Dos Commands Practical File

June 3, 2016 | Author: Sunil Kumar | Category: Types, School Work
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Adharshila College Of Education Practical File for Dos Commands Submitted By – Sunil Kumar

Dos Commands Directory Command C:\>dir Volume in drive C is Window's XP Volume Serial Number is 7853-61EC Directory of C:\ 11/27/2009 06:00 PM 0 AUTOEXEC.BAT 11/27/2009 06:00 PM 0 CONFIG.SYS 11/27/2009 07:21 PM Documents and Settings 11/28/2009 09:38 AM Program Files 11/28/2009 09:38 AM WINDOWS 2 File(s) 0 bytes 3 Dir(s) 35,456,897,024 bytes free Directory Command with width wise D:\>dir/w Volume in drive D is Mega Bite Volume Serial Number is E489-D80E Directory of D:\ 08102009.jpg 08102009_002.jpg [Audio] [English Mix 2] [English Mp3] [hip hop] [Hip Hop Song] Michael Jackson - Off The Wall (1979) (mrsjs).torrent MICHAEL JACKSON - King Of Pop [Australian Edition][Bubanee].torrent [MJ] [Movies] [My Folder] [New Folder] [newwewew] [NFSMW-MINI] Pankaj Udhas - Kitni Yaad Aati Hai.mp4

[Pappu] [pooo] [RAJPAT] [simple mehndi] [Softwares] [Torrent] [Videos] [windonew] Windows 7 x86 with Activation Crack torrent torrent rocks Rapidshare Downloads Freshwap_Net.htm [Windows 7 x86 with Activation Crack torrent torrent rocks Rapidshare Downloads - Freshwap_Net_files] 6 File(s) 12,966,935 bytes 20 Dir(s) 722,808,569,856 bytes free Directory command with column wise D:\>dir/w Volume in drive D is Mega Bite Volume Serial Number is E489-D80E Directory of D:\ 08102009.jpg 08102009_002.jpg [Audio] [English Mix 2] [English Mp3] [hip hop] [Hip Hop Song] Michael Jackson - Off The Wall (1979) (mrsjs).torrent MICHAEL JACKSON - King Of Pop [Australian Edition][Bubanee].torrent [MJ] [Movies] [My Folder] [New Folder] [newwewew] [NFSMW-MINI] Pankaj Udhas - Kitni Yaad Aati Hai.mp4 [Pappu] [pooo] [RAJPAT] [simple mehndi] [Softwares] [Torrent]

[Videos] [windonew] Windows 7 x86 with Activation Crack torrent torrent rocks Rapidshare Downloads Freshwap_Net.htm [Windows 7 x86 with Activation Crack torrent torrent rocks Rapidshare Downloads - Freshwap_Net_files] 6 File(s) 12,966,935 bytes 20 Dir(s) 722,808,569,856 bytes free Clear Screen Command D:\>cls Help Command D:\>help For more information on a specific command, type HELP commandname ASSOC Displays or modifies file extension associations. AT Schedules commands and programs to run on a computer. ATTRIB Displays or changes file attributes. BREAK Sets or clears extended CTRL+C checking. CACLS Displays or modifies access control lists (ACLs) of files. CALL Calls one batch program from another. CD Displays the name of or changes the current directory. CHCP Displays or sets the active code page number. CHDIR Displays the name of or changes the current directory. CHKDSK Checks a disk and displays a status report. CHKNTFS Displays or modifies the checking of disk at boot time. CLS Clears the screen. CMD Starts a new instance of the Windows command interpreter. COLOR Sets the default console foreground and background colors. COMP Compares the contents of two files or sets of files. COMPACT Displays or alters the compression of files on NTFS partitions. CONVERT Converts FAT volumes to NTFS. You cannot convert the current drive. COPY Copies one or more files to another location. DATE Displays or sets the date. DEL Deletes one or more files. DIR Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory. DISKCOMP Compares the contents of two floppy disks. DISKCOPY Copies the contents of one floppy disk to another. DOSKEY Edits command lines, recalls Windows commands, and creates macros.

