context of ideas. First, we should recall the presentation 3 Freud's personality structure and intrapersonal dynamics. At the "macro level" he proposed the concept of "It", "I", "super-ego", who were together in a relationship of interaction, it is similar to the attitude of the subject. Suffice it to recall their actions used: deterrence, struggle, exile, inducement, provocation, and so on. N. 86 even wider list of intrapersonal "leaders" was at the CG Jung: archetype, complex, anima, animus, persona, self, shadow. Even the "I" in analytical psychology is only one of the complexes (first among equals). All of them have a significant selfmotivating force. Jung says that "the complex with his characteristic energy tends to form as it were a separate little personality. He has some original body and a certain amount of their own physiology. Similar properties ... simply force us to speak of a certain willpower complex "[Jung, p. 47]. It is known that the strength of motivation on the part of the complex may be so large that it dominates their aspirations whole person - captures the right to control the behavior of a person. Original conceptual language Eric Berne also generated the idea of the multiplicative nature of the personality, the structural elements are the Parent, Adult and Child. Each element can then also be decomposed in the same way [Berne 1992, p. 161-169]. Incentive function bernovskih structural elements also not questioned. The same applies to the "dogs" in F. Pearl and patterns of Satir. Six-step reframing popular technique begins with a question to a certain sub-personalities of her desire to make contact with the ego. No less known technology psihosinteticheskoy integration is also considering sub-personalities as subjects with their own interests and aspirations. The same applies to the methods of Gestalt therapy. Above list is not exhaustive, but it gives an idea of how widespread the idea of motivating the role of personal substructures. Less otref-leksirovan question of their substrate - the actual carrier. Jung and E. Byrne talk about the brain or areas as the physiological basis of mental processes, without specifying their reasoning. Turning to the more shallow - and, apparently, the unit - a unit of all the motivational structures, namely, the motive, then the problem can get your satisfactory solution. Every single motif in turn 87 can be regarded as an independent "entity", as he is undoubtedly the source of activity and its substrate has the objective reality, which is correlated. (Of course, if the motive to determine as a matter of needs [Leontief 1975]). Relevant motive subject content being reflected, and thus internalized, forms the layer images (substrate literally means "lower layer"), on which is written a systemic quality - motive. In this interpretation, especially fresh definition looks Jungian complexes - a set of images, united by one affect. In the same row is remark VK Vilyunas [1990], that the emotions are the main actors in the psychic world, and the images - this is just a building material, from which emotion is collected various designs. Such a view on the processes of intrapersonal communication does not introduce radically new ideas but allows a common language to assimilate existing in various schools conceptual solutions that are close to his inner self. 3.4.2. Intrapersonal interaction extend the deployment declared at the beginning of this section of the thesis about the absence of a rigid boundary between an intra-governmental and interpersonal processes. Here we intend to show the presence of an ontological layer, in which the convention is visible distinction between them. The analysis finds a phenomena to better understand the processes by which produced interpersonal influence. As a model of the situation will take the process of working together the counselor and the client on the problem of the latter. What makes a psychotherapist at the request of the client, there is deliberate psychological impact on the psychological mechanisms are not different from the one that makes the manipulator. The laws are the same mentality, they are just used differently: in one case-: at the request of the client and in compliance with the environmental requirements in the other - the desire to bypass the destination, and in an effort to gain for themselves. How this is possible? How does an external figure gets access to the internal processes? 88 client - let's call him Victor - complained of psychological difficulties in situations where it falls some surprise. Is particularly concerned that such situations occur most frequently in his commercial work, particularly in transactions. Survey on substance of the complaint and follow-up showed the following customer. Firstly, Victor high "well conceived" mental processes - awareness and accountability volitional regulation. Second, failures occur at the stage mikrogeneza arbitrariness: in the first moments there is a psychological destabilization, which sometimes delayed up to 2 - 5 minutes enough time to make a mistake in the decision. Thirdly, a feature that "falls" in the form of surprise, is the psychological pressure, directed mainly at the structure of personality: self-esteem, aspirations, sense of support, dignity and so on. N.

Purpose of remedial work was to "deploy "mikrogenez to the macro level, to identify the cause of the failure and make the necessary changes to the internal strategy of the organization of mental activity. Of course, as it often happens in the immediate work of the so-called art lose their "classical" uniqueness - belonging to a breed of their school and begin to "cooperate" with each other. In this case, unfolding the folded strategies have occurred. First, the traditional request "remember one of those situations," then at least the traditional questions about what happened "before ...", "... while the" and "immediately after ...". Next we stopped at those points that looked like a possible contradictions and "launched" their details are already in the technique of Gestalt therapy: every craving (desire, stirring) given the status of sub-personalities (of the "I") and was one of the personifications of close client of people who then provides a private space in the room and the "right to vote" essentially the problems discussed. Since Victor was in the first dialogues made for several important findings, this technique very quickly moved to the "multilateral talks," and then in "four 89 rehstoronnee agreement" on the rules of interaction in stressful situations, that is, in one psihosinteticheskoy procedure. Along it turned out that the client decides not only the stated problem as busy recreating spiritual integrity: "I imagine a new" body "create." (Victor holds power view of the psyche, and went to a psychologist because "psychics do not trust even more than the psychologists'). Natural completion of the customer's work - folding and dive he created the psychological structure and patterns of interaction in the inner world, which was done one of the appropriate methods for this, building on the excellent ability to Victor visualization and transformation of images. Basic work on changing coping strategies in a difficult situation based on the following positions (here are only those that are relevant to the topic): 1. Internal problem solving strategy is the result of rolling (reduction vneshnedviga-enforcement units) and immersion (reducing the time to choose the necessary funds) activity, once mastered at the interpersonal level. 2. Internal strategy can be exteriorized so that it can be traced step by step. 3. Externalize outside (already observed) activity can be prostrukturirovana as interpersonal (intersubjective) interaction. 4. Obtained by simulating kvazimezhlichnostnoe interaction can be organized according to the rules adopted for training or remedial groups, aiming to optimize communication processes, improvement of sensitive and / or flexibility, interoperability, or the decision of other similar tasks. 5. What happened in the ontogeny of learning as a spontaneous and uncontrollable consciousness assignment may be at a faster pace done in the laboratory by targeted training and informed (through images) assimilation. 90 Thus, the technology of correctional work convincingly demonstrates that internal mental processes may well be of the nature, essentially coinciding with the intersubjective interaction. In other terms, this idea has been repeatedly raised in the literature. You can look at the inner world of the child and see an initial period of human life as intersubjectivity in fact: "Communication of affects can be a primary source of information regarding the inner world of the mother, as well as ... the real world and its dangers» [Modell 1984, p. 24]. Presence of an interaction between allocated psychoanalysis mental structures mentioned above. Not accidental transformation of these substructures E. Berne's "Child", "adult" and "parents" who have similar relationships with each other. What is happening to the "micro-level" between individual motivations, more reminiscent of intersubjective interaction: repression, neglect, isolation, identification, denial - the name alone psychological defenses speaks volumes. Dialogic nature of the human psyche repeatedly noted by several authors [Bakhtin 1979; Bibler 1990; Florenskaya 1991 and others.]. Very similar ideas are developed in the framework of the recently prevailing organizational direction, studying the processes of communication intralichnostnoy [Robert 1989]. In volume monograph deployed a broad front of research emanating mainly from communication theories. Here are some ideas to selectively: the content of "deep structure of intrapersonal communication processes" (in our terminology - substrate) are temporary measurement cycles, periods, rhythms [Bruneau 1989]; has multiple consciousness, part of which "communicate" with each other through the system of patterns, which are extracted from and projected on interpersonal interaction [Lippard-Justice 1989]; intrapersonal processes can be described in terms ranging from speech for yourself, inner speech, such an external call to a mental imagination and visualization, which can hold only a fraction of a second [Apple 1989]. 91 Thus, there appears possible in principle to represent the structure of man's inner world as a community of relatively independent hierarchical multi-level subjects, and intrapsychic processes as the interaction between these actors. Theoretical concepts in this form allow you to use the same order concepts, and possibly tools for the study of both social and psychological, as well as individual psychological problems, identifying both general psychological and psycho-laws. Already mentioned example of this is found in the practice of correctional transforming effects: therapeutic technique of transactional analysis makes a fundamental distinction between interpersonal relationships and intra-personal communication - transaction analysis equally applies to both levels. The same can be said about geshtalttetherapeutically techniques and psychosynthesis, which is well recognized approach to intersubjectivity intrapsychic problems. For the purposes of this paper the idea of structural and procedural similarity of interpersonal and intrapersonal levels intersubjective interaction becomes a theoretical basis for the description of the psychological mechanisms, in particular, the manipulative , impact. 3.4.3. The inner world of the robot arm and its victim Now we can describe the intrapersonal motive-wave background from which the figures stand manipulative. All listed as sources of manipulation simultaneously co-presence in each of us, forming intrapersonal levels, each of which makes its own contribution to the programming in the result of our behavior. These levels can be thought of as the levels of the "I". More accurate to say, as a point of reference, in which we usually find ourselves and to have to focus on a semantic territory. Each position includes their demands, their commitment, their interests.identical

92 tifitsiruyaswith taking a position, we take on these claims, liabilities, solidarizuemsya with interest. And believe it, "I have", "I need", "I want" and so on. N. Cultural "I" person presenting himself as a typical representative of the human race, as a carrier, and continuing the traditions that ensures the continuity of generations. In the deep layers of cultural identity, forming its archetypal foundation in direct contact and co-presence of the interpenetration of the values of love and cunning, compassion and control. Many social "I" reflect both relatedness to several groups of people. For example, I - boy, I - a schoolboy, I - Russian (further - the son of a professor, I live in Baku, in love with an unassailable beauty, learn two languages, fans of "Spartacus" ...). As a social being, a man carries a set of clan interests and aspirations - from state and class to family and dyad. Each of these little "I" included in the total fuss to achieve their private goals. By resolution of the general cultural Stealth added social support plan - set to fight: the desire to achieve its goal by all means, ignoring the interests of the partner, the attitude to it as a means. Human values are triggered mainly in relation to their "own". Extruded side of humanity, however, continue to live, giving unexpected (often exaggerated) bursts altruistic impulses, stormy love, inordinate affection And so on. N., Compensating for the stiffness of social reality. Interpersonal "I" defines what the person in the relationship with others: rubaha- male, discreet, "dashing rascal", "cool fists", "different from the others," "the right of all", and so on. n. Setting this or that "pictures for others' serves several purposes, such as proceeding of protective motives, unpredictable program behaviorothers-"I" Intrapersonal - is a many-voiced chorus of intentions, aspirations, desires, doubts, fears, hopes, and other motivators. Some of them comes from the neurotic needs: the desire to dominate, the desire secretly concentration 93 was checked, to assert themselves at the expense of another, and so on. N. Another part of the - of the highest human motives. Many other parties in the chorus sing incorporated followers of social needs. Thus, at each level, and each part has its own inside - private or partial - interests and aspirations. Polyphony of internal opinions contributes to the appearance of indecision certain extent, in the optimum range providing balanced solutions, their comprehensive (the benefit of the parties in abundance) examination. In addition, any part of it may be subject to impact - the target of attacks from the outside. Risk of being destabilized due to uncontrolled redundancy polyphony in these circumstances is very real. This explains the origin of the feeling of internal instability, anxiety, which at the optimum intensity generates a caution. If this optimum can not be reached, we have to choose from the possible tactics to protect the one that corresponds to the human soul mood. You can passively leave, put the palisade artificial barriers to disguise his weakness for this purpose-designed self-Obra-lows, do other dangerous non-hazardous: pliable, obedient, manageable - controlled. Most of these methods of protection to some extent involve the use of manipulative tricks, gimmicks, tricks, cheats, etc.. However, in the inner turmoil one of the sub-personalities again recalls the moral norms, obligations and liabilities - and it all starts from the beginning: people rushing through their real and ideal "I", worrying about unsinkable ship, which in itself is already an integer. Manipulation brings only temporary relief. But give it up ... One of the highlights of the inner world of the manipulator is that he himself is in a certain way a victim of manipulation. More precisely, it is the victim of "I", which manipulate the various sub-personalities. The whole book is L. Proto "Who's pulling your strings?" Is built on the basis of metaphors puppets controlled by the owner with the help of invisible threads of - strings. "What we had in mind for the puppeteer, is none other than theconstellations of 94 the energy in the unconscious, we are inclined to think, feel and react to predefined and repetitive ways» [Proto 1989, p. 21]. Among them, the author points out: "Ego", different types of "Baby" (all-powerful, Skoda-tion, playful, magical) "Parent" (bringing up, feeding, protecting, controlling) and "Manager" (svehrazvity and underdeveloped), then "Ugodnik", "Senior" and others. And that's just the ones that are easier to recognize, but them there are many more pale subpersonalities. Each part of the states of their rights and re1ulyarno grabs the reins of the "I" in their hands - is the role of puppeteer directing the external behavior and internal human activity. All this variety of aspirations at any one time is projected to actually perform these actions. Therefore, every action, no matter how simple it may seem, bears the stamp of the influence of the set as the actual and latent - yet powerfully acting that convincingly demonstrated the practice of psychoanalysis - motives. In action they find their resolution (or softening). Part aspirations right (even if not all) are satisfied in a particular action, making its contribution to the weight acts. Others are indirect or indirect ways, most of which involve pre-disidentification (it's not-I) or exclusion (it's not-my) with them. Already in converted form, they are partners, companions or enemies in the inner dialogue or struggle. Hence - the repression, isolation, projection, and so on. N. Overall psychological pattern is such that when there are difficulties in the work we resort to its Exterior-tion that unfolded debug it again. In the case of intrapersonal difficulties, this takes the form of externalization projection: in a person's environment are suitable persons to which you can "outweigh" one of his ambitions or aspirations involved in the conflict. "At a meeting of foreign (or communication) carried out the transfer (or ratio) of an existing, internal encountered on the other, a particular person" [Smirnov, 1994, p. 9-10]. The mechanism of projection is in the process of alienation of 95 disturbing part of the soul, rendering it outside, dissociation with it. The externalization of the problem is solved easily. Subjectively, it does get more comfortable, but it is necessary to pay for the interpersonal difficulties, which, in turn, again internalized - the cycle is closed ... The patterns of relationships are already internal domain. L. Proto highlights such internal communicating pair, as a good father - a dutiful daughter (Good Mother - Obedient Son), controlled by the parents - to resist Son / Daughter, Depressing Man - Free Woman and others. Between them place their troubles, which resulted in some of the positions are projected again (now at a new stage of relations) outside and the cycle repeats itself ...

In this kaleidoscope of mutual transformations between the characters, and mutually reciprocal interpersonal relations vnutrilich-of difference is no longer possible to say with one arm, and who the victim. Manipulators and their victims - they are one and the same people that are mutually pushed around each other, dig into each other in a mutual effort to utilize other to solve their own problems: each is needed for everyone. This - our universal deformation dependence. Only instead of the dependence of human and value we fall into the gun and technological dependence, as another is needed as a means as a tool. Noisy carnival masks - "persons" - turns into a complete illusion of life, if the participants identify themselves with the playable characters. And if the "I" is reduced only to the roles played by them, the illusion of self and turns. It is time to ask ourselves, 'Who am I am? "If the answer does not coincide with any of the exchangeable incarnation, then such a person there is no need to manipulate. But where is he - a man? * Origin of the word "person» - «per» (through), «sonus» (sound) - "that through which the sound passes," goes back to the design features of masks in ancient theater, whose mouth was made in the form of a funnel, amplifying the sound [Orlov, 1995]. 96 Thus, intrapersonal background manipulation - not so much internal plurality, as Non-integrality. Lack of self-center - the self - or ignoring the one hand, forcing people to obey their particulars (continuing to lose integrity), and on the other, making it vulnerable to intervention in order to capture one of its parts. As a result, the victim itself provokes the aggressor, just as abandoned unattended things become too attractive to thieves. 3.5. Technological requirements Not the least role in stimulating manipulation play a purely instrumental, often economic sense considerations. On a personal level, we discussed the contradiction between the intentions of partners in dialogue. On intrapersonal contradiction between internal motives (I want - I want to). It is appropriate to recall the discrepancy between desires and their (psychological) features ("I want to, but I can not"). Particularly noteworthy is the role of technological difficulties due to lack of sufficient quantity or quality required force to coerce: morality, social norms, power, influence of third parties, brute force, and so on. N. Extreme political option - "upper classes can not, the lower classes do not want to", " before waking people no manipulation (strictly speaking), and is a total suppression. While oppressed completely crushed by reality, there is no need to manipulate them »[Freire 1990, p. 145]. This is true not only in politics but also in interpersonal relations. We have seen that human culture offers a range of techniques that can be used very sparingly to achieve their own goals. Availability of samples of tools provides the temptation to use them to their destination, just as taken in hands hammer the child seeks to test its acquisition in practice. Elements of children "field" behavior, ousted from the arena of consciousness for a long time continue to influence Since 4 - 848 97 mortar adult. If more and social institutions offer legitimate ways to manipulate, then you need to be clearly not of this world, that such opportunities do not use it. How this can happen in the official positions we have seen in the example of a bureaucrat. But just as the leader and the masses are in a relationship of mutual exploitation, and any other official in his entering into a transaction with a person informal. A magnificent example of such a relationship leads E. Byrne in one of his examples [Byrne 1988, p. 126-129]. Ms. Black worked at the agency, which was engaged in the economic rehabilitation of the poor. This meant psychological assistance in finding and maintaining gainful employment. Having trained in the analysis of the games, she decided to rehabilitate the present customers for many years unsuccessfully looking for work. Spent with them analyze games that they played, adds pressure: if they do not find a job, she would ask them not to pay benefits. Several people immediately found a job, and some of them for the first time in several years. The chief of the Miss Black pointed out to her the inadmissibility of such conduct, as despite the fact that her former clients and found a job, they still were not "truly rehabilitated." Obviously, neither customers nor employees of the agency was not favorable to change anything: if a customer finds a job, he lost his guide, and the agency - client. Working effectively, the agency in the long term risk of becoming obsolete. Something similar is observed in our health care system: medicine is funded based on the number of hospital beds. Corollary is obvious - cost money will come the more, the more patients. Experienced patients feel that "doctors love them," and gradually become professionals in their field - are exemplary patients. During this state pays them a salary pension (not to be confused with a simple temporary disability benefits). But in order to receive it, you must pass a special qualifying examination - pass VTEK. (This profound metaphor borrowed from the arsenal of jokes AI Vovk). Such examples could be given a few: with repair services, college and university education, and so on. D. 98 Thus, at the technological level, at least two considerations contribute to manipulation. Firstly, have to cheat because it is impermissible to achieve roughly from person desired, and "in an amicable way," not everyone is able (in both senses of "can not"). And secondly, manipulation provokes sweet sensation available opportunity ("dike and I will try"). When there is a cultural resolution, social support, interpersonal patterns and inner desire, technological opportunity is a nice gift for the manipulator. Example 7: In the hospital a few men playing dominoes. Again approached Moscow, very cool swearing, says he saw the garbage of the human lung - probably thrown out of surgery. Next walked about the fact that we are here for the people do not believe, and that the local dogs are probably used to feast on human flesh. Five minutes later one of the players stood up, stretching, "I'll go for a walk." M. took his place, and he started playing laughed over how cleverly sent gullible simpleton to take a look in the trash, "I am pleased to play rather than watch the game." Forty minutes later a burst of laughter shook the hospital recreation, when returning from a walk former player suddenly, as if by accident, she said: "Maybe the dog has eaten ..."

It is interesting, however, that despite the complexity of motivational-light background, releasing himself from promanipulyativnye figures, the majority of people in the mind is represented mainly by the instrumental side of psychological tricks. Answering the questions of why people so often resorted to using psychological tricks, in particular to the manipulation of respondents give answers, "It's easier" (more than 70% of the responses contain such explanations), "In order not to strain himself or another" and so on. n. seems no coincidence that it is the technological side justification (excuse?) so well understood. In this context it is appropriate to recall one of nonmetaphorical values manipulation, is used in the technique: skill and dexterity in managing the levers and mechanisms, technological skills, object-oriented. In this - the apotheosis of the era of scientific and technological progress - can be manipulated to become all that 4* 99: you want things, people like things, the nature of a thing, mental qualities as things-tools, motivation, moral norms (which is required, and require ) even moral values ("no universal values - values have the class"). This awareness intertwined and responded immediately at all levels: from the cultural to the personal. 3.6. Place of manipulation in the system of human relations We have already noted the possibility of the location of all human actions along the value axis "relation to another as a value - the relation to the other as a means." Describe in more detail the content of the poles of this scale. 1. First pole - call it subjective - constitutes attitude to the partner in the interaction as a value. In this regard, we distinguish two aspects, moral and psychological. The first is to recognize the intrinsic value of the other person as a free and responsible, having the right to be as he is and wanting what he wants. Psychological consists of at least three things: motivational, cognitive and operationally. In motivational terms of setting the value of the other is specified in the desire to cooperate, to establish equal partnerships to jointly address emerging issues. In cognitive terms - the willingness to understand the other, the ability to decentered, to see the man in all his polysyllabic, uniqueness, variability. The operational plan is characterized by the installation of dialogue and cooperation. 2. The second pole - object - is characterized by the ratio of the partner in dialogue as a means, an object. In moral terms, it is embodied in relation to another as a tool for achieving their goals: need - to attract, is not necessary - move, interfere - remove (up to the physical destruction). Admissibility (moral justification) of this attitude is based, firstly, on the devaluation of the person, and secondly, on the basis of belief in inequality (in values, rights, and costs) of the people, and thirdly, on the feeling 100 of superiority overother anything, reaching the feeling of exclusivity. In terms of motive Zion relation to the other as an object is specified in the desire to possess, dispose of it, the desire to obtain unilateral advantage, be sure to succeed. In cognitive terms of object position is manifested in self-centeredness - a misunderstanding of the other, there is no attempt to see the situation through his eyes, in a simplified, one-sided view of its partner, the use of stereotypes, commonplaces judgments about it. In an operational plan - a reliance on one-pointedness of exposure, it monologichnost using standard conventional automatic methods. Most cases of interaction between people are not on any of the above poles. In pure object-relationship appears infrequently, because, firstly, is a moral judgment on the part of others, and secondly, often technologically feasible, since it is necessary to reckon with the resistance of the recipient's exposure to defending their right to subjectivity. Designated pole in its intertwining create forcefield contrary tendencies. Continuum between the poles of subject and object relationship to the person - is the arena of man's struggle with himself for the implementation of their human nature, between people, but also - Hall of negotiations, the workplace and the festive table of humanity. Therefore, the greatest interest in the theoretical, applied and practical aspects is what is between the poles. To describe the mutual transitions between the poles on the axis of relations proposed to divide it into sections and give a meaningful description of each of them. For a basis we take the typology proposed by VN Sagatovsky and GA Kovalev. First proposed to distinguish the following levels: 1) manipulation - "one considers the subject of another as a means or an obstacle to the project of their activities, as the object of a special kind (" speaking instrument ")" and 2)"reflexive game" - "one subject in the project their activity allows for the "counter-" another entity, but does not recognize him self-worth and tends to "win"; 101 3) legal communication - "subjects recognize the right of existence of each other's projects, trying to reconcile them and produce binding rules interacting parties such agreement",4) moral chat - "subjects internally adopt a common project of mutual activity as a result of the voluntary coordination of projects activities each other "[Sagatovsky 1980, p. 84-86]. Proposed set of levels should be supplemented with another - at the object pole, because neither one of them is free of such phenomena, as an order, coercion, violence, threats, and so on. N. - What GA Kovalev [1987, 1989] calls the imperative action. As a result, we obtain a ratio scale containing five levels on the interaction of plants. SCALEinterpersonal

1 Dominationrelationships. relation to other things or as a means of achieving their goals, ignoring their interests and intentions. The desire to possess, dispose of, get unlimited unilateral advantage. Simplistic, one-sided vision of a different, stereotyped ideas about it. Open, without masking, imperative impact - from violence, oppression, domination to impose, suggestions, orders - using rough simple coercion. 2 Manipulation. Relationship with the partner in the interaction as "a special kind of thing" - the tendency of ignoringto 102 NIJ his interests and intentions. Striving to achieve its produced with an eye to the experience. Impact hidden, relying on automatisms and stereotypes involving more complex, indirect pressure. The most common methods of influence - a provocation, deception, intrigue, a hint. 3 Rivalry. Partner interactions are dangerous and unpredictable, with a force which is necessary not only considered, but which accounts already feared. The desire to beat him, "snatch" a unilateral advantage. If a manipulation based on a target masking effects and the fact of feedback, allows recognition of the competition effects, but still the goal is usually concealed. The interests of another are included to the extent that it is dictated by the objectives of combating it. Means of fighting may be certain types of "thin" manipulation, the alternation of open and closed methods of influence, "Gentleman" or temporary tactical agreements, and so on. Paragraph 4. Partnership. Relationship with the other as an equal, having the right to be as it is, with which to be reckoned. The desire to avoid the damage itself, revealing the purpose of the activity. Equal, but the cautious attitude, the harmonization of their interests and intentions, joint reflection. The main methods of influence - most have interaction - are based on the contract, which serves as a means to bring together, and means of exerting pressure (force element). 5 Commonwealth. Relationship with another person as a value in itself. The desire for unity, collaboration to achieve similar or identical purposes. The main tool of interaction is not a contract and agreement (consensus). From dominance to the community of the transition from the highly asymmetrical relationship when one entity has power over others, to equal, allowing combined together to solve problems. The same changes occur and with force: first, it rough and simple, aimed at / against the other, then it becomes more and more soft, subtle, even inspired. There is a joint force - a treaty that level of partnership, 103 is typically used to monitor each other (still pointing to the other), and then directed outward. The presence of joint forces the basis of combining entities in a single community. Proposed levels of relationships have a significant estimated load, but each level has its own contexts in which they may be adequate. GA Kovalev indicates that "the implementation of a peremptory strategy occurs most often where the people in power ... circumstances have limited ability to carry out self-selection of actions and decisions" [Kovalev, 1987, p. 43], for example, in extreme situations, under time pressure, when regulating the hierarchical relationships within military units. Roughly the same says E. Shostrom about manipulation. You can recall many situations in life in which manipulation is good insofar as raises communication from domination and violence to manipulation - in a sense, more humane treatment. The initiator of this translation may be not only a slave, and to tread, but the "Dominator". Many councils D. Carnegie designed precisely for the latter. In this sense, his work "How to Win Friends" (and in the original «win» - win) is an instruction on how to win with minimal losses for both sides. When G. Schiller puts manipulation below compulsion for moral reasons because its insidious, he essentially compares it with an open struggle (equivalent) of opponents. Sure, open competition - in this sense - is a great boon. However, it is possible that the transition to the level of competition occurs when the recipient ceases to be a manipulation of naive target and begins his counterplay. With his hand it is reflexive game. But as soon as the manipulator would guess that he exposed, their relationship becomes symmetric: both play, both are equal, and everyone is trying to extract from a one-sided rivalry benefit. But it could be otherwise. Recipient manipulation does hint or directly, more constructive, lets you know the manipulator that his position 104 and offersdiscloses an agreement so that none of the two will not hurt. This is the beginning of a partnership that is often higher the desired level in a business relationship. But also for interpersonal partnership is a significant improvement over the confrontation and rivalry. Premonition procurator, executive orhead of the secret guardians of Pontius Pilate, the procurator of Judea, praised Aphranius, head of the secret service for "huge contribution to the hard working" and promised to "report back to the in Rome. " Then it took about Judas of Kiriath: * - It is said that he - lowering his voice, he continued Procurator - if he had received the money for something that is so eagerly accepted at this mad philosopher. - Will - quietly corrected Pilate head of the secret service . - And there is great amount? - No one can know, hegemon.

- Even you? - Expressing his amazement compliment, said hegemon. - Alas, even I - calmly replied the guest - but that he would get the money tonight, I know that. His call today to the palace of Caiaphas. - Oh, greedy old man of Kiriath - smiling, said the procurator - he an old man ? - The Procurator is never wrong, but this time made a mistake - courtesy of the guest replied, - a man of Kiriath - young man. "Asyou can see, its already vast superiority over the subordinate status Procurator reinforces the promise to submit it for an award. In such cases, experienced slave's ears are accustomed to waiting for additional instructions ... Inquiring about the Judas of Kiriath, "... the procurator paused, looked around to see if anyone on the balcony, and then said quietly: - So here's the thing - I got information today that it will kill that night. guest here not only threw a glance at the procurator, but even a little detained him, and then replied: 105 - You, Procurator, too flatteringly about me. In my opinion, I do not deserve your report. I do not have this information. - You deserve the highest award - the procurator replied - but such details are available. - I dare to ask, from whom this information? - Allow me to say this has not yet, especially since they are random, obscure and uncertain. But I have to anticipate everything. That is my position, and above all I have to believe in his apprehension, because it has never lied to me. Reduction of the matter is that some of the secret friend Ha-perturbed monstrous betrayal of the moneychangers, conspires with his accomplices to kill him tonight, and the money received for his betrayal, throw the high priest with a note: * Returns the damn money! " Aphranius was necessary to understand the hidden meaning of the words of the procurator of the information obtained. Carefully looking at the owner of the palace, he began to investigate. First sentence checked is conceived not anything against him. Then tried to find out the source of the information. The combination of uncertainty in the first sentence and the Procurator-details-raising plan summary murder indicates a probable website design. Chief of the secret service still had to check the power imperiously contained a hint. * More of his unexpected views on the head of the secret service did not throw the hegemon and continued to listen to him, squinting, and Pilate went on: - Imagine pleased to be the high priest in the festive night to receive such a gift? - Not only nice - smiling, replied the guest - but I believe, Procurator, that it would cause a very big scandal. - And I am of the same opinion. That's why I'm asking you to do this thing, that is to take all measures to protect Judas of Kiriath. - The order will be executed hegemon - spoke Afra-tion, - but I must reassure the hegemon: the idea of villains is extremely difficult to perform. After all, just think - guest speaking, turned and went - to hunt down a man to kill, and even see how much got to manage to get the money back so high, all in one night? Today? - And yet it slaughtered today - stubbornly Pilate - I have a feeling, I tell you! There was no case 106 so that it deceived me - here spasm passed over the face of the procurator, and he rubbed his hands briskly. - Listening - dutifully responded Guest, rose, straightened up and suddenly asked sternly: - So slaughtered, hegemon? - Yes - Pilate replied, - and the only hope for your astounds all diligence. "ThenPilate said that once took from Aphranius money for alms to the poor."- Oh, Procurator, it is some kind of trifle! - And about trifles should be remembered. Here Pilate turned, lifted the cloak, lying on the chair behind him, pulled out from under him a leather bag and handed it to his guest. The man bowed, taking it, and put it under his cloak. - I'm waiting for said Pilate, - the report of the funeral, as well as in the case of Judas of Kiriath tonight, hear Aphranius today. Convoy is ordered to wake me up as soon as you appear. I'm waiting for you! "Whatwe are seeing in the episode, which is taken from the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov's" Master and Margarita ", in terms of the proposed scale of interpersonal relationships can be qualified as a contest. Partners are to some extent aligned to the force, because without the chief of the secret service Pilate did not carry out his plan, and order - to put yourself in a vulnerable in terms of loyalty to Caesar's position. Attempts to manipulate, no matter how thin it is held, is doomed to failure in the first place, because of the severity of the expected Aphranius action, and secondly, because of his experience on the part of the intrigue. Therefore, a balance between manipulation and competition produces something hybrid, in which the implicit rivalry connected with not quite the secret manipulation and supplemented rudiments Partnership (payment as part of the contractual relationship). Chapter 4 manipulative technologies Now we have to focus on the actions, which manifests itself in the manipulation and that characterize the activity of the manipulator in manipulative situations. Under the situation of (psychological), we mean a relatively stable for a certain period of time, a combination of intentions and of the terms of their implementation. Changing the psychological situation occurs either as a result of changing human intentions, any change in the conditions caused by the activity in it that person, other people or the objective circumstances. As part of the problem leading component range of intentions that determine the nature of the situation as manipulative, is manipulative intent. Realization of this goal leads to actions that will be called a manipulative attempt to influence or manipulative. Degree of success in manipulating a large extent depends on how wide arsenal of tools used by the manipulator psychological impact and how the manipulator flexible in their use. Presented below gives an overview of such funds approximate idea of their diversity. First, however, we will briefly take a look to the terms of the problems discussed in the literature on manipulation. It should be emphasized that the manipulation was subjected to detailed consideration mainly in political science papers.

* A meaningful distinction between manipulative attempt and successful manipulation done J.. Rudinovym [Rudinow 1978]. In general, it is consistent with common sense: a manipulative attempt is only an attempt to influence the recipient is hidden, it may be possible, but maybe not. In the latter case, by J.. Rudinovu, we have only attempted manipulation. 108 The overwhelming majority of the actual psychological research on this issue is devoted to applications or private aspects of the manipulative effects - review papers could not be found. Following the logic of the current course, we use the results of research on the manipulation of public consciousness (not limited, however, to) for production of concepts that can be applied to the level of interpersonal relations. 4.1. The main components of the manipulative influence in the process of familiarization with the literature on manipulation pretty soon found frequent repetition of the same as those in different combinations as keynotes included in the issues discussed by the authors problems. The combination of these topics can be reduced to several groups (listed "in order of frequency of mention): 1) manipulation of information, 2) concealing the manipulative influence, 3) the extent and means of coercion, force, 4) target feedback and 5) theme robotoobraznosti , machine-recipient similarity effects. 4.1.1. Targeted transformation of information all over the information produced by a variety of operations can be grouped into several parameters. misrepresentation varies from outright lies to partial deformation, such as the manipulation of facts or offset semantic field of the concept when, say , fighting for the rights of a minority served as the fight against the interests of the majority [Goodin, 1980]. L. Vaytkunene describing the features of image and stereotype as a means and mechanisms of psychological impact, notes that the image - it's specially made image, in which the "main not what is in reality, and what we want to see what we need "[Vaytkunene 1984, p. 65]. This image is the result of "distortion of individual phenomena of nature and social life" [ibid]. 109 Withholding information in the most complete form is shown in DefaultFormat - concealment of certain topics. Is more commonly used method of partial or selective coverage of the material [Cassirer 1990; Goodin 1980]. Method of information often plays a decisive role to the reported content was perceived necessary to its sender manner. For example, an abundance of information in the raw and / or unstructured form "allows you to fill air flows useless information even more difficult for the individual and the already desperate search for meaning" [Schiller 1980, p. 45]. Similarly, information filed in small portions, does not allow its effective use [Goodin 1980]. In both cases, however advance removed the reproach of concealment of any information. Closest to the actual manipulative effect, as it is understood in this paper, it is worth taking a special arrangement in which, as it suggests the recipient information on a quite definite conclusions. For example, in one series (category or section) are reported curiosities and someone's hunger strike. Considerable role played by the time of submitting the information. The most well-known technique - the show in the most (least) is convenient for the viewers time. Interested in receiving detailed parsed V X. Ricoeur. Depending on addition, the order in which questions are put to the vote or discuss items on the agenda meeting, the final outcome of the vote or discussion will be different because of the influence of prior discussion or vote on the next [Riker 1986]. Similar results were obtained in the experimental study of improving compliance to the requests of people after first performing a trifling request of the experimenter [Freedman 1966]. Another common technique - subliminal presentation ofinformation. Many examples of the use of subliminal techniques podrisovok in print advertising are described in [Key 1989]. Related reception in the auditory modality - Change the theme song to the soundtrack when the narration is served in the material on which it is necessary to draw the attention of the audience. Non-produced 110 freestyle audience reaction to replace the background increases the capacity of the channel is also meaningful. Most comprehensive review of information mainly methods of psychological influence is contained in the monograph of E. Gudina [Goodin 1980]. He describes, for example, "linguistic trap" - the implicit limitations on the content selected for transmission to the words or phrases, or the way the tradition of their use, "rhetorical tricks" symbolic rewards, rituals, and so on. D. Interesting is the classification, particularly receptions, occupying a leading position in the views of the author. They are grouped under the title "untruth." Their essence is to play the rational ignorance of people. The classification is based on the following "model of rational ignorance» [Goodin 1980, p. 38]: 1. Citizens have incomplete information. 2. Citizens know that they have incomplete information. 3. Expensive or require more information, or to obtain access to it. 4. The expected benefits of additional information are perceived as less valuable than the fee for it. Different strategies parasitic falsity of statements in the above model are reflected as combinatorial combination of the first position with each of the following. For example, the first position defines a lie as such, generated by intentional acts of the holder or the sender's information. Simultaneous combination of the first position to the second characterizes privacy as a legal method of concealment - the construction of it in a special rank restricted for public access. The combination of the first and third positions generates another strategy manipulation - overload message recipients by any parameter: cost for obtaining information on the costs of refining, and costs for its storage, to (not) the ability to use it and so on. N. ; as a result of the consumer himself is forced to give up its claim on such information. Advocacy is based on a combination of the first and fourth positions: it is important that people thought in111 formation they do not need, or that it is dangerous, or that it is too burdensome for them. The original model information interaction (messaging) proposed OT Yokoyama [Yokoyama 1988]. According to this model, partners enter into communion, already having a certain set of information known to both of them: the general

cultural baggage, the knowledge of the situation, some idea of the partner - all that in more familiar terms for psychologists might be called context information interaction. To communicate, however, the partners still need consistency on the subject of the current interaction. Playing with various combinatorial combinations of assumptions about the subject of the interaction on the part of each partner and the information that is transmitted openly, OT Yokoyama draws attention to the differences between the model such phenomena as lying, mistrust, joke, courtesy, tact, manipulation. It has been shown that all they "contain some of the untruth» [Yokoyama 1988, 149]. Sign manipulative influence the author considers the presence of double effect - namely, along with the spoken utterance sender impact has very specific expectations about the actions of the partner, but kakim- or reasons is not going to make them. This insidious effect is made with reliance on any content ("associated knowledge"), known for both partners, but not actually mentioned. For the success of the manipulation is essential that the presence of double effect is not aware of the addressee that he had no idea that the manipulator has built its calculation on this knowledge. Here is an example of manipulation, taken from the work cited. A: "I have a hard head hurt." In: "You go to bed earlier today, and I'll wash my dishes in the evening." Both of them know that today all And do the dishes, but And, speaking of his headache, hopes that in based on the understanding that "people with headache should be possible to more sleep," on its own initiative will work themselves, giving the possibility of A before going to bed. It is on this initiative and hopes And as directly ask about the service in the he does not want. 112 Politeness is different from manipulation by the fact that, firstly, the presence of indirect effects of partner is obliged to guess, and, secondly, the impact is conventional. For example, the question of man on city street, "I'm looking for ..." strictly speaking is not an issue, but only the message itself. But passer nevertheless realize that you really would like to know how to get there. Cycle, according to the OT Yokoyama, like courtesy, the mechanism is different from manipulation, but is used in order not to say out loud that can be frustrating for the partner. Related examples are cited by R. Conrad (1985), discussion of one of them will be given in the next chapter. 4.1.2. Hiding impact condemnation and debunking exposed secret nature manipulative influence. However, in the literature of-unreflected distinction between hiding the fact ma-nipulyativnogo impact, on the one hand, and the concealment of intentions manipulator - on the other. Nevertheless, the nature of the arguments such that the most it is carefully hidden intentions. As has been shown above, both types of manipulation constitute concealment. Schiller indicates how important purposeful creation of the myth of neutrality of social institutions in relation to the political forces. According to this myth, the main goal of public institutions - to serve the common good [Schiller 1980, p. 27]. It is necessary to disguise the purpose of manipulation, and ideally to make the fact of exposure unnoticed. In other cases, especially manipulative influence can be organized with the help of rituals and procedures, as masking the purpose of their organizers. Desire to keep secret the fact of the impact of technology has brought about subliminal effects [Key 1989] - as in the visual and auditory modalities. In this case, the problem is solved so drastically conceal that the presence of the impact can only be found with the help of special equipment. 113 It is important to note that not always the manipulator deliberately hides its purpose and the fact that the manipulative influence. Often it happens unconsciously and most paddle silently, "naive" de facto [Shostrom 1992; Lentz 1989; Robinson 1981; Yokoyama 1988]. In this case, the fact undoubtedly acquires a excusable morally group. However, technologically manipulator can extract from this - and again, the same inadvertently! - An additional prize - manipulative techniques in the naive version look more natural. 4.1.3. Means of coercion are often discussed topic - the nature of the use of force (power). As a rule, it is about the power of the power of political structures [Etzioni-Halevy 1979; Goodin 1980; Paine 1989; Riker 1986; Rosenberg- 1987; Winn 1983] or the media [Beniger 1987; Brown 1981; Goodin 1980; Paine 1989]. Discussed the degree of coercion coercive pressure [Schiller 1980; Davidhizar 1990; Goodin 1980], it irresistible [Rudinow 1978 Vilar in 1972], the methods of implicit or explicit coercion [Fromm 1989; Key 1989], background power pressure [Cassirer 1990; Shostrom 1992]. Applied to interpersonal impact through formal social structures discussed manifestation of strong or weak position. So, let's say, "righteous" position of strict chief practitioner total control or frequently resorting to an explicit use of its power (the preponderance of post) is regarded as a weak position [Lenz 1989, p. 12]. The same applies to subordinates: open confrontation on the part of the slave in relation to an officer means rather his weakness. Conversely, indirect intimidation or implicit (informal) abuse by a subordinate is a sign of weakness in the position of an officer - it means that the latter has made any mistake [ibid]. 4.1.4. Target effects most psihologichnoy theme is undoubtedly the problem of target manipulative influence. I use the 114 concept of "target" for the following reasons. On the one hand, this is a very popular term (target) in the English language literature on the psychological impact. However, it is often used to refer to an individual or even a group of people and less often - in relation to his mental formations, that is, the steady-term, it seems, is not. It seems to me relevant in the consideration of psychological mechanisms to use the term "target" to refer to those mental structures, which are influenced by the effects of the initiator regardless of whether he had such an intention or not. On the other hand, the concept of "target" in its semantic load very comfortable and as a metaphor - it's pretty succinctly and accurately below the developing views on the mechanisms of psychological impact. reproof In our literature is often subjected to the fact that the impact of construction, based on the baser instinct of man or his aggressive ambitions [Goodin 1980; Key 1989; Sheldon 1982]. These can be, for example, sex, sense of ownership, hostile attitude towards different from us (him), the instability of the temptations of power, money, fame, luxury, and so on.

N. Noted that, as a rule, manipulators exploit the desire, which is to operate smoothly: the need for security, food, a sense of community, and so on. n. [Vaytkunene 1984; Schiller 1980]. Manipulators with logic and obvious pattern can be seen clearly: the wider audience to which you want to have an impact, the more universal to be used by the target. Specialized and accurate orientation of mass effect is possible when the organizer of the impact of known specific .kachestva its interesting segment of the population or group of people. Accordingly, the narrower the intended audience, the better should be adaptive to its features. In cases where such an adjustment for any reason at all (expensive, once), run again are universal driving force, pride, the pursuit of pleasure, comfort, desire to have a family atmosphere, promotion, fame - quite accessible and understandable pain 115 majority of people value. If, however, at the same time something does not work, it can be seen as the inevitable cost of the initial savings. "Advanced" suggest ways to manipulate prefabrication opinions or desires, securing them in the mass consciousness, or separately presented a particular person, in order to could then be addressed to them [Vaytkunene 1984; Schiller 1980; Cassirer 1990]. For example, the creation myth of the caring president or respectability of the company, a partner in the belief that he wants to help, or that he was in danger. 4.1.5. Robotics Of particular note are the leitmotif of robotic, consists in the fact that people - objects manipulative treatment turn into puppets controlled by those in power with the help of "the threads" - media [Schiller 1980; Goodin 1980]. On the socialrole level, the dependence of the pressure subordinates organization transformation servants ... servants (from the word "servant») [Blegen 1989]. At the interpersonal level, attention is drawn to the existence of programmed actions in response to certain influences from the partners in dialogue [Fromm 1989; Gahagan 1984; Sheldon 1982]. To this range of problems may include a plurality of operations to explore and discuss the effects of the use of stereotypes of mass consciousness, individual habits. Besides the use of "ready-to-eat" programs stereotyped behavior, many authors point to efforts to unify manipulators ways of thinking, evaluation and response of large masses of people. Such programming is a common place for all types of social structure and looks universal rule, and even the law of human coexistence. As a result of these efforts lead to deindividuation and depersonalization of people, turn them into compliant object manipulation (no wonder the term "objects" is most often used in the analysis of such phenomena). 116 4.2. Preparatory efforts manipulator Just as general background manipulations are added in advance, the specific manipulative event also has some background to his deployment. In varying degrees, each manipulative attempt requires at least planning elements that translate into action in tuning to the peculiarities of the situation and / or destination of impact, and in an attempt to organize the situation and prepare a destination. 4.2.1. Contextual design Communication always happens somewhere, sometime, at some circumstances. Therefore, before considering the different "somehow", a look at the opportunities available in the arm for the organization of an environment conducive to the success of impact. Organization, or the selection of the terms of engagement is to control the "external" variables situation of interaction - physical environment, cultural and social contexts. Physical conditions - especially the environment, defining the situation ("decoration"), in which the communication takes place: the scene (in the working office, in the woods, on the street, in the classroom, in the car, in bed, in the kitchen, and so on. etc..) sensory palette (especially lighting, noise, hearing, temperature, smells, weather, etc..), interior (furniture placement, art style, freedom and nature of movement). Possible, for example, to dissipate attention at the right time will be different destination on the street or in the kitchen. Therefore, experienced manipulators so attentive to the conditions are well known ways to solve business problems in a domestic environment, special abilities provides field trips, and so on. N. Cultural background -. particular situation of communication defined by cultural sources: the language spoken by the people, how well they hold the sides, 117 national and local traditions, cultural norms governing the ways people harmonize their actions (expression, taboo topics or actions, "bad" gestures limits jokes ...); stereotypical perceptions and strategies to make judgments, significant prejudice and so on. social context - the set of variables of communication defined by certain groups of people (actual or contingent). Set of intersecting planes, which have to rely, we can roughly be divided into two levels. Makrosotsialnyi level determines the embeddedness of communicating in a broad context of social relations, phenomenologically sometimes difficult to be separated from the aforementioned cultural. Just as the latter includes a universally valid norms, widespread stereotypes and prejudices. The difference is that these requirements are more variable (less traditional) and carry an expression of the interests of a more delineated social communities. Self characteristic of this level playing noticeable dependence on the social group to belong to the partners in dialogue ("Sailor sailor flock together") . Equally important, in the framework of a group will be communication. It is obvious that the behavior of the interlocutor is expressed by different rules in the conditions of the student group and academic choir rehearsal. This layer is responsible for the creation and maintenance of well-known patterns of action, according to which people behave prescribed in certain role positions ("Merchant - even in Africa merchant "). mikrosotsialnoe level standard form social situations [Gahagan,1984]. Friendly party ranks. dinner, waiting in the waiting room at the doctor, had a brief conversation in the elevator conversations in the smoking room, the store queue in line for tickets to the cinema, meeting in a pub, business negotiations, an official meeting, visiting friends, a man and a woman in

bed, breakfast in a circle family at the weekend, breakfast with the family on a weekday - all samples social interaction situations. Such situations constitute a ready framework in which most of the events unfolding. 118 Structure of the social situation involves the allocation of roles, standard social role prescriptions (and mutual expectations), scene sequences, flexible rules and norms of relations. 1 Roles standard specifies the relationship between the parties involved : fellow travelers, negotiation partners, friends, lovers, the host and guests, etc.. Usually develops or happens, but it can also be selected specifically. 2. Generalized social role prescriptions (role scheme [Hayes 1993]) how should act a person who has taken a particular role position. They are the foundation and mutual expectations of each other. Are templates of action. 3 scenarios - standard sequences that in certain situations the usual accepted to play. Eric Berne proposed to distinguish between such ways of structuring time: • the rituals - "stereotyped series of simple additional transactions defined by external social factors" [Byrne 1988, p. 27], which can be both informal (greetings and farewells, exchange news, and so on. N.) And formal (church, government, military); • pastime - "a series of simple, poluritualnyh additional transactions, grouped around a single theme," [there , p. 31], is widely used at parties, and in all cases where it is necessary to pass the time; • games - "a series of consecutive hidden transactions with well-defined and predictable outcome ... in short, a series of moves, containing a trap, which -That trick "[ibid. 37]; games characterized by the presence of ulterior motives and winning; • intimacy that E. Byrne did not specify, but the context is open to each other and getting joy ("strokes") from the contact; • activities - some joint work in which people come together for the sake of achieve some common (or similar) objectives. 119 Along with the "universal" psychological scenarios social situations are also characterized by quite substantive scenarios "to the doctor" (complaints, inquiries, possibly procedure, recipe, recommendations), "a chance encounter with a friend» (surprise, questioning, a couple of topics for discussion, sending greetings, goodbye), "Lovers in bed" (...) and so on. paragraph 4. rules and regulations define thatspecific forms of relationships - is the result of coordination of interests and habits of partners that occurred during their dating [Social ... 1993, p. 24-33]. If the history of relations between these people is sufficiently large, the degree of coordination can block the social role-playing moments, not only to modify, but also to cancel their action. Giving partners to its relations of concrete forms is the process of formatting. Formatting capabilities to the greatest extent due to the flexibility of the rules that are established between specific people. Even if people are only now met, they immediately begin to adjust to each other, begin to develop the current rules. Combination of these variables that make up the communication conditions in relation to a single event, provide the touchpad is quite wide possibilities to increase the chances of success of their plans. This is important from the standpoint of these circumstances feature is that they all impose significant restrictions on the behavior, emotions and desires members even reduce the degree of freedom activity destination. In the fixed conditions of human behavior prediction accuracy increases significantly because the participants included in the situation, as a rule, good faith act out scenarios befit the occasion. Example 8of the party husband tells a story, simultaneously exposing his wife in a not very favorable the light. The story ends with the phrase: "Is not it, darling?" Wife agrees usually for one of two reasons: a) its own history in general is quite true; if she does not agree with some small details that may seem zanudlivym man; b) simply impolite to disagree with a man who has just publicly called you "dear" [Byrne 1988, p. 89]. 120 In this example, the wife dutifully takes down a shot of her husband, as guided by standards of conduct adopted by the parties for the participants - this clearly indicate the underlined words. Almost everyone can recall a case of his own, when he made a mistake or stupidity largely because to do something based on their interests, it was "out of place", "uncomfortable" or because "has been put in an impossible position "(more precisely, in the situation with the programmed output). Obviously, therefore, that the manipulator is important, the conditions in which to carry out an impact. If possible, the conditions are matched: sometimes made, formed, but more often simply used opportunity. Among the tasks that can be solved with the help of crane selection of the terms of engagement, we can distinguish two types. 1. Preparationsthesubstantive for impact, its security: increase the likelihood of the recipient of certain reactions; • change the state of destination, to increase the under-commitment to outside influence - as a rule, destabilize or increase suggestibility; • isolate, provide an opportunity to influence without interference, as well as the totality of the impact . • For example, "we can resolve this matter in an informal setting," "let's move, that we do not interfere," wait for the case where the destination will look awkward to use a festive carnival, which is allowed to say or do something that the other conditions condemned, and so on. n. 2 Conducting a major impact by the very creation of the standard social situation. example, to select (or create) the situation with the ratio of the roles that best suits manipulator - as did O. Bender while visiting home for the elderly: introduction fire inspector. 121 4.2.2. The choice of targets of influence in accordance with their intentions and the perception of people pointing more or less clearly is the kind of impact needed in a particular case. Each of these effects

involves some changes the destination corresponding to the interests of the manipulator. All the changes have a certain location in the psychic world of the addressee. This certainty grasped the concept of target effects. As already mentioned, under the psychological impact targets are those psychic structures, which are influenced by the initiator and the impact of that change direction with the goal of exposure. Is immaterial (for definition, of course), he understands the initiator on any "strings of the soul," he plays: the experience of the successful selection of an adequate means to achieve their own goals work enough in early childhood, when the reflexive capacity is not sufficient for its realization. T. Kabachenko S. (1986) as a means of classification methods of psychological influence proposed to distinguish three groups of targets of influence (in terms of the author - "mental formations") driving force activity, controls activity and mental states. To create a classification target the psychological impact of this list, I think, can be extended to include the cognitive structures and composition of the operational activities (both external and internal). The amended form of the psychological impact of target classification is as follows: 1. Driving force activity: needs, interests, aptitudes, ideals. 2. Regulators activity: sense, trust and operational installation, group norms, self-esteem, outlook, beliefs, beliefs. 3. Cognitive (information) structure: the knowledge of the world, people, information, which provide information of human activity. 122 4. The operational structure of: a way of thinking, style of behavior, habits, skills, qualifications. 5. Mental state: background, functional, emotional, and so. N. (However, in principle, there can also be different classification, based on which we can put the ontological strata found in the human psyche: sensory, emotional, symbolic, an operational, object, personal, spiritual, and others. then targets will be relevant mental education. In other problematic contexts, apparently, there are other possible targets.) Concept targets performs a heuristic role, for the suggestion that, how is the selection of appropriate goals means of psychological influence. Apparently, the idea initiator impact of what he wanted to achieve, translated into the language of ideas about what behavior (state, opinion, etc..) Recipient can bring it to the target. The more precisely these ideas, the better is its effect. Further, on the basis of their - usually unconscious, implicit - the theory of personality and knowledge about a particular destination, the manipulator is determined (albeit non-singular-known) with the target exposure. The latter then serve as a clue about what levers can be used in a particular case. Authors insist [cm., For example, Brown 1981; Zimbardo 1977] that each type of targets involves the use of techniques relevant to them feedback. It seems obvious, but many of the techniques are aimed at such a broad set of targets that an unambiguous correlation to these or other types of targets is very difficult. (However, such an attempt will still be made in the next chapter.) However, what is not possible in the scientific classification, more or less, but still a success, it is possible to almost every person since childhood. From the mechanism of formation and consolidation of habits, attitudes, and personality traits is created empirical classification 123 tions relating the problems with their corresponding means of solution. As a rule, it uses a few simple reason that just may be formulated in the language of the target exposure. Relatively low accuracy of these classifications is compensated firstly, the possibility of the current correction of their actions, and secondly, dexterity or subtlety in the implementation of specific techniques. Manipulator to achieve planned results not only uses the existing features of the person, but also strives to create a new more convenient, easily accessible and more effective target. Continuing to use the metaphor of pressing the buttons, we note that the manipulator, like any self-respecting wizard aims to make it the right device. Preparatory actions can be used by themselves and nemanipulyativnye techniques, but have the prospect of further use of the results obtained with manipulative purposes. If we use the above concepts, we are talking about making and implementation ("implantation", "sewing") of such targets, the destruction of which causes the desired effect of the manipulator. According to the classification, this means: 1 Preparation facialiator activity: needs, interests, aptitudes, and ideals - to encourage, to provoke, to direct. Example 9: A young couple like to retire, but the apartment is constantly busy juvenile nephew. Just to show the door it will not be easy. In such situations, as we know, the ability to markedly increased ingenuity, so bursting with youthful couple was not difficult to find a reason and make a point to his restless nephew for "bad" behavior. And then add: "We'll have to punish you today that no floodplain" desh walk. "In the boy immediately there is a desire to take a walk. He was beginning to inflate - insist on punishment, so stubborn small even louder wanted out. When he was obstinate: "I'll go!" - A pair of hypocritical "inferior" to him, reaching their cherished goal. In the above example clearly demonstrates situational production of actual desire to go for a walk. 124 2 Formation of the regulators of: semantic, task or operational units, group norms, self-esteem - to convince configure, inspire, and so on. N. For example, some parents are making significant efforts to develop a low or high self-esteem in your child, to relying on it, then send it to the favorites parents (family minidiktatorami) direction. 3: Create the necessary cognitive structures: worldview, belief, beliefs, knowledge - to educate, persuade, inform, inform. 4 Formation of the required composition of the operational activities: a way of thinking, behaviors, habits , skills, qualifications - to teach, vytreniro vat, house trained, to work. 5 Bringing in a certain mental state: destabilization, fatigue, impatience, uncritical, concentration, depression, confusion, indecision, and euphoria. Thus, the selection of target effects manipulator seeks to find such structures, "clicking" on which we can obtain a planned result. If, in his opinion, in finished form yet>: target not, in some cases, they are specially made - in advance or situationally. 4.2.3. Reaching

Every interpersonal communication involves communicating parties entry into contact. The general notion of contact, introduced above, captures only the fact of coming in contact with partners in dialogue. Meaningful disclosure of the nature of the contact, its specification, is to describe the types of contact. Even a simple list of phenomena gives an idea of what variety of threads connect us to each other. Bodily contact, forming the basis of metaphors touching, in its various manifestations, ranging from a light touch and stroking to violent hugs and kisses (but also from injections to blows too) . Contact as a bodily touching is hard to miss, you can only demonstratively 125 ignore(causing contact itself does not disappear). Other types of sensory input - visual and auditory - are characterized by the fact that control them somewhat easier by adjusting the establishment of contact: note or "miss", pay attention or not, and so on. N. A special role is played by eye contact. Emotional contact is empathy, perception of emotion partner as essential elements of the situation, the entry in the emotional resonance with the partner in communication. Alphanumeric contact form built on top of the touch, but in fact can not be reduced to them. You can see the gesture, but did not understand it due to ignorance, to hear the phrase, but not hear her: visual (auditory) contact is there, but the sign of contact did not happen. The operational contact involves understanding the meaning of the work performed by another person, the values used in this money supply effective feedback to him about it. An even higher level - substantive contact. appeal can be heard, but to understand or interpret it incorrectly: the touch, and contact was signed, but the subject - no. Specifying embedded in words (speech gesture) or action refers to the idea, subject, concept, interests. Decipher the parcel to reach the object message - is to understand what the points of the communication partner. Specifying, follow him - the same kind of contact, confirming the reality of the person giving this instruction. You can select the level of personal contact - an understanding of the individual meanings invested in them man's relationship to the subject, thoughts, actions, and so on. In everyday relationships, apparently rarely seen in full. form. spiritual contact is to combine high-meanings and values. These levels are addressed to different layers of the human psyche, in advance assuming their existence. At the contact of these layers are combined and updated with the same in the other partner, forming a joint contact field. Only through such integration of these layers are available for treatment. 126 special kind of contact is connection - such contact, which tends to maintain itself by virtue of a positive emotional, motivational or semantic relationship to it. The term "accession" is used in two linguistic forms almost terminology strict "adherence to ..." and choppy-unspecified "connection to ..." The first reflects more an indication of the means by which you are the very "connection to ... ", and the second - on something important for the recipient, joined with that, we come together with one common destination in the 'we'."Accession by ... "ismainly used in the paradigm of NLP, which differ: accession to body movements, gestures and mimicry (mirroring) for breathing, for eye movements, for predicates, on strategies for behavior. Here it is necessary to add a connection to emotional states that we inadvertently "shoot" the smile from his face, seeing that our interlocutor something sad. Various versions of"joining the ...» more prevalent in everyday discourse, "to join the intent," " to share interests, concerns, "" agree to participate "," join in the work. " They are built on the assumption that there is another wait, "Be with me, do the same as I do, do as I do." As for the assumption and expectation for you to view all the same need to unite in fellowship. In this case - to communicate about any subject of joint activities. However, accession can take place in a different way: one of the first updated communities, which belongs to the target (occupation, gender, age, hobbies ...), and already it produced communion. A typical example - these are the words of circulation "colleague", "countryman" (read: "you're just like me"). Modification: Treatment in the plural, "colleague", "men", "girl", etc.. Made so that it is clear that the speaker himself belongs to him ("I'm the same as you"). The meaning of these methods is the same as in the cry of the tales of Kipling: "We're the same blood." Quite often, bypassing the intermediate links, the source simply said "we" or "we are with you (with you)", which usually combines better than separate "me and you (you)." 127 There is no doubt that these techniques are not only manipulators. More often than not joining organized and occurs spontaneously, which indicates the effectiveness of community generated, the positive relation between partners. What techniques are used at the same time, the parties often do not suspect. Often, people do realize that they have "adjusted" to the other, "looking" approach, but even in these cases, the techniques themselves are not necessarily manipulative. Addition or adjustment is needed as an essential sostavlyuschaya communication process, without which it would be impossible in the least, no, whether for a long time to maintain a relationship. But despite the fact that in itself speaks joining the technical side of communication, even a subtle manipulator of these techniques is able to turn in their weapons: and not in the role of a preparatory or auxiliary means, and as the main reception. Example 10educational talks involving two teams. Tables are arranged U-shaped. Executives sitting in stolom"crossbar", and their team (3 people) - one against the other. At that stage, when the delegations exchanged arguments with respect to the important details of the agreement, K., the head of one of the teams - to apply the following tactics. When he said someone from the members of his team, he listened attentively. When the word took someone from the opponent's team, K. slightly leaning to his colleague, the head and quietly asked any question reference books. Systematic indirect distraction led to the creation of the players the impression that the command arguments K. were more powerful. The final text of the agreement as a result of more suit this particular team. As you can see, only one organized systematically weakening the positive attitude of the opposing team leader was able to affect the balance of power in negotiations.

4.3. Control variables interaction Since the establishment of contact between communicating parties formed a psychological interaction space. Like physical space, it has a 128 its topography and its measurement. Every event that happens in this area, someone from the partners initiated, organized in a specific way, and its development is directed somewhere - the event takes place between the partners in dialogue. To describe both the static states of psychological space interactions and changes that occur in it can be used the following concepts: the territory, distance, extension, initiative, vector, pace and pause. With these concepts, we can be analyzed and actions of the manipulator, to understand how he manages to influence events in accordance with their intentions. 4.3.1. Interpersonal space Specificity of psychological space is expressed in terms of territory, distance and extension, each of which reflects the different aspects of it, the management of which is an important part of the arsenal of psychological impact. Area - part of interpersonal space that one or other partner is committed. In accordance with the ontological strata of the human psyche, which is contacted, you can find them for a specific kind of psychological territory. On a kinesthetic level is the physical territory: an office, desktop, "own" half of the classroom table, snout under his feet in a crowded bus, and so on. N. [Pease 1992]. On the emotional - the right of "ownership" in the mood, the reaction - they are mine. At operational "my" work, individual way of its execution, its operating style. On the object - my thoughts ("I just spoke differently - not distort"), my occupation (all philatelists in this sense, are about the same area). On a personal - what is important to me ("do not go into the soul - not yours.") In the accession, as has been shown, the same type of mental formations are combined in the common fields, each of which are defined by their "own territory" and "no man's "zones. Any psychological impact inevitably means entering someone else's psychological 5 - 848 129 territory. The difference is that this entry may be the result of an invitation, forced entry or secret penetration. For manipulative effect is more common recently. Distance - a function of the interpersonal barriers standing in the way of making people. These obstacles may be external physical barriers, if they play a role equivalent psychological barriers: a table, a chair, crossed his arms, his legs crossed, and so on. G., Pause, stop, transfer the conversation to other topics. But often it is an obstacle or a spiritual sense. Barrier may be "closed" some ontological layer for accession. And within each of the joint fields - obstacles to penetrate the "private" area. Thus it appears that the complete reunification almost never happens, so there is always a distance. Extension - a term denoting the vertical component of the psychological interaction space. Reflects the relative "location" partners in dialogue. The most obvious examples are related to the role positions of the parties: the lord is always higher than the vassal, was emphasized (signified) ritual elevation, exaltation lord, "Your high-prevoskh-oditelstvo" and all similar words. This is one of the oldest methods of individual selection of the leader of the crowd. Therefore, one who seeks to dominate, occupies (or seeks to take) an extension on top, providing great opportunities to do so. Externally, the extension on top may look like a sermon, condemnation, advice, reprimand, noting treatment "you", "son", arrogant or patronizing tone, pat on the back, the desire to occupy a higher place, shaking hands, palm down, the views from the top down, and more other [see., for example, Nirenberg and Calero 1990; Pease 1992]. Symmetrical annexe top position - an extension from below, which means the tendency to submission and obedience. Manifested as a request, apology, excuse, guilty or ingratiating tone, bending the body, lowering the head and another demonstration of dependence and subordination [ibid]. 130 extension on equal - no extensions above or below, desire for cooperation, information exchange, competition; characterized narrative tone, questions and so on. n. Example 11 Girls (one for about 4 years, and the second - 6-7 years) play. During a brief pause in the game elder suddenly waved his hand: * Goodbye "- and pretends that he is going. The youngest was alarmed and starts to cry. Older returns: * Do not worry, I will not go, "- with pleasure in his voice calms younger. The game continues ... As you can see, the older girl already enjoys excellent management interpersonal space to establish themselves in their own "significance for the younger (or establish itself in her eyes) - imitation increase interpersonal distance from the threat of interruption of contact and return with an extension on. 4.3. 2 Initiative Initiative can be defined as the initial moment of interaction process control by one of the partners (opponents). This concept is used to denote the leading or guiding role of the latter in the process of communication. Speaking initiator of an event, partner exercises its right of initiative. doing so he simultaneously takes on the responsibility for this event. Perhaps it is due to a particularly close proximity initiative rights and responsibilities, it is one of the tools of interpersonal struggle. P. Ershov (1972) proposed to distinguish between ownership and disposition of the initiative. Possession - is open to take control of the process of communication. Own initiative really means to exercise their right (and opportunity) to run and manage events. Directive - the use of the right to decide who will now own initiative. Dispose - then allow or prohibit the possession of an initiative to provide such an opportunity, or select. It is obvious that the order provides one of the partners are ranked higher, providing additional opportunities. 5* 131 The man who owns the initiative, especially to dispose of it, has more opportunities to achieve their own goals. Naturally, the communicating parties are trying to take the initiative, which is to fight for it - the desire to take over, overcoming the resistance of the opponent. This struggle is expressed as follows: • to take the initiative, if its manifestation unopposed by a partner;

• seizing the initiative - a quick mastery of bypassing resistance partner; • use - holding hands, hold for a relatively long period of time; • transmission - voluntary action, cede, release from the initiative; • loss of initiative happening internally, as a loss, as a concession to an opponent. The list goes on: "wrest from the hands", "block", "away" and other resembling military action. However, the "give up" initiative - is also welcome, as can be seen from the following example. Example 12 In the initial period of operation of a commercial bank - in a super-profits and the euphoria of its leaders - one of his worker took a large loan for a year. And due to the term ends, but even the interest is not all paid. Bank manager is clear that the money will not give him an employee, simply it does not. However, no legal way - through the courts, nor rude - using bouncers he can not get a refund. The first way to ruin the reputation of a young bank, and the second can lead to loss of the specialist. A worker is well aware of the balance of power and, therefore, not to withdraw from the state leadership of indecision, prefers not to be reminded of its debt. Used her tactics of procrastination paid off - the bank soon went bankrupt and there is no need to pay duty. 4.3.3. Orientation effects The most important characteristic is the presence of the manipulative influence of sensible and latent exposure levels. Explicit level serves as a "legend" or "myth", masking the true intentions of the manipulator. Hidden 132 level is one in which the effects of a fact, and its aim carefully concealed from addressee. According to J.. D. Lenz hidden message occurs when a) it is necessary to pass more than one message, and b) one of them must remain secret [Lentz 1989, 16]. Having a double exposure as a characteristic of manipulation specifically emphasizes OT Yokoyama [Yokoyama, 1988], which in terms of its proposed model shows the process of masking the inevitability of manipulative intent, without which the manipulation is simply not take place. Insidious effect, however, is hidden from the recipient only psychologically. Phenomenally it is built into the story "legend" as a set of completely legal elements. They may look or as part of the legend (if sufficiently skilful manipulation), or as random inclusion, which usually do not pay attention. These elements are functionally "bait", which it hopes manipulator should "bite" destination. Example 13: Your partner in the conversation briefly mentioned something weakly related to the topic of discussion, in this case expressed doubt that you "then" behave properly led. It is very natural for you to immediately protest in an effort to prove their case. Meanwhile, the conversation has gone from threads in the discussion which you are interested in more than your partner. In this example, the legend is introduced as a kind of clarification, explanation, or a message in some relation to the topic of conversation, and the role played by baits criticism. Consequently, in a manipulative situation we find at least two flow impact from the manipulator. To say that they both focus on the destination - say the obvious thing. It is important to more accurately determine their direction and content specify the vector of exposure. Direction of the impact depends on the nature of solved subproblems. Their combination can be arbitrarily varied, but in a manipulative situation can always be allocated at least two groups of vectors: one is the main purpose of the relevant impacts, while the other is intended to ensure compliance of the recipient to the Mat 133 nipulyatsii. Thus, in the last example, the main goal - to turn the conversation to another topic. Related to her activity is directed to the selection and application of methods of distraction. Subtask - make it invisible to the recipient. Therefore, the manipulator is also worried about how to naturally and gently enter the legend. Sometimes almost all manipulative efforts are reduced to the "maintenance" of the main vector, as shown in the following example. Example 14 To head to the reception came to working with the complaint that it is up to still living in very poor conditions with his large family. Six months ago, the chief promised him to identify the apartment two or three, a maximum of four months. Realizing that this time the mere promise not to do, playing the head of the whole performance: is the deputy in charge of housing, the chairman of the trade union committee (it was a few years ago), and requires a report on what has been done on this issue. In the presence of working suits caused by noisy and requires separation to resolve the issue within one to two months. Sending them earnestly requests the worker to suffer a little more. Well here we see two directions of influence: the desire to gain time to implement this earlier promises and the introduction of a special procedure to improve compliance destination. The second task (support to function, but leading to expend effort), in turn, can be split into sub-tasks. Firstly, the Director must remove the responsibility for the wire, and secondly, to convince him on the side of the petitioner, and thirdly, to demonstrate that in fact the issue is taking specific measures and, fourthly, to give him hope for a speedy solution . Multivectorness impact thus defined by a desire for totality and diversity impacts targeted simultaneously at multiple targets mental destination. Related activity each subtask final link presumes a target - a kind of "button", clicking on which will lead to the expected result. Multidirectional second source of exposure (in the general case - all behavior) is polimotivirovan134 of human activities (AN Leontiev). Many sub who decides manipulator, relate not only to focus on the destination, but also problems of internal order, as discussed in Section 3.3.3. Both of these factors are the two sides of the same process the search means that with a minimum of actual costs give the maximum effect on the complex solution of vital problems. "Read" mosaic vectors in actual behavior can be the following features: direct verbal appeal to anyone turns the body, face, gaze direction, pointing gesture, as well as something that can be interpreted as an unconscious pointer equivalent pointing gesture - the orientation of the foot, elbow, objects in their hands, and so on. g. 4.3.4.dynamics By the dynamic characteristics of theof communication are primarily tempo, pauses and atmosphere. Under the rate of communication we mean the rate at which developing interpersonal events performed implement their actions. The fact

that the rate of interaction can make manipu-of cumulative means universally known, almost every student skit played out a scene in which the student is trying to snatch a cavalry charge at the teacher coveted rank. In the example below, the pace also acts as one of the main means of manipulative influence. Example 15: Start of the day. Runs be too late N. and threshold ("You have not listened to? ..") Begins to talk about the statement made by radio political leader. Colleagues to learn what had happened, began to discuss the rapidly brought the news. Head was also to be discussed include: as a regional deputy, he could not remain indifferent. The very same N. pretty soon ceased to participate in the conversation, and sat down at her desk. This example can be easily seen most of the manipulative effects mentioned components. Two-level: the level of explicit forms an 135 to listen to performances, which once laid "bait"; at the hidden layer NN tends to distract from the fact that the chief of his tardiness. Vectors: the impact of the relevant goals just described is implemented through automatism, but there is also one that is designed to ensure compliance to the chief of the main action. To do this, just apply a rapid pace and excited tone, rapid involvement in conversation the entire department (the impact to the head at the same time better disguised, and "warming up" the audience "warms up" and the head). Noteworthy as organically built a legend. Besides the fact that it distracts attention from the delay, NA also perfectly disguises its manipulative intent, let me tell you: "I just shared my experience." It also provides a hint that the hearing speeches on the radio - the reason for lateness to work N. (automatism thinking, "immediately after" means "because"). In a hint (induces an implicit inference) that thought just has the greatest force of impact. That can be used as a pause, can be seen from the following situation. Example 16 The headmaster said an elderly teacher F. that he faces a difficult problem. Issue of teachers in high school was held earlier than usual, in March, and the school of the school year arrived young teacher, who need a watch to the normal load. The question is, where to get them. Since we are talking about the same subject, that is, and F., it became clear to tend Director. She said nothing. Director began to talk about the crisis in the education system. F. slightly shrugged ... then we are talking about an age that does not allow a still intense. In the silence of AF was felt resentment. Director has just said that it is necessary to pass the new teacher of the load, so to ensure her earnings. And he adds: "You have to understand - because you have children at her age." Finally the director takes responsibility for obviously a long time decision and said that the school needs this homeroom, as next year will load bo'lypaya. So now he insists on the clock to be transferred, and in the next academic year will receive F. entirely two parallel, in order to make it easier to work with. 136 As is clear from the description, first with silence, the teacher forced the director to announce his decision already, not yielding to his manipulative ploy. Contrasting counter manipulation in this case is justified. And then with the same silence ("took a break - hold") managed a director promise for the future, designed to compensate for some loss of her earnings. 4.4. Information-force provision Just as in the general psychological level of consideration through-and ubiquitous mental processes are recognized as attention and memory, so in terms of interpersonal relationships through-and pervasive processes can be regarded as the use of force and the transfer of information. 4.4.1. Psychological pressure manipulator starts his actions, having some degree of certainty of success. This belief is embodied in an effort to create the necessary superiority of forces over a partner, allowing for-silit it. To describe this aspect of the relationship we use the concepts of strength and weakness. Define force as an advantage of one partner over the other on any impact parameter (qualification, position, possession of information, control of the situation and so on. D.). Having an advantage is often revealed only in the course of exposure - now as a use of force that does not negate the fact of its presence in a potential form. When someone has a certain advantage of TB in relation to many potential partners, he is spoken of "strong "(specialist character, spirit). Conversely, the person possessing any deficiencies, they say that he has a weakness, that is, it is not resistant to certain types of exposure. This subtlety of usage was marked P. Ershov [1972]. He also belongs to the description of the three types of forces (benefits)partners 137 in communication. He identifies position, dynamic, and business benefits. The bases of classification were not discussed by the author. Accordingly basis, I think, can be a source by which to produce an advantage. Augmented classification of forces takes the following form. Own forces - the actor comes only from what he has at the moment of impact; set some of the benefits almost always is with him: 1) status: role position, position, and age,2)business: qualifications, arguments, abilities and knowledge. Borrowed (or borrowed) forces - the advantages in the creation of which an important role is played by other persons usually important in situations not provided (although it is not excluded) 3)representative support - reliance on force or specific enough to certain third parties, it is known "other": "I'm from Nikolai Nikolaevich," "not for myself because try - for the team and ",4) conventional advantage - reliance on the power of the generalized" other "on the general requirements: behavioral norms, traditions, values, morality, and so on. d. example, the often-used method - an appeal to the audience, in various embodiments, relying for different types of debt forces: "Yes,you see," "citizens conceivable ..." Procedural forces - benefits that are derived from the process of interaction with a partner: 5) the dynamic forces: the pace, pause, and

initiative,6) the positional advantages - operation of the emotional tone of previous or current relationship: reliance on a good relationship, harping hatred, mistrust, admiration, and so on. n. 7) agreement - the result of cooperative agreements, containing a legal, moral or rational force. Example 17. During the lesson Valera takes Kolya book. The latter can not defend themselves, so starts complaining loud enough to hear the teacher. Able to defend the book, but now a new problem - a teacher, not understanding, relative 138 used to read both and puts them on the "unity." A few minutes later Nick raises his hand, good answers and the teacher corrects the "one" to "four." In this case, Cole had to borrow status force the teacher to cope with the physically stronger Valera. Right to ask for help, he could not, so as not to look like a sneak (pecuniary loss), so I went to a breach of discipline, fair hoping to draw attention to these teachers. It had to pay for a new nuisance. But now, changing the kind of strength a positional (and saving annex below), he managed to appease the teacher and correct evaluation. Weaknesses partner - the power extracted from the mental characteristics of the partner in the interaction: Sensitivity to praise, a strong love for children, a desire to lead people, pride in the fact that he had fought in Afghanistan, short temper, silence and others.Example 13 (paragraph. 4.3.3.) is available to receive my winnings by controlling the dynamics of the conversation: the introduction of new topics and shifting attention of the addressee. Example 14 (n. 4.3.3.) Picture is more complicated. First used the work force of the former arrangement. Chief, seized the initiative, took advantage of his status to shift the responsibility to others, and this eased the pressure on the part of the visitor. As a result, worker, came as a claimant, went as a suppliant, because, deprived of the benefits of the treaty violator, now forced to submit to status advantage of his superior. Example 18 The girl was 6 years, parents have limited food, from which fattening. As a countermeasure, she invented the roundabout way of getting sweets. After lunch, introduced the tradition of staying up without a mother. Patiently waiting for when my mother is asleep, quietly walked into the kitchen and made stocks that hide in the nooks of the house. And then during the day as needed and got out with the pleasure of enjoying them [Robinson 1981, p. 46]. In this case, a manipulative technique was completed by only one "weakness" mom - fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly. In all other respects - a simple concealment or false. 139 4.4.2. Information design Undoubtedly, information level, which now will be discussed, is logically lower in relation to those that have been discussed above. But it is a realization (embodiment) of the variables of a higher order: the organization of the interaction space, access to the target exposure, provision of psychological pressure, programming, etc.. Moreover, subtlety "arrangements" psychological impact, particularly manipulative, to the greatest extent it depends the skill of the actor in the use of means of communication - both verbal and non-verbal. Arsenal of such funds is very broad and can hardly even be briefly described in terms of a short review. Here are just some of the materials from the literature (mainly linguistic) as an illustration of these funds. (I took the liberty in some cases change the layout means and to reformulate specific examples.) In the work of TM Nikolaeva [1985] specify techniques skimping on information in order to provide psychological, including manipulative, pressure on the interlocutor. (In these examples the underlined words that carry the main burden of such effects): 1) "universal statements", which in principle can not be checked, but because they are non-negotiable; for example, "All men are bastards", "The Wise Man Stumbles", 2)generalization (generalization advanced): • classes of people: "The work here for half an hour. But they are old ".- hidden generalization:" The old men are not able to quickly perform even light work »; • Time:" always "," always "," forever and ",3) an implicit indication as to generally accepted norms," You even the door is not closed for "pushing stronger than a simple imperative:" Close the door "; 4) Disguise presuppositions:" In spite of their relationship, they still sent along on a business trip "- it says:" They "are" relations "; or another example: 140 "He not does speak English! He's got a bad pronunciation! "5)indefinite reference code:" The Institute believe ... "," Some say ... "," They say that ... "indefinite" they ",6) multiplication operations, action names, situations, "There are all sorts of here ..." (someone was), "Because of what you are fired chief accountant?" (in fact a dismissal), "Oh, these psychologists me" (in the address one of us), and many others; 7) "communicative sabotage" in which previous replica is ignored, and in response introduce new content, "I can you pay for the product?" - "Are you not read the ads?" " Tell me how to get to Deribas-ical? "-" And what do you need it? "" Look, I painted yesterday, ".-" You go to the boss tomorrow? "(conclusion is that painted for the boss). This method contains improvisation E. Poirot - character story by Christi "in alphabetical order." When he entered the house, adjacent to where the crime was committed, the hostess greeted him with the phrase, the equivalent of our "There are all sorts of here." Replica Poirot, "I brought you 5 pounds for the note you prodiktuete for our newspaper" - provided, of course, a magical effect, instantly turning the absurd into a woman interested witness. Elsewhere [Sentenberg, Karasik, 1993], we find the following methods, in terms of authors, "the voice manipulation": 1) ambiguity: "Will try to get your candy" - then we can say that the efforts were not enough; this method rather could be described as fuzziness criterion

2)replacement of the actor: "History will not forgive us ...", "As we are now feeling?" - in the last phrase still feels good and psychological dependance on and top,3) the substitution neutral concepts of emotional and evaluative correlates and vice versa, "second-hand goods" instead of "the things that were in use," reversibility "spy" - "Scout" and so forth. 141 4) a false analogy: "Volvo: The car for people who think" - as if all the other cars made for those whose foreheads are not burdened with the and thought,5) a case switch: "Well, as you talk with the dean?" - "Why do you have such a tone?" This technique is reminiscent of the already mentioned "communicative sabotage." The authors suggest that "As a rule, the manipulators fear that their social status is not high enough, and therefore seek to artificially boost its claims the right to teach and have a particularly significant information" [Saint-Rothenberg, Karasik 1993, 32]. Anyone who is familiar with the elements of transformational grammar, become popular among psychologists through the work of R. Bandler and John. Grinder and their employees. (See, for example, [Bandler, Grinder, 1993]), easy to remember, and other similar means of the above information thin tapering psychological impact. In this sense, revealing, for example, as follows: 1) The presuppositions - implicit assumptions incorporated in the information exchange linguistic means: "As you know, I can not do that" - implying, "You are all you know" imposed partner for granted; 2 ) the omission of the "clear and obvious": "Will you go with us?" - "Where do I go ..." - an obvious hint of and coercion,3) the modal operators of obligation and opportunity, "ShouldI think if it is necessary to survive?" "Guys have to be patient,""It is impossible to know when you're joking" and so on. n. NLP technology is no coincidence that many psychologists are perceived as vysokomanipulyativnye. Although it is, of course, not the means, and their use knives all the kitchens are, but they become an instrument of crime is rare and is not due to the high prevalence. In the psychological literature there are also examples of information techniques. For example, the phrase "You know what I mean," or "You realize, of course," you can create the illusion of understanding, and then dolinks 142 to this conversation, interpreting the subject of understanding in accordance with their interests [Lentz 1989, p. 37]. Russian example of the use of information found in the speech of phantoms O. Bender at the first meeting of the "Union of the sword and ploughshare»: ♦ Citizens life dictates its own laws and cruel laws. I will not tell you about the purpose of our meeting - you know it. Holy Purpose. Everywhere we hear the groans ... "Aworthy place should be given psychological tricks children and adolescents. One of the standard - a reference to uncertain parents: "Other parents allow ...» [Robinson 1981]. To verify such statements guess not every parent's children and their use. More rigorous method - comparison with a particular parent: "Kolya father always buys ..." In experimental studies in social psychology revealed a lot of dependencies that make up the "golden fund" manipulators. They relate to methods and time of application information, conditions of its presentation, and so on. N. [Brock 1966; Zimbardo 1977; Donaldson 1980; Exline at all in 1970; O'Connor 1990]. Example: "The effectiveness of the device increases when he first expresses opinions, views of relevant audience ... represents one side of the argument, if the audience is friendly in general, or if only given your position, or if you need a direct, albeit and temporary effect. Present both sides of the argument, if the audience did not agree with you, or there is a chance that the audience will hear the opposite judgment of someone else. If opposing views are presented one after the other, the one that contains the last will probably be more effective ... Warning audience focus on manipulative statements increases the resistance to it, while the presence of interference, supplied in parallel with the message, reduces the resistance. »[Zimbardo 1977, p. 20-22]. Another class of techniques that can also be attributed to the information - the simultaneous filing of conflicting messages. For example, the contradiction between 143 words and intonation. Destination to choose, to respond to a message. What would the reaction was, manipulator can always argue that meant nothing. The contradiction may be between the words and the situation: "I will not take your time its empty problem" - the statement made after you got involved in her decision, leaves you in an awkward position. If you recognize the problem worthless, then so will own and works to resolve it. If the problem is still considered important, instead of its decisions have to deal with the issue of her relationship to her carrier. In any case, you find yourself in the position of "go right - not snesesh head, go to the left - you will lose a life." In the following example, the reception of chess fork is designed so that organizes a significant psychological pressure on the addressee. Example 19 In the presence of fellow X begins to speak have something not very nice about his qualifications, and then, as if recollecting himself, stopped, "Sorry, it's not at of all. " We have to choose: a) or to insist, "to mention, there are no secrets" - and to allow X to say any bad things, or b) to remain silent, while agreeing with the need for secrecy, thus recognizing that the hide is what. To this group receptions adjoins the creation of information uncertainty, ambiguity of expression. For example, the phrase "Sorry, I can not stay longer" in a situation of having some differences between the present introduces ambiguity about the reasons for leaving, but more "clear" is a variant of resentment or frustration. Generally, it can be argued that the techniques based on the Incongruent communication, there are numerous. Apparently, most of them "used" involuntarily, because of the high prevalence nekongru-entnosti in interpersonal relations. The need to decide what kind of submitted by the main partner of the posts, there is almost always because the recipient of the information, as a rule, live in an environment in which to constantly interpret other people's behavior. 144

** As a result of the review were discussed variables that allow us to describe the phenomenon of manipulation and analysis used to make This manipulator means. At the same time revealed the presence of important matches between how specific manipulation of mass consciousness, and the fact that there is at the interpersonal level. However, we found some important differences inherent in interpersonal manipulation - a large in-dividualizirovannost, the diversity of resources, increased accuracy in achieving the desired results, localization of on a limited set of targets, and so on. N. Perhaps the most noticeable difference between the manipulation of mass consciousness and individual in interpersonal relations is the nature of the concentration of responsibility. In the first case often with mass responsible removed. By G. Schiller ultimate goal of manipulating the mass consciousness - the passivity of the masses, their inhibitions [Schiller 1980, p. 47]. This inactivation is intended to reduce personal origin of the masses, inspire thought "for you think the rulers." In interpersonal same manipulations on the contrary - the responsibility for the decisions mostly passed on to the recipient. Moreover, we found that manipulative purposes can be used all of the same techniques as in nemanipulyativnyh purposes. Turns out to be difficult to imagine (at the level of technology) something specific manipulation yativnoe in the arsenal of psychological impact. Chapter 5 MECHANISMSmanipulative influence "* In the previous chapter it was a manipulation technology tive impact. Therefore discussed elements that are largely dependent on the skill and dexterity of the manipulator, its intentions and tasks. This is the part of the process of manipulation that allows an outside observer relatively reliable separation of its elements - unlike intralichnostnyh processes destination judge which account for only hypothetically. In this chapter, we now examine how the energy of desire manipulator is converted into energy of desire destination, and ultimately in the expected activity of the manipulator. In other words, we will discuss the mechanisms that implement the manipulative effects that make it possible. 5.1. "Technology" and psychological "mechanisms" - match reality and metaphor According explanatory dictionariesword mechanism means: 1) the device (set of units and parts), which transfers or converts the movement; 2) the set of intermediate states or processes are a phenomena. In accordance with the meaning of the word "mechanism" can be defined, and the concept of "psychological mechanisms." Mental mechanisms - is a complete set of mental states and processes towards implementing some of the results in accordance with the standard or part of the Greek techno means skill, art. 146 occurring sequence. "Under the mental mechanism should be understood in a certain way related to the structure of mental action, the implementation of which leads to a specific result. This is more or less stable scheme of mental action. " [Nalchadjyan 1988, 109]. ♦ Psychological mechanisms "- this is a concept in which the merge figurative and metaphorical description (originating in the generic" mechanism ") and scientific understanding (by the way, is also very metaphorical in dictionaries still does not get caught) on intrapsychic processes to ensure efficiency - in our case - the psychological impact. difference between technology and mechanisms in their own tinted R. Goodin. He argues with the psychological model manipulation, which, in his opinion, "depicts a man as automatically responding to a certain sort of symbolic stimuli» [Goodin 1980, p. 28] and is based only on the St - R concepts. Offered them the same "rationalist" approach to manipulation caters more to sell (tricking) people than the game on the deeper psychological instincts. Developed by the authors problem thus lies outside of psychological mechanisms, but only in the plane of the detailed analysis tools to manipulate, i.e. in the plane of skill technology. Every same psychological model inevitably turns to the intrapsychic processes by which it becomes possible manipulative influence. In short, in the context of representations of R. Gudina "sell" refers to the technology to the methods, and the "psychological model" - mechanisms. Distinguishing technology as external to the destination action, on the one hand, and mechanisms as internal mental processes run these actions, on the other, convenient both for research purposes and for applications. Conventionality of this separation is obvious in view of the phenomenological their unity and complementarity. Apparently, that's why "image" (as external) and "stereotype" (internal) L. Vaytkunene regards "as a single psychological mechanism of the formation of the mass consciousness" [Vaytkunene 1984, p. 64]. 147 5.2. Mechanisms of psychological influence the psychological impact of Aids, manipulative in particular - is an application of effort on the part of the sender's impact. From a technology standpoint nothing more can be done - more impact energy should work itself - from its passage manipulator is independent. Affect the nature of passing through other means of influence can and spend can notenergy. Therefore, we must find out what happens to the energy impact after it gained access to the inner world of the recipient: to understand due to any internal processes external action leads to results in, where do you get the energy for the job. 5.2.1.hold the contact We need toto identify intrapersonal mechanisms to ensure the reliability and stability of the connection. Convenient to start with the metaphor. Imagine a magnetic latch that has both contact plates - electromagnets. Switched on and off, both sides can independently. Enough to stop one of electromagnets - holding force weakens so that even mild shake enough to touch the plate broke off and separated. From the point of view of the observer: if connection works, the current is applied to both plates. This metaphor refers to the plates under the part of the targets of influence (a kind of mental formations), which is made connection. Here we can use the same classification as that in relation to the types of communication: touch, emotional,

symbolic (conventional), the operational, object (cognitive), personal and spiritual (sense). However, a variety of empirical allocated (or rather, used in practice) the target is so large that, in principle, it can be considered infinite. Fact that in metaphor called shock, giving strength of an electromagnet, psychologically corresponds to the power of desire, for 148 voltage requirements. Persistent connection is based on the involvement of motivational energy of both parties and without it is unthinkable. Need a destination in the union and fellowship, which operated here in the first place - is not the only acting force. In most cases, it is not one provides strong contact. Another source of the desire to keep in touch are the subject interests. On the part of the manipulator is mainly interest concluded in goal, which he intends to achieve. In turn, the target itself achieve something from the handler may last anything interesting for him, or for their communication in itself is important for the recipient. Another common source of power - coercive power of circumstances, third parties or of the manipulator. For example: awkward break contact in the presence of a friend, who wanted to keep the company; impolite to leave, unable to bear the "Regulations" period (how much is taken and by whom - is unknown); Chief of Cabinet without his permission did not go off and so on. In many cases, the energy of attachment lies in simulating a good understanding of each other. "This has a homespun truth" - a phrase by which O. Bender joined Basilius Lokhankin. If the addressee does not want it in the overwhelming number of cases, this contact may be interrupted. If a strong resistance to the manipulator does not help any secret connection. Another thing is that for this destination will have to be something to pay: to introduce tension into a relationship with the boss, agree to look boorish companion, to take responsibility for his comrades nepodderzhanie company and so on. N. Possible, of course, and most use a trick: refer to the illness, the need to call or go to the toilet, but it also works, and is not always easy. Therefore, playing on the one hand, on the various interests and needs of the recipient, and on the other, his fears, lack of freedom or sluggishness, the manipulator can quite a long time to hold a destination within its in-emozhnostey influence it. 149 5.2.2. Psychic automatism was already mentioned above that the elements of the situation of communication and methods of exposure have a very contoured effect: they are characterized by a programming influence on human behavior - sometimes hard, sometimes soft, but still defines the high predictability of how it will behave. They are a means of "on" reactions destination.the word Include implies something to what this key fits, what needs to be inserted. This is something we denote the notion psychic automatism, which is defined as a structurally dynamic formation, actualization is a high probability of resulting in the standard result, whether motivational tension, or some sort of action. Psychic automatism act as gear levers by which the energy of desire (impact) of the manipulator is converted into energy aspirations (or action) destination. Studying the pragmatic aspects of linguistic structures, in particular issues, R. Conrad has revealed the importance of the parameters of the situation for the interpretation of the sentence as an indirect speech act "The decisive factor in the indirect interrogative sentence comprehension is the presence of typical" behavioral patterns, "the obvious and natural for both parties." [Conrad 1985, p. 357]. For example, given in the transport question "Are you out?" Often refers to as "Pass, please." Scheme of possible events (from the perspective of the questioner) looks like this: 1) if B goes, it is not an obstacle for A, 2)if B does not go - And asks him to move - B leaves (does not prevent the exit A). Indirect comprehension questions "You go out?" is a practical reduction of pre-obvious patterns of behavior. Requirements of politeness do not allow partner formally "play" obvious scenario and act as soon as the intention of the questioner became clear (skip to the exit), if it is consistent with their own goals. Example 20: What can happen if a friend is not formed condensed scheme of action, can be seen from this dialogue: you go out? 150 - And your cares? - So ... I'm out! - Who cares? - Well ... miss, please. - Oh, and another thing ... Such a mechanism (pattern of behavior), according to R. Conrad, is not specific for verbal interaction: ♦ Such reductions have universal nature ... practical actions nonverbal can also be interpreted as a kind of "indirect speech acts" if using them can be carried out reduction (complete) patterns of behavior without the involvement of verbal means "[Conrad 1985 , p. 367]. Proof of the existence in the human psyche, there are many such structures. Behaviorism for several decades has been studying the dependence of the scheme St - R. It is hard to imagine that a huge amount of research has not dried up for such a long time, if it were not for the reality to which they refer. Of course, the recognition of the existence of mental structures that obey St - R dependence, does not mean the assertion that the human psyche and their exhausted. As noted by GA Kovalev [1989], the study of classical behavioral scheme is the essence of the object paradigm of psychological research and the impact coming from the methodological position analysis of the phenomena at the level of the universal. This - only one of the possible levels of analysis. In other research paradigms to address the levels of particular and individual, are found different depending not deny the universal, and provide additional opportunities for understanding the study of reality and its transformation. Underlining the important role of psychic automatism as a mechanism manipulative influence does not mean that other mechanisms the human psyche is not. Careful attention to the automatic reactions that can be detected in the human psyche, determined by the singularity of the subject matter - manipulation. Only assert that the ability of the manipulator to achieve their 151 goals inlargely lies in how he can rely on the automatic destination.