ECHO Displays messages, or turns command echoing on or off. ENDLOCAL Ends localization of environment changes in a batch file. ERASE Deletes one or more files. EXIT Quits the CMD.EXE program (command interpreter). FC Compares two files or sets of files, and displays the differences between them. FIND Searches for a text string in a file or files. FINDSTR Searches for strings in files. FOR Runs a specified command for each file in a set of files. FORMAT Formats a disk for use with Windows. FTYPE Displays or modifies file types used in file extension associations. GOTO Directs the Windows command interpreter to a labeled line in a batch program. GRAFTABL Enables Windows to display an extended character set in graphics mode. HELP Provides Help information for Windows commands. IF Performs conditional processing in batch programs. LABEL Creates, changes, or deletes the volume label of a disk. MD Creates a directory. MKDIR Creates a directory. MODE Configures a system device. MORE Displays output one screen at a time. MOVE Moves one or more files from one directory to another directory. PATH Displays or sets a search path for executable files. PAUSE Suspends processing of a batch file and displays a message. POPD Restores the previous value of the current directory saved by PUSHD. PRINT Prints a text file. PROMPT Changes the Windows command prompt. PUSHD Saves the current directory then changes it. RD Removes a directory. RECOVER Recovers readable information from a bad or defective disk. REM Records comments (remarks) in batch files or CONFIG.SYS. REN Renames a file or files. RENAME Renames a file or files. REPLACE Replaces files. RMDIR Removes a directory. SET Displays, sets, or removes Windows environment variables. SETLOCAL Begins localization of environment changes in a batch file. SHIFT Shifts the position of replaceable parameters in batch files. SORT Sorts input.

START Starts a separate window to run a specified program or command. SUBST Associates a path with a drive letter. TIME Displays or sets the system time. TITLE Sets the window title for a CMD.EXE session. TREE Graphically displays the directory structure of a drive or path. TYPE Displays the contents of a text file. VER Displays the Windows version. VERIFY Tells Windows whether to verify that your files are written correctly to a disk. VOL Displays a disk volume label and serial number. XCOPY Copies files and directory trees. Specific Help Command for any command D:\>help dir Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory. DIR [drive:][path][filename] [/A[[:]attributes]] [/B] [/C] [/D] [/L] [/N] [/O[[:]sortorder]] [/P] [/Q] [/S] [/T[[:]timefield]] [/W] [/X] [/4] [drive:][path][filename] Specifies drive, directory, and/or files to list. /A Displays files with specified attributes. attributes D Directories R Read-only files H Hidden files A Files ready for archiving S System files - Prefix meaning not /B Uses bare format (no heading information or summary). /C Display the thousand separator in file sizes. This is the default. Use /-C to disable display of separator. /D Same as wide but files are list sorted by column. /L Uses lowercase. /N New long list format where filenames are on the far right. /O List by files in sorted order. sortorder N By name (alphabetic) S By size (smallest first) E By extension (alphabetic) D By date/time (oldest first) G Group directories first - Prefix to reverse order /P Pauses after each screenful of information. /Q Display the owner of the file. /S Displays files in specified directory and all subdirectories. /T Controls which time field displayed or used for sorting timefield C Creation A Last Access W Last Written /W Uses wide list format. /X This displays the short names generated for non-8dot3 file


names. The format is that of /N with the short name inserted before the long name. If no short name is present, blanks are displayed in its place. Displays four-digit years

Switches may be preset in the DIRCMD environment variable. Override preset switches by prefixing any switch with - (hyphen)--for example, /-W. Date Command D:\>date The current date is: Sat 11/28/2009 Enter the new date: (mm-dd-yy) Time Command C:\>time The current time is: 10:04:45.84 Enter the new time: To create a file C:\>copy con Sunil My name is Sunil Kumar.^Z 1 file(s) copied. To edit a file C:\>edit Sunil To view a file created C:\>type Sunil My name is Sunil Kumar. I am student of BCA. To rename a file exist C:\>ren Sunil Sunny To delete a existing file C:\>del Sunny To Change the title of Command Prompt C:\>title Sunil To make a directory C:\>md Sunil C:\>mkdir Sunny To rename a directory C:\>ren Sunil Sunil1

To delete a directory C:\>del Sunil1 C:\Sunil1\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? y Command to change the color of command prompt C:\>color 1a Sets the default console foreground and background colors. COLOR [attr] attr