Course, the only one using the automatism is not limited. Widespread as their intentional manufacture - the formation, development, fostering ... good example of this is the practice of transferring manufacturing technology training animals to humans [K. Pryor 1989]. So, just a few minutes PW Robinson "taught" four year old child to shake the hose exactly 10 times to ensure that there came water. He used one of the techniques of conditioning, mastered in his student years. First, he stealthily turned the water off when the children were playing, and then included it in only 15 seconds in the moments when she shook her hose. With each time bolstered by succussions hose was increased by one [Robinson 1981, p. 44-46]. Example of artificial formation of more complex automatism are experiments with post-hypnotic suggestion. Deconstructing one of those cases, Erich Fromm to describe formed in this way - "nested", but really working - the requirements for the commission of any act and their sequences used the term "automatic conformity" [Fromm 1989]. Thus, the notion of mental automatism allows to identify the presence of minimized circuits fast transition to action in response to external influences. Their more detailed substantive analysis will be given in the next section. Meantime, back to the already gives the example of 15 stories with a latecomer H, which provoked a discussion of political news for distraction from his late for work (and implicit explanation of its reasons). In this case, she used the following automatisms: a) the choice of the theme: all employees of the department are ready to talk about "sore"; particularly relevant political news for the and head,b)to impose a rapid pace that we are trained not to interrupt the and speaker,c)the use of intonation excited, "the one who is worried should be heard", 152 g) to engage in a conversation the entire department, "do as all "(impact to the head at the same time better disguised, and" warming up "the audience" warms up "and it). 5.2.3. Motivational software,however, no matter how successful was itself automatism, by which methyl arm, no structure will not work without motivational support, no action - internal or external - will not start if there is no internal to the sanctions resolution: "Every content introduced into the consciousness before becoming immanent individual particle is discussed in it, wants the man or not "[Smirnov, 1994, p. 11]. Where does this sanction shall be taken, if manipulative influence contrary to the interests of the recipient? This occurs as a result of the fact that the manipulative influence, however, like any impact among the target always has the motivating structure (final motivational orientation mani-pulyativnogo effects mentioned above). Conjugacy external influences and internal processes in the reasoning part is that it is difficult to distinguish between the reception and its effect (due to a general motivational significance reflected events shown VK Vilyunas [1990]). Use the results of its deliberations, the means and after a slight modification in relation to the problem identified such control methods motivational preferences of the person, as a direct update motifs, simple conditioning and symbolic mediation. 1 Direct update required motif may occur in response to the stimuli relevant to this motif . Open the motivation on the part of the actor often takes the form of seduction - from completely legal and innocent to the hidden and malicious. For example, well-decorated table excites the desire to eat ("drools") - know it all housewives and professionals with restaurant service. The other - has openly manipulators-tion - the reception: a statement that begins with "You would not understand" - then there can be "because you were not poor (black 153, nym prostitute, homosexual, etc..)» [Lentz, 1989, p. 37]. Unexpected wrapping social prestige position in a psychological advantage over the interlocutor in most cases provokes desire (this is a direct update) to prove his ability to understand. Basically, you can only update what is already available in the inner world of the addressee. In S. Grof find the position of having fundamental character, according to which a man found unconscious matrix of virtually all states and temporal trends. However, they differ in the ability to access itself, different willingness to update. For the manipulator means - all that he needs, or will ever need, in every particular person is already there - we just have to be able to gain access to a particular property or human aspiration. Once such access is obtained, the aspiration to be actualized, awakened the energy will have to act without external support. C manipulative purpose of direct actualization motive is mainly used as part of a comprehensive set of measures: to disguise a major impact ("I was only trying to please you") distraction on the secondary elements of the situation ("It's great we got lucky with this small restaurant"), bringing the destination to the required manipulator background state discomfort or, conversely, thoughtless ease. Sometimes the main razrazhitel generally transported outside conscious awareness (eg, subliminal exposure). 2 Stipulating - transferring motive power of any motive for action, which earlier this motive is not encouraged. This mechanism underlies the training of animals. With regard to the method of conditioning a person is called the creation or modification of behavior [Donaldson 1980]. (We have already cited the example of the technique by W. P. Robinson.) These methods appeal to a simpler and more ancient structural and dynamic formation of the human psyche that brings him to an animal when you can "by" hidden suggestion "to implement conditioning and manipulation of man" [Frankl 1990, p. 82]. 154 3 Motivational mediation - a similar emotional conditioning switch "on the basis of submitted, imaginary being restored due to the received verbal information events" taking place, however, on social relations, which "suggest higher levels of reflection and are made in the" image of the world " and not in the form of actual perceived situation "[Vilyunas 1990, p. 74]. Variety of possible for the human mind, with its iconic device switching allows you to link everything to everything, no matter how weak or flimsy may seem grounds for such a connection. Accordingly, the specification of methods of influence invented a lot. As examples, we mention some of them. 1) shift of motive power motive on the target actions on particular conditions, the signs, symbols, and so on. N.

2) Change of motive power (one competing) motives. This can be done in the first place , by changing its values, which involve additional motive power motives, incentives, or can be summed up with the original motive - and increase its value, or to oppose him, leading to discredit, reducing its value or significance. For example, using the phrase "real man ..." or "What are you, like a woman ..." trying to change the weight of any desire, further attracting motivating force role stereotypes. And secondly, by changing the price it to achieve (ie. E. Wasted resources: time, energy, services, and so on. N.), And for this purpose to enter situational difficult or, conversely, to ask the prospect to achieve low cost. It is often limited to the creation of the experience of the difficulties and costs by simulating light or perspective. 3) Managing the process of actualization motive and change its motive power, which occurs as a result of the cognitive processing of information by the target exposure, based on assumptions, data actor. This can be done firstly, by changing the likelihood of achieving the desired result. In memory still fresh Kashpirovsky sessions that always began the reading of messages about healing. The subtext (automatism) simple: "This happens to many - why not this case 155 and ourselves with you." And secondly, a way of bringing to the conclusion, the varieties of which can vary from a simple suggestion to create a complex problem situation, the output of which (or repertoire of outputs) is known in advance. Apparently, the feature of the mechanisms of motivation is to call the "I" to identification with the source of this excitation. For example, if the name of any social community addressed to the content associated with it in any parameters, it becomes a point of reference content, into which the "I", if this point is connected one of the most important (motivational) strong desires man. Moved to a new position, "I" in solidarity with this community, up to the identification, and is at the mercy of this community. If the attacked target has deep connections with the collective unconscious, thanks to the power of the latter contained in this target is subject to inflation, capturing the personality structures that are dissolved in it [Jung 1994-6, p. 203], are lost in this content. Subjectively, it seems that the act is "I", but it is itself already "won" [ibid. 211] due to the adherence to the wishes and interests of the individual. Thus motivating manipulative impact solves the problem of the use of "local energy resources" by connecting them to the desired automatism. Master selection automatisms, their combination, any combination of (almost real manipulation), motivational "bonding" connection - together constitute the essence of the mechanisms of manipulative influence. 5.3. Species and processes manipulative influence large scatter in the descriptions of the manipulation, the researchers observed that the problem is obvious. The reasons for it, I think, be found not only in the conceptual preferences authors. On the one hand, if we take into account the existing variety of phenomena of manipulation, it is reasonable to assume that the authors are addressed to different sets of phenomena. In this case, from the diversity they choose those facts that are closer or better correspond Ba156 zovym theoretical propositions. On the other hand, for the mismatched conceptual approaches worth manifold psychological mechanisms that implement manipulation. Using the definition of manipulation proposed in the second chapter, allowing several narrow range of phenomena attributed to manipulation. But if we set out in a similar way to narrow the list of mechanisms to ensure the manipulative influence, it would lead us to research unjustified losses. Based mostly from the opportunities of the model description, it seems to me appropriate to distinguish several types of manipulations, which differ in their means of psychological impact, and the nature of intrapersonal processes manipulation of images, conventional manipulation, operationallysubject manipulation, exploitation and manipulation of individual spirituality. These species can not build linearly as levels or stages of manipulation. Rather, they should be considered as different mechanisms that can be combined to complement each other, enhancing the overall effect. Description of each type of manipulative mechanisms will complete a brief summary, made by a circuit consisting of four items: a) the main active agent - that launches mental mechanisms and work,b)methods of motivation - motivational switch means (connection), c)target - those mental structure, changes which achieves the desired objectives manipulator d)automatisms, which are involved in dan as motivation - the scheme of energy transfer effects from the agent to target, "strings of the soul", which plays a manipulator. 5.3.1. Perceptual puppets fact that the images have a strong potential for psychological impact, is well known. At all times and in all psycho-systems - religion, mysteries, psychotherapeutic schools, teaching practice, art, and manipulation of the images was pr.-key 157 elements of the technology used: the rites, rituals, methods, techniques. The mechanism of such effects is based on the association between the image and relevant it needs, desires or motivational setting. Simplest methods are built on the presentation of such incentives, which actualize the desired manipulator need. Is based on this principle the vast majority, for example, sexual tricks: outcrop areas of the body, underline erotically attractive shapes, the use of motions and gestures associated with sexual games, etc.. Claim. Close to nature methods are based on the direct management of the imagination of the recipient. An instructive example is from Pushkin in "The Tale of Tsar Saltan". This is the story of how Prince Guidon made sure that the king-father visited his city on the island of Buyan. Manipulation is that Guidon never invited Saltan to himself every time limited to the transfer of complimentary bows, but in the end still waited (uninvited!) Visit. The hope was that after the stories about what they saw astonished merchants on the island of Buyan, the king himself expressed a desire to visit his new neighbor. To Guidon and tried to surprise the merchants - the first manipu-of cumulative method was successfully executed several times on them. Automatism is simple: most people it is difficult to resist, not to talk about the amazing things - and this surprise the listener. The second method - the awakening of desire Saltan visit Guidon - relies mainly on curiosity, which, of course, and subject to the kings.

To discussing mind manipulation includes those cases in which the actual or perceived mentally constructed images evoke activity relevant to them archetypes. CG Jung says that the archetypal manifests itself "exciting, alluring" manner [Jung 1994-6, p. 136]. That's really a godsend for the manipulator! Perhaps this is why the media often use images and metaphors, which by their nature are more relevant archetypal layers of the unconscious. Consider, for example, how to build ads say, "Marlboro". 158 First with a few sketches with the audience, the values of unity with pristine nature. And the finishing touches are placed so as to emphasize the romantic side of a long-distance travel. (The audience even more readily lends itself to such a trick, the less he is able to comfortably seated watching TV, imagine what the journey is actually). Against the background of a pleasant tickling feeling of reverence for nature there is a characteristic pattern of a cigarette pack. Deep association with the smoke and the primitive fear give motive-feeding mixture being imposed on the audience with respect to cigarettes. Next after this homely "Ministry of Health warns ..." rather acts in support of advertising, getting into the semantic field of the updated archetype (heroic disregard for their own health, skepticism about the doctors who are physically healthy people - and it is with them at the moment identify the audience , willingness to take risks). A similar mechanism underlies the advertising of a bank to check the validity of which the reader may even now: "World history the bank" ... ". Well, the missing word is restored? The images act as an agent of psychological influence can not only belong to the visual modality. "... The mention of suffocation and repression are found only in the speeches preceding the war, but not during the war, when there is a real ambience enemy troops. In addition, charges of strangulation, overlap oxygen or destruction sometimes spoken in the countries that are not even contiguous. The fact that the masses are emotionally react to the speech of this kind, and are unable to see their apparent irrationality and absurdity, gives a general uncertainty and vulnerability in the perinatal dynamics. " [Grof, 1993, p. 452]. In everyday communication means of the psychological impact through kinesthetic channel is a handshake. Produced by hands image not only contains information about the man and his relation to the partner, but also produces a certain impression (from the word "imprint") - the effect. 159 Thus, perceptually oriented manipulative influence uses the following means: • Primary active agent - an image; • methods of motivation - direct update motive, seduction, provocation, creating interest; • target - desires, interests, • automatisms - intermodal associations, relevant image motif, intended as the target exposure. 5.3.2. Conventional robots in the process of socialization the child acquires "a set of habits, roles, tastes, preferences, notions and prejudices, desires and imaginary needs, each of which is representative of the family and social environment, and not really internal tendencies and attitudes. All of this is a person. " (Gurdjieff, op. At [Orlov AB 1995, p. 10]). These brought about - and assigned to man - the elements of his intrapsychic content because of their genetic relation with the society sensitive to external triggering stimuli. (A list of such incentives as elements of the situation has been discussed in detail in Chapter Four.) Can recall many instances when due to an exquisite arrangement of external conditions, or simulate a recognizable social situation and its elements manipulator can achieve their goal. For example, a well-known trick of many children - "Other parents are allowed to ..." or "And Wali mom ..." - exploiting parents' desire to be normal parents. Or when the seller says, "Everyone takes" - it is addressed to such possible "keys" as Being like everyone else, be better than others (stupid sluggishness),and so on. N. Vivid evidence peremptory force, in particular, the role position found in experiments S. Haney et al [Napa, Banks & Zimbardo 1973], we have known mostly as experiments PG Zimbardo. In this prior study, students were asked to participate in an experiment in which one of them had to 160 play the role ofprisoners, and others - the guards. No one told them how to behave, so they played these roles according to their own ideas, derived from the films. The experiment was planned for two weeks and is organized with the utmost approximation to reality. Those who played the role of prisoners, quickly fell into a state of apathy and discouragement. White the studio, playing the guards became aggressive and picky. While at the same time and not subject to direct physical punishment, they invented many ways to humiliation of prisoners (such as many times forced them to build and recalculated). When one prisoner was outraged and refused to obey, then as a punishment was placed in a cramped closet. Prisoners were given the opportunity to release it for a symbolic sacrifice (to give a blanket), but they refused, and did not want anything for his brother to do since found it a "troublemaker." The experiment had to be stopped after six days, as the game became so strict protection and at the same time as psychologically ruthless that continue the experiment was inexcusable. The authors believe that the guards behaved in this manner, not because of personal characteristics, and in accordance with the situation and his role in it. Many of the subjects in his life were very soft and people were shocked at how behaved: could not even imagine that they were capable of such behavior. Course, there were subjects who refused to continue to participate in the experiment. They found the strength to cope with role duress. But there were not many. Most humbly continued to act out unconscious scenario imposed on them cinematic and detective stories. In the previous chapter, it was many examples of operation of conventional forces (norms, rules, rituals, and so on. N.), So it suffices to take a brief summary. Thus, conventionally oriented manipulative influence means: • the main active agent - social skhematiz-we: scenarios, rules, regulations, 6 - 898 161

• methods of motivation - a mosaic of key stimuli that determine the specifics of the situation of communication: roles, placement scenario identifiers accommodation reminders (of understanding of what should be, the forbidden, the expected ...); • target - ready models of behavior; • automatisms - socially defined and individually learned life programs adopted person behavior patterns, personality assigned to the submission of a proper and so forth. 5.3 tools The main idea ofmanual of mental mechanisms of this type is relying on such automatisms as inertia force of habits, particularly the distribution of attention between the elements of the structure of activities, skills, perform some work, and so on. n. Illustrative example of the use of such gears found in Ivan Krylov's fable "The Crow and the Fox." Problem Fox is not easy: to make Crow she wanted ... no, not cheese to give, and his mouth opened. That's the genius of the design is found and cheat - to bring the operation of opening the mouth from the one action (recoil cheese) and place it in a completely different frame of action, in this case - a demonstration Crow singing their virtues. deceptive A similar technique is often used with babies: when a child in the hands of any way is dangerous to the health of the subject, trying to take away - only to subject him to an even greater danger. One of the most effective ways - to show him something more attractive. Then the child, reaching for a new thing, he opens his little hand. Operation unclamping hands is included in the action for the collection of this stuff. Reception "noose to the lender" is built on a similar dependence. The more the lender has invested in some project, the more difficult it is to part with the hope of making a profit. Creditor behaves like the same baby: the less likely to hold the object, the more he grabs for it - and provides new loans for a lost cause. It's not just about the financial contributions. Starting some work and halfway 162 finding that the completion of much more than expected, the majority of people will continue to invest more effort than would prefer to ignore the nested efforts. The desire to bring the follow through - a property which may be based on manipulation. Particular case under discussion series - exploitation of human nature. If you understand the nature of a trend towards the use of typical (or conventional) for the individual methods or means of achieving the standard situations, the obvious temptation for the manipulator to use this constancy. No man is able to live without the inertial mechanism by which saved psychic powers: once something has been done, which is one way, of course continue to do the same, as long as there is no reason to change anything. And since each person has what is called character, each bound to a certain predictability for others. Partners is encouraged: for reasons of personal safety, and because of the ease of operation in a predictable man. In everyday language go about it "to take advantage of his kindness" (dependability, irritability), "catch on greed," "to carry water offended" and others that just means the operation of corresponding traits destination effects. So, operationally oriented manipulative influence has : • Primary active agent - operational patterns of activity of their inertia, habit, logic execution actions; • methods of motivation - push, giving acceleration, acceleration, vrabatyvanie addictive; • target - modes of behavior, structure activity; • automatisms - inertia, the pursuit of completion. 5.3.4. Controlled reasoning in this case, we will focus on the syllogism as the leading automatism, which provides the necessary result of the manipulator. In the simplest case, the role of initiating stimulus performs hint. 'Legitimate' forms of exploitation conclusions we have already discussed (following other authors) in the examples of the "you get out?" (The Skip 6* 163 Titus, please), "Could you please submit the salt?" (Apply, please) that will address the conventional character of polite requests [Conrad 1985; Yokoyama 1988]. Q. exhibits politeness that imperative replaces interrogativnym, softening the element of compulsion and incentive in relation to the recipient. Courtesy of the latter is that he understands the hint, rendering courtesy of his partner. In the manipulative effects, using the same mechanism (psychic automatism), actor hides the fact that he looked forward to "guess" the addressee. For example, when the son tells his father that he saw in the Radio Shack console to FM-radio, he calculates that the father of the "guess" to buy it. The calculation is based on the fact that when you buy the unit in the gift of his son consoles on sale was not so (logical transition performs the function of automatism), it must buy now. In more complex cases are built several assumptions on the basis of which is expected to destination make a very definite conclusion. X. The story L. Borges' Death and compass "trap for the police detective had been posted with the following thought launching investigations parcels. The first murder rabbi, occurred in the northern part of the city on the night of December 3 in a hotel room; on a typewriter found a piece with the phrase "Say the first letter of the Name." Detective takes all of the books out of the room to find a "purely rabbinical explanation" murder. Second, another murder on the night of January 3 near the dye on the wall above the yellow and red diamond chalk was written "Say the second letter of the Name." Third, re-enactment of murder (with the disappearance of the victim), which has been made of the third evening in February during Harlequin's Carnival, one of them wrote on the post: "Say the last letter of the name." Fourth: Commissioner of Police received an envelope in which the detail plan of the city have been designated place kills, constituted an equilateral triangle. The letter predicted that the third of March fourth murder will not be performed, because the triangle is complete. Commissioner delivered a letter to the detective, who carefully studied Uploaded. And here is a guess, which counted 164 future murderer detective: "These three points really are at equal distances. Symmetry in time (December 3, January 3, February 3), the symmetry in the space ... Suddenly he felt that now solve the mystery. This intuitive insight complemented compass and compass. He smiled, said the word "Tetragrammaton" (recently assimilated) and called the

Commissioner. " His guess was that the key figure is not a triangle, and the right diamond. Firstly, the diamond met in plots murders - on the wall of dyeing, clothing harlequin. Second, because "the Jews day begins with sunset and lasts until sunset the next day," that all the murders committed by the fourth number, which is also consistent with the idea of the diamond. Third, everything revolves around the secret name of God, consisting of four letters (Tetragrammaton). The place and time of the next murder is now easily calculated. "The mystery was his clear as crystal, he blushed that smashed up on her one day." And he went - towards a fourth murder, the victim of which was himself. Hunter said so to him: "I felt that you add the missing point. Point, which completes the right diamond, a point that will establish a place where you will have to wait for certain death. "So,in conclusion oriented manipulators-tive impact discover: • Primary active agent - cognitive scheme, the internal logic of the problem, the standard deduction; • ways motivation - hint, statement of the problem, simulation problem-solving process; • target - cognitive processes, cognitive installation; • automatisms - controlled reasoning, the removal of cognitive dissonance. 5.3.5. Operation of the individual recipient is impossible to ignore the role that the success of the manipulative effects play a proper personality structures destination - those that define it as the subject of the decision. Technologically manipulation arises from the recognition of an actor that destination - also a person. 165 This forced confession as to the manipulation resort when direct coercion or deception impossible or undesirable. Ideal manipulative influence therefore is the transformation of the personality of a means of influence on people. In this sense, the operation of personality structures is the apotheosis of the manipulative influence - to control what runs itself! Attraction of this mechanism - one of the essential characteristics of the manipulative effects, this is his strength and power. Base essence of manipulative intent is to try to shift the responsibility for the actions by the recipient, while the win goes to the manipulator [Fromm 1989; Shostrom 1992; Lentz 1989; Sheldon 1982]. Manipulation is successful to the extent in which the manipulator manages to shift the responsibility for the desired event on his destination. However, the responsibility is inseparable from freedom, because freedom is the freedom to choose the nature of the liability [Frankl 1990]. Manipulator tries to maximize freedom at its pole, and the burden of responsibility - on the pole of the addressee. Imbalance between freedom and responsibility is the basis for unilateral win. However, the responsibility can not be simply transferred - it must be accepted as a result of free choice. But just freedom manipulator and does not want to provide. Instead, he organizes the impact to the recipient to createillusion the of their own freedom in the decision. As a consequence of particular concern to the manipulator becomes the initial stage of the decision related to the recipient's doubts, which is to weigh alternatives to the internal "balance." Just as the media created the myth of individualism and personal choice [Schiller 1980, p. 25], the manipulator seeks a particular person to create the illusion of freedom in decision making. (Illusory nature of freedom noticed by the proverb "Hunting Forest captivity"). Feeling (illusion), freedom of choice is the result of a combination of three of the necessary elements: the presence of the struggle of motives, the moment of choice ("doubts away") 166 and the lack of (understanding) the third-party intervention . The first element in the overwhelming number of cases generated by the manipulator as actualized them motive, by definition, is contrary to the interests or intentions of the recipient: "In case of manipulation of man strives to do two things at once, and does not give full support to any of them, or deny both alternative intentions" [ Lentz 1989, p. 31]. Doubt - a subjective feeling arises as echoes flowing struggle between competing motives, when a person finds out that important to him, or less valuable. Choice is made as a result of the standard deduction or situational weight distribution of motives, which also can be influenced from the outside. For this manipulator attracts already described above controls the driving force behind the motives. The third element, as shown, is also subject to special effort manipulator. Hence, the last before it, as a rule, has sufficient funds to enable the recipient to create the illusion of freedom of choice. As a result, the target, yielding to deception, feeling the author of the decision, voluntarily assumes the responsibility for "their" act. Thus, the exploitation of a person is expressed in the simulation process of self-selection among alternative motives in creating the illusion of their behavior [Stolin 1983]. As a result, the movement of the responsibility for goal setting with the manipulator on the destination. Adopted by the addressee, you can assign responsibility and imposed from outside the goal. As a result, the goal is "connected" to the personality, that is motivational, structures, begin to "work" for this purpose. The man is in a position inducing himself to achieve the objective set by the manipulator. So, based on the personality structure is characterized by the manipulative effects: • Primary active agent - an act making the decision; • methods of motivation - update intrapersonal second conflict, an imitation of the decision; • target - the motivational structures; 167 • automatisms - taking responsibility for the hard-won in doubt choice. 5.3.6. Spiritual pomykanie mediated mechanism manipulative influence to the executive structures may also be the highest levels of the psyche: the meaning of life, values. In the perception of the robot arm, though, it's just "one of" a long line of possible: "Appeal to nobler motives" - recommends D. Carnegie. Reliance on values different from reliance on conventional requirements primarily from the fact that the values of the individual - it is not learned requirements and their own experience through suffering semantic orientations. Relying on what inspires and animates, is different from the support that results in or is pushed (when the motivation is more like a compulsion). However, there may be more on the consequences than on the actual mechanisms.

EXAMPLE 21 Experimental School Director recommends V., his deputy for science, to go on a business trip to one of the famous teachers. In previous trip B. went at their own expense, as in the management of education at the time there was no money. To purchase books for the school she had been promised to send money by telegraph, but never mailed, but it brought them, having bought with his own money. Since that time has passed for two months, and receipts for travel and books are still not paid. Now she promised to reimburse all costs immediately upon return. B. For it is obvious that money and this time will be much delayed, and that once again it will have to make excuses to her husband. But she once again agrees to go, focusing on the interests of the school, conducting a scientific experiment. This case external pattern resembles a simple hoax. However, this is not the case, since V. is not deceived by the promises of administration expense. Expected behavior of V. is that it took the administration imposed manipulator "rules of the game." And she takes them, towering over the doubts and grievances, drawing upon that for which all embarked on the difficult path of pedagogical research. 168 As you can see, sometimes the victim of manipulation may be in a fairly secure position as finds spiritual support is the same as that manipulator is used as a weakness. So tempted to assume that the operation of spirituality less destructive to the victim, as the time is that spirituality, which can lean arm, then it can rely on the victim. (At the end of this chapter the reader will find a detailed example of the manipulation of Mozart as a victim.) But, apparently, not all cases of manipulation, using spirituality as a lever man ends as in the above example. Thus, for based on the spiritual operation manipulative influence characterized: • Primary active agent - the search for meaning; • methods of motivation - update existing meanings and values, a boost to the sense of tension and re-evaluations, an imitation of the search for meaning; • target - the relationship between the motives, meanings; • automatisms - the usual for this particular person methods of coping with the sense of disorientation and semantic filling the vacuum. 5.3.7. Bringing in a heightened state of humility So far we have disregarded such an important - and for the paddle too - lever control human behavior as mental states. Its importance can hardly be overestimated, since the specific mosaic distribution of emotional, power or functional elements creates a mental pattern that can transform any shape to be on it. For this reason, similarly as the manipulator structure tends external situation interaction it has to worry about intrapersonal context. The first step in this direction is already using the connection. The importance of such a step D. Carnegie said, giving him the beginning of his bestselling book "How to Win Friends and Influence 169 people." He begins with a detailed explanation of seemingly trivial idea that by criticizing we will not achieve anything, but merely set up a partner of the resistance. So insistent emphasis on the requirements of the author refrain from criticism and set yourself on the interest in the partner due to a desire to bring the latest in the most favorable for the perception of the state of other people's ideas. It is no accident that this state is organized with the help of techniques such as Interest, smiling, attentive listening, talk to interesting interlocutor threads underlining its significance, and so on. N. Catching a man will lend itself to outside influences. Can recall and other a state in which a person becomes more susceptible to the effects of: • Disintegration of mental processes, such as blunted note torn thinking skills violation; • euphoria, but in a weakened form - or connivance condescending attitude to life events; • muted desires, indifference to what is happening ; • increased irresponsibility in terms of a collective interaction ("the more populous, the irresponsible") and so on. 5.3.8. Combining Referring again to the definition of manipulation, a summary of which is given in Table. 2 (Chapter 2), it becomes more than obvious how the various objects were selected by the authors as a phenomenological framework of their own investigations. In the above definitions we find such criteria as "a form of spiritual influence" [Bessonov 1971], "dominion over the spiritual condition" [Volkogonov 1983] "Latent effect on the incidence of choice» [Proto 1989], "inducing behavior» [Rudinow 1978], "programming thoughts, intentions, feelings, relationships, attitudes, behavior" [Schiller 1980], and so on. N. Such variation is inevitable when describing multilevel phenomenon. Trying to cope with this difficulty led to the creation ofthe list of 170, mechanisms to manipulate which has just been discussed. Dedicated mechanisms, however, only in our analysis exist as isolated preparations to enable them to be considered outside the context of a mental context. In fact, most of the mechanisms interact with each other, in some cases, increasing the effectiveness of manipulation, in other - relaxing. Sometimes they weave is so large that causes difficulties when trying to distinguish between the mechanisms themselves. For example, metaphors act upon the importance of at least two mechanisms: the image and inference (guess, categorization). Add-ons can be virtually any: orientation to the rules or logic operations, the emergence of the state, for example, confusion, etc.. Claim. Probably why the use of metaphor as a formula, the most effective address to the perinatal matrices and archetypes, is one of the most powerful psychological impact. Seems virtually self-evident that one and the same treatment effect can be provided by different mechanisms. For example, if in a particular case, a person seeks (with the filing of a person) to bring to completion the work started, then do it as it can by force of habit, and in favor of the request of others (for example, in the form of expectations "Principia bring to an end" ). The mechanism is different, and the external effect of - the same. Thus, we discussed some of the psychic automatism, providing manipulative effect. Perhaps they really are more characteristic of manipulation, and maybe, just stronger than others * draw attention to themselves, but somehow they ended up in our list. Beyond consideration, probably left a lot of other mechanisms. But even those shown, provided a

sufficiently clear idea of how the energy conversion can be manipu-of cumulative impacts in the energy of desire destination and ready to act. The fact that the manipulator can not only use the "ready to use" automatism, 171 but do "manufacturer" required him missing, already discussed above. A more detailed description of their work allows the reader to imagine ways in which automatisms can be created and strengthened in the inner world of the addressee. At 5.4. Generalization of the model of psychological manipulation Motivational effect generally takes place on the formula of "if ... then ..." [Vilyunas 1990, 65, p. 253-254], in which after the "if" and after "that" can be any polynomial design with multiple options of substitution: the subject (I, they, it, circumstances, conditions) + predicate (there does, and looks m. n.) + add-on (so that it is different, and so on. d.). The presence in the psyche of the motivational mechanism switch that operates on the principle of conditional jump instructions, allows a person or animal, adaptable to a variety of variables that define the internal and external conditions of existence. In view of the operation of this particular psychological mechanism of any psychological effect must inevitably be ob uslovlivaniem (unfortunately, this term is assigned to a particular type of psychological impact). Particularly indirect motivation, which is one of the most important aspects of manipulation, is that a skillful combination of different "if" should lead to the desired "it" in the behavior of the recipient, which occurs by switching pulse impact on the reduced patterns of activity - be it external or internal action decision-making processes. At this time, it is important to be able to move sideways. Ideally, should implement the recommendations of Carlos Castaneda: "If organizuesh pressure, he is out of this circle" ("Journey to Ikstena-lan"). Idea of selecting the means of different "if" opens the contact point between the concept of manipulation nonmetaphorical sense (as arbitrary displacement and 172 skillful transformation of inanimate objects) with manipulation as a metaphor (the use of people as a function of the objects with which contact is permissible as things). Perhaps so often any indirect techniques (psychotherapeutic, educational, managerial) effects attributed to manipulative. Of course, any manipulation based on indirect effects, but the quality is set not to be manipulated by technology, and the intention of the actor: to achieve unilateral winning destination impose its own purpose and so on. If we now briefly summarize the passed at this point in our study of the path, you can specify the following means (a set of "key"), through which performed unfolding manipulative effects: 1. Determination of the vector effects based subtasks. For example, to divert attention from a certain region of the recipient, limiting attention to the required content, reducing the criticality of the recipient, increasing their own rank in his eyes, the introduction of the desired destination in mind desires, intentions, aspirations, insulated from the influence of other people, police and other possible interference m. n. 2. Selection of the type of force (weapons effects) to exert pressure. For example, seizing the initiative, the introduction of its themes, reducing the time to make a decision to bring in the state (or timing) when criticality destination reduced advertising himself or a hint of broad connections and opportunities to demonstrate (or imitation) own skills, appeal to the audience , the creation of the mythical majority [Nikolaev, 1988], and so on. N. 3. Search for motive, through which you can get into the psychic sphere, "to get into the soul." Not necessarily it will be striving for success, money, fame, or sexual satisfaction. "Strings of Soul" can be any significant motive: the experience due to the low growth (completeness, disease, shoe size), the pride that he had an intellectual in the fourth generation (the eldest son of Don Cossack), interests, curiosity, intolerance to some type of people, and so on. d. 173 4. Gradual build-up of pressure on the various lines (if required): • increase in the density (number of similar content or form of impacts), • the totality of impact - its diversity of, a variety of channels and targets of influence, • persistence - persistence, reaching to the molestation, • intensity - increase power of influence. Likewise list mechanisms that implement the psychological (manipulative) effect: 1. Accession to the inner world of the addressee - the capture, close contact, "grip". Included in the work in those cases where the structure of the situation, problem or procedural pattern (pattern of interaction between the elements of the structure) is similar in its characteristics to the relevant part of the inner world. This similarity in the case of manipulation often occurs as a result of the simulation (simulation, creating similarity) manipulator of such a structure (situation, problem or procedural pattern), which are updated by the attacked part of the world destination - target effects. This process of moving activity outside to inside (intrapersonal intervention), playing it on the basis of structural and dynamic similarities of internal and external activities of D. Gordon called transderivational search ["Therapeutic metaphors"]. In short, "like responds to like." 2. Psychic automatism in the sense as described above, ie the reduced scheme an intra-interaction, provide the channels fast, and most importantly - a fixed, precisely known, displacement activity - impact energy manipulator - a necessary part of the inner world of the addressee. 3. Connecting the "food", providing the energy of these processes. Occurs by borrowing motifs from the motive power, which currently has access to. 4. Assignment - a mystery identification of the "I" destination for its activity. Subjectivity, personal principle in man, for some still little understood laws (whether illustrate 174 sion, or essence) assigns mental processes and contents, giving them the status of "mine." This personal element or "I", being deceived, takes someone else's desire for her. Perhaps this assignment happens so easily because originally the ""

a person is always much less than borrowed. In such circumstances, has been brought from a foreign recognize sometimes very difficult. Therefore directivity manipulators-tion exposure is dictated sremleniem paddle to shift the responsibility for his actions by his own instigation of his victim. Apparently, this circumstance determines the negative attitude toward manipulation, unmistakable in her presence devastating start. 5.5. Destructiveness manipulative influence undoubtedly be fair "charge" of manipulation that at its base is often appeal to the basest impulses or a primitive man. Personality structure addressee, if he is often subjected to this kind of influence, flattened and simplified. As a result, artificial man lingers in my personal and spiritual development. However, the destructiveness of this side manipulation is very relative, because of its own destruction (and in this sense refers to destruction) is not here. In addition, not every person will allow the manipulator to play their primitive needs. Even once the victim, a man manages minimal changes, as the effect of flattening personality structure occurs only as a result of a very large number of unidirectional effects. If we consider that the low-lying or primitive instinct updated not only with handling, it becomes clear that the accusation of primitivization destination - not the most correct possible. Especially because a lot of other (including the most subtle and elegant) manipulations are built entirely on other grounds. Less destructive of them do not get. 175 Equally true is not specific in relation to the manipulation and other "charge" - in robotics person turning it into an obedient tool. In fact, regular use of the same mechanisms leads to stereotyping behavioral repertoire destination. Figuratively, it means "run over a track", "cut groove", that is to make the inner world of a person is difficult izgladimye changes. The result is at least a psychological setting, and under appropriate circumstances (early childhood, or the totality of the prolonged exposure, deep emotional imprint) is formed by a character trait. However, the same dynamics of change provides the vast majority of educational systems, wading "form", "vaccinate", "educate", "train", and so on. N. Among them are educational, political, religious and other systems. They used techniques are not limited manipulative, but they are all in one way or another create or use of psychic automatism. Operation of mental automatism - so ordinary and inevitable phenomenon of our lives, that such an accusation is rather to show the most of our lives. Own a "birthmark sin" manipulation is necessary to recognize the devastating impact on a person (in the narrow sense of the concept) human. As already stated, the initial stage of manipulative influence usually creates (or exacerbates) competition motives destination, initiating its internal vibrations. The same thing happens in the educational impact, which, however, provides support for Sun-pituemogo in his personal growth to the contradiction it was used as an additional resource for development. On the contrary, the victim of manipulation is in a position where the act has already been committed, but the choice of them is evaluated as incorrect. If (albeit belatedly) arm was exposed, then, despite the annoying feeling of loss, at least part of the responsibility (blame) the person can pass on the manipulator. Worse, if the responsibility is on the victim. Then arose the state experienced as a lesson own fault, that poses a threat to internal discord, violation of personal integrity. 176 We note in passing that the well-known experiment in which a phenomenon is detected bitter candy, was built by the manipulyativnoy scheme: the child was placed in a position of Kehl-Doppler monkey (updated by a simple motif), is concluded with the "contract" (update competing motif), and then provoked the breach (relief opportunities coveted candy), and finally - the hypocritical praise (accelerated worsening contradictions). In it, as in a drop of water reflects the object approach to the person, which is characteristic for science, is legal dissection of tissue for research purposes. Painting destruction of manipulation and also includes damage to the manipulator itself. All of these types of damage with no less "success" are and initiator manipulation. Appealing to the basest motives arm involuntarily increases their importance in his own eyes (for example, as something very useful or effective). Deformation or delay of personal growth for the manipulator may fraught with even greater costs than for aresata, because in this case it is not the victim of manipulation, "he wants it." Manipulator, particularly successful, for the sake of manipulation narrows your arsenal means of achieving, so he eventually more and more difficult to break out of "their groove." With regard to the destruction of the individual, the manipulator and here goes. The technology itself is manipulative effect requires the manipulator known inner duality. As a rule, such is available, as is the desire to cope with their same difficulties, to protect themselves from their same "broken narcissism" leads one to use for the purpose of other people [Hofer 1989]. However, splitting the other does not go for it completely, because it is achieved by the active exploitation of their own contradictions. Thus, using a different manipulator harms not only him, but also the most "currently. Planned to add the sketch to the inevitable difficulties of the manipulator in interpersonal relationships associated with the reactions of the victims, and we get a joyless battle-177 panorama in which the attacker suffers large loss than the defender. But let us not exaggerate. If keying is used sporadically and does not turn into the only way of life, the destructive effect of significantly lower. Mainly because in this case there is no complete identification with the human manipulators-tive actions, thereby save the status of dissociating. latter is, however, also can be considered as a milder version of the internal cleavage. Experience "manufacture" the tragicof Mozart storyin Edvard Radzinsky "Several meetings with the late Mr. Mozart" (Diary of Baron Gottfried van Swieten) proposed version of the death of V. Mozart is different from the well-known, in particular, on "Little Tragedies" Pushkin. Without discussing the question of the reliability of the author driven version, we will deal analysis of the behavior of characters in a literary work in which we find several examples of manipulation. First of all the main attention is drawn - general manipulation, component lead intrigue story, but it contains also a kind of "sideshow", also worthy of discussion. Baron Gottfried van Swieten claims credit for the introduction of Mozart's "in the world of great and strict German music ", the opening to the public of the forgotten genius of Johann Sebastian Bach, the popularization of music by GF Handel. However, he has another heart's desire:

"We have seen great music happy Mozart. Ahead of us is the greatest music of Mozart's tragic. Oh, how I look forward to it! "Buta lot to be a little - this Mozart remains be todone. To do this in the best behavioral Baron - he, of course, unknown traditions engaged by conditioning the environment in which the composer lived, to make the life of Mozart's tragic. The easiest way to achieve this was in financial terms, referring to the carelessness of genius in spending money - to * "Spark", 1992, April, № 14-15, p. 16-20. 178 banality simple concept, built on the apparent psychological weakness of the victim (in the sense of the word, as we discussed above). Moreover, that financial difficulties had already begun. Motives Baron also quite ordinary. Firstly, the claim of "Merit for posterity" it is in music, for which clearly discern the desire to assert themselves in other people's and his own eyes back in something other than the official status. Secondly, a pleasant feeling of benefactor and patron of the arts requires its feeding and appetite, as you know, comes with eating. A means of satisfying their needs Baron chose genius - only such a victim, apparently, could not satisfy his claim to the role of the Creator - the creator of the tragic Mozart. And third, triggering resentment goad made of the fact that Mozart somewhere casually spoke about Baron, saying that he "bore the same as all his starched Symphony" (of which there were at least a dozen!). These "starched Symphony" and then right up to the tragic outcome will sound like a leitmotiv Manifesting wounded pride (in this musical and psychological meaning of the word "motive" polyphonic coincide). Resentment especially strong that applied in the very area in which the Baron himself was not feeling quite confident, though chose it as the area of self-affirmation. (We have already discussed that the wound can be only that within itself is a fugitive.) By the way, about saying Mozart Baron learned from Salieri, for which the latter is also still get ... heard that the composer began to write again merry opera Baron worried: "Is - gonna make? Again ■ - cheerful and frivolous Mozart? "But fortunately it was Baron" The Marriage of Figaro ", the story is considered too liberal. "And then - in a moment! - I realize all my future intrigue, "-wrote in his diary Baron. Hearing last rehearsal:"Yeah, it's amazing opera buffa. But for my taste it - the old Mozart. And I dream about something else ... That just being born and the birth of which threatens to interfere with this giddy success. "179 Baron contributed to the fact that the opera quickly disappeared from the scene, and public opinion was opposed to the composer ... After Mozart once again complained of his lack of money and the fact that it has little invitations to concerts, Baron wrote: "How do I love him so! .. it begun its true solitude ... the way to immortality ..." Next Opera in this sense, Baron pleased: "But" Don Juan "is not too funny. This feverish tension. Terrifying frenzy of music. And this phenomenon Commander ... Breath eternal ... born new Mozart ... I'm happy. "Wesee that inflation itself to the size of the Creator continues," the former Mozart "-" I dream of another "," new born "-" I happy. "Soonhe was given the opportunity to strike another blow to the genius. Mozart Baron asked about a petition to the Emperor of acceptance for the position of second Kapellmeister. In this position, the composer would have received a very decent salary, able to provide him with financial stability. But this would mean the collapse of the plan of Baron. "And though I wish Mozart, but in the name of music ... In short. By submitting a petition to the Emperor, I escorted him necessary commentary. "Ofcourse, Baron realizes that makes meanness, depriving Mozart opportunity to create at will, and not only in the order, otherwise it would burst" in the name of music ... "Butone day there was an event that is, whether it is closer, it might sober Baron, to show that he is moving out of the fairway, a certain providence: "He sat heavily in debt and laughed. And then I finally realized that I'm an idiot. Money, poverty ... not really affect him deeply. Decide that poverty could help him to have a truly rigorous music? What nonsense. All these terrible words he wrote to me and merchant Puchberg ... it's all just outside. Inside, it is still fun and easy Mozart. "Butto bow in adoration before the spiritual power of genius Baron was not capable. He longed to create not. Therefore, 180 Baron tightened and expanded arsenal of effects, intensifying spiritual programming: "And then, in the language of my father - court physician, and I had the idea," a potent tool. "Plugmanipulative room Baron was performed in the home of his old friend: "Count - an excellent flutist. He holds a beautiful orchestra. But he has a weakness, he wants to pass for a composer, although lazy writing. He prefers to call the tune secretly good composers. Recently, his wife died ... And when I came to testify condolences, Earl mentioned that he wants to compose a Requiem on the occasion of her death. I: It is a worthy idea, Earl. I look forward to wait for your works. In church music, few can compete with you ... Well, except that ... Mozart. His eyes, I realized that he listened to my advice. "Analysisof this episode is simple: adherence to the intent of the graph, an additional motivation (" I look forward to "), the obvious weaknesses of the use of the addressee, a hint. read further:"At this time, entered the room of his servant ... I know this gentleman: he is normally performs such delicate tasks. It is long and skinny as a pole as death. In the ever-gray clothes. I can easily imagine what will happen when he comes to the impres-chatlitelneyshemu Mozart Requiem, and will book. Yes. I was not wrong! "Baron,often met with Mozart, soon received a confirmation of his

predictions:"It was insane. He muttered, "I can clearly see it in my dreams. He hurries. Resents. And you know, Baron: I think more and more that it's not just the Requiem. This Requiem for myself. " Yes, the first time I saw it through serious. For he ... he was engulfed in the coming death. And I ... I - that great feeling that it will create. Create - because of me! "Oneof Mozart's wife Constanza complained Baron:"He insane, Mr. van Swieten. And so I took away his Requiem. It's been two weeks ... but yesterday he again demanded ago Requiem. I have come to ask you for advice, Baron: how to distract him from this terrible thought? "Andthen Baron was played one more manipulative scene: 181" I was terrified: Is this stupid chicken will not complete? Deprive me the greatest pleasure? And the music - the greatest creation? " I am dear Constance, of course, you can not return it Requiem. But then you should be thinking how to get taken 100 ducats? I knew her well. She almost cried, "Oh, no! No! In the house are vanity. Believe me, no florins! "Noticeno psychological pressure, as a matter of food for thought ... And now nearing the denouement:"On the day he returned to work, and all the days that followed he worked, worked, worked on the Requiem. Over our Requiem. However, after a few days of such work, he took to his bed. And no longer stands. "Afew days later Mozart died."And I picked up the score ... Finally! It is finished! What a beauty ... Divine beauty ... If the "Don Juan" he shuddered at the upcoming meeting with the eternal, here he tends to her ... the spirit of eternity - this is the Requiem. I cried. What a tragedy that he is not finished. On the desk, I read his orders Zyusmayeru how to complete the Requiem after his death. And under these orders, I found three letters. "Fromthese letters Baron knew that was not it created tragic Mozart - Mozart, who feels close presence of death. Long before the secret baiting and artificial injection anxiety in a letter Mozart wrote the "perfect humility, that I surrender to the Will of God" in connection with the death of his mother: "It is not lost to us, yet we meet with her." In another even more clearly: "Death - the true and ultimate goal of our lives. I thank the Lord for having given me this great opportunity to learn the death as a key to our bliss. Now I never go to bed without thinking that maybe, and I ... as I have young ... the next day will no longer be. "Manipulativetricks Baron, it turns out, were useless, since only complicate life genius, creativity hindered rather than helped the comprehension of spiritual heights. The most terrible thing for Baron, apparently, was the realization that he was back on the sidelines of the event. Spiritually 182 contest with his genius potential was too small to be on a par with him - an evil genius. Even in the field of psychological intrigue his qualification was not above writer "starched symphonies.""I fell on my knees and prayed, and asked," Lord! Lord! Forgive me! "Evenleaving out of the room at the end of the night, I pushed his mask ... and it broke ... Now there were only the sounds." Contradictory neurotic impulses, as we see, authoritatively declared itself. Conscious repentance was immediately balanced involuntary revenge genius: already dead, he killed again - now as a mask. Perhaps this case and let the Baron realize himself as a murderer. However, in a conversation with Salieri on his way home from the funeral, he immediately finds a way to shift the lion's share of responsibility for the interlocutor: * Salieri: How quickly ended the life, which began so brilliantly. Me: What do you mean, Salieri. Everything about him is just beginning. Now you do., And I ... and the Emperor, and we all just going to hear: MOZART! Now all we have only his contemporaries. People love to kill, then praise. But they do not want to admit ... I never want that they ... that we are all - killed him. No, no, certainly went out and brought one to blame ... And I keep wondering who they choose this criminal, this immortal guilty? And I realized. Salieri: Whom? I am you. He did not like you. So did not like that even his wife complained that he had been poisoned you. Salieri: What nonsense I:Why not? After all, you poisoned him, Salieri. You would not let him enter the court service. And where the grass, and there had been poisoned. What is the difference. After all, you therefore come to the funeral. To atone for sin. But too late, my dear. I liked to scare this narcissistic and, in fact, a kind of a fool. "Thisepisode - also a magnificent piece, I would say, murderous manipulation: the degree of destructiveness is brought to a higher intensity. Driven by the desire for somebody to avenge the defeat of genius, Baron finds an opponent in force, pummeling him with all his manipu-of cumulative power. We list only those levers 183 which are visible on the surface. Even this bare list is impressive: • isolation of the new community "Contemporaries of Mozart»; • stereotyping of its properties ("love to kill, then praise", "never want to admit," "went out and brought one to blame»); • acceptance of collective responsibility ("we are all - killed him "), including in terms of responsible and companion; • raising the problem of finding someone to blame; • the delay in response - increased desire to get his interlocutor; • imposition of (moving) liability; • justification of laying (for which there is a keen understanding of the psychological fact also their actions); • «attachment" this responsibility to a sense of remorse, which is particularly acute moments of the funeral - a variant of anchoring equipment; • fixation already perfect as irreparable ("late, my dear") - in terms of NLP «accession to the future."

Additional subtleties psychological manipulation find on the linguistic level: the use of an indefinite number of "people", universal quantifiers ("all", "never"), masterful playing with the change of the 3rd and 1st person with the transition to the second person (we - they - we - you), rhythmic repetitions ("and you ... and me ... and the Emperor, and all of us," do not want to - you never want to, it - it did not like - so did not like) and so forth. entire scene with her tricks manipulator needed primarily to serve their own problems. By shifting the responsibility on the other, it facilitates the glow of his internal struggle. And avoid that gets to inherit his victim: "Salieri took too seriously all that I once said to him. Now, when my prediction came true, when the glory of Mozart's growing every day, Salieri are strange nervous attacks. I've even heard that sometimes frightening home, he yells that he killed Mozart. Well - one of us - confessed! "184 Chapter 6 Protection against manipulation devastating effect that produces keying on personality structure addressee subject opposes counter activity aimed at reducing the damage caused. protection indicating how and about the manipulation can be seen: a) from the perspective of the victim - how about trying something to counter the manipulative and influence,b)from the position of the robot arm - as resisting or opposing the recipient, in ) from the perspective of an outside observer - as a means of reducing the effectiveness of manipulative influence. give some examples of anti-manipulators-tion effects: unsuccessful in the first two examples and successful - in the other. Example 22 For advice approached by a man asking for help to get out of trouble. In the first 2-3 years of married life, he felt that something unnatural in the relationship with his wife. It was difficult to explain to myself why there are major quarrel: like and do not drink, but then washes down for 2-4 days, in general calm in nature but surprisingly satisfied domestic riots. After going through these long quarrels, reproaches himself. But my wife is usually with the understanding and participation of treated him after that ... By the end of the third year of living together it dawned on me: my wife needs his fights. Tracing the details, he found the whole scenario. First completely baseless allegations in anything from his wife, nitpicking over nothing, and then increase it until the irritation of the explosion, and then calm for a month or two, and even more when he does not drink and affectionate wife. Then my wife started to come back in a bad mood, and start all over again. Tried not to give in to the accusations, but the atmosphere is tense to unbearable - it was easier to organize a riot, and the stronger the longer the period of calm. And so another 16 years. 185 Example 23. Buyer asks submit vegetables fresher, "Over there, in the box" .- "Yes? And the other gets what? "- Retorts dealer, nodding at all. Kick was accurate: turn invisible tensed, hung a heavy pause, during which the obstinate buyer felt the brunt of a renegade position. But no, there is strength, "I stood in line and have the right to choose!" What right? Impatient queue starts to worry. No one has said anything, but such a fool he himself felt. Twitch was referring to the line: "You, too, slipped silo for a fortune." But it turned out quite silly: who to call, what to mind - to silence, or what? A salesman calmly played the role of statues ... Example 24 at the bookstore took over the counter to see the dictionary. Seller: "Business people have to it and these two books take." Already wanted to buy - sounded so convincing (and maybe wanted to stay a business man). But then I thought: "What am I," business "is it? Cost ". Example 25 Teacher meets with counterpart P. K., starts a conversation, develop it, and then, almost without transition suddenly says goodbye and goes about his business. This happens regularly, you can get used to and have. K. But still every time feels awkward, which now occurs as soon as he sees a colleague P. K. But once in a hurry and first broke off in mid-sentence, struck by his bad manners. At the heart suddenly become so easy and fun! Can the scientific terms to understand how is the protection against manipulation, what happens in the inner world of the addressee impact? Depend on whether these processes on the characteristics of manipulation? Where the majority of these localized protection: in the inner world of the addressee or in external actions? Finding answers to these questions is the main task of this chapter. But first we have to stay a little bit to figure out how to relate to protective actions discussed with famous psychology psychological defenses. 6.1. The concept of psychological defenses term "psychological defense" has long gone beyond its parent psychoanalysis, crossed the borders of other theoretical schools and found a residence. In this study 186 pF input nuclear idea (something protected from something) is each time different substantive content [cm., For example, Bassin 1969]. Sometimes the light produced something quite different from the psychoanalytic "Psychological identity protection is inadequate to meet the needs of the phenomenon of the individual to be a person, the need for personalization," [the Stoics, 1986, p. 126]. Moreover, the concept of psychological defense proved also transferred to another ontological context: from the intrapsychic events turned in interpersonal event [Kharash 1987], and even in the inter-group [M-1993 cases]. Neither in the case of the theoretical expansion of any For extension of the ontological relatedness any serious checking with the original concept, as a rule, is not carried out. Attempt to reflect on the conditions under which, the notion of psychological defenses, led by VI Zhurbina (1991) to conclude that we are dealing with a phantom with an epiphenomenon, is the offspring of the relationship between patient and physician. These reasons, the original understanding of psychological defenses given in psychoanalytic work, strongly demands the rethinking. 6.1.1. Psychological defense in different theoretical contexts

Celebrate the opening of protective actions, undoubtedly belongs to 3 Freud, who took the concept to modeling the dynamics of mental processes in the psychotherapeutic work. (Birth Pangs concepts of resistance and repression, as important components of the therapeutic process, almost visibly felt in his pioneering work "The Interpretation of Dreams.") Followers 3 Freud developed the concept of psychological defenses - not changing it in fact - in the direction of detail and complement the list of protective mehanizomv new species [A. Freud 1948]. If there are some differences in the overall appearance of the private nature of the model of psychological defenses, the main features of which are reproduced in many textbooks and dictionaries, is very stable. 187 The first of these recognizes the alarm as a factor that carries the threat and determine the need for protection. It is sometimes behind the scenes is the fact that anxiety itself is only an indicator of the presence of conflict between the various mental institutions. A second important feature, secreted by the authors indicates a structure under the patronage. As a rule, it is the ego and its attributes: self-esteem, self-image, self-concept, and so on. N. A common feature in the traditional psychoanalytic notion of psychological defense is their intralich-ductivity localization: it is one of the parties to the flow of internal struggle, in which the ego protects itself from destruction in a whirlwind of conflict between the conscious and the unconscious, between the conflicting aspirations between It and the super-ego, and so on. d. trend of recent decades is that in the psychoanalysis when considering the psychological dynamics are invited to make going beyond the individual. It is shown that the prerequisites for this can be found in the founder-meter. So, if before the transfer of the property admitted patient, manifested in his relationship with the therapist, the subsequent transfer is elevated to one of the fundamental pillars of the psyche [Modell 1984]. The same happens with the intrapsychic processes that are increasingly eksteriorizuyutsya language model representations. The ultimate expression of this tendency is found in Eric Berne (1992). This could not but touch upon the problems of psychological defenses that are becoming more likely to be addressed to interpersonal phenomena as their counterparts. For example, attempts to describe the genesis of protection in terms of relations between the infant and the mother [Guntrip 1977]. Phenomena, which is addressed to psychoanalysis considered localized on intrapsychic horizon. True, you can reinterpret psychological defenses as derivatives of the interaction between patient and therapist. Then their phenomenology would be more accessible. However, such a rethinking explicitly in psychoanalysis I could not be found even whereare made 188 theseefforts for the removal of psychological defenses of interpersonal relationships, since it is mainly a question of their ontogeny. In the current mode of interaction between the patient and the doctor's psychological defenses often thought of as already intralichnostnye. Nevertheless, clinical practice gradually awakens to understanding the intimate connection between the protection of the traditional presentation and interpersonal relationships, which are a continuation of the internal struggle as its external repercussions, funds coping or initiation factors [Rakkolainen 1982]. Experiments on problems of frustration needs carried out by employees Lewin, can also be attributed to the study of psychological defenses [Hilgard 1972]. Unlike psychoanalysis, where both conflict and protective actions are a product of mental reconstruction, these authors experimentally simulated analog intralichnostnogo conflict - state of frustration needs - and recorded vneshnepoveden-cal manifestations of this condition. They were: a) restlessness, tension - motor excitation , reflected in increased muscle tension, restlessness, fingers, sucking them, biting nails, smoking, chewing rubber; b) destructiveness, expressed in aggressive actions; c) apathy, indifference to the situation, and indifference to the events; g) fantasizing about desirable or distracting dreams; d) stereotyped behaviors - more frequent repetition of the same game scenes, daily rituals; e) regression - a return to forms of behavior characteristic of an earlier age. The parallels with the psychoanalytic defenses are obvious. Indeed, the psychological defenses almost visibly discern for behavioral manifestations, since changes of the past are seen as the result of internal defenses. Sometimes themselves external actions can have an independent protective value. Notion of psychological defenses eventually become so widely popular that began to be used in contexts little to do with psychoanalysis, or very far from it. Especially widely accepted, the term 189 received within the group and psycho-Trenin govoy work. When resemblance in language and semantics used concept of psychological defenses is very different from the psychoanalytic. On the one hand, the use of non-strict basic concepts allowed to work with the interpersonal nature of the defenses, and on the other, the original - the actual psychoanalytic picture of intrapersonal nature protection simply left in the shadow. As an example, the results of empirical generalizations, conducted by AW Kharasch, which were divided into three types, as he writes, interpersonal protection: role self-serve psevdoraskrytie and indecent protection [Kharash 1987]. Their main goal - protection of its self-assessment of the changes that it is subjected to the partners in dialogue - members of the Tgroup. Intuitive term "interpersonal protection" was filling clearly delineated and empirically weighty content. As a theoretical concept, however, it has not been determined. In the flow of group dynamics psychological defenses "discernible" without difficulty, even theoretically unsophisticated members of the group. Rather, we can say that the catch at the emotional, empathic, almost directly. But can not be seen if the observer does not point to them and did not provide further interpretive commentary. Term "psychological defense" is sometimes used when discussing the problems arising in the course of negotiation [Fisher, Ury 1991]. Obviously, in this context, it is given a different value. This refers to the prevention of damage to the part of the negotiating partners. Protection is subject to the ability to not succumb to the effects that can change the course of the negotiations or the outcome of an unwanted direction, it has its own interests and intentions are protected in the current mode of interpersonal interaction.

Thus, from the above review, we can conclude that the substantive content of the concept of "psychological defense "varies fromdeep theoretical 190 speculation to empirical descriptions of thoughtful penetration into the mental processes applied to the unreflecting use; applied to phenomena, extending from intralichnostnoy dynamics to interpersonal and intergroup relations even. Obvious is the need to find common traits or features that allow to give a definition, which would fall under the phenomena studied in different theoretical contexts. And even those that are inherently can also be attributed to psychological defenses, despite the fact that researchers such terminology and did not use. 6.1.2. Semantic field and the definition of "psychological defense" etymology of the word protection is very clear: to create a cover (shield), preventing shock, or damage to the body of a warrior. In dictionaries in explaining the word to protectthe most frequent concepts of threat and the border. Availability threat indicates that there is a need to protect: 1) under the conditions of struggle, conflict or war - that is, in a state of confrontation, or 2) under the presence of destructive malware factor: disaster, adverse or harmful living conditions. presence of the boundary youwant to protect, indicating that the protection needs some integrity: the body, the state, organization, structure, and so on. d. protection of any part gets a sense only as protection against the violation of integrity. In acute situations, often given as a sacrifice for the sake of the whole. Emergence of meaning behind the words border and the threat of in the semantic field of protection, is no coincidence, because they are a response to a question about what is protected and what. Latter is understood in two senses: a) threatening factor or agent, and b) the nature of the harm that can be done that is protected. The means of protection already appears as secondary in relation to the concept of "protection", but is important in describing the different types of protection. 191 Thus, the concept of "protection" can offer the following description of the scheme: a) the object of protection (that is protected? ) - meaning any holistic education, and b)the threat (from what?) - external to the integrity of the factor or agent, encroaching on it, c)damage (to avoid what?) - dismemberment, destruction, domination, that is, such influence, which leads to the disappearance of a holistic education as an entity or violation of its and integrity,d)protection (how?), depend both on the specific features of the object of protection and performance threats. term "psychological defense" as a species may be charged by narrowing of the generic "protection" for each of these parameters separately or in any combination thereof. 1. subject of psychological defense can be any integrity: the state (if there is a psychological warfare [Volkogonov 1983] there must be a psychological defense), organization, group of people, family, individual, his body, the psyche as a whole, or any psychic structure. In the psychological literature almost exclusive emphasis on the latter two of these subjects protection. Most often referred to as: self-confidence, self-esteem [Hilgard 1972] confidence [Hine 1971], self-concept [Shibutani 1969], self-concept, self-image, the ego (Freud and 3 followers), self, individuality. Protection can also subject to, on the one hand, the mo-tivatsionnye Education: desires, preferences, tastes; On the other hand, cognitive structures: outlook, opinions, knowledge [Festinger 1957; Schopenhauer in 1893; Povarnin 1992], and the third, behavioral manifestations: the habits, skills, style of behavior or activity. Behind all this list nonetheless one I guess, to protect itself, its own appearance and their quality. 2 threats withwhich it has a psychological defense, often called anxiety [Freud 3; Freud A; Hine 1971; Modell 1984], which can be vy192 Rank internal conflict [3 Freud; And Freud; Nogpeu 1966; Nalchadjyan 1988; Kalmikova 1988], the frustration of any needs [Hilgard 1972; Nalchadjyan 1988], the uncertainty of the situation [Kharash 1987]. But it would be a mistake to limit this list only. By threatening factors undoubtedly include carrying a threat of action partners, animals, organizations, states - that is, actions performed by any entity of the psyche, a single or aggregate. 3 Character damage varies depending on the subject of protection: a breach or non-confirmation (read , destruction) of the self-representations of the person about themselves, low self-esteem or feelings of confidence, loss of self or individual uniqueness, wrecked plans, intentions, and so on. n. Either case the damage is the destruction of varying degrees of certain mental structures up to a total loss of subjectivity. Generally you can distinguish the following types of possible damage: complete destruction, suppression or subordination, dismemberment, the alienation of the qualitative changes that lead to a loss of self, too fast changes or developmental delay. 4 Means of psychological defense - so their side, which constitutes the greatest psychological protection as a species. Consider the case when a person is attacked by hooligans in the alley ("Give me a cigarette"). On the psychological protection is not possible to tell if a result is an ordinary fight. Another thing, if used exclusively psychological means, from requests for mercy or counter-threats to manipulation and martial arts characters - then we clearly state the presence of psychological defense (in interpersonal collision in which the psychological struggle plays a subordinate role). Summarizing and Paraphrasing the above, we note the following . 1. Psychological defense is possible only where there is interaction between actors. The latter may be states, organizations, groups [Mindell 1993] individuals and the integrity of the functional fragmentation ~! 848193 E psyche. The last statement does not seem a stretch, if in the light of evolving approach to intrapsychic processes in terms of communication intralichnostnoy [Robert 1987] rethink psychoanalytic theoretical constructs as the description of the processes of intersubjective interaction. Especially because in the framework of psychoanalysis is interpretation is not uncommon [Berne; Modell 1984; Rakkolainen & Alanen 1982].

2. Psychological defense arises under the intersubjective struggle. If we consider intralichnostnuyu communication as a kind of intersubjective interaction, frustration can also be considered in this series, except, perhaps, when it is caused by objective (without the participation of the subject) circumstances. 3. Psychological defense arises in response to a violation or threat of violation of boundaries (often psychological) of a subject that is likely to result in damage to its integrity or individual isolation. 4. Of all the security options discussed - the subject, the nature of the threat, the damage and the means - the last is best suited as a basis for the allocation of psychological defenses as a special kind of protection. As a working tool, we will use the following definition: Psychological defense - is the subject of the use of psychological means to remove or mitigate damage, threatening him by another entity. This definition is able to cover the whole range of phenomena of psychological defenses. In this case, it is rather limited and does not cover the other - not psychological - phenomena. The definition also provides a basis for allocation of types of psychological defenses: interacting subjects and employed remedies. 6.2. Types of psychological defenses seen in the context of this paper types of psychological defenses can be allocated in the first place, depending on what the subject is protected by separate 194 people or psychic structure. Accordingly, they can be called interpersonal and intrapersonal defenses. Second, the psychological defenses may vary in direction and content of protective actions - obtained in this typology is discussed below. And thirdly, psychological defenses can be distinguished according to their relevance nature of the threat. In this case they may be called specific and nonspecific defenses. 6.2.1. Interpersonal protect themselves and intrapersonal Intrapersonal protection arise in terms of intra-personal struggle waged relatively independent personality substructures, such as the individual desires, preferences, tastes, outlook, opinions, knowledge, habits, skills, self-confidence, selfesteem, a sense of confidence , self-image. Self-concept, self-image, and so on. N. Each of these structures has its own specific aspirations, which are at least not the same, and in some cases sharply contradict each other. Each of them contributes to the formation of the external behavior of a person or to determine the characteristics of his inner world. In this field, there is a natural competition between them. At the advanced stage of confrontation voltage contradiction develops into intra-personal struggle, most acutely leaking at a neurosis. It is because of the presence of this struggle and need the psychological defenses that are appropriate to call the intrapsychic. Their appearance is designed to protect one intrapsychic education from damage by other personal substructures. The existence of such defenses consistently found in psychotherapy, counseling and correctional practice. Phenomenology is the first and most mnogostorenne was considered in psychoanalytic work. Interpersonal protection also arise in the fight, but already the struggle between the people. Since entering into the fellowship of people are carriers of distinct desires, between them arise naturally contradictions. Where is the contradiction is espe7* 195 particularly acute, and the efforts to resolve it ineffective, there is a conflict. But even if the fight is not manifested in the conflict, its very presence brings to life a mutual desire to protect themselves. From what is necessary to defend himself? Oddly enough, but largely on the strength of the desires and aspirations of the other person. To the extent that it is more likely intentions of the communication partner realized, rising tensions counter resistance. The popular notion that to achieve their goals can be largely at the expense of another, sets people on distrustful and suspicious attitude to the aspirations of those with whom they communicate. Interpersonal Protection found where we are talking about individual integrity, correlated with no individual isolation. The subject of self protection act, a person's personality, his personality (as the presentation of individuality in a relationship with the world, "guise"). At this point, it is tempting to refer to interpersonal defenses only those cases when faced individual interests of people, and all the other phenomena associated with role-based opposition, be attributed to the inter-role defenses. However, in real life, so rarely found cases where a person would be able to distinguish one's self from their role positions them that this distinction may be largely theoretical interest. Therefore, further interpersonal defenses will attribute all the protective phenomenon that can be observed in the relations of individuals, if they occur in response to a threat (even if imaginary) from another person. Seemingly natural breeding vnutripsihi-cal and external protection becomes less apparent as soon as we begin to work directly with the protective phenomena. Of course, physical separation of subjects for interpersonal forms of protection other conditions than those in which the unfolding intrapersonal protection. But a large number of similarities indicates their essential interdependence and mutually reciprocal. The most common for intrapersonal and interpersonal protection is that ultimately protected individuality, single Ya 196 The similarity of external and internal protection is also reflected in the similarity of the strategies that are involved. When Freud 3 during one of his lectures ("On Psychoanalysis") took to illustrate the process of displacement, he compared it with the situation of visiting room intruder silence, which hefty audience to the delight of the lecturer and for general peace of mind put out the door. Elimination of interference, however, was relative, as the noise of the door, which produced the irrepressible offender, still prevented a steady flow of the lecture. Example given by the pioneer of psychoanalysis, is not confined to the superficial similarity of interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts vicissitudes, and picks the presence of certain patterns. (For more on protection strategies will talk in the next section.) Similarity on the essential level due to the fact that the internal and external psychological defenses tightly linked bonds origin. The answer to the question which of these are primary is genetically different depending on what kind of genesis will be discussed: philosopher, onto-or aktualgeneze. In the context of the ideas developed in the national psychology

(cultural-historical paradigm within which formed my professional thinking), is phylogenetically primary interpersonal struggle, and hence interpersonal psychological defenses. In aktualgeneze (mikrogeneze) turns ratio so that intrapersonal protect both initiate and determine how the interpersonal protection (although the functional dependence is a doublesided) [Rakkolainen 1982]. Developmentally, it seems, and they both occur at the same time protecting and some time are not differentiated. Ontogeny of psychological defenses. Ontogenesis of the defense mechanisms described largely in line with the psychoanalytic approach. The last of the famous works of this kind [Guntrip 1977; Modell 1984] significant from the fact that, adhering to orthodox psychoanalysis, they nevertheless oppose its orthodox version, placed at the focus of the process of theoretical modeling of only one person - the customer. An alternative approach is an effort to build a "dyad" psychology («two-person psychology») 197 [Modell 1984], in which a prominent place is given to the mutual transition and intimate connection between the structure and the structure of interpersonal communication intralichnostnyh processes. For psychological science news there was a close link between mother and infant. In a syncretic form of the mother to the infant performs multiple roles. 1. Mother as a universe from which the infant has not stood out, the boundary which is not created immediately. Therefore, in the deep memory baby, on the one hand, there is a sample of the state's own nonseparateness, simbiotiches Coy touch with the world. And on the other - a sense of non-existence (or part of existence), arising due to lack of personal boundaries. 2. Mother as a window to the outside world, through which the infant comes into contact with him. The presence of contact, the contact sets the first border. Originally a boundary, a shield is a mother herself. Apparently, the memory of that feeling of security (location for the shield under the cover) is the original model of state security, perfect its benchmark, in which there are two fusion as its main components: the distanced-ness - the distance from the uncertain and frightening world, and the presence of obstacles, which reduces the effect of external influence. 3. Mother as a source of satisfaction of needs, which lays the foundations of the rental relationship to other people as a means of solving their own problems. Perhaps it is here that should look for the source control tendencies of people to manage them. 4. Mother as a source of danger due to the fact that on her part (of the world through it) receives information about the threat. It is also perceived omnipotent and that could refuse to close. Reality of the threat requires appropriate means of coping with danger. To distance and protect themselves from it, the psyche of the child perestrukturiruetsya so as to create the necessary boundaries. Thus there is an approximation to the standard of protection that positively reinforces such tumors. At the same time experience is gained by distancing distancing threats. Another newly acquired - resolve problems through internal reorganizations. 198 5. Mother as a "mirror" that returns a baby of his own passions, whereby he begins to perceive them as an observer. Thus, the foundations for inter-personal communication, unfolding according to the laws of human interaction. However, the information transmitted is very vague, so the child is free to select the one that he is more impressed by studying its methods of selection in accordance with their interests. Thus, even in the earliest mental states can be distinguished all the characteristics of psychological defenses: a) the distinction I - I'm a non-formation of intersubjective boundaries, b) availability of psychological threat of destruction of the child, or violation of its borders, c) a sample of state security. Available as all the prerequisites for deployment process intrapersonal communication: the selection of individual kvazisubektov, education information and interactive streams. Vnutlichnostnogo In the process of interaction are also found characteristic of the protective effects of temporal trends: passive and active distancing, building barriers, readiness to manage people and to modify the information on the basis of their own problems. So, on the subject of protection does manage to separate the concept of interpersonal protection against an intragovernmental protections. Phenomenology them can also be described separately. Closer examination of the psychological defenses - particularly in terms of practical work - reveals their very tight interdependence and mutual transformation. Despite the fact that the selected types of psychological defenses in this case hardly differentiate their conceptual distinction allows a better understanding of the phenomenology of psychological defenses, especially in the defensive strategies. 6.2.2. Basic security installations in some cases it appears that the more important thing is not so much protection, as used in this strategy. And then on the second plan leaves the question of where they are located: in interpersonal relationships, or in the inner world of man. Especially as the external and internal 199 nal protection is usually intertwined in complex ways. A close examination of protective strategies it seems that their number is very limited. Below we propose the experience of isolating such strategies - generalized methods of psychological defense, making their typology. Already mentioned that etymologically protection can be thought of by analogy to the protection of the subject's body. Apparently, in the original meaning of the concept of protection arises where there is a battle in which there is a danger of injury. It's not just a different kind of battle actions, but also hunting for wild animals (the confrontation with them), as well as many other minor clashes, which was always full of life, not only people but also animals. It is therefore natural for our part will show interest in the horizon of intersubjective relations, among which it is hoped to find prototypes psychological defenses - those actions which, by analogy with (or by internalization are) then lined protection ext-ripsihicheskie. Thus, our search is localized near the source of the semantic concept of "protection", which is supplied from the depths of phylogeny. At this level of analysis is necessary to act largely relying on common sense.

Most phylogenetically ancient way of protection, apparently, it is necessary to recognize the flight, followed by - fading and stashing (care in the shelter), and only then - a counter-attack against the aggressor or desire to influence its behavior. At least they can be observed in almost all animal species (the latter, for example, is expressed in specific signals of submission, or to use all sorts of tricks.) These are the ways we find in the history of human relations: in martial arts warriors in military operations teams and States. Here we find the full protection of these analogues have: 1) the flight and its various weakened forms - retreat, evasion, delay; 2) masquerading as analog fading - the desire to become invisible to the enemy; 3) the use of natural and artificial barriers and the establishment of shelters in the form of walls, ditches (directly borrowing ideas from landscape features: density 200 FLOW wooden stockade, "transfer" of the river or ravine to the walls of the city and so forth.), And as a lightweight modification - the use of portable barriers: shields, chain mail, armor, and so on. n; 4) attack the aggressor - active protection, the essence of which is fixed in the truism "the best defense - attack"; 5) control of the behavior and / or intentions of the actual or potential aggressor - coaxing, use tricks and other tricks. Predominance of passive forms of protection may be due to the fact that the active protection of both animals and humans occurs only in cases where the risk of comes from a subject (human or animal), whereas passive protection also applies in relation to the elements and other factors nesubektnogo origin. So, we have five original forms of protection: flight, stashing (care in the shelter), fading (masking) attack (destruction, exile) and control (control). In this case, apparent to the pairwise correlation of active and passive forms of protective actions, together forming the independent variables of the protective process. So, a couple of flight-attack can be combined on the achieved result - increase intersubjective distance to secure borders. The difference lies in the means of achieving it. In flight erases itself, and in the attack (which refers to the desire to expel or destroy) - removal of the aggressor. Couple shelter control correspond to changes in the parameters of effects: shelter involves obstacles hindering influence on the part of the aggressor, and control, on the contrary, removes obstacles to the reverse effect - already on the aggressor. Single is fading. However, if you define a variable that corresponds to the action - namely, the cessation of the flow of information about themselves, coming to the aggressor - it is easy to recover the second member of the pair - ignoring that stops the flow of information about the aggressor and threat. The apparent absurdity of this tactic is relative. Its use is justified if the information itself is dangerous (for example, charges, rumors, heavy prophecy) or when other forms of protection for any reason will not be involved, and adapts to the stimulus. (G. Bateson [1994] showed that the 201 electoral ban on the transfer of information is one of the most important laws of system interaction - from the transfer of genetic information to the religious sacraments.) Thus, we have six prototype actions, combined in complementary pairs: to escape - to expel , hide - master, hide - ignore. Each pair specifies a process parameter protection: distancing with the aggressor, the impact of flow control, control information channel. This action is proposed to give the status of the basic protective equipment. A slight modification in relation to the level of interpersonal relationships (see. Table. 4) allows you to fill them with the following contents. 1. Care - increase the distance, interruption of contact, removing himself beyond the reach of the influence of the aggressor. Manifestations of this type of protection: a change to a safe topic of conversation, the reluctance to aggravate relations (bypassing the sharp corners), the desire to avoid encounters with those who are the source of unpleasant experiences; avoidance of traumatic situations, interrupt the conversation under the pretext, and so on. n. limiting manifestation of this trend can be full isolation, alienation, rejection of human contact. Table 4 Typology of protective actions prototype Variable passive form of active form of distancingfrom aggressor


control kind exposure


lock information

himselfRemoval: flight, Care lock - nomination hurdle barrier, "shield"; Find shelter About: fading


Removal aggressor expulsion, destruction, aggression Kontrvozdeystvie: control over the aggressor, submission, of the management on the aggressor: ignoring or denying the threat

202 2. Exile - increase the distance, the removal of the aggressor. Variations manifestations: kick out of the house, fired from their jobs, send somewhere under acceptable excuse, condemnation, ridicule, humiliation, quip. Extreme expression of this trend is murder - Protective origin aggression, carried to its logical conclusion. As we have already accepted as a model representation of the plural nature of the person, it becomes easily understandable why the assignment of condemnation and ridicule to a strategy of exile - a partial killing, the destruction of some of the other: character traits, habits, actions, intentions, dispositions, and so on. D. 3 . lock - exposure control, reaching the subject of protection, exhibiting obstacles in his path. Variations: semantic and semantic barriers ("I find it hard to understand what is at stake"), role patterns ("I'm at work"), "mask", "person" (Jung),

and so on. N., Who assume the primary "impact" ("it's not me - it's my character like that"). The ultimate expression: a fence full of self-isolation by means of in depth defense. 4 Control - Controlling impacts emanating from the aggressor, the impact on its performance: crying (the desire to soften) and his loose views - complaints, whining tone, sighs; bribery or desire to propitiate; trying to make friends or to become members of a community ("its not hit"); weaken or destabilize the activity completely inactivate; provoke the desired behavior, and so on. d. This also misses protective origin manipulation. The ultimate expression - the subordination of another pomykanie them. 5 Fading - control of information about the subject of protection, its distortion or reduction of supply. Implication: camouflage, deception, concealment of feelings, failure of action not to manifest itself (not to invite trouble). Extreme form - numbness, anxious depression. 6 Ignoring - control of information about the aggressor, the presence or nature of the threat to his hand, the restriction of the volume or distorted perception. For example, stereo--pizatsiya ("Yes, he just bullies"), a diminishing degree angle 203 rose explanation positive intentions ("She wishes me good"). Ultimate manifestation - a critical distortion, loss of adequate perception, illusion. As often happens with all sorts of typologies, in an encounter with reality is that you can find a lot of intermediate or combined cases. In relation to the defense of this fact is not a disadvantage. Knowing the basic settings, we can allocate the composition of two or more trends, better understand their internal structure. For example, a well-known method, as "left, slamming the door," contains themselves apart from the main sales installation - self care - additional features masking escape anger and attempts to influence the agressora- intimidate his "groznostyu." In the reception of "I'm with you I do not want to say" combined avoiding traumatic contact exile (rejection) of the opponent and the desire to make it more manageable. Basic security installations generate a wide variety of interpersonal protective action, playing the role of guiding the trends that are relevant to the key variables of protection: distancing , flow control and feedback information. Sources of variability "behavioral manifestations are, firstly, changes in the intensity of a particular tendency, secondly, in combination units, sharing their manifestation, and thirdly, in the plastic modifications, especially taking into account situations, flow conditions activity. Resultant specified influences, as well as other ryadopolozhennyh, is a specific behavioral act, sometimes far from trivial, despite the fact that it is formed from a very limited set of primary elements. 6.2.3. Specific and non-specific protection should be noted that the discussed protection does not cover an entire phenomenology which falls under the definition of psychological defenses. Example 26 - It turns out that you are not able to cope even with such a simple task like this. 204 - Charging it, you warned that it is very difficult ... - Then I talked about its importance, and now point to your disability. - ... It is also said that, apart from me, no one will be able to do this ... - I was sorely mistaken in you. - You've learned my report? - It is enough that you have not reached result. - But maybe we are all same loan causes of failure - it will continue to deal with these problems. - And you will come away with from liability? - Your right to punish me. But the punishment may be true only to the extent that I did wrong. And to find out this measure, it is still necessary to analyze the causes of failure. Reproduced dialogue, out of context, does not allow to make definite judgments, but its volume is sufficient to demonstrate the protection enjoyed by the employee. (Note, to protect themselves, not as an official person, and as a person. It is protected from humiliation, and not out of punishment.) These funds, however, do not fall under any of the basic protective equipment. Why? In the proposed typology is not taken into account the nature of the threat, its content. This is no accident. The focus of consideration were mainly procedural, the dynamic characteristics of behavior that are relevant to a fact of the threat, but not its substantive features. Reason for this restriction of the search sector lies in the very logic of the subject area, formed back in the mainstream of psychoanalysis. Last, the focus of which is the consideration of the dynamics of mental processes, and psychological defense sees primarily the dynamic aspect. Meaningful moments are discussed only in part due to the sublimation and rationalization that best realize the positive potential of psychological defenses. This happens primarily because of their focus on the solution of the problem in a manner more appropriate, more specific in relation to the content of the threat. Thus opened two different types of psychological defenses, depending on what they sori205 of oriented: the fact of the threat or its character. Specific shall call such psychological defenses that are relevant to the nature of the threat, consider its substantive characteristics. Accordingly, the non-specific defense - is such that the relevant facts of a threat at all. We consider both types separately. Nonspecific protection, dealing with the structural and dynamic characteristics of a situation of interaction, are most susceptible to stereotyping and over-generalization. This is due, firstly, deep phylogenetic roots of protection, and secondly, they are a powerful foundation installation. Thanks to them is significantly reduced latency response provided emergency response. The very fact that the threat of acts like a key stimulus, launching one of the psychic automatism, which consists of a base installation of protective or their compositions. Nonspecific protection may be subject to generalization in intensity over time and a broad class of situations. Generalization of the intensity of "spins" basic security installations to their maximum expression: care - to stampede exile

- to destruction, lock - up to self-imposed isolation, management - to lording it over-tion, fading - to suicide, ignoring - to functional blindness and so on. Generalized time protection are resistant and rigidity. A generalization of the inadequacy of a wide class of situations leads to stereotyped behavior, the impoverishment of the repertoire of methods of protection. All this - the fee for starting saving strength for the speed of response. Specific protection, taking into account the nature of the threat, more like problem-solving process, for which there is no ready-made solutions. This kind of protection is largely represent search operations involving complex orientation in a problem situation. However, some of the techniques acquired in the process of learning, gain experience solving a similar class of problems can be played back repeatedly. Specific protective actions orientated to the standard, often repeated for the subject kind of threat, like the non-206 particular, can become automatic. Then they become a habit, and sometimes intrusive symptom. As such, they have already appeared in the field of view of clinicians and clinical psychologists. Primarily because of their presence could not build a "beautiful", well-run classification. This happens on what protective actions relevant nature of the threat, are highly dependent on a number of variable elements of the situation, which are used as a means of solving the problem: in the course of any changes of the threat, taking into account whether its content characteristics. Classification of such protections would require classify lifetime in a variety of its manifestations. Difference between non-specific and specific defenses like that which exists between protopit-cal and epicritic sensitivity, as they are understood in the physiology of nervous activity. The first provides a quick way to transfer of undifferentiated information about the stimulus (in particular, the traumatic impact) for an overall assessment of its importance for the organism. Epicritic sensitivity provides a detailed analysis of the nature of the stimulus. The result of the first system - the emotional value (eg, pain), and the second - the feeling image. The first involves rapid generalized reactions (eg, flick your hands), and the second - the activity that is configured on the nature of the stimulus. At the conclusion must also relate the proposed concepts with existing: adequate, effective and constructive psychological defenses. If specificity was defined as the most relevant content, as opposed to mere threat of its presence, the value - this is relevant because of the threat, compliance Substantiality source of danger. In the beginning of this section an example of a threat (humiliation on the part of the boss) has emerged due to the fact that the boss is angry because of the failure itself. Without delving into the essence of the problem was to pour out their anger on the slave. Undertray actions aimed at to resolve this reason - to direct the activity of the chief to address - should be considered adequate. Inadequate would be: apologize, blame, to remain silent, and so on. N. 207 Efficiency - the result with the primary objective of protection - eliminating the threat. Protection may be adequate, specific, but ineffective. Or adequate, effective and non-specific: if the chief characteristic pluck evil subordinates, it is appropriate to be on their part not to fall into his eyes when he's not in the spirit - and the desired result is achieved. There are other possible combinations of the combinatorial variables. Constructiveness - focus on the protective effects of creation, growth, and progressive development (relationships, psychological well-being, the effectiveness of joint activity) - can also be combined with these independent variables. Perhaps, specificity, and provide greater value for constructiveness. Thus, proposed the concept of specific and nonspecific defenses are independent features that can be used along with the adequacy and effectiveness, widespread in the literature on the psychological defenses. Firstly, they introduce a new, still nerefleksirovavsheesya, the difference between the types of protection that allows you to accurately identify the area in which the classification of protection makes sense, and indicate that, where it is unproductive. And secondly, consistent way to help assimilate outlines the certain psychological defenses phenomenology, still misses the research field. 6.3. Psychological defense mechanisms Now we have a sufficient set of concepts and can finally begin to describe the psychological defenses that arise in response to the manipulative influence. First, find out what feature of nonspecific protective action with respect to manipulation. Then proceed to the defense, taking into account the specifics of the manipulative process. Among the specific protection can distinguish at least three subtypes, depending on the level at which these protecting localized. The first are those that are relevant features of the threat posed by manipulation, and are localized in the actual personality (motivational) structures. The second level includes security-relevant 208 nye automatism - mental processes, implementing manipulative influence. Here defense mechanisms directly correlated with the mechanisms of manipulation. The third level consists of those defenses that relate to the means used by the manipulator. Discuss these protection in the order in which they are listed. 6.3.1. Nonspecific protective action Nonspecific protective action by definition occur in response to the fact of the threat and ignore its nature (contents). Therefore, this type of protective action with respect to the manipulation in general coincides with the defenses that arise in response to other types of psychological attack. Feature, perhaps, only in how these defenses appear. Because manipulation is mostly clandestine nature, the presence of the threat perceived by the addressee mostly unconsciously. Protective actions also go unnoticed with his hand, and when they notice they are assigned to these terms and conditions acceptable explanation - given motivation. Therefore, interpersonal origin protection in its manifestations are very similar to textbook examples of intra-personal protection. Behavioral manifestations of manipulators-tion protection in general also look familiar. Example, care may occur in an attempt to break contact, change the subject of conversation, to change anything in the environment. Explanation every time will be quite robust ("You do not mind, I close the window? Through."). Expulsion may occur that a person begins to attack more partner organizing manipulative pressure to release the barbs, annoyed. Lock may well look like a distraction (not following the thread of conversation) or extension to discuss less important in non-verbal

- As an organization "shields" between himself and partner, and so on. Management often turns into kontrmanipulyatsiyu [Shostrom 1992]. With appropriate qualifications in the external behavior is easy to notice signs of the destination occurrence of nonspecific defenses. Familiar with the practice group tre-ningovoy or correctional work easily remember a few examples of this kind: 209 • gentle swaying addressee head in the horizontal plane at a time when he was almost ready to accept (the last spike of the unconscious resistance - denial); • voice and fallen slightly Slow down when the trap was sprung, but have not yet become clear what happened (fading); • acute urgency to the bathroom, emerging at the destination in the most important moment for the manipulator (unconscious flight). Different types of non-specific protection against manipulation may have varying degrees of effectiveness. Such a variable as a distancing from the aggressor as whether care or desire to oppose the expulsion of the manipulator to increased contact with the victim (accession) and in this sense is really able to provide protection to the addressee. Conversely, ignoring the threat of manipulative invasion may be only on the manipulator arm. 6.3.2. Patronage personality structures has already been shown, the main target of the manipulative effects are strictly personal (motif-tional) structure. A major destructive effect is to split personality structures. These central (from the standpoint of the interests of the recipient) especially manipulative invasion and protection from it a convenient tool for the description in terms of interpersonal interaction. Success manipulation unthinkable without creating an ally of the manipulator in the spiritual world of the addressee. "To someone else's word has come into the mind as" own "it is necessary that in this consciousness was the" place "for another, openness to it, a willingness to meet with others and to hear his voice. This is possible only if the other is already living in the consciousness, if it is not outside the perceived object and the inner content of consciousness "[Smirnov, 1994, p. 11]. Start creating intrapersonal ally occurs at the moment of actualization motive competing with the existing reality. As a result, generated vnutrilichnostnyi conflict in whichface, 210 subjects claiming to be one and the same resource (time, energy, human rights, and so on. N.) [Borodkin, Koryak 1983]. Manipulator important step is to take care of strengthening its ally, to strengthen its positions, as well as the weakening of opposing it motifs representing the interests of the recipient. Moreover, the smaller number of subjects involved in the internal conflict, the easier the actor to control the outcome. Indeed, the manipulator is beneficial: a) to deal with the motivational hierarchy, possible split into specific automatisms with their "princes" -pobuditelyami headed; b) include the interaction smallest possible number of subjects to work with "isolated preparation," extracted from the individual. Hence comes the main devastating effect of manipulative influence - splitting personality structures of the addressee. Consequently, the target only able to show the quality of the subject of the decision, if still possible - ive available capacity - a survey of all subjects (sub-personalities), constituting the personality. This (private) committed an act of the whole person as a whole, as a result of "vselichnostnogo referendum." Therefore, the recipient manipulative influence on the defensive in the first place from the splitting of his personality, from the isolation of one part of the whole context. Example, the manipulator is addressed to a role position, artificially isolating it ("Well, you're in the first place man! (Actor, the Soviet people , military, businessman) Forget about the rest "). In this case, the target will try to enter (recall or think) a few other role positions or declare themselves as a person ("But I'm still ..." - this "but" and provides resistance.) Thus, protection against manipulation is primarily protect their identity, resistance to creating a "fifth column" in it, destruction or expulsion of "defectors" - structures objectively working for the benefit of the aggressor, succumbed to his promises or provocation. The main task - to stay holistic, that is, such as internal conflicts recede into the background and all the sub-personalities present a united front, rallying around all important goal (hence the integrity). If the destination is 211 manipulative attacks will not do it, his soul strings will be in the hands of the manipulator obedient tool in achieving their goals. L. Proto in his book "Who's playing on your strings? How to stop the manipulation on the part of their own personalities, "offers the following ways to control their own strings. 1. «He-identification" I sub-personalities. He compares the I "impartial and effective chairman who encourages the statements of members of his committee, while retaining for a final decision; with the charioteer who reins to direct energy teams in the direction in which he, and not the horse wants to go; or still sleeping host, waking up from the fact that some of the guests surpass themselves, while others feel the anxiety and lack of care - and again breathes new life into the party, so that all the senses are included »[Proto 1989, p. 128]. "The more conscious is the" I "becomes, the less it allows you to fully capture the identification with thoughts and feelings, insertion of some sub-personalities, at any time, control of the situation, and so is less likely to be prone to unilateral decision or action hastily" [Proto 1989, p. 128]. 2. Resolution of internal conflicts. The author compares the "I" with a mediator or arbitrator, which aims to give a voice to all sides of the conflict. As a result, the parties reach an agreement or trust the mediator to work out a balanced decision.h. 3 Self-acceptance. In general, this has already become a traditional recommendation aimed at improving the realism of their perceptions of themselves, the sincerity to himself. In the context of self-acceptance antimanipulyativnoy protection allows us to identify the qualities that make a person susceptible to foreign influence from the outside. This creates the conditions to overcome them and implement structural changes in themselves. 4. Transformation. Underneath L. Proto understand personal growth and promotion to expand the scope of awareness, achieve balanced motives, inner harmony, "The more we cultivate self-awareness,than more than 212 self-acceptanceallow, the more complete we become as heal themselves from internal division" [ Proto 1989, p. 131].

ideal internal relations L. Proto considers the achievement of human dialogue Selves, elimination of concealment and suppression. As you can see, intrapersonal relationships are built them following the pattern of interpersonal relations. Otherwise it is difficult to contemplate, since the laws of constructive engagement at all levels of intersubjective relations are the same. In some cases, however, made isolation and disable some part. In this case, the "affected" part is placed in a special position, reminiscent of pop persona grata. Perhaps this is, firstly, because the very "I" can be divided into "lower" and "higher", "supple" and "persistent" on "human habits", "human will" and "moral person" [Orlov, 1991]. And secondly, due to the fact that most of the parts you can say "I". To minimize the damage is much easier to say "That's my character a", "will is not strong enough", "summed up the nerves," etc.. Claim. During the ensuing intrapersonal interaction "side" find a way to remove the difficulties which have arisen. Well, if it is constructive. Otherwise, the unresolved conflict increases neurotic ballast. 6.3.3. Protection of mental processes Since the manipulator seeks to find the key to inner peace destination last tries to somehow cover up their weaknesses and do not let them touch. The resulting resistance, which explicitly may take the form of "do not go into the soul (under the skin)," "Do not pick at the wound," although it is rarely expressed in words. The struggle between the manipulator and target mainly deployed for control automatisms - mental processes that make up the mechanisms manipulators-tion of influence. In principle, each described in the previous chapter, the mechanism of manipulation can be mapped to its own methods of psychological defense. Simple mirror presentation, however, it would be a boring affair * 213 and unproductive, so we will discuss the general principles of kontrpriemov and give a few examples. To avoid repetition, some of the already known things will be discussed in more free metaphorical expressions. Most important mental processes at the level of challenge for the destination - not to allow the manipulator "pushing buttons." You can do this as a generalized "universal * methods, and actions aimed at blocking the automatic reactions that make up the gear levers manipulative attacks. The most versatile - and at the same time specific enough for this level - defensive technique is unpredictability. Her motto is: "When you're unpredictable, you're invulnerable" (Castaneda). If the destination is itself so that it can not "count", the touchpad is not what will be arranged - much harder to pick up the keys if the locks are constantly changing. But in our culture, unpredictability is not encouraged. We are under the authority of, on the one hand, mental stamps behavior, emotions or thinking, and on the other, - the expectations and requirements of the people around them. This power was built keying P. teacher in Example 25 (the beginning of this chapter). Teacher K. coped with it that violated the standard, which he followed, - "education". Until now, this standard in its relations with the PA makes it vulnerable to exploitation. Having broken the shackles of educational stamps, K. felt a sense of liberation from dependence. It does not necessarily become ill-mannered enough not to become a slave to his upbringing. Universal second and equally specific to the protection of mental processes at the level of reception - delayed automatic reactions. Breaking curiosity to listen to the singing of the Sirens, and repressed fear to be their prisoner and killed, Odysseus found a way to block its automaticity, though not psychological, but quite natural way: ordered to tie him to the mast. This external way of coping with them can serve as analogue and internal coping - delayed reactions at the output. (By the way, he has saved his men from the singing of the Sirens that blocked sensory input - ordered to fill his ears with wax. Vnutrilich214 difference analogue of this technique is already known as a lock). Delay resulting reactions can manifest in the fact that the recipient will act more cautiously than usual, or to spend more time to make decisions. For example, the sensation of some unnatural situation can lead a person to delay the response to a very attractive at first glance offer - begin questioning, procrastination, county approaches. Latency first automatic impulses may also give rise to doubt, hesitation. As for kontrpriemov, they are to some extent contain elements of these universal techniques - unpredictability and delay automatic reactions. But in general, act as the activity of the alternative, which is actualized. For example, in response to the charges against him or image destination may spontaneously or intentionally create a new image or so transform proposed that it is relevant other reasons - that are more consistent with his personal interests. For example, seeing the ad, built on the romance of travel, the viewer can remember about mosquito bites and slushy night recent forays into nature - the effect is seen to have a ... In another case, when someone will rely on the recipient's shrewdness, the latter may be unusually neponyatliv, * gently blunt. " It is also conceivable that the desire to contradict the often occurs in response to someone else's desire to make the person susceptible to its influence. (The last two methods, generalized to adequately wide range of situations, form the corresponding character traits.) 6.3.4. Towards the manipulative techniques briefly discuss some protective actions relevant manipulative technology - used by the manipulator means of exposure. In principle, the set of manipulation is so great that an attempt to elucidate the possible protection in response to even a short list of elements of technology, which is listed in the fourth chapter, risks becoming a separate publication. We will discuss only the basic defense strategy, and possible concrete means the reader can come up with your own. 215 In principle, it is possible to think of the two most common strategies for dealing with manipulative technique: Focusing on the impact of the destruction of the technological elements and setting up on their use to their advantage. First defense strategy. technological efforts of the manipulator, the recipient may oppose a counter activity that destroys its promanipulyativnye action. This strategy is more typical for the installation to fight with arms, when the defense is thought of as one of the parties mutual desire to harm each other - in this case the damage in a weakened form. Protective activity of this type is related primarily to the elements such technologies as covert nature of the impact and the provision of psychological pressure.