Specifies color attribute of console output

Color attributes are specified by TWO hex digits -- the first corresponds to the background; the second the foreground. Each digit can be any of the following values: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

= = = = = = = =

Black Blue Green Aqua Red Purple Yellow White

8 = Gray 9 = Light Blue A = Light Green B = Light Aqua C = Light Red D = Light Purple E = Light Yellow F = Bright White

If no argument is given, this command restores the color to what it was when CMD.EXE started. This value either comes from the current console window, the /T command line switch or from the Default Color registry value. The COLOR command sets ERRORLEVEL to 1 if an attempt is made to execute the COLOR command with a foreground and background color that are the same. Example: "COLOR fc" produces light red on bright white To show the volume C:\>vol Volume in drive C is Window's XP Volume Serial Number is 7853-61EC Label command C:\>label

Volume in drive C: is Window's XP Volume Serial Number is 7853-61EC Volume label (ENTER for none)? Tree command C:\Program Files\JetAudio>tree Folder PATH listing for volume Window's XP Volume serial number is 0006F004 7853:61EC C:. ├───Microsoft.VC90.ATL ├───Microsoft.VC90.CRT ├───Microsoft.VC90.MFC ├───Skin └───Vis ├───Sound2Vision │ ├───DAT │ └───Example │ └───Preset ├───space └───Synesth C:\Program Files\JetAudio>tree/f Folder PATH listing for volume Window's XP Volume serial number is 0006F004 7853:61EC C:. │ dbghelp.dll │ ffmpeg_vx.exe │ JADUpInf_Basic.cli │ JADUpInf_Plus.cli │ JADUpInf_RM.cli │ JADUpInf_WM7.cli │ JADUpInf_WM9.cli │ JcServer.exe │ jdl_avcodec.dll │ jdl_exif.dll │ jdl_FLAC.dll │ jdl_id3lib.dll │ jdl_ogg.dll │ jdl_vorbis.dll │ jdl_vorbisenc.dll │ jdl_vorbisfile.dll │ jdl_ximage.dll │ jdl_xvid.dll │ jetAudio.cfg │ JetAudio.exe

│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │

JetCast.cfg JetCast.exe JetCfg.dll jetChat.dll jetChat.exe JetCrash.dll JetFlExt.dll JetLogo.exe JetLyric.exe JetRecorder.exe JetShell.exe JetTrim.exe jetUpdate.dat jetUpdate.exe jetVidCnv.cfg JetVidCnv.exe JetVidCopy.exe JFACDRd.dll JFACDWt.dll JFACMDec.dll JFAMP3En.dll JFAPERd.dll JFAPEWt.dll JFAudFP.dll JFCDPl.dll JFDSPl.dll JFDVDPl.dll JFEffB3D.dll JFEffBBE.dll JFEffDRC.dll JFEffEQ.dll JFEffFX.dll JFEffRvb.dll JFEffSP.dll JFEffWid.dll JFEffXB.dll JFExRmc.dll JFFLACRd.dll JFFLACWt.dll JFIMSRD.dll JFMIDRd.dll JFMODRd.dll JFMP3Dec.dll JFMP3Enc.dll

│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │

JFMP3ProEnc.dll JFMP3ProWt.dll JFMP3Rd.dll JFMP3Wt.dll JFMPCRd.dll JFMPCWt.dll JFNetFP.dll JFNetworkWt.dll JFOGGEnc.dll JFOGGRd.dll JFOGGWt.dll JFPCMCnv.dll JFQTPl.dll JFRMPl.dll JFRMWt.dll JFSpeexRd.dll JFSpeexWt.dll JFTTARd.dll JFTTAWt.dll JFVCDPl.dll JFWavIn.dll JFWavOut.dll JFWavRd.dll JFWavWt.dll JFWMANetWt.dll JFWMANetWt9.dll JFWMARd.dll JFWMAWt.dll JFWMAWt7.dll JFWVPRd.dll JFWVPWt.dll JSMP3OGGWt.dll jsWMAWt.dll JXAC3Enc.dll JXAMixer.dll JXCDDB.dll JXCDMan.dll JXExplr.dll JXLeoLDB.dll JXLeoRD.dll JXMP3Dec.dll JXMP3Enc.dll JXOGGDEC.dll JXOGGDecF64.dll JXOGGDecI32.dll JXPDev.dll