Responding to the secret influence whichconsists in concealing the fact of the impact and goals of the manipulator, there is a desire to reveal the intentions of the manipulator, as well as the very existence of implicit influence. That is, we can expect the emergence of efforts to ensure that the secret to make explicit. It may look as updates with the intonation of distrust, doubt, clinging to the words, direct questions about other purposes ("Where are you driving at?" "And tell right"). But it can turn around and the whole "research" program with their test methods. Countering psychological pressure is likely manifested in the fact that the recipient will search for this kind of power, in which he has an advantage. Typically, this will be familiar to his measure: for example, developed the prepared themes and subjects of conversation, or inappropriately inserted pause (destabilization of the partner), or imposed friendly tone relations. But it may be overriding in exactly the same media. For example, the manipulator asked ductile slow pace, gradually (but implicitly) exhausting the patience and wait for the moment when you can make a basic attack: for example, to excite hostility to any person (an unpleasant condition in the current situation is linked to the image of the man). The target may set the pace even slower, joining in the conversation turns to thinking about their own affairs. Effect of resistance, further reinforced by the incomplete its inclusion in the situation. 216 second defense strategy. Technological vanity manipulator can be countered by targeted transformation of manipulative influence in a direction such that its effect is consistent with the interests of the recipient's manipulative influence. For example: 1. If the addressee will notice that the manipulator takes the conversation away, he can "help" the manipulator and maintain distraction on a particular topic, but one that is not less favorable to the recipient; or by making a loop, you can return the conversation back to the original topic. 2. Imagine that we begin to understand a hint of the manipulator, guess what he wants us to bow. You can directly ask whether we have understood his intention. If the goal is really unseemly, crane likely refuse. Based on this statement, we can "agree" to such a scenario - further efforts manipulator useless. Both examples are counter-manipulation, then initially manipulative situation turns into a reflective struggle - the desire to beat the manipulator. The following example looks more constructively. 3. The child does something usually forbidden by their parents in the presence of guests, believing that if they are unlikely to be his fault. Kontrhod parents may be that in order to discuss this problem with the guests: see, they say, like a child trying to use situational difficulties parents. It is important to make sure that the child is able to hear the conversation. 6.4. The problem of recognizing the threat of invasion manipulative As we have seen, an important feature is the manipulation of the secret nature of the impact. Therefore, it is reasonable to ask how this threat is seen by the addressee? and how it is perceived by them? Analysis of the literature reveals the following feature. Experimental work [Brock & Becker 1966; Christie & Geis 1970; Pandey 1988; Rosenberg & McCaf217 ferty1987; O'Connor & Simms 1990] deal with a ready manipulyativnoi situation - ask her (and often create) as one of the variables of the experiment or one of its conditions. Theoretical and review papers [Rudinow 1976 Winn 1983; Goodin 1980; Riker 1986; Beniger 1987] mainly describe andthe explain manipulation. And only designed for the general reader or practitioners books [Robinson 1981; Lentz 1989; Proto 1989] discusses the problem of detecting manipulation, its recognition discharge from the communicative flow. This is understandable, because the problem for the detection of manipulation occurs when a person is in a position of a user. One such interested users is undoubtedly a destination manipulative influence. In the previous chapters we have been in the position of an outside observer who seeks to understand something, it does not directly affecting. Here we are, with the position of the victim solidarizuyas manipulyativnoi attacks become interested observer: psychologist-practitioner, trainer, consultant, and so on. N. Characteristic feature of such a position - contact with a specific isolated phenomenon. Quite understandable difficulty lies in the fact that as soon as we turn to the analysis of individual events are not always able to solve, we are witnessing the manipulation or something else. Argue that this particular event is manipulation, ^ you can often only as a hypothesis. Needless judgment is largely interpretation relies on the interaction of a plurality of elements of the situation; interpretation, in which the preferences of the observer sometimes play a decisive role. Thus, the position of the user according to his ability and means - is none other than the position of the interpreter. Proposed to address this issue from two perspectives: on the one hand, to find out what we, as researchers, on the basis of theoretical considerations, we can assume as a possible means detection manipulative attempts, and on the other, the means by which the threat of manipulative effects can be recognized "naive" victim in a daily dialogue. 218 6.4.1. Possible indicators try to imagine for a moment that the client (customer) asked about what methods to detect manipulation. How can we help him? That we could offer the recipient manipulative attacks as a means of finding it? Finding ways to recognize manipulative threats can go in the following ways. The first way - tracking changes the situation generated by psychological technology (in this case, manipulative) exposure. The second - through the analysis of the mechanisms of manipulative influence. Of course, all the features that will be able to detect, can only give reason to believe that the situation has manipu-interaction of cumulative attempts. Unequivocal decision only on the basis of the analysis of these features render impossible, but without careful consideration, we remain armed only undifferentiated experience. Discussed below are highlighted signs based on the above theoretical research and represent their simple operatsionali-zatsiyu. Tracking changes of the situation relatedto the psychological impact of technology, can detect effects that are especially manipulation. A common feature of the presence of manipulative attempts to appear to be an imbalance of

certain variables interact. Therefore, we should list the possible deformations, shifts, inconsistencies, and so on. N. Those can be: a) An imbalance in the allocation of responsibility for the actions and decisions. This happens when we suddenly notice that something "should", not knowing where it ought came from. Or on the contrary - we have shown an unexpected or incomprehensible for us irresponsibility in making a decision. B) Distortions in the ratio of winning - fee manifested in the fact that the obtained result is not as invested effort. This can occur due to errors committed by us in the planning or execution of the decisions, but also as a result of someone else's manipulation. 219 Understanding the causes of this deformation will help in this, and in the other case. C) Availability of power pressure is also one of clues pointing to the possibility of manipulation, although rather is only an indicator of interpersonal problems, difficulties, one of the reasons for which, of course, can be a threat of manipulation. g) Violations of balance elements of the situation - in this case may bring to the attention of some degree of unusual situation of interaction: 1) unusual targets of influence (the theme of conversations, change vectors and t. n.) For example, on the evening in the company of friends you are introduced to a new person, and it is unclear why, most of the time is dedicated to you. Or, say, someone you have a courtesy or services that go beyond the usual, especially if they are mostly and one-sided,2)the unusual layout or presentation of information, such as, say, a shift of emphasis on the importance of the minor details. For example, inadequate long addressed the issue of how to stay: your partner all the time tends to sit by the window and for some reason every time so that the sun blinds your eyes uncomfortable. D) incongruent behavior (communicative message) partner - different channels broadcast conflicting information. For example, if you compare the contents of words with hand movements or facial expressions, you may find that the other person does not look you in the eye, and somewhere above you or to the side ("bullshit drives?"), And maybe down (very uncomfortable for you? ). Often, certain words contrast with the bustle of hands: pulls button, mindlessly shifts something on the table, "breaks" the fingers, and so on. D. E) The desire of the sender impact stereotyped behavior vat destination - those cases where it becomes apparent that to someone something you want us to behave "in accordance with ..." More often than not, it looks like an appeal to some of our role positions, the desire attributed to a particular category of people, addressed to our own habits or rituals established between us. 220 course, The above list may look different. (For the independent compilation of the list of indicators of this kind the reader may use the material of the fourth chapter.) At the moment, much to show, firstly, that the indicators concealed effects exist and they can be found, and secondly, that predict what these signs can be based on the results of preliminary theoretical research. If we start from the analysis of the mechanisms manipu-of cumulative effects, the problem of detecting manipulation is to be attentive to the reactions of the recipient. You must learn to recognize the moments when they are included in a job (or start to work in a modified mode) some components (links) mechanisms that implement an external intrusion. You can specify at least the following types of indicators: 1) Explicit overexposure or stressed obvious manifestation of psychic automatism in the behavior of the recipient's and exposure,2) a regression to infantile reactions - crying, aggression, depression, loneliness, and so on. N., Especially if it precisely timed to a particular situation or and event,3) the lack of time allottedfor making the decision; important point analysis of the situation in this case - to find out who created this deficit, if not to those who are pressed for time, it is necessary to assume the existence of and manipulation,4) narrowed aconsciousness that can manifest itself in restricting the discussion of ideas, in the cyclical * "statements (eg, immutable wording or regular return to the same topic), staged only situational purposes (to the detriment of prospective) and so on. 5) unexpected changes in background states: tension, aggression, restlessness, etc.. arising mainly as a response to the damage caused by that feel (albeit unconsciously) the impact of the addressee. Signal about the threat of harm or damage already done is the emotional reaction of the victim of manipulation - a worsening of mood, anger, resentment and other deaf shifts in the direction of negative emotions. Especially should alert case 221 teas unjustified in terms of the situation of emotional shifts. Latter criterion provides us with an important mechanism of subjective sensory diagnostics indicators. By itself, the reception is not new, but in the case of manipulation it can be used not only as an indicator of a threat, but even as a pointer to possible quality. This method of diagnosis, proposed by D. Dinkmeye-set and BD McKay [Dinkmeyer & McKay 1976], based on the fact that our feelings and reactions reflect the result of the unconscious processing of information from the outside world. In the early stages of interaction emotions are an expression of the unconscious (involuntary) response to the nature of the impact partner. Example, if we feel anger and we want to get rid of the presence of a partner, then perhaps this is not because it is unpleasant to us, but from the fact that partner seeking to master our attention to a greater extent than we desire. Probably, we have a negative reaction to his desire that has somehow manifested itself in his actions. If we feel the infringement of its authority, undermining their power over a partner and we want to prove their strength, to show the benefits, it may be that he seeking to master our behavior can be given orders. (However, since it can be assumed only if the partner does not explicitly gave their intentions. If his intentions are expressed transparently, rather it should be assumed attempt to provoke you into a show of strength.) Sometimes, especially if we woke up a little late, it may be that our emotional state points directly to what I wanted to achieve partner. In other words, he succeeded in its effect. For example, we caught ourselves on the fact that feel an

inexplicable grudge, even the pain, I want something to offend partner for something to settle the score. This may indicate his intention to take revenge on us. If at some point to work with their subordinates or colleague, we felt the futility of his efforts, his hands started to drop, I wanted to give up on him hand and 222 himself to do the job, then it is useful to assume that your partner is trying to prove his unfitness for this work. Why? Likely to assume it in you. Thus, even a priori, we find a rather large list of tools that can be used to recognize the manipulative influence. However, it would be naive to believe that the funds as a result of a theoretical analysis indicators manipulative invasion still remained unknown to the ordinary participant interaction. There is no doubt that most of them, even while remaining unreflected, one way or another are taken into account in the daily lives of almost every one of us. There may be such indicators, which in this study was not mentioned at all. 6.4.2. Detection of manipulation in living communion But to be in the position of a third party (even if interested) observer and be a member of the event, which to us is manipulative influence, not the same thing. This difference is approximately the same as that between theoretical and practical thinking that BM Warm noted: 1. Navigate falls on actual existing conditions, which may not fit into the familiar or known theoretical schemes. 2. Demands placed on the non-rational means of analysis (interpretation) of the situation and the problems contained in it: the feeling, intuition and experience. 3. Have to act in the mode of the current time, the recipient, as a rule, there is no such as a researcher, a chance to stop and how much is required to analyze the problem situation. This is not the only interpretation of the actions of (someone else's), but also the interpretation of the action of (his). * Example of other work [Lentz 1989], where this technique is recommended for target recognition manipulation, if I regularly think of sex in the presence of the the same person, it can mean that he seeks to sexualize aphid relationship. I should add that it is fair to assume and own unreflected desire. 223 4. Determination plays an important role - the ability to capture the right moment to start the action and perform this action with optimal cash situation tenacity and perseverance. Available recipient manipulative effects include: current situation and interpersonal communication prior experience - like all life, and to this man ( or anything resembling it). The problem in its most general form is to adequately establish a link between the situation and the psychological baggage participant interaction. Compound the situation with the experience occurs as the active inclusion of the person. Each such switch occurs on the basis of an integrated assessment of the situation and relate it to their interests and intentions. This evaluation includes a complete emotional assessment, intricately fused with a partial analysis of the situation. Therefore, the representation of the subject of the recognition results threats, actually reading it, apparently, can occur in two forms: emotional perception (integrated assessment) and rational recognition. Emotional perception. Estimated function of emotions is well known [Vilyunas 1984]. , Leading to a current evaluation of each piece of relevant events, in which the individual lives, in particular, situations of interpersonal interaction. Emotional reaction reflects the test result of an event on the importance asking potrebnostnoj significance of what is happening. In this brief emotional reaction signaled the danger can not be seen to fail to reach the awareness to stay on the subliminal level, causing only a vague anxiety. If assessed the whole situation, there is a feeling of "something's wrong here." A total effect, for example, from reading incongruent messages partner appears as a weakness of his sense of action (disbelief). According to the hypothesis "pervovideniya" put forward by E. Yu Artemieva, "perception of an object is passed by at least two fundamentally different mechanisms by step" the first 224 vovidenie "- when the object is estimated indivisible whole, he and" vtorovidenie "- when it (the object) is given by analyzing poaspektnoe classifying systems ... At pervovideniya turns ratio of the object and the subject (good if not dangerous right?). .. emotional and evaluative properties are leading "[Artemyev, 1980, p. 32]. Experimentally established time interval in which the fit process * pervovideniya "is 0.2-0.3 seconds [Ibid, p. 14]. The presence of fast integrated assessment of the problem situation also show revealed in experiments on solving chess problems patterns. This - the presence of an emotional reaction, immediately preceding the time of location (awareness) of the decision, as well as the ability of players to highly skilled instant comprehensive assessment of a chess position in terms of its presentation tahistoskopicheskogo [Tikhomirov, Vinogradov 1969]. The latter situation is the plot close to the problem faced by the addressee manipulative effects: a comprehensive assessment of the balance of power, balance of interests. Most people can rightly be attributed to the high-end players in interpersonal relationships - at least because of the incessant daily involvement in the process of psychological interaction. Teacher speaks experience losses, which may include resentment, frustration, disappointment in people. Well, if these emotions are, and the person has a balanced understanding and tolerant attitude towards those from whom he had suffered as a scar from vaccination. Difficult to expect such an outcome where manifest anger, rage or anger. It is clear, therefore, that the inner emotional interpreter of all people have different qualifications. But no matter how "naive" destination manipulative influence on the language rapidly changing psychological states in varying degrees, it is able to give a response to a very wide range of signs of manipulation. Another thing is that these reactions are often too weak to have any serious impact on the situation or too late to gain the necessary effective force when the return or change events is impossible. 8 - 898 225 Rational recognition of the threat can be based on knowledge of the features of the current situation or participants involved in it. For example, the introduction in the environment of the current domestic entrepreneurs often follow a

standard pattern: Part 1 - "dialogue-intelligence", in which it turns out the importance of partner relations, the prospects, the degree of susceptibility to influence, Part 2 - "advance", that is advertising itself and their prospects, Part 3 - "demandsupply", which tied a business relationship. Anyone who knows about this scenario, already at the first step required to assume that his partner can give "advance" and make the appropriate amendment to not fall for his tricks. Recognize manipulation of a person can also, based on its own history of the relationship with a specific person. I once with oppressive guilt leave the office of his boss - direktrissy institutions, which happen to a heart attack at a time when I refused to perform unusual for my office work. Experience was not long. Ten minutes later, casually passing by the same office, I heard her laugh. Of course, these "attacks" have perceived me as an artful dodge. Probably every person living in the community have similar knowledge about how to identify the cases that we call manipulation. So manipulative danger can be detected at the level of feelings, and at the level of understanding. In both cases, the judgment of a manipulation imposed as a result of (perhaps unconscious) interpretation of the information obtained; as emotional assessment and rational understanding are not necessarily recognized, but in most cases anyway influence on human behavior. Just as allocated nonspecific and specific types of psychological defenses, we find the distinction and recognition in the media of the threat: on the one hand - it's emotion, pointing to a fact or definition * According to the IV Lyalina - entrepreneur, a psychologist by training (with preservation of vocabulary). 226 Barking probability manipulative invasion, and with other - practical experience and knowledge, prompting the quality of danger, possible targets of the manipulator. 6.5. Do I need to be protected from manipulation? There are a few cases where there is no need to protect themselves from manipulation. Firstly, technological tricks manipulator are as adept and time-consuming, complex and obscure that they increasing trend towards self-destruction. The effectiveness of these effects is that they are designed to resist. If there is none, they just lose their power. In such cases, it makes no sense to spend money on their understanding and destruction, you can just let them happen - it will cost "cheaper" in terms of the emotional cost. (Something similar offers MB Litvak [1992] called tactics depreciation intentionally emphasizes concessions to the aggressor. However, he considers this method as a means of conducting interpersonal struggle). Secondly, there are games, which include the manipulation. For example, sex games, where manipulation and stroke (the recipient is obliged to guess) alternate with each other. Indeed, in most cases, these games start with seducing action initiator. Game disappears if erotic foreplay to begin with the words "Come on ..." So for those who prefer to play, the destruction of manipulation would be undesirable. In addition, there are many sexual and otherwise, that E. Berne called good games. But even if we are talking about manipulation, not related to the above, each of us can recall instances where a manipulative vanity could treat indulgently, and to the manipulator - generously. For various reasons, sometimes due to the understanding of human motives, sometimes due to the adoption of its individual characteristics, and sometimes - just because of the unwillingness to stoop to the level of manipulative. This blissful state of detachment and elevations allows a person to maintain their self. Then came peace and tranquility let manipulator celebrates his win - heaven will judge us ... 8* 227 Head of the secret guards protected under Pontius Pilate ... - Please put me on trial, Procurator. You were right. I failed to protect Judas of Kiriath, he was stabbed. I ask the court and retire. [...] Aphranius pulled out from under the mantle of corny blood pouch, sealed with two seals. - Here is a bag of money had been planted in the house of the high priest killer. Blood on this bag - the blood of Judas of Kiriath. [...] - Where dead? - I do not know - with quiet dignity said the man, never parted with his hood, - this morning's start tracing. Procurator shuddered and left belt sandals, which does not buttoned. - But you probably know that he was killed? It procurator received a dry response: - I, Procurator, fifteen years on the job in the West. I began service with Valerie Grate. I do not necessarily see the corpse in order to say that the man was killed, and here I am reporting to you that the one who was called Judas from Kiriath, a few hours ago, stabbed to death. As you can see, Aphranius began his report with the attack. Why? The delicacy of the situation in which he found himself, is that he came up with a report on the implementation of the order, which was not given in an explicit form. To the head of the secret custody is a difficult task - to report on the implementation of a hint to give details, but did not give a reason to blame himself that he himself had organized the murder of Judas. He has something to fear. Now that it's done, the balance of forces has changed: Pontius Pilate again became stronger, and he is easy to imagine Aphranius killer. Enough to blurt - and Procurator will be forced to punish a subordinate for arbitrariness. Head of the secret guard his attack aims to deprive the procurator possible attack. When he expressed some doubt, even allowed himself to some stiffness that immediately paid off - continue to Pilate spoke to him very politely. - Excuse me, Aphranius - Pilate replied, - I have not yet woken up to be, why, and said, it. I sleep badly -Procurator 228 smiled - and all the time I dream of a moonbeam. So funny, imagine. If I walk along this ray. So, I would like to know your suggestions on this case. Where are you going to find him? Sit down, head of the secret service. [...] - I'm going to look for him near the olive pulp to Gath-Simanska garden ...

Then the whole conversation could be called "finalizing the Legend", during which the sides were refined important details: the place and the motives of the murder, the possible ways to organization and so on. Towards the end of the conversation Aphranius made a decisive attack in his defensive campaign - I immediately start looking for the murderers who tracked Judas in the country, and the same time, as I've already reported to you, go to court. - For what? - My guard missed it in the evening in the bazaar after he left the palace of Caiaphas. As it happened, did not comprehend. It has not yet been in my life. [...] - So. I declare to you that I do not consider it necessary to give you a trial. You've done everything we could, and no one in the world - here Procurator smiled - could not have done more than you! Seek to detectives who have lost Judas. But here, I warn you, I would not want to foreclose was even a little strict. In the end, we did our best to take care of this wretch! Yes, I forgot to ask - the procurator rubbed his forehead, - how they managed to throw money Kaif? Thus Aphranius received full - almost in plain text - the approval of their actions. Moreover, the Procurator expressed his satisfaction with the quality of his work. Next Procurator seem mostly enjoyed the good news, happy to asking about the details. - You see, Procurator ... It is not particularly difficult. The Avengers have been in the rear of the palace of Caiaphas, where Lane dominates the back yard. They have thrown the package over the fence. - With a note -Yes, exactly as you would expect, Procurator ... [...] - I can imagine what had Caiaphas. - Yes, Procurator, it caused great excitement. They invited me immediately. 229 Even in the darkness could see his eyes sparkle Pilate. - It's fun, interesting ... - I dare argue, Procurator, it was not fun. Boring and tedious affair. Chief secret guards now dares not only mind but also expand his attack to the point where the procurator be safer to stop difficult for Aphranius conversation. - Yes, Aphranius, that all of a sudden it occurred to me: Do not kill He himself? Oh no, Procurator - even leaning back in his chair in surprise, said Aphranius, - forgive me, but this is absolutely incredible! - Oh, in this city probably is! I'll bet that in no time at all the rumors about it will spread throughout the city. Here Aphranius hurled procurator his eyes, he thought, and said: - It may be, Procurator. 'Lookslike head of the secret guards got a new job ... procurator, probably all could not part with this issue ... though so it was all clear, and even asked with some reverie: - I would like to see how they killed him. - he killed with extreme skill, Procurator, - said Aphranius , with some irony looking at the procurator. - How do you do it, you know? This, however, was already delayed provocation by Pilate. - Kindly pay attention to the bag, Procurator, - said Aphranius - I'll vouch for the fact that Blood gushed Judah wave. [...] - So it's over, do not get up -No, Procurator, he gets up, - said, smiling philosophically, Aphranius - when the trumpet of the Messiah, which is expected to sound over it. But before it snaps! - Pretty, Aphranius! This question is clear. Chapter 7 STUDY OF INTERACTION manipulative stated at the beginning of the monograph focus on the hermeneutical paradigm is already embodied in a few moments. Firstly, in an effort to maintain the widest possible context of interpersonal interaction in which there unfolds manipulation. Second, the appeal to the metaphor and figurative language to grasp the concept, variable or process in its entirety. Of particular note is the use of metaphor in the construction of the definition of psychological manipulation. And thirdly, the hermeneutic method of free interpretation was used in the analysis of life situations and texts taken from fiction. It has been done to illustrate and clarify the author's position on the issues. Therefore acted as an expert author himself - so rather simplistic method solves the problem of qualification of the interpreter. It's time to discuss possible research methods of manipulation and protection against it. Without claiming to be exhaustive description of all possible methods of this kind, I guess some consider only as an illustration. And yet - to compare the methods used in terms of their capabilities and limitations, to assess their potential hermeneutic. Frames declared paradigms allow you to use a fairly wide array of methods. In this paper we used: 1. Analysis (interpretation) situations. 2. Free interpretation of literary texts. 3. Content analysis of the recommendations of experts in the subject area under study. 231 4. Content analysis of the behavioral repertoire of literary characters. 5. Quasi-experimental study. With the first three reader is already familiar from previous chapters. The present methods are to be used under the numbers 2, 4 and 5 begin with the latter. 7.1. Protective action in the manipulative effects The study was performed in the genre standard psychological experiment. In the course of his research to solve such problems:

1. The principal possibility of analytical (quantitative) selection phenomena as manipulation, and protection from it. 2. Check how effective inherent in the definition of signs of manipulation and psychological defenses, that is, whether or not an external observer (judge) is able to find any of this phenomenon. 3. Check the extent to which protection against manipulation have features noted in the theoretical chapter include: • the presence of non-specific defense reactions: withdrawal, expulsion, blocking, running, fading, and ignoring; • specific protection against manipulation is characterized by: the immediate protection of personality structures, increasing the unpredictability of behavior, delays automatic reactions, secret desire to make explicit opposition to powerful pressure, the desire to transform the manipulative effect in accordance with their interests; • psychological defenses appear in the behavior even when there is a threat of manipulation is not realized. 7.1.1. Planning During the organization of the study had to solve a few problems. 1. Environmental friendliness. Firstly, as manipulative influence and psychological defenses relate to the processes 232 that you can not callwithout affecting the important human personality layers. Required to find an acceptable consequences for "packaging" for the procedures for obtaining empirical data. Suitable primarily for subjects not to leave negative emotional residue. In the works that I know of such an opportunity has not always been excluded [Brok et al. 1966; Christie et al. 1970; O'Connor et al. 1990; Pandey et al. 1988]. Second, it was required to comply with the ethical standards associated with the need, on the one hand, deliberately expose people to the manipulative effect, and on the other - an attempt to "spying" for their behavior. Way out was found in the organization of training. Subject Trenin-threshold-employment defined as "protection from psychological attacks." Consequently, participants knew that each of them can be the object of a psychological attack: coercion, humiliation and manipulation, but were at some risk in the hope to learn to be more secure. This ensured, on the one hand, voluntary participation in the classroom, thus eliminating the ethical difficulties, and on the other participants received compensation for the risk in the form of acquired skills. Nature of employment was very gentle. Motivational intensity of interpersonal struggle arose mainly through game situations and did not exceed the usual level of training groups. Suffice it to say that none of the four groups spent 20-30 hours each, there was left of its members. 2 Reproducibility. Was necessary to ensure repeat play of the same controlled situations, containing the phenomena studied. This problem was solved by using as the "raw material" recordings made during the training sessions. Participants were informed about the lessons that the video will be used for educational or research purposes. Therefore, subjects that the students were asked not to show, not included in the material being analyzed and have been erased. 233 3. Control variables. To isolate the actual ma-nipulyativnyh phenomena need to be compared to the repertoire of behaviors that show the subjects in the presence manipulyativnoi threat to the conditions when it is not. At the same time necessary to avoid mixing the two aspects of the manipulation: the actual threat of psychological invasion and its concealment. Therefore, comparisons required to check another condition in which the threat of psychological invasion would be present in an explicit form. Had to choose two of the tactics of influence: humiliation (denial, condemnation, ridicule, humiliation) and coercion (imposition, pressure, demand, order, threat). The choice fell on the second, first, as a less painful for the recipient, and therefore more acceptable from an ethical point of view, and secondly, more suitable for the gaming simulation. Thus controlled by three conditions: 1) manipulative influence on the part of one of the participants dyad, 2)open (explicit) psychological pressure of one partner in the interaction on the and other,3) the interaction that does not contain any threat of psychological attack. 4. Save context. Communication process takes place within a set of contextual framework: the physical situation of interaction, social situation [Gahagan 1984; Cody 1985], the psychological situation. Any element of the interaction can be understood only on the occasion with the context. Example, movement of the hand at waist level in the direction of the partner can not be perceived as a move - element of the interaction in the communication process - if not set meaningful connection with the entire situation with the context. To figure this movement somehow signified - touch the hand of a partner to pull over a button, a hug around the waist. But in a system of interaction, while the movement of the hands underdetermined, it is not yet part of communication. No touch of the hand or hug the waist can not be called progress, yet we do not know the important details of the context: sex partners, the physical environment (location, interior and so on. N.),social 234 real situation (in the elevator at work, in a walk in the park, at a dinner party), the content of the conversation - and many other details. Change the slightest of them instantly pereoznachivaet produced gesture, giving it a situational meanings depending on whether a part of a scene he made. On the other hand, to understand the details, we have to deal with the isolation of the individual elements for nearest their consideration [Raad 1985; Vocten 1985]. In the first of these works, which is a collective work, are special funds decryption (fixing on paper) videos. The authors have created a special language characters that appear in the text, including an audio series. Their goal - to convey paralinguistic components of speech intonation, tempo, attack of the sound, pause, different overtones, imposing sentences partners on one another, and so on. N. Thus, researchers seek to capture the elements of communication in their relationship, keeping the immediate context. Solving the problem of preserving the context we have chosen to correlate the structural elements at various levels. Proposed the following elements: a step (move) - the smallest unit of the communication process and the scene - the period of interaction, during which things are moving relatively stable and predictable. Released by Dimension - figure-rity features locking orientation activity, rather than its quality - seems to more adequately reflect the essence of

communication as a process of interaction. In one study, Charles Osgood is shown that the study of verbs gives results comparable to studies of phenomena of communication, these verbs described [Osgood 1970]. In another study [Raad 1985] found that personality descriptive adjectives in the descriptions of others were used less often (only 11 cases out of 113) than their characteristic behavioral manifestations. Important difference between the course and the stage is that the course - it unilateral action (impact), while the scene - is a fragment of the interaction, when the intentions of the partners came to a temporary balance and situational complement each other. For example, persuades - refuses 235 is joking - supports a joke, is fighting for the right to decide - is fighting for the right to decide, and so on. N. Offering Expert highlights the scene, we had hoped, on the one hand, a more rigorous structure their work, the effect of applying the theoretical construct and, on the other - to get an explication of context, focusing on who the experts are assessing the steps used by the partners' communication. 5 Description Language. amount of features that can be described as the process of communication, virtually immensely, especially if we refer to a fundamental review [Ga- hagan 1984]. Sometimes, however, the authors of cost and a small set. So, M. Argyle [Argile 1973] discusses only two variables: the dominance / submission and egoism / altruism. These variables Rudenko IL used in his empirical study [Rudenko 1988]. M. Metё in the original model of the process of "interaction face to face" highlights: a) the structure of activity (in fact committed acts), b) climate interactions, and c) the means of communication, performing tasks: referential, expressive, regulatory and co-presence (reflecting joint product of interaction: consent, courtesy, and active participation in dialogue) [Mathiot 1983]. most successful list of variables of communication was given Charles Osgood [Osgood 1970]. In four series of experiments (theoretical modeling and three - empirical research) on verbs denoting the process of interpersonal interaction, he consistently received variables union / separation, ego-orientation / alter-orientation-tion dynamics (power and activity), an initiative / reactivity finite / infinite (listed in order of decreasing averaged explanatory power factor), and others. The list of variables used in this study, part of the criteria directly related to the above variables: the distance, the nature of the extension, in whose favor the impact, the pace of the initiative. These mainly procedural measures were complemented by two substantial (actions and intentions of partners), three criteria reflect the emotional component of communication (see. Annex 236 for 2). Thus, in the list is absolutely no new variables requiring detailed descriptions. However had to make a selection of the minimum sufficient quantity. In the first embodiment, the total reflection found variables of the interaction space (extension, distance, area), dynamics (initiative, tempo, pauses), emotional tone (character, warmth), the balance of interests and substantive variables. However, after the first trial the initial set of criteria had to significantly reduce both the excessively time-consuming (even in a shortened form, it requires experts working for 5-8 hours). In the final version retained the criteria that seem to be more informative. At the same time were kept basic groups: space, dynamics, emotional tone, the balance of interests and content.'reExplain for what purpose intended selected criteria. Extension. According to her character can be judged on the presence or absence of struggle. For example, the dominance of one partner over the other more often (assuming common sense and practical experience) provokes resistance in the other - hence the appearance of struggle, possibly reduced. (This is even more so if there is a change of extensions.) However, where there is a struggle, and there is protection. Therefore, the presence or absence of psychological defenses can be judged by the nature of additions and their dynamics. Distance directly corresponds to one of the pairs of basic security systems - increasing distance (flight or expulsion). Food for thought can give and the dynamics of its change: a reduction or increase. Temp more semantically close combat and can also be an indirect sign of her. The escalation of the struggle often correlates with the acceleration of the process of interaction. Initiative - an important means of process control communication. Of the eight options proposed by experts for analysis, three points (the struggle for ..., interception and loss) directly reflect the intensity of the struggle, while the other three (the taking, use, transfer or abandonment of the initiative) are addressed rather to secure relationships. However, the failure of the initiative, for example, in combination with signs of struggle in other transition 237 mennym may indicate a defensive position - or denial of care. Particular importance take items "ownership" and "disposal" [Ershov 1972] introduced in order to be able to catch the dual position, often occurring in a manipulative interaction. In general, the detailed division of types of initiatives taken with a view to consider in detail the dynamic nuances of interaction. Emotional tone in options relationship to the partner and the interaction of the atmosphere is a good indicator of the presence of protective processes. Breeding of these options can provide additional information, based on which it will be easier to judge the mechanisms of interaction. Benefits harms and directly reflect the properties of manipulation, and introduced to capture the dynamics of the balance of interests of the partners. Qualitative information on the content of communication was supposed to get filed intentions, actions and emotions . Thus, for specific tasks from the general list of funds has been selected to produce only a part of a specific set of units of observation [Nikiforov, 1985]. 7.1.2.Procedure Test- Parties training groups consisted of school teachers, few people - students training courses for school psychologists. Age of the participants ranged between 25-40 years. Most - female. In movies that made up a number of Stimulus for peer review, featured four men and twelve women. Tackling empirical material produced by the method of peer review.

Was first prepared a set of 17 short movies or fragments thereof, which contained the signs of the required conditions. They were mounted on a film with illuminations, the number before. Then the subjects were assigned to the conditions. It made four experts (one - Ph.D., and the rest - graduate psychologists). Experts are selected not only forFor 238 Liciatheir psychological skills, but also competence in everyday communication. First expert evaluation was carried out according to the scheme of the iterative procedure with a full-time group interaction experts [Shoshin 1987, 28-30]. This was done in order to improve the consistency of expert judgments. Such a concern - not an excess, because, as has already been shown in the second chapter, the concept of manipulation very differently interpreted by researchers involved in it. The more natural range of opinions from those who are not involved in this issue. The experts were the following objectives: a) to determine what kind of interaction situations are recorded in the video: a manipulation, overt pressure or communication that does not contain the threat of psychological attack; b) For each situation indicate a person, who directed the impact (the target exposure). criteria by which must be diluted with the situation: 1. Manipulation: a) the impact of a secret (the recipient is unaware of the intentions of the manipulator), b)reliance on the "Keys", "weakness", the desire to "get hooked", "hook for a living" and so on. N. (Impact on automatisms); c) the desire to create the illusion of self-sufficiency at the destination decision - it is as if he wanted to do something that achieves the manipulator (see. definition of manipulation in Chapter 2). 2. Open psychological pressure: a) the actor says about your goals, and b)the presence of coercive actions, such as intrusive persuasion, threats, orders. Such representation within the meaning is different from the author's arguments made in the context of comparison with other kinds of manipulation of the psychological impact [Rudinow 1978 ; Winn 1983; Godin 1980; Schiller 1980]. Difficulties in cultivation of these concepts from the experts did not arise. 239 3. Lack of psychological threat: a relationship that can be assessed as a partnership and friendship. The failure of the actor's attempts to use the partner as a means of achieving their goals. Estimation procedure in more detail and the results of videos on the conditions given in Appendix 1 second (main) series of expert evaluations was to analyze the behavior of the recipient's exposure to each of the movies. Composed of experts has been completely updated. They were selected by the presence of, first, psychological skills, and secondly, the experience of working with groups of communication training or research on problems of communication. Experts working individually and independently from each other. No additional (beyond the written instructions) comments on the objectives of the study was given. Instructions for experts: "Dear Colleague You have to: 1. Sequentially in each of the 14 movies to share the event on the stage, giving them any name (for example, * A asks B "," seeking "approaches, and so on. N.). 2. Within each scene dissect the behavior of participants in the events, which will be specified as the object of observation, into individual steps and give a qualification assessment for each step of the proposed scheme (see. Code table in Annex 4). Clarification on the partition of events into fragments and meaning of the applicable evaluation criteria you will find in the relevant sections. In order to ensure the possibility of combining the production of various experts, try to stick to the suggested evaluation criteria, even if you yourself have different opinions about them. Thank you for participating! "Expertswere given additional explanations (Appendix 3) of the code table (Appendix 4) and answer sheet. Worked simultaneously to two experts, protocols they completed independently. 7.1.3.the results of A detailed description ofthe collection protocol processing and statistical calculations is given in Appendix Table 5. 5 contains the median, characterizing the distribution of ratings within 240-level each interactions (respectively, manipulation, coercion, and a safe environment). The last two columns indicate the presence or absence of factor (attribute) the nature of the response: "O" corresponds to the null hypothesis (no difference between the levels), "1" indicates a rejection of the null hypothesis (respectively, Kruskal-Wallis test criteria and Dzhonkhiera). Since the criterion Dzhonkhiera establishes the existence of an orderly dependence, the largest median we can determine the direction of the laws. TABLE 5 degree of manifestation of signs of interaction in different experimental conditions (as explained in the text) 1 - "above" 0.38 0.25 0.130 0 1 2 - "from below" 0.26 0.365 0.875 11 1 1 1 3 - "on equal terms" 0.405 0.265 0.1 1 4 - the number of shifts 0.32 0.415

5 -points sum 6- reduction 7 - Increase 8 - the amount of points 9 - 10 deceleration acceleration 11 - the fight 12 - Possession 13 - Instruction 14 - the partner 15 - "chill" 16 - "warming" 17 -atmosphere 18- "chill" 19 - "warming" 20 - "Me" 21 - "partner" 22 - "Me" 23 - "partner"

4.04 0.165 0.275 4.46 0.19 0.3 0.325 0.21 0.26 0 0.245 0.13 0,295 0,135 -0,925 0.41 0.28 0.185 0.105

4.490.1 6 0.185 3.8 0.315 0.2 0.33 0.11 0.165 0.315 0.165 -0.605 0,2350. 33 0.19 0.275 0.375 0.41 0.255

3.16 0.225 0.07 3.480.11 0.095

11 00 11 11111 1

0.065 0.38 0.17 0.805 0.15 0.105 1.05 0.105 0.09 0.495 0.72 00

11110 0 11010 0 11110 1 0001 1111

241 7.1 .4. Discussion Analysis Table. 5 shows that the manipulative condition generally occupies an intermediate position between the other conditions of the interaction. Conditions for open pressure is characterized by: the greatest distance (p. 5), the least number of additions to the equal (p. 3) and the maximum - extensions below (p. 2), the greatest manifestation of signs of a struggle (p. 11), the coolest emotional characteristics ( Nos. 14, 17). For a safe environment values directly opposite. Manipulation in this case is closer to the pole of "hostilities." For example, an addition often changes the person who is open pressure (p. 4). This probably reflects the desire to avoid the influence of the recipient by a partner, find them beneficial for this position. In manipulative conditions the number of shifts additions were somewhat lower, but more than three times higher than the safe working conditions. Same is also found in respect of the distance which, in a manipulation almost as large (n. 5) that in open coercion . direct reflection of interpersonal struggle - the struggle for the initiative - to manipulate (to combat hidden) is practically on the same level as the struggle for explicit (p. 11). Confirmation of this is found in the fact that under pressure, the initiative seems to be unable to hold (p. 12) - permanently withdrawn. Several excellent results look on grounds related to the tempo. The maximum rate (p. 8) appeared typical for manipulation and coercion to situations it is close to the level of secure communication. Apparently, this can be explained by the different dynamics of the flow of interpersonal struggle. When handling the tempo increases strongly (p. 10), perhaps because the outcome of the struggle is not yet clear. (Confirmation of the fact that this is a fight we get in paragraphs 11, 22, 23 - manipulative conditions gave rise to a significant number of signs of a struggle for the initiative, and the presence of damage to both themselves and the partner - a direct result of "combat" operations.) In situations enforcement activity of the victim is often slowed down (n. 9), which may indicate an attempt to defeat or delay the already predictable ending. 242 With regard to non-specific protective effects, it is possible to point to a greater increase in the distance (p. 7) in terms of manipulation than in the face of pressure. This occurs presumably because of the desire to remove a partner, what may indicate the corresponding maximum extensions above (p. 1). The success of anti-manipulation indicates p. 22, which shows that the manipulation for incurred "loss" is even slightly closer to safe conditions. Perhaps this is why the overall emotional tone of the atmosphere (p. 17), even when the negative sign, is more close to the safe conditions than to pressure. Can not be said about the attitude of the partner (p. 14). Recent results show that the emotional tone (like atmosphere interaction and relationship to the partner) can really serve identifier possibility of manipulative attacks. This is evident from how the tone in terms of manipulative noticeably "cooler" than in a safe. Testifies to the same progressive and "cooling" (pi. 15, 18). Summarize. 1. Repertoire of responses recipient manipulative attacks on the content and characteristics mainly occupies an intermediate position between the open struggle and safe relationship, but closer to the fight. It is necessary, apparently understood that manipulative influence relates to interpersonal struggle that few relaxed, on the one hand, caution manipulator, and with another - the lack of insight of the victim, in some cases, unable to recognize manipulative intrusion. 2. Showed signs of non-specific protective actions arising in the state of interpersonal struggle: a marked increase in distance for even a brief period of interaction that is inherent in all analyzed the situation, a certain tendency to managing partner. 3. Obvious signs of specific protective action is not revealed. True, one could point to the fact that the manipulative influence did not go unnoticed by the addressee, but it is difficult to say how it The results of the 243 nitsatelnosti destination, and how - rough action of the manipulator. Regarding the proposed instruments should be noted isbytochnost use signs "ownership" and " disposal "initiative (paragraphs. 12, 13). They cause trouble with experts while working, and the results were maloznachaschimymi. Brought

no significant results and breeding emotional tone relationship to the partner and the atmosphere - results under almost overlap. However, it seems that indefinite "atmosphere" is more sensitive to the state of relations than do the individual relationships between partners. 7.1.5. Free interpretation of the movie will try to use the Legacy in chapters 4-6 concepts for direct analysis of the video. Below is a complete presentation of a peer-assessment Movies (№ 11), with commentaries thereto. This is the shortest story of those who came into the category of manipulative. In contrast to the previous procedure, expert assessment will analyze the behavior of both sides of the interaction. (1) - I know that at school we have a travel voucher to Alma-Ata. I would also very much like to go. (2) - And how did you know that in the Alma-Ata vouchers? First danger signal - the substitution of vector activity: instead of discussing the essence of the request raises the question of the source of information. Many of us remember the childhood times when we naively reported parents everything they were not asked, and then heard from the older guys, "six". Since then, we have worked Controller: and not hurt my information to anyone? (Automatism). We therefore alarming when we ask: Who said that? In this case, this question is contained in the word "from." All manipulative attempt lies in it. Earnings: a) to know the source, b) to withdraw from the discussion of the subject matter. (3) - Well, they say that the trade union committee already has approved lists ... 244 Protection: avoiding a direct answer. Double attack: a) an allusion to the impossibility of further concealment, since it moved to the compilation of lists, b) demonstration of his knowledge (the kind of strength - a business advantage). The initiative captured the attack itself - promoting his "figures" forward. (4) - You know ... I do not know the first time I hear it. Simply false, as indicated by the conflict with the first sentence: "How did you know ...", which implies the existence of what could be learned. (5) - Well, there are already eight people just go, but the two places - so questionable. Protection: Ignore statement, which is equivalent to its negation. Development of an attack on the same vectors. Adding a third vector, saying that "there is a place for me." (6) - It was in Alma-Ata? Question to the very first statement petitioner. Since it could begin. And now, after a 4 stroke, it means a retreat: the attempt of deception has failed. The purpose of the question - to gain time. (7) - Yes. Skipping stroke. The attacks stopped due to the retreat of the enemy. (8) - Who should go there? Seize the initiative. Lines of attack: 1) Intelligence - search strings, for which it will be possible to grasp, 2) the "who" in question is able to transform into a "with whom" in the perception of (possible automatism), 3) attempts to manipulate, "Security Considerations" (legend) takes recognition of the fact of their lies (win). Motivational introduction - the recipient must want to answer questions. (9) - Some of it is confined ... so ... for the tenth anniversary of the school. A two trips while free, is there refused to people who have been allocated ... 245 Eagle Eye: fluttering helplessly repeating the pro tour. Attempting to charge the spent case. A great example of how the same content argument becomes different course depending on the context. (10) - Well, the 10th anniversary, huh? Tightens to the trap, and maybe stalling. (11) - Yes. Goes on about. And it was a great opportunity to go on the attack: 1) return the conversation to the point of its request, for example, like this: "Well, of course, and I can make them a great company" - an invitation to a joke and at the same time a hint of your work experience, 2) put cast doubt on the question: "Is it so important?" (12) - Well ... How old you are working in our school? clearer idea: hope that the experience of work in the school significantly less than ten years of its existence. (13) - Eight. Goes with the flow. (14) - Eight, eh? And you can not call who is going? Failure. To fill something gaping hole, again uses the same question, but in the strong form: "Who is?" (15) - You know, the rumors that go around the school, Love B. rides, Galina ... perceptible weakening of the position of a) corresponds to an insignificant question, b) a reference to the rumors, and c) the beginning of the bows, "You know," - all extension below. (16) - Well, they are not so often traveled on vacation. Comparison of "not so common" - operation of automatism, which is deeply ingrained throughout the evaluation system of education built on a comparison. This Zaden - anything forgotten. Initial manipulative task is successfully solved: under the guise of a legend "talk about 246 the allocation ofvouchers" or "I figure," the petitioner led by the nose, making the deal with irrelevant questions. (17) - You know, I'm for it all the time never went. Teacher groups went repeatedly, and I never. I've got little kids were, was not possible. But now I have exactly the case when I could go. Automatism (compared to others) load. Even the comparison criterion is preserved: they drove a little, and I - even less. (18) - Well, you've certainly excuse you because we have a leading historian. His replacement Grade 11 - how can you leave? 11th grade, release them, do not forget, time is.

Throws previous argument as not to justify himself, and introduces a new, more powerful: the interests of production. However, continuity is obvious - both arguments are searching in the inner world of the petitioner his agent - a subject which should enter into polemics with the desire to get a ticket. This is the case when interpersonal confrontation translates into confrontation intrapersonal. As a rule, it does not need to transplant into the new figures - they are already there. Imagine for a moment if the recipient was missing something called a sense of responsibility. Then welcome, which has just adopted the trade union leader, would have no chance of success. But manipulator assumes knows or expects that such internal entity has previously been grown there as early as childhood. Note how to change the tone: "You have, of course, I'm sorry." For what? And here is why: "Do not forget ..." That is, an apology - an advance before proceeding to forced humbled. (19) - You know, I talked to Vladimir, and he agrees to replace, directly at all hours. Continue bows, the desire to propitiate (hope to gain position) Arbiter. But at the same time is done and remarkable constructive work: Demonstrates a ready solution to the problem. Positive decision in this context, an additionalperformed 247 tasknyaet reflection opponent's attack and go on the offensive. (20) - but he can not replace you! Protection: denial without verification. (21) - He has the load for a few hours, and now my schedule just fits. Drive in nails for most hat, and as a result ... (22) - Well, it's not an argument, it does not apply to what we really have to give a ticket. Finally, we are talking about the content of the requests! Typical substitution argument: instead of discussing the possibility of absence from work introduces the problem of motivation, on which can be given a voucher. (23) - And do you have any other arguments? Seize the initiative: after such matters partner has to offer something. Good move by the fact that allows us to determine the position of the trade union leader. (24) - Of course, of course. Firstly, the fact that you just can not go, because really, release, and it is very difficult for you to have gone for the moment. And not so long ago did you go have a package tour, Lyubov, namely the class. And in general, you are not the first one to come and ask for this holiday. And if you just look in relation to you, it's hard to take all the arguments that have led you to me. It is necessary to take into consideration the team. Massive Attack - just four arguments in a row. The latter - the use of borrowing power of the collective. (25) - Love Pavlovna, but you go with the same teacher and 11th grade. And they, too, release, and also exams. And why's it I? Answer only to the first argument. The first signs of emotional destabilization - resentment: "A why me? "(26)- But not only great in the first place. (27) - Well, you know, for a few days, then, just five days, you can certainly leave. 248 Run-exchange kicks like" you're wrong . "(28)- What else you tempted by this trip, only that you have never been, it's somewhere you hurt? Or you have some kind of goal pursuing? Starting a new round of manipulative influence. Problem: to destabilize the mental state of the recipient, to stop the conversation. (Perhaps the idea of manipulation was induced unexpectedly tucked reaction resentment supplicant.) After the failure of the "external" motivations preparing to attack directly on the personality structure. The word "hurt" is perfectly suited for the task.} (29) - No, no. That you know, for me it was the most difficult year of my life. Morally. I so wanted a little rest, to move away from everything. Protection: denial of the threat of invasion, "Oh no." But immediately revealed ... Even we, quite outside observers, we can feel already in the soul of the teacher - which is still on? (30) - Moral what? Here it is - the most devastating blow. The manipulator is close to victory. (31) - Well, it's you know, so ... family. Seriously ... I do know a few months ago my father's funeral. It's such a tough year. (Pause. Crying. Addressing the participants of the training group, "This is indeed so it was.") Stop can not, every next word is increasingly being pulled into the vortex of feelings. Manipulation, carried to its logical conclusion, now put itself manipulator morally unattractive position than weakened his position. Probably now the trade union leaders will have to give. Now discuss the relationship between the steps of the replica. The most senior (in one scene) the level at which they are combined, are scenes: 249 1. The fight over the issue of availability of permits (replicas 2-6). The petitioner has the initiative, attacks, trade union functionary is forced to retreat. 2. Uncertainty, swinging weights. Union leaders seized the initiative (replica 7-14), is carrying out exploration. The petitioner has lost momentum, remains pending. 3. Declination cup fracture (15-17). Petitioner followed the initiative changed and an extension, standing on the step below. 4. Terror bureaucrat (18-24). Feeling the slack, the trade union leader rushes to the attack. The culmination of the attack was already under the sign of humiliation, not manipulation. 5. Mental destabilization petitioner (25-31). In some scenes could be set aside even more fractional structural elements. As regards manipulation, there are two separated short period of humiliation and protection from it. The purpose of the first manipulative effort was to withdraw from the main problems to solve that trade union leaders did not want to. When the conversation came to its discussion, it is no longer necessary in the manipulation and has been applied tactics of

open repression. But since the petitioner still did not give up, and aggravate relations union leaders did not, then she moved to the manipulation with a new purpose: to make the petitioner unable to continue the conversation. However, not calculating the force, brought to tears, thus putting himself in the position explicit aggressor. Protection see: care (p. 3), ignoring, more like an attack (p. 5), fading (pp. 7-14), control aggressor as its calming (pp. 1418) and complaints - converted crying (24-29). Of specific protection against manipulation: a) the question in Sec. 23 can be regarded as an attempt (likely unreflected) reveal manipulative intent (to divert from the topic of conversation, destabilize), b)there is a power struggle, very bright - in paragraphs. 3, 17, and 32,c)the blocking of automatism is not observed, d) protection of himself as the subject has resulted in persistence. Weaknesses, where the defense did not work: a) yielding to provocations (start automatisms): ♦ enemy retreated, I'm waiting for the triumph "- in Sec. 7," the question requires an answer "- in several places had corre250 chat on the blank questions in n. 16 fallen for the bait comparison, under pressure humiliated, offended by applying resentment b)Substituting the sore spot of the soul on the line. We have analyzed a number of verbal only. But even so, in terms of comments are significantly higher than the text itself. But out of the left a lot of material paralinguistic and nonverbal, which can greatly affect the interpretation of the verbal text. For example, if we consider that the teacher all the time stood as the hostess's office has not invited her to sit down. Or this episode: "Well, it's not an argument" - and turned away from the companion, his eyes downcast, shadow flashed a grin on his lips. * In empirical studies it was demonstrated that the selection as a manipulation, and protection against it using analytically criteria. Also been opened JavaScript phenomena protection psychological impact - mostly non-specific reactions. Specific psychological defenses are allocated only to the evaluation of available formalized concepts. As part of the nonspecific protective actions primarily includes such primary security installations as flight, expulsion and management, while fading, block and ignore - often. In the analyzed plot revealed only part of the discussion of specific defenses. As for the signs used in the expert series of evaluations, it has been found out their lack of specialization of for the task. Qualitative analysis of the sample plot was built largely in the language of the proposed concepts. Sometimes used figurative and metaphorical way of describing. This means that the proposed concepts have a high explanatory power and good discriminatory capacity. More detailed methodological issues will be discussed at the end of the chapter. In the meantime, the reader is an example of the hermeneutical reception to the stimulus material, which combines the features and written text, and behavior as a "living text." 251 7.2. The scammer and victim: anyone got more? This section provides the experience of interpretive research carried out within the stated hermeneutical methodology both used tools and language analysis. This research method has been used in literary materials for the 3rd, 5th and 6th chapters. There, these sketches served as illustrations to discuss the contents. The peculiarity of this sketch is that the analysis is not exposed to anything one (manipulation or protection from it), and the interaction itself, which included a variety of methods of psychological influence, including manipulation and protection against it, that is, the description of the experience offered interaction (in the sense as it was explained at the end of the second chapter). 7.2.1. Story of howthe great schemer hogging the former leader of the nobility reader can easily find the story in its original form in the novel I. Ilf and Petrov "The Twelve Chairs" (end of Chapter 5 and Chapter 6). I do not think that the psychological analysis could become an ornament to the original text, but our task - just take a closer look into it. I hope we can find the author's text (fragments of which are highlighted) image identified in the theoretical analysis of the characteristics of the interaction, bearing the stamp of manipulation. (All emphases in the original text made by me - ED) Vorobyaninov, embarrassed by the presence of an outsider in the lodge, ... wanted to run, but Ostap Bender briskly jumped up and bowed low before Ippolit Matveyevich. - We though not Paris, but you are welcome to our hut. 1st step - connection. Objective: not to frighten lucrative client. Means (methods) support the chain of command, agrees with the objection: 252 - I'm not from Paris. - Well, you are not from Paris. Of course, you come from the Coloniesmane visit his deceased grandmother. At the last sentence has been laid irony - the basis for a future attack. 2nd step - insulation destination. Objective: To give yourself the opportunity to influence without interference Vorobyaninov. Means "not given the janitor and squeak" - put it out of the lodge, putting his hands in the ruble. The context of events of the day it is clear that for a drink - it ensured sufficient reserves. 3rd step - the weakening of the addressee. Objective: To make Vorobyaninov helpless, and themselves - fit him (the main technological problem of manipulation). Means: 1) labeling the emigrant who is in trouble with the authorities and the law: - The heat is now in Paris? ...- You through any border? Polish? Finnish? Romanian? 2) injecting Dixit: - the modern development of printing in the West to print a Soviet passport - is a trifle that is ridiculous to talk about it ...

3) suppression of objections opponent useless information flow, an abrupt change of subject. 4th step - psychological pressure. Purpose: to break the resistance. Equity: insistent repetition and combination of the same techniques. Direct suppression: Vorobyaninov have never dealt with such a temperamental young man, Bender, and felt bad. - Well, you know, I'll go, - he said. - Where you go? You have to hurry. GPU itself will come to you. Again joining: - I did not come from Paris, and of ... - Weird, wonderful! From Morshansk. 253 Andso as long as the main goal was achieved. Psychologically (machine-level) it worked well. Main impact (relevant purpose) was directed to the most vulnerable spot destination - "former" under the new government were trodden down, powerless, and therefore powerless: Vorobyaninov ... could not bring himself to leave. He felt a strong shyness at the thought that an unknown young man blabbed all over the city that came former leader. Then - the end of everything, and maybe even go to jail. - You still do not tell anyone that I have seen - said pleadingly Vorobyaninov - can and really think I'm an expat. Gorgeous feedback for Bender, testifies to the success of his efforts! Arrogant aggressor from that moment no longer uses the device of joining - it is driven by absolute certainty that Vorobyaninov already fluttering on the hook: - Here it is! That's it! This congenial! First of all asset: there is an emigrant who returned to his hometown. Versatile: he fears that his being taken to the GPU. Draw attention to the obvious substitution: first, Bender himself threw this idea, and now assigns it to his opponent. - Why, I told you a thousand times that I am not an expat. - Who are you this? Why did you come here? (Substitution of subject) - Well, came from the town of N in the case. - For what cause? - Well, on a personal matter. - And then you say that you are not an expat? .. Funny? But exactly the same method was used by "experts" of the GPU in the period of mass repressions. After just a few years after the writing of this satirical masterpiece similar scenes played out already as a tragedy. Vorobyaninov, driven to despair ... resigned. - Well, - he said - I'll explain everything. Amazing! What is he submitted, if Bender never (!) Vorobyaninov asked about why he came? 254 Conquering force: just recognized the power of the aggressor - and powerless. "In the end, without an assistant hard - thought Vorobyaninov - a crook he seems great. This can be useful. "Manipulationof success: Dough pleaded demon-powerful and he (it did not ask about it) decided to take Bender's assistant. Ensuring impact (support vectors) based on the use of surprise (destination unprepared for the attack - weakened protection) and pressure from two directions: the tempo and dynamic (overload and suppression) and information (overload and mnogotemnost not allow focus). Victim's ability to comprehend the problem situation and its differentiated assessment is gradually reduced - increased suggestibility, uncritical, disorganization. Natural consequence - the need for organizing principle. Henceforth, it will be concentrated in the hands of the manipulator. Matveye As for Hippolyte, his protective fluttering over this time have undergone a certain dynamics, "embarrassed and wanted to run" - "felt bad" - "do not know what to say" - "unfriendly looking at Bender "-" feeling an unexpected dependence on the talkative young man, became on his way to the diamonds "-" angry ... could not bring himself to leave "-" felt a strong timidity "-" imploringly said "-" driven to despair ... resigned . " Its main weakness: the lack of experience "never had anything to do with such a temperamental young man" and fear - "at the thought that an unknown young man blabbed all over the city that came to the former leader. Then - the end of everything, and perhaps even sent to prison. "LossVorobyaninov as victims of manipulation is that in order to restore the disturbed emotional about it sacrifices control over his actions. But to admit the loss of control is not desirable, so triggered a defense mechanism to ignore the fact of enslavement. This protection, in turn, once again masked 255 is a rational explanation as necessary assistant (only in this form carries a confession of weakness) and use a rogue. Negative assessment of the aggressor ("rogue") is fused with the positive ("assistant"). New alloy gives different characteristics: as rogue became an assistant, there is a regular shift of personal values in the criminal side. As you know, it ended up that Kish killed his "assistant", familiarity with which began for him with the experience of victims of psychological rape. However, all of this in the future. In the meantime, being in a state of recovery time (artificial harmony, as told to Karen Horney) Vorobyaninov ♦ ... decisively cleared his throat and said Ostap Bender, first met them rogue, all that he knew about the diamonds. "Andbefore tipster, winged opened perspective ("Things are moving, gentlemen of the jury! Things are moving"), had a new goal: to secure a larger share of receiving is possible treasure Madame Petukhov. To do this, he needed to first prepare a partner for the upcoming "negotiations."

Step 1 - inspiring destination. Purpose: To provide a companion in their willingness to share the wealth. Means: 1) "inflate" the value of the treasure (unexpectedly increased wealth sharing easier), 2) "authoritative" (without evidence) statement uplifting O. Beyadera as an expert and indispensable assistant (good technician put high pay.) - Selection decent. Stones, I see, chosen with taste. ("Accumulating" authority.) How all this music worth? - Thousands of seventy - seventy five. - Mga ... Now, therefore, it is worth a hundred and fifty thousand. - Is it so much? - Happily asked Vorobyaninov. 2nd step - injection anxiety. Purpose: to destabilize companion to re-enter an already brought the fruits of encouraging a state of helplessness. Means: 1) a sudden change of subject, 2) unsubstantiated (against the background of already accumulated 256 authority) a statement that is only a guess, but does not leave any chance of success. - Not less. Only you, dear friend from Paris, you can spit at all. - How to spit? - Saliva - said Ostap - as spat before the era of historical materialism. It will not work. Typical Bender reception - an unexpected shift of attention on semantically distant parts - is a variant of trance techniques. The latter include the abrupt change and subjects of discussion. - How? - And here's how. How much was the chairs? (Another distraction to an insignificant aspect of the topic under discussion for the item.) - A dozen. Dining set. - Long ago, probably burned your seating set in ovens. Dough so frightened that he even got up from their seats. - Easy, easy. I presume the cause. Latter phrase is the 3rd step - obnadezhivanie ... a. These three steps produce emotional buildup companion, leading to his mental deterioration as a result of which the main battle forces have lacked - a good example of master to ensure the effectiveness of the forthcoming impact . Thus, the "client" is ready. You are ready to complete the transaction. - The meeting continues. By the way, we need you to enter into a small dogovorchik. Just something - "a small dogovorchik." It is already known method to reduce the significance of what will be required to agree negotiating partner. Decrease in importance, however, is strictly limited to the scope of the reception and is fully controlled by Bender - when it came to the "revolt on the ship", vice inexorably tightened: - In this case, I'm sorry - said Dough in nos.- I have every reason to think that I and one can handle his case. 9 - 898 257 Attention! It is almost the only attempt Voronoi-byaninova oppose something Bender. But how belated, and so abundantly sharp, more reminiscent of death throes. - Aha! In this case, I'm sorry, - said Ostap gorgeous - I have not less than the base, as Andy said tanker, assume that one and I can deal with your case. Technique joining again in the course of almost a verbatim repetition replica opponent. An important exception - replacing "his work" on "your business" sets the record straight i: Ostap already able to get the diamonds without a companion. - Rascal! - Shouted Vorobyaninov shivered. Ostap was holoden.- Listen, gentleman from Paris, but did you know that your diamonds almost in my pocket! You interest me only because I want to ensure your retirement. Vorobyaninov It was only realized what iron paw grabbed him by the throat. This episode and further down to reach an agreement, the manipulation can not be called. "Arm-twisting", "compelling", "violence" - that's quite appropriate name ("Well, the ice was broken? - Finished off Ostap"). Finally consent has been obtained. It would seem that all - Sparrow-Ninov dominated by Bender - both organizational and psychological (perhaps unconscious). However, the grand strategist seeks another way pribiraniya former marshal of the nobility to the hands. He asked him to sell his vest. But taking the thing (read: do not wait to return back), says: "The money - after realizing our treasure" - and firmly to his. Thus he is able to bind another companion and financial loan: the creditor is extremely difficult to give up hope to recover their money. Resourcefulness cheater situation turns inside out - if you have open my personal account, then at least drive it properly ... In the debit not forget to sixty thousand rubles that you owe me, and credit - vest. Balance in my favor. Fifty-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-two ruble. You can still live. 258 * So, make a plan of psychological impact, which could stick O. Bender, if he was willing to develop the ideas in this paper. Stage 1 - fishing out of Vorobyaninov information. Their actions (steps approximating the target): 1) Connection "taming", 2)insulation - providing exposure and conditions,3)the weakening - leading destination in the state of readiness to trust the aggressor (surrender to), 4)psychological pressure - the repetition of similar techniques in various combinatorial combinations to complete victory over the target. Psychological mechanisms of realizingthe impact of: a) an implicit inference "from the GPU is better not to get involved"; b) vague fears about the possible difficulties in the search for buried treasure; c) a fright - a reaction to indirect threats from the active (aggressive) bugger; g) Loss of control over the situation because of the loss of the initiative; d) the restriction of the field of consciousness due to lack of time for reflection and information overload; e) loss of familiar

landmarks like the reaction to the speech zadergivaniya and vanity Ostap. On an emotional level, all this resulted in anxiety, confusion, feelings of helplessness and disorganization. 2 Stage - Conclusion of "business arrangement."to be Actiontaken: 1) the preparation of the "client" - the emotional buildup, destabilization: • inspiration: emotional "swings" go up; • injection anxiety: persuasive tone is deadly for the entire case statement; • obnadezhivanie are: swing again soared - be quiet; 2 ) completion of the operation - the consent of a large portion of the fission treasure: arm-twisting, blackmail. Psychological mechanisms ofaction: a) a subjective increase in the amount of increased willingness to share it; b) the belief that Ostap - knowledgeable person as a result of unconscious "reading" his intonations; c) increase in suggestibility in response to the rapid shift pattern (switching topics); d) a sharp fright on high suggestibility 9* 259 suggestibility - experience stronger; d) emotional exhaustion due to a sharp drop in the sign of emotion; e) "epiphany" understanding that Bender is able to get the treasure for himself; g) the fear that can generally be left without diamonds; h) forced pokornost- "breakdown." Stage 3 - "buy" vest. It can be interpreted in different ways: to check the reliability done "work", further humiliation, strengthening the "leash" and so on. N. Thus, we found that pure manipulation is only the first step in the completion of which Sparrow-Ninov gave his secret. In the second stage, that is the conclusion of a "business agreement" between companions manipulators-character wore only preparatory maneuvers Ben-dera: indirect motivational processing - leading destination at the scheduled state in order to receive benefits in dispute. Analysis shows that proposed in the previous chapters concepts work well enough and can be successfully used for the analysis of phenomenological data. The latter can be as literary texts and series of events, recorded on a videotape. With some limitations (related primarily to the lack of time) developed a conceptual apparatus can also be used to view the current interaction. 7.2.2. Was great schemer great manipulator Thisquestion naturally arose while working on the specified episode of "The Twelve Chairs". To give an answer, you need to have more detail to see what methods used O. Bender. For this purpose a content analysis of the repertoire of techniques used tipster. For the analysis of the entire text of the story I. Ilf and Petrov "The Twelve Chairs" we selected those episodes in which the grand strategist reaches its goal, overcoming the resistance of certain people - that was the criterion for selection. A total of 28 selected episodes. Analysis was primarily techniques that are relevant to the goalimpact. of 260 actions Aids, which make no fundamental issues in a situation of analysis usually isklyuchalis.V Annex 6 for a complete list of selected episodes and in each of them listed used tipster means to achieve a win. Below shows how many times (within a designated text) About . Bender used each of the selected methods: Table 6 use the techniques Max Used приемы Колво обман 12 цинизм манипуляция 10 демагогия давление, coercion 7 humiliation blefovanie 5 begging threat, intimidation 5 extortion de acto * 4 distraction bribery 1 Total: 50 times As you can see, most of O. Bender resorted to deception and manipulation - 22 times out of 50 next group methods amounted pressure (coercion ) blefovanie threat (intimidation) and de-acto - 21 times. The remaining methods are used very rarely. Therefore, the answer to this question is negative: the genius I.Ilfa duet with E. Petrov also manifested in a surprisingly precise name of the type described them cheater - schemer. It's not a crook, working in one genre - deception, cheating, robbery, * I had to invent a special term for not exotic techniques that could not find an adequate from existing words. It consists in simply to do something, ignoring the resistance of the partner. It could be called the irreversibility of action, but I called acto de (de acto - due to the action, execution) by analogy with the de jure (de jure - by law, legal) and de facto (de facto - by virtue of the fact). The strength of the receiving de-acto is in the execution of the action, in the belief that the opponent is not able to stop him. It manifest disregard for the people, hard power and nerve, but to them this technique can not be reduced. 261 coercion, manipulation, and so forth. Schemer It's really hitting its instrumentation and flexibility. 7.3. Dialogue as a method of investigation now return to the problem of research methods. We need to briefly discuss the points that have been noted in the first chapter as the most significant for the hermeneutic approach: the availability of context, language descriptions and qualifications of the interpreter.

Contexts that are available. Based on the experience of this work should be noted that availability can be understood in two ways: a) as The characteristics of contexts - their safety or representation in the stimulus material, and b) the ability of research tools to engage these contexts into a thin information processing. It turned out that the availability in the first sense, and managed to secure a (quasi-communication) pilot study. As for the second value, the more appropriate it seemed nestruktui-nated interpretation of the text (whether visuals or artwork). This difference in our study revealed, as used for this language. Problem description language. As already mentioned, not all elements of the language in the first study were successful - their distinctiveness was insufficient to achieve the desired result. To get more sensitive to interpersonal phenomena such as manipulation and protection against a list of criteria had to "go forward" so theoretically selected concepts that spelled meaningful assumptions and analysis directly in the same language. Thus, the problem now looks like this: on the continuum between the generalized characteristics of communication and concepts, the description of the specialized mechanisms of psychological impact, it is necessary to find a place in which optimally combines the features of both poles. On the one hand, if we choose the language in which concepts reflect broad subject area, it allows 262: us to First, save on training experts - these can serve almost all professional psychologists and, secondly, to use the results obtained for making relatively universal judgments about the whole subject area. But for these opportunities have to pay a fall resolution language, which is why the results of expert evaluation themselves often still require interpretation. On the other hand, if it is selected for the "narrow" language, specialized for the limited (or newly developed) domain, it allows, first, to get pretty thin distinction, giving a good understanding of individual or private features of the targeted behavior, no longer requiring additional interpretation, and secondly, almost immediately to the drafting of recommendations or programs on the practical use of the results. True, have to pay the cost of training a new language experts, as well as the limited objective conclusions. An empirical study using experts to analyze the movies was implemented first strategy. In these samples, direct analysis of a literary text and accompanying video were shown the possibility of the second strategy. The full research program in the framework of the "narrow" strategy could be as follows: 1) pre-trained experts means identifying and analyzing phenomena manipulative effects, psychological defenses of it, 2) to receive from each of them expert advice, 3) compile the data. Qualifications interpreter. When implementing the last paragraph should be expected difficulties associated with the need to unite divergent judgments: self discrepancy of opinion can be resolved only with the ability of experts to make a judgment (for example, in the case of disability or death). yield is seen in the transition to the methodological level that A. Bochner [Bochner 1985] calls the "critical judgment and social change." To refer to this level, you can use the term GA Kovalev 263 "developing" research, by which the author means practically the same as that of A. Bochner under "critical judgment." Based on the characteristics of this level (see. Tab. 1 in Chapter 1), the third point of the research program should be transformed into a discussion of experts to reach a consensus on judgments about the studied phenomena. This inevitably happens equalization experts in rights with "subjects" as the analysis (and the problem-mation) will need to expose unstated assumptions based on which experts have handed down their judgment. Such interaction is transformed into a joint development of the participants (including the master organizer), which is more like education and training, research than in the conventional sense of the word. Key provisions of this training course has already been tested in the framework of activities, of which borrowed movies which have made a number of phenomenological described the study. Distinctive features of the course are designed, first, to support the analysis and understanding the impact of process performance, and secondly, the space in the center of the analysis of the effect produced. (In the existing training courses focused on teaching communication skills, attention is paid primarily communicative and perceptual aspects of interaction, and interactive effects are in the shade.) Focus on the effect of the actions provides a natural way as organic demand technology to introduce the characteristics of the interaction partner: its status, interests, and so on. n. attention to the partner is not preached, and logically derived from the goals and interests of the participants own lessons. Chapter 8 TRAINING PROTECTION AGAINST MANIPULATION Teach only protect against manipulation does not make sense - it is like learning to ride a bike to bring to the development of the right of capture helm. Such training, even if it is oriented narrowly pragmatic, in practice, can be thought of only as part of the optimization program obschekommunikativnoy equipping people to develop skills in communication. Of course, called a training courseprotection against manipulation is possible, but in this case it will go mostly on semantic accents, about which way the bank will be made. So I gets modest task: to identify only those specific supplements that a small increase, which can be made in the training of communication, if there is a need to educate participants protection against manipulation. I will rely on the above considerations regarding the proposed interpersonal manipulation. According to the prevailing current ideas about the characteristics of an effective communicator and output of this model of educational objectives, learning content conveniently grouped in the following areas: a) the debugging process of goal-setting: study purposes (update, clarification , a description of features to achieve), specification of tasks, the semantic justification objectives, and planning,b)increase the sensitive: lower sensitivity thresholds (absolute and differential) to emotional states, the shades of meaning, and so on. p.- both its own and partners in dialogue, in ) increasingof the flexibilitytool: softening of the usual stereotypical behavior scenarios, expanding 265 the range ofready-made ideas and techniques available - arsenal heavily used means of and interaction,d)training controlsmental and states,e) strengthening peace-building: strengthening the "personal power", promyslivanie spiritual supports.

In this order, we will discuss the possibility contained in each direction, with respect to learning the protection of the manipulative influence. For the convenience of practical use in each section will be given: a) metaphor, on which you can build a panel discussion, to create games and and exercises,b)a succinct notation theoretical premises (original ideas) that can be used as the basis of practical procedures; when it is possible that these parcels will be given with translation from the language of one metaphor c)are some examples of the possible processing methods, which can be used in coaching. 8.1. Do I need protection? Question only at first glance it seems rhetorical. Indeed, most of whom had to talk or argue in this regard, it is believed that it is necessary to be able to defend themselves. Disagreements arose in a different plane: should I? It is widely believed that engaging in combat arms, inevitably become like Him and turn into such a manipulator. This opinion is based on two non-obvious assumptions: a) if adjusted for the fight, then keying (attack in the fight) can be countered by a counter-attack (aggression), b) the struggle as a tactic (or its appearance - Keying) is identified with the strategy of the fight (manipulation ). Let us examine each of the assumptions. As shown above, the spectrum is wide enough protection andnot imply 266 needresponse aggression. Of all the types of protection is necessary to recognize the most attractive specific protection as a more constructive because of the greater precision and accuracy of exposure. They allow you to transform stress interpersonal conflict in an effort to achieve mutual understanding. Even in cases where the manipulative techniques are the most economical and application kontrmanipulyatsii is justified (and in some cases the most appropriate), it is easy to detect a significant difference between the manipulator and kontrmanipulyatorom. Kontrmanipulyatorom man is only for such time as his partner is making manipulative attempts. Once those have stopped, kontrmanipulyator turns into a manipulator, if continues to manipulative position. During the discussion of the definition of manipulation, we noted that the manipulator is driven by the desire to get a onesided win. This means that the techniques themselves - no matter how manipulative they did not look - not yet generate manipulation. Conversely, sometimes successful manipulations are carried out without the use of so-called manipu-of cumulative doses. Almost any indirect or implicit incentive effect can be manipulative when used to achieve one-sided win. Therefore, if the manipulation is opposed to the indirect effects of machinery, hidden changing certain characteristics of a state or behavior of the manipulator, the one-sided win rather conventional - it is not allowing himself to use the touchpad as a means. Of course, the manipulator is not satisfied. But as soon as the latter became convinced of the futility of his attempts once refused manipulative intent, we have fulfilled the task of defending himself. There comes a time to think about what to do next. You can go on the attack and in the heat of the struggle to crush, crush or humiliate the aggressor, to give him his due, and for the edification of the future, that is, to turn into a aggressor. And you can lead it so that our relations have developed in the direction of partnership and cooperation. In the first case, we sow the seeds of future 267 battles in the second laying the foundations of tolerance and understanding in our relations. Thus, it is not that, what techniques or methods used, and in the direction in which we are developing relationships with people. Therefore, with the participants training sessions useful to discuss relevant in this context metaphor. Perhaps it will be the thread of Ariadne, a guiding star, or destination (depending on the scale of the problems being discussed), leading to the creation of around a oasis of peace and protection against aggressive environments. Maybe it will be a neutral concept of internal compass by which a person learns to synchronize their actions, why he protection as significant for him this man as fundamentally right now to stop the manipulation? It may be that in some cases will be adequately "naive" to succumb to manipulation and not to create a scene from this battle scene, or - if you allow the available forces, just ignore the psychological invasion. It may be that more participants will love the metaphor of the laser sight ... So, the question whether it is necessary to protect themselves from manipulation, the overall "fuzzy" answer is often yes, but sometimes you can make and exception. Clarification response in a particular situation depends on the practical challenges posed in front of people. May be useful questions: Who protection you need: the manipulator or the victim? From which to defend themselves? (Note, not "from"?) The first question leads to the realization that my defense often brings some benefit to the manipulator, as it shows him other opportunities to communicate with people - with me in particular. Second question raises the problem of warfare (defense) with nothing and not with someone (from whom). The subject of discussion are the facts of psychological invasion of personal use, an imbalance of mutual responsibility and mutual gains, and not the identity of the aggressor. Fighting in all these cases is conducted only for the exclusion of psychological abuse in a relationship of equal partners and not with desires, goals or qualities of the latter. 268 Thus, for practical training purposes may be useful following provisions. Metaphors: The purpose of travel, the lodestar, Ariadne's thread semantic compass, hold the target with a laser sight, space navigation system ... Basic premise: [in parentheses corresponding to them metaphorical content] 1. If you want results, it is important to understand the "for what" than the "why" - the latter only encourages, wings while the first - lead or cause [it is important fugitive "from" the traveler is much more important - "where" if it is a traveler, and not a fugitive]. 2. The goal must be kept in a state readily available resource [compass should be at hand, guiding star - always in the sky and the clouds]: a) tactical difficulties easily actualized goal serves as an essential means of decision-making - the choice of the next alternatives [magic glomerulus indicate the right path at the crossroads]

b)organized thus reducing psychological road ahead leads to the movement, performing motivating, and mobilizes the [lodestar calls, navigation system requests information on duty, a ball rolls and can not relax]. 3. Tactical maneuvers designed to increase the effectiveness of promotion to the target, not at the same time obscuring the very purpose [see the forest for the trees, overcoming obstacles - a detour, not a departure from the goal]. Processing methods: 1. Study of the semantic level action: awareness and motivational field ordering, structuring its value-supports, meaningful strengthening goals. This is done setting and discussion questions: • «whether you want to be able to defend themselves?», • «whether or not to defend?», • «it always should be protected?», • «why do we need to defend?», • «that we expect to get from the defense? », •« what protection do we need? "269 •« how do I know if I have enough protection? »•«we thus really get? », •« that we lose? »•«what I'm willing to sacrifice for achieve its own security? "and so on. n. 2. During the execution of a game or analysis means solving a problem it is necessary to detect and fix the things that can be interpreted as the item of choice, a decision ("Knight at the Crossroads"), or which may be represented in this way. Feature of these points in the course of movement ("move") that people tend to find means of resolving difficulties arising sink to the level of objective analysis - the most methodologically poor - and stuck to it. Therefore, class members or customers should "pull" with him and translate prepared in advance by student-smyslovoi (the highest in the hierarchy) and / or one of the intermediate - reflective or logical. Regular controlled (stimulated) path-set to these levels while preserving the leading role of the Lich-rity and semantic background creates and distributes material (provides access to resources) for constructive problem solving. You can do it all just by asking questions: • what result this action aims? • Does this action contributes to achieving the goal that you have set ourselves? and so on. p. 8.2. Creating a "radar" special attention during training protection against manipulation is necessary to give time to the ability to detect the presence of manipulative danger. This is understandable, since the arbitrary deployment of various tactics of protection is possible only if the manipulation is detected. Ability to detect the presence of manipulative intentions of the partners in dialogue can be formed on the sensual and rational levels. 270 8.2.1. Sensual level learning problem is to provide listeners a special sensory detection of danger. They can become a kind of feeling, which specifically (intentionally) gives meaning to the means of perception. To do this, you must first select (or create) the individual sensory manifestation of the sense of danger. Then reinforce these manifestations to a level where they can be used. Finally, otka-librovat characteristics found feelings under substantial features of this type of hazard, in our case manipulative intentions or attempts to manipu-of cumulative impacts. Metaphor Airlines device that checks the capture of combat aircraft radar guidance as soon as the plane is captured by radar installations that placing the missile, the pilot will know about it on the indicator which lights up on the dashboard. Basic premise: a) all the necessary information in humans is available, but has not yet been realized [radar beams reach the plane and make it some sort of action, but by themselves are not accessible to the senses and pilot],b)you can learn how to extract this information - to realize [put the appropriate device, allowing to make the fact of the radar beams available for the perception of the pilot], c)"the body does not lie" - [device has been tested, working and properly],d)an indicator of danger must be easily accessible [warning light located on the dashboard]. Processing methods: 1. Improve overall in terms of sensitive human sensory awareness of his or perceptual changes in the flow of perception [upgrade instrument sensitivity detection of danger]. Examples of variables of perception, which are most commonly used for this purpose: the visceral and proprioceptive sensations, emotional tones and shades, tone of voice, behavioral manifestations, meaningful transitions and so on. 271 a) expanding the range of available signal perception (sensation) - extendable absolute thresholds [extension scale available device and signals],b)increase the distinctiveness - narrowing of the differential thresholds [fine-tuning the instrument, high sensitivity to changes]. 2. Imitation threat [work on the simulator] - creation of the game, the conditional situation that doosmyslyaetsya participants as threatening. This is usually a subjective risk: the risk of losing in the competition, the danger worsen their personal achievement, and so on. D. 3. Creating a real threat [bench tests or checks of the instrument in the field]. We are talking about jobs, which is applied to some damage to party games, if it does not comply with the game or training requirements: his self-esteem, status, causes pain, and so on. N.

4. Masking the desired signal [training the ability to read the readings in all conditions]. The requirement to determine the source of the threat (the hunter). 5. Changing the nature of the threat [instrument calibration] - is often a change in games or exercises with different content threats and discuss the characteristics of the received signal. Layout techniques can in principle be arbitrary. 8.2.2.rational level No matter howis good in itself sensitive detection level threat manipulative attacks, yet mental study of the problem field can not be either ignored or dismissed by the wayside. As it often happens, neither one nor the other methods alone can not satisfactorily solve the task. The sixth chapter has discussed possible means of detecting manipulation attempts. Let us recall them. Tracking changes the situation, technology-related psychological effects: a) an imbalance in the distribution of responsibilities and b)strain at a ratio of winning - fee; 272) military pressure, d)violation of the balance of elements are available: • unusual targets of influence, • unusual layout or presentation of and information,e) incongruence in behavior partnet e)stereotyping behavior destination. analysis mechanisms manipulative influence, attention to their own reactions: a) Explicit overexposure or stressed obvious manifestation of psychic automatism in the behavior of the recipient's impact; b) a regression to infantile reactions - crying, aggression, depression, loneliness and total tons. .; n c) the lack of time allotted to make a and decision,d)a narrowed consciousness e)unexpected changes in background conditions. Knowing these features helps to improve successful recognition of manipulative invasion. All of them, however, come from the desire to recognize manipulation, without giving with his suspicions or disclosures. Behind this lies the desire to do with the other as an enemy. However, we should not forget that many manipulators do not know what they are being manipulated. Therefore, it will be a constructive partner to ask directly what behavior he expects of me. In particular, this approach allows to distinguish between manipulative aspiration and actual need of our help, manifested in the form of manipulation [Lentz 1989, p. 19]. For more information about the methods of testing the intentions of partners in dialogue listeners can be sent to the book, intended for a wide audience [Dotsenko 1994-6]. Metaphors: specific indicators of specific tags, distinctive label; Having a portable decoder, which helps to read the implicit message. Basic premise: • deformation of communication inevitably manifest themselves in a situation of interaction deformations; • when you know what to look for, it is easier to detect; 273 • manipulative effect is not immediate or "suddenly" - there is always a gap time ( albeit very small), during which it grows; • automatic reaction can be stopped, "intercept" in the middle. Processing methods. Some of the techniques described for the sensory level, it can also be used here, especially to monitor their own reactions. In addition to them: 1. Working with non-verbal manifestations of partners in dialogue. 2. Coaching ability of listeners to interpret, to the interpretation of elements of behavior of partners in dialogue. 3. Testing the ability to put forward a few suggestions at the same time, the skill of working with uncertainty. Rethinking uncertainty as multi-variant and multi-channel ™. 4. Use in discussions on the results of games concepts of the specified list of detection manipulators-tive danger. 5. Creating games that exploited various deformations of communication: sharing of responsibility, value gains / charges, imbalance and other elements of the situation. Overall, the task of the coach at training facilities manipulation detection is to build eco-friendly interaction between the sensible and rational levels of processing vital for destination information. Basis for such cooperation are laid during the course. Rational deployment (objectification, unpacking) content sensory level improves the accuracy of detection tool. To pay for it has to a temporary decline in the speed and completeness of information processing, which is quite acceptable in the classroom in discussing the results of field training or a retrospective analysis of events. The return of the material analyzed - is complicated or restructure - on sensory level (forgetting, automation) leads to a reduction in speed and increase the completeness of information processing. But now have to pay 274 impossibility (and even harmful) operational reconfiguration mechanisms of sensory analysis. 8.3. Expanding the peaceful arsenal If the previous problem to the greatest extent consistent with this type of training, as the training of the sensitive (more narrowly - perceptually oriented training [Peter 1989]), the task of increasing the flexibility of the tool corresponds to the training of behavioral skills (communication skills). In general, his idea is simple: the role-playing of standard situations, discussion of behavioral repertoire of actions of participants, sometimes Behavioral oriented (method) development of new patterns of behavior in situations of interpersonal interaction.

Applied to protect against manipulation of increasing behavioral flexibility in instructional techniques, in principle, no different from the conventional approaches. Substantial feature, first, is to extend the arsenal of means used in the receiving-side collaboration. We have already discussed that to win in interpersonal struggle is possible only in some episodes, while in the life of such victories often turn into a loop loss ... With the selection tool, you can persuade listeners to more constructive means of protection against manipulation. Secondly, students can be taught new search algorithm means to solve standard problems. This novelty is required due to the fact that the usual repertoire of protective devices in the majority of students are quite limited and often suffers from a lack of orientation to the specific features of the situation of interaction. Metaphors: clay (before sculpt something, you need to warm up), a talking parrot (mindlessly repeating some and the same techniques), branches of cherry (thanks to the flexibility thrown from a heavy wet snow), Boomerang (energy returned to the attack and hits the aggressor), the properties of mercury (turnover, recoverability at a high weight), tactical maneuvers, and so on. n. 275 basic premise : 1. New ways of behavior does not appear in the behavior as a result of rational knowledge about them. Effect training provide special mechanisms to assign a new experience: "softening" of the old plant [in a hot climate and iceberg melts] externalization intrapsychic links habitual behaviors, their transformation from reliance on external stimuli ("anchor"), internalization of optimal behavior strategies [reprogramming Behaviors ]. These mechanisms do not always work spontaneously, they are often still required to update. 2. The most effective defense becomes that if you are installing to fight change the settings for your cooperation. Instead, "The best way to protect - an attack" on the arms are taken "The best way to protect - non-aggression" [boomerang: not dig another hole -'ll fall into it], "The best way to protect - non-advocacy" [branch cherry] or even "The best way to protect - lending a helping hand. "3.Methods of protection may be an infinite set [when you are unpredictable, you're invincible]. Faithful among them, as a rule, those that correspond to features of the situation. Therefore, ideally, every situation - your way. This does not preclude the possibility of making the blank: create a "semi-finished" reserve [peace arsenal]. Bring them to the "readiness" may be already in place, gathering according to some algorithm or improvising in search of the necessary combination of techniques and their modifications. 4. The effect of training is higher if a new experience has adequate emotional label [a good thing can be seen from afar]. Based Position cooperation can offer students guided by such principles of protection: 1. Do not attack first: a) not be the initiator of the next round of the and fight,b)to refuse not to the extent of active protection, c)allow the attacking side as much as possible, to reveal their and intentions,d)the energy of the attack used to break the same attack. 2. Struggle to destroy the script, but does not vitiate the man, and thus help him to stop fighting against us: a) to ensure that the aggressor was clear: he will not reach their goals, 276 b) make sure that the partner was clear that the fight is not profitable for he and same,c)not to use force without a special need. 3. Forces are directed to the establishment of good relations. 4. Believe in the ability of the partner to give up the fight. Description of the specific methods of protection against manipulation and illustrations can be found in the book "Do not be a parrot, or How to protect against psychological attack" [Dotsenko 1994-6]. To illustrate these remedies are possible examples of using the material already discussed this work: 1. Time to figure out that the head tends to get away from the answer to the slave question, wait until it finishes, and then go back to your problem - it's good sobering (see. Example 3, p. 38). 2. Noisy appeared N. right to ask whether it is associated with the late leader's speech on the radio (see. Example 15, p. 131). 3. In the situation described in Example 19 (p. 140), the "war" of protection from manipulation might look like a prick, "Master did you invent ambiguity" or counter manipulation: "Say Yes - everyone knows that except filth from you do not wait. " Peaceful course may appear to be "weak", but his strength is not in receipt of short-term gains, and to create conditions for improving relations. It consists in a reflexive statement about what the structure of the situation: "You put me in an awkward position, forcing a choice between the same non-winning option for me. Why are you doing this? "Processingmethods can be quite numerous, so I can only give a few of the most typical examples. 1. Instructing - teaching students what to do in case of manipulative attacks. 2. Acting out situations and analyze the behavior of players. 3. Retrospective analysis of life events. 4. Testing of new patterns of behavior. 5. The programming procedures and technologies: - the introduction of new functional blocks (operators of conditional transfer points problematization, etc..) - Automation 277 of thenew structures and strategies (internalization: folding + immersion). 8.4. Psychotechnics coping control myself in the context of protection against manipulation is not to allow the manipulator to achieve their goals in terms of that is attributable to the impact of psychological mechanisms of the recipient (in the sense as we discussed in Chapter 5). You can do this in three ways.