│ JXScsiIf.dll │ JXTag.dll │ JXVidCnv.dll │ JXVidDES.dll │ JXVidFlt.dll │ JXVidInfo.dll │ JXVidRsz.dll │ JXVisual.dll │ mfc42.dll │ msvcirt.dll │ msvcp60.dll │ msvcrt.dll │ pthreadVC.dll │ REVERB.INI │ Thumbnail_100x090.bmp │ Thumbnail_160x140.bmp │ VideoConvert_WMK_A2.dat │ VideoConvert_WMK_X5.dat │ VX_Presets_COWON.ENU.dat │ VX_Presets_COWON.JPN.dat │ VX_Presets_COWON.KOR.dat │ XMIDI.iwd │ _fileext.dll │ ├───Microsoft.VC90.ATL │ atl90.dll │ Microsoft.VC90.ATL.manifest │ ├───Microsoft.VC90.CRT │ Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest │ msvcp90.dll │ msvcr90.dll │ ├───Microsoft.VC90.MFC │ mfc90u.dll │ Microsoft.VC90.MFC.manifest │ ├───Skin │ Default.jsk │ DefaultBar.jsk │ DefaultBarSp.jsk │ DefaultBarSp_s.jsk │ DefaultBar_s.jsk │ Default_Mini.jsk │ Default_Silver.jsk │ jetCast.jcsk

│ jetChat.jcsk │ makejsk.exe │ └───Vis │ HarmonyColor.dll │ hermes.dll │ PixelTrip.dll │ vis_s2v.dll │ vis_space.dll │ vis_synesth.dll │ vis_synesth_config.exe │ ├───Sound2Vision │ ├───DAT │ │ ath.dat │ │ config.dat │ │ config.ini │ │ contrast.dat │ │ image.dat │ │ shape128.dat │ │ tex.dat │ │ userpresetlist.dat │ │ │ └───Example │ └───Preset │ A bewitching smile.PS │ A fairyland.PS │ A snowstorm(No BG).PS │ Be driven.PS │ Color Paper.PS │ Consecutive.PS │ Crookedly.PS │ Debouchment.PS │ Emit.PS │ Explore space.PS │ Fusion.PS │ Gay life.PS │ Happening.PS │ India ink.PS │ Interval.PS │ Performance.PS │ Polite style.PS │ Pulse beats.PS │ Silence(No BG).PS │ Take cover.PS │

├───space │ Aurore.spc │ Bass Trip.spc │ Cercles Dance.spc │ Cercles Waves.spc │ Colored Shower.spc │ Cool Shape.spc │ default.spc │ Disco.spc │ Distor Dream.spc │ Ecstasy.spc │ Fast Graph.spc │ Fiesta.spc │ Flashis.spc │ Kalei Trip.spc │ Luciols.spc │ Moving Cyclones.spc │ Nebula.spc │ New Dimension.spc │ Psychotic.spc │ Radar.spc │ RainBow Trip Bis.spc │ RainBow Trip.spc │ Random.spc │ Snow Wind.spc │ space.bmp │ Space.spc │ space.Theme │ StarField Bis.spc │ StarField.spc │ Sunny.spc │ Tunnel.spc │ Vibration.spc │ Vision Life.spc │ vis_space.txt │ Wet.spc │ Wind.spc │ Worm.spc │ ZikBox.spc │ └───Synesth corona.svp corona.txt CosmicBelt.svp CosmicBelt.txt Spec_n_Hopp.bmp

Spec_n_Hopp.svp Spec_n_Hopp.txt To print a file C:\>print sunil C:\sunil is currently being printed Attribute command C:\>help attrib Displays or changes file attributes. ATTRIB [+R | -R] [+A | -A ] [+S | -S] [+H | -H] [drive:][path][filename] [/S [/D]] + Sets an attribute. - Clears an attribute. R Read-only file attribute. A Archive file attribute. S System file attribute. H Hidden file attribute. [drive:][path][filename] Specifies a file or files for attrib to process. /S Processes matching files in the current folder and all subfolders. /D Processes folders as well. C:\>attrib C:\>attrib C:\>attrib C:\>attrib C:\>attrib C:\>attrib

+r sunil -r sunil +h sunil -h sunil +a sunil -a sunil

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