1. Avoid the risk of the manipulator internal target destination - such as the driving force activity (needs, inclinations, ideals), controls the activity of (semantic, operational targets and attitudes, norms, self-confidence, belief, beliefs), cognitive structure, the operational activities of the (way of thinking, style of behavior, habits, skills, qualifications), mental states (background, function and so on. n.). 2. Delay the automatic reaction to the output not let appear outside the expected manipulator feeling or behavior, redirecting their energy on the analysis of the situation or that a replacement job. 3. Bring your personal device in a state in which the external action is not able to produce devastating effects: razotozhdestvit themselves with minor sub-personalities (role position, habits, traits, and so on. n.), to develop effective strategies for cutting back or recycling of intrapersonal contradictions, to prevent their translation into intrapersonal conflicts, to create a harmonious balance of well-meaning, and achieve deep detailed understanding of their individual characteristics. Each of these forms of coping has been discussed in Chapter 6 in the description of the mechanisms of protection. It is necessary to make a few methodological additions. Metaphors: layered protection; compartments separated by a submarine bulkheads that enhance its status on the appearance of holes in the housing; functional specialization of the team divisions, agencies, gang. 278 Basic premise: 1. Aerobatics in the management of the other - a control. At the heart of mental states is image management. Hence arises attention to metaphors. 2. To defeat the enemy, we must destroy it as his opponent (but not as a person, personality, etc..). This can be done in his presentation: a) to understand who is in front of us: the wily aggressor or tired of the difficulties the and fugitive,b)find out what the human needs of the and aggressor,c)to study its condition and flowing inner workings. 3. Important part of the whole - in this case "I" is more important than my ♦ "[claw cancer]. 4. Center of the "I" can be any part of having sufficient force for the consolidation of all the parts into a whole [command post can be moved to a safe place]. 5. Member events and watching them flinging different information. 6. Automatic reaction can be stopped, "catching" in the middle. In connection with the above is appropriate to recall the idea of rejection of the position of the active figure (Rajneesh). This method takes a person into the "playfulness" - being able to play. Role-playing and the simultaneous observation of his game: "This action is not me, I'm here only an observer. Who acts? Fictional character. Who created it? I do not know, I just allowed him to make some kind of action, and the look that comes out of it. " Such a view does not add in a fundamentally new view of human nature, but only brings to mind the whole game character of human activity, a game the essence of life, into a deep state of dissociating in relation to their surface forms. Manipulator then just nothing to catch, because any person is willing to subsistence temporarily split off from himself and not let yourself get into someone else's will. Therefore, for the purposes of protection against unauthorized introduction into the psyche of the recipient "mental foreign bodies" and offered a metaphor to help organize multi-279 tiered and multi-layered system of "mental territories." Each of them can serve as still the main, still the last citadel. The very same "I" in this case may be beyond the reach of manipulative attacks. Processing methods: 1. Build a game so that the participants had to take a position included the observer; show that it provides additional information about the events, gives the totality of the impact of the aggressor, lets keep uninvolved in manipulators-tive scenario. 2. Use exercise to reincarnation in different kinds of images and roles. 3. Learn observers to monitor changes in the status of players to capture the moments when there is a willingness to yield as the aggressor. At these moments, to intervene in the course of events - stop the game and discuss emerging changes, bring them to the awareness of the players. 4. During the discussions, games behavior analysis conducted using questions: "What kind of target directed attack?", "What a sub-personalities addressed the message?", "What changes people want to make this?" - This makes it possible to precisely locate the fragment of the inner world destination, which is under attack. For example, if it turns out that the manipulator is addressed to the norms of male behavior, ask: "This appeal to you, or all imaginary men? "- Thus exacerbates the divergence of the nature and properties. Obviously, the ability to train to condominiums only examples of manipulation is very difficult. So better to start with such phenomena, which are easily observed: open attacks, the sheer psychological pressure, humiliation, "assaults" and so forth. Gradual complication of the conditions of recognition of character, there is a threat and expansion of applied aggressor means leads to inter-orizatsii sovladeyuschih actions and their subsequent transfer on the situation of protection against manipulation. In conclusion, it is necessary to discuss a possible objection. May give the impression that the proposed methods of fractional 280 tion personality structure into separate compartments reproduce the mechanism of neurotic defense mechanisms. The essential difference is that in our case ext-rilichnostnaya fragmentation is deliberate in nature and started arbitrarily. So, a person can always refuse from such protection. In neurotic case of constructing protective triggered intrusive and rigid manner. Although, of course, excessive use of such a method can lead to neurosis picture personality structure (even

playing in the war, it is sometimes difficult to avoid losses - abrasions, scratches, broken toys). It would be nice to use these techniques in the presence of sufficient Integra-rovanonosti and personal integrity. However, if we consider that Most of our students and clients such structures already exist, so you can help a person organize his existing fragments in order to enhance its ability to govern themselves. 8.5.the personal capacity Ifof the reader the impression that the author offers a complete system of effective training protection against manipulation, then it is time to make a certain share of skepticism. In the process of me - many of my colleagues, I think, too - have to deal with how unpredictable effect of training in the various class members. Sometimes it seems that something elusive and mysterious in the human soul makes much more significant contribution to that for which we all worked together, rather than the actual program of studies. There is a mystery - there is a desire to solve it. Results of reflection on this subject and submitted to the discussion below. Desire to find an explanation to the fact that people vary greatly in their ability to resist external pressures (whether hidden or explicit), leads to the * Part of the ideas in this section belongs to A. Vovk, which I grateful for the support of heuristic and constructive criticism of my argument. 281 assumption - that perhaps the leading factor is what might be called personal power. Phenomenologically last represented as resistance to external influences and at the same time as the force of impact on people. Metaphorically, personal strength (or weakness) can be described as the presence (or absence) of the inner core, spiritual support, psychological "reinforcement", who take most of the load. If the description of personal strength to use concepts such as high flexibility, the ability to spring back, absorbing the force of the pressure, we obtain a good approximation in the first description of this phenomenon. Below we propose an attempt to outline possible ways to strengthen the ability to resist. Metaphors: quantity and quality of support points (or poles), binder yarns, the guy or harness (seat belts), the support area, the center of gravity, the depth of the foundation, its solidity and stability , stiffness or elasticity of stretch marks, and so on. n. Basic package. During the discussion of this and related issues with colleagues and students, and other training courses often float ideas, each of which can be given the status of a variable that defines the personal power of man. Some of them have already been identified above, even discussed in detail, but since we are talking about individual integrity, these ideas are gathered together for the sake of the whole picture. 1. "Complexity" of man's inner world, diversity of his "I". The complexity of the "I" refers to the internal Breeding (unglued when compared to the cognitive complexity), a position of one or the other people in the world [the quantity and quality of supports], the ability to move the "I" [center of gravity] in any of them without identification Busy yourself with your [not carry the entire weight on one leg]. External influence on this inner world has less effect, will be reimbursed. 2. The richness of semantic relationships with external contexts. In this case, a person is able to keep the personal horizon wide open, while maintaining a clear perception and understanding of 282 the situation[area of support is wide enough]. Intervention in so organized psychological space requires much greater cost to thehandler - supposed or almost inconceivable totality of exposure [cover more personal territory], or virtuosic filigree in the isolation of the target for the treatment of a fragment of this space [exemption from a large number of binders and supporting elements]. 3. "The depth of the" or "rootedness" personality structures. It is an effective link between the relatively independent parts of the psyche that allow this complexity to function as a whole. Human resistance to external pressure increases if his identity is deeply rooted, that is more superficial structures maintain a strong relationship with the intrinsic layers of "I" [a good foundation and a strong attachment to him]. 4. Clarity domestic priorities [accurately aligned the center of gravity] and simultaneous pliability in unimportant moments. Such a person is more difficult to divert to a secondary point, switch to a plane in which can be arranged manipulative influence. 5. Flexibility in the means and stability purposes. In response to the impact of changes on the part of man instrumental part of their activities, while maintaining the integrity of the internal (or focus, that one and the same). 6. Spiritual maturity - the presence of persistent semantic orientation aimed at impersonal values [wide area of support]. Life goals then are such that lie outside of the achievements of the single human life. Personal power, and hence the resistance to external influences, the higher, the higher the spirituality of man. Processing methods. Based on the contents of these variables, we can offer the following psychological operationalization of the concept of "personal power", which can be used as a tool that allows this power to turn out : 283 1. Breeding position in which a person places himself (actual diversity of), can be carried out: a)the conceptual distinction (in the analysis) between:the •figure and the observer (for their activities) • figure (speaking, writing) and evaluator (product, process, resources, style), • alternately or simultaneously occupied role positions (social, group, interpersonal or individual), • a fighter and a partner, • ... and a fighter against fighter for ... and so on. .; n b) the effective dilution (in the game or real life) of these items - differentiate them operationally testing equipment, c)emotional familiarity with sensual filling various positions, the ability to recognize them by their characteristic wishes and feelings that arises in time to update them. 2. Going beyond: • Cash tosituation

cash problem• •the actual experiences •of actual or subjective time • a given space (physical, social or psychological) •own culture •itself and so on. 3. Deepening: a) the following: clarification of the content of the inner experience, experiences, unclear or vague aspirations, understanding them as supports contained in past experience, experienced in the states, in actual and aspirations,b)in the images: clarifying the complexity and depth of semantic relationships dreaming or trance events and images related to them as a resource of personal development. 4. Promyslivanie their goals in life and sense of priorities. This problem has a lot of technology for its decision from Logotherapy by Frankl to NLP-algorithms. Thus, the use of the concept of "personal power" allows you to make training sessions in the moments that serve as an element of cohesion, leading tostylistic 284 unity and a sense of harmony learning. Of course, the concern for the development of personal power is not specific with respect to protection against manipulation - it's more general and personal. But that is what is special about the work on the particular problems that the effectiveness of their solutions above, if the solutions to communicate with obschelichnostnym context. Therefore, any progress towards personal growth inevitably increases the ability to resist manipulyativnym attacks. It is still talked about the group's working methods. Qualified psychologist is not hard to "shift" them to another genre of interaction with the different composition of the participants - individual counseling. Consultants have long known that the personal growth of the client is usually accompanied by an increase in its resistance to unwanted or destructive impact. Personal strength can also turn out not only (and probably not as much) as part of training, and in the course of coping with life's difficulties. Competent assistance of a consultant will be then to facilitate the client to develop their personal resources in these areas. Chapter 9 Can I learn not to manipulate? Problem posed in the title of the chapter of this monograph is a flip side of the question "why people are being manipulated." BACKGROUND manipulation discussed in detail in the third chapter, we saw how pervasive and is a multilevel programming, in which people tend to use manipulation. Position of the researcher in general on understanding and limited. In practice, one of the most important questions we ask ourselves, put another way: is it necessary to manipulate. This question arises not only because it is difficult to resist pressure from the society, for which there are forces in power exceeds the capacity of the ordinary person. For those who are involved in the flow of everyday life (at home and at work) it is not obvious that the manipulation is necessary to fully expose and eradicate everywhere. D. Carnegie once suggested replacing forcing a certain degree of stealth and open psychological pressure - pressure more elegant. Thanks to his efforts was almost obvious that in business and everyday relations "fine" manipulation is more preferable compared to crude methods to achieve their goals. Name D. Carnegie (as previously Machiavelli H) so it is quite often associated with manipulation. Of course, he does not call his readers to manipulate, but as a consistent pragmatist he volens-nolens instills in them a taste for the manipulative techniques. Unlike D. Carnegie idea book by Shostroma [1992] can be expressed in the slogan: Handling of all countries - is actualized! In his view each person in varying degrees - is the manipulator. The reasons for this, he 286 sees thefamily history of neurotic people. Turning to the manipulators, E. Shostrom offers them - that is, all of us - use the existing personal preferences in the means of achieving (often destructive) interpersonal goals so that based on them could create a more constructive ways. Opposition "crane - actualizer" he links this way: "In short - we need to think more creatively manipulate as aktualizatsionnoe behavior - it's the same manipulative, but expressed more creatively" [Shostrom 1992, 20]. Thus, the "anti-karnegist" E. Shostrom not dreaming of the "write-off" manipulation, and offers to approach it creatively. Something similar preaches PW Robinson, distinguishing between good and bad manipulation. The book is intended for parents, he strives to teach the last "good" in response to the manipulation of the "bad" from the children [Robinson 1981]. And it looks a complete apologist for manipulating the American political scientist William Riker X.. He believes that every politician is obliged to know the basics of manipulative craft, based on which the accumulation of practical experience comes the mastery of the art of manipulation. His book William X. Ricoeur called "The Art of political manipulation» [Riker 1986] and presents it to readers as a guide for beginners politicians. How complete denial and condemnation of manipulation, and its exaltation of each based on its strong foundation. In this case, both positions are largely absolutise assumptions. It seems to me appropriate to speculate on the subject of limits on the use of manipulation. This means, on the one hand, the need to clarify the limits of the use of manipulation, and on the other, - the limits of acceptability. If there are enough good reasons to be opened in favor of manipulation, they will stand as a limit to learning nemanipulirovaniyu people. However, the search for the limits of the use of manipulation will allow more correctly identify the criteria for the admissibility of its use. 287 9.1. Management or pomykanie? Hard to ghtljcnfdbnm manager that does not use manipulation. In contrast, in the management environment value of these techniques is very high. Spirit Carnegie invisibly around ... And if there is an order - there is a bid. Most one time flourished management schools in our country, as well as the current short-term courses - is often an educational

program on the manipulative effect. In Western countries, a similar product is also in vogue [Donaldson 1980, Gahagan 1984, Sheldon 1982]. This is not surprising if we take into account the distant subject-object nature of social interaction. Specificity of specific managerial situations is that inevitably leads to the need to be able to manipulate. What happens if I remove the control of the manipulation? Firstly, the head of the halo disappears. Management - is a process in the organization, which inevitably gives rise to its own internal mythology. In kongruentnoi keying system used to maintain secrecy [Bateson, Bateson 1994] for the separation of the people to uphold the authority of the leader. The organization is based on the distribution of functions and their mythological software. Get this separation of functions - will disappear organization, get the myths - disappear fastening its thread. Force where there are myths. Last always accompany good managers, as well as good teachers, like all good professionals: of them are stories, legends, fables, can play a trick on them, they may be angry - but will always listen. This halo is a symbol of authority, a sign of strength and a mandatory burden of their owner. In addition, the aura of the person - it's not just a way of binding the organization, but also a way of structuring the needs of subordinates. If I'm a slave, then how will I know that guides me is the same as me or even less? Much more natural to concede archetypal impulse and sdat* This idea was expressed by SA Gilmanov in one of our private conversations. For details, see. [Gilmanov 1996]. 288 smiling at the mercy of the strong, trusting his qualifications (hence the apparent "boss", "myself", "Dad", etc..) Secondly, with the elimination of manipulation destroyed the established culture of relationships. Authority of the head, the higher the more subtle palette of techniques - including manipulative - he uses to influence subordinates. At first glance, it seems strange, but the chief manipulator admired by many, including those who were its victims: were duped, provoked or gently aside. If manipulative methods to remove the head and as a result no one deceive you, no one will force not obvedet - that lost life. Manipulation - it is life itself in people's attitudes. This is normal (in the sense of the prevalent norms) interaction, an element of informality in the relationship, the party prevailing culture of industrial cooperation. That is until it until it becomes the only means of achieving the goals, becoming deformed personality manipulator. In this sense, the book is justified pathos E. Shostroma. If the manipulation is used sporadically and appropriate to the situation, it should be recognized rather vital management tool. Thirdly, without manipulation reduced psychological quality control: the elimination of manipulation disappears fineness control, reduced palette of tools used. The head, which does not use or does not know the manipulation, there is a risk of slipping to a rough controls. It is the fruit of disgruntled employees, growing opposition to the vertical. Manipulation same softens ... Moderate use of manipulation reduces conflict, creates a peaceful atmosphere and along with other techniques to enhance the quality of management. There is something like a cycle: the chief has the right and order, but the susceptibilities employee expresses its concern only some problem, relying on the "comprehension" slave. Course, grow here and abuse of manipulation when it becomes a means of self-assertion by the chief subordinates, way to solving 10 848,289 of their personal problems, achieving selfish goals and so forth. But even if the manager and does not go beyond caring for the interests of the organization, it often happens that these interests justify the infringement of the rights or personal dignity of subordinates. It is therefore appropriate to discuss the problem, to what extent in favor of the interests of the organization (institutions, companies) may ignore the interests of the workers employed by it? Can cite at least two answers. The first - the degree of neglect is determined by how it manages to keep the employee at the workplace. Labor costs - the cost of retaining an employee in the enterprise. If he had nowhere to go at all, it will keep your place and the renter will cost much cheaper. Marx pointed out that the cost of labor is determined objectively, socially: the culture of the society, established relationships, economic structure, and so on. d. this answer the right within a sociological approach - leaves out the essential qualities of the person, reducing the whole problem to a market economy for the buyer and seller. A second answer to the question, to what power in favor of the interests of the organization, you can ignore the interests of the employee, the distinction (or indistinction) actual personality characteristics of the person and its instrumental qualities. When an employee is hired, what he offers for sale, that is commissioned? (Note, he allows himself to be exploited.) Sure, their skills, health, energy, time, and even human qualities: ability, personality traits, competence in communication. (It is widely believed that "a good man - this is not the position," and that the salary paid for the work, and not for "beautiful eyes." In fact, the salary paid for the character and even the ability to get along with people. This is reflected in the fact that at certain positions people are selected for their personal qualities, and redundancy - ceteris paribus - primarily fired brawlers and uncomfortable.) However, offering to use their skills and all that is required to work under normal conditions, the employee is not going to sell their mental properties : self-esteem, 290 humanity, unconditional importance of individuality and so on. In other words, the job he comes as a man ready for his role as ex officio (must because he promised) to perform their duties. And in the official part of it is bound to obey the chief. But as a man, as a person, as an individual, he is superior. At least so it would be "a human", ie in accordance with the universal norm. It is this facet of human and moves that a manager who, having the right to dispose of subordinate positions, assumes the right to dispose of a person as a person. This attitude to the slave can manifest itself in different forms: direct suppression or domination, in the manipulation, the humiliation - explicit and crude or refined and veiled. To a certain extent, manipulation is better than a hard order, and the soft compulsion better than rough violating the dignity of people. But the main problem - infringement of the person - in this case can not be solved, but only driven into the personal depth. Protect against coercion and humiliation hard - on the situation, but still easier than from manipulation, as opposition mainly interpersonal. When handling conflict becomes intrapersonal, so its much more difficult to identify and harder to resolve constructively, since the struggle with other complicated struggle with himself.

One thing particularly helps promanipulya-tive preferences of managers. Manipulation can solve extremely attractive task to shift the responsibility for the decision to subordinate. Regular practice of this kind leads to the fact that the government exaggerated accumulates in the hands of those in power, while the controlled suddenly overloaded giperotvetstvennostyu. Characteristic for our day shift from explicit (external) coercion implicit (internal) animates * When someone starts to sell their sense of dignity, moral and value preferences, human loyalty, we treat such cases unambiguously negative, rightly seeing here deal with his conscience. * 10 291 interest in a structurally unstable methods of psychological influence. In part this can be explained by the current boom in all psychological. Psychologist or psychological services management contain, as a rule, not for humanitarian reasons. Leading role played by pragmatic considerations: master the softer management techniques (rough worse triggered), make subordinates more sensitive to implicit management (in order to hide the fact of exposure), remove unnecessary stress (Interfering with) and so forth. In this regard, managers follow the trend, characteristic also for the state of evolution. Until recently our government catered for dominance as the leading type of intersubjective relations and his characteristic control means: the order, coercion, suppression. Who is covered by fever alterations, our leaders - and we with them - rushed to a democratic state. At first, it seems that there is something really, most of our troubles will be removed. In this case, we fended off the idea that the new conditions will be new challenges. Democratic state only de jure, based on the principles of respect for human rights. De facto, these rights are systematically and regularly violated. The reason is that the main value in most types of social practice and everyday life is a struggle - the desire to get a one-sided win, as a rule, to the detriment of the other side. This contradiction has successfully obscured the use of hidden control methods, therefore, human rights violations, such as interference with the process of personal development, decision-making processes. Democratic state in the form in which it has developed in most developed countries, more "tends to manipulation as the leading type of intersubjective relations. (88% of the national literature, devoted to manipulation, is a critique of the manipulative practices of the bourgeois media outlets (on the funds for the period from INION 1981 and 1991) is interesting that most of the similar English literature - about the same.) It is such a state as we are moving. 292 is indicative in this light, the nature of orders psychologists. All the variety of demands can be reduced to three types: a) the desire to obtain any information on employees, trainees or serviced, which the customer intends to dispose of at their discretion; b) a request to organize a meaningful impact on people, sometimes by the psychologists, but more often on the basis of the recommendations of the executive and bodies,c)the desire to learn something "very psychological." To carry out such orders and organizes all sorts of psychological services. We like art, caught in the cross attention from the owners of power, we have to choose: be dumb executor or fight for their participation in the formation of the order, and not at the stage of further details, and to determine its nature. Of course, the second option is preferable, but the opportunity we are given infrequently. When necessary to perform the already formulated the order, despite certain difficulties, almost always have the opportunity to make their own adjustments to it. Illustrate the last thought on the example of training managers. Many of my colleagues know that, regardless of the order formulated realistic expectations of students are very often promanipulyativny character. Have to choose. Refuse - then leave the market services. Instead, you order will perform less scrupulous colleague or hastily trained enthusiast seeking to assert themselves or to get him to enjoy the opportunity to influence people. And take the order - means to meet the expectations of the audience manipulative. In the latter case, well proven such tactics training. Promanipulyativnye expectations of listeners from the beginning very clearly (and sometimes tough) explicated that they become visible and for themselves. This order will be executed only in general terms. Accession to the expectations of the audience is necessary in order to be able to later make the necessary adjustments to propartnerskie their behavioral repertoire. Further studies are constructed in such a way as to show (more on the games and the discussion of specific situations), the entire 293 range ofmethods of psychological influence from direct coercion and order, through manipulation, tricks and open confrontation to agreements and partnership agreements. Describes all possible ways (circle appropriate situations, the nature of the resulting effect winnings) and be sure to limit (when they do not work, what to pay, what are the consequences and so forth.). The main purpose of the teacher - to problematize the very fact that the impact of the choice of method is not prone to any one of them. This makes it possible in the first place, at least in part to free students from the constraints unreflecting accumulated experience in their relative preferences in the choice of means of psychological impact, and secondly, to bring back the heads of the responsibility they are used to shift the circumstances or subordinates. In this case, the students learn the entire range of settings to interact, perched on the scale of interpersonal relationships, which we discussed in Chapter 3 Since manipulation - is a cross between a partnership and domination, then it can become an alternative to the corresponding poles: on the one hand, this is an order, domination, repression, and on the other, request or offer (leading to the agreement). Curiously, the lack of candor manipulation in both cases resists extreme frankness outdoor pressure or order and open communication about their needs or intentions. So, we found that the manipulation can be used constructively in the management practices at the level of interpersonal contacts. Firstly, to create a halo head of the organization or organizational unit, and secondly, to mitigate the forms of coercion, which do without, it seems, can not no one leader, and thirdly, to provide a single focus desires slave, connect the necessary motivational resource for achieve organizational goals. However, it was observed that the restriction on the

use of manipulation - it becomes inadequate in the event that a) is used for personal purposes leader, b) when the violence against the person exceeds the level that is dictated by the specific nature of the work. 294 9.2. Education or development? Practice the so-called pedagogical impact, in most cases, too, looks like the suppression of students or manipulation. Every little bit familiar with the pedagogical literature remembered forever stamps such as "the formation of cognitive interest of students'" education-conscious attitude to work "," moral perfection educability "and dozens of similar, which clearly stands for the claim to decide what should be the one who are going to "educate" and "perfect." What it is: a really necessary thing or teaching, educators, deformation? Word "education" covers the semantic fields: a) the process of creating, generating something new, and b) the formation of something according to a given image, and c) something structurally complex. With respect to the traditional usage of words such as "schooling", "public education", "educational system" and so forth. It became a nominalization, for which almost no peeps primary meaning of the unfolding process. If, however, to restore the lost connection, then the form can be understood as a process of creation (generation) rights in accordance with somehow. This process is organized by special people, which the State is entitled to sculptors. These people act as if they know the way, which should correspond to the child. Just here lies the problem - where does this image? In other words, you need to find out who calls the result. Customer, as a rule, the state, which "pulls" the implementing state standard. In this shameful graduate model it is mostly about the instrumental characteristics of the man, and very little - about his personal qualities. As for the latter, the school staff are already used to capture the implicit government order for "personal" products. Implicit order of the state with a totalitarian regime to a system of education was to prepare citizens who are able to comply. Some of them (about 15%) had at yourself to be able to command, to give orders; those with school 295 years showing promise to become such we called activists. Implicit order of a democratic state - to educate citizens that are easy to manipulate. Some of them have even themselves to be good at manipulating people. Largely this explains the willingness functionaries create psychological services in educational institutions. Psychologists from these people get all the same orders: "inspect" (we need information) and "make him something" (we need a comfortable and adequate to our needs student). While these orders are executed, a school psychologist in high esteem, but as soon as he makes a half-hearted attempt to point out the defects in the organization of school life or teaching, he falls into the category of "foreign". And the sanctions applied to them appropriate. A majority of school psychologists, we women, who are also mostly recruited from former teachers and are still low qualifications. It is clear that in most cases they remain in the role of obedient mercenaries to do the will of those who pay them a salary. Of course, there are those who manage to change the setup of administrators, but those, like all times, is a little bit. I do not know if it would be easier if the state remained the only customer of the educational system. In fact, quite a few customers. The first is the social strata, national communities, religious denominations - aggregate all sorts of subjects. Common features provided by them orders: • as a rule are implicitly; • the final image, which are oriented performers, teachers, remains beyond their comprehension; • himself this way is often a ideal (or stereotype) of a typical member of soobschnosti - the customer - "such as We all »; • the purpose of education is to create your own twins join the ranks of the community. In some cases, customers in educational product can act and individuals - if the teacher or organizer has in front of him may reflect on 296 del graduate. These are some of the creators of copyright schools or classes, outstanding teachers and so on. Probably in one degree or another, they are mouthpieces of any social groups, but inevitably made and a personal contribution. Thus, education - training or education - it kind of sculpture, when the artist (and often just a craftsman) for the planned results "cuts off all unnecessary," leaving only what corresponds to customer's idea. Note, however, that almost never his future image is not bought by the children themselves. Society denies them the right to form the order. Adults are free to decide how to be children for them and without them - it seems, and is called socialization. Since every human education is the inevitable selection - selective unpacking of human resources and their transformation into the desired tutor or teacher way - it can be argued that not deform the child in the process of socialization is not possible. Therefore, the flip side of socialization - the imposition of restrictions on the development and personal growth of the child. In this - the essence of the process of education, in this - the essence of the position of the teacher as an employee, sincerely and naively performing their Procrustean purpose. Technological side of teaching activities is provided in compliance with these educational objectives. Technologically, education and training - it is always the selection, breeding, and therefore inevitably and the loss of something. In this sense, educational technology contain some elements of violence and coercion. It seems quite impossible to do without them, so it is mostly about what form acquires such coercion. Now it is not difficult to understand the role played by keying in the practice of education - both in teaching and in education. Firstly, as already it has been shown it is necessary for teachers in order to disguise the presence of unilateral effects in the name of the resulting execution order. Quite difficult to catch the precise point that divides the formative influence in the name of long-term interests of the child (and inFor 297 violation ofimmediate), and manipulation, when the flag of concern about the future of the student teacher is asserting itself at his expense, acting in favor of the administration or for the benefit of teaching caste . Perhaps this concealment is necessary not only for the beneficiaries (children and feel so good, where manipulation and where care) but for the teachers and educators: who is nice to see their flaws. Yes, and about public opinion have to remember.

Secondly, manipulation of Education as well as the management is required to ensure that the inevitable pressure to put into softer forms to spare the feelings and dignity of the child. In this respect, deception and covert coercion are more preferable than forcing a clear and flagrant. And thirdly, there are quite a large class of situations and problems, especially when shown the use of indirect methods of psychological influence - some of them under specific conditions can be manipulated. For example, in education: as manipulation is concerned with motivational onnymi structures of the inner world of man, it seems natural to use it as a means of motivation for the educational process. Indeed, almost every teacher is able to recall incidents from their practice, when interest in the topic or subject of learning was excited by a tendentious feed posts. The same is true in education. Example 27 parents in a conversation among themselves praised the behavior of your child today at a party. But it was done so that the child lying in bed, could "eavesdrop" their conversation. Example 28 Counselor saw lads who were willing to fight, so they broke the dispute. "Dima," - he called one of them. "What?" - Turned to irritation and annoyance, waiting for instructive comments. Counselor: "Cuckoo?" - And smiled. Children could only smile back - and the tension eased. Example 29 Child torn from toys to prepare for bed. That it was painless, parents use one of the techniques of indirect effects: are included in the game anddevelop 298 it so that it ended. Or divert it to something, to interrupt a momentary desire to play. It is obvious that in this case the child is controlled by parents is hidden to avoid resistance. However, as it is done in his own long-term interests (health, mode, habits, and so on. Etc..), It would be a mistake to consider these impacts manipulation. However, it is clear that in every case exactly the same actions can be manipulated - enough of a sometimes small but important stroke in the structure of the situation, or in the field of motivational teacher. try to clarify for themselves how to establish the boundary between the education of the child and its standardization valuation. educator is faced with the problem of finding a balance between the requirements of the order (no matter whose: humanity , state, community or individual) and the intentions of the educability. Sequential execution order leads to the fact that educability is regarded as mute, soulless and powerless creature, which is allowed to do all that is required to achieve the planned results. The opposite extreme - complete indulgence of the child, rejecting the idea of forming impact. I think, in search of the required balance will help tutor the following considerations. Firstly, formative effect has a chance to be minimally manipulative if it complies with the whole person and not just one part. Who can judge with certainty that its impact environmentally friendly in relation to this holistic personality? Only the child who has access to himself and his inner world as a whole. Make it as it is difficult in a language that understands the teacher: the language of words. Therefore, it is important to learn the tutor to determine the extent of their environmental impact, based on the spontaneous (usually emotional and figurative) the child's utterances and other symptoms: facial expressions, gestures, vasomotor symptoms, and so forth. If some effect is not quite appropriate the child's identity, attention 299 tive teacher is able to see the signs of security trends in the behavior of educability in response to this effect. Secondly, the danger of forced normalization can be significantly reduced by educating the child's ability to become a reflective stance in relation to the proposed standards for learning. Education in this sense is a statement of a person in a reflective and dialogic position in relation to himself. In this case, he can consciously take to the proposed group norms and decide to accept or not accept. Thirdly, standardization can be significantly mitigated if not require unconditional acceptance. Education in this sense is learning the conventions. Caregiver at any time can go beyond the situation and tell the ward, "Look, when and by whom these rules are invented. In general, they are - a bunch of trinkets, which, however, help people to interact with each other in a certain way - as it is convenient. You can not follow these rules, you can live quite differently, but for such a breach you have to pay something: to bear the reproaches of people lose their good relationship to you, to experience some solitude, impair health, and so on. N. "Educability an opportunity to criticize the proposed standards, and even if he chooses them, then they become its values. Imposed norms are faceless (impersonal) and assigned - are personal, and thus spiritual. Course, these considerations do not solve the problem of manipulation: no guard against manipulation nor denied her the right to use. Ultimately, only the caregiver (at home or at school) - its moral position, qualifications and art - is responsible for it uses the means of achieving educational objectives. If he uses manipulative techniques, but it just limits the scope of their application and feels the general context of education, that there is no one to throw a stone in his condemnation, except that the one who commits a greater sin - a rough valuation tough trimming student under 300 as required. But this is already beyond the boundaries of education - in the area of suppression. Return to training. This is an area of interest to consider a couple of "manipulation - maieutics." It is known that under maievtikoi Socrates understood genus spiritual obstetrics art, with which you can help the other person to "give birth" own thought. Refusing to position all qualified teacher, he tried to encourage people to self-search for the truth. This position looks very attractive and is perceived by many as a real alternative to the authoritarian and regulatory training [... maieutics 1993]. Indeed, the technique maieutics Issues-Shania allows interlocutors to find out something important to reveal the implicit status quo, while avoiding coercion by the initiator of the conversation. Revealing differences between manipulation and maieutics: Manipulation maieutics

Search unilateral advantages Hidden impact reliance on automatic and stereotypical reactions on both sides Creating the illusion Mr. ezavi B Mosty Harassment purposes for which the source is not interested in the result of

mutually beneficial cooperation explicit, open development of the creative potential of bilateral taking responsibility interest in the joint

result,however, it should be noted presence and a certain similarity between the manipulation and maieutics. Firstly, and in that, and in the other there is a significant element of provocation; in maieutics it performs the function of providing motivational thinking search, responding to questions the interlocutor. 301 Second, as manipulation and maieutics assume a leader - someone who knows where to go. Socrates once asked to invite the boy off the street and asked him a long series of questions so that the answers were a boy proof of the Pythagorean theorem. Thus he sought to prove the validity of his claim that all knowledge is already available in humans, the problem is only to find access to them. In his commentary on this case G. Bateson says: "But this is nonsense: what you do not know the boy, and that provided Socrates - was the answer to the question: what question to answer me now? If a child placed with the need to prove the Pythagorean theorem, the child would have remained silent, not knowing the order of steps in the construction of the theorem "[Bateson, Bateson, p. 176]. In other words, the answer lies in the algorithm of asking questions. If Socrates did not know the Pythagorean theorem, the sequence of questions would lead to nowhere. Thirdly, as the case of Socrates, maieutics like manipulation creates the illusion - the myth that the student already knows. But a myth! This is a myth, which is able to encourage the student to new achievements. And fourth - maieutics, despite the apparent limitations of a cognitive sphere, performs a motivating function, which also links her with manipulation. Thus maieutics - is, on the one hand, the control method of mental search. Search logic lies in the content and order of presentation of the issues. Question - is an indication of direction where to look, as well as a way of thinking that is passed students in action. And on the other - is a special technique to create an illusion that a solution is found for those who were wondering. Of course, Socrates can be accused of lying when he says: "The boy knew it." As well as the teacher, saying, "The disciple himself found the answer." But it seems no human activity can not do without the lies as a means of myth-making. This myth contributes to the desire of students to learn. Thus, in education (education and training) manipulation also takes pride of place. In some moments, it almost imperceptibly flows into alternative her 302 indirect methods of influence, particularly in maieutics. Do without manipulation, it seems, is not possible. It would be ideal solution whenever manipulation does not extend beyond the educational task, in which a person knows that he is taught, and he agrees to the effect to a certain extent, as long as it has yielded results greater than the forces invested. But the central problem is the one that is taken for the child to solve the adults. Well, if they decide on their own responsibility, not shifting it to the child. Only in such a context manipulation (as a means of indirect motives) can be regarded as a necessary measure. Unfortunately, for the average teacher, this forced and instrumentality in view of the mechanism of displacement of the target motif is often hidden. And then for him manipulativeness presenting itself pedagogical quality as such - not as a means but as an objective, and if the means is not so much situational as basic. Of course, it is preferable to humiliation or hard order. But at the same time a little constructive in terms of personal growth of the child. 9.3. Correction or normalization? When counselor builds questioning the client as part of his problems - asked for clarification of a thought, an example confirming the client's words, sets the dividing issues, manages pauses, gestures, intonation puts accents, and so on. apply these techniques in the hope of aga-customer reaction when he, slapping his forehead and suddenly, excitedly zamolknuv, "unexpectedly" "guesses" - is thought that changes his view of the problem. Since directly convey the idea is often not perceived, it must be extracted by the client. Therefore, the consultant hidden controls progress reflection of the client. The question naturally arises whether such actions consultant call it manipulation? Using the concept of "indirect effect" allows more correct to raise the question of the difference between the manipulation of nemanipulyativnyh funds in psychotherapy. What is often 303 referred to asmanipulative techniques themselves - only indirect effects of technology. Need to find out why such techniques (almost manipulative) are used in advisory work? By analogy using the manipulation and management education can specify the following tasks: 1. Creating a therapeutic myth - the belief in the client that his problem can be solved by psychological means. The very existence of such a belief is one of the mechanisms (probably the main) the therapeutic process. Therefore, the awakening and maintaining faith in the success increases the customer's consent to work and willingness to change. 2. Masking of certain types of psychological impact. Consultant to resort to disguise every time you need to bypass security in building a client. This ultimately increases efficiency, reduces costs (mental effort and time) as a consultant and the client to achieve our client goals.

3. Create a halo as a consultant specialist high-end. This aura increases the confidence of the client to the psychologist, increases client compliance to the therapeutic action. However, the same techniques and indirect effects of parasite manipulation. It arises in cases where the consultant begins to solve problems that are irrelevant for advisory interaction. It may be noted a few signs, each of which alone or in combination with other methods indicate the presence of cumulative manipu-quality psychological impact made by a consultant. 1 priority needs. If the consultant is centered on their own needs, then it is likely to lead to manipulation. Most often, this is a consequence of bringing their own problems in a consultant advisory interaction. Often they occur in an effort to bind the customer to make it obedient and comfortable. This may stem from a desire to meet their neurotic needs to assert themselves at the expense of the customer, to ensure a long-term endeavor, high 304. income,etc. Course consultant - as any living person - can not give up on their needs, arbitrarily "disconnect" them to get out of -under their influence. But ma-nipulyativnoe quality occurs when the client's needs are denied priority status. 2 Stability of change. It is a mistake to believe that whenever effect positive change soon disappears, we are dealing with the manipulation of a consultant. It is well known how customers are sophisticated in their desire to avoid the declared changes how creative they are in an attempt to shift the responsibility to the consultant. But in fairness I must be prepared for the fact that among the manipulation, which often fails to detect relapse in symptoms may be tricks and consultant. 3 Locus work. Consultant has to choose between the extremes. On the one hand, the probability of manipulation increases, if I'm working with a part of the personality, losing sight of integrity. If I strive to produce the effect change individual elements of personality, without relating its impact with a wide personal context, I take the position of mindless technologist manipulator. (Elimination of symptoms without regard to the person about it said.) On the other hand, the desire to change the whole person - the very system of values of the client, his attitude towards life - even faster can lead to manipulation. In this case it is easy to fall into sin claims to be the Creator. Finding a balance between these extremes business skills consultant. 4 under contract with the customer. All of these features, however, are very conditional, because regardless of the specific consultancy situation. This difficulty is removed if to take into consideration the scope of the contract with the client. This is the strongest criterion allowing to decide what manipulative and destructive, and that - humanely and constructively in the actions of the consultant. If the latter operates within the client's request, just comply with the terms of the original contract with him, and, therefore, operates in accordance with the goals and interests of the client - that all techniques, 11 - 898 305 no matter how manipulative they may look, have a right to be called corrective (for orientation) and indirect (through the mechanism). course, on the nature of the interaction with the client consultant is heavily influenced by his theoretical preferences. Such orientation, such as behaviorism, psychoanalysis, humanistic and transpersonal psychology are very different in strength they contain ma-nipulyativnogo building: "For each worth a fundamentally different" image of man "special" world view "" [Florenskaya 1991, p. 13]. Many consultants tend to be based not on theory but on corrective techniques that are often independent of their parent theoretical contexts: conditioning, operant learning, psychodrama, gestalt therapy, psychosynthesis, NLP, personal psycho customer-centric approach, etc. . Indeed, many of them are marked by finding a compromise between the need for deep work and the danger of falling into the temptation to alter people in their own way, the interaction between shortterm and high-grade results. An example is the environmental principles of psychological impact, developed under the NLP. The latter is not without reason, claims to be the meta-theory of the psychotherapeutic process. Appropriate environmental screening techniques, some elements of reframing, a number of points within the other techniques are addressed to the whole person as an expert or interested party of special importance. Trance technology solve the problem of the search of the compromise even more dramatically. However, a consultant engineer, sitting on a huge pedestal done to his work, in a twisted form contained in the techniques used by them, it is often deceived by their grace and brevity, taking for simplicity and ease of . In this case, thoughtless (not backed by heartfelt theorizing) use techniques significantly reduces their accuracy and environmental friendliness, becoming an instrument of self-affirmation in the work, solve their own problems. If I lose sight of the integrity of the work (often, not only in relation to a particular customer, but the 306 and with respect to the general psychological and general cultural context), then I went into the decision of some own problems began (baseline internal) game. Has drawn in the manipulation, the consultant becomes a slave of his own manipulation: manipulation mechanism - both themselves and the customer - begins to manipulate his arms gave birth. Why care about the customer consultant - is care primarily about himself ("main customer - I did"). It remains for us to discuss what to look for the consultative process from the point of view of the balance between the use of indirect methods of psychological influence and the distribution of responsibilities between the parties therapeutic interaction . With regard to the consultation process we use the metaphor of the move or travel, in language which can be more clearly present all its stages, especially the execution of roles and nature of the distribution of responsibility among its members. Client as a person who is experiencing some difficulties, and needs help from the outside, as a rule, requests save him from them. Therefore, at the beginning of it should be considered as a fugitive than a traveler. Consultant at the request of the client-fugitive faces the tasks: a) to find out where the client is: what is the problem? B) decide in which direction to move the client what to do?

C) help to get over there last: how to do it? For the first tasks can be approached name (psychological testing, for the third - correction, and for the second term has no ready. Often it can be solved, or in the course of diagnosis (in prison), or as a result of an agreement between the client and the consultant. Let's call this stage "responsible decision". Diagnostics. Whole variety of psychodiagnostic interaction strategies client and consultant can be distributed according to the degree they contain manipulative potential. This can be done by two classification grounds: on used diagnostics and ratio and* 307 "expert / amateur" (in zavisimotsi of who provides diagnostic conclusion: what's the problem?). In the first row will be all kinds of diagnostics using questionnaires, tests and other hardware or manual methods. The main feature of the majority of them - farming in time steps of the survey, data processing and compiling the report. This is generally a very manipulators-tive approach to the client, which is still considered mandatory qualification sign the profession of psychologist. Pole on this scale occupy, on one hand, completely standardized methods through which subjects "skipped" as through evaluation procedure, sometimes psychologist excluding direct contact with the examinee. On the other - malostrukturirovannye, adapts to the characteristics of the client and the situation survey methods up to the full internalization of their constituent elements - the disappearance of the skills consultant. Depending on who makes the diagnostic judgment, there are three main groups of approaches. Expertise - performs diagnostic conclusion psychologist, consultant. If the information was obtained through questionnaires or tests, the psychologist will inevitably become "experts" on the judgment. But even if the information was obtained from unstructured conversations, the expert orientation prepolagaet that the consultant is always right, because he "knows better" or "he knows better." It remains only to explain to the client and to prove the validity of the proposed interpretation. If the client will object, means "protected", it is only once again proves the correctness of the consultant. Joint study - understanding of the client's problem is obtained in the course of questioning, when the client is entitled to their own understanding of their problems. And guess and opening client made during questioning conducted by a consultant, are the achievement of both: the ability to ask questions, on the one hand, and completeness of knowledge * This jargon quite accurately reflects the relationship between the test and the researcher, as well as the attitude of the psychologist to the subject on which provokes a test approach. 308 subject area and their willingness to extract - on the other. In general, this approach is very close to maieutics as a means vspomozhestvovaniya at birth - in this case, the emergence of a new vision of the client of the problem. There is no doubt that such a dialogue is not fully symmetric relations. The consultant is still leading the party as it has its own ideas about how and what should be asked, has the tools direction the conversation back on track: the technique of active listening, metam del language, rules of construction matters, and so on. N. But most humanity of this approach compared with the expert is obvious. Support - based on the findings makes the client, it also specifies the order and discuss topics. Consultant work gets interested listener, all activity is directed to the desire to understand the content, presentation logic, insight into the experiences of a friend, to plunge into the stream of his senses. Client at the same time he creates a myth of psychotherapy - the logic of explanation nature of the problem, it is reasonable to study the mechanisms and the desired changes. This approach is possible mainly with an experienced client who previously learned "rules" - in a sense, he was "ours." Of these approaches, the least manipulative last, but not always possible, and not everyone is able to rely on the consultant customer insight. As well as not every client is able to show such insight - otherwise he would not seek psychological help. Therefore, the consultant is necessary to choose a general orientation and modifications in relation to a particular case. Responsible decision. Many people know that episode of "Alice in Wonderland" (Chapter VI), wherein Alice asks the Cheshire Cat: - Tell me, please, which way I go from here? - Where do you want to go? - Said the Cat. - I do not care ...- said Alice. - Then do not care where and go, - said the Cat. - ... Only to get somewhere - explained Alice. - Somewhere're sure to do - You just said Kot.- long to go, without turning! 309 This dialogue is clear that the "get out of here" - a very uncertain task, and why you have to "go long" to "get somewhere." Therefore, the main task of the consultant at the stage of responsible decision is to make the traveler a fugitive moving in a selected direction. Consultant is aware or not, but every time after understanding the essence of the problem, he decides in which direction they will move with the client. Accordingly, depending on who and how to make this decision (Consultant alone or together with the client), and highlights possible approaches. Notice - Consultant has independently determined that the client needs. In the case of manipulative burdened consultant believes that he knows what is mentally healthy person, and seeks to "improve" coming in the client according to their own ideas. In the best case, the consultant really understands the client's particular situation and for any reason (for himself or for the situation) decides not to consult with the client, and simply point: you there. Agreement - Consultant seeks possible to accurately understand not only the needs of the client, but also internal commitment to a certain kind of change. About the latter in this case must be negotiated. So he not only asks for the customer, where it is necessary, but agrees on the characteristics of the desired result and to cooperate in the way. Consent - Consultant agrees with the first acceptable customer demand, without putting his question ("the customer is always right"). Even if the customer is wrong and let detect and correct the error itself.

Latter approach seems the least manipulative, but that does not make it more acceptable. Often, this approach is quite legitimate, but more often, choosing his consultant likened the day laborer, taking for any paid work. This indifference to or efficiency, or voluntary withdrawal from the full use of their skills. Accordingly, the approach taken and shared responsibility between the client and the consultant for the lives of 310 of the latter: in the first case ("designation") consultant falls into sin arbiter of fate came to him person. Another important variable: whether the consultant is ready to forward client-traveler, where necessary, or just go where can? The problem of manipulation in this case arises depending on whether the consultant informs the customer that the choice of routes is limited skills or preferences psychologist. If not, then it is obvious infringement of the rights of the client on the importance of knowledge for him, reducing the possibilities of which he has (if allowed) to choose from. Correction. The main issue of this stage: by whom is committed the move? who will do most of the work? It also solves the problem of the allocation of responsibility for the quality and nature of the changes in the psyche of the client. All variety of strategies and techniques transformative impact also can be placed on a conventional scale, depending on their manipulative potential. Qualifiedintervention consultantimplies a willingness to do something that will prevent the client from the need to separate active efforts to solve their problems. Metaphorically, it's like a "coach filed" or passing car - the result goes to the client is relatively easy and it seems cheap. But as often happens with darmovschinoy, the outcome is unpredictable ... Not to mention the fact that all subsequent failures can be attributed to a customer adviser. Assistance from - Consultant acts as a stalker - a guide to areas with unpredictable characteristics. Allocation of responsibilities: the client is aware of his "territory" is much larger consultant, but the latter knows how to develop such areas. Therefore, it is taken to spend on it, to point out its features and partly to teach the client-traveler yourself overcome such territory. Consultation generally resembles the briefing with the introduction of rules and restrictions.In the first *witty analogy between this side of the consultative process proposed IA Vovk: the bus (at a fixed route) or a taxi ("You what?"). 311 prospects for the client will be allowed to move about independently. Cooperation and mutual assistance - Consultant seeks to see things through the eyes of the customer and all you need to do with his hands. Under the agreement with the client, he brings to this or that idea (again appropriate to recall the maieutics), offers to experiment, to make trial actions, helps to understand the mistakes and successes, and so on. N. Advisory process resembles the journey (sometimes very difficult) with an experienced mentor willing to share their expertise with the newcomer. Escort - consultant gives the minimum (mostly moral) support the efforts of the client: supports confidence in their strength, sympathizes with failures, is rejoicing. Often, patiently watching as the customer is floundering in the problem, trying not to miss a critical moment when it will be necessary to give support. Consultant is a fan and observer, not to interfere in any event and be limited to comments on the matter. As can be seen, each of the four approaches has the right to exist; also clear that in the first case danger consultant manipulator be much higher. Of course, highly qualified psychologist requires the ability to understand their current position and to relate it to the peculiarities of the situation. Overall, considering the consultative process as a whole, we can say that in the overwhelming number of cases, some portion of the path defines a consultant. Completely avoid this situation is not possible. Primarily for this reason, have to be reminded of the importance of the contract (therapeutic alliance) in correctional work. The fact of the client's help is not always indicative of his willingness to surrender to the specialist. Not always willing to be subjected to the client even seemingly minimal psychological impact. That is why it is so important to agree on what kind of impact it will suit. Has to remember that he is able to do much himself - only help him create their therapeutic myth. Iniz-312 certain sense,therapeutic manipulation (in the primary meaning as a combination of methods) - it shifts, organizing (and often mimic) movement to the target. Psychological space so bizarre and multidimensional, that may be the finish of the first turn. The main thing - that the client decided that he has already come. In this sense, psychotherapy - one of the technologies to create an illusion. Hence, there is a particular responsibility of the consultant - for the selection of environmental myth, for creating the illusion of adequate this man and his problem situation. So, in this section we discussed a number of criteria and variables, on the basis of which it is possible, first, in the framework of the corrective process to distinguish manipulation of non-manipulative methods of action, and secondly, true track for emerging strains in the consultation process. Furthermore, it was shown how close are sometimes psychotherapy and manipulation as used for the means and mechanisms for exposure. Psychotherapy in the same row with the management and education is, like, the richest on the illusion. ** The overall result of this work is that it was possible to much more clearly in general not a new idea, which consists in the fact, in order to avoid extreme judgments. In this case - as oblivion or make manipulation anathema and its chanting or propaganda. We have considered only three areas, which do not cover a whole human experience, but cover a significant part. Found that often the manipulation can not be avoided. Therefore calls for manipulators, "Stop!" - No more than the voice of one crying in the wilderness, because for them it is tantamount to preaching to abandon most of their aspirations, subjectively - from life itself. They are much clearer other slogans: "it is necessary to skillfully manipulate" or "Down with rudeness - it is necessary to manipulate the fine." With regard to the latter, the logic of the "thin" * In this context, it is difficult to overestimate the role of metaphors, stories and parables forming new myths within the therapeutic myth.

12 - 848 313 manipulation is based on the ability to pay the minimum necessary complement to the already existing desires destination. The paradox is that the more subtle manipulation, the less it is different from partnerships, in which many of the results achieved through compromise. As for the ability to manipulate, it is tightly associated with the ability to not be manipulated. Only then manipulation - a means, not obsession (an end in itself) or a trap for the manipulator. This does not mean to abandon manipulation, and limit it within the adequate application. Manipulation is relevant and admissible only where used as appropriate to the situation and tasks aid. It is used, first, to create all kinds of myths in school ("You yourself can do") and corrective processes (psychotherapeutic myth), in the management of organizations; secondly, to create a halo leader, teacher, educator, or consultant. Third, in many cases, enables manipulation rather economically achieve their goals through mitigation of psychological pressure or coercion, masking psychological impact, and so on. N. We discussed criteria, tracking which can impose restrictions on the use of manipulators-tion measures: • breach of contract: of employment (the principal has the right to manage the subordinate only to post, and not as a person), as well as between the counselor and client; • substitution of the purpose of exposure (interaction), caused by the introduction of additional intentions: solutions leader, educator or counselor of their own problems or exaggerated use of technological tools; • ethical restrictions: infringement of the personality, shifting responsibility, maintenance of integrity and value preferences of man, a violation of universal norms; • destructive or costly nature of the impact. Hopefully, manipulators and with the advice pritsiMemo, make manipulation more "environmentally чистой». 314 !ШтодШ!тОДДООД«№ШЭД|ОДДООДШКШОДШтэдт«^^ ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Думаю, in the book, each found a something useful. Manipulators got a rare opportunity to improve their "theoretical knowledge", and can be also expanded their craft skills. Perhaps part of the handles become stronger in their aggressor intent, "increasing" qualification to the cynics, manipulators; I hope by them was information about how such a position is not profitable and self-destructive, and that in a few weeks the new rapture Handling capabilities and notice that fees paid for their "successes." Perhaps then they will turn their attention to himself and finally see what they do with their microcosm. And if these manipulators will find in themselves enough inner strength to just be a human being weak, and sufficient external weakness to be spiritually strong, a society in their face got great managers and leaders, and humanity - the power support to progress. Victims manipulation hopefully got a few tips on where to look and how to invent ways to protect against manipulation; learned how to organize such protection. Perhaps someone proved to be important to understand the structure already existing in his defense. I would be glad if the victims manipulators realized that they sacrifice themselves, giving the reins of our own inner world in untested hands. Therefore, no matter how cunning manipulators were not, for the most part they are powerless against those people who know exactly what they want, whose interests are well aligned with each other, just "fit" between themselves and under the leading personal values. * 12 315 philosophical moralist, I think, drew attention to the discussion of the problem of distribution or moving responsibility for the presence of powerful manipulative tendencies in society, the relationship of psychological and ethical practices in the discussed, and so on. n. psychologist practices, it seems to me, has collected the most bountiful harvest. Firstly, because their theoretical constructs, I tried to do so, in order to facilitate their use in practice, and secondly, much of the material was directly addressed almost works as a psychologist. Dual - theoretical and practical at the same time - focus of the work is not surprising, as there is currently almost every psychologist seeks to (or forced) to dive into the practical work. I myself am no exception gladly surrendering to the solution of practical problems, changing orders, gladly return to the position of several detached observer to make sense of their new experience. Psychologist and researcher, I think, also received a lot of food for thought about the role of personality structures as mechanisms manipulative influence about the processes of inter-personal interaction and their similarity to interpersonal communication, the nature of the manipulation of the laws of the psychological impact of the psychological defenses, and so on. p. I would like to read a monograph could not only psychologists, but also representatives of related disciplines: managers, educators, political scientists, sociologists and others. desire to take into account the interests of different categories of readers led to the mixing of styles. But how was it to avoid, if all of life - a solid eclectic. As you advance in their study I increasingly had to turn to the metaphor. This is explained, on the one hand, the fact that the lack of adequate terminology forces resort to allegory - use old words in a new sense. On the other, promoting deeper into the psychic world as an adequate means of describing involves the use of more and more blurred, while more inclusive concepts. For the sake of gaining self-confidence so I had to deal with the comprehension of its 316 methodological position. As part of the claimed hermeneutical approach I was surprisingly easy to work, so I'm looking forward to learning and curiosity the reaction of my colleagues. I am far from thinking that the ideas advocated in the book, I have to stand up and will continue to. It may well be that in a month, a year or three new information will require a revision of some provisions. Therefore, it would be unreasonable to expect the reader to agree with the author persistent about the key ideas of the monograph. But in any case, the work done is not in vain - someone can certainly be interesting or helpful my thoughts.

APPENDICES APPENDIX 1 Distribution of video clips on the experimental conditions: the procedure and the results of peer review. Experts first briefly viewed fragments suggested videos to get acquainted with their character and quality. After viewing kazhdygo plot (no comment) followed by a discussion in which experts exchanged experiences and offered his own response this result. If required, the plot could not be shown again. The moment of reaching consensus by experts or lack of convergence of their positions served as the master (non-experts) to signal an end to the discussion. Experts in turn handed down their judgments, which were recorded in the minutes. Selected to work the story lines that the results of expert evaluation received at least three (of four) of identical ratings. That is, for example, money-pulyativnoy considered the situation, which is not less than three experts was identified as manipulative. Ambiguity in the definition of player - the impact was not the recipient. Total 14 movies were selected. 1. A conversation between two friends. Analyze the behavior of thatright - Volodya. (To the right of the observer.) 2. Left - the director of the school, right - the teacher. Director has caused to his teacher to report that a positive feedback on the program made the teacher. Analysis: the behavior of the school principal (left). 4. Two friend's who rarely meet, talk, while their girlfriend is busy in the kitchen. Analysis: Lena (right). 318 6. Head teacher parse open lesson, which transits led a young teacher. In conversation there is a teacher with experience (the man on the left). Analysis: a) young teacher (right) b) the head teacher (center) - a separate protocol. 7. Checking assistant principal design magazines. Teacher, ♦ pass the test "- Marina G.. Analysis: a) the head teacher (left), b) teacher (right) - a separate protocol. 8. Two friends talking about earrings, which gave one of them her husband. Analysis: the one in the white jacket (initially seated on the left). 11 Speaking of the tourist permit between the trade union chairman (left, sitting) and a teacher (right, standing). Analysis: teacher. 13. The meeting between the director of public schools (with all sorts of innovations) with his mother one of the students on the treaty of tuition fees for the next academic year. Analysis: female (right). 14. The guy is being advised by an astrologer. Analysis: man. 15. Talk about where are going to do to learn. Analysis: man. 16. Talking about the features of the profession policeman. Analysis: Vick (right). 17. Gossip girlfriends. Analysis: Lena (right). These situations were as follows from the experimental conditions: Condition Situations number manipulation open pressure 3, 4, 66, 7a, 8, January 11, 6a, safety (partnership) 76, 13, 14, 15 , 16, 17 ANNEX 2 Criteria for expert evaluation movies Annex - term for the vertical component of the psychological interaction space. • top - the desire to dominate; outwardly may seem like teaching, conviction, advice, reprimand, notes, addresses "you", "son", arrogant or patronizing tone, pat on the back, the desire to occupy a higher place, shaking hands, palm down, the views from the top down, and more; • bottom - looks like a request, apology, excuse, guilty or ingratiating tone, bending the body, lowering the head and so on. n. • on equal terms - no extensions above or below, desire for cooperation, information exchange, competition; characterized narrative tone, questions and so on. n. Distance - interpersonal distance, which is determined by the number of obstacles standing in the way of making people. It can be external physical barriers, if they play a role equivalent psychological barriers: a table, a chair, crossed his arms, his legs crossed, and so on. G., Pause, stop, transfer to other topics of conversation; but it is often an obstacle or spiritual sense. temp - speed development events, the rate at which an action is performed. Initiative - the initial time in the implementation of process control by the interaction of one of the partners (rivals), marking its leading or guiding role. • Possession -open to take control of the process of communication; own - then use; • disposal - control those who will own initiative; dispose - then allow or prohibit the possession; • Take - without resistance on the part of the partner; • fighting for - the desire to seize the initiative, the presence of resistance on the part of the partner; 320 • interception - taking with overcoming resistance; • use - retention in the hands, possession; • transmission - voluntary action, the rejection of the initiative; • loss - forced, as a loss. Emotions, feelings - you must pick up 1-2 words to describe what is going through observed. For example, angry, worried, confused, secretly triumphant, sympathetic, and so glad. D. Important not to get off on the description of the action: laughing, fooling around, dodging. Benefits harms and divorced in order to be able to capture the dual nature of the relationship of interest.

Actions - anything you want, for example, is indignant than ever asks asks anything dodges prohibits presses, presses pretends to support ... cheating does the work remained silent insists finds intentions partner agrees Intentions - expected results, for the sake of which the observed player performs his actions. ANNEX 8 Additional explanations given by experts in the main series of evaluations. PARTITION Videos on FRAGMENTS Chess game as a whole is made up of smaller parts - combinations of rearrangements, waiting, and so on. n. most smallest unit is a separate entrance. A similar structural relationship is found and in communication. Each event can be identified periods, during which the action takes place is relatively stable and predictable. We call them scenes. Inside scenes sequence moves as if in one direction, along the same lines, it is possible to identify, for example, as "seeking agreement", "trying to convince", "arguing about something," "A quiet B", "fooled" and m. g. moment when changing the direction of motion events, is the boundary that separates one scene from another. Each scene in turn, consists of individual steps or moves that produce participants of the event, based on their intentions and their terms of engagement. It can be a replica (a phrase, a word, a gesture), the views, the silence - all that could be interpreted as a separate course. Stroke - the elementary unit of the interaction process, the expansion of which is impossible due to the fact that lost its connection with the situation of communication. The presence or absence of such a relationship - it's a problem of interpretation. For example, the cast from the side view may not apply to the process of communication, if there is reason to believe that it was caused by an external stimulus, but it can be regarded as an element of interaction and give it a certain value (a sign of insincerity, the desire to discontinue communication, thinking any thought , doubt, and so on. n.). Your main task is the selection and analysis (interpretation) of the individual moves. Qualified expert is nothing to replace. ANNEX 4 main series of expert judgment: a coding table. Criteria Possible answers Key 1. The nature - top 4. t of the - bottom extension - on equal 2. Distance of 12 3 4 5 6 7 trust complete score at strangers 3. Temp

12 3 4 5 6 7 ductile slow rapid

score at

4. Initiative

Possession -order - taking - the struggle for - interception - use - transmission, failure of -3 -2 -1 0 + 1 +2 +3 -3 -2 -10 +1 +2 +3

lossR of1 X + 1

Emotional tone: 5.relationship to the partner 6.atmosphere interaction 7. Emotions or feelings experienced by the observed 8. Mainly in favor of whom turned

rating scale score at


- your - partner - mutually -draw

January 1011 00

- Yourself - partner - both - anyone

January 10 11 00

moose action? 9. To harm?

10 What action commits? 11. For what? (Possible intentions) 323 APPENDIX 5

Arbitrarily arbitrarily

processing protocols. For eight criteria by which expert judgment is made in a formalized way, was introduced a list of symptoms to be quantification: Annexe

1 2 34

- the number of responses "from above" - the number of responses "from below" - the number of responses "on equal terms" - the number of shifts of the form of an extension distance of - the sum of scores for all steps 5 - the number of cases, reducing to the distance 7 the number of cases increasing distance Temp 8 9 - the amount of points 10 - the number of cases of slowing down - the number of cases of acceleration Initiative 11 - the number of signs of a 12 struggle (answers "fighting for", 13 "interception" and "loss") - the number of marks for simple possession - the number of marks available emotional tone of the 14 - the algebraic sum of the relationship to the IS responses partner 16 - number of "cooling" - the number of cases of "warming" emotional tone of the 17 - the algebraic sum of the interaction of the 18 responses atmosphere 19 - number of "cooling" - the number of cases of "warming" Use 20 - the number of responses "Me" 21 - the number of responses "partner" Hurt 22 - the number of responses "Me" 23 - the number of responses "partner" (All the values refer to the metric scale.) Additionally counted the number of steps (n). Since n was different depending on the situation and preferences experts to allow combining and comparing the results obtained when calculating the individual values protocol shared by n paras (324 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17 , 20, 21, 22, 23). The data reflect the dynamics (transitions between steps, which is always one less than the steps themselves), were divided into n - 1 (items 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 15, 16, 18, 19). So were the values that were entered in the table generalized individual peer review. Calculating results were averaged within groups video clips representing the same reaction conditions (manipulation, overt pressure or safety). As the experts had 6 people, the result was typed dataset (3 conditions x 23 x 6 experts attribute.) For further processing were taken 23 matrix size 3x6. All subsequent calculations were carried out using the statistical software package "Step." Checking the distribution pattern revealed frequent deviations from the normal, so for statistical calculations were taken free of assumptions about the nature of the distribution criteria: Kruskal-Wallis and Dzhonkhiera (for alternatives with the ordering), which provides one-factor nonparametric analysis of variance [Hole-Lander, Wolfe 1983 ]. Calculation procedure criteria: in a matrix of n × m, where n - reaction conditions (columns), am - Expert reviews (rows) for each column were calculated averages and medians. If required, the ordering of the columns was carried out in either ascending or descending order of the medians. And only after that the matrix was subjected to the specified criteria. The result was obtained by 23 responses on the nature of communication between the levels. In Table 5 (see. In the text) are given for each characteristic median characterizing the distribution of scores within each level of interaction. Furthermore, given information about the presence or the absence of factor (trait) on the nature of the response: "0" corresponds to the null hypothesis (no difference between the levels), "1" indicates a rejection of the null hypothesis.

qualitative assessment of results (feelings, actions and intentions) proved to be too cumbersome, to the same - probably due to a failed instruction - actions and intentions in the answers of the experts were almost non-separated, they had to be excluded from further consideration. 325 APPENDIX 6 Ways to achieve the goals used in the story O.Benderom I. Ilf and E. Petrov "12 chairs". Chapter V. 1. Adventuring homeless: Keying (hint). 2. Establishment of friendly relations with the janitor: Keying (service) = preparing the means of coercion to return the favor. 3. Exemption from the presence of the janitor coercion + bribery. 4. Phishing information from Vorobyaninov: manipulation (weakening + game weakness). Chapter VI. 5. Signing a contract with Vorobyaninov: suppression (psychological weakening) + threat (hint) + cynicism. 6. Buy vest in Vorobyaninov: pressure (implicit), deception, demagoguery. Chapter VIII. 7. Preparation of a comprehensive examination of the possibility of the 2nd house sotsobesa: manipulation (as a means of deception.) 8. Summing up the reasons for the continuation of his quest: the threat (implicit) + methodical pressure (Playing weakness). 9. Angling in Alhena information about the chair: Keying (hint). 10. Obtaining information Pasha Emilevich: threat. Chapter XI. 11. Choice of furnished rooms: blefovanie + deception. 12. "Purchase" receipts from Korobeynikova: frank deception de-acto (irreversibility), rough threat. Chapter XII. 13. Requirement "to repay" in Vorobyaninov: deception. 326 Chapter XIV. 14. Secret meeting "Might and shouted": blefovanie + hype + pressure. 15. His marriage to the widow Gritsatsuyeva: deception. Chapter XXII. 16. "Purchase" stool Ellochka: distraction + de-acto. Chapter XXV. 17. Getting a chair Shchukin - husband Ellochka: deception. 18. Decrease in the proportion Vorobyaninov future income: pressure. Chapter XXVI. 19. Withdrawal stool Iznurenkov: fraud + + blefovanie de acto. Chapter XXX. 20. Obtaining Kontramarka administrator Theater Columbus: fraud + blefovanie. Chapter XXXI. 21. Penetration of the ship: the manipulation (using the situation of shortage of time) + de-acto. Chapter XXXIV. 22. Preparation for lectures and simul chess club Vasiukov: manipulation + + blefovanie deception. 23. Getting money from the chess club to organize a chess konkressa: Keying (enthusiasm). 24. Simul: deception. Chapter XXXVI. 25. Equipment Vorobyaninov beg coercion + humiliation. 26. Raising money for the entrance to the failure: hype + manipulation. Chapter XXXIX. 27. Meeting with Persidsky on the Georgian Military Highway: begging for money. 28. "Knocking out" money from Kislarsky: manipulation + intimidation + extortion. 327 Literature Artemyev EY Psychology subjective semantiki.- .: M Univ. Univ, 1980. 128. AszholovA.G. Activity and set .- M .: Univ. Univ 1979.151 p. Score GA, Burgin MS Analysis of the psychological impact and its pedagogical value. / Questions of Psychology, 1994, 4, p. 56-66. BassinF.V. On the Power "I" and "psychological defense". / Problems of Philosophy, 1969, 2, p. 118-125. BahtinM.M. Aesthetics of verbal creativity. / Comp. S.G.Bocharov.M .: Arts, 1979.- 424 p. BeytsonG., BeytsonM.K. Angels fear. Abbr. lane. from English.- M .: Technology Business School, 1994.- 216 p. BendlerR., GrinderDzh. structure magii.- St. P .: Institute of Personality, 1993, vol. 1.- 202. Bennis., Shepard, Theory of group development. / Modern foreign social psychology. Teksty.- .: M Univ. University Press, 1984, p. 142-161. Bernay. Games People Play. People who play igry.M .: Progress, 1988 - 800 p.

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The introductory rate method, theory and Applications of social control and personal power.Reading, Mass., L., Addison-Wesley, 1977.- 163 p. указатель А Автоматизм Предметный 67, 101, 103, 136, 147, 150- 153, 155-158, 160, 162-165, 168-169, 171-172, 174, 176, 206- 207, 209, 211, 213-215, 221, 282, 239, 244-247, 250, 273- 274, 278- 279, 301 Агрессия 13, 97, 115, 161, 189, 200- 204, 210-211, 221, 227, 250, 254- 256, 259, 266-268, 278, 275-276, 279- 280, 315 Адресат 48, 53, 55, 57, 59-62, 88, 101, 104, 109, 111-112, 117, 120- 128, 127, 133-185, 189, 144-150, 152-155, 158, 163-167, 171-176, 181, 185-186, 209-211, 213-221, 223-225, 227, 234, 239-240, 242- 245, 247, 249, 253-256, 259- 260, 273-274, 278-280, 314, 318 Атака 94, 135, 156, 174, 178, 201, 209, 212, 214, 216, 218-219, 228- 230, 235, 245-246, 248- 250, 253, 266-267, 275-277, 280, 285 Бегство Б200-202, 204, 206, 210, 237, 251, 331 Безопасность 115, 163, 198, 201- 202, 230, 237, 241-243 , 245, 270, 279, 282, 319, 325 Бихевиоризм 151, 178. 275, 306 Борьба 8, 23-24, 26, 65-70, 79, 83, 86, 93, 95, 101, 103-104, 109 , 131-132, 166-167, 184, 188-189, 191, 193-197, 200, 213, 216-217, 227, 233, 237, 241-248, 250, 266- 268, 275-277, 291 -292, 320, 324 823В. Вежливость 112-113, 120, 150 149-, 164 Вера 29, 100, 304, 812 Взаимодействие 7-8, 10-11, 17, 20-21, 43-44, 46 , 58, 55, 60-62, 67, 74, 76, 86, 88, 90-92, 100-103, 112, 117-118, 121, 125, 128-131, 135, 188-140, 151, 169 -171, 174, 188-190, 198-194, 199, 202, 206, 210211, 218, 218-220, 222-225, 231, 234-239, 241-244, 252, 260, 264, 266, 273-275, 285, 288-289, 294, 300, 304, 306-807, 314, 316, 320, 322-325, 329 Видеозапись 233, 235, 318 Власть 49-51, 53, 63, 70-72, 78- 79, 95, 97, 103, 114-116, 156, 158, 214, 222, 253-254, 258, 288, 291, 293 Влечения 115, 147, 175 Влияние 8, 44-46, 48, 51-52, 57- 62, 72, 79, 88, 95, 97, 102-103, 108, 110, 115-116, 121-123, 146 145-, 150-152, 166, 169-170, 174 173-, 176, 185, 192, 201-204, 213 212-, 215-216, 218, 225-226, 286, 241-242, 282-283, 299, 305-306, 314, 316, 325 Воздеиствие 7-9, 12-13, 20-21, 27, 44, 47-48, 50-63, 69-70, 72, 76, 83-85, 88, 92, 94, 101-103, 108-115, 117, 121-126, 129-130, 132-188, 140, 142, 146-148, 150- 151, 153-161, 163-177, 181, 183, 185-186, 190, 198, 201-204, 211 207-, 215225, 227, 232-236, 239 240, 243, 249, 251- 252, 254-255, 257, 259-260, 262-264, 266-267, 271-273, 278, 280, 282-283, 285, 288-289, 292-295, 297-301, 303-807, 311-314, 816, 318, 331 328Вопросы 8-10, 12-13, 38, 42-43, 48, 87, 89, 99, 110, 118, 117, 128, 131, 134, 136, 144, 150, 178, 182, 186, 191, 197, 199, 216-217, 220, 231, 244-248, 250-251, 260-261, 266, 268-270, 277, 280, 286, 290, 301- 303, 308-809, 311, 319-820 Восприятие 12, 27, 29, 89-40, 47, 72-78, 84, 110-111, 118, 126, 142, 154-155, 158, 168, 170, 184, 189, 198-199, 208204, 209-210, 217, 224, 226, 284, 245, 271-272, 282, 335 301, СОС, ССИ Выживание 23, 29, 142 Выигрыш 61-62, 54 , 58-59, 66- 67, 72, 82, 101, 104, 114, 119, 134, 139, 166, 178, 219, 227, 244-245, 247, 261, 267-268, 272, 274, 277 , 292, 294 Д Давление (психологическое) 9, 13, 89, 98, 103, 114, 116, 187, 189-140, 144, 172-174, 182, 209, 216, 220, 282, 234, 289, 242 -248, 253, 259, 261, 278, 280-283, 286, 298, 314, 319, 325-327 Деиствие 11, 15, 20, 23, 25, 28-88, 38, 43-48, 53, 56 -60, 63, 66-67, 74-76, 82, 86, 95, 107-108, 111: 112, 115-120, 124, 126, 129, 132, 135, 137, 141, 147, 149-157 , 159- 163, 165-167, 169, 171-172, 178 177-, 184, 186-187, 189, 198, 195, 199-204, 206-209, 212, 214-216, 219, 222-224 , 227, 229, 282, 236 235-, 238-239, 242-244, 251, 259, 261, 264, 268271, 275, 279-280, 295, 298-299, 302-803, 305, 811 - 812, 320-323, 825-826 Деструктивность 71, 169, 175, 178, 183, 189, 210, 285, 287, 805 Деятельность 25, 29, 82-38, 40, 42, 45, 53, 56, 61 , 64, 90, 95, 101-108, 119, 122-123, 125, 127, 129, 135, 162-163, 172, 174, 192, 204, 207- 208, 224, 235, 278, 283-284 , 297, 302, 328-329, 331 Диалог 21, 24, 28, 40, 64, 73, 89, 91, 95, 100, 150, 205, 218, 226, 331 330-

Допущения 9, 16-17, 19 -22, 29, 37, 40, 66, 82, 85, 98, 100, 108, 112, 127, 142, 156, 177, 190, 215, 262, 266, 274, 278, 287, 800, 809-310 , 325 • ИТ / »/ТВ Жертва 7, 12, 14, 43-44, 66, 72, 92, 94, 96-97, 161, 164-165, 169, 175, 177, 179, 184-185, 191 , 210, 336 218, 221, 242-243, 252, 255-256, 268, 270, 289, 815 Жесты 81-82, 118, 126-127, 185, 158, 235, 299, 303, 322, 380 3 Зависимость 13, 16, 19-20, 22, 29, 88, 40-41, 48, 50, 59, 75-76, 85, 96, 108, 110, 116, 118, 180, 140, 148, 146, 148 , 151, 162, 186, 194 192-, 196-197, 199, 205, 207-208, 214, 235, 241, 246, 255, 268, 301, 808, 310-311, 824 Защита 8, 10-11 , 13-14, 44, 49, 53, 91, 93-94, 188, 177, 185-217, 226, 229, 281-283, 237-238, 248, 245, 248-252, 255, 262-268 , 265- 270, 275-281, 285, 291, 300, 804, 315-316, 828-881 Значение 11, 27-82, 87, 40, 44-48, 54, 74-75, 77-78, 90 , 99, 126, 146, 174, 179, 189-191, 200, 207, 288, 240, 242, 262, 318, 816, 322, 324- 325, 328, 330 И Игра 9, 47, 51-52, 55, 58, 66, 71, 96, 98-99, 101, 104, 111, 119, 122, 128, 181, 147, 149, 152, 157-158, 161, 166, 168, 175, 184, 189, 212, 225, 227, 238-234, 266, 270, 272, 274, 277, 279-281, 284, 293, 298- 299, 807, 809, 318, 821, 826-827, 328 Идентификация 69-71, 79, 91-92, 156, 159, 162, 212, 243 Избегание 27, 39, 43, 53, 58, 82, 184, 192, 202, 214, 234, 242, 281, 299, 301, 305, 812- 313, 316 Имидж 109, 147 Индивидуальность 8, 13, 21, 61, 64, 69, 71, 78, 78-79, 84-85, 92, 116, 126, 129-180, 145, 162, 192-194, 196, 227, 240, 263, 271, 278, 282, 284-285, 291, 299, 824-325, 328, 330 Инициатива 31, 44, 104, 112, 115, 122-123, 129, 131-132, 138-139, 173, 177, 227, 236-238, 242, 244245, 248, 250, 259, 276, 801, 821 820-, 823-324 Инструмент 9, 27, 30, 87, 44, 78, 75, 79, 83, 92, 96-97, 99, 103, 194, 212, 244, 262, 265, 274-275, 288, 290, 295, 303, 309 Интеграция 8, 82, 87, 170, 281 Интервенция 97, 174 Интерпретация 18, 28-81, 88-37, 39, 44, 50, 88, 135, 150151, 188, 190, 218, 228, 281, 251-252, 263, 274, 308, 322, 330 Интонация 130-131, 136, 144, 152, 203, 216, 285, 259, 271, 803, 820 Информация 8, 12, 21, 43-45, 54, 74-76, 91, 106, 109-112, 114, 116, 122, 125, 181, 137, 140, 142-144, 155, 158-159, 166, 198-199,201-, 204 207, 220, 222, 287-288, 244, 253, 255, 259, 262, 269, 271, 274 278-, 279-280, 292-293, 296, 808, 315, 317, 320, 325-826 Искренность 43, 212, 297, 322 Искусность 14, 45, 47-48, 58-60, 124, 133, 160, 172-173, 226-227 Искусство 14, 29, 35, 49, 146, 157, 179, 230, 287, 800-801, 331 Истинность 16, 18, 21, 25, 47, 69, 72, 111, 132, 180, 182 К Коммуникация 8, 27, 64, 76, 88, 91—92, 140, 194, 198—199, 286 Конвенциональный 19—20, 113, 138, 148, 157, 160—161, 164, 168 Консультация 10, 42, 88, 185, 195, 218, 285, 303—314, 819 Контакт 22, 63, 74—76, 85, 87, 119, 125—129, 131, 148—149, 198, 202, 204, 209—210, 218, 294, 308 Контекст 7, 13, 16—18, 20, 25, 29— 37, 39—40, 42, 46—47, 59, 64, 76, 86, 99, 104, 112, 117—119, 123, 147, 169, 171, 187, 189—191, 194, 197, 205, 211—212, 231, 284—236, 289, 246—247, 253, 262, 268, 278, 282, 285, 300, 303, 305—307, 313 Контроль 11, 18, 21, 45, 51—53, 89—90, 93—96, 104, 114, 117, 137, 173, 198, 201—204, 211, 213, 233— 234, 244, 255, 257, 259 Конфликт 34, 63, 81, 95, 167, 188— 189, 191, 198, 196, 210—212, 278, 289, 291, 328, 330 Концепты, концептуализация 28— 29, 74, 88, 156—157, 199, 260 Культура 8, 81, 84—36, 42, 64—68, 72—78, 78, 81, 88, 93, 97, 99—100, 112, 117—118, 197, 214, 284, 289— 290, 307, 828, 330 Л Личность 8, 14—15, 87, 46—47, 49, 55, 60—61, 68—64, 68, 70—77, 79— 81, 84—97, 99—100, 102, 105, 107, 109, 114, 116, 128, 125—126, 129— 181, 135, 137, 144—146, 148, 158, 156—157, 160—162, 165—167, 169, 174—177, 185, 187—191, 198—199, 202—205, 208—214, 220, 224—225, 227, 281—238, 235—286, 242—243, 247, 249, 256, 262, 265—268, 270, 275, 278—285, 287—288, 290—292, 294—295, 297, 299—300, 308, 805— 306, 314—816, 320, 829—381 Ложь 8, 16, 47, 56, 65, 72, 109, 111—112, 139, 142, 245, 302 Любовь 63, 68, 78, 93, 139 М Майевтика 301—303, 309, 312, 329, 331—832 Макиавеллианизм 11, 45, 49 Метафора 32, 89—40, 46—48, 51, 55, 57, 60, 74, 76, 94, 98—99, 115, 124—125, 146—148, 158, 171—174, 214, 281, 251, 266, 268—269, 271, 278, 275, 278—279, 282, 307, 811, 316, 828 Механизм 8, 82, 36, 45—47, 56, 71, 81, 88, 92, 95, 99, 109, 113, 115,

128, 146—148, 151, 154, 156—159, 162—164, 166, 168, 171—172, 174, 176, 197, 208—209, 218, 219, 221— 222, 224, 288, 254—255, 259, 262, 278, 275—276, 278, 281, 308—804, 306—307, 309, 813, 816, 328—329, 331 Мишень 53, 94, 109, 114—115, 337 122—125, 134, 140, 146, 148, 153, 156—157, 160, 162—163, 165, 167, 169, 174, 210, 220, 269, 273, 278, 280 Моделирование 27, 174, 189, 197, 234, 236 Модификация 20, 86, 120, 127, 153—154, 201—202, 204, 276, 309 Мораль 7, 10, 31, 53, 58, 69, 72, 80, 94, 97, 100 —101, 114, 138—139, 249, 300, 312, 314, 316, 330 Мотивация 57—59, 64, 78—79, 82, 84—85, 92, 99—101, 127, 149 —150, 153, 155—159, 167, 172, 192, 208, 210—211, 233, 245, 260, 269, 294, 298—299, 301, 328 Н Наблюдение 8—9, 17, 19, 33, 35, 38, 43—44, 48, 89—90, 98—99, 107, 145—146, 148, 156, 185, 190, 196, 199—200, 218, 223, 232, 237—238, 240, 249—250, 279—280, 284, 312, 318, 321, 323, 329 Навыки 35, 56, 65, 123, 125, 162, 170, 264, 274—275, 308, 315 Напряжение 34, 90, 99, 148—150, 180, 186, 189, 195—196, 221, 267, 292, 298 Невроа 70, 84—85, 93, 183, 195, 213, 281, 287, 304 Нормы 16, 19, 30, 34, 61, 69, 71, 73, 81—82, 94, 97, 100, 102, 118— 122, 125, 188, 140, 161, 238, 278, 280, 289, 300, 314 О Обман 47, 51—52, 56, 65, 73, 94, 103, 106—107, 162, 166—168, 175, 203, 245, 261, 289, 298, 306, 321, 326—327 Образ 22, 28, 36, 38—40, 84, 88, 90, 94, 109—110, 155, 157—160, 171, 188, 192, 195, 207, 215—216, 279— 280, 284, 295—297, 301, 306 Обратная связь 126, 254 Обучение 9, 65, 67, 90, 98, 125, 176, 199, 233, 263—266, 270—271, 274— 277, 281, 285, 287, 293, 297—298, 338 300—303, 319 Объект 12, 19—21, 26, 32, 38, 40, 43—44, 46—47, 51—53, 55, 62—63, 78, 84, 94, 99—102, 116, 151, 170, 173, 177, 210, 224—225, 233, 240, 274, 288 Объяснение 7, 15, 17—21, 24, 33, 42, 50, 58, 60, 67, 99, 133, 152, 164, 170, 185, 191, 197, 201, 204, 209, 218, 237, 241—242, 256, 281, 292, 296, 308—309, 316 Ограничение 15, 21, 25, 35—36, 53, 72—73, 77, 82, 85—86, 102, 104, 109, 111, 120, 139, 145, 152, 155, 158, 173, 193—194, 200, 203—204, 221, 231, 257, 260, 263, 275, 286— 287, 294, 297, 300, 302, 311—312, 314 Онтогенез 81—82, 84, 90, 189, 197, 329—330 Определение 19, 31—32, 38, 40, 44— 46, 48—52, 54—61, 68, 88, 122, 131, 146, 157, 167, 170, 173, 190—191, 194— 195, 204, 208—209, 231—232, 239, 267, 293, 329 Ответственность 8, 31, 43, 67—69, 71—73, 75, 78, 100, 118, 131, 134, 136, 189, 145, 149, 166—168, 170, 175—176, 183—184, 205, 219, 247, 268, 272, 274, 291, 294, 300—301, 303, 305, 307, 309—311, 313—314, 316 Отношение 10—12, 14—15, 19—21, 25, 27—29, 31—33, 35, 38—40, 42, 46, 49, 51—53, 55, 57—60, 62—64, 66, 71, 73—77, 80—86, 92—93, 95— 98, 100—105, 107, 109, 113—115, 117—120, 126—128, 137—188, 140, 144—145, 147 —149, 159, 164, 175— 177, 187, 189, 191—192, 196, 198— 202, 204—205, 208, 210, 213—214, 216, 225—226, 237— 238, 240, 242— 244, 248, 250, 267—268, 273, 277, 279, 284—286, 289—292, 294—295, 298—300, 305—309, 314, 823—324, 326, 330 П Парадигма 16—18, 20—24, 26, 38, 127, 151, 197, 231, 329 Переговоры 89, 101, 118—119, 128, 190, 256—257, 330 Поведение 10, 13, 19—20, 30, 83, 39, 49, 51, 60—61, 64, 73, 82—83, 87, 92—93, 95, 97—98, 116, 118, 120—121, 123—125, 127, 134—135, 138, 144, 150—151, 154, 161—163, 168—170, 172, 176, 178, 189, 192, 195, 200—201, 203—206, 209, 214, 220—222, 226, 232—235, 240, 244, 251, 263, 265, 267, 271, 273—278, 280, 287, 293, 298, 300, 318, 331 Поддержка 12, 63—64, 69—71, 93, 99, 127, 138, 153—154, 159, 167, 176, 236, 309, 312 Подкрепление 9, 64, 69, 152, 306 Подчинение 9, 16—18, 42—43, 78— 79, 87, 97, 104—105, 114, 116, 130, 139, 151, 161, 192—193, 200, 202— 203, 205, 207—208, 222, 228, 236, 277, 288—295, 314 Познание 22—23, 26, 38, 80, 182, 331 Политология 45—46, 108, 287, 316 Потребности 39, 70, 77—79, 83—85, 88, 93—94, 115, 122, 124, 127, 149, 158, 160, 175, 179, 187, 189, 193, 198, 224, 255, 273, 278—279, 288, 294, 304— 305, 310 Правила 13, 19—21, 30, 38, 69, 71, 82, 90, 116, 118—120, 161, 168, 171, 300, 309, 311 Привычки 17, 29—30, 39, 47, 57, 67, 83—84, 92, 99, 101, 105, 112, 116, 119—120, 123, 125, 160, 162— 163, 169, 171, 186, 192, 195, 203, 207, 209, 213, 216, 220, 223, 259, 264—265, 275—276, 278, 294—295, 299 Принуждение 51—52, 66, 97, 102, 104, 109, 114, 142, 161, 166, 168, 233—234, 239, 241—242, 258, 261— 262, 286, 291—292, 294, 297—298, 301, 314, 326—327

Принятие 8, 53, 67—69, 71, 73, 89, 165—168, 172—173, 180, 184, 211 — 213, 215, 219, 221, 227, 239, 269— 270, 273, 292, 300 Присоединение 56, 70, 127—130, 148—149, 156, 169, 174, 181, 184, 210, 252—254, 258—259, 293 Причины 11, 19—20, 25, 35, 45, 59, 63—64, 66, 85, 89, 115, 120, 136, 144, 152, 156, 163, 169, 187, 201, 205, 207, 220, 225, 227, 286, 292, 312 Программирование 11, 45, 51—52, 59, 86, 93, 116, 121, 140, 170, 181, 276, 286 Пропаганда 111, 313, 328 Психоанализ 91, 95, 186, 188—189, 194, 197, 205, 306 Психотерапия 9, 53, 71, 88, 157, 173, 187, 195, 303, 306—307, 309, 313—314, 328, 331 Психотехнический 7, 9, 92, 157, 278, 306, 328 Р Развитие 8, 13, 25—26, 56, 67, 71, 78, 91, 95, 115, 129, 135, 175—176, 186, 193—194, 197, 208, 217, 235, 245, 253, 259, 264, 267—268, 284— 285, 292, 295, 297—298, 301, 320, 328—329 Различение 54, 64, 86, 88, 108, 113, 147, 196, 199, 226, 263, 284, 290 Редукция 30, 90 Реклама 110, 158—159, 173, 215, 226 Репертуар 156, 176, 206, 232, 284, 243, 260, 275, 293 Ресурсы 24, 41, 70, 73, 155—156, 176, 211, 269—270, 284—285, 294, 297 Речь 29—30, 39, 91, 126, 135, 141, 143, 150—151, 159, 235, 259, 329— 330 Ритуал 31, 111, 113, 119, 130, 158, 161, 189, 220 Роли 7, 11, 20, 28, 33, 43, 59, 68, 75, 82—83, 87, 95—97, 110, 113, 116, 118—121, 123, 126, 128, 130— 131, 133, 138, 150—151, 155, 160— 168, 165, 169, 179, 186, 190, 193, 196, 198, 203—204, 207, 211, 218, 220, 224, 231, 252, 269—270, 275, 278—280, 284, 291—292, 296—297, 805—307, 312—313, 316, 320, 329 339 с Самость 87, 96—97, 192—193, 196, 227 Связь 12, 17, 19—20, 24—26, 28— 29, 32—38, 40, 47, 74—77, 84, 126, 133, 155—156, 160, 171, 178, 182, 189, 198, 200, 224, 234—235, 249, 254, 282—284, 295, 822, 825 Секс 55, 63, 115, 154, 158, 173, 228, 227 Семантический 25—26, 29, 32—84, 36, 38, 42, 46, 54, 57, 74, 76—77, 92, 109, 115, 159, 190—191, 200, 203, 237, 257, 284, 295, 328 Сензитивность 90, 265, 271, 275 Сила 8, 10—11, 13, 20, 22, 25, 34, 37, 51—52, 55—56, 58, 63—65, 70— 71, 78—80, 87, 97, 101, 103—104, 107, 109, 113—114, 128, 132, 136— 140, 148—149, 154—156, 160—163, 166—169, 173—174, 180, 183, 186, 196, 198, 206, 216, 220, 222, 225, 227—228, 282, 236, 245, 248, 250— 251, 255, 257, 261, 266, 268, 278, 277, 279, 282— 286, 288, 290, 293, 303—304, 306, 812, 815, 328 Ситуация 7, 9, 43—44, 50, 52—53, 55—56, 67, 72, 75, 82, 85, 88— 90, 101, 104, 108, 112, 117—121, 124— 126, 138, 136—188, 141, 144, 150, 154—156, 160—163, 167, 169, 174, 189, 191, 198, 197, 202, 204, 206— 207, 212, 215—226, 231, 233—235, 239, 242—243, 255, 259, 261, 268, 272—278, 280, 283—284, 288—289, 291, 293 —294, 298—300, 803, 305, 308, 310, 312—314, 318—819, 322, 324, 327 Служба 18, 292—298, 296 Смысл 12—13, 16, 18, 21, 25, 28— 29, 31—40, 47, 57, 61—62, 64, 67, 75, 77, 82—83, 85, 89, 99, 104, 106, 108, 110—111, 122, 125—127, 129— 130, 142, 148, 166, 168—169, 172, 175—176, 179—180, 191, 200, 208, 208, 210, 227, 235, 237, 239, 252, 265, 269—271, 278, 282—285, 289, 295, 297, 300, 309, 313, 320, 331 Сотрудничество 89, 100, 181, 267, 340 274—276, 301, 310, 312, 320 Спонтанность 40, 90, 128, 215, 276,

299, 329 Статус 15, 18, 32, 64, 70, 81, 84, 89, 105, 138—139, 142, 175, 179, 202, 272, 282, 305 Стереотип 13, 47, 57, 83, 101—103, 109, 116, 118—119, 147, 155, 176, 184, 189, 208, 206, 220, 265, 273, 296, 301 Структура 20, 27, 32, 34, 36, 38, 59, 61, 83, 86—87, 114—115, 118— 119, 122, 125, 147, 150—151, 158— 154, 156—157, 162—163, 165—169, 174—175, 185, 188, 195, 198, 206, 208, 210—211, 232, 235—236, 249— 250, 269, 274, 277—278, 281, 283, 288, 290, 295, 298—299, 308, 816, 322 Т Такт 112—113, 227, 289 Терапия 92, 174, 187—188, 804, 312—313, 328 Техники 19, 45—46, 87, 89, 92, 110, 123, 142, 152, 154, 173, 184, 257— 258, 267—268, 298, 301—302, 304— 306, 309, 329 Технология 9, 14, 45, 62, 64, 78, 87, 91, 96—97, 99, 101, 108, 113— 114, 133, 145—148, 152, 158, 165, 173, 177, 215 —217, 219, 227, 253, 264, 266, 269, 271—272, 274, 277, 280, 283—284, 297, 306, 313—314, 328 Толкование 16, 21, 25—26, 28—30, 82—37, 43, 83, 126, 143—144, 187, 218, 225—226, 231, 244, 260, 262— 268, 270, 274, 822, 831 Требование 16, 80, 37, 57, 69, 78, 88—84, 88, 92—93, 97, 111, 118, 188—139, 150, 152, 168, 170 —171, 181, 187, 197, 207, 214, 228, 238— 234, 256, 264, 272, 296, 299—300, 318, 325—326 Тревога 24, 53, 94, 96, 131, 182, 188, 192, 203, 212, 256, 259 Тренинги 9, 90, 190, 209, 233, 238, 240, 249, 264 —265, 268, 275, 282, 284—285, 330 У Убеждение 21, 116, 122, 125, 160, 278 Убийство 106, 164—165, 188—184, 203, 206, 228—280, 256, 259 Уловки 48, 65—66, 137, 143, 159— 160, 226, 294, 305 Управление 9, 11—12, 39, 44—47, 51—53, 60, 67, 73, 79, 82—83, 87, 94—95, 99, 116, 126, 128—129, 131, 139, 153, 155, 158, 163, 165—169, 173, 198—199, 201—204, 206, 209, 212, 232, 287, 243, 250—251, 266, 270, 279, 281, 288—294, 298—299, 302—304, 313—314, 316, 320, 330 Условность 20, 88, 118, 147, 172, 267, 272, 277, 300, 305, 307, 311 Установка 22, 28, 47, 81, 83, 85, 93, 100, 122, 158, 160, 165, 168, 176, 199, 204, 206, 216, 251, 271, 276, 278, 296, 328 Уход 10, 85, 131, 133, 144, 149, 183, 186, 200—202, 204—206, 209— 210, 232, 238, 245, 250, 269, 321 Учитель 67, 136—139, 225, 247— 248, 297, 301, 330 Ф Феномен 57 Феномены 8, 16—19, 21, 23—25, 28, 32, 40, 42—43, 45—46, 49, 54, 88, 102, 112, 118, 125, 133, 145, 147, 156—157, 170, 177, 187—188, 191, 194—196, 199, 204, 208, 282—235, 251, 260, 262—264, 280, 282 Филогенез 200 X Хитрость 65—67, 81, 98—94, 99, 106, 149, 200—201, 286, 321 Ц Цели 8—9, 17—19, 21, 25, 31, 33, 40, 43—45, 53—56, 58—63, 66—67, 70—71, 73, 77—78, 89, 92—94, 97, 100, 102—103, 118—114, 119, 122— 124, 132—134, 186, 140, 143, 145, 147, 149—150, 152, 154—155, 157, 160, 163, 167, 173, 177, 182, 190, 196, 208, 211—212, 216—217, 221, 223, 227, 233, 235, 237—240, 245, 249—250, 252—254, 256, 259—260, 265, 268 —271, 276, 278—279, 283— 284, 286—287, 289—290, 294, 296, 301, 303—305, 318—314, 326 Целостность 16, 34 —36, 70, 74, 77, 90, 97, 176, 191—192, 194, 196, 231, 281—283, 305—306 Ценности 16, 18, 21, 64, 66—70, 73, 79, 84, 93, 96, 100, 116, 126, 188, 155, 159, 168—169, 256, 269, 283, 288, 291—292, 800, 305, 314—315 Ч Частичность 82, 85, 94, 109—110, 203 Ш Школа 88—89, 93, 136, 157, 168, 186, 238, 244—246, 288, 295—297, 800, 318—819, 328 Э Экология 24, 28, 88, 282, 274, 299, 806, 318—314 Эксперт 18, 20—21, 25, 27, 30, 33, 85, 37, 41, 231—282, 236—240, 244, 251, 256, 268—264, 806, 308—809, 318, 820, 322—825, 331 Эксплуатация 51—58, 64, 71, 73, 77—79, 98, 115, 138, 149,157, 160— 168, 165—167, 169, 172, 176—177, 214, 246, 268, 274, 290, 314 Эмоции 13, 33, 44, 81, 83, 88, 128, 126—127, 129, 138, 141, 148, 155, 159, 169, 176, 190, 207, 221—222, 224—226, 233, 236—238, 242—244, 248, 257, 259—260, 265, 271, 276, 284, 299, 321, 328—324, 328, 330— 331 Я Язык 24—80, 82, 37—40, 44, 49, 74—75, 87—88, 93, 115, 117, 128— 124, 163, 181, 188, 190, 225, 231, 285—286, 251—252, 262—268, 266, 292, 299, 307, 309, 330 341 Summary The Psychology of Manipulation is a scientific monograph in field shaped with superposition of interpersonal communication psychology, psychology of personality and influential psychology. The fact is that the social reorientation

from to-talitarism to democracy in Russia is often accompanied by manipulative deformations of social relations. A lot of the deformations cover interpersonal communication. Therefore the presented book is mainly devoted to interpersonal manipulation. The first chapter The Methodological orientation provides the research foundation for the investigation. The hermeneutic paradigma as most relevant for the search tasks is chosen. Some problems are discussed in this part: human activity as a text, accessibility of the human activity context, expert's potentiality and language of description relevant to hermeneutic orientation. In the second chapter What is a Manipulation the definition of manipulation is suggested and minimal necessary criteria for it are discussed. Interpersonal manipulation is defined as indirect motivating of another person to act, feel or think in a certain manner by means of deception. The third chapter Prerequisites of Manipulation deals with five main sources of manipulative attitudes: cultural, social, interpersonal, intrapersonal and technological preconditions. The fourth chapter Manipulative Technologies consists of wide observation of interpersonal influence means that could be used for manipulative aims. There are information control and transformation, deception, psychological pressure, control or arrangement of interactive context, careful selection of intrapersonal targets, special contact techniques and so on. In the fifth chapter The Mechanisms of Manipulative Influence special attention is given to the intrapersonal processes due to which the manipulative attacks get success. Several kind of the mechanisms has been selected: standard perception reactions, conventional attitudes, activity patterns, controlled conclusion, responsibility acceptance and other. It is shown that the destructive nature of manipulation affects the personality structures because of its inner splitting. 342 In the sixth chapter The Defence from Manipulative Acts there appeared necessity to revise the traditional definition of psychological defences owing to the new application of the old term to the different phenomena other than psychoanalytical ones. The original classification of the psychological defences is proposed. Particular emphasis is given to the indicating of the manipulative attempts. Seventh chapter The Investigation of Manipulative Interaction deals with the empirical searches which based upon of hermeneutic paradigma. Some parameters of interpersonal interaction important for managing manipulation situations were examined. Eighth chapter The Training of Defence from the Manipulation is addressed to the communicative trainers. Therefore special account is taken of searching for the ways preventing or buffering manipulative deformations in interpersonal behaviour. Several practical recommendations for trainer are proposed. The recommendations are arranged in five directions: purpose making, sensitivity improvement, behavioural flexibility, coping psychotechnics and personality potency. In ninth chapter Is it Possible to not Manipulate? some practical implications of provided knowledge to the fields of management, education and psychotherapy are discussed. It was suggested the management is a most sensitive business to manipulative components in the staff relations. The main idea is that it is impossible to eliminate the manipulation in business activity and not to reduce at the same time effectiveness of it. Nevertheless we can put certain limits on the manipulation tendencies within the area shaped by means of some criteria: frames of agreement or contract, constancy or fluctuation of influencive aims, ethical restrictions, constructive or destructive effects etc. The book consists of a lot of examples of manipulations picked up from everyday life and from fiction literature. The Psychology of Manipulation can be of certain interest not for psychologists only, but for psychotherapists, politologists and philosophers as well. It can be useful also for teachers, managers and other people-oriented professionals. Евгений Леонидович Доценко Психология манипуляции: феномены, механизмы и защита Редактор Н. С. Потемкина Корректор О. И. Кизленко Отв. за подготовку оригинал-макета Т. Г. Усачева ЛР J* 063257 от 26 января 1994 г. Подписано в печать 28.11.86. Формат 60x90/16. Бумага офсетная. Печать офсетная. Гарнитура «Школьная». Объем 21.5 печ. л. Тираж 5 000 экз. Заказ N5898 • Цена договорная. ТОО «ЧеРо», Москва Воробьевы горы, МГУ, главное здание, Д-4 тел. 938-2184, 939-3381 Издательство МГУ ул. Б. Никитская, 5/7 Типография № 2 издательства «Наука» Москва, Шубинский пер., в

